proposal to establish an academic program date · pdf fileproposal to establish an academic...

Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 1 PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH AN ACADEMIC PROGRAM Date: February 27, 2009 Type of Degree: Graduate Title of proposed program: Graduate program in Geoscience Degree and Abbreviations: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Please designate a responsible department and individual for this proposal: David E. Grandstaff Professor and Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Science 322B Beury Hall 215-204-8228, [email protected] 1. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROGRAM Rationale for a New Ph.D. Program in Geoscience The Department of Earth and Environmental Science (formerly the Department of Geology) proposes to establish a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Geoscience, beginning in Fall 2009, which will ultimately be comprised of 10 to 14 doctoral students. Our graduate program will focus on basic understanding of the geological processes and cycles which affect human well-being and how the increasing human population and technology alter those processes and their effects. As the human population has grown and become more technologically advanced, anthropogenic activities have produced progressively greater effects on the environment. At the same time, increased concentration of the population in urban areas near coasts and in floodplains and geologically hazardous areas has rendered humans more susceptible to floods, tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tropical cyclones, and sea-level rise. For example, more than 55% of the US population lives within 50 miles of the ocean, where it is most susceptible to sea-level rise and hurricanes. More than 500 million (nearly 10%) of the world’s people live in coastal zones, at elevations less than 10 meters above sea-level, in environments highly vulnerable to flooding. Such circumstances require scientists with essential training and skills to conduct scientific research to understand the basis for these processes, educate the public, and inform policy decisions. In addition, the demand for scientists with these essential skills will also grow as the current staffs of many government, research, and educational institutions retire. The Ph.D. program will increase our ability to do cutting-edge, externally- funded research in the geosciences at Temple University and provide trained, professional geoscientists for employment in research, teaching, policy-making/government, and non- governmental organizations (NGOs). A long-term goal of the new Ph.D. program is to offer Ph.D. students the option of an international research experience related to environmental impacts, sustainability, and the developing world. The value of study abroad in undergraduate education has long been accepted, and international studies are a key component of Temple’s 2008 Strategic Plan. The

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 1

PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH AN ACADEMIC PROGRAM Date: February 27, 2009 Type of Degree: Graduate Title of proposed program: Graduate program in Geoscience Degree and Abbreviations: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Please designate a responsible department and individual for this proposal: David E. Grandstaff Professor and Chair, Department of Earth and Environmental Science 322B Beury Hall 215-204-8228, [email protected]


Rationale for a New Ph.D. Program in Geoscience

The Department of Earth and Environmental Science (formerly the Department of Geology) proposes to establish a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) program in Geoscience, beginning in Fall 2009, which will ultimately be comprised of 10 to 14 doctoral students. Our graduate program will focus on basic understanding of the geological processes and cycles which affect human well-being and how the increasing human population and technology alter those processes and their effects. As the human population has grown and become more technologically advanced, anthropogenic activities have produced progressively greater effects on the environment. At the same time, increased concentration of the population in urban areas near coasts and in floodplains and geologically hazardous areas has rendered humans more susceptible to floods, tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tropical cyclones, and sea-level rise. For example, more than 55% of the US population lives within 50 miles of the ocean, where it is most susceptible to sea-level rise and hurricanes. More than 500 million (nearly 10%) of the world’s people live in coastal zones, at elevations less than 10 meters above sea-level, in environments highly vulnerable to flooding. Such circumstances require scientists with essential training and skills to conduct scientific research to understand the basis for these processes, educate the public, and inform policy decisions. In addition, the demand for scientists with these essential skills will also grow as the current staffs of many government, research, and educational institutions retire. The Ph.D. program will increase our ability to do cutting-edge, externally-funded research in the geosciences at Temple University and provide trained, professional geoscientists for employment in research, teaching, policy-making/government, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). A long-term goal of the new Ph.D. program is to offer Ph.D. students the option of an international research experience related to environmental impacts, sustainability, and the developing world. The value of study abroad in undergraduate education has long been accepted, and international studies are a key component of Temple’s 2008 Strategic Plan. The

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 2 prescriptive nature of the coursework required of science majors, however, means that they are far less likely than students majoring in the humanities or social sciences to spend a semester abroad as an undergraduate, and international study as a formal component of Ph.D. graduate science studies in the United States is virtually without precedent. However, with increased globalization, international understanding is vital in science as well as in business. Although contacts with international scientists or scientists at other North American institutions are gradually established during a person's career as a result of international conferences and co-operative research, we believe that a program which encourages such contacts early during a student's studies would have significant benefits:

(1) Young geoscientists who study abroad would develop a greater appreciation for the spatial variability of the Earth, a variability that reflects different geologic regimes, and captures different stages of the tectonic processes fundamental to geologic understanding. (2) Study abroad would also expose students to the variety of academic traditions and research practices, and in some cases provide access to equipment and expertise not available at Temple. The experience would unquestionably improve student understanding of cultural, political and economic differences, and their influence on the globalization of scientific research, as well as the role the geosciences play addressing problems of economic development and global sustainability. (3) Students would develop a network of contacts and collaborators that could prove invaluable in launching their careers. (4) Even if the Temple Earth and Environmental Science faculty doubles in size, our Ph.D. program would be relatively small compared with peer institutions, but by developing collaborative arrangements with international partners EES could offer a research experience as rich as that offered by any of our competitors. (5) The program is likely to boost graduate student recruitment. The chance to study overseas will attract domestic students, and the research partnerships developed with foreign universities will bring foreign student to Temple. Offering an international research experience would "brand" the Temple geoscience Ph.D., providing high-quality graduate students with an incentive to choose Temple. (6) International graduate research experiences have the potential to boost faculty productivity as well, with students cross-pollinating ideas between programs and facilitating research collaboration that will open new opportunities for research funding. (7) Finally, the idea of an international research experience, particularly one directed toward global development and sustainability, is in harmony with Temple’s basic mission of fostering diversity and encouraging service in higher education. By placing new emphasis on globalization, environmental protection, and sustainability in graduate research, we offer opportunities that few graduate programs emphasize. An aggressive plan of targeted hires provides an opportunity to build on our established strengths while

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 3 expanding the program in new directions. This expansion will produce greater research depth in selected areas and allow focused collaborative, interdisciplinary research in the environmental and geological sciences. The Ph.D. program will enhance opportunities for research with external funding to understand the basis of geological processes, their effects throughout earth history, and their implications for and applications to human well-being, particularly in urban and coastal environments. We anticipate that once fully developed, this program will generate more than $1,000,000/year external funding to support research projects, graduate students, and departmental resources. This program will prepare students for careers in industrial and academic research, college education, policy development, and implementation of humanitarian mitigation of environmental problems and hazards.


After graduation, Ph.D. geoloscientists obtain jobs in a variety of areas (Figure 1). The Ph.D. program we seek to develop will prepare students for a variety of careers in industrial and academic research, college education, policy formulation in governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), humanitarian service based on evaluation and mitigation of human impacts on the environment, and an understanding of the occurrence and locations of potentially hazardous geological processes. International research experience will prepare students for policy and government work and international aid programs. These programs in the Earth and Environmental Science Department will also set Temple University apart from other institutions and attract highly competitive and motivated students to the program. These alternate educational objectives are described in more detail below. 1. Research Careers Universities, national laboratories, petroleum or mining companies, and other industries all hire research geoscientists. Students will be more competitive in this traditional track as the program builds to a critical mass. We anticipate that the additional educational programs described below will both distinguish our department and help develop the graduate student population to a critical mass.

Figure 1. Geoscience Ph.D.s obtain employment in a variety of fields. Most are employed in Academia, Governmental Agencies, Resource Extraction, and Research Institutes. (source: American Geological Institute)

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 4 2. Education Careers

In addition to training research scientists, one of the most important tasks of any Ph.D. program is the training of new generations of university and college faculty. Many of the current faculty hired during the 1960s and 1970s, the peak period of hiring by universities, are now retiring or near retirement. Given the general importance of a college education for maintenance of the economic middle class and the position of the United States in the global economy and the specific importance of an understanding of and research in geological and environmental issues, these faculty must be replaced. In addition to training of educators, students entering careers in government or non-government agencies must be trained to present the methods and conclusions of geological and environmental science to policy makers and the general public. An understanding of science is necessary for both of these groups so that proper policies can be proposed and implemented and so that these policies will be supported by the public.

3. International Research Experience We propose to add a humanitarian component to the Ph.D. program as an option for students who wish to conduct research or assist with research that uses science to solve societal problems. We plan to develop a research profile that includes sites that have been targeted by both global and national aid programs. The projects will have a research component, but will also examine the strengths and limitations to scientific solutions to global problems such as the shortage of drinkable water. We plan to establish projects involving long-term monitoring of environmentally sensitive sites. Such extensive, long-term monitoring is only rarely attempted by research programs. The lack of long-term, publicly available data limits our ability to understand results of environmental interventions. Instead of a theoretical head nod to the practical uses of science, students will have the opportunity for field-based research where these problems occur. This experience will (1) attract students who can’t find socially relevant research in other Ph.D. programs, and (2) provide practical experiences that bolster the students’ vitae when they are seeking jobs in academia, industry, NGO or government agencies. We believe that adding an international research experience is consistent with Temple University’s mission. Such a program would significantly raise the profile of the Department and Temple University and would be very much in the “Acres of Diamonds” spirit of the University. It would blend the talents of the Department’s faculty, promote collaborative graduate and undergraduate research, open new funding opportunities, and prepare students to pursue careers in government policy or aid work where sound scientific understanding of earth and environmental issues is sorely needed. It would also create a distinctive niche for the nascent Ph.D. program what would attract exceptional students and faculty to Temple. We believe that once established this on-going program would require a minimum of resources to maintain. In addition, the ultimate placement of students in governmental positions will likely result in increased resources for the department. All of these elements will contribute to the department’s successful transition into a Ph.D.-granting program. We have found three programs which provide models for development of this aspect of our proposed Ph.D. program.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 5 The first program is the Masters International Program offered by the Peace Corp ( in partnership with over 50 institutions of higher education, which allows students to earn a masters degree that includes a 27-month service in the Peace Corps. Most programs are in fields such as agriculture, forestry, or public health, but Michigan Tech’s Department of Geology, Geologic Engineering, and Geophysics, has a long and successful record offering this opportunity to geoscience students. A second model program is the Masters of Humanitarian Engineering which was recently developed at the Colorado School of Mines ( with funding from a multi-million dollar grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. This program goes beyond the short-term projects exemplified by organizations such as Engineers Without Borders by crafting a graduate curriculum that prepares students for experience either internationally or in areas of North America, such as Native American Indian or Inuit Reservations. However, while both of these programs are excellent synergies of graduate-level science education and humanitarian outreach, neither provides the research preparation that will allow a newly-minted Ph.D. to compete in the publish-or-perish world of academia. A third model program, which appears to be both unique and extremely successful, provides both international experience and research. In 2003, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in conjunction with Delft Technical University in the Netherlands created a new Ph.D. program ( Quoting from the IHE website:

Ph.D. research is sometimes carried out using the ‘sandwich’ model. Participants prepare their research and finalise their theses – the first and last portions of the programme – in Delft, but conduct the actual research in their home country, under the co-supervision of a local institution. Researchers maintain regular contacts with their promoters through visits and electronic media, enabling them to employ solutions directly related to problems in their home region.

The Delft Ph.D. model is appealing because it focuses on an international research experience, while preserving the goal of engaging students in issues of global sustainability. The Department of Earth and Environmental Science is already actively working with the director of Geoscientists Without Borders ( to convene a conference at Temple to address humanitarian issues in the geosciences. To incorporate the Delft model into a new EES Ph.D. will require fostering long-term partnerships with international institutions of higher education. To accomplish this EES faculty would actively seek funding from NSF, which offers grants though the Office of International Science Education (OISE) for “International Research and Education: Planning Visits and Workshops” (50 awards total $1.5M/yr), "Small Grants for Exploratory Participation" ($200,000 for 2 yrs), and "Partnerships for International Research and Education" ($40,000,000 available in 2010-14 to fund 5-20 projects). We will seek funding from a variety of sources in addition to the NSF. The Colorado School of Mines has had considerable success obtaining foundation grants, including a multi-million dollar grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. In September, 2007, Schlumberger made a million dollar donation to Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Foundation to create

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 6 Geoscientists Without Borders ( expressly to “provide funding to projects that will bring benefits to communities in need where conditions and hazards can be mitigated or removed using geoscience technology.” This foundation has just announced its first three awards and is growing rapidly with new donations from industry. In addition to funding, it will take time to develop this aspect of the Ph.D. program -- we estimate it will take 3-5 years to form co-operative research and educational programs with appropriate foreign universities and institutes. At least eight international universities, including the National Taiwan University of Science and University of Science and Technology of China are already partners with Temple in the Dual Bachelors/Masters program. Temple also has reciprocal student exchange agreements with the Universities of Hamburg, Tübingen, East Anglia, and Puerto Rico, maintains campuses in Japan and Rome, and has summer programs in more than 14 countries. Faculty at these and other institutions will be contacted to form initial agreements. Additional programs with which Temple University could affiliate are Engineers Without Borders and the National Ground Water Association` (NGWA) Developing Countries Interest Group. Engineers Without Borders (EWB) has been involved in water supply projects (such as digging wells and water routing), water quality, and renewable energy. The NGWA links members to service organizations that work in developing countries to provide sustainable water supplies. The interest group allows members to share experiences and suggest projects, such as the Global Water Challenge of the United Nations. We will also seek to enter into formal agreements or affiliations with United Nations (UN), U.S. and local governments, and NGOs to create research experience opportunities for students during and immediately following graduation from the Ph.D. program at Temple University. This strategy addresses two critical issues: 1) the need of these organizations for highly skilled workers in areas of environmental hazards, hydrology, water management, shallow Earth geophysics, natural hazards, alternative energy (geothermal), landscape monitoring, and other human-environmental interactions; 2) the central strategy of the department to address the growing need for scientifically informed policy in government and planning. Establishing a relationship with the NGOs would provide a unique university resource to facilitate future research, and benefit both the recipient of the aid, the NGO, and the student Fellow.

Degree Requirements for the Ph.D.

Students in the Ph.D. program will be required to take seven classes beyond the Masters degree. The number of credits depends on the combination of lecture oriented (3 cr) versus laboratory oriented (4 cr) classes taken, but will be a minimum of 21 credits. One class, Geoscience Research Methods, will be required; the other six are elective courses which will be chosen by the student with the advice of the thesis adviser or committee, subject to additional constraints described below. In addition to classes, students will register for 1-2 research credits in the semesters that they are not enrolled in courses, seminars, or research with a minimum of 6 credits. An outline of the full curriculum and comparison with some aspirant Ph.D. programs at other institutions can be found in Appendix A. Students will ordinarily be expected to have a masters degree prior to admission. Students

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 7 without a prior Master’s degree will be considered only on an exceptional basis and with additional degree requirements. Selection will be based on credentials, they must have prior research experience, and they must meet the approval of both the admissions committee and the designated advisor. These students must fulfill the requirements for the Ph.D. plus some additional number of credits. The number of additional credits for their program will be determined by the admissions committee and the designated advisor at the time of admission. The flexibility in credit requirements is needed because of the varying backgrounds of students likely to be admitted to this interdisciplinary program. Students will have specific coursework to provide the necessary background for their research and as such the course requirements are not likely to be uniform. Furthermore, the program is likely to attract students from different disciplines, so the preparation will be varied. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of our program, we will encourage both breadth and depth in selection of the six elective courses. However, the following limitations will apply. Students may need course work in other departments, such as chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, engineering, or public health. However, students may take no more than two of their courses outside the department. Students must also take at least two courses outside their field of specialty, but within the department. In addition to classes and research credits, Ph.D. students are required to pass a qualifying exam by the end of their first year of residence, a written and oral defense of a research proposal by the end of their second year, and submit a dissertation, including oral defense, at the end of their research. In summary, the Degree Requirements include:

• MS degree or course plan in lieu of a MS degree prior to admission • Research Methods (3 cr) • Six Electives (18-24 cr) • Qualifying exam preparation (9994)(1 cr) • Pre-Dissertation research in preparation for proposal exam (9998)(minimum 1 cr) • Dissertation Research (9999)(minimum 6 cr) • Dissertation Defense

These requirements are similar to those of many Ph.D. programs at other model institutions (Appendix A). Knowledge of a foreign language may be necessary for some students, particularly if they are working or studying abroad in non-English-speaking institutions or areas, but a foreign language will not be required. Unfortunately, a detailed plan of courses or course sequences in electives cannot be presented at this time due to the number of new courses that will be proposed as new faculty are hired. Common Required Course One course will be required of all students: Geoscience Research Methods.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 8 This course will emphasize laboratory skills and quantitative tools used in research. Students will learn about broadly used techniques for data collection, data analysis and interpretation, developing data sets for proposal preparation and research, statistical analysis of data, and software tools for analysis and presentation. The Research Methods course may emphasize different techniques depending on the instructor. As such, it can be taken more than once if a different theme is selected, but no more than twice by any one graduate student. Research Experience In addition to course requirements, students will conduct research. Some students in the proposed program, particularly those conducting long-term research projects in foreign countries or remote locations or who require specialized facilities not available at Temple, also will be encouraged to participate as visiting scholars at partner institutions. We will be developing both international and national partners for the global/sustainability research. These partnerships are a necessary component of research on global problems, but they also offer opportunities for our students to expand their experience - a preliminary post-doc. While other Ph.D. programs may have one or two faculty members who have research sites in developing countries or who encourage sustainability research, our proposed program differs because we will encourage all students to develop their skills in these areas. Advising

The Geoscience Ph.D. program will have a clear set of advising procedures and methods of tracking and documenting student process. All of the procedures and policies related to the Ph.D. program will be presented to the students and faculty through a variety of venues, including an annual orientation, a Ph.D. BlackBoard website, printed materials, and one-on-one advising. Initial one-on-one advising will be done by the advisor with assistance from the Ph.D. program director. Students are expected to designate an area of interest and advisor during application. Administrative Structure The Ph.D. program will be administered by the Chair of EES and a Ph.D. Program Director selected by the graduate faculty of EES. Governance of the program will rest with the graduate faculty who are members of the Earth and Environmental Science Department who will participate in recruitment, admissions, and curriculum development. The administrative structure of the program will consist of a Ph.D. program director; a steering committee consisting of all graduate EES faculty members; and standing committees, including admissions, curriculum, environmental health and safety and radiation safety. We also plan to have a Director of International Research Programs, a position in part funded by grants. Tuition and Fees

There are no special tuition or fee requirements. Students will be charged the standard tuition rates for the College of Science and Technology.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 9

Implementation and Hiring

The EES Department currently consists of seven tenure-track and five non-tenure track faculty (Appendix B) and adjunct faculty that teach individual courses or laboratories. These faculty members currently conduct research and provide education in environmental geology, structural geology, stratigraphy-sedimentation, paleontology and earth history, planetary geology, and geochemistry-materials (Table 1 and Faculty CVs in Appendix C). TABLE 1: Current research specialties in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science

Research area Faculty

Geothermal energy N. Davatzes

Environmental geophysics Nyquist

Hydrogeology & urban hydrology Toran

Low temperature geochemistry Grandstaff, Toran

Mineralogy-materials Myer, Grandstaff

Paleontology-fossil provenance, paleoclimates Tumarkin-Deratzian, Terry, Grandstaff

Planetary geology A. Davatzes

Sedimentation-stratigraphy A. Davatzes, Terry

Structural geology N. Davatzes

However, seven full-time faculty are not sufficient to provide adequate research or pedagogic strength or breadth, or allow the synergistic collaborations for a fully developed Ph.D. program. Therefore, to implement the new Ph.D. program, we propose to expand the department by hiring five to seven new faculty over the next five years to bring the total number of tenure-track faculty to at least 12 individuals. A consideration of the number of faculty in similar and aspirant programs (see Appendix A) suggests that this is the minimum number necessary to establish a

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 10 sustainable program. We plan to use the new hires to further strengthen these areas and develop new strengths in emerging areas of research, such as urban geoscience, ancient and modern climates, geohazards, and research on globalization/sustainability (Table 2). For example, several faculty (Table 1) currently conduct research in ancient environments and climates. Hiring of new individuals in isotope geochemistry and climate modeling would provide additional strength in this currently important and well-funded research area and would allow development of research in new areas of modern global climate change which, informed by knowledge of the effects of past climatic change, will enable faculty and students to provide guidance for socially important policy decisions. Similarly, several faculty conduct research in sedimentary processes and stratigraphy (Table 1). Addition of new faculty with specialties in marine or coastal processes would build on our current strengths and allow development of a focus in modern coastal processes and environments with implications for environmentally important aspects such as global sea-level rise, tsunami, and hurricanes and typhoons (Table 2). Finally, hiring of faculty with expertise in geological hazards, prediction of volcanic eruptions or earthquakes or their environmental effects, will build on strengths in structural geology and environmental geophysics. These new areas will emphasize the connection between humans, other organisms, and the environment, which will enhance both our research profile and the employment opportunities for students. TABLE 2

Enhanced research area Specialties we already have Potential new hires

Urban geoscience Hydrogeology, urban hydrology, soils, geophysics, structure

Geohazards, GIS, materials, medical geology

Climate change Hydrology, paleosols, sedimentology

Isotope geochemist, climate modeler

Coastal process and/or geohazards

Hydrology, geophysics, sedimentology, soils, structure

Geohazards, GIS, geomorphologist, remote sensing

In 2008 the EES Department added two faculty in structural geology/geothermal energy (N. Davatzes) and sedimentary petrology/planetary geology (A. Davatzes). This year (2008-2009), we are conducting searches for two more faculty, an isotope geochemist and a specialist in geohazards. Assuming that these searches are successful, and with the permission of the dean of CST and University administration, we anticipate that next year we will conduct searches for research specialists in remote sensing/Geographic Information Systems and

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 11 geomorphology/coastal processes. Building on the expertise of these newly hired and current faculty, specialists in climate modeling and materials/medical geology will ultimately be hired. Additional faculty searches may also be required to replace faculty who retire or leave for other positions. The proposed emphasis in emerging areas of research at the intersection between humans and the environment provides a dimension not ordinarily found in traditional Ph.D. programs in geology. For example, urban geoscience provides scientific input to planning urban land use, rectifying problems of decay and poor prior procedures, avoiding or ameliorating effects of concentrated urban pollution sources, managing surface- and groundwater resources. Our urban setting will provide students with challenging research questions related to sustainability which may be pursued either in the Philadelphia area or in other locations. Similarly, the problems of climate change, geohazards, and coastal processes are multiplied in population centers. The application of earth system approaches to problems related to sustainability is likely to attract students to our new Ph.D. program. This program may attract students from a variety of scientific disciplines. We have designed the curriculum to encourage and allow students to take a combination of courses inside and outside the department to prepare them for interdisciplinary research. For example, students may take a course in public health or engineering to better understand how their research interfaces with disciplines outside the department. The students are brought together in two research courses that are based on readings in selected topics. While other Ph.D. programs may have one or two faculty members who have research sites in developing countries or who encourage interdisciplinary research, our proposed program differs because we encourage all students to develop their skills in these areas. A student whose research is not linked to a field site with a social problem will have the opportunity and be encouraged to provide field assistance to students working on these sites. The interdisciplinary curriculum that we propose will better prepare students to adapt to emerging areas of science as they go forward in their careers. Temple has recently articulated a commitment to enhance the undergraduate experience in sustainability and globalization. This proposed Ph.D. program does the same at the graduate level. 1. B. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROPOSED PH.D. TO THE MISSION OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY At present the Department of Earth and Environmental Science is the only department in CST which does not offer a Ph.D. program. Instituting a Ph.D. program and adding additional faculty will enable cutting edge, externally-funded research in the geosciences at Temple University and provide trained, professional geoscientists for employment in research, teaching, and policy-making and governmental organizations. Addition of the Ph.D. program will support Temple University as a research intensive university. Providing student with an international research experience will give them contact with scientists and students in other institutions; furthermore, these opportunities will focus on geological processes which most directly affect urban areas and human well-being. These emphases are fully consistent with the "Acres of Diamonds" philosophy of Russell Conwell and with the recent initiatives by President Hart and Dean Dai to

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 12 establish agreements for study with international institutions. 1. C. RELATIONSHIP OF THE PROPOSED NEW PROGRAM TO OTHER EXISTING PROGRAMS AT THE INSTITUTION A Ph.D. program in geoscience with a strong environmental orientation will inevitably involve faculty from other programs (including chemistry, biology, CIS, and engineering) and centers (such as the Center for Sustainable Communities). We anticipate that interdisciplinary research and teaching opportunities will arise from this cooperation. 1. D. CAMPUS WHERE PROGRAM WILL BE OFFERED The Earth and Environmental Science Department currently offers courses on the Main and Ambler campuses. The proposed program will center on the main campus. Cooperation with the Center for Sustainable Communities would involve the Ambler campus. It is possible that, depending on types of international projects which might develop, students or teachers might also be based on foreign campuses, such as Temple Rome, Japan, or China. 1. E. CONDITIONS THAT MAKE TEMPLE A UNIQUE OR APPROPRIATE PLACE TO INITIATE A PH.D. PROGRAM IN GEOSCIENCE The proposed Ph.D. is consistent with Temple University’s historic mission as a university serving an urban population, in particular the focus of the program that includes urban geoscience. Furthermore, the proposed program lines up with new initiatives at Temple to promote globalization, sustainability, service learning, and science education. The geographic location of Philadelphia, the Delaware Valley, and the coastal areas of New Jersey are perfect for the execution of our proposed Ph.D. program. Philadelphia is situated at the interface of several environmentally sensitive ecosystems. The Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers surround and bisect downtown Philadelphia and then unite and flow into Delaware Bay. We are influenced by tidal forces which create environmentally sensitive wetlands. Certain suburbs just outside of the city are underlain by caves which occasionally collapse. The coastal areas of New Jersey are affected by storms which destroy beaches and property. All of these varied ecosystems are greatly impacted by our industrial, economic, and recreational activities. We see the degradation of watersheds and marshlands via pollution, reclaimed lands that subside and destroy neighborhoods, catastrophic failures of piers, and numerous vacant lots and brown fields. We see numerous pharmaceuticals in our rivers. We deplete our natural resources. Throughout the entire region, aggressive growth and development impacts these delicate ecosystems. But we are in turn affected by the forces of nature. How will we need to change our metropolitan infrastructure in order to cope with these changes? The answers to all of these questions will be based in a thorough understanding of the

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 13 interrelationship between geological and environmental processes and our society. Only by understanding the effects that our society has on the environment, and in turn how the environment affects us, can we develop a course of action to meet the environmental challenges ahead. This understanding of the interplay between society and environment must be over both the short term and long term. By looking into the geologic past, we can see how our activities have modified this region over the past several hundred years. We can determine the rates of environmental change, both natural and anthropogenic. Not all natural processes act on the same timescale, or the same rate. For this reason, a department that is comprised of specialists in both modern and ancient ecosystems, and the associated physical and chemical processes that control them, is vital to understanding how we interact with our surroundings. Implementation of the Ph.D. program and hiring of new faculty will allow The Earth and Environmental Science Department at Temple University to provide the expertise and research to assess and solve both global and regional problems. 1. F. OTHER INSTITUTIONS OPERATING SIMILAR Ph.D. PROGRAMS In southeastern Pennsylvania, only two other institutions offer a Ph.D. within a department of Earth and Environmental Science, and a third offers a degree in Environmental Science, but through a consortium of departments. These programs are distinct from the program that we propose to create at Temple University. The EES program at Lehigh was created in 1991 in response to a university-sponsored Environmental Initiative. The Department of Geology was integrated with the environmental biologists from the Department of Biology in an effort to create a center of excellence focused on understanding the interaction and effects of human activity on the environment. The scientific focus of the Lehigh EES program is quite varied and ranges from research on large-scale fundamental geologic processes and how they affect climate and environment to small scale studies of microbial ecology. The overall philosophy is to understand the fundamental dynamics of ecosystems and environments as influenced by geologic processes. See Appendix A for faculty numbers and degree requirements. Research is carried out at the masters and Ph.D. level. Of the 19 active faculty, the majority are geologists (14), with the remainder a combination of ecologists and bio(geo)chemists (5). The EES program at Penn is similar in philosophy to that of Lehigh. The Penn program promotes a focus on the interaction of humans with the natural environment. The approach at Penn is grounded in both traditional geologic theory complimented with biological and biogeochemical research programs. The EES program at Penn is part of a larger university-wide consortium of faculty within the Institute for Environmental Studies that focuses on policy, toxicology, and engineering, as well as earth sciences. Of the 15 active faculty, 9 are geologists. The remainder are comprised of a combination of biologists, bio(geo)chemists, and ecologists. See Appendix A for faculty numbers and degree requirements. Drexel University does not have a department of Geology, Geoscience, or Earth and Environmental Science. They offer an undergraduate degree in Environmental Science through the Department of Biology. They offer graduate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) in Environmental

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 14 Science by bringing together faculty from a variety of disciplines. Only one of the faculty has formal training in geology/geosciences so they do not provide a degree in geosciences. The Ph.D. program that we are proposing at Temple University is similar in some respect to those at Lehigh and Penn, but differ in other respects. We would be totally distinct from the program at Drexel. We are similar in that we also will have a combination of researchers involved in classical geologic investigations and researchers evaluating environmental impacts of anthropogenic activity. We differ, though in the focus of our proposed program. Our goal is to develop an interdisciplinary research program founded on the establishment of national and international collaborations with educational, government, and NGO organizations. Our plan of aggressive, targeted hires over the next several years will allow us to expand into emerging areas of research, such as urban geoscience and climate change, that would benefit from our proposed interdisciplinary and interational approach. 1. G. ESTIMATE THE NUMBER OF NEW STUDENTS DURING THE FIRST YEAR

We propose to have approximately 3 to 4 Ph.D. students in residence in the first year of the program. Some of these students may be transfer students, brought into the program by senior faculty hired from other institutions. The number of students will increase by 3 to 4 each subsequent year until the steady state number of 10 – 14 students is attained. 1. H. ASPIRATIONS OF EXCELLENCE AND ASSESSMENT

We will use a variety of internal and external mechanisms to evaluate the curriculum and overall effectiveness of the Ph.D. program. The Ph.D. Program Director, in consultation with Ph.D. faculty members, will annually review student progress, grades, and pass/fail rate on preliminary examinations, enrollments, and advising. We will collect impact indicators of our students’ success by tracking such quality indicators as:

• Publications, including book chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles, and books • Conference Presentations • Invited Presentations • Awards and Honors • Fellowships • Grants • Job placements, including post-doctoral and faculty positions, as well as leadership

positions in Governmental and Non-governmental Organizations (NGO), industrial (petroleum and mining), and faculty positions

In addition, effectiveness of the Ph.D. program will be tracked by determining: 1. Program attrition (dropouts, dismissals) 2. Time to complete the Ph.D. degree

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 15 Finally, students' perceptions of the programs will be assessed through: 1. Teaching evaluations 2. Student surveys on different aspects of the program (e.g. Zoomerang e-survey) 3. Exit interviews Information from these and other sources will be used by the Chair, Ph.D. program director, and affiliated faculty to discuss, evaluate, and adjust aspects of the program. 1. I. QUALITY OF FACULTY MEMBERS TO SUPPORT THE PROGRAM The proposed graduate program in Geoscience will include faculty members in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science, as well as certain faculty with overlapping interests from other departments and campuses. For example, research and teaching faculty in the Center for Sustainable Communities at Ambler may become involved in some aspects of the program, possibly in supporting humanitarian efforts and teaching some elective courses. Similarly, some ecologists and environmental biologists (Biology Department), geomaterials researchers (Chemistry), and environmental toxicologists (Public Health) may become affiliated with this program, providing course instruction and research support. Faculty in EES have obtained Ph.D. degrees from distinguished institutions including: Yale, Princeton, and Stanford Universities, and the Universities of Wisconsin, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania. Some faculty have obtained post-doctoral experience. Abbreviated curriculum vitae of faculty are included in Appendix C. Faculty in EES have been very active in publishing and obtaining external funding for research. Faculty are or have been Investigators or Co-Investigators on grants obtained from NSF, NASA, DOD, DOE, DOI, USDA, William Penn, Chevron Corporation and other funding sources. Faculty in EES have good publication rates in internationally-recognized peer reviewed journals with high citation indices, including Nature, Science, Geology, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Palaios, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Ground Water, Economic Geology, and the Journal of Geophysical Research. 2. SHORT- AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS ON OTHER UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS Demand for Courses The proposed program will have a limited immediate effect on demand for courses. The addition of Ph.D. students and new faculty will require addition of new courses. New courses will include the two required Ph.D. courses, Research Methods (3 cr) and Manuscript/Proposal Preparation Techniques (3 cr), as well as elective graduate and undergraduate courses in Isotope Geochemistry, Geophysics or Tectonics, and Climates and paleoclimate modeling. These courses may also be open to MS and undergraduate students and to students from other departments. Our current majors and graduate-level courses have attracted students not only from Geology and

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 16 Environmental Sciences, but also from Anthropology, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, and Engineering. We anticipate that the new courses, including courses such as climate modeling, will be of interest to students from those departments and also possibly CIS. These new courses will be phased in over a three to five year period as new faculty are hired and as students enter the Ph.D. program. Loss or Addition of Students We are proposing that the Ph.D. program, when fully implemented, will consist of from 10 to 14 students. We anticipate that the current MS program will remain at about its current number, ca. 10 students. The MS program serves an important function to provide trained geologists for employment in regional Environmental and Geotechnical firms, the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Departments of Environmental Protection; regional government agencies, such as the U.S. EPA; education, and mining and petroleum companies (Figure 2). Employment for such graduates will remain the same or increase in coming years, thus the MS program should continue at its current size. Therefore, the total number of graduate students will more than double, from 10 to ca. 25. The new Ph.D. program may make our masters program more attractive to applicants since they will have the opportunity to complete both degrees at Temple. We also anticipate that initiation of the Ph.D. program and hiring of new faculty will provide new and exciting opportunities for undergraduate students. This may produce some increase in undergraduates majoring or doing research in Geology and Environmental Science. 3. ANALYSIS OF IMPACT ON SPACE RESOURCES (OFFICE, LAB, CLASS) The new faculty and students will require additional equipment, space, and support personnel. The department currently has only one secretary and one full-time and one part (half) time support staff members. The department should add one new secretary and two more laboratory technicians, who may be shared with the Materials Science Center and supported, in part, through external funding. The amount of additional space required will depend, in part, on research specializations of the new faculty, amount and type of equipment required for research, and possible use of common laboratory facilities. As a preliminary estimate (assuming ca. 150

Figure 2. Employment trends of recent master’s recipients in the Geological Sciences (American Geological Institute).

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 17

ft2/faculty office, 50 ft2/student office, 100 ft2/secretary or laboratory technician, and an average of 600 ft2/faculty laboratory), a minimum of ca. 4,950 ft2 additional departmental space would be required. 4. IMPACT OF PROPOSED CHANGES ON STAFF AND FACULTY PERSONNEL EES currently has only seven tenure track faculty. This is not a sufficient number for a broadly based Ph.D. program offering a diversity of experience for students. As discussed above, additional faculty are required. EES proposes to expand the department with five to seven hires over the next four to five years. The additional faculty will be chosen in selected disciplines to move the department into new research areas while building research depth and collaboration with current faculty. These new faculty will also complement existing strengths in the department, while providing a unique direction and role for Temple University in several emerging areas of research and public needs. As mentioned above, additional secretarial and laboratory support personnel will also be required. At present the department has only one secretary. At least one more full-time secretary should be hired to handle admissions, grant proposal preparation, submission, and budgets. Two more laboratory technicians should be hired to maintain, operate, and train students in use of new laboratory instruments, such as mass-spectrometers. These technicians may be shared with the Materials Science Center and supported, in part, through external funding. 5. FIVE-YEAR BUDGET SHOWING MARGINAL IMPACT The Five-year budget plan (Table 3), which was prepared by the CST Dean’s office, contains budget estimates based on the following assumptions: 1. To implement the Ph.D. program in Geoscience, six new tenure track faculty will be hired in

EES over the next three years (including two this year [year 1]). We anticipate that five junior faculty will be hired at initial salaries of approximately $70,000 and one senior member at a salary of approximately $85,000). This produces first year salary increments of $435,000. Faculty should be hired early, if possible, to provide critical research and advising mass for incoming Ph.D. students.

2. Based on demographic data, the CST Dean’s office estimates that during this period as many

as 12 senior faculty will retire or leave the college. These retirements will entirely offset salaries of newly-hired EES faculty.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 18 Table 3. Five-year estimated budget showing marginal impact Faculty Hire/Discipline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total

Isotope Geochemist 70,000


Geohazards 70,000


Geographic Information Systems 70,000


Geomorphology 70,000


Climate modeling 70,000


Materials/medical geology 85,000




155,000 - -


Anticipated CST Faculty Retirements:

4 - - 4 - - 4 - -

- - - - - - Additional Funds Required 0 0 0 0

6. LIST OF FACULTY GROUPS AND RELEVANT ADMINISTRATORS THAT WERE CONSULTED The following activities and consultations preceded submission of this proposal:

April 2008 - Development of a strategic plan by the faculty and presentation to Dean Dai July 2008 - Writing of a Ph.D. pre-proposal and circulation to interested parties including: The Chairs of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, CIS, the Dean of the Ambler College, the Head of the Center for Sustainable Communities, and the Science Librarian. July 2008 – Writing of a Ph.D. Pre-proposal and submission to Dr. Zeb Kendrick of the Graduate School

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 19

September 2008 – Critique and feedback on Pre-proposal from Dr. Zeb Kendrick and EES Chair. November 2008 – Discussion of Ph.D. Pre-proposal between Dr. Zeb Kendrick and the EES faculty. November 2008 - January 2009 – Extended discussions by EES faculty and the writing committee on Ph.D. proposal content.


Spring 2009 – Submit proposal to the Graduate School for review, followed by submissions to the Provost, President, and the Academic Affairs Committee of the Board of Trustees. Summer 2009 – Develop new promotional and advising materials to publicize the new degree once final University approval is received. Prepare revisions to the Ph.D. Advising Handbook, the Graduate Bulletin, and the website entries for the Graduate School, and College of Science and Technology. Once University approval is received, change ISIS course numbering and Class Schedules to include Doctoral research and other courses. Implement transition plan for introducing the Ph.D. program in the Fall of 2009. a). prepare and disseminate advertising materials and announcements for the new Ph.D. program b). prepare and disseminate the Geoscience Ph.D. handbook to administrators, faculty, staff, and incoming students. c). get program and course descriptions included in the Graduate School Website and the online Graduate Bulletin.

Depending on timing of approval of the program by the University and Trustees, the first Ph.D. students may be admitted or transfer into the program (accompanying newly hired senior faculty members) as early as Fall 2009. Library, computer, and student aid The proposed changes will not have a significant impact on these facilities and services. The Ph.D. Program Director will consult with the library about new acquisitions as the need arises. Other than individual computers for newly hired faculty and staff, the proposed program does

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 20 not require additional computer resources. Education and research requiring computers or other similar technologies can be accommodated within current EES computer laboratories. Students will be supported by Research Fellowships and as Teaching Assistants. We also expect that students enrolling in the program will be competitive for University fellowships and external funding. Type of Change Proposed The proposal is to create a new program. This change does not involve renaming, restructuring, or closing a department.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 21 Appendix A: Program Comparison

Program Size of Faculty/# of

Doctoral Students*

Total Credit Hours

Didactic Credits

Required Courses


Temple U.: Proposed

Ph.D. program in Geoscience

10-12 faculty 29-35 cr beyond MS

7 classes or 24 credits from

the MS; additional

credits TBD with

committee for students

without an MS

Research methods in Geoscience; no

more than 2 courses outside department; at least 2 outside

speciality (breadth) but

within the department; no more than ¼

below 5000 level.

