rashas soap (brand awareness)

A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works CHAPTER-01 INTRODUCTION The Toilet soaps market is estimated at 530000 tpa including small imports. Hindustan Lever is of course the market leader. The market is littered over with several leading national and global brands and a large number of small brands which have limited markets. The Popular and Premium brands include Lifebuoy, Lux, Cinthol, Liril, Rexona, and Nirma. Toilet soaps, despite their divergent brands, are not well differentiated by the consumers. It is therefore not clear if it is the brand loyalty or experimentation lured by high volume media campaign which sustains them. The consequence is that the market is fragmented. It is obvious that this must lead to a highly competitive market. Toilet soap, once only an urban phenomenon, has now penetrated practically all areas including remote rural areas. The incremental demand flows from population increase and rise in usage norm 1

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Page 1: Rashas Soap (Brand Awareness)

A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works



The Toilet soaps market is estimated at 530000 tpa including small imports.

Hindustan Lever is of course the market leader. The market is littered over with

several leading national and global brands and a large number of small brands

which have limited markets. The Popular and Premium brands include Lifebuoy,

Lux, Cinthol, Liril, Rexona, and Nirma. Toilet soaps, despite their divergent

brands, are not well differentiated by the consumers. It is therefore not clear if it is

the brand loyalty or experimentation lured by high volume media campaign which

sustains them. The consequence is that the market is fragmented. It is obvious that

this must lead to a highly competitive market. Toilet soap, once only an urban

phenomenon, has now penetrated practically all areas including remote rural areas.

The incremental demand flows from population increase and rise in usage norm

impacted as it is by a greater concern for hygiene. Increased sales revenues would

also expand from up gradation of quality or per unit value. As the market is

constituted now, it can be divided into four price segments: premium, popular,

discount, and economy soaps. Premium soaps are estimated to have a market

volume of about 80000 tones. This translates into a share of about 14 to 15%.

However, by value it is as much as 30%.

Radhas Ayurvedic soap works is a strategic business unit of Aarkay Exports is a

Manufacturer and distributor of turmeric herbal soap, Arya Neem Soaps, Radhas

Ayurvedic Soaps 75g, Krishna Thulasi Herbal Soap 75g and Rajah Papaya Herbal


Page 2: Rashas Soap (Brand Awareness)

A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works

soap 125g. The nature of their business is that they are manufacturer and exporter

of different cosmetics products.

Radhas Ayurvedic soap is a popular brand in Kerala and in all Gulf countries.

Radhas Ayurvedic Soap is known for its Ayurvedic fragrance, foam and quality

with a reasonable price.

This project entirely focuses on market Brand Awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic

soap in Kollam district. Thus management needs to engage in finding brand

awareness of Radhas soap in Kollam district, which means whether there is any

amount of product knowledge is their with the customers or not. The product

knowledge includes the name of the product, logo of the product, price of the

product, message in the advertisement of the product, colour of the product, its

packaging etc.


Brand Awareness Studies help boost and sales and sponsorship by illustrating the

relationship between aggressive marketing campaigns and high brand awareness.

Using a third party to collect this information adds credibility to the data.

Each Brand Awareness Study is designed with the individual client’s specific

needs in mind. Whether you need to survey readers, visitors, attendees, or all three,

Reader can put together a research plan that meets your objectives and helps you

succeed. Our custom research solutions are designed to meet the specialized


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A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works

research requirements of every client; however, most of our customized studies

include similar considerations.

Brand awareness is a marketing concept that refers to a consumer knowing of a

brand’s existence, at aggregate (brand) level to the proportion of consumers who

know of the brand.


Brand awareness can be measured by measured by showing a consumer the brand

and asking whether or not they knew of it beforehand. However, in common

market research practice a variety of recognition and recall measures of brand

awareness are employed all of which test the brands name’s association to a

product category cue, this came about because most market research in the 20 th

century was conducted by post or telephone, actually showing the brand to

consumers usually required more expensive face-to-face interviews (until web-

based interviews became possible). This has led many textbooks to conceptualize

brand awareness simply as its measures, that is, knowledge that the brand is a

member of a particular product category, e.g. soft drinks. Examples of such

measures include:

1. Brand recognition – Either the brand name or both the brand name and category

name are presented to respondents.


