project operations plan savage well site ri/fs ...project operations plan savage well site ri/fs...


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    October, 1988


    Prepared by:

    HMM ASSOCIATES, INC.336 Baker Avenue

    Concord, MA 01742


  • TABLE OF CONTENTS • "iK- - _ _> ...-, pg-ge"

    1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1

    1.1 B ackground and Site History 1-1

    1.2 Goals and Objectives of the Groundwater Sampling Program 1-1


    2.1 Summary of Previous Analyses 2-1

    2.2 Data Quality Objectives 2-6

    2.3 Analytical Parameters of Concern 2-8

    2.4 Scope of Groundwater Sampling Program 2-14

    2.5 Deliverables 2-16


    3.1 Water Level Measurement 3-1

    3.2 Well Purging 3-3

    3.3 Groundwater Sample Collection 3-7

    3.4 Sample Containers and Preservatives 3-11


    4.1 Equipment Decontamination 4-1

    4.2 Personnel Decontamination 4-3


    5.1 Labeling of Sample Containers 5-1

    5.2 Recordkeeping and Chain of Custody Documentation 5-1

    5.3 Handling and Transportation of Samples to the Laboratory 5-3


    6.1 Field Monitoring and Screening 6-1

    7.0 REFERENCES 7-1

    2176-027/HAZ/333 -i-


    1.1 Background and Site History

    In February of 1983, volatile organic compounds were detected in the Savage Well during

    routine water quality monitoring by the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control

    Commission (NHWSPCC).

    In response to the contamination, hydrogeological investigations were initiated at the O.K.

    Tool Company and Hitchiner Manufacturing Company facilities which are located near th

    Savage Well. The Hydrogeological Investigation Unit of the Water Supply and Pollution

    Control Commission designed and implemented a study of the Savage Well area in the summer

    and fall of 1984.

    The study revealed that the area is underlain by an unconfined, high yield, overburden

    aquifer. Volatile organic compounds have been detected in the groundwater and surface water

    near Savage WTell.

    HMM Associates Inc. has been tasked to conduct a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility

    Study (RI/FS) at the Savage Well Site in Milford, NH. The RI/FS is to be performed in

    accordance with the Technical Scope of Work prepared by U.S. EPA Region I (EPA, 1986a) and

    be consistent with the National Contingency Plan effective February 18, 1986 (NCP), with the

    EPA RI/FS Guidance dated June, 1985, to the extent the RI/FS Guidance is consistent with the

    NCP, with EPA's "Interim Guidance on Superfund Selection of Remedy" and with the

    Superfund Amendments, and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). To the extent that the

    Technical Scope of work is inconsistent with the NCP, the NCP shall govern.

    1.2 Goals and Objectives of the Groundwater Sampling Program

    The goals of the groundwater sampling program are to produce a set of groundwater

    samples which are representative of the medium under consideration and are suitable for

    subsequent laboratory analysis. This groundwater sampling program is designed to retain the

    integrity of samples through collection, transport and delivery to the analytical laboratory.

    The objectives of the groundwater sampling program are to:

    • determine groundwater elevations at selected observation wells which will be used to

    construct a groundwater contour map;

    2176-027/HAZ/333 1-1

  • • determine the seasonal fluctuations in the water table elevations and flow gradients at

    the site from selected wells;

    • determine the concentration of volatile organic compounds at selected monitoring

    wells in both the unconsolidated and bedrock aquifers.

    Limitations of the groundwater sampling program:

    • Groundwater samples and measurements are to be collected and analyzed only from

    the Phase I group of monitoring wells. Based on the results of this sampling program,

    additional monitoring wells (Phase II) may be required to meet the objectives of the


    2176-027/HAZ/333 1-2


    2.1 Summary of Previous Groundwater Analyses

    There is a substantial quantity of hydrogeologic information available from previous

    investigations of the Savage Well Site area. The purpose and scope of the previous

    investigations has varied from water supply exploration to contamination investigations at

    specific locations within the site. Volatile organic contamination of groundwater is distributed

    throughout the site area. Contamination has been found in an area extending from O.K. Tool

    Company to the west, Hitchiner Manufacturing Company and Hendrix Wire & Cable Company

    to the south and to approximately 1,100 feet east of Savage Well. Three smaller areas of volatile

    organic contamination in low concentrations were detected. Two of the areas were detected near

    New England Steel Fabricators. The third area was located near the Hitchiner sludge disposal

    site on Perry Road.

    Existing monitoring well locations, industrial facilities and significant site features and

    characteristics are exhibited on Figure 2.1.

    2.1.1 Volatile Organic Contamination

    Previous investigations at the O.K. Tool Company facility indicated that there are several

    areas containing high levels of volatile organic compounds which may be acting as significant

    sources of groundwater contamination (NHWSPCC, 1985). The highest levels of volatile

    organic compounds in the groundwater were detected downgradient from the O.K. Tool

    Company facility. Samples from the north side of Elm Street have generally contained

    tetrachloroethylene in the largest concentration with lesser amounts of trichloroethylene,

    1,2-trans-dichloroethylene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Samples from the south side of Elm Street

    have generally contained 1,1,1-trichloroethane . in the highest concentrations with

    tetrachloroethylene and 1,1-dichloroethane detected at lower concentrations.

    Volatile organic compounds have been detected in the Hendrix-Hitchiner discharge

    stream. The volatile organic compounds detected include 1,1,1-trichloroethane and methyl

    isobutyl ketone in the greatest concentrations and relatively low concentrations of

    tetrachloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethane and 1,1-dichloroethylene.

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-1

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  • The Hitchiner production well has contained similar volatile organic compounds such as

    1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, and 1,1-dichloroethane. The eastern extent of volatile

    organic contamination of the groundwater was found to extend at least 1,100 feet east of the

    Savage Well.

    Groundwater samples were collected for volatile organic compounds from 41 groundwater

    sampling stations by NHWSPCC on September 11-13, 1984, and October 29, 1984, with the

    analysis of these samples performed in accordance with the U.S. EPA Contract Lab Program.

    Using this analytical data, the aerial distribution of volatile organic compounds in the

    groundwater is shown in Figure 2.2. This figure indicates that an area of contamination extends

    from O.K. Tool Company to the west, Hitchiner Manufacturing Company and Hendrix Wire and

    Cable Company to the South, to approximately 1,100 feet east of the Savage Well.

    2.1.2 Inorganic Analyses

    Six water quality samples were collected for the analysis of inorganic parameters on

    September 11-13, 1984 by NHWSPCC. The analytical results are presented in Table 2.1, and a

    review of the data indicates several significant findings.

    1) The levels of aluminum, arsenic, barium and manganese are observed at higher

    concentrations at station MI-42 than at the other sample locations.

    2) Nickel was detected only at Station MI-30.

    3) In comparing the inorganic analyses from Station MI-49, which is the surface water

    station on the Souhegan River at the most upgradient portion of the site (background)

    to all of the other sampling stations, only the following parameters are observed to be

    above these background conditions:

    Aluminum Iron

    Antimony Manganese

    Arsenic Nickel

    Barium Vanadium


    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-3

  • 2-4

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  • 2.1.3 Acid and Base/Neutral Extractable Organic Compounds

    Ten water samples were collected for acid and base/neutral extractable organic analysis by

    NHWSPCC on September 12-13, 1984. Six samples were collected from groundwater stations,

    the remaining four samples were collected at surface water stations. A total often semi-volatile

    compounds were tentatively identified and the results are presented in Table 2.2. The results

    indicate that a lack of consistency exists among the compounds identified in samples collected

    along the Hendrix-Hitchiner discharge stream. That is, of the five samples collected along the

    Hendrix-Hitchiner discharge stream, for any given compound that is detected, that compound is

    not detected at any of the other sampling stations on the Hendrix-Hitchiner discharge stream.

    2.2 Data Quality Objectives

    The stated purpose of the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) are to ensure that data of

    sufficient type and quality are obtained to support remedial response decisions and accelerate

    project planning and implementation. The specific DQOs of the Groundwater Sampling Plan are

    to collect groundwater quality samples which are representative of the medium under

    consideration and suitable for subsequent analysis. Achieving the DQOs will enable HMM

    Associates and EPA to be in agreement on the basis for evaluating data sufficiency and

    adequacy which result in decision making in other tasks of the Savage Well Site RI/FS.

    2.2.1 Representativeness of Existing Groundwater Data

    As stated previously, there is a substantial quantity of hydrogeologic information available

    from previous investigations of the Savage Well Site area. A significant amount of this

    hydrogeologic data has been derived from samples collected from, or measurements made in,

    previously installed wells. Many of these previously installed wells may not be suitable for

    groundwater monitoring purposes. The general construction requirements for acceptable

    groundwater monitoring wells (including filter pack, placement of annular sealant, well intake

    design, etc.) are described in U.S. EPA - TEGD, 1986b, U.S. EPA "Practical Guide for

    Ground-Water Sampling," 1985 and U.S. EPA "Manual of Ground-Water Quality Sampling

    Procedures", 1981. Following these guidelines and reviewing the construction specifications of

    the existing wells, very few, if any, meet the necessary criteria which would allow samples

    collected from such wells to be considered representative of the medium under consideration.