Comprehensive Exam; Research

Proposal and Orals;

Dissertation Defense

Temple U. MS of


22-29 7 classes Participation in Seminar (1 cr)

Comprehensive Exam; Research

Proposal and Orals; Thesis


Rutgers U.: Ph.D. in

Geological Science

30 faculty; 8 research

scientists/ adjuncts; 5


72 credits (from a BA/BS)

33 credits 3 course credits from each of the 3 major categories: Mineral/Petrology/ Meteoritics and

Sedimentary Geology and


Oral and written Qualifying

Exam; Dissertation


U. of Pennsylvania: Ph.D. in Earth

and Environmental


9 faculty, 9 adjuncts, 2 research

fellows, 7 staff

TBD 20 units from a BA/BS;

12 from an MS

none Prelims; Dissertation


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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 22

U. of Delaware:

Ph.D. in Geological Sciences

12 faculty; 12 “secondary

appts”; 2 staff

program developed with the student's dissertation committee

GEOL 601-Geoscience at Delaware and GEOL 605-

Stratigraphy; at least 9 credits

dissertaion research

Oral and Written

Proposal and Dissertation


Cornell U.: Ph.D. in

Geological Science

24 faculty; 6 adjunct; 20

research staff; 10 tech. and admin. staff

5 - 7 years TBD by committee

none Qualifying Exam;

Admission to Candidacy

Exam; Final Exam

(Dissertation Defense)

MIT: Ph.D. in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary


41 faculty; 11 Lecturers; 38 research staff;

28 staff

~5 years Individualized program


General Exam; Dissertaion


California Institute of

Technology: Ph.D. in Geology

41 faculty; 4 research

faculty, 70 technical and research staff

135 units (-45 units if

entering with MS)

Two our of the three courses Ge

102, 103, and 104, which also satisfy the basic division requirement, and 36 units in 100-level science or

engineering courses taken

outside the GPS division; 54 units

are required in 100- or 200-level courses within the

GPS division; ACM/ESE 118

Oral exam; Dissertation


Stanford U.: Ph.D. in

Geological and Environmental


24 faculty; 15 affiliated

faculty; 20 staff

Individualized program

4 letter-graded courses

3 courses from 4 different faculty

Qualifying Exam;

Dissertaion Defense

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 23

Washington University, St. Louis:

Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary


17 teaching faculty; 6 research faculty; 1

lecturer; 26 Research

Scientists and Staff; 23 other


72 semester units from a


15 units Six Breadth courses: Two

courses in “Geology”, two in ‘Geochemistry”,

two in “Geophysics” Four Depth

Courses in chosen discipline Course in Graduate

Research Project; Couse in Research

Research paper during 4th

semster, Orals, Dissertation


Lehigh U.: Ph.D. in Earth

and Environmental


19 faculty; 3 research

scientists; 5 staff

72 credits from BA/BS;

48 credits from MS

18 credits students are required to take

two of the Department's

three core courses: Tectonic

Processes, Paleoclimatology,

or Aquatic Ecosystems

Qualifying Exam; General

Exam (Dissertaion


SUNY Buffalo: Ph.D. in Geology

16 faculty; 14 research or

adjunct faculty; 6 staff

72 credit hours

24 credits none Qualifying exam;

Dissertaion defense

Binghampton University:

Ph.D. in Geological Sciences

13 faculty; 1 adjunct; 7 staff

24 credit hours



Oral Exam; Proposal Defense;

Dissertation Defense

U. of Rochester:

Ph.D. in Earth and

Environmental Science

7 faculty; 3 research

associates; 3 adjunct; 3 staff

At least 4 years

3-5 semesters None Qualifying Exam;

Dissertation Defense

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 24

CUNY: Ph.D. in Earth And

Environmental Science

90 across all colleges; 8


60 credits (up to 30 credits from MS can be applied)

2 years Earth Systems I and II (EES 716-717), The Nature

of Scientific Research (EES 704) and field


First Exam after 30 credits;

Second Exam is Proposal

Defense after 60 credits;

Dissertation Defense

Utah State U.: Ph.D. in Geology

10 faculty; 5 adjunct; 1 research

associate; 2 staff

90 credits beyond a

BS/BA; 60 credits beyond

an MS

30 credits beyond a BS;

21 credits beyond the


15 credits of 7000-level

coursework; 3 credits of PhD


Written Comprehensive Exam; Research

Proposal and Proposal Defense;

Dissertation Defense

U. of Alabama: Ph.D. in

Geological Sciences

14 faculty; 3 adjunct

faculty; 4 research staff;

3 administrative


72 hours 48 hours beyond

BA/BS (24 from a MS)

4 hours of Graduate Seminar

Dissertation Proposal Defense;

Preliminary Exam during 5th semester;

Annual Evaluation;

Final Exam/Dissertati

on Defense

West Virginia U.:

Ph.D. in Geology

24 faculty; 8 staff; 4 adjunct

or research faculty

No formal course


Preliminary Exam during 1st

semster, Proposal

Defense by 3rd semester,

Comprehensive Exam at end of

2nd year, Dissertation


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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 25

Washington State U.: Ph.D. in Geology

12 faculty; 5 NTT; 3

administrative staff; 6 lab


72 hours from BA/BS

34 hours from BA/BS

30 hours of 500+ level; up to 9 credits

of non-graduate coursework; 2 semesters of Seminar Two

courses in Chem/Phys above 300 level OR Two course in CS/Stats OR Math through

Differential Eq. OR Foreign Language Translation Exam

Preliminary Exam; Final


U. of Illinois at Urbana-

Champaign: Ph.D. in Geology

15 faculty; 3 affiliate

faculty; 4 research staff;

8 adjunct faculty

At least 96 hours from


At least 40 hours from BA/BS; 16 hours from


At least 20 hours at 500 level; at least 4 hours

outside of department; at least 12 hours

within the department

Qualifying exam during 4th semester;

Preliminary Exam during 6th

semester; Final Exam between 9th and 12th


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Tenure Track Faculty Members

Degree, Institution, Year Research Specialties

DAVATZES, Alexandra Assistant Professor

Ph.D. – Stanford University, 2006 Physical Sedimentology, Planetary Geology

DAVATZES, Nicholas Assistant Professor

Ph.D. – Stanford University, 2005 Structural Geology, geothermal energy

GRANDSTAFF, David Professor

Ph.D. – Princeton University,


Low-temperature geochemistry

MYER, George Professor

Ph.D. – Yale University,



NYQUIST, Jonathan Professor

Ph.D. – University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1986

Environmental Geophysics

TERRY, Dennis Associate Professor

Ph.D. – University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 1998

Paleopedology, stratigraphy

TORAN, Laura Professor

Ph.D. – University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1986


Non-Tenure Track Faculty Members

FLYNN, Natalie M.S. - Temple University, 1996 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

FRIEL, John Ph.D. – University of Pennsylvania, 1976

Electron beam analysis


Ph.D. – University of Pennsylvania, 2003

Vertebrate Paleontology

VALENTINO, Richard M.S. – Temple University, 1983 Structural Geology

VRAZO, Matthew M.S. – Bristol University (England), 2006

Invertebrate Paleontology

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 27 APPENDIX C. Faculty Curriculum Vitae DAVATZES, Alexandra 28 DAVATEES, Nicholas 34 FLYNN, Natalie 53 FRIEL, John 57 GRANDSTAFF, David E. 69 MYER, George H. 90 NYQUIST, Jonathan 107 TERRY, Jr., Dennis O. 122 TORAN, Laura 144 TUMARKIN-DERATZIAN, Allison 156 VALENTINO, Richard 162 VRAZO, Matthew 165

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 28

Alexandra Krull Davatzes Department of Earth and Environmental Science

Temple University

Philadelphia, PA 19122

215-204-3907 • [email protected]

Professional Preparation: Pomona College Geology BA, 1995

Stanford University Geological & Environmental Science Ph.D., 2006 NASA Postdoctoral Fellow NASA Ames Research Center 2007

Appointments: 2008-present Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Temple University

2007-present HiRISE Team Member, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission, NASA

2007 NASA Postdoctoral Fellow, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

2005-2006 NASA Ames Education Associate, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA

2004-2005 School of Earth Sciences Public Outreach Graduate student Coordinator, Stanford University.

Summer, 2002 Lecturer, University of Oklahoma Honors College; Norman, Oklahoma


Journal Publications: • Davatzes A., Gulick, V.C., Davatzes, N.C. (to be submitted to GRL) Development of fluid

pathways within relay zones on Mars: Insight from HiRISE images.

• Davatzes A.E., Byerly G.R., Lowe D.R., (to be submitted to EPSL) Evidence for a low O2 Archean atmosphere from nickel-rich chrome spinels in 3.24 Ga impact spherules, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa.

• McEwen, A., Hansen C., Delamere, A., Eliason, E., Herkenhoff, K., Keszthelyi, L., Gulick, V.,

Kirk, R., Mellon, M., Grant, J., Thomas, N., Weitz, C., Squyres, S., Bridges, N., Murchie, S., Seelos, F., Seelos, K., Okubo, C., Milazzo, M., Tornabene, L., Jaeger, W., Byrne, S., Russell, P., Griffes, J., Martinez-Alonso, S., Davatzes A., Chuang, F., Thomson, B., Fishbaugh K., Dundas,

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 29

C., Kolb, K., Banks, M., Wray, J. (2007) A Closer Look at Water-Related Geologic Activity on Mars. Science, v. 317. no. 5845, p. 1706 - 1709.

• Krull-Davatzes A.E., Lowe D.R., Byerly G.R., (2006) Compositional grading in a 3,240 Ma

impact-produced spherule bed, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: A key to impact plume evolution, Journal of South African Geology; 109: 233 - 244.

• Lowe, D.R., Byerly, G.R., Kyte, F.T., Shukolyukov, A., Asaro, F., Krull, A. (2003)

Characteristics, origin and implications of Archean impact-produced spherule beds, 3.47-3.22 Ga, in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Keys to the role of large impacts on the evolution of the early Earth: Astrobiology, v. 3, p. 7-48.

Extended Abstract Publications: • *Wyant, M., Frey, H. and Davatzes, A., (2009) Relative age dating of Martian geologic units

through a study of buried impact structures using an improved crustal thickness model. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

• Gulick, V.C., Davatzes, A.K. (2009) MRO’s HiRISE coverage of fluvial landforms on Mars

during its primary science phase. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

• Gulick, V., Deardorff, G., Davatzes, A., Kanefsky, B. (2009) Education and public outreach with the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s high-resolution imaging science experiment: a virtual science team experience. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference

• Davatzes, A., Gulick, V. and the HiRISE Team. (2007) New insight into cataracts in outflow

channel systems from HiRISE images. Seventh International Conference on Mars

• Gulick, V, Davatzes, A., Kolb, K. and the HiRISE team. (2007) Some insights on gully morphology and formation on Mars from HiRISE. Seventh International Conference on Mars

• Davatzes A., Gulick, V.C. (2007) Evidence for tectonically controlled hydrothermal fluid flow in

relay zones on Mars from early HiRISE images. 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference [#1788].

• Gulick, V.C., Deardorff, G., Kanefsky, B., and Davatzes, A. (2007) Student and public

participation in acquiring and analyzing HiRISE Images. 38th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference [#2248].

• Krull A.E., Lowe D.R., Byerly G.R. (2003) Inferred primary compositions of Archean spherules

formed by the condensation of an impact-produced rock vapor cloud, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Third International Conference on Large Meteorite Impacts [#4056].

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• Krull A.E., Lowe D.R., Byerly G.R. (2003) Compositional Grading in an Impact-produced Spherule Bed, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: A Key to Condensation History of Rock Vapor Clouds: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference [#1474].

• Pike, W.A., Frey, H.M., Krull, A.E., Grosfils, E.B., Gilmore, M.S., Reinen, L.A. and Kozak, S.J.

(1998) Viscosity of Venusian lava flows: Constraints from fractal dimension and chemical composition: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference [#1055].

Abstracts: • Davatzes, A., Gulick, V. (2008) High resolution imaging of the outflow channels on Mars, Eos

Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl. • *Wyant, M., Frey, H., Davatzes, A. (2008) Identifying Buried Impact Structures and

Understanding Their Contributions to the Relative Dating of Mars, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl.

• Gulick, V., Davatzes, A. (2008) Martian Valleys, Channels and Gullies at High-resolution, Eos

Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl.

• Gulick, V., Davatzes, A., Deardorff, G., Kanefsky, B., Conrad, L. (2008) MRO's HiRISE Education and Public Outreach during the Primary Science Phase, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl.

• Davatzes A., Gulick, V.C., Davatzes, N.C. (2006) Relationship of Fault Geometry to

Catastrophic Outflow on Mars, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P23B-0063

• Gulick, V.C�., Davatzes, A., McEwen, A. (2006) MRO's High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) Education And Public Outreach program, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P23B-0062

• Penuel, W. R.�, Kreikemeier, P., Venezky, D., Blank, J. G., Davatzes, A., Davatzes, N. (2006),

Assessing Teachers' Comprehension of What Matters in Earth Science, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED33A-1380

• Byerly, G.R., Krull-Davatzes, A.E., and Lowe, D.R., (2005) Petrology and Sedimentology of

Mid-Archean Impact-Produced Spherule Beds, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts.

• Krull-Davatzes A.E., DeLaPaz, A., Paytan, A., Saltzman, J. (2005) Building geologists for the

class of 2020: a field trip for first graders at Stanford University, GSA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City

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• Krull-Davatzes A.E., Lowe D.R., Byerly G.R. (2005) Evidence for a low-oxygen Archean atmosphere from impact spinels in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa, NASA PI Meeting, NASA Ames, August 2005

• Krull-Davatzes A.E., Byerly G.R., Lowe D.R. (2004) Evidence for an O2-poor Archean

atmosphere from impact spinels in the Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: GSA Annual Meeting, Denver

• Crane, W.H., Lowe, D.R., Duerichen, E., Weislogel, A., Erohina, T., Graham, B., Hubbard, S.,

Johnson, C., Krull, A., Mason, E., and Tice, M. (2003) Architecture and Distribution of Deep-water Channel Complexes, Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation, Magallanes Foreland Basin, Chile: AAPG Annual Meeting

• Reinen, L.A., Krull, A., Little, A., Mirus, B.B., and Bauleke, L. (2002) Multiple Approaches to

undergraduate investigations of deformation bands: Student and faculty perspectives: GSA Annual Meeting.

* indicates publication by student advisee

Other Publications: • Davatzes, A., Gulick, V. (2007) Imaging Mars at High Resolution: Activity Book, for grades K-

3; 4-8; 9-14. (Three levels available) Published online at the HiRISE website:

Invited Talks: • November, 2008; seminar series, Lehigh University; “Ancient and Active Processes on Mars as

Revealed by the HiRISE Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter” • November 2008; seminar series, Dickinson College; “Ancient and Active Processes on Mars as

Revealed by the HiRISE Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter” • July, 2008; NASA Astrobiology Institute, NASA Ames Research Center; “Observing Mars at

High Resolution with the HiRISE camera onboard MRO” • October 2003; IGPP seminar series, UC Santa Cruz; “Why the dinosaurs got off easy: Evidence

of mega-impacts in the Archean” • June 2003; NASA Astrobiology Field Conference: Archean Surface Processes, Barberton,

South Africa; “Compositional variability in the S3 spherule bed: A key to the condensation history of rock vapor clouds”

• May 2003; Ocean Waves from Asteroid Impacts Workshop, UC Santa Cruz; “Evidence for tsunamis in the Archean spherule beds of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa”

Synergistic Activities:

• Reviewer for “Geology” (journal), “From Fossils to Astrobiology” (published by Springer)

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• 2008 American Geophysical Union (AGU) session convener: New Developments in the Study of Fluvial Systems on Mars

• Assisted in the development and implementation of the Education and Public Outreach (EPO) program for the HiRISE Camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, including a Student Challenge Program which has involved 675 school groups representing over 8000 students from 45 states and 42 countries.

• Organized workshops and given presentations at K-12 schools, the California Science Teacher’s Conference, and Sally Ride Festival as part of the HiRISE EPO effort and as part of the outreach program at Stanford University.

• Elected Geoscience Councilor for the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), 2008-2010.

Honors: 2007; NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship recipient, NASA Ames and Oak Ridge Associated Universities

2005; Outstanding poster, NASA Astrobiology PI Conference, NASA Ames, for best student research

2002; Lieberman Fellowship recipient, Stanford University, selected based on scholarly achievements, demonstrated interest and ability in teaching, and dedication to serving the larger community

2000 and 2001; McGee Grant recipient, Stanford University, for student research

1999; The D.B. McIntyre- H. Stanton Hill Award, a senior commencement award from the Geology

Department at Pomona College

1999; Senior Service Award, a senior commencement award for service to the Pomona College


1999; Sigma Xi Honor Society

1998; Mortar Board Honor Society, Pomona College

1997-99; Pomona Scholar (GPA>3.7)

1998; Isabel F. Smith Award from the Geology Department of Pomona College for women in geology

1996; Academic All-American in waterpolo

1995; Science Fair Inc. College Scholarship

Courses Taught:

The Early Earth (U. of Oklahoma); Sedimentology (Stanford University); Evolution and Extinctions (Temple University); Environmental Seminar (Temple University); Sedimentary Petrology (Temple University, graduate level).


Collaborators: Gary Byerly, LSU; Linda Conrad, NASA Ames; Nicholas Davatzes, Temple University; Glenn Deardorff, NASA Ames; Herbert Frey, NASA GSFC; Bob Kanefsky, NASA Ames; Laszlo Keszthelyi, USGS; Jacqueline Leonard, Temple University; Alfred McEwen, ASU

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 33 Thesis advisor: Donald Lowe, Stanford University

Postdoc advisor: Virgina Gulick, NASA Ames Research Center/ SETI Institute

Dissertation advisees: Michael Wyant, MS student, Temple University; Elizabeth Scroggs, MS student, Temple University


Funded Support

Title: Fluvial and hydrothermal systems on Mars and HiRISE mission support

Funding Agency: SETI Institute /NASA Ames Subcontract

Award Duration: June-August 2008

Award Amount: $25,822

Person Mo./year: 2.5

Pending Support:

Title: Recovery and Evolution of the Earth's Surface System Following Late Heavy Bombardment: Drilling in the Barberton Greenstone belt, South Africa PI: Donald Lowe

Funding Agency: PIRE, NSF

Award Duration: 1/1/2010-12/31/2014

Award Amount: app. $3,900,000

Location: Various

Person Mo./Year: 1

Title: Adventures in Mathematics and Technology: The Bessie Coleman Project PI: Jacqueline Leonard

Funding Agency: NSF 08-609

Award Duration: 07/01/09 - 06/30/12

Award Amount: $447,586

Person Mo./year: 1

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Nicholas C. Davatzes, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae Earth and Environmental Science, Temple University Beury Hall, 1901 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: (215)204-2192; email: [email protected] Web: Personal Contact Information: Phone: (650)218-3682 email: [email protected]


Focus: The future of energy research and the future development of society depend on Earth’s dynamic resources. The supply of accessible geothermal heat and future petroleum extraction are all controlled by the movement of fluids through faults and fractures in the Earth’s crust. My research investigates the properties of fractures, the stresses that cause them to remain closed, slip or open, and the geological processes that glue them shut by forming new minerals. Thus I study the conditions necessary to enhance and maintain permeability. This same understanding of fracture properties is critical to petroleum systems, contaminant transport, the formation of ore deposits, and earthquake hazards. Research Approach: My research incorporates geomechanical analysis with insight from theory and numerical analysis and practical constraints from direct field and borehole observations to investigate how the physical properties of fault zones arise from the processes that deform rock during faulting.


2008-presen Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

2008-presen Invited Visiting Professor, RES School of Renewable Energy Science, Akureyri, Iceland (Teach Geothermal Drilling and Logging (GEO605) part of the International M.Sc. degree program in Geothermal Energy Science)


2004-2007 Post-doctoral Mendenhall Research Fellow, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park,

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CA: Investigating host rock mineralogical and petrophysical controls on fracture permeability in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA

2003-2004 Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Stanford University

1998-2003 Ph.D., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Department of Geologic and Environmental Science, Structural geology and Geomechanics.: Fault architecture as a function of deformation mechanism in clastic rocks with an emphasis on sandstone Advisor: Dr. Atilla Aydin,

1994-1998 B.A., Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA Majors: Geology & Philosophy double major. GPA: 3.7/4.0 Magna Cum Laude, with Honors in Geology


2008, 2009 Invited Visiting Professor RES School of Renewable Energy Sciences, Iceland

2008 Visiting Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Team

2004-2007 Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship

1998-2002 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Davies Barrows Fellowship: Stanford University

Spring 2002 Shell Grant: Stanford University for funding participation in conferences (Gordon Conference on Rock Deformation, IL Ciocco, Italy)

1998-2001 McGee Grant: Stanford University, grant to fund novel research topics

1998 Bucknell University: Harold W. Miller Prize: Best honors thesis Richard P. Nickelsen Prize: Excellence in geology

1998 Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi

1994-1998 Dean’s list

1993 National Merit Scholar Finalist


American Geophysical Union American Association of Petroleum Geologists Geological Society of America Geothermal Resources Council

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(Total Direct Funds to date: $594,778.30 + TBA)

PENDING Funding Years Project Total Project

Funds or Sub-Project

Direct Funds to Temple & PI/CO-I

2010 Agency: Department of Energy, Energy Frontiers Research Centers

Title: Center of Rheology and Colloids for Efficient Energy Production, Transportation, and Conservation

Co-PI’s: Ronjia Tao, Brad Wayland, Eric Borguet, Hai-Lung Dai, R.Cohen, S. Kong, E. Galinski

$15,064,049 TBA

CURRENT FUNDING Funding Years Project Total Project

Funds or Sub-Project

Direct Funds to Temple & PI/CO-I

2008-2010 Agency: Shell Petroleum Company, Technologies Research Group Title: Evolution of hydraulic and mechanical properties of clay-

rich fault rocks Co-PI’s: John G. Solum, David Lockner Description: PI on proposal to characterize the evolution of fault

rock properties that control the permeability, trap potential, and strength of fault rocks. Project includes chemical, mineralogic, and rock mechanics measurements of fault and host rocks.

$145,265.30 $143,265.30

2009-2010 Agency: • Department of Energy, Geothermal Technologies Program

Project • AltaRock Energy, Inc. (Cap. Venture)

Title: Use of multiple stimulations to improve economics of Engineered Geothermal Systems in shallow high temperature intrusives

FOA: DE-PS36-08GO98008 Co-PI’s: Susan Petty, John L. Smith, Roy Baria, Bill Livesay,

Joseph L. Iovenitti, Daniel Bour, Pete Rose, Guy Simmons, Ahmad Ghassemi

Description: CO-I on proposal for 2009-2010 to stimulate permeability in well penetrating igneous rocks on the periphery of the Geysers Geothermal Field, CA. Responsible for well

Total: $17M $5.8M $11.2M


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logging, fracture, stress, and permeability analysis.

2009 Agency: Nevada Geothermal Power, Inc. Title: Blue Mountain Geothermal Project Co-PI’s: Steve Hickman, Glenn Melosh Description: Logging and Stimulation of Blue Mountain

Geothermal Prospect, NV: PI responsible for fracture, stress, and permeability analysis of blind (no surface expression) geothermal prospect investigating (1) crustal permeability and its relationship to stress, fracture and rock mineralogy, (2) Tectonics of the central Great Basin. Understanding of blind systems is critical to estimating the U.S. geothermal energy reserve.

Sub-project: $125K + Equipment cost-share


2008-2009 Agency: • Department of Energy: Geothermal Technologies Program

Project • Ormat

Title: Development of an Enhanced Geothermal System at Desert Peak, NV

FOA: DE-FC07-01ID14186. Co-PI’s: Pete Rose, Steve Hickman, Ann Robertson-Tait, Joseph

Moore, Sue Lutz, Ernie Majer, Mack Kennedy Description: Co-PI on proposal to engineer permeability in an

area of high heat flow where natural permeability in the rock is inadequate for producing electricity.


$120K Cost-Share


2008-2009 Agency: Great Basin Center for Geothermal Research Title: Characterizing Structural Controls on Geothermal Systems

in the Northern Great Basin through Integrated Structural Analysis and Modeling

FOA: Co-PI’s: Jim Faulds, Mark Coolbaugh, Gary Oppliger

$235,199 $10,690

PAST Funding Years Project Total Project

Funds or Sub-Project

Direct Funds to Temple & PI/CO-I

2008 Agency: U.S. Geological Survey, Earthquake Hazards Team, Menlo Park, CA

Title: Visiting Scientist Description: Expenses during summer 2008 for spending

approximately 2 months in Menlo Park, CA and in the field for collaborative research on Enhanced Geothermal Systems

Travel & Expense: $6,180



Agency: • Department of Energy, Geothermal Technologies Program

Project • U.S. Geological Survey Geothermal Assessment Project

$175K N/A

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Title: Creation of an Enhanced Geothermal System through Hydraulic and Thermal Stimulation: Co-PI on proposal to DOE Enhanced Geothermal Systems Program.

FOA: DE-FC07-01ID14186. Co-PI’s: Pete Rose, Steve Hickman, Jesse McCulloch, Joseph M.

Moore, Katie Kovac, Mike Adams, Mike Mella, Phil Wannamaker, Bruce Julian, Gillian Foulger, Dan Swenson, Shekhar Gosavi, Ashish Bhat, Keith Richards-Dinger, Frank Monastero, Ralph Weidler, Stefan Baisch, Ahmad Ghassemi, Thomas Kohl, Thomas Megel.

Description: Development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems technology on the flank of the Coso Geothermal Field, CA.

2004-2006 Agency: U.S. Geological Survey, Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellowship

Title: Investigating host rock mineralogical and petrophysical controls on fracture permeability in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA

Description: Research Proposal for the Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program; Research Opportunity 30: Investigations of Hydrothermal Systems in the Great Basin.

$160K N/A

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In Prep. Development of fluid pathways within relay zones on Mars: Insight from HiRISE images (Davatzes A., Gulick, V.C., Davatzes, N.C.) to be submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research

In Prep. Life-Cycle of Crustal Strength and Permeability in Geothermal Systems. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H.) to be submitted to Geology

In Prep. Feedback between fault rock evolution and permeability. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H.) to be submitted to Journal of Structural Geology

In Prep. The Effect of Brine Composition and Concentration on Strength of Expandable Clays. (Lockner, D., Solumn, J, Davatzes, N.C.) to be submitted to Science

In Prep. Stress, Faults and Persistent Fluid Flow in the Coso Geothermal Field. (Lockner, D., Solumn, J, Davatzes, N.C.) to be submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research

In Prep. Fault-related clay authigenesis along the Moab Fault: Implications for calculations of fault rock composition and mechanical and hydrologic fault zone properties. (Solumn, J, Davatzes, N.C., Lockner, D.) invited to be submitted to Journal of Structural Geology (Special Issue on Chemical and Mechanical Interactions)

In Press Structural and Diagenetic Control of Fluid Migration and Cementation Along the Moab Fault, Utah (Eichhubl, P., Davatzes, N.C., Becker, S.P.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.

Accepted Stress, fracture, and fluid flow analysis using acoustic and electrical image logs in hot fractured granites of the Coso Geothermal Field, CA, U.S.A. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H., American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir on Dipmeter and Borehole Image Log Technology, Ch. 24)

January 2005Structural evolution of fault zones in sandstone by multiple deformation mechanisms: Moab fault, SE Utah (Davatzes, N.C., Eichhubl, P., and Aydin, A., in Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 117, no. 1/2, p. 135-148)

January 2005Distribution and nature of fault architecture in a layered sandstone and shale sequence: An example from the Moab fault, Utah (Davatzes, N.C., Aydin, A., In: R. Sorkhabi and Y. Tsuji, eds., Faults, fluid flow, and petroleum traps: AAPG Memoir 85, p. 153-180)

Nov. 2003 Overprinting faulting mechanisms in high porosity sandstone of SE Utah (Davatzes N.C., Aydin, A., in Journal of Structural Geology, v. 25, no. 11,

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p. 1795-1813)

Oct. 2003 The formation of conjugate normal fault systems in folded sandstone by sequential jointing and shearing, Waterpocket Monocline, Utah (Davatzes, N.C., Aydin, A., in Journal of Geophysical Research, v 108(B10), p. 2478-2492)

Feb. 2003 Overprinting faulting mechanisms during the development of multiple fault sets in sandstone, Chimney Rock, Utah (Davatzes, N.C., Eichhubl, P. Aydin, A., in Tectonophysics, v. 363, p. 1-18)

Summer 2003Fault architecture as a function of deformation mechanism in clastic rocks with an emphasis on sandstone (Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University). Combined field analysis of structures comprising faults, fault kinematics, and 3-D model construction with mechanical simulations using linear elastic fracture mechanics and boundary element methods, 185 pp.


2010 The feedback between stress, faulting, and fluid flow: Lessons from the Coso Geothermal Field, CA, USA. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H.) Nusa Dua-Bali, Indonesia, April 25-30, 2010. (meets every 5 years)

2009 Fractures, stress and fluid flow prior to stimulation of well 27-15, Desert Peak, Nevada, EGS project: Davatzes, N.C., Hickman, S. Proceedings Thirty-Fourth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 9-11, 2009. SGP-TR-187. 11 p.

January 2006Stress and Faulting in the Coso Geothermal Field: Update and Recent Results from the East Flank and Coso Wash (Davatzes, N.C., and Hickman, S., 2006, 31st Stanford University Workshop on Geothermal Engineering, January 30-February 1, SGP-TR-179, pp. 12)

Sept. 2005 Controls on fault-hosted fluid flow: Preliminary results from the Coso Geothermal Field, California (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S., 2005, Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, v. 19, p. 343-348)

March 2005 Interpretation and comparison of Electrical and Acoustic image logs from a well in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA, (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H., 30th Stanford University Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, January 31 – February 2, 2005, SGP-TR-176, pp. 11)

2003 Fault architecture fluid flow and cementation: The Moab Fault, Utah, USA. (Eichhuble, P., Davatzes, N.C., and Aydin, A., in Geofluids IV, Extended Abstract, 13 p.)


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Jan. 2009 Borehole Logging (Davatzes, N. and Hickman, S.), In: Desert Peak EGS Project Department of Energy Stage Gate Review. (Suemnich, G. editor)

Jan. 2009 Borehole log Analysis, Fractures, stress and fluid flow prior to stimulation of well 27-15, Desert Peak, Nevada, EGS project. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.), In: Desert Peak Annual Report (Rose, P. editor), 39 pp.

Autumn 2008 July 1 – September 31, 2008: Borehole log analysis, fractures, stresss and fluid flow prior to stimulation of well 27-15, Desert Peak, Nevada, EGS project (Davatzes, N.C., Hickman, S.), In: Desert Peak EGS Third Quarter Report (Rose, P. editor), 66 pp.

Autumn 2008 Mechanical Constraints on Permeability Distribution in Great Basin Geothermal Fields (Davatzes, N.C.), 3 pp.

Spring 2006 Creation of an Enhanced Geothermal System through Hydraulic and Thermal Stimulation (Co-PI on report to DOE (along with 19 others), PI: Peter Rose, 237 pp.

Spring 2005-2006

Mendenhall PostDoctoral Research Fellow Quarterly and Annual Reports (Davatzes, N.C.) Report to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Autumn 2004- 2006

Enhanced Geothermal Systems Quarterly and Annual Reports: Mechanical, Mineralogical, and Petrophysical Analysis of Fracture Permeability (Davatzes, N. C. and Hickman, S.H.) Report to the Department of energy as part of the Enhanced Geothermal Systems Project.

Summer 2004Coso surface mapping and laboratory analysis work plan: Revision after June 2004 field reconnaissance: (Davatzes, N.C.) Report to Navy Geothermal Program office, 37 pp.

2003- 2004 Structural Heterogeneities and Pale Fluid Flow in an Analog Sandstone Reservoir (PI David Pollard, Co-PI Atilla Aydin), Contributing author on slip surface development in fault rocks offsetting quartz arenite.


July 14-18, 2008

Hedberg Conference (AAPG), Casper Wyoming: Faulting Panel discussion leader. Invitation only meeting limited to 75 Participants.

Sept. 2007 Geothermal Research Council: Invited Lecturer on Borehole Geophysical Methods in the development of geothermal reservoirs.

Sept. 2006 Exploration Techniques Short Course: Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Annual Meeting 2006: Structural Controls of Geothermal Systems. Davatzes, N.C.

Jan. 2004 Stanford Sedimentology Research Group fieldtrip to Southern Nevada: Designed and lead field trip to Buffington Pockets and Valley of Fire State

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July 2002 Gordon Research Conference: Rock Deformation (Il Ciocco, Italy): Sequence and distribution of two distinct deformation mechanisms along a slipping normal fault in sandstone

June 2001 Rock Fracture Project Field Workshop: (Moab Fault & Arches National Park, UT) Developed and lead fieldtrip demonstrating how the formation and properties of fault zones in clastic rocks, in concert with localized diagenesis, control subsurface fluid flow and the migration of petroleum for a group of 14 industry affiliates. Field Guide: Rock Fracture Field Workshop 12 Field Guide: Fractures and faults in sandstone-Moab Revisited (Aydin, A., Davatzes, N.C., Eichhubl, E., June, 2001, 71 p.)

June 1999 Rock Fracture Project Field Workshop: (Capital Reef, UT) Co-developed and Co-lead of fieldtrip focusing on small structures accommodating deformation during formation of a Monocline. Included producing a fieldtrip guidebook presenting original research and field trip lectures to a group of affiliates representing 18 energy industry corporations. Field Guide: Rock Fracture Field Workshop 10 Field Guide: Fractures and faults in folded rocks: the Waterpocket Monocline and the San Rafael Anticline (Utah) (Aydin A., Davatzes, N.C., Flodin, E., Girbacea, R., Krantz, R., Maerten, L., and Pollard, D., June, 1999, 78 p.)


Jan-March, 2009

NREL Expert Panel: Enhanced Geothermal Systems Reservoir Risk Analysis: Invited members worked with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to develop a statistical module for assessing engineering and economic risk and potential growth of electricity produced from Enhanced Geothermal Systems.

Aug. 21, 2007 DOE Sponsored Working Group: Enhanced Geothermal Systems Reservoir Creation Workshop: Invited member of working group to identify key issues for enhancing geothermal systems where either permeability or fluid saturation is inadequate. Houston, TX.

June 7-8, 2007 DOE Sponsored Working Group: The Future of Geothermal Energy: Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Workshop Invited member of working group to plan future research directions in EGS technology. Washington, D.C.

Dec 4,5 .2006 DOE Sponsored Working Group: Exploration Research Planning Meeting: Invited member of working group to identify key research needs for development of geothermal resource explorations technology

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Feb. 2009 University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Seminar Series (Philadelphia, PA): Geothermal Energy: Active faulting, stress, and fluid flow at the Coso Geothermal Field, CA.

Feb. 2007 Chevron Corporation (San Ramon, CA): Stress, faulting, and fluid flow in the Coso Geothermal Field; Insights into active processes from borehole logs.

Oct. 2006 UC Davis Department of Geology Lecture Series (Davis, CA): Controls on Geothermal System Permeability at the Coso Geothermal Field, CA.

May 2006 Energy Team, U.S. Geological Survey (Denver, CO): Two Seminars: 1. The distribution and generation of fault rocks and fault properties along the Moab fault, Utah: Fluid flow and fault sealing. (Davatzes, N.C.); 2. Stress, Fault Rocks, and Fluid Flow: A complete system in the East Flank of the Coso Geothermal Field.

April 2006 Shell Petroleum Company (Houston, TX): The distribution and generation of fault rocks and fault properties along the Moab fault, Utah.

March 2006 USGS Headquarters Office (Reston, VA): Stress, Fault Rocks, and Fluid Flow: A complete system in the East Flank of the Coso Geothermal Field.

Nov. 2005 Society for Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SWPLA) (Bakersfield, CA): Comparison of Acoustic and Electrical Image Logs from the Coso Geothermal Field, CA.

May 2005 Volcano Hazards Team, U.S. Geological Survey (Menlo Park): Insights into fracture controlled fluid flow above a magmatically heated geothermal system, Coso, CA; Preliminary results and questions.

Feb. 2005 Coso Enhanced Geothermal Systems Workshop, 2005: Investigation of fracture and fault characteristics in the EGS area: From core, mapping, and image log interpretation

Feb. 2005 Temple University Geology Department (Philadelphia, PA): Impact of deformation mechanisms on faulting and fault zone hydrology

Sept. 2004 Earthquake Hazards Team, U.S. Geological Survey (Menlo Park, CA): Impact of deformation mechanisms on fault zone architecture and hydrology in sedimentary rocks: An Example from the Moab fault

Aug. 2004 Energy and Geoscience Institute (EGI), University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT): Impact of deformation mechanisms on fault zone architecture and hydrology in sedimentary rocks: An Example from the Moab fault

Dec. 2002 ChevronTexaco Petroleum Company (San Ramon, CA): Fault seal and conduit dichotomy: Impact of deformation mechanism and fault geometry on fault properties in sandstone

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 44 August 2002 ConocoPhillips Petroleum Company (Bartlesville, OK): Geologic modeling

of fault architecture: Representing 3-D structures & fault characteristics

June 2002 Phillips Petroleum Company (Bartlesville, OK): Detailed anatomy of deformation in sandstone units along the Moab Fault (Utah) and controls on fluid flow and cementation


2009 Sources of clay in fault rock of the Moab Fault, Utah. (Anyamele, N., Davatzes, N.C., and Solum, J.G.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists National Meeting, Denver Colorado, Abstracts with Programs, June 7-9, 2009.

2009 Geomechanical characterization for stimulation of geothermal systems, Desert Peak Geothermal Field, NW Basin and Range, NV. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.), American Association of Petroleum Geologists National Meeting, Denver Colorado National Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, June 7-9, 2009.

2008 The influce of clay authigenesis on the mechanical and hydrological properties of the Moab fault, Utah. (Solum, J.G., Davatzes, N.C., Lockner, D.), Geological Society of America National Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Houston Texas, October 5-9, 2008.

2008 Controls on vertical variation in fluid flow from borehole analysis, of fractures, stress and mineralogy (Davatzes, N.C.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Conference, invited poster presentation and Discussion Panel Leader.

2007 Evolution of vertical permeability in Coso Geothermal Well 58A-10 (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H.) American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, California,

2007 Poly3D boundary element code with inequality constraints: More potential to model natural structures (Maerten, F., Maerten, L., Davatzes, N.C.) European Geophysical Union Annual Meeting.

2007 Stress and fault rock controls on fault zone hydrology, Coso Geothermal Field, CA. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Abstracts with Programs, 2007 National Meeting. Invited.

2007 Factors controlling the development and maintenance of fault seals in

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heterogeneous sedimentary rocks: A case study from the Moab Fault, Utah. (Solum, J.G., Davatzes, N.C., Lockner, D.A.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Abstracts with Programs, 2007 National Meeting.

2006 Stress, faulting and fluid flow in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.) American Geophysical Union, Abstracts with Programs, 2006 National Meeting. # NG54A-01.

2006 The Effect of Brine Composition and Concentration on Strength of Expandable Clays. (Lockner, D., Solum, J., and Davatzes, N.C.) American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, California. # T31F-03.

2006 Relationship of fault geometry to catastrophic outflow on Mars. (Davatzes, A.E.K., Gulick, V.C., Davatzes, N.C.) American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, California. # P23B-0062.

2006 Assessing Teachers’ Comprehension of What Matters in Earth Science. (Penuel, W., Kreikemeier, P, Venezky, D., Blank, J., Davatzes, A., Davatzes, -N.C.) American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, California. # ED33A-1380.

2006 Characterizing the formation of clay-bearing fault rocks: techniques and applications for understanding fault seal behavior (Solum, J. G., Davatzes, N. C., D. Lockner) American Association of Petroleum Geologists National Meeting.

2005 Fault rock mineralogy and fluid flow in the Coso Geothermal Field, CA. (Davatzes, N.C. and Hickman, S.H.) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, San Francisco, California # T23B-0546.

2005 Fault rock generation, frictional properties, and permeability in the Moab fault rocks, Utah. (Davatzes, N.C., Solum, J.G., Lockner, D., Stanchits, S.) 2005, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 8-10, 2005. Invited. #226-6.

2005 Formation and rheological implications of clay-bearing fault rocks of the Moab fault system, Utah (Solum, J.G., Davatzes, N.C., Lockner, D.) Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 8-10, 2005. #226-7.

2003 Mechanical controls on the spatial and temporal variability of faulting mechanisms in sandstone along the Moab normal fault, Utah (Davatzes, N. C. and Aydin, A.), American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Eos Transaction, San Francisco, California, v. 84, p. F1366. # T22B-0506.

2003 Processes of fault development in a layered sandstone and shale sequence: An example from the Moab fault, Utah (Davatzes, N. C. and Aydin, A.) Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs Annual Meeting,

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Seattle, Washington, November 2-5, 2003, v. 35(6), p. 40. # 11-1.

2003 Conjugate faults in the brittle realm: Old and new perspectives (Aydin, A., Davatzes, N.C., and Flodin, E.) Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, , Seattle, Washington, November 2-5, 2003, Vol. 35, No. 6, p. 111. # 44-3.

2003 Fault Seal and Conduit Dichotomy: Impact of Deformation Mechanism and Fault Geometry (Davatzes, N. C., Eichhubl, P., and Aydin, A.) American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, vol. 12, p. A36).

2003 Structurally controlled fluid flow and diagenesis along the Moab fault, SE Utah: Organic-inorganic interactions and their effects on fault cementation (Eichhubl, P., Davatzes, N. C., and Aydin, A.) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, supplement to EOS, vol. 83, no. 47, pp F1366). # T12G-03.

2002 Diagenetic sealing of fault-controlled hydrocarbon migration pathways: The Moab fault, SE Utah, USA. (Eichhubl, P., Davatzes, N. C., and Aydin, A., 2002, 18th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association Program with Abstracts, p. 301).

2002 Sequence and distribution of two distinct deformation mechanisms along a slipping normal fault in sandstone (Davatzes, N.C. and Aydin, A.), Gordon conference or Rock Deformation Mechanisms, Monday Morning Session.

1998 Strain partitioning and factorization in the Silurian Keefer Sandstone, central Pennsylvania (Davatzes, N.C. and Gray, M.B.), Geological Society of America, vol.30, no.4, pp.9, Mar 1998.

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2004-now Journal Reviewer: including: Journal of Structural Geology, Geofluids Geothermics, Geological Society Special Publication, Journal of the Geological Society of London, Water Resources Review, Journal of Geophysical Research, Internal USGS reviewer

June – Aug. 2008

Visiting Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Menlo Park, CA): Invited and Supported to Collaborate on Enhanced Geothermal Systems Research through the USGS Earthquake Hazards Team Research Campus in Menlo Park, CA.

Jan. 2006 Convener of a paired special session focused on the Enhanced Geothermal Systems project at Coso at the 31ST Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering

2005-2007 USGS Geothermal Resources Assessment: 2005-2007 Postdoctoral member of project to assess U.S. geothermal energy resources.

2004-2007 Geologist U.S. Geological Survey, Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow: Conducting research on fracture-controlled permeability and diagenesis in the Coso geothermal field, CA, using earthquake, well-log, core, and outcrop data. The study focuses on how structurally derived permeability is produced and maintained in geochemically and structurally active environments. This work also involves conducting image log analysis, SEM/XRD/XRF, and geomechanical modeling of fracture and stress controlled fluid flow as part of scientifically directed stimulation in deep geothermal production and injection wells. This research is supported by the DOE Geothermal Energy Program, the Navy Geothermal Program, and the Coso Operating Company.

Dec. 2005 Co-Convener (Karner, S. and Davatzes, N.C.) special AGU Section, American Geophysical Union 2005 Fall Meeting (San Francisco, CA, December 5-9, 2005): Geothermal Systems: Fantastic natural laboratories and valuable energy resources.

Autumn 2004 Consultant Personnel Protection Technologies LLC: Developed Matlab scripts to analyze radar data from a new tool being developed to detect suicide bombers.

Autumn 2004 Consultant Greystone Pictures production of the documentary Countdown to Armageddon: Expert consultant on plate tectonics and geology of Earth’s evolution.

2003-2004 Stanford University Rock Fracture Project, Postdoctoral Fellow: Investigated strike-slip fault linkage and statistical repeatability of fault zone structures related to linkage as a basis for more realistic subsurface fluid flow simulations in structurally influenced hydrocarbon reservoirs.

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Summer 2002ConocoPhillips Petroleum Company, Internship: Developed best practice work flow to address structural heterogeneity and related risk in faulted petroleum reservoirs, including the development and evaluation of 3-D fault and fracture models of structurally controlled petroleum reservoirs and building of teaching module.

Spring 2002 British Petroleum Company (BP) well core study: Examined deformation mechanisms in core from the Clair Field in the North Sea to elucidate boundary conditions controlling formation of deformation bands.

1999-2003 Research Assistant, Stanford University: Research focused on fault geometry, the structures composing faults in sandstone and shale, the evolution of fault zones, analytical fracture mechanics, and numerical simulations of fault mechanics.

Summers of 1999 & 1998

Southwest Research Institute, Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Assessment, Internships: (1) Conducted structural analysis of faults in Owens Valley, CA, using inferences of past fault activity to assess seismic risk. (2) Conducted magnetic study of dikes in San Raphael volcanic field, UT, as an analogue to asses the risk of lateral dike propagation into the proposed Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mtn., NV.

1997-1998 Honors Thesis Research (Bucknell U.): Conducted independent research on strain in the Appalachian fold and thrust belt.


2008 Middle States Assessment Committee

2008 Ph.D. Proposal Writing Committee

2008 Candidate Search: Positions in (1) Isotope Geochemistry, (2) Natural Hazards

2008 Proposal for Plasma Screen Display to advertise Department (to College of Science and Technology Dean’s Office)


2008 Proposal for Plasma Screen Display to advertise Department (to College of Science and Technology Dean’s Office)

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Peter Eichhubl Research Scientist, Bueau of Economic Geology, John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin

Mariana Eneva Research Scientist and Owner, Imageair, Inc., San Diego, CA

Jim Faulds Research Geologist/Graduate Faculty, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno

Eric Flodin Research Scientist, Technology Research Group, Chevron Energy Technology Company

Jonathan Glenn Research Geophysicist, GUMP, .S. Geological Survey

Steve Hickman Research Geophysicist, Earthquake Hazards Group, U.S. Geological Survey

David Lockner Research Geophysicist, Physics of Earthquakes Mega-Project Chief, Earthquake Hazards Team, U.S. Geological Survey

Susan Petty Chief Executive Officer, AltaRock Energy, Seattle, WA

Ann Robertson-Tait Vice President, Business Development/Senior Geologist, Geothermex Inc., Richmond, CA

Peter Rose Research Assistant Professor, Energy and Geoscience Institute (EGI), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

John Solum Research Geologist, Research Lab, Shell Petroleum Company, Houston, TX


AltaRock Energy Venture Capital company developing geothermal resources and resource enhancement technology.