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2. Brand recall – The product category name is given to respondents who are asked

to recall as many brands as possible that are members of the category.


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Here are seven strategies to build your business brand:

Top of mind brand awareness – as above, but only the first brand recalled is to

some, branding might not feel like a tangible aspect of running a business. It can’t

be seen like a product on the shelf, or counted like a cash drawer at the end of the

night. But, branding is the reason people pay three times more for a product at one

store over another.

Good branding is the product of a clear vision, and nobody knows more about

vision than small business owners. But, with limited resources, creating a brand

identity can be tricky. Fortunately, building brand awareness on the Internet

doesn’t need to take a lot of money or resources.

Define the vision. Before moving ahead with the web site, create a brand

positioning statement.”This isn’t just,’ What kind of web site do we want to be?’

This is Who are we ?” says Harley Manning , vice president at Forrester Research

in Cambridge, Mass a technology and market research firm that advises on the

effects technology has on consumers and businesses . Good brand statements

typically include the company’s mission, vision and values. “It’s succinct. It’s

typically something that will fit on a page easily, “he says.

Build a brand worth believing in. “ Do you so believe in what you’re creating

that you would trademark it?” says Andrea Fitch , president and CEO of Red

Carpet Creations , Inc and national president of the society for Marketing


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Professional Services , both based out of Alexandria , Va . Really consider what

kind of brand could represent the business through the next decade. “Don’t have a

logo that in five years you’re going to be tired of and discard for another,” she


Remember, the web site is the brand. “A web site is not just a communication

medium, “Manning says. “It is actually a channel that must deliver on the

promise.” Essentially, a web site should embody the promise that it makes to

customers. If, for instance, a business claims to be innovative, the web site should

look fresh and modern.

Create a cohesive experience between all mediums. Before she launched her

company’s new web site, Fitch made sure it would be an event that her potential

clients would never forget. Red Carpet Creational mailed4000 silver tubes

containing scrolls that looked like-up carpet. Inside the scrolls was an

announcement about the web site’s launch. Once online, the web site was an

extension of the invitations because it followed through on the themes of re carpet

imagery and references to visitors being treated like a VIP. Customers should

easily be able to recognize the company’s brand, whether it is print, online or some

other form of media, Manning says.

Don’t sacrifice creativity. Once the brand’s guidelines are established, creative

choices must bring those attributes to life, Manning says. Don’t let the company’s

brand become so dominating that there is no room for new thoughts and ideas.


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Brand should be the jumping – off point for interesting ideas, not the place where

every new idea dead- ends. Fitch stresses that a sense of fun and whimsy will only

enhance the likelihood that people will take an interest in the web site.

Don’t communicate brand at the expense of delivering. While a web site can be a

significant tool for building brand awareness, clarity and functionality are

paramount. “Just be careful not to let the communication about your brand get in

the way of delivering your message,” Manning says. People should be able to

understand how to navigate the site without knowing a thing about the company’s

catch phrases. “You can’t frustrate and annoy people into liking your brand, “he


Listen to the customers: They determine a brand’s true value. Pay attention to

customer feedback about the site because, ultimately, it’s the customer’s opinion

that counts. When it comes to building a brand, a company can incorporate

everything from signature colors to catch phrases, but at the end of the day, it’s the

customer who decides what a brand is really worth. “It’s not what you say about

yourself, it’s what others say of you, “Fitch says.

Building Brand Awareness through Tradeshows:

Branding is a basic marketing concept that is designed to set your product /

services apart from the competition. By using a particular name, phrase, design,

symbol or a combination of these, you can create a unique identity. When choosing

a brand name, consider the following five criteria.


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1. It should suggest product / service benefits.

2. It should be simple, memorable ,and unique.

3. It should fit the image of the company.

4. It should have positive connotations for the target market.

5. It should be easy to pronounce and to pictorial.

Branding is not a sales and marketing gimmick. Instead it refines and defines

corporate culture and identity. A brand must have meaning to its consumers ,its

organization and its employees. Brand is an emotional link between you and your

customer. It is what people buy when they buy your product or your company. The

most important part of a brand’s identity is the promise it makes to customers. The

essence of branding is simplicity and timelessness.

