ps 124 power supply installation manual

Installation Manual 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply 68-1714-01 Rev. A 05 09 PS 124

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Page 1: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

Installation Manual

12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply

68-1714-01 Rev. A05 09

PS 124

Front cover

Page 2: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual


This symbol is intended to alert the user of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature provided with the equipment.

This symbol is intended to alert the user of the presence of uninsulated dangerous voltage within the product’s enclosure that may present a risk of electric shock.

CautionRead Instructions • Read and understand all safety and operating

instructions before using the equipment. Retain Instructions • The safety instructions should be kept for future

reference.Follow Warnings • Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the

equipment or in the user information.Avoid Attachments • Do not use tools or attachments that are not

recommended by the equipment manufacturer because they may be hazardous.

WarningPower sources • This equipment should be operated only from the power source

indicated on the product. This equipment is intended to be used with a main power system with a grounded (neutral) conductor. The third (grounding) pin is a safety feature, do not attempt to bypass or disable it.

Power disconnection • To remove power from the equipment safely, remove all power cords from the rear of the equipment, or the desktop power module (if detachable), or from the power source receptacle (wall plug).

Power cord protection • Power cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be stepped on or pinched by items placed upon or against them.

Servicing • Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. There are no user-serviceable parts inside. To prevent the risk of shock, do not attempt to service this equipment yourself because opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.

Slots and openings • If the equipment has slots or holes in the enclosure, these are provided to prevent overheating of sensitive components inside. These openings must never be blocked by other objects.

Lithium battery • There is a danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace it only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ce symbole sert à avertir l’utilisateur que la documentation fournie avec le matériel contient des instructions importantes concernant l’exploitation et la maintenance (réparation).

Ce symbole sert à avertir l’utilisateur de la présence dans le boîtier de l’appareil de tensions dangereuses non isolées posant des risques d’électrocution.

AttentionLire les instructions• Prendre connaissance de toutes les consignes de

sécurité et d’exploitation avant d’utiliser le matériel.Conserver les instructions• Ranger les consignes de sécurité afin de pouvoir

les consulter à l’avenir.Respecter les avertissements • Observer tous les avertissements et consignes

marqués sur le matériel ou présentés dans la documentation utilisateur.Eviter les pièces de fixation • Ne pas utiliser de pièces de fixation ni d’outils

non recommandés par le fabricant du matériel car cela risquerait de poser certains dangers.

AvertissementAlimentations• Ne faire fonctionner ce matériel qu’avec la source d’alimentation

indiquée sur l’appareil. Ce matériel doit être utilisé avec une alimentation principale comportant un fil de terre (neutre). Le troisième contact (de mise à la terre) constitue un dispositif de sécurité : n’essayez pas de la contourner ni de la désactiver.

Déconnexion de l’alimentation• Pour mettre le matériel hors tension sans danger, déconnectez tous les cordons d’alimentation de l’arrière de l’appareil ou du module d’alimentation de bureau (s’il est amovible) ou encore de la prise secteur.

Protection du cordon d’alimentation • Acheminer les cordons d’alimentation de manière à ce que personne ne risque de marcher dessus et à ce qu’ils ne soient pas écrasés ou pincés par des objets.

Réparation-maintenance • Faire exécuter toutes les interventions de réparation-maintenance par un technicien qualifié. Aucun des éléments internes ne peut être réparé par l’utilisateur. Afin d’éviter tout danger d’électrocution, l’utilisateur ne doit pas essayer de procéder lui-même à ces opérations car l’ouverture ou le retrait des couvercles risquent de l’exposer à de hautes tensions et autres dangers.

Fentes et orifices • Si le boîtier de l’appareil comporte des fentes ou des orifices, ceux-ci servent à empêcher les composants internes sensibles de surchauffer. Ces ouvertures ne doivent jamais être bloquées par des objets.

Lithium Batterie • Il a danger d’explosion s’ll y a remplacment incorrect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du meme type ou d’un ype equivalent recommande par le constructeur. Mettre au reut les batteries usagees conformement aux instructions du fabricant.