Ormat International geothermal electricity producer.

Shell Petroleum Company

International Petroleum Company (5th largest international Energy Company).

Nevada Geothermal Power

New geothermal electricity production company developing blind geothermal systems in Nevada.

Coso Operating Company

Operator of 2nd largest in place geothermal resource in the United States.

ConocoPhillips Petroleum production and refining company (3rd largest in the United

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Petroleum Company States).



2008-2009 Nwachukwu Anyamele (Masters): Characterizing mechanisms of clay gouge formation and implications for fault zone permeability, Moab fault, Utah

2009 Kevin McGinn (Undergraduate):

2008 Christopher Hanratti (Undergraduate): Hydrothermal alteration and deformation style in granite of the Coso Geothermal Field



2008-2009 Catherine Jedrzejczyk (Masters): Monitoring the Effectiveness of Storm Water Management Practices at Pennypack Creek Ecological Restoration Trust in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania


2008 Introduction to Structural Geology (Capstone in Major), Temple University

2008 Quantitative Structural Geology (With an introduction to Continuum Mechanics), Temple University

2008 Drilling Techniques and Logging Methods (Borehole geology and interpretation of alteration mineralogy of drill cuttings and cores; geophysical well logging; 3D imaging; fracture imaging; stress orientation and stress characterization; and hydraulic fracturing.), RES School For Renewable Energy Science, Iceland


Feb. 2009 High School Science Fair Project, Penn Charter High School

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2007 USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Earthquake Question: Volunteer to answer emailed public questions about earthquake science.

Spring 2006 Transforming Instructional Design in Earth Science (TIDES): Panel member of subject matter experts to identify critical content knowledge of earth science concepts to aid in teacher and student training in Earth Science at K-8 level.

Spring 2006 USGS Open-House: Fault Zone Drilling for Geothermal Energy: Designed exhibit to introduce the public to Geothermal Energy and investigations of stress in the shallow Earth’s crust.

Spring-Summer 2006

Content Review Panel (CRP) member of the “2006 Science Adoption for K-8 Textbooks”: Reviewed submitted science textbooks and teaching aids to ensure scientific accuracy, standards, and teaching criteria for the state of California.

Autumn 1998-Autumn 2002

Teaching Assistant, Stanford University: Assisted a variety of classes including: • GES 1: Introductory Geology • GES 151: Depositional Systems • GES 217: Characterization and Hydraulics of Rock Fractures • GES 254: Diagenesis and Transfer Processes in Sedimentary Basins


Teaching Assistant, Bucknell University: Assisted a variety of classes including: • GES 100: The Dynamic Earth (introductory physical geology) • PHIL 103: Philosophy of Logic

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Journal of Structural Geology, Geological Society (London) Special Publications, Geothermics, Geofluids, U.S. Geological Survey Internal Review, AGU Water Resources Review


• Petrographic Microscope • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) • X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis • X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Analysis


• Mapping and field analysis in the: Basin and Range, Colorado Plateau, Eastern California Shear Zone, Appalachian Fold and Thrust Belt, Sevier and Laramide structures in Montana, looking at: • Mesoscale deformation structures in faulted igneous and sedimentary

rocks • Geometry of Folds and faults within normal, strike-slip, and reverse

tectonic settings • Neotectonic faulting of the Bishop Tuff and the Coso Mountains, SE CA

• GPS-based surveying • Remote sensing interpretation and use in field work


• Analysis of stress, rock strength and natural fracture characteristics from • Acoustic and electrical image logs (includes experience in log acquisition)

• Fracture occurrence and rock strength from • Image logs (Micro-Resistivity and Acoustic) • Velocity logs • Density logs (Litho-Density and Neutron Density) • Resistivity and Induction logs • Mud logs

• Fluid flow anomalies identified with • Mud logs • Temperature logs


• Boundary element codes such as Poly3D • Data analysis programs such as MatlabTM and Microsoft Excel • CAD programs such as goCAD • GIS systems such as ArcGIS • GPS data managers such as Trimble Pathfinder Office • Desktop publishing software including Adobe Suites (Pagemaker, Acrobat,

Illustrator, Photoshop), Microsoft Word, and PowerPoint • Web page development software such as Adobe GoLive.

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GeoKids Fundraising Committee Member (2005-2007)

Treasurer, Las Casitas Home Owners Association (2006-2007)

Stanford Climbing Wall (2000-2001): Managed independent, nonprofit climbing wall during its first year. I established safety/use practices, hired and trained 8 paid staff members and managed the operating budget. I taught basic rock climbing skills class. I also developed a program with a local high school to teach rock climbing to students as part of their physical education curriculum.

VOLUNTEER • GeoKids Day Care Center of Menlo Park • RAFT (Resource Area for Teachers) • Habitat for Humanity • The San Francisco Zoo

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NATALIE P.H. FLYNN 1988 Audubon Drive Dresher, PA 19025

215/542-9291 [email protected]


Currently: a Doctoral student, Curriculum, Instruction and Technology, Specializing in Science Education.

1996 Masters of Art - Geology; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Masters Thesis: An electron microprobe study of the geothermometric effects of some kimberlite dikes cross-cutting coal, salt and shale.

1987 Bachelors of Science; Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA


2001 to Present: Adjunct Professor, LaSalle University, Department of

Geology, Environmental Science and Physics, Philadelphia, PA

Earth Materials - Mineralogy 202, Lecture and Lab, Earth Materials 203 - Petrology, Lecture and Lab, Structural Geology, Experiments in Mathematics and Science IMS 160 and 161, Optical Mineralogy

1997 to Present: Geology Instructor, NTT, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Introduction to Geology, Introduction to Geology Lab, Catastrophic Geology, Catastrophic Geology Lab, Environmental Resources, Environmental Resources Lab. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology


August, 2007 Water-Rock Interaction Conference presentation:

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Beller, H., Flynn, N.P., Kpekpasse, A., Ulmer, G.C.

Water-Rock Interactions between Igneous Intrusions and Evaporite Horizons.

March, 1998 Water-Rock Interaction: Sirkis, D.S., Ulmer, G.C., Grandstaff, D.E. and Flynn, N.P.; The Joule-Thomson Expansion of CO2 and H2O in Geothermal and Volcanic Process.WRI-9 Water-Rock Interaction, Arehart & Hulston (eds.) 1998.


March, 1996 NEGSA meeting, Buffalo, NY: Flynn, N.P., Ulmer, G.C., and Gold, D.P.; EMP Data and the Temperature of Emplacement of some Peridotite Dikes. Vol. NE section #1340 vol. 55 Buffalo, NY.

May, 1995 International Goldsmidt Conference, The Pennsylvania State University, PA: Flynn, N.P., Ulmer, G.C., Gold, D.P.; Temperature of Emplacement of Dikes Cross-cutting Salt.


March, 1996 The Northeast Geological Society of America Conference, Buffalo, NY An EMP study on the Geothermometry of some Kimberlite Dikes Cross-cutting Coal, Salt and Shale.

May, 1995 The International Goldschmidt Conference, University Park, PA. EMP Data and the Temperature of Emplacement of some Kimberlites in Bedded Salts, near Ithaca, NY

May, 1994 Mini-Conference on Kimberlites. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Ore Deposits Research Section Department of Geosciences. Study of Assimilation a Kimberlitic Apophyses


1995 and 1996 American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS), Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Topeka, KS $4000.

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1996 $8000 completion grant from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.


Association for Women Geoscientists, Founding member of Delaware Valley Chapter, Geological Society of America, American Geophysical Union.

Thesis, research and samples currently held for public at the following museums: American Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, DC New York State Museum, Albany, NY Bryn Mawr Universities Vaux Mineral Collection, Bryn Mawr, PA

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Curriculum Vitae of Dr. John J. Friel Personal John J. Friel 676 Swamp Rd. Furlong, PA 18925 215 794-0413 home 267 987-3565 mobile Married with four adult children Excellent health

Highlights o Physical scientist with expertise in: geology, chemistry, and materials o Teaching experience at various levels from 8th grade to graduate school o Internationally known in the fields of microscopy and microanalysis o Numerous publications (tabulated at the end of this document) o Recent publication (Mar. 2008)

Areas of Expertise o Research and teaching physical science—geology, materials science, chemistry o Internationally known expert in: electron probe microanalysis, image analysis and

hyperspectral imaging with x rays o Chairman ASTM subcommittee on X-ray and Electron Metallography o Past President Microbeam Analysis Society o USA “expert” on ISO TC 202 on x-ray microanalysis o Frequent invited speaker in the US and Europe

o Corrosion o Aviation o Web design

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 58 Education Post doctoral—Lehigh University Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering

My work with Prof. Joseph I. Goldstein consisted of experiments on lunar samples and their synthetic analogs. We conducted studies and published results in both lunar geology and lunar metallurgy.

Prof. Goldstein is an internationally acclaimed expert in meteoritics and electron optical instrumentation and analysis. During my time with him, I learned the theory and application of electron probe microanalysis and electron microscopy, and I began teaching in Lehigh’s annual short course on scanning electron microscopy. While in the Metallurgy Dept., I also taught the labs for the graduate x-ray diffraction course with students from both metallurgy and geology.

Ph. D.—University of Pennsylvania Dept. of Geology

My graduate course work at Penn consisted primarily of geochemistry and petrology courses along with others in the Geology Dept. I also took advanced inorganic chemistry in the Chemistry Dept. and thermochemistry of materials and advanced materials in the Materials Science Dept. During my graduate studies at Penn, I gave several Oceanography lectures and taught various geology laboratory sections.

My dissertation was Stability of Synthetic Armalcolite and High Pressures and Varying Oxygen Fugacities. In addition to being published in Dissertation Abstracts, the work was published in Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta.

My dissertation committee was chaired by Prof. Ian Harker of Penn and included Prof. Gene Ulmer of Temple.

M. A.—Temple University, Dept. of Geology

My graduate course work at Temple consisted of a broad survey of geology courses with concentration in high temperature geochemistry and crystal chemistry. My thesis was Oxygen Fugacity Geothermometry of the Oka Carbonatite. My committee was chaired by Prof. Gene Ulmer and included Prof. George Myer of the Geology Dept. The work was published in the American Mineralogist. During my time at Temple, I taught various geology laboratory and recitation sections, including environmental geology.

B. A.—University of Pennsylvania, Natural Science

My undergraduate work was an interdisciplinary program in natural science. Within this program, I took courses in the natural sciences including: chemistry, physics, biology, and geology. I also took six courses in psychology along with the usual core curriculum in the humanities and foreign language. To complete the requirements for graduation in this major, I wrote a paper on Memory Transfer by RNA.

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University courses beyond the Ph.D.

I have also taken the following university courses:

Credit Surface Chemistry (Lehigh U.) Advanced Organic Chemistry (Lehigh U.) Managerial Finance (Lehigh U.) Transmission Electron Microscopy (Lehigh U.) Management (Allentown College) C programming (Bucks Co. CC) Web authoring (Bucks Co. CC) Java (Bucks Co. CC) Advanced Visual Basic Programming (Bucks Co. CC) Non-credit Solidification (Lehigh U.) Phase transformations (Lehigh U.) Interpretation of Regression Statistics (Lehigh U.) X-ray Diffraction (Lehigh U.) Strategy of Experimental Design (short course Drexel U.)

Experience (Teaching)

• Temple University - Geology 50 - Taught introductory Geology to 170 students from various majors.

• Temple University – Geology 701 - Taught geological materials characterization by electron probe microanalysis.

• Oversaw student activity on the EPMA at Temple U. • Adjunct Professor of Ceramics at Rutgers U. • High School substitute teacher of earth science, chemistry, and physics. • Commanding Officer, Fleet Training Group Det. 104

• Commanding Officer, Office of Naval Research Det. 204.

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• Faculty of the annual Lehigh U. short course on Electron Microscopy. I have been invited to teach in the premier short course on electron microscopy in the US for 30 years.

• Certificated flight instructor. I have been teaching student and rated pilots for many

years without an accident or incident. I am rated to teach ground school and conduct flight training for private, commercial, instrument, and multi-engine flight. In some of my ground instruction in weather and navigation, I have called upon my geological training at Temple.

• Instructor pilot with the Civil Air Patrol. In this role, I teach navigation and weather to

young people. I have also been invited to lecture on navigation to engineering students at Notre Dame University.

Teaching Philosophy

I believe that undergraduate students should be exposed to the principles of a scientific discipline in a clear and coherent manner. Those principles should not be over simplified, nor should they be made unnecessarily complex to showcase the professor’s knowledge. The natural sciences are as essential to a liberal arts education as are language and history of civilization. University students should be treated with the respect owed to those at the college level, and they deserve active instruction. However, they must be held accountable for learning the subject with appropriate help from faculty and staff. I can adjust the level of a lecture or course to fit the level of the students from high school in Bucks Co. to graduate students at Temple, Princeton, Penn, Rutgers, Lehigh and Notre Dame.

Experience (Industrial) Princeton Gamma-Tech, Princeton, NJ

Technical Director

• At Princeton Gamma-Tech (PGT), I worked with university faculty members to solve geological & materials problems using PGT’s x-ray microanalysis and image analysis. In this capacity, I often conducted joint research with faculty members, including Prof. Ulmer of Temple. I served on two dissertation committees at Rutgers U. Dept. of Ceramic Engineering. My role was to bring to the faculty and students expertise beyond that which was available in their departments.

• The Technical Director was responsible for guiding development of x-ray and image analysis products. My role as head of advanced development was to identify research needs in universities, industry, and government labs, and guide the software and marketing departments to develop products to meet those needs.

• One of PGT’s most popular innovations was a hyperspectral imaging system called position-tagged spectrometry (PTS). This hardware/software combination collects and stores an entire electron-excited, x-ray spectrum at every pixel forming an x-ray image of composition on a sub–micrometer scale. From the PTS file, one can extract maps for any element, or x-ray spectra for any region.

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• In the past x rays had to pass through a beryllium window before reaching the detector, In response to competition, I developed and patented ultra-thin x-ray windows. Using my knowledge of materials, I conducted research to identify and develop an ultra-thin material (<100nm) that would withstand a pressure differential of one atmosphere and pass soft x rays with little attenuation. My window was patented in the USA and several other countries.

• With time, I became the company’s outside voice to the scientific world. In this role, I was often invited to give graduate seminars at universities, invited talks at scientific meetings, and in-house seminars in companies. These lectures were presented at facilities throughout the United States and in Europe.

• Webmaster. Princeton Gamma-Tech constructed the first web site of any company in its industry. At first, I provided the content, but when the webmaster retired, I took over the site and was responsible for both the content and the style. Although the company no longer manufactures x-ray microanalysis products in the US, the site I managed can be viewed at:

• Radiation Safety Officer. In this role, I was responsible for several thousand x-ray and gamma-ray sources and for the radiation safety program throughout the company.

Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem, PA Senior Research Scientist

• Conducted research on minerals for ironmaking. This research led to identifying minerals and processes to increase blast furnace productivity. Results were published in Metallurgical Transactions. During this time, the corporation funded Prof. Ulmer at Temple to conduct basic research in iron ore reducibility. Results of this joint research were published in the Journal of the American Ceramic Soc.

• Established the organic geochemistry of the coal-to-coke transformation. Using a variety

of analytical techniques, the chemical reactions that lead to the destructive distillation of coal were established and published in an American Chemical Soc. Symposium Volume.

• Led the atmospheric corrosion group. As supervisor of the atmospheric corrosion

research group, I was responsible for atmospheric corrosion testing of 11,000 specimens placed in various environments for long-term evaluation. One significant result of this work was the establishment of the corrosion mechanism of zinc-aluminum coatings in industrial, marine, and rural environments. The results were published in Corrosion.

Research Interests X-ray microanalysis

Quantitative microscopy/Image analysis

Phase equilibria


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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 62 Society Participation & Licenses Society Membership o Microbeam Analysis Soc.

• Past President • Past Director

o ASTM Int’l—Chairman of E04.11 on X-ray and Electron Metallography o ISO TC 202 on x-ray microanalysis o Microscopy Society of America o ASM Int’l

Former Member o Mineralogical Society of America o Geological Society of America o American Geophysical Union o American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers o Meteoritical Society o Geochemical Society o American Ceramic Society


Commercial pilot – single- and multi-engine airplane, instrument

Certificated flight instructor – single- and multi-engine airplane, instrument Awards

o Blickwede Award for Research Excellence 1981—Bethlehem Steel Corp. o Wyman Award for Metallography 2004—ASTM Int’l o Best paper 2005—International Society for Failure and Testing Analysis o Best paper 1998—American Ceramic Society Engineering Division o Best ceramographic contest poster 1996—American Ceramic Society

Patents US Patent No. 5,090,046 Analyzer Detector Window and a Method for Manufacturing the Same. February 18, 1992.


Books & Book Chapters

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Friel, J. J. (2003) X-ray and Image Analysis in Electron Microscopy 2nd Ed, PGT, Princeton.

Friel, J. J. (2000) Chap. 5, Measurement., in Practical Guide to Image Analysis, ASM Int’l, Materials Park, 101-128.

Friel, J. J. (1995) X-ray and Image Analysis in Electron Microscopy, PGT, Princeton.

G. F. Vander Voort and J. J. Friel, eds. (1996) Developments in Materials Characterization Technologies, ASM Int’l, Materials Park.

Mott, R. B., and J. J. Friel (1995) Chap. 9, Improving EDS Performance with Digital Pulse Processing, in X-ray Spectrometry in Electron Beam Instruments, D. Williams, J. Goldstein, and D. Newbury eds. Plenum, New York, 127-157.

Friel, J. J. and N. C. Barbi (1991) X-ray Microanalysis and Computer-Aided Imaging, PGT, Princeton.

Journal Articles and Extended Abstracts

Related to Geology and Materials

Friel, J.J. (2005) ASTM Standards in Microscopy, Microscopy Today 13 [5] 40-43.

Friel, J.J. (2005) Chemical Classification of Discrete Second Phases in the SEM, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2005 11 Suppl.2 1658-1659.

Friel, J. J. and Prestridge, E. B. (2002) Combined LM, SEM and X-ray Microanalysis of Tint-etched Cast Iron, Microscopy and Analysis, 30, 5-7.

Friel, J. J. (1998) New EDS Technology Applied to Inclusions in Steel, Euromaterials, 5 11.

Greenhut, V. A. and J. J. Friel (1997) Application of Advanced FESEM and EDS to Ceramic Materials, Microscopy and Analysis, 22, 15-17.

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Friel, J. J. and V. A. Greenhut (1997) Novel Technology for X-ray Mapping of Ceramic Microstructures, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 80 [12], 3205-3208.

Friel, J. J. (1996) Developments in Energy-dispersive Spectroscopy, Developments in Materials Characterization Technologies, G. F. Vander Voort and J. J. Friel eds. 55-62.

Friel, J. J. and V. A. Greenhut (1996) Low-voltage Microscopy and Position-tagged Spectrometry of Ceramic Microstructures, Microscopy and Microanalysis 1996, G. W. Bailey, ed. 682-683.

Jessen, T. L., V. A. Greenhut, J. J. Friel, and D. Lewis (1995) The Effect of non-uniform Fiber Distribution on the Properties of a Unidirectional CFCMC: Mechanical and Physical Properties, Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings, 16 [4], 369-376.

Friel, J. J., V. Greenhut, and J. Oliver (1994) Computer-aided Imaging in Ceramics, Ceramic Bulletin 73 [3], 73-78.

Friel, J. J., and R. B. Mott (1994) Digital Signal Processing for Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Advanced Materials and Processes 145 [2], 35-38.

Friel, J. J. and C. S. Pande (1993) A Direct Determination of Fractal Dimension of Fracture Surfaces using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Stereoscopy, J. Materials Research, 8 [1], 100-104.

Vander Voort, G. F., and J. J. Friel (1992) Image Analysis Measurements of Duplex Grain Structures, Materials Characterization, 29 [3], 293-312.

Ulmer, G. C., W. C. Elliott, T. Buntin, E. S. Erickson, and J. J. Friel (1992) Role of Selected Cations and Gas Speciation on the Reduction of Fayalite at 1300 C, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 75 [6], 1476-1483.

Friel, J. J. (1992) Computer-aided Microscopy of Advanced Materials, EPD Congress, J. P. Hager Ed., The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 297-304.

Friel, J. J. (1989) Computer-aided Imaging of Ceramic Microstructures, Ceramic Industry 132 [4], 31-33.

Friel, J. J., T. J. Juzwak, and P. F. Johnson (1988) Quantitative EDS Mapping of a Ceramic Superconductor, Microbeam Analysis—1988, 41-43.

Shastry, C. R., J. J. Friel, and H.E. Townsend (1988) Sixteen-year Atmospheric Corrosion Performance of Weathering Steels in Marine, Rural, and Industrial Environments, Degradation of Materials in the Atmosphere, ASTM STP 965, S. Dean and T. Lee Eds., ASTM, Philadelphia, 5-15.

Friel, J. J., T. J. Juzwak, and P. F. Johnson (1988) Quantitative EDS Mapping of a Ceramic Superconductor, Microbeam Analysis—1988, 41-43.

Friel, J. J., (1987) Computer-aided Imaging of Basaltic glass, Microbeam Analysis—1987, 325-326.

Behrman, E. C., et al. (1987) Synthesis, Characterization and Fabrication of High

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Temperature Superconducting Oxides, Advanced Ceramic Materials 2 [3b], 539-555.

Friel, J. J., (1986) Low-voltage High X-ray Spatial Resolution Microanalysis of Aluminum Zinc, Microbeam Analysis—1986, 325-327.

Friel, J. J., (1986) Atmospheric Corrosion Products on Al-, Zn-, and Al-Zn-metallic Coatings, Corrosion 42, 422-426.

Berke, N. S., and J. J. Friel, (1985) Applications of Electrochemical Techniques in Screening Metallic-coated Steels for Atmospheric Use, Laboratory Corrosion Tests and Standards, ASTM STP 866, G. Haynes and R. Baboian Eds., 143-158.

Friel, J. J., (1985) Analysis of Atmospheric Corrosion Products on Metallic Coatings, Microbeam Analysis--1985, 167-169.

Friel, J. J., and S. Mehta, (1984) Industrial Atmosphere Corrosion Products on Metallic Coatings, Microbeam Analysis--1984, 55-58.

Friel, J. J., and H.E. Townsend (1984) Corrosion Resistance of Zinc and Zinc Aluminum Alloy Coatings, Sheet Metal Industries 60, 506-507.

Friel, J. J., and E.S. Erickson (1983) Chemistry of Dolomite-fluxed Hematite and Magnetite Pellets, Transactions SME-AIME 272, 1843-1845.

Friel, J. J., S. Mehta, and D. M. Follweiler (1982) Electron Optical and IR Spectroscopic Investigation of Coal Carbonization, ACS Symposium Series No. 205, E. L. Fuller, Jr., Ed., 293-309.

Friel, J. J., and G. D. Mitchell (1981) Organic Oxygen and Sulfur Analysis of Various Coal Macerals, Microbeam Analysis—1981, 148-150.

Friel, J. J., S. Mehta, G.D. Mitchell, and J. M. Karpinski (1980) Direct Observation of the Mesophase in Coal, Fuel 59, 610-616.

Friel, J. J., and E. S. Erickson (1980) Chemistry, Microstructure, and Reduction Characteristics of Dolomite-Fluxed Pellets, Met. Trans. B 11b, 233-242.

Friel, J. J., S. Mehta, G.D. Mitchell, and J.M. Karpinski (1980) Role of the Mesophase during the Coal to Coke Transformation, Ironmaking Proceedings Vol. 39, Washington, DC, 274-278.

Mehta, S., J. I. Goldstein, and J. J. Friel (1979) Investigations of Submicron sized Metal Particles in Glass Coatings of Lunar Breccia 15286, Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 10th, 1523-1530.

Goldstein, J. I., and J. J. Friel (1978) Fractional Crystallization of Iron Meteorites, An Experimental Study, Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 9th 1423-1435.

McCarthy, J. J., J. J. Christenson, and J. J. Friel (1977) Automated X-ray Microanalysis with the Electron Microprobe and Scanning Electron Microscope, Am. Lab.[9] 67-77.

Friel, J. J., J. I. Goldstein, J. J. McCarthy, and N Wodke (1977) Combined EDS and WDS Analysis with an Automated Electron Microprobe, 8th International Conf. on X-ray Optics

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and Microanalysis, 50A-50E.

Friel, J. J., and J. I. Goldstein (1977) Metallic Phases in the Luna 24 Soil Samples, Geophys. Res. Lett. 4 481-483.

Friel, J. J., J. I. Goldstein, and A. D. Romig (1977) The Effect of Carbon on Phosphate Reduction, Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3941-3954.

Friel, J. J., and J. I. Goldstein (1977) The Relationship between Lunar Metal Particles and Phosphate Minerals, Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 8th, 3955-3965.

Friel, J. J., and J. I. Goldstein (1976) An Experimental Study of Phosphate Reduction and Phosphorus-bearing Lunar Metal Particles, Proc. Lunar Sci. Conf. 7th, 791-806.

Friel, J. J., R. I. Harker, and G. C. Ulmer (1976) Armalcolite Stability as a Function of Pressure and Oxygen Fugacity, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 41, 403-410.

Friel, J. J., and G.C. Ulmer (1974) Oxygen Fugacity Geothermometry of the Oka Carbonatite, Am. Min. 59, 314-318.

Related to x-ray microanalysis

Invited paper

Friel, J.J. (2008) Breakthrough in EDS Technology, Advanced Materials & Processes, 166, 41-43.

Review Article

Friel, J.J., C.E. Lyman (2006) X-ray Mapping in Electron-Beam Instruments, Microscopy and Microanalysis12 2-25.

Friel, J.J. (2005) Throughput in Quantitative Analysis—from 23 Elements per Point to 50,000 Points per Element, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2005 11 Suppl.2 1330-1331.

McCarthy, J. and J. J. Friel (2001) Wavelength Dispersive spectrometer and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Automation: Past and Future Development, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 7:150-158.

Friel, J. J. (2000) ASTM Standards in Microscopy and Microanalysis, Microbeam Analysis 2000, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 165 399-400.

Friel, J. J. and V. A. Greenhut (1999) Advances in X-ray Microanalysis, Advanced Materials and Processes 156 [1] 28-32.

Friel, J. J. and R. B. Mott (1999) Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry from Then until Now: A Chronology of Innovation, Microscopy and Microanalysis 4 559-566.

Friel, J. J. (1998) EDS From Then till Now—A Chronology of Innovation, Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis ‘98, 4 [Suppl. 2]G. W. Bailey ed., 164-165.

Friel, J. J. (1996) Forty years of X-ray Mapping from the Beginning to Position-Tagged

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Spectrometry, Microscopy Today [95-1], 12.

Friel, J. J., and R. B. Mott (1995) The Effect of Digital Pulse Shaping on Soft X-ray Resolution, Microbeam analysis-1995 Edgar Etz ed., 191-192.

Friel, J. J., and R. B. Mott (1994) Digital Signal Processing for Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Advanced Materials and Processes 145 [2], 35-38.

Mott, R. B., and J. J. Friel (1994) Practical Advantages of Digital pulse Processing for Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Microbeam Analysis-1994, J. J. Friel ed., 135-136.

Mott, R. B., and J. J. Friel (1993) High Count Rate Light Element EDS, Microbeam Analysis, 2 supplement 176-177.

Friel, J. J. (1992) Precision and Bias in Quantitative EDS: ASTM Results, Proceedings of 27th meeting of the Microbeam Analysis Society, J. Small Ed., 972-973.

Friel, J. J. (1991) X-ray Microanalysis by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, Standardization News 19 [5], 38-41.

Related to Image Analysis

Friel, J.J. (2004) Compositional Imaging, Advanced Materials & Processes 162 [12] 21-23

Friel, J. J. (2003) ASTM Standards in the SEM, Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 [Suppl 2], 72-73.

Friel, J. J. (2000) ASTM Standards in Microscopy and Microanalysis, Microbeam Analysis 2000, Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 165 399-400.

Friel, J. J. and Prestridge, E. B. (1998) Image Analysis—Turning Images Into Data, Proceedings: Microscopy and Microanalysis ‘98, 4 [Suppl. 2] G. W. Bailey ed., 58-59.

Mott, R. B., J. J. Friel, and C. G. Waldman (1996) Improving X-ray Map Resolution with Image Restoration Techniques, Microscopy and Microanalysis 1996 G. W. Bailey, Ed. 598-599.

Friel, J. J., and E. B. Prestridge (1994) Image Processing as a Precursor to Image Analysis, Microscopy and Analysis Issue 5, 20.

Friel, J. J., and E. B. Prestridge (1993) Artificial Intelligence for Twin Identification Metallography: Past, Present, and Future, ASTM STP 1165, Vander Voort, Warmuth, Purdy, and Szirmae Eds., ASTM Philadelphia, 243-253

Friel, J. J. and C. S. Pande (1993) A Direct Determination of Fractal Dimension of Fracture Surfaces using Scanning Electron Microscopy and Stereoscopy, J. Materials Research, 8 [1], 100-104.

Friel, J. J. (1992) Computer-aided Microscopy of Advanced Materials, EPD Congress, J. P. Hager Ed., The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 297-304.

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Friel, J. J., and E. B. Prestridge (1991) Grain Sizing by Image Analysis, Advanced Materials and Processes 139 [2], 33-37.

Friel, J. J., E. B. Prestridge, and F. Glazer (1990) Grain Boundary Reconstruction for Grain Sizing, MiCon 90: Advances in Video Technology for Microstructural Control, ASTM STP 1094, George F. Vander Voort, Ed., ASTM Philadelphia, 170-184.

Kozak, M., and J. J. Friel (1990) UNIX Workstations for Scientific Image Analysis, Advanced Imaging, 5 [2], 28-32.

Friel, J. J. (1989) Computer-aided Imaging of Ceramic Microstructures, Ceramic Industry 132 [4], 31-33.

Mott, R. B., and J. J. Friel (1988) Digital Correction for Uneven Illumination in Automated Image Analysis, Microstructural Science 16, 521-531.

Related to Hyperspectral Imaging

Friel, J.J. (2005) Chemical Classification of Discrete Second Phases in the SEM, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2005 11 Suppl.2 1658-1659.

Friel, J.J. (2004) Compositional Imaging, Advanced Materials & Processes 162 [12] 21-23.

Friel, J.J. (2004) Quantitative X-ray Mapping and Spectrum Imaging, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2004 10 Suppl.2 1014-1015.

Friel, J.J. (2004) The Power of Spectrum Imaging, Microscopy and Microanalysis 2004 10 Suppl.2 1270-1271.

Friel, J. J., G. H. Nelson, R. E. Tomenchok, T. Wallmark, and R. B. Mott (2003) The Method of Position-tagged Spectrometry, Microscopy and Microanalysis 9 [Suppl 2], 994-995.

Friel, J. J. and R. Batcheler (2002) Automatic Phase Segmentation of Spectrum Images, Microscopy and Microanalysis 8 [Suppl 2], 350-351.

Mott, R. B. and J. J. Friel (1999) Saving the Photons: Mapping X rays by Position-tagged Spectrometry (inv. rev.), J. Microscopy 193 [1] 2-14.

Mott, R. B., C. G. Waldman, R. Batcheler, and J. J. Friel (1995) Position-Tagged Spectrometry: A New Approach for EDS Spectrum Imaging, Proceedings of the 53rd MSA Conference, A. Garratt-Reed ed., 592-593.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 69 Curriculum Vitae

DATE: February 2009


ADDRESS: OFFICE: Department of Earth and Environmental Science Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-204-8228 (Voice) 215-204-3496 (FAX) [email protected]

EDUCATION, UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE: University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 1965-1969 B.A. Chemistry - June 1969 B.A. Geology - June 1969 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 1969-1973 M.A. Geology - June 1972 Ph.D. Geology - January 1974 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION:

Kinetics of uraninite oxidation: implication for the Precambrian atmosphere. August 1973. Thesis Advisor: H. D. Holland

D. E. Grandstaff


Temple University Instructor 1973-1974 Assistant Professor 1974-1980 Associate Professor 1981-1986 Professor 1987-present Chair, Department of Geology 1987-1990, 2005- YEAR APPOINTED AT TEMPLE AND RANK AT APPOINTMENT: 1973, Instructor YEAR TENURED IF APPOINTED UNTENURED: 1981 YEAR PROMOTED TO ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR IF APPOINTED BELOW THAT RANK: 1981 YEAR PROMOTED TO FULL PROFESSOR IF APPOINTED BELOW THAT RANK: 1987 AWARDS: Best Paper-Presentation Award. Precambrian Paleontology Research Group, 1990. Best Paper Award, Nuclear Division, American Ceramic Society. 1990. Research Achievement Award, International Technology Corporation (IT). 1992. Robert Ebersole Award for Research Excellence. Temple University, 1992. Best Paper Award, Hydrology Section, American Geophysical Union, to Mandira Mandal, for presentation of her

MA thesis, 1998. Best Paper Award, Geological Society of America Meeting, Northeast Section, to Richard Staron, for presentation of

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his MA thesis, 1999. Best Paper Award, SEPM, Doreena Patrick, 2004, for presentation of her MA thesis.

PUBLICATIONS: RESEARCH ARTICLES PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS: Grandstaff D. E., 1972. Use of mercuric bromide as a heavy liquid. Am. Mineral., 57, 1899-1902. Grandstaff D. E., 1974. Microprobe analyses of uranium and thorium in uraninite from the Witwatersrand, South Africa and Blind River, Ontario, Canada. Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa, 77, 291-294. Grandstaff D. E., 1976. A kinetic study of the dissolution of uraninite. Econ. Geol., 71, 1493-1506. Grandstaff D. E., 1977. Some kinetics of bronzite orthopyroxene dissolution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 41, 1097-1104. Grandstaff D. E., 1978. Changes in surface area and morphology and the mechanism of forsterite dissolution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 42, 1899-1902. Myer G.H. and Grandstaff D.E., 1979. Lead contamination of urban snow. Arch. Envtl. Health, 34, 222-223. Gay A.L., and Grandstaff D. E., 1980. Chemistry and Mineralogy of Precambrian paleosols at Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada. Precambrian Res., 12, 349-373. Grandstaff D.E., 1980. Origin of uraniferous conglomerates at Elliot Lake, Canada and Witwatersrand, South Africa: Implications for oxygen in the Precambrian atmosphere. Precambrian Res., 13, 1-26. Grandstaff D.E., 1980. The dissolution rate of forsteritic olivine from Hawaiian beach sand. In: Third International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions, Brian Hitchon (ed.), 72-74, Alberta-Research Council. Grandstaff D.E., 1981. Uraniniate oxidation and the Precambrian atmosphere. In: Genesis of Uranium- and Gold-Bearing Precambrian Quartz-Pebble Conglomerates, F.C. Armstrong (ed.), Chapter C1-C17, United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1161. Grandstaff D.E., 1981. Microprobe analyses of uranium and thorium in uraninite from the Witwatersrand, South Africa and Blind River, Ontario, Canada. In Genesis of Uranium- and Gold-Bearing Precambrian Quartz-Pebble Conglomerates, F.C. Armstrong (ed.), Chapter J1-J5, United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 1161. Elliot W.C., Grandstaff D.E., Ulmer G.C., Buntin T., and Gold D.P., 1982. An intrinsic oxygen fugacity study of platinum-carbon associations in layered intrusions. Econ. Geol., 77, 1493-1510. Bourcier W.L., McKibben M.A., Barnes H.L., Ulmer G.C., Brozdowski R., and Grandstaff D.E., 1983. Hydrothermal pH and H2 measurements using the zirconia electrode and teflon membrane. In: Fourth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions, H. Sakai (ed.), 59-61. Moore E.L., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1983. hydrothermal alteration in the system basalt/groundwater. In: Fourth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions, H. Sakai (ed.), 356-359. Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D. E., Brozdowski R., Bourcier W.L. McKibben M., and Barnes H.L., 1983. An overview progress report: Eh-pH monitoring at elevated temperature and pressure. Fourth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions, H. Sakai (ed.), 519-521. Grandstaff D. E., McKeon G.L., Moore E.L., and Ulmer G.C., 1984. Reactions in the system basalt/simulated spent fuel/water. In: The Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, Vol. 26, pp 137-145, Elsevier.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 71 Kimberley M.M., Grandstaff D. E., and Tanaka R.T., 1984. Topographic control on Precambrian weathering in the Elliot Lake uranium district, Canada. Geol. Soc. London. Myers J., Ulmer G.C, Grandstaff D. E., Danielson M.J., and Koski O.H., 1984. Developments in the monitoring and control of Eh and pH conditions in hydrothermal experiments. In: Geochemical Behavior of Disposed Radioactive Waste, G.S. Barney, J.D. Navratil, and W.W. Schulz (eds.). American Chem. Soc, Washington, D.C. Retallack G.J, Grandstaff D. E., and Kimberley M.M., 1984. The promise and problems of Precambrian paleosols. Episodes, 7, 8-12. Buntin T.J., Grandstaff D. E., Ulmer G.C, and Gold D.P., 1985. A pilot study of geochemical and redox relationships between potholes and adjacent normal Merensky Reef in the Bushveld Complex. Econ. Geol., 50, 173-185. Moore E.L., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1985. Hydrothermal interaction of Columbia Plateau basalt from the Umtanum Flow (Washington, U.S.A.) with its coexisting groundwater. Chem. Geol., 49, 53-71. Grandstaff, D.E., 1986. The dissolution rate of forsteritic olivine from Hawaiian beach sand. In Rock and Mineral Weathering, edited by S. Coleman and D. Dethier. New York: Academic Press. Grandstaff D. E., Edelman M.J., Foster R.W., Zbinden E., and Kimberley M.M., 1986. Chemistry and mineralogy of Precambrian paleosols at the base of the Dominion and Pongola Groups (Transvaal, South Africa). Precambrian Research, 32, 97-131. Kimberley, M. M., and Grandstaff, D. E., 1986. Profiles of elemental concentrations in Precambrian paleosols on basaltic and granitic parent materials. Precambrian Research, 32, 133-154. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1986. Icelandic geothermal fields as an analog for nuclear waste isolation in Columbia Plateau (Washington) basalt. In: Fifth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions. Reykjavik, Iceland, pp. 302-305. Korn R., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1986. Hydrothermal reactions of Columbia Plateau basalts from the Umtanum and Cohassett flows (Washington) with simulated Hanford Groundwaters. In: Fifth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions. Reykjavik, Iceland, pp 333-336. Ulmer. G.C., Grandstaff D. E., Weiss D., Moats M.A., Buntin T.J., Gold D.P., Hatton C.J., Kadik A., Koseluk R., Rosenhauer M., 1987. The mantle redox state; An unfinished story? Geol. Soc. Special Paper 215, p. 5-23. Ulmer. G.C., Kacandes G.H., and Grandstaff D. E., 1987. Icelandic geothermal fields as an analog for nuclear waste isolation in basalt. Nuclear Waste Management II, Advances in Ceramics, 20, D. E. Clark (ed.), 421-428. Gardiner M.A., Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1988. Application and results of a re-injection technique for hydrothermal experiments in Dickson autoclaves. In: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, M. Apted and R. Westerman (eds.), Elsevier, pp. 383-392. Lazaar P.I., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1988. A study of the hydrothermal stability of copper for use as a canister material for nuclear waste. In: Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management, M.A. Apted and R. Westerman (eds.), Elsevier, pp. 805-813. Kacandes G.H. and Grandstaff D. E., 1989. Differences between geothermal and experimentally derived fluids: how well do hydrothermal experiments model the composition of geothermal reservoir fluids. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 52, 343-358. Gardiner M.A., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1989. Application of a reinjection technique to Dickson hydrothermal experiments: The effect of introducing fresh solution to the basalt-water system at 300�C and 300 bars. In: Water-Rock Interactions, WRI-6, (D. L. Miles [ed.]), 239-242, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 72 (received best paper award: International Technology Corporation) Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C. and Grandstaff D. E., 1989. Variations in fluid chemistry and alteration mineral paragenesis during basalt/hot water interactions. In: Water-Rock Interactions, WRI-6 (D. L. Miles (ed)), 353-356., A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Wang J., Gardiner M., Grandstaff D. E., and Ulmer G.C., 1989. The geothermal oxidation of basalt. In: Water-Rock Interactions WRI-6 (D.L. Miles (ed.)), 735-738, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. Grandstaff D. E., Ulmer G.C., and Kacandes G.H., 1990. Prediction of near-field fluid composition in high-level nuclear waste repositories: Data from geothermal and experimental analogs. Nuclear Waste Management III. Am. Ceramic Society. (received best paper award from American Ceramic Society: Nuclear Division) Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff, D. E., and Myers J. 1990. A hydrothermal buffer capsule technique for redox measurements. In: Fluid-Mineral Interactions: A Tribute to H. P. Eugster, R. J. Spencer and I-M. Chou, eds. Geochemical Society Special Publication #2, San Antonio, TX. Grandstaff D. E., Grassi V.J., Lee A.C., and Ulmer G.C., 1991. Comparison of granite, tuff, and basalt as geologic media for long-term storage of high-level nuclear waste. Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XIV. (T. Abrajano, J.H. Johnson, eds.), Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, Pa, pp. 849-854. Grassi, V.J., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1992. The effect of igneous rock type on nuclear waste siting. Nuclear Waste Management IV. American Ceramic Society, pp. 695-706. Grassi, V.J., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E. (1992). Water-rock hydrothermal experiments: Influence of rock type on solution pH and oxygen fugacity. Water-Rock Interactions Symposium 7, Y. Kharaka (ed). Cheng, Y., Lee A.C., Grassi V.J., Grandstaff D. E., and Ulmer G.C. (1992). An autoclave reinjection study of a vitreous rhyolite tuff. Water-Rock Interactions Symposium 7, Y. Kharaka (ed), pp 1393-1397. Balkema, Rotterdam. DeMaio, T., and Grandstaff, D. E. (1995). The effects of dilute organic acids on calcite dissolution. In: Water-Rock Interaction Symposium 8, (Y. K. Kharaka and F. Chudaev, eds.), p 241-245, Balkema, Rotterdam. Jones T. P. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1995). Controls on dissolved aluminum in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, In: Water-Rock Interaction 8, (Y. K. Kharaka, F. Chudaev, eds.), p. 351-355, Balkema, Rotterdam. Teng, H. and Grandstaff, D. E., (1996). Dissolution of Basaltic Glass: Effects of pH and organic ligands. The Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XIX. W. M. Murphy and D. A. Knecht (Editors). Materials Research Society Symposium Proceesings Volume 412, pp. 249-255. Pittsburgh, PA. DeMaio, T. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1997). Assessing the effect of dissolved organic ligands on mineral dissolution rates in a repository environment: An example from calcite dissolution. In, The Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XX. W. J. Gray and I. R. Triay, eds. Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 705-712. Weaver, R., Grandstaff, D. E., and Myer, G. H. (1997). Surface stability of siderite under acidic atmosphere: An atomic-force-microscopy study. In, Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials Materials, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vo. 453, P. K. Davies, A. J. Jacobson, C. C. Torardi, T. A. Vanderah, eds. Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 727-732. Sirkis D., Flynn N., Grandstaff D. E., and Ulmer G. C. (1998). The Joule-Kelvin Effect and the temperature of kimberlite intrusion. Water-Rock Interaction, WRI-9, G. B. Arehart and J. R. Hulston, eds., pp. 487-490, Balkema, Rotterdam. Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., Woermann E., Gobbels E, Schonitz M, and Woodland A. B. (1998). The redox stability of Moissanite (SiC) compared with metal-metal oxide buffers at 1773K and at pressures up to 90 kbar.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 73 Neues Jb. Min. Abh. 172/2-3, pp. 1-29. Woodward B. J., Bowen B., and Grandstaff D E. (1998). Factor analysis of stream water chemistry following storms in eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, USA. Water-Rock Interaction, WRI-9, G. B. Arehart and J. R. Hulston, eds., pp. 487-490, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 83-86. Sun H., D. E. Grandstaff, R. Shagam (1999). Land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawl: potential damage of subsidence and sea level rise in southern New Jersey, USA. Environmental Geology. 37, 290-296. Grandstaff D. E., M. D. Paciolla, L. T. Sein, Jr., R. Jacob, K. Narielwala, S. John, N. Patel, M. Mashani, K. Doll, Y. Wei, and S. A. Jansen (1999) Heteropoly acids supported on sol-gel matrices and their catalytic activity and selectivity, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 549 (Advanced Catalytic Materials-1998), 249-254. Monastra V. and D. E. Grandstaff, 1999. Kinetics of MgO Dissolution and Buffering of fluids in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Repository. Materials Research Society Symp. Proc. (Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Disposal XXII), p. 625-632. S. N. Lvov, G. C. Ulmer, X. Zhou, S.M. Ulyanov, L. G. Benning, D. E. Grandstaff, M. Manna, E. Vicenzi , and H.L. Barnes, in press. Electrochemical and Structural Studies of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Membrane to Be Used for High Temperature Potentiometric Measurements (Accepted for publication, October 2002, Chemical Geology). G. C. Ulmer, M. F. Manna and D. E. Grandstaff, E. P. Vicenzi, H. L. Barnes, S. N. Lvov, X. Zhou, and S. M. Ulyanov, (2000). Impurity Phases and the quest for a robust ZrO2-based hydrothermal pH sensor. Applied Mineralogy in Research, Economy, Technology, Ecology and Culture (D. Rammlmair, J. Mederer, Th. Oberthur, R. B. Heimann, and H. Pentinghaus, editors), vol. 1, pp. 79-82. G. C. Ulmer, D. E. Grandstaff, M. Manna, E. Vicenzi, S. Lvov, H. L. Barnes, X. Zhou, S. Ulyanov (2000). Progress on developing a high temperatue Zr, Y-oxide pH sensor. EMPG. Betts J. and Grandstaff D. E. (2001). Investigation of vadose zone hydrogeochemistry in the Hornerstown Formation, Hornerstown, NJ. Water-Rock Interactions (WRI) 10. Balkema Press. 4 pages. Staron, R. M., B. S. Grandstaff, W. B. Gallagher, D. E. Grandstaff (2001). REE Signatures in vertebrate fossils from Sewell, NJ: Implications for location of the K-T boundary. PALAIOS, vol. 13, 255-265. Manna, M.F., D. E. Grandstaff, G. C. Ulmer, E. P. Vicenzi (2001). The chemical durability of yttria-stabilized ZrO2 pH and O2 geothermal sensors. Water-Rock Interactions (WRI) 10 Symposium. Balkema Press. 4 pages.

