phase 2 qapp – version 3, newtown creek ri/fs

Photo by Bill Rhodes PHASE 2 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN – VERSION NO. 3 REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION/FEASIBILITY STUDY, NEWTOWN CREEK Prepared by Anchor QEA, LLC 123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 205 Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677 July 2014

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Photo by Bill Rhodes


Prepared by Anchor QEA, LLC

123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 205

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677

July 2014


Prepared by Anchor QEA, LLC

123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 205

Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677

July 2014

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS i 141037-01.01

Approval Page

Approved by:

Date: July 7, 2014

Anchor QEA, LLC, Project Manager

Approved by:

Date: July 7, 2014 Anchor QEA, LLC, Project QA Coordinator

Approved by:

Date: USEPA Remedial Project Manager

Approved by:

Date: USEPA Co-Remedial Project Manager

Approved by:

Date: USEPA QA/QC Manager

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS ii 141037-01.01

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY ........................................................................................ 1

1.1 Deviations from the Quality Assurance Project Plan ....................................................2

1.2 References .........................................................................................................................3

List of Worksheets Worksheet Nos. 1 and 2 Title and Approval Page Worksheet Nos. 3 and 5 Project Organization and QAPP Distribution Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8 Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet Worksheet No. 6 Communication Pathways Worksheet No. 9 Project Planning Session Summary Worksheet No. 10 Conceptual Site Model Worksheet No. 11 Project/Data Quality Objectives Worksheet No. 12 Measurement Performance Criteria Worksheet No. 13 Secondary Data Uses and Limitations Worksheet Nos. 14 and 16 Project Tasks and Schedule Worksheet No. 15 Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific

Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment, Water, Porewater, and Tissues Analyte Lists)

Worksheet No. 17 Sampling Design and Rationale Worksheet No. 18 Sampling Locations and Methods Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30 Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times Worksheet No. 20 Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table Worksheet No. 21 Field Standard Operating Procedures Worksheet No. 22 Field Equipment Calibration, Maintenance, Testing, and

Inspection Worksheet No. 23 Analytical Standard Operating Procedures Worksheet No. 24 Analytical Instrument Calibration Worksheet No. 25 Analytical Instrument and Equipment Maintenance,

Testing, and Inspection Worksheet Nos. 26 and 27 Sample Handling, Custody, and Disposal

Table of Contents

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS iii 141037-01.01

Worksheet No. 28 Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action Worksheet No. 29 Project Documents and Records Worksheet Nos. 31, 32, and 33 Assessments and Corrective Action Worksheet No. 34 Data Verification and Validation Inputs Worksheet No. 35 Data Verification Procedures Worksheet No. 36 Data Validation Procedures Worksheet No. 37 Data Usability Assessment

List of Figures Figure 1 QAPP Deviation Form

List of Attachments Attachment A Analytical Standard Operating Procedures Attachment B Laboratory Certifications

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS iv 141037-01.01


< less than or equal to

> greater than

> greater than or equal to

% percent

%D percent deviation

%R percent recovery

%RSD percent relative standard deviation

°C degrees Celsius

µg micrograms

µg/kg micrograms per kilogram

µg/L micrograms per liter

µmol/g micromoles per kilogram 137Cs cesium-137 210Bi bismuth-210 210Pb lead-210

ADCP acoustic Doppler current profiler

ADR Automated Data Review

ADV acoustic Doppler velocimeter

AECOM AECOM Environment

AES auger electron spectrometry

AFS atomic fluorescence spectrometry

AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act

ALS ALS Environmental

Anchor QEA Anchor QEA, LLC

AOC Administrative Order on Consent

ARAR Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Requirement

As arsenic

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS v 141037-01.01

ASI ASI Services, Inc.

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

AVS acid volatile sulfides

AVS/SEM acid volatile sulfides/simultaneously extracted metals

Ba barium

BAZ Biologically Active Zone

BERA Baseline Ecological Risk Assessment

BGMK buffalo green monkey kidney

BHC benzene hexachloride

BHHRA Baseline Human Health Risk Assessment

Bi-210 bismuth-210

BOD biochemical oxygen demand

BOD30 biochemical oxygen demand-30 day

BOD5 biochemical oxygen demand-5 day

BrCl bromide chloride

CA corrective action

CCC calibration check compounds

CCV continuing calibration verification

Ce cerium

CeO cerium monoxide

CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

CERCLIS Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System

CESCL Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead

CETAC Teledyne-CETAC Technologies

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CIP Community Involvement Plan

cm centimeter

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

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COC chain-of-custody

COPC contaminant of potential concern

CPE positive cytoplasmic effect

CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation

cps counts per second

Cr chromium

CRM Certified Reference Material

CSM conceptual site model

CSO combined sewer overflow

CV cold vapor

CVAFS cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry

DDD dichlordiphenyldichloroethane

DDE dichlordiphenyldichloroethylene

DDT dichlordiphenyltrichloroethane

DGPS differential global positioning system

DMP Data Management Plan

DO dissolved oxygen

DOC dissolved organic carbon

DQI data quality indicators

DQO data quality objective

DRO diesel range organics

DSR Data Summary Report

ECD electron capture detector

EDD electronic data deliverable

EERC Energy and Environmental Research Center

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

EMPA electron microprobe analysis

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

EPH extractable petroleum hydrocarbon

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

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ERA Ecological Risk Assessment

ESI Expanded Site Inspection

ET EnviroTest Laboratories, Inc.

FGS Frontier Global Sciences

FID flame ionization detector

FLPE fluoropolymer

FOIL Freedom of Information Law

FS Feasibility Study

FSAP Field Sampling and Analysis Plan

GC gas chromatography

GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

GIS geographic information system

GS grain size

GT Geotesting Express, Inc.

GTX Geotesting Express

H2SO4 sulfuric acid

HASP Health and Safety Plan

hazmat hazardous materials

HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response

HCl hydrochloric acid

HDPE high-density polyethylene

HDR Historical Data Review

HEK human epidermal keratinocytes

HGAFS hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry

HPAH high-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

HPLC high performance liquid chromatography

HR high-resolution

HRGC/HRMS high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

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HRMS high-resolution mass spectrometer

ICAL initial calibration

ICC integrated cell culture

ICP inductively coupled plasma

ICP/AES inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry

ICP/MS inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

ICV initial calibration verification

ID identification

IDR Interim Data Report

ISO International Organization for Standardization

L liter

LC/MS liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry

LC/MS/MS liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry

LC-ICPMS liquid chromatography/inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

LCS laboratory control sample

LDC Laboratory Data Consultants, Inc.

LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

LOD limit of detection

LOQ limit of quantitation

LPAH low-molecular-weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

m meter

MADEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

MB method blank

mCP measure-correlate-predict

MDL method detection limit

mg milligram

mg/kg milligrams per kilogram

mL milliliter

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS ix 141037-01.01

MPN most probable number

MS matrix spike

MSD matrix spike duplicate

MSE microscale solvent extraction

MSS Mass Spec Services

N/A not applicable

NA not available

NaOH sodium hydroxide

NAPL non-aqueous-phase-liquid

NC Newtown Creek

NCG Newtown Creek Group

NCR Newtown Creek Respondents

NELAC National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference

NFG National Functional Guidelines

ng/L nanogram per liter

NH3 ammonia

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

No. number

NO2 nitrogen dioxide

NO3 nitrate

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOS ORCA National Ocean Service, Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment

NRDA Natural Resource Damage Assessment

NY New York

NYC New York City

NYCDEP New York City Department of Environmental Protection

NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

NYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS x 141037-01.01

OPR ongoing precision and recovery

ORP oxidation-reduction potential

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act

OU6 Operable Unit 6

oz ounce

Pb-210 lead-210

PAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

PAL project action level

PAR Pathway Analysis Report

PCB polychlorinated biphenyl

PCDD polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins

PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans

pCi/g picocurie per gram

PCR polymerase chain reaction

PDF portable document format

PE performance evaluation

PF Problem Formulation

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1

Phase 2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan – Volume 1

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 2

Phase 2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan – Volume 2

PID photoionization detector

PM Project Manager

POC particulate organic carbon

POSO Project On-site Safety Officer

PQO project quality objectives

PT performance testing

PTFE polytetra-fluoroethylene

QA quality assurance

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS xi 141037-01.01

QA/QC quality assurance/quality control

QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan

QC quality control

QL quantitation limit

R recovery

r correlation coefficient

r2 coefficient of determination

Respondents Newtown Creek Group Respondents

RF response factor

RFP Request for Proposal

RI Remedial Investigation

RI/FS Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study

RL reporting limit

RPD relative percent difference

RPM Remedial Project Manager

RRF relative response factor

RSD relative standard deviation

SAL single agar layer

SCUBA self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

SDG sample delivery group

Se selenium

SEM simultaneously extractable metals

SGS SGS North America Inc.

SIM selective ion monitoring

SLERA Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment

SM Standard Method

SMPE solid-phase microextraction

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

SPCC system performance check compounds

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

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SPME solid-phase microextraction

SRM Standard Reference Material

SSAM Sources Sampling Approach Memorandum

SSC suspended sediment concentrations

StD standard deviation

SU standard unit

SVM support vector machine

SVOC semivolatile organic compounds

SX sequential extraction

TAL target analyte list

TBC to be considered

TBD to be determined

TDS total dissolved solids

TKN total Kjeldahl nitrogen

TNI The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Institute

TOC total organic carbon

TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons

TSA technical systems audit

TS total solid

TSS total suspended solids

UFP Uniform Federal Policy

URL uniform resource locator

USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

V vanadium

VOA volatile organic analysis

VPH volatile petroleum hydrocarbon

WAA Watershed Assessment Associates

XRD X-ray diffraction

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations

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XRF X-ray fluorescence

ZnAc zinc acetate

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01


The Newtown Creek Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) as described in the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan (RI/FS Work Plan; AECOM 2011) is being performed under an Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) signed by the Respondents—the five Newtown Creek Group (NCG) member companies and the City of New York—and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) program. The work is being administered by the USEPA-approved Project Coordinator, who has been retained by the NCG. The RI/FS Study Area is defined as Newtown Creek and its tributaries (Dutch Kills, Maspeth Creek, Whale Creek, East Branch, and English Kills) having an approximate 3.8-mile reach (see the Phase 2 RI Work Plan) to the high water mark.1 The Newtown Creek area of Brooklyn and Queens has a history of extensive industrial development beginning in the 1800s. This development resulted in major reworking of the banks and channels for drainage, industrial and municipal discharges, and navigation purposes. The channelizing and deepening of Newtown Creek and its tributaries was largely completed to its current configuration by the 1920s and 1930s. This historical development has resulted in changes in the nature of Newtown Creek and its tributaries from a natural drainage condition to one that is largely governed by engineered and institutional systems. Based on the current zoning around Newtown Creek and its tributaries, the current predominant land use includes industrial, manufacturing, transportation, and utility

1 The Newtown Creek Superfund Site Study Area is described in the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) as encompassing the body of water known as Newtown Creek, situated at the border of the boroughs of Brooklyn (Kings County) and Queens (Queens County) in the City of New York and the State of New York, roughly centered at the geographic coordinates of 40° 42' 54.69” north latitude (40.715192°) and 73° 55' 50.74” west longitude (-73.930762°), having an approximate 3.8-mile reach, including Newtown Creek proper and its five branches (or tributaries) known respectively as Dutch Kills, Maspeth Creek, Whale Creek, East Branch, and English Kills, as well as the sediments below the water and the water column above the sediments, up to and including the landward edge of the shoreline, and including also any bulkheads or riprap containing the waterbody, except where no bulkhead or riprap exists, then the Study Area shall extend to the ordinary high water mark, as defined in 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §328(e), of Newtown Creek and the areal extent of the contamination from such area but not including upland areas beyond the landward edge of the shoreline (notwithstanding that such upland areas may subsequently be identified as sources of contamination to the waterbody and its sediments or that such upland areas may be included within the scope of the Newtown Creek Superfund Site as listed pursuant to Section 105(a)(8) of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act [CERCLA]).

Background and History

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

facilities. This Phase 2 QAPP applies to the Phase 2 RI field program including the Phase 2 RI risk field program and Phase 2 RI Volume 2 field program.

1.1 Deviations from the Quality Assurance Project Plan

This Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) was prepared to cover the Phase 2 investigation for this project and supersedes all quality assurance protocols and target compound lists presented in the RI/FS Work Plan. It is anticipated that throughout the course of the Phase 2 investigation there will be deviations from the quality assurance protocols identified in this QAPP. These deviations may include introduction of new analytical methods or modifications to measurement performance criteria. Additionally, there may be other changes to the QAPP due to unanticipated events that will need immediate action in order to not miss analytical holding times (e.g., modifications to analytical standard operating procedures or changes to the analytical laboratory). These changes will be handled as follows:

• Deviations that require immediate action in order to not miss holding times will be considered allowable deviations and will be reported to USEPA once the Project Quality Assurance Coordinator has been notified by the field staff. However, in order to not compromise the data quality, the deviation will be implemented prior to USEPA approval. The deviation will be formally reported on a QAPP Deviation Form (see example provided as Figure 1) and in routine status reports (weekly field status reports and monthly status reports). These are modifications that do not impact scope of study design objectives.

• Deviations from the QAPP that do not require immediate action will be approved by a core group of the NCG identified to make these decisions. The change will be submitted to USEPA on a QAPP Deviation Form and will be reported to USEPA and in routine status reports (weekly field status reports and monthly status reports).

Deviations that change the RI/FS study design objectives will be approved by the NCG Steering Committee and require a QAPP amendment. The amendment will document all necessary changes to the QAPP and will be submitted to USEPA for review and approval.

Background and History

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

1.2 References

AECOM (AECOM Environment), 2011. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan. Newtown Creek. June 2011.

Gustafsson et al. (Gustafsson, O., F. Haghseta, C. Chan, J. MacFarlane, and P.M. Gschwend), 1997. Quantification of the Dilute Sedimentary Soot Phase: Implications for PAH Speciation and Bioavailability. Environmental Science and Technology 31:203-209.

NYCDEP (New York City Department of Environmental Protection), 2011. Newtown Creek Waterbody/Watershed Facility Plan Report. City-Wide Long Term CSO Control Planning Project. Bureau of Wastewater Treatment. June 2011.

USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 1988. Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies under CERCLA. Interim Final. EPA/540/G-89/004. October 1988.

USEPA, 2006. Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process. EPA QA/G-4. EPA/240/B-06/001. February 2006.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 1 and 2: Title and Approval Page (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Site Name/Project Name: Newtown Creek RI/FS Site Location: Newtown Creek, New York, New York Site Number/Code: USEPA ID No. NYN000206282 Contractor Name: Anchor QEA, LLC Contractor Number: N/A Work Assignment Number: N/A Lead Organization: The NCG to AOC with USEPA Lead Organization Project Manager:

Jim Quadrini, P.E., BCEE/Anchor QEA, LLC Lead Organization Chemistry Manager:

Joy Dunay/Anchor QEA, LLC Project Quality Assurance Coordinator:

Ramzy Makhlouf/Anchor QEA, LLC Federal Regulatory Agency Remedial Project Manager:

Caroline Kwan/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 1 and 2: Title and Approval Page (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Federal Regulatory Agency Co-Remedial Project Manager: Joseph Battipaglia /U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Identify guidance used to prepare Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP):

• Uniform Federal Policy (UFP) for Quality Assurance Project Plans. Evaluating, Assessing, and Documenting Environmental Data Collection and Use Programs. Part 1: UFP-QAPP Manual. Final Version 1. March 2012. Intergovernmental Data Quality Task Force (USEPA, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Department of Energy). USEPA 505-B-04-900A.

• Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/G-5). Guidance on Developing Quality Assurance Project Plans that meet USEPA specifications. December 2002. Note: This version replaces the original document issued in February 1998 (EPA/600/R-98/018). For more information and resources, see Tools – QA Project Plans (EPA/240/R-02/009).

• USEPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/R-5). March 2001 (reissued May 2006), EPA/240/B-01/003. Reissue notice: Defines specifications for Quality Assurance Project Plans prepared for activities conducted by or funded by USEPA. These specifications are equivalent to Chapter 5 of USEPA Manual CIO 2105-P-01-0.

Identify regulatory program: The work is expected to be performed under an AOC with USEPA under the USEPA CERCLA program, commonly known as Superfund. Identify approval entity: USEPA Region 2 List organizational partners (stakeholders) and connection with lead organization: The Newtown Creek Group Respondents; New York City; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA); and New York State Department Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 1 and 2: Title and Approval Page (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

List dates and titles of QAPP and FSAP documents written for previous site work, if applicable:

Documents for Previous Site Work

AECOM Environment, 2011. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan, Newtown Creek. June 2011. Anchor Environmental, LLC, 2007. Draft Remedial Investigation Report, Operable Unit 6, Laurel Hill Site,

Maspeth, New York. May 2007. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2011. Field Sampling and Analysis Plan. Phase 1. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study,

Newtown Creek. October 2011. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. Field Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum 1. April 23, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. Field Sampling and Analysis Plan Addendum 2. August 22, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. FSAP Addendum No. 3 – Wet-Weather Field Observation Surveys. November 29,

2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. FSAP Addendum No. 4 – Supplemental Bathymetric Survey Data Collection.

December 10, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2013. FSAP Addendum No. 5 – Supplemental Surface Sediment Collection. March 7, 2013. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2013. FSAP Addendum No. 6 – Subsurface Sediment Archive Analysis. May 9, 2013. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2013. FSAP Addendum No. 7 – Groundwater Sources Evaluation. August 13, 2013. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2011. Quality Assurance Project Plan. Phase 1. Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study,

Newtown Creek. October 2011. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. QAPP/FSAP Deviation Memorandum No. 1. March 29, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. QAPP/FSAP Deviation Memorandum No. 2. May 14, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. QAPP/FSAP Deviation Memorandum No. 3. July 20, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. QAPP/FSAP Deviation Memorandum No. 4. October 1, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. QAPP/FSAP Deviation Memorandum No. 5. October 23, 2012. Anchor QEA, LLC, 2012. QAPP/FSAP Deviation Memorandum No. 6. February 25, 2013. Weston Solutions, Inc., 2009. Expanded Site Inspection Report, Newtown Creek, Brooklyn/Queens, New York.

CERCLIS ID No. NYN000206282, USEPA Contract No. EP-W-06-072, Work Order No. 20405.012.013.0524.00, Document Control No. 524-2A-AEFX. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. July 2009.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 3 and 5: Project Organization and QAPP Distribution (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.3 and 2.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.3 and 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 3 and 5: Project Organization and QAPP Distribution (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.3 and 2.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.3 and 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

The following people will receive a copy of the approved Final QAPP, subsequent QAPP revisions, addenda, and amendments:

QAPP Recipients Title Organization Telephone Number E-mail Address

Angela Carpenter Special Projects Branch Chief USEPA Region 2 212-637-4435 [email protected]

Caroline Kwan Remedial Project Manager USEPA Region 2 212-637-4275 [email protected]

Joseph Battipaglia Co-Remedial Project Manager USEPA Region 2 212-637-4384 [email protected]

Susan Amron New York City Counsel Environmental Law Division,

New York City Law Department 212-788-1578 [email protected]

David Bridgers Newtown Creek Group Respondents Neal and Harwell, PLC 615-244-1713 [email protected]

Tom Schadt RI/FS Technical Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 206-287-9130 [email protected]

Jim Quadrini RI/FS Project Manager, RI Manager Anchor QEA, LLC 201-571-0912 [email protected]

John Connolly Technical Advisors Anchor QEA, LLC 201-571-0919 [email protected]

David Templeton Technical Advisors Anchor QEA, LLC 206-287-9130 [email protected]

Chris Torell Safety Manager Anchor QEA, LLC 617-371-4461 [email protected]

Nicole LaFranchise Historical Data Review Anchor QEA, LLC 503-972-6178 [email protected]

Mark Meyers Data Management Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 201-571-0926 [email protected]

David Haury Risk Assessment Manager Anchor QEA, LLC 610-543-6772 [email protected]

David Glaser Risk Assessment Manager Anchor QEA, LLC 201-930-9890 [email protected]

Linda Logan ERA Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 267-756-7165 [email protected]

Taku Fuji BHHRA Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 503-668-5057

ext. 122 [email protected]

Kirk Ziegler Modeling Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 201-571-0949 [email protected]

Kevin Russell Modeling Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 315-453-9009 [email protected]

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 3 and 5: Project Organization and QAPP Distribution (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.3 and 2.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.3 and 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

QAPP Recipients Title Organization Telephone Number E-mail Address

Amy Corp Field Manager Anchor QEA, LLC 360-715-2715 [email protected]

Stu Messur Sources Manager Anchor QEA, LLC 315-453-9009 [email protected]

Amanda Shellenberger

Point Sources Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 206-287-9130 [email protected]

Grace Weatherford

Point Sources Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 503-670-1108 [email protected]

Matt Cavas Groundwater Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 518-792-3709 [email protected]

David Keith Groundwater Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 228-818-9626 [email protected]

Kendra Skellenger Other Non-point Sources Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 503-670-1108 [email protected]

Joy Dunay Project Chemist Anchor QEA, LLC 206-903-3320 [email protected]

Ramzy Makhlouf Project QA Coordinator Anchor QEA, LLC 201-930-9880 [email protected]

Delaney Peterson Data Validation Coordinator Anchor QEA, LLC 206-903-3396 [email protected]

Jill Oliver Geographic Information System Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 206-287-9130 [email protected]

Rana Wilson Technical Editing/Document

Production Lead Anchor QEA, LLC 503-924-6182 [email protected]

Ming Hwa Hwang Data Validator Laboratory Data Consultants 760-634-0437 [email protected]

Elizabeth Porta Laboratory Project Manager Alpha Analytical 508-898-9220 [email protected]

Lisa Domenighini Laboratory Project Manager ALS Environmental 360-577-7222 [email protected]

Paul Warden Laboratory Project Manager Analytical Services 802-878-5138 [email protected]

Steve Hawthorne Laboratory Project Manager Energy and Environmental

Research Center 701-777-5256 [email protected]

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 3 and 5: Project Organization and QAPP Distribution (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.3 and 2.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.3 and 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

QAPP Recipients Title Organization Telephone Number E-mail Address

Amy Boehm Laboratory Project Manager SGS North America 910-350-1903 [email protected]

Patrick Garcia-Strickland

Laboratory Project Manager Eurofins Frontier Global

Sciences 425-686-3584 [email protected]

Mark Dobday Laboratory Project Manager GeoTesting Express 978-635-0424 [email protected]

J. Kelly Nolan Laboratory Project Manager Watershed Assessment

Associates, LLC 518-346-0225 [email protected]

Elitsa Hrischeva Laboratory Project Manager Activation Laboratories, LTD 1-888-228-5277 [email protected]

Martha Maier Laboratory Project Manager Vista Analytical Laboratory 916-673-1520 [email protected]

Ken Simon Laboratory Project Manager Envirosystems 603-926-3345 [email protected]

Rebecca Charles Laboratory Project Manager Teledyne Brown Engineering 865-934-0379 [email protected]

Cheronne Oreiro Laboratory Project Manager Analytical Resources, Inc. 206-695-6214 [email protected]

Ronald Bayer Laboratory Project Manager EnviroTest Laboratory 845-562-0890 [email protected]

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Organization: Anchor QEA, LLC

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Jim Quadrini, P.E., BCEE

RI/FS Project Manager

M.E., Environmental Engineering, 22 years of experience Jim Quadrini has served as Project Manager on several complex sediment sites, and in this role, has directed various aspects of the RI/FS for these sites. Much of this focus has been on the development and evaluation of remedial strategies aimed at reducing risks to human and ecological receptors. He has also been responsible for coordinating large project teams, developing and tracking project budgets and schedules, and interacting with clients and project stakeholders.

40-hour HAZWOPER



Medical monitoring

Tom Schadt RI/FS Technical Lead

M.S., Fisheries, 32 years of experience Tom Schadt is a senior aquatic scientist with 30 years of experience in environmental consulting. Much of Mr. Schadt’s professional career has focused on contaminated sediment remediation projects. He has extensive experience working on large CERCLA sediment projects.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

Medical monitoring

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Amy Corp Field Manager

B.A., Chemistry, 7 years of experience Amy Corp’s experience includes sediment, soil, and groundwater sampling and characterization, and geological logging and site interpretation. She has served as field coordinator for sediment sampling at a Superfund site and provided assessment of soil, groundwater, and sediment for RIs. Ms. Corp has also provided data analysis and integrated modeling for sediment management programs.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

Hazmat Awareness

Hazmat Shipping

HAZWOPER 8-hour Supervisor

First aid/CPR

Ramzy Makhlouf

Project QA Coordinator

B.S., Environmental Engineering, more than 8 years of experience Ramzy Makhlouf is an environmental engineer with more than 8 years of experience in the field. His experience has focused on the analysis of contaminants and their fate and transport in sediments and surface water systems, including statistical and graphical analyses of data as well as the application and analysis of mechanistic mathematical models.

40-hour HAZWOPER

First aid/CPR

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Chris Torell, P.G.

