ps quick ref sheet

1699 - The pirate Captain Kidd is captured in Boston. quick reference sheet cOmmaNd mOdIfIerS moi i Sit t ion -1 F or every full 12" between the Commander and the unit he is issuing an order to. -1 There a re one o r more enemy units within 6" of the unit receiving order +1 Uni t rece iv in g the or de r is in March Column (or is Limbered Artillery) not on a road or track +2 Unit receiving the or de r is in March Column (or is Limbered Artillery) on a road or track bluNder Table d6 rs t  1 ri rtt. Make two full moves away from the closest  visible enemy 2 rtt. Make one move away from closest visible enemy 3 mo t . One full move left; may charge if possible 4 mo ight . One full move right; may char ge if possible 5 fow! Move one full move forward; may cha rge if possible . 6 chg! charge closest visible enemy. Roll a D6 for moves: 1-2: 1 move, 3-4: 2 moves, 5-6: 3 moves SequeNce Of play In a full turn both sides take a player turn as follows: con • Check Battalia Morale >half lost or shaken, • Rally Elite • Initiative moves (within 6" of en emy) • Other moves (Proximity Rule 12"), • Rally, “Follow-me!” Shooting • Shoot with units Hn-to-hn • Both sides resolve any • hand-to-hand fighting ro. Disorder Markers mOvING uNITS Table Heavy and Siege Artillery, . .Immovable Hedgehog Formation Manhandle d med. artill ery . . . . . . . .3" Infantry , Light artiller y , Wagons, . . . .6" Limbered Artiller y , Baggage Train Caval ry & Dragoons . . . . . . . . . . . . .9" Light Ca valry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12" Command ers on F oot . . . . . . . . . . .18" Commanders on Horseback . . . . . .27" mOvemeNT mOdIfIerS  Woods Half pace. Skirmish & Command only Rough Maximum one move. Skirmish & Command normal Linear Takes a full turn. Obstacle Pike disordered on roll of a 6. Skirmish & Command move normally. Buildings One move segment to enter or leave free mOve: March Column, Baggage on road, & fail Command roll. Disordered & Shaken Units one move away. SHOOTING raNGeS Pistols and thrown weapons 6" Arqu ebus , Carbines & Shortbo ws 12" Muskets, Firelocks, 18" Bows & Crossbows Light Artillery 24" Medium Artillery 36" Heavy & Siege Artillery 48" ‘TO-HIT’ mOdIfIerS fOr SHOOTING -1 Attackers shaken and/or disordered. -1 The target is Not Clear , Skirmishing, or Artillery . +1 Close Range/ Closing Fire. ‘TO-HIT’ mOdIfIerS fOr HaNd-TO-HaNd cOmbaT +1 Attackers charging or counter-charging +1 Winning  -1 Shaken and/or Disordered -1 Attackers in Skirmish order -1/f ace Engage d i n fla nk or rear HaNd-TO-HaNd  v alue mO dIfI erS 1 Dice Column 2 Dice per face Un it in a b ui lding  T ot al co mb at va lu es He dg ehog  +2 Dice Large Unit 1-2 Dice Small Unit. mOrale Save mOdIfIerS +1 Cover +2 Build ings and F ortifications -1 Unit in column -2 Hit by Light or Medium Artillery. -3 Hit by Heavy or Siege Artillery. SHOOTING value mOdIfIerS +1 Dice Large Unit -1 Dice Small Unit None Column 1 Dice Hedgehog 1/face Units in Buildings.      P    e    r    m      i    s    s      i    o    n    g      i    v    e    n     t    o    p      h    o     t    o    c    o    p    y      f    o    r    p    e    r    s    o    n    a      l    u    s    e    o    n      l    y   .      ©      C    o    p    y    r      i    g      h     t      W    a    r      l    o    r      d      G    a    m    e    s      L     t      d    2    0    1    2   .      A      l      l      R      i    g      h     t    s      R    e    s    e    r    v    e      d   . ‘to serve specially for execution if the Enemy in  Battle be overthrown…’ Late 16th century tactical use of the bill, or ‘brown bill’

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Page 1: PS Quick Ref Sheet

7/30/2019 PS Quick Ref Sheet 1/21699 - The pirate Captain Kidd is captured in Boston.

quick reference sheet 

cOmmaNd mOdIfIerS

moii Sittion

-1 For every full 12"between the Commander

and the unit he is issuing an order to.

