rachel bar yosef, 1997©

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  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    by Rachel Bar Yosef

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    A Note to Students and Teachers:

    These lessons are not intended toIntroduce you to the English verb

    system.Use them as a review of whatyouvealready learned.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Are English Verbs Ichsa?

    Are you miserable because you make mistakes withEnglish verbs?

    Do you think you will never be able to learn?

    Are you sorry you didnt listen to yourteacher?

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Its not really so hard!!!

    You CAN speak and write good English

    You CAN get good grades on English exams.

    You only have to learn a few simple rules.

    Are you ready to LEARN and PRACTICE?

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    LESSON 1An OverviewLESSON 1An Overview

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    We talk a lot in these lessonsabout V



    and V3.

    What in the

    world are V1, V2, and V3?

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Does this look familiar?

    eat ate eaten

    fall fell fallen

    fly flew flown

    This is the table of irregular verbs that we know and love!V1 is the first column (eat, ,(

    V2 is the second column (ate, past simple form),

    V3 is the third column (eaten, calledoh well, V3)

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lots of people forget that a verb that ends in d or ed doesnthave to be a verb in the simple past.

    Maybe its a regular verb in V3DISGUISED as a simple past


    For example:love loved loved

    hate hated hated

    worry worried worried

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    5Verb Formulasp be + ing(progressive)--He was crying.

    p be + V3 (passive)--He wasbeaten.

    Four men werekilled.

    o have + V3 (perfect)--I have already eaten.

    n do + V1 (simple)--Do you love me?

    I dont hateyou.

    m modal+ V1 (modal)--I canwait.

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    is, am, are,was, were

    has, havehad do, does,did shall, will, should,would, may, might,

    must, can, could

    1) be + ing


    have + V3 (perfect)

    do + V1


    modal + V1

    The bus is coming.

    We were wait ing.

    She has finish ed.

    We have eaten .

    Do you love me?

    I didnt hear you.

    You should try .

    I may visit my aunt.

    2) be + V3


    A lot of money is

    spent .

    People were hurt .

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    is, am, are was, were

    1.be + Ving (progressive)

    The bus is coming.

    Wewere waiting.

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

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    is, am, are was, were

    2.be + V3 (passive)

    Our motherwas invited.

    Many promises were broken.

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

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    has, have had

    have + V3 (perfect)

    Youhave brokenyour promise.

    Our friendship hassurvived.

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    do, does did

    do + V1 (simple)

    Idontenjoy homework.

    Doyoulike school?

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    shall, will, should, would, may,

    might, must, can, could, ought

    modal + V1 (modal)

    Mirican speakfour languages.

    We must finish.

    Wouldyou like some coffee?

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    This is the end of

    Lesson 1

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    by Rachel Bar Yosef

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    do, does did

    do + V1 (simple)

    Idontenjoy homework.

    Doyoulike school?

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    A special note aboutDO:

    We say that dois the helping verb for

    the simple tenses, but if theyre

    simple, then so is making peace with

    our neighbors!

    Pay attention:Pay attention:

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    Inpresent simple andpast simple, there are 3 kindsof sentences:

    POSITIVE (+) Harry understands Amharic.

    NEGATIVE (-) JilldoesntunderstandAmharic.

    QUESTION (?) Does Jill understand French?

    Whats going on here????

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    In ( + ), the verb really has 2 jobs:


    Time (understands, not understood;(

    Number-- understands cant be (think ofhe/she/it, which are all (

    Person -- understands cant be firstperson (I understands???) or secondperson (you understands????)

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    ( + )


    HARRY DREAMS)) .. ( - ) ( ? )





    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Now do you understand whythe main verb must always be


  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    Shlomi loves computers. Before his father bought him acomputer, he thought he would never be able to learn.He didnt ________ he was clever enough. But now

    hes a real professional!If Shlomi didnt _________ computers to begin with, why

    did his father ________ him a computer?