Safety Manager and POSO

M.S., Environmental Engineering, more than 23 years of experience Christopher Torell is responsible for coordinating corporate health and safety programs and policies on a firm-wide basis. He serves as a liaison between the Partner group and staff and is responsible for maintaining the health and safety programs and policies in accordance with applicable regulations and guidance, writing and reviewing project HASPs, monitoring and reporting safety metrics, and stewarding the firm’s Health and Safety Committee. He also has a wide range of experience in site investigations, remedial design, contract and drawing preparation, and cost estimating.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

First aid/CPR

Medical monitoring

Drug and alcohol testing

10-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program

OSHA Compliance and Workspace Safety ExxonMobil Loss

Prevention System Training

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Joy Dunay Project Chemist

B.A., Biology, more than 14 years of experience Joy Dunay’s area of expertise is analytical chemistry. She has extensive environmental laboratory and project management experience in high-profile projects, including Superfund sites, which require a high level of data scrutiny, interpretation, and reporting. She coordinates laboratory efforts for projects, specifies appropriate analytical methods, and monitors data quality through completion.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

Hazmat Awareness

Hazmat Shipping

HAZWOPER 8-hour Supervisor

First aid/CPR

Mark Meyers, Ph.D.

Data Management Task Manager

Ph.D., Marine Science, more than 18 years of experience Dr. Mark Meyers' areas of expertise include water quality and eutrophication processes, plant and plankton dynamics and nutrient cycling, the ecology of emergent and submerged vegetation, and the ecology of benthic fauna. He has performed field and modeling studies in wetland, riverine, estuarine, and oceanic ecosystems. Dr. Meyers serves as Anchor QEA’s director for data management, supervising laboratory sourcing, database management, and applications development for the collection, storage, and QA of environmental datasets.

First aid/CPR

Transportation Worker Identification Credential

ExxonMobil Drug and Alcohol Testing

ExxonMobil Loss Prevention System Training

Phillips 66 Bayway Safety and Awareness

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Delaney Peterson

Data Validation Coordinator

B.S., Oceanography, more than 14 years of experience Delaney Peterson coordinates laboratory efforts for Anchor QEA projects by obtaining RFPs, writing work orders/contracts, and tracking SDGs through completion. She performs data validation using USEPA functional guidelines or project-specific criteria. She assists with the preparation of QAPPs and FSAPs, as well as data interpretation, report writing, and laboratory selection.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

Hazmat Awareness Hazmat Shipping

HAZWOPER 8-hour Supervisor

First aid/CPR

David Glaser, Ph.D.

Risk Assessment Manager

Ph.D., Biology, more than 24 years of experience Dr. David Glaser has experience in risk assessment, natural resource damage assessment, evaluating remediation options, planning remedial activities, supporting allocation at multi-party sites, and habitat restoration. Dr. Glaser’s work has focused on quantitative approaches, including statistical analysis as well as the development and application of computer models. Dr. Glaser has been a peer reviewer for USEPA, as well as a reviewer for the journals Microbial Ecology, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, and Environmental Science and Technology.

First aid/CPR

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Linda Logan, Ph.D.

ERA Task Manager

Ph.D., Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 24 years of experience Dr. Linda Logan’s principal areas of expertise are water and sediment quality, ERA and BHHRA, stormwater permitting, and water quality compliance. She has managed and worked on a number of ERAs and BHHRAs in support of EISs, RIs, outfall siting studies, and water re-use. These have ranged from screening-level assessments using conservative assumptions to more comprehensive assessments that have required the collection of site-specific data to reduce the uncertainty of the outcome.


QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 7 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Taku Fuji, Ph.D. BHHRA Task Manager

Ph.D., Toxicology, more than 19 years of experience Dr. Takashi (Taku) Fuji is a toxicologist and sediment quality specialist who works on issues related to risk assessment and sediment contamination. Dr. Fuji has considerable experience developing and conducting ERAs and BHHRAs and has successfully completed risk assessments using national and regional risk assessment guidance in the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and California. Dr. Fuji has managed the Risk Assessment Services Group that provided a full range of risk assessment and toxicological technical assistance at Kennedy Jenks Consultants.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

First aid/CPR

Transportation Worker Identification Credential

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 8 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


John Connolly, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE

Technical Advisor

Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, more than 23 years of experience Dr. Connolly is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a nationally recognized expert on contaminated sediments and eutrophication. His work now focuses on surface water and groundwater contamination problems for the purpose of allocation among potential sources, evaluation of remedial options, remedy design, or waste load allocation (total maximum daily loads). He is an expert in water quality modeling and has been involved in the development of several models commonly applied to real-world problems.

Professional Engineer

Board Certified Environmental Engineer

Member of the USEPA Science Advisory Board

Member of the Manhattan College Council of Engineering Affairs

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 9 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


David Templeton

Technical Advisor

M.S., Environmental Chemistry, more than 24 years of experience Mr. Templeton has extensive experience bringing complex waterfront cleanup projects with multiple objectives to successful completion through the careful coordination and management of a multidisciplinary team of environmental, engineering, and sediment management professionals. He has worked on sediment sites his entire career and is responsible for developing technically defensible effective strategies that blend habitat, NRDA, and permitting elements with practical site remediation solutions.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

First aid/CPR

Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Union Pacific Railway Safety

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Dredging

Fundamentals course

Laurel Menoche

Data Management Task Lead

B.S., Environmental Management, 15 years of experience Laurel Menoche has extensive experience working with relational databases within Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Visual FoxPro, and FoxPro, including design, querying, importing, exporting, maintaining, and QA/QC. She is also proficient with Microsoft Excel, including calculations, statistics, and creating charts and tables.

First aid/CPR

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 10 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Nicole LaFranchise

Historical Data Review Task Lead

B.S., Environmental Science and Occupational Safety, more than 19 years of experience Nicole LaFranchise has 18 years of regulatory compliance, complex environmental remediation project management, and environmental program experience in the private and public sectors. Ms. LaFranchise started her career in the private sector spending nearly 12 years managing regulatory compliance matters for environmental health and safety. During this time, she also managed remediation projects, environmental engineering projects, and facility construction and demolition projects at manufacturing facilities.

40-hour HAZWOPER, Incident Commander Level

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

Hazmat Materials

ISO14001 Lead Auditor

Medical monitoring

Kirk Ziegler, Ph.D., P.E.

Modeling Task Lead

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, more than 31 years of experience Dr. Ziegler's expertise is in the area of contaminant fate and transport with an emphasis on hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling. He has developed a state-of-the-science sediment transport model (SEDZL/SEDZLJ) that is of importance in the study of waterborne pollutants in lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. Dr. Ziegler is a nationally recognized expert in sediment stability.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 11 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Stu Messur Sources Task Lead

M.S., Environmental Engineering, more than 26 years of experience Stuart D. Messur has more than 26 years of experience, including 23 years providing technical and project management support at sites with contaminated sediments. He has developed a broad range of sediment-related experience with sediment site investigations, feasibility studies, bench and pilot studies, and remedial design- and remedial action-related activities.

40-hour HAZWOPER

Lightweight Commercial

Full Face Mask Diving Certification

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 12 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Amanda Shellenberger, P.E.

Point Sources Lead

M.S.E., Civil Engineering, 11 years of experience Ms. Shellenberger is a civil/environmental engineer with recognized expertise in project management, storm drainage hydrology, water system master planning and report preparation, and the design of multi-discipline engineering projects. Ms. Shellenberger specializes in the management of large-scale complex environmental investigations, particularly at contaminated sediment sites. Ms. Shellenberger has assisted in managing multi-million dollar contaminated sediment projects covering a wide range of sediment issues including: sediment chemistry and toxicology, oceanographic studies, sediment risk assessments, benthic ecology, sediment chemical fate and transport modeling, sediment disposal site evaluation, and disposal suitability testing, as well as disposal and remediation engineering.

Professional Engineer

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

First aid/CPR

Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers

Member of Tau Beta Pi

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 13 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Grace Weatherford, P.E.

Point Sources Lead

M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, more than 6 years of experience Ms. Grace Weatherford has worked successfully with clients in both the public and private sector to manage stormwater, contaminated soil and groundwater, air emissions, and hazardous materials. She has experience with local, state, and federal regulations and working effectively with clients and their regulators to come to consensus. Ms. Weatherford has a background in environmental engineering, environmental geology, and civil engineering.

Professional Engineer

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

First aid/CPR

Medical monitoring

Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead

AHERA Asbestos Inspector

4-hour Asbestos Inspector Refresher

OSHA Lead Training

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 14 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Matt Cavas, P.G.

Groundwater Sources Lead

B.S., Geological Sciences, 9 years of experience Mr. Cavas is a geologist with over 5 years of experience conducting environmental field work. His specific areas of expertise involve subsurface investigations primarily including soil and rock-core logging, geophysical logging, and test pitting. Mr. Cavas also has experience with groundwater sampling using a wide range of equipment, surface water sampling, soil gas sampling, indoor air sampling, sediment sampling, hydraulic conductivity testing, and aquifer testing.

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

Hazmat Awareness

Advanced first aid/CPR

Medical monitoring

Drug and alcohol training General Field Health and

Safety Training New York State Safe Boating Certification

David Keith, Ph.D., R.G., C.H.G.

Groundwater Lead

Ph.D., Geochemistry, more than 22 years of experience Dr. Keith has directed and participated in numerous projects involved in remediating sites environmentally impacted by contaminated surface water, groundwater, soils, sediments, and other geologic materials, and in addressing problems associated with non-point source pollution in stormwater runoff. He has conducted hydrogeologic investigations at local and regional scales, geochemical evaluations of contaminated sediments, soils, industrial wastes, and mining wastes, and developed data analysis tools using geographic information system technology.


HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 15 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Kendra Skellenger, P.E.

Other Non-Point Sources Lead

M.S., Environmental/Water Resources Engineering, more than 9 years of experience Kendra Skellenger has expertise in the project management, design, permitting, and construction of multi-discipline engineering projects. She has extensive design experience working with storm drainage hydrology; water quality, quantity, and hydraulic modeling; streambank stabilization; regulatory compliance including general and individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting; sediment and erosion control design; and potable water, recycled water, stormwater, and wastewater system design, drawings, and specifications.

Professional Engineer

40-hour HAZWOPER

HAZWOPER 8-hour Refresher

First aid/CPR

Medical monitoring

Transportation Worker Identification Credential

Drug and alcohol testing

LEED-Accredited Professional, U.S. Green

Building Council

Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead

Member of Environment and Water Resources Institute of American

Society of Civil Engineers

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 16 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Jill Oliver Geographic Information System Lead

Master’s Studies, Geology, more than 17 years of experience Ms. Jill Oliver has a background in GIS, environmental studies, transportation planning, and geology. She has extensive experience in GIS modeling and analysis, environmental GIS database management and design, GIS project management, land use change detection, advanced model scripting with Python, mobile GIS mapping involving data design and collection, and internet GIS mapping with development and design.

Geologist in Training

Member of the Urban and

Regional Information Systems Association

Member of Sigma Gamma Epsilon

Rana Wilson Technical Editing and Document Production

Studies in Graphic Design, Degree, 4 years of experience Rana Wilson is a project assistant and technical editor with particular expertise in printed and electronic deliverables and document control. Ms. Wilson reviews environmental documents for grammatical accuracy, company- and project-specific language standards, consistency, clarity, and objectivity.

First aid/CPR

Various Field Team Leader

Various Experience includes documentation of proper sample collection protocols, sample collection, equipment decontamination, and COCs; and initialization and accurate verification of field notebooks, COC records, sample labels, and other field-related documentation.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 17 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/


Various Support staff and environmental technicians

Available on request Experience includes documentation of proper sample collection protocols, sample collection, equipment decontamination, and COCs.

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Organization: Alpha Analytical

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Elizabeth Porta

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Alpha Analytical Laboratory facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.S., Marine Biology (1987); additional studies in the Master’s Degree Program in Analytical Chemistry Elizabeth Porta has been employed in environmental testing laboratories since 1987 and has experience in organic and petroleum forensic extractions, cleanup, analysis, and reports. The following are the positions she’s held: QA Manager 1998 to 2005 (Woods Hole Group); Forensics Manager 2005 to 2010 (Alpha Analytical); Operations Manager 2010 to 2012 (Alpha Analytical); and Project Manager 2012 to present (Alpha Analytical).

Quality Management in the Lab – Clemson

University Continuing Education

Restek gas chromatography and gas chromatography/

mass spectrometry

Independent Testing Laboratories

Association and American Society for

Quality member

Jim Todaro QA Manager B.A., Biology, more than 30 years of experience in environmental analytical laboratories with a focus on QA/QC and laboratory management

Detecting and correcting

inappropriate laboratory practices

Effectively closing laboratory assessments

2009 TNI standards training

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Organization: SGS North America

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Amy Boehm

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at SGS North America facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.A., Biology, more than 20 years of experience in environmental analytical services with a focus on project/program management and QA/QC review of high-resolution mass spectrometry analyses


Jeannie Milholland

QA Manager B.S., Biology, 25 years of experience in environmental laboratory work with a focus on QA/QC for the last 10 years

Internal auditor training

Data quality training

Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Organization: Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Patrick Garcia-Strickland

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Eurofins Frontier Global Sciences and facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.S., Chemistry, 14 years of experience in the environmental chemistry field and more than 11 years of experience in trace metals laboratories


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Organization: GeoTesting Express

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Mark Dobday, P.G.

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at GeoTesting Express facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

M.A., Geology, 35 years of experience, including extensive project experience in a wide-range of geotechnical laboratory programs involving both soil and rock testing. His management experience includes test scheduling, staff management, serving as client liaison, report generation, supervising laboratory personnel, writing reports, managing ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 quality management systems, and maintaining QA/QC of laboratory procedures.


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

Organization: ALS Global

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Lisa Domenighini

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at ALS Global facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

1983, B.S., Microbiology, 30 years of Environmental Laboratory experience with 15 years of project management experience; ALS Environmental Project Manager contact for current Newtown Creek and Gowanus Canal projects


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 7 141037-01.01

Organization: Analytical Services, Inc.

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Paul Warden

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Analytical Services, Inc. facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.S., 1981, 24 years of professional experience in environmental laboratories; extensive project management experience

N/A Oct. 18, 2013

Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 8 141037-01.01

Organization: Watershed Assessment Associates, LLC

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

J. Kelly Nolan

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Watershed Assessment Associates for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.A., Biology, 13 years of experience J. Kelly Nolan is an experienced field biologist and skilled aquatic macroinvertebrate taxonomist currently serving as the Director of Environmental Services at Watershed Assessment Associates. He manages all phases of client projects, including site selection, field collection, sample processing, taxonomy, data analysis, and reporting. He also coordinates and supervises field operations, directs laboratory operations, and maintains field and laboratory QA. Mr. Nolan is North American Benthological Society-certified.


Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 9 141037-01.01

Organization: EnviroTest Laboratory

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Renee Cusack

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at EnviroTest Laboratory for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.A., Biology, 35 years of environmental laboratory experience in microbiology, wet chemistry, and metals analysis

Laboratory Director of EnviroTest 2004 to

present; Perkin Elmer ICP, ICP-MS, and FIMS operator certification; Dionex IC certification;

Lachat autoanalyzer certification

Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 10 141037-01.01

Organization: Energy and Environmental Research Center

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Steve Hawthorne, Ph.D.

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Energy and Environmental Research Center and facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

Ph.D., Analytical Environmental Chemistry Dr. Steve Hawthorne joined the Energy and Environmental Research Center and focused on developing and applying new methods for organic contaminants in complex environmental matrices, including the only regulatory-approved method for freely dissolved organics (ASTM D-7363). His research has led to more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in environmental chemistry and analysis as well as several national and international awards.


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 11 141037-01.01

Organization: Activation Laboratories Ltd.

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Elitsa Hrischeva, Ph.D.

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Actlabs facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

Ph.D., Geology, and M.S., Geology-Geochemistry, 25 years of professional experience in environmental laboratories; extensive project management experience


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 12 141037-01.01

Organization: Teledyne Brown Engineering

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Rebecca Charles

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Teledyne Brown Engineering facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

AS, Environmental Health, Health Physics BS, Zoology More than 20 years of experience as a chemist, supervisor, and project manager, Analytical and Radiochemistry Laboratories

Advanced Mixed Waste Shipper Certification


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 13 141037-01.01

Organization: Vista Analytical Laboratory

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Martha Maier

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Vista Analytical Laboratory facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.S. Chemistry and Philosophy, UW-Madison 25 years of experience in the analysis of environmental samples for PCDD/F, PCBs, and other semi-volatile compounds

Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 14 141037-01.01

Organization: Analytical Resources, Inc.

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Cheronne Oreiro

Laboratory Project Manager The Laboratory Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at Alpha Analytical Laboratory facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

Over twelve years in the environmental laboratory industry, including five years in project management at ARI. Has managed projects for various agencies including EPA, USACE, and WA State Dept. of Ecology.


Various Laboratory Chemists Various

Internal training program with yearly

demonstration of capability

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 15 141037-01.01

Organization: EnviroSystems, Inc.

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Kenneth Simon

Laboratory Technical Director/ Senior Toxicologist The Laboratory Technical Director acts as the primary point of contact at EnviroSystems, Inc., facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve issues related to study design and data interpretation.

M.S., Marine Science, University of the Pacific, 1974 B.S., Zoology, New England College, 1971

ISO/IEC 17025 Internal Auditor Training ISO/IEC 17025 Measurement Uncertainty

April 4, 2014

Renee McIsaac

Project Manager The Project Manager acts as the primary point of contact at EnviroSystems, Inc., facilities for the Anchor QEA Project Chemist to communicate and resolve sampling, sample receipt, analysis, and storage issues.

B.A., Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire, 2002, major in Zoology

Various Laboratory Chemists Various Internal training program with yearly demonstration of capability

Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 4, 7, and 8: Personnel Qualifications and Sign-Off Sheet (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.3.2 – 2.3.4)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.2.7 and 2.3.7)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 16 141037-01.01

Organization: Laboratory Data Consultants

Name Project Title/Role Education/Experience1 Specialized

Training/Certifications Signature/Date2,3

Ming Hwa Hwang

Data Validator The Data Validator will work with the Anchor QEA Data Validation Coordinator and laboratories to resolve data quality issues and validate data according to the requirements in this QAPP.

Ph.D., Chemistry, and B.S., Chemistry, 5 years of professional experience in environmental laboratories; 13 years of experience in data validation


Stella Cuenco Data Validator B.S., Chemistry, 6 years of professional experience in environmental laboratories; 17 years of experience in data validation


Various Validation Support Staff Various Internal training


Notes: 1 = Resumes of all individuals are available upon request. 2 = Signature indicates that personnel have read the applicable QAPP sections and will perform the tasks as described. 3 = Signatures indicating personnel have read and agree to implement the QAPP as written will be added once finalized.

QAPP Worksheet No. 6: Communication Pathways (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.4.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Communication Driver Organization Name1 Contact Information1 Procedure

(Timing, Pathways, etc.)

Point of contact with USEPA RPM – project status and updates (external)

Anchor QEA RI/FS Technical Lead

Tom Schadt 206-287-9130

[email protected]

Communicate project updates as needed with the USEPA Remedial Project Manager(s) via phone or e-mail. Communicate project schedule, Phase 2 QAPP and FSAP deviations/addenda, and potential impacts to project data quality objectives.

Field activities status and issues

Anchor QEA Field Team Leader

Amy Corp and

Various Field Leads

360-715-2715 [email protected]

Communicate daily, or as needed, with Anchor QEA field team staff, subcontractors, and Anchor QEA RI/FS Project Manager directly, or via e-mail or phone. Minor Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volumes 1 and 2 and Phase 2 FSAP deviations and/or proposed revisions will be documented and communicated in writing.

Health and safety briefings and updates; significant health and safety concerns or incidents


Chris Torell 617-371-4461

[email protected]

Communicate daily, or as needed, with field team staff and boat operators directly, or via e-mail or phone. Communicate immediately with supervisor, Anchor QEA Safety Manager, and Anchor QEA RI Manager.

Analytical laboratory issues, including coordination with field, schedule, and technical issues; minor QAPP deviations

Anchor QEA Project Chemist

Joy Dunay 206-903-3320

[email protected]

Communicate with Anchor QEA Field Team Leader and Laboratory Project Manager as needed via phone or e-mail. Communicate minor QAPP deviations to the Anchor QEA RI Manager and Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator.

Analytical data validation issues

Anchor QEA Data Validation Coordinator

Delaney Peterson

206-903-3396 [email protected]

Communicate with Laboratory Project Manager as needed via phone or e-mail.

QAPP Worksheet No. 6: Communication Pathways (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.4.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Communication Driver Organization Name1 Contact Information1 Procedure

(Timing, Pathways, etc.)

QAPP amendment approval

Anchor QEA RI/FS Project Manager

Jim Quadrini 201-571-0912

[email protected]

Communicate the approval status of project plans to the Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator and Anchor QEA Project Chemist.

Audit findings (field and/or laboratory)

Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator

Ramzy Makhlouf

201-930-9890 [email protected]

Communicate findings to Anchor QEA Field Team Leader or Laboratory Project Manager (as appropriate); transmit final audit reports, including corrective actions to Anchor QEA RI Manager.

Issues potentially affecting data quality objectives

Anchor QEA Project Chemist

Joy Dunay 206-903-3320

[email protected] Communicate as needed with Anchor QEA QA Coordinator, Anchor QEA RI/FS Project Manager, and Anchor QEA RI Manager via e-mail or phone.

Anchor QEA Data Validation Coordinator

Delaney Peterson

206-903-3396 [email protected]

Anchor QEA RI Manager

Jim Quadrini 201-571-0912

[email protected]

Communicate with Anchor QEA RI/FS Project Manager and the NCG as needed, via e-mail or phone. Significant Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volumes 1 and 2 modifications will be reported to USEPA in writing prior to implementation.

Data task implementation, including sampling, analysis, and reporting

Anchor QEA RI Manager

Jim Quadrini 201-571-0912

[email protected] Communicate with Anchor QEA PM, the NCG, and USEPA as needed, via e-mail or phone.

Project status and issues (internal)

Anchor QEA RI Manager

Jim Quadrini 201-571-0912

[email protected]

Communicate with Anchor QEA PM, the NCG, and USEPA daily, or as needed, via e-mail or phone, and submit quarterly progress reports.

QAPP Worksheet No. 6: Communication Pathways (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.4.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Communication Driver Organization Name1 Contact Information1 Procedure

(Timing, Pathways, etc.)

Document and records control

Anchor QEA RI Manager

Jim Quadrini 201-571-0912

[email protected]

Communicate project requirements for document and records control to the Anchor QEA Data Management Task Manager and project team.

Data management

Anchor QEA RI Field Team Leader

Amy Corp and

Various Field Leads

360-715-2715 [email protected]

Communicate with the Anchor QEA Data Management Task Manager via e-mail; transmit final field locations and sample collection information.

Laboratory Project Manager

Various See contact information of

various laboratory managers

Transmit EDDs to Anchor QEA Data Management Task Manager.

Anchor QEA Data Validation Coordinator

Delaney Peterson

206-903-3396 [email protected]

Communicate with Anchor QEA Data Management Task Manager regarding final data qualifiers.

Stop work (technical non-compliance)

All Anchor QEA personnel (and subcontractors or visitors)

All Anchor QEA Staff

see contact information of Anchor QEA personnel

Any personnel have the authority to STOP WORK if they see a potential or actual hazard that may threaten the safety of people or the environment. Upon stopping work, the Anchor QEA POSO shall be verbally notified, and will in turn verbally notify the Anchor QEA RI Manager, Anchor QEA Safety Manager, and Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator. Given the potential significance of such communications, this should occur as quickly as possible.

Note: 1 = See Worksheet Nos. 3 and 5 for name and contact information of project team.