    Furthermore, considering the high transmissivity values that have been calculated for the aquifer

    and the pumping rates which are sustained by the Hitchiner production well and the

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-6

  • TABLE 2.2

    Acid and Base/Neutral Extractable Organic CompoundsSavage Well Site, Mil ford

    Results in mlcrograms per literMppb)

    Site 'lumber/

    Descript ion

    Ml-5/Savage WellObservat ion Well *4

    MI-7/Savage WellObservation We l l *7

    MI-20/O.K. Tool Co.,M-lb

    MI-26/O.K. Tool Co. ,M-5b

    MI-30/Hitchiner Mfg. Co.,H-3

    MI-42/H1tChiner Mfg. Co.,Stream Well "C"

    Ml-49/Soughegan River -North Purgatory Road

    Ml-51/Soughegan River - d/s ofconfluence with Hendrlx-Hitchiner discharge stream

    Ml-52/Hitchiner dischargeat weir

    Ml-53/Hendrix-Hitchinerdischarge stream d/s oftheater access

    1 Tentatively identified coBlanks indicate compound












    •pounds,not dttcc







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  • Hendrix production well, the groundwater quality conditions in the aquifer under investigation

    are very dynamic. With these considerations in mind, groundwater quality data obtained by

    HMM Associates during the conduct of the Savage Well Site RI/FS may not necessarily

    correlate well with data collected during previous investigations.

    2.3 Analytical Parameters of Concern

    As part of the Remedial Investigation, this groundwater sampling program is designed to

    characterize the nature and extent of contamination such that HMM and U.S. EPA will be able

    to agree on the basis for conducting the Feasibility Study and for evaluating remedial


    The parameters suggested for analysis in the Savage Well Site EPA Technical Scope of

    Work include the following groups:

    o Volatile Organic Compounds (Table 2.3)

    o Hazardous Substance List (HSL) Compounds (Table 2.4)

    • Volatile organic compounds

    • Acid and base neutral extractable compounds

    • Metals


    • Cyanide

    o Secondary Drinking Water Regulations (Table 2.5)

    Site specific information suggests that analysis of some of the parameters or groups of

    parameters is not warranted. The rationale for including or deleting specific groups of

    parameters for analysis is described below.

    2.3.1 Volatile Organic Compounds

    Based on previous investigations completed to date, the primary contaminants detected in

    the aquifer include 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloroethylene, 1,1-dichloroethane and

    1,2-trans-dichloroethylene, as well as other volatile organic compounds present at lower

    concentrations (NHWSPCC, 1985). This groundwater sampling program will involve sampling

    many of the proposed (Phase I) monitoring wells for volatile organics analysis by EPA Method

    624 and/or the Hazardous Substance List (HSL) volatile organics by the Contract Lab Program


    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-8

  • H M : ' . o o i


    (by EPA Method 8240)

    ChloromethaneBromomethaueVinyl chlorideChloroe thaneMethylene chlorideTrichlorofluoromethane1,1 -Dichloroethene1,1 -Dichloroethanetrans-1,2-DichioroetheneChloroform1,2-Dichloroethane1,1,1 -TrichloroethaneCarbon tetrachlorideBrornodichloromethane1,2-Dichloropropanetrans-1,3 -DichloropropeneTrichloroetheneBenzeneDibromochlorotnethane1,1,2-Trichloroethanecis-J ,3-Dichloropropene2-Chloroethylvinyl etherBromofonn1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneTetrachloroetheneTolueneChlorobenzeneEthyl benzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2-Dichloioberi2ene1,4-DichlorobenzeneXylenes - total

    EPA 1986: SW-846 Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste

    2176-027/HAZy333 2-9

  • TABLE 2.4



    St«i*0ltt11t« (CMtlMMd)


    Vinyl chlorideCMoro«th«neNethylene chlorideAcrtoneCtrbon dl»ulf1d»1,1-OlchloroetHenel.l-D1ehlorotth«neTrins-l,2-d1ch1eroetneneCMoroforn1.2-D1ch1oroetiMne2-lutine«e1.1.1-TrlchloroethineC«rbon mrachlerldtVinyl ictUteIroMOdlchloroMthtneI.l,2.?-Tetr»er1oroet»wne1.2-OlchloropropineTrtnt-1.3-d1ch1oropropeneTrUhloroethent01»roMch1oroMth«iwI,l.2-Tr1chloroethii»eBenzeneC1»-l,J-41ehloropropene2-Cnloroethyl vinyl tthtrtroriofom2-Heitnone4-MthyM-pwiunw*TetrichloroctnenfTolueneQilerobtnttotCthyl btnitntStyrtn*Totil


    8U(2-cMoro*ttty1 )itMr2-CMoropn«nol1 , 3-01 chl erobtnsent1. 4*01 chl oreb*«uint8tfisy1 ilcenel1 .2-01 ehl erebcflziiw2-Nethjrlphtnol9 1 1 ( 2-Clll erol lOprflpyl )iti«r



    Htitchl oreb«U41 tn«4-Chl«ro-)H«thy1pK«2-mthyln«phth»lit»«




    2-Ch1oren*pMHtlt«««2-H1tre«nnin»Dtiwthyl phthtltttActMphthyl*n«3-NUrointlliwActntphthtnt2,4.D1nitreph«ne14.N1tropn«nolD1b«niefuran2.4-01n1trotOlutfl*2.6>0(il1ti>0tplvtn«OltthylpktlMUte4-Chlor«ph«fiyl phtnyl tthcrFluercn*

    4.6-01n1tro-2-«ttlivlpn««iolIUn1trpfod1pht«ylMrin*4.8rawp«wnyl ptwtiyl ttlwrHti*eti1erabt«iin«NntiChlorophtnol

    AHthrtcint01-n-butylj*th«l»tfFluor»nthf««>yr«ntButyl btntyl phth«l«tt3.3'-01chlero6«flXld1nt8tnzo(a)inthricti««!1l(Z-«thylh«iyl)p»«th»l«tt

    127. Alwlnw128.129.130. krlM131. 8trynii132. C«d*1uB133.134.135. Cob*It136. Copper137. Iron138. U«d139. N«fn«ilMi140. H«ng«nt*t141. Mercury142.143.144.145. S11v«r146. Sotflw*147. Th«l11uB14*. VlMdlUH149. Z1nc150. Cy»n1d»

    01-n-ottyl phth«1»tt8ttizo(b)fVuowithtfl«8tnte(k)f1u«r«Ptn«flt8tftZoU)pyr*nt



    Ut. *IpM-8HC102. BtU-IHC103. OtlU-MC1M. SMM-IHC105. Htpttchlar106. »ldr1n107. Htpuchler tpoildt101. Cndoittif*" 1109. Oltldrln110. 4.4--OOC111. Cndrln112. tnde»ulf»n 11113. 4, 4 '-000II*'. Endetulftn s«lf«tcus. 4.4-.OOT116. Endrln ketont117. Mttneiychler111. CMaradtnt119.120.121. MOCL08-1221122. MQCLW-123:123. AWXLOI-1242124. NUKLOi.1248in. MOCLOi-UM121. MOCLO^UM

    Federal Register 50: 26632, July 24,1986.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 2-10

  • TABLE 2.5




    Chloride (Cl)


    Copper (Cu)


    Foaming agents (Surfactants)

    Iron (Fe)

    Manganese (Mn)



    Sulfate (SO4)

    Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

    Zinc (Zn)

    Federal Register 42:17144, March 31, 1977.

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-11

  • 2.3.2 Acid and Base Neutral Extractahle Organic Compounds

    Potential sources of ABN compounds exist in the plastics and/or vulcanization processes

    utilized in the operations of Hitchiner Manufacturing Company and Hendrix Wire and Cable

    Company. Low levels of ABN compounds including acetophenone were tentatively identified in

    selected wells and surface water stations by NHWSPCC in 1984. Selected proposed (Phase I)

    monitoring wells will be sampled and analyzed for acid and base neutral extractable organic

    compounds and acetophenone following HSL methods under the Contract Lab Program.

    A previous investigation conducted by NHWSPCC in 1984 included sampling several

    surface water stations, both on the Souhegan River and the Hitchiner-Hendrix discharge stream,

    for 20 metals. The results indicate that only a few of these metals are detected above

    background conditions (i.e., upgradient of the site on the Souhegan River). These metals are:

    aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, copper, iron, manganese, nickel, and vanadium.

    The NPDES permits for both Hendrix Wire and Cable Company and Hitchiner

    Manufacturing Company require that several constituents be analyzed on a routine basis to

    monitor the quality of wastewaters generated at each facility. The metals which may be present

    in wastewater generated at each facility which has been included in the NPDES monitoring

    programs include:

    Cadmium IronChromium LeadHexavalent Chromium NickelCopper Zinc

    Based on the previous metals analyses and the NPDES permit requirements, the following

    group of metals will be included for analysis in this Groundwater Sampling Plan and for the

    purposes of this plan will be referred to as the "Savage Well Site Metals".