Safety Instructions • English

Consignes de Sécurité • Français

Sicherheitsanleitungen • DeutschDieses Symbol soll dem Benutzer in der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Dokumentation besonders wichtige Hinweise zur Bedienung und Wartung (Instandhaltung) geben.

Dieses Symbol soll den Benutzer darauf aufmerksam machen, daß im Inneren des Gehäuses dieses Produktes gefährliche Spannungen, die nicht isoliert sind und die einen elektrischen Schock verursachen können, herrschen.

AchtungLesen der Anleitungen • Bevor Sie das Gerät zum ersten Mal verwenden,

sollten Sie alle Sicherheits-und Bedienungsanleitungen genau durchlesen und verstehen.

Aufbewahren der Anleitungen • Die Hinweise zur elektrischen Sicherheit des Produktes sollten Sie aufbewahren, damit Sie im Bedarfsfall darauf zurückgreifen können.

Befolgen der Warnhinweise • Befolgen Sie alle Warnhinweise und Anleitungen auf dem Gerät oder in der Benutzerdokumentation.

Keine Zusatzgeräte • Verwenden Sie keine Werkzeuge oder Zusatzgeräte, die nicht ausdrücklich vom Hersteller empfohlen wurden, da diese eine Gefahrenquelle darstellen können.

VorsichtStromquellen • Dieses Gerät sollte nur über die auf dem Produkt angegebene

Stromquelle betrieben werden. Dieses Gerät wurde für eine Verwendung mit einer Hauptstromleitung mit einem geerdeten (neutralen) Leiter konzipiert. Der dritte Kontakt ist für einen Erdanschluß, und stellt eine Sicherheitsfunktion dar. Diese sollte nicht umgangen oder außer Betrieb gesetzt werden.

Stromunterbrechung • Um das Gerät auf sichere Weise vom Netz zu trennen, sollten Sie alle Netzkabel aus der Rückseite des Gerätes, aus der externen Stomversorgung (falls dies möglich ist) oder aus der Wandsteckdose ziehen.

Schutz des Netzkabels • Netzkabel sollten stets so verlegt werden, daß sie nicht im Weg liegen und niemand darauf treten kann oder Objekte darauf- oder unmittelbar dagegengestellt werden können.

Wartung • Alle Wartungsmaßnahmen sollten nur von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal durchgeführt werden. Die internen Komponenten des Gerätes sind wartungsfrei. Zur Vermeidung eines elektrischen Schocks versuchen Sie in keinem Fall, dieses Gerät selbst öffnen, da beim Entfernen der Abdeckungen die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlags und/oder andere Gefahren bestehen.

Schlitze und Öffnungen • Wenn das Gerät Schlitze oder Löcher im Gehäuse aufweist, dienen diese zur Vermeidung einer Überhitzung der empfindlichen Teile im Inneren. Diese Öffnungen dürfen niemals von anderen Objekten blockiert werden.

Litium-Batterie • Explosionsgefahr, falls die Batterie nicht richtig ersetzt wird. Ersetzen Sie verbrauchte Batterien nur durch den gleichen oder einen vergleichbaren Batterietyp, der auch vom Hersteller empfohlen wird. Entsorgen Sie verbrauchte Batterien bitte gemäß den Herstelleranweisungen.

Este símbolo se utiliza para advertir al usuario sobre instrucciones importantes de operación y mantenimiento (o cambio de partes) que se desean destacar en el contenido de la documentación suministrada con los equipos.

Este símbolo se utiliza para advertir al usuario sobre la presencia de elementos con voltaje peligroso sin protección aislante, que puedan encontrarse dentro de la caja o alojamiento del producto, y que puedan representar riesgo de electrocución.

PrecaucionLeer las instrucciones • Leer y analizar todas las instrucciones de operación y

seguridad, antes de usar el equipo.Conservar las instrucciones • Conservar las instrucciones de seguridad para

futura consulta.Obedecer las advertencias • Todas las advertencias e instrucciones marcadas

en el equipo o en la documentación del usuario, deben ser obedecidas.Evitar el uso de accesorios • No usar herramientas o accesorios que no

sean especificamente recomendados por el fabricante, ya que podrian implicar riesgos.