QAPP Worksheet No. 9: Project Planning Session Summary (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.1 and Figures 9 to 12)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Planning sessions:

Date Activity/Purpose Location

March 9, 2009 Meeting between NCG and USEPA to discuss modifications to the creek-wide RI/FS Work Plan to be CERCLA-compliant

In-person in New York City, New York

November 12, 2009 Meeting between NCG and USEPA to discuss revision and resubmittal of the creek-wide RI/FS Work Plan

In-person in New York City, New York

January 26, 2010 Meeting between NCG and USEPA to discuss the creek-wide RI/FS Work Plan In-person in New York City, New York

March 9, 2010 Meeting between NCG and USEPA to discuss the SLERA In-person in New York City, New York

June 3, 2010 Meeting between NCG and USEPA to discuss the RI/FS Work Plan technical issues In-person in New York City, New York

August 4, 2010 Meeting between Respondents and USEPA to discuss the Response to USEPA May 12, 2010 Letter and Comments on the creek-wide RI/FS Work Plan

In-person in New York City, New York

November 4, 2010 Conference call between the Respondents and USEPA to discuss USEPA’s November 3, 2010 RI/FS Work Plan comments

In-person in New York City, New York

November 19, 2010 Conference call between Respondents and USEPA to discuss the schedule for submittal of the draft revised creek-wide RI/FS Work Plan

In-person in New York City, New York

January 5, 2011 Conference call between Respondents and USEPA to discuss the RI/FS schedule In-person in New York City, New York

March 31, 2011 Meeting between Respondents and USEPA to discuss the RI/FS Work Plan In-person in New York City, New York

April 12, 2011 Meeting between Respondents and USEPA to discuss the RI/FS Work Plan In-person in New York City, New York

May 16, 2013 Point Sources Workshop between Respondents and USEPA In-person in New York City, New York

June 14, 2013

Conference call between Respondents and USEPA to discuss point sources evaluation, split sample comparisons, NYSDOT request for information, Phase 1 Data Summary Report No. 2, NOAA Phase 1 data request, Phase 1 data presentations, and revised Sources Evaluation Process Report

Conference call

June 20, 2013 Modeling Workshop between Respondents and USEPA and monthly meeting to discuss point source updates

In-person in New York City, New York

QAPP Worksheet No. 9: Project Planning Session Summary (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.1 and Figures 9 to 12)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Date Activity/Purpose Location

July 12, 2013 Conference call between Respondents and USEPA to discuss the upcoming groundwater workshop, point sources evaluation, split sample comparisons, Phase 1 Data Summary Report No. 2, and Phase 1 data presentations

Conference call

July 19, 2013 Conference call between Respondents and USEPA to discuss point source evaluation and upcoming meetings

Conference call

July 25, 2013 Groundwater Workshop between Respondents and USEPA and monthly meeting to discuss point and other non-point sources updates and RI/FS schedule

In-person in New York City, New York

August 13, 2013 BERA Workshop between Respondents and USEPA and monthly meeting to discuss point source and groundwater updates

In-person in New York City, New York

September 12, 2013 Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA to discuss updates on point sources, groundwater, modeling, BERA PF, and schedules

In-person in New York City, New York

October 2, 2013 Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA to discuss point source and groundwater comments

Conference call

November 14, 2013 Modeling Workshop between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA and monthly meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA to discuss Phase 2 RI Work Plan status, comments on BERA PF and SSAM, and NYC NC-50 dredging project

In-person in New York City, New York

December 12, 2013 Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA to discuss BERA PF comments, SSAM comments and Addendum status, schedule modifications, data request statuses, and reference area selection

In-person in New York City, New York

January 10, 2014 Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss the Phase 2 RI Work Plan, the Sources Sampling Approach Memorandum Addendum, and information requests

Conference call

January 16, 2014 Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss the Phase 2 RI Work Plan, ongoing point source reconnaissance, data request statuses, and the Sources Sampling Approach Memorandum Addendum

In-person in Houston, Texas, and New York City, New York

QAPP Worksheet No. 9: Project Planning Session Summary (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.1 and Figures 9 to 12)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Date Activity/Purpose Location

February 7, 2014 Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss the Phase 2 RI Work Plan and Section 6 Groundwater Addendum comments and schedules, information sharing protocol, and NYC NC-50 dredging project updates

Conference call

February 13, 2014

Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss comment responses on Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1 and groundwater approach, 2014 schedule, and data requests statuses and proposed information sharing protocol. The outcome of these planning and scoping meetings is reflected in the final Phase 2 RI Work Plan.

In-person in New York City, New York

March 7, 2014 Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss the Phase 2 RI Work Plan and data exchanges protocols

Conference call

March 13, 2014

Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss the Phase 2 RI Work Plan data gaps, Section 6 Groundwater Addendum, and schedules for the Phase 2 RI Work Plan completion and field program. The outcome of these planning and scoping meetings is reflected in the final Phase 2 RI Work Plan.

In-person in Phoenix, Arizona, and New York City, New York

April 2, 2014 Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss comments on Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 2 and ecological risk- and CSM-related comment responses on Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1

Conference call

April 3, 2014 Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to discuss human health risk-related comment responses on Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1

Conference call

April 10, 2014 Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

April 22 to April 23, 2014

Conference call between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to finalize the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1 and discuss comment responses on the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 2. Details discussed regarding data gaps sampling, East River surface water sampling, geochronology, point source sampling, and bank erosion were reflected in the May 2 version of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2.

Conference call

QAPP Worksheet No. 9: Project Planning Session Summary (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.1 and Figures 9 to 12)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Date Activity/Purpose Location

May 7 to May 8, 2014

Meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives to finalize the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1, discuss comment responses on the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 2, and discuss the analyte list dispute resolution. Based on the meeting, analyte lists were modified to include VOCs and herbicides for point sources and the removal of the 3Ps. Details regarding point sources, radiochemistry, data gaps sampling locations, seeps, and East River surface water sampling were modified in the final Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 2.

In-person in New York City, New York

June 12, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

July 10, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

August 15, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

September 11, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

October 9, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

November 6, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York

December 11, 2014 Scheduled meeting between the NCG, NYC, and USEPA representatives In-person in New York City, New York


Name Organization Title/Role E-mail/Phone

Jim Quadrini Anchor QEA, LLC RI/FS Project Manager/Respondents

Consultant [email protected]; 201-571-0912 ext. 1012

Tom Schadt Anchor QEA, LLC RI/FS Technical Lead/Respondents

Consultant [email protected]; 206-287-9130

Various Technical Staff

Anchor QEA, LLC Technical Leads and Advisors N/A

QAPP Worksheet No. 9: Project Planning Session Summary (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.1 and Figures 9 to 12)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Name Organization Title/Role E-mail/Phone

Ron Buchanan Phelps Dodge Refining Corporation Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 602-366-8301

Tracey Bell National Grid Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 917-886-9207

Thomas Campbell National Grid Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 516-545-2555

Steve Schmidt ExxonMobil Oil Corporation Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 703-846-1005

Gesele Harris Texaco, Inc. Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 770-984-4190

Rick Green Texaco, Inc. Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]

John Frankenthal BP Products North America Inc. Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 630-836-7123

Various Technical Staff

Newtown Creek Group Respondents Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative N/A

Susan Amron Environmental Law Division, New York

City Law Department New York City Representative/

Respondent Representative [email protected]; 212-788-1578

David Bridgers Neal and Harwell, PLC Common Counsel/ Respondent’s

Common Counsel [email protected]; 615-244-1713 150

Angela Licata NYCDEP Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative [email protected]; 718-595-4398

Eileen Mahoney NYCDEP Technical Lead/Technical

Representative [email protected]; 718-595-4433

Various Technical Staff

New York City Technical Lead/Respondent

Technical Representative N/A

QAPP Worksheet No. 10: Conceptual Site Model (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

The Phase 2 RI Work Plan provides background Study Area information, including an update to the CSM and data gaps for the completion of the RI report. The project quality objectives and systematic planning process statements are provided in the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 1 Sections 3.2 (page 56) and 3.3 (page 70) for the BERA and Sections 4.3 (page 102) and 4.4 (page 111) for the BHHRA. For the Phase 2 RI Volume 2 field program, the project quality objectives and systematic planning process statements are provided in the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2. For point source discharge sampling, they are included in Section 5.1.1 (page 6), the modeling-specific systematic planning process information is in Section 7.1.1 (page 24), and data gaps planning information is included in Section 8.1.1 (page 67). The objectives of the groundwater field program are included in Section 1 (page 1-2) of the Final Groundwater Investigation Work Plan included as Appendix F of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan.

The problem to be addressed by the project is as follows: The Study Area has had 200 years of use as an industrial waterway with discharges from a variety of industrial and municipal sources. It is necessary to understand the nature and, where appropriate, the extent of physical, chemical, and biological stressors and to identify major ongoing sources of these stressors to the Study Area in order to make informed decisions regarding protection of human health and the environment and possible remediation approaches.

The proposed sampling consists of the following: The proposed approach for completion of the RI/FS includes phasing of field investigations and associated evaluations and reporting. Per USEPA CERCLA Guidance (USEPA 1988; Section 1.4.2), “field sampling should be phased so that the results of the initial sampling efforts can be used to refine plans developed during scoping to better focus subsequent sampling efforts. DQOs are revised as appropriate based on an improved understanding of the site to facilitate a more efficient and accurate characterization of the site and, therefore, achieve reductions in time and cost.” The DQOs process is described in Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process (USEPA 2006). The proposed approach includes two, or possibly more, primary phases of field investigation and the associated evaluating and reporting steps, described as follows: • Phase 1 RI Field Program – The Phase 1 RI field program considered available pre-RI data and included collection of sediment, surface water,

ambient air, and groundwater samples and completion of physical, biological, and shoreline area surveys. The specific sampling that was performed during the first phase of work is summarized in the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1. This phase of work was intended to generally characterize the physical properties of the Study Area, identify areas of interest or significant features for future sampling during the Phase 2 RI field program, and characterize the nature and extent of COPCs in sediment and surface water. The ambient air sampling evaluated baseline concentrations of specific airborne chemicals for current conditions, measured ambient air concentrations experienced within the breathing

QAPP Worksheet No. 10: Conceptual Site Model (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

zone in or adjacent to the Study Area, and estimated the portion of the measured concentrations that are potentially attributable to the Study Area and its shoreline.

• Historical Data Review – This data review was conducted prior to and concurrent with the Phase 1 RI field program. It included an evaluation of the available historical data regarding geology, hydrogeology, and land use, with the purpose of identifying significant loadings of COPCs, and to the extent of the available information, sources of such loadings that may impact Study Area biota, sediments and surface water through groundwater discharge and point and other non-point source discharges. The results of this review are detailed in the draft Data Applicability Report.

• SLERA and BERA PF – These activities were conducted concurrently with the Phase 1 RI field program using existing (pre-Phase 1) data and data collected during the Phase 1 RI field program, including the habitat survey and biological surveys. The SLERA and the BERA PF were produced following the BERA Workshop, where preliminary SLERA results and a BERA PF outline were discussed in detail with USEPA. These activities were conducted prior to the completion of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1 to allow identification of data gaps that will be addressed in the Phase 2 RI field sampling program.

• Phase 2 RI Field Program – The Phase 2 RI field program will include the elements of the Phase 2 RI risk field program included in the Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1, as well as the elements of the Phase 2 RI Volume 2 field program included in the Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2. The Phase 2 RI field program was developed following the review of historical data (e.g., existing reports on upland properties, including geology and hydrogeology), information on pipe discharges, and observations of pipe discharges, seeps, and other non-point sources stormwater flow in the Study Area. The objectives of the Phase 2 RI risk field work are as follows:

‒ Evaluate potential current total risks and site-related risks to ecological receptors in the Study Area and specific subareas, which is the goal of the BERA. Provide the data that are necessary to evaluate these potential risks, which is the goal of the BERA-related Phase 2 RI sampling program. The following additional site-specific information is needed to complete the BERA: o Effects on ecological receptors caused by exposure to CERCLA hazardous substances in surface water, sediment, sediment porewater,

and prey in the Study Area, specific subareas, and in reference areas o Bioavailability and bioaccumulation of CERCLA hazardous substances in the Study Area, specific subareas, and in reference areas o Presence and use of the Study Area, specific subareas, and reference areas by wildlife receptors that are being qualitatively and

quantitatively evaluated in the BERA

o These data needs require that additional data be collected in the Study Area and in reference areas during the Phase 2 RI sampling program. This additional data collection effort will require sampling and analysis of surface water, sediments, sediment porewater,

QAPP Worksheet No. 10: Conceptual Site Model (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

and biological tissue (field-collected fish and crabs) in the Study Area and reference areas and the completion of benthic invertebrate community surveys, and sediment toxicity tests, as well as fish and epibenthic decapod surveys and wildlife surveys, in the Study Area and reference areas. For the Study Area, this also includes a caged bivalve study and the collection of surface sediment for laboratory-based bioaccumulation testing.

‒ Estimate and evaluate site-related risks to human receptors in the Study Area and/or specific subareas, which is the goal of the BHHRA. Provide the data necessary to evaluate these potential risks, which is the goal of the BHHRA-related Phase 2 RI sampling program. The following are the human receptor categories that will be evaluated in the BHHRA for which additional data are needed:

o The Recreational Anglers/Crabbers category includes the following: Concentrations of CERCLA hazardous substances in surface water to evaluate dermal contact risks Concentrations of CERCLA hazardous substances in fish and crab tissue to evaluate recreational seafood consumption risks

o The Recreational Boater category includes concentrations of CERCLA hazardous substances in surface water to evaluate dermal contact and incidental ingestions risks.

o The Dockside Workers category includes concentrations of CERCLA hazardous substances in surface water and shallow nearshore sediment to evaluate dermal contact and incidental ingestions risks.

o Location-specific data gap for future recreational users of the Plank Road Area include concentrations of CERCLA hazardous substances in surface water and shallow nearshore sediment to evaluate dermal contact with surface water and dermal contact and incidental ingestions of sediment.

o Location-specific data gap for future construction workers at the Hunter’s Point South residential development area working at the site of the proposed future canoe/kayak launch area include concentrations of CERCLA hazardous substances in surface water and shallow nearshore sediment to evaluate dermal contact and incidental ingestions of surface water and sediment.

The objectives of the Phase 2 RI Volume 2 field program are described as follows for the point sources, modeling, and data gaps field programs:

• Collect the following additional information to evaluate the composition of individually permitted discharges, CSOs, and stormwater and to quantify the loadings from these discharges in order to support the CSM, modeling framework, and evaluation of remedial alternatives for the site:

‒ Obtain data that can be used to evaluate the composition of potentially significant point source discharges to the Study Area.

‒ Develop an improved understanding of the relative magnitude and the spatial and temporal variations in point source discharges to the

QAPP Worksheet No. 10: Conceptual Site Model (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Study Area, which will be used to refine elements of the CSM and risk assessments and evaluate remedial alternatives.

‒ Develop an understanding of physical and chemical processes within the Study Area and the ability to simulate those processes within a predictive framework. This framework will in turn provide a reliable management tool that can be used to inform the CSM for the Study Area, support risk assessment, and evaluate the efficacy of remedial alternatives.

‒ Provide data that, in conjunction with the data collected during Phase 1, can be used to improve understanding of physical and chemical processes, develop model inputs, and support model development and calibration, so the overall modeling framework can be used as a management tool to inform the CSM for the Study Area, support risk assessment, and evaluate the efficacy of remedial alternatives.

‒ Further evaluate the depth to native material (which, as discussed in Section 2 of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan Volume 1, generally defines the vertical extent of contamination based on Phase 1 data) and chemical characterization of the native material at select locations.

‒ Further refine the contaminant extent at and below the sediment/native material interface using archived cores at select locations in English Kills where contaminants were observed deeper in the native material.

‒ Further evaluate the sediment chemical concentrations at select locations in English Kills and the Turning Basin with unique morphologic and hydrodynamic features.

‒ Help confirm the presence of NAPL in sediments through the use of refined sediment core logging procedures.

The groundwater field program objectives are as follows:

‒ Collect data to estimate groundwater discharge to Newtown Creek.

‒ Identify contaminants of potential concern (COPC) concentrations associated with groundwater.

‒ Use the resulting data to estimate current COPC mass loading to Newtown Creek.

• RI Reporting – The results of the RI data collection activities will be summarized in several completed and future reports. A Phase 1 RI IDR was prepared at approximately the midpoint of the Phase 1 RI field program to summarize the results of the surveys performed (bathymetric, side-scan sonar, and magnetic surveys; aerial photography survey; and shoreline assessment) and the Historical Data Review information obtained up to that point in time, including the groundwater assessment. This IDR will serve as the basis to identify potential significant loadings of COPCs and, to the extent of the available information, sources of such loadings to the Study Area for consideration of Phase 2 in-creek and/or land-based sampling. The results of the Phase 1 RI field program were summarized in the Phase 1 RI DSR. The combined results from the Phase 1 and Phase 2 RI field programs will be summarized in the RI report.

QAPP Worksheet No. 10: Conceptual Site Model (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.5.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

• BERA – The BERA will rely on the results of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 RI field programs, and the food web modeling.

• BHHRA – The BHHRA will be outlined for discussion and comment by USEPA in the PAR-BHHRA. The PAR-BHHRA will include the BHHRA CSM and details of exposure and toxicity data to ensure the approach for the BHHRA is acceptable to USEPA. The BHHRA will involve a review of sampling data for environmental media associated with the Study Area collected during the Phase 1 and Phase 2 RI field programs and will also rely on the results of the food web modeling.

• FS Field Program – The FS field program, if necessary, will be scoped following the completion of the RI, ERA, and BHHRA. This phase of field work will provide the information needed to complete the FS and may include additional sediment sampling in select areas of the Study Area for select contaminants, sediment sample collection to refine volumes for remediation areas, and treatability tests for candidate remedial technologies.

The Phase 2 RI field program elements are not intended to be completed sequentially but will be scheduled and implemented as information is obtained to enable execution of the field programs and as USEPA approval of field program scope is obtained.

QAPP Worksheet No. 11: Project/Data Quality Objectives (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Data Quality Objectives Systematic Planning Process (Steps 1-7: State the Problem, Identify the Goals of the Study, Identify Information Inputs, Define the Boundaries of the Study, Develop the Analytic Approach, and Specify Performance or Acceptance Criteria, Detailed Plan for Obtaining Data)

The Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 1 provides the systematic planning process used to develop and document the DQOs for the Phase 2 risk field program using USEPA’s seven-step DQO process. Section 3.2.1 (page 56) presents an overview of the data quality objectives process. The BERA-specific systematic planning process information is included in Sections 3.2 (page 56) and 3.3 (page 70) and the BHHRA-specific systematic planning process information is included in Sections 4.3 (page 102) and 4.4 (page 111). The Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2 provides the systematic planning process used to develop and document the DQOs for the Phase 2 RI Volume 2 field program. The point sources planning process information is included in Section 5.1.1 (page 6), the modeling-specific systematic planning process information is in Section 7.1.1 (page 24), and data gaps planning information is included in Section 8.1.1 (page 67). The objectives of the groundwater field program are included in Section 1 (pages 1 and 2) of the Final Groundwater Investigation Work Plan, included as Appendix F of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) (8270D) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QL, no common

lab contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QL, no common

lab contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (8260C) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks/Trip Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment and trip blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Chlorinated Herbicides (8151A) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment and trip blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Organochlorine Pesticides (1699) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias OPR sample (or LCS) 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Labeled isotope dilution internal standards Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups (1668) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias OPR Sample (or LCS) 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal Standards Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Metals (6010C/6020A/1638 Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Precision Serial Dilution (not required for method 1638M) RPD ≤15% if analyte > 50x MDL; No criteria if

≤50x MDL

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 7 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Mercury (1631 Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB Average MB <2x MDL b

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or CRM 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Precision MSD 70%-130% R; RPD ≤30%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. If mercury is detected in the equipment rinsate blank, analysis for methyl mercury

may be required depending on associated sample results.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 8 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Methyl Mercury (1630 Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB Average MB <2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3 MDL or 1/10 of

associated samples b

Accuracy/Bias LCS or CRM LCS: 65%-130% R; CRM: within 30% of certified


Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 65%-135% R; RPD ≤25%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 9 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Hexavalent Chromium (7196A) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 10 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Dioxins and Furans (1613B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or OPR 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Bias Labeled isotope dilution internal standards Laboratory specified

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 11 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Radionuclides Cesium-137 (137Cs) and Lead-210 (210Pb)d Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MBb No target analyte >QL

Accuracy/Bias MSb 70%-130%

Accuracy/Precision MSDbc 70%-130% R; RPD ≤30%

Accuracy/Bias LCSb 75%-125%

Accuracy/Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30%

Accuracy/Bias Combined Standard Uncertainty ≤30%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = Applicable to 210Pb only. c = Sample results will be reported with associated combined standard uncertainty (2 sigma counting uncertainty). d = 210Pb will be determined as 210Bi.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 12 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and alkyl PAHs (8270D-SIM) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 13 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids Including DRO and TPH Ranges (8015 Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compounds >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compounds >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 14 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Triterpanes and Steranes (8270D-SIM Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compounds >QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 15 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: TOC (9060 Modified Lloyd Kahn) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Quadruplicate None

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 16 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Soot Carbon (Gustafsson et al. 1997)

Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125%

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125%

Precision Laboratory Quadruplicate None

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 17 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Percent Solids (SM 2540G) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 18 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Ammonia-N (SM 4500NH3) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 19 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Cyanide (9012B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤35% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 20 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Sulfide (9030B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 21 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Total Nitrogen (TKN + NO3/NO2; SM 4500NO3/SM 4500NC) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 22 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Total Phosphorus (SM 4500P) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 23 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: pH (9045D) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Accuracy/Bias LCS 90%-110% R

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 24 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: AVS/SEM (EPA Draft Method – 1991/6020A) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 25 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 26 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Bulk Density (ASTM D7263) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 27 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Grain Size (ASTM D442) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 28 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Specific Gravity (ASTM D854) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 29 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Shear Stress (ASTM D 2850) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 30 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 31 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Hydraulic Conductivity (ASTM D 5084) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 32 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: EPH (MADEP-EPH) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 40%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 40%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 40%-140% R; RPD ≤50%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 33 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: VPH (MADEP-VPH) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Trip Blanks/Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 70%-130% R; RPD ≤50%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Trip blanks and equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 34 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Method: X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) per R. Jenkins & R.L. Snyder, 1996 Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy Internal Standard (Corrundum) Added to each sample if quantitative xRD

analysis is required

Precision X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis (optional) Per request, to compare calculated and

measured element composition

Precision Lab dupes (optional) RPD ≤50%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 35 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Benthic Invertebrates (WAA-1) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias Random selection of 10% of samples for

independent re-sort by senior technician (laboratory duplicate)

95% sorting efficiency

Accuracy Independent check of animal identification by

taxonomist not assigned to project Accuracy of animal identification

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 36 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) (8260C) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks/Trip Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment and trip blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 37 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: SVOCs (8270D) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 38 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Organochlorine Pesticides (8081B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Precision MSD 60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 39 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Chlorinated Herbicides (8151A) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment and trip blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 40 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups (1668) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias OPR Sample (or LCS) 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Labeled isotope dilution standards Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 41 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Metals –Total and Dissolved (6010C/6020A/1632d/1638 Modifiedd) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 80%-120% R; Arsenic by 1632d (75-125% R)

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Precision Serial Dilution (optional for method 1632; not

required for method 1638) RPD ≤10% if analyte > 50x MDL;

No criteria if ≤50x MDL

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d= Methods 1632 and 1638 will only be utilized if matrix interference prevents accurate analyses by methods 6010C or 6020A.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 42 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Cr+3/Cr+6 (7196) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Precision Serial Dilution (not required for method 1638M) RPD ≤15% if analyte > 50x MDL; No criteria if

≤50x MDL

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 43 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Total and Dissolved Mercury (1631) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB Average MB <QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias CRM Within 25% of certified value

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Precision MSD RPD ≤30%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. If mercury is detected in the equipment rinsate blank, analysis for methyl mercury

may be required depending on associated sample results.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 44 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Methyl Mercury (1630) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB Average MB <0.045 ng/L, StD ≤ 0.015 ng/L or

1/10th of associated samples b

Accuracy/Bias CRM Within 35% of certified value

Accuracy/Bias LCS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Precision MSD 65%-135% R; RPD ≤35%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 45 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Dioxins and Furans (1613B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Labeled isotope dilution standards Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 46 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: PAHs and alkyl PAHs (8270D-SIM)

Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Precision MSD 60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 47 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids Including DRO and TPH ranges (8015 Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias Equipment Rinsate Blanksd No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 60%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias Precision MS/MSD 60%-140% R, RPD ≤30%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 48 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: EPH (MADEP-EPH) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 40%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 40%-140% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 40%-140% R; RPD ≤50%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 49 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: VPH (MADEP-VPH) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Trip Blanks/Equipment Rinsate Blanks No target compound >QL, no common lab

contaminants >5x QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 70%-130% R

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 70%-130% R; RPD ≤50%

Precision Field Duplicate RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Trip blanks and equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 50 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Grain size by Ecology TAPE 2011/ARI-01, ARI-02 Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 51 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: TOC (SM 5310C) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 52 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: DOC (SM 5310C) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 53 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: POC (9060 Modified Lloyd Kahn) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 54 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: TSS (2540D) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Contamination MB ≤QLbb

Precision Laboratory Duplicates ≤20% RPD if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 55 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: TDS (SM 2540C)

Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 56 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: SSC (ASTM 3977) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Contamination MB ≤QLb

Precision Laboratory Duplicates ≤20% RPD if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 57 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Method: Salinity (SM 2510B)

Concentration Level: N/A

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 58 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Alkalinity (SM 2320B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 59 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Ammonia-N (SM 4500NH3) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 60 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Total Nitrogen (TKN + NO3/NO2; SM 4500NO3/SM 4500NC) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB <QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 61 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Phosphorus-Total and Dissolved (SM 4500P) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 62 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Sulfide (9030B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 63 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: BOD5 (SM 5210B) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 64 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: BOD30 (SM 5210C) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 65 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Anions by 300.0 (Bromide, Chloride, Sulfate, Fluoride) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 90%-110% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 66 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Anions by SM 4500P-E (ortho-Phosphate) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 90%-110% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 67 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group or Methoda: Cyanide (9012) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB ≤QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS 80%-120% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate RPD ≤20 if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 68 141037-01.01

Matrix: Porewater Analytical Group or Methoda: PAHs by SPME (8270D-SIM) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL,

no common lab contaminants >5x QLb Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity Surrogates Laboratory specified

Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 69 141037-01.01

Matrix: Porewater Analytical Group or Methoda: PCBs by SPME (1668) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL,

no common lab contaminants >5x QLb Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal Standards Laboratory specified

Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 70 141037-01.01

Matrix: Porewater Analytical Group or Methoda: Organochorine Pesticides by SPME (8081B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target compound >QL,

no common lab contaminants >5x QLb Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal Standards Laboratory specified

Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 71 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Organochlorine Pesticides (8081B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Blanksc,d No target compound >QLc,d

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blanks for tissues will be collected using the laboratory homogenization equipment. Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an

individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 72 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Organochlorine Pesticides (1699) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Rinsate Blanksc,d No target compound >QLc,d

Accuracy/Bias OPR sample (or LCS) 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Labeled isotope dilution internal standards Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blanks for tissues will be collected using the laboratory homogenization equipment. Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an

individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 73 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups (1668) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Blanksc No target compound >QLc

Accuracy/Bias OPR Sample (or LCS) 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal Standards Laboratory specified

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blanks for tissues will be collected using the laboratory homogenization equipment. Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an

individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 74 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Metals (6010C/6020A/1638) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Blanksc No target analyte >QLc

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 75%-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Precision Laboratory Duplicate (6010/6020) or MSD (1638) RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Precision Serial Dilution RPD ≤15% if analyte > 50x MDL;

No criteria if ≤50x MDL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blanks for tissues will be collected using the laboratory homogenization equipment. Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an

individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 75 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Arsenic Speciation (1632) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB No target analyte >QLb

Accuracy/Bias LCS or QC Standard 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Precision Laboratory Duplicate or MSD Duplicate: RPD ≤35% if both results are >5x QL

Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL MSD: 50%-150%; RPD ≤ 35%.