    Aluminum IronAntimony LeadArsenic ManganeseBarium NickelCadmium VanadiumChromium ZincCopper

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-12

  • 2.3.4 Pesticides. PCBs and Cyanide

    Based on the operational activities and site history information compiled to date, there is

    no evidence which would suggest that pesticides, PCBs or cyanide would be components of

    wastes generated by Hendrix Wire and Cable Company, Hitchiner Manufacturing Company,

    O.K. Tool Company, or New England Steel Fabricators. It is anticipated that any detection of

    pesticide or PCB compounds may be spurious and noncorrelatable to the volatile organiccompound contaminant plume that is known to exist. Because no rational basis exists forsuspecting pesticide, PCB or cyanide contamination at the four identified PRP facilities, these

    parameters will not be included for analysis in the Groundwater Sampling Plan.

    2.3.5 Secondary Drinking Water Regulation Parameters

    The secondary drinking water regulation contaminant levels established by the Safe

    Drinking Water Act are set for aesthetic purposes. The group of parameters included in these

    regulations are those which may adversely affect the aesthetic qualities of drinking water, such

    as taste, odor, color and appearance, and which thereby may deter public acceptance of drinking

    water provided by public water systems. At considerably higher concentrations, these

    contaminants may also be associated with adverse health implications. These secondary levelsrepresent reasonable goals for drinking water quality, but they are not federally enforceable. All

    of the Secondary Drinking Water Regulation compounds are naturally occurring parameters, the

    levels of which, in groundwater, are dependent on a variety of geological, hydrological, and

    meteorological conditions. The levels of these parameters may have little correlation with the

    hazardous or nonhazardous wastes generated and disposed of at any industrial facility.

    The Savage Well Site EPA Technical Scope of Work requests that this group of

    parameters be sampled and analyzed from selected monitoring wells. There does not appear to

    be a rational basis for requesting this group of parameters to be analyzed, however, a few of the

    metals (copper, iron, manganese) from this group have been previously identified in surface

    waters samples and are included in the Metals Analysis (Section 2.3.3) described previously.None of the other Secondary Drinking Water Regulation Parameters will be included for

    analysis in this Groundwater Sampling Plan.

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-13

  • 2.4 Scope of Groundwater Sampling Program

    Fifteen (Phase I) groundwater monitoring well clusters are scheduled to be installed as

    part of the groundwater monitoring well installation program (see Figure 2.3). A minimum

    two-week well stabilization period must occur prior to collecting groundwater quality samples.

    All groundwater samples will be collected in accordance with the procedures contained in this


    • All Phase I well couplets (MW-1 through MW-15) will be sampled for volatile

    organic compounds by EPA Method 624. This is anticipated to be approximately 30

    samples (15 Phase I well couplets) unless more than two wells are installed at any

    particular Phase I well location.

    • The results and interpretation of the Phase I well sampling and analysis will be

    summarized in a letter report and submitted to EPA for review. Based on the

    sampling results and interpretations made by HMM Associates, up to twenty Phase I

    monitoring wells will be selected in concurrence with EPA for sampling of: HSL

    volatile organic compounds; ABN extractable compounds (five of which will include

    analysis of acetophenone); and the Savage Well Site metals.

    • The results and interpretation of the above described volatile organics, ABNs and

    metals analyses will be summarized in a letter report which will be submitted to the

    EPA for review. Based on the sampling results and interpretations made by HMM

    Associates, the scope of the Phase n monitoring well installation program will be

    negotiated with EPA. Upon completion of the Phase n well installation program, all

    of the Phase n monitoring wells will be sampled for volatile organic compounds by

    • EPA Method 624.

    • The Phase II volatile organic compound well sampling results and interpretation will

    be summarized in a letter report and submitted to EPA for review. Based on all

    groundwater data collected by HMM Associates in conjunction with the RI/FS,

    fifteen of the Phase I and/or Phase n monitoring wells will be selected, in

    concurrence with EPA, for additional sampling. To monitor seasonal variations in

    groundwater level, groundwater quality, and to characterize and predict how

    contaminant migration will respond in the future, the fifteen selected monitoring

    wells will be sampled and analyzed for volatile organic compounds by EPA Method

    624 on a quarterly basis for one year. This will involve four sampling rounds of the

    fifteen selected monitoring wells. The results and interpretations will be summarized

    in letter reports and submitted to the EPA.

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-14

  • 2-15

  • 2.5 Deliverables

    The above described letter reports, which include the groundwater sampling results,

    interpretation of the data, a map of water level elevation data and a map exhibiting the

    concentration of volatile organic compounds in the overburden and bedrock aquifers, will be

    submitted to EPA at the completion of each sampling round.

    2176-027/HAZ/333 2-16


    The objectives of the groundwater sampling program are to obtain accurate groundwater

    level measurements and to collect samples which are representative of the groundwater at the

    screened interval of the subject monitoring well. Special precautions must be taken to ensure

    that the samples collected are representative of the groundwater at that screened interval and that

    the sample is neither altered or contaminated by the sampling, handling, storage, and

    transportation procedures.

    3.1 Water Level Measurement

    Obtaining accurate water level measurements from each of the proposed groundwater

    monitoring wells is necessary to facilitate construction of a groundwater contour map of the site

    which will exhibit approximate direction of groundwater flow, hydraulic gradients and

    surface/groundwater interactions. It is important to obtain water level measurements before

    installing purge or sampling pumps in the well.

    Accurate groundwater level measurements will be obtained by one of the following


    3.1.1 Chalked Steel Tape

    A narrow stainless steel tape which is graduated with raised lettering throughout its entire

    length in feet, tenths, and hundredths of a foot is among the most accurate of methods for

    obtaining groundwater level measurements (USGS, 1980). The bottom few feet of the tape is

    chalked and lowered into the well to the anticipated water level depth so that the chalked portion

    of the steel tape intercepts the groundwater level. A bar is to be placed across the top of the

    protective casing so that the steel tape can be held at,an even foot mark which can be accurately

    referenced to the measuring point which is to be clearly marked on the northern side of the

    protective casing. The tape is then withdrawn and the demarcation on the chalked tape indicates

    the water table surface. The length of the wetted portion of the tape is subtracted from the foot

    reading held at the measuring point. Measurements taken in this manner are generally accurate

    to the nearest one hundredth of a foot. Three readings to within 0.01 feet will be recorded for

    each measurement to ensure that reproducible results are obtained.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-1

  • 3.1.2 Fiberglass Tape with Popper

    A fiberglass tape which is graduated throughout its entire length in feet, tenths, and

    hundredths of a foot with a stainless steel popper attached to the bottom can be an easy method

    for obtaining accurate water level measurements depending on the depth to groundwater and the

    position of the water table with respect to the top of well screen. A bar is to be placed across the

    top of the protective casing so that the fiberglass tape can be referenced to the measuring point

    on the protective steel casing. The fiberglass tape should be lowered into the well until the

    stainless steel popper contacts the water table. The water table surface is detected acoustically

    by the popping sound created by trapping air within the concave popper. The fiberglass tape is

    to be lowered and raised repeatedly in smaller increments until the tape can be held and

    referenced to the measuring point on the protective casing. The depth to the water table surface

    is then determined by adding the length of the attached popper to the recorded value on the

    fiberglass tape. Three readings to within 0.01 foot will be recorded to ensure that reproducible

    results are obtained.

    3.1.3 Interface Probe

    An electrical interface probe can be used to obtain accurate water level measurements

    where Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (NAPL's) are known or suspected to exist. The interface

    probe is capable of detecting either polar or nonpolar liquids and, therefore, can be used both to

    measure the depth to groundwater and the thickness of NAPL's present in a monitoring well.

    The interface probe to be used is an Oil Recovery Systems (ORS) Interface Probe. The

    ORS probe utilizes an intrinsically safe, electrically operated probe which, when submerged in

    liquid, distinguishes water from NAPL's by measuring the conductivity of the liquid. The

    interface probe is attached to a teflon coated tape which is graduated in feet, tenths and

    hundredths of a foot. With the instrument in the on position, the probe is to be lowered inside

    the well casing until a pulsating tone is audible on the tape reel assembly. The pulsating tone is

    indicative of a polar liquid (i.e., groundwater). The tape should be raised and lowered repeatedly

    at smaller increments until the level of the water table surface is identified by the audible

    pulsating tone. A bar placed across the top of the protective well casing will provide a reference

    to the measuring point on the well casing. A continuous tone is audible when the probe is

    submerged in NAPL's. By raising and lowering the interface probe, the depth and thickness of

    NAPL's can easily be obtained. Three readings to within 0.02 foot should be recorded to ensure

    that reproducible results are obtained.

