psychology picture project

Frank Morley Period B

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Frank Morley

Period B

I am blind to what is behind me and anyone outside is blind to me as well (behind the blinds). This is similar to double blind procedure because both parties are blind to

the conditions

There are basic elements in a Psychology book that students search for just as the structuralists were searching for basic

elements of the mind.

Thousands of hours of research on running for and the mechanics of the foot were put in before the making of this

running sneaker. Similar to this applied research is psychological research to achieve a goal or purpose.

Naturalistic observation is observing a subject in their natural day, just as I observed my dog watching TV

without notice.

The sympathetic nervous system would cause arousal if one was to hear footsteps and their door open knowing that

everyone else was asleep. There is the chance that it is an intruder.

This is an automatic light in my backyard. It turns on without a concious movement to flick a switch. The

autonomic nervous system controls automatic processes in the body without concious thought.

Mail is a slower form of communication than internet. The endocrine system uses hormones as a slower messaging

system than the nervous system

Email can receive messages almost instantaneously and pass the message alomg. Dendrites receive messages in the form of neurotransmitters and pass this message along as


The occipital lobe helps to translate visual stimuli similarly to how my glasses enhance and help me determine this

visual stimuli.

The sensory switchboard in the brain that sends sensory info to specific definitions just as this

switchboard controls the electricity withing a house.

Connection between the right and left shoe (brain hemisphere) that allows the two to work together. If it were cut or untied the shoes

(and brain halves) function separately.

Earphones give off sound that enter your ear. The temporal lobe is located near the ears and receive information

primarily from the ears

This machine aids breathing when asleep to make sure it doesn’t stop completely as in sleep apnea.

Sleep attacks. My brother “fell asleep” suddenly at the top of the stairs (that was close).

The body’s biologic rhythm of arousal and sleepiness changes throughout the day. This is similar to how a song’s

melody, pitch, or rhythm change.

The brain focuses on one aspect of the environment like a flashlight can only focus on a small area on the wall. The brain does not “see” anything other than its focus like the flashlight cannot light the rest of the track numbers on the


Chemicals, such as alcohol, that can harm a baby’s development while still in the womb. Alcohol can have

negative effects on development.

These cups all contain the same amount of water, yet if a child without conservation were to observe the cups, it is

probable that they would single out one cup as having more water than the others. Even if they saw the original


These are very different items, yet they are grouped in the mind as one type of item. They can both be considered as

jackets despite their differences. The jackets are one category.

On the globe we know what is on the other side, not just what is on the side in our view. An egocentric child would

not realize that we are looking at one thing and they are looking at something different, if on the other side of the


The contents of the shoebox are a mystery, but by using top-down processing your brain infers that the shoe next to the box matches the brand. The other shoe is missing, so it

must be in the box.

The contents of the box are a mystery, so feeling inside the box will send sensory information from touch up to the

brain. This sensory information may match a schema and you may determine what is in the box.

Electrical energy in the wire transforms into light and heat energy from the light bulb. Transforming of energy.

This tissue was hard to feel due to the very little contact with skin. When my eyes were closed I felt it about 50% of

the time. This was close to a minimun amount of stimulation needed for sensation. (Bees wing was the

example of absolute threshold.)

The balloon is balancing on my finger. The vestibular sense is central to balance in the human body.

The blindspot in a car is similar to the blind spot in your retina that cannot see one specific part of your field of


The balloon is in a place in space in the air. Kinesthesis is knowing where our limbs are in space, and we know

where the balloon is in space.

Cones in your eyes are the parts that help in focusing and seeing colors. This cone of paper has many colors that the

cones in your eyes can distinguish.

My dog has learned to “sit and stay” before eating his food because he recieves a dog treat as a reward if he does. (In

this case I am holding the treat so he will look at me)

My dog, Brady, has learned to associate the jingling of his collar with going out for a walk. The CS is the jingling of the collar and the CR is his coming to go for a walk. (He

was actually right behind me waiting to go for a walk when this picture was taken)

If my dog follows commands he may receive a treat as a positive reinforcer to follow commands.