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 76 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Methyl Mercury (1630 Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB Average MB <2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3 MDL or 1/10 of

associated samplesb

Accuracy/Bias LCS or CRM LCS: 67-133% R; CRM: within 35% of certified


Accuracy/Bias MS 65%-135% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 65%-135% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 77 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Mercury (1631B Modified) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB Average MB <2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3 MDL or 1/10 of

associated samples b

Accuracy/Bias LCS or CRM LCS: 77-123% R; CRM: within 35% of certified


Accuracy/Bias MS 71-125% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample Supplier Certified Limits

Precision MSD 71%-125% R; RPD ≤35%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 78 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Dioxins and Furans (1613B) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Blanksc,d No target compound >QLc,d

Accuracy/Bias LCS or OPR 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Bias Labeled isotope dilution internal standards Laboratory specified

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blanks for tissues will be collected using the laboratory homogenization equipment. Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an

individual basis. d = Equipment blank will be analyzed once per sampling method unless initial results indicate that sampling equipment is a source of contamination.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 79 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: PAHs (8270D-SIM) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Equipment Blanksc No target compound >QLc,

Accuracy/Bias LCS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias MS 50%-150% R

Accuracy/Bias PE Sample or SRM Supplier Certified Limits

Accuracy/Precision MSD 50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Accuracy/Bias Surrogates Laboratory specified

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced. c = Equipment blanks for tissues will be collected using the laboratory homogenization equipment. Equipment blank contamination will be evaluated on an

individual basis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 80 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues Analytical Group or Methoda: Percent Lipids (NOAA Technical Memo NOS ORCA 130) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination MB/Instrument Blank No target compound >QLb

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference

≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Notes: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group. b = If MB exceedances are widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 81 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue Analytical Group or Methoda: Percent Moisture (SM 2540G) Concentration Level: NA

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Precision Laboratory Duplicates RPD ≤20%

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 82 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Bioaccumulation (ASTM E1688-10) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Laboratory (Negative) Controls N/A

Bias Water Quality Measurements

Minor water quality deviations will be considered when interpreting test results. Test acceptability will be determined based on degree of deviation and best professional judgment.

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 12: Measurement Performance Criteria (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.6.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 83 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group or Methoda: Toxicity (USEPA 600, ASTM E1367) Concentration Level: Low

Data Quality Indicator (DQI) QC Sample or Measurement Performance Activity Measurement Performance Criteria

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Laboratory (Negative) Controls

10-day amphipod survival test: Mean survival in laboratory controls should be ≥90%; 28-day amphipod survival, growth, and reproduction test: mean survival in the laboratory controls should be ≥80% with no single replicate 60% or less and measurable growth and reproduction in all control replicates.

Accuracy/Bias/Sensitivity-Contamination Reference Toxicant Tests (Positive Controls) Results should fall within 2 standard deviations of control chart (historical) mean.

Bias Water Quality Measurements

Minor water quality deviations will be considered when interpreting test results. Test acceptability will be determined based on degree of deviation and best professional judgment.

Completeness Data Completeness Check ≥90%

Note: a = Refer to QAPP Worksheet No. 15 for a complete list of analytes for each analytical group.

QAPP Worksheet No. 13: Secondary Data Uses and Limitations1 (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 2.7)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Chapter 3: QAPP Elements for Evaluating Existing Data)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan– Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Data Type Source Data Uses Relative to Current Project

Factors Affecting the Reliability of Data and Limitations on Data Use

Sediment data

Weston Solutions, Inc., 2009. Expanded Site Inspection Report, Newtown Creek, Brooklyn/Queens, New York. Document Control No. 524-2A-AEFX. Prepared for USEPA.

Assist in locating sediment samples for Phase 2 RI

Sediment data not collected below 6 feet from sediment surface. Sample interval for shallow sediments uncertain.

Data concerning CSOs and water quality in the Study Area

NYCDEP, 2007. City-wide Long Term CSO Control Planning Project, Newtown Creek, Waterbody/ Watershed Facility Plan Report. June 2007.

Assist in developing Phase 2 RI sampling locations

Summary data only―no original sources available in report.

Sediment, hydrologic, and porewater data

Anchor Environmental, L.L.C., 2007. Draft Remedial Investigation Report, OU6 Site, Laurel Hill Site Maspeth, NY. May 2007.

Assist in developing Phase 2 RI sampling locations

Use data with the recognition that laboratory and/or data validation qualifiers may impose limitations on specific datasets or data points.

Sediment and surface water samples

Greely and Hansen, Hazen and Sawyer, Malcolm Pirnie Joint Venture, 2009. Maintenance Dredging Newtown Creek and Whale Creek Canal Analytical Report – Sediment Sampling and Analysis. July 2009.

Assist in developing Phase 2 RI sampling locations

Samples restricted to near mouth of Newtown Creek and Whale Creek. Limited surface and subsurface samples. Laboratory and/or data validation qualifiers may impose limitations on specific datasets or data points.

Benthic samples

Greely and Hansen, Hazen and Sawyer, Malcolm Pirnie Joint Venture, 2009. Maintenance Dredging Newtown Creek and Whale Creek Canal Analytical Report – Benthic Sampling and Analysis. July 2009.

Assist in developing Phase 2 RI sampling locations

Samples restricted to near mouth of Newtown Creek and Whale Creek.

Note: 1 = Additional details of previous Study Area investigations are contained in Section of AECOM’s 2011 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan, Newtown Creek.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 14 and 16: Project Tasks and Schedule (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 2.8.1 and 2.8.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan– Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Activity Responsible Party Planned Start

Date Planned Completion

Date Deliverable(s) Deliverable Due


Mobilization/demobilization Anchor QEA, LLC May 2014 May 2015 Field forms

See RI/FS schedule1

Sample collection Anchor QEA, LLC May 2014 April 2015 Field forms

Analysis Various laboratories May 2014 June 2015 Data packages

Validation Anchor QEA, LLC, and

laboratory data consultants June 2014 July 2015 Validation reports

Summarize data Anchor QEA, LLC April 2015 See RI/FS schedule1 Draft RI Report

Note: 1 = The updated RI/FS schedule is presented in the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2.

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 1

July 2014141037-01.01

AnalyteLaboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting

AnalysisConventionals (%)Lipids 0.1 0.05Percent moisture 0.1 0.05Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic4 0.1 0.00563 Alpha or FGS4

Arsenic III 0.12 0.12Arsenic V 0.12 0.12Arsenic, inorganic (III & V) 0.01 0.005Cadmium 0.02 0.00178Chromium 0.05 0.01088Copper 0.05 0.01093Lead 0.02 0.002Nickel 0.05 0.01171Selenium 0.1 0.01545Silver 0.05 0.002Zinc 0.5 0.0998Mercury (µg/kg)Mercury 0.8 0.0896Organometallic Compounds (mg/kg)Methyl mercury 0.00200 0.000504Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (mg/kg)Acenaphthene 0.008 0.0009319Acenaphthylene 0.008 0.000765Anthracene 0.008 0.00120Benzo(a)anthracene 0.008 0.00135Benzo(a)pyrene 0.008 0.001434Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.008 0.0009133Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.008 0.001518Benzo(j,k)fluoranthene 0.008 0.0009416Chrysene 0.008 0.0007448Dibenzo(a,h + a,c)anthracenes 0.008 0.001534Fluoranthene 0.008 0.0010077Fluorene 0.008 0.001198Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.008 0.00189

QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Tissue Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)






Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 2

July 2014141037-01.01

AnalyteLaboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Tissue Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

1-Methylnaphthalene 0.008 0.000704 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.008 0.002129Naphthalene 0.008 0.001367Phenanthrene 0.008 0.0015238Pyrene 0.008 0.0006511Organochlorine Pesticides3 (mg/kg) Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha (BHC) 0.0004 0.00002016beta-BHC 0.0004 0.00003115Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta (BHC) 0.0004 0.00001262Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma- (BHC) (Lindane) 0.0004 0.00002964Heptachlor 0.0004 0.00001811Aldrin 0.0004 0.00001571Heptachlor epoxide 0.0004 0.00001412Endosulfan-alpha (I) 0.0004 0.00002527Dieldrin 0.0004 0.00001564,4'-DDE (p,p'-DDE) 0.0004 0.000032132,4'-DDE (o,p'-DDE) 0.0004 0.00003034Endrin 0.0004 0.00002186Endosulfan-beta (II) 0.0004 0.000028984,4'-DDD (p,p'-DDD) 0.0004 0.000026062,4'-DDD (o,p'-DDD) 0.0004 0.000015174,4'-DDT (p,p'-DDT) 0.0004 0.000032692,4'-DDT (o,p'-DDT) 0.0004 0.00002964Methoxychlor 0.0144 0.00005943Chlordane, alpha- (cis-Chlordane) 0.0004 0.00002128trans-chlordane 0.0004 0.00001295Oxychlordane 0.0004 0.00003493Nonachlor, cis- 0.0004 0.00010739trans-Nonachlor 0.0004 0.00001402Hexachlorobenzene 0.0012 0.00002709Mirex 0.0004 0.0000267Dioxin Furans (mg/kg)1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) 0.000005 0.0000008221,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) 0.000005 0.0000028931,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000002281,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) 0.0000025 0.0000005031,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000008351,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0000025 0.00000013



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 3

July 2014141037-01.01

AnalyteLaboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Tissue Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0000025 0.0000002331,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000001761,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0000025 0.0000001981,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000004841,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0000025 0.0000003971,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000002321,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 0.0000025 0.0000001752,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000001092,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.0000025 0.0000001072,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.0000005 0.0000001072,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 0.0000005 0.000000136Total Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.0000025 0.000000835Total Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) 0.0000025 0.000000503Total Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0000025 0.000000484Total Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0000025 0.000000397Total Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.0000025 0.000000232Total Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 0.0000025 0.000000175Total Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.0000005 0.000000107Total Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 0.0000005 0.000000136PCB Congeners (mg/kg)PCB-001 through 209 0.0000012 VariousNotes:All units are in wet weight.

2 = Peak co-elutions will raise the QL for some congeners. 3 = High resolution method at SGS may be used if matrix interferences are present.4 = If arsenic speciation is needed, all arsenic analyses will be conducted at FGS. For total arsenic only, Alpha will be used.

1 = Achievable MDLs and QLs are limits that the selected laboratory can achieve when performing the analytical methods specified in Worksheet No. 23 with nominal sample volumes in the absence of interferences. Actual MDLs and QLs will vary based on sample-specific factors. Should widespread QL exceedances occur for one or more analytical groups, corrective actions will include alternative cleanups, re-analyses at lesser dilutions, and/or repreparations/re-extractions. Matrix interferences are not always overcome by corrective actions, and laboratory QLs may be elevated in these instances. Anchor QEA will work with the laboratory to propose alternative analytical approaches, if available, and will consult with all stakeholders and regulators to obtain approval before proceeding with modifications to methods in this QAPP or alternative analytical methods.


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 4

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting

AnalysisVolatile Organics in Sediment (µg/kg)

1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1 0.11081,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1 0.17061,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 20 0.27321,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.5 0.30421,1-Dichloroethane 1.5 0.17761,1-Dichloroethene 1 0.20581,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 5 0.1681,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 5 0.78981,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 5 0.78981,2-Dibromoethane 4 0.17781,2-Dichlorobenzene 5 0.18321,2-Dichloroethane 1 0.14621,2-Dichloropropane 3.5 0.22841,3-Dichlorobenzene 5 0.18321,4-Dichlorobenzene 5 0.24182-Butanone 10 0.35522-Hexanone 10 0.18824-Methyl-2-pentanone 10 0.2444Acetone 36 3.1034Benzene 1 0.118Bromochloromethane 5 0.197Bromodichloromethane 1 0.229Bromoform 4 0.4148Bromomethane 2 0.338Carbon disulfide 10 2Carbon tetrachloride 1 0.2102Chlorobenzene 2 0.348Chloroethane 2 0.316Chloroform 1.5 0.37Chloromethane 5 0.783cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1 0.149cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 0.127Cyclohexane 20 1.073Dibromochloromethane 1 0.308

QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 5

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Dichlorodifluoromethane 10 0.218Ethylbenzene 1 0.15Isopropylbenzene 1 0.168Methyl acetate 20 0.763Methyl tert-Butyl Ether 2 0.104Methylcyclohexane 4 1.26Methylene chloride 10 2Styrene 2 0.309Tetrachloroethene 1 0.14Toluene 1.5 0.112trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1.5 0.212trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 0.121Trichloroethene 1 0.152Trichlorofluoromethane 5 0.121Vinyl acetate 10 0.48Vinyl chloride 2 0.141Xylenes (total) 2 0.323

Semivolatile Organics (µg/kg)Biphenyl (1,1'-Biphenyl) 8 0.641,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 66.7 12.4472,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 133 40.0092,4,5-Trichlorophenol 66.7 11.0942,4,6-Trichlorophenol 66.7 13.1872,4-Dichlorophenol 66.7 12.2142,4-Dimethylphenol 66.7 21.2482,4-Dinitrophenol 400 132.0072,4-Dinitrotoluene 100 24.7412,6-Dinitrotoluene 33.3 10.3472-Chloronaphthalene 66.7 12.252-Chlorophenol 33.3 11.1272-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) 66.7 17.4612-Nitroaniline 33.3 11.0212-Nitrophenol 66.7 11.5813,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 100 22.9353-Nitroaniline 33.3 10.001



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 6

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 333 95.9914-Bromophenyl-phenyl ether 66.7 17.8814-Chloro-3-methylphenol 100 23.2014-Chloroaniline 33.3 9.74054-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 33.3 11.0414-Methylphenol (p-Cresol) 66.7 17.3144-Nitroaniline 33.3 8.50044-Nitrophenol 667 178.08Acetophenone 66.7 17.528Atrazine 66.7 14.334Benzaldehyde 500 162.37bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 66.7 12.307bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 66.7 13.3672,2'-Oxybis(2-choloropropane) 66.7 13.114bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 133 35.648Butylbenzyl phthalate 66.7 19.341Caprolactam 66.7 18.374Dibenzofuran 66.7 11.567Diethyl phthalate 66.7 18.301Dimethyl phthalate 66.7 12.594Di-n-butyl phthalate 100 26.621Di-n-octyl phthalate 66.7 19.541Hexachlorobenzene 66.7 12.134Hexachlorobutadiene (Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene) 66.7 12.801Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 33.3 8.64Hexachloroethane 66.7 11.607Isophorone 66.7 16.601Nitrobenzene 66.7 13.321n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 66.7 16.32n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 66.7 14.414Pentachlorophenol 200 56.67Phenol 66.7 11.881

PCB Congeners (µg/kg)PCB-001 through 209 0.01 Various2 SGS


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 7

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Metals (mg/kg)

Aluminum 10 1.483Antimony 0.05 0.00882Arsenic 0.05 0.00618Barium 0.3 0.0768Beryllium 0.03 0.0087Cadmium 0.02 0.00264Calcium 50 6.0835Chromium 0.2 0.0469Cobalt 0.05 0.00525Copper 0.2 0.0113Iron 20 2.0612Lead 0.06 0.0193Magnesium 10 1.2335Manganese 0.2 0.0445Mercury 0.001 0.000206Nickel 0.1 0.015Potassium 10 1.5116Silver 0.05 0.00229Selenium 0.2 0.0249Sodium 10 0.8597Thallium 0.02 0.0027Tin 5 0.5046Vanadium 0.1 0.00458Zinc 1 0.02598

AVS/SEM (µmol/g)Acid volatile sulfides 0.0389 0.0195Cadmium 0.0000079 0.000004Copper 0.000123 0.000062Lead 0.000154 0.000077Nickel 0.00116 0.000583Zinc 0.0000936 0.0000936AVS/SEM ratio 0.002916 NA

Organometallics (µg/kg)Methyl mercury 0.0503 0.0148




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 8

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Herbicides in Sediment (µg/kg)

2,4,5-T (2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 166.5 10.38962,4,5-TP (Silvex) 166.5 9.19082,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 166.5 20.24642,4-DB (2,4-DB-dimethylammonium) 166.5 11.655Dalapon 33.3 10.3563Dicamba 33.3 9.6903Dichlorprop 33.3 10.6893Dinoseb 33.3 11.655MCPA (2-Methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) 3330 1041.2577MCPP (Methylchlorophenoxypropionic acid ) 3330 955.6434

Dioxins and Furans (µg/kg)1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) 0.005 0.0008221,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) 0.005 0.0028931,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.0025 0.0002281,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) 0.0025 0.0005031,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.0025 0.0008351,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0025 0.000131,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0025 0.0002331,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0025 0.0001761,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0025 0.0001981,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0025 0.0004841,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0025 0.0003971,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.0025 0.0002321,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 0.0025 0.0001752,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0025 0.0001092,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.0025 0.0001072,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.0005 0.0001072,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 0.0005 0.000136Total Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.0025 0.000835Total Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) 0.0025 0.000503Total Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.0025 0.000484Total Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.0025 0.000397Total Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.0025 0.000232Total Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 0.0025 0.000175



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 9

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Total Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.0005 0.000107Total Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 0.0005 0.000136

High-resolution Organochlorine Pesticides (µg/kg)Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha (BHC) 0.01 0.00255Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta- (BHC) 0.01 0.0139Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta (BHC) 0.01 0.00378Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma- (BHC) (Lindane) 0.01 0.00345Heptachlor 0.01 0.00189Aldrin 0.01 0.00315Heptachlor epoxide 0.01 0.00282Endosulfan-alpha (I) 0.01 0.0564Dieldrin 0.01 0.01874,4'-DDE (p,p'-DDE) 0.01 0.01542,4'-DDE (o,p'-DDE) 0.01 0.00294Endrin 0.01 0.0791Endosulfan-beta (II) 0.01 0.03124,4'-DDD (p,p'-DDD) 0.01 0.008422,4'-DDD (o,p'-DDD) 0.01 0.00387Endosulfan sulfate 0.01 0.001864,4'-DDT (p,p'-DDT) 0.01 0.01972,4'-DDT (o,p'-DDT) 0.01 0.00277Methoxychlor 0.01 0.0806Endrin ketone 0.01 0.0122Endrin aldehyde 0.01 0.00726Chlordane, alpha- (cis-Chlordane) 0.01 0.00321Chlordane, beta- (trans-Chlordane) 0.01 0.00306Oxychlordane 0.01 0.016Nonachlor, cis- 0.01 0.0486Nonachlor, trans- 0.01 0.00267Hexachlorobenzene 0.01 0.00791Mirex 0.01 0.0119

General Chemistry Parameters (%)Total organic carbon 0.01 0.018Soot Carbon 0.01 0.018Percent Solids 0.1 NA



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 10

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)


Total organic carbon 0.1 N/A

Soot carbon 0.1 N/A

General Chemistry Parameters (mg/kg)Ammonia 7.5 1.35Sulfide 0.5 0.156Cyanide 1 0.234Nitrate + nitrite as nitrogen 1 0.33Nitrogen (Kjeldahl) 150 35.9Phosphorus 5 1.4pH 0.1 NAHexavalent Chromium 0.8 0.16

Radiochemistry Parameters (pCi/g)Cesium 137 0.1 0.1Lead 210 0.1 0.1

PAHs and Alkyl PAHs (µg/kg)1-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 0.3151-Methylphenanthrene 1.0 0.2642,3,5-Trimethylnaphthalene (1,6,7-Trimethylnaphthalene) 1.0 0.1642,6-Dimethylnaphthalene 1.0 0.2382-Methylnaphthalene 1.0 0.258Acenaphthene 1.0 0.176Acenaphthylene 1.0 0.191Anthracene 1.0 0.206Fluorene 1.0 0.267Naphthalene 1.0 0.287Phenanthrene 1.0 0.331Benzo(a)anthracene 1.0 0.204Benzo(a)pyrene 1.0 0.285Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.0 0.26Benzo(e)pyrene 1.0 0.206Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.0 0.266Benzo(j + k)fluoranthenes 1.0 0.198Chrysene 1.0 0.202Dibenzo(a,h + a,c)anthracenes 1.0 0.27



EERC (supporting SPME PAH



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 11

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Dibenzothiophene 1.0 0.276Fluoranthene 1.0 0.318Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 1.0 0.271Perylene 1.0 0.193Pyrene 1.0 0.263C1-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 1.0 0.202C1-Dibenzothiophenes 1.0 0.276C1-Fluorenes 1.0 0.267C1-Naphthalenes 1.0 0.287C1-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 1.0 0.331C1-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 1.0 0.263C2-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 1.0 0.202C2-Dibenzothiophenes 1.0 0.276C2-Fluorenes 1.0 0.267C2-Naphthalenes 1.0 0.287C2-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 1.0 0.331C3-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 1.0 0.202C3-Dibenzothiophenes 1.0 0.276C3-Fluorenes 1.0 0.267C3-Naphthalenes 1.0 0.287C3-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 1.0 0.331C4-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 1.0 0.202C4-Dibenzothiophenes 1.0 0.276C4-Naphthalenes 1.0 0.287C4-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 1.0 0.331Benzonaphtothiophene 1.0 0.28Benzothiophene 1.0 0.313C1-Benzo(b)thiophene 1.0 0.313C2-Benzo(b)thiophene 1.0 0.313C3-Benzo(b)thiophene 1.0 0.313C4-Benzo(b)thiophene 1.0 0.313Retene 1.0 0.245cis/trans-Decalin 1.0 0.251C1-Decalin 1.0 0.251C2-Decalin 1.0 0.251


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 12

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte C3-Decalin 1.0 0.251C4-Decalin 1.0 0.2514-Methyldibenzothiophene 1.0 0.2762-Methyldibenzothiophene & 3-Methyldibenzothiophene 1.0 0.2761-Methyldibenzothiophene 1.0 0.2762-Methylphenanthrene 1.0 0.3312-Methylanthracene 1.0 0.3314-Methylphenanthrene & 9-Methylphenanthrene 1.0 0.331Carbazole 1.0 0.327

PAHs and Alkyl PAHs - Bulk Sediment (µg/kg)3, 4, 5

2-Methylnaphthalene 130 1.0Acenaphthene 140 1.0Acenaphthylene 130.0 1.0Anthracene 170 1.0Benzo(a)anthracene 250 2.0Benzo(a)pyrene 280 2.0Benzo(b,k)fluoranthene 290 2.0Benzo(e)pyrene 280 2.0Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 320 2.0Chrysene 250 2.0Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 330 2.0Fluoranthene 210 1.0Fluorene 160 1.0Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 330 2.0Naphthalene 110 1.0Perylene 280 2.0Phenanthrene 180 1.0Pyrene 210 1.0C1-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 270 10C1-Fluorenes 180 5.0C1-Naphthalenes 130 1.0C1-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 200 5.0C1-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 230 5.0C2-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 300 30C2-Fluorenes 200 10