    2176-027 /WPPHAZ/333 3-2

  • 3.1.4 Recording Water Level Measurements

    Any of the above described methods are capable of yielding accurate data, however, one

    method may be preferred under various circumstances. If NAPL's are known or suspected to

    exist, the interface probe method should be used, If, in the judgement of the sampler making

    measurements, the fiberglass tape method does not produce an adequate popping sound, the

    chalked steel tape or interface probe methods are acceptable alternatives. All measurements will

    be recorded on an HMM Groundwater Sampling Report form (Figure 3.1).

    3.2 Well Purging

    Before collecting samples from groundwater monitoring wells, each well will be

    adequately purged to remove stagnant water from the well which may not be representative of

    the overall groundwater quality at that sampling site. The length of the water column and the

    volume of water contained in the monitoring well will be calculated and recorded on the HMM

    Groundwater Sampling Report form.

    The types of instruments which will be used to purge stagnant well water may include a

    316 stainless steel bailer, a peristaltic pump fitted with teflon tubing, a stainless steel steel/teflon

    bladder pump, a positive displacement purge pump, a gasoline powered 1.5" centrifugal pump,

    or a hand operated diaphram pump. The selection of well purging instrument will be based on

    several criteria: 1) the depth to groundwater; 2) the length of the water column; 3) the volume

    of water in the well; 4) the anticipated volume of water to be purged prior to sampling; and 5)

    the recharge characteristics of the monitoring well.

    The flow rate of the peristaltic pump can generally be adjusted more easily, and to lower

    flow rates, than the bladder or purge pumps and pumps efficiently with very little submergence

    of the teflon tubing. Therefore, the peristaltic pump would be desired for purging wells which

    are relatively shallow, have shorter water columns, and have very low recharge rates. The

    stainless/teflon bladder pump, the purge pump apparatus, the centrifugal pump and the diaphram

    pumps are better suited for deeper wells with high recharge rates where large volumes of water

    are anticipated to be purged.

    In higher yielding wells, it will be more practical to utilize a more efficient well purging

    device. The 1.5" centrifugal pump (up to 30 gpm), positive displacement purge pump (up to 5

    gpm), the hand operated diaphram pump (up to 2 gpm) or the positive displacement bladder

    pump (up to 0.5 gpm) are all acceptable devices for purging stagnant water from a monitoring

    well prior to collecting water quality samples. The basis for selecting one purging device over

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-3

















    WELL VOLUME: (7.48xV)=


    .(CUBIC FT)




    TIME pH TEMP. (deg.C) Sp. COND. (umhos/cm) VOLUME (GAL)






    FIGURE 3.1


  • F









    NO . DATE


    pH TEMP, (deg C) Sp. COND. (umhos/cm) VOLUME (GAL)


    FIGURE 3.1 (continued)


  • another is dependent on the hydrologic criteria of the monitoring well described above. Recent

    studies reveal that purging a well over a wide range of pumping rates will yield the same results

    (NCASI 1982). The on-site hydrogeologist responsible for supervising sample collection

    activities will make a judgment on the most efficient and practical well purging device. The 316

    stainless steel bailer is among the most versatile purging instrument because it is controlled

    entirely by the operator. That is, it can be used to purge all types of wells, however, the operator

    must be very careful not to agitate the water table when lowering the bailer down the well.

    Excessive agitation of the water in the well with the bailer may increase the oxidation potential

    and cause aeration of volatile organic compounds.

    At monitoring wells completed in high yield formations, generally three to five well

    volumes will be purged prior to sampling the well. Field measurement of groundwater quality

    will be conducted to ensure that stagnant water has been purged from the well and that water

    representative of the groundwater conditions in the aquifer at that sampling location is being

    drawn into the well for sampling. In practical terms, monitoring wells are considered adequately

    purged when the indicator parameters, temperature, pH, and specific conductance, have

    stabilized (USGS 1980). These measurements may be affected by exposure to the atmosphere,

    but still provide the best means of determining when representative formation water has reached

    the well (EPA, 1987). Once these parameters have stabilized (less than 10 percent fluctuation

    for three successive readings), the water drawn into the well should be representative of the

    groundwater conditions and the well is ready to be sampled.

    The increment between successive measurements of the indicator parameters will be

    dependent on the volume of water in the monitoring well. Using the information on the HMM

    Groundwater Sampling Report form, the volume of water in the well should be multiplied by

    three to obtain the volume of water which, in general, would be the minimum volume to be

    purged. This value should be divided by six to obtain the approximate volume increment for

    measuring the indicator parameters. Measurement of the indicator parameters should be made at

    commencement of purging activities. At least six measurements of the indicator parameters

    should be made in order to determine when the well has been adequately purged. The purged

    well water should be contained in a bucket or some other apparatus to determine approximate

    total volume purged from the well. Purged water should be disposed of on the ground surface

    such that the water can infiltrate (EPA, 1987). Purge water should not be disposed into surface

    waters or the well (EPA, 1987).

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-6

  • The indicator parameters will be measured in the field with an Orion SA-230 temperature

    compensating pH meter and a YSI Model 33 Salinity-Conductivity-Temperature (SCT) Meter.

    The Orion pH meter and the YSI SCT meter are to be calibrated in accordance with the

    manufacturer's specifications.

    At monitoring wells completed in low yield formations which recharge very slowly, the

    procedures for measurement of indicator parameters should be initiated. If the well is purged

    completely, the purging activity should be ceased and the well should be allowed to recharge. If

    recovery time is sufficiently short, the well should be allowed to recover completely, then

    purging and measurement of indicator parameters should be continued, if possible, until

    stabilization has been achieved. If recovery time is long, the well should be allowed to recharge

    until a sufficient volume of water exists in the well that the sampling apparatus can be

    completely purged prior to collecting the samples.

    All field measurements of the indicator parameters, well recharge characteristics (i.e., very

    slow recharge which precludes continuous purging) and the approximate total volume of water

    purged from the well should be recorded on the HMM Groundwater Sampling Report form. The

    well purging apparatus will be removed and decontaminated in accordance with the

    decontamination procedures in Section 4.0 of this plan unless the purging apparatus is to be used

    for sample collection.

    3.3 Groundwater Sample Collection

    Water samples should be collected when the chemistry of the groundwater being pumped

    has stabilized as indicated by pH, specific conductivity, and temperature (EPA, 1985). The

    sampling apparatus to be used to collect groundwater samples will be either a positive

    displacement stainless steel/teflon bladder pump (QED Environmental Systems Well Wizard

    Model T-1200), a peristaltic pump fitted with teflon tubing and a 1000 ml teflon sample trap

    (Geotech Environmental Equipment Series I GeoPump) or a stainless steel/teflon bailer. In

    general, groundwater samples should be withdrawn with the positive displacement bladder pump

    or bailer unless the length of the water column in the well is short (i.e., less than three feet) and

    the monitoring well recharges very slowly. If these conditions exist, see Section 3.3.2 of this

    plan for sample withdrawal with the peristaltic pump. During all phases of the groundwater

    sample collection procedures, all sampling team members are to wear clean (decontaminated)

    nitrile gloves. All sampling equipment must be decontaminated in accordance with the

    procedures in Section 4.0 of this plan before they are lowered into the monitoring well.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-7

  • 3.3.1 Sample Withdrawal with the Positive Displacement Pump

    The positive displacement pump should be lowered to the screened interval of the

    monitoring well. If the sampling pump was not used to purge the well, well water should be

    pumped through the apparatus until the positive displacement pump has been completely

    purged. With the 1.5" O.D. stainless steel pump fitted with 100 feet of 0.375" I.D. teflon tubing,

    the volume necessary to completely purge the apparatus is approximately 1.7 gallons. Sampling for Volatile Organic Compounds

    Once the sampling pump has been completely purged, the discharge rate of the pump

    should be adjusted to achieve a flow rate low enough to fill a 40 ml volatile organic analysis

    (VGA) vial without aerating the sample. Every effort should be made to obtain a slow, steady,

    nonaerated stream of water so that aeration and volatilization of the water will be minimized.

    The sample will be rejected and collected with a bailer if the discharge from the bladder pump is

    non-continuous or turbulent. Collect the samples by holding the vial at an angle so that aeration

    is minimized. Avoid touching the lip of the vial or the teflon liner in order to reduce potential

    contamination of the sample. If the sample cannot be collected directly in the vial, a stainless

    steel or teflon trap should be filled and directly transferred to the 40 ml vial (Holden, 1984).