Patrick, D., Martin, J.E., Parris, D.C., and Grandstaff, D.E., 2003. Rare earth element signatures of fossil vertebrates compared with lithostratigraphic subdividivisions of the upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, central South Dakota: South Dakota Academy of Science 81, 161-179. Metzger, C.; Terry, Jr., D. O.; Grandstaff, D. E., 2004. Effect of paleosol formation on rare earth element signatures in fossil bone. Geology 32, 497-500. Manna, M.; Grandstaff, D. E.; Ulmer, G. C.; Vicenzi, E., 2004. The Feasibility of Using Yttria-Stabilized ZrO2 Sensors for pH Measurements in Geothermal Field and Industrial Applications. Water-Rock Interactions Symposium 11. 4 pg. Patrick, D.; Martin, J. E.; Parris, D. C.; Grandstaff, D. E., 2004. Paleoenvironmental interpretations of rare earth element signatures in mosasaurs (Reptilia) from the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, central South Dakota, USA, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Vol. 212, Issue 3-4, pp. 277-294 Martin, J. E.; Patrick, D; Kihm, A. J.; Foit, Jr., F. F.; Grandstaff, D. E., 2005. Lithostratigraphy, Tephrochronology, and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Fossils at the Classical Pleistocene Fossil Lake Area, South Central Oregon. Journal of Geology, 113(2), 139-156.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 74 Grandstaff, D.E. and Terry, D.O., Jr., 2007. Evolution of the rare earth element composition of Paleogene groundwaters as recorded in vertebrate fossils from Toadstool Geologic Park, Nebraska, USA, in 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions (T. Bullen and Y. Yang, eds.). Manna, M., Ulmer, G.C., and Grandstaff, D.E., 2007. Yttria-stabilized zirconia based ceramic sensors for hydrothermal applications, in 12th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions (T. Bullen and Y. Yang, eds.). Suarez, C., Suarez, M., Terry, D. O., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2007. Rare earth element geochemistry and taphonomy of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur QQuarry, East-Central Utah; PALAIOS, 22, 500-512. Suarez, M., Suarez, C., Kirkland, J., Gonzalaz, L. A., Grandstaff, D. E., and Terry, Jr., D. O., 2007. Sedimentology, stratigraphy, and depositional environment of the Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-Central Utah; PALAIOS, 22, 513-527. Patrick, D.; Martin, J.E.; Parris, D.C.; and Grandstaff, D.E., 2007. Rare earth element (REE) analysis of fossil vertebrates from the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale Group for the purposes of paleobathymetric interpretations of the Western Interior Seaway. In, The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas: Geological Society of America Special Paper 427, p. 71-83. Patrick, D.; Martin, J.E.; Parris, D.C.; and Grandstaff, D.E., 2007. Rare earth element determination of the stratigraphic position of the holotype of Mosasaurus missouriensis (Harlan), the first named fossil reptile from the American West. In, The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas: Geological Society of America Special Paper 427, p. 155-165. Grandstaff, D. E., and Terry, Jr., D.O., 2009. Rare earth element composition of Paleogene vertebrate fossils from Toadstool Geologic Park, Nebraska, USA. Applied Geochemistry, 24, 10 p. Suarez, C.A., Macpherson, G., Gonzalaz, L.A., Grandstaff, D.E., in revision. Heterogeneous rare earth element (REE) patterns and concentrations in a fossil bone as determined by LAM-ICP-MS analysis: implications for the use of REE in vertebrate taphonomy and fossilization history. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Obasi, C., Terry, Jr., D.O., Myer, G.H., Grandstaff, D.E., in prep. Implications of glauconite composition and morphology for relative sedimentation rates and the origin of the Main Fossiliferous Layer (MFL) in southern New Jersey. PALAIOS. OTHER WORKS PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS: ABSTRACTS: Grandstaff D. E., 1974. Uraninite oxidation and the Precambrian atmosphere. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 55, 457. Grandstaff D.E., 1975. Some kinetics of bronzite orthopyroxene dissolution. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 56, 459. Grandstaff D.E., 1977 Some kinetics of forsterite olivine dissolution. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 58, 458. Myer G.H., DeSantis J., Grandstaff, D. E., and Grandstaff, B. E., 1977. A multistage model of preservation in some fossil plants. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Prog. Northeast Section, 9, 304. Sleight M.C., and Grandstaff, D. E., 1978. Aluminum concentrations in the Mullica River-Great Bay estuary. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 59, 290. Gay A. L., and Grandstaff D. E., 1979. Precambrian paleosols at Elliot Lake, Ontario. Geol. Assoc. Canada.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 75 Abstracts with Prog., 4, 52. Grandstaff D. E., Kinetics of olivine dissolution II. Effect of organic chelating ligands. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 60, V-170. Gallagher M.N., Grandstaff D. E., and Adams J.K., 1980. Hydrology and geochemistry of central Bucks County, Southeastern Pennsylvania. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs. Northeast Section, 12, 37. Schulz E.B., and Grandstaff D. E., 1980. Trace element concentrations in Mercanaria mercenaria from Great Bay, New Jersey. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern Section, 12, 81. Moore E.L., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1981. Interaction of basalt and continental groundwater at 200oC and 300oC. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 63, 450. Ulmer G.C., Elliot W.C., Grandstaff D. E., and Gold D.P., 1981. Petrogenesis of the platiniferous zone of the Stillwater Complex, Montana. CSIR Platinum Conference, Pretoria, R.S.A. Kimberley M.M., Grandstaff D. E., and Tanaka R.T., 1982. Topographic control on Precambrian weathering in the Elliot Lake uranium district, Canada. Internatl. Geol. Correl. Prog. 157 Conference, London, England. McKeon G.L., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1982. Stability of spent fuel in a nuclear waste repository located in basalt. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 64, V100. Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., Brozdowski R.A., Barnes H.L., and Bourcier W.L., 1982. New developments in hydrothermal Eh-pH measurements. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs. Buntin T.J., Grandstaff D.E., Ulmer G.C. and Gold D.P., 1983. A pilot study of geochemical and redox relationships between potholes and adjacent normal Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Igneous Complex. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs. Clark L.D., Kimberley M.M., Grandstaff D. E. and Edelman M.J., 1983. Precambrian weathering horizons: Subproject 1 of IGCP 157. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 15, 545. Edelman M.J., Grandstaff D. E., and Kimberley M.M., 1983. Description and implications of two early Precambrian paleoweathering profiles from South Africa. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs., 15, 565. Grandstaff D. E., McKeon G.L., Moore E.L., and Ulmer G.C., 1983. Reactions in the system basalt-simulated spent fuel-water. Materials Res. Soc. Prog. D2.8, 189. Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D. E., and Brozdowski R.A., 1983. Geologic applications of ZrO2 electrolytic cells. Second International Conference on the Science and Technology of Zirconia, Stuttgart, FRG, Max-Plank Inst. fur Metallforschung, D6. Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D. E., Brozdowski R.A., Barnes H.L. and Bourcier W.L., 1983. New developments in hydrothermal Eh-pH measurements. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Prog. Grandstaff D. E., Foster R.W., Korn R.A., and Ulmer G.C., 1985. Measurement of hydrothermal redox using a direct hydrogen evolution method (DHEM). Second International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions, Pennsylvania State University, pg. 10. Grandstaff D. E., Ulmer G.C., Myers J., and McKeon G.L., 1985. A hydrothermal buffer capsule technique for redox measurements. Am. Geophys. Union. Ulmer G.C., Korn R.A., Foster R.W., and Grandstaff D. E., 1985. Measurement of hydrothermal redox using DHEM: Implications for nuclear waste disposal. Second International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions. Pennsylvania State University, Abstracts with Prog., p. 29.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 76 Friel J.J., Kacandes G.H., Grandstaff D.E. and Ulmer G.C., 1986. Image analysis of an Icelandic basalt. Geol. Soc. America, Abstr. with Prog. Grandstaff D.E., 1986. Precambrian paleosols and the composition of the mid-Precambrian atmosphere. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 67. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1986. Importance of intersertal glass for an Icelandic analog for nuclear waste isolation in Columbia Plateau basalt. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 67, 250. Ulmer G.C., Kacandes G.H., and Grandstaff D. E., 1986. Icelandic geothermal fields as an analog for nuclear waste isolation in basalt. Amer. Ceram. Soc., Abstr. with Prog. Gardiner M.A., Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1987. Use of re-injection techniques for hydrothermal experiments in Dickson autoclaves. Am. Geophys. Union, 68. Grandstaff D.E., Ulmer G.C. Kacandes G.H., and Gardiner M., 1987. Results of basalt-water experiments: Implications for nuclear waste disposal. Mater. Res. Soc., Abstr. with Prog. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1987. pH differences between experimentally derived and natural hydrothermal fluids: possible role of CO2. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union. Lazaar P.I., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1987. A study of the hydrothermal stability of copper for use as a canister material for nuclear waste. Materials Research Society, Boston, MA. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., 1988. How well do water-rock experiments model the composition of geothermal reservoir fluids? Mineral Exploration Research Institute, Symposium on Experimental Investigations of Hydrothermal Processes, Montreal, PQ. Wang J., Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., and Friel J.J., 1988. Basaltic residium glasses: an old and a new problem. Goldschmidt Conference, p. 9. Kacandes G. H. and Grandstaff D. E., 1988. Alteration mineral paragenesis and variations in fluid chemistry during basalt/hot water interactions. American Geophysical Union. Grandstaff D.E., Ulmer G.C. and Kacandes G.H., 1989. Prediction of near-field fluid composition in high-level nuclear waste repositories: limits of analogs - limits of experiments. Am. Ceramic Society Abstracts, p. 108. Wang J., Ulmer. G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1989. The geothermal oxidation of basalt. International Geological Congress. Washington, D.C. Anton J.A., Grandstaff B.S., and Grandstaff D.E., 1990. Modes of staining in fossil shark teeth (Abstract). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 10, 12A-13A. Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., Hanson B., Gold D.P., and Deines P. 1990. Texture, and 13C Data for graphite in mafic igneous plutons (abstract). American Geophysical Union, 71, 661. Lee A.C., Grandstaff D.E., and Ulmer G.C., 1990. The effect of rhyolitic glass on solution parameters in autoclave experiments at 300C and 30 MPa (abstract). The American Geophysical Union, 71, 663. Ulmer G.C. Grassi V.J., Lee A. and Grandstaff D.E., 1990. Comparison of tuff, granite, and basalt as high-level repository host rocks: lithologic factors influencing fluid compositions (abstract). Materials Research Society. Grassi V.J., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1991. Hydrothermal experiments using tuff, granite, and basalt: Implications for high-level nuclear waste repositories (abstract), American Ceramic Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 77 Bowen, B. and Grandstaff D.E., 1992. R-Mode factor analysis of variations in chemical composition of river water during storm events (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 73, 113. Grandstaff, D.E., and Ulmer G.C., 1992. Fluid inclusions in diamond, equations of state, and mantle redox conditions (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 73, 335. Sirkis, D., Ulmer G., Grandstaff D., Castro J., and Gold D., 1992. Testing a model of diatreme emplacement at Oka, Quebec, using rock magnetism (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 73, 103. Yan, C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1992. Concentrations and transport mechanisms of Cd, Pb, and Zn in roadside soils affected by automotive pollution (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 73, 62. Grassi V. J., Myer G. H., Ulmer G. C., and Grandstaff D. E., 1993. Ferrierite formation during a hydrothermal reinjection experiment (abstract). Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 74, 168. Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., and Woermann E., 1993. Moissonite Stability: A mantle redox problem? (abstract). Terra nova, 5, 511. Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., and Woermann E., 1993. Mantle redox: an overview of the uncertainties (abstract). Terra nova, 5, 512. DeMaio T., and Grandstaff D. E., 1994. The influence of dilute organic acids on the rate of calcite dissolution. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 75, 139. Freiheiter M. and Grandstaff D. E., 1994. Conservative versus non-conservative behavior of selected species in the estuary of the Great Egg Harbor River, New Jersey. Geol. Soc. Am., Abstracts with Programs, Northeast Section, v. 26, p. 18. Jones T. P., and Grandstaff D. E., 1994. Geochemical controls on aluminum, iron, and other species in surface waters of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 75, 136. Teng H., and Grandstaff D. E., 1994. The dissolution of volcanic glass: the effect of pH and organic acids. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 75, 140. Woodward B. J., and Grandstaff D. E., 1994. Variations in stream water chemistry during storm events near the Brookdale mine, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union (EOS), 75, 177. Jones T. P., and Grandstaff D. E., 1995. Hydrochemistry of selected species in surface waters of the New Jersey Pine Barrens (abstract). Geol. Soc. America, Abstracts with Programs, Northeast Section. Ulmer, G. C., Grandstaff, D. E., Woermann, E., and Sch`nitz, M., (1995). Metastability of SiC (Moissanite) Relative to Paragenetic Associations in Kimberlites and Meteorites. Goldschmidt Conference, Pennsylvania State University. Ulmer, G. C., Grandstaff, D. E., Woermann, E., and Sch`nitz, M. (1995). Equilibrium stability of SiC (Moissanite). Goldschmidt Conference, Pennsylvania State University. Teng, H., and Grandstaff, D. E., (1995). The effect of pH and organic acids on dissolution of basaltic glass. Materials Research Society, Abstracts with Programs, Boston, MA. Rong, W. and Grandstaff D. E. (1995). Groundwater geochemistry in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Wharton State Forest. Geol. Soc. Am., Abstracts, v. 28, p. 95. Rong, W. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1995). Groundwater geochemistry in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Wharton State Forest. Am. Geophys. Union, Abstracts.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 78 Sathaye J. A. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1995). Water-Rock interaction and the distribution of salinity in the Illinois Basin. Geol. Soc. America., Northeast Section. Sathaye, J. A. and Grandstaff D. E. (1996). Water-rock interaction and the distribution of salinity in the Illinois Basin. Bull. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geologists, v. 80., p. 1531. DeMaio, T. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1996). Assessing the effect of dissolved organic ligands on mineral dissolution rates in a repository environment: an example from calcite dissolution. Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston MA. Betts, J. and Grandstaff D. E. (1997). Investigation of vadose zone hydrogencoehistry in the Hornerstown Formation, Hornerstown, NJ. Abstracts with Programs. Geol. Soc. America (Northeast Section), v. 29, p. 32. Harvey, A. M., and Grandstaff D. E. (1997). Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Devonian Sherman Creek Member of the Catskill Formation in central Pennsylvania. Abstracts with Programs. Geol. Soc. America (Northeast Section)v. 29, p. 51. Mandal, M. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1997). Chemistry of throughfall and its role in biogeochemical cycling in the Pine Barrens, New Jersey. Abstracts with Programs. Geol. Soc. America (Northeast Section), v 29, p. 63. Betts, J. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1997). Geochemical evolution of vadose zone water in the Cretaceous Hornerstown Formation, Hornerstown, New Jersey. American Geophysical Union, Abstracts. Mandal, M. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1997). Chemistry of throughfall and soil-moisture and their role in biogeochemical cycling in the Pine Barrens, New Jersey. American Geophysical Union, Abstracts.

[M. Mandal received a Best Student Paper Award in the Hydrology Section of the American Geophysical Union]

Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., Woermann E., Gobbels E, Schonitz M, and Woodland A. B. (1997). Die stabilitat von moissanit (SiC) im Erdmantel. Briechte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, published in European Journal of Mineralogy, 9 #1. pp. 364. Monastra V., and Grandstaff D. E. (1998). Kinetics of MgO dissolution and buffering of groundwaters at the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) Site, New Mexico (abstract). American Geophysical Union, Spring Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Zhuang Y., and Grandstaff D. E. Adsorption and co-precipitation of heavy metals on Hydrous Ferric Oxides (HFO) from acidic surface waters (1998). Geological Society of America, Northeast Section, Abstracts with Programs (abstract), v. 30, p. 85.

Zhuang Y., and Grandstaff D. E. Adsorption and co-precipitation of heavy metals on Hydrous Ferric Oxides (HFO) from acidic surface waters (1998). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (abstract). Woermann E., Gobbels M., Ulmer G.C. and Grandstaff D. E. Moissanit als indikator für den redoxzustand des erdmantels (in press). Grandstaff D. E., M. D. Paciolla, L. T. Sein, Jr., R. Jacob, K. Narielwala, S. John, N. Patel, M. Mashani, K. Doll, Y. Wei, and S. A. Jansen, Heteropoly acids supported on sol-gel matrices and their catalytic activity and selectivity (1998). Materials Research Society (abstract). Monastra, V. and D. E. Grandstaff, Kinetics of MgO Dissolution and Buffering of fluids in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Repository (1998). Materials Research Society (abstract). Grandstaff D. E. and G. C. Ulmer, P-T-fO2 ARRAY OF MANTLE FLUID SPECIATION USING THE MODIFIED REDLICH-KWONG (MRK) EQUATION OF STATE (1999), Geological Association of Canada

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 79 (abstract). Ulmer G. C., and D. E. Grandstaff, REDOX STABILITY OF MOISSANITE (SiC) AND DIAMOND FLUID INCLUSIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MANTLE (1999), Geological Association of Canada (abstract). Dedic, N., D. E. Grandstaff (1998). Trace element concentrations in suspended sediments in Darby Creek and Tinicum Marsh, PA (1999), Geological Society of America, Northeast Section (1999). Staron, R., D. E. Grandstaff, B.E. Grandstaff, W. Gallagher (1999). Rare Earth Signatures and reworking of fossils in the Main Fossiliferous Layer, Hornerstown Formation, NJ, Geological Society of America, Northeast Section (abstract). (R. Staron received a best paper award for student presentation) S. N. Lvov, G. C. Ulmer, X. Zhou, S.M. Ulyanov, L. G. Benning, D. E. Grandstaff, M. Manna, E. Vicenzi , and H.L. Barnes (1999). Electrochemical and Structural Studies of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Membrane to Be Used for High Temperature Potentiometric Measurements. Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA (abstract). Staron, R., D. E. Grandstaff, B.E. Grandstaff, W. Gallagher (1999). Mosasaur taphonomy and geochemistry; implications for a K-T bone bed in the New Jersey coastal (1999), Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (abstract). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 19(3), p. 78A. S. N. Lvov, G. C. Ulmer, X. Zhou, S.M. Ulyanov, L. G. Benning, D. E. Grandstaff, M. Manna, E. Vicenzi , and H.L. Barnes (2000). Electrochemical and Structural Studies of Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Membrane to Be Used for High Temperature Potentiometric Measurements. ICAM. (abstract). G. C. Ulmer, D. E. Grandstaff, M. Manna, E. Vicenzi, S. Lvov, H. L. Barnes, X. Zhou, S. Ulyanov, 2000. Progress on developing a high temperatue Zr, Y-oxide pH sensor. EMPG. (abstract). D. Crilley, D. E. Grandstaff, 2000. Dissolution kinetics of biotite from Pinal Creek, Arizona. Geological Society of America, 2000 Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Abstracts with Programs. D. Patrick, D. O. Terry, Jr., and D. E. Grandstaff, 2001. Rare Earth Element (REE) Variation in Fossil and Modern Bones: The Influence of Osteological Materials and Time (abstract). Northeast Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 33, no. 1, p. A-27 Patrick, Doreena; Terry, D. O., Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2001, The influence of osteological material and time on rare earth element (REE) concentrations in vertebrate fossils: Soc. of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts of Papers, v. 21, supplement to no.3, p. 88A. D. E. Grandstaff, D. O. Terry, Jr., Doreena Patrick, 2001. Rare Earth Element (REE) Signatures in Fossil Assemblages in Marine and Terrestrial Environments. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology , Annual Meeting, Bozeman, Montana, Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, supplement to no. 3, p. 56A. Patrick, D., Terry, D. O. Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2001, Identification of fossil "fakes" using rare earth element (REE) signatures: Geological Society of America Abst. with Prog., V. 33, no. 6, p. A-196. Doreena Patrick, James E. Martin, D. C.Parris, D. E. Grandstaff, 2002. Rare Earth Signatures of Fossil Vertebrates Compared with those of the Lithostratigraphic Subdivisions of the Upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, Central South Dakota. Abstracts for the South Dakota Academy of Science. Patrick,D, Martin James. E and Grandstaff, D.E. 2002, Application of Rare Earth element (REE) analysis at Pleistocene Localities in Fossil Lake, Oregon, Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Northeast

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 80 Sectional Meeting, volume 34. Patrick, D.; Grandstaff, D. E., 2002. The use of ternary diagrams in rare earth element (REE) analysis of fossils and interpretation of the original Geological Society of America, 2002 annual meeting: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, Vol. 34, Issue 6, pp. 428. Patrick, D. and Grandstaff, D. E., 2003. The use of Rare Earth Element Signatures in Fossil Vertebrates from the upper Cretaceous Pierre Shale, central South Dakota, in determining paleoenvironmental conditions. Geological Society of America. North Central Section. Invited Paper. (Received Best Student Paper Award). Patrick, D.; Martin, J. E.; Parris, D. C.; Grandstaff, D. E., 2004. Rare earth element (REE) analyses of fossil vertebrates in the Pierre Shale; fossil provenience. Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 100th annual meeting. Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 36, Issue 4, pp. 68-69 Patrick, D.; Martin, J.E.; Grandstaff, D.E., 2004. Timing of emplacement of rare earth elements (REE) in fossil apatite, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, vol. 36(5), 384. Frey, J.; and Grandstaff, D.E., 2004. The distribution of rare earth and trace elements in fractions of marine shale (abstract). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 2, p. 41. Metzger, C.; Terry, D.O., Jr.; Grandstaff, D.E., 2004. The role of pedogenesis in setting the rare earth element signature of fossil bone from the Badlands National Park, South Dakota. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 24, Issue 3, Suppl., p. 93. Suarez, M.; Suarez, C.; Terry, D.O.; Grandstaff, D.E.; and Kirkland, J.I., 2004, Sedimentologic, Taphonomic, and Rare Earth Element Geochemical Analyses of the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-central, Utah: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, 64th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, Abstracts of Papers, v. 24 suppl. to no. 3, p.119A. Suarez, C.; Suarez, M.; Terry, D.O. Jr.; Grandstaff, D.E.; Kirkland, J. I., 2005, A Combined Rare Earth Element and Sedimentologic Approach to Taphonomic Interpretations of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry: American Association of Petroleum Geologists/ Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2005 Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Abstract Volumes, v. 14. Suarez, C., Suarez, M., Terry, D.O. Jr., Grandstaff, D.E., Kirkland, J. I. 2005, Evidence for a complex Taphonomic History of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-Central Utah. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 25, Supplement to No. 3. Terry, D. O., and Grandstaff, D.E., 2006. Rare earth element fingerprinting of vertebrate fossils from the Eocene-Oligocene White RiverGroup, Toadstool Geologic Park, Crawford, NE. National Park Service. Terry, D. O. and Grandstaff, D.E. 2006. The effects of provenience and taphonomy on rare earth and trace element signatures in vertebrate fossils from the Eocene-Oligocene White River Group, Toadstool Geologic Park, Crawford, NE. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 38(7), 444. SUAREZ, Celina A., MACPHERSON, Gwen, GONZALEZ, Luis A., KIRKLAND, James I., and Grandstaff, D. E. 2006. PRELIMINARY GEOCHEMICAL TAPHONOMY OF BONE BED SITES IN THE YELLOW CAT MEMBER OF THE CEDAR MOUNTAIN FORMATION, UTAH. Soc. Am. Abstracts with Programs, 38(7), 421. Suarez, Celina A., Macpherson, Gwen, Wolfe, M., Gonzalez, Luis A., and GRANDSTAFF, D. E. 2007. LAM-ICP-MS analysis of fossil bone: Some unexpected results and implications for interpretation of REE in fossil bone. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, Volume 27, Supplement to no. 3, p. 154A.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 81 Sobocinski, H., Terry Jr., D.O., Grandstaff, D.E., 2008. Mobility of lead leached from shotgun pellets in spodic soils, Pine Barrens, NJ. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Obasi, C., Myer, G.H., Grandstaff, D.E., Terry, Jr., D.O., 2008. Measuring sedimentation rates along the K-T boundary in the glauconite-bearing Hornerstown and Navesink/New Egypt Formations, southern New Jersey. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Grandstaff, D.E., and Terry, Jr., D.O., 2008. Geochemical Signatures of Milankovitch Periodicity Recorded in the Rare Earth Element Content of Fossil Vertebrates from the Eocene-Oligocene White River Group of Northwest Nebraska. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. Terry, Jr., D.O. and Grandstaff, D.E., 2009. Rare Earth Elements in fossil vertebrates as a potential archive of paleoclimatic fluctuation during the Hothouse-Icehouse transition of the Paleogene White River Group, northwest Nebraska. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern Sectional Meeting. PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS: In addition to those with abstracts, enumerated in the previous section: Grandstaff D.E., 1980. The dissolution rate of forsteritic olivine from Hawaiian beach sand. Third International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions. Edmonton, Alberta. Grandstaff D.E. Precambrian Paleosols. Precambrian Paleontology Research Group (International). Santa Barbara, CA. Ulmer G.C., Elliot W.C., Grandstaff D.E., and Gold D.P., 1981. Petrogenesis of the platiniferous zone of the Stillwater Complex, Montana. Consolidated Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Platinum Conference, Pretoria, R.S.A. (International). Kimberley M.M., Grandstaff D.E., and Tanaka R.T., 1982. Topographic control on Precambrian weathering in the Elliot Lake uranium district, Canada. International Geological Correlation Programme No. 157 Conference, London, England. (International). Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., and Brozdowski R.A., 1983. Geologic applications of ZrO2 electrolytic cells. Second International Conference on the Science and Technology of Zirconia, Stuttgart, FRG, Max-Plank Inst. fur Metallforschung. Grandstaff D.E. and Ulmer G.C., 1984. Hydrothermal reactions in the system basalt-water. Geochemical Environment near a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository, Penrose Conference, Portland, Oregon. Ulmer G.C. and Grandstaff D.E., 1984. New developments in hydrothermal Eh-pH measurements. Geochemical Environment near a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository, Penrose Conference, Oregon. Grandstaff D.E., Foster R.W., and Edelman M., 1985. Precambrian paleosols, implications for the Precambrian atmosphere. International Geological Correlation Programme 157 Meeting, Raleigh, NC. Grandstaff D.E., Foster R.W., Korn R.A., and Ulmer G.C., 1985. Measurement of hydrothermal redox using a direct hydrogen evolution method (DHEM). Second International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions, Pennsylvania State University. Ulmer G.C., Korn R.A., Foster R.W., and Grandstaff D.E., 1985. Measurement of hydrothermal redox using DHEM: Implications for nuclear waste disposal. Second International Symposium on Hydrothermal Reactions. Pennsylvania State University. Grandstaff D.E. 1986. Precambrian paleosols, implications for the Precambrian atmosphere. Precambrian

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 82 Paleontology Research Group (PPRG), Stanford, CA. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1986. Icelandic geothermal fields as an analog for nuclear waste isolation in Columbia Plateau (Washington, U.S.A.) basalt. Fifth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interactions, Reykjavik, Iceland. Korn R.A., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1986. Hydrothermal reactions of Columbia Plateau basalts from the Umtanum and Cohassett flows (Washington) with simulated Hanford groundwaters. Fifth International Symposium on Water-rock Interactions. Reykjavik, Iceland. Ulmer G.C., Kacandes G.H., and Grandstaff D.E., 1986. Icelandic geothermal fields as an analog for nuclear waste isolation in basalt. American Ceramic Society, Chicago. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., 1988. How well do water-rock experiments model the composition of geothermal reservoir fluids? Mineral Exploration Research Institute Symposium on Experimental Investigations of Hydrothermal Processes, Montreal, Quebec. Wang J., Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., and Friel J.J., 1988. Basaltic residium glasses: an old and a new problem. Goldschmidt Conference, International, Baltimore, MD. Gardiner M.A., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1989. Application of a reinjection technique to Dickson hydrothermal experiments: The effect of introducing fresh solution to the basalt-water system at 300EC and 300 bars. Water-Rock Interactions, WRI-6, Malvern, England. Kacandes G.H., Ulmer G.C. and Grandstaff D.E., 1989. Variations in fluid chemistry and alteration mineral paragenesis during basalt/hot water interactions. Water-Rock Interactions Symposium-6, Malvern, England. Wang J., Gardiner M., Grandstaff D.E., and Ulmer G.C., 1989. The geothermal oxidation of basalt. Water-Rock Interactions Symposium WRI-6, Malvern, England. Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., and Woermann E., 1993. Moissonite Stability: A mantle redox problem? European Union of Geosciences Meeting, Strasbourg. Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., and Woermann E., 1993. Mantle redox: an overview of the uncertainties. European Union of Geosciences Meeting, Strasbourg. Ulmer, G. C., Grandstaff, D. E., Woermann, E., and Sch`nitz, M., (1995). Metastability of SiC (Moissanite) Relative to Paragenetic Associations in Kimberlites and Meteorites. Goldschmidt Conference, Pennsylvania State University. Ulmer, G. C., Grandstaff, D. E., Woermann, E., and Sch`nitz, M. (1995). Equilibrium stability of SiC (Moissanite). Goldschmidt Conference, Pennsylvania State University. DeMaio, T., and Grandstaff, D. E. (1995). The effects of dilute organic acids on calcite dissolution. Water-Rock Interaction Symposium 8, Vladivostok, Russia. Jones T. P. and Grandstaff, D. E. (1995). Controls on dissolved aluminum in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, Water-Rock Interaction Symposium 8, Vladivostok, Russia. Sirkis, D., Flynn, N., Grandstaff, D. E., and Ulmer, G. C. (1995). The Joule-Kelvin Effect and the Temperature of Kimberlite Intrustion. Water-Rock Interactions Symposium 8, Vladivostok, Russia. Ulmer G. C., Grandstaff D. E., Vicenzi E., Barnes H. L., Lvov S. N., and Macdonald D. D. (1997). The role of grain boundary phases in ZrO2-pH sensors. Water-Rock Interaction Symposium 9, Taupo, New Zealand (poster presentation). Manna, M.F., D. E. Grandstaff, G. C. Ulmer, E. P. Vicenzi (2001). The chemical durability of yttria-stabilized ZrO2

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 83 pH and O2 geothermal sensors. Water-Rock Interactions (WRI) 10 Symposium, Sardinia, Italy. Terry, Jr., D. O., and Grandstaff, D. E. (2006). Rare earth element fingerprinting of vertebrate fossils from the Eocene-Oligocene White River Group, Toadstool Geologic Park, Crawford, Nebraska.

PUBLISHED RESEARCH REPORTS: Moore E.L., Ulmer G.C. and Grandstaff D.E., 1981. Hydrothermal reactions in the system basalt-groundwater. Rockwell Hanford Document, U.S. DOE. McKeon G.L., Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1982. Hydrothermal reactions in the system spent fuel/groundwater/basalt. Rockwell Hanford Document No SD-BWI-BP-004, 18 p. U.S. DOE. Grandstaff D.E., McKeon G.L., Moore E.L., and Ulmer G.C., 1983. Reactions in the system basalt-simulated spent fuel-water. Rockwell Hanford Doc. No. RHO-BW-SA-317P. U.S. DOE. Moore E.L. Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1984. Hydrothermal interaction of Columbia Plateau basalt from the Umtanum Flow with its co-existing groundwater. Rockwell Hanford Document No. SD-BWI-BP-003, 26 p. DOE. Myers J., Ulmer G.C., Grandstaff D.E., Brozdowski R., Danielson M.J., and Koski O.H., 1984. Techniques for monitoring Eh-pH conditions in hydrothermal experiments. Rockwell Hanford Document RHO-BW-ST-049P, 39 p. U.S. DOE. Grandstaff D.E. and Ulmer G.C., 1985. Buffering capacity and redox control in water-rock systems. Rockwell-Hanford Document SD-BWI-TI-298. U.S. DOE.


Grandstaff D.E., 1973. Uraninite oxidation and the Precambrian atmosphere. Brooklyn College. Grandstaff D.E., 1974. Uraninite oxidation and the Precambrian atmosphere. Symposium on Kinetics in Geology, American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Grandstaff D.E., 1976. Kinetics of uraninite and bronzite pyroxene dissolution. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM. Grandstaff D.E., 1976. Microprobe analyses of uranium and thorium in uraninite from the Witwatersrand, South Africa and Blind River, Ontario. Symposium on the origin of Precambrian gold- and uranium-bearing conglomerates. Sponsored by the United States Geological Survey, held at Colorado School of Mines, Denver, Colorado. Grandstaff D.E., 1976. Origin or uraniferous conglomerates at Elliot Lake, Canada and Witwatersrand, South Africa. Implications for oxygen in the Precambrian atmosphere. Symposium on the origin of Precambrian gold- and uranium-bearing conglomerates. Sponsered by the United States Geological Survey, held at Colorado School of Mines, Denver, Colorado. Grandstaff D.E., 1980. Chemistry and mineralogy of Precambrian paleosols at Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada: Implications for oxygen in the Precambrian atmosphere. Precambrian Paleontology Research Group, Santa Barbara, California. Grandstaff D.E., and Ulmer G.C., 1984. Hydrothermal reactions in the system basalt-water. Penrose Conference. Portland, Oregon.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 84 Ulmer G.C., and Grandstaff D.E., 1984. Development and use of high-temperature Eh-pH electrodes. Penrose Conference. Portland, Oregon. Grandstaff D.E., Edelman M., Foster R.W., 1985. Precambrian paleosols: Implications for the Precambrian atmosphere. International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP) Number 157. Raleigh, North Carolina. Grandstaff D.E., 1987. Kinetics of olivine and pyroxene dissolution. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Oak Ridge, TN. Grandstaff D.E., 1990. Paleosols and the evolution of the Precambrian atmosphere. Pennsylvania State University. Grandstaff D.E., 1990. Implications of hydrothermal experiments for nuclear waste disposal. Pennsylvania State University. Grandstaff D.E., 1991. Nuclear Waste Disposal: Comparison of Granite, Tuff, and Basalt as Repository Media. Geological Society of Washington (D.C.).



GRANTS AND CONTRACTS, EXTERNALLY FUNDED: “Equipment for Oceanographic Research” Principal Investigators: J. K. Adams, D. E. Grandstaff Funding: $10,000 "Quantitative analysis of reaction products in the system basalt-simulated spent fuel-groundwater" Principal Investigators: D. E. Grandstaff, G. C. Ulmer Agency: U.S. Department of Energy and Rockwell and Westinghouse Corporations. Period: September 1980 - September 1988 Funding: $1,300,000 plus $350,000 equipment Development of Advanced Electrochemical Instruments for Accurate pH Measurements in Hydrothermal Solutions at Temperature up to 450oC. Co-Principal Investigators: G. C. Ulmer, D. E. Grandstaff, E. Vicenzi and H. L. Barnes, S. Lvov, D. D. Macdonald. Funded by National Science Foundation, 2 years, $460,000. 1998-2001. "Igneous Pothole Structures and Their Significance for Platinum Group Mineral Petrogenesis" Principal Investigators: G. C. Ulmer, D. P. Gold, P. Deines, D. E. Grandsaff Agency: NSF Funding Requested: $475,627. (not funded) 1984. "Association between Platinum and carbon in the Layered Mafic Intrusives at Stillwater, Montana and Bushveld, South Africa" Principal Investigators: G. C. Ulmer, D. P. Gold, P. Deines, D. E. Grandstaff Agency: American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund (not funded) 1990 "Teaching Environmental Science to High School Students" Principals: G. C. Ulmer, B. S. Grandstaff, D. E. Grandstaff, and others Agency: NSF (not funded) 1990

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 85 "Moissonite Stability" Principals: G. C. Ulmer, D. E. Grandstaff Agency: NSF 1992 (not funded), "Calcite dissolution kinetics: Influence of organic ligands" Principals: D. E. Grandstaff Agency: NSF. Not Funded, 1993. "Ion Chromatography in Environmental Geochemistry" Agency: NSF Principals: D. E. Grandstaff (not funded, 1994). “REE Signatures and Taphonomy” (2000) Principals: D. E. Grandstaff, D. O. Terry, Jr., B. S. Grandstaff (not funded) “Laser Ablation” (2000) Principals: D. O. Terry, Jr., D. E. Grandstaff (not funded) “REE Signatures and Taphonomy” Principals: D. E. Grandstaff, D. O. Terry, Jr. (2001, not funded). “REE Signatures and climate proxies” Principals: D. O. Terry, Jr. (2009 – pending) TEACHING:

LIST COURSES TAUGHT IN THE LAST FIVE YEARS: Geology 050. Introductory Physical Geology Geology 081. Environmental Resources Geology 261. Introduction to Geochemistry Geology 381. Environmental Seminar Geology 461. Low Temperature Geochemistry Geology 462. Advanced Low-Temperature Geochemistry



Valerie Monastra. Bachelors Research. Kinetics of MgO dissolution: Implications for the Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) Site, Carlsbad, New Mexico (1997).


Sleight, Mary C. Aluminum concentrations in the Mullica River-Great Bay estuary, New Jersey. December 1978. Palopoli, John. Lead concentrations in Tinicum Marsh, Pennsylvania. 1979. Gay, Alison L. The study of two Precambrian paleosols and implications for the Precambrian environment and atmosphere. 1979.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 86 Moore, Elizabeth L. Hydrothermal interaction of Columbia River Basalt from the Umtanum Formation with its co-existing groundwater. 1983. McKeon, Gail L. Hydrothermal reaction of simulated spent fuel with Columbia Plateau basalt from the Umtanum Flow at 100N, 200N, and 300NC and at 30 MPa (300 bars). July 1984. Edelman Michael J. Description and implications of the chemistry and mineralogy of three early Precambrian paleoweathering profiles from South Africa. 1985. Korn, Rosemary A. A comparison of the hydrothermal stability of the Columbia Plateau basalts from the Umtanum and Cohassett flows at 100o, 200o, and 300oC; and at 30 MPa. 1986. Gardiner, Mark A. Hydrothermal reaction of groundwater with basalt from the entablature of the Cohassett Flow, Grande Ronde Formation, Hanford, Washington: The effect of the introduction of fresh solution to the system at 200N and 300NC and 30 MPa. April 1988. Lazaar, Paul I. A study of the hydrothermal stability of copper as a container material for a nuclear waste repository. June 1988 Foster Ruth W. Description of early Precambrian paleosols, implications for the Precambrian atmosphere. 1988. Kacandes, George H., How well do water-rock experiments model the composition of geothermal reservoir fluids?, 1989. Tashjian, Paul, The sedimentology and stratigraphy of a fossiliferous layer in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Englishtown/Marshalltown Formations near Ellisdale, NJ., July 1990. Lee, Arthur C., Hydrothermal Experiments on Bannock Tuff (Montana) and Conway Granite (Vermont): Implications for nuclear waste disposal, August 1990. Anton, John, Modes of staining in fossil sharks teeth from Big Brook, New Jersey. (August 1991). Grassi, Vincent. Hydrothermal experiments on Topopah Springs Tuff, Implications for nuclear waste disposal (January 1993). Kaown, D. The effect of quartz and clay minerals on retardation of ammonium in groundwater (December 1993). DeMaio, Theresa. Calcite Dissolution Kinetics: Effect of Organic Ligands (May 1994). Freiheiter M. Conservative versus Non-conservative behavior of selected species in the estuary of the Great Egg Harbor River, New Jersey (July 1994). Jones, T. P., Geochemical controls on aluminum, iron, and other species in the New Jersey Pine Barrens (July 1994). Teng, H. The dissolution of basaltic glass: effects of pH and organic ligands (July 1994). Woodward, B. J. Variations in stream water chemistry during storm events near the Brookdale Mine, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania (July 1994). Yan, Cheng. Cadmium, Lead, Zinc, and Tin pollution along major highways (August 1994). Bowen, Bradford. Factor analysis of changes in stream composition following storms (in progress). Rong, W. Groundwater in the New Jersey Pine Barrens (July 1996). Sathaye, J. Chemical Evolution of groundwater in the Illinois Basin. (July 1996).

