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Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry

(Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion) NOTIFICATION

New Delhi, January 08, 2003 . No. 1 (10) 2001-NER. The Government of India is pleased to make the following scheme of Central Grant or Subsidy for Industrial units in the State of Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh with a view to accelerating the industrial development in the States. 1. Short Title

The scheme may be called the Central Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme, 2003.

2. Commencement and duration of the Scheme It will come into effect from 7th January, 2003 and remain in force upto and inclusive of 06.01.2003.

3. Applicability of the Scheme The scheme is applicable to all industrial units in the Growth Centres approved for Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh and also to the new industrial units or existing units, on their substantial expansion, in Growth Centres or Industrial Infrastructure Development Centres (IIDC) or industrial estates/parks/export promotion zones and commercial estates set up by states of Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh and to new industrial units or existing units on their substantial expansion in the specified thrust industries (as at Annexure) located outside these growth centres and other identified locations.

4. Eligibility period The subsidy will be available during the duration of the scheme, to an eligible industrial unit for a period of ten years from date of commencement of commercial production

5. Definitions (a) 'Industrial Unit' means any industrial unit where a manufacturing

programme is carried on or suitable servicing unit as defined in M/o SSI Letter No. 2(3)/91-SSI. Bd datd 30-9-1991, other than that run Departmentally by Government.

(b) 'New Industrial Unit' means an industrial unit for the setting up of which effective steps were not taken prior to 7th January, 2003.

(c) 'Existing Industrial Unit' means an industrial unit existing as on 7th January, 2003.

(d) 'Substantial Expansion' means increase by not less than 25% in the value of fixed capital investment in plant and machinery of an industrial unit for the purpose of expansion of capacity/modernization and diversification.

(e) 'Effective steps' means one or more of the following steps :- (i) that 10% or more of the capital issued for the industrial unit

has been paid up; (ii) that any part of the factory building required for manufacturing

activity has been constructed; (iii) that a firm order has been placed for any plant and machinery

required for the industrial unit. (a) 'Fixed Capital Investment' means investment in plant and machinery

for the purpose of this scheme. 6. Extent of admissible subsidy

All eligible industrial units located in the Growth Centres or IIDC or industrial estates/parks/export promotion zones and commercial estates set up in

Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh shall be given capital investment subsidy at the rate 15% of their fixed capital investment in respect of new units or additional investment in respect of substantial expansion by an existing units in the plant and machinery, subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs. 30 lakh.

6.1 Similar benefits would also be extended to the new industrial units or to the existing units, on their substantial expansion, in other Growth Centres or IIDC or industrial estates/parks/export promtion zones and commercial estates set up by the Governments of Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh, new industrial unit or to the existing units, on their substantial expansion in the specified thrust industries (as at Annexure) located outside these growth centres and other identified locations, would also be eligible for similar fiscal incentives.

7 Plant & Machinery In calculating the value of plant and machinery, the cost of industrial plant and machinery as erected at site will be taken into account which will include the cost of productive equipment,such as tools, jigs, dies and moulds, insurance premium and their transportation cost. 7 (a) The amount invested in goods carriers to the extent they are actually

utilised for transport of raw material and marketing of the finished products, will be taken into account.

7(b) Working capital including raw materials and other consumables stores, will be excluded for computing value of plant and machinery.

8. Designated agency for disbursement of subsidy The designated agency for disbursement of Capital Investment Subsidy will be notified in consultation with the State Governments concerned.

9. Procedure for claiming Capital Investment Subsidy Industrial units eligible for subsidy under the scheme will get themselves registered with the State Industries Department prior to taking effective steps for setting up the new units or undertaking substantial expansion of the existing units and indicate, in their claim for investment subsidy, their assessment of the toal fixed capital/additional fixed capital likely to be invested by them in the plant and machinery of their unit.

10. Procedure for disbursement of Capital Investment Subsidy The State Government will set up a Committee consisting of a representative each of the State Finance Department and State Directorate of Industries and if the industrial unit is to be assisted by a financial institution, the representative of the financial institution concerned, which would go into each case to decide whether it should qualify for the grant of subsidy and also about the quantum of subsidy. 10.1 In respect of a new industrial unit set up without assistance from the

financial institutions or the State Government, the subsidy will be disbursed to the unit by Designated Agency on the recommendation of the State Government at the time the unit goes into production. Similarly, in respect of substantial expansion by an existing industrial unit without assistance from the financial institutions of the State Government, the subsidy will be disbrused to the unit by Designated Agency on the recommendation of the State Governmet after substantial expansion has been effected and the unit has gone into the increased production. However, in such cases, whre the State Government is satisfied about the safety of the public funds, not more than half of the amount of the estimated subsidy may be released prior to the unit going into production on the entrepreneur's furnishing a proof of having taken effective steps to the satisfaction of State Directorate of Industies and the remaining amount be released only after the unit goes into production.

10.2 In respect of an industrial unit to be assisted by the State Government, the subsidy will be disbursed to the unit by Designated Agency on the recommendation of the State Government. In such cases, the contract/agreement to be drawn up between the State Government and the unit concerned, may cover mortgage, pledge, hypothecation of the assests upto the amount of the subsidy. In respect of new industrial unit or in respect of substantial expansion of an existing industrial unit to be assisted by a financial institution the subsidy will be disbursed to the unit by the financial institution in as many instalments as the loan in disbursed by the financial instituion and simultaneously claimed by the financial institution from Designated Agency. In such cases, the contract/agrement to b e drawn up between the financial institution and the unit concerned may cover mortagage/pledge/hypothecation of the assests of the unit upto the amount of the loan to be advanced by the financial institution concerned and the subsidy.

11. Rights of the Centre/State Government/Financial Institutions If the Central Government/State Government/Financial Institutions concerned is satisfied that the subsidy or grant to an industrial unit has been obtained by misrepresentation as to an essential fact, furnishing of false information or if the unit goes out of production within 5 years afte commencement, the Central Government/State Government/Financial Institution concerned may, after giving opportunity to the unit concerned of being heard, ask the unit to refund the grant or subsidy already received.

12. Without taking prior approval of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion/State Government/Financial Institution concerned, no owner of an Industrial unit, after receiving a part or the whole of the grant or subsidy, will be allowed to change the location of the whole or any part of industrial unit or effct any substantial contraction or disposal of a substantial part of its total fixed capital investment, within a period of 5 years after its going into production.

13. In respect of all units to whom the grant or subsidy has been disbursed by the Financial Institution/State Government, certificate or utilization of the grant or subsidy for the purpose for which it was given, shall be furnished to the Central Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion by the Financial Institution/State Government within a period of one year from the date of receipt of the last instalment/full amount.

14. After receiving the grant or subsidy, each industrial unit shall submit Annual Progress Report to the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion/State Government (as may be designated) about its working for a period of 5 years after going into production.

(S. JAGADEESAN) Joint Secretary.




Sl. No.

Activity 4/6 digit Excise Classification

Subclass under NIC Classification 1998

1. Floriculture - - 2. Medicinal herbs and aromatic herbs etc.

processing - -

3. Honey - - 4. Horticulture and Agro based industries such

as 21.03 15135 to 15137 &

15139 a. Sauces, Ketchup etc. 2202.40 - b. Fruit, Juices & Fruit pulp - - c. Jams, Jellies, Vegetable juices, Puree,

Pickles etc. 20.01 -

d. Preserved fruits and vegetables - - e. Processing of fresh fruits and vegetables

including packaging

f. Processing, preservation packaging of mushrooms

5. Food Processing Industry excluding those included in the negative list

19.01 to 19.04 -

6. Sugar and its by-products 7. Silk and Silk Products 50.04

50.05 17116

8. Wool and Wool Products 51.01 to 51.12 17117 9. Woven fabrics (Excisable garments) 10. Sports goods and articles and equipment for

general physical exercise and equipment for adventure sports/activities, tourism (to be separately specified)


11. Paper & paper products excluding those in negative list (as per excise classification)

- -

12. Pharma Products 30.03 to 30.05 - 13. Information & Communication Technology

Industry Computer Hardware Call Centres 84.71 -

30006/7 14. Bottling of mineral water 2201 - 15. Eco-Tourism Hotels, Resorts spa,

entertainment/amusement parks and ropeways

- 55101

16. Industrial gases (based on atmospheric fraction)

17. Handicrafts 18. Non-timber forest product based industries.



1. a) Name of the Industrial Unit : _______________________________ b) Office address with Telephone No. (if

any) : _______________________________

c) Factory Address with Telephone No. (if any)

: _______________________________

2. a) Constitution of the unit (please specify, whether Proprietor/ Partnership/ Private Limited/ Limited Company/ Co-operative Society)

: _______________________________

b) Name(s), Address(es) of the Propietor/ Partners/ Directors of the Board of Directors/ Secretary and President of the Co-operative Society/Trustee

: _______________________________

c) Date of Registration under the Companies Act/ or the concerned Act (Act should be clearly stated)

: _______________________________

d) Registered Head Office of the company : _______________________________ 3. Details of Registration of the Unit _______________________________ a) SSI Registration : i) Provisional Registration No. : _______________________________ ii) Permanent Registration No. : _______________________________ b) Larg and Medium Number and date of industrial

Licence/Letter of Intent/Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum

: _______________________________

c) CIS registration No. & Date, CIS registration issued by


4. Whether the proposed/ New/ Existing unit undergoing substantial expansion*

: _______________________________

a) In case of new/ proposed unit i) Name of the product

manufactured/Activity : _______________________________

ii) Proposed date of commencement of production

: _______________________________

iii) Date of going into commercial production

: _______________________________

b) In case of existing unit undergoing substantial expansion

i) Name of the product manufactured/ Activity before substantial expansion

: _______________________________

ii) Name of the product manufactured/Activity after substantial expansion

: _______________________________

iii) Proposed date of going into commercial production after expansion

: _______________________________

iv) Date of going into commercial production after expansion

: _______________________________

* Substantial expansion as defined in G.O.I. notification dated 08.03.2003 vide para-5(d) 5. a) Details of Capital Investment

proposed (Attach C.A. Certificate) :

For Proposed/ new unit (Actual Investment in Lakhs Rs.)

For existing unit undergoing expansion (Actual Investment) Prior expansion uipto 07.01.2003

Expansion after 07.01.2003

% increase

a) Land b) Site Development c) Building i) Office Building ii) Factory Building d) * Plant &


e) * Accessories f) Installation and


g) Preliminary & Preoperative exp.

h) * Miscellaneous fixed assets (Goods Carrier etc.)

TOTAL :- 5. b) Details of effective steps taken in case

of the New Industrial unit and position as on (Attach C.A. Certificate)

Details Prior to 07.01.2003

After 07.01.2003

(i) Total Capital Issue (Rs.) (ii) Capital issued paid up (Rs.) (iii) % of capital issued paid (Rs.) (iv) State of construction of factory

building required for manufacturing Activity.

(v) State of placement of order for plant & machinery (in Rs.)

5. c) Name of Bank/Financial Institution and A/C No.

(d) Means of Finance For proposed/ new

unit (Please specify Actual or Proposed Investment)

For existing unit undergoing expansion (Please specify Actual or Proposed Investment) Prior expansion After Expansion

a) Own Capital b) Financial


i) Term Loan ii) Working Capital c) Other Sources 6. Land : (a) Owned/Lease Hold and period of lease Rental : (b) Value of Land/Annual Premium/Rent : (Attached relevant documentary proof) * As specified in para-7 of the G.O.I.'s notification dated 08.01.2003 7. Power :

a) Date of sanction of power and load : b) Connected load and date of

connection :

Details of production of the unit (for proposed/new/expansion)

Annual Proposed/ installed capacity of the new unit

Installed Capacity Prior Expansion

Annual Proposed/ Installed capacity after expansion

Quantity Value in Rs.

Quantity Value in Rs.

Quantity Value in Rs.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. Proposed/Working employment position in

the unit :

Category For New Unit Expansion Unit Before After

1. Managerial 2. Supervisory 3. Skilled 4. Semi Skilled 5. Others TOTAL : 9. Claim of Central Capital Investment Subsidy : Particulars Capacity Investment in Rs.

Proposed Actual (a) The cost of industrial plant & Machinery

erected or likely to be erected at site

(b) Cost of productive equipment, such as tools, jigs, dies and moulds, insurance premium and their transportation cost.

(c) Cost of goods carrier as admissible under para-7(a) of the G.O.I. notification dated 08.01.2003

Total Capital Investment :- (d) Amount of CIS claimed @ 15% (Please enclose the certified copy of the bills

and payment receipts of the item claimed for subsidy along with C.A. Certificate)

DECLARATION :- I/We hereby solemnly declare and affirm that the particulars/statement furnished above are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief and if any statement made herewith in connection with this claim is detected as false or mis-represented, the amount of CIS granted by the Government will be refunded by me/us to Government as per rules/terms and conditions laid down in the agreement made for this purpose. I/We also affirm to be abide by the rules and regulations enforce under this scheme. Place : Signature of the Applicant/ Authorised Signatory Date :

REPORT OF THE RECOMMENDING AUTHORITY 1. Name of the unit of Address : __________________________ 2. Whether the unit is located in the

specified area or a thrust sector industry as specified in G.O.I. notification dated 07.08.2003 (Please specify)

: __________________________

3. (a) Whether new unit or substantial expansion unit

: __________________________

(b) Whether the unit has taken effective steps for setting up of the new unit/undertaking substantial expansion prior or after 07.01.2003

: __________________________

(c) In case of substantial expansion the percentage of increase in the value of fixed Capital Investment in plant & machinery

: __________________________

4. Type of unit (SSI, Large & Medium) and Registration No. thereof

: __________________________

5. CIS Registration No. & Date : __________________________ 6. Name of the product

manufactured/Activity : __________________________

(a) In case of New/Proposed unit : __________________________ (b) In case of substantial expansion : __________________________ i) Prior expansion : __________________________ ii) After expansion : __________________________ 7. Date of proposed/Actual commencement

of production : __________________________

(a) Proposed : __________________________ (b) Actual : __________________________ 8. Whether the land is

owned/lease/hold/rental : __________________________

9. Name of the Financing Agency/Bank : __________________________ 10. Present position of the unit (about

installation of the machinery/ production/ sales, etc.)