    Fill the vial until a positive meniscus forms at the top of the vial. Holding the vial upright

    with one hand, use the other hand to replace the teflon lined cap without trapping air between the

    sample and the septum. The cap should be screwed on tightly, but not so tightly that the glass

    threads on the sample vial may fracture or break. Three vials will be collected at each sampling


    Examine the vial carefully for air bubbles by turning the vial upside down and tapping it

    gently. If small air bubbles are present in the sample, or if the glass threads have been fractured

    or damaged, discard the sample and begin the procedure again. Continue until no air bubbles

    (zero headspace) are present in any volatile organic samples. This process is very important

    because if volatile organic compounds are present in the sample, they have the potential to

    volatilize into the headspace and subsequent analyses may provide erroneous and misleading


    When certain that zero headspace has been achieved, identify the sample by completing

    the Sample I.D. label with an indelible ink marker. Place the three VOA vials into a "ziploc"

    storage bag and immediately place the samples in a storage chest with sufficient ice to maintain

    a temperature of 4°C or less. Pertinent information and comments are to be recorded on the

    HMM Groundwater Sampling Report form.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-8

  • Z - ' - - I L : _ 1 F F ' i ' H f r 1 M -• - • ' ' - F H G E . 0 0 .-,

    3.3,1.2 Sampling for Other

    The general sampling procedures for other required parameters are similar to that of

    volatile organic compounds except that such extreme care is not required to minimize aeration

    and volatilization of the sample. Therefore, the flow rate of the positive displacement bladder

    pump can be adjusted to achieve the maximum discharge per cycle (i.e., approximately 250 ml

    to 300 ml). Samples should be collected in the appropriate precleaned and preserved sample

    containers (see Section 3.4). The sample containers will have a label affixed by laboratory

    which states the types of analyses to be performed and the preservative, if any, contained in the

    sample bottle.

    The sample should be collected in the appropriate sample container, taking care to avoid

    touching the lip of the sample bottle to the teflon discharge tube of the bladder pump to reduce

    the potential for contaminating the sample. Sample bottles and containers will be filled nearly to

    the top using care not to overflow the sample bottle where loss of the required preservative could

    occur. Samples collected for metals analysis will be filtered on site as soon as practically

    possible after collection and prior to the addition of preservative. The sample bottle is to be

    sealed tightly with the appropriate cap and required information provided on the sample ID label

    using an indelible marker. Pertinent information and comments are to be recorded on the HMM

    Groundwater Sampling Report form. At the completion of sample collection, all sample

    collection apparatus must be decontaminated in accordance with Section 4.0 of this Groundwater

    Sampling Plan.

    3.3.2 Sample Withdrawal wiih the Peristaltic Pump

    The positive displacement stainless steel/teflon bladder pump or bailer should be used to

    withdraw groundwater samples from all monitoring wells unless the length of the water column

    in the weH is short (i.e., less than three feet) and the recharge rate of the monitoring well is very

    slow. If use of the positive displacement pump is impractical, a peristaltic pump fitted with 1/4"

    O.D. teflon tubing and a 1000 ml teflon sample trap will be used to withdraw groundwater

    samples. All sampling equipment must be decontaminated in accordance with the procedures in

    Section 4.0 of this plan before they are lowered into the monitoring well. Samplejyilhdrawal for Volatile Organic Compounds

    A clean length (approximately 2 feet) of flexible silicon tubing is to be fitted inside the

    QED Bladder pomp head. The silicon tubing only needs to be long enough to fit a piece of 1/4"O.D. teflon tubing into the intake end and Jong enough to direct the discharge into an

    2I76-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-9

  • : j 0 F P 0 P h 11 r! H S I-, 0 r p H G E . 0 0 2'

    appropriate backet to measure discharge if required. An approximately 18" length of teflon

    tubing is connected from the bladder pump to one side of the 1000 ml teflon sample trap and a

    25 foot length of 1/4" O.D. teflon tubing is connected to the other side of the 1000 ml teflon

    sample trap. The 25 foot length of teflon tubing is lowered down the monitoring well until it is

    fully extended or until the end of the tube coincides with the top of the monitoring well screen.

    Excess teflon tubing should be coiled and placed aside so that it does not interfere with the

    sample collection process. The bladder pump should be turned on in the forward direction so

    that groundwater is drawn up the 25 foot length of teflon tubing, filling the 1000 ml teflon trap,

    and discharging out the flexible silicon tubing on the other end of the bladder pump head.

    Once the 1000 teflon trap has completely filled, adjust the flow rate of the pump to the

    lowest setting. Turn the pump to the off position and remove the 25 foot length of teflon tubing

    from the well, coiling it as it is removed to keep the tubing orderly and manageable. Hold the

    cofl in a comfortable position in one hand so that the end of the tubing can be easily controlled

    for the sample collection process. With the other hand, reverse the flow of the bladder pump so

    that the sample will now flow out the end of the teflon tubing. Place a precleaned 40 ml volatile

    organic analysis (VOA) vial, with the cap removed, in an upright position oil the control panel of

    the bladder pump. Turn the pump on and off so that a few milliliters of water are discharged

    onto die ground. This will purge excessive air that may exist in the end of the teflon tubing.

    Every effort should be made to obtain a slow, steady, nonaerated stream of water so that aeration

    and volatilization of the water will be minimized. Collect the samples by holding the teflon

    tubing at an angle to the vial. Avoid touching the lip or sides of the vial to reduce potential

    contamination of the sample.

    Fifl the vial until a positive meniscus forms at the top of the vial. Holding the vial upright

    with one hand, use the other hand to replace the teflon lined cap without trapping air between the

    sample and the septum. The cap should be screwed on tightly, but not so tightly that the glass

    threads on the sample vial may fracture or break. Three vials will be collected at each sampling

    location.Examine the vial carefully for air bubbles by turning the vial upside down and tapping it

    gently. If small air bubbles are present in the sample, or if die glass threads have been fractured

    or damaged, discard the sample and begin the procedure again. Continue until no air bubbles

    (zero headspace) are present in any volatile organic samples. Tlu's process is very important

    because if volatile organic compounds are present in the sample, they have the potential to

    volatilize into the headspace and subsequent analyses may provide erroneous and misleading


    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-10

  • 12 ' oc i^ :.-.-! f - 'PL'M HUM1 HbbOV. P f t b E . O Q l

    When certain that zero hcadspace has been achieved, identify the sample by completingthe sample I.D. label with an indelible ink marker. Place the three VOA vials into a "zlploc"storage bag and immediately place the samples in a storage chest with sufficient ice to maintaina temperature of 4DC or less. Pertinent information and comments will be recorded on the HMMGroundwater Sampling Report form.

    3.3.2,2 Sample Withdrawal for Other Parameters

    The general sampling procedures for other required parameters involve collection ofsample into the 1000 ml teflon sample trap and transfer of the sample to the appropriate samplecontainer. Lower the 25 foot length of teflon tubing into the monitoring well to the same depthas that for the volatile organic analysis samples. Turn the pump on in the forward position andadjust the flow rate to the maximum discharge position. Once the 1000 ml teflon trap is full,torn the pump off. Unscrew the base of the trap from the lid and pour the contents into theappropriate precleaned and preserved sample containers (see Section 3.4). The samplecontainers will have a label affixed by the laboratory which states the type of analyses to beperformed and the preservative, if any, contained in the sample bottle.

    The sample should be collected in the appropriate sample container, taking care to avoidtouching the teflon sample trap to the lip of the sample bottle to reduce potential contaminationof the sample. Sample bottles and containers will be filled nearly to the top, using care not tooverflow the sample bottle where loss of the required preservative could occur. The samplebottite is to be sealed tightly with the appropriate cap and required information provided on thesample I.D. label using an indelible marker.

    Screw the teflon sample trap back onto its lid and turn the peristaltic pump on until the1000 ml trap is filled whh sample. Repeat the above process until all required samples havebeen collected- Pertinent information and comments will be recorded on the HMM GroundwaterSampling Report form. At the completion of sample collection, all sample collection apparatusmust be decontaminated in accordance with Section 4.0 of this Groundwater Sampling Plan.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-11

  • 3.3.3 Sample Withdrawal With a Bailer

    Bailers used for collecting groundwater quality samples shall be constructed of stainless

    steel and/or teflon materials. Selection of bailer wire should take into account both material

    (teflon coated wire is preferred) and length (sufficient to reach interval of concern). The bailer

    and bailer wire should be decontaminated prior to use and between all sampling locations, and

    care should be exercised to ensure that'the wire is kept away from the ground or other sources of


    In order to minimize disturbance and potential volatization of the sample, the bailer should

    be lowered slowly, using a hand-over hand motion or a bailer wire reel to the screened interval

    of the well. Once the bailer has been immersed at the screened interval, allow several seconds

    for the bailer to fill. Then slowly pull the bailer up, again using a hand-over-hand motion or a

    bailer wire reel. As the bailer nears the top of the well casing, caution should be exercised to

    prevent the bailer from being withdrawn too rapidly. Sampling for Volatile Organic Compounds

    As the bailer is withdrawn, the VOA vials should be opened and held near the top of the

    casing (or other convenient location) so that the sample can be decanted into the vials as soon as

    possible to minimize volatilization of sample constituents. The sample should be transferred

    from the bailer to the vial carefully so that aeration or turbulence of the sample does not occur.