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 87 Betts, J. Chemical evolution of vadose zone waters in the Hornerstown Formation, NJ. (January 1998). Harvey, A. M., Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Duncannon Member, Catskyll Formation, PA (May 1998). Mandal, M. Composition of precipitation, throughfall, and soil moisture in Wharton State Forest, NJ. (July 1997). Zhang, Y. Trace element concentrations in Hydrous Ferric Oxides in acid mine drainage (1998). Staron, R., Rare Earth Signatures and reworking of fossils in the Main Fossiliferous Layer, Hornerstown Formation, NJ (1999). Dedic, N. Trace element concentrations in suspended sediments in Darby Creek and Tinicum Marsh, PA (2000) Doreena Patrick. Rare Earth Element (REE) signatures in modern and fossil vertebrates (July 2002). Crilley, D. Biotite Dissolution. (July 2004). Suarez, Celina. Taphonomy of the Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, early Cretaceous, Utah. (July 2005). Karan Dick. Cathodoluminescence study of the stratigraphy of the Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, Green River, Utah. (July 2006). Holly Sobocinski, Mobility of lead leached from shotgun pellets in spodic soils, Pine Barrens, NJ (July 2008).




M.A. Students (Committee Member): Joseph Toth 1978 John DeSantis 1979 Mark Gallagher 1980 William Schryba 1981 Crawford Elliot 1982 Robert Brozdowski 1982 Thomas Buntin 1983 David Weiss 1985 Richard Sacks 1987 David Valentino 1988 Mark Moats 1989 Benjamin Hanson 1989 Linus Farius 1989 Charles Handschin, 1990 Daniel Sirkis, 1993 William Schneider, 1992 John Hill, 1992 Christian Osgood, 1995. John Boynton, in progress Tarja Wolf, 1996 Natalie Flynn, 1996

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 88 Takahashi Shinkawa, 1997 Robert Weaver, 1997. David Heebner (1998) Cheryl Sinclair (1998) Elissa Koch (1998) Christopher Zeliznak, 1999 Eric Roman, 1999 Jamie Stynchula, 2005 Lisa Perry, in progress Matt McCoy, 2002 Louis Factor, 2002 Matt Weikel, 2003 Patricia Jannett, 2004 Mark Manna, 2002 Jennifer Tancredi, 2004 Christine Metzger, 2003 Mark Russell, 2005 Marina Suarez, 2005 Hallie Meighan, in progress. Kathleen Gross, in progress. Aclam Kapepkasse, 2006 Youa Yang, 2006 Christian Obasi, 2008

Ph. D. Dissertations (committee member). Ruth W. Foster (Department of Environmental Engineering, Rutgers University, 1994). Partick, Doreena (Earth and Environmental Sciences Department, University of Pennsylvania), 2006. Michael J. Palmieri, Jr. (Department of Chemistry, Temple University). Greg Lattanzi (Anthropology Department, Temple University).



reviewed journal articles and research proposals for: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Economic Geology, Chemical Geology, Precambrian Research, National Science Foundation, Research Fund, John Wiley Publishers, American Scientist, Journal of Geology, Nature, PALAIOS; Palaeogeology, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; Applied Geochemistry, Water-Rock Interactions.


Co-chair (with G. C. Ulmer) of Environmental Forum Symposium on Waste Disposal and Risk Analysis.

SERVICE TO THE COLLEGE: Tenure review committee (1980-83) Promotions committee (1988-1990, 1998-2003) Ad hoc computer committee (1988-1989) Study leaves committee (1990-1992,1994-1996) Representative Faculty Senate (1990-1992, 2004-2006) Technology Committee (1997-2000)

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 89 SERVICE TO THE DEPARTMENT: Graduate committee (1975-1980, 1990-1993, 1997) Department chair (1987-1990)(2005-)



United States Department of Energy. Expert Elicitation. Particle size distribution in the WIPP (Waste Isolation Pilot Project) Repository. Carlsbad, New Mexico, May 1997.

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Geochemical Society 1973- International Association of Geochemists and Cosmochemists 1985- American Geophysical Union 1973- American Ceramic Society 1988- Materials Research Society 1983-

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 90


DATE: October 27, 2006 NAME: GEORGE H. MYER EDUCATION, UNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE: University of California at Santa Barbara, California Major: Geology, Attended: 4 years, Degree: A.B. 1959 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Major: Geology, Attended: 5 years, Degree: Ph.D. 1965 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION: "The Mineralogy of Epidote and Zoisite," 1965. Sponsor: Prof. Horace Winchell and Prof. Brian Skinner Award: Commendation for Excellence of Dissertation Defense. POSITIONS HELD: Yale University, Associate in Instruction, 1964-1965 University of Maine, Assistant Professor 1965 - 1970





1990, Full Professor AWARDS:

Best Paper-Presentation Award: International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics, Baltimore, October 20, 1989.



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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 91 Chapter in Books

1. Guiford, James C., Guiford, C.A., Sharer, R.J., Ball, J.W., Chase, A.S., Kirkpatrick, M. and Myer, G.H., 1976, Prehistoric Pottery Analysis and the Ceramics of Barton Ramie in the Belize Valley, Memoir Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, vol. 18, pp. 1-359.

2. Betancourt, Philip P., Gaisser, T.K., Koss, E., Lyon, R., Matson, F.R., Montgomery, S., Myer, G.H. and Swann, C.P., Vasilike Ware-An Early Bronze Age Pottery Style in Crete. Results. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology, vol. 56, pp. 1-68. P. Astroms Forlage, Sweden. 1979.

3. Myer, G.H., 1984, Ceramic Petrography of White-on-Dark Ware, Chapter 6, In, East Cretan White-on-Dark Ware. P.P. Betancourt, The University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania, pp. 60-66.

4. Betancourt, P.P., Gaisser, T.K., Matson, F.R., Myer, G.H., Swann, C.P. and White, R.G., 1984, White Slip Coloration, Chapter 8, In, East Cretan White-on-Dark Ware. P.P. Betancourt, The University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania, pp. 71-74.

5. Gifford, J.A. and Myer, G.H., 1984, Geological Studies, Clay Sources in the Isthmus of Ierapetra, Chapter 15, In, East Cretan White-on-Dark Ware. P.P. Betancourt, The University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania, pp. 118-125.

6. Jee, C., T. Yuen, J.E. Crow, C.L. Lin, P. Schlottman, G.H. Myer, N. Bykovetz, 1987. Phonon Effects in YBa2Cu307-y: Specific Heat and Mossbauer Studies: Reviews of Solid State Science, vol. No 2., 279-292.

7. Myer, G.H., 1989, Geology. In The Atlas of Pennsylvania, Edited by W.J. Young, D.J. Cuff, R.F. Abler, W. Zelinsky, and E.K. Muller, Temple University Press, pp. 12-17 with text and illustrations.

8. Myer, G.H. and Betancourt, P.P., 1990, The Fabrics at Kommos. In KOMMOS II, The Final Neolithic through Middle Minoan III Pottery, Edited by J.W. Shaw and M.C. Shaw, Princeton University Press, pp. 1-14.


9. Myer, G.H., 1990, Mineralogical and Geological Aspects of Asbestos, Chapter 2, In Asbestos The Hazardous Fiber, Edited by M.A. Benarde, Ph.D., CRC Press, Inc., pp. 17-37 with text and illustrations.


10. Myer, George H., 1962, Hydrothermal wurtzite at Thomaston Dam, Connecticut: American Mineralogist, vol. 47, pp. 977-979.

11. Slichter, Louis B., Dixon, W.J. and Myer, G.H., 1962, Statistics as a Guide to Prospecting:

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 92 Symposium on Mathematical and Computer Applications in Mining and Exploration: University of Arizona Press, vol. 1, pp. 35-45.

12. Myer, George H., 1965, X-ray determinative curve for epidote: American Journal of Science, vol. 263, pp. 78-86.

13. Myer, George H., 1966, New data on zoisite and epidote: American Journal Science, vol. 264, pp. 364-385.

14. Myer, George H., 1967, Petrography of pottery thin section from Salinas La Blanca. In "Early Cultures and Human Ecology in South Coastal Guatemala", by Coe, Michael and Flannery, K.V., Appendix 5, pp. 135-136. Smithsonian Contributions in Anthropology, vol. 3, Washington, D.C.

15. Myer, George H. and Lindsley, D.H., 1969, Optical properties of synthetic clinopyroxenes on the join hedenbergite-ferrosilite: Annual Report Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution, Wash., D.C., 1967-68, pp. 92-94.

16. Johnson, Richard and Myer, G.H., 1975, Sillimanite nodules in the Wissahickon Schist, Philadelphia, Proceedings Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, vol. 49, pp. 34-36.

17. Myer, George H., 1976, Manipulator for Gandolfi-attachment X-ray Spindles, Journal of Applied Crystallography, vol. 9, pp. 185.

18. Love, Peter, Kao, H.I., Myer, G.H. and Labes, M.M., 1978, Photopolymerization of S2N2 to (SN)x, Chemical Communications, The Journal of the Chemical Society, No. 7, 1978, pp. 301-302.

19. Love, Peter, Myer,G.H., Kao, H.I., Junker, W.R., Elbaum C. and Labes, M.M., 1978, (SN)x Grown Under Unusual Conditions, Conference on Synthesis and Properties of Low-Dimensional Materials, New York Academy of Science Annals, vol. 313, p. 745-758.

20. Myer, George H., 1979, Epidote. In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of the Earth Sciences, New York, pp. 215-216.

21. Grandstaff, David E. and Myer, George H., 1979, Lead Contamination of Urban Snow. Archives of Environmental Health, vol. 34, no. 4, July/August, pp. 222-223.

22. Zelac, Ronald, Han, D., Bernesee, J. and Myer, George H., 1980, Caution---Radiation: Geology Field Samples. Health Physics, vol. 39 pp. 571-573, Pergamon Press Ltd.

23. Myer, George H. and Betancourt, P.P., 1981, The composition of Vasilike Ware and the Production of Mottled Colours of the Slip, In Scientific Studies in Ancient Ceramics, Edited by M.J. Hughes, British Museum Research Laboratory Occassional Paper No. 19, pp. 51-65.

24. Palaima, T.G., Betancourt, P.P. and Myer, G.H., 1984, An Inscribed Stirrup Jar of Cretan Origin from Bamboula, Cyprus. KADMOS, Zeitschrift fur vorund fruhgriechische epigraphik, Band XXIII, Heft 1., pp. 65-73.

25. Sulewski, P.E., Noh, J.W., McWhirter, J.T. Sievers, Russek, S.E., Burhrman, R.A., Jee, C.S., Crow, J.E., Salomon, R.E. and Myer, G.H., "Free Carrier Relaxation Dynamics in the Normal State of Sintered YBa2Cu307-y" Phys. Rev. Rapid Commun. B36, 2357-2360 (1987).

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 93 26. Labes, M.M., Chen, J.H., Lin, C.L., Myer, G.H. and Ivkovich, D, 1987, SUPERCONDUCTING GRAPHITE-TRANSITION METAL CARBIDE COMPOSITE FIBERS VIA DECOMPOSITON OF POWDER COMPLEXES. Materials Research Bulletin, vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 78-83.

27. Bloom, S., Kuric, M., Guertin, R.P., Jee, C., Nichols, D., Emgusnov, O., Lin, C.L., Kaczanowicz, E., Crow, J.E., Myer,G.H. and Salomon, R.E., "Pressure and Field Dependence of the Magnetic Transition in GdBa2Cu307-x J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 68, 135 (1987).

28. Myer, G.H. and Betancourt, P.P., 1987, MINERALOGY OF MINOAN POTTERY FROM KOMMOS AS AN INDICATOR OF PROVENANCE. Proceeding of the 24th International Archeometry Symposium, eds., Olin, J.S. and Blackman, M.J., Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 20560.

29. Yuen, T., C.L. Lin, J.E. Crow, G.H. Myer, R.E. Salomon, P. Schlottmann, N. Bykovetz and Warren N. Herman, "Mossbauer Study of the Lattice Dynamics in 119Sn-doped Superconductivity and Non-superconducting YBa2Cu307-y, Phy. Rev. B., vol. 37, No. 7, p. 3770-3773 (1988).

30. Jee, C., D. Nichols, J. Ciasullo, J.E. Crow, T, Mihalisin, G.H. Myer, M.V. Kuric, S. Bloom and R.P. Guertin, "Evidence for d-electron Localization in YBa2(Cu1-xZnx)07 for O < x < .16 Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. vol. 99, p. 571-582 (1988).

31. Bloom, S.H., M.V. Kuric, Y.S. Yao, R.P. Guertin, D. Nichols, A. Kebede, Jee, C., J.E. Crow, T. Mihalisin, G.H. Myer and P. Schlottmann, Transport and Meissner Effect Studies for YBa2(Cu1-y)O7-y", Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. vol. 99, p. 587-597 (1988).

32. A. M. Ponte Gonclaves, Chan-soo, Jee, D. Nichols, J.E. Crow, G.H.Myer, R. E. Salomon and P. Schlottmann, "EPR Spectroscopy of Oxygen Deficient and Zn-substituted YBa2Cu3O7-x. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., vol. 99, p. 583-586, (1988).

33. Jee, C., D. Nichols, A. Kebede, S. Rahman, J.E. Crow, A.M. Ponte Goncalves, T. Mihalisin, G.H. Myer, I. Perez, R. E. Solomon, P. Schlottmann, S.H. Bloom, M. V. Kuric, Y.S. Yao and R.P. Guertin,1988, "D-Hole Localization and the Suppression of Superconductivity in YBa2(Cu1-xZnx)3O7-y" J. of Superconductivity, vol. 1, p. 63-78.

34. Kebede, A., Jee, C., Nichols, D., Kuric, M.V., Crow, J.E., Guertin, R.P., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Perez, I., Salomon, R.E. and Schlottmann, P., 1988, (Y,Pr)Ba2Cu3O7; Evidence for Ag Pair Breaking in a High Tc Superconductor, J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 76 & 77, p. 619-620.

35. Yuen, T., Perez, I., Crow, J.E., Myer, G.H. and Schlottman, P., 1988, Magnetic Susceptibility and Specific Heat Study on the Nonmagnetic to Magnetic Transition in URh3Bx(0<x<1) System, Journal De Physique, Colloque C8, Suppl.2, Tome 49, pp.489-490.

36. Jee, C., Kebede, A., Myer, G.H., Yuen, T., Bloom, S.H., Kuric, M.V., Crow, J.E., Guertin, R.P., Mihalisin, T. and Schlottman, P., 1988, Thermodynamics and Pressure Dependent Magnetic Characteristics of PrBa2Cu3O7, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 76 & 77, pp. 617-620.

37. Jee, C., Kebede, A., Nichols, D., Crow, J.E., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Perez, I., Salomon, R.E. and Schlottmann, P., 1989, Depression of Superconductivity, Heavy Fermion Behavior

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 94 and Valence Fluctuations in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7, Solid State Comm., 69, no. 4, pp. 379-384.

38. Kebede, A., Jee, C., Schwegler, J., Crow, J.E., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Salomon, R. and Schlottmann, P., 1989, Magnetic Ordering and Superconductivity in Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-y, Physical Review B, 40, no. 7, pp. 4453-4462.

39. Kuric, M.V., Guertin, R.P., Kebede, A., Schwegler, J., Crow, J.E., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Schlottman, P. and Foner, S., 1989 October, Superconducting and Magnetic Phase Boundaries for the Heavy Fermion System(Y, Pr)Ba2Cu3O7-y,accepted for publication in Physica B.

40. Corah, Jr., N.L., Wahlers, R.L., Stein, S.J., Perez, I., Schwegler, J., Myer, G.H. and Crow, J.E., 1989, Thick Film YBa2Cu3O7 Superconductors for Microelectronic Applications, Proceeding of International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics,Baltimore, October 20, 1989. Awarded "Best paper of Session"

41. Gao, Y., Crow, J.E., Myer, G.H., Schlottmann, P., Schwegler, J. and Spencer, N.D., 1990, Specific Heat and Magnetic Susceptibility of the High Tc Superconductor- (Bi, Pb, Sb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10, Physica C165, 340.

42. Coppa, N., Nichols, D.H., Schwegler, J.W., Crow, J.E., Myer, G.H. and Salomon, R.E., 1989, Preparation of Yba2Cu3O7-x Precursors from a Fused Eutectic of Sodium and Potassium Hydroxides, J. Mat. Res. 4, 1307-1311, December 1989.

43. Coppa, N., Kebede, A., Schwegler, J.W., Perez, I., Salomon, R.E., Myer, G.H., and Crow, J.E., 1990, Preparation of Yba2Cu3O7-x using barium hydroxide flux, J.Mat. Res. (Rapid Comm.) 5, 2755-2758.

44. Schaeffer, R.W., Macho, J., Salomon, R.E., Myer, G.H., and Crow, J.E., and Pernambuco-Wise, P. 1991, Synthesis and Characterization of YBaCuO Superconductors from Solutions in Liquid Ammonia, J. Superconductivity, 4 , 365-374.

45. Salomon, R.E., Schaeffer, R.W., Macho, J., Thomas, A. , Myer, G.H., and Coppa, N.V., 1992, New Preparative Methods to Enhance Phase Purity and Physical Properties of Cuprate Superconductors, In AIP Conference Proceedings 251, Superconductivity, 274-282.

46. Macho, J., Schaeffer, Myer, G.H., Salomon, R.E., and Crow, J.E., 1992, Synthesis of high phase pure cuprate superconductors via xerogel precursors, J. Mat. Res., vol. 7, no. 5, 1046-1051.

47. Schaeffer, R.W., Macho, J., Salomon, R.E.,1993, Myer, G.H. and Crow, J.E., Synthesis routes in cuprate superconductors, Proc. 2nd Int. Ceramic Science and Technology Congress .

48. McHale, Jr., J.M., Myer, G.H. and Salomon, R.E., 1993, Synthesis of High Tc Superconductor Films via the Flaming Solvent Spray Process, J. Mater. Res. vol. 8, No. 5, pp. 178-182.

50. McHale, Jr., J.M., Myer, G.H. and Salomon, R.E., 1995, Simplified preparation of REBa2Cu3O7 -x via the acetate method, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-6. (Lead Paper!)

51. Myer, G.H., P.P. Betancourt & S.J. Vaughan, 1995, Petrographic Characterization, In:

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 95 Lerna, A Preclassical Site in the Argolid, vol. III by J.B. Rutter, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, NJ, pp. 666-692.

52. S.J. Vaughan, P.P. Betancourt and G.H. Myer, 1995, Discussion and Interpretation of the Petrographic Data, In: Lerna, A Preclassical Site in the Argolid, vol. III by J.B. Rutter, The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, NJ, pp. 693-710.

53. Myer, G.H., 1995, Analysis of Plaster, In: Pseira I, The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A, by P.P. Betancourt and C. Davaras, University Museum Monograph 90, University of Pennsylvania, p. 98.

54. Myer, G.H., 1995, Report on the Stone Used for Querns at Pseira, In: Pseira I, The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A, by P.P. Betancourt and C. Davaras, University Museum Monograph 90, University of Pennsylvania, p. 126.

55. Myer, G.H. and K.G. McIntosh,1995, Definition of Pottery Fabrics by Ceramic

Petrography, In: Pseira I, The Minoan Buildings on the West Side of Area A, by P.P. Betancourt and C. Davaras, University Museum Monograph 90, University of Pennsylvania, p. 143-153.

56. Weaver, R.M., Grandstaff, D.E. and Myer, G. H. (1997) Surface stability of siderite

under acidic atmosphere: An atomic-force-microscopy study (AFM). In. Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol 453, P.K. Davies, A.J. Jacobson, C.C. Torardi, and T.A. Vanderah, eds., Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA., pp. 727-732.

57. Burkhard, D.J.M., Ulmer, G.C., Redhammer, G. and Myer, George H.,(1999) Dynamic

Electrochemical Assessment of Redox Reactions in Natural Micas between 613 and 1373 K at 105 Pa, American Mineralogist, An International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials, Vol. 84, No. 4, pp. 493-505.

58. Yuen, T., Lin, C.L., Myer, G.H. and Crow, J.E.(1999) Study of an Anomalous Magnetic

System UnixSn with 1<x<2 , PPHMF-III Conference. 59. Lin, C.L., Yuen, Tan, Mihalisin, T., and Myer, G., (2000), Magnetic Properties of U2 V3

Ge4 , Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 87, n. 9, pp. 5137-5139, May 1, 2000. 60. Lin, C.L., Zan, J.A., Yuen, Tan and Myer, G.H., (2003), Electric, Thermal, and Magnetic

Properties of Hexagonal and Cubic UPtSn, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 93, n. 10, pp. 7831-7833, 15 May 2003.

61. Myer, G. H. and Betancourt, P.P. (2006 in review), Petrography and X-ray Diffraction

Analysis of Slags and Furnace Chimmeys, Chrysokamino

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 96 62. Myer, G.H. and Shriner, C. (2006 in review), Role of ‘Disparate Metamorphic” fabric as

provenance indicator, Aeginetan Ware, Lerna V (Middle Helladic) Assemblage

ABSTRACTS: See papers presented at Professional meetings


Myer, G.H., 1963, X-ray determinative curve for epidote, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union, 44, 121.

Williamson, T.C. and Myer, G.H., 1969, Pyrrhotite-pyrite isograd in the Waterville area, Maine, Geol. Soc. Amer., Atlantic City, part 7, 237-238.

Myer, G.H., 1973, A Thermodynamic Diagram, N.E. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 5, p. 200.

Myer, G.H., 1973, Crystallization of Graphite Schists, N.E. Geol. Soc. America, vol 5, p. 199.

Myer, G.H., Ulmer, G.C., Friel, J.J., Harker, R.I. and Weeks, R.A., 1973, Crystal Chemistry of Niobium Substituted CaTiO3, Amer. Ceramic Soc., vol. 52, no. 4, p. 348.

Myer, G.H., DeSantis, J., Grandstaff, D.E. & Grandstaff, B.E., 1977. A multistage model of preservation in some fossil plants, N.E. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 9, p. 304.

DeSantis, J.E. and Myer, G.H., 1978, Fragments of Ophiolite Ultramafic Cumulate in the Wissahickon Formation, Phila., N.E. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 10, p. 121.

Duffy, L. and Myer, G.H., 1984. Additional Evidence of Overthrusting in Southeastern PA., N.E. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 16, 1370.

Myer, G.H., Baker, P., Cushing, B. and Hill, M.L., 1985. Metamorphism Ductile Shear along the Martic "Zone" in S.E. PA., N.E. Geol. Soc. America, vol. 17, p. 55.

Betancourt, P.P. and Myer, G.H., 1986. Ceramics of Lerna, Greece, Ceramic Ecology, Amer. Anthro. Assoc., 85th Annual Meeting, Dec. 6, 1986.

Crow, J.E., Jee, C., Nichols, D., Yuen, T. and Myer, G.H., 1987. SPECIFIC HEAT, MOSSBAUER EFFECT, X-RAY STRUCTURE AND OTHER STUDIES OF SUPERCONDUCTING AND NONSUPERCONDUCTING Y-BA-CU OXIDES, 35th Midwest Solid State Conference of the American Physical Society, Oct. 19-20, 1987.

Myer, G.H., Jee, C., Kebede, A., Yuen, T., Crow, J.E., Mihalisin, T. and Salomon, R.E., 1988, Mixed Valent Behavior of Pr-Substituted Yba2Cu307: Correlation of Structure with Thermodynamic Properties, American Crystallographic Association, Annual Meeting, June 26 - July 1, 1988, Philadelphia, PA. H8, p. 40.

Jee, C., Nichols, D., Kebede, A., Rahman, S., Crow, J.E., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Perez, I., Salomon, R.E., and Schlottmann, P., 1988, Structural and Thermodynamic Studies of Zn and Ni-doped Superconducting YBa2Cu307, American Crystallographic Association, Annual

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 97 Meeting, June 26-July 1, 1988, Philadelphia, PA. H7, p. 39.

Corah, Jr., N.L., Wahlers, R.L., Stein, S.J., Perez, I., Schwegler, J., Myer, G.H. and Crow, J.E., 1989, Thick Film YBa2Cu3O7 Superconductors for Microelectronic Applications, Proceeding of International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics,Baltimore, October 20, 1989. Awarded "Best paper of Session"

Park, Youngdo, Ulmer, G.C., Hill, M.L., and Myer, G.H., 1990 March N.E. Geological Society of America Meeting, "Thrust-related Mylonitic Rocks, Minerva, Adirondak Mts., N.Y.

Kebede, A., Schwegler, J., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Schlottman, P., Crow, J.E., Kuric, M.V. and Guertin, R.P., The Magnetic Properties of Nonsuperconducting (Y,Pr)Ba2Cu3O6, 1990, March, Meeting of American Physical Society, New York, NY.

Coppa, N., Schwegler, J., Salomon, R.E., Myer, G.H., Bura, A. and Crow, J.E., Preparation, Thermal Processing Behavior and Characterization of Powdered and Bulk YBa2Cu3O7-x from Freeze Dried Nitrate Solutions, 1990, April 16-21, Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA.

Kebede, A., Mihalisin, T., Myer, G.H., Schlottman, P., Crow, J.E., Kuric, M.V. and Guertin, R.P., 1990, Magnetic and Thermodynamic Properties of Nonsuperconducting (Y, Pr)Ba2Cu3O6, 35th Annual Conf. on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Oct. 29-Nov.1, 1990, ED-05, p. 216.

Schaeffer, R.W., Macho, J., Salomon, R.E., Myer, G.H., and Crow, J.E., 1990, Chemical Synthesis of YBCO from Liquid Ammonia Solutions of Nitrate and Acetate Precursors, Materials Research Society 1990 Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 1990, H5.50, p. 250.

Macho, J. , Schaeffer, R.W., Salomon, R.E., Myer, G.H. and Crow, J.E., 1990, Xerogels, A New Route to Synthesize High Purity Ceramic Oxide Superconductors, Materials Research Society 1990 Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 1990, H5.51, p. 251.

Salomon, R.E., Schaeffer, R.W., Macho, J., Thomas, A. and Myer, G.H., New Preparative Methods to Enhance Phase Purity and Physical Properties of Cuprate Superconductors, 5th Annual Conference on Superconductivity and Applications, Buffalo, New York, Sept. 24-26, 1991,p. 12.

Grassi, V.J., Myer, G.H., Ulmer, G.C. and Grandstaff, D.E., 1993, Ferrierite Formation During a Hydrothermal Re-injection Experiment, American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 24-28, 1993, p. 168 (M42A-7).

Seyebahmadian, M., Johnson, A.M., Yuen, T., Salomon, R.E. and Myer, G.H., 1994, Mossbauer Study of a High Tc Superconductivity Related Material YBa2Fe3O8 . American Physical Society, March Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 21-25 March, 1994, p. 235 (15b) Mossbauer Studies.

Betancourt, P.P. and Myer, G.H. Phyllite Fabrics in Eastern Crete, 8th CIMTEC-World Ceramic Congress and Forum on New Materials, Florence, Italy, June 29-July 4, 1994.

Seyebahmadian, M., Yuen, T., Salomon, R.E. and Myer, G.H., Magnetic Susceptibility and Mossbauer Studies of High Tc Superconductivity Related System (Y,Pr)Ba2Fe3O8 , American

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 98 Physical Society, March Meeting, 20-24 March 1995.

Betancourt, P.P. and Myer, G.H., Slags from Chrysokamino, Archeological Institute of America, Wash. D.C., December 27-30, 1998.

Yuen, Tan, Lin, C.L., Myer, G. and Crow, J.E., Study of an Anomalous Magnetic System UnixSn with 1<x<2, High Magnetic Field Conference ’98.


Myer, G.H., "Crystallography", Delaware Valley Institute of Science, Paulsboro, N.J., January 1976.

Myer, G.H., "Properties of Optical Dispersion of Gem Topaz". Bethel Hill Guild, Bethel, PA., March 1977.

Myer, G.H., "The San Andreas Fault", Philadelphia Geological Society, Phila., PA., Feb. 22, 1979.

Myer, G.H., "Uranium Pegmatite Ores in Southeastern PA.", Department of Geological Sciences, University of California at Santa Barbara, March 7, 1979.

Myer, G.H., “Fibrous Minerals (including Asbestos) and Public Health: AAAS, Lancaster Branch, Nov. 1, 1979.

Myer, G.H. and Betancourt, P.P., 1979, "The Composition of Vasilike Ware", Symposium of Archeometry and Archeological Prospection, British Museum Research Laboratory, London, England, March 28-31, 1979.

Myer, G.H., 1988, "Powder X-ray Diffractometry", Department of Chemistry, Temple University, Jan. 27, 1988.

Myer, G.H., 1990, "Preferred Orientation of 123 Crystallites in Thick Films on Various Substrates", Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Drexel University, Phila., PA, March 29,


Myer, G.H., 1991, "Crystals-Centric and Acentric: Uses in Society", Delaware County Institute of Science, Media, PA, March 1991.

Myer, G.H., 2001, “Plate Tectonics-New Thoughts and Inspirations” WCL Institute, Washington College, Chestertown, MD, Eight Thursday evenings, Jan. – Feb.

Myer, G.H., 2003, “Nanotextural analysis of fired clay bodies”, AIA, New Orleans, LA.


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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 99

1. Crystallographic research on minerals and ceramic materials. Anomalous crystallographic physical properties of chlorite Phyllosilicates in carved vessel from Turkey, 9000 BP. Project 2006

2. Mineral interfaces:

1) Silica minerals and lung physiology. 2) Role of cavities in mineral surfaces as host to biota.

3. An INSTAP proposal has been funded for research on ceramic wares of early Greece. There appears that a large void has occurred within the petrographic analysis of Grecian sites where “Aeginetan Ware” presumably has been found. My earlier descriptions of Volcanic Ash fabrics from Lerna, Crete are considered the standard and should be enlarged rather than redefined. Project Investigator is Dr. Christine Shriner, Ph.D. Indiana University, 1999. Project 2006.


NEH 1979-83 (P.I.) Betancourt, P.P., (Faculty Associate), Myer, G.H., Interdisciplinary Study of Early Minoan III, Pottery. $70,911.

Ben Franklin Partnership Program of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1988-89. (P.I.) J.E. Crow, (Co-P.I) G.H. Myer and (Co-P.I), R. Salomon. Title: Integration of High Tc Superconductivity with Hybrid Thick Film Technology. Cooperating Company: Electro-Science Laboratories, Inc., King of Prussia, PA. Amount: $47,740.00

Ben Franklin Partnership Program of Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1989-90 . (P.I.) J.E. Crow, (Co-P.I) G.H. Myer and (Co-P.I), R. Salomon. Title: Integration of High Tc Superconductivity with Hybrid Thick Film Technology. Cooperating Company: Electro-Science Laboratories, Inc., King of Prussia, PA. Amount: $79,487.00


Title: Development of a New Standardized National Dental Abrasion Test Utilizing Synthetic Collagen-Hydroxyl Apatite Substrates.

P.I Gene C. Ulmer, Co-P.I.s, David E. Grandstaff and George H. Myer, not funded


R.I.F., 1985, (Co-P.I.) Myer, G.H. and Betancourt, P.P., Ceramic Petrography of Pottery from Lerna, Greece. $1,900.00

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 100



Undergraduate courses:

Mineralogy 201. This course (with subtitle, Mineral Science) has undergone further upgrading to include developments in biologic aspects of mineral crystallization, geophysical aspects of upper mantle crystallization anisotropy and the stability of mineral surfaces. Computer graphic support is integral to the course.

Common rock-forming minerals with emphasis on symmetry (point and space group theory), polyhedral bonding chemistry, physical properties and phase diagrams remain as a backbone of the course. Three written answer examinations are given. The comprehensive laboratory aids in analysis of crystallographic and mineralogic aspects of primary mineral groups.

In the previous year, Petrology 301 had been developed to meet requirements of the study leave of Dr. Gene C. Ulmer. The course content included theory of high temperature silicate crystallization in magmas ranging from low to high viscosity in depth zones to 200 km. Metamorphic recrystallization reactions in subduction zones interfaced with plate tectonic explanations for geostrophic terranes. Supported with PowerPoint, overheads, petrographic analysis and computer computations. Course was highly successful and provided new directions for this spring’s course.

Graduate courses:

X-ray Crystallography 402. This graduate course is offered for study of crystalline materials by powder X-ray diffractometry methods, in particular, computer controlled measurement and analysis. Two examinations are given.

Tectonics 802. This graduate course studies the processes by which deformation of the Earth’s crust occurs at regional to global scale. Specific orogenic belts are studied. Active and Neotectonic techniques and results are discussed. This course builds on a knowledge of Structural Geology at the undergraduate level. Topic presentations are given by class members and a Final Examination in Essay form is given. Course created for Spring 2006.


Geology 190. Gary Paulachok, "Environmental Quality of Tacony-Frankford Creek, Phila., PA".

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 101 Geology 293. Rebecca Ramirez-Kriz. "The Mineralogy of a Lamprophyre Dike at the Classic Franklin, New Jersey Fluorescent Mineral Locality." Summer Research Program for Minority Undergraduates in Science and Engineering, 1989.

Geology 293. Tyler Jones. "The Tioga Formation." Summer Research Program for Minority Undergraduates in Science and Engineering, 1990.

Geology 293. Allen Shane Reed. "Ash Layers: Mineralogical Characterization by XRD." Summer Research Program for Minority Undergraduates in Science and Engineering, 1990.

Geology 293. Isaac Datiskasvili. “Dental Abrasion Test on Synthetic Dentin” with Drs. Gene C. Ulmer and David E. Grandstaff, 2000-01.

Geology 293, Jennifer Kehler, “Optical Theory of Biaxial Crystals”, George H. Myer, 2000-01.

Geology 293, David E. Meyers, “Undergraduate Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions”, George H. Myer, 2000-01.

Geology 293, Ryan Bright, “Comparative mineralogy of gizzard stones of Grouse”, George H. Myer, 2006. Commendation Award.


Paulo H. Costa, “Metamorphic Genesis of a Granitoid Rock from Plymouth, Vermont", 1972.

Joanne S. Murphy, "An Interpretation of a Baltimore Gneiss/Chickees Quartzite Contact in the Philadelphia Area", 1973.

Richard C. Johnson, "Sillimanite Nodules in the Wissahickon Schist, Philadelphia", 1975.

John E. DeSantis, "The Petrology of the Ultramafic Rocks in the Wissahickon Formation, Philadelphia", 1978.

William K. Schryba, "Amphibolites in the Wissahickon Group, Philadelphia Area, PA, 1981.

Lawrence J. Duffy, "Evidence in Support of a Thrusting Event at the Martic Line, Southeastern Pennsylvania, 1985.

Patrick S. Baker, "A Structural and Metamorphic Analysis of the Octoraro Phyllite", 1987.

Bruce R. Cushing, "Metamorphic and Deformational History within the Martic Shear Zone, Unionville and Coatesville Quadrangles, Southeastern PA.", 1988.

Paula Coppock Carnes, "The Petrology of the Castle Rock Ultramafic Body, Newtown Square, PA", 1990.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 102 Jennifer Zarnowsky, "Ultramafic mineralogy, West Chester, PA", 1995

Robert Weaver, Surface Stability of CaCO3 and FeCO3 under Acidic Atmosphere:

An Atomic Force Microscopy Study, May 1997



Michael Edelman M.A., 1985 Rosemary Korn M.A., 1986 David Shock M.A., 1986 Patrick Rush M.A., 1987 David Side M.A., 1987 George Kacandes M.A., 1989 Linus Farias M.A., 1989 Arthur Lee M.A., 1990 John Anton M.A., 1991 Youngdo Park M.A., 1991 Barbara Bloomfield M.A., 1994 Terri DeMaio M.A., 1994 Loratto Dube M.A., 1994 Paul James M.A., 1994 Dugin Kaown M.A., 1993 Gary Solar M.A., 1993 Richard Valentino M.A., 1993 Jeff Woodward M.A., 1994 Tarja Wolf M.A., 1996 Cheryl Sinclair M.A., 1998 Christopher Zeliznak M.A., 1999 Eric Roman M.A., 1999 Matt McCoy M.S., 2001 Louis Factor M.S., 2002 Mark Manna M.S., 2002 John Rivers M.S., 2002 Louise Langford M.A., 2002 (Art History) Jeffrey Seier M.S., 2002 Patricia Jannett M.S., 2004 Mark Russell M.S., 2005 John Peake M.S., 2005 Celina Suarez M.S., 2005 Herbert Beller M.S., 2005 Ming Chen M.S., 2006

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 103 DOCTORAL COMMITTEE SERVICE IN ADDITION TO


Anthony Ali, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee in the College of Education, August 29, 1979.

Informal member of a number of successful Ph.D. Candidates in Solid State Physics (Condensed Matter Program) during the academic years 1987-89. Specific names are not available at this time.

Abebe Kebede, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, Department of Physics, Temple University, July 27, 1990.

Richard W. Schaeffer, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, "Synthesis and Characterization of Cuprate Superconductors", Department of Chemistry, Temple University, December 6, 1991.

Jorge Macho, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, "Development of a Novel Synthetic Route to Produce Ceramic Oxide Superconductors, The Xerogel Method", Department of Chemistry, Temple University, December 7, 1992.

David Brubaker, MLA Qualifying Paper, "Ethics, Animal Agriculture and Environmental Quality: The Dutch Experience", March 1993 (Prof. Richard Beards, Director-Master of Liberal Arts).

Boemshu Ann, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, "Synthesis and Critical Current Measurements of High Temperature Superconductors", December 14, 1993, Department of Chemistry, Temple University.

Thomas, Allan E., Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, “Synthesis and Characterization of High Temperature Cuprate Superconductors”, April 18, 1994, Department of Chemistry, Temple University.

McHale, Jim, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, "Solution based Preparation of Perovskite-type Films and Powders", December 2, 1994.

Draper, Jerome P., Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, “Reactivity of Heteropoly Keggin and Dawson Type Catalysts in Selective Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reactions”, May 1996, Department of Chemistry, Temple University.

Cooke, Stephen R., Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, “Studies of the Formation, Isolation, and Characterization of Graphite and Fullerenes”, August, 1996, Department of Chemistry, Temple University.

Manas, Eric S., Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, “The Effects of Energy and Charge Transfer on the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Molecular Aggregates”, July 10, 1998, Department of Chemistry, Temple University.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 104 Kuper, Cynthia, Ph.D. Oral Examination Committee, “Preparation and Properties of Doped Carbons and Optical Limiting in Broad Band Absorbing Materials”, June 25, 1999, Doctoral Advisor: Mort Labes, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry, Temple University.

Elsinow, Alicia, Ph.D., Oral Examination Committee, “A Study on the Mechanism and suppression of Iron Disulfide Oxidation”, Dissertation Defense, Thursday, November 29, 2001, Doctoral Advisor: Daniel Strongin, Ph.D., Department of Chemistry.

Stanislav Kotsev, Ph.D., Oral Examination Committee, “Mean Absorption Time of a Randomly Accelerated Particle: Results for Partially Absorbing and Inelastic Boundaries”, Dissertation Defense, Tuesday, July 27, 2004, Doctoral Advisor: Theodore W. Burkhardt, Ph.D., Department of Physics.

Stamos, Antonia, Ph.D., Oral Examination Committee, “Through the Looking Glass: Applications of Ground Penetrating Radar in Archeology. Dissertation Defense, Wednesday, April 26, 2006, Doctoral Advisor: Philip Betancourt., Department of Art History.



Member of Program Committee for N.E. Geological Soc. of America Meeting in Phila. March 1980. Responsibilities: Technical review of submitted abstracts and technical session chairperson, Thursday, March 13, 1980.

Member of Program Committee for the Association of American State Geologists, Field Trip on the Anthracite Coal Region and Mineral Deposits, April 14, 1982.

Member of Program Committee for the Annual Workshop on Geology of Pennsylvania Piedmont, March, 1986, 87, 88,89,91,92. (Workshop inaugurated at Temple University in 1986 by Drs. Mary Lou Hill).

Chair of Technical Program “Geochemistry” for N.E. Geological Soc. of America Meeting in King of Prussia, PA, March 1997.

Manuscript Reviewer for Geochemica Cosmochemica Acta (Journal).

Textbook Reviewer for W.H. Freeman Co., “Earthquakes” B. Bolt

Textbook Reviewer for Wiley and Sons. “Mineral Science” by Klein

Editorial Reviewer for Web Site: “Advances in Mineral Science”, current.

Event Editor for BBC News on Science Discoveries. Current.

Expert Commentary for NBC NEWS, Current.

Editorial Reviewer for Web Site: “Advances in Mineral Science”, Current.

Event Editor for BBC News on Science Discoveries. Current.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 105 Expert Commentary for NBC NEWS, Current.


Unofficial Temple University advertising at conferences.


Research and Study Leaves, 1999

Faculty Responsibility – Lab Safety, 2001-02

Promotion and Tenure Committee, 2005 –


Department Chair, 1997-August 30, 2004

In particular: Policy developments

Graduate Chair, 2006 –

Safety Representative to EHS


The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, Region #1, Science Fair Judge, current

Philadelphia School District, Science Program, Elementary School Level, Frankford, PA, current.


Beta-Participant for software by The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB for Microsoft Windows, 1993-current.

Wadsworth Publishing. Editorial Assistant in Reviews, current.

John Wiley and Sons Publishers. “New Textbook Innovations Program”, current.

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: Mineralogical Society of America, 1961 to Present Geological Society of America, 1961 to Present American Crystallographic Association, 1971 to Present

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 106 Sigma Xi, 1965 to Present

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 107


DATE: October, 2006

NAME: Dr. Jonathan E. Nyquist


Ph.D. in Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1982-1986

Masters Degree in Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1980-1982.

Bachelor Degree, double major in Physics and Philosophy, Macalester College, St. Paul, MN, 1976-1980. Senior honors project on General Relativity.


Thermal and Mechanical Modeling of the Mid-Continent Rift. The thesis involved interpretation of seismic data, mechanical modeling of plate flexure during basin subsidence after rifting, and thermal modeling to estimate oil maturation. Graduate studies also included work in the Polar Research Program conducting ground-penetrating radar, magnetic, and seismic studies in Antarctica.



Weeks Chair in Environmental Geology

Recent research emphasizes electrical methods for monitoring groundwater remediation.


Research Staff II, Geology and Geophysics Group, Environmental Sciences Division. Conducted research on the development and application of geophysical methods to environmental site characterization and monitoring.

Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.


Appointed Associate Professor, September 1997.

Tenured, 2000.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 108 Promoted to Full Professor: 2008


Northwest Associated Colleges Fellowship, ARCO Graduate Scholarship, Best Paper SAGEEP '92.

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: Nyquist, J. E. and M. J. S. Roth (2005), Improved 3D pole-dipole resistivity surveys using radial

measurement pairs, Geophy. Res. Lett., 32, no. 21, L21504. Tennekoon, L., M. C. Boufadel, and J. E. Nyquist, 2005, Multifractal characterization of geophysical

data at the Oak Ridge facility, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, SERRA, DOI: 10.1007/s00477-004-0227-z.

Rivers, J. M., Nyquist, J. E., Terry, D. O. Jr., and Doll, W. E. (2004), Investigation into the Origin of

Magnetic Soils on the Oak Ridge Reservation, TN. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68:1772-1779.

Roth, M.J.S., and Nyquist, J.E. (2003), Evaluation of multi-electrode earth resistivity testing in karst,

ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, v26, no 2, 167-178.

Nyquist, J. E., and Corry, C. E. (2002), Self-Potential: The ugly duckling of environmental geophysics, The Leading Edge, 21, 446-451.