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 13

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte C2-Naphthalenes 150 5.0C2-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 220 10C3-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 330 50C3-Fluorenes 230 30C3-Naphthalenes 170 10C3-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 240 20C4-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 360 80C4-Naphthalenes 190 10C4-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 270 30

n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids (µg/kg)n-Nonane (nC9) 66.7 19.9n-Decane (nC10) 66.7 21.4n-Undecane (nC11) 66.7 20.0n-Dodecane (nC12) 66.7 14.6n-Tridecane (nC13) 100 18.42,6,10-Trimethyldodecane 66.7 10.1n-Tetradecane (nC14) 66.7 10.12,6,10-Trimethyltridecane 66.7 8.0n-Pentadecane (nC15) 66.7 8.0n-Hexadecane (nC16) 66.7 10.1Norpristane (1650) 66.7 22.1n-Heptadecane (nC17) 66.7 22.1Pristane 66.7 14.3n-Octadecane (nC18) 66.7 13.4Phytane 66.7 8.4n-Nonadecane (nC19) 66.7 17.2n-Eicosane (nC20) 66.7 9.5n-Heneicosane (nC21) 66.7 8.0n-Docosane (nC22) 66.7 7.0n-Tricosane (nC23) 66.7 8.5n-Tetracosane (nC24) 66.7 11.2n-Pentacosane (nC25) 100 35.5n-Hexacosane (nC26) 66.7 9.8n-Heptacosane (nC27) 66.7 8.1n-Octacosane (nC28) 66.7 14.4



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 14

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte n-Nonacosane (nC29) 66.7 44.6n-Triacontane (nC30) 66.7 7.7n-Hentriacontane (nC31) 66.7 9.5n-Dotriacontane (nC32) 66.7 8.4n-Tritriacontane (nC33) 66.7 9.4n-Tetratriacontane (nC34) 66.7 10.7n-Pentatriacontane (nC35) 66.7 11.7n-Hexatriacontane (nC36) 66.7 13.3n-Heptatriacontane (nC37) 66.7 14.9n-Octatriacontane (nC38) 66.7 15.6n-Nonatriacontane (nC39) 66.7 21.8n-Tetracontane (nC40) 66.7 21.8Diesel range organics (C10 - C28) 1407 290.0Total petroleum hydrocarbons (C9-C40) 2211 486.5

Triterpane and Sterane Biomarkers (µg/kg) C23 Tricyclic Terpane (T4) 1.0 0.285C24 Tricyclic Terpane (T5) 1.0 0.285C25 Tricyclic Terpane (T6) 1.0 0.285C24 Tetracyclic Terpane (T6a) 1.0 0.285C26 Tricyclic Terpane- 22S (T6b) 1.0 0.285C26 Tricyclic Terpane -22R (T6c) 1.0 0.285C28 Tricyclic Terpane -22S (T7) 1.0 0.285C28 Tricyclic Terpane -22R (T8) 1.0 0.285C29 Tricyclic Terpane -22S (T9) 1.0 0.285C29 Tricyclic Terpane -22R (T10) 1.0 0.28518a-22,29,30-Trisnorneohopane-TS (T11) 1.0 0.28517a-22,29,30-Trisnorhopane-TM (T12) 1.0 0.28517a/b,21b/a 28,30-Bisnorhopane (T14a) 1.0 0.28517a,21b-25-Norhopane (T14b) 1.0 0.28530-Norhopane (T15) 1.0 0.28518a-30-Norneohopane-C29Ts (T16) 1.0 0.28517a-Diahopane (X) 1.0 0.28530-Normoretane (T17) 1.0 0.28518a&18b-Oleananes (T18) 1.0 0.285Hopane (T19) 1.0 0.285


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 15

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Moretane (T20) 1.0 0.28530-Homohopane -22S (T21) 1.0 0.28530-Homohopane -22R (T22) 1.0 0.28530,31-Bishomohopane -22S (T26) 1.0 0.28530,31-Bishomohopane -22R (T27) 1.0 0.28530,31-Trishomohopane -22S (T30) 1.0 0.28530,31-Trishomohopane -22R (T31) 1.0 0.285Tetrakishomohopane -22S (T32) 1.0 0.285Tetrakishomohopane -22R (T33) 1.0 0.285Pentakishomohopane -22S (T34) 1.0 0.285Pentakishomohopane -22S (T35) 1.0 0.28513b,17a-20S-Diacholestane (S4) 1.0 0.22213b,17a-20R-Diacholestane (S5) 1.0 0.22213b,17a-20S-Methyldiacholestane (S8) 1.0 0.22214a,17a-20S-Cholestane (S12) 1.0 0.22214a,17a-20R-Cholestane (S17) 1.0 0.22213b,17a-20R-Ethyldiacholestane (S18) 1.0 0.22213a,17b-20S-Ethyldiacholestane (S19) 1.0 0.22214a,17a-20S-Methylcholestane (S20) 1.0 0.22214a,17a-20R-Methylcholestane (S24) 1.0 0.22214a,17a-20S-Ethylcholestane (S25) 1.0 0.22214a,17a-20R-Ethylcholestane (S28) 1.0 0.22214b,17b-20R-Cholestane (S14) 1.0 0.22214b,17b-20S-Cholestane (S15) 1.0 0.22214b,17b-20R-Methylcholestane (S22) 1.0 0.22214b,17b-20R-Ethylcholestane (S26) 1.0 0.22214b,17b-20S-Ethylcholestane (S27) 1.0 0.222C26,20R- +C27,20S-triaromatic steroid 1.0 0.222C28,20S-triaromatic steroid 1.0 0.222C27,20R-triaromatic steroid 1.0 0.222C28,20R-triaromatic steroid 1.0 0.222C30 Tricyclic Terpane-22S (T11a) 1.0 0.222C30 Tricyclic Terpane-22R (T11b) 1.0 0.222

EPH (mg/kg)C9-C18 Aliphatics 6.65 0.338


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 16

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Sediment Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte C19-C36 Aliphatics 6.65 0.602C11-C22 Aromatics 6.65 1.144

VPH (mg/kg)C5-C8 Aliphatics 2.5 0.0328C9-C12 Aliphatics 2.5 0.0195C9-C10 Aromatics 2.5 0.0185

Geotechnical ParametersPercent Pore Fluid Saturation N/A N/A PTSGrain Size 0.001 N/ASpecific Gravity 0.1 SU N/AAtterberg Limits N/A N/AHydraulic conductivity N/A N/ABulk Density N/A N/AShear Stress N/A N/AMoisture Content N/A N/A

Electron MicroProbe Analysis (EMPA) N/A N/AIn-house/ Research Facility

XRD 0.3-5% weight N/A ActLabsNotes:


3 = Laboratory quantitation limits are 1/34th of the concentration of each individual PAH that corresponds to one toxic unit as described in USEPA (2003) Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Guidelines for the Protection of Benthic Organisms.4 = Laboratory method detection limits are based on previous research studies. Final reported detection limits are determined with each sample set and will vary based on analyte levels and matrix interferences.5 = Sediment quantitation limits were estimated assuming 1.0% TOC.

1 = Achievable MDLs and QLs are limits that the selected laboratory can achieve when performing the analytical methods specified in Worksheet No. 23 with nominal sample masses in the absence of interferences. Actual MDLs and QLs will vary based on sample-specific factors. Should widespread QL exceedances occur for one or more analytical groups, corrective actions will include alternative cleanups, re-analyses at lesser dilutions, and/or repreparations/re-extractions. Matrix interferences are not always overcome by corrective actions, and laboratory QLs may be elevated in these instances. Anchor QEA will work with the laboratory to propose alternative analytical approaches, if available, and will consult with all stakeholders and regulators to obtain approval before proceeding with modifications to methods in this QAPP or alternative analytical methods.


2 = Peak co-elutions will raise the QL for some congeners.

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 17

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting

AnalysisVolatile Organics (µg/L)

1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) 0.5 0.1581,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.5 0.1441,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 10 0.1481,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.75 0.1441,1-Dichloroethane 0.75 0.1541,1-Dichloroethene 0.5 0.1421,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 2.5 0.2341,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2.5 0.22Ethylene dibromide (1,2-Dibromoethane) 2 0.1931,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 2.5 0.3271,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 0.1841,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 0.1321,2-Dichloropropane 1.75 0.1331,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 0.1841,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 0.1872-Butanone (MEK) 5 1.942-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) 5 0.515Methyl isobutyl ketone (4-Methyl-2-pentanone or (MIBK)) 5 0.416Acetone 5 1.46Benzene 0.5 0.159Bromochloromethane 2.5 0.138Bromodichloromethane 0.5 0.192Bromoform (Tribromomethane) 2 0.248Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 1 0.256Carbon disulfide 5 0.3Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane) 0.5 0.134Chlorobenzene 0.5 0.178Chloroethane 1 0.134Chloroform 0.75 0.162Chloromethane 2.5 0.1761,2-Dichloroethene, cis- 0.5 0.1871,3-Dichloropropene, cis- 0.5 0.144Cyclohexane 10 0.245Dibromochloromethane 0.5 0.15Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 0.245Ethylbenzene 0.5 0.168Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.5 0.187



QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 18

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Methyl acetate 10 0.212Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 0.16Methylcyclohexane 10 0.288Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) 3 0.289Styrene 1 0.359Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.5 0.181Toluene 0.75 0.1631,2-Dichloroethene, trans- 0.75 0.1621,3-Dichloropropene, trans- 0.5 0.164Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.5 0.175Trichlorofluoromethane (Fluorotrichloromethane) 2.5 0.161Vinyl acetate 5 0.311Vinyl chloride 1 0.142Xylenes (Total) 2 0.661

Semivolatile Organics (µg/L)Biphenyl (1,1'-Biphenyl) 0.010 0.0008091,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.5 0.03192,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 0.5 0.06642,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.5 0.05292,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.5 0.04172,4-Dichlorophenol 0.5 0.05142,4-Dimethylphenol 2 0.49482,4-Dinitrophenol 5 0.69652,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.5 0.02822,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.5 0.04172-Chloronaphthalene 0.5 0.10462-Chlorophenol 0.5 0.06282-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) 0.5 0.03032-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.04542-Nitrophenol 0.5 0.04243,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 0.5 0.09633-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.1064,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2 0.47894-Bromophenyl-phenyl ether 0.5 0.04624-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.5 0.07974-Chloroaniline 0.5 0.09774-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.5 0.06524-Methylphenol (p-Cresol) 0.5 0.0361


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 19

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

4-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.10324-Nitrophenol 2.5 0.556Acetophenone 0.5 0.1162Atrazine 0.5 0.0274Benzaldehyde 2 0.4017bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 0.5 0.1342bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.5 0.06942,2'-Oxybis(2-choloropropane) 0.5 0.0807bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.5 0.0622Butylbenzyl phthalate 0.5 0.1302Caprolactam 0.5 0.6215Dibenzofuran 0.5 0.0544Diethyl phthalate 0.5 0.0323Dimethyl phthalate 0.5 0.0468Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.5 0.034Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.5 0.0351Hexachlorobenzene 0.5 0.0549Hexachlorobutadiene (Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene) 0.5 0.0618Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.5 0.0403Hexachloroethane 0.5 0.0492Isophorone 0.5 0.029Nitrobenzene 0.5 0.0882n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.5 0.0638n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.5 0.0748Pentachlorophenol 2 0.4361Phenol 0.5 0.0501

Low-resolution Orangochlorine Pesticides (µg/L) Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha (BHC) 0.001 0.00029Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta- (BHC) 0.002 0.00043Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta (BHC) 0.001 0.00022Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma- (BHC) (Lindane) 0.002 0.00039Heptachlor 0.001 0.00018Aldrin 0.001 0.00029Heptachlor epoxide 0.003 0.00082Endosulfan-alpha (I) 0.001 0.00021Dieldrin 0.001 0.000144,4'-DDE (p,p'-DDE) 0.001 0.000182,4'-DDE (o,p'-DDE) 0.001 0.00019


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 20

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Endrin 0.001 0.00020Endosulfan-beta (II) 0.001 0.000184,4'-DDD (p,p'-DDD) 0.001 0.000192,4'-DDD (o,p'-DDD) 0.001 0.00023Endosulfan sulfate 0.001 0.000224,4'-DDT (p,p'-DDT) 0.001 0.000262,4'-DDT (o,p'-DDT) 0.001 0.00022Methoxychlor 0.002 0.00053Endrin ketone 0.001 0.00016Endrin aldehyde 0.001 0.00019Chlordane, alpha- (cis-Chlordane) 0.001 0.00020Chlordane, beta- (trans-Chlordane) 0.001 0.00017Oxychlordane 0.003 0.00084Nonachlor, cis- 0.001 0.00016Nonachlor, trans- 0.001 0.00015Hexachlorobenzene 0.001 0.00021Mirex 0.001 0.00018

PCB Congeners (ng/L)PCB-001 through 209 0.06 Various2

Metals by 6020A (µg/L)Aluminum 10 2Antimony 0.5 0.1Arsenic 0.5 0.1Barium 0.5 0.1Beryllium 0.5 0.1Cadmium 0.2 0.05Calcium 100 32Chromium 1 0.2Cobalt 0.2 0.1Copper 1 0.1Iron 50 13Lead 1 0.2Magnesium 70 23Manganese 0.5 0.1Nickel 0.5 0.1Potassium 100 27Silver 0.25 0.1Selenium 5.0 TBD




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 21

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Sodium 100 15Thallium 0.2 0.03Tin 0.5 0.06Vanadium 5 0.1Zinc 10 1.2

Metals by 6010C (µg/L)Aluminum 100 20Antimony 50 10Arsenic 5 3Barium 10 3Beryllium 5 0.4Cadmium 5 0.6Calcium 100 20Chromium 10 2Cobalt 20 5Copper 10 5Iron 50 20Lead 10 3Magnesium 100 4Manganese 10 2Nickel 25 4Potassium 2500 800Silver 7 2Selenium 10 3Sodium 2000 800Thallium 20 6Tin 50 10Vanadium 10 2Zinc 50 5

Metals by 1631 (µg/L)Mercury 0.0005 0.0000834

Organometallics (ng/L)Methyl mercury 50 25.8

EPH (mg/L)C9-C18 Aliphatics 0.100 0.100C19-C36 Aliphatics 0.100 0.100C11-C22 Aromatics 0.100 0.100

VPH (mg/L)




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 22

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

C5-C8 Aliphatics 0.050 0.050C9-C12 Aliphatics 0.050 0.050C9-C10 Aromatics 0.050 0.050

Chlorinated Herbicides in Water (µg/L)2,4,5-T (2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 2 0.4882,4,5-TP (Silvex) 2 0.3912,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 10 0.5442,4-DB (2,4-DB-dimethylammonium) 10 1.02Dalapon 20 0.454Dicamba 1 0.304Dichlorprop 10 0.465Dinoseb 5 0.552MCPA 500 28.5MCPP 500 30.9

Dioxins and Furans (ng/L)1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) 0.05 0.006031,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) 0.05 0.005321,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.025 0.002561,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) 0.025 0.002191,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.025 0.002971,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.025 0.001091,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.025 0.001091,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.025 0.002721,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.025 0.001611,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.025 0.003231,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.025 0.001841,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.025 0.002911,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 0.025 0.004272,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.025 0.002292,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.025 0.003152,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.005 0.001112,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 0.005 0.00076Total Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) 0.025 0.00297Total Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) 0.025 0.00219Total Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 0.025 0.00323Total Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 0.025 0.00396Total Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 0.025 0.00315Total Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 0.025 0.00427



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 23

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Total Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 0.005 0.001114Total Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) 0.005 0.00076

General Chemistry Analytes (mg/L)Total organic carbon 0.5 0.118Dissolved organic carbon 1 1Particulate organic carbon (POC) 1 1Total suspended solids 5 5Total dissolved solids 10 3.56Ammonia as nitrogen 0.075 0.014Nitrate + nitrite as nitrogen (total and dissolved) 0.1 0.0152Nitrogen (Kjeldahl) (total and dissolved) 0.3 0.093Phosphorus (total and dissolved) 0.01 0.0038Bromide 0.05 0.0054Chloride 0.5 0.122Sulfate 1 0.124Fluoride3 0.05 0.0157

Orthohosphate3 0.005 0.00136Sulfide 0.1 0.022Cyanide (total and dissolved) 0.005 0.000013Hardness 0.54 0.54Alkalinity, total as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 2 2Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD-5) 2.0 1.0Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD-30) 2.0 1.0Suspended sediment concentration (SSC), total 5.0 5.0 GTX

PAHs and Alkyl PAHs (µg/L)1-Methylnaphthalene 0.01 0.0016171-Methylphenanthrene 0.01 0.0023782,3,5-Trimethylnaphthalene (1,6,7-Trimethylnaphthalene) 0.01 0.0019022,6-Dimethylnaphthalene 0.01 0.0027972-Methylnaphthalene 0.01 0.001333Acenaphthene 0.01 0.001342Acenaphthylene 0.01 0.002101Anthracene 0.01 0.001866Fluorene 0.01 0.00218Naphthalene 0.01 0.002349Phenanthrene 0.01 0.002378Benzo(a)anthracene 0.01 0.002647Benzo(a)pyrene 0.01 0.00425





Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 24

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.01 0.001123Benzo(e)pyrene 0.01 0.001642Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.01 0.001635Benzo(j,k)fluoranthene 0.01 0.002564Chrysene 0.01 0.001615Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene and Dibenzo(a,c)anthracene 0.01 0.002177Dibenzothiophene 0.01 0.001425Fluoranthene 0.01 0.002621Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.01 0.001814Perylene 0.01 0.002914Pyrene 0.01 0.0009C1-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.01 0.001615C1-Dibenzothiophenes 0.01 0.001425C1-Fluorenes 0.01 0.00218C1-Naphthalenes 0.01 0.002349C1-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.01 0.002378C1-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 0.01 0.0009C2-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.01 0.001615C2-Dibenzothiophenes 0.01 0.001425C2-Fluorenes 0.01 0.00218C2-Naphthalenes 0.01 0.002349C2-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.01 0.002378C3-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.01 0.001615C3-Dibenzothiophenes 0.01 0.001425C3-Fluorenes 0.01 0.00218C3-Naphthalenes 0.01 0.002349C3-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.01 0.002378C4-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.01 0.001615C4-Dibenzothiophenes 0.01 0.001425C4-Naphthalenes 0.01 0.002349C4-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.01 0.002378Benzonaphthothiophene 0.01 0.001181Benzothiophene 0.01 0.002484C1-Benzo(b)thiophene 0.01 0.002484C2-Benzo(b)thiophene 0.01 0.002484C3-Benzo(b)thiophene 0.01 0.002484C4-Benzo(b)thiophene 0.01 0.002484Retene 0.01 0.002264


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 25

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

cis/trans-Decalin 0.01 0.002165C1-Decalins 0.01 0.002165C2-Decalin 0.01 0.002165C3-Decalin 0.01 0.002165C4-Decalin 0.01 0.0021654-Methyldibenzothiophene 0.01 0.0014252-Methyldibenzothiophene & 3-Methyldibenzothiophene 0.01 0.0014251-Methyldibenzothiophene 0.01 0.0014252-Methylphenanthrene 0.01 0.0023782-Methylanthracene 0.01 0.0023784-Methylphenanthrene & 9-Methylphenanthrene 0.01 0.002378Carbazole 0.01 0.004582

n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids (µg/L)n-Nonane (nC9) 1.0 0.319n-Decane (nC10) 1.0 0.117n-Undecane (nC11) 1.0 0.094n-Dodecane (nC12) 1.0 0.132n-Tridecane (nC13) 5.0 0.8852,6,10 Trimethyldodecane (1380) 1.0 N/An-Tetradecane (nC14) 1.0 0.0982,6,10 Trimethyltridecane (1470) 1.0 N/An-Pentadecane (nC15) 1.0 0.144n-Hexadecane (nC16) 1.0 0.149Norpristane (1650) 1.0 N/An-Heptadecane (nC17) 1.0 0.136Pristane 1.0 0.175n-Octadecane (nC18) 1.0 0.08Phytane 1.0 0.087n-Nonadecane (nC19) 1.0 0.169n-Eicosane (nC20) 1.0 0.059n-Heneicosane (nC21) 1.0 0.077n-Docosane (nC22) 1.0 0.042n-Tricosane (nC23) 1.0 0.074n-Tetracosane (nC24) 1.0 0.076n-Pentacosane (nC25) 5.0 0.592n-Hexacosane (nC26) 1.0 0.112n-Heptacosane (nC27) 1.0 0.103n-Octacosane (nC28) 1.0 0.209


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan –Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 26

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection


Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Water Analyte List)(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

n-Nonacosane (nC29) 1.0 0.117n-Triacontane (nC30) 1.0 0.124n-Hentriacontane (nC31) 1.0 0.1314b,17b-20R-Cholestane (S14) 0.01 N/A14b,17b-20S-Cholestane (S15) 0.01 N/A14b,17b-20R-Methylcholestane (S22) 0.01 N/A14b,17b-20R-Ethylcholestane (S26) 0.01 N/A14b,17b-20S-Ethylcholestane (S27) 0.01 N/AC26,20R- +C27,20S-triaromatic steroid 0.01 N/AC28,20S-triaromatic steroid 0.01 N/AC27,20R-triaromatic steroid 0.01 N/AC28,20R-triaromatic steroid 0.01 N/AC30 Tricyclic Terpane-22S (T11a) 0.01 N/AC30 Tricyclic Terpane-22R (T11b) 0.01 N/A

Geotechnical Parameters (mg/L)Grainsize 0.001 N/A



3 = Not part of the routine anion list, only analyze if requested.2 = Peak co-elutions will raise the QL for some congeners. 1 = Achievable MDLs and QLs are limits that the selected laboratory can achieve when performing the analytical methods


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 27

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting

AnalysisPCB Congeners - SPME (ng/L)

PCB-001 through 209 0.06 Various2

High-resolution Organochlorine Pesticides - SPME (µg/L)Hexachlorocyclohexane, alpha (BHC) 0.1 0.0116Hexachlorocyclohexane, beta- (BHC) 0.1 0.109Hexachlorocyclohexane, delta (BHC) 0.1 0.0112Hexachlorocyclohexane, gamma- (BHC) (Lindane) 0.1 0.024Heptachlor 0.1 0.00872Aldrin 0.1 0.0143Heptachlor epoxide 0.1 0.00956Endosulfan-alpha (I) 0.1 0.19791Dieldrin 0.1 0.02644,4'-DDE (p,p'-DDE) 0.1 0.01652,4'-DDE (o,p'-DDE) 0.1 0.0211Endrin 0.1 0.27854Endosulfan-beta (II) 0.1 0.2155024,4'-DDD (p,p'-DDD) 0.1 0.05372,4'-DDD (o,p'-DDD) 0.1 0.0414Endosulfan sulfate 0.1 0.009474,4'-DDT (p,p'-DDT) 0.1 0.2052,4'-DDT (o,p'-DDT) 0.1 0.118Methoxychlor 0.1 0.471Endrin ketone 0.1 0.17Endrin aldehyde 0.1 0.699282Chlordane, alpha- (cis-Chlordane) 0.1 0.0218Chlordane, beta- (trans-Chlordane) 0.1 0.018Oxychlordane 0.1 0.0573Nonachlor, cis- 0.1 0.15393Nonachlor, trans- 0.1 0.0203Hexachlorobenzene 0.1 0.0172Mirex 0.1 0.0204

PAHs and Alkyl PAHs - SPME (µg/L)3, 4

2-Methylnaphthalene 2.4 0.20Acenaphthene 1.6 0.050Acenaphthylene 9.0 0.10Anthracene 0.61 0.050

QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 28

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Benzo(a)anthracene 0.066 0.010Benzo(a)pyrene 0.028 0.005Benzo(b,k)fluoranthene 0.019 0.010Benzo(e)pyrene 0.026 0.005Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.013 0.002Chrysene 0.06 0.010Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.008 0.002Fluoranthene 0.21 0.040Fluorene 1.2 0.050Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 0.008 0.002Naphthalene 5.7 0.50Perylene 0.026 0.005Phenanthrene 0.56 0.20Pyrene 0.3 0.040C1-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.025 0.020C1-Fluorenes 0.41 0.10C1-Naphthalenes 2.4 0.20C1-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.22 0.20C1-Fluoranthenes/Pyrenes 0.14 0.050C2-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.014 0.020C2-Fluorenes 0.16 0.10C2-Naphthalenes 0.89 0.60C2-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.09 0.050C3-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.005 0.008C3-Fluorenes 0.06 0.050C3-Naphthalenes 0.33 0.30C3-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.04 0.020C4-Benzanthracenes/Chrysenes 0.002 0.008C4-Naphthalenes 0.12 0.050C4-Phenanthrenes/Anthracenes 0.02 0.020

Volatile Organics (µg/L)1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) 0.5 0.1581,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.5 0.1441,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 10 0.1481,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.75 0.1441,1-Dichloroethane 0.75 0.154