Integrating Brand Awareness into your Exhibit Program

Since exhibiting is powerful extension of your company’s advertising, promotion,

public relations and sales function that automatically means it is an excellent way

to enhance brand awareness. Everything your company stands for, no matter how

large or small, is being exhibited on the show floor. This means there needs to be

total consistency, congruity, clarity and focus in every aspect of your exhibiting

program, before, during and after the show.


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Here are three important points to consider as you plan to integrate brand

awareness into your tradeshow program.

1. Consistency and repetition is vital in creating brand awareness. People buy

brands they know and they trust! A brand is a promise that companies make to

their customers. Strong branding requires all the levels of communication to agree

with one another.

2. Ensure all your marketing and promotions are consistent and that they have your

logo, colors, typeface, slogans and characters. Everything you develop should have

the same look and feel.

3. People’s perception about your company, products, and services is a major

factor in their choice of brand preferences and their buying behavior. All

perception is subjective and based on experience. Individuals tend to interpret

information according to existing beliefs, attitudes, needs and mood.

Building Brand Awareness with Content &Display

Sure search is an effective marketing channel- and it is particularly adopt at

capturing demand – but the one thing search can’t do is a mistake , especially if

you are launching something new . Instead, you need to first build awareness with

content and display campaigns, and then use search to capture the demand.

Why It Matters


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Whether you are launching a new company, product, or service or entering a new

market, you need a marketing strategy that includes awareness building for your

new offering, or no one will know to search for it. Many marketers are seduced by

the concept of “If I build it, they will come.” Unfortunately that is just not the case,

and many end up learning that the hard way.

The fact is, you can have the perfect product, or have found the perfect market, or

you may even have the perfect site, but if users don’t know to search for it., they

won’t. To successfully build brand awareness, you need a mix of initiatives, and

content and display can play a key role.

For example, when Panera Bread decided to open its bakeries in Northern

California in 2005, they had to been an East coast and Midwest favorite. And while

word of mouth from transplants to the area helped build awareness to some extent,

launching display and content campaigns would have gone a long way to help

locals get familiar with the brand and their concept.

Taking Action

Once you understand the value, it’s time to take action and use content and display

campaigns to help build awareness. Below are four steps to help you get started:

1. Strategy: Think about your target audience. Where are they? What age are they?

What they do on the web? How can you speak to them and get them interested in

what you have to offer?


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2. Research: Find your target audience online, as you need to be where they are on

the web. Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft all have content and display offerings

with vast inventories to choose from. Research their inventory to understand the

sites that much your user’s interests.

3. Tools: Leverage Google’s insight tool to help you find data and information on

search volume in different geographical regions and timeframes. They have data in

the form of heat maps to see where users have good awareness of sites and

keywords. This will help you understand where to put your efforts in order to build

awareness and generate demand. The tool also allows you to see the other sites that

user’s visit who also visit the sites and keywords you are researching.

4. Follow- up: Once you have the campaigns running, you not only have to test

various elements to get the most out of them, but you need to constantly monitor

and tweak for improvements. Have your search terms on broad match to make sure

you’re capturing everything you can from the display and content campaigns. Then

use the search query reports to expand the keyword lists and add negatives.

Phase Two

Once your content and display campaigns are implemented, realize that while these

initiatives will continue to serve a purpose for the overall online campaign, their

importance will change. As your display and content campaigns mature, you will

see your search campaign gain traction. When that happens, it’s time to start

scaling – up your search efforts, as users are starting to search for you, and you


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need to think about capturing that new demand. (In addition, you may also have

new competitors in the product space or geographical region). Given that, the

breakdown of the budget can’t stay as it’s been up until now. In order to capture

the new demand, you will need to either add budget to search, or move budget

from the awareness campaigns. Either way, you need to do it slowly.

AS you migrate your search campaign to the forefront, be sure to leverage your

web analytics and engine data. Doing so will help you understand which keywords

are performing best for you. At first this might involve examining which keywords

have growing impressions, and then over time, it will be looking at the keywords

that are driving users to your site. Beyond that, you will need to expand and

optimize the keywords that are leading quality visitors to your site.

Overall, when it comes to capturing demand, search does the job like no other. But

the one thing it can’t do is generate demand. Given that, marketers need to first

build awareness with content and display campaigns-especially for any kind of

new launch – and then use search to capture the demand they created.