Roth, M. J. S., Mackey, J. R., Mackey, C. ; Nyquist, J. E. (2002), A case study of the reliability of multielectrode earth resistivity testing for geotechnical investigations in karst terrains, Engineering and environmental impacts of karst, Engineering Geology, 65, 225-232.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J. E., and Beard, L. P. (2000), Airborne geophysical surveying for hazardous waste

site characterization of the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee: A case history. Geophysics, v65, no. 5, 1372-1387.

Nyquist, J. E., Carr, B. J., and Davis, R. K., (1999), DC resistivity monitoring of potassium permanganate

injected to oxidize TCE in-situ, Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 63, p.135-147.

W. E. Doll, J. E. Nyquist, P. J. Carpenter, R. D. Kaufmann, and B. J. Carr, (1999), Geophysical Surveys

of a known karst feature: Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant,, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 90, G. Fernandez and R. Bauer, ed., p. 684-694.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 109 Mackey, J. R., Roth, M. J. S., and Nyquist, J. E., (1999), Case study: site characterization methods in

karst, in Geo-Engineering for Underground Facilities, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 90, G. Fernandez and R. Bauer, p. 695-705.

Beard, L. P., and Nyquist, J. E., (1998), Simultaneous inversion of airborne electromagnetic data for resistivity and magnetic permeability, Geophysics, 63, p. 1556-1564.

Gamey, T. J., Holladay, S. J., Nyquist, J. E., and Doll, W. E. (1998), An airborne multisensor characterization of an active nuclear site in:Geologic Applications of Gravity and Magnetics: Case Histories, Gibson, R. I., and Millegan, P. S. (eds), SEG Geophysical Reference Series No. 8, AAPG Studies in Geology, No. 43, p 121-123.

Nyquist, J. E., Beard, L. P., and Johnson, D., (1996), Ground and Airborne Magnetic and Electromagnetic Surveys at a Hazardous Waste Site, in: Case Histories of Geophysics Applied to Civil Engineering and Public Policy, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 62, Michaels, P., and Woods, R. (eds), American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 1-13.

Nyquist, J. E., Doll, W. E., Davis, R. K. and Hopkins, R A., (1996), Cokriging surface topography and seismic refraction data for bedrock topography, Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 1, 67-74.

Witten, A. J., Molyneux, J. E. and Nyquist, J. E., (1994), Ground penetrating radar tomography, algorithms and case studies: IEEE Trans. Geosci.Remote Sensing, 32, 461-467.

Korte, N., S., Wagner, S., and Nyquist, J. E., (1992), Choosing an appropriate soil-gas survey method: Environ Monitoring and Assessment, 21, 27-35.

Nyquist, J. E. and Blair, M. S., (1991), A geophysical tracking and data logging system: description and case history: Geophysics, 56, 1114-1121.

Nyquist, J. E., Wilson, D., Norman, L. A., and Gammage, R. B., (1990), Decreased sensitivity of PID total organic vapor detectors in the presence of methane: Am. Industrial Hygiene Assoc. J., 51, 326-330.

Hively, L. M., Nyquist, J. E., Bledsoe J. L., and Sjoreen, A. L., (1988), Data base construction for a computerized radiological risk investigation system: Nuclear Safety, 29-3, 318-326.

Nyquist, J. E., and Wang, H. F., (1988), Flexural modeling of the Midcontinent Rift: J. of Geophys.Res., 93, 8852-8868.

MAGAZINE ARTICLES Nyquist, J. E., (1997), Unmanned aerial vehicles that even geoscience departments can afford, Geotimes,

May, 1997, p 20-23.

Nyquist, J. E., Albers, B. J, and Purdy, C. B., (1996), Low cost UAVs & environmental management, Unmanned Systems, 14, p. 24-27.

Steeples, D. W. and Nyquist, J. E., (1995), What environmental geophysics can do. Geotimes, 40, 15-17.


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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 110 Nyquist, J. E., J. Peake, and M. J. S. Roth (2006) Comparison of a Computer-Optimized Array and

Dipole-Dipole Resistivity Soundings for Karst Characterization, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Wuhan, China, xx pp. (INVITED PRESENTATION)

Freyer, P. A., J. E. Nyquist, and L. E. Toran (2006) Use of underwater resistivity in the assessment of

groundwater-surface water interaction within the Burd Run Watershed, Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’06, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 8 pp., published on CDrom.

Xai, J., Y. Xu, R. D. Miller, and J. E. Nyquist (2006) Rayleigh-wave diffractions due to a void in the

layered half space, Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts, Society Of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), New Orleans, pp. 1406-1410.

Xia, J., J. E. Nyquist, Y. Xu, and M. J. S. Roth (2006) Feasibility of detecting voids with Rayleigh-wave

diffraction, Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’06, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 10 pp., published on CDrom.

Nyquist, J. E., Roth, M. J. S., Henning S., Manney R., Peake J., (2005) Smoke without mirrors: a new

tool for the geophysical characterization of shallow karst cavities, Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’05, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 7 pp, published on CDrom.

Manny, R., Roth, M. J. S., and Nyquist J. E., (2005) Understanding directional differences in resitivity

results in karst, Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’05, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 8 pp., published on CDrom.

Tennekoon, L., Boufadel, M. C., Nyquist, J. E. (2004), Results of preliminary investigations into

multifractal analysis of airborne geophysical data, Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts, Society Of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), published on CDrom.

Roth, M. J. S., Nyquist, J. E., Faroni, A., Henning, S., Manny, R., and Peake, J, (2004), Measuring cave

dimensions remotely using laser pointers and a downhole camera, Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’04, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 8 pp.

Nyquist, J. E., and M. J. S. Roth, (2003), Application of a downhole search and rescue camera to karst

cavity exploration. Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’03, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 841-848.

Nyquist, J. E., Weikel, M. S., Doll, W. E., and Gamey, T. J., (2002). Corrections for altitude fluctuations in

airborne magnetic data collected to detect UXO. Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’02, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 10 pp.

Doll, W. E., Gamey T. J., Beard L. P., Bell D. T., Holladay, J. S., Nyquist, J. E, Llopis, J. (2002),

Development and evaluation of a second-generation airborne electromagnetic system for detection of unexploded ordnance. Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’02, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 9 pp.

Doll, W. E., Gamey, T. J., Nyquist, J. E., Mandell, W., Romaine, G., and Groom, D., (2001) Evaluation

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of new geophysical tools for investigation of a landfill, Camp Roberts, California. Proceedings of the SAGEEP ’01, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems. 10 pp.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J.E., Beard, L. P., P. and Gamey, T.J. (2000), Airborne geophysical surveying for

hazardous waste site characterization on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee: Geophysics, Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 65, 1372-1387.

Maule, J., Nyquist, J.E., and M.J.S. Roth (2000), A comparison of 2-D and 3-D resistivity soundings in

shallow karst terrain, Easton, PA, Proceedings of SAGEEP ’00, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 969-977.

Roth, M.J.S, Nyquist, J.E., and Guzas, B., 2000, Locating subsurface voids in karst: a comparison of multi-electrode earth resistivity testing and gravity testing, Proceedings of SAGEEP ’00, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 359-365.

Nyquist, J., Petruccione, J. and Roth, M., 1999, Characterization of shallow karst terrain using

multifrequency electromagnetic induction: Two examples from eastern Pennsylvania: Annual Meeting Expanded Abstracts, Society Of Exploration Geophysicists, 547-550.

Jenkins, S. A., and Nyquist, J. E., (1999). An investigation into the factors causing sinkhole development

at a site in Northhampton County, Pennsylvania, Proceedings of the Seventh Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, 45-49.

Roth, M. J. S., Mackey, J. R., and Nyquist, J. E., (1999), A case study of the reliability of multi-electrode resistivity testing for geotechnical investigations in karst terrains, Proceedings of the Seventh Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, 247-252.

Roth, M. J. S., Mackey, J. R., and Nyquist, J. E., (1999), A case study of the use of multi-electrode

resistivity in thinly mantled karst, Proceedings of SAGEEP ’99, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 293-302.

Doll, W. E., Hamlett, P., Smyre, J., Bell, D., Nyquist, J. E., Gamey, T. J., and Holladay, J. S., (1999), A

field evaluation of airborne techniques for detection of UXO, Proceedings of SAGEEP ’99, Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 773-781.

Nyquist, J. E., Carr, B. and, Davis, R. K., (1998), Geophysical monitoring of a demonstration of in situ chemical oxidation: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Symposium of the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 583-591.

Beard, L. P. and Nyquist, J. E., (1996), Inversion of electromagnetic data for magnetic permeability, 66th Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 940-943.

Nyquist, J. E., (1996), Applications of low-cost radio-controlled airplanes to environmental restoration at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Symposium and Exhibition, Innovations for the Future, Orlando, Florida, July

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15-19, 1996, 817-829.

Albers, B. J., Nyquist. J. E., and Purdy, C. B., (1996), The Department of Energy's use of airborne remotely piloted vehicles for environmental management. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Symposium and Exhibition, Innovations for the Future, Orlando, Florida, July 15-19, 1996, 839-848.

Nyquist, J. E., and Beard, L. P, (1996), Clean enough for industry? An airborne geophysical case study. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 853-864.

Traynin, P., Zhdanov, M., Nyquist, J., Beard, L., Doll, W., (1996), A new approach to interpretation of airborne magnetic and electromagnetic data. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 677-686.

Beard, L. P. and Nyquist, J. E., (1994), Detection of karst structures using EM and VLF, 64th Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 555-558.

Beard, L. P., Nyquist, J. E., Doll, W. E., Foo, M. C, and Gamey, T. J., (1994), High resolution airborne geophysics at hazardous waste disposal sites: 8th Annual Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 647-655.

Nyquist, J. E., (1994), A "model" geophysics program: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 817-24.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J. E., Holladay, J. S., Labson V. F., and Pellerin, L., (1993), Preliminary results of a helicopter electromagnetic and magnetic survey of the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee for environmental and geologic site characterization: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 281-95.

Nyquist, J. E. and W. E. Doll, (1993), Comparison of surface and aerial geophysics for characterizing a hazardous waste site, a case study: 63rd Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 468-471.

Nyquist, J. E., Doll, W. E., Davis, R. K., and Hopkins, R. A., (1992), Cokriging of surface elevation and seismic refraction data for bedrock topography: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 551-564. (Winner of EEGS Best Paper award.)

Flynn, C. R., Blair, M. S., and Nyquist, J. E., (1992), Geophysical investigation and characterization with USRADS: Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Eng. Environ. Geophys. Soc., 401-420.

Emery, M. S., Blair M. S., and Nyquist, J.E., (1990), On-site method for acquisition and analysis of sensor data: Sensors Expo, IEEE Symposium, 6 pp.

Nyquist, J. E. and Blair, M. S., (1990), An automatic locating and data logging system for radiological walkover surveys: 31st Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, 959-963.

Nyquist, J. E. and Blair, M. S., (1990), An automated locating and data logging system for geophysical surveys: Fourth Annual Outdoor Action Conference on Aquifer Restoration, Ground Water Monitoring and Geophysical Methods, Nat. Wat. Well Assn., 99-113.

Nyquist, J. E., (1988), A positioning and data logging system for geophysical surveys: First International

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Symposium: Field Screening Methods for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations, Nat. Wat. Well Assn., 315-318.

Berven, B. A., Nyquist, J. E., Blair, M. S., Little, C. A., and Gammage, R. B., (1989), Automation of geophysical surveys used in assessments of hazardous waste: 28th Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, 67-74.

Nyquist, J. E. and Baes III, C. F., (1987), Allowable residual contamination levels of radionuclides in soils from pathway analysis, Proceedings of the Oak Ridge Model Conference, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 333-350.

Nyquist, J. E. and Wang, H. F., (1986), Lithospheric flexure and evolution of the Midcontinent Rift, Geoscience Wisconsin, 11, 19-21.


Heaney, M. J., J. E. Nyquist, L. E. Toran (2006) Marine resistivity as a tool for characterizing seepage zone at Lake Lacawac, PA, Geological Society of America Abstracts, Philadelphia, October 2006.

Meighan, H., J.E.Nyquist, and M.J.S. Roth (2006) Mise-à-la-masse, resisitivity tomography and smoke tests combined to map karst, Easton, PA. Geological Society of America Abstracts, Philadelphia, October 2006.

Xia, J., J. E. Nyquist, Y. Xu, R. Miller and M.J.S. Roth (2006) Rayleigh-wave diffractions due to near-surface features. Geological Society of America Abstracts, Philadelphia, October 2006. (INVITED PRESENTATION)

Freyer, P. A., J. E. Nyquist, and L. E. Toran (2006) Application of underwater resistivity in the assessment of groundwater-surface water interaction, Burd Run Watershed, Shippensburg, PA, Northeastern Section Meeting of the Geological Society of America.

Nyquist, J. E., Boufadel, M. C., and Doll, W. E. (2005) Advances in high-resolution magnetometry for mapping unexploded ordnance (UXO) and the challenge of geologic noise, Presented at: American Geophysical Union 2005 Joint Assembly, New Orleans, May 23-27. (INVITED PRESENTATION)

Nyquist, J. E., and Roth, M. J. S. (2005), A pitfall in the design of 3D surface resistivity arrays, Presented at: American Geophysical Union 2005 Joint Assembly, New Orleans, May 23-27.

Rivers, J., Nyquist, J. E., Terry, D. O., and Doll, W. E., (2002) Investigation of Anomalously Magnetic Soils on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN, North East Section, Geological Society of America Abstracts

Nyquist, J. E., (1994), EEGS World Wide Web Server, 8th Annual Symposium of the Application of

Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, Poster Presentation. Lemiszki, P. J., Nyquist, J. E., Beard, L. P., Hatcher, R. D. Jr., and Thompson, B. K., (1994), Digital

geologic maps and airborne geophysical maps: applications to environmental restoration on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee: Presented at the Ann. Mtg. S. E. Geol. Soc. Am., GSA, v. 26, n. 4, p. 24.

Nyquist, J. E., Doll, W. E., Holladay, J. S., Pellerin, L., and Labson, V. F., (1993), Environmental

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characterization of the Oak Ridge Reservation using helicopter geophysics: Presented at the International Workshop on Airborne Electromagnetic Methods, Sponsored by the Laboratory for Advanced Surface Imaging.

Nyquist, J. E. and Doll, W. E., (1993), Comparison of airborne and surface geophysical surveys at Solid Waste Area 4: Presented at the 4th Technology Information Exchange (TIE) Workshop, Sponsored by the Department of Energy.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J. E., King, A. D., Holladay, J. S., Labson, V. F., Pellerin, L., (1993), Preliminary results of a helicopter-borne electromagnetic and magnetic survey of the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee for environmental and geologic site characterization: Presented at the 4th Technology Information Exchange (TIE) Workshop, Sponsored by the Department of Energy.

Lemiszki, P. J., Nyquist, J. E., and Doll, W. E., (1993), Environmental restoration activities at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, East Tennessee: Surface geologic and airborne geophysical mapping: Presented at the Ann. Mtg. Geol. Soc. Am., GSA, v. 25, n. 6, p. 436.

Beard, L. P., Nyquist, J. E., Doll, W. E., and Gamey, T. J., (1993), Interpretation of AEM data at the Oak Ridge Reservation: Presented at the Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Un., EOS Trans.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J. E., and Gamey, T. J., (1993), Noise characterization in airborne environmental magnetic surveys: Presented at the Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Union, EOS Trans.

Nyquist, J. E., Moore, G. K. , Young, S. C., and Clapp, R. B., (1991), Use of electromagnetic borehole flowmeter to delineate groundwater producing fractures: Presented at the Tennessee Water Resources Symposium.

Nyquist, J. E., (1991). Modeling of soil venting and Hill Air Force Base, Ogden, Utah: Presented at the 72nd Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Union., EOS Trans.

Nyquist, J. E., (1990), Modeling soil venting at Hill Air Force Base: Presented at the Oak Ridge Workshop on Mathematical Geology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Berven, B. A., Gammage, R. B., Little, C. A., and Nyquist, J. E., (1989), Development of new monitoring techniques and instrumentation for field measurement of hazardous waste: Presented at the 28th Hanford Life Sciences Symposium.

Flynn, C. R., Williford, J. M., Little, C. A., Blair, M. S., Espergren, M. L., and Nyquist, J. E., (1989), Field testing an applications of the Ultrasonic Ranging and Data (USRADS) System: Presented at the 11th Annual DOE Low-Level Waste Conference.

Dickerson, K. S., Pickering, D. A., Blair, M. S., Espergren, M. L., and Nyquist, J. E., (1989), Field testing and applications of the Ultrasonic Ranging and Data System (USRADS): Presented at the 11th Annual DOE Low-Level Waste Conference.

Nyquist, J. E., Wilson, D., Norman, L. A., and Gammage, R. B., (1989), Decreased sensitivity of PID total organic vapor detectors in the presence of methane: Presented at the American Industrial Hygiene Association Conference, Am. Ind. Hygiene. Soc.

Nyquist, J. E. and Wang, H. F., (1989), Flexural modeling of the Midcontinent Rift and the Goodman Swell: Presented at the 70th Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Un., EOS Transactions, 70, 275.

McGinnis, L. D., Cannon, W. F., Dickas, A. B., Ervin, C. P., Green, A., Hinze, W. J., Morey, G. B., Mudrey, M. J., Nyquist, J. E., Sexton, J. L., and Wang, H. F., (1989), Geophysical and tectonic study of sedimentary basins and the upper crust beneath Lake Superior: Presented at the 70th An. Mtg. Am.

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Geophys. Union, EOS Transactions, 70, 272.

Mudrey, M. G., McGinnis, L. D., Ervin, C. P., Nyquist, J. E., Dickas, A. B., Green, A., Hinze, W. J., Morey, G. B., Mudrey, M. G., and Sexton, J. L., (1989), Structure of the Midcontinent Rift basin system in western Lake Superior: Results from 8-sec reflection seismic data and gravity and magnetic anomalies: Presented at the 70th Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Un., EOS Transactions, 70, 272.

Nyquist, J. E., (1988), Soil gas on a shoestring: Presented at the 69 Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Union, EOS Transactions, 69, 353.

Nyquist, J. E. and Wang, H. F., (1986), Flexural modeling of the Midcontinent Rift: Presented at the 67th Ann. Mtg. Am. Geophys. Union, EOS Transactions, 67, 370.

Nyquist. J. E. and Wang, H. F., (1986), An analysis of a recent seismic reflection and gravity profile across the Midcontinent Rift: Presented at the Thirty-Second Ann. Inst. L. Superior Geology, 63-64.

REPORTS (NOTE: ORNL and EPA reports are peer-reviewed internally)

Doll, W. E., Miller, E., and Nyquist, J. E., (1997), East Tennessee Technology Park investigation for underground storage tanks and other underground structures, K/D-6591, 26 pp.

Smyre, J. L., Nyquist, J.E., Hamlett, P. A, and King, A. L., (1997), Integration and analysis of remote

sensing data for the East Tennessee Technology Park (Former K-25 Site) and surrounding areas, ES/ER/TM-230.

Ford, C. J., Nyquist, J. E., Purucker, S. T., Burgoa, B. B., and Winterfield, R.F., (1997) Characterization

and inventory of contaminants in WAG 2 floodplain soils of White Oak Creek, ORNL/TM-13208, 66 pp. plus appendices.

Nyquist, J. E., and Doll, W. E., (1996), Analysis and interpretation of airborne geophysical data acquired

over the Melton Valley Waste Area Groupings and adjacent areas, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, ES/ER/TM-208, 113 pp.

Nyquist, J. E., and Kaufmann, R., (1995), K-1004J Ground penetrating radar survey, Letter report to K-25 Environmental Restoration Program, 22 pp.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J. E., and Beard, L. P., (1994), Airborne geophysical survey of the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ES/ER/TM-123, 7 pp.

King, A. D., Doll, W. E., Durfee, R. C, Luxmoore, R. J., Conder, S. R., and Nyquist, J. E., (1993), Strategic plan for the utilization of remote sensing technologies in the environmental restoration program: ES/ER/TM-97, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 34 pp.

Doll, W. E., Nyquist, J. E., King, A. D., Bell, D. T., Holladay, J. S., Labson, V. F., and Pellerin, L., (1993), Aerial remote sensing surveys progress report: helicopter geophysical survey of the Oak Ridge Reservation: ES/ER/TM-62, 15 pp.

Installation Restoration Program Site Investigation at Site 2 156th tactical fighter group Muniz Air National Guard Base Puerto Rico Air National Guard, Muniz Field, San Juan, Puerto Rico. February,

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(1993), 28 pp.

Nyquist, J. E., (1993), Contributed to: Annual Report of the Environmental Restoration Monitoring and Assessment Program and Oak Ridge National Laboratory for FY 1992 (R. B. Clapp, ed.): ORNL/ER-124.

DePaoli, D. W., Herbes, S. E., Wilson, J. H., Solomon, D. K., Jennings, H. L., Hyton,, T. D., and Nyquist, J. E., (1992), Field demonstration of in-situ soil venting at Hill Air Force Base JP-4 Jet Fuel Spill Site: ORNL/M-2285.

Solomon, A. D., Nyquist, J. E., Alexiades, V., Jacobs, G. K., and Lenhart, S. M., (1991), A preliminary study of the controls on melting during In-Situ Vitrification: ORNL/ER-30, 30 pp.

Nyquist, J. E., and Emery, M. S., (1991), Adaptation of a prototype data telemetry-locator system to a portable x-ray analyzer, United States Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600/X-91/146, 50 pp.

Nyquist, J. E., and Blair, M. S., (1989), Interfacing a portable x-ray fluorescence analyzer with an automatic positioning and data logging system: EPA-LV Advanced Monitoring Division Interim Report, M89-4686, 42 pp.

Nyquist, J.E., and Blair, M. S., (1989), Automated electromagnetic survey of CFA II landfill at Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: ORNL/M-962, 49 pp.

Nyquist, J. E., (1989), Potential groundwater migration of radioactive wastes from proposed underground storage tanks in the ORNL 3000 area: ORNL Letter Report, 32 pp.

Baes, C. F. III and Nyquist, J. E., (1988), Development of Criteria for Handing Soil Contaminated by Radionuclides and Hazardous Chemicals: ORNL/RAP/LTR-88/40, 20 pp.

Nyquist, J. E. and Selfridge, R. J., (1988), RIFS report for Dyess Air Force Base, contributed chapter: Results of geophysical investigations.

Nyquist, J. E., (1988), Potential groundwater migration of radioactive wastes from proposed underground storage tanks in the ORNL 3000 Area, Letter report to ORNL Engineering, 25 pp.

Nyquist, J. E. and Baes III, C. F., (1987), Development of criteria for handling radioactively contaminated soils: ORNL/RAP/LTR-87-49, 14 pp.

Sjoreen, A. L., Bledsoe, J. L., Hively, L. M., and Nyquist. J. E., (1987), Agricultural and population database for radiological assessments using the CRRIS: ORNLTM-6439, 81 pp.

Eckstein, B.A., Nyquist, J.E., and Luetgert, J. H., (1986), Two dimensional and two and one half dimensional gravity modeling: University of Wisconsin Research Report 87-4.


"Multitool Data Fusion" Annual Meeting of the Society of Exploration Geophysics, Fall 2004.

“Detection of Voids, Tunnels and Collapse Features” Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Fall 2006.


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• Geophysical characterization of groundwater/surface water interaction (NSF funded). • Use of 2D and 3D multielectrode resistivity for the characterization of shallow karst terrain. (In

collaboration with Lafayette College.) • Multifractal characterization of geophysical data. (SERDP funded) • The relationship between spontaneous potential and redox chemistry.


(Additional information is available in a separate research statement.)

Title: Multifractal Characterization of Geologic Noise for Improved UXO Detection and Discrimination Agency: SERDP (DOE/DOE/EPA consortium) Amount: $98,000 Term: One year pilot, (03/01/06 to 04/01/07)

Title: Geophysical monitoring of groundwater-lake interactions Agency: NSF Amount: $51,090 Term: 09/01/05 to 08/31/06 (extended to Jan 1, 2007).

Title: Mapping Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Lake Seepage Agency: NSF Amount: $289,212 Term: 07/01/06 to 06/30/09

OTHER RECENT GRANTS AND CONTRACTS, EXTERNALLY FUNDED Evaluation of Seismic Surface Waves for Cavity Detection Agency: Temple University Summer Research and Grand-in-Aid Amount: $7,500 Term: 2005/07/01 to 2005/06/30

Evaluation of 2D vs. 3D multielectrode resistivity for the characterization of shallow karst Source: NSF Amount: $104,980

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 118 Term: 2002/06/01 – 2004/05/31 (extended to 05/2005)

Enhanced processing of airborne magnetic data Source: DOE via subcontract with ORNL, managed by UT/Batelle Amount: $31,644 Term: 2000/07/18 – 2002/08/31 Post-process airborne magnetic data collected for UXO mapping, Massachusetts Military Reservation, MA

Source: DOE

Amount: $5,000 Term: 2002/09/02 – 2002/09/30 Geophysical characterization of Landfill Areas, Camp Roberts, CA Source: DOE Amount: $13,047 Term: 2000/05/01 – 2000/09/01 Development of airborne electromagnetic system for detection and mapping of UXO Source: DOE Amount: $26,974 Term: 2001/03/01 – 2001/08/01 Processing and analysis of airborne geophysical data from Edwards Air Force Base, CA Source: Lockheed Martin Amount: $57,750 Term: 1998/01/01 – 1998/12/31 Total external funding since coming to Temple in 1997: $678,900 NOTE: These dollar amounts are the monies coming to Temple, not the total size of the awards to all collaborators, some of which are much larger. TEACHING:

(Additional information is available in a separate teaching statement).

Geology 51: Catastrophic Geology

Course Description: This class is very similar to geology 81 (see below), although there is more emphasis on natural geohazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides and floods. The course is certified as satisfying the University requirements as core curriculum science B laboratory class, and is offered in sequence with Geology 50. Most of the students are non-science majors completing their core distribution science requirement. The class consists of two 80-minute lectures, and a single one-hour recitation each week. The large enrollment generally necessitates use of one the large Beury Hall lecture rooms.

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Geology 81: Environmental Resources

Course Description: This class is divided into two parts, the first half of this class covers environmental hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, and landslides. In the second half of this class humanity strikes back. We discuss air pollution, surface water pollution, groundwater pollution, and issues such as global warming and ozone depletion. The prerequisite for this class is introductory physical geology (Geology 50). Most of the students are non-science majors completing their core distribution science requirement. The class consists of three one-hour lectures, and a single one-hour recitation each week.

Geology 310: Remote Sensing of the Environment Course Description: This class was originally titled "Microcomputers in Geology" and covered mainly statistical data analysis. The new focus of this class is on remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems. Remote sensing is a dynamic field; new, high-resolution satellites are coming on line almost daily, and there has been an exponential growth in applications of remote sensing data during the past decade, including: mineral exploration, precision agriculture, watershed management, land use classification, military intelligence, and climate monitoring. In fact, the commercial satellite data is getting so good that the American military spent a small fortune buying exclusive rights to all of the satellite data collected over Afghanistan during recent military operations. The demand for college graduates with experience in this field is growing exponentially as well. The goal of the class is to give students a fundamental understanding of the uses and limitations of remote sensing data for environmental applications, and familiarity with geographic information systems.

Geology 381W/391H: Environmental Issues

Course Description: This class, originally entitled "Environmental Seminar", covered special topics in geology selected by the instructor. It is now certified as a "writing intensive" class, where the students read about, write about, and debate environmental policy and its scientific underpinnings, or lack thereof. The textbook for the class, "Taking Sides," is a collection of pro and con articles covering 18 hot-button environmental issues such as ozone depletion, Superfund reauthorization, the Endangered Species Act, and global warming (new editions of the textbook are published annually or biannually). We also read and discuss the best-selling book, "A Civil Action." The class is open to both geology majors and non-majors. In the spring of 1998 the University Writing Committee certified this class as meeting the requirements of a writing intensive class. In the fall of 1999 the class was added to the Honors Program catalog. The class meets twice a week for 80 minutes.

Geology 454: Environmental Geophysics

Course Description: This graduate-level class provides an introduction to geophysical exploration methods for the shallow subsurface, such as gravity, magnetic, seismic, electromagnetic, and borehole surveys. The emphasis is on environmental applications, although the same methods apply to mineral exploration, oil exploration, archeology, and geologic mapping. Class instruction relies heavily on take-home problems sets, computer exercises, and field demonstrations. It meets twice a week for 80 minutes.


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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 120 • Steve Jenkins: Geophysical survey of sinkhole development, Northhampton Co., PA, August, 1999. • Gregory Korniewicz: Mapping a redox plume using spontaneous potential, January, 2000. • Joe Maule: A comparison of 2D and 3D electrical resistivity at a shallow karst site in Northhampton

County, PA. August, 2000. • John Rivers: Investigation of Magnetic Soils on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee, August,

2002. • Matt Weikel: Corrections for altitude fluctuations in airborne magnetic data collected to detect UXO,

August, 2003. • John Peake: A comparison of electrical resistivity techniques to characterize karst geology, Easton, PA,

May, 2005 • Paul Freyer: The use of underwater resistivity to augment the understanding of groundwater/surface

water interactions in karst terrain, South-Central Pennsylvania, August, 2006.


Although I am a member of quite a few professional societies, I have been most active in three organizations: the American Geologic Institute (AGI), the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) and the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS).

American Geologic Institute

AGI is an over-arching organization that represents numerous geological societies, keeping its members informed advances in all field of geoscience, developing educational materials, and reporting on budget and legislation activity in congress affecting the sciences. I served for four years on the editorial board of Geotimes, the principle publication of the AGI. This commitment involved attending editorial board meetings, occasionally writing an article for geotimes (see list of publications), and soliciting articles from other contributors.

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists

For decades SEG has been the premier international society for geophysicists working in oil and mineral exploration. Its annual convention draws thousands of geophysicists, and SEG has published the well-respected journal Geophysics since the 1930's. In 1990's, with the rise in the number of geophysicists practicing environmental geophysicists, SEG created the Near Surface Geophysics (NSG) section of SEG. I have been involved with NSG from its inception. I chaired the Groundwater Committee for a several years, presented papers, chaired sessions, and I was have served as secretary, and have served on the executive board as society webmaster.

The Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society

My involvement in EEGS has been even more extensive than SEG. I started the EEGS web page and acted as the EEGS Web master for about five years. I have served on the EEGS research committee, education committee, and chaired several special sessions at the annual SAGEEP meetings. I don't believe that I have missed any of the annual meetings, where I have generally contributing at least one paper to the conference proceedings (The SAGEEP conference proceedings are immensely popular among educators and consultants as they are a collection of case histories captures the start of the

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 121 practice in environmental geophysics). I've contributed to the newsletter, and currently serve as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG).

NOTE: I served on many committees, working groups, review panels, and school presentations during my 11 years at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that are not discussed here. The above list covers only the period since I began working at Temple University in September, 1997.

CURRENT SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY: • Member of the University Writing Committee • Member of the Educational Policies and Planning Committee • Elected member of the University Faculty Senate

CURRENT SERVICE TO THE COLLEGE: • Undergraduate advisor for the CST Environmental Studies majors

CURRENT SERVICE TO THE DEPARTMENT: • Serve as Geology Department Undergraduate Advisor

SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY RELATING TO THE PROFESSION: • Presentations at various local universities. • Taught an evening geology class at a branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia sponsored by the

Wagner Institute

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS: • Society of Exploration Geophysicists • American Geophysical Union • Engineering and Environmental Geophysical Society • Geological Society of America • European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers

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Dr. Dennis O. Terry, Jr. CURRICULUM VITAE (Updated October 25, 2006)

Work Address: Contact Numbers: Department of Geology Ph: (215) 204-8226 Temple University FAX: (215) 204-3496 Philadelphia, PA 19122 Email: [email protected] EDUCATION: Ph.D., Geology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, May 9, 1998. Dissertation title: The White River Group of Northwestern Nebraska: Stratigraphic Revisions, Correlations, and Paleopedology. M.S., Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403, May 10, 1991.

Thesis title: The Study and Implications of Comparative Pedogenesis of Sediments from the Base of the White River Group, South Dakota.

B.A., Geology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, May 5, 1987. RESEARCH INTERESTS: - Paleosols and their application to the rock record (paleoclimates, paleoenvironments) - Nonmarine stratigraphy, sedimentology and depositional environments - Paleogene stratigraphy and paleoclimatology of the Great Plains - Influence of Laramide tectonic features on Paleogene stratigraphy and sedimentology - Application of sedimentology and paleopedology to vertebrate taphonomy - Nonmarine sequence stratigraphy - Clastic sediments in karst systems - K/T boundary studies in SW South Dakota - Application of rare earth elements to vertebrate taphonomy EMPLOYMENT:

Present Position: Associate Professor and Honors Faculty Member, Department of Geology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (7-1-05 to present, tenure and promotion). Teaching duties: Soils and Paleosols, Physical Geology, Basin Analysis, and Facies Models.

Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122 (9-1-99 to 7-1-

05). Teaching duties: Soils and Paleosols, Physical Geology, and Facies Models. Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geology, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA 24450.

(8-1-98 to 6-1-99): Duties included full time teaching of lectures and labs for Geomorphology, Soils and Paleosols, Physical Geology, Environmental Geology, Introductory Field Methods, and Advanced Field Methods.

Lecturer, Dept. of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, (9-1-97 to 8-1-98). Duties included teaching lecture and laboratory sections of Physical and Environmental Geology, a two-week field course for 1st and 2nd year geology students, and field camp. Graduate Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Geology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 8-1-96 to 12-31-96.

Duties included teaching a Physical Geology laboratory class and development of course material.

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Research Assistant, Dept. of Geology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 6-1-95 to 8-1-96. Responsible for the field and laboratory investigations, grant administration, and preparation of final reports for two cooperative research agreements between the Department of the Interior and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Instructor, Dept. of Geology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 8-1-92 to 6-1-95. Responsible for teaching three lecture sections of Physical Geology and developing course material.

Geologist, U.S. Forest Service, Chadron, NE 69337, 1994 (Summer months). Duties included protection of federal lands from vertebrate fossil poaching and development of interpretive displays on geology and paleontology for visitors.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Geology, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, 8-17-91 to 5-5-92. Duties

included teaching four Physical Geology lab classes & development of course material. Teaching Assistant, geology field camp, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403, 6-10-91 to 7-22-91. Responsibilities included instruction of students in the field and organization of field activities, resources, supplies, and equipment.

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403, 8-25-88 to 7-31-90. Duties include teaching seven laboratory sections of Historical Geology and developing course material, three laboratory sections for Geology of the National Parks, and two Physical Geology laboratory classes. Served as laboratory coordinator for Historical Geology and National Parks class. Appointed coordinator of sedimentology laboratory.

Geologist/paleontologist, National Park Service, Badlands National Park, Interior, SD 57750, 1987, 1988, 1989 (Summer months). Duties included field and laboratory research on various paleontological and geological problems, and the development of interpretive displays and programs on geology and paleontology for visitors. Undergraduate Research Fellow, Depts. of Geology and Physics, Ball State University, Muncie, IN 47306, 9-9-86 to 5-5-87. Responsible for the testing and upkeep of laboratory equipment and initial analysis of geochemical data related to the development of x-ray fluorescence techniques for chemically fingerprinting cultural artifacts. Engineering Aide, Water Management Branch, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indianapolis, IN 46204, 5-10-85 to 9-9-85. Responsible for the collection and laboratory analysis of water samples for geochemical fingerprinting of aquifers in northeastern Indiana. Duties also included coordination of sampling schedules, data input, and drafting of maps for digitizing. RESEARCH GRANTS AND CONTRACTS: Total funding to date: $705,342 (A) Current Funding:

2003-2006 Department of the Interior: Documentation of Significant Paleontological Localities within the

Poleslide Member, Brule Formation, Badlands National Park; with R. Benton, Badlands National Park, E. Evanoff, Univ. of Colorado-Boulder, and C. Herbel, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology ($291,630 total with $114,750 over three years to TU. Project starts Summer 2003).

2005-2007 U. S. Department of Agriculture: REE analysis of fossil bone at Toadstool Park, NE:

Challenge-Cost Share: $21,082. (B) Previous Awards:

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 124 2004 Terry, D. O., Jr., Acquisition of Cathodoluminescence and Digital Imaging Instrument: Technology

Fee Fund Proposal, College of Science and Technology, Temple University ($34,986). 2000- 2003: Department of the Interior: Baseline Mapping of Fossil Bone Beds at Badlands National

Park, South Dakota; with R. Benton, Badlands National Park, E. Evanoff, Univ. of Colorado-Boulder, and C. Herbel, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology ($235,000 over three years with $84,822 to D. Terry. Project begins summer of 2000).

2003 Anderson, E. J., and Terry, D. O., Jr., Relative development of paleosols at cycle boundaries in an

orbitally forced cyclic hierarchy: The Purbeck Group, Lower Cretaceous Dorset, England; Temple University Overhead Distribution Grant: ($12,900).

2002 Anderson, E. J., and Terry, D. O., Jr., The relative development of paleosols at cycle boundaries

within an orbitally forced heirarchy of cycles: The Purbeck Group, Lower Cretaceous Dorset, England; Temple University Overhead Distribution Grant: ($25,000).

2001 Temple University Research Incentive Fund: The Chicxulub Asteroid Impact: Ejecta Preservation,

Extinctions, and Paleogeographic Reconstructions in the North American Midcontinent: ($7635).

2000 Temple University Research Incentive Fund: A Marine Cretaceous/Tertiary Asteroid Impact Signature in the Badlands of South Dakota: Implications for Geologic History and Paleogeographic Reconstructions at the End of the Age of Dinosaurs ($6504).

1996 Geological Society of America: Geochemical analysis of superimposed paleosol profiles within the uppermost portion of the Eocene Chadron Formation, White River Group, Badlands of northwestern Nebraska ($1380.00). 1995 Department of the Interior: Documenting the Extent and Depositional Environments of the Chadron Formation in the South Unit of Badlands National Park: ($60,000: BADL 1300-5101- RPZ). 1995 Department of the Interior: Stratigraphic and Paleopedologic Analysis of Depositional Sequences within the Pig Wallow Site, Badlands National Park: ($5000: BADL 1300-5711-NNZ). 1994 Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research: Stable Isotope Analysis of Pedogenic Carbonates within the Eocene Chadron Formation, White River Group, Badlands of Northwestern Nebraska ($400.00). 1994 Center for Great Plains Studies; University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Stable Isotope Analysis of Pedogenic Carbonates within the Eocene Chadron Formation, White River Group, Badlands of Northwestern Nebraska ($150.00). 1993 Univ. of Nebraska Research Council Visiting Scholar Grant. Grant written to fund a short course and lecture given by Greg J. Retallack ($900.00). 1993 Shell Summer Research Fellowship; Univ. of Nebraska: ($2000.00) 1992 Center for Great Plains Studies; University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Pedogenic vs. Diagenetic Origin of Silcretes, Nodular Carbonates, and Zeolites within Early Tertiary Paleosols: Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota ($400.00). 1992 Yatkola-Edwards Research Grant; Nebraska Geological Society: Pedostratigraphic Analysis and Interpretation of Early Tertiary Great Plains Depositional systems; Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota ($250.00). 1990 American Association of Petroleum Geologists: The Study and Implications of

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 125 Comparative Pedogenesis of Sediments from the White River Group, South Dakota ($1012.00). 1990 Dept. of Geology Research Grant; Bowling Green State University: The Study and Implications of Comparative Pedogenesis of Sediments from the White River Group, SD ($125.00). RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: (A) Active Projects:

1. Investigation of Late Cretaceous asteroid impact sections in SW South Dakota:

paleoseismicity, geochemistry, mineralogy, and stratigraphy. 2. Detection of geochemical signatures of late Eocene bolide impacts across the northern Great

Plains. 3. Paleosol-based interpretations of vertebrate taphonomy of Oligocene bone beds, Badlands

National Park, SD. 4. Rare earth element geochemistry of vertebrate fossils and their paleoenvironmental and

taphonomic significance.

5. Application of paleopedology to orbital forcing models of stratigraphic accumulation and regional correlation along the Dorset Coast of England.

6. Geochemical taphonomy and paleopedology of the Crystal Geyser dinosaur site, Utah

7. Paleosol-based interpretations of paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental change across the

Eocene/Oligocene Boundary in Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. 8. Lithostratigraphic revision, reinterpretation, and correlation of White River Group

(Eocene/Oligocene) deposits of Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. 9. Collection of samples from the White River Group of Nebraska and South Dakota for analysis

of stable isotopes from pedogenic carbonates across the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary (with D. Fox, Univ. of Minnesota).

(B) Projects in Planning Stage (2007 field season):

1. Continue measurements of regional variability of northern Great Plains Paleogene

stratigraphic units in relation to Paleogene basin evolution and uplift of the Black Hills.

2. Continue detailed sedimentological, geochemical, and stratigraphic study of a latest Cretaceous asteroid impact event in SW South Dakota.

PUBLICATIONS: (Underline denotes student author) (A) Books:

Geology Faculty, Temple U., 2000, GEO 50 Laboratory Manual, 2nd Ed., Wiley Custom Services, 75 p. Terry, D. O., Jr., LaGarry, H. E., and Hunt, R. M., 1998, Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy,

and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups (Late Eocene to Early Miocene, North America): Geological Society of America Special Paper #325, 216 p.

(B) Refereed Journal Articles/Book Chapters:

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 126

Becker, M. A., Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., and Terry, D. O. Jr., (2004), Chondrichthians From The Fairpoint Member of The Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian), Meade County, South Dakota: to Journal Of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 24, no. 4, pp. 780-793.

Metzger, C. A., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., (2004) The effect of paleosol formation on rare

earth element signatures in fossil bone: Geology, v. 32, no. 6, p. 497-500. Knapp, E, Terry, D. O., Jr., Harbor, D., and Thren, R., (2004) Reading Virginia's paleoclimate from the

geochemistry and sedimentology of clastic cave sediments: in Studies of Cave Sediments, Sasowsky, I. D., and Mylroie, J. (eds), Kluwer/Plenum, New York, pp. 95-106.

Rivers, J., Nyquist, J., Roh, Y., Terry, D.O., Jr., and Doll, W., (2004), Investigations into the origin of

magnetic soils on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN: Soil Science Society of America Journal, v. 68, no. 5, pp. 1772-1799.

Terry, D. O., Jr., Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Stoffer, P. W., Messina, P., and Jannett, P. A., 2002, A Marine

Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary in Southwest South Dakota: Comment and Reply; to Geology. p. 955-956.

Benton, R. C., Evanoff, E., Herbel, C., and Terry, D. O, Jr., 2001, Baseline mapping of fossil bone beds

at Badlands National Park: A first in park history; in Santucci, V. L. and McClelland, L., eds., Proceedings of the 6Th Fossil Resource Conference: National Park Service Geological Resource Division Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-01/01, p. 85-94.

Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Terry, D. O., Jr., Stoffer, P. W., and Becker, M., 2001, Paleontology of the K/T

Boundary, Badlands National Park, South Dakota; in Santucci, V. L. and McClelland, L., eds., Proceedings of the 6Th Fossil Resource Conference: National Park Service Geological Resource Division Technical Report NPS/NRGRD/GRDTR-01/01, p. 11-22.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 2001, Paleopedology of the Chadron Formation of Northwestern Nebraska:

Implications for Paleoclimatic Change in the North American Midcontinent across the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v. 168, p. 1-38.

