psy335 r1 week 3 quiz

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  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    1Psychoanalytic Model Paper

    Psychoanalytic Model Paper 


  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    2Psychoanalytic Model Paper

    Sigmund Freud made up the name psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is an

    arrangement that is a therapeutic and interpretation analysis and treatment for

    psychological disorders. The beginning of psychoanalysis as created after Freud had

    researched hysteria! to hich he belie"ed as not caused by biological manifestations

    ithin the ner"ous system! hoe"er by a distortion in the emotions. Freud rote to

    papers on the sub#ect of hysteria! this as the beginning of his or$ on psychoanalytic

    theories. %e used this method mainly to treat people that suffered from different types of 

    mental disorders. &ung and 'dler #oined Freud. &ung and 'dler made contributions to

    the field. (n 1)13! both ere not recogni*ed due to theoretical differences ith Freud

    and his strong se+ual moti"ation.

    Psychoanalysis is a concept of the unconscious mind! and in hysteria patients

    tend to disappear after material as forgotten. Freud,s "ision as of the unconscious

    mind ha"ing psychic abilities. These abilities could influence the personality and

    beha"ior! but could operate the material and not the sub#ect. %e figured there ere

    defense mechanisms hich included repression! regression! displacement! and

    rationali*ation. These defense mechanisms help to defend the part of the mind that is

    conscious from parts of real life that may attempt pain. Freud made a recognition of this

    consciousness ithin the e+periences that ere forgotten! and it as the base of

    psychoanalysis therapy.

    %ypnosis is one of the original methods that as used in order to del"e into the

    mind hile it as unconscious. -ater it as thron out due to the limit of effecti"eness it

    had. Free association too$ its, place. uring free association a patient ill lie still of a

    couch! and is encouraged to spea$ openly about their e"eryday li"es! no matter ho

  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    3Psychoanalytic Model Paper

    embarrassing some moments may be. Freud,s main goal during free association as to

    bring conscious aareness to thoughts or memories that may ha"e been repressed!

    hich may be the reason for the patient,s strange beha"ior. Freud "ieed dreams as

    significant ish achie"ements! hich are to main $eys to the mind hile it is

    unconscious. The interpretation of dreams as a "ery important part of Freud,s therapy.

    Foundations and Influences

    There ere three main sources of the influence of the psychoanalytic mo"ement!

    the e"olutionary theory! the early ideas about psychopathology! and the philosophical

    speculations about the unconscious psychological phenomena. Freud as not the first

    to research about the unconscious human mind. (n the 1 th century! ottfried ilhelm

    -eibnit* de"eloped monadology. Monads are not physical atoms! but ere still

    considered to be the indi"idual elements of reality. 2ach of these monads as an

    une+tended psychic entity. -eibnit* belie"ed that mental e"ents 4hich are composed

    of the acti"ity of monads5 had different degrees of consciousness ranging from

    completely unconscious to clearly conscious6 4Schult*! 70115. The ne+t century! &ohann

    Friedrich %erbart refined the -eibnit*,s notion of unconscious into the thought of a

    threshold of consciousness. %e argued that any ideas that ere belo the said

    threshold! ere unconscious. 'n idea must be compatible ith the ideas that are

    already in consciousness to be able to cross o"er the threshold.

    There ere many cases of mental illnesses! dating bac$ to 7000 89.

    8abylonians belie"ed mental illness as caused by possession of demons! hile the

  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    4Psychoanalytic Model Paper

     'ncient %ebres belie"ed that mental illnesses as based on strict punishment for sins.

    (t as Socrates! Plato! and 'ristotle ho began to thin$ that mental illnesses deri"ed

    from mental thought processes. ' trend! The 2mmanuel Mo"ement! approached mental

    illness in the :nited States by the 2mmanuel 9hurch %ealing Mo"ement. They strictly

    focused on the benefits of tal$ therapy. They ere able to ma$e the public and medical

    community aare of ho important psychological factors that caused mental illnesses

    ere. %ypnosis as another phenomenon hen it comes to the groing focus on

    mental illnesses. Fran* 'nton Mesmer considered that the human body contains a

    magnetic force that operated li$e magnets. 'nimal magnetism as ade;uate to

    penetrate ob#ects and act on them from a distance. (t as also belie"ed that animal

    magnetism as able to cure ner"ous disorders.


    There ha"e been many contributions to psychoanalysis. 8ut! the main

    contributions studied are! the 'ttachment Theory! Transference!

  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    5Psychoanalytic Model Paper

    be physically closer. The separation distress! meaning can also be classified as

    separation an+iety. The safe ha"en is hen an infant may go to the guardian hen

    he/she starts feeling danger or starts to feel an+ious. -astly! the secure base! is e+actly

    ho it sounds! the infant feels completely protected hen ith the guardian.

    Transference is $non as the concept that can refer to the natural response to

    certain situations in uni;ue and predetermined ays. (t can also describe the tendency

    for a person to base some of their perceptions in the present day relationships of their

    earlier attachments! mainly in"ol"ing parents! siblings! and spouses. Transference can

    lead to distortions ithin interpersonal relationships.

  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    6Psychoanalytic Model Paper


    Freud used a method of gathering data that as constantly critici*ed. %e dre

    data and conclusions from his patients hile they ere undergoing psychoanalysis. %e

    did not ta$e notes hile ith the patient! but ould instead rite notes se"eral hours

    after seeing the patient. Some original data from the patients may ha"e been lost ith

    the time that passes before notes ere ta$en don! hich can lead to distortions and

    omissions ithin the patient,s history. %e may ha"e also reinterpreted the original ords

    of his patients. (n other ords! he may ha"e only ritten hat he anted to hear.

    Freud,s analysis as proceeded on a people in a small group! ho chose to undergo

    psychoanalysis ith him. Most of the patients ere similar in the ays of! being young!

    unmarried! educated! and upper=class omen. Freud made fe attempts to confirm the

    accuracy of his patient,s reports. Many critics claim he could ha"e inter"ieed other

    people such as relati"es! or friends. -astly! Freud ne"er e+plained his reasoning behind

    his reports. %is data could not be analy*ed due to lac$ of reasoning.

  • 8/17/2019 Psy335 r1 Week 3 Quiz


    7Psychoanalytic Model Paper

    Schult*! . P.! ? Schult*! S. 2. 470115. ' %istory of Psychology 410th ed.5.

    8elmont! 9'> adsorth! 9engage -earning.