Building Brand Awareness: 7 Ways to Educate Customers in the Classroom

and Simultaneously Build Brand Awareness:

The business world has long recognized the value of creating a

recognizable and clearly defined brand. From top business executives to

entrepreneurs striving everyday in their communities, and from traditional

corporations to the Internet, building brand awareness is the most significant


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marketing practice today. Lit always will be ask consumers continue to seek out

their favorite brands.

Your customers are navigating a bewildering range of channels and feverishly

marketed products before making a purchase decision. We are so bombarded by

product brands that we are barely conscious of them much of the time.

In order to compete in today’s cluttered marketing environment, business need

access to America’s future customers. They need to start building brand awareness

in the classroom before buying and brand loyalty patterns are set.

Here Are My Top 7 Ways To Educate Customers In The Classroom &

Simultaneously Build Awareness

1. Distribute product literature and/or give free product samples to learning

institutions. Learning institutions are usually open to learn about business

products that would enhance and add value to what is being taught in the


2. Establish information/demonstration booths in the classroom. The classroom

information/demonstration booth will allow students to interact with your

company’s product and provide ongoing information to potential customers as

they develops their own buying power. Your conversation rates will be much

higher due to the education that is Available to the students.


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3. Give free training on the use and benefits of the product. This is a perfect

opportunity to give students hands on training and teach them about your

product’s value.

4. Encourage educators to include information about your product or services in

a curriculum guide. This one tip has the potential to multiply your market base


5. Offer a contest that empowers students to buy and use your product. Sponsor a

writing contest or a Future Business Leader of American competition and

make one of the rewards a gift certificate. It’s a proven fact that most

consumers spend more than the value of the gift card.

6. Distribute logos to learning institutions. Instructors can use logos in the

classroom to help student to learn about branding and how companies use this

concept to communicate their identity and market their products.

7. Offer information on production of the goods and how profit is made.

Students who are inclined to develop their own products or become business

managers will find this of great value.

Benefits of Building Brand Awareness

Customers who are familiar with a certain brand are more likely to remain loyal

regardless of inflation. By demonstrating your corporate social responsibility and

promoting worthwhile educational programs that bring the needs of educators

together with your business needs, you can easily distinguish your product from

other brands.


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Education marketing helps empower customers to become long-term buyers. Using

products in the classroom allows potential customers to interact with (and become

conditioned to) your goods and services. By educating customers in the classroom,

you will increase your brand awareness, build loyalty, influence spending patterns,

and engage in viral word of mouth marketing all at the same time.

Through her writing, speaking, training and development services, business growth

expert, Annmarie Edwards helps individuals and companies worldwide maximize

their full growth potential. To learn more on how you can simultaneously increase

your brand awareness , build customer loyalty, influence spending patterns and

engage in viral word-of-mouth marketing


To assess the views of the consumers on the brand Radhas Ayurvedic Soap.

To find out the Brand Awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap.

To find out whether their exists any relationship between age group and awareness

of message in the advertise men t of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap.


This study is conducted to find the Brand Awareness of the product. The Brand

Awareness study will help the company in taking decisions regarding the

promotional campaigns, advertisement strategies and positioning strategies to build

more brand awareness among the consumers to compete with big giants in toilet

soap industry. The task of this study is to deliver a central idea about the company

and the offering to the target market. The company discovers different needs and


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groups in the market place and introduces s the product which satisfies these needs.

This study helps to find the targets of those needs and groups that it can satisfy in a

superior way or not. It is also helpful to find the position of offering, whether the

target recognizes the distinctive offering and image. The product should be

positioned well and the end result of it is the successful creation of a customer

focused value proposition.


Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It

describes the research procedure, which has been used in the research. Research

methodology is the backbone of any research. Established of a sound research plan

and design is an inevitable part of a good research. It means the way one researcher

selects his sample and sample size, methods of data collection , various tools used

for studying and analyzing the problem with certain objectives and goals in view.

Research design

The study is a descriptive one, descriptive research studies are those studies, which

are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual, or a

group. The main aim behind the study was to identify the Brand Awareness of


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Radhas Ayurvedic soap. Through the study collect the opinion about the customers

of General public. The respondent is personally contacted and the data are

collected through schedules.

Research approach

The approach used in the study is survey method. Research approach includes

surveys through personal interviews using questionnaire.