: __________________________

11. Claims of by the unit and admissible subsidy

: __________________________

Particulars Investment in Rs. Subsidy Claimed

Subsidy Admissible in Rs. Proposed Actual

12. Recommendations of the

D.I.C./Recommeding Authority : __________________________

Place : Date :

Signature of the Recommending Authority designation and seal

Certificate from the Registered Chartered Accountant (For Proposed/New Unit)

Name of the Chartered Accountant : ________________________ I/We hereby certified that M/s. ____________________________ (Name of the unit) has made the following capital investment on Plant & Machinery in their unit prior going into commercial production ______________________at ___________________________ for manufacturing of ____________________________________by the industrial unit. Sl. No. Item Value in Rupees 1. Cost of Plant & Machinery

(Enclose list of Plant & Machinery duly signed by the authorised signatory)


2. Other Productive Equipment (Tools, Dies, Jigs)


3. Insurance Premium : 4. Transportation Cost of the Plant &

Machinery :

5. Other assests (Goods Carriers to the extent actually used for Transport of Raw Material and Finished Goods)


TOTAL : NOTE : The value of Plant & Machinery is to be calculated according to the instructions vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Deptt. of Industrial Policy & Promotion) Notification Dated 08.01.2003 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-1, Section-1. We have checked the books of account of the invoices etc. and certified that the aforesaid information are verified and certified to be true. We also certify that all the aforesaid items have been duly paid for and no credit is arisen there against in the books of the unit. Place : Signature of the Chartered Accountant Date : Registration No. [This certificate may not be produced in case of the unit where the investment in plant & machinery is upto Rs. 1.00 Laks]

Certificate from the Registered Chartered Accountant [for existing unit undergoing expansion/diversification]

Name of the Chartered Accountant : ________________________ I/We hereby certified that M/s. ___________________________ (Name of the unit) has made the following capital investment on Plant & Machinery in their unit at _______________ (location of the unit) for expansion from __________________to_______________ The unit is engaged in production of ______________________and gone into commercial production after expansion/diversification on ____________ Sl. No.

Item Investment Prior expansion (Gross) Value in Rs.

Additional Investment made for expansion value in Rs.

Total Capitals Investment Value in Rs.

1. Cost of Plant & Machinery(Enclose list of Plant & Machinery duly igned by the authorised signatory)

2. Other Productive Equipment Tools, Dies, Jigs)

3. Insurance Premium 4. Transportation Cost of the Plant

& Machinery

5. Other assests (Goods Carriers to the extent actually used for Transport of Raw Material nd Finished Goods)

TOTAL NOTE : The value of Plant & Machinery is to be calculated according to the instructions vide Govt. of India, Ministry of Commerce and Industry (Deptt. of Industrial Policy & Promotion) Notification Dated 08.01.2003 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part-1, Section-1. e have checked the books of account of the invoices etc. and certified that the aforesaid information are verified and certified to be true. We also certify that all the aforesaid items have been duly paid for and no credit is arisen there against in the books of the unit. Place : Signature of the Chartered Accountant Date : Accountant Registration No. [This certificate may not be produced in case of the unit where the investment in plant & machinery is upto Rs. 1.00 Laks]

Bank/Financial Institution Certificate Certified that ___________________________________________ have been disbursed as on this date the amount to Rs. ________________ sanctioned under Letter No. _______________Dated________________ as shown below. 1. Loan Amount previously disbursed upto 2. Total Amount disbursed upto date against

the item (s) mentioned below :-

i) Land ii) Building (excluding residential quarters) iii) Plant & Machinery iv) Others assets : Tools, Jigs, Dies and

moulds and good carriers.


Signature of a responsible officer of the Bank/Financial Institution Seal & Date

AFFIDAVIT I Sri/Smt. ___________________S/o or D/o Sri/ ___________________ _____________________________aged____________________year by profession ________________________ do hereby solemnly declare and affirm follows :- 1. The I am a citizen of India and permanet residence of Village

______________ P.O. ________________________in the District of _______________________Uttaranchal.

2. That I am Proprietor/Managing Partner/Managing Director of M/s. _______________________ and owners of land/building/plant & machinery of the above unit which industrial activity on _______________________.

3. That the particulars furnished in the claim application for the subsidy under the afforsaid scheme are/or will exactly that same as those submitted to the income Tax authorities in respect of industrial unit known as M/s. ____________________________ situated at village ____________________________of the district _____________________ That no subsidy grant under State Government/Central Government/Organisation etc. have been availed by me/us on the items mentioned in the claim application form.

4. That the particulars furnished in the application form and/or in connection with the application for subsidy are correct and true to be best of my knowledge and that in case of any particulars are found to be false or to be misrepresentation of essential fact. I shall be liable to punish under law of the land.

5. That, I Sri/Smt. _________________________________ the deponent of above do hereby solemnly declare and affirm that statement made above are true to the best of my knowledge, belief and information in taken thereof.

Identified by me. Signature Signature (Advocate) (Deponent) Solemnly affirm before me by Sri __________________________ S/o Sri __________________being identified by ________________ Advocate on this day.


Certified/Attested photocopies of the documents to be submitted along with the application form for claiming CIS

1. Constitution of the Unit :

a) In case of partnership unit, registered deed of partnership with general power of attorney.

b) In case of private limited/public limited company. i) Registration Certificate under the companies Act. ii) Memorandum and Article of Association. iii) List of Board of Directors. c) In case of Co-Operative Society.

i) Resolution of the General Body for Registration of the unit under SSI, if any.

ii) Registration Certificate iii) Memorandum and Article of Association. 2. Registration Certificate from the district industries centre

(Provisional & Permanent) and LI/IL/IEM/ etc., if any. 3. Land & Building :

a) In case of government land alloted by government : Allotment letter, Trace map and receipt on the premium paid to the government for the allotment.

b) In case of lease hold from a private owner : Lease Deed Agreement along with general power of attorney and trace map.

c) In case of ownland : i) Purchase deed. ii) Upto date non-incumbent certificate iii) Jamabandi copy and trace map

d) In case of Government land alloted by any Government agency :

i) Allotment letter and trace map ii) Deed of Agreement

e) In case Industrial shed allotment by any Government agency: i) Allotment letter. ii) Deed of Agreement 4. Sanction letter from the Financial Institution/banks for Term Loan &

working capital loan. 5. Power : i) Power Sanction Letter ii) First bill of SEB/POWER CORPORATION. 6. All bills, vouchers & money receipts on plant & machinery.

7. List of plant & machinery indicating name of the suppliers & its value and date of installation duly signed by the authorised signatory.

8. Certificate from a Chartered Accountant for plant & machinery as prescribed.

9. Project Report/Scheme of the unit approved by the Bank/Financial Institution/Concerned DIC, as the case may be.

10. List of employees indicating category, status & their wages. 11. Source of own finance/equity with supporting documents. 12. No objection certificate from the local bodies/authority and trade

licences, if any. 13. NOC from the DIC/State Pollution Control Board. 14. Affidavit as per prescribed format. 15. Certificate from Bank/Financial Institution in support of Financial

assistance as per format. 16. Any other documents/information, if required.

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Transport Subsidy Scheme : Published in Part I, Section I of the Gazette of India Extra-ordinary dated 27.07.1971 (No. 102) vide Notification No. F. 6(26) / 71-IC dated 23.07.1971 and amended vide Notification No. 6(26)/71-IC dated 28.02.1974 published in the Part I, Section I of the Gazette of India Extra-ordinary dated 28.02.1974 (No. 103) and Notification No. 6/3/75-RD dated 19.07.1978 Notification No. 11/1/90-DBA.II dt. 28.07.1993 & 29.09.1995 and No. 11(1)/98-DBA.II dated 29.01.1998.


New Delhi, the 23rd July, 1971 No. 6(26)/71-IC- The Government of India are pleased to make the following scheme for grant of subsidy on the transport of raw materials and finished goods to and from certain selected areas with a view to promoting growth of industries there :- 1. Short Title :- This Scheme may be called the Transport Subsidy Scheme, 1971. 2. @ Commencement and Duration :- It comes into effect from 15.07.1991, for

selected areas (A), with effect from 24.08.1973 for selected areas (B), with effect from 1.12.1976 for selected areas (C) and with effect from 5.12.1977 for selected areas (D) and will remain in operation till 31.03.2007.

3. @ It is applicable to all industrial units (barring plantations, refineries and power generating units) both in the public and the private sectors, irrespective of their size in the selected areas (A), (B), (C) and (D).

4. Definitions :- (a) 'Industrial Unit' means and industrial unit where a manufacturing

programme is carried on. (b) 'New Industrial Unit' means an industrial unit which has set up

manufacturing capacity and come into production on or after the date of commencement of the Scheme.

(c) 'Existing Industrial Unit' means an industrial unit which has set up manufacturing capacity and came into production before the date of commencement of the Scheme.

(d) 'Substantial expansion' means increase in production of an industrial unit by 25 percent or more of the licenced or approved capacity.

(e) 'Diversification' means manufacture of new article or articles by an industrial units by 25 percent or more (by value) of the approved or licensed capacity of the article or articles already manufactured by it during the preceding year. @ Amended vide Notification No. 11(1)/95-DBA. II Dated 28.07.93 dated 29.09.1995 and No. 11(1)/98-DBA.II dated 29.01.1998.

(f) ** The Selected Areas (A) means the State of Jammu & Kashmir and the North-Eastern Region comprising the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland and Tripura and the Union Territories of Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram, The Selected Areas (B) means the State of Himachal Pradesh and Hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh State comprising the districts of Dehradun, Nainital, Almora, Pauri Garhwal, Tehri Garhwal, Pithorgarh, Uttarkashi and Chamoli the Selected Areas (C) means the Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep and the Selected Areas (D) means the State of Sikkim.

(g) % (h) 'Raw Material' means any raw material actually required and used by an

industrial unit in its manufacturing programme as approved by the

Government of India and/or by the Government of State/Union Territory in which the industrial unit is located.

i) 'Finished Goods' means the goods actually produced by an industrial unit in accordance with the manufacturing programme approved by the Government of India and/or the Government of State/Union Territory in which the industrial unit is located.

5. % 6. Details of the Scheme :-

i) A transport subsidy will be given to the industrial units located in the selected areas in respect of raw materials which are brought into and finished goods which are taken out of such areas.

ii) @ Industrial units will not be eligible for the transport subsidy for internal movement of raw materials and finished goods within the State of Jammu & Kashmir, the North Eastern Region, the State of Himachal Pradesh, the hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh, the Union Territories of Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep and the State of Sikkim.

iii) @ In the case of Jammu & Kashmir, transport subsidy will be given on transport costs between the location of the industrial unit and rail head of Jammu or Pathankot, whichever is nearer. In the case of Himachal Pradesh, the transport subsidy will be given on transport costs between the location of the industrial unit in the States and the nearest rail-head viz. (i) Pathankot, (ii) Kiratpur Sahib, (iii) Nangal, (iv) Kalka, (v) Ghanauli, (vi) Yamuna Nagar, (vii) Barara & (viii) Hoshiarpur In the case of hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh State, the transport subsidy will be given on the transport costs between the location of the industrial unit and the nearest rail-head viz., (i) Dehradun, (ii) Rishikesh, (iii) Moradabad, (iv) Bareilly, (v) Kotdwara, (vi) Shahajanhanpur & (vii) Rampur.

** Amended vide Notification No. 6/3/75-RD dated 19.07.1978. @ Amended Vide Notfication No. F.6(26)/71-IC dated 28.02.1974 and No. 6/3/75-RD dated 19.07.1978.