    If turbulent flow occurs during the transfer process, the sample will be rejected and the sampling

    procedure will be repeated. After ensuring that zero headspace remains in the vials (as outlined

    in Section, the vials should be tightly capped, labelled, and placed in a storage chest

    with ice. Sample Withdrawal for Other Parameters

    The general sampling procedures for other required parameters involve collection of

    sample with the bailer as described above and transferring the sample into the appropriate

    sample container, taking care to avoid touching the bailer to the lip of the sample bottle to

    reduce potential contamination of the sample. Sample bottles and containers will be filled

    nearly to the top, using care not to overflow the sample bottle where loss of the required

    preservative could occur. The sample bottle is to be sealed tightly with the appropriate cap and

    required information provided on the sample I.D. label using an indelible marker.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-12

  • Pertinent information and comments will be recorded on the HMM Groundwater

    Sampling Report form. At the completion of sample collection, all sample collection apparatus

    must be decontaminated in accordance with Section 4.0 of this Groundwater Sampling Plan.

    3.4 Sample Containers and Preservatives

    All samples will be collected in bottles, vials and containers prepared and supplied by

    Alliance Technologies Corporation. Where appropriate, necessary preservatives will be added

    to the sample containers by Alliance. The recommended sampling container, preservative,

    maximum holding time, and minimum volume required for analysis for each group of

    parameters is listed on Table 3.1.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 3-13

  • OSWER-9950.1

    TABLE 3.1




    PreservativeHolding Time

    Minimum VolumeRequired for



    Specific conductance



    Indicators of Ground-Water Contamination*-

    T, P. G Field determined None 25 ml

    T, P. G Field determined None 100 ml

    G. amber. T-l1ned Cool 4ac,d 28 days 4 x 15 mlcap" HC1 to pH

  • TABLE 3.1 (continued)



    EndrlnLindaneMethoxychlorToxaphene2.4 0

    2.4.5 TP SHvex

    RadiumGross AlphaGross Beta

    . . . „ , Minimum VolumeReconroended _ .4 MaximumPreservative Required forContainer" Holding Time Analysis

    T. G Cool. 4°C 7 days 2,000 ml

    P. G Field acidified to 6 months 1 gallonpH 12. 0.6 gascorbic addr

    G only

    T, G

    G, T-l1ned

    Cool. 48C H2S04 to 28 dayspH

  • OSWZR-9950.1

    TABLE 3.1 (continued)


    C8ased on the requirements for detection monitoring (§265.93). the owner/operator mustcollect a sufficient volume of ground water to allow for tht analysis of four separatereplicates.

    ^Shipping containers (cooling chest with 1ce or ice pack) should be certified as to the 4actemperature at time of sample placement Into these containers. Preservation of samplesrequires that the temperature of collected samples be adjusted to tht 4°c Immediately aftercollection. Shipping coolers must be at 4°C and maintained at 4°C upon placement of sampleand during shipment. Maximum-minimum thermometers art to be placed Into the shipping chestto record temperature history. Chaln-of-custody forms v*111 have Shipping/Receiving andIn-transit (max/mm) temperature boxes for recording data and verification.

    80o not allow any head space m the container.

    'use ascorbic acid only in the presence of oxidizing agents.

    ^Maximum holding time 1s 24 hours wnen sulflde 1s present. Optionally, all samples may betested with lead acetate paper before the pH adjustment In order to determine if sulflde ispresent. If sulflde 1s present. H can be removed by addition of cadmium nitrate powderuntil a negative spot test is obtained. The sample 1s filtered and then NaOH 1s added topH 12.



    4.1 Equipment Decontamination

    To meet the objectives of RI/FS, it is imperative that every effort be made to collect

    samples which are representative of .the medium under consideration. Decontamination of

    sampling equipment is of utmost importance in preventing cross contamination and in

    maintaining the integrity of this Groundwater Sampling Plan.

    This discussion on decontamination applies to portable sampling equipment that is used at

    more than one well or sampling location. This equipment must be thoroughly cleaned prior to

    collecting each sample to minimize the potential for the sampling equipment to be a source of


    Decontamination requirements are reduced for dedicated or single-use disposable

    sampling equipment. Dedicated or disposable equipment should be handled in such a way that it

    does not come into contact with dirty and potentially contaminated surfaces. All sampling team

    members are required to wear nitrile gloves during all aspects of the decontamination

    procedures. Gloves are to be decontaminated utilizing hand held spray bottles with 1) an

    alconox detergent solution, 2) 20 percent methanol solution, and finally 3) deionized water.

    Wipe gloves dry with a clean disposable absorbant towel.

    4.1.1 Decontamination of Water Level Measurement Devices

    Remove the water level measurement device from the monitoring well, decontaminating

    the length of the tape which was lowered into the well. The decontamination procedure is as


    • Saturate a clean paper towel with 20 percent methanol solution. All decontamination

    solution solvents should be reagent quality or higher. Water used to make up the

    solution should be deionized.}

    • Wipe along the length of the tape, discarding and replacing the towel as it becomes


    • Utilizing a hand-held spray bottle, douche the bottom few feet of the stainless steel

    tape, popper, or interface probe with 1) an alconox detergent solution, 2) 20 percent

    methanol solution, and finally 3) deionized water.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 4-1

  • • Place the measurement apparatus in a clean container (storage case, ziploc bag, etc.)

    The water level measurement device is now ready for use at the next well.

    Decontamination of Pumps

    • While withdrawing the tubing and pump from the well, decontaminate the exterior of

    tubing by spraying with alconox detergent solution and wiping with a clean paper

    towel saturated with 20 percent methanol solution. Once all of the tubing has been

    removed from the well, cleaned, and wound onto a spool, rinse the tubing with clean

    water from a sprayer.

    • Decontaminate the exterior of the pump by spraying first with alconox detergent

    solution, followed by a 20 percent methanol solution.

    • Place the pump or the suction line of the pump (with the exterior now cleaned) into a

    decontamination tube consisting of a section of PVC pipe with a water-tight cap on

    the bottom, or a decontamination tub.

    • Fill the decontamination tube or tub with an alconox detergent solution and turn on

    the pump. While pumping, add 2 gallons of 20 percent methanol solution into the

    tube, followed by 2 gallons of clean water. Discharge water should be allowed to

    infiltrate into the soil away from the well. When the pump has been completely

    purged, turn the pump off. Store the pump in the decontamination tube until it is

    ready to be placed in the next well. The tube should be occasionally rinsed to keep it


    Decontamination of Bailers

    For portable bailers, the bailer should be filled and drained twice with an alconox

    detergent solution; then filled and drained twice with a 20 percent methanol solution. The

    exterior and interior of the bailer should be cleaned with the methanol solution, wiped with a

    clean towel, then rinsed with clean water. The bailer should be placed in a clean storage case or

    a disposable type storage bag and is now ready to be used at the next well.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 4-2

  • 4.2 Personnel Decontamination

    All decontamination of personnel protective equipment is to be conducted in accordance

    with "Site Safety Plan, Savage Well Site RI/FS, Milford, NH."

    Personnel decontamination areas will be established at each sampling location. All

    personal protective equipment will be disposed of, or decontaminated at the conclusion of each

    work day. A designated container for tyvek suits and other disposables will be located on the

    site. Tyvek suits, respirator cartridges, and other disposables (inner gloves) will be doffed at the

    conclusion of each work day and replaced with new equipment prior to commencing work on the

    following work day. Respiratory equipment, boots, outer gloves, and foul weather gear will be

    washed and rinsed, then placed in a designated personal protective equipment storage area.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 4-3


    5.1 Labeling of Sample Containers

    To prevent misidentification of samples, the samplers will complete labels affixed to each

    sample container by Alliance Technologies laboratory. The labels will be sufficiently durable to

    remain legible even when wet. The lab will provide precleaned sample containers with labels

    which state the types of analysis to be performed and the preservatives, if any, contained in the

    sample bottle. The following types of information will be recorded on the label using an

    indelible marker only:

    • Identification Number

    • Date and Time of Collection

    • Analysis to be Performed

    • Preservatives (if any)

    • Name of Sampler

    5.2 Recordkeeping and Chain of Custody Documentation

    To establish the documentation of water level measurements, well purging procedures,

    sample collection procedures, and decontamintion procedures, all of which are necessary for

    data validation, all pertinent information will be recorded on an HMM Groundwater Sample

    Report form (see Figure 3.1).

    To establish the documentation necessary to trace sample possession from time of

    collection, an HMM Chain-of-Custody record (see Figure 5.1) will be completed and accompany

    every sample. Chain of Custody refers to the sequence of sample collection, handling, storage

    and transport to the analytical laboratory. The chain of custody document is a record of who

    handled the sample, and when it was passed on to the next person's custody. A sample is

    considered to be under an authority's custody if:

    • It is in the person's possession

    • It is in view of the person after being in their possession

    • It is locked up in a secure storage area after being in that person's physical possession

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 5-1

  • "" o- u

  • A proper chain of custody procedure will be maintained during the groundwater sampling

    program to protect the legal integrity of the data produced by the laboratory. Legally, the sample

    must be traceable from the time of collection to the time of analysis in the laboratory.