Research period

The research is required to be completed within a time period from 01/11/2009 to



The data source refers to the sources from which the data are collected for

conducting the study. Data are of two types: Primary data and secondary data.

Primary Data

The primary data are those data which are being collected by the researcher for the

first time. They are the information received directly from the respondents. In this

study primary data was collected among the customers of general public with the

help of schedule of interview.

Secondary Data

The secondary data are those data which have been already collected by the

someone else. They include published, unpublished document and various other


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data. Secondary data was collected from company files, annual reports, brochures

of the company, business journals and Magazines.


In this study the sample unit is considered as one user of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

from the places Kollam city.


Sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to

constitute a sample. Here the sample size taken for the study taken for the study is

100 respondents from Kollam city.


The sampling procedure used in this study is convenience sampling. Convenience

sampling procedure is a non probability sampling and it involves purposive or

deliberate selection of particular units of the universe for constituting a sample

which represents the universe. Due to the lack of general public, convenience

sampling is chosen.


The opinions of the respondents may or may not be biased.

The time duration of the study was very limited.

Some of the respondents were less co-operate.

The study was limited to three districts.

The project has to be completed with in a period of 45 days.


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Toilet Soaps

The toilet soaps market is estimated at 530000 tpa including small imports.

Hindustan Lever is of course the market leader. The market is littered over with

several, leading national and global brands and a large number of small brands,

which have limited markets. The popular and premium brands include Lifebuoy,

Lux, Cinthol, Liril , Rexona, and Nirma.Toilet soaps , despite their divergent

brands , are not well differentiated by the consumers. It is, therefore, not clear if it


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is the brand loyalty or experimentation lured by high volume media campaign,

which sustain them. A consequence is that the market is fragmented. It is obvious

that this must lead to a highly competitive market. Toilet soap, once only an urban

phenomenon, has now penetrated practically all areas including remote rural areas.

The incremental demand flows from population increase and rise in usage norm

impacted as it is by a greater concern for hygiene. Increased sales revenues would

also expand from up gradation of quality or per unit value.

As the market is constituted now, it can be divided into four price segments:

premium, popular, discount and economy soaps. Premium soaps are estimated to

have a market volume of about 80000 tones. This translates into a share of about

14 to 15. However, by value it is as much as 30%.

History of soap in India

During the British rule in India, Lever Brothers England introduced modern soaps

by importing and marketing them in India .However North west Soap Company

created the first soap manufacturing plant in India, which was situated in the city of

Meerut, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. In 1897, they started marketing cold process

soaps .During World War I, the soap industry floundered, but after the war, the

industry flourished all over the country.

Mr.Jamshedji Tata set up India’s first indigenous soap manufacturing unit when he

purchased OK coconut oil mills at Cochin Kerala around 1918. OK Mills crushed


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and marketed coconut oil for cooking and manufactured crude cold process

laundry soaps that were sold locally. It was renamed The Tata Oil Mills Company

and its first branded soaps appeared on the market in the early 1930s. Soap became

a necessity for the moneyed class by around 1937.


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India is a vast country with a population of 1030 million people. Household

penetration of soaps is 98%. People belonging to different income levels use

different brands, which fall under different segments, but all income levels use

soaps, making it the second largest category in India (detergents are number one).

Rural consumers in India constitute 70% of the population .Rural demand is

growing with more and more soap brands being launched in the discount segment

targeting the lower socioeconomic strata of consumers.

Highly Fragmented category. Over 250 brands and their variants.

Category primarily based on price segmentation

Penetration level: 96%

Total value: Rs 42000 million (approx)

Total volume: 4.5 lakh tones (approx)

Future Industry Trends

Consumer End

The importance of “ME”

Be whatever you want to be

Perpetual youth image / trans – generational


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Health and wellness in body and mind

Using kids to push brand awareness

Increasing adoptions of technology

Future Trends

Importance of rural market:

Penetration levels in urban areas are as high as 90%.

Competition in urban market pretty high.

More opportunity as 70% of India’s population lives in rural areas.

No: of Baths/Day No: of Baths with soap/Day % Baths with soap

Urban 1.37 0.94 69%

Rural 1.28 0.36 29%

Formulation / Packaging:

Soon soap market will evolve on niche products

Packaging / formulas would move from clear to opaque to connate skincare


Packaging would also become more upscale with smoother and textured

plastic bottles for sensory appeal to the users.