    He __________ to encourage him. He knew that

    computers can be a wonderful help with schoolwork.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    Shlomi loves computers. Before his father bought him acomputer, he thought he would never be able to learn.He didnt _think__ he was clever enough. But now hes

    a real professional!If Shlomi didnt __like___ computers to begin with, why

    did his father ___buy__ him a computer?

    He _wanted___ to encourage him. He knew that

    computers can be a wonderful help with schoolwork.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    Hello, Mom? I have a problem. I left my keys athome this morning.

    Where did you ____________ them?I ___________ them on the table. __________ you

    see them?

    Yes, but you _________ have to worry. I wont lock

    the door.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    Hello, Mom? I have a problem. I left my keys athome this morning.

    Where did you ___leave____ them?I ___left____ them on the table. _Can orDo_ you see


    Yes, but you __dont__ have to worry. I wont lock

    the door.

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    Dont thinkBE/HAVE/DOcan only

    be helping verbs .( )

    Often they are main verbs .( )

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    be/have/doas main verbs:


    You are beingstupid!x Dan has hadtoo many absences.

    x What didyou dolast night?

    In the following passage write HV in the

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    In the following passage, write HV in theparentheses after a Helping Verb. If the word isnt a

    helping verb, DONT WRITE ANYTHING.

    My parents never listen to me. Sometimes they want meto do ( ) something that I dont ( ) want to

    do ( ), or else they want me to not do ( ) what I do( ) want. I have ( ) always been ( ) jealous of

    Moshe. His parents are ( ) so understanding! Hedoesnt ( ) have ( ) any problems with them.Theyre ( ) young, and patient, and they rememberwhat it was ( ) like to be ( ) young. Moshe

    has ( ) never had ( ) any problems with his

    parents. Not like me. Moshe has ( ) all the luck,and I dont ( ) have ( ) any. And I never do ( )anything right!

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    My parents never listen to me. Sometimes they wantme to do ( ) something that I dont ( HV ) want to

    do ( ), or else they want me to not do ( ) what Ido ( HV ) want. I have ( HV ) always been ( ) jealous of Moshe. His parents are ( ) so

    understanding! He doesnt ( HV ) have ( ) anyproblems with them. Theyre ( ) young, andpatient, and they remember what it was ( ) like tobe ( ) young. Moshe has ( HV ) never had ( )any problems with his parents. Not like me. Moshe

    has ( ) all the luck, and I dont ( HV ) have ( )any. And I never do ( ) anything right!

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    This is the end of

    Lesson 2

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  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    by Rachel Bar Yosef

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    A Few Words AboutA Few Words About

    Modals andModals andSemi-ModalsSemi-Modals

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    shall, will, should, would, may,

    might, must, can, could, ought

    modal + V1 (modal)

    Mirican speakfour languages.

    We must finish. Wouldyou like some coffee?Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    You shouldnt--indeed, you cant--use can in the pastor in the future tense.

    Use a form of be able to instead, or (in past tense),

    use could. Examples: Icantspeak Russian.

    Iwas able to orcouldspeak it when I was young.

    Iwill be able tospeak it again after my trip to Moscow.

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    Another way to say must is have to (they both meanthe same thing). In fact, in negative sentences (-),questions (?), and in the past or future tenses, you cantuse must; you have to use have to.

    Example: Imusthurry. Ihave tohurry.You donthave tohurry.

    She had tohurry so that she wouldnt be late.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    Shirli, must you play the radio so loud?

    What __________ you say?

    Do you _____ ____ play the radio so loud?No, I dont ______ _____. Do you _________ me to

    turn it down?

    Yes, I do, please, if you dont _________ me to lose myhearing.

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    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    Shirli, must you play the radio so loud?

    What ___did____ you say?

    Do you __have to___ play the radio so loud?No, I dont __have to___. Do you __want___ me to turn

    it down?