    The HMM Chain of Custody record includes information regarding:

    • The project identification

    • The samplers names

    • The station number

    • The date and time of collection

    • The sample identification

    • The type and number of containers

    • The analysis to be performed

    • Preservatives added to the sample containers

    • Pertinent remarks

    The chain of custody record will be completed by the sampler at the time of sample

    collection and will remain with the samples at all times through delivery at the analytical

    laboratory. When the custody of the samples is transferred from ones' physical possession to

    anothers' physical possession, the chain of custody form must record the signature, time and

    date by the person relinquishing the samples and the signature must be recorded by the person

    receiving possession of the samples.

    The original (top copy) chain of custody document is to stay with the samples at all times.

    Duplicate copies may be kept with each person relinquishing custody of the samples. The

    original chain of custody form is to be returned by Alliance Technologies to HMM Associates

    with the final analytical data sheets.

    5.3 Handling and Transportation of Samples to the Laboratory

    Samples will be packed with adequate ice or blue ice to keep them below 4°C from the

    time of collection until delivery to Alliance Technologies. HMM Associates samplers will

    deliver all collected samples from the Savage Well Site to HMM Associates corporate offices in

    Concord, MA. The custody of the samples will be transferred to HMM Associates Quality

    Assurance Manager, or a designated alternative, and either 1) placed in temporary storage in the

    HMM Associates environmental sample refrigerator where they will await pick-up by Alliance

    Technologies, or 2) they will be immediately transported, and custody transferred, to Alliance

    Technologies. In all cases, transfer of custody must be kept to a minimum.

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 5-3


    6.1 Field Monitoring and Screening

    Air monitoring shall be performed within the work area on-site in order to detect the

    presence and the relative levels of toxic substances. Monitoring may also be conducted to

    identify other dangerous situations such as the presence of flammable or explosive atmospheres

    and/or oxygen deficient environments. The data collected during field monitoring shall be used

    to determine the appropriate levels of personal protective equipment. Monitoring shall be

    conducted in order to determine baseline data on potential hazards prior to entry in the work

    area, and periodically while conducting work on-site to evaluate any changes in conditions of the

    specific work area. Each work area must be screened for ambient levels of contamination prior

    to initiating work activities, and during any change in site conditions (i.e., opening of a

    monitoring well).

    Air monitoring of the sampling workspace should be conducted when the monitoring well

    cap is removed and vented, and during well purging activities. Personal protective equipment

    should be selected in accordance with the guidelines and action levels contained in the "Site

    Safety Plan". Air monitoring and field screening equipment will consist of an HNU

    photoionizer, a Thermo Environmental Instruments (OVM) photoionizer, or a Foxboro organic

    vapor analyzer (OVA). The HNU, OVM, and OVA will be used for the determination of

    organic vapor activity in the work environment. The HNU and OVM have the ability to detect

    from 1 ppm to 2000 ppm. The OVA has the ability to detect from 1 ppm to 1000 ppm. All

    groundwater sampling activities must be conducted in accordance with "Site Safety Plan, Savage

    Well Site RI/FS, Milford, NH".

    2176-027/WPPHAZ/333 6-1


    1. U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Work Plan for The Savage Municipal Well Site,

    RI/FS, Milford, NH, Volume I: Technical Scope of Work", 1986(a).

    2. New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution Control Commission (NHWSPCC),

    "Hydrogeological Investigation of the Savage Well Site, Milford, New Hampshire, Vol. I

    &H", 1985.

    3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "RCRA Ground-Water Monitoring Technical

    Enforcement Guidance Document", OSWER-9950.1, 1986b.

    4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Practical Guide for Ground-Water Sampling",

    EPA-600/2-85/104, 1985.

    5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, "Manual of Ground-Water Quality Sampling

    Procedures", EPA-600/2-81-160, 1981.

    6. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste",

    EPA/SW-846, 2nd edition, 1982.

    7. U.S. Geological Survey, "National Handbook of Recommended Methods for Water-Data

    Acquisition", Reston, VA, Revised 1980.

    8. National Council of the Paper Industry for Air and Stream Improvement, "A Guide to

    Groundwater Sampling", NCASI Technical Bulletin No. 362, 1982.

    9. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Ground-Water Monitoring Series - Technical

    Papers", CERI-87-7,1987.

    10: Holden P.W., "Primer on Well Water Sampling for Volatile Organic Compounds",

    University of Arizona, Water Resources Research Center, 1984.





    HMM Document No. 2176-027/HAZ/333

    October, 1988

    Prepared by:

    HMM ASSOCIATES, INC.336 Baker Avenue

    Concord, MA 01742



    1.0 INTRODUCTION 1-1

    1.1 B ackground and Site History 1-1

    1.2 Objective 1-1

    1.3 Overview 1-2

    1.4 Approach to Work 1 -5


    2.1 Hollow Stem Auger Method 2-1

    2.2 Drilling Method 2-1

    2.3 Advantages/Disadvantages 2-4


    3.1 Wash and Drive Method 3 -1

    3.2 Drilling Method 3-1

    3.3 Advantages/Disadvantages 3-4


    4.1 Spinning Casing 4-1

    4.2 Drilling Method 4-1

    4.3 Advantages/Disadvantages 4-3



    5.1 Objective 5-1

    5.2 Telescoping Casing 5-2

    5.3 Hollow-Stem Auger/Flash Joint Casing 5-2

    5.4 Temporary Casing/Hollow-Stein Auger 5-4

    5.5 Drilling Spoils 5-6


    6.1 Overview 6-1

    6.2 Procedure 6-1

    2176-022/HAZ/739 -i-

  • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued)


    7.0 SOIL SAMPLING 7-1

    7.1 Overview 7-1

    7.2 General Procedures 7-1

    8.0 ROCK CORING 8-1

    8.1 Overview 8-1

    8.2 Procedure 8-1

    8.3 Rock Core Sampling 8-2

    8.4 Specialized Rock Coring 8-5

    8.5 Rock Core Handling 8-6


    9.1 Monitoring Well Construction 9-1

    9.2 Well Development 9-3

    10. PIEZOMETERS 10-1

    10.1 Piezometer Construction 10-1

    11.0 AQUIFER TESTING 11-1

    11.1 Overview 11-1

    12.0 DELIVERABLES 12-1

    13.0 ATTACHMENTS 13-1

    1) HMM Associates - Boring Log

    2) HMM Associates - Monitoring Well Log

    3) HMM Associates - Permeability Test Data Sheets

    4) HMM Associates - Bedrock Packer Test Data Sheet

    5) Soil Classification Criteria

    6) Rock Classification Criteria

    7) Guild Drilling Co. Brochure

    2176-022/HAZ/739 -ii-


    1.1 Background and Site History

    In February of 1983, volatile organic compounds were detected in the Savage Well during

    routine water quality monitoring by the New Hampshire Water Supply and Pollution ControlCommission (NHWSPCC).

    In response to the contamination, hydrogeological investigations were initiated at the O.K.Tool Company and Hitchiner Manufacturing Company facilities which are located near the

    Savage Well. The Hydrogeological Investigation Unit of the Water Supply and PollutionControl Commission designed and implemented a study of the Savage Well area in the summerand fall of 1984.

    The study revealed that the area is underlain by an unconfined, high yield, overburdenaquifer. Volatile organic compounds have been detected in the ground water and surface waternear Savage Well.

    HMM Associates Inc. has been tasked to conduct a Remedial Investigation/FeasibilityStudy (RI/FS) at the Savage Well Site in Milford, NH. The RI/FS is to be performed inaccordance with the Technical Scope of Work prepared by U.S. EPA Region I (EPA, 1986a) and

    be consistent with the National Contingency Plan effective February 18, 1986 (NCP), with the

    EPA RI/FS Guidance dated June, 1985, to the extent the RI/FS Guidance is consistent with the

    NCP, with EPA's "Interim Guidance on Superfund Selection of Remedy" and with theSuperfund Amendments, and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). To the extent that theTechnical Scope of work is inconsistent with the NCP, the NCP shall govern.

    1-2 Objective

    The objective of the groundwater monitoring well installation program is to determine thehydrologic properties of the aquifer in order to characterize the transport of contaminants ingroundwater by:

    • Determining the nature and extent of contamination sufficient to define the

    boundaries of contaminant plumes and quantify the plumes;

    Visually determining the subsurface stratigraphy and structure includinglithologies, grain sizes, sorting, fracturing, homogeneity/heterogeneity, etc., for

    each different rock and soil type;

    2176-022/HAZ/739 1-1

  • • Determining the concentration, environmental fate, transport mechanisms andother significant characteristics of each contaminant;

    • Evaluating the waste mixtures and contaminants between groundwater and soil orrock;

    • Quantifying the hydrogeological factors (e.g., in-situ permeability and conductivityof each soil and rock type and depth of saturated zone;

    • Quantifying the routes of groundwater migration transport rates and receptors;

    • Determining the seasonal fluctuation(s) in the water table elevations, flowgradients and contaminant concentration^) simultaneously with factors such asprecipitation, and runoff;

    • Evaluating the contribution to contaminant loading of the aquifer and surfacewaterbodies;

    • Reviewing and illustrating groundwater and surface water classifications andassessing the need for institutional controls on groundwater use;

    • Assessing the extent to which the hazardous substances will migrate once the

    limits of the plume are determined;

    • Evaluating all pertinent physical and chemical waste characteristics that may affectthe type of treatment possible; and

    • Assessing the potential, characteristics, extent and risk of future releases, if any, ofresiduals remaining onsite.