Gender specific variants as already seen in fairness creams in India

Closer Association with target groups:

Brands are trying to get as close to their target consumers as possible.

Thus affecting:



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New Products



Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works is a Strategic business unit of Aarkay Exports

which has been established in the year 1981. They are really concentrated on

cosmetic Business. They are having wide variety of cosmetic brands in their

basket. One of the most popular brands is Radhas Ayurvedic Soap. Aarkay is the

Manufacturer and distributor of turmeric herbal soap, Arya Neem soaps, Radhas

Ayurvedic soap 75g, Krishna Thulasi herbal soap 75g and Rajah papaya herbal

soap 125g.

Their annual turnover is up to US$ 025 million (or up to Rs. 1 crore approx). The

company’s Managing Directors are Dr. Rajah Krishnan and Mr. Madhu



Arya Neem + Turmeric herbal soap

Krishna Thulasi Moisturizing Gel

Rajah Papaya Herbal soap 75g

Krishna Thulasi Herbal Shampoo

Radhas Ayurvedic Soap 75g

Krishna Thulasi Herbal soap 75g

Rajah papaya herbal soap 125g


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Vision of the Company

“To be the top rated cosmetic company in India by supplying quality products to

the consumers according to their taste and preferences via going beyond their

expectations of the customers by delighting them”.

Mission of the Company

“To ensure customer satisfaction by continuously improving our products and to a

reasonable profit”.


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The statistical data become organized, condensed and intelligible through

classification and tabulation. It enables the analysis is the process of planning the

data in an ordered from in such a way to combined them with the subjection of the

study. Interpretation is the analysis in form of suggestions.

Coding and Tabulation

Tabulation means a systematic presentation of numerical data in a columns

and rows in accordance with the some salient features for characteristics.

The important statistical tools used in this study are:

Percentage analysis

Bar diagram

Pie Chart

Percentage analysis

Percentage analysis is used to find out the percentage of respondents from the total

number of respondents, respondent to question.

Percentage = Number of Observation

Total no: of observation X 100

Bar diagram

Bar diagram is the most common type of diagrams used in practice. A bar is a thick

link line whose width is shown merely for attention. They are called one


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A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works

dimensional because it is because it is only the length of the bar that matters and

not the width.

Pie diagram

Pie diagrams are very popularly used in practice to show percentage break downs.

The pie chart is called because the entire graph look like a pie and the components

resemble slice cut from pie.

The survey is done as per the given objective, to find out the level of awareness

amongst people in Kollam district on the brand RADHAS Ayurvedic Soap. So the

outcome of survey and its interpretation is done through Excel tools as given


Everything finding is comprised of three parts.

1. Question.

2. Outcome from survey i.e. data interpretation.

3. Analysis of outcome.


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A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works

1. Brand Recognition of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

not at all importantslightly importantsomewhat imporatntnuetralmoderately imporatntimportant


The 28% o0f the respondents are saying that brand recognition is very

important, 22% saying that brand recognition is moderately important, 245%

saying that brand recognition is less important for choosing a brand.

Still there exist a great chance for new players to enter into the market and can

compete with big giants in soap manufacturing and marketing.


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2. Importance of price in choosing Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

not at all importantslightly imporantsomewhat importantnuetralmoderately importantimportant


The majority of the respondents are saying that the price of the brand is

slightly important or some what important in choosing a brand.

The price is slightly important in influencing the customer for purchasing that

product , if there is some USP or any other features which is smartly attractive

they will only look for over all quality rather than price.


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A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works

3. Importance of Influence by someone else for choosing Radhas

Ayurvedic Soap

not at all importantslightly importantsomewhat importantnuetralmoderatelyimportant


The 22% of the respondents are saying that influence by someone is

somewhat important, 18% saying that influence by someone is moderately

important and another 18% suggesting that influence by someone is

important for choosing a brand.

We can understand that the customer can be influenced only up to certain

limit by using word of mouth.


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Its personal view is more important in selecting the FMCG like toilet soap.

4. Importance of interest to try someone new for choosing Radhas

Ayurvedic Soap.

not at all importantslightly importantsomewhat importantnuetralmoderately importantimportant


The majority of the respondents saying that the interest in trying something

new is neutral.

