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  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    A Guide To Healthy Fasting

    Ramadan Hea


    My Wellness, My Choice

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    ForewordThe Islamic month of Ramadan is u

    good wishes to all our Muslim collea

    For Muslims , Ramadan is a period of personal restrain

    time to empathise with those who are less fortunate a

    the greatest blessings is health. So Ramadan is also

    physical well-being, as well as their spiritual well-being

    It is in this spirit that we have put out this guide. This is

    and family. We hope it will help you and your loved on

    fasting, make more informed choices, minimise compl

    If youre reading this and you are not a Muslim, youre man insight into what your Muslim friends and colleagues

    My Wellness, My Choice

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    Eat of the good and wholesomefor your sustenance, but indulgeThe Quran, Chapter 20, Verse 81

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    The Spirit of RamadanIf we think about the practice of fasting across different religions in the world,

    a common trait we notice is that they all entail abstinence from one form of

    physical indulgence or another.

    The objective is to stop eating and drinking for some time in order to help

    shift focus from physical to more spiritual concerns.

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    Technically, the body enters a fsource of nutrients and glucose

    the last meal.

    The body then resorts to using

    muscles to provide energy.

    Later in the fast, once stores of

    energy for the body.

    If no food is eaten over many dfrom the breakdown of muscle

    Fasting during Ramadan is only

    replenished at pre-dawn and d






    LiverThe bodys main controller

    of energy reserves. During

    fasting the liver releases

    sugar by breaking down

    stores in the organ.

    StomachAcid production by the

    stomach is reduced

    during fasting

    PancreasNormally produces insulin.

    During fasting insulin

    production is shut downand hormones that tell the

    liver and muscles to

    release sugar stores are

    produced. Production of

    digestive juices is also


    Large IntestineAbsorbs a lot of the water

    from food and second to

    the kidney in maintaining

    water balance in the body.

    Gall BladderConcentrates bile during

    the fast in readiness for

    the next meal.

    Small IntestineDigestive juices

    production is shut down

    and there are regularcontractions of the whole

    small intestine once every

    4 hours.







  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    Is Fasting Good for YouFasting in Ramadan provides a great opportunity to burn

    excess fat, which can lead to weight loss, better control ofdiabetes, lower blood pressure, reduce blood cholesterol

    and removal of toxins from the body.

    Once the body has acclim

    endorphins are released makes us less susceptib

    thought to increase alertne

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    Fasting Not Feasting

    Balance You

    Fasting is not about Feasting. Its about abstinence and self-control.

    There is no need to load up. Your body does not need extra food. It has built-inmechanisms to adjust metabolism. Work with your body and give it a little time

    (4-7 days) to adjust.

    Youre probably burning less energy. Most people are less physically active when

    fasting. Which means you need less, not more food.

    Remember this to help control the urge to over-eat

    Make half yourplate fruit andvegetables

    Choose fresh,

    local produce

    Use thisas a guide andthink about

    what goes onyour plate

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    Tips for Sahur Tips for Buka Puasa

    Dont skip it! Its one of the most important meals

    during Ramadan

    Choose complex, slow-digesting carbohydrates. They will help to control hunger

    during the fast. Foods that contain grains and seeds are good sources of complex

    carbohydrates e.g. barley, wheat, oats, millet, semolina, beans, lentils, wholemeal

    breads and brown rice.

    Add some servings of fruit to your Sahur e.g. slices of papaya and watermelon.They can help to reduce the build up of acid in the stomach and avoid that

    burning and heavy feeling.

    Avoid gorging yoursel


    Break your fast with dates and eithe

    The initial small intake of food, follow

    hormones produced by the brain. T

    Choose some refined, fast-digested

    sugar levels up. Foods containing woverdo it!

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    General Tips

    Drink plenty of water, especially

    between buka puasa and going to

    bed. Limit sugary drinks

    Make healthier food choices e.g. baked

    or grilled instead of fried, mee soup or

    laksa instead of fried mee or curry

    Prepare or serve sweet

    deserts in smaller

    portions with less sugar

    Avoid tea and coffee they can

    cause loss of fluids and minerals

    As always, eat plenty of fresh fruit

    and vegetables






  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    DatesA Ramadan Superfood

    VitaminsContain high levels of vitamin B6,

    niacin, pantothenic acid, folate,

    riboflavin, vitamin A, K and thiamin.

    MineralsContain a reported 10 differentminerals, including: selenium, copper,

    potassium and magnesium. High

    potassium and low sodium make

    dates ideal for those with


    EnergyConsidered one of the best energy

    boosting foods. They are

    power-packed with natural sugars .

    FibreA handful of dates is about 3g of fibre 12% of the daily value. Fibre is essential to

    promote healthy digestion and prevent

    over-eating. It also helps to mop up exces

    cholesterol and fat in the blood.

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    organise yourschedule

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    Take SpecialCareConsult a Doctorabout the safety of fasting for your circumstances. Especially if you have an

    existing health condition, or are pregnant.

    If you are diabeticbe very cautious if you decide to fast. Ask for and always follow your doctors


    Watch out for...the symptoms of low blood sugar (Hypoglycaemia): Confusion, abnormal

    behaviour, blurred or double vision, heart palpitations, tremors, cold sweats,

    feinting or seizures. Break your fast if you experience these symptoms and

    consult a doctor immediately.

    If youre taking medidont forget to ask your doctor about

    suit the requirements of fasting.

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS



    You can stop fr

    You can s

    And spend in the way of Allah and do notthrow [yourselves] with your [own]

    hands into destruction~ Al-Baqarah 2:195

  • 8/6/2019 Ramadhan Health Guide MAXIS


    This guide is brought to you by

    Edited and Compiled byDr Waqas A. Awan BSc, Mres, PhD (Cantab), ARCS

    ResearcherDr Khairina Tajul-Arifin

    For questions and commentsEmail: [email protected]

    Tel: 03 83191 262

    My Wellness, My Choice