% Deleted vide Notification No. 6(26)/74-IC dated 28.02.1974. iv) *In the case of North-Eastern region comprising the States of Assam,

Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura and the Union Territories of Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram the transport subsidy will be given on the transport costs between Siliguri and the location of the industrial unit in these States/Union Territories. While calculating the transport costs of raw materials the cost of movement by rail for Siliguri to the railway station nearest to the location of the Industrial unit will be taken into account. Similarly, while calculating the transprot costs of finished goods the costs of movement by road from the location of industrial unit to the nearest railway station and thereafter the cost of movement by rail to Siliguri will be taken into account. In the case of North- Eastern region, for raw materials moving entirely by road or other mode of transport in the Norht Eastern region, the transport costs will be limited to the amount which the industrial unit might have paid had the finished goods moved from the location of the industrial units to the nearest railway station by road and thereafter by rail to Siliguri.

v) & In the case of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the transport subsidy will be given on transport costs by sea and road between Madras Port and the

location of the industrial unit in the Union Territory. In the case of Lakshadweep, the transport subsidy will be given on transport costs by sea and road between Cochin Port and the location of the industrial unit in the Union Territory. If any other port on the mainland is used for the purpose of transport subsidy, the transport costs will be taken at the industrial unit would have incurred had Madras or Cochin Port, as the case may be, been used, or the actual transport costs, whichever are less.

vi) & In the case of Sikkim, the tranport subsidy will be given on transport costs between the location of the industrial unit in the State and the rail head of Siliguri.

vii) + Freight charges for movement by road/sea will be determined on the basis of transport/transshipment rates fixed by the Central Government/State Government/Union Territory Administration concerned from time to time or the actual freight paid, whichever is less.

viii) $ Cost of loading or unloading and other handlings charges such as from railway station to the site of the industrial unit will not be taken into account for the purpose of determining transport costs. & Inserted vide Notification No. 6/3/75-RD dated 19.07.1978. * Amended vide Notification No. F. 6(26)/71-IC dated 28.02.1974. + Renumbered and amended vide Notification No. 6/3/75-RD dated 19.07.1978. $ Renumbered vide Notification No. 6/3/75-RDM dated 19.07.1978.

ix) $ All new industrial units located in the selected areas will be eligible for transport subsidy equivalent to 50 percent of the transport costs of both raw materials as well as finished goods.

x) $ Existing industrial units in the selected areas are also eligible for transport subsidy in respect of the additional transport costs of raw material and finished goods arising as a result of substantial expansion or diversification effect by them after the commencement of the Scheme. Transport Subsidy in such cases will be restricted to 50 percent of the transport costs of the additional raw materials required and finished goods produced as a result of the substantial expansion or diversification.

xi) + Transport Subsidy will also cover 50 percent of the transport charges for movement of steel from Gauhati stockyard of M/s. Hindustan Steel Ltd. to the site of the industrial units in the North-Eastern region and for movement of industrial raw materials from the State Corporation's depots situated in the hill districts of Uttar Pradesh to the sites of the industrial units located in the hill districts of the State.

xii) *$ The State Govt./Union Territory Admn. will set up a Committee consisting of the Director of Industries, a representative each of the State Industries Department and the State Finance Deptt. etc. on which a representative of the Ministry of Industrial Development will also be nominated. The Committee will operate at the State/Union/Territory level and scrutinize and settle all claims of transport subsidy arising in the State/Union Territory. The claimants should be asked to provide proof of raw material, 'imported' into and finished goods 'exported' out of the selected State/Union/Territory/areas where the unit is situated from the registered Chartered Accountants. The committee may also lay down the production of any other documents which in their opinion is necessary to decide the eligibility of claimant for the transport subsidy.

However, in the case of small units with a capital investment of Rs. 1 lakh or less the requirement of production of certificate from Chartered Accountant may be waived. subject to the the condition that such claims are properly verified by the State Govenment authorities before the subsidy is sanctioned/disbursed. After having scrutinized and settled the claims, the amount disbursed to industrial unit should first be adjusted against the outstanding ways and means of advances made to the State Government/Union Territory Administration for Centrally Sponsored Scheme in accordance with the procedure outlined in the Minstry of Finance Letter No. 2(17)/PII/58 dated 12.05.1958 and the balance, if any, shall be paid in cash to the State Govt./Union Territory Administration. Provided that in the case of small units with a Capital Investment of Rs. 1,00,000 and less, the requirement of production of proof of import of raw material and export of finished products from registered Chartered Accountant will be substituted by a appropriate verification by the State Govt. authorities.

xiii) $ In order to check any misuse of transport subsidy Directorate of Industries in the State/Union Territories will carry out periodical checks to ensure that the raw materials and the finished goods in respect of which transport subsidy has been given were actually used for the purpose by a system of scrutinising of consumption of the raw materials and the output of the finished goods.

$ Renumbered vide Notification No. 6/3/75-RDM dated 19.07.1978. xiv) $ Directorate of Industries of the State and Union Territories concerned

will draw up procedures and arrangements not only for scrutinising the claims for transport subsidy but also arrange for prompt payment of the claims. The number of transport subsidy claims that may be preferred by an industrial unit should not ordinarily exceed one in a quarter. However, the Director of Industries may at his discretion entertain more number of claims in a financial year, if the financial position of the industrial unit so warrants.

xv) $ Directorates of Industries of the States and Union Territories concerned will lay down a system of pre-registration of the industrial units which are eligible for transport subsidy. At the time of registration the Directorate of Industries will fix and indicate the capacity of such units. They will also lay down procedure to ensure regular inflow of information regarding the movement of raw material and finished goods to and from the industrial units. The Directorate of Industries of the States and Union Territories should also lay down that statistics of production and utilization of raw materials should be maintained and kept open for inspection on request by the Directorate of Industries.

xvi) $ The Ministry of Industrial Development will continuously review the arrangements made by the Directorate of Industries of the concerned States and Union Territories and suggest modifications in the procedure for scrutinizing the claim, payment of transport subsidy etc.

xvii) $ Notwithstanding the provisions of the Scheme Government of India and/or the Govt. State/Union Territory concerned have full discretion to refused to entertain or reject any claim for transport subsidy.

xviii) $ Any false statement made deliberately by an industrial unit or any misrepresentation of facts by it will disqualify it from the grant of transport subsidy for such period of time as the Government of India and/or the Government of State/Union Territory concerned may decide after giving a reasonable opportunity to the industrial unit to state its case.

$ Renumbered vide Notification No. 6/3/75-RDM dated. 19.07.1978.

la[;k % 2689@vkS0 fo0&1@2001@242 m|ksx@2004la[;k % 2689@vkS0 fo0&1@2001@242 m|ksx@2004la[;k % 2689@vkS0 fo0&1@2001@242 m|ksx@2004la[;k % 2689@vkS0 fo0&1@2001@242 m|ksx@2004 izs"kd % izs"kd % izs"kd % izs"kd % ,l0 d`".ku,l0 d`".ku,l0 d`".ku,l0 d`".ku lfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklulfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklulfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklulfpo] mÙkjkapy 'kklu lsok esa]lsok esa]lsok esa]lsok esa] funs'kd m|ksx] nsgjknwuAfuns'kd m|ksx] nsgjknwuAfuns'kd m|ksx] nsgjknwuAfuns'kd m|ksx] nsgjknwuA fo"k;%fo"k;%fo"k;%fo"k;% Hkkjr ljdkj dh ;kstukUrxZr ioZrh;Hkkjr ljdkj dh ;kstukUrxZr ioZrh;Hkkjr ljdkj dh ;kstukUrxZr ioZrh;Hkkjr ljdkj dh ;kstukUrxZr ioZrh; {ks=ksa esa ifjogu miknku rFkk jkT; ljdkj }kjk ioZrh; {ks=ksa {ks=ksa esa ifjogu miknku rFkk jkT; ljdkj }kjk ioZrh; {ks=ksa {ks=ksa esa ifjogu miknku rFkk jkT; ljdkj }kjk ioZrh; {ks=ksa {ks=ksa esa ifjogu miknku rFkk jkT; ljdkj }kjk ioZrh; {ks=ksa

esa fo'ks"k ifjogu miknku ;kstuk fu;ekoyh esa nkoksa ds lR;kiu dh izfØ;k dk ljyhdj.kesa fo'ks"k ifjogu miknku ;kstuk fu;ekoyh esa nkoksa ds lR;kiu dh izfØ;k dk ljyhdj.kesa fo'ks"k ifjogu miknku ;kstuk fu;ekoyh esa nkoksa ds lR;kiu dh izfØ;k dk ljyhdj.kesa fo'ks"k ifjogu miknku ;kstuk fu;ekoyh esa nkoksa ds lR;kiu dh izfØ;k dk ljyhdj.k

fnukad % 29 fnlEcj] 2001fnukad % 29 fnlEcj] 2001fnukad % 29 fnlEcj] 2001fnukad % 29 fnlEcj] 2001 egksn;] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx] m0 iz0 'kklu ds 'kklukns'k la- 2010¼11½@18&13&90 fnukad 24] vxLr 1990 rFkk vuqorhZ 'kklukns'k la- 1136@77&6&2000&49 ¼,e½@88 fnukad 1] vxLr] 2000 ,oa 'kklukns'k la- 1153@77&6&2000&49¼,l½@88 fnukad 12-09-2000 esa la'kks/ku djrs gq;s ifjogu miknku ;kstuk ds varxZr nkf[ky fd, x;s nkoksa ds fu"iknu rFkk lR;kiu dh izfØ;k dk ljyhdj.k ,rn~}kjk fuEuor~ fd;k tkrk gSA 1- m|ksx dk;Zjr gksus pkfg,aA 2- m|ksx dh LFkkfir {kerk dh iqf"V foÙkh; laLFkkvksa ;k IykUV lIyk;j ls gksuh pkfg,A 3- m|ksx }kjk Ø; fd, x;s dPps eky ,oa mRikfnr eky dh fcØh dh iqf"V vUrfje rkSj ij O;kikj dj esa

nkf[ky ekfld@=Sekfld fjVuZ ds vk/kkj ij dj yh tk;sA blds vk/kkj ij Hkqxrku djus ds i'pkr vfUre lR;kiu dj foHkkx ds dj fu/kkZj.k vkns'k ds vkèkkj ij fd;k tk;sA ;fn bu nksuksa esa fdlh izdkj dh fHkUurk gks rks dj fu/kkZj.k ds vk¡dM+ks dks izekf.kr ekuk tk;saA

4- mijksDr rhuksa fcUnqvksa ds lanHkZ esa ,oa m|ksx }kjk ifjogu ij fd, x;s O;;] dks pkVsZM ,dkmUVsUV ds izek.k i= ls lR;kfir djk;k tk;sA

5- m|kfe;ksa }kjk viuk dPpk eky ,oa rS;kj eky jftLVMZ VªkUliksVZ dEiuh }kjk gh cqd djk;k tk;A jftLVMZ VªkUliksVZ dEiuh dk ifjogu foHkkx esa iathdj.k dh vfuokZ;rk ugha gSA ;fn VªkUliksVZ dEiuh lk>snkjh QeZ gks ;k vU; fdlh 'kkldh; ekU;rk izkIr ,tsUlh ds lkFk iathdr gS rks Hkh mls jftLVMZ VªkUliksVZ dEiuh dk ntkZ izkIr gksxk ,oa miknku ds ekeyksa es ,slh dEiuh ds }kjk dh x;h <qykbZ dks ekU;rk iznku dh tk,xhA

6- eky dh fcYVh dh izekf.kr izfrfyfi nkos ds lkFk izLrqr dh tk;A 7- mijksDr lHkh fcUnqvksa ds lanHkZ esa m|eh ls 'kiFki= fy;k tk;] ftlds vlR; ik, tkus ij ,deq'r

olwyh dh tk,xh ftl ij 24 izfr'kr n.M C;kt Hkh nsuk gksxkA 8- ;g 'kklukns'k fuxZr gksus ds fnukad ls izHkkoh gksxk rFkk iwoZ esa vk;qDr ,oa funs'kd m|ksx] m0 iz0 }kjk

bl laca/k esa tkjh fd, x;s fuEufyf[kr 'kklukns'k ,rn~}kjk fujLr fd, tkrs gS%& ¼v½ m|ksx funs'kky;] m0 iz0] dkuiqj dk i=kad 854@63 fnukad 01-09-1986 ¼c½ m|ksx funs'kky;] m0 iz0] dkuiqj dk i=kad 886&93 fnukad 28-08-87 ¼l½ m|ksx funs'kky;] m0 iz0] dkuiqj ¼iwoZ vuqHkkx&15½ dk i=kad 526&33 fnukad 03-07-89 ¼n½ m|ksx funs'kky;] m0 iz0 ioZrh; vuqHkkx&15 ds i=kad 853&86 fnukad 03-08-93 ¼;½ vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx&6] la[;k 1136@77&6&2000&49 ¼,e½@88 fnukad 01-08-2000 ¼j½ vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx vuqHkkx&6 la[;k 1153@77&6&2000&49 ¼,e½@88 fnukad 12-09-2000


,l0 d`".ku,l0 d`".ku,l0 d`".ku,l0 d`".ku~] lfpoAlfpoAlfpoAlfpoA


(TO BE SUBMITTED IN DUPLICATE) 1. Name & Address of the Unit 2. Name & Address of the Proprietor/

Director/ Partners

3. Registration/Licence No. of the unit with date & issuing authority

4. Whether New unit/Expansion of existing unit

5. Ownership/Partnership/Co-operative or Private Public Ltd. Propreitory etc.

6. Partnership Deed (A certified true copy to be enclosed)

7. Date on which the unit has gone into production or process to go into production.

8. Investment made for the Industrial Unit for (a) Land (b) Building (c) Plant & Machinery 9. Production capacity and requirement of

Raw-Materials as per Licence Registration etc. (per annum)

PRODUCTION PER ANNUM QUANTITY VALUE (a) Name of the Items (b) Name of the materials (List enclosed) (c) Source/Sources from which Raw-

materials are obtained

(d) Place where finished product are sold despatched

(The figures given above are projected figure of 100% capacity. Actual production yet to begin)

10. In case of existing unit taking up substantial expansion or diversification after the commencement of this scheme

(a) Consumption of raw materials & production of finished products during the year preceeding of expansions or diversification.

(b) Raw material consumed (i) Finished goods Manufactured (ii) Raw-material purchased from

outside to the Nearest Rail Head.

(iii) Finished products sold to place outside from Nearest Rail Head

(c) Details of expansion undertake (i) Additional Capital Investments

(For Plant & Machinery, Factory, Building, Land etc.)

(ii) Employment

(d) Capacity increased due to expansion (p/a)

Production (i) Item (ii) Quantity (iii) Value (e) Requirement of Raw-Materials for


Capacity (i) Item (ii) Quantity (iii) Value

Signature of the Applicant with Address

CERTIFICATE Certified that I have personally visited the unit and examined the documents available and presented to me and found correct the information furnished in this application against items (mentioned items Nos.) Certified that in absence of proper information/documents the information furnished in this application property.

