qur’-an muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. qur’an means “the...

Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations” “We have revealed the Koran in the Arabic tongue so that you may grow in understanding” (Sura 12:2) No need to interpret the “final

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Page 1: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”


Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations” “We have revealed the Koran in the Arabic tongue so that you may grow in understanding” (Sura 12:2)

No need to interpret the “final draft” building on Torah and Christian Bible.

Page 2: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Is Islam a Religion of


Page 3: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Islam a Religion of Peace?

• President Clinton (1998): Regarding an inevitable clash between Western civilization and Western values and Islamic civilization and Islamic values “I believe this view is wrong…Americans respect and honor Islam”

• President George W. Bush: the terrorist attacks “violate the fundamental tenants of the Islamic faith.”

• Tony Blair : September 11 “has nothing to do with Islam.”

Page 4: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Jihad: “greater jihad” – individual’s spiritual struggle and “lesser jihad” – takes the struggle against enemies of the faith. – “War Against Non-Muslims” Ahmed Ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveler: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, trans Nuh Ha Mim Keller (Amana Publications, 1999)

Does not say that the lesser struggle cannot involve force of arms.


Page 5: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

JihadSheikh Omar bin Bakri bin Muhammad - The Judge of the Great Britain’s Sharia or Islamic Court, spokesman for the International Islamic Front for Europe said the terrorist attacks because it killed innocent people was

“a crime and violation for the sanctity of Human beings which is prohibited in Islam” yet Muslims can attack

American troops because America is “engaging in aggression and atrocities: against Muslims in Iraq and support “Pirate State of Israel and the dictator Leaders

in Muslim World” Innocent vs. aggression and occupation.

Page 6: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

How to treat non-Muslims:

“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate” (Sura 9:73)

“the true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan” (Sura 4:76)

Page 7: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

How To Treat non-Muslims“When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly (Sura 47:4)

“Fight for the sake of God those that fight against you, but do not attack them first. God does not love the aggressors. Slay them wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is worse than carnage (Sura 2:190-191)

Page 8: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

How To Treat non-Muslims

“Muhammad is God’s Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers, but merciful to one another” (Sura 48:29)

No mercy in Qur'an: example: Cat Stevens , author of “Peace Train” wanted mercy shown to American journalist Daniel Pearl “Now is the time to show the world the Mercy of Islam”

Page 9: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Convert to Islam or. . .

Egypt: Man working in field approached by armed Muslims and asked to renounce Christianity – say statements of faith that would convert him to Islam – refused and shot! Bishop Wissa of Coptic Church in May 2000 interview with Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

Page 10: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Those that die for Allah: “shall recline on jeweled couches face to face, and there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and ewers and a cup of purest wine (that will neither pain their heads nor take away their reason) ; with fruits of their own choice and flesh of fowls that they relish. And theirs shall be the dark-eyed houris, chaste as hidden pearls: a guerdon for their deeds. (Sura 56:15-24)

Page 11: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Those that die for Allah:

11 year boy report to class: “I will make my body a bomb that will blast the flesh of Zionists the sons of pigs and monkeys…I will tear their bodies into little pieces and will cause the more pain than they will ever know.” Class mates responded “Allah Akhbar” (God is Great) and his teacher shouted, “May the virgins give you pleasure” witnessed by Jack Kelly of USA Today – a school run by Hamas. Quoted in Yotam Feldner, “72 Black- Eyed Virgins” Claremont Review of Books Fall of 2001, p. 17

Page 12: Qur’-an Muhammad is the conduit of scripture not their composer. Qur’an means “The Recitation” the very words of Allah that is why Muslims frown on “translations”

Qur-an VS. Bible

• Christianity a religion of peace: Peace with God and with one another through Christ (Eph. 2:13-14)

• Love of enemies and pray for them – not kill them (Matt. 5:44-45, Lk. 23:34)

• Convert to Christianity – persuasion not physical force (Acts 26:28-29, Acts 13:46, 2 Cor. 10: 3-6)

• Fleshly lusts war against Soul not the fruits of the home of the soul (I Pet. 2:11, Lk. 20:34-35, Matt. 22:30)