It’s difficult to change the customer which loyal to brand. If they want to

change it, the companies should come with an innovative product which will

be equivalent to the taste and preference of the potential customers.


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5. Importance of Advertisement in the store e.g. nice packing, free sample

for choosing Radhas Ayurvedic Soap.

not at all importantslightly importantsomewhat importantnuetralmoderately importantimportant


The majority of the respondents saying that advertisement in the store is

moderately important.

If there is a cut out inside the store, If the packaging is smart, if free sample is

given at the launching time; these promotional activities may tempt the

customer to purchase the product.


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6. Importance of Perceived quality for choosing Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

not at all importantslightly importantsomewhat importantnuetral moderately importantimportant


Quality is very important in purchasing soap.

Majority of the customers are quality cautions.

Quality is an important attribute that decides the success of a product

especially FMCG.


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7. First soap that comes to mind when you think of “Toilet Soaps”



Pears and Lux is the most widely used toilet soap in Kollam according to the



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8. Familiarity of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

I had never heard of themI have heard of them but never buy their productsI buy their products occasionalyI buy their products on a regular basis


Most of the customers use using Radhas Ayurvedic soap occasionally i.e;

62% of the respondents.

Only thing is that they had to convert their customers to loyal customers.


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9. Attributes associated with Radhas Ayurvedic soap

Popular affordable foam Fragrance colour0%







Series 1Series 2Series 3


The respondents are responding that popularity (28%), affordability of the

soap (26%) and fragrance (26%) are the core attributes comes to the mind

when they think of Radhas Ayurvedic soap.

They had to concentrate on other elements like Foam, colour, etc to add more

value to the brand.


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10. Advertisements visibility via media of Radhas Ayurvedic soap

News TV Radio Magazine Online Public Billboa Yellow0











The respondents had seen the advertisements of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap are

via TV and through magazines.

From this we can understand that the advertisement effectiveness via TV is

really effective and can bring the attention of customers if the advertisement

is scheduled at the prime time.


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11. Quality of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap?

very high high qual not very average not very low qual very low0










Series 1Series 2Series 3


The most of the respondents are responding that the quality of Radhas soap

is average. It includes over all aspects of the product from its packing to its

original product.

They had to concentrate hard on standardizing the product.


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12. Familiarity about the logo of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

yes no sometimes0










Series 1Series 2Series 3


84% of the respondents are aware of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap

Even the logo of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap is known to the majority of the



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13. Awareness about the message in the advertisement of Radhas

Ayurvedic soap

yes no sometimes0











Series 1Series 2Series 3


46% of the respondents know the message in the advertisement of Radhas

Ayurvedic Soap

The advertisement message is known to majority of the respondents, this

shows effective communication in the advertisement, and they had to plan

new strategies to make aware the message to rest of the population also.


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14. Identification of the packet of Radhas Ayurvedic soap at a single

glance in a shop where all toilet soaps are displayed.

yes no sometimes0









Series 1Series 2Series 3


72% of the respondents can identify the packet of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap at a

single glance in a shop where all toilet soaps are displayed.

This shows the popularity of Radhas Ayurvedic soap in Kollam district.

The customers are identifying the pack of Radhas Ayurvedic soap.


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15. Awareness of the colour of Radhas Ayurvedic soap

yes no sometimes0











Series 1Series 2Series 3


92% of the respondents know the colour of Radhas Ayurvedic soap.

Most of the respondents have an experience with Radhas Ayurvedic Soap or

they may be consumed it at least for one time.


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16. Awareness about the Ayurvedic ingredients’ used in Radhas

Ayurvedic soap

yes no sometimes0







Series 1Series 2Series 3


Only 40% are aware of the Ayurvedic ingredients used in Radhas

Ayurvedic soap.

The Ayurvedic ingredients used in this soap is being communicated in all

of their advertisements; unfortunately it is not being positioned properly in

the customers mind.


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17. Rating of Recommendation made by the respondents to other

consumers to use Radhas Ayurvedic soap.

yes no sometimes0








Series 1Series 2Series 3


There is an element of doubtfulness in the mind of customers to recommend

the brand to a second person.

They had concentrated to delight the customers by providing quality


They had to convert the customers to loyal customers of their brand Radhas

Ayurvedic Soap.


