question 2 andre utkast

Question two: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Question 2 andre utkast

Question two: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Page 2: Question 2 andre utkast

Because of the pop genre and the look of my magazine, it is clear that

my magazine represent teenagers, and that my target audience are

female. The celebrities in my magazine is known by almost every

teenager in today’s society, and that makes the teenagers want to read

my magazine. It is hard to say which class my audience are in since they

are younger audience.

I set the price of my magazine to £2.50, because not every teenager

has a job and I know myself how it is to be a student and not afford

everything you want.

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I have used the colours black, white and different shades of grey which

makes the magazine look clear and tidy. With these colours the

magazine gets a more female look and represent teenage girls. The

text in my magazine is very simple and easy to read, as I know a lot of

teenagers are not very interested in reading. It is also easier to

understand and the overview of the magazine gets better.

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The female models I have used are stereotypical of what

teenager girls are seen as today. They wear clothes that are

into today’s fashion and the audience can get inspiration from

the models. The ages of the models are the same as the target

audience of my magazine.

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Women have always tended to suffer from a rather narrow set of representation in the media. They are often seen as sexual objects who only care about their look. The women are made to look alluring and appealing to attract the audience.

The model on my front cover tend do both challenge and reinforce this stereotype. My model is young, fit, white and her beauty shines out. But the way she dresses and the big smile on her face makes a challenge to the representation of a sexual object. She dresses like a normal teenager and her natural smile to the audience gives a sort of ”relationship” between the model and the audience. She doesn't think she is better than anyone, and she can be a role model to the girls who reads my magazine.

Magazines tend to edit their photos a lot, and make their models more pretty and thinner. In my magazine the only thing that is fixed in the photos is the shadow and lightning. I want my models to be as natural and real as possible, so they can be good examples on how society should be.

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My magazine is aimed to the middle class people. The people in my

magazine are typical celebrities that started from the bottom and

worked really hard to get where they are now. My readers can

relate to the magazine and the celebrities in it, and that can give

inspiration to work hard. I have not any ethnic group stereotypes in

my magazine, so the white dominates. This is mainly because the

most of my friends are white.