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 29

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.5 0.1421,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 2.5 0.2341,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2.5 0.22Ethylene dibromide (1,2-Dibromoethane) 2 0.1931,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 2.5 0.3271,2-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 0.1841,2-Dichloroethane 0.5 0.1321,2-Dichloropropane 1.75 0.1331,3-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 0.1841,4-Dichlorobenzene 2.5 0.1872-Butanone (MEK) 5 1.942-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) 5 0.515Methyl isobutyl ketone (4-Methyl-2-pentanone or (MIBK)) 5 0.416Acetone 5 1.46Benzene 0.5 0.159Bromochloromethane 2.5 0.138Bromodichloromethane 0.5 0.192Bromoform (Tribromomethane) 2 0.248Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 1 0.256Carbon disulfide 5 0.3Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane) 0.5 0.134Chlorobenzene 0.5 0.178Chloroethane 1 0.134Chloroform 0.75 0.162Chloromethane 2.5 0.1761,2-Dichloroethene, cis- 0.5 0.1871,3-Dichloropropene, cis- 0.5 0.144Cyclohexane 10 0.245Dibromochloromethane 0.5 0.15Dichlorodifluoromethane 5 0.245Ethylbenzene 0.5 0.168Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.5 0.187Methyl acetate 10 0.212Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) 1 0.16Methylcyclohexane 10 0.288Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) 3 0.289


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 30

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Styrene 1 0.359Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 0.5 0.181Toluene 0.75 0.1631,2-Dichloroethene, trans- 0.75 0.1621,3-Dichloropropene, trans- 0.5 0.164Trichloroethene (TCE) 0.5 0.175Trichlorofluoromethane (Fluorotrichloromethane) 2.5 0.161Vinyl acetate 5 0.311Vinyl chloride 1 0.142Xylenes (Total) 2 0.661

Semivolatile Organics (µg/L)Biphenyl (1,1'-Biphenyl) 0.010 0.0008091,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.5 0.03192,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 0.5 0.06642,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.5 0.05292,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.5 0.04172,4-Dichlorophenol 0.5 0.05142,4-Dimethylphenol 2 0.49482,4-Dinitrophenol 5 0.69652,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.5 0.02822,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.5 0.04172-Chloronaphthalene 0.5 0.10462-Chlorophenol 0.5 0.06282-Methylphenol (o-Cresol) 0.5 0.03032-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.04542-Nitrophenol 0.5 0.04243,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 0.5 0.09633-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.1064,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2 0.47894-Bromophenyl-phenyl ether 0.5 0.04624-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.5 0.07974-Chloroaniline 0.5 0.09774-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.5 0.06524-Methylphenol (p-Cresol) 0.5 0.03614-Nitroaniline 0.5 0.10324-Nitrophenol 2.5 0.556Acetophenone 0.5 0.1162



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 31

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Atrazine 0.5 0.0274Benzaldehyde 2 0.4017bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 0.5 0.1342bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.5 0.06942,2'-Oxybis(2-choloropropane) 0.5 0.0807bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.5 0.0622Butylbenzyl phthalate 0.5 0.1302Caprolactam 0.5 0.6215Dibenzofuran 0.5 0.0544Diethyl phthalate 0.5 0.0323Dimethyl phthalate 0.5 0.0468Di-n-butyl phthalate 0.5 0.034Di-n-octyl phthalate 0.5 0.0351Hexachlorobenzene 0.5 0.0549Hexachlorobutadiene (Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene) 0.5 0.0618Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.5 0.0403Hexachloroethane 0.5 0.0492Isophorone 0.5 0.029Nitrobenzene 0.5 0.0882n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.5 0.0638n-Nitrosodiphenylamine 0.5 0.0748Pentachlorophenol 2 0.4361Phenol 0.5 0.0501

Dissolved Metals by 6020A (µg/L)5

Aluminum 10 2Antimony 0.5 0.1Arsenic 0.5 0.1Barium 0.5 0.1Beryllium 0.5 0.1Cadmium 0.2 0.05Calcium 100 32Chromium 1 0.2Cobalt 0.2 0.1Copper 1 0.1Iron 50 13Lead 1 0.2Magnesium 70 23Manganese 0.5 0.1



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 32

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte Nickel 0.5 0.1Potassium 100 27Silver 0.25 0.1Selenium 5.0 TBDSodium 100 15Thallium 0.2 0.03Tin 0.5 0.06Vanadium 5 0.1Zinc 10 1.2

Dissolved Metals by 6010C (µg/L)5

Aluminum 100 20Antimony 50 10Arsenic 5 3Barium 10 3Beryllium 5 0.4Cadmium 5 0.6Calcium 100 20Chromium 10 2Cobalt 20 5Copper 10 5Iron 50 20Lead 10 3Magnesium 100 4Manganese 10 2Nickel 25 4Potassium 2500 800Silver 7 2Selenium 10 3Sodium 2000 800Thallium 20 6Tin 50 10Vanadium 10 2Zinc 50 5

Dissolved Metals by 1631 (Dissolved, µg/L)5

Mercury 0.0005 0.00019Organometallics (ng/L)

Methyl mercury 50 25.8Dissolved General Chemistry Analytes (mg/L)5




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 33

July 2014141037-01.01

Laboratory-Specific Quantitation Limit1

Laboratory-Specific Method Detection Limit1

Laboratory Conducting


QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (Porewater Analyte List)

(UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Analyte DOC 1 1Ammonia as nitrogen 0.075 0.014Nitrate + nitrite as nitrogen 0.1 0.0152Phosphorus 0.01 0.0038Chloride 0.5 0.122Salinity 8 N/ASulfate 1 0.124Sulfide 0.1 0.022Cyanide 0.005 0.000013Alkalinity, total as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) 2 2


5 = Porewater will be filtered under nitrogen after centrifugation to capture the "dissolved" fraction (applicable to metals, ammonia, and sulfide only).

3 = Laboratory quantitation limits are 1/34th of the concentration of each individual PAH that correswponds to 4 = Laboratory method detection limits are based on previous research studies. Final reported detection limits are determined with each sample set and will vary based on analyte levels and matrix interferences.


2 = Peak co-elutions will raise the QL for some congeners.

1 = Achievable MDLs and QLs are limits that the selected laboratory can achieve when performing the analytical methods specified in Worksheet No. 23 with nominal sample masses/volumes in the absence of interferences. Actual MDLs and QLs will vary based on sample-specific factors. Should widespread QL exceedances occur for one or more analytical groups, corrective actions will include alternative cleanups, re-analyses at lesser

QAPP Worksheet No. 15: Project Action Limits and Laboratory-Specific Detection/Quantitation Limits (UFP-QAPP Manual Section and Figure 15)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 34 141037-01.01

The purpose of Worksheet No. 15 is to present target analyte MDLs and QLs for each of the matrices to be analyzed. The MDLs and QLs presented are specific to each of the laboratories selected to analyze these samples. The MDLs and QLs listed in Worksheet No. 15 are those that are achievable by the selected laboratory using ideal sample volumes in the absence of matrix interferences. The MDLs and QLs that are actually achieved for project samples may be significantly elevated due to high concentrations of target or non-target contaminants, interferences (i.e., high salinity and organic matter), and/or low total solids. These exceedances will be evaluated to determine if corrective action in the form of alternative cleanup methods, re-analyses at lesser dilutions, re-extractions, and/or analyses by alternative methods are warranted to achieve lower QLs. However, matrix interferences are not always overcome by corrective actions and, in these instances, QLs may be elevated. Anchor QEA will work with the laboratories to discuss alternative analytical approaches that may be available, and will consult with all stakeholders and regulators to obtain approval before proceeding with major modifications or alternatives to methods outlined in this Phase 2 QAPP. The TALs for each matrix are comprehensive and will vary with each sampling program. The Phase 2 FSAP Volumes 1 and 2 contains the required analytes for each sampling station. PALs are based on a conservative set of ecological and human health risk-based screening levels and are used for comparison with laboratory RLs to assist in evaluating analytical laboratory QLs. At the time of this document submittal, ecological and human health screening levels have not been approved by USEPA and are, therefore, not presented in Worksheet No. 15. When screening level selection is finalized, the PALs will be determined by selecting the lower of the human health risk-based screening levels and ecological screening levels for the analytes listed in Worksheet 15. The PALs will not impact the analytical method selection for Phase 2 because the analytical methods that provided the lowest achievable QLs were determined during the Phase 1 investigation and will be used again, when necessary, in Phase 2. Similar to Phase 1, it is likely that there will be analytes for which the laboratory QLs will be elevated above the PALs due to the complex sediment/water matrix. This scenario will be discussed in the BERA and BHHRA.

QAPP Worksheet No. 17: Sampling Design and Rationale (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Describe and provide a rationale for choosing the sampling approach (e.g., grid system, biased statistical approach):

See the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 1 (Sections 3.3 and 4.4 and Tables 3-1, 3-2, and 3-4 through 4-4) for sampling design and rationale. See the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2 (Sections 5.2, 7.2, and 8.2 and Tables 5-1, 7-1, and 8-2) for sampling design and rationale. The sampling design and rationale of the groundwater field program is included in Section 2 (Table 2-2) of the Final Groundwater Investigation Work Plan included as Appendix F of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 2.

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters5 Chemistry

Study Area Surface Water Sampling Stations6

DK011SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerDK011SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineEB010SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerEB010SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineEK022SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerEK022SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineMC008SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerMC008SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC170SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC170SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC208W‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC208W‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC226SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC226SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC227SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC227SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

DK001SW 999130 208057 DK001SW‐C‐DATEDK036SW 999731 208246 DK036SW‐C‐DATEDK037SW 1000743 208999 DK037SW‐C‐DATEDK040SW 1000980 209733 DK040SW‐C‐DATEEB006SW 1005319 200023 EB006SW‐C‐DATEEB036SW 1005133 199739 EB036SW‐C‐DATEEK006SW 1003888 200504 EK006SW‐C‐DATEEK013SW 1003475 199100 EK013SW‐C‐DATEEK051SW 1003071 199674 EK051SW‐C‐DATEEK054SW 1004916 200976 EK054SW‐C‐DATEEK057SW 1003967 200782 EK057SW‐C‐DATEEK059SW 1003277 199756 EK059SW‐C‐DATEEK061SW 1003337 199246 EK061SW‐C‐DATEEK062SW 1003364 199217 EK062SW‐C‐DATEEK063SW 1003445 199133 EK063SW‐C‐DATEEK065SW 1003009 199027 EK065SW‐C‐DATEEK066SW 1003143 198922 EK066SW‐C‐DATEEK067SW 1003064 198623 EK067SW‐C‐DATEEK068SW 1003097 198632 EK068SW‐C‐DATEEK069SW 1003179 198657 EK069SW‐C‐DATEEK071SW 1003212 198666 EK071SW‐C‐DATEEK072SW 1003215 198418 EK072SW‐C‐DATEEK076SW 1003567 197532 EK076SW‐C‐DATEMC005SW 1005693 203105 MC005SW‐C‐DATE

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID4 Matrix Depth3 Type

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐09 and NC‐10  

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1 

Figure B4‐1aTwo events (high/low DO)

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1 

Figure B4‐1b

Two events (high/low DO) for stations co‐located with 

additional benthic community field program stations.  One event (high DO) and potential 

second event in winter based on adaptive management program at sediment quality triad stations.

Field Program

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 

Reference Comments

MC008SW 1006125 202917

NC172SW 1004186 204074

EB010SW 1005321

Ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, 


NC208SW 1000974 205852

NC226SW 996092 208608

Risk Surface Water Sampling

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, 

pH, DO, conductivity

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals,  hardness, total mercury, 

dissolved mercury, alkalinity, methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, dissolved cyanide, total 

cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total 

phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate)

DK011SW 1001045 209865

Surface Water

Peristaltic pumps  


EK022SW 1003510 197581

NC227SW 999002 207966

2 feet above mudlineEcological 

Surface Water Sampling7

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 1

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters5 ChemistryStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID4 Matrix Depth3 Type Field Program

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 

Reference CommentsMC017SW 1005286 203041 MC017SW‐C‐DATEMC018SW 1005325 202922 MC018SW‐C‐DATEMC020SW 1005634 202910 MC020SW‐C‐DATEMC021SW 1005885 203098 MC021SW‐C‐DATEMC023SW 1006225 202875 MC023SW‐C‐DATENC013SW 996822 208699 NC013SW‐C‐DATENC037SW 1000601 206900 NC037SW‐C‐DATENC046SW 1001177 205531 NC046SW‐C‐DATENC065SW 1004368 203971 NC065SW‐C‐DATENC071SW 1004849 202983 NC071SW‐C‐DATENC146SW 1001187 205666 NC146SW‐C‐DATENC153SW 994914 207965 NC153SW‐C‐DATENC154SW 995319 208323 NC154SW‐C‐DATENC155SW 995517 207963 NC155SW‐C‐DATENC156SW 995914 208457 NC156SW‐C‐DATENC157SW 996155 208745 NC157SW‐C‐DATENC158SW 996301 208630 NC158SW‐C‐DATENC161SW 997745 208524 NC161SW‐C‐DATENC162SW 998462 208180 NC162SW‐C‐DATENC164SW 1000078 207452 NC164SW‐C‐DATENC165SW 1000864 206193 NC165SW‐C‐DATENC167SW 1002065 204926 NC167SW‐C‐DATENC168SW 1002912 204583 NC168SW‐C‐DATENC169SW 1003287 204640 NC169SW‐C‐DATENC174SW 1004554 203307 NC174SW‐C‐DATENC177SW 1005161 202872 NC177SW‐C‐DATENC179SW 1004997 202473 NC179SW‐C‐DATENC180SW 1005246 201988 NC180SW‐C‐DATENC181SW 1005130 200958 NC181SW‐C‐DATENC293SW 1004714 202171 NC293SW‐C‐DATEWC010SW 999202 207661 WC010SW‐C‐DATEWC012SW 998927 207037 WC012SW‐C‐DATE

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐09 and NC‐10  

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1 

Figure B4‐1b

Two events (high/low DO) for stations co‐located with 

additional benthic community field program stations.  One event (high DO) and potential 

second event in winter based on adaptive management program at sediment quality triad stations

Surface Water

2 feet above mudlinePeristaltic pumps  

Ecological Surface Water Sampling7

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, 

pH, DO, conductivity

Ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, 


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 2

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters5 ChemistryStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID4 Matrix Depth3 Type Field Program

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 

Reference Comments

WE015SW 1027824 236701 WE015SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

WE015SW 1027824 236701 WE015SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

WE016SW 1028658 244255 WE016SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

WE016SW 1028658 244255 WE016SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

WE009SW 1027824 236840 WE009SW‐C‐DATE

WE010SW 1028582 237861 WE010SW‐C‐DATE

WE011SW 1028038 240532 WE011SW‐C‐DATE

WE012SW 1028151 242316 WE012SW‐C‐DATE

WE013SW 1028696 243730 WE013SW‐C‐DATE

WE014SW 1028567 244913 WE014SW‐C‐DATE

WE017SW 1028585 236240 WE017SW‐C‐DATE

WE018SW 1028554 242626 WE018SW‐C‐DATE

HB015SW 1049814 167966 HB015SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

HB015SW 1049814 167966 HB015SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

HB016SW 1054113 169995 HB016SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

HB016SW 1054113 169995 HB016SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

HB009SW 1049747 168097 HB009SW‐C‐DATE

HB010SW 1050830 168861 HB010SW‐C‐DATE

HB011SW 1052715 169781 HB011SW‐C‐DATE

HB012SW 1051877 169377 HB012SW‐C‐DATE

HB013SW 1053899 170511 HB013SW‐C‐DATE

HB014SW 1054203 170123 HB014SW‐C‐DATE

HB017SW 1053057 167961 HB017SW‐C‐DATE

HB018SW 1055060 170560 HB018SW‐C‐DATE

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1a

Two events (high/low DO)

2 feet above mudlineEcological 

Surface Water Sampling7

Ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, 


Two events (high/low DO) for stations co‐located with 

additional benthic community field program stations.  One event (high DO) and potential 

second event in winter based on adaptive management program at sediment quality triad stations

Reference Area Surface Water Sampling Stations – Westchester Creek6

Surface Water

Peristaltic pumps  

Risk Surface Water Sampling

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, 

pH, DO, conductivity

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals,  hardness, total mercury, 

dissolved mercury, methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, alkalinity, dissolved cyanide, total cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, 

anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate) NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐09 and NC‐10  

Reference Area Surface Water Sampling Stations – Head of Bay6

Surface Water

Peristaltic pumps  

Risk Surface Water Sampling

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, 

pH, DO, conductivity

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals,  hardness, total mercury, 

dissolved mercury, methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, alkalinity, dissolved cyanide, total cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, 

anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate) NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐09 and NC‐10  

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1b

Two events (high/low DO)

2 feet above mudlineEcological 

Surface Water Sampling7

Ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, 


Two events (high/low DO) for stations co‐located with 

additional benthic community field program stations.  One event (high DO) and potential 

second event in winter based on adaptive management program at sediment quality triad stations

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 3

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters5 ChemistryStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID4 Matrix Depth3 Type Field Program

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 

Reference Comments

SP015SW 1024333 175429 SP015SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

SP015SW 1024333 175429 SP015SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

SP016SW 1022868 178077 SP016SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

SP016SW 1022868 178077 SP016SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

SP009SW 1024615 174859 SP009SW‐C‐DATE

SP010SW 1024333 175534 SP010SW‐C‐DATE

SP011SW 1023703 176899 SP011SW‐C‐DATE

SP012SW 1023260 177706 SP012SW‐C‐DATE

SP013SW 1022871 178183 SP013SW‐C‐DATE

SP014SW 1022452 178736 SP014SW‐C‐DATE

SP017SW 1023985 177101 SP017SW‐C‐DATE

SP018SW 1022513 178173 SP018SW‐C‐DATE

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1c

Two events (high/low DO)

2 feet above mudlineEcological 

Surface Water Sampling7

Ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, 


Two events (high/low DO) for stations co‐located with 

additional benthic community field program stations.  One event (high DO) and potential 

second event in winter based on adaptive management program at sediment quality triad stations

Reference Area Surface Water Sampling Stations – Spring Creek6

Surface Water

Peristaltic pumps  

Risk Surface Water Sampling

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, 

pH, DO, conductivity

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals,  hardness, total mercury, 

dissolved mercury, methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, alkalinity, dissolved cyanide, total cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, 

anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate) NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐09 and NC‐10  

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 4

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters5 ChemistryStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID4 Matrix Depth3 Type Field Program

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 

Reference Comments

GC015SW 1007617 154755 GC015SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

GC015SW 1007617 154755 GC015SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

GC016SW 1004437 158140 GC016SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layer

GC016SW 1004437 158140 GC016SW‐C‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

GC009SW 1007803 154554 GC009SW‐C‐DATE

GC010SW 1006905 155761 GC010SW‐C‐DATE

GC011SW 1006254 156336 GC011SW‐C‐DATE

GC012SW 1004962 157519 GC012SW‐C‐DATE

GC013SW 1004334 158132 GC013SW‐C‐DATE

GC014SW 1003669 158733 GC014SW‐C‐DATE

GC017SW 1007484 155170 GC017SW‐C‐DATE

GC018SW 1004179 158591 GC018SW‐C‐DATENotes:1 = Horizontal datum is in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), New York Long Island (NYLI), State Plane feet.  2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based factors such as field conditions and access issues3 = When water depth is less than 8‐feet deep and no stratification is observed, one surface water sample will be collected.  This sample will be collected from the midpoint in the water column4 = Sample IDs will be finalized in the field depending on sample depths.5 = Water column profiling will be conducted for field parameters at each surface water sampling station in 1‐foot increments.6 = In addition to the risk surface water and ecological surface water sampling program, water column profiling will be conducted as part of the fish and crab tissue sampling and community surveys

Ecological Surface Water Sampling7

Ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, 


Two events (high/low DO) for stations co‐located with 

additional benthic community field program stations.  One event (high DO) and potential 

second event in winter based on adaptive management program at sediment quality triad stations

7 = Water samples for nutrient and other conventional analyses will be collected concurrently with surface sediment from each of the triad and additional benthic community stations on the Proposed Study Area Surface Sediment Sampling Station figures, and the Proposed Reference AreaSurface Water and Surface Sediment Sampling Stations figures.

Reference Area Surface Water Sampling Stations – Gerritsen Creek6

Surface Water

Peristaltic pumps  

Risk Surface Water Sampling

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, 

pH, DO, conductivity

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals,  hardness, total mercury, 

dissolved mercury, methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, alkalinity, dissolved cyanide, total cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, 

anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate) NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐09 and NC‐10  

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1d

Two events (high/low DO)

2 feet above mudline

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 5

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic Community

EK064SG 1003198 199183 EK064SG‐Depth‐Date

EK070SG 1002968 198397 EK070SG‐Depth‐Date

EK073SG 1003328 198306 EK073SG‐Depth‐Date

EK074SG 1003270 198029 EK074SG‐Depth‐Date

NC159SG 996782 208563 NC159SG‐Depth‐Date

NC160SG 997579 208410 NC160SG‐Depth‐Date

NC163SG 999569 207438 NC163SG‐Depth‐Date

NC166SG 1001411 205150 NC166SG‐Depth‐Date

DK033SG 1000993 209994 DK033SG‐Depth‐Date

EB040SG 1005263 199544 EB040SG‐Depth‐Date

EK102SG 1003491 197732 EK102SG‐Depth‐Date

MC007SG 1006213 202831 MC007SG‐Depth‐Date

DK013SG 1000790 209469 DK013SG‐Depth‐Date

DK020SG 1000249 208622 DK020SG‐Depth‐Date

DK031SG 1000886 210000 DK031SG‐Depth‐Date

DK035SG 999414 208155 DK035SG‐Depth‐Date

DK039SG 1000845 209460 DK039SG‐Depth‐Date

EB026SG 1005430 200617 EB026SG‐Depth‐Date

EB033SG 1005215 200008 EB033SG‐Depth‐Date

EB034SG 1005308 199904 EB034SG‐Depth‐Date

EB035SG 1005744 200277 EB035SG‐Depth‐Date

Field Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth TypeStudy Area Surface Sediment Sampling Stations

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Occupational exposure surface sediment sampling

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, 

ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, 

phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB 

congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl 

mercury, GS, density

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 

B5‐1cOne event

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Sediment mound surface 

sediment sampling

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, 

ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, 

phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB 

congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl 

mercury, GS, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 

B5‐1fOne event

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Point sources surface sediment sampling

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, 

ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, 

phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB 

congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl 

mercury, GS, density

‐‐ ‐‐

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Archive

One event‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 6

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth TypeEB038SG 1005264 199663 EB038SG‐Depth‐DateEK060SG 1003115 199753 EK060SG‐Depth‐DateEK075SG 1003393 197889 EK075SG‐Depth‐DateEK077SG 1003537 197625 EK077SG‐Depth‐DateMC016SG 1005254 203146 MC016SG‐Depth‐DateMC019SG 1005659 203014 MC019SG‐Depth‐DateMC022SG 1005898 203007 MC022SG‐Depth‐DateMC024SG 1005887 202918 MC024SG‐Depth‐DateNC078SG 1005137 201066 NC078SG‐Depth‐DateNC172SG 1004179 204057 NC172SG‐Depth‐DateNC173SG 1004409 203701 NC173SG‐Depth‐DateNC176SG 1005063 202836 NC176SG‐Depth‐DateNC178SG 1005004 202638 NC178SG‐Depth‐DateNC285SG 998254 208403 NC285SG‐Depth‐DateWC002SG 999087 207515 WC002SG‐Depth‐DateWC011SG 999002 207317 WC011SG‐Depth‐DateWC013SG 998951 207114 WC013SG‐Depth‐DateWC014SG 998978 206914 WC014SG‐Depth‐Date

DK040SG 1000980 209733 DK040SG‐Depth‐Date

EK006SG 1003888 200504 EK006SG‐Depth‐Date

EK065SG 1003009 199027 EK065SG‐Depth‐Date

EK072SG 1003185 198511 EK072SG‐Depth‐Date

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Point sources surface sediment sampling