Signature Assistant Manager/Manager/General Manager,



No. ......................../TSR/ Dated .................................... To, M/s. _____________________ _________________________ _________________________

Sub : Registration under Transport Subsidy Scheme Sir, With reference to your application dated ____________________ this office has recorded your application for registration under Central Transport Subsidy Scheme and has given the Transport Subsidy Registration as follows :- No. DIC TSR Dated This number is to be quoted in all Transport Subsidy Claim.

General Manager, District Industries Centre

la[;k%& 1040@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@ 2004&169 m|ksx fo"k; % y|q m|ksxksa gsrq C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rkfo"k; % y|q m|ksxksa gsrq C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rkfo"k; % y|q m|ksxksa gsrq C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rkfo"k; % y|q m|ksxksa gsrq C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk

fnukad % 24 ebZ] 2004fnukad % 24 ebZ] 2004fnukad % 24 ebZ] 2004fnukad % 24 ebZ] 2004 egksn;] izns'k dh vkS|ksfxd uhfr 2003 ds vUrxZr izns'k esa LFkkfir gksus okys ubZ y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa] i;kZIr foLrkj@fofofèkdj.k djus okyh y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa rFkk :X.k y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa ds fy, izkfo/kkfur C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ls lEcfU/kr ßC;kt izksRlkgu ßC;kt izksRlkgu ßC;kt izksRlkgu ßC;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk fu;ekokyh] 2003Þ lgk;rk fu;ekokyh] 2003Þ lgk;rk fu;ekokyh] 2003Þ lgk;rk fu;ekokyh] 2003Þ rFkk vkosnu i=ksa ds izi= vuqeksnu mijkUr layXu dj lwpukFkZ ,oa vko';d dk;Zokgh gsrq izsf"kr gSA d`i;k mDr ;kstuk dk leqfpr izpkj izlkj dj jkT; ds vkS|ksfxd uhfr ds vuq:i fØ;kUo;u lqfuf'pr djsaA


latho pksiM+k]latho pksiM+k]latho pksiM+k]latho pksiM+k] lfpoA

la[;k%& 1040@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004 vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx] mÙkjkapy 'kklu

vf/klwpukvf/klwpukvf/klwpukvf/klwpuk nsgjknwu % fnukad % 24 ebZ] 2004

jkT; 'kklu ,rn~}kjk fnukad tqykbZ 2003 ls ßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu ßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu ßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu ßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk] 2003Þlgk;rk ;kstuk] 2003Þlgk;rk ;kstuk] 2003Þlgk;rk ;kstuk] 2003Þ fu;ekuqlkj ykxw djrk gSA 1- laf{laf{laf{laf{kIr uke%&kIr uke%&kIr uke%&kIr uke%& ;g fu;ekoyh C;kt izksRlkgu ;kstuk] 2003 dgyk;sxhA 2- ;kstuk dk izkjEHk vkSj vof/k%&;kstuk dk izkjEHk vkSj vof/k%&;kstuk dk izkjEHk vkSj vof/k%&;kstuk dk izkjEHk vkSj vof/k%& ;g ;kstuk 1 tqykbZ] 2003 ls izHkkoh gksxh

rFkk 31 ekpZ] 2008 rd izor jgsxhA 3- ifjHkk"kk%&ifjHkk"kk%&ifjHkk"kk%&ifjHkk"kk%& bl ;kstuk ds lEcU/k esa u;h y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ] i;kZIr foLrkj

dh y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ rFkk :X.k y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ] lkof/k _.k o dk;Z'khy iawth vkfn dh ifjHkk"kk,a ogh gksxh] tks fodkl vk;qDr ¼y?kq Lrjh; m|ksx½ Hkkjr ljdkj rFkk Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad }kjk le;&le; ij vf/klwfpr rFkk foKkfir dh x;h gSaA

4- ik=rk%&ik=rk%&ik=rk%&ik=rk%& ¼d½ izns'k esa LFkkfir gksus okyh ubZ y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;k¡ bl ;kstuk ds

vUrxZr C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh ik= gksxhA lkFk gh izns'k esa LFkkfir ,slh bdkbZ;k¡] ftUgksaus vius vk/kqfudhdj.k] foLrkjhdj.k ,oa fofof/kdj.k gsrq foÙkh; laLFkk@cSad ls _.k fy;k gks] miknku dh ik= gksxhA

¼[k½ Hkkjrh; fjtoZ cSad ds fn'kk&funsZ'kksa ds vuq:i foÙk iks"kd laLFkk@cSad }kjk vfHkKkfir@?kksf"kr ,slh :X.k y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;k¡] ftudk iquZoklu izLrko lEcfU/kr foÙkh; laLFkk@cSad ls vuqeksfnr gksA

¼x½ bdkbZ m|ksx foHkkx esa y?kq m|ksx ds :i esa vLFkkbZ vFkok LFkkbZ :i ls iathdr gksA

¼?k½ bdkbZ fdlh lkoZtfud vFkok lgdkfjrk {ks= ds cSad rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk ls foÙk iksf"kr gksA

¼³½ ;g lgk;rk ;kstuk izHkkoh gksus ds fnukad vFkkZr fnukad 1 tqykbZ] 2003 ds mijkUr foÙkh; lgk;rk@_.k izkIr djus okyh y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa dks gh izkIr gksxhA

¼p½ C;kt miknku dsoy mUgh m|ksxks dks vuqeU; gksx] ftuds }kjk dsUæ@jkT; ljdkj }kjk lapkfyr fdlh vU; ;kstuk esa C;kt miknku dh lqfo/kk izkIr u dh xbZ gksA vU; 'kkldh; foHkkxksa ls lqfo/kk izkIr djus dh n'kk esa bdkbZ }kjk izkIr dh xbZ okLrfod /kujkf'k rFkk ns; /kujkf'k ds vUrj ds cjkcj vo'ks"k /kujkf'k dk vkadyu dj vuqeU; jkf'k dk fu/kkZj.k fd;k tk;sxkA fo'ks"k :i ls [kknh ,oa xzkeks|ksx cksMZ@vk;ksx ds ek/;e ls LFkkfir bdkbZ;ksa dks ;g lqfo/kk vuqeU; ugha gksxh] D;ksafd mu bdkbZ;ksa ds fy;s [kknh ,oa xzkeks|ksx cksMZ dh ;kstuk iFkd ls ykxw gSA

¼N½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dsoy mUgha bdkbZ;ksa dks miyC/k gksxh] tks izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh vfUre fd'r feyus dh frfFk ds ckn de ls de 3 o"kksZ rd dk;Zjr jgsxh] vU;Fkk 'kklu dks ;g vf/kdkj gksxk fd nh xbZ lgk;rk dh leLr Ëkujkf'k bdkbZ ls olwy dj ysA

¼t½ ;g izksRlkgu lgk;rk u;s y?kq m|ksxksa dks rFkk orZeku esa dk;Zjr y?kq bdkbZ;ksa dks muds vk/kqfudhdj.k ,oa i;kZIr foLrkjhdj.k gsrq rHkh miyC/k gksxh] tcfd mUgksus jkT; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa@lkoZtfud vFkok lgdkfjrk {ks= ds cSadksa ls _.k fy;k gks rFkk ewy/ku o C;kt ds Hkqxrku esa fdlh izdkj dh pwd u dh gksA

¼>½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ dks vf/kdre 5 o"kZ vFkok ;kstuk dh vof/k rd gh ns; gksxhA

5- Lohdk;Z C;kt izksRlkgu lLohdk;Z C;kt izksRlkgu lLohdk;Z C;kt izksRlkgu lLohdk;Z C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh lhek%&gk;rk dh lhek%&gk;rk dh lhek%&gk;rk dh lhek%& ¼d½ y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa }kjk cSad@foÙkh; laLFkkvksa ls fy;s x;s _.k dh C;kt

nj esa rhu izfr'kr dh nj ls C;kt miknku vuqeU; gksxk] fdUrq miknku dh vf/kdre lhek :0 2 yk[k izfr bdkbZ izfr o"kZ gksxhA nwjLFk {ks= esa LFkkfir vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa gsrq ;g lgk;rk fy;s x;s _.k dh C;kt dh nj ls 5 izfr'kr dh nj ls nh tk;sxh] ftldh vf/kdre lhek :0 3 yk[k izfr bdkbZ izfr o"kZ gksxh A nwjLFk {ks= esa LFkkfir bdkbZ dk rkRi;Z ,slh bdkbZ;ksa ls gS] tks

jkT; esa leqæ ry ls 3000 fQV ;k mlls vf/kd Å¡pkbZ okys {ks=ksa esa LFkkfir gksaA

¼[k½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh jkf'k izR;sd o"kZ esa cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk pktZ fd;s x;s ewy C;kt nj ij mijksDr izLrj&¼d½ ds izkfo/kkukuqlkj cSad }kjk _.k forj.k ds izFke fnukad ls =Sekfld vk/kkj ij izLrqr fd;s x;s Dyse ds vkËkkj ij vkaxf.kr dh tk;sxh fdUrq izR;sd n'kk esa izR;sd bdkbZ ds fy, C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh jkf'k mDr izLrj&5¼d½ esa nh xbZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk lhek ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA

¼x½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dsoy ewy C;kt nj ds fo:) ns; gksxh vFkkZr foyEc 'kqYd] 'kkfLr ;k vU; dksbZ vfrfjDr ns; ij lgk;rk izkIr ugha gksxhA

6- C;kt izksLrkgu lgk;rk gsrq nkok izLrqr djus dh izfØ;k%&C;kt izksLrkgu lgk;rk gsrq nkok izLrqr djus dh izfØ;k%&C;kt izksLrkgu lgk;rk gsrq nkok izLrqr djus dh izfØ;k%&C;kt izksLrkgu lgk;rk gsrq nkok izLrqr djus dh izfØ;k%& ¼d½ ik= y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ dh foÙkh; laLFkk@cSad] forh; _.k ij

izpfyr C;kt nj ds vuq:i mijksDr izLrj&4¼d½ o ¼[k½ ds izkfo/kkuqlkj C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh /kujkf'k dk vkax.ku dj fu/kkZfjr izk:i ij Dyse bdkbZ ds vkosnu i= lfgr vius tuin ds egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ dks izLrqr djsaxsA

¼[k½ mDr ;kstuk ds rgr C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy, ik= y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa dks u;s ,ddksa dks LFkkfir djus vFkok fo|eku ,ddksa ds foLrkjhdj.k@fofof/[email protected] ds fy, foÙk iks"kd cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dks _.k ds fy, vkosnu i= nsus ds lkFk gh vius dks vius ftys ds ftyk m|ksx dsUæ esa ;kstukUxZr iathd`r djkuk gksxk vkSj lHkh okafNr tkudkjh miyC/k djkuh gksxhA bl iathdj.k esa fy;s tkus okys _.k] cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dk uke Hkh nsuk gksxkA

7- C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh Lohd`fr%&C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh Lohd`fr%&C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh Lohd`fr%&C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh Lohd`fr%& ¼d½ izR;sd ekeys ds lEcU/k esa C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh Lohd`fr vkSj

mldh ek=k ds ckjs esa vgZrk ij fu.kZ; ysus ds fy;s ftykf/kdkjh dh v/;{krk esa ftyk Lrj ij fuEuor~ xfBr izkf/kÑr lfefr gh l{ke gksxhA

1- ftykf/kdkjh & v/;{k 2- ftyk vxz.kh cSad vf/kdkjh & lnL; 3- lEcfU/kr foÙk iks"kd cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk & lnL; 4- egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ &lnL; lfpo

¼[k½ ik= vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ dks izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh vfxze Lohd`fr izR;sd o"kZ cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk okf"kZd :i ls izLrqr izkjfEHkd vkadyu@Dyse ds vk/kkj ij izkf/kd`r lfefr }kjk tkjh dj mldh

Lohd`fr dh lwpuk lEcfU/kr foÙk iks"kd foÙkh; laLFkk@cSad dks nh tk;sxh rFkk ;g Lohd`fr tkjh gksus ds mijkUr vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa dks Lohd`r lgk;rk /kujkf'k ctV vkoaVu miyC/k gksus ij m|ksx funs'kky;@ftyk m|ksx dsUæ }kjk lEcfU/kr cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dks miyC/k djk nh tk;sxhA lEcfU/kr cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk vfxze ds :i esa izkIr bl jkf'k esa ls =Sekfld vk/kkj ij _.kh ds izLrqr ,oa Lohd`r Dyse dh /kujkf'k dks _.kh ds [kkrs esa tek djsxs rFkk ;fn o"kZ ds vUr esa cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dks vfxze ds :i esa nh xbZ jkf'k esa ls =Sekfld :i ls Lohd`r Dyse dh /kujkf'k _.kh ds [kkrs esa tek djkus ds mijkUr cp tkrh gS] rks bl /kujkf'k dks lEcfU/kr cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk bdkbZ ds vxys o"kZ ds =Sekfld Dyse dh jkf'k ds lek;kstu es djsaxsA

¼x½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh vfxze Lohd`fr feyus ds mijkUr izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds Dyse bdkbZ }kjk viuh foÙk iks"kd foÙkh; laLFkk@cSad ds ek/;e ls _.k forj.k ds izFke fnukad ls =Sekfld vk/kkj ij lEcfU/kr tuin ds ftyk m|ksx dsUnz dks bdkbZ ds okf.kfT;d mRiknu esa vkus rFkk y?kq m|ksx iath;u izek.k i= tkjh gksu ds i'pkr~ izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA

