question 6

QUESTION 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. QUESTION6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  2. 2. Final Cut pro Final cut pro is something that we have used a lot during the process of making our title sequences. I have learnt many skills from putting on filters to creating three layer patterns. We were told to experiment a lot before editing our scenes properly. This helped us decide what we liked and what we didnt like.
  3. 3. Garageband Garageband is what we used to make our music. We were given a tutorial by the technicians before we were asked to make some sounds. Again we had to experiment a lot with this aswell. This helped us familiarise ourselves with all the tools of garage band. As you can see we have our movie and we have deleted all the sounds from it so we can start anew. We also recorded some voice overs on our phones and then put it into garage band as part of our sound.
  4. 4. Motion Motion is something that we used to create our titles. We had to figure out how to use it ourselves with the help of the technicians. We decided earlier on that we were using Europa as our distribution and production company and as they are already a company we did not have to create an ident. We were able just to focus on the actual titles. I experimented a little bit and as a group we decided to go for something simple.
  5. 5. Blogger Blogger is something we all had to get familiar with. It was a way of us documenting all the research, filming, editing and everything else we did in media. We were asked to blog about 3/4 posts weekly and keep it updated with the work that we were doing at that particular time. This was difficult with some of us because we were doing the work and the editing and the research but we were just forgetting to blog about it. With the feedbacks during our one to ones with our teacher, we were given advice on how to time manage our blogging.
  6. 6. Skills we have learnt. Through all the technologies that we were taught to use, it really further developed our computer skills. With every piece of new technology we were given a basic tutorial on what to do and what not to do. This built up our basic knowledge from the beginning. Being part of a group and all being responsible for blogging, filming and editing, it further developed our skills of working a part of a team. We all had to share the responsibility and help each other when we didnt understand something. Experimenting with final cut, motion and garage band helped us to create a great final piece because we were familiar with how it worked.