-1 There are one or moreenemy units within 6" of the unit receiving order

+1 Unit receiving the order isin March Column (or isLimbered Artillery) not ona road or track 

+2 Unit receiving the order isin March Column (or isLimbered Artillery) on aroad or track 

bluNder Table

d6 rst  

1 ri rtt. Make two fullmoves away from the closest

 visible enemy

2 rtt. Make one move awayfrom closest visible enemy

3 mo t . One full move left;may charge if possible

4 mo ight . One full moveright; may charge if possible

5 fow! Move one full moveforward; may charge if possible.

6 chg! charge closest visibleenemy. Roll a D6 for moves: 1-2: 1move, 3-4: 2 moves, 5-6: 3 moves

SequeNce Of play

In a full turn both sides take a player

turn as follows:


• Check Battalia Morale >half lost orshaken,

• Rally Elite

• Initiative moves (within 6" of enemy)

• Other moves (Proximity Rule 12"),

• Rally, “Follow-me!”

Shooting • Shoot with units

Hn-to-hn• Both sides resolve any

• hand-to-hand fighting 

• ro. Disorder Markers

mOvING uNITS Table

Heavy and Siege Artillery, . .Immovable

Hedgehog Formation

Manhandled med. artillery . . . . . . . .3"

Infantry, Light artillery, Wagons, . . . .6"

Limbered Artillery, Baggage Train

Cavalry & Dragoons . . . . . . . . . . . . .9"

Light Cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12"

Commanders on Foot . . . . . . . . . . .18"

Commanders on Horseback . . . . . .27"

mOvemeNT mOdIfIerS

 Woods Half pace. Skirmish& Command only 

Rough Maximum one move.Skirmish &Command normal

Linear Takes a full turn.Obstacle Pike disordered onroll of a 6. Skirmish& Command movenormally.

Buildings One move segment toenter or leave

free mOve: March Column,

Baggage on road, & fail Command roll.

Disordered & Shaken Units one move



Pistols and thrown weapons 6"

Arquebus, Carbines & Shortbows 12"

Muskets, Firelocks, 18"Bows & Crossbows

Light Artillery 24"

Medium Artillery 36"

Heavy & Siege Artillery 48"


-1 Attackers shaken and/ordisordered.

-1 The target is Not Clear,Skirmishing, or Artillery.

+1 Close Range/ Closing Fire.

‘TO-HIT’ mOdIfIerS fOrHaNd-TO-HaNd cOmbaT

+1 Attackers charging orcounter-charging 

+1 Winning  

-1 Shaken and/orDisordered

-1 Attackers in Skirmishorder

-1/face Engaged in flank or rear


 value mOdIfIerS

1 Dice Column

2 Dice per face Unit in a building 

Total combat values Hedgehog 

+2 Dice Large Unit

1-2 Dice Small Unit.

mOrale Save mOdIfIerS

+1 Cover

+2 Buildings and Fortifications

-1 Unit in column

-2 Hit by Light or MediumArtillery.

-3 Hit by Heavy or SiegeArtillery.

SHOOTING value mOdIfIerS

+1 Dice Large Unit

-1 Dice Small Unit

None Column

1 Dice Hedgehog 

1/face Units in Buildings.

     P   e   r   m     i   s   s     i   o   n   g     i   v   e   n    t   o   p     h   o    t   o   c   o   p   y     f   o   r   p   e   r   s   o   n   a     l   u   s   e   o   n     l   y  .     ©     C   o   p   y   r     i   g     h    t     W   a   r     l   o   r     d     G   a   m   e   s     L    t     d   2   0   1   2  .     A     l     l     R     i   g     h    t   s     R   e   s   e   r   v   e     d  .

‘to serve specially for execution if the Enemy in Battle be overthrown…’

Late 16th century tactical use of the bill, or ‘brown bill’

Page 2: PS Quick Ref Sheet

7/30/2019 PS Quick Ref Sheet 2/21700 - Louis XIV accepts the crown of Spain on behalf of his grandson. The War of Spanish Succession begins a year later.

quick reference sheet 

cOmbaT reSulT bONuSeS

bons moiis

+1 Rear Support.

+1 Flank Support.

+2 Cavalry versus non-pike

block infantry.

+2 Pike versus Cavalry.

+3 Hedgehog versus


+3 or +2 Occupied Buildings.

units fighting from

buildings count +3 if 

large or standard sized,

+2 if small.

SpecIal ruleS

breaK TeST mOdIfIerS

-1 -1 per each excess casualty

-1 the unit is disordered .

