qrca st. louis chapter presenatation

Market Research “New”

Upload: benjamin-smithee

Post on 06-May-2015




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Keynote PDF of presentation given to the QRCA St. Louis chapter on the evolving world of qualitative research and how to integrate social media into the research toolbox.


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Ben Smithee


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photo credit: flickr - theparadigmshifter

The result of true engagement

ask questionsshare thoughtspersonalize examples

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topicswhat is it?

how is it changing research?what’s its value to us?

where do we start?where is it going?

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evolution of marketing and brand communication


the modern business is constantly innovating, not to

“win”, but to survive

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research, design, marketing, communication, feedback

synergistic channel

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Personal Branding

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it’s no longer about shouting

1,000 100 10

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it’s about building and maintaining relationships

10 100 1,000

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SM helps to flip the funnel










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amazingly intimate

Phto Credit http://weenieenema.blogspot.com/2006/12/anthropomorphic-bears.html

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if you haven’t figured it out, it’s not about your network...it’s

about theirs!

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the power is in groups

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where does social media fit in MR?

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names you are tired of hearing

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names you are tired of hearing

by understanding these

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you can better understand these

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today’s consumers:1. blog2. comment3. vlog4. tweet5. talk to others6. call customer service


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benefits to understanding SM and its value to MR

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the value potential value of SM

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fastest growing community site -1,382% increase in visits

475,000 unique in Feb 08 - 7 million Feb 09

largest age group adults 35 - 49

131% increase in March up to 9.3 Million

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realize the massive potential...but don’t under-estimate the

power of one!

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US Airways flight – Janis Krum, ferry passenger, first to tweet before any

traditional media

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how can I successfully apply this?

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seek first to understand

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how do my customers communicate online?

what tools do they


real-time updates unbiased buzz

non-intrusive monitoring





does utilizing SM make sense for your project?

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social media monitoring

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monitor and engage

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my daily newspaper

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bloggers have a voice

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monitor traffic

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video is migrating

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video chat/journaling

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respondent communities

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i’m finally on facebook...now what?

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harness its power effectively

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but my clients are interested in their company

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so are all of these people

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isn’t YouTube just for ridiculous home videos?

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not anymore

Youtube - search - Sprint “now”

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instant feedback and reviews

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video credit: Youtube.com - “Coleman Campsite”

Merging Traditional and New Media

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customized for your needs

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user and crowd-sourced customization

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firewalled micro-blogging

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Analytics, Internal Utilization

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an example from experience?

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✦guest videos✦youtube✦facebook ✦myspace

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a socially interactive approachat SXSW 2009

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SM in recruiting, interviewing, follow-up, logistics,


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www.youtube.com/spychresearchvideography and production by @JohnFilm

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looking forward

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enhanced corporate acceptance

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further movement toward interactive communication and online communities

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augmented reality/ location-based applications and advertising

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what is the bottom line?

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SM is not for everyone and everything

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we are past “twitter is cool” and “get a facebook page”

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targeted messages are becoming less “targeted” as

communication becomes more engaging

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SM gives us another valuable tool to obtain consumer


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as our clients begin to understand this evolution, they

will expect us to as well.

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please keep in touch!

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[email protected]


.com/in/Benjamin Smithee