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, 

ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, 

phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB 

congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl 

mercury, GS, density

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 

B5‐1eOne event

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 FSAP Figure 


PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 7

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

EK076SG 1003567 197532 EK076SG‐Depth‐Date

MC017SG 1005286 203041 MC017SG‐Depth‐Date

NC013SG 996822 208699 NC013SG‐Depth‐Date

NC037SG 1000601 206900 NC037SG‐Depth‐Date

NC065SG 1004368 203971 NC065SG‐Depth‐Date

NC153SG 994914 207965 NC153SG‐Depth‐Date

NC156SG 995914 208457 NC156SG‐Depth‐Date

NC158SG 996301 208630 NC158SG‐Depth‐Date

NC162SG 998462 208180 NC162SG‐Depth‐Date

NC164SG 1000078 207452 NC164SG‐Depth‐Date

NC165SG 1000864 206193 NC165SG‐Depth‐Date

NC167SG 1002065 204926 NC167SG‐Depth‐Date

NC169SG 1003287 204640 NC169SG‐Depth‐Date

NC174SG 1004554 203307 NC174SG‐Depth‐Date

NC181SG 1005130 200958 NC181SG‐Depth‐Date

WC010SG 999202 207661 WC010SG‐Depth‐Date

DK001SG 999130 208057 DK001SG‐Depth‐Date

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 FSAP Figure 


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 8

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

NC293SG 1004714 202171 NC293SG‐Depth‐Date

EB006SG 1005319 200023 EB006SG‐Depth‐Date

EK059SG 1003277 199756 EK059SG‐Depth‐Date

NC046SG 1001177 205531 NC046SG‐Depth‐Date

NC071SG 1004849 202983 NC071SG‐Depth‐Date

NC161SG 997745 208524 NC161SG‐Depth‐Date

WC012SG 998927 207037 WC012SG‐Depth‐Date

EK057SG 1003967 200782 EK057SG‐Depth‐Date

MC005SG 1005693 203105 MC005SG‐Depth‐Date

NC154SG 995311 208319 NC154SG‐Depth‐Date

NC168SG 1002912 204583 NC168SG‐Depth‐Date

NC180SG 1005246 201988 NC180SG‐Depth‐Date

DK037SG 1000743 208999 DK037SG‐Depth‐Date

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Triad, bioaccumulatio


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP

Neanthes 28‐day bioaccumulation test

Tissue chemistry: PAHs and alkyl PAHs, pesticides, metals, inorganic arsenic, organic arsenic, total 

arsenic (for speciation), percent lipids, mercury, 

methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PCB congeners, moisture 


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 FSAP Figures 

B5‐1a through B5‐


Adaptive6/ One event

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Triad, bioaccumulation, additional 

benthic community

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 FSAP Figures 

B5‐1a through B5‐


Adaptive6/ One event/ Two events

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP

Neanthes 28‐day bioaccumulation test

Tissue chemistry: PAHs and alkyl PAHs, pesticides, metals, inorganic arsenic, organic arsenic, total 

arsenic (for speciation), percent lipids, mercury, 

methyl mercury, dioxins/furans, PCB congeners, moisture 


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 9

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

MC023SG 1006225 202875 MC023SG‐Depth‐Date0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Adaptive6/ Two events

EB036SG 1005133 199739 EB036SG‐Depth‐Date0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Adaptive6/ Two events

DK036SG 999731 208246 DK036SG‐Depth‐Date

EK013SG 1003475 199100 EK013SG‐Depth‐Date

EK051SG 1003071 199674 EK051SG‐Depth‐Date

EK054SG 1004916 200976 EK054SG‐Depth‐Date

EK061SG 1003363 199228 EK061SG‐Depth‐Date

EK062SG 1003387 199197 EK062SG‐Depth‐Date

EK063SG 1003445 199133 EK063SG‐Depth‐Date

EK066SG 1003143 198922 EK066SG‐Depth‐Date

EK067SG 1003064 198623 EK067SG‐Depth‐Date

EK068SG 1003097 198632 EK068SG‐Depth‐Date

EK069SG 1003179 198657 EK069SG‐Depth‐Date

EK071SG 1003212 198666 EK071SG‐Depth‐Date

MC018SG 1005325 202922 MC018SG‐Depth‐Date

MC020SG 1005634 202910 MC020SG‐Depth‐Date

MC021SG 1005885 203098 MC021SG‐Depth‐Date

NC146SG 1001189 205667 NC146SG‐Depth‐Date

NC155SG 995517 207963 NC155SG‐Depth‐Date

NC157SG 996155 208745 NC157SG‐Depth‐Date

NC177SG 1005161 202872 NC177SG‐Depth‐Date

NC179SG 1004997 202473 NC179SG‐Depth‐Date


Triad, additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 FSAP Figures 

B5‐1a through B5‐


Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density


Two events

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 

B5‐1eTwo events

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 


Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Phase 2 FSAP Figurs 


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 10

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

DK021SG 1000643 209170 DK021SG‐Depth‐Date

DK038SG 1000770 209116 DK038SG‐Depth‐Date

DK046SG 999550 208162 DK046SG‐Depth‐Date

DK047SG 1000120 208451 DK047SG‐Depth‐Date

DK048SG 1000264 208697 DK048SG‐Depth‐Date

DK049SG 1000645 208827 DK049SG‐Depth‐Date

DK050SG 1000822 209257 DK050SG‐Depth‐Date

DK051SG 1001173 209845 DK051SG‐Depth‐Date

EB020SG 1006245 200095 EB020SG‐Depth‐Date

EB027SG 1006257 200138 EB027SG‐Depth‐Date

EB028SG 1005761 200149 EB028SG‐Depth‐Date

EB029SG 1005373 199471 EB029SG‐Depth‐Date

EB030SG 1005457 200954 EB030SG‐Depth‐Date

EB031SG 1005740 200438 EB031SG‐Depth‐Date

EB032SG 1005419 199978 EB032SG‐Depth‐Date

EB037SG 1005298 199751 EB037SG‐Depth‐Date

EB039SG 1005355 199596 EB039SG‐Depth‐Date

EK052SG 1003433 198742 EK052SG‐Depth‐Date

EK055SG 1004214 200753 EK055SG‐Depth‐Date

EK056SG 1004151 200553 EK056SG‐Depth‐Date

EK058SG 1003601 199805 EK058SG‐Depth‐Date

NC170SG 1003882 204595 NC170SG‐Depth‐Date

NC171SG 1004087 204387 NC171SG‐Depth‐Date

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional Nearshore

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, 

ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, 

phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB 

congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl 

mercury, GS, density

‐‐Phase 2 

FSAP Figure B5‐1g

One event‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 11

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

NC142SG 995090 208201 NC142SG‐Depth‐Date

NC143SG 995196 208224 NC143SG‐Depth‐Date

NC144SG 995281 208265 NC144SG‐Depth‐Date

NC145SG 995389 208335 NC145SG‐Depth‐Date

NC147SG 995474 208383 NC147SG‐Depth‐Date

NC148SG 1005336 201730 NC148SG‐Depth‐Date

NC149SG 1005360 201659 NC149SG‐Depth‐Date

NC150SG 1005352 201582 NC150SG‐Depth‐Date

NC151SG 1005329 201529 NC151SG‐Depth‐Date

NC294SG 1005325 201472 NC294SG‐Depth‐Date

NC301SG 996582 208797 NC301SG‐Depth‐Date

NC302SG 996751 208802 NC302SG‐Depth‐Date

NC303SG 996953 208804 NC303SG‐Depth‐Date

NC304SG 997053 208810 NC304SG‐Depth‐Date

NC305SG 997272 208755 NC305SG‐Depth‐Date

‐‐ ‐‐ Archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 

B5‐1hOne eventSediment

0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional BHHRA 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, 

ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, 

phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB 

congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl 

mercury, GS, density

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 12

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

WE009SG 1027824 236840 WE009SG‐Depth‐Date

WE010SG 1028582 237861 WE010SG‐Depth‐Date

WE011SG 1028038 240532 WE011SG‐Depth‐Date

WE012SG 1028151 242316 WE012SG‐Depth‐Date

WE013SG 1028696 243730 WE013SG‐Depth‐Date

WE014SG 1028567 244913 WE014SG‐Depth‐Date

WE017SG 1028585 236240 WE017SG‐Depth‐Date

WE018SG 1028554 242626 WE018SG‐Depth‐Date

Reference Area Surface Sediment Sampling Stations – Westchester Creek

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1a


Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Two events‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 13

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

HB009SG 1049747 168097 HB009SG‐Depth‐Date

HB010SG 1050830 168861 HB010SG‐Depth‐Date

HB011SG 1052715 169781 HB011SG‐Depth‐Date

HB012SG 1051877 169377 HB012SG‐Depth‐Date

HB013SG 1053899 170511 HB013SG‐Depth‐Date

HB014SG 1054203 170123 HB014SG‐Depth‐Date

HB017SG 1053057 167961 HB017SG‐Depth‐Date

HB018SG 1055060 170560 HB018SG‐Depth‐Date

Reference Area Surface Sediment Sampling Stations – Head of Bay

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1b

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ Two events

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 14

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

SP009SG 1024615 174859 SP009SG‐Depth‐Date

SP010SG 1024333 175534 SP010SG‐Depth‐Date

SP011SG 1023703 176899 SP011SG‐Depth‐Date

SP012SG 1023260 177706 SP012SG‐Depth‐Date

SP013SG 1022871 178183 SP013SG‐Depth‐Date

SP014SG 1022452 178736 SP014SG‐Depth‐Date

SP017SG 1023985 177101 SP017SG‐Depth‐Date

SP018SG 1022513 178173 SP018SG‐Depth‐Date

Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1c


Two events

Reference Area Surface Sediment Sampling Stations – Spring Creek

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 15

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

GC009SG 1007803 154554 GC009SG‐Depth‐Date

GC010SG 1006905 155761 GC010SG‐Depth‐Date

GC011SG 1006254 156336 GC011SG‐Depth‐Date

GC012SG 1004962 157519 GC012SG‐Depth‐Date

GC013SG 1004334 158132 GC013SG‐Depth‐Date

GC014SG 1003669 158733 GC014SG‐Depth‐Date

GC017SG 1007484 155170 GC017SG‐Depth‐Date

GC018SG 1004179 158591 GC018SG‐Depth‐Date

Reference Area Surface Sediment Sampling Stations – Gerritsen Creek

Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME), dissolved cyanide, DOC, dissolved 

nitrate/nitrite, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved chloride, salinity, dissolved sulfate, dissolved 


Temperature, pH, 

conductivity, ORP


Ampelisca 10‐day survival/leptocheirus 28‐day survival, growth, and reproduction

Pre‐test porewater chemistry: metals, mercury, ammonia,  

sulfide, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Post‐test porewater chemistry: PCB 

congeners  (SPME), HRMS pesticides (SPME), 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM (bulk)

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS

Archive, metals 

speciation archive

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12, NC‐


Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figure U‐1d


Sediment0 to 15 cm

Power Grab/ Ekman

Additional benthic 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes 

and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, 

metals, mercury, AVS/SEM, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, sulfide, soot 

carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, GS, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08 and NC‐12 

Two events‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

Benthic community survey

Surface water: ammonia, total nitrate/nitrite, 

dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total TKN, dissolved TKN, 

total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, TOC, DOC, POC, TDS, TSS


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 16

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Easting (X)

Northing (Y) Chemistry

Bioavailability (Porewater)

Porewater Field Parameters Bioaccumulation Toxicity Benthic CommunityField Program6

Analyte/Analyte Group



Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type

DK004BSC 999976 208438 DK004BSC‐XXXXXX‐DATE Sediment 6.5

NC054ASC 1002422 204729 NC054ASC‐XXXXXX‐DATE Sediment 18.1

NC064BSC 1004252 203911 NC064BSC‐XXXXXX‐DATE Sediment 14.1

NC070BSC 1004652 202933 NC070BSC‐XXXXXX‐DATE Sediment 12.4

NC079ASC 1005284 201066 NC079ASC‐XXXXXX‐DATE Sediment 12.8

Notes:1 = Horizontal datum is in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), New York Long Island (NYLI), State Plane feet.2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based on field conditions, access issues, etc.3 = Sample IDs will be finalized in the field depending on sample depths.4 = Nitrogen will be added to the headspace of the metals speciation archive samples; see the surface sediment collection flow chart for more information.5 = Nine samples will be analyzed for metals speciation (XRD/EMPA/SX) based on bulk chemistry results. 6 = The triad program will be conducted adaptively. The decision to conduct a second round of sampling will be based on the ability to reduce uncertainty and determine causative factors associated with concentration/response relationships.7 = Sample IDs will be finalized at the laboratory depending on X‐ray fluorescence results.

‐‐ ‐‐

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐06, NC‐07 and NC‐08

Phase 2 FSAP Figure 


Archive core to be cut 

into sections

8 = The sample intervals for XRD, EMPA, and SX will be determined by the laboratory.  It is anticipated that seven sample intervals will be selected from each core for XRD analysis based on the Phase 1 data from the co‐located core and the results of the X‐ray fluorescence analysis.  Following the XRD analysis, select samples will be submitted for EMPA and SX analysis.

Metals Speciation Analysis of Phase 1 Archives7,8

Vibracore, cut‐tube

Analysis of Phase 1 archives

Metals speciation (XRD, EMPA, SX)

‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 17

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Tissue Sampling Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2) 

Start End

FSZ1 0.10 (NC) 0.92 (NC)

FSZ2 0.0 (DK) 0.56 (DK)

FSZ30.92 (NC)0.0 (WC)

2.10 (NC)0.17 (WC)

FSZ4a 2.10 (NC) 2.68 (NC)

FSZ4b 0.0 (MC) 0.21 (MC)

FSZ52.68 (NC)0.0 (EB)0.0 (EK)

2.82 (NC)0.36 (EB)0.98 (EK)

Westchester Creek ‐‐ ‐‐

Head of Bay ‐‐ ‐‐

Spring Creek ‐‐ ‐‐

Gerritsen Creek ‐‐ ‐‐

Notes:1 = Survey zones are approximate and may be modified based on conditions such as field conditions and access issues

4 = Surface water quality monitoring will be conducted concurrently with tissue sampling and community surveys.‐‐ = not applicable

Study Area Fish and Crab SurveysSurvey Area1

River Mile2

Sample ID3 Matrix Depth Type Field Program Analyte/Analyte Group4 Sampling SOP Figure Reference Comments

NC‐01, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07,  NC‐09 

and NC‐15Phase 2 FSAP Figure B6‐1

Collection will be conducted once if the target species, composite numbers, and 

mass requirements are met.  If requirements are not met, a second event 

will be conducted

Reference Area Fish and Crab Surveys

{zone identification}{matrix code}‐{sample type}‐{sample 

number}‐{date}Tissue ‐‐

Otter trawls, purse nets, seines, traps, gill nets, minnow traps, crab 

pots (baited), and/or angling

Fish and crab tissue sampling

Pesticides, PCB congeners, metals, total and inorganic arsenic, methyl mercury, mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs, percent 

lipids, percent moisture

{zone identification}{matrix code}‐{sample type}‐{sample 

number}‐{date}Tissue ‐‐

Otter trawls, purse nets, seines, traps, gill nets, minnow traps, crab 

pots (baited), and/or angling

Fish and crab tissue sampling

Pesticides, PCB congeners, metals, total and inorganic arsenic, methyl mercury, mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs, percent 

lipids, percent moisture

NC‐01, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07,  NC‐09 

and NC‐17

Phase 2 RI Work Plan Appendix U Figures U‐2a 

through U‐2d

Collection will be conducted once if the target species, composite numbers, and 

mass requirements are met.  If requirements are not met, a second event 

will be conducted

2 = Surveys will be completed throughout the reference areas as shown on Figures U‐2a through U‐2d of Appendix U of the Phase 2 RI Work Plan – Volume 13 = Sample IDs will be assigned in the field dependent on the type and number of species collected/composited in the six Study Area zones and four Reference Areas. The fish and crab sampling summary and proposed fish and crab tissue species, sample type, and sample size information are included in the Phase 2 FSAPTables B6‐1 and B6‐3, respectively.

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 18

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Sediment Trap Sampling Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y)

DK006ST 1000182 208586 DK006ST‐DATEDK011ST 1000966 209974 DK011ST‐DATEDK014ST 999332 208063 DK014ST‐DATEEB005ST 1006160 200129 EB005ST‐DATEEB042ST 1005276 199603 EB042ST‐DATEEK004ST 1003987 200704 EK004ST‐DATEEK010ST 1003161 199758 EK010ST‐DATEEK065ST 1003009 199030 EK065ST‐DATEEK086ST 1003467 197684 EK086ST‐DATEMC025ST 1005228 203135 MC025ST‐DATEMC026ST 1005223 202933 MC026ST‐DATEMC027ST 1006088 202928 MC027ST‐DATENC015ST 997128 208548 NC015ST‐DATENC044ST 1001011 205973 NC044ST‐DATENC057ST 1002950 204602 NC057ST‐DATENC065ST 1004348 204003 NC065ST‐DATENC075ST 1004815 201941 NC075ST‐DATENC078ST 1005119 201065 NC078ST‐DATENC111ST 999416 207637 NC111ST‐DATENC119ST 1002980 204792 NC119ST‐DATENC124ST 1004171 203884 NC124ST‐DATENC218ST 1005109 202237 NC218ST‐DATENC236ST 995214 208218 NC236ST‐DATENC237ST 995410 207888 NC237ST‐DATENC238ST 997145 208779 NC238ST‐DATENC239ST 999492 207809 NC239ST‐DATENC240ST 1000851 205937 NC240ST‐DATENC241ST 1004472 202947 NC241ST‐DATENC242ST 1005388 201063 NC242ST‐DATEWC016ST 998965 207055 WC016ST‐DATE

Notes:1 = Horizontal datum is in North American Datum of 1983, New York Long Island, State Plane feet.2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based on field conditions and access issues.

Sampling SOP Figure Reference CommentsIn‐Creek Sediment Traps – Volume 2

Sediment Sediment trap

SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, total cyanide, ammonia, TKN, 

nitrate/nitrite, pH, total phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl mercury, grain size, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐22

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 Figure B9‐3

Quarterly for 9 months, physical traps checked 


Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2

(NAD83 NYLI)Sample ID Matrix Type Analyte/Analyte Group

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 19

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Point Source Discharge Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Parameters Chemistry 

EM001A EM001APSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Sample port  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09,  NC‐26, NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (not 

wet‐weather dependent)

EM001B EM001BPSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐25,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (wet‐

weather dependent)

EM002 EM002PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Sample port  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09,  NC‐26, NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (not 

wet‐weather dependent)

MBT001 MBT001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐25,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (wet‐

weather dependent)

BPBT001 BPBT001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Sample port  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐25,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (wet‐

weather dependent)

QDG002 QDG002PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

CE11SC CE11SCPSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Sample port  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09,  NC‐26, NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (not 

wet‐weather dependent)

GTC001 GTC001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Sample port  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐25,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Grab sample (wet‐

weather dependent)

BB026PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

BB026PSBW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic Pump Bulk‐water list5 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐27,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Bulk‐water sample

BB026PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE  Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

BB013 BB013PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB083PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB083PSBW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic Pump Bulk‐water list5 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐27,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Bulk‐water sample

NCB083PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE  Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

NCB015PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB015PSBW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic Pump Bulk‐water list5 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐27,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Bulk‐water sample

NCB015PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling


Figure Reference Comments

Point Source Discharges – Volume 2



Station ID Sample ID2 Matrix TypeAnalyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOP

Temperature, conductivity, dissolved 

oxygen, pH, and turbidity and 


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 

Figure B10‐1

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 20

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Point Source Discharge Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Parameters Chemistry Figure 

Reference CommentsStation ID Sample ID2 Matrix TypeAnalyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOP

NCQ077PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCQ077PSBW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic Pump Bulk‐water list5 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐27,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Bulk‐water sample

NCQ077PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

NCQ029 NCQ029PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB022 NCB022PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB002 NCB002PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCWPCP NCB002PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09,  NC‐26, NC‐29, NC‐30

3 sampling events; Grab sample (not wet‐weather dependent)

NCB629PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB629PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

NCQ632PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCQ632PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

NCB631PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCB631PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

O185 O185PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Manual composite 


NCQ633PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water/Particulate Peristaltic PumpPoint source water – general, 

Dissolved/particulate3, 4NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐30

4 sampling events;  Manual composite sample

NCQ633PSTSS‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump TSS NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐28,NC‐29, NC‐30 1 sampling event; Discrete TSS sampling

NCQ637 NCQ637PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Manual composite 


BB6101 BB610PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Manual composite 


MA0011 MA001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐24,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Sheetflow manual 

composite sample

LIE001 LIE001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐24,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Sheetflow manual 

composite sample






Temperature, conductivity, dissolved 

oxygen, pH, and turbidity and 


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 

Figure B10‐1

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 21

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Point Source Discharge Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Parameters Chemistry Figure 

Reference CommentsStation ID Sample ID2 Matrix TypeAnalyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOP

CJK001 CJK001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Manual composite 


HN002 HN002PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐24,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Sheetflow manual 

composite sample

RAD001 RAD001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events;  Manual composite 


FLH0011 FLH001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

MP0011 MP001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

NG0011 NG001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

WM0011 WM001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

GMT0011 GMT001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

EMP0011 EMP001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐301 to 4 sampling events; Manual 

composite sample

MCL0011 MCL001PSWW‐DATE‐SEQUENCE Water Peristaltic Pump  Point source water – general3 NC‐01, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐23,NC‐29, NC‐304 sampling events; Manual composite 

sampleNotes:1 = Proposed as a potential sampling location pending the results of reconnaissance.2 = Sample ID: [{station ID}{matrix code}‐{date}‐{sequence}].  Matrix code is either PSWW (point sources whole water) or PSBW (point sources bulk water).  Date format: YYYYMMDD.  Sequence: A for the first sample, B for the second sample, and so on. 

4 = Dissolved/particulate analyte list: PAHs and alkyl PAHs – particulate and dissolved fractions, Percent solids – particulate fraction, and 209 PCB congeners and homolog groups – particulate and dissolved fractions. 5 = Bulk‐water analyte list: Grain size, Total metals, Dissolved metals, Percent solids – particulate fraction, PAHs and alkyl PAHs – particulate fraction, POC, and 209 PCB congeners and homolog groups – particulate fraction. 

3 = Point sources general analyte list : Alkalinity, Anions, TDS, TOC, TSS, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, SVOCs, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids including DRO and TPH ranges, Organochlorine pesticides, Total metals, Dissolved metals, Hardness, Total cyanide, Total phosphorus, Ammonia‐N, Total nitrate/nitrite, Total TKN, Dissolved phosphorus, Dissolved nitrate/nitrite, Dissolved TKN, Dissolved cyanide, DOC, POC, BOD5, BOD30, 209 PCB congeners and homolog groups, Dioxins and furans, Total mercury, Dissolved mercury, Methyl mercury, SSC, and Grain size. 

Temperature, conductivity, dissolved 

oxygen, pH, and turbidity and 


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 

Figure B10‐1

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 22

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline






Sample ID3





EK087SW 1004151 200731

NC138SW 1005093 201697

Temperature, salinity, conductivity, turbidity, 

pH, DO

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals, hardness, total mercury, dissolved mercury, methyl 

mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, alkalinity, dissolved cyanide, total 

cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, 

dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate)

NC249SW 1004265 204128

NC250SW 1004525 203133

NC246SW 996043 208706


NC227SW 999327 207782

EB043SW 1005554


EK088SW 1004176 200666

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐10, NC‐29

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 

Figure B8‐1a

NC172SW 1004187 204070

NC248SW 1001201 205472

MC008SW 1006125 202917

NC010SW 996112 208589

NC247SW 1001152 205425

NC252SW 1005189


Five events (wet‐weather); two 

samples per event once near peak 

discharge and once closer to the end of 

the event

EB010SW 1005321 199518

EB044SW 1005620

Analyte/Analyte Group Sampling SOP

Figure Reference Comments

Surface Water Sampling during Point Source Discharges ‐ Volume 2

DK011SW 1001045 209865

Surface Water

Peristaltic pump4

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2

(NAD83 NYLI)Matrix Depth  Type


EK022SW 1003516

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 23

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters ChemistrySample ID3Analyte/Analyte Group Sampling 


Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2

(NAD83 NYLI)Matrix Depth  Type

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline

Within 3 feet of water surface2 to 3 feet above mudline







NC250SW 1004525 203133


Two events (dry‐weather)

996043 208706

NC010SW 996112 208589

1005093 201697

NC249SW 1004265

NC247SW 1001152 205425

NC248SW 1001201 205472

NC252SW 1005189NC252SW‐C‐DATE


Dry‐Weather TSS Concentration Sampling – Volume 2

EB043SW 1005554 200333

Surface Water

Peristaltic pump4

Temperature, salinity, conductivity, turbidity, 


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐10, NC‐29

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 Figure B8‐2

NC172SW 1004187 204070




EK088SW 1004176 200666

EB044SW 1005620 200353

EK087SW 1004151 200731

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 24

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Water Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters ChemistrySample ID3Analyte/Analyte Group Sampling 


Reference CommentsStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2

(NAD83 NYLI)Matrix Depth  Type

Within 3 feet of water surface


2 to 3 feet above mudline

NC243SW 994815 208121 NC243SW‐A‐DATE

NC244SW 994842 207736 NC244SW‐A‐DATE

NC245SW 994852 207350 NC245SW‐A‐DATE

NC243SW 994815 208121 NC243SW‐B‐DATE

NC244SW 994842 207736 NC244SW‐B‐DATE

NC245SW 994852 207350 NC245SW‐B‐DATE

NC243SW 994815 208121 NC243SW‐C‐DATE

NC244SW 994842 207736 NC244SW‐C‐DATE

NC245SW 994852 207350 NC245SW‐C‐DATE

Notes:1 = Horizontal datum is in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), New York Long Island (NYLI), State Plane feet.2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based on field conditions and access issues.3 = For East River Surface Water Sampling, “F” (flood) or “E” (ebb) will be added in front of the A/B/C depth designator.4 = The type of pump used may vary depending on the required pumping rate and sampling logistics.