    Yes, I do, please, if you dont _want____ me to lose myhearing.

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    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    _________ you help me, please? I want a book about the Internet, but I___________ find one.

    _________ you look among the computer books?

    Yes, I __________, but I ______________ find anything.Well, Im ____________ somebody else right now, but I _______ ____

    ______ ___ help you in about ten minutes. ________ you come back inten minutes?

    OK. And in the meantime, I __________ try again. Maybe I _____ ___

    _____ ___ find it by then.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    ___Can___ you help me, please? I want a book about the Internet,but I ___cant___ find one.

    ___Did___ you look among the computer books?

    Yes, I ___did____, but I __couldnt____ find anything.Well, Im __helping___ somebody else right now, but I ___will be

    able to__ help you in about ten minutes. ___Can__ you comeback in ten minutes?

    OK. And in the meantime, I ___will___ try again. Maybe I __will

    be able to__ find it by then.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Refresh Your Memory--

    Take another look

    at the table of

    helping verbs.

    Pay attention to the


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    is, am, are,was, were

    has, havehad do, does,did shall, will, should,would, may, might,

    must, can, could

    1) be + ing


    have + V3 (perfect)

    do + V1


    modal + V1

    The bus is coming.

    We were wait ing.

    She has finish ed.

    We have eaten .

    Do you love me?

    I didnt hear you.

    You should try .

    I may visit my aunt.

    2) be + V3


    A lot of money is

    spent .

    People were hurt .

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Review....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):1. Moshe _________drive (V1)more carefully. He _____________drive (V1)so


    2. _________you want (V1)anything to eat?

    Yes, thanks. I ___________like (V1)a sandwich.

    3. Bob ______actingin movies and making lots of money.

    4. __________ you seen (V3 - irregular verb) my hat?

    No, I ________remember (V1)seeing it.

    5. Dan ______wasted(V3 - regular verb) all of his money.

    6. Some Americans _______surprised (V3 - regular verb) when Bush ____elected (V3 - regular verb) President.

    7. These photographs ________taken (V3 - irregularverb) at Niagara Falls.Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Review....Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):

    1. Moshe _should__drive (V1)more carefully. He ___shouldnt_drive (V1)socarelessly.

    2. ___Do____you want (V1)anything to eat?

    Yes, thanks. I __would____like (V1)a sandwich.

    3. Bob __is__actingin movies and making lots of money.

    4. ___Have___ you seen (V3 - irregular verb) my hat?No, I __dont_remember (V1)seeing it.

    5. Dan _has__wasted(V3 - regular verb) all of his money.

    6. Some Americans _were__surprised (V3 - regular verb) when Clinton_was_elected (V3 - regular verb) President.

    7. These photographs __were__taken (V3 - irregular verb)at Niagara Falls.Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

    Lets Review Some

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    Let s Review SomeMore....Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):1. Dont you ________ you _________drunkenough beer?

    2. People should__________ a dentist once a year.

    3. I will ________ an umbrella, because it may __________.

    4. Gabi has always ___________ to visit India.

    5. Most of our friends had already _________ the party when we arrived. Why did they

    _________ so soon?6. Please forgive me for phoning you so early this morning.

    __________ you sleeping?

    7. I was ___________ TV, when suddenly I heard a shot.

    8. Poor Miri! Shes __________ her arm! Call a doctor!

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

    Lets Review Some

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Let s Review SomeMore....Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):1. Dont you _think__ you __have___drunkenough beer?

    2. People should___see____ a dentist once a year.

    3. I will __take__ an umbrella, because it may __rain____.

    4. Gabi has always __wanted___ to visit India.

    5. Most of our friends had already __left___ the party when we arrived. Whydid they __leave__ so soon?

    6. Please forgive me for phoning you so early this morning.

    __Were____ you sleeping?

    7. I was __watching_ TV, when suddenly I heard a shot.

    8. Poor Miri! Shes__broken__ her arm! Call a doctor!Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Try a Test....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):1. I dont _________ to think about it.