    1.3 Overview

    The installation of monitoring wells will be conducted in two phases: In Phase I, up to 15well clusters consisting of up to two wells, one overburden approximately 35 feet deep and oneshallow bedrock well screened in the bedrock fracture zone at approximately 75 feet, 4 deep

    bedrock wells cored at a minimum of 50 ft into bedrock, and 5 piezometers will be located basedon geophysical information and past sampling data. Phase II will involve locating a number ofadditional wells (up to 20 clusters with two wells) to supplement Phase I sampling and boringinformation.

    2176-022/HAZ/739 1-2

  • The Phase II wells will be used to fine tune the monitoring well system after a complete review

    of Phase I information. No attempt will be made to predict Phase II well cluster locations until

    the Phase I groundwater quality data is available.

    HMM Associates understands that the Phase I well clusters will consist of two individual

    wells depending on the saturated thickness of the overburden aquifer and then these clusters

    could possibly consist of three wells under special conditions supplemented by Phase II

    drillings. The wells will have a 10-foot screened interval which will allow for measurement of

    the piezometric head and groundwater quality within a selected zone of the aquifer. The

    clustered wells are necessary to determine the vertical hydraulic gradients and the groundwaterquality in the various zones. Screen placement will be contingent upon the results of fieldscreening of split-spoon samples and the nature of overburden materials encountered in each testboring. The monitoring well locations depicted on the enclosed figure (Figure 1) were selectedbased upon the following criteria.

    • Well cluster MW-1 will provide a monitoring location for background waterquality to the west of the site as the generalized flow direction of groundwater isfrom west to east.

    • Well cluster MW-2, which, includes a bedrock well installation, will provide

    groundwater quality, groundwater elevation data, and bedrock elevation data on the

    north side of the river, to assess potential for contaminant migration across theSouhegan River in both the overburden and bedrock strata.

    • Well clusters MW-3 and MW-4 will provide information on stratigraphy, soil

    conditions, and groundwater quality and elevations downgradient from the

    Hitchiner Landfill and the New England Steel Fabricators, Inc. (NEST FAB)facility, respectively. Well cluster MW-4 includes a bedrock well, which willprovide information on bedrock conditions and potential contaminant migration in


    • Well clusters MW-5 and MW-7 will provide information on areas likely to bedowngradient of NEST FAB and Hitchiner Landfill and upgradient of Hitchiner

    and Hendrix facilities.

    Well clusters MW-6, MW-8, MW-9, and MW-10 will provide information ongroundwater quality and groundwater elevation in the vicinity of several industries

    located to the north and south of Route 101.

    2176-022/HAZf739 1-3

  • O O(3 m mo g g

    33D Dm mZ 2

  • Well clusters MW-11, MW-12, MW-13, and MW-14 will provide groundwater

    quality information in the vicinity of the Hitchiner-Hendrix discharge stream and

    on contaminant migration in a general easterly direction.

    • Bedrock wells MW-11 and MW-14 will provide water quality information and

    information on bedrock conditions east of the Drive-In Theater and in the vicinity

    of the discharge stream, to assess the potential for contaminant migration in


    • Cluster well MW-15 will be placed to help characterize the easterly extent of

    contamination which may be attributed to the site.

    Each of the deep cluster wells will be drilled 10 feet in rock to conform bedrock.

    • Piezometers P1-P2 will be set in the Souhegan River to evaluate whether the

    stream is recharging the groundwater or vice versa. P3 and P4 will be set in the

    discharge stream. P5 will be used to help determine the extent of contamination to

    the east. The piezometers will be hydraulically isolated by a cement/bentonite seal.

    1.4 Approach to Work

    HMM Associates will conduct the hydrogeologic investigation of the site as follows; the

    investigation will include the installation of a total of 15 overburden well clusters, 4 bedrock

    wells and 5 piezometers as part of Phase 1 program. A well cluster will consist of two

    individual wells depending on the saturated thickness of the overburden aquifer. The wells will

    have a 10-foot screened interval which will allow for measurement of the piezometric head and

    groundwater quality within a selected zone of the aquifer.

    Screen placement is to be contingent upon results of field screening with the OVA of

    split-spoon samples and the nature of overburden materials encountered in each test boring. The

    setting of the screen will be determined by EPA staff and HMM Associates geologist on site,

    after reviewing the data from the soil cores and evaluating stratigraphic changes.

    HMM will subcontract all of the drilling and monitoring well installations to Guild

    Drilling Co. of East Providence, Rhode Island. Established in 1953, Guild is a recognized leader

    in the test boring business. A brochure provided by Guild follows this section.

    Guild will mobilize two drilling rigs with hollow stem augering, drive and wash and rock

    coring capabilities to install the monitoring wells. One rig will be a truck mounted B-40 (or

    equivalent). The second rig will be an all terrain vehicle mounted B-40 or equivalent.

    2176-022/HAZ/739 1-5

  • Ten of the Phase 1 overburden wells will be cored (10 feet) into rock to confirm depth to

    rock and the bedrock characteristics. The exact locations of all wells will be determined based

    on the outcome of the results of the geophysical program. Based on field data the Phase I

    drilling may be supplemented with wells from Phase n prior to the first round of sampling to

    better define the limits of groundwater contamination, and scoping of subsequent Phase II if


    2176-022/HAZ/739 1-6


    2.1 Hollow Stem Auger Method

    This method is suitable for unconsolidated deposits that do not have large cobbles or

    boulders. Hollow-stem augers are continuous flight augers equipped with a hollow core. During

    advancement, a removable center plug is placed in the hollow core to prevent soil materials from

    entering this hole which serves as an inner casing. The augers are advanced by a combination of

    rotation and downward pressure. The hole cuttings are carried upwards to the surface along the

    outside of the augers on the screw-shaped auger flights. When the desired depth is reached, the

    center plug can be removed and undisturbed or representative samples may be obtained by

    passing the sampling tools through the center of the auger and out the bottom. Monitoring wells

    can also be installed through the center of the augers. Figures 2 and 2A are examples of typical

    hollow stem auger equipment.

    Commonly, the inside diameter of the hollow stem is 4 to 6 inches, and the augers produce

    a hole 8 to 12 inches in diameter. Borings up to 150 ft. are possible using this method. Auger

    rigs are skid, truck and track mounted, giving them excellent mobility. This drilling method is

    relatively fast in medium and fine-grained soils such as clays and outwash sands.

    Hollow-stem auger methods have significant limitations in investigations in contaminated

    areas due to the potential for cross-contamination in the borehole. Contaminated cuttings

    moving up an auger flight may cross contaminate overlying clean zones, or contaminated auger

    flights penetrating to greater depths may carry the contaminants down with them. Additionally,

    the rotating action of the augers causes a smearing in fine-grained soils. This smearing may

    significantly reduce the local permeability in the borehole, resulting in erroneous estimates of

    in-situ permeability from field tests. Additionally, this smearing may effectively seal off a zone

    where a monitoring well may be installed, and well development may not be adequate to

    remediate this effect.

    2.2 Drilling Method

    1. The hollow stem plug is placed inside the lead auger and the lead auger is attached

    to the drill head. Auger teeth which are sharp, protruding metal tabs, are located at

    the tip of the lead auger to assist in cutting the hole. The auger is drilled or

    "screwed" into the ground by a combination of rotation and downward pressure. If

    obstructions are encountered, the auger may "walk" or become crooked. If this

    occurs at a shallow depth it is advisable to move the boring over slightly and start

    the hole again.

    2176-022/HAZ/739 2-1

  • * • ' ^— * • •' • • • • ' «

    .••.'. ! V- V. . •• • ' • • • • ' • *. . * . • ,1» • • • . • • • • « . . '• • • •» - * • « •

    • •

    • - •.C-" ̂ . •.'"•/5• • - • *̂

    Auf«r drilling t«eboiqu«.(Trcm "Soil Stopliaff Method*and Iquipo«ntLoaff7«ar Co.)


    FIGURE 2


  • Tht continuous-flight auger bores Into the soil and rotates thecuttings upward along the flights. Tht uppermost cuttings artdischarged at the surface to aakt roo» for the spact of tho augeras 1t penetrates additional soils.




  • 2. During drilling, the cuttings from the borehole will travel up the auger flights to

    the ground surface where they are usually shoveled to the side. The auger cuttings

    can be inspected and described. Oftentimes, stratigraphic changes can be observed

    due to changes in the cuttings, or the