Terry, D. O., Jr., Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Stoffer, P. W., Messina, P., and Jannett, P. A., 2001, A Marine

Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary in Southwest South Dakota; Geology, v. 29, no. 11, p. 1055 - 1058.

LaGarry, H. E., Wells, W. B., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Nixon, D. A., 1998, The Toadstool Park Trackway Site, Oglala National Grassland, Nebraska, in Martin, J. E., Hoganson, J. W., and Benton, R. C., eds., Partners Preserving our Past, Planning our Future: Proceedings for the Fifth Conference on Fossil Resources, Dakoterra, v. 5, p. 91-106.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1998, Stratigraphy, Depositional Environments, and Fossil Resources of the Chadron

Formation in the South Unit of Badlands National Park, South Dakota, in Martin, J. E., Hoganson, J. W., and Benton, R. C., eds., Partners Preserving our Past, Planning our Future: Proceedings for the Fifth Conference on Fossil Resources, Dakoterra, v. 5, p. 127-138.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1998, Lithostratigraphic Revision and Correlation of the Lower Part of the White River

Group: South Dakota to Nebraska, in Terry, D. O., Jr., LaGarry, H. E., and Hunt, R. M., eds., Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups (Late Eocene to Early Miocene, North America): Geological Society of America Special Paper #325, p. 15-37.

Terry, D. O., Jr., and LaGarry, H. E., 1998, The Big Cottonwood Creek Member: A New Member of the

Chadron Formation in Northwestern Nebraska; in Terry, D. O., Jr., LaGarry, H. E., and Hunt, R.

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M., eds., Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups (Late Eocene to Early Miocene, North America): Geological Society of America Special Paper #325, p. 117-141.

Evans, J. E. and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1994, The Significance of Incision and Fluvial Sedimentation in the Basal White River Group (Eocene-Oligocene), Badlands of South Dakota, U.S.A: Sedimentary Geology, v. 90, p. 137-152. Terry, D. O., Jr., and Evans, J. E., 1994, Pedogenesis and Paleoclimatic Implications of the Chamberlain Pass Formation, Basal White River Group, Badlands of South Dakota: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 110, p. 197-215. (C) Manuscripts in Preparation/Review/Revision:

Jannett, P. A. and Terry, D. O. Jr., (in review), Stratigraphic expression of a regionally extensive impactite within the Latest Cretaceous Fox Hills Formation of southwest South Dakota; submitted for inclusion within a SEPM/GSA special paper volume entitled The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts.

Suarez, C., Suarez, M., Terry, D. O. Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., (accepted pending revision), Rare Earth

Element Geochemistry and Taphonomy of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-Central Utah; Palaios, v. XX n. XX p. X-X.

Suarez, M, Suarez, C, Grandstaff, D. E. and Terry, D. O., Jr., (accepted pending revision), Sedimentology,

Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-Central Utah; Palaios, v. XX n. XX p. X-X.

Zanazzi, A., Kohn, M., MacFadden, B., and Terry, D. (in revision), Abrupt temperature drop across the

Eocene-Oligocene Transition, central North America; Submitted to Nature (D) Field Trip Guides/Other:

Benton, R. C., Evanoff, E., LaGarry, H. E., and Terry, D. O., Jr., (unpublished) Hayden's Lakes Revisited: The origin and new stratigraphic interpretations of the White River Sequence, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming; Field Trip Guidebook, 1996 Geological Society of America National Meeting.

LaGarry, H. E., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1997, Regional distribution of lithotopes within the Chadron Formation of northwestern Nebraska, in Hunter, A., ed., The Geology and paleontology of the White River Formation, Tate Geological Museum Guidebook No. 2: Tate Geological Museum, Casper College, p. 9-22. Ashworth, A. C., Benton, R. C., Biek, R. F., Murphy, E. C., Shurr, G. W., Stevens, K. K., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1996, A field guide to Tertiary tectonism in the Northern Great Plains: Road Log, Field Trip 1; in Paterson, C. J., and Kirchner, J. G., eds., Guidebook to the Geology of the Black Hills, South Dakota: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Bulletin #19, p. 9-18. Terry, D. O., Jr., LaGarry, H. E., and Wells, W. B., 1995, The White River Group Revisited: Vertebrate Trackways, Ecosystems, and Lithostratigraphic Revision, Redefinition, and Redescription, in Flowerday, C. A., ed., Geologic Field Trips in Nebraska and Adjacent parts of Kansas and South Dakota, Parts of the 29th Annual Meetings, North-central and South-central Sections, Geological Society of America: Conservation and Survey Division Guidebook No. 10, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, p. 43-57. (E) Contract/Open File Reports:

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Benton, R., Evanoff, E., Herbel, C., and Terry, D. O., Jr. (in prep) Baseline Mapping of Fossil Bone Beds at Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Natural Resources Preservation Program, National Park Service.

Stoffer, Philip W., Messina, Paula, Chamberlain, John A., Jr., and Terry, Dennis O., 2001, The

Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Interval in Badlands National Park, South Dakota. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-56, 49 p. <>

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1997, Preliminary report on the fossil resources within the South Unit of Badlands National Park: National Park Service/University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Agreement #CA-1300-5-9001: Badlands National Park Archives, 40 p. Terry, D. O., Jr., and Spence, J. I., 1997, Documenting the extent and depositional environment of the Chadron Formation in the South Unit of Badlands National Park: National Park Service/University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Agreement #CA-1300-5-9001: Badlands National Park Archives, 94 p. Terry, D. O., Jr., 1996, Stratigraphic and paleopedologic analysis of depositional sequences within the Pig Wallow Site, Badlands National Park: National Park Service/University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Agreement #CA-1300-5-9001: Badlands National Park Archives, 164 p. (F) Invited Abstracts:

Suarez, C., Suarez, M., Terry, D. O., Jr., Grandstaff, D. E., and Kirkland, J. I., 2005, A combined rare earth element and sedimentologic approach to taphonomic interpretations of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, Utah; Extended Abstract; American Association of Petrolem Geologists/Society for Sedimentary Geology joint annual meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 6p.

Suarez, C., Suarez, M., Terry, D. O., Jr., Grandstaff, D. E., and Kirkland, J. I., 2005, A combined rare

earth element and sedimentologic approach to taphonomic interpretations of the Early Cretaceous Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, Utah; for theme session #5, Depositional Systems in Time and Space: New Advances in Paleoecology and Taphonomic Analysis; American Association of Petrolem Geologists/Society for Sedimentary Geology joint annual meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Jannett, P. A., and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2001, Ancient pedogenic overprinting of the K-T boundary interval

within the Fox Hills Formation of southwestern South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 33, no. 6, p. A-202.

LaGarry, H. E., Wells, W. B., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Nixon, D., A., 1998, 1992-1995 Documentation of the

Toadstool Park Trackway Site, Oglala National Grassland, Nebraska, in Abstracts and Programs of the 5th Conference on Fossil Resources, 24p.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1998, Paleopedology of the Chadron Formation of Northwestern Nebraska:

Implications for Paleoclimatic Change in the Midcontinent Across the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary, in Abstracts and Programs of the 5th Conference on Fossil Resources, 24p.

LaGarry, H. E., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1997, Regional Distribution of Lithotopes within the Chadron

Formation of Northwestern Nebraska, in The Geology and Paleontology of the White River Formation: 1997 Tate Geological Museum Symposium, Tate Geological Times, v. 5, p. 7.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1997, The Peanut Peak Member of the Chadron Formation: A Key Lithologic Unit for Correlation of the White River Group Across the Northern Great Plains, in The Geology and

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 129 Paleontology of the White River Formation: 1997 Tate Geological Museum Symposium, Tate Geological Times, v. 5, p. 10-11.

LaGarry, H. E., Wells, W. B., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1996, A Giant Notostracan (?) from the Brule Formation (Oligocene) at Toadstool Park, Sioux County, Nebraska, in Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Cenozoic Depositional Systems, Stratigraphy, and Paleontology: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 28, no. 4, p. A-14.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1996, Stratigraphy, Paleopedology, and Depositional Environment of the Conata Picnic Ground Bone Bed (Orellan), Brule Formation, Badlands National Park, South Dakota, in Northern Great Plains and Rocky Mountain Cenozoic Depositional Systems, Stratigraphy, and Paleontology: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 28, no. 4, p. A-40.

Terry, D. O., Jr., 1995, Provisional Lithostratigraphic Revision and Correlation of the Lower Portion of the White River Group: Nebraska to South Dakota, in Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 3, p. A-89.

Terry, D. O., Jr., and LaGarry, H. E., 1995, Provisional Revision and Redescription of the Upper Part of the Chadron Formation in Northwestern Nebraska, in Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 3, p. A-89. Wells, W. B., Terry, D. O., Jr., and LaGarry, H. E., 1995, Stratigraphic Implications of a Fluvial Origin for the "Nodular Zones", Brule Formation (Orella Member), Northwestern Nebraska, in Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27, no. 3, p. A-95. (G) Other Published Abstracts:

Shemkovitz, A. E., Terry, D. O., Jr, and Self-Trail, J. M., 2006, Lithostratigraphic comparison between the

Cape Fear Formation and an unnamed non-marine unit of the southeastern Atlantic coastal plain; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

Knappe, E. P., Terry, D. O., Jr., Huff, K., and Thren, R. C, Jr., 2006, Bathers Cave revisited: climatic

interpretation using geochemistry, sedimentology and luminescence dating; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

Mintz, J. S., and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2006, When the Badlands went dry: a paleopedologic investigation of

climate change in the Oligocene of South Dakota; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

Stinchcomb, G., and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2006, Soilscape analysis of the Scenic-Poleslide Member

boundary, Badlands National Park, South Dakota; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

Terry, D. O. Jr., 2006, Paleoclimatic change across the terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene boundary of the

northern Great Plains: the paleosol perspective; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

Terry, D. O., Jr. and Grandstaff, D. E., 2006, The effects of provenience and taphonomy on rare earth

and trace element signatures in vertebrate fossils from the Eocene-Oligocene White River Group, Toadstool Geologic Park, Crawford, NE; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 130 Zanazzi, A., Kohn, M., MacFadden, B., and Terry, D. 2006, Abrupt temperature drop across the Eocene-

Oligocene Transition, central North America; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 38, n. 7.

Dick, K. C., Kirkland, J. I., Terry, D. O. Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2006, The Jurassic/Cretaceous interval east of

the San Rafael Swell, Grand County, Utah; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeast Section Meeting, v. 38, n. 2, p. 76.

Mintz, J. S., Stinchcomb, G. E., Laudadio, C., Oliver, P., Erney, A., Gobbi, K., Kirsch, A., Mitchell, N., Jannett, P.,

and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2006, Paleopedology of the East Windham roadcut, East Windham, New York; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeast Section Meeting, v. 38, n. 2, p. 30.

Stinchcomb, G, E., Mintz, J. S., Oliver, P., Laudadio, C., Erney, A., Gobbi, K., Kirsch, A., Mitchell, N.,

Jannett, P., and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2006, A preliminary analysis of late middle Devonian paleosols within the Manorkill Formation, Catskill magnafacies, Platte Clove, New York; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeast Section Meeting, v. 38, n. 2, p. 29.

Terry, D. O., Jr. and Grandstaff, D. E., (2006), Rare earth element fingerprinting of vertebrate fossils from

the Eocene-Oligocene White River Group, Toadstool Geologic Park, Crawford, NE: Abstracts with Programs of the 7th Federal Fossil Conference "America’s Antiquities: 100 years of managing fossils on federal lands", New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 34, p. 3.

Terry, D. O. Jr., and Anderson, E. J., 2006, The effect of basin subsidence and climate change on acid

sulfate paleosols within the Cretaceous (Berriasian 137-144 Ma) Purbeck Group, Dorset, England: Abstracts with Programs, 18th World Congress of Soil Science.

Chamberlain, J.A., Jr., Palamarczuk, S., Terry, D.O., Jr., Stoffer, P., Becker, M., Garb, M., and Jannett,

P., 2005, Biostratigraphy and age of the lower Fairpoint Member of the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian), Badlands area of South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 7, p. 370.

Fox, D. L., and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2005, Paleosol isotopic record of regional climatic and global atmospheric

changes across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in the northern great plains, U.S.A: Geol. Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 7, p. 458.

Jannett, P. and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2005, A late Cretaceous impactite in the Fox Hills Formation of

southwest South Dakota: The Sedimentary Record of Meteorite Impacts; SEPM research conference, p. 20.

Graf, F., Terry, D. O. Jr., Anderson, E. J., and Njanike, Z., 2005, Paleopedology of the Bacon Hole and

Worborrow Tout Localities, Lower Cretaceous Purbeck Group, Dorset Coast, England, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 1, pp. 16.

Mintz, J., Edelman, A., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Bright, R., 2005, Paleosols and vertebrate taphonomy of the

Oligocene Poleslide Member, Brule Formation, Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, n. 1, pp. 13.

Benton, R., Evanoff, E., Herbel, C., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2004, Paleontology, sedimentology, and

stratigraphy of the Poleslide Member of the Brule Formation, Badlands National Park, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 36, n. 5, p. 53.

Evanoff, E., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2004, Architecture of the lower Oligocene Scenic Member of the Brule

Formation in the North Unit of Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 36, n. 5, p. 99.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 131 Terry, D. O., Jr., and Kosmidis, P., 2004, An Oligocene springfed carbonate lake in the middle of a

volcaniclastic eolianite, Badlands National Park, South Dakota, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 36, n. 5, p. 35.

Metzger, C., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., (2004), The role of pedogenesis in setting the rare

earth element signature of fossil bone from Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Abstracts with Programs, 64th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 24.

Suarez, C., Suarez, M., Grandstaff, D. E., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Kirkland, J. I., (2004), Sedimentologic,

taphonomic, and rare earth element geochemical analyses of the early Cretaceous (Barremian) Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, east-central Utah: Abstracts with Programs, 64th Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, v. 24, p. 119a

Kosmidis, P., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2004, Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Poleslide Member, Brule

Formation, Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeast/Southeast Combined meeting, V. 36, no. 2, p. 38.

Shamrock, J., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Anderson, E. J., 2004, Paleopedology of the Mammal Bed,

Cretaceous Purbeck Group, Dorset Coast, England: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeast/Southeast combined meeting, V. 36, no. 2, p. 32.

Terry, D. O., Jr., Chamberlain, J. A., Stoffer, P. W., Becker, M., Jannett, P. A., Palamarczuk, S., Garb,

M., and Beeney, B., 2004, A widespread zone of soft sediment deformation and ejecta in the Fox Hills Formation of southwest South Dakota: An impactite without a crater: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Northeast/Southeast Combined meeting, V. 36, no. 2, p. 25.

Becker, M., Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., and Terry, D. O. Jr., 2003, Chondrichthyans from the Fairpoint

Member of the Fox Hills Formation (Maastrichtian), Meade County, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 34, no. 7, p. 497

Anderson, E. J., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2003, Amalgamation and condensation of 400 ka and 100 ka

orbitally forced sequences at a basin margin: the Purbeck Group, Lower Cretaceous, Dorset, England: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 34, no. 7, p. A-175.

Terry, D. O., Jr., and Anderson, E.J., 2003, Correlative paleosol profiles at cycle boundaries across a

differentially subsiding basin margin: the Purbeck Group (Berriasian), Lower Cretaceous, Dorset, England: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 34, no. 7, p. A-175.

Palamarczuk, S.; Chamberlain, J.A., Jr., and Terry, D.O., Jr., 2003, Dinoflagellates of the Fox Hills

Formation (Maastrichtian), Badlands area of South Dakota: biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental implications, Program with Abstracts, 36th Annual Meeting of the Amer. Assoc. of Stratigraphic Palynologists, St. Catharines. Ontario. October 5-8, 2003.

Palamarczuk, S., Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Terry, D., 2003, Dinoflagelados Maastrichtianos En Una

Sección Del Area De Los Badlands, South Dakota, USA; 12th symposium on Argentine paleobotany and palynology.

Rivers, J. M., Nyquist, J. E., Terry, D. O., and Doll, W. E. 2002, Investigations into the origin of magnetic

soils on the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN, 72nd Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, published by SEG on CD-ROM, 4 pp.

Factor, L. A., and Terry, D. O, Jr., 2002, A paleosol and taphonomy comparison between the Brian

Maebius site and other fossil rich localities in Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 34, no. 1, p. A-71.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 132 Rivers, J. M., Nyquist, J. E, Terry, D. O., Jr., and Doll, W. E., 2002, Investigation of anomalously

magnetic soils on the Oak Ridge Reservation: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 34, no. 1, p. A-17.

Benton, R. C., Evanoff, E., Herbel, C. L., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2001, Baseline mapping of fossil bone

beds at Badlands National Park: A first in park history: Abstracts with Programs of the 6Th Conference on Fossil Resources.

Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Terry, D. O., Jr., Stoffer, P. W., and Becker, M. A., 2001, Fossils of the

Cretaceous/Tertiary transition, Badlands region of South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, V. 33, no. 6, p. A-69.

Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Terry, D.O., Jr., and Stoffer, P.W., 2001, A marine K/T boundary in Badlands

National Park: geologic and paleontologic implications: Abstracts with Programs of the 6Th Conference on Fossil Resources.

Factor, L. A., and Terry, D. O., 2001, Paleopedology and taphonomy of the Brian Mabius site, Badlands

National Park, South Dakota: Geological Soc. of America Abst. with Prog., V. 33, no. 6, p. A-123. Grandstaff, D. E., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Patrick, Doreena, 2001, Rare earth element (REE) signatures in

fossils from marine and terrestrial environments: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts of Papers, v. 21, supplement to no.3, p. 56A.

Patrick, D., Terry, D. O. Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2001, Identification of fossil "fakes" using rare earth

element (REE) signatures: Geological Society of America Abst. with Prog., V. 33, no. 6, p. A-196. Patrick, Doreena; Terry, D. O., Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2001, The influence of osteological material

and time on rare earth element (REE) concentrations in vertebrate fossils: Soc. of Vertebrate Paleontology Abstracts of Papers, v. 21, supplement to no.3, p. 88A.

Patrick, D. M., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Grandstaff, D. E., 2001, Rare Earth Element (REE) variation in fossil

and modern bones: the influence of osteological materials and time: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, p. A-27.

Prout, E., Toran, L., Terry, D. O., Jr., Nyquist, J. E., and Roth, M., 2000, Variation in sediment and

colloid distribution in a karstic aquifer, Easton, PA: American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Stoffer, P. W., Chamberlain, J.A., Jr., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Messina, P., 2000, Stratigraphy of the Yellow

Mounds in Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America National Meeting, Reno, NV., p. A-226

Terry, D. O., Jr., Stoffer, P. W., and Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., 2000, A K/T Boundary Section in the Middle

of the Fox Hills Formation, SW South Dakota: Abstracts with Programs, Geological Society of America National Meeting, Reno, NV., p. A-226

Harbor, D. J., Panuska, B. C., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Knapp, E. P., 1999, River Incision and Climate

History Revealed in Cave Stratigraphy, Maury River Basin, Virginia: Abstracts with Programs, American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, v. 80, no. 17, p. S126.

Knapp, E., Terry, D., Harbor, D., and Thren, B., 1999, Iron and Manganese Geochemistry of Clastic Cave

Sediments: Paleoclimatic Signatures in West-Central Virginia: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-155.

Stoffer, P.W., Messina, P., Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1999, Tsunamis in South

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 133

Dakota: Two Asteroid Impacts Inferred from the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) Boundary Interval in Badlands National Park: Geological Society of America Abst. with Prog., v. 31, no. 7, p. A-473.

Terry, D. O. Jr., Knapp, E. P., Harbor, D. J., and Thren, R. C., 1999, Clastic Sediments of Bathers Cave:

A Potential Record of Quaternary Climate Change in West-Central Virginia: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, no. 7, p. A-233.

Terry, D. O., Jr., and Spence, J. I., 1997, Geological and Paleontological Resource Assessment of the Eocene Chadron Formation in the South Unit of Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Proceedings, 107th Annual Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Section, p. 50. LaGarry, H. E., Terry, D. O., Jr., and LaGarry, L. A., 1996, Paleovalley Sequences of the Chadron FM. in Northwestern Nebraska: A previously unrecognized Lithostratigraphic interval of the White River Group: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 28, no. 7, p. A-309. LaGarry, H. E., LaGarry, L. A., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1996, New vertebrate fauna from the base of the Chamberlain Pass Fm. (Eocene), Sioux County, Nebraska: Proceedings, 106th Annual Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Section, p. 45. Terry, D. O., Jr., 1995a, Paleopedology of the Big Cottonwood Creek Member of the Eocene Chadron Formation, White River Group, Badlands of Northwestern Nebraska: Proceedings, 105th Annual Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Section, p. 57. Terry, D. O., Jr., 1995b, Paleopedology of the Gilman Canyon Formation, Buzzard's Roost Locality, Gothenburg, Nebraska: Proceedings, 105th Annual Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Section, p. 57. Terry, D. O., Jr., and LaGarry, H. E., 1994, Lithostratigraphic Correlation and Provisional Redefinition of the Eocene-Oligocene White River Group, Nebraska and South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 26, no. 7, p. A-249.

Wells, W. B., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Nixon, D. A., 1994, Multiple Cut and Fill Paleovalley Sequences within Oligocene Sediments (White River Group) of Northwestern Nebraska: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, vol. 26, no. 7, p. A-492. Terry, D. O., Jr., 1993, Lithostratigraphic Refinement and Correlation of Basal White River Group Sediments: Nebraska and South Dakota: Proceedings, 103rd Annual Nebraska Academy of Sciences, Earth Science Section, p. 67. Evans, J. E., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 1992, Fluvial Baselevel Changes in the Lower Part of the White River Group, Eocene-Oligocene, Badlands of South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, no. 7, p. A-52. Terry, D. O., Jr., and Evans, J. E., 1992, Pedogenesis and Paleoclimatic Implications of the Chamberlain Pass Formation, Basal White River Group, Badlands of South Dakota: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, no. 7, p. A-269. Terry, D. O., Jr., and Evans, J. E., 1991, Informal Designation of a New Basal Stratigraphic Unit in the White River Group of South Dakota: Geol. Soc. of Amer. Abst. with Prog., v. 23, no 3, p. A-64. (H) Invited Lectures:

2004 Terry, D. O., Jr., Bolides in the Badlands: A latest Cretaceous impact layer in southwest South

Dakota; Philadelphia Mineralogical Society.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 134 2003 Terry. D. O., Jr., and Anderson, E. J., Paleosols and cyclic stratigraphy of the Cretaceous

Purbeck Group, Dorset Coast, England: University of Pennsylvania Seminar Series. 2003 Terry, D. O. Jr. Paleopedology of the Cretaceous Purbeck Group, Dorset Coast, England:

Department of Geology Seminar Series, Temple University. 2002 Terry, D. O. Jr., The K/T Boundary in Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Department of

Geology, Ball State University, Muncie, IN. 2000 Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., Stoffer, P.W., Terry, D. O., Jr., and Messina, P., Tsunamis in Mid-

America? Asteroid impact and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in the Badlands region of South Dakota: New York Academy of Sciences.

2000 Chamberlain, J. A., Jr., and Terry, D. O., Jr., A marine K/T Boundary section in Badlands

National Park, South Dakota: a glimpse of the Western Interior Seaway and its biota in the last moments of the Cretaceous: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Queens College, NY.

2000 Terry, D. O., Jr., A Marine Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary Section in Southwest South Dakota:

University of Delaware Speaker Series.

1999 Terry, D. O., Jr., Paleoclimatic interpretations from Quaternary cave deposits in Virginia cave systems: Department of Geology Seminar Series, Temple University.

1997 LaGarry, H. E., and Terry, D. O., Jr., Regional Distribution of Lithotopes within the Chadron Formation of Northwestern Nebraska: Wyoming Geological Association. 1997 Terry, D. O., Jr., The White River Group of northwestern Nebraska: Stratigraphic revisions, correlations, and paleopedology: Nebraska Geological Society. 1996 Terry, D. O., Jr., Stratigraphy, Paleopedology, and Depositional Environment of the Conata Picnic Ground Bone Bed (Orellan), Brule Formation, Badlands National Park: Badlands Natural History Association. 1992 Terry, D. O., Jr., Fluvial Baselevel Changes in the Lower Part of the White River Group, Eocene Oligocene, Badlands of South Dakota: Department of Geology Alumni Advisory Board, University of Nebraska. (I) Popular Press Interviews/Appearances/Articles:

2005 Temple Times: Lindback award certifies Terry as a ‘gem’ of a geology teacher, v. 36, no. 15,

2005 Temple Times: Paleontology CSI, v. 35, no. 29,

05/paleontology.html. 2005 Benton, R. C., Evanoff, E., Herbel, C., and Terry, D. O., Jr., 2005, Documenting a 30 million year

old landscape and its inhabitants at Badlands National Park: Natural Resources Year in Review-2004, Department of the Interior, National Park Service, p. 78-79.

2004 Voice-over work for a new interpretive video produced by the National Park Service for Badlands

National Park.

2004 Science News: Fossil Fingerprints: Rare earths tie bones to burial ground, v. 165, no. 25, p. 390.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 135 2004 Science News for Kids: Fingerprinting Fossils: 2004 Temple Review: Mailbox, Spring 2004 edition, p. 2. 2004 Temple Review: The Joy of Learning: Nine Great Courses; Winter 2004 edition, p. 16-23. 2003 WOBM Radio 92.7 FM (Bayville, NJ): Interview on GEO 211 (Facies Models) students studying

the effects of Hurricane Isabel on Long Beach Island. 2002 Science Daily: New Method For Placing Loose Fossils Back Into The Strata , Uncovering "Fakes" 2002 Temple University Office of News and Media Relations News Release: New Method For Placing

Loose Fossils Back Into The Strata, Uncovering "Fakes" Developed By Temple Univ. Geology Student:

2001 Science: Editors' Choice, Flooding in the Badlands, v. 294, p. 1791-1793. 2001 Temple Times: Reading the History of Rock: v. 31, no. 28 http://

2000 Temple Times: Geology Professor Unearths Questions about Continent; vol. 30, no. 23,

1999 American Association for the Advancement of Science: Science Now: Killer Impact’s Wet


2006 Co-chair for Geological Society of America national meeting topical session: T103: The terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene boundary revisited: A comparison of multi-proxy records of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic change

2006 Reviewer for Palaios (2x), the Journal of Geological Education, and the Journal of Geology 2004 Reviewer for National Science Foundation Grant Proposals (EAR) 2004 Reviewer for Petroleum Research Fund Proposals.

2004 Reviewer for Journal of Sedimentary Research 2004 Reviewer for Paleobios special volume 2003 Reviewer for Palaios and Geology 2002 Reviewer for Faculty grants at the City University of New York. 2001 Reviewer for National Science Foundation Grant Proposals (EAR) 2000-present Geological Society of America Campus Representative 2000 Reviewer for Journal of Geology

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 136 1998 Field trip co-leader: Geology and Paleontology of Badlands National Park, 5th Conference on

Fossil Resources, Rapid City, SD.

1995-1998 Co-editor, Geological Society of America Special Paper #325: Terry, D. O., Jr., LaGarry, H. E., and Hunt, R. M., eds., Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups (Late Eocene to Early Miocene, North America).

1996 Chair, Petroleum Geology session, Geological Society of America National Meeting. 1996 Field trip co-leader: Hayden's Lakes revisited: The origins and new stratigraphic interpretations of the White River Sequence, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming, Geological Society of America National Meeting. 1996 Co-Chair, Earth Science Section, Nebraska Academy of Science. 1996 Field trip co-leader: Paleogene Stratigraphy and Sedimentation, Geological Society of America Meeting, Rocky Mountain Section, Rapid City, SD. 1995 Co-Chair for North-Central/South-Central Geological Society of America Symposium: Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups. 1994 Chair, Earth Science Section, Nebraska Academy of Science. 1989 Geological Society of America Penrose Conference participant: Late Eocene-Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution, Rapid City, SD. 1989 President of Bowling Green State University Chapter, Sigma Gamma Epsilon. 1986 Vice-President of Ball State University Chapter, American Association of Petroleum Geologists. CONSULTING:

2000-2006: National Park Service, Badlands National Park, SD: Consultation on the development of the park's general management plan, geology-based interpretive pamphlets, and trail guides for

self guided hikes in the park. 1994-present: U.S. Forest Service, Chadron, Nebraska: Consultation on the development, design, and implementation of interpretive displays for paleontological and geological resources. Consultation on the policies and procedures of paleontological resource protection, interdiction of illegal fossil poaching, and development of future research projects.

1994-2006: National Park Service, Badlands National Park, SD: Consultation on the development of a geological and paleontological resource protection program, resource management, and development of a geological and paleontological research program.


2006 Paleopedology Undegraduate Research Group: Adam Earny, Natasha Mitchell, Kimbrie Gobbi, Alys Kirsch, Christie Laudadio, Paul Oliver: Undergraduate research group focused on field and laboratory studies of Devonian and Triassic paleosols of NY and PA. Results presented at the 2006 Northeast regional meeting of the Geological Society of America.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 137 2005 Ryan Bright: Paleopedology of the Oligocene Poleslide Member, Brule Formation, Badlands

National Park, SD. 2005 Ashley Edelman: Paleopedology of the Oligocene Poleslide Member, Brule Formation, Badlands

National Park, SD. 2005 Frank Graf: Vertical changes in paleosols from the Purbeck Group, Dorset, England

2005 Jason Mintz: Paleopedology of the Oligocene Poleslide Member, Brule Formation, Badlands National Park, SD.

2005 Zerbedia Njanike: Vertical changes in paleosols from the Purbeck Group, Dorset, England 2005 Maurisa Piekara: Geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic ashes from the White River Group.

2004 Paul Kosmidis: Sedimentology and Taphonomy of the Poleslide Member, Brule Formation,

Badlands National Park, South Dakota.

2004 Jamie Shamrock: Paleopedology of the Mammal Bed, Cretaceous Purbeck Group, Dorset Coast, England

2000 Matt Weikel: Lead arsenate contamination in orchard soils.

1998-1999 A. S. Thompson, Washington and Lee University: Quaternary paleoclimate investigations of cave and lacustrine sediments near Lexington, VA.

1994-1998 W. B. Wells, University of Nebraska: Stratigraphy and sedimentology of Paleogene deposits

in northwestern Nebraska. 1996-1997 J. I. Spence, University of Nebraska: Geologic mapping and fossil resource inventories of

Paleogene strata in South Dakota. GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH SUPERVISION (dates indicate expected graduation):

(A) As Thesis Advisor: Completed: 2005 Marina Suarez: Facies analysis of the Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, east-central Utah. 2004 Patricia Jannett: An impactite without a crater: The preservation potential impact ejecta within

deltaic environments of the Fox Hills Formation of Western South Dakota. 2003 Christine Metzger: Use of rare earth element geochemistry and paleopedologic properties to

determine original depositional environment of fossil bone: Badlands National Park, South Dakota.

2002 Matt McCoy: Tectonic versus paleoenvironmental control of paleosol morphologies within the

Oligocene Scenic Member of the Brule Formation, Badlands National Park, South Dakota. 2002 Lewis Factor: Paleopedological and taphonomic analysis of the Orellan Brian Maebius site,

Tyree Basin, Badlands National Park, South Dakota, U.S.A.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 138 In Progress: 2007 Jason Mintz: Paleopedology of the lower part of the Poleslide Member of the Oligocene Brule

Formation, Badlands NP, South Dakota 2007 Audra Shemkovitz: Mineralogical analysis of the Cape Fear Formation, North Carolina 2007 Gary Stinchcomb: Regional paleopedology of the Scenic/Poleslide Member Boundary, Oligocene

Brule Formation, Badlands NP, South Dakota

(B) As Thesis Committee Member: Completed:

2006 Karan Dick: Application of Cathodoluminescence Analysis to Taphonomic Investigations within

Early Cretaceous (Barremian) units of the Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-Central Utah 2005 Jamey Stynchula: Correlation of Milankovitch-band cyclicity within the Upper Purbeck Group,

Durlston Formation, Dorset, England. 2005 Celina Suarez: Rare earth element geochemistry and taphonomy of the Early Cretaceous

(Barremian) Crystal Geyser Dinosaur Quarry, East-central Utah. 2005 Mark Russell: Paleoenvironments and cyclic structure of a fourth order sequence in the Upper

Silurian Tonoloway Formation, Central Pennsylvania and Western Maryland.

2004 Jennifer Tancredi: Variation in sediment and geochemistry as evidence of changes in flowpaths to a karst spring in southeastern Pennsylvania

2002 Sarah Black: Site analysis of the Buffalo Alley bone bed, Badlands National Park, SD (through

the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City).

2002 Mark Manna: ZrO2-Y2O3 pH electrode behavior 2002 John Rivers: Identification and emplacement of ferromagnetic minerals in soils on the Oak Ridge

Reservation, Tennessee 2002 Jeff Seier: Cyclic stratigraphy and facies change across a 3rd order boundary (Upper Berriasian)

Lower Cretaceous in the French Jura and Dorset England 2002 Doreena Patrick: REE comparison of Mosasaur bone material from Pierre Shale, SD vs. Mid

Shelf Ocean, NJ 1999 Ethan Prout: Temporal variation of sediment distribution in a karst aquifer, Easton, Pennsylvania. 1999 Richard Staron: Rare earth element signatures and fossil taphonomy in the Hornerstown

Formation, Sewell, NJ. In Progress: N/A at this time. UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS:

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 139 2006 CST Cosby Scholarship selection committee 2005 - present CST Study leave committee 2004 - present: CST Undergraduate Committee 2004 - 2006: Search committee for new Dean of CST

1999 Alliance for Minority Participation Committee, CST. 1999 Search committee for Director of Environmental Science and Technology, CST OTHER UNIVERSITY/DEPARTMENT SERVICE: 2006 Acting Geology Undergraduate Advisor for Summer II and Fall semesters. 2004-present: Guest lecturer for Freshman Seminar, CST 51 2003- present: Faculty advisor for the Geological Society of Temple University (GSTU).

2002 Developed new recruitment materials for display at regional and national meetings, including department information sheets, poster displays, and handouts.

2000 - present: CST Recruitment/Open House representative for Geology Department. 2000 Developed new geology department recruitment poster for Beury Hall. 2000 & 2003 Developed new geology graduate recruitment flyer for mass mailing. 1999-present: Faculty co-coordinator of Geo 50 laboratories. 1999-present: Department representative for open house/recruitment activities for CST.

1999 Developed new geology undergraduate information flyer used by CST for prospective students. TEACHING INTERESTS: Graduate/Undergraduate courses in paleopedology (fossil soils), sedimentology and stratigraphy, nonmarine depositional environments, geomorphology/soil geomorphology, seminars on specific topics within paleopedology, paleoclimatology, stratigraphy, and sedimentology, and introductory geology courses (physical, environmental, historical). COURSES TAUGHT:

2005+ Associate Professor, Teaching a 2/1 load. Physical Geology (GEO 50): Fall 2005: 220 students, Summer 1 2006: 58 students, Fall

2006: 225 students Facies Models (GEO 211): Fall 2005: 15 students, Fall 2006: 20 students Stratigraphic Dynamics (GEO 600): Spring 2006: 5 students

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 140 1999-2005 Assistant Professor, Teaching a 2/1 load for the past 5 years at Temple University.

Enrollments as follows: Physical Geology (GEO 50): Fall 1999: 115 students, Spring 2000: 150 students, Fall

2000:135 students, Fall 2001: 169 students, Fall 2002: 158 students, Fall 2003: 178 students, Fall 2004: 207 students, Summer 1 2005: 57 students.

Facies Models (GEO 211): Fall 2000: 15 students, Fall 2001: 19 students, Fall 2002: 15

students, Fall 2003: 13 students, Fall 2004: 11 students. Soils and Paleosols (GEO 725). Spring 2000: 10 students, Spring 2001: 10 students,

Spring 2002: 4 students, Spring 2003: 11 students, Spring 2004: 8 students, Spring 2005: 8 students.

1998-1999 Visiting Assistant Professor, one lecture and lab section each of Physical Geology

(101a), Environmental Geology (101b), Geomorphology (247), Soils and Paleosols (397/401), Introductory and Advanced Field Methods (160/373), Washington and Lee University.

1997-1998 Instructor, Physical Geology lecture (102), one section, and nine Physical Geology Lab

sections, Environmental Geology (150), one section, and four Environmental Geology Lab sections, a two week field course (360), and field camp (344/345), University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.

1996 Teaching Assistant, Physical Geology Lab (102), one section, University of Nebraska. 1992-1994 Instructor, Physical Geology Lecture (101), three sections, University of Nebraska. 1991-1992 Teaching Assistant, Physical Geology Lab (102), four sections, University of Nebraska. 1991 Teaching Assistant, Field Camp (493/693), one section, Bowling Green State University. 1989-1990 Teaching Assistant and Lab Coordinator, Geology of National Parks (304), three sections, Bowling Green State University. 1989-1990 Teaching Assistant and Lab Coordinator, Historical Geology Lab (105), seven sections, Bowling Green State University. 1988-1989 Teaching Assistant, Physical Geology Lab (104), two sections, Bowling Green State University. TEACHING SEMINARS/WORKSHOPS: 2000 Diversity Issues-Ujima Roundtable; Alliance for Minority Participation, CST. 1997 Focus on Pedagogy: Teaching controversial subjects in the college classroom, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. COURSES TAKEN: Undergraduate courses at Ball State University: physical geology, historical geology, geology of Indiana, geomorphology, mineralogy, hand specimen petrology, invertebrate paleontology, optical mineralogy, stratigraphy, micropaleontology, structural geology, field methods, engineering geology, computer applications to geosciences, field camp, oceanography, geophysics, petroleum geology, sedimentology.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 141 Graduate courses at Bowling Green State University: Department of Geology: Introductory Geochemistry (J. Frizado) Solid Earth Geophysics (J. Parrish) Seminar in Basin Analysis (J. E. Evans) Sedimentary Environments (C. F. Kahle) Advanced Structural Geology (C. Onasch) Carbonate Geology (C. F. Kahle) Seminar in Paleontology (D. Steinker) Seminar in Sedimentary Structures (J. E. Evans) Special Study in Oligocene Paleosols (J. E. Evans) Glacial Geology (J. Forsyth) Department of Geography: Geography of Soils/Land Use Graduate courses at the University of Nebraska: Department of Geology: Principles of Stratigraphy (D. B. Loope) Tectonics (N. Lindsley-Griffin) Seminar in Vertebrate Paleontology (R. M. Hunt and M. R. Voorhies) Clay Mineralogy (M. A. Holmes) Regional Field Geology (R. Nelson) Seminar in Sedimentary Environments (D. B. Loope) Mesozoic and Cenozoic Stratigraphy (D. M. Harwood) Global Change (D. M. Harwood) Taphonomy (M. R. Voorhies) Department of Biology: Scanning Electron Microscopy (K. Lee) Department of Agronomy: Soil Chemistry and Mineralogy (D. McCallister) Soil Morphology and Genesis (D. Lewis) Independent Study in Soil Morphology and Genesis (D. Lewis) MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: Geological Society of America, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, International Association of Sedimentologists. HONORS AND AWARDS: (A) Best Paper Awards: 1997 Geological and Paleontological Resource Assessment of the Eocene Chadron Formation in the South Unit of Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Earth Science Section, Nebraska Academy of Science. 1996 Stratigraphy, Paleopedology, and Depositional Environment of the Conata Picnic Ground Bone Bed (Orellan), Brule Formation, Badlands National Park, South Dakota: Geology Graduate Student Seminar, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 142 1995 Provisional Lithostratigraphic Revision and Correlation of the Lower Portion of the White River Group: Nebraska to South Dakota, in Depositional Environments, Lithostratigraphy, and Biostratigraphy of the White River and Arikaree Groups: Geological Society of America North- Central/South-Central Section Meeting, Lincoln, NE. 1995 Paleopedology of the Gilman Canyon Formation, Buzzard's Roost Locality, Gothenburg, Nebraska: Earth Science Section, Nebraska Academy of Science. 1993 Lithostratigraphic Refinement and Correlation of Basal White River Group Sediments: Nebraska and South Dakota: Earth Science Section, Nebraska Academy of Science. (B) Teaching Awards:

2005 Appointed to Honors Faculty, Temple University. 2005 Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, Temple


1997 Teaching Award: Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. (C) Other Awards:

2006 Four (4) units of merit, Category A, Teaching & Research/Creative work 2005 Three (3) units of merit, one each for outstanding teaching, research, and special achievement. 2004 Two (2) units of merit, one each for outstanding teaching (Category I) and outstanding research

(Category II)

2003 One (1) merit unit for outstanding research (Category II), Temple University

2002 One (1) merit unit for outstanding research (Category II), Temple University 2001 Two (2) merit units for outstanding special achievement (Category IV), Temple University 1996 Bukey Memorial Fellowship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE ($1000.00). 1996 Regents Tuition Fellowship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 1996 Graduate Assistantship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 1996 Geological Society of America: Student Travel Grant ($100.00). 1996 Geological Society of America: Student Field Trip Award ($155.00). 1996 Sigma Xi Student Travel Grant: University of Nebraska Chapter ($150.00). 1994 Graduate Assistantship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 1993 Graduate Assistantship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 1992 Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society Membership: University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 1992 Shell Graduate Fellowship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 143 1991 Graduate Assistantship: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. 1990 Outstanding Graduate Student Award: Bowling Green State University. 1989 F.V. Hayden Geology/Paleontology Internship: Badlands National Park. 1989 Amoco Graduate Fellowship: Bowling Green State University. 1989 Sigma Gamma Epsilon Earth Science Honorary: Bowling Green State University. 1988 F.V. Hayden Geology/Paleontology Internship: Badlands National Park. 1988 Amoco Graduate Fellowship: Bowling Green State University.