AdvertenciaAlimentación eléctrica • Este equipo debe conectarse únicamente a la fuente/tipo

de alimentación eléctrica indicada en el mismo. La alimentación eléctrica de este equipo debe provenir de un sistema de distribución general con conductor neutro a tierra. La tercera pata (puesta a tierra) es una medida de seguridad, no puentearia ni eliminaria.

Desconexión de alimentación eléctrica • Para desconectar con seguridad la acometida de alimentación eléctrica al equipo, desenchufar todos los cables de alimentación en el panel trasero del equipo, o desenchufar el módulo de alimentación (si fuera independiente), o desenchufar el cable del receptáculo de la pared.

Protección del cables de alimentación • Los cables de alimentación eléctrica se deben instalar en lugares donde no sean pisados ni apretados por objetos que se puedan apoyar sobre ellos.

Reparaciones/mantenimiento • Solicitar siempre los servicios técnicos de personal calificado. En el interior no hay partes a las que el usuario deba acceder. Para evitar riesgo de electrocución, no intentar personalmente la reparación/mantenimiento de este equipo, ya que al abrir o extraer las tapas puede quedar expuesto a voltajes peligrosos u otros riesgos.

Ranuras y aberturas • Si el equipo posee ranuras o orificios en su caja/alojamiento, es para evitar el sobrecalientamiento de componentes internos sensibles. Estas aberturas nunca se deben obstruir con otros objetos.

Batería de litio • Existe riesgo de explosión si esta batería se coloca en la posición incorrecta. Cambiar esta batería únicamente con el mismo tipo (o su equivalente) recomendado por el fabricante. Desachar las baterías usadas siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante.

Instrucciones de seguridad • Español

Safety Precautions

Page 3: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

VCCI Class B notice for ITE products (See the product’s specifications to determine whether this class applies.)この装置は、情報処理装置等電波障害自主規制協議会(VCCI)の基準に基づくクラスB情報技術装置で

す。この装置は、 家庭環境で使用することを目的としていますが、この装置がラジオやテレビジョン受信機に近接して使用されると、受信障害を引き起こすことがあります。


English translation: “This is a Class B product based on the standard of Voluntary Control Council for Interference from Information Technology Equipment (VCCI). If this is used near a radio or television receiver in a domestic environment, it may cause radio interference. Install and use the equipment according to the instruction manual.”

FCC Class B NoticeThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that the interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

• Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna.

• Increasetheseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver.

• Connecttheequipmentintoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromthattowhichthereceiverisconnected.

• Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnicianforhelp.

N This unit was tested with shielded cables on the peripheral devices. Shielded cables must be used with the unit to ensure compliance.

Page 4: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual
Page 5: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

iPS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Table of Contents


Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................... 1

Front and Rear Panel Features ................................................. 1LED indicators............................................................................ 1Input Power ............................................................................... 2DC Outputs ................................................................................ 3

Connections .................................................................................... 4Input power — using the IEC power cord ............................... 4Input power — using the Flexible Conduit Adapter Kit ........ 4

UL guidelines .............................................................................5Installing the flexible conduit cable .........................................5

Output power — wiring the DC output connectors .............. 8

Installing the PS 124 .................................................................... 9UL rack mounting guidelines ................................................... 9Rack mounting ........................................................................ 10Under-desk mounting ............................................................. 11Above-projector mounting .................................................... 12

Specifications ............................................................................... 15

Included Parts .............................................................................. 16

Accessories .................................................................................... 16

68-1714-01 Rev. A05 09

All trademarks mentioned in this manual are the properties of their respective owners.