¼?k½ egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ }kjk =Sekfld vk/kkj ij izLrqr Dyse dk ijh{k.k dj Dyse C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk fu;ekoyh ds vuqlkj gksus ij fu/kkZfjr izk:i esa ns; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk /kujkf'k dk mYys[k djrs gq, Lohd`fr vkns'k tkjh fd;k tk;sxk rFkk rnksijkUr lEcfU/kr cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dks vfxze ds :i esa voeqDr /kujkf'k esa ls mDr Lohd`r jkf'k dks cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk _.kh ds [kkrs esa tek djsxhA

8- C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds laforj.k gsrq izfØ;k%&C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds laforj.k gsrq izfØ;k%&C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds laforj.k gsrq izfØ;k%&C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds laforj.k gsrq izfØ;k%& ¼d½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk Lohd`fr ds mijkUr ctV vkoaVu miyC/k gksus

ij m|ksx funs'kky;@ftyk m|ksx dsUæ Dyse dh jkf'k lEcfU/kr cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dks voeqDr djsxk rFkk fdlh Hkh n'kk esa ;g izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh jkf'k vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ dks uxn esa ugh nh tk;sxhA

¼[k½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dk izFke Dyse ubZ y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ@foLrkj djus okyh bdkbZ ds okf.kfT;d mRiknu izkjEHk gksus ds fnukad ls N% ekg ds vUnj izLrqr fd;k tkuk vko';d gksxkA vifjgk;Z dkj.kksa ls gq, foyEc dks izkf/kdr lfefr }kjk xq.k nks"k ds vk/kkj ij ekQ fd;k tk ldsxkA

¼x½ C;kt izksRlkgu dh /kujkf'k bdkbZ dh foÙk iks"kd laLFkk@cSad dks forfjr gks tkus ds i'pkr ;fn ;g ik;k tkrk gS fd bdkbZ rFkk cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk dksbZ rF; Nqik;s x;s gSa ;k rF;ksa dks xyr <ax ls izLrqr fd;k x;k gS ,oa bl izdkj xyr rjhds ls lgk;rk izkIr dh xbZ gS] rks C;kt izksRlkgu dh jkf'k ,d eq'r olwyh ;ksX; gks tk;sxh] ftldh olwyh lEcfU/kr cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk rFkk bdkbZ ;k nksuksa ls dh tk ldsxhA ;g jkf'k bdkbZ rFkk cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk ls Hkw&jktLo olwyh ds vuqlkj olwy dh tk ldsxh rFkk nks"kh ik;s tkus ij bdkbZ dks lgk;rk ls oafpr dj fn;k tk;sxkA

¼x½ izksRlkgu lgk;rk voeqDr djus ls iwoZ ftyk m|ksx dsUnz rFkk vkS|ksfxd ,dd ds chp bl vk'k; dk vuqcU/k@djkj fd;k tk;sxk fd bdkbZ lgk;rk dh vfUre fd'r feyus dh frfFk ds ckn de ls de rhu o"kksZa rd dk;Zjr jgsxhA

9- ;kstuk dk fØ;kUo;u%&;kstuk dk fØ;kUo;u%&;kstuk dk fØ;kUo;u%&;kstuk dk fØ;kUo;u%& ¼d½ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk dk fØ;kUo;[email protected] ftyk Lrj

ij lEcfU/kr tuinksa ds ftyk m|ksx dsUæ rFkk jkT; Lrj ij funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy }kjk fd;k tk;sxkA

¼[k½ ;kstuk ds vUrxZr dk;Zdkjh funsZ'k tkjh djus gsrq funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy l{ke gksaxsA

mÙkjkapy ds jkT;iky ds uke ls rFkk vkns'kkuqlkj]

latho pksiM+k] lfpoA

LohÑfr dk izi=LohÑfr dk izi=LohÑfr dk izi=LohÑfr dk izi= dk;kZy;] egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUædk;kZy;] egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUædk;kZy;] egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUædk;kZy;] egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ

i=kad fnukad ----------------------------------- lsok esa] 'kk[kk izcU/kd] --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- egksn;] eSllZ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼_.knkrk cSad dk uke½ }kjk foÙk iksf"kr gS] dks cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk m|ksx LFkkiukFkZ forfjr _.k ij ftyk izkf/kd`r lfefr dh cSBd fnukad ---------------------------------------esa fnukad --------------------------------------- ls fnukad --------------------------------------- rd ds nkos dh /kujkf'k :0-------------------------------------------¼'kCnksa esa :i;k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------½ dh Lohd`fr iznku dh xbZ gSA


egkizcU/kd]egkizcU/kd]egkizcU/kd]egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUnftyk m|ksx dsUnftyk m|ksx dsUnftyk m|ksx dsUnzA

C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu&i=C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu&i=C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu&i=C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu&i= 1- bdkbZ dk irk % ¼d½ dk;Z'kkyk % ¼[k½ dk;kZy; % ¼x½ bdkbZ dh vofLFkfr&lkekU; {ks=@nwjLFk {ks=

¼leqæ ry ls 3000 fQV ls vf/kd Å¡pkbZ okys {ks=½


2- y?kq m|ksx LFkkbZ iathdj.k la[;k o fnukad % 3- bdkbZ dk laxBu % 4- bdkbZ ds Lokeh@lk>snkj@funs'kdksa ds uke irs % 5- vkosnd dk uke o irk % 6- mRikfnr oLrq@oLrqvksa dk uke ,oa mRiknu {kerk


7- ifj;kstuk dh ykxr ¼bdkbZ dh foLrr ifj;kstuk layXu gS½


¼d½ Hkwfe % ¼[k½ Hkou@dk;Z'kkyk % ¼x½ e'khujh ,oa midj.k % ¼?k½ dk;Z'khy iawth % 8- ;kstuk dh foÙkh; O;oLFkk % ¼d½ m|eh dk va'knku % ¼[k½ cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk ls _.k % 1- lkfo/k _.k % 2- dk;Z'khy iawth _.k % 9- cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk dk uke] tgka ls _.k

LohÑr@forfjr fd;k x;k gks %

10- ¼d½ LohÑr _.k LohÑr /kujkf'k LohÑfr dk fnukad 1- lkof/k _.k 2- dk;Z'khy iawth ¼[k½ forfjr _.k forfjr /kujkf'k forj.k dk fnukad 1- lkof/k _.k 2- dk;Z'khy iawth ¼x½ LohÑr@forfjr _.k ij C;kt


1- lkof/k _.k 2- dk;Z'khy _.k 11- vU; fooj.k

C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu&i=

lsok esa] egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæA egksn;] eSa0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dks C;kt miknku vuqeU; djk;s tkus fo"k;d vkids i= la- -------------------------------------------fnukad----------------------------------------------- ds Øe esa voxr djkuk gS] fd bdkbZ dks---------------------m|ksx LFkkiukFkZ forfjr izksRlkgu lgk;rk dk nkok fuEufyf[kr fooj.k ds vuqlkj izLrqr gS%& 1- cSad@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk forfjr _.k

dh /kujkf'k

¼d½ lkof/k _.k ¼[k½ dk;Z'khy iawth _.k ;ksx 2- _.k Lohd`r djus dk fnukad 3- _.k forfjr djus dk fnukad 4- C;kt dh nj ¼d½ lkof/k _.k ¼[k½ dk;Z'khy iawth _.k 5- _.k@C;kt dh okilh dk dk;ZØe 6- _.k@C;kt dh okilh dk;ZØe ds

vuqlkj _.k@;kt vnk;xh dh fLFkfr

7- bdkbZ dk [kkrk la[;k 8- ns;d dk fooj.k

fnukad--------------------------------- ls ---------------------------------- rd ¼N% ekgh vk/kkj ij½ _.k /kujkf’k_.k /kujkf’k_.k /kujkf’k_.k /kujkf’k C;kt dh /kujkf’kC;kt dh /kujkf’kC;kt dh /kujkf’kC;kt dh /kujkf’k m|eh }kjk m|eh }kjk m|eh }kjk m|eh }kjk

ogu dh ogu dh ogu dh ogu dh tkus okyh tkus okyh tkus okyh tkus okyh /kujkf’k/kujkf’k/kujkf’k/kujkf’k

C;kt izksRlkgu C;kt izksRlkgu C;kt izksRlkgu C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh /kujkf’k lgk;rk dh /kujkf’k lgk;rk dh /kujkf’k lgk;rk dh /kujkf’k 3 izfr’kr dh nj ls3 izfr’kr dh nj ls3 izfr’kr dh nj ls3 izfr’kr dh nj ls

fooj.kfooj.kfooj.kfooj.k ewy ewy ewy ewy forfjr forfjr forfjr forfjr /kujkf’k/kujkf’k/kujkf’k/kujkf’k

cdk;kcdk;kcdk;kcdk;k vof/kvof/kvof/kvof/k nj nj nj nj /kujkf’k/kujkf’k/kujkf’k/kujkf’k

lkof/k lkof/k lkof/k lkof/k _.k_.k_.k_.k

dk;Z’khy dk;Z’khy dk;Z’khy dk;Z’khy iwiwiwiwathathathath

;ksx;ksx;ksx;ksx 9- bdkbZ dh vofLFkfr % lkekU; {ks=@nwjLFk {ks=¼leqæ

ry ls 3000 fQV ls vf/kd Å¡pkbZ okys {ks=½ %%%%

mDr ns;d ds vuqlkj fnukad------------------------ ls fnukad------------------ rd vkxf.kr C;kt ij C;kt miknu dh /kujkf'k :0 ------------------------¼'kCnksa esa :i;k--------------------------------------------½ dk Hkqxrku djus dk d"V djsaA gLrk{kj 'kk[kk izcU/kd eqgj

la[;k%& 457@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004la[;k%& 457@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004la[;k%& 457@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004la[;k%& 457@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004 mÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkxmÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkxmÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkxmÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx

fnukad % nsgjknwu twufnukad % nsgjknwu twufnukad % nsgjknwu twufnukad % nsgjknwu twu 20] 200420] 200420] 200420] 2004 dk;kZyi Kkidk;kZyi Kkidk;kZyi Kkidk;kZyi Kki

izns'k dh ubZ vkS|ksfxd uhfr&2003 ds vrxZr izns'k esa LFkkfir gksus okyh ubZ y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa] i;kZIr foLrkj@fofofËkdj.k djus okyh y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa rFkk :X.k y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa ds fy;s izkfo/kkfur C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ls lEcfU/kr ßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk fu;ekoyh] 2003Þ esa C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh lhek nwjLFk {ks= esa LFkkfir y?kq vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa ds fy;s _.k dh C;kt nj esa 5 izfr'kr fdUrq vf/kdre #0 3-00 yk[k izfr bdkbZ fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ gSA vkS|ksfxd uhfr ds vuqlkj nwjLFk {ks=ksa esa LFkkfir bdkbZ ls rkRi;Z ,slh bdkbZ;ksa ls gS] tks jkT; esa leqæ ry ls 3000 fQV ;k mlls vf/kd Å¡pkbZ okys {ks=ksa esa LFkkfir gksaA izns'k esa dqN tuin ,sls gSa] ftudk lEiw.kZ Hkw&Hkkx ioZrh; fo"ke ifjfLFkfr;ksa dk gS] fdUrq muesa vofLFkr dqN {ks= 3000 fQV ls de Å¡pkbZ ij gSaA vr% ioZrh; Hkw&Hkkx ds leku ifjfLFkfr;ksa okys {ks=ksa dks ,d leku lgk;rk miyC/k djkus rFkk nh xbZ O;oLFkk ds lEcU/k esa Hkze dh fLFkfr dks nwj fd;s tkus ds mn~ns'; ls 'kklu }kjk lE;d fopkjksijkUr C;kt izksRlgku lgk;rk dh Lohdk;Zrk lhek ds lEcU/k esa nwjLFk {ks=ksa dk fuEuor~ fu/kkZj.k dj C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk vuqeU; fd;s tkus dh lg"kZ Lohd`fr iznku dh tkrh gS%& 1- jkT; ds tuin] mÙkjdk'kh] peksyh] :niz;kx] fiFkkSjkx<+] ckxs'oj] vYeksM++k rFkk fVgjh dk

leLr Hkw&Hkkx ioZrh; nwjLFk {ks=ksa ds vUrxZr vkrs gSaA vr% bu tuinksa esa ;fn dksbZ LFkku 3000 fQV ls de Å¡pkbZ ij Hkh vofLFkr gksa] rks lEiw.kZ tuin ds lHkh fodkl [k.Mksa dks nwjLFk {ks= ds :i esa bdkbZ ekurs gq;s 5 izfr'kr dh nj ls fdUrq vf/kdre :0 3-00 yk[k izfro"kZ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa vuqeU; gksxhA

2- jkT; ds gfj}kj ,oa Å/keflaguxj tuin ds lHkh fodkl [k.Mksa dk Hkw&Hkkx eSnkuh gS rFkk ;g fodkl [k.M 3000 fQV ls de Å¡pkbz ij vofLFkr gSaA vr% bu tuinksa esa C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk 3 izfr'kr dh nj ls fdUrq vf/kdre :0 2-00 yk[k izfro"kZ gh vuqeU; gksxhA