-1 the unit has suffered at least

one casualty from artillery  

Bad War Re-roll missed CombatAttacks Against Landsknechts

Bows/shortbow +1 Morale Saves; Cannotoffer closing fire

Brave Shaken Units Rally withoutan Order

Caracole Cannot countercharge enemycavalry

Clansmen Cannot offer support incombat

Crack Re-Roll one failed MoraleSave if you currently have noCasualties

Crossbows Cannot offer Closing Fire

Double-Handed -1 Morale SaveInfantry Weapons

Dragoons Free mount or dismountmove; Fire and evadez Countas skirmish cavalry whenmounted, skirmish infantrywhen dismounted

Eager Free move on charge order

Elite Overcome Disorder Dice Roll

Fanatics Morale Save +1 Until Shaken

Ferocious Charge Re-Roll Missed CombatAttacks Following Charge

Fire & Evade Can give closing fire and thenevade when charged

Firelocks Short range extended to 12’’

First Fire +1 Dice on First Shot

Freshly Raised Variable effect – see page 88

Galloper Must countercharge if ableto; standard move of 12’’ as if Light Cavalry; will alwaysengage the enemy on asweeping advance where able.

Grenades Enemy ignores all moralebonuses for cover whenengaged in combat

Heavy Cavalry +1/+D3 Combat Result+1/+D3 on a Charge

Hedgehog No flanks or rear; combinedformation of pike and shotteelements; Immovable; allshooting units in the hedgehog have shooting value of 1

Lancers -1/-2 Morale Save on the

ChargeLarge Unit +1 Shooting Value (if the

unit has ranged weapons);+2 Hand-to-Hand; +1Stamina; May ignore disorderby taking one damage (unlessthis causes the unit to beshaken)

Marauders Ignore Distance Modifiers forCommand

Mercenary Will quit the battle if a rallytest is failed when shaken

Militia No Move on EqualCommand Roll

Pikes Can form a hedgehog  formation with non pike unitsof same battalia; Cavalryreceive no combat bonuses

when fighting an ordered pikeunit; Pike unit gets doublecombat value when fighting charging cavalry

Pike Company Cavalry receive no combatbonuses when fighting a unitwith a pike company that isordered; the unit containing apike company receives doublecombat value when fighting charging cavalry

Plug Bayonet +2 Hand-to-Hand value; +1Combat result against enemyWarband infantry; once used,cannot fire for remainder of battle

Rabble Every unit must receive aseparate command; Cannotact on a battalia or grouporder

Reliable +1 Command

Sharp Shooters Re-Rol l one Missed Shot

Small Unit -1 Shooting Value (only if theunit has ranged weapons);-2 Hand-to-Hand; -1 Stamina

Steady Passes First Break Test

Stubborn Re-Roll one Failed MoraleSave

Superbly Dri lled Free Move

Swordsmen +D3 Combat result againstenemy infantry

Terrifying Charge Charged Enemy must take aBreak Test

Tough Fighters Re-Rol l one Combat Hit

Untested Randomise Stamina

Valiant One Free Break Test Re-Roll

Wavering Break Test when you take aCasualty

     P   e   r   m     i   s   s     i   o   n   g     i   v   e   n    t   o   p     h   o    t   o   c   o   p   y     f   o   r   p   e   r   s   o   n   a     l   u   s   e   o   n     l   y  .     ©     C   o   p   y   r     i   g     h    t     W   a   r     l   o   r     d     G   a   m   e   s     L    t     d   2   0   1   2  .     A     l     l     R     i   g     h    t   s     R   e   s   e   r   v   e     d  .

breaK TeSTS

Unit must take a Break Test if it: suffers excess casualties from shooting, is shaken by closing fire,defeated in hand-to-hand combat, draws hand-to-hand combat and is shaken, or a unit it issupporting breaks. Roll 2D6, add any break test modifiers, and consult the table below:

bk cot Tst T rst  

4 or less Any Innt, c n ati: Unit breaks and is destroyed

5 Any  ati: Unit breaks and is destroyed

Innt n c: Unit retires one full move away fromenemy. If unable to disengage, make another full move awayfrom enemy. If still unable to disengage, unit breaks and isdestroyed. After moving, unit is disordered .

6 Any  ati: Unit breaks and is destroyed

Shooting  Innt & c: Unit holds its ground.

Hand-to-Hand Innt & c: Unit retires one full move away from

enemy. If unable to disengage, make another full move awayfrom enemy. If still unable to disengage, unit breaks and isdestroyed. After moving, unit is disordered .

7 or more Shooting  Innt, c n ati: Unit holds its ground 

Hand-to-Hand Innt: Unit holds its ground

c:Unit retires one full move away from enemy. If unable todisengage, make another full move away from enemy and becomedisordered . If still unable to disengage, unit breaks and is destroyed.

 ati: Unit breaks and is destroyed