This calculator is the calculator that I use in my SAT Prep class at Foxborough on Sundays. This class can represent

an aversive stimuli. If I do well on the SAT in May then I do not have to continue taking this SAT class.

Every flip of the switch causes the lights to go on or off in a room. The ratio of action to reward is 1:1

As many times as I may open a cabinet hoping to see some Arnold Palmer it may not be there for 1 day or 2 weeks.

There is a random time interval that passes before Arnold Palmer is bought from the store.

My favorite show, ironically called Psych, comes on every Wednesday at 10. There is a fixed interval before it comes on. If I complete all of my homework before that time, I

watch Psych as a reward.

When I get home I complete a variable amount of homework and/or studying before receiving my reward,


This is the 1st day of school in 2nd grade. I specifically remember pettingmy dog before going outside for this

picture, but I did not have a dog until 4th grade. It was a misinformed memory.

If all of these fruits were mixed one could easily chunk them into the groups shown of clementines, grapes,

tomatoes, and a grapefruit.

One is more likely to remember James-Lange TOE and Paul Ekman because they are the 1st and last term in a list.

When a stopwatch is timing you may remember a number for a split second before it changes and before it leaves your


The balloons could be separated into different groups by different factors such as color or size. Then these factors

could be used to measure against other things.

Some of these books (especially AP books) are widely used. This group also represents a number of sub groups that are

tested as well as overall academic achievement. Some subjects may be stronger than others. This system is very

similar in the WAIS.

The SAT has undergone changes in recent years from 2 test subjects to 3 test subjects. The Stanford-Binet was a revision as well. They are both commonly used, one for aptitude in

college, the other for IQ.

Someone with a mental disability may excel in an area such as math. Such people are almost human calculators.

The SAT has similar questions for every single test. Due to the similarity of the questioned the scores can be compared.

I have taken 5 practice SATS (3 shown). On all 5 I have achieved similar scores ranging from and 1890 to a 2080.

The scores have remained relatively consistent, I have just gotten a bit better with practice.

Most of the numbers on my wall represent 5k races I have run. Each course is different, therefore a cross country 5k

course has no predictive validity towards what I can run on another course.

A scale is supposed to measure weight and it does.

An incentive to go to the refridgerator to get food is hunger or thirst while working on homework.

The body must keep a range of temperature so that the cells in the body do not die. The temperature is usually 98.3, but

in this case my temperature was 95.3.

When on a run the run is all that matters. As a group we go mile after mile only focusing on running. Time doesn’t pass as much as it jumps from 1 minute to 50 when we finish the

run. We are completely aware of the running, but not of much else.

The body has a set point where the weight is supposed to stay in an adult. This waterbottle has a set point where the water is staying for the moment, but it can go up or down.

My pupils are dilated and it is the dilation of pupils that causes the fear.

Both switches are flicked simultaneously to cause the lights to go on just as emotion and physiological reactions occur

simultaneously to allow for the conciousness of the emotion.

Look at that smile, the pig must be pretty happy. But the pig is making himself happier by smiling so much himself.

We should all be like the pig of happiness sometimes.

The physiological responses of the body are labeled as anger by the brain and awareness of anger comes about.

After reading one Harry Potter book the others may seem better or worse depending on your expectations garnered

from the first book.

Biofeedback would electronically measure the rise in blood pressure and muscle tension if one was angry enough to

form a fist.

Hardworking, willing to do anything to get better at track including workouts at home.

More laidback and relaxed in this picture, almost falling asleep.

This pig feels that everyone notices him or her moreso than they actually do. It acts in such a way to project a happy image so that others do not make bad judgements about

him or her.

A central identity that many parents instill in their children is the identity of religion. This helps shape their beliefs,

morality, and actions as their life progresses.

This botle was a Christmas gift from a friend. Every time something good happens I add a piece of paper to the jar with the good event. It is up to me to make sure I fill the

bottle. I control whether these good things happen or not.

What is happening in this picture? Many different things could be happening, good or bad. The mind decides what is

really happening, and that gives insight to the state of mind.