Page 6: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

ii PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Table of Contents

Table of Contents, cont’d

Page 7: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual


IntroductionTheExtronPS124isahighperformance,plenumrated(withoptionalFlexibleConduitkit),12VDCpowersupply.Theautoswitchable100VACto240VACinputcansupplyamaximumcurrentof4ampsforuptoeightoutputs. Each DCoutputisonatwo-polecaptivescrewconnector,withnoper-outputcurrentlimitation.Two-toneLEDsonthefrontandrear panels indicate normal operation (green) and overload condition (red).

TherackmountablePS124hasa1Uhigh,quarterrackwide,9"deepmetalenclosure,allowingthePS124totakeadvantageof a variety of mounting options.

Front and Rear Panel FeaturesAll power and output connections are on the rear panel.





100-240 50-60Hz 1.2A MAX.



100-240 50-60Hz 1.2A MAX.



Figure 1 — PS 124 front and rear panels

LED indicators

a Power status LEDs—ThesefrontandrearpanelLEDsindicatethePS124statusbylightingasfollows:

• Green when power is applied and current draw is normal• Red indicates a current overload condition

C Continued operation in an overload condition may cause premature power supply failure.

• Unlit when an output is shorted

N To identify the shorted output, unplug the outputs one at a time until the LEDs light green.

Page 8: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


Input PowerApplypowertothePS124usingthesuppliedIECpowercord(b) orbyinstallingtheoptionalFlexibleConduitAdapterKit (Extronpart#70-228-02) (c).

b IEC connector/power supply—PlugtheIECcordintothisconnectoranda100–240VACsource.

-OR- c Optional conduit adapter plate — The IEC connector and adapter plate canbereplacedbythishalf-inchconduitEMT(ElectricalMetallicTubing)adapterplate,asshowninfigure2.See“Inputpower—usingtheFlexibleConduitAdapterKit,”onpage4.

N With the installation of the Flexible Conduit Adapter kit, the PS 124 is suitable for use in air handling spaces and meets all applicable requirements of UL 2043.




100-240 50-60Hz 1.2A MAX.




100-240 50-60Hz 1.2A MAX.

ExtronPS 124 12 VDC 4 A Power Supply

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

For plenum applications replace this plate with optional flex conduitkit, part #70-228-02.

Figure 2 — Using the conduit option

Page 9: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual






100-240 5

0-60Hz 1.2A MAX.



0.4A MAX





















ExtronPS 12412VDC 4A Power Supply

ExtronMDA 4V HD-SDIHD-SDI Mini Distribution Amplifer

ExtronMDA 5A RCAAudio Mini Distribution Amplifer

Output 6

Output 7

Output 8

Output 1

Output 2

Output 3

Output 4

Output 5

Figure 3 Application Diagram

DC Outputs

d DC Output connectors — Connect the power cables from devicesthatwillreceivepowerfromthePS124tothese3.5mmcaptive screw connectors.

ThePS124supportsuptoeightpowersupplyoutputs.Fordetails on limitations and how to wire these captive screw connectors,see“Outputpower—wiringtheDCoutputconnectors,” on page 8.

Page 10: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d



Input power — using the IEC power cordUsetheincludedIECpowercordtoconnectthePS124toa100VACto240VAC,50-60Hzpowersource.

W The circuit breaker used for this connection should be rated 20 amps maximum.

Input power — using the Flexible Conduit Adapter Kit

TheoptionalFlexibleConduitAdapterKit,part#70-228-02, provides a convenient means to replace the IEC power cord with conduit when required by local codes.

Thekitconsistsof:• OneEMTadaptorplate• One6-footlongelectricalconduit• Three7.5feet,18-gaugespadeconnectorpowerwires• OneULListedziptiewrap• Threeauxiliarycrimpstylespadeconnectorsdesignedfor


N Extron recommends using a crimp tool such as Molex part #19285-0008 to terminate the spade connectors.

MakecertainthePS124andallconnecteddevicesareturnedoffand disconnected from the power source before beginning.

W The circuit breaker used for this connection should be rated 20 amps maximum.

W For permanently connected equipment there must be a readily accessible disconnect device incorporated in the building installation wiring.

