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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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Longlining is the most eco-friendly fishing method. Gentle treatment and a fast process from catching the fish to freezing provides a perfect starting point for delicious dishes and good fish dinners.

Frøyanes is the world’s most modern longliner. It prepares the fish onboard so that consumers can enjoy tasty, simple and delicious raw materials. It takes care of all the raw materials and the surrounding environment.

Sea-frozen fish are fresh. A quality process from seabed to a customer well-fed.

Bilde + mer tekst?

Eco-friendly · line-caught

Fresh frozen

Ervik Havfi ske is proactively leading the way in the eco-labelling of cod and haddock from the Barents Sea. The fi shery is certifi ed by the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), one of the leading, if not the leading, eco-labels in the world. Together with Domstein, the company is certifi ed pursuant to the Swedish KRAV label for Norwegian cod and haddock. Most of the boats are certifi ed pursuant to these rules.

Longlining is an eco-friendly fi shing method. The method is selective in relation to species and size. It cause very little damage to the seabed and provides high quality catches while consuming little fuel.

Responsible fi shing means catching the right fi sh, at the right age, in the best possible condition, and as effi ciently as possible. In other words, protecting the safety of the crew and causing as little damage to the environment as possible.

Ervik Havfi ske is among the world’s leaders and most modern companies in the industry.

Food for the worldPh



. Fot



Her står jeg i butikken og skal kjøpe no` til mor. Får lov å gå alene for nå er jeg blitt så stor. Rekker nesten opp til disken med lappen hvor det står. Fire melk og Dagbla` for igår, hvis dem har, og det håper jeg

For, nå, har jeg stått i elv` og nitti timer her i kø. Og nå er jeg blitt så sulten at jeg holder på å dø, på meg. Men hun som står bak disken kan`ke se meg her jeg står. Og alle som står bak meg, ja, de får, det de skal ha. Og så betaler de og går. Og her for en veldig lang stund siden ble det helt tomt i butikken. Så da tenkte jeg; nå blir det nok min tur. Men da ble det mørkt, or`ntlig mørkt som om natten, så da sovnet jeg. Og etter en veldig lang stund, så våknet jeg igjen. Og da var det lyst, så da begynte jeg å stå i kø igjen, jeg.

Og her står jeg nå. Det bare det at det er ingen som ser men. Kanskje jeg skulle prøve å spise litt? En liten banan kanskje?. For hvis jeg bare spiser nok, så vokser jeg nok litt. Sikkert åtte meter, for jeg er sulten som stakitt. Jeg vet ikke or`ntlig hva sånn stakitt er for no`, men så sulten er jeg helt sikkert!. Og når jeg kommer hjem til mamma blir hun blid som bare det. Jeg håper at jeg rekker det før lørdag klokka tre. Jeg håper at jeg


Bilde Bilde Bilde

Ervik Havfi ske AS is the ’operator company’ in what is often called Norway’s largest longlining company. Today, we are involved in the operation of 15 longliners and one trawler. Ervik Havfi ske AS has ownership interests in seven of these via subsidiaries and associated companies. In addition to this, Frøyanes AS has ownership interests in four other boats. There are various cooperation agreements with the other boats. All the fi shing, with MS Stålholm as the exception, involves bottom lines with automated baiting. The fi sh are brought onboard one by one. As soon as the fi sh is onboard, it is sent through the production lines and then onwards to freezing at a temperature of less the -18 °C. This preserves the good quality of the fi sh. In 2010, our boats delivered more than 20,000 tons of high quality products, primarily as headless/gutted fi sh. The catches mostly consist of cod, haddock, ling, and cusk, and are caught on Norwegian and Russian quotas. The fi shing takes place in the Barents Sea, North Sea and Norwegian Sea, as well as in EU waters.

Through our partnerships with French and British companies, we are involved in advanced, demanding fi shing for Patagonian toothfi sh in which substantial Norwegian competence in the development and carrying out of fi shing is involved. Inspectors onboard monitor the fi shing and ensure that an important resource is properly managed and that vulnerable nature is protected. More than 1,500 tons of the gourmet Patagonian toothfi sh come from the Southern Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica. In the 2011/12 season, the Group will also have a Nor-wegian fl agged boat in this fi shery in addition to the other three from the UK/France. Ervik Havfi ske AS is pro-actively leading the way in the eco-labelling of fi sheries in both the north and the south. This work is ongoing.

Ervik Havfi ske AS – Norway’s largest longlining company

Ervik on Stad - Where It All Began ...


N-6750 Stadlandet, NorwayTel. +47 5785 9400