promo package research

Promo Package Research

Upload: jacksoncoutain

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Promo Package Research

Page 2: Promo package research

What is a Promo Package?

A promo package is a variety of different forms of media used to promote and represent something. For example, posters, radio adverts, demo CDs, flyers and trailers.

Documentaries predominately use posters, TV adverts, trailers and radio adverts in order to promote their films to wider audiences.

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Posters typically include the Title, Tagline, Reviews and Credits. This helps to promote documentaries as it uses images to promote the documentary. By including the use of the reviews and credits helps to show the audience what other people thought of the film and what directors and actors have been involved. This can appeal more to those who are more inclined to watch things made by successful directors or actors.


Awards and NominationsAwards and Nominations



Awards and Nominations

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TV Adverts

TV adverts typically includes the Title, Clips or Soundbites from documentary, Reviews, Credit and usually ends with promotional poster. It ends with the promotional poster because it’s the piece of promotional media seen the most by the potential audience members and ends the advert with something that would be familiar with the audience. TV adverts are seen by thousands of people resulting in a large amounts of people being exposed to the documentary.

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The average Trailer includes the Title, Tagline, Reviews, Clips from film. This helps to give a brief feel and look to the entirety of the documentary and draws in audience. Trailers typically end with the promotional poster so it relates back to an image the audience is familiar with. This works well with documentaries because it helps to engage the audience by giving them a piece of what is to come. This then makes the audience want to see more of the documentary.

Trailer for the 2015 Documentary Amy :