3- jkT; ds tuin uSuhrky ds gY}kuh o jkeuxj fodkl [k.M] tuin ikSM+h ds nqxM~Mk fodkl [k.M ds dksV}kj o flxM~Mh {ks=] nsgjknwu ds MksbZokyk] jk;iqj] fodkluxj o lgliqj ¼elwjh dks NksM+dj½ fodkl [k.M rFkk tuin pEikor dk Vudiqj fodkl [k.M 3000 fQV ls de Å¡pkbZ ij vofLFkr gksus ds lkFk&lkFk budk vfèkdka'k Hkw&Hkkx eSnkuh gSA vr% tuin uSuhrky ds gY}kuh o jkeuxj] tuin ikSM+h ds nqxM~Mk tuin nsgjknwu ds MksbZokyk] jk;iqj] fodkluxj o lgliqj rFkk tuin pEikor ds Vudiqj fodkl [k.Mksa esa 3 izfr'kr dh nj ls fdUrq vf/kdre :0 2-00 yk[k izfro"kZ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk vuqeU; gksxh] fdUrq bl fodkl [k.M+ksa esa tks LFkku 3000 fQV ls vf/kd Å¡pkbZ ds gks] muds lEcU/k esa lEcfU/kr tuin ds ftykf/kdkjh@l{ke izkf/kdkjh dk izek.k i= fn;s tkus ij 5 izfr'kr dh nj ls fdUrq vf/kdre :0 3-00 yk[k C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk nh tk;sxhA mDr fodkl [k.Mksa dks NksM+dj bu tuinksa ds vU; fodkl [k.Mksa esa] ftudk Hkw&Hkkx ioZrh; ,oa nwjLFk gS] fodkl [k.M dks bdkbZ ekudj 5 izfr'kr dh nj ls fdUrq vf/kdre :0 3-00 yk[k izfro"kZ C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk vuqeU; gksxhA

latho pksiM+k]


la[;k%& 476@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004la[;k%& 476@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004la[;k%& 476@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004la[;k%& 476@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&lkr@69&m|ksx@2004 mÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkxmÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkxmÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkxmÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx

fnukad % nsgjknwu vxLr 04] 2004fnukad % nsgjknwu vxLr 04] 2004fnukad % nsgjknwu vxLr 04] 2004fnukad % nsgjknwu vxLr 04] 2004 vf/klwpukvf/klwpukvf/klwpukvf/klwpuk

mÙkjkapy 'kklu] vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx dh vf/klwpuk la[;k&1040@vkS0fo0@C;k0izks0lgk0&7@69@2004] fnukad 24 ebZ] 2004 ls izk[;kfir ßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk] 2004ÞßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk] 2004ÞßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk] 2004ÞßmÙkjkapy jkT; C;kt izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk] 2004Þ fu;ekoyh ds izLrj&4 ¼?k½ ds vUrxZr ik=rk dh lhek ds v/khu ßbdkbZ fdlh lkoZtfud vFkok ßbdkbZ fdlh lkoZtfud vFkok ßbdkbZ fdlh lkoZtfud vFkok ßbdkbZ fdlh lkoZtfud vFkok lgdkfjrk {ks= ds cSadlgdkfjrk {ks= ds cSadlgdkfjrk {ks= ds cSadlgdkfjrk {ks= ds cSad rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk ls foÙk iksf"kr gksÞ rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk ls foÙk iksf"kr gksÞ rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk ls foÙk iksf"kr gksÞ rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk ls foÙk iksf"kr gksÞ ds lEcU/k esa Jh jkT;iky egksn; fuEu Li"Vhdj.k tkjh fd;s tkus dh ,rn~ }kjk lg"kZ LohÑfr iznku djrs gSa%& Li"Vhdj.k%& bl iz;kstu ds fy, bdkbZ fdlh lkoZtfud vFkok lgdkfjrk {ks= ds

cSad rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk ls foÙk iksf"kr gks] ls vfHkizsr gS fd cSad rFkk foÙkh; laLFkk jkT; esa fdlh jk"Vªh;Ñr cSad (Nationalized Bank), fjtoZ cSad }kjk vuqlwfpr cSad dh Jsa.kh esa j[ks x;s vuqlwfpr okf.kfT;d cSad (Scheduled Bank), lgdkjh cSad (Co-operative Bank), vFkok dsUæ@jkT; ljdkj ds foÙkh; laLFkku ds :i esa dk;Z dj jgh gksA

2- ;g vf/klwpuk 1 tqykbZ] 2003 ls izHkko'khy gksxhA

latho pksiM+k] lfpoA

vkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkguvkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkguvkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkguvkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkgu ¼vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 gsrq lgk;rk½¼vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 gsrq lgk;rk½¼vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 gsrq lgk;rk½¼vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 gsrq lgk;rk½

1- izksRlkgu lgk;rk dk uke ,oa mn~ns';%&

;g foÙkh; izksRlkgu lgk;rk vkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkgu ;kstuk ds vUrxZr vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@ vkbZ0,l0vks0&14000 izksRlkgu lgk;rk dgyk;sxhA ;kstuk dk mn~ns'; vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa }kjk mRikfnr oLrqvksa dh xq.koÙkk izcU/ku ,oa i;kZoj.k izcU/ku O;oLFkk esa lq/kkj djuk gksxkA

2- lgk;rk dk Lo:i%&lgk;rk dk Lo:i%&lgk;rk dk Lo:i%&lgk;rk dk Lo:i%& izkS|ksfxdh xq.koÙkk rFkk i;kZoj.k izcU/ku O;oLFkk esa lq/kkj gsrq izns'k esa LFkkfir dk;Zjr m|ksxksa dks muds }kjk vkbZ0,l0vks0&900@ 14000 izek.khdj.k izek.k&i= izkIr fd;s tkus gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dk 75 izfr'kr fdUrq vf/kdre #0 2 yk[k izfr bdkbZ izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu Lo:i miyC/k djk;k tk;sxk] ijUrq fdlh Hkh n'kk esa bl gsrq lHkh L=ksrksa ls izkIr vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izfriwfrZ dh /kujkf'k bl en esa fd;s x;s O;; ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA

3- ;kstuk gsrq ik=rk%&;kstuk gsrq ik=rk%&;kstuk gsrq ik=rk%&;kstuk gsrq ik=rk%& ¼d½ izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh ik=rk ds fy;s vkS|ksfxd ,dd dk y?kq ,oa

dqVhj m|ksx@y?kq m|ksx@vuqiwjd m|ksx@y?kq Lrjh; lsok O;olk; bUVjizkbZt ds :i esa izns'k ds ftyk m|ksx dsUnz@[kknh ,oa xzkeks|ksx cksMZ ls LFkkbZ y?kq m|ksx iath;u vFkok Hkkjr ljdkj ds vkS|ksfxd fodkl foHkkx ls cgr ,oa e/;e Lrjh; m|ksx ds :i esa ;FkkifjHkkf"kr vkbZ0bZ0,e0@ ,y0vks0vkbZ0 izkIr djuk vko';d gSA

¼[k½ izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq og lHkh vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;k¡ ik= gksxh] ftuds }kjk 24&6&2003 ds ckn vius mRikn dh xq.koÙkk cf) ,oa i;kZoj.k izcU/ku O;oLFkk esa lq/kkj gsrq vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000 @ 14000 izek.khdj.k izek.k i= izkIr fd;k x;k gksA

4- ;kstuk dh vof/k %;kstuk dh vof/k %;kstuk dh vof/k %;kstuk dh vof/k % ;g ;kstuk fnukad 24&6&2003 ls izHkkoh gksxh rFkk 31&3&2008 rd izo`Ùk jgsxh] tc rd fd 'kklu }kjk vU;Fkk blls iwoZ dksbZ vU; fu.kZ; u fy;k tk,A bl ;kstuk ds izkjEHk ds lkFk gh jkT; ljdkj }kjk o"kZ 2002&03 esa ykxw iwoZ vkbZ-,l-vks-&9000@14000 ;kstuk lekIr gks tk;sxhA

5- ;kstuk dh 'krsZa ,oa dk;kZUo;u dk Lo:i%&;kstuk dh 'krsZa ,oa dk;kZUo;u dk Lo:i%&;kstuk dh 'krsZa ,oa dk;kZUo;u dk Lo:i%&;kstuk dh 'krsZa ,oa dk;kZUo;u dk Lo:i%& 1- ;kstuk m|ksx funs'kky;] mÙkjkapy }kjk lapkfyr dh tk;sxhA

egkizcU/kd ftyk m|ksx dsUnz tuinksa dh ik= vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ksa ds

vkosnu&i= okafNr vfHkys[[email protected] i=ksa lfgr funs'kky; dks ijh{k.kksijkUr viuh laLrqfr ds lkFk vxzlkfjr djsxsaA

2- lHkh ik= vkosnu i=ksa ds izfriwfrZ nkoksa ij jkT; Lrj ij xfBr fuEu lfefr ds )kjk Lohd`fr iznku dh tk;sxhA

1- funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy v/;{k 2- vij funs'kd m|ksx lnL; 3- la;qDr funs'kd m|ksx lnL;

4- dksvkfMZusVj] LVsi] vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh] :M+dh vFkok muds }kjk ukfer izfrfuf/k tks U;wure lgk;d izksQslj Lrj dk gksA

lnL; ¼fo'ks"k vkea=h½ 5- izcU/k funs'kd] flMdqy ;k mudk izfrfuf/k lnL;

3- izek.khdj.k izkIr djus dh frfFk ls vf/kdre ,d o"kZ dh vof/k ds Hkhrj izfriwfrZ nkok izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA

4- vkosnu i= ,oa visf{kr izek.k i= fu/kkZfjr vuqyXud&1 o 2 izk:i ij izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA

5- Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@vU; foÙkh; laLFkk vFkok vU; L=ksrksa ls bl iz;kstu gsrq vkfFkZd lgk;rk izkIr fd;s tkus@u fd;s tkus ds lEcU/k esa fu/kkZfjr ewY; :0 100@& ds ukWu tqMhf'k;y LVkEi isij ij 'kiFk&i= fu/kkZfjr vuqyXud&3 ds vuq:i izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn vU; lalk/kuksa ls bl iz;kstu gsrq fdlh izdkj dh lgk;rk izkIr dh xbZ gks] rks mijksDr vf/kdre lhek rd vo'ks"k lgk;rk Lohd`r dh tk ldsxh] fdUrq bl gsrq lHkh L=ksrksa ls izkIr izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh /kujkf'k bl en esa fd;s x;s dqy O;; ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA

6- ;kstuk esa 'kklu }kjk le;&le; ij la'kks/ku vFkok ;kstuk ds fØ;kUo;u ds lEcU/k esa fu.kZ; fy;s tk ldrs gSaA

7- ;kstuk ds lEcU/k esa fdlh Hkh fcUnq ij funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy dk fu.kZ; vafre o ekU; gksxkA

vuqyXud & 1vuqyXud & 1vuqyXud & 1vuqyXud & 1 vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k izksRlkgu gsrq vkosnu&i=vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k izksRlkgu gsrq vkosnu&i=vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k izksRlkgu gsrq vkosnu&i=vkbZ0,l0vks0&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k izksRlkgu gsrq vkosnu&i=

1- bdkbZ dk irk % ¼d½ dk;Z'kkyk % ¼[k½ dk;kZy; % ¼x½ nwjHkk"k la- % ¼;fn izks0 m|eh vuq0tkfr@

tutkfr@ vU; fiNM+s oxZ dk gks] rks mYys[k djsa½

2- y|q m|ksx LFkkbZ iathdj.k@vkbZ-bZ-,e-@,y-vks-vkbZ- la[;k ,oa frfFk ¼iathdj.k izek.k i= dh izekf.kr izfr layXu dh tk,½

3- mRikn dk fooj.k] tks iath;u izek.k i= esa vafdr gSa%&

4- 1- bdkbZ dk iawth fofu;kstu ¼yk[k :0 esa½

Hkwfe@Hkou%& Iyk.V@e'khujh%&

2- vuqekfur okf"kZd mRiknu {kerk%&

ek=k%& ewY; ¼yk[k :0 esa½%&

3- l`ftr jkstxkj la[;k%& 5- vkbZ-,l-vks-&9000@14000

izek.khdj.k la[;k ,oa fnukad%&

6- izek.khdj.k ds fy;s vf/kd`r laLFkk dk uke o irk] uEcj rFkk izrhd fpUg%&

¼izek.khdj.k djus okyh laLFkk }kjk iznÙk izek.k i= dh lR;kfir izfr;k¡ layXu djsaA izek.k i= esa izek.khdr LFky dk irk] izek.khdr dk;Z{ks=] izek.k i= la[;k] frfFk ,oa oS/krk vof/k vafdr gks½

7- vkbZ-,l-vks&9000@14000 DokfyVh lfVZfQdsV izkIr djus esa C;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k dk fooj.k%&


mn~ns’; iznku djus okyh laLFkk dk uke

pkyku la[;k o fnukad

pkyku dh /kujkf’k

izkfIr la[;k o fnukad


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1- izkFkZuk&i= '[email protected] &i= 'kqYdA 2- ,lSlesUV@ijh{k.k 'kqYdA 3- okf"kZd 'kqYd@ykbZlsaUl 'kqYdA 4- izhlfVZfQds'ku O;;A 5- lykg@izf'k{k.k vkfn O;; A 6- vU; fofof/k O;; ;fn dksbZ gksA

¼mijksDr ls lEcfU/kr fd;s x;s Hkqxrku ds chtd ,oa Hkqxrku izkfIr jlhn dh izekf.kr izfr;k¡] izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s dqy O;; ds pkVMZ ,dkmUVsaV }kjk fn;s x;s izek.k i= lfgr layXu djsa½

8- izek.khdj.k gsrq igys ls izkIr izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku dk fooj.k%&

¼;fn vkbZ-,l-vks&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq izns'k ljdkj@dsUæ ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkkvksa ls lgk;rk izkIr dh xbZ gks½

9- fVIi.kh@vU;

vuqyXud & 2vuqyXud & 2vuqyXud & 2vuqyXud & 2 Cerficiate from Chartered Accountant in respect of Proof of Expenditure

incurred for acquiring ISO-9000/ISO-14000 (in a C.A. Letter Head)

