ratanak international – 2014 annual report

JUNE 1, 2013 – MAY 31, 2014 FISCAL YEAR 2014 Annual Report

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Annual Report for Fiscal Year from June 2013 – May 2014


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J u n e 1, 2013 – M a y 31, 2 014 F I S C a L ye a R

2014 Annual Report

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d e a r f r i e n d ,

Ratanak International has just entered its 25th year of serving Cambodia, and while recognizing great blessing, I have been dwelling on all of the seemingly insurmountable waves of adversity we’ve encountered along the way. It has amazed me over and over that every wave of challenge has been met with an even greater wave of God’s love, mercy and provision. Each has shaped us more and more into the people Christ wants us to be, as an organization that pursues Him. Each trial has given us a greater understanding of the suffering Cambodians have endured, and continue to endure, having survived civil war, trauma and poverty. He has been continually showing us how His love is the greatest hope in this suffering.

As we care for the elderly, the sick, the abused and the exploited, I am reminded that they are first in God’s kingdom and utterly loved. Thank you for seeing their struggles and for joining us as we seek to demonstrate God’s loving compassion and hope to them.


b r i a n m c c o n a g h y f o u n d e r & e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r

Ratanak lnternational is a non-profit organization committed to breaking cycles of poverty, exploitation and abuse in Cambodia.

We see Cambodian people, once vulnerable, oppressed and exploited, living in Christian hope with dignity and access to social services, health care and quality education.

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Cambodia is still suffering deep wounds that are a result of brutal genocide. Each issue feeds the next, leading to cycles of extreme vulnerability. Ratanak’s programs are aimed at breaking these cycles by focusing on holistic restoration and addressing areas of greatest need.

We believe in the power of collaboration to create change and transform lives. That is why we are dedicated to walking alongside Cambodians, empowering them to rebuild their own country. We rely on Christ’s redemptive love to bring this restorative process to completion.

Our response is to break these cycles by upholding the vulnerable and empowering

the exploited and impoverished.

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Stories of impact from our year...

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Protecting Communities

The rural areas of Cambodia have some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. Unfortunately, these areas are also where the majority of Cambodia’s poorest populations live – almost 4.8 million people. Desperate for work, many leave their villages or migrate to nearby provinces where they are easily deceived by traffickers promising good jobs and high salaries. In these situations they are taken advantage of and may be physically, sexually or emotionally abused.

Ratanak’s Community Hero – Prevention Program promotes intervention and awareness on cases of abuse and trafficking. It trains community leaders to become “Heroes”, empowering them to educate their families and community on these important issues. These heroes play a key role in teaching Cambodians how to protect one another from the dangers of human trafficking.

• 7,972 villagers were trained as a result of the Community Hero – Prevention Program.

• “Heroes” distributed help cards to 151 villages after training them to prevent human trafficking in their communities!

• 27,000 Cambodians received help cards with a 24/7 hotline number to dial if they find themselves in situations of exploitation.

Community Hero –

Prevention Program

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This year, through this program, five young women moved on to independent living situations and are pursuing their hopes for a new life.

Beautiful, Precious, & LovedAfter survivors of sexual exploitation are rescued, they must begin the difficult journey towards healing. Many of the young women we have the privilege of caring for in the Ratanak Achievement Program have been lied to, threatened, abused, and have experienced a level of brutality that is hard for us to comprehend. This journey of healing is long, but not impossible. Our committed staff members support them, building in them the skills needed to walk confidently back into society through counselling, spiritual support, vocational training and education. We remind them that they are beautiful, precious and loved, and we rejoice with them as we see them continually reach new milestones.

Ratanak Achievement


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Empowering Survivors

For survivors of exploitation and abuse, part of the process of restoration involves learning employable skills. These skills empower them to live independently and reach their God-given potential. This year, Ratanak International renovated and equipped a new cake shop and café for a vocational training organization. This training centre serves as grounds for survivors to learn new skills and, most importantly, find confidence in themselves. The young women learn how to bake, decorate cakes and serve café customers. They are also cared for through constant counseling, spiritual support and medical care.

Cake Shop

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Battling the Rain

Proper irrigation systems can be vital to the survival of rural communities in Cambodia that are prone to excessive flooding during the rainy season. Every year, the rain pours down relentlessly on these villages. Families can only watch, powerless against the floods that destroy the majority of their crops and livelihoods. The water dries up as fast as it comes, leaving the remaining crops to wither. After great success building the Proyouth Irrigation System in 2013, Ratanak received another request from villages near Ottoprak. This second irrigation system was constructed to help protect and retain water for over 400 hectares of crops. Today, it is serving a community of approximately 20,000 people in 11 different villages.

Ottoprak Irrigation


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Engaging with CompassionIn Cambodia, those with HIV/AIDS and other serious illnesses not only struggle to afford medical care, they are also often ostracized from their communities out of fear and misinformation. Ratanak International’s Medical Care Program provides both medical support and loving companionship to these families.

Extending a hand of compassion engages children and adults alike. It helps those who have been cast aside by family and friends to know that they are loved. Its impact goes beyond the visible, allowing families to see just how powerful the love of Christ is.

Ratanak Medical Care


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This Year, Ratanak International...

EngagEd in a total of 13 initiativEs to

brEak thE cyclEs of povErty, abusE and Exploitation

in cambodia.

WorkEd in collaboration

With ovEr six organizations to

multiply i mpact and transform EvEn morE livEs.

hElpEd rEach ovEr 160 communitiEs,

Equipping cambodians and dEmonstrating

compassion and carE.

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Financial Overview

total donation incomE

$1,659,121total ExpEnditurEs


Medical & Education Projects – 7%

dirEct cambodia projEct costs: Distribution of Charitable Funds

* Services for the Vulnerable & Exploited represent our Anti-Exploitation, Social Services, Infrastructure Development, and Emergency Aid programs.

Project Monitoring & Development – 12%

ExpEnsE disbursEmEnts

Administration – 15%

Fundraising – 16%

Direct Cambodia Project Costs – 69%

*Services for the Vulnerable & Exploited – 81%

Charts represent income and expenses from our Canadian office only. Note that our Canadian office is our International Headquarters. Charity Registration#: 894452796RR0001 Legal Name: Ratanak International

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Ratanak International has offices in...

Brian McConaghy Founder & Executive Director

International Headquarters


Lisa Cheong Country Director

Cambodia Operations

CaMbodI a

Steve Norman Country Director

UK Office


Mark Cushman Country Director

USA Office


Brian Harper Country Director

Australian Office

auStR aLIa

Ratanak International Headquarters Box 81038, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5H 4K1 604-325-9300 / [email protected] Charity Registration#: 894452796RR0001 www.R atanak.oRg