W Installation and service must be performed by a qualified electrician only.

Page 11: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual


UL guidelinesTheUnderwritersLaboratories(UL)guidelineslistedbelowpertaintotheinstallationoftheflexibleconduitoption.• Thisunitisnottobeusedbeyonditsratedvoltagerange.• ThisunitmustbewiredtoaULlisteddistributionbox.

N The electrical distribution box is not included with either the PS 124 power supply or the Flexible Conduit Adapter Kit; the installer is responsible for obtaining and installing a UL Listed box.

• ThisunitmustbeinstalledinaccordancewiththeNationalElectrical Code and all local codes.

Installing the flexible conduit cableInstalltheflexibleconduitcableassemblytothePS124asfollows:

1. Remove the IEC power cord.

2. RemoveandretainthetwoPhillipsheadscrewsthatsecure the IEC plate(figure4,below)tothePS124rearpanel.




100-240 50-60Hz 1.2A MAX.

Remove two screws.

IEC Plate

Figure 4 — Removing the IEC plate

Page 12: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


3. RemoveandretainthesixscrewsthatattachthetopcoverofthePS124tothechassis(figure5).


P/S 124


Remove three screws on each side.

Lift the coverstraight up.

Figure 5 — Removing the top cover

4. Carefullyliftthetopcoverup,takingcarenottoremoveitcompletely.

C Rough handling of the top cover can tear wiring that connects the front panel LED.

5. Useastandardscrewdrivertoloosenthescrewsholdingthe hot and neutral wiresonthesideoftheterminalblocknearesttheIECplateopening(figure6).

Hot Terminal

Neutral Terminal Ground Wire Nut

Terminal Block IEC PlateOpening

Figure 6 — Terminal block and IEC connector wiring

6. Unscrewtheground wire nutonthebottomofthePS124enclosure and remove the ground wire.

Page 13: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual


7. From the rear panel end, pull the IEC connector (seefigure4)outoftheenclosure.

8. Fromtheconduitkit,threadthe18-gaugepowerwiresthrough the length of the electrical conduit tube.

9. Install the EMT adapter plate (figure2)intotheopening.UsethePhillipsheadscrewsremovedinstep2(figure4)toattach the adapter plate.

N If the conduit is attached to the EMT plate, skip step 10.

10. Slidetheconduit nut(figure7,below)overthebundleofwiresexitingtheconduitandontotheconduititselfinside thePS124.Hand-tightenthenut.

Tie Wrap

Neutral Terminal Ground Wire Nut

Terminal Block

Conduit Nut

Hot Terminal Metal Tab

Figure 7 — Terminal block and conduit wiring

11. Attach and fasten the hot and neutral wires from the conduit to their corresponding screws on the terminal block.

W Ensure wire polarity is observed. Figure 7 shows the location of the neutral and hot terminals on the terminal block. The conduit wiring harness neutral wire is identified with a tag marked "N" (neutral).

12. Attach the ground wire from the conduit to the chassis ground, securing it by reattaching the ground wire nut.

13. Thread a tie wrap through the metal tab on the bottom of thePS124,placeallthewireswithinitscradle,andzipthetie wrap over the bundle of wires.

14. Tightentheconduitnut(figure7above)toensureitfirmlysecurestheconduittotheEMTadapterplate.

15. Usethescrewsremovedinstep3 to fasten the top cover of thePS124backontothechassis(figure5).

Page 14: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


Output power — wiring the DC output connectorsThePS124cansupply12VDCtomultipledevicesusing3.5mm,2-polecaptivescrewconnectors.Thecombinedcurrentdrawoftheconnecteddevicesmustnotexceed4amps.

N To verify proper polarity before connection to a device, plug in the power supply with no load and check the output polarity with a voltmeter. Remove power before continuing.

W When verifying power supply polarity, the two power cord wires must be kept separate while the power supply is plugged in.


1. CuttheDCoutputcordtothelengthrequired.

2. Stripthejacketoftheconductorwire(figure8).



Power SupplyOutput Cord

AA + –



2-Pole OrangeCaptive Screw





3/16”(5 mm) Max.