    2. Anat _______ lost ten kilo. You ___________ see her!

    3. Did you _____________ to take your keys?

    4. I havent ________, and I _____ not planning to eat anything before

    dinner.5. ________ you considered going into politics?

    6. He is ______________ a great expert.

    7. A lot of wine was __________ at the party last night.

    8. We ___________ talking on the telephone when the lights went out.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Try a Test....

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):1. I dont _want____ to think about it.

    2. Anat __has__ lost ten kilo. You _should____ see her!

    3. Did you __remember___ to take your keys?

    4. I havent __eaten_, and I _am__ not planning to eat anythingbefore dinner.

    5. __Have__ you considered going into politics?

    6. He is __considered__ a great expert.

    7. A lot of wine was __drunk___ at the party last night.

    8. We ___were____ talking on the telephone when the lightswent out.

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    A Test....Part 2:

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):9. You could _________ until the last minute, or you could

    ________ the work now and _________ it over with.

    10. _________ you name ten countries in Africa?

    11. I __________ sleep very well last night.

    12. I have _________ my promise, and I _________ keep my word.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    A Test....Part 2:

    Use what youve learned to fill in the missing word(s):9. You could __wait___ until the last minute, or you could

    ___do___ the work now and ___get___ it over with.

    10. ___Can___ you name ten countries in Africa?

    11. I __didnt__ sleep very well last night.

    12. I have __given__ my promise, and I __will___ keep my word.

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    This is the end of Lesson 3

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  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    by Rachel Bar Yosef

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997





    English verb phrases can be

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    English verb phrases can bel o n g!

    I couldnt have been expected to havecouldnt have been expected to have

    knownknown that.

    !An 8-word verb!

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Forming Yes/No Questions

    Take the first element () of the

    verb and put it before the subject ():

    Ican believeit.


    Ive beenthere.

    Haveyou beenthere?

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Forming questions...still!

    Follow the same rule even for a

    monster verb!

    Hecouldnt have been expected to

    understand.Couldhehave been expected to


    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    How do I translate ""when Im forming a yes-no question?

    Rachel Bar Yosef,1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    To translate

    whenforming a yes-noquestion,simply

    begin the question

    with the suitablehelping verb.

    Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Are you serious? ?

    Are you listening? ?

    Do you collect stamps?


    Have you lost weight? ?

    Will he succeed? ?

    Can you convince me?

    ?Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....Complete the conversation:

    BENNY: Arik! I havent seen you for a long time!


    ARIK: Of course I havent been hiding! Ive been very busy.

    BENNY: _______________________________________?

    ARIK: Yes, Im studying a lot. I want to do well on my exams.

    BENNY: ________________________________________?ARIK: Yes, unfortunately, I still have that part-time job. Its really too much.

    Thats why Im always so tired.

    BENNY: ________________________________________?

    ARIK: Youre right. I guess I wasnt smart to take the job. But I need the money!

    BENNY: ________________________________________?

    ARIK: Yes, Ive been able to save a lot of money, although not as much as Idhoped to save!

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice....Complete the conversation:

    BENNY: Arik! I havent seen you for a long time!

    _Have you been hiding?_____________________?

    ARIK: Of course I havent been hiding! Ive been very busy.

    BENNY: __Are you studying a lot?___________________?

    ARIK: Yes, Im studying a lot. I want to do well on my exams.

    BENNY: ___Do you still have that part-time job?________?

    ARIK: Yes, unfortunately, I still have that part-time job. Its really too much. Thatswhy Im always so tired.

    BENNY: _Are you sure you were smart to take the job?___?

    ARIK: Youre right. I guess I wasnt smart to take the job. But I need the money!

    BENNY: __Have you been able to save any money?______?

    ARIK: Yes, Ive been able to save a lot of money, although not as much as Id hoped tosave!