TO WHOM IT MY CONCERN The documents & records of M/s. __________________________ with their Regd. Office at _____________________________________ and factory located at ________________________________________ I.E.M./L.O.I./E.O.U./F.D.I./F.T.C./ Permanent SSI Registration No. __________________________________ dt. ________________ in respect of the expenditure incurred by them in acquiring ISO-9000/ISO-14000 Certificate (or its equivalent) have been verified, and it is certified that the said company have incurred a total expenditure of Rs. __________ (Ruppes_______________________ _________________) towards Application fee; Assessment/Audit fee; Annual Fee/Licence fee; Training; Calibaration; and Technical Consultancy etc. (excluding hotel & travel expenses & Surveillance charges) in obtaining ISO-9000/ISO-14001 from the Certification Agency namely__________________________; as per the following details of payments : Details of Payments (Name of Certification Agency/Orgn.) Amount paid (Ruppes in words) • a) Application Fee paid to ____________________________ • b) Assessment/Audit Fee paid to ________________________ • c) Annual Fee/Licence Fee paid to _______________________ • d) Calibartion Charges paid to __________________________ • e) Technical Consultancy Charges paid to _________________ • f) Training Expenses paid to __________________________ • g) Other misc. Expenses related to Certification ____________ TOTAL _________________ Signature of the Chartered Accountant Place : __________ with Name, Stamp & CA Membership Number) Dated ___________ • (Payments at (a), (b) & (c) above should be supported by copies

of receipts of payments made to the Certification Agency, duly attested. The payment receipts must indicate the purpose for which the payments have been made to the Certification Agency.)

vuqyXud & 3vuqyXud & 3vuqyXud & 3vuqyXud & 3 ¼:0 100@& ds ukWu tqMhf'k;u LVsEi ij ifCyd uksVjh }kjk lR;kfir½¼:0 100@& ds ukWu tqMhf'k;u LVsEi ij ifCyd uksVjh }kjk lR;kfir½¼:0 100@& ds ukWu tqMhf'k;u LVsEi ij ifCyd uksVjh }kjk lR;kfir½¼:0 100@& ds ukWu tqMhf'k;u LVsEi ij ifCyd uksVjh }kjk lR;kfir½

vuqcU/k i=@?kks"k.kk i=vuqcU/k i=@?kks"k.kk i=vuqcU/k i=@?kks"k.kk i=vuqcU/k i=@?kks"k.kk i= eSa eSa eSa eSa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iq=@iq=h@ifr iq=@iq=h@ifr iq=@iq=h@ifr iq=@iq=h@ifr Jh Jh Jh Jh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- funs'kd@izcU/k funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh funs'kd@izcU/k funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh funs'kd@izcU/k funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh funs'kd@izcU/k funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh eSllZ eSllZ eSllZ eSllZ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¼iath¼iath¼iath¼iathd`r dk;kZy; dk iwjk d`r dk;kZy; dk iwjk d`r dk;kZy; dk iwjk d`r dk;kZy; dk iwjk irk½ irk½ irk½ irk½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bdkbZ ds bdkbZ ds bdkbZ ds bdkbZ ds dk;ZLFky dk iwjk irk dk;ZLFky dk iwjk irk dk;ZLFky dk iwjk irk dk;ZLFky dk iwjk irk --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tks Hkkjr ljdkj@m|ksx funs'kky;] mÙkjtks Hkkjr ljdkj@m|ksx funs'kky;] mÙkjtks Hkkjr ljdkj@m|ksx funs'kky;] mÙkjtks Hkkjr ljdkj@m|ksx funs'kky;] mÙkjkapy ¼ftyk m|ksx dsUæ½ ls c`gr ,oa kapy ¼ftyk m|ksx dsUæ½ ls c`gr ,oa kapy ¼ftyk m|ksx dsUæ½ ls c`gr ,oa kapy ¼ftyk m|ksx dsUæ½ ls c`gr ,oa e/;e Lrjh; m|ksx@y?kq m|ksx@y?kqÙkj m|ksx@vuqiwjd m|ksx ds :i esa iath;u e/;e Lrjh; m|ksx@y?kq m|ksx@y?kqÙkj m|ksx@vuqiwjd m|ksx ds :i esa iath;u e/;e Lrjh; m|ksx@y?kq m|ksx@y?kqÙkj m|ksx@vuqiwjd m|ksx ds :i esa iath;u e/;e Lrjh; m|ksx@y?kq m|ksx@y?kqÙkj m|ksx@vuqiwjd m|ksx ds :i esa iath;u la[;k la[;k la[;k la[;k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fnukad fnukad fnukad fnukad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ls LFkkbZ :i ls iathd`r gSa] ls LFkkbZ :i ls iathd`r gSa] ls LFkkbZ :i ls iathd`r gSa] ls LFkkbZ :i ls iathd`r gSa] fuEu izdkj ls lR;fu"BkiwoZd ;g ?kksf"kr djrk gw¡%&fuEu izdkj ls lR;fu"BkiwoZd ;g ?kksf"kr djrk gw¡%&fuEu izdkj ls lR;fu"BkiwoZd ;g ?kksf"kr djrk gw¡%&fuEu izdkj ls lR;fu"BkiwoZd ;g ?kksf"kr djrk gw¡%& 1111---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk vkbZfd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk vkbZfd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk vkbZfd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk vkbZ----,l,l,l,l----vksvksvksvks----&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq

Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh bl izdkj dhbl izdkj dhbl izdkj dhbl izdkj dh ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls iwoZ izkIr ugha fd;k x;k gSAiwoZ izkIr ugha fd;k x;k gSAiwoZ izkIr ugha fd;k x;k gSAiwoZ izkIr ugha fd;k x;k gSA

2222---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk vkbZlaLFkk }kjk vkbZlaLFkk }kjk vkbZlaLFkk }kjk vkbZ----,l,l,l,l----vksvksvksvks----&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq izfriwfrZ gsrq izfriwfrZ gsrq izfriwfrZ gsrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls :0 irk½ buls :0 irk½ buls :0 irk½ buls :0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- izksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr izksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr izksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr izksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAfd;k gSAfd;k gSAfd;k gSA

3333---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk vkbZ}kjk vkbZ}kjk vkbZ}kjk vkbZ----,l,l,l,l----vksvksvksvks----&9000@140&9000@140&9000@140&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ 00 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ 00 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ 00 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh gsrq pykbZ tk jgh gsrq pykbZ tk jgh gsrq pykbZ tk jgh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ;kstukUrxZr :0¼;kstuk dk uke½ ;kstukUrxZr :0¼;kstuk dk uke½ ;kstukUrxZr :0¼;kstuk dk uke½ ;kstukUrxZr :0---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAgqbZ gSAgqbZ gSAgqbZ gSA

4444---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk vkbZ}kjk vkbZ}kjk vkbZ}kjk vkbZ----,l,l,l,l----vksvksvksvks----&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfr &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfr &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfr &9000@14000 izek.khdj.k gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfr gsrq pykbZ tk jgsrq pykbZ tk jgsrq pykbZ tk jgsrq pykbZ tk jgh fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gh fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gh fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gh fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSA

5555---- fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; laLFkk ls lapkfyr blh ilaLFkk ls lapkfyr blh ilaLFkk ls lapkfyr blh ilaLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ zdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ zdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ zdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa

izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr fu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkA

6666---- eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iq= iq= iq= iq= Jh Jh Jh Jh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------izcU/k funs'kd@funs'kizcU/k funs'kd@funs'kizcU/k funs'kd@funs'kizcU/k funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj d@Lokeh@lk>snkj d@Lokeh@lk>snkj d@Lokeh@lk>snkj loZJh loZJh loZJh loZJh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ :i ls vnk djus dk o:i ls vnk djus dk o:i ls vnk djus dk o:i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡Apu nsrk gw¡Apu nsrk gw¡Apu nsrk gw¡A

xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½ 1111---- 2222----

vuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irk gLrk{kjgLrk{kjgLrk{kjgLrk{kj

lhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrA

isVs.V jftLVsª'ku izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=isVs.V jftLVsª'ku izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=isVs.V jftLVsª'ku izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=isVs.V jftLVsª'ku izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i= 1- bdkbZ dk irk % ¼d½ dk;Z'kkyk % ¼[k½ QSDVªh LFky % 2- y|q m|ksx LFkkbZ iathdj.k@vkbZ-bZ-,e-

@,y-vks-vkbZ- la[;k ,oa fnukad%

¼iathdj.k dh izekf.kr izfr layXu dh ¼iathdj.k dh izekf.kr izfr layXu dh ¼iathdj.k dh izekf.kr izfr layXu dh ¼iathdj.k dh izekf.kr izfr layXu dh tk,½tk,½tk,½tk,½

3- mRikn dk fooj.k % 4- 1- bdkbZ dk iawth fuos'k ¼yk[k :0 esa½ Hkwfe@Hkou%&

Iyk.V@e'khujh%& 2- vuqekfur okf"kZd mRiknu {kerk%& ek=k%&

ewY; ¼yk[k :0 esa½%& 3- jkstxkj l`tu%& ¼d½ dq'ky % ¼[k½ v)Zdq'ky % 5- ¼d½ isVs.V jftLVªs'ku la[;k o


¼[k½ isVs.V fd;s x;s mRiknksa dk fooj.k ,oa oS/krk vof/k %

¼x½ isVs.V iathdj.k djus okyh vf/kd`r laLFkk@izkf/kdkjh dk uke o irk %

¼iathdj.k dh iz¼iathdj.k dh iz¼iathdj.k dh iz¼iathdj.k dh izekf.kr izfr layXu dh ekf.kr izfr layXu dh ekf.kr izfr layXu dh ekf.kr izfr layXu dh tk,½tk,½tk,½tk,½

6- isVs.V jftLVsª'ku fd;s tkus esa O;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k dk fooj.k%&


en dk fooj.k ftl gsrq /kujkf’k O;; dh xbZ gks

laLFkk@ ,stsUlh] ftls Hkqxrku fd;k x;k

pkyku@ okmpj dh /kujkf’k@ la[;k ,oa fnukad

izkfIr la[;k ,oa fnukad


1 2 3 4 5 6

¼O;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k dh lh0,0 izek.k i= vuqyXud&1 ij izLrqr fd;k tk; rFkk O;; dh ¼O;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k dh lh0,0 izek.k i= vuqyXud&1 ij izLrqr fd;k tk; rFkk O;; dh ¼O;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k dh lh0,0 izek.k i= vuqyXud&1 ij izLrqr fd;k tk; rFkk O;; dh ¼O;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k dh lh0,0 izek.k i= vuqyXud&1 ij izLrqr fd;k tk; rFkk O;; dh xbZ /kujkf'k ds izekf.kr fcy okmpj ,oa izkfIr jlhnsa nkos ds lkFk layXu djsa½xbZ /kujkf'k ds izekf.kr fcy okmpj ,oa izkfIr jlhnsa nkos ds lkFk layXu djsa½xbZ /kujkf'k ds izekf.kr fcy okmpj ,oa izkfIr jlhnsa nkos ds lkFk layXu djsa½xbZ /kujkf'k ds izekf.kr fcy okmpj ,oa izkfIr jlhnsa nkos ds lkFk layXu djsa½ 6- bdkbZ }kjk blls iwoZ bl en esa dksbZ

izfriwfrZ lgk;rk yh xbZ gS vFkok ugh %

¼bl vk'k; dk 'kiFk i= vuqyXu&2 ds ¼bl vk'k; dk 'kiFk i= vuqyXu&2 ds ¼bl vk'k; dk 'kiFk i= vuqyXu&2 ds ¼bl vk'k; dk 'kiFk i= vuqyXu&2 ds vuq:i fn;k tk,½vuq:i fn;k tk,½vuq:i fn;k tk,½vuq:i fn;k tk,½

7- vU; fooj.k] ;fn dksbZ vko';d gks %

funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh ds gLrk{kj

?kks"k.kk i=?kks"k.kk i=?kks"k.kk i=?kks"k.kk i= eSa ¼iwjk uke½ -------------------------------------------- iq= Jh ----------------------------------------------------------funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj loZJh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡] fd vkosnu i= esa fn;s x;s lHkh fooj.k lR; gSaA ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; vFkok =fViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa ljdkj ls mijksDr dk;Z ds fy;s izkIr izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk e; n.M C;kt ds vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij] iw.kZ :i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡A

funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh ds gLrk{kj

egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ dh laLrqfregkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ dh laLrqfregkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ dh laLrqfregkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ dh laLrqfr ;g izekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd loZJh --------------------------------------------------------------------------¼dk;kZy; irk½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¼bdkbZ ds dk;Z LFky dk irk½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------y?kq m|ksx LFkkbZ iath;u la[;k@c`gr ,oa eË;e Lrjh; m|ksx iath;u la[;k ---------------------------------------------------fnukad --------------------------------------- Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk ;FkkifjHkkf"kr ,d y?kqÙkj@y?kq@y?kq Lrjh; lsok O;olk; bUVjizkbZt@vuqiwjd m|ksx vFkok c`gr ,oa e/;e Lrjh; m|ksx ds :i esa vkbZ-,l-vks-&9000@14000 izek.khdj.k la[;k ------------------------------------------------------fnukad----------------------------------izkIr djrs le; dk;Zjr ,oa mRiknujr Fkh rFkk orZeku esa Hkh fujUrj dk;Zjr ,oa mRiknujr gSA vkosnd }kjk vkosnu i= ds lkFk izLrqr izek.k i= ,oa vfHkys[kksa ds lR;kiu ,oa tk¡p ds vk/kkj ij bdkbZ }kjk isVs>V jftLVªs'ku gsrq dqy O;; /kujkf'k #0 --------------------------------fd;k x;k gSA isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkgu ;kstuk ds vUrxZr bUgsa /kujkf'k #0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa Lohd`r fd;s tkus dh laLrqfr dh tkrh gSA bdkbZ dks bl ;kstuk ds vUrxZr lHkh Jksrksa ls izkIr vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izfriwfrZ dh /kujkf'k] bl en esa fd;s x;s dqy O;; ls vf/kd ugha gSA

egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæA

vuqyXud&1vuqyXud&1vuqyXud&1vuqyXud&1 Cerficiate from Chartered Accountant in respect of Proof of Expenditure incurred for acquiring Patent Registration