Figure 8 — Power connector wiring

N The length of the exposed (stripped) copper wires is important. The ideal length is 3/16" (5 mm). Longer bare wires can short together. Shorter wires are not as secure in the captive screw connectors and could be pulled out.

Do not tin the stripped power supply leads. Tinned wires are not as secure in the captive screw connectors and could be pulled out.

3. Slidetheleadsintothesupplied2-polecaptivescrewplugandsecureusinganExtronTweekerorsmallscrewdriver.

4. Usethesuppliedtiewraptostrapthepowercordtotheextendedtailoftheconnector.

Page 15: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual


Installing the PS 124ThereareseveraloptionalaccessoriesformountingthePS124. TheyincludethefollowingExtronpartnumbers:• RSU1291U9.5"DeepUniversalRackShelf

(part#60-190-01)• RSB1291U9.5"DeepBasicRackShelf

(part#60-604-01)• MBU1251UUnder-DeskMounting

(part#70-077-01)• PMK350LowProfilePoleMountKitforMultipleProducts


AdditionalmountingoptionsmaybefoundontheExtronwebsite at

UL rack mounting guidelinesThefollowingUnderwritersLaboratories(UL)guidelinespertaintotheinstallationofthePS124intoarack.

• Elevated operating ambient temperature — If the equipmentisinstalledinaclosedormultiunitrackassembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rackenvironmentmaybegreaterthanroomambienttemperature.

Therefore, consider installing the equipment in an environmentcompatiblewiththemaximumambienttemperature(Tma)specifiedbythemanufacturer.ForthePS124,theTmais122°F(50°C).

• Reduced air flow—Installationoftheequipmentinarackshould be such that the amount of air flow required for safe operation of the equipment is not compromised.

• Mechanical loading—Mountingoftheequipmentintherackshouldbesuchthatahazardousconditionisnotcreated due to uneven mechanical loading.

• Circuit overloading — Consideration should be given to the connection of the equipment to the supply circuit and the effect that overloading of the circuits might have on overcurrent protection and supply wiring. Appropriate consideration of equipment nameplate ratings should be used when addressing this concern.

• Reliable earthing (grounding) — Reliable earthing ofrack-mountedequipmentshouldbemaintained.Particularattentionshouldbegiventosupplyconnectionsother than direct connections to the branch circuit (e.g. use of power strips.

Page 16: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


Rack mountingForoptionalrackmounting,mountuptofourPS124powersuppliesonanRSU1299.5"1UUniversalRackShelf(part#60-190-01)(figure8)oranRSB1299.5"1UBasicRackShelf(part#60-604-01).

Use 2 mounting holes onopposite corners.

(2) 4-40 x 3/16"Screws

1U Universal Rack Shelf

Both front false faceplatesuse 2 screws.


1/4 Rack Width Front FalseFaceplate

1/2 Rack Width Front FalseFaceplate

Figure 9 — Rack mounting the PS 124

1. If feet were previously installed on the bottom of the PS124unit,removethem.

2. MountthePS124ontherackshelf,usingtwo4-40x3/16"screws in opposite (diagonal) corners.

3. Ifnecessary,mountthehalfrackwidthfalsefrontpanel(includedwiththeUniversalRackShelfonly)and/orthequarterrackwidthfalsefrontpanel(includedwiththePS124)totheshelf,usingtwo4-40x3/16"screwsinthefront holes for each panel.

Page 17: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual


Under-desk mountingInadditiontousingthePS124powersupplyonarackorprojector,itcanalsobemountedunderfurniture(suchasadesk)usingtheMBU125Under-DeskMountingKit(part#70-077-01).TomountthePS124underadeskorotherfurniture, follow these steps:

1. Attachthemountingbracketstothepowersupplywiththeprovidedmachinescrews(figure10).

2. Holdthepowersupplywiththeattachedbracketsagainsttheundersideofthefurniture.Markthelocationofthescrewholesofthebracketonthemountingsurface.

