quality tools (1), ola elgaddar, 23 09 - 2013

M t d lit t l Management and quality tools Ola H. Elgaddar MBChB MS MD CPHQ LSSGB MBChB, MSc, MD, CPHQ, LSSGB Lecturer of Chemical Pathology Medical Research Institute Alexandria University Alexandria University [email protected]

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This is a part one lecture about some quality improvement tools


Page 1: Quality tools (1), Ola Elgaddar, 23   09 - 2013

M t d lit t lManagement and quality tools


Lecturer of Chemical Pathology Medical Research Institute

Alexandria UniversityAlexandria [email protected]

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Performance ImprovementPerformance Improvement ToolsTools

(I)( )

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According to the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB):Certification Board (HQCB):

I) T l f l iI) Tools for planning:Hoshin PlanninggForce field analysisGantt chartGantt chart

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A di t th H lthAccording to the Healthcare Quality Certification Board y(HQCB):

II) Tools for team:B i t iBrainstormingAffinity diagramy gSelection grid

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According to the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB):Certification Board (HQCB):

III) Tools for data collection:IndicatorsIndicatorsCheck sheets

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A di t th H lth Q litAccording to the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB):

IV) Tools for data analysis:IV) Tools for data analysis:Run / Control chartsHistogramHistogramScatter diagram

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According to the Healthcare Quality Certification Board (HQCB):( Q )

IV) T l f t l i (RCA)IV) Tools for root cause analysis (RCA):Flow chartCause - Effect diagramPareto chartPareto chart

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Hoshin planningHoshin planning(Policy Deployment)

Steering Everyone in the Right DirectionIt is a useful process for managingIt is a useful process for managingwork towards a key strategic initiative(a hoshin). This approach aligns allparts of an organization to accomplishparts of an organization to accomplishan important objective.= A system approach

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Hoshin Kanri is a system forHoshin Kanri is a system forstrategic planning that:

Selects a key objective.Ali i l t ti l t llAligns implementation plans at all

levels.Implements, reviews, and improves

the plan on an ongoing basis

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Force field analysisIt is a powerful method of gaining acomprehensive overview of thecomprehensive overview of thedifferent forces acting on a potentialg porganizational change issue, and forassessing their source and strengthassessing their source and strength.

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Gantt ChartA Gantt chart is a type of bar chart thatillustrates a project schedule Ganttillustrates a project schedule. Ganttcharts illustrate the start and finishdates of the terminal elements andsummary elements of a projectsummary elements of a project.

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BrainstormingBrainstorming is a tool used by teamsto bring out the ideas of each individualto bring out the ideas of each individualand present them in an orderly fashionp yto the rest of the team.

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Benefits of brainstorming

1) Encourages creativity)2) Equalizes involvement by all team

membersmembers3) Fosters a sense of ownership

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2 Set a time limit for the session

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B i t i h ld b id-Brainstorming should be a rapidgeneration of ideas, so do it quickly;5-15 minutes works well. If the timelimit has expired and ideas are stillt as e p ed a d deas a e stbeing generated, you can extendthe time limit at five-minutethe time limit at five-minuteintervals.

- Remember! You are just afacilitatorfacilitator

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3Set a time limit for the session3

State the topic to be brainstormed in the form of aState the topic to be brainstormed in the form of a written clear question, every body can see it

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Set a time limit for the session4

Collect everyone’s ideas; Structured or unstructuredCollect everyone s ideas; Structured or unstructured format for calling out ideas (Adv vs Disadv)

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Set a time limit for the session5

Record ideas and display them whereRecord ideas and display them where everyone can see

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T id i i t t ti d- To avoid misinterpretation andduplication and stimulate creativethinking by others

Written down exactly as spoken by- Written down exactly as spoken bythe team member, don’t interpret

-Try to generate a long list as possible

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Set a time limit for the session6

Clarify each idea to ensure that all members haveClarify each idea to ensure that all members have the same understanding of it

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Set a time limit for the session7

Eliminate duplications after asking participantsEliminate duplications, after asking participants, other wise they are kept separate

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ll h l Follow the rules, or don’t call it brainstorming!

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Affinity DiagramUsually, an affinity diagram is used torefine a brainstorm into something thatgmakes sense and can be dealt with moreeasily.It is recommended to be used when factsor thoughts are uncertain and need to begorganized, when preexisting ideas orparadigms need to be overcome, whenid d t b l ifi d d h itideas need to be clarified, and when unitywithin a team needs to be created.

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Affinity diagram

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Selection GridIt is a quantitative technique used torank the multi dimensional options ofrank the multi-dimensional options ofan option set.pA basic selection grid consists of

t bli hi t f it i tiestablishing a set of criteria optionswhich are scored and summed to gainga total score which can then be ranked.

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Selection GridA i ht d l ti id t i thA weighted selection grid operates in thesame way as the basic decision matrix butintroduces the concept of weighting thecriteria in order of importance.pThe more important the criteria the higherthe weighting it should be given Each ofthe weighting it should be given. Each ofthe potential options are scored andmultiplied by the weighting given to each ofmultiplied by the weighting given to each ofthe criteria in order to produce a result.

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IndicatorsIndicators are quantitative measures ofa specific part of a process or of ana specific part of a process or of anoutcome.By themselves, they don’t directly

lit th th h lmeasure quality, rather, they helpprovide data that when analyzed, givep y , ginformation about quality

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Check list

A simple way of collecting dataA simple way of collecting data

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Control chartsA control chart is a graph or chart with limit lines,called control lines.ca ed co t o esThe purpose of drawing a control chart is to detectany changes in the process that would be evidentany changes in the process that would be evidentby any abnormal points listed on the graph fromthe data collectedthe data collected.It is a method of control, monitoring andimprovementimprovement.

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HistogramThe purpose of a Histogram is to take theThe purpose of a Histogram is to take thedata that is collected from a process andthen display it graphically to view how thedistribution of the data, centers itself aroundthe mean, or main specification.Histograms show the center of the data theHistograms show the center of the data, thespread of the data and any data skewness

tlior outliers.

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Scatter diagramThe Scatter Diagram is a Quality Tool thatThe Scatter Diagram is a Quality Tool thatcan be used to show the relationship

“between "paired data“, i.e: showscorrelation.

Strong “r” = Higher correlation in either sidesStrong r = Higher correlation, in either sides

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Flow chartFlow chart

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