(in a C.A. Letter Head) TO WHOM IT MY CONCERN

The documents & records of M/s. _________________________ with their Regd. Office at ______________________________________ and factory located at ________________________________________ I.E.M./L.O.I./E.O.U./F.D.I./F.T.C./ Permanent SSI Registration No. _________________________ dt. ____________________ in respect of the expenditure incurred by them in acquiring ISO-9000/ISO-14000 Certificate (or its equivalent) have been verified, and it is certified that the said company have incurred a total expenditure of Rs. ____________ (Ruppes____________________________ _________________) towards Application fee; Assessment/Audit fee; Annual Fee/Licence fee; Training; Calibaration; and Technical Consultancy etc. (excluding hotel & travel expenses & Surveillance charges) in obtaining ISO-9000/ISO-14001 from the Certification Agency namely__________________________; as per the following details of payments : Details of Payments (Name of Certification Agency/Orgn.) Amount paid (Ruppes in words) • a) Application Fee paid to _____________________________ • b) Assessment/Audit Fee paid to ________________________ • c) Annual Fee/Licence Fee paid to ______________________ • d) Calibartion Charges paid to __________________________ • e) Technical Consultancy Charges paid to _________________ • f) Training Expenses paid to ___________________________ • g) Other misc. Expenses related to Certification ____________ TOTAL __________________________ Place : _________________________ Dated _________________________ •••• (Payments at (a), (b) & (c) above should be supported by copies

of receipts of payments made duly attested. The payment receipts must indicate the purpose for which the payments have been made.)

Signature of the Chartered Accountant with Name, Stamp & CA Membership Number)


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2222---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq dh izfriwfrZ gsrq dh izfriwfrZ gsrq dh izfriwfrZ gsrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls #0 ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls #0 ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls #0 ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls #0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- izksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAizksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAizksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAizksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSA

3333---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkhfd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkhfd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkhfd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk ; laLFkk ; laLFkk ; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ;kstukUrxZr #0 ;kstukUrxZr #0 ;kstukUrxZr #0 ;kstukUrxZr #0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAvkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAvkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAvkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSA

4444---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu frZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu frZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu frZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAi= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAi= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAi= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSA

5555---- fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; laLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izflaLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izflaLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izflaLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ riwfrZ riwfrZ riwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx

dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr fu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu dfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu dfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu dfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAjsxkAjsxkAjsxkA

6666---- eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iq= Jh iq= Jh iq= Jh iq= Jh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- izcU/k funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj izcU/k funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj izcU/k funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj izcU/k funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj loZJh loZJh loZJh loZJh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ fd ;fn vkosnu i=fd ;fn vkosnu i=fd ;fn vkosnu i=fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; @vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; @vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; @vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk kklu vFkok muds }kjk kklu vFkok muds }kjk kklu vFkok muds }kjk vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ :i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡A:i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡A:i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡A:i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡A

xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½ 1111---- 2222----

vuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irk gLrk{kjgLrk{kjgLrk{kjgLrk{kj

lhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrA

vkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkvkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkvkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkvkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkgugugugu

¼iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ij izksRlkgu½¼iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ij izksRlkgu½¼iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ij izksRlkgu½¼iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ij izksRlkgu½

;kstuk dk uke%& ;g foÙkh; izksRlkgu lgk;rk vkS|ksfxd fodkl gsrq foÙkh; izksRlkgu ;kstuk ds vUrxZr iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ij izksRlkgu lgk;rk dgyk;sxhA

;kstuk dk Lo:i%& i;kZoj.k ds vf/kdkf/kd lqjf{kr j[ks tkus ds mn~ns'; ls izns'k esa fLFkr m|ksxksa }kjk iznw"k.k fu;a=d midj.k LFkkfir djus gsrq fd;s x;s O;;] ftlesa ,sls IykUV@e'khujh rFkk U;wure flfoy dk;Z lfEefyr gksx] dk 50 izfr'kr fdUrq vf/kdre #0 1]00]000@& izfr bdkbZ izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu Lo:i miyC/k djkbZ tk;sxh] ijUrq fdlh Hkh n'kk esa bl gsrq lHkh Jksrksa ls izkIr vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izfriwfrZ dh /kujkf'k bl en esa fd;s x;s O;; ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA

;kstuk dk izkjEHk%& ;g ;kstuk 24&6&2003 ls izHkkoh gksxh rFkk fnukad 31&3&2008 rd izo`Ùk jgsxh] tc rd fd 'kklu }kjk vU;Fkk blls iwoZ dksbZ fu.kZ; u fy;k tk,A bl ;kstuk ds izkjEHk ds lkFk gh jkT; ljdkj }kjk o"kZ 2002&03 esa ykxw iwoZ iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa ds mi;ksx ij izksRlkgu lgk;rk ;kstuk lekIr gks tk;sxhA

;kstuk gsrq ik=rk%& bl ;kstuk gsrq izns'k esa fLFkr og lHkh iathdr c`gr@e/;e rFkk y?kq Lrjh; vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;k¡ ik= gksxh] ftUgksaus vius m|ksx ds iznw"k.k dks fu;af=r djus gsrq iznw"k.k fu;a=d la;a= dh LFkkiuk dh gks rFkk mlls iznw"k.k fu;a=.k esa ;ksxnku izkIr gqvk gksA

;kstuk dk dk;kZUo;u%& 1- ;kstuk mÙkjkapy jkT; ds m|ksx funs'kky; ds vUrxZr ftyk m|ksx dsUæ ds ek/;e ls lapkfyr dh tk;sxhA ;kstuk dk ykHk izkIr fd;s tkus gsrq tuin Lrj ij izkIr vkosnu i=ksa ij xfBr ftyk Lrjh; lfefr ds }kjk vko';d fopkjksijkUr Lohd`fr tkjh dh tk;sxhA

1½ ftykf/kdkjh v/;{k 2½ {ks=h; vf/kdkjh] mÙkjkapy

iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ lnL;

3½ egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæ

lnL; lfpo

2- iznw"k.k fu;a=.k la;a= dh LFkkiuk ds i'pkr bdkbZ }kjk ,d o"kZ dh vof/k ds Hkhrj miknku gsrq vkosnu i= izLrqr fd;k tkuk vko';d gksxkA

3- bdkbZ }kjk iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ ls ekU;rk izkIr fdlh dUlYVsUlh ,tsUlh ls ifj;kstuk fjiksVZ rS;kj djk;h tk;sxh rFkk ifj;kstuk ij iznw"k.k fu;a=.k cksMZ dk vuqeksnu izkIr fd;k tk;sxkA

4- lfefr }kjk ekeyk Lohd`r gksus ij ctV miyC/krk dks n`f"Vxr djrs gq, bdkbZ dks Hkqxrku fd;k tk;sxkA

5- vkosnu i= ,oa visf{kr 'kiFk i= fu/kkZfjr vuqyXud&1 o 2 izk:i ij izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA

6- Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@vU; foÙkh; laLFkk vFkok vU; L=ksrksa ls bl iz;kstu gsrq vkfFkZd lgk;rk izkIr fd;s tkus@u fd;s tkus ij lEcU/k esa fuèkkZfjr ewY; :0 100@& ds ukWu tqMhf'k;y LVkEi isij ij 'kiFk&i= fuèkkZfjr vuqyXud&2 ds vuq:i izLrqr fd;k tk;sxkA ;fn vU; lalk/kuksa ls bl iz;kstu gsrq fdlh izdkj dh lgk;rk izkIr dh xbZ gks] rks mijksDr vf/kdre lhek rd vo'ks"k lgk;rk Lohd`r dh tk ldsxh] fdUrq bl gsrq lHkh lzksrksa ls izkIr izksRlkgu lgk;rk dh /kujkf'k bl en esa fd;s x;s dqy O;; ls vf/kd ugha gksxhA

7- ;kstuk esa 'kklu }kjk le;&le; ij la'kks/ku vFkok ;kstuk ds fØ;kUo;u ds lEcUËk esa fu.kZ; fy;s tk ldrs gSaA

8- ;kstukUrxZr foÙkh; lgk;rk ds lEcU/k esa fdlh Hkh fookn dh fLFkfr esa funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy }kjk fn;k tkus okyk fu.kZ; vfUre o ck/;dkjh gksxkA

vuqyXud&1vuqyXud&1vuqyXud&1vuqyXud&1 iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa dh LFkkiuk ij izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa dh LFkkiuk ij izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa dh LFkkiuk ij izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=iznw"k.k fu;a=.k lk/kuksa dh LFkkiuk ij izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu i=

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fooj.k %

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lgefr@vuqeksnu dk forj.k

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9- vU; fooj.k%&

funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh ds gLrk{kj

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funs'kd@lk>snkj@Lokeh ds gLrk{kj

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egkizcU/kd] ftyk m|ksx dsUæA


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ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh bl izdkj dh ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh bl izdkj dh ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh bl izdkj dh ljdkj vFkok vU; foÙkh; laLFkkvksa }kjk pykbZ tk jgh bl izdkj dh ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls ;kstukvksa esa fdlh izdkj dh izfriwfrZ lgk;rk@vuqnku blls iwoZ izkIr ugha iwoZ izkIr ugha iwoZ izkIr ugha iwoZ izkIr ugha fd;k x;k gSAfd;k x;k gSAfd;k x;k gSAfd;k x;k gSA

2222---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj @ jkT; ljdkj @ foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls¼tgk¡ ls lgk;rk izkIr dh gS] dk uke o irk½ buls #0 #0 #0 #0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- izksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAizksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAizksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSAizksRlkgu lgk;rk@vuqnku ds :i esa izkIr fd;k gSA

3333---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwfrZ gsrq pykbZ tk jgh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ¼;kstuk dk uke½ ;kstukUrxZr #0 ;kstukUrxZr #0 ;kstukUrxZr #0 ;kstukUrxZr #0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk gsrq vkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAvkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAvkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSAvkosnu fd;k gS rFkk vHkh lgk;rk izkIr ugha gqbZ gSA

4444---- fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd fd mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk ,dd }kjk Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@foÙkh; laLFkk }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh }kjk isVs.V jftLVªs'ku gsrq fd;s x;s O;; dh izfriwÆr gsrq pykbZ tk jgh fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu fdlh Hkh ;kstukUrxZr izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAi= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAi= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSAi= izLrqr ugha fd;k x;k gSA

5555---- fd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk dfd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk dfd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk dfd ;fn mijksDr vkS|ksfxd ,dd] lgk;rk ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus s fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus s fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus s fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djus ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; ds mijkUr bl ;kstuk ds vfrfjDr Hkkjr ljdkj@jkT; ljdkj@ foÙkh; laLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ laLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ laLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ laLFkk ls lapkfyr blh izdkj dh vU; ;kstukvksa esa izfriwfrZ vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa vuqnku@izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrk gS] rks bl rF; dks bl ;kstuk esa izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrsizfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrsizfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrsizfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk izkIr djrs le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx le; ljdkj@ftyk m|ksx

dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr dsUæ@m|ksx funs'kky; ds laKku esa yk;sxk rFkk bl lEcU/k esa ;kstukUrxZr fu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkAfu/kkZfjr fn'kk&funsZ'kksa@'krksZa dk iw.kZ ikyu djsxkA

6666---- eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ eSa ¼iwjk uke½ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iq= Jh iq= Jh iq= Jh iq= Jh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- izcU/k funs'kd@funs'kdizcU/k funs'kd@funs'kdizcU/k funs'kd@funs'kdizcU/k funs'kd@funs'kd@Lokeh@lk>snkj @Lokeh@lk>snkj @Lokeh@lk>snkj @Lokeh@lk>snkj loZJh loZJh loZJh loZJh ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ ¼iwjk irk½ ;g ?kks"k.kk djrk gw¡ fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; fd ;fn vkosnu i=@vfHkys[kksa esa izLrqr fooj.k o lwpuk Hkfo"; esa vlR; vFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i lvFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i lvFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i lvFkok =qfViw.kZ ikbZ tkrh gS] rks eSa blds fy;s iw.kZ:i ls ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk s ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk s ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk s ftEesnkj jgw¡xk rFkk ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M ljdkj ls izfriwfrZ izksRlkgu lgk;rk ds :i esa izkIr lEiw.kZ /kujkf'k e; n.M C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk C;kt lfgr] funs'kd m|ksx] mÙkjkapy@mÙkjkapy 'kklu vFkok muds }kjk vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ vf/kd`r vf/kdkjh }kjk tek fd;s tkus ds vkns'k ij ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iw.kZ :i ls vnk djus dk op:i ls vnk djus dk op:i ls vnk djus dk op:i ls vnk djus dk opu nsrk gw¡Au nsrk gw¡Au nsrk gw¡Au nsrk gw¡A

xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½xokgksa ds gLrk{kj ¼uke o irs lfgr½ 1111---- 2222----

vuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irkvuqcU/kdrkZ dk uke o irk gLrk{kjgLrk{kjgLrk{kjgLrk{kj

lhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrAlhy o eqgj lfgrA