3. Drill3/32"(2mm)diameterpilotholes,1/4"(6.3mm)deepinthemountingsurfaceatthemarkedscrewlocations.

4. Insert#8woodscrewsintothefourpilotholes.Tighteneachscrewintothemountingsurfaceuntiljustlessthan1/4"ofthescrewheadprotrudes.

Figure 10 — Under-desk mounting the PS 124

5. Alignthemountingscrewswiththeslotsinthebracketsand place the power supply against the surface, with the screwsthroughthebracketslots.

6. Slidetheunitslightlyforwardorback,thentightenallfourscrews to secure it in place.

Page 18: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


Above-projector mounting

PMK 350ThePMK350,(part#70-563-03),isanabove-projectormountingkitthatattachestoa1"to2"diameterprojectormountingpole(figure11).Itcanholdmultipledevicesinavarietyofsizes.

N These instructions are for the PMK 350. If another above‑projector mounting is used, follow the installation instructions for that kit.


P/S 124






MPA 122






ExtronPMK 350Multi-product ProjectorMounting Kit

ExtronPS 12412 VDC 4 APower Supply

Cover Sheet

Front Plate

Rear Plate


ExtronIPL T S2Ethernet ControlInterface

ExtronMPA 122Mini Power Amplifier


LANUID# 093012052








Figure 11 — Projector mounting the PS 124


1. RemovethefrontandrearplatesfromthePMK350(figure11).Retainthescrewstoreattachtheplates.

2. Ifnecessary,removethefeetfromthebottomofthePS124.

3. Securetheunittoonesideofthemountingtray,usingtwoofthe4-40x3/16"screwsinopposite(diagonal)corners.

4. PlacethePMK350aroundtheprojectorceilingmountingpole(figure11,above).

Page 19: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual


5. AssembletheU-boltandthefollowingpartsinorder:

a. PassthelegsoftheU-boltthroughtheslottedholesonthe mount plate flange.

b. Placethelegsaroundtheceilingpole.

c. Passthelegsthroughtheholesinthecontouredbase.

N The pole fits snugly into the depression in the center of the contoured base.

d. PassthelegsthroughtheholesintheL-shapedbracket.

N The bracket slots can accommodate 1.0" to 2.0" diameter poles. The supplied square U‑bolt fits 1.5" to 2.0" diameter poles. If a smaller diameter pole is used, obtain the proper size square U‑bolt locally.


Slotted Holein PMK Tray


L-shapedBracket Screws



Mount PlateFlange

Figure 12 — Projector mounting the PS 124

6. AlignthetwoslottedholesinthebottomoftheL-shapedbracketwiththetwoslottedholesinthebaseofthetray.SecuretheL-brackettothebasebyinsertingtwo6-32x5/16"screws(provided)throughthealignedslots.

7. MovethePMK350tothedesiredlocationontheceilingpole, as close to the ceiling as desired.

8. SecuretheL-shapedbrackettotheU-boltusingtheincludedhexnuts,washers,andlockwashers.Tightenthehexnutssecurely.

C A socket wrench is recommended to tighten the hex nuts so the PMK 350 does not slide down the ceiling pole.

9. Securethefrontpaneltothemountingtraywithfouroftheincluded#6screws.

10. If desired, apply one of the cover sheets to the underside of themountingtray(figure11).

Page 20: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


Page 21: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual



GeneralPowerinput.................................... 100VACto240VAC,50-60Hz,internal,

1.2A Noload:3.6watts Fullloadonalloutputs:48watts

Poweroutput ................................. 12VDC,4Amaximumtotalcurrentofthe8 outputs

N Maximum output current is rated at an ambient temperature of 40 °C.

