q3 - what have you learned from your audience feedback?


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Post on 17-Jan-2017



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Page 1: Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?



Page 2: Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

DIGIPACK QUESTIONNAIRE:We used Survey Monkey to produce a questionnaire of six questions researching our audience’s preferences regarding digipacks. I instantly discovered that 70% of my questionnaire participants were females. Because of this I could decide to tailor the digipack towards a female audience however this questionnaire was only answered by 10 people therefore the validity is low and it is not representative of my entire audience; consequently, both genders should be equally addressed. Our results showed that photos are the main attraction of a digipack to 60% of our audience therefore I wanted take extra care and attention when taking my photos, editing and presenting them onto my digipack in order for it to appear the most attractive. With regards to colour, all of the responses include the colour black or dark colours; therefore I decided to use dark colours as my house style. 90% of our audience said that band images/logo design were their preferred digipack content. Because of this I decided to not include acknowledgements or song lyrics in my digipack but instead I wanted to work on taking the best images and design the best logo possible. 40% of our audience said that they have 'no preference' with regards to all pictures on the digipack being taken from the same photoshoot. Due to this answer I decided to not specify whether to use one or more shoots and simply go by which photos look best, whether they are from the same shoot or a number of different ones. 50% of our audience said that a digipack should have no information and only include images and track listing. 40% said that there should be key points shown and 10% said there should be some information included regarding the production of the album. After analysing these results I decided to only include small informative points such as track listings and serial numbers/record company information.

Page 3: Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

POSTER QUESTIONNAIRE:We conducted a questionnaire to gain an understanding of our audience’s preferences when it comes to music album posters. We used survey monkey to collate our data as it would be open to a wider audience and we can simply log online to see our calculated data. Our questionnaire had six questions and we received six online responses. The lack of responses does make it slightly less representative than we would have liked however I still used these results as a basis when making certain decisions when producing my poster. I decided to make my poster non-gender specific as my response was 50/50. In question two 4/6 respondents ranked how much attention they pay to promotional posters as 8/10. This proved to me that if my poster didn’t meet audience preferences and be visually attractive it is likely to be unsuccessful. The rest of my questions provided me with unanimous results which lead me to make the following decisions: I would use one big image instead of lots of little ones, use pictures of the artist rather than clipart or cartoons, only include a very small amount of text and finally use a mixture of both dark and light colours to create contrast and a genre-appropriate house style.

Page 4: Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

MUSIC VIDEO QUESTIONNAIRE:Sarah and I produced a questionnaire in order to explore our potential target audience by researching who watches music videos and how/where they watch them. We gave our questionnaire to 30 people, males and females with the hope of gathering some results which will help us produce the best, most popular music video possible. We came up with 10 questions and used the answers to discover the ages, gender and employment so we can tailor our content accordingly. We also asked questions regarding how people access music videos so we can publish and promote it accordingly. The main decisions we made from the questionnaire was regarding where we would publish our video. We asked the question ‘where do you watch music videos?’ and we allowed the people answering our questionnaire to give more than answer. The options were internet, TV and other. Internet gained 27 votes; TV received 12 and one person ticked other. I think that these results show that we must design our music video and ancillary tasks to be promoted and sold online, this means all production must be in high definition and shot to fit a large screen effectively.

Page 5: Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

MUSIC VIDEO DRAFT 1 FOCUS GROUP:Once we had produced the first draft of our music video we decided to interview two members of our target audience to see if there was any stand out issues or suggestions they had with any aspects of it, whether that be to do with editing, shot types or overall style. Ultimately I think that this focus group was hugely beneficial. It helped us notice minor flaws that had went unnoticed and that we could rectify to increase the quality of our music video. We were advised to:•Remove the shot of the plane in the middle of the video as this may confuse the narrative for some people•Slow down a shot of the Empire State Building at 2:00 as it was unclear for certain members of the audience•A few initial shots used of the man walking around did appear slightly shaky so these could potentially be replaced•Re-film the lip singing of ‘the tallest of the towers’ as it was noticeably out of time•Certain shots of St James’ Park showed little relevance and therefore could risk causing confusing therefore these few shots could be taken out•A few shots at 2:38 could be timed slightly slower or faster to benefit the timing with the soundtrack fitting with the video. We were also given some positives from these interviews: •Locations were well thought out and detailed which helped the narrative of the video flow •Clean and professional-looking shots that were filmed well

Page 6: Q3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

MUSIC VIDEO DRAFT 2 QUESTIONNAIRE:After producing a second draft of our music video we decided to distribute paper copies of a qualitative questionnaire in order to receive any more essential feedback. We gave our Draft 2 Questionnaire to 30 A Level Students and a couple of students who are currently studying media at university. The dominant feedback we received is that the narrative was not clear enough. After watching our video many people asked us to clarify what the story was about and after we briefly explained they found the story did make sense. The answers to the 'is there anything you would change' question were all very similar. The feedback was to basically add some more footage to emphasise the face that the man is studying in Newcastle and that he misses home. To do this we shot another filming day (Day 11) at Newcastle University and featured signage and other obvious indicators that he is studying here. This has definitely helped clarify the brief narrative within our video.