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice

    Ask these questions in English:









  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice

    Ask these questions in English:


    _(Do you have to/Must you) make so much noise?_________


    _Will I see you tonight?______________________________


    _(Are we allowed to/ May we) use a dictionary?___________


    _Areyou crazy? Have you gone crazy?_________________


    _Are you listening?_________________________________

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice

    Ask these questions in English:










  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Lets Practice

    Ask these questions in English:


    _Have you ever visited Petra?_________________________


    _Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous?____________ ?

    _Were you at the demonstration?______________________


    _Have you seen my keys?____________________________

    ?_Would you (advise me to/suggest that I) invite them?_____

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    Learn these question words:

    who whom whose which

    what where when why


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    And these, too:

    how how much how many

    how often [ ]

    how long (ago) [) )]

    how +

    (how rich, how strong, how sick)



  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    How easy is it?

    Its really easy!x (The answer:) Iwantmy money. (The next

    question:) Why doyou wantyour money?


    (The answer:) Ive givenAdam some money. (Thenext question:) How much moneyhaveyougivenhim?

    x (The answer:) Im planning to leave tomorrow.(The next question:) Why arentyouplanning toleave today?

    Wh d Wh bj

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Who and What as subjects

    Where who orwhatrefers to the subject ,()the Hebrew translation is ?

    Ifwho orwhatrefers to the subject, DONT use do-does-didin the simple tenses; DONT change the word order:

    Answer: Talloves Rami Kleinsteins music.

    Question: Who lovesRami Kleinsteins music?

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    How old are you? ?

    What happened ? ?

    What did x do? ? X

    When were you born? ?What do you do for a living? ?

    How long will he be gone?


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    How good are you at this?

    Ask the right questions. See how much youve learned.

    X: Hello, Im phoning about your advertisement._____________________________________________?

    MOTI: Theyre not very old. Five years isnt really so old.

    Anyway, theyre in good shape.X: _____________________________________________?

    MOTI: Im not getting rid of them. Im offering them becauseIm moving to a new flat, where Im not allowed to keep them.

    X: _____________________________________________?

    MOTI: I dont understand it either. They dont bother anyone.

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    How good are you at this?

    Ask the right questions. See how much youve learned.

    X: Hello, Im phoning about your advertisement.

    _How old are they?______________________________?

    MOTI: Theyre not very old. Five years isnt really so old.

    Anyway, theyre in good shape.X: _Why are you getting rid of them?_________________?

    MOTI: Im not getting rid of them. Im offering them becauseIm moving to a new flat, where Im not allowed to keep them.

    X: _Why arent you allowed to keep them?_____________?

    MOTI: I dont understand it either. They dont bother anyone.

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    Keep going...X: ____________________________________________?

    MOTI: You can take them whenever its convenient. Im always home.

    X: ____________________________________________?

    MOTI: I live on the corner of Plony and Almony.

    X: I know the building. ___________________________?

    MOTI: My entrance is Number 2.

    X: ____________________________________________?

    MOTI: Oh, I dont want any money for them. All I care about is finding agood home for them!

    X: A good home! ________________________________?

    MOTI: Of course Im not selling a set of skis! Im giving away my beloved


  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997


    Keep going...X: _When can I take them?________________________?

    MOTI: You can take them whenever its convenient. Im always home.

    X: _Where do you live?___________________________?

    MOTI: I live on the corner of Plony and Almony.

    X: I know the building. _Which entrance is yours?_____?

    MOTI: My entrance is Number 2.

    X: _How much money do you want for them?_________?MOTI: Oh, I dont want any money for them. All I care about is finding a good

    home for them!

    X: A good home! _Arent you selling a set of skis?_____?

    MOTI: Of course Im not selling a set of skis! Im giving away my belovedcats!

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997



    YOUR NAMEhas been awarded

    theM.V. (Master of Verbs)

  • 8/14/2019 Rachel Bar Yosef, 1997