1986 Undergraduate Research Fellowship: Ball State University. 1986 Sigma Zeta Science and Mathematics Honorary: Ball State University. 1984 Alpha Lambda Delta Academic Honorary: Ball State University.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 144

Dr. Laura Toran Temple University

Department of Geology Philadelphia, PA 19122

[email protected] 215-204-2352, 215-204-3496 (fax)


1976 - 1980 Macalester College St. Paul, MN B.A. Geology Summa Cum Laude 1982 - 1986 Univ. of Wisconsin Madison, WI Ph.D. Geology THESIS: Sulfate contamination in groundwater near an underground mine: hydrogeochemical modeling, microbiology, and isotope geochemistry

Professional experience

1997 - present Temple University Dept of Geology Philadelphia, PA Weeks Chair in Environmental Geology, Associate Professor 1986 - 1997 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN Wigner Fellow and Research Associate 1980 - 1982 U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division Reston, VA Research associate for Dr. William Back

Awards Received

• Fellow, Geological Society of America

• Faculty Mentor Award, Temple College of Science and Technology 2007

• Weeks Chair in Environmental Geology (Temple University)

• Wigner Fellowship (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

• American Geophysical Union Horton Research Grant, 1985

• Univ. of WI Graduate School Fellowship

Professional Activities

• Technical Program Committee, Geological Society of America 2004-2006

• Board of Directors, Consortium of Universities for Advancement of

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 145

Hydrologic Research, Inc. (CUAHSI), 2005-present

• National Academy of Sciences -- Committee on Accelerated Cleanup of High Level Radioactive Waste 2003-2004

• Editorial board, Ground Water, 1990-1992, & 1997-present

• Editorial board, Hydrogeology Journal, 2003-2007

• National Science Foundation Panelist (1995, 1996,1998, 2000-2003)

• Geological Society of America O.E. Meinzer Award selection committee 2001-2003

• American Geophysical Union Spring 2000 Meeting Program Chair- Hydrology

• Associate Editor, Water Resources Research, Oct 1996 - 2000

• Homepage editor, American Geophysical Union Hydrology Section 1996-1999

• Registered Professional Geologist, Pennsylvania

University Service

• Executive Committee, University Academic Planning

• Gened executive committee, 2005-2007

• College merit committee, 2006-present

• Environmental studies committee, 1997-present

• Environmental Studies CST Director, 2008- present

• Web master, Dept of Geology 1997-present

• Dept of Geology alumni newsletter 2005-present

• Freshman Summer Reading Program, 2004-2006

• Graduate committee, 2000-2003 (oversaw conversion of program from MA to MS degree)

• Geo50 lab book coordinator, 2000-2007

• Facilitated founding of student chapter of AIPG, 2006

• Online learning faculty, 1998-2000

• CST faculty responsibility committee, 2003-2004

• Search committee, Dept of Environmental Engineering, 2001-2002

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 146 CURRENT FUNDING: 2007-2011: Duffy, C., Brantley, S., Singha, K., Slingerland, R., & Toran, L., "The Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory", National Science Foundation (NSF). $5 million (collaborative) 2007-2009 - Featherstone, J., "Temple-Villanova Sustainable Stormwater Initiative Phase II", William Penn Foundation. $330,000 2006-2009 Toran, L. and Nyquist, J. “Mapping Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Lake Seepage Using Electrical Resistivity and Induced Potential” National Science Foundation (NSF). $287,000

COURSES TAUGHT: Introduction to Hydrology, Advanced Hydrogeology, Climate Change, Introduction to Geology, Groundwater Modeling

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: Nyquist, J., Heaney, M. and Toran, L, in revision. Characterizing lakebed heterogeneity using

electrical resistivity at Lake Lacawac, PA. For Near Surface Geophysics.

Gagliano, M., Nyquist, J., Toran, L., Rosenberry, D. 2009 Assessment of electrical resistivity method to map groundwater seepage zones in heterogeneous sediments. Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, in press. Toran, L., Gross, K., & Yang, Y. (2008). Effects of restricted recharge in and urban karst system. Environmental Geology. DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1500-0

Mitchell, N., Nyquist, J., Toran, L., Rosenberry, D., & Mikochik, J. (2008). Electrical resistivity as a tool for identifying geologic heterogeneities which control seepage at Mirror Lake, NH. Symposium for the Application of Geophysics to Environmental and Engineering Problems, 11 pp. Nyquist, J. E., Freyer, P. A., and Toran, L. , 2008 Stream Bottom Resistivity Tomography to Map Ground-Water Discharge. Ground Water, 46 (4), 561-569. Herman, E.K., Toran, L., and White, W.B., 2008 Threshold events in spring discharge: evidence from sediment and continuous water level measurement. Journal of Hydrology. 351 (1-2), 98-106. Herman, E.K., Toran, L., and White, W.B. Quantifying the place of karst aquifers in the groundwater to surface water continuum: a time series analysis study of storm response in Pennsylvania water resources. Accepted pending revisions in Journal of Hydrology. Heaney, Matthew J., Nyquist, Jonathan E., and Toran, Laura, 2007. Marine resistivity as a tool for characterizing zones of seepage at Lake Lacawac, PA. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems Reno, Nevada, March 23-26, 1997, 11 pp. Toran, L, Herman, E.K., and White, W.B., 2007. Comparison of Flow Paths to a Well and Spring in a

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 147 Karst Aquifer. Ground Water. 45: 281-287.

Fan, Y., Toran, L., and Schlische, R. 2007. Groundwater flow and groundwater-stream interaction in fractured and dipping sedimentary rocks: insights from numerical models. Water Resources Research. 43: doi:10.1029/2006wr004864 Toran, L. and Grandstaff, D. 2007. Variation of nitrogen concentrations in stormpipe discharge in a residential watershed. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43(3): 630-641. Herman, EK Tancredi, JH, Toran, L and White, WB, 2007. Mineralogy of suspended sediment in karst springs in relation to spring water chemistry. Hydrogeology Journal. 15: 255-266 Freyer, Paul A., Nyquist, Jonathan E., and Toran, Laura, 2006. Use of underwater resistivity in the assessment of groundwater-surface water interaction within the Burd Run Watershed. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Seattle, Washington, April 2-6, 2006, 8 pp. Ham, Jeffrey, Toran, Laura, and Cruz, Jay, 2006. Effect of upstream ponds on stream temperature. Environmental Geology. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0186-4 Toran, L., Tancredi, J., Herman, E.K., and White, W.B. 2006. Conductivity and sediment variation during storms as evidence for pathways in karst springs. Geological Society of America Special Paper 404 in honor of Derek Ford and William B. White, no 14: 169-176. Toran, L., and Roman, E. 2006. CO2 outgassing in a combined fracture and conduit karst aquifer near Lititz Spring, PA. Geological Society of America Special Paper 404 in honor of Derek Ford and William B. White, no 23: 275-282. Toran, L and White W B. 2005. Variation in nitrate and calcium as indicators of recharge pathways in Nolte Spring, PA. Environmental Geology. 48: 854-860. Grassi, V., Toran, L., Stevens, G., Bednar, A., and Young, C., 2005. A case study of uranium mobility in groundwater at the Dupont Chambers works site. Waste Management 05 Conference, February-March 3, 2005, Tucson, AZ, WM-5355. Toran, L. and Hooper, R. 2005. Forum: What’s new with CUAHSI? Ground Water 42: 638-640. Toran, Laura, Lipka, Charles, Baehr, Arthur, Reilly, Timothy, and Baker, Ronald. 2003. Seasonal and daily variations in concentrations of methyl-tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) at Cranberry Lake, New Jersey. Water Research. 37: 3756-3766. Toran, Laura. 2003. Book Review: Groundwater Science by Charles Fitts. Ground Water. 41: 406.

Toran, Laura and Grandstaff, David. 2002. PHREEQC and PHREEQCI: Geochemical Modeling with an Interactive Interface. Ground Water. 40: 462-464. Toran, Laura and Colten-Bradley, Virginia. 2000. Evaluation of hydrogeochemical conditions for development of nuclear criticality in low-level waste disposal facilities. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation. 20(3): 58-67. Toran, Laura. 2000. CRAFIT: A computer program for calibrating CRAFLUSH, a 1D fracture flow and transport model. Ground Water. 38: 430-434.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 148 Heebner, David and Laura Toran. 2000. Sensitivity analysis of 3-dimensional steady-state and transient spray irrigation models. Ground Water. 38: 20-28 Toran, Laura and James A Saunders, 1999. Modeling alternate evolution paths of Na-HCO3-type ground water near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Hydrogeology Journal. 7: 355-364. Toran, L.E., Bryant, S.L., Saunders, J.A., and Wheeler, M.F., 1998. Sr mobility under variable pH: Application of a coupled geochemistry and transport model. Ground Water. 36: 404-408. Stafford, P.L., Toran, L.E., and McKay, L.D., 1998. Influence of fracture truncation on dispersion: A dual permeability model. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 30/1-2: 79-100. McKay, L.D., Stafford, P.L. and Toran, L.E., 1997. EPM modeling of a field-scale tritium tracer experiment in fractured, weathered shale. Ground Water. 35:997-1007. James, B.R., Gwo, J.-P., and Toran, L.E, 1996. An economic decision framework for aquifer remediation design. ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 144: 404-420. Gwo, J.-P., Toran, L.E., Morris, M.D., and Wilson, G.V., 1996. Subsurface stormflow modeling with sensitivity analysis using a Latin-hypercube sampling technique. Ground Water. 34: 811- 818 Toran, L.E. and Sjoreen, A.L., 1996. CHEMFORM: A formatting program for geochemical data. Ground Water, 34: 552-553. Toran, L.E., Sjoreen, A.L., and Morris, M.D., 1995. Sensitivity analysis of solute transport in fractured porous media. Geophys. Res. Let., 22: 1433-1436. Saunders, J.A. and Toran, L.E. 1995. Modeling of radionuclide and heavy metal sorption around low- and high-pH waste disposal sites at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Applied Geochem., 10: 673-684. Toran, L.E., 1994. Radionuclide contamination in groundwater: Is there a problem? In Groundwater Contamination and Control, U. Zoller, ed. New York: Marcel Dekker. pp 437-455. Saunders, J.A. and Toran, L.E., 1994. Evidence of dedolomitization and mixing in Paleozoic carbonates near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Ground Water. 32: 207-214. Toran, L.E., 1994. Discussion of "The use of conditional simulation in nuclear waste site performance assessment" by Carol A. Gotway. Technometrics. 36: 150-152. Drake, J.B., Geist, G.A., Hicks. H.R., Kliewer, K.L., Stocks, G.M., Toran, L.E., and Worley, P.H., 1993. Centers of supercomputing -- The Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). International Journal of Supercomputing. 7: 3-14. Toran, L.E., 1993. Book Review of Ground-water microbiology and geochemistry by Francis H. Chapelle. Ground Water. v. 31: 685. Toran, L.E. and Palumbo, A.V. 1992. Transport of bacteria-sized particles through fractured and unfractured laboratory sand columns. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 9: 289-303. Toran, L. and Harris, R.F., 1989. Interpretation of sulfur and oxygen isotopes in biological and abiological sulfide oxidation. Geochemica Cosmochemica et Acta, 53, 2341-2348.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 149 Toran, L., 1989. Carbon isotope mass transfer as evidence for contaminant dilution. In R.L. Bassett and D.C. Melchior, eds. Chemical Modeling in Aqueous Systems II. ACS Symposium Series 416, Chapter 14, 190-201. Toran, L. and Bradbury, K.R., 1988. Groundwater flow model of drawdown and recovery near an underground mine. Ground Water, v. 26, 724-733. Toran, L., 1987. Sulfate contamination in groundwater from a carbonate-hosted mine. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2:1-29. Toran, L., 1982. Isotopes in ground-water investigations. Ground Water, 20:740-745. ABSTRACTS (after 1986): Johnson, M., Toran, L., Nyquist, J., and Rosenberry, D. Mapping Road Salt Discharge from Groundwater Using Electrical Resistivity, Mirror Lake, New Hampshire. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, (October 5-9, Houston, TX). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40. Jedrzejczyk, C. and Toran, L., 2008. Monitoring the Effectiveness of Stormwater Management Practices in the Pennypack Creek Watershed, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, (October 5-9, Houston, TX). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40. Toran, L. 2007. Small scale water quality monitoring in an urban watershed. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007, Denver). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39. Mikochik, J., Toran, L., and Nyquist, J. 2007. Using modflow to understand the factors controlling lake seepage patterns. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007, Denver). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39. Herman, Ellen K., Toran, Laura, and White, William B. 2007. Sediment discharge variations in multiple pennsylvania karst systems. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (28–31 October 2007, Denver). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39.

Heaney, Matthew J., Nyquist, Jonathan E., and Toran, Laura, 2006. Marine resistivity as a tool for characterizing seepage zone at Lake Lacawac, PA. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006, Philadelphia). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, p. 42 Herman, Ellen K., Toran, Laura, and White, William B., 2006. Sediment fluxes in karst aquifers: storm pulses, thresholds, and fluid dynamics of mixing, storage and transport. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006, Philadelphia). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, p. 195. Gross, Kathleen, Yang, Youa and Toran, Laura, 2006. Spring monitoring in an urban karst system. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006, Philadelphia). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, p. 287

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 150 Fan, Ying, Toran, Laura, and Schlische, Roy W. 2006. Groundwater flow and groundwater-stream interaction in fractured and dipping sedimentary rocks: insights from numerical models. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (22–25 October 2006, Philadelphia). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 38, No. 7, p. 46.

Gross, Kathleen and Toran, Laura, 2006. Geochemistry and sediment of an urban karst system. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, March 20-22, Harrisburg, PA. Yang, Youa and Toran, Laura, 2006. Storm response in urban springs. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, March 20-22, Harrisburg, PA. Freyer, Paul A., Nyquist, Jonathan E., and Toran, Laura, 2006. Application of underwater resistivity in the assessment of groundwater-surface water interaction, Burd Run Watershed, Shippensburg, PA. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, March 20-22, Harrisburg, PA. Herman, E.K., Toran, L., and White, W.B., 2005. Quantifying the place of karst aquifers in the groundwater to surface water continuum: A time series analysis study of storm response in Pennsylvania water resources. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct 16-19, 2005. Toran, L., Herman, E.K., and White, W.B., 2005. Comparison of spring and well monitoring data in a carbonate aquifer. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct 16-19, 2005. Herman, E.K., Toran, L., and White, W.B., 2005. Hurricane precipitation events reveal threshold behavior in water level and sediment concentration at Arch Spring, PA, USA. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct 16-19, 2005. Toran, L and Paillet, F. 2004. High permeability zone in the Stockton formation measured with borehole flow meter logging. Hydrogeology of the Newark Basin, Rutgers University, Nov 11-12, 2004. Toran, L. and Elsea, J. 2004. Fracture flow model of heterogeneous drawdown at North Penn 6 Superfund Site, PA. Hydrogeology of the Newark Basin, Rutgers University, Nov 11-12, 2004. Herman, E. K., White, W. B., and Toran, L., 2004. Clastic sediment fluxes as an intrinsic part of the flow system in karstic aquifers. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov 7-10. Toran, L., Tancredi, J., Herman, E. K., and White, W. B., 2004. Comparison of storm behavior in three karst springs. Geological Society of American Northeast-Southeast Regional Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA, March 25-27. Mezengia, T., Toran, L., and Tancredi, J., 2004. Seasonal variation of nitrates in a karst spring, Nolte, Pennsylvania. Geological Society of American Northeast-Southeast Regional Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA, March 25-27. Scott, S., Toran, L., and Tancredi, J., 2004. Variation in suspended sediment transport in a karst spring after storms. Geological Society of American Northeast-Southeast Regional Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA, March 25-27.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 151 Rillstone, B. and Toran, L., 2004. Variability of karst spring sediments within and between storm waters. Geological Society of American Northeast-Southeast Regional Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA, March 25-27. Hayes, K. and Toran, L., 2004. Geochemistry and sediment comparisons between a karst spring and well. Geological Society of American Northeast-Southeast Regional Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA, March 25-27. Mejias, C. and Toran, L., 2004. Conductivity and suspended sediments in karst and fractured springs in Pennsylvania. Geological Society of American Northeast-Southeast Regional Meeting, Tysons Corner, VA, March 25-27. Toran, L. and Roman, E. 2003. Outgassing as a geochemical signature of recharge water in a karst aquifer. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 1-5. Herman, E.K., Toran, L., Tancredi, J., Target, D., White, W.B., 2003. Variations in the timing of karst spring response to storm flow in terms of suspended sediment and chemistry. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 1-5. Tancredi, J., Toran, L., Target, D., Herman, E.K., White, W.B. 2003. Influence of antecedent conditions on conductivity and suspended sediment discharge in a karst spring. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 1-5. Herman, E.K., Toran, L., Tancredi, J., White, W.B. 2003. Transport of Suspended Sediments in Karst Aquifers. International Conference on Karst Hydrogeology and Ecosystems, Bowling Green, KY, June 3-6. Toran, L. and Grandstaff, D. 2002. Seasonal changes in stormwater nitrogen concentrations. American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Nov 3-7, Proceedings, p 138. Boufadel, M.C., Toran, L., and Gabriel, M., 2002. Techniques for increasing the reliability of estimates of surface water transport models. Eos. Trans. AGU, 83 (19) Spring Meet. Suppl. Abstract H22C-07. Toran, L. and Maurice, P., 2002. Modeling variations in DOC and groundwater/surface water exchange in a forested stream. Eos. Trans. AGU, 83 (19) Spring Meet. Suppl. Abstract H42D-05 Toran, L, and Prout, E. 2001. Seasonal and storm response of sediment transport in a karst system. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov 1-10.

Toran, L. 2000. Modeling tracer tests in fractured rock: is your solution unique? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV Nov 9-18. Prout, E, Toran, L., Terry, D., Nyquist, J, and Roth, M. 2000. Variation in sediment and colloid distribution in a karstic aquifer, Easton, PA. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 30-June 3, Washington, D.C. Elsea, J. and Toran, L. 2000. Fracture flow model of a pump test near the North Penn superfund site, PA. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 30-June 3, Washington, D.C.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 152 Roman, E. and Toran, L. 2000. Hydrogeologic characterization of a karst groundwater system in Lititz, Lancaster County, PA. First Annual Pennsylvania Hydrology Symposium, Harrisburg, PA May 2000. Lipka, C, Toran, L., Baehr, A. Reilly, T, and Baker, R. 2000. Daily variations in MTE contamination on a recreational lake in New Jersey. NE Regional Geological Society of America Meeting, Mar 13-15, 2000, New Brunswick, NJ. Koch, E., Toran, L., Moline, G., and Firestone, K. 1999. Modeling effective fractures in a well-characterized intact core. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, June 1-4, 1999, Boston, MA. Toran, L. 1998. Hypothetical modeling of remediation of fracture networks. SEPM Research Conference on Fluid Flow in Carbonates, Sept 20-24, 1998, Door County, Wisconsin. Toran, L.E. and G.R. Moline, 1998. Modeling a Helium Tracer Plume in Fractures Perpendicular to Gradient. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 26-29, 1998, Boston, MA. Heebner, D. and Toran, L.E., 1998. Transient Sensitivity Analysis to Reduce Uncertainty in Groundwater Model Parameters for a Spray Irrigation Site in Chester County, PA. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, May 26-29, 1998, Boston, MA. Toran, L.E., Hopper, C.H., Colten-Bradley, V., and Saunders, J.A., 1997. Hydrogeochemical modeling of uranium reconfiguration and evaluation of the potential for nuclear criticality following disposal at low-level waste facilities. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Oct. 19-23, Salt Lake City, Utah. Toran, L.E., Bryant, S.L., Eaton, J., and Wheeler, M.F., 1997. Coupled geochemistry and bioreactions for remediation modeling. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, May 20-24, Baltimore, MD. McCarthy, J.F., Stafford, P.L., Toran, L.E., and Sanford, W.E., 1996. Colloid-facilitated field-scale transport of lanthanides and actinides in fractured saprolite. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 15-19, San Francisco, CA. Toran, L.E., Bryant, S.L., Wheeler, M.F., and Saunders, J.A., 1996. Sr transport under variable pH: A coupled geochemistry and transport model. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, May 20-24, Baltimore, MD. McCarthy, J.F., Stafford, P.L., Toran, L.E., and Sanford, W.E., 1996. Colloid-facilitated field-scale transport of lanthanides and actinides in fractured saprolite. Submitted to American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Dec. 15-19, San Francisco, CA. Stafford, P., McKay, L., and Toran, L.E. 1995 Modeling a long term tritium tracer experiment in groundwater in a fractured weathered shale. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, San Francisco, CA. James, B.R., Gwo, J.-P., and Toran, L.E. 1995. An economic decision framework using modeling to improve remediation design. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec. 11-15, San Francisco, CA. Toran, L., Black, K.C., and Williams, N.A., 1995. Sensitivity analysis of a large regional model using latin hypercube sampling. American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, May 30-June 2, Baltimore, MD. Stafford, P.L, Toran, L.E., and McKay, L.D., 1995. Simulation of a tritium tracer experiment in groundwater in a fractured shale saprolite. Abstracts of the Southeastern Geological Society of America, Apr. 5-7, 1995, Knoxville, TN.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 153 Toran, L.E., Ward, R., D'Azevedo, E.F., and Gwo, J.P., 1994. Parallel computing for groundwater flow: comparison of workstations and mainframes. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec. 5-9, San Francisco. Gwo, J.P, and Toran, L.E., 1994. A latin-hypercube sensitivity analysis on hillslope subsurface stormflow: implication for monitoring and remediation of waste disposal sites. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, Dec. 5-9, San Francisco. Toran, L.E., Sjoreen, A.L., and Morris, M.D., 1994. Sensitivity analysis of groundwater transport in fractured porous media. Am Geophys Union Chapman Conference on Aqueous Phase and Mulitphase Transport in Fractured Rock. Sept. 12-15, Burlington, VT. Toran, L.E., Moline, G.R., Gwo, J.P. and Yambert, M., 1994. Understanding groundwater flow at a low-level radioactive waste site using a supercomputer. Am. Geophy Union, Spring Meeting, Baltimore, May 23-27, 1994. Gwo, J.P. Toran, L.E., Wilson, G.V. and Morris. M.D. 1994. Hillslope subsurface storm flow modeling with sensitivity analysis and risk assessment. Tennessee American Water Resources Association Spring Meeting. Nashville, April 1994. Toran, L., Sjoreen, A., and Dreier, R., 1993. Modeling of a density-dependent contaminant plume located in a regional discharge area on the Oak Ridge Reservation. Geol Soc Am Annual Meeting, Boston, Oct. 25-38, 1993. D'Azevedo, E.F., Romine, C.H., Toran, L.E., West, O.R., Gwo, J.P., 1993. High Performance computing for groundwater modeling and remediation. Supercomputing 93. Portland, OR. Nov 15-19. Toran, L., West, O.R., Gwo, J.P., 1993. Supercomputer model of an ORNL waste area. Technology Information Exchange Workshop. Fourth National Meeting, May 11-13, 1993, Knoxville, TN. Dreier, R.B. and Toran, L.E., 1993. Geologic controls on flow patterns at the Oak Ridge reservation. Technology Information Exchange Workshop. Fourth National Meeting, May 11-13, 1993, Knoxville, TN. Shevenell, L., Dreier, R., Toran, L., and Moore, G., 1993. Use of multiport monitoring systems at the Y-12 Plant to identify 3-D compositional variabilities. Technology Information Exchange Workshop. Fourth National Meeting, May 11-13, 1993, Knoxville, TN. Brown, T., Toran., L., Solomon, K., Shropshire, R., Lee, R., and Ketelle, R., 1992. Contaminant migration at a fractured test site on the Oak Ridge Reservation. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 7-11, 1992. Dreier, R.B. and Toran, L.E., 1992. Geologic controls on flow patterns in the Appalachian fold and thrust belt. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 7-11, 1992. Toran, L.E., D'Azevedo, E.F. and Reyes, O.M., 1992. Modification of FEMWATER for parallel computer. Spring Meeting Amer. Geophys. Union, Montreal, May 12-15, 1992. Toran, L.E., 1991. Complex geology, complex models. Grand Challenge News, v. 2. Early, T.O., Dreier, R.O., Toran, L.E. and Saunders, J., 1991. Deep groundwater contamination of fractured bedrock near Oak Ridge Tennessee. Geological Society of American, San Diego, Ca, Nov. 7-11.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 154 Toran, L., Solomon, D.K., McMaster, W.M., and Morrissey, C.M., 1991. Uncertainties in C-14 dating in fractured sedimentary rock on the Oak Ridge reservation. Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Sept 24-26, Knoxville, TN. Toran, L., Solomon, D.K., McMaster, W.M., and Morrissey, C.M., 1991. Matrix diffusion as a mechanism to explain recent tritium and old 14-C in groundwater from fractured sedimentary rocks. American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting, Baltimore May 28-31. Toran, L., 1988. Long term versus short term slug tests in low permeability formations. Annual Meeting of the Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, Las Vegas, Nevada, Dec. 13-14. Dreier, R.D., Lutz, C.T., Bitner, I., and Toran, L., 1988. Fracture and hydraulic conductivity investigation in a complex low permeability geologic environment. Annual Meeting of the Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers, Las Vegas, Nevada, Dec. 13-14. Dreier, R.B., Toran, L.E., and Lutz, C.T., 1988. Hydraulic conductivity investigations in a complexly deformed geologic environment. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Oct. Toran, L., 1988. Carbon isotope mass transfer as evidence for contaminant dilution. American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Sept 25-30. Toran, L., 1988. Calculation of hydraulic conductivity from slow water level recovery. First Tennessee Hydrology Symposium, Nashville, TN, June 21-23. Lemiszki, P.J., Hatcher, R.D., Lutz, C.T., Toran, L.E., and Dreier, R.D., 1988. Fluid movement in sedimentary rock systems. First Tennessee Hydrology Symposium, Nashville, TN, June 21-23. Toran, L. and Palumbo, A.V., 1988. Column studies of bacteria-sized particles: retention versus transport. American Geophysical Union Meeting, Baltimore, May 16-20. EOS, v. 69, p. 370. Toran, L. and Bradbury, K.R., 1987. Physical and chemical model of groundwater contamination near an underground mine. American Geophysical Union Meeting, Baltimore, May 18-21. EOS, v. 68, p. 310. REPORTS: Editor, Dept of Geology, Temple University, Geology 50 Laboratory Manual. 2002 4th edition. Toran, L.E., Hopper, C.M., Parks, C.V., and Colten-Bradley, V. 1999. Potential for uranium criticality following uranium disposal at low-level waste sites: Vol 2:Containerized disposal. NUREG/CR-6505/V2, 82 pp. Toran, L.E., Hopper, C.M., Naney, M.T., Parks, C.V., Broadhead, B.R., McCarthy, J.J., and Colten-Bradley, V. 1997. Potential for uranium criticality following uranium disposal at low-level waste sites: Vol 1: Uranium blended with soil. NUREG/CR-6505/V1, 119 pp. Jones, T.L., Toran, L.E., and Watson, D.B., 1996. Variable-Density Flow and Transport Modeling to Evaluate Anomalous Nitrate Concentrations and Pressures in GW-134. ORNL/GWPO-0024. James, B.R., Gwo, J.-P., and Toran, L.E. 1995. An economic decision framework for aquifer remediation design. ORNL/GWPO-0017. Sjoreen, A.L. and Toran, L.E. 1994. CHEMFORM User's Guide. ORNL/GWPO-010.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 155 Gwo, J.-P., Toran, L.E., Morris, M.D., and Wilson, G.V., 1994. Subsurface stormflow modeling with sensitivity analysis using a latin-hypercube sampling technique. ORNL/TM-12825. West, O.M. and Toran, L.E., 1994. Development of a three-dimensional groundwater flow model for western Melton Valley: Application of P-FEM to a DOE waste site. ORNL/TM-12474 SAIC, 1993. Interim Corrective Measures Cap Evaluation Report for Waste Area Grouping 6 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ORNL/ER- Toran, L.E., 1993. Comparison of large and small scale models of WAG6. ORNL/ER Letter Report. Toran, L.E. and Saunders, J.A., 1993. Geochemical and groundwater flow modeling of multiport-instrumented coreholes (GW-131 through GW-135). Y/TS-875. Moore, G.K. and Toran, L.E., 1992. Supplement to a hydrologic framework for the Oak Ridge Reservation. ORNL/TM-12191. Solomon, D.K., Moore, G.K., Toran, L.E., Dreier, R.B., and McMaster, W.M., 1992. Status report: A hydrologic framework for the Oak Ridge Reservation. ORNL/TM-12026. Toran, L.E., McCarthy, J.F., and Williams, T.M., 1990. Design of field experiment for injection of natural colloids in a sandy coastal plain aquifer. ORNL/TM-11163. Tsay, T.K., Yeh, G.T., Wilson, G.V., and Toran, L.E., 1990. Gridmaker: A grid generator for two and three dimensional finite element subsurface flow models. ORNL-6613. Toran, L. and Solomon, D.K., 1989. Groundwater modeling at ORNL. ORNL Review, v. 22, no. 3. Dreier, R.B. and Toran, L.E., 1989. Hydrogeology of Melton Valley determined from hydraulic head measuring station data. ORNL/TM-11216. Toran, L., 1988. Update on hydrology and geochemistry of hydraulic head monitoring stations. ORNL/RAP/LTR-88/44. Toran, L. and Solomon, D.K., 1987. Hydrology and geochemistry of the hydraulic head monitoring stations (cluster wells): preliminary interpretations. ORNL/RAP/LTR-87/76. Toran, L. and Benjamin, R., 1987. Preliminary modeling to direct characterization of groundwater flow around pipe trenches. ORNL/RAP/LTR-87/75. Toran, L., 1986. Sulfate contamination in groundwater near an underground mine: hydrogeochemical modeling, microbiology, and isotope geochemistry. Univ. of Wisconsin, Ph.D.

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 156

Curriculum Vitae: Allison R. Tumarkin-Deratzian

Current Affiliation: Assistant Professor (Education) (215) 204-3907 (campus office) Temple University (215) 204-3496 (campus fax) Department of Geology [email protected] Beury Hall 1901 North 13th Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Other Affiliations: 2000-2006 (ongoing) Crocodyliform Research Specialist, Bahariya Dinosaur Project Research Interests: Bone growth patterns in modern and fossil archosaurs Cretaceous vertebrate faunas of North America and Africa Histology of modern and fossil bone Ontogeny, evolution, and phylogeny of ceratopsian dinosaurs

Education: 2003 Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Philadelphia,

PA Dissertation: “Bone surface textures as ontogenetic indicators in extant and fossil

archosaurs: macroscopic and histological evaluations.” Dean’s Scholar (awarded yearly to approximately twelve graduate students from the School

of Arts and Sciences) 1997 B.S. Lafayette College, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Easton, PA

Honors Thesis: “Sedimentology, taphonomy, and faunal review of a multigeneric bonebed (Bonebed 47) in the Dinosaur Park Formation (Campanian) of southern Alberta, Canada.”

Summa cum laude

Highest Cumulative GPA in graduating class Dean’s List James L. Dyson Geology Award Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi

Funded Research: 2005 “Effects of Protein Malnutrition on Limb Bone Microstructure during Growth in the Rat (Rattus

norvegicus)” Vassar College Dean’s Fund--$2,082

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 157 2002 “Bone Surface Textures as Ontogenetic Indicators in Modern and Fossil Archosaurs”

Geological Society of America--$2,500 The Jurassic Foundation--$2,600 University of Pennsylvania Summer Stipends in Paleontology--$1,700

“Evaluation of Periosteal Aging in the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)” The Paleontological Society--$500

2001 “Evaluation of Bone Surface Textures as Ontogenetic Indicators in Centrosaurine Horned Dinosaurs”

The Paleontological Society--$500 “Investigations of Bone Surface Textures as Ontogenetic Indicators in Horned Dinosaurs and

Modern Birds” University of Pennsylvania Summer Stipends in Paleontology--$3,000

2000 “Evaluation of Periosteal Aging in Modern Archosaurs” Sigma Xi--$300

1999 “Investigations of Bone Growth in Modern and Fossil Vertebrates” University of Pennsylvania Summer Stipends in Paleontology--$2,000

1998 “Fracture Repair in Extant and Extinct Archosaurs” The Paleontological Society--$500

“Comparative Fracture Healing in Modern and Fossil Archosaurs” University of Pennsylvania Summer Stipends in Paleontology--$2,000

Publications: Peer-reviewed Papers

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R., Vann, D.R., and Dodson, P. 2006. Bone surface texture as an ontogenetic indicator in long bones of the Canada goose Branta canadensis (Anseriformes: Anatidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 148(2): 133-168.

Manuscripts In Press:

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R., Vann, D.R., and Dodson, P. In Press. Growth and textural aging in long bones of the American alligator Alligator mississippiensis (Crocodylia: Alligatoridae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Manuscripts in Review:

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. Fibrolamellar bone in wild adult Alligator mississippiensis. The Journal of Herpetology

Conference Proceedings:

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. 2002. Is bone surface texture an indicator of skeletal maturity in Alligator mississippiensis? pp. 141-151. In: Crocodiles. Proceedings of the 16th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, IUCN—The World Conservation Union, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge UK

Peer-reviewed Abstracts / Conference Presentations:

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A. 2006. On the occurrence of fibrolamellar bone in Alligator. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 26: 133A.

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A. and Dodson, P. 2005. A new look at old faces: Revisiting Monoclonius

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 158

and Brachyceratops. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25: 125A

Grandstaff, B., Smith, J., Lacovara, K., Tumarkin-Deratzian, A., and Abdel-Ghani, M. 2005. Polypterids (Osteichthyes: Polypteridae) as environmental proxies in the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 25: 65A

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A., Grandstaff, B., Lamanna, M., and Smith, J. 2004. New material of Libycosuchus brevirostris from the Cenomanian Bahariya Formation of Egypt. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24: 123A

Grandstaff, B., Smith, J., Lamanna, M., Tumarkin-Deratzian, A., and Lacovara, K. 2004. Cranial kinesis and diet in Mawsonia (Actinistia, Coelacanthiformes). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 24: 66A

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. 2004. Bone surface textures as ontogenetic indicators in Archosauria. Journal of Morphology. 260(3): 335

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. 2003. Evaluation of textural aging as a method for determining relative ontogenetic age in modern and fossil archosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 23: 105A

Tumarkin, A.R., Chinsamy, A., and Dodson, P. 2001. Trauma in birds: is it reflected as interruptions in osteogenesis? Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 21: 109A

Tumarkin, A.R. and Dodson, P. 2001. Evaluation of periosteal aging in Crocodylia and Aves. Journal of Morphology. 248: 292

Tumarkin, A.R. and Dodson, P. 2000. Ontogenetic bone texture change in extant crocodilians: implications for assessing maturity of fossil archosaurs. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 20: 74A

Tumarkin, A.R. and Dodson, P. 1999. On the use of bone surface texture as a proxy for age. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 19: 81A

Tumarkin, A.R., Dodson, P., Tanke, D.H., and Rothschild, B.M. 1999. Paleohistopathology? A preliminary consideration of modern fracture repair for interpreting dinosaurian thermophysiology. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. 31(2): A-73

Tumarkin, A.R. and Dodson, P. 1998. A heterochronic analysis of enigmatic ceratopsids. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 18: 83A

Tumarkin, A.R., Tanke, D.H., and Malinconico, L.L., Jr. 1997. Sedimentology, taphonomy, and faunal review of a multigeneric bonebed (Bonebed 47) in the Dinosaur Park Formation (Campanian) of southern Alberta, Canada. Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs. 29(2): A-86

Manuscripts in Preparation:

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R., Grandstaff, B.S., Lamanna, M.C., Smith, J.B., Attia, Y., and Dodson, P. New material of Libycosuchus (Crocodyliformes, Mesoeucrocodylia) from the Upper Cretaceous of Egypt.

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. and Chinsamy, A. Are incidents of trauma reflected in skeletal growth of birds?

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Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. and Dodson, P. Ontogeny, evolution, and the possibility of paedomorphosis in centrosaurine dinosaurs (Ornithischia, Ceratopsidae).

Tumarkin-Deratzian, A.R. Histological basis of ontogenetic bone texture changes in Centrosaurus (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae).

Invited Lectures: 2004 “How to Age a Fossil Bone: Lessons from Dinosaurs and Their Modern Relatives”

Department of Geosciences, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN 2001 “Around the World in 150 Million Years: Paleobiology in Desert, Swamp, and Laboratory”

Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College, Easton, PA “Paleohistological Approaches to Deciphering the Biology of Fossil Vertebrates”

Department of Geology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 1998 “Studies on Enigmatic Ceratopsians and Bone Fracture Healing in Dinosaurs”

Delaware Valley Paleontological Society, Philadelphia, PA


2004 Interviewed for:

Stockstad, E. 2004. Dinosaurs under the knife. Science. 306(5 Nov 2004):962-965

Teaching Experience:

2006 Lecturer, Department of Geology, Temple University Introductory Physical Geology Introductory Historical Geology (developed and taught) 2003-2006 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Geology and Geography, Vassar College

Introductory Physical/Environmental Geology with Laboratory Introductory Historical Geology with Laboratory (developed and taught) Intermediate Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Intermediate Paleontology (developed and taught) Advanced Seminar: Dinosauria (developed and taught) Advanced Seminar: Topics in Vertebrate Paleontology (developed and taught) Advisor for independent student projects:

“The Permian-Triassic Extinction” “Paleoecology of Carcharodon megalodon”

2002 Teaching Assistant, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania Introductory Physical Geology (led recitation sections, graded assignments)

1998-2001 Instructor, Department of Animal Biology, School of

Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

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Gross Anatomy (presented pre-lab orientation talks; assisted with student dissections; participated in development, administration, and grading of practical and written examinations; lectured on musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems)

1997-1998 Teaching Assistant, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Pennsylvania

Introductory Physical Geology Laboratory (developed and taught lab curriculum)

Introductory Historical Geology (led recitation sections; graded assignments; developed, administered, and graded examinations)

1995 Teaching Assistant, Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences, Lafayette College

Intermediate Historical Geology with Laboratory (assisted with laboratory exercises and field trips)

Field Experience:

2000 Bahariya Dinosaur Project, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt

Vertebrate fossil prospecting and excavation

1999-2000 Dinosaur fauna of the Morrison Formation, South-central Montana, USA

(University of Pennsylvania and Academy of Natural Sciences joint expedition)

Vertebrate fossil prospecting, excavation, and preparation

1995-1998 Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology Field Experience Program, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada

Vertebrate fossil prospecting, excavation, and preparation; site and sedimentological mapping; training of field volunteers

Other Academic Awards and Honors:

2003 Finalist Speaker for Alfred Sherwood Romer Prize, 63rd Annual Meeting, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (the society’s highest award for graduate student research)

1998 National Science Foundation Graduate Student Research Fellowship

Delaware Valley Paleontological Society Paul Bond Scholarship

1997 Honorable Mention, USA Today All-USA College Academic Team

Current Professional Affiliations: Geological Society of America

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 161 Society for Sedimentary Geology Society of Vertebrate Paleontology The Paleontological Society Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi

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Curriculum Vita Richard W Valentino

Department of Geology

Temple University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

[email protected] 5056 Pennell Road Aston, PA 19014 (610) 494-6168

Education: B.A., Temple University, 1983 Graduate study, Temple University, 1985 Working leave of absence, 1985-1988 Masters of Arts, Temple University, 1988-1993 Grants and Honors: Pennsylvania Geological Survey, Research grant, 1988-1990 Graduate Assistantship in Geology, Temple University, 1989-1992 Publications: Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

Journal of Geodynamics, D.W. Valentino, S. Peavy and R.W. Valentino, Alleghanian Orogen Parallel Reactivation of the Marctic Thrust Dextral Transpression in the Central Appalachians, 2004

Geological Society of America, Special Paper, Chapter 2, p. 27-30, Valentino, D. W., Valentino, R.W. and Lamport, B.J., 1999. Journal of Geodynamics, Special volume on chronology of shear zones, v. 19, p. 303-324, Valentino, D.W., Valentino, R.W. and Hill, M.L., 1995. Abstracts for Meetings Geological Society of America, Abs. with Prog., v. 26, p. 78., Valentino, D.W.,

Valentino, R.W. and Lamport, B.J., 1995. Geological Society of America, Abs. with Prog., v. 23, p. 143., Valentino, R.W., and Valentino, D.W. 1991. Geological Society of America, Abs. with Prog., v. 21, p. 72, Valentino, R.W.,

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1989. Thesis Thesis, Temple University, 59p., Structural analysis of the Crum Creek shear zone, Pennsylvania Piedmont, Valentino, R.W., 1993.

Research in Progress:

With the collaboration of Dr. D.W. Valentino, beginning this summer I will be conducting a petrographic analysis of over 400 oriented thin-sections from the Tucquan region of the Pennsylvania piedmont, Lancaster County. Thin-sections will be digitally photographed to document rock fabrics. Inclusion trails in larger overgrowth minerals will be looked at in detail. This fabric analysis may aid in understanding the tectonic history of the region.

Teaching Experience:

Department of Geology, Temple University Laboratory Classes: Physical Geology, Catastrophic Geology, Oceanography, Optical Mineralogy, Environmental Resources, Igneous and Metamorphic Petrography, and Structural Geology, 1993-present. Lecture Classes: Physical Geology 50, summer 2001 to spring 2006 Catastrophic Geology 51, fall 2006 taught lecture and labs Environmental Resources 81, summer 2002 -2006, fall 2004 taught lecture and laboratory Regional Geology 702, developed and taught class for Philadelphia School System Teachers, spring 2003 Structural Geology 302, spring 2006 developed and taught senior level capstone geology course I am currently teaching Environmental Resources Geology 81 including all labs. I am also teaching Geology 50 during the evenings.

References: Temple Geology Department Dr. D. E. Grandstaff Temple University Geology Department Room 322b (215) 204 - 8228 `

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Proposal for Ph.D. in Geoscience pg. 164 Dr. G. Myer Temple University Geology Department Room 207 (215) 204 – 7173 Others

Wil Orndorff Virginia Karst Program 540-831-4056 (work) 540-951-8403 (home)

Samuel T. Peavy Associate Professor of Geology Dept. of Geology and Physics Georgia Southwestern State University 800 Wheatley St. Americus, GA 31709 Office: Roney 206 ph: (229) 931-2330 fax: (229) 931-2770

Richard W Valentino

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Matthew Benjamin Vrazo

261 Hermitage St., [email protected] Philadelphia, PA 19127 Tel: (267) 474-2739

Education: University of Bristol, Bristol, UK M.S. Palaeobiology (Honors), January 2006. Thesis title: Testing the eurypterid “Mass-Moult-Mate” hypothesis. Thesis supervisor: Dr. Simon J. Braddy

University of Bristol, Bristol, UK B.S. Biology and Geology (Upper Second Class), July 2004. Geological thesis title: Tetrapod tracks from the Mauch Chunk Formation, Pennsylvania. Project supervisor: Prof. Mike Benton Biological thesis title: Testing the effects of environmental stress on a freshwater algal community. Project Supervisor: Dr. Marion Yallop

Employment: Geologic Specialist in Environmental Cleanup Program Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection-SERO April 2007 - Present

-Promoted from Geologic Trainee to Specialist in April, 2008 Environmental Trainee in Air Quality Division Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection-SERO July 2006 – April 2007 Publications: Vrazo, M.B., Benton, M.J., and Daeschler, E.B. (2007). Tetrapod tracks from the Mauch Chunk Formation (middle to upper Mississippian) of Pennsylvania, USA. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 2007; 156: 199-209.

Contributing Science Writer Parker, S. World Encyclopedia of Fossils & Fossil-Collecting. London: Lorenz

Books, 2007

Grants: The Palaeontological Association, UK – The Sylvester-Bradley Award, 2005. University of Bristol, UK – The Bob Savage Memorial Fund Award, 2005.

Interests: Arthropod and evolutionary paleoecology, macroevolution, ecology,

conservation biology.

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Skills: Computing: Computer-literate with knowledge of Windows and Mac-based applications including MS Office, Adobe Photoshop, Matlab, SPSS and web-design software. Languages: French. Driver’s license: Have current US license with clean record.

• References

Current Supervisor Walter Payne [email protected] 484-250-5792 Department of Environmental Protection Special Projects Section 2 East Main St. Norristown, PA 19401 Graduate course director and M.S. thesis supervisor Dr. Simon Braddy [email protected] (011-44-117) 954-5414 University of Bristol Wills Memorial Building Queen's Road Bristol, BS8 1RJ UK Undergraduate advisor and B.S. thesis supervisor Prof. Mike Benton [email protected] (011-44-117) 954 5433 University of Bristol Wills Memorial Building Queen's Road Bristol, BS8 1RJ UK Personal reference

Colleen O’Connell 856-833-9842 20 East Wayne Terrace Collingswood, NJ 08108