Temperature/humidity ................ Storage:-40to+158°F(-40to+70°C)/10% to 90%, noncondensing Operating:+32to+122°F(0to+50°C)/10% to 90%, noncondensing

Cooling ........................................... Convection, no ventsMounting

Rackmount ........................ Yes,withoptional1UrackshelfFurniture mount ................ Yes,withoptionalunder-deskmounting

kitPolemount ......................... Yes,withoptionalmountingkit

Enclosure type ............................... MetalEnclosure dimensions ................... 1.75"Hx4.3"Wx8.5"D(1Uhigh,

quarterrackwide) (4.4cmHx11.0cmWx21.6cmD) (Depthexcludesconnectors.)

Productweight .............................. 1.2lbs(0.5kg)Shippingweight ............................ 3lbs(2kg)Vibration ......................................... ISTA1Aincarton(InternationalSafe

Transit Association)Regulatory compliance

Safety ................................... CE,c-UL,NECsection300.22(C),UL MeetsUL60950-1andIEC60950-1. WiththeinstallationoftheExtronFlexibleConduitkit,meetsallapplicablerequirementsofUL2043foruseinairhandling spaces.

EMI/EMC .......................... CE,CISPR22ClassB,C-tick,EN55022ClassB,FCCClassB,ICESClassB,VCCI Class B

Environmental ................... Complies with the appropriate requirementsofRoHS,WEEE

Page 22: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

PS 124 12 VDC, 4 Amp Power Supply • Installation Manual

PS 124, cont’d


Included Parts


Included parts Part number

PS124PowerSupply 60-1022-01

(8)3.5mm,2-polecaptivescrewconnectors 100-454-01


IEC power cord


PS 124 Installation Manual


Accessories Part number

FlexibleConduitAdapterKit 70-228-02



RSU1291U9.5"DeepUniversalrackshelf 60-190-01

RSB1291U9.5"DeepBasicRackShelf 60-604-01

MBU1251U,1/2RackWidth, Under-DeskMountKit


MTBF ............................................... 30,000hoursminimumWarranty ......................................... 3yearspartsandlabor

N All nominal levels are at ±10%.

N Specifications are subject to change without notice.

Page 23: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

WarrantyExtron’s WarrantyExtron Electronics warrants this product against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years from the date of purchase. In the event of malfunction during the warranty period attributable directly to faulty workmanship and/or materials, Extron Electronics will, at its option, repair or replace said products or components, to whatever extent it shall deem necessary to restore said product to proper operating condition, provided that it is returned within the warranty period, with proof of purchase and description of malfunction to:

USA, Canada, South America, and Central America: Extron Electronics 1001 East Ball Road Anaheim, CA 92805 U.S.A.

Japan: Extron Electronics, Japan Kyodo Building, 16 Ichibancho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082 Japan

Europe, Africa, and the Middle East: Extron Europe Hanzeboulevard 10 3825 PH Amersfoort The Netherlands

China: Extron China 686 Ronghua Road, Songjiang District Shanghai 201611 China

Asia: Extron Asia 135 Joo Seng Road, #04-01 PM Industrial Bldg. Singapore 368363 Singapore

Middle East: Extron Middle East Dubai Airport Free Zone F12, PO Box 293666 United Arab Emirates, Dubai

This Limited Warranty does not apply if the fault has been caused by misuse, improper handling care, electrical or mechanical abuse, abnormal operating conditions or non-Extron authorized modification to the product.

If it has been determined that the product is defective, please call Extron and ask for an Applications Engineer at (714) 491-1500 (USA), 31.33.453.4040 (Europe), 65.383.4400 (Asia), or 81.3.3511.7655 (Japan) to receive an RA# (Return Authorization number). This will begin the repair process as quickly as possible.

Units must be returned insured, with shipping charges prepaid. If not insured, you assume the risk of loss or damage during shipment. Returned units must include the serial number and a description of the problem, as well as the name of the person to contact in case there are any questions.

Extron Electronics makes no further warranties either expressed or implied with respect to the product and its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular use. In no event will Extron Electronics be liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in this product even if Extron Electronics has been advised of such damage.

Please note that laws vary from state to state and country to country, and that some provisions of this warranty may not apply to you.

Page 24: PS 124 Power Supply Installation Manual

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