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18. Superiority of Radhas soap from other brands

Istpriority 2ndpriority 3rdpriority 4thpriority0










Series 1Series 2Series 3


The most of the respondents are saying that they will give third priority to

Radhas Ayurvedic soap.

They had to concentrate on building brand image to complete with the giants

of toilet soap industry.


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19. Age group of respondents

19-Nov 20-24 25-29 30-340







Series 1Series 2Series 3


30% of the respondents are between the ages 30-34, 26% is between 20-24,

24% is between 11-19 and 20% of respondents is between 25-29.


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20. Gender

no:of response percentage0







Series 1Series 2Series 3


Male is 56% and Female is 44%.


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21. Annual Income

less thn 3 lac 3lac to 5lac 5lac to8lac 8lac and above0








Series 1Series 2Series 3


68% of the respondents were of less than 3 lac.


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Chi Square test to find that age group and awareness of message of advertisement are independent or not.

Age Yes No Sometimes Total

11-19 12 6 6 24

20-24 10 6 10 26

25-29 8 5 7 20

30-37 16 5 9 30

TOTAL 46 22 32 100

H0 Age group and awareness of message of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap are


H1: Age group and awareness of message of Radhas Ayurvedic soap are


O E (O−E)2 (O−E)2/E

12 11.04 .92 .08

6 5028 .52 .1

6 7.68 2.82 .37

10 11.96 3.84 .32

6 5.72 .08 .01

10 8.32 2.82 .34

8 9.2 1.44 .16

5 4.4 .36 .08

7 6.4 .36 .06

16 13.8 4.84 .35


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5 6.6 2.56 .38

9 9.6 .36 .04

TOTAL 2.29

Degree of Freedom = (c-1) (R-1)

= (3-1) (4-1)

= 2 ×3 = 6

Level of significance is 5%

Table value is 12.592


H0 is accepted

It has been proved that there is no relationship between age group and awareness

of message in the advertisement of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap.


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Still there exist a great chance for new players to enter into the market and

can compete with big giants in soap manufacturing and marketing.

The price is only slightly important in influencing the customer for

purchasing that Radhas Ayurvedic Soap, if there is some USP or any other

features which is smartly attractive they will only look for over all quality

rather than price.

We can understand that the customer can be influenced only up to certain

limit by using word of mouth. Its personal view is more important in

selecting the FMCG like toilet soap.

If there is a cut out of Radhas Ayurvedic soap inside the store, if the

packaging is smart, if free sample is given at the launching time, these

promotional activities may tempt the customer to purchase the product.

Majority of the customers are quality cautions. Quality is an important

attribute that decides the success of a product especially FMCG.

Popularity is the main factor that tempts the consumers to purchase Radhas

Ayurvedic soap.

Advertisements of Radhas Ayurvedic soap is viewed by the customers via

TV and Magazines.


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A Study on Brand awareness of Radhas Ayurvedic Soap for Radhas Ayurvedic Soap works

Even the logo of Radhas Ayurvedic soap is known to the majority of the


The advertisements message is known to majority of the respondents, this

shows effective communication in the advertisement, and they had to plan

new strategies to make aware the message to rest of the population also.

Popularity of Radhas Ayurvedic soap is really smart in Kollam district.


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They had to give more advertisements at prime time in TV channels to get

more attention of the customers

Celebrity endorsement is an effective method to extract more sales from the

potential market.

The promotional strategy provided by Radhas Ayurvedic Soap is good but

it is not excellent level, they had to revise the existing promotional strategy,

then they had to create new strategies that can bring drastic change in sales.

The packaging style may be improved. So the customers are impressed by

seeing it in the rack of supermarkets. This will also tempts the consumers to

buy Radhas Ayurvedic soap.

The advertisement should cover the basic knowledge about the product and

should be attractive and creative to attract customers towards the products.


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A project work on the market was conducted to find the brand awareness of

Radhas Ayurvedic Soap in Kollam city.

For the particular study a simple survey was conducted at an initial stage to

determine the actual sample size and for making the questionnaire more effective.

After that a questionnaire containing relevant questions were given to selected

respondents to study their views and opinions. The questionnaire was mainly

aimed to assess the market position of Kera-coconut oil. Then to analyse the

questionnaire after the analysis then to make the findings and give findings and

give more useful suggestions to improve the Brand Awareness of Radhas

Ayurvedic Soap.


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