SVOCs, pesticides, PCB congeners, total metals, dissolved metals, hardness, total mercury, dissolved mercury, methyl 

mercury, dioxins/furans, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, TOC, DOC, POC, TSS, TDS, SSC, alkalinity, dissolved cyanide, total 

cyanide, ammonia, total TKN, dissolved TKN, total nitrate/nitrite, dissolved nitrate/nitrite, total phosphorus, 

dissolved phosphorus, BOD5, BOD30, anions (bromide, chloride, and sulfate)

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐09, NC‐10, NC‐29

NC243244245SW‐C‐DATE (samples composited)

2 to 3 feet above mudline at each station

Monthly for 10 months

(flood tide only)

Monthly for 10 months:

Seven events with composite sampling:

 Three events at flood tide and at ebb tide; four events at flood 

tide only

Three events with discrete sampling (during flood tide 


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 

Figure B8‐1b

NC243244245SW‐A‐DATE (samples composited)

East River Surface Water Sampling – Volume 2

ER001SW 993871 207486

Surface Water

Peristaltic pump4

Temperature, salinity, turbidity, pH, DO

Within 3 feet of water surface at each station

NC243244245SW‐B‐DATE (samples composited)



Mid‐depth at each station


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 25

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Current Meter Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y)Continuous Surface Water Monitoring – Volume 2

EB043SW 1005554 200333 EB043SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerEK087SW 1004151 200731 EB087SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerEB043SW 1005554 200333 EB043SW‐B‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineEK087SW 1004151 200731 EK087SW‐B‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

NC138SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC138SW‐B‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC246SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC246SW‐B‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC247SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC247SW‐B‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC249SW‐A‐DATE Mid‐point of upper water layerNC249SW‐B‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

EB044SW 1005620 200353 EB044SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineEK088SW 1004176 200666 EK088SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC010SW 996112 208589 NC010SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC250SW 1004525 203133 NC250SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC172SW 1004187 204070 NC172SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC248SW 1001201 205472 NC248SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC252SW 1005189 201728 NC252SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC227SW 999327 207782 NC227SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudlineNC254SW 1005248 201153 NC254SW‐A‐DATE 2 to 3 feet above mudline

Current Meter Deployment – Volume 2EB044CM 1005620 200353EK088CM 1004176 200666NC010CM 996112 208589NC172CM 1004187 204070NC248CM 1001201 205472NC252CM 1005189 201728NC010CM 996112 208589NC172CM 1004187 204070NC227CM 999327 207782NC248CM 1001201 205472NC250CM 1004525 203133NC254CM 1005248 201153

Notes:1 = Horizontal datum is in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), New York Long Island (NYLI), State Plane feet.2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based on field conditions and access issues.

ADCPCurrent velocity, 


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐08, 


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 Figure B8‐2

Every 10 minutes, periodic data download to coincide with maintenance activities

4 inches above mudline ADV Current velocity

10 seconds of data collected every minute, periodic data download to 

coincide with maintenance activities

NC249SW 1004265 204128

N/ASurface Water

3 to 4 feet above mudline

Every 15 minutes, periodic data download to coincide with maintenance activities

NC138SW 1005094 201698

NC246SW 996043 208706

NC247SW 100152 205425

Analyte/Analyte Group (Field Parameters)Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2

(NAD83 NYLI)Sample ID Sampling SOP

Figure Reference Comments

Surface Water

CTD meter

Temperature, salinity, 

conductivity, turbidity, pH, DO, ORP

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐08, 


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 Figure B8‐2

Every 15 minutes, data transmitted via telemetry

Matrix Depth  Type

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 26

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Surface Sediment Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y)Confirmation of Contaminant Distribution in Unique Areas – Volume 2

EB041SG 1005302 200805 EB041SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK078SG 1005096 200934 EK078SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK079SG 1003777 200545 EK079SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK080SG 1003860 200094 EK080SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK081SG 1004030 200000 EK081SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK082SG 1003361 199728 EK082SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK083SG 1003061 199760 EK083SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK084SG 1002965 199052 EK084SG‐DEPTH‐DATEEK085SG 1003138 198946 EK085SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC229SG 1004613 203655 NC229SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC230SG 1004693 203555 NC230SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC233SG 1005072 202275 NC233SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC306SG 1004346 203630 NC306SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC307SG 1004889 203204 NC307SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC308SG 1005010 202823 NC308SG‐DEPTH‐DATENC309SG 1005241 201825 NC309SG‐DEPTH‐DATE

Notes:1 = Horizontal datum is in North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), New York Long Island (NYLI), State Plane feet.2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based on field conditions and access issues.3 = Sample IDs will be finalized in the field depending on sample depths.


Analyte/Analyte Group Sampling SOPFigure 

Reference Comments

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 Figure B9‐1

Sediment 0 to 15 cmPower grab/ 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, cyanide, ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, phosphorous, 

sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl mercury, grain size, 


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04,  NC‐06, NC‐07, 

NC‐08, NC‐12

TypeStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth 

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 27

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Subsurface and Native Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y)

High‐resolution Sample Intervals – Volume 2DK037SC 1000730 209001 DK037SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEB006SC 1005327 200028 EB006SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK006SC 1003885 200503 EK006SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEMC005SC 1005687 203102 MC005SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC037SC 1000596 206910 NC037SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC071SC 1004849 202975 NC071SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC154SC 995319 208323 NC154SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC161SC 997745 208524 NC161SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC169SC 1003279 204644 NC169SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC174SC 1004559 203317 NC174SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC259SC 998632 208124 NC259SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEWC012SC 998929 207045 WC012SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

Geochronology and Chemistry Sampling – Volume 2Group A LocationsEB045SC 1005666 200566 EB045SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK089SC 1004751 200778 EK089SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEMC007SC 1006213 202830 MC007SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC176SC 1005063 202836 NC176SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC251SC 995358 208289 NC251SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC261SC 1000589 207108 NC261SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC262SC 1001740 205215 NC262SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC263SC 1003577 204705 NC263SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC243SC 1004301 203889 NC264SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC265SC 1004897 201820 NC265SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

Group B Locations

DK033SC 1000993 209994 DK033SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EB040SC 1005256 199535 EB040SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK076SC 1003491 197732 EK076SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

NC258SC 998254 208403 NC258SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2b

5 total: 3 analyzed for chemistry, 1 analyzed for geochronology, 1 archived in geochronology sample intervals

Sediment≥2 feet into 

native material

Geochronology: 2‐cm intervals to native contact

Chemistry: 30‐cm intervals beginning at 15 cm to 4 m 

below mudline


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, 

mercury, total cyanide, ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, total phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, grain size, density, Cs‐137, Pb‐210

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2a


Sediment≥2 feet into 

native material2‐cm intervals to native 

contactVibracore Cs‐137, Pb‐210, TOC, TS

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2b


≥2 feet (target recovery, may 

need to penetrate >5 


2‐cm intervals from 0 to 60 cm; 7 samples analyzed 

(intervals: 0‐2, 2‐4, 4‐6, 8‐10, 18‐20, 28‐30, and 58‐60 cm)

Vibracore or piston 


PAHs and alkylated PAHs, PCB congeners, metals, TS, soot carbon, TOC, Pb‐210                           

2 total: 1 analyzed, 1 archived in 

sample intervals

Type Analyte/Analyte GroupSampling 



Comments (Number of Cores 

per Station) DepthStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3,4 Matrix

Target Penetration 


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 28

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Subsurface and Native Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Type Analyte/Analyte GroupSampling 



Comments (Number of Cores 

per Station) DepthStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3,4 Matrix

Target Penetration 


NYC Post‐dredge Areas Sampling – Volume 2NC003SC 995132 207975 NC003SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC012SC 996800 208608 NC012SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC253SC 995734 208265 NC253SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC254SC 996105 208646 NC254SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC255SC 996486 208733 NC255SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC256SC 997122 208722 NC256SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC257SC 997232 208554 NC257SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC260SC 998844 207957 NC260SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEWC003SC 998942 207155 WC003SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEWC015SC 999017 207394 WC015SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

Vertical Extent of Contamination  – Volume 2

NC295SC 994840 208108 NC295SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE Sediment≥3 feet into 

native material‐‐

Direct‐push, with 

groundwater program 

Sediment: Visual observations Native Material: SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, 

EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, mercury, total cyanide, ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, total phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, 

pesticides, methyl mercury, grain size, density

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04,NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2d


Refinement of Vertical Contaminant Distribution – Volume 2

EK003SC 1004452 200749 EK003SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK004SC 1003997 200701 EK004SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK005SC 1004044 200505 EK005SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

Sediment NA NA Archive Cores Visual observations


≥2 feet (target recovery, may 

need to penetrate >5 


2 sample intervals; one from the sand cover material and one from the sediment just 

below the sand cover

Vibracore or piston 


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, 

mercury, total cyanide, ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, total phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl mercury, grain size, density

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2c


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2e


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 29

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Subsurface and Native Locations and Methods (UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Type Analyte/Analyte GroupSampling 



Comments (Number of Cores 

per Station) DepthStation ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3,4 Matrix

Target Penetration 


Confirmation of Contaminant Distribution – Volume 2EB041SC 1005302 200805 EB041SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK078SC 1005096 200934 EK078SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK079SC 1003777 200545 EK079SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK080SC 1003860 200094 EK080SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK081SC 1004030 200000 EK081SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK082SC 1003361 199728 EK082SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK083SC 1003061 199760 EK083SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK084SC 1002965 199052 EK084SCX‐DEPTH‐DATEEK085SC 1003138 198946 EK085SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC229SC 1004613 203655 NC229SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC230SC 1004693 203555 NC230SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC233SC 1005072 202275 NC233SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC306SC 1004346 203630 NC306SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC307SC 1004889 203204 NC307SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC308SC 1005010 202823 NC308SCX‐DEPTH‐DATENC309SC 1005241 201825 NC309SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK100SC 1004042 200678 EK100SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK101SC 1003977 200654 EK101SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK103SC 1004060 200557 EK103SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

EK104SC 1003988 200531 EK104SCX‐DEPTH‐DATE

Notes:1 = Horizontal datum is North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83), New York Long Island (NYLI), State Plane feet.  2 = Although target coordinates are shown to the nearest foot, sampling locations are approximate and may be modified based on field conditions and access issues.3 = Sample IDs will be finalized in the field depending on sample depths.4 = More detail regarding sampling intervals is presented in the Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 text.

Sediment20 feet or ≥1 

foot into native material

15‐60 cm, 60‐100 cm, then 100‐cm increments to native contact, roughly 100‐cm 

intervals to bottom of core based on lithology (same as 

Phase 1)


SVOCs, PAHs and alkylated PAHs, EPH/VPH, n‐alkanes and isoprenoids, triterpanes and steranes, metals, 

mercury, total cyanide, ammonia, TKN, nitrate/nitrite, pH, total phosphorous, sulfide, soot carbon, TOC, TS, PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, pesticides, methyl mercury, grain size, density


Confirmation and Delineation of NAPL – Volume 2

Sediment NA NA Vibracore Visual observations

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure B9‐g

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐04, NC‐06, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐19, NC‐20

Phase 2 FSAP 

Volume 2 Figure  B9‐2f


Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 30

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

NC267GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC267SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC267SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC268GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC268SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC269GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC269SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC260GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC270SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC270SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/ANC270MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

DK041GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK041SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

DK043GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK043SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

DK045GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK045SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

DK044GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK044SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

DK012GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK012SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

WC017GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

WC017SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group










WC017 998969.1 207316.8

DK044 1000845.3 209308.6

DK012 999396.1 208086


1000626 209072.1

DK045 1000928.3 209745.8

NC270 997894.4 208318.9

DK041 999303 208205.6

Groundwater Investigation Sampling Stations – Phase 2 RI Work Plan Addendum No. 1

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

NC267 995697.8 208462.1

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

NC268 995823.7 208256.2

NC269 997001.8 208705.6

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 31

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


WC008GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

WC008SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupWC008SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

WC018GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

WC018SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC029GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC029SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC275GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC275SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC279GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC279SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC280GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC280SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC281GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC281SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC282GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC282SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC282SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC056GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC056SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC056SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/ANC056MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

NC284GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC284SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group



NC279 1001120.4 205727.2

NC280 1001065.2 205550.9

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

1001658.1 205241.7

NC282 1001770.1 204926.8

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

WC018 999016.9 207207

NC029 999483 207404

NC275 999940.9

NC056 1002482 204896

NC284 1003331.2 204487.8










WC008 999019 206892.716

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 32

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


NC287GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC287SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

MC030GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

MC030SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

MC031GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

MC031SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupMC031SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/AMC031MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

MC029GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

MC029SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC295GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC295SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC288GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC288SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC288SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/ANC288MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

NC296GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC296SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC298GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC298SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC298SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC299GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC299SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC299SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC300GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC300SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC299 1004919.8 201707.243

44 1005167.9 201255.3

NC298 1004907 20174742

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

MC030 1005783.5 203090.1

MC031 1006236.7

NC288 1004451.9 202917.8

NC296 1004595.5 202514.5


MC029 1005622.6 202941.9

NC295 1005046.5 202738.6


NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33








NC287 1005025.4 203217.2

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 33

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


NC301GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC301SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC301GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC301SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC301PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical groupNC301SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical groupNC301SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

EB049GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB049SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupEB049SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

EB050GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB050SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB048GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB048SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB025GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB025SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupEB025SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/AEB025MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

EB052GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB052SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB051GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB051SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK090GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK090SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK091GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK091SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK092GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK092SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK094GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK094SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group









1004013.1 200468.3

EK091 1004580.8 200713

EK092 1004422 200810.7



NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

EB049 1005939.5 200223.1

EB050 1006228.8 200120.6

EB048 1005819

EB051 1005283.7 200087.1

EK090 1004851.7 200925.8


EB025 1005343 199460.3

EB052 1005204.7 199777.1


NC218 1005328.5 201227.2N/A

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 34

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


EK036GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK036SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK009GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK009SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK013GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK013SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupEK013SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

EK096GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK096SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK097GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK097SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK070GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK070SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK099GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK099SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupEK098SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/AEK098MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

NC273GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC273SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC266GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC266SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC266GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC266SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC266PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical groupNC266SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical groupNC266SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/ANC266SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A


EK097 1003238 198617.4

EK070 1002945.7 198388.7

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33










1003369.3 198083.7

EK098 1003095.4 198571

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

EK009 1003658 199836.5

EK013 1003513.3 199113

EK096 1003081.3

NC273 999722.3 207651.7

NC266 995269.1 207689.1


EK036 1003822.3 200359.658

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 35

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


NC271GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC271SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC271GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC271SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC271PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical groupNC271SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical groupNC271SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

DK052GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK052SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

DK052GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK052SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupDK052PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical groupDK052SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A N/ADK052SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/ADK052SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/ADK052MW‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Data logger N/A N/A

DK042GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK042SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

DK042GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

DK042SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupDK042PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical groupDK042SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical groupDK042SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/ADK042SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

DK052 1001030.3 209989

DK042 1000283.9 208582.4




NC271 998075.8 208452.6

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 36

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


NC276GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC276SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC276GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC276SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC276PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

NC276SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

NC276SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC276SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

NC277GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC277SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC277GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC277SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC277PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

NC277SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

NC277SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC277SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

NC278GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC278SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC278GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC278SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC278PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Solids analytical group

NC278SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Pore water analytical group

NC278SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

1000840.7 206122.723

NC276 1000565.4 206825.8

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1NC277 1000781.6 206717.5




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 37

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


NC062GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC062SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC062GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC062SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC062PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

NC062SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

NC062SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC062SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

NC286GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC286SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC286GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC286SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical groupNC286PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

NC286SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

NC286SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC286SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

NC075GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC075SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

NC286 1004199.4 203835.6

NC075 1004820 201950

NC062 1003740 204602

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33




Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 38

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


EB046GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB046SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB046GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB046SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB046PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

EB046SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

EB046SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

EB046SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

EB047GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB047SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB047GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EB047SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EB047PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

EB047SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

EB047SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

EK093GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK093SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK093GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK093SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK093PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

EK093SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

EK093SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

EK093SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

EB047 1005525.1 200510.7

EK093 1003963.7 200720.5




EB046 1005598.1 200647.5

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 39

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet No. 18: Groundwater Investigation‐related Locations and Methods(UFP‐QAPP Manual Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)(USEPA 2106‐G‐05 Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.2)

Easting (X) Northing (Y) Field Parameters Chemistry3

USEPA Station ID 

fromTable 2‐34

Station ID

Target Coordinates1,2


Sample ID3 Matrix Depth  Type

Analyte/Analyte Group

Sampling SOPFigure 


EK042GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK042SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK042GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK042SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK042PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

EK042SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

EK042SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

EK026GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK026SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK026GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

EK026SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

EK026PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

EK026SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

EK026SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/A

NC272GW‐A‐DATE Groundwater 2 to 3 feet into native materialPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC272SC‐A‐DATE Native Material 2 to 3 feet into native material Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC272GW‐B‐DATE Pore water Mid‐depth within riverine sedimentPeristaltic, bladder, or submersible 

pumpTemperature, conductivity, 

turbidity, pH, DOGroundwater analytical group

NC272SC‐B‐DATE Sediment Mid‐depth within riverine sediment Direct‐push N/A Solids analytical group

NC272PW‐DATE Pore water 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm SPME and Peeper N/A Pore water analytical group

NC272SG‐DATE Sediment 0 to 15 cm and 15 to 30 cm Ponar or similar N/A Solids analytical group

NC272SC‐D‐DATE Native Material Base of water‐bearing unit Direct‐push N/A N/A

NC272SP‐DATE Sediment Surface sediment Seepage meter N/A N/ANotes:1= Proposed as a potential sampling location pending the results of reconnaissance.

4 = Table 2‐3 from the Final Groundwater Investigation Work Plan  (USEPA 2014)Source:USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), 2014.  Final Groundwater Investigation Work Plan .  Newtown Creek Oversight.  Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study.  Brooklyn and Queens, New York.  April 18, 2014.

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

2 = Sample ID: [{station ID}{matrix code}‐{date}‐{sequence}].  Matrix code is either GW (groundwater), PW (pore water), SG (surface grab), SC (sediment core), SP (seepage), and MW (monitoring well) .  Date format: YYYYMMDD.  A designation for SC locations completed in the native material, B designation for SC locations completed in riverine sediment and D designation for SC locations completed as deep borings.3 = Groundwater analytical group includes VOCs, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, PCB congeners, Organochlorine pesticides, EPH, VPH, SVOCs, Total metals, Dissolved metals, Methyl mercury, TDS, DOC, TOC, TSS, Dissolved cyanide, Anions, Total nitrate/nitrite, Total phosphorus, Alkalinity, Salinity, Sulfide, Ammonia‐N and hardness.  Solids analytical group includes Cyanide, Bulk density, EPH, VPH, pH, PAHs and alkyl PAHs, SVOCs, Soot carbon, TOC, Percent solids, TCL VOCs, Metals, Mercury, Organochlorine pesticides, Dioxins/Furans and PCB congeners.  Pore water analytical group includes Organochlorine pesticides, PCB congeners, PAHs, VOCs and Total metals.

NC272 998593.7 208196.7

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33


EK042 1003129 199697

NC‐01, NC‐02, NC‐03, NC‐07, NC‐08, NC‐12, NC‐21, NC‐31, NC‐32, NC‐33

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum     

No .1 Figure 1

EK026 1003349.1 197870.5



Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3Newtown Creek RI/FS 40

July 2014141037-01.01

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30: Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Laboratory: Primary: Alpha Analytical 320 Forbes Boulevard Mansfield, Massachusetts 02048 Contact name: Liz Porta Phone: 508-898-9220 E-mail: [email protected]

Required accreditations/certifications: Various

Back-up laboratory: Various

Sample delivery method: Alpha Analytical Courier Service (Alpha/Envirotest) Alpha will FedEx to subcontracted laboratories Direct FedEx to ASI, Teledyne Browne, Activation Labs Pick up from WAA

*see FSAP for detailed laboratory information

Analyte/Analyte Groupa Matrix Method/SOP Accreditation

Expiration Date Container(s)

(Number, Size, and Type per Sample)h Preservation Preparation

Holding Time Analytical

Holding Time Data Package Turnaroundb,c

SVOCs Sediment 8270D/A-38, A-40 June 30, 2014 16-oz wide-mouth glass jar

0-6° C; store in the dark

14 days

40 days 30 days <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year

VOCs Sediment 8260B/A-05 June 30, 2014 2-oz jar, no headspace 0-6°C;

store in the dark None 14 days to analysis 30 days

Herbicides Sediment 8151A/A-03 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar

0-6°C; store in the dark

14 days to extraction 40 days from extraction to

analysis 30 days

<-10°C; store in the dark

1 year to extraction 40 days from extraction to

analysis 30 days

Organochlorine pesticides (high resolution)

Sediment 1699/SGS-4 June 30, 2014 1 x 4-oz wide-mouth glass jar <-10° C;

store in the dark None

1 year to extraction and


45 days

209 PCB congeners and homolog groups

Sediment 1668A/SGS-2 June 30, 2014 From high resolution pesticide jar 0-6° C; <-10° C;

store in the dark None None 45 days

Metals Sediment 60101C/A-45 6020A/A-01

1638M/FGS-09 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar

0-6° C; store in the dark

6 months None 30 days

<-10° C; store in the dark

2 years None 30 days

Mercury Sediment 1631 Modified/FGS-5, A-46 June 30, 2014 1 x 4-oz wide-mouth HDPE or from SVOC jar ≤-10° C 1 yeard None 30 days

Methyl mercury Sediment 1630 Modified/FGS-1 June 30, 2014 1 x 4-oz wide-mouth HDPE or from mercury jar ≤-10° C 1 year None 30 days

Hexavalent Chromium Sediment 7196A/A-51 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar 0-6° C None 28 days 30 days

Dioxins and furans Sediment 1613B/SGS-1 June 30, 2014 From high resolution pesticide jar 0-6° C; <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 yearg None 45 days

Radionuclides Sediment 137Cs, 210Pb/ TBE-1, TBE-2 N/A 1 x 4-oz wide-mouth glass Ambient None None 45 days

PAHs and alkyl PAHs Sediment 8270D SIM/A-07 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar 0-6° C;

store in the dark 14 days 40 days 30 days

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30: Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Analyte/Analyte Groupa Matrix Method/SOP Accreditation

Expiration Date Container(s)

(Number, Size, and Type per Sample)h Preservation Preparation

Holding Time Analytical

Holding Time Data Package Turnaroundb,c

<-10° C; store in the dark

1 year

n-alkanes and isoprenoids, including DRO and TPH

ranges Sediment 8015 Modified/A-14 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar

0-6° C; store in the dark

14 days

40 days 30 days <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year

Triterpanes and steranes Sediment 8270D SIM Modified/A-07 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar

0-6° C; store in the dark

14 days

40 days 30 days <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year

TOC Sediment 9060 Modified Lloyd Kahn/A-17 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar

0-6° C; store in dark None 28 days

30 days <-10° C; store in the dark

None 6 months

Soot carbon Sediment Gustafsson et al. 1997/A-17 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar 0-6° C; store in dark None 14 days 30 days

Percent solids Sediment SM 2540G/A-11 June 30, 2014 From SVOC jar 0-6° C None 14 days 30 days

Ammonia-N Sediment SM 4500NH3/A-08 June 30, 2014 1 x 8-oz wide-mouth glass 0-6° C 7 days 28 days 30 days

Nitrate/nitrite Sediment SM 4500NO3/ A-10 June 30, 2014 From ammonia jar 0-6° C None 28 days 30 days

TKN Sediment SM 4500NC/A-16 June 30, 2014 From ammonia jar 0-6° C None 28 days 30 days

Cyanide Sediment 9012A/A-19 June 30, 2014 From ammonia jar 0-6° C None 14 days 30 days

Sulfide Sediment 9030B/A-21 June 30, 2014 1 x 2-oz wide-mouth glass Pour 10N NaOH/1N zinc acetate

solution over the top of the sample; no headspace; 0-6° C

None 7 days 30 days

Total phosphorus Sediment SM 4500P/A-20 June 30, 2014 From ammonia jar 0-6° C None 28 days 30 days

pH Sediment 9045D/A-12 June 30, 2014 From ammonia jar 0-6° C None 48 hours 30 days

AVS/SEM Sediment USEPA Draft Method – 1991/6020A A-01, A-30

June 30, 2014 1 x 4-oz septum-sealed wide-mouth jar Undisturbed; no headspace;

0-6° C None 14 days 30 days

Grain size Sediment ASTM D422/GT-6 N/A 1 x 16-oz wide-mouth HDPE or glass 2-6° C None None 30 days

Atterberg Limits Sediment ASTM D4318/GT-4 N/A 1 x 16-oz wide-mouth glass Ambient None None 30 days

Bulk density Sediment ASTM D7263/GT-5 N/A From grain size jar 0-6° C None None 30 days

Specific gravity Sediment ASTM D854/GT-7 N/A From Atterberg Limits Ambient None None 30 days

Moisture content Sediment ASTM D2216/GT-2 N/A From Atterberg Limits Ambient None 14 days 30 days

Hydraulic conductivity Sediment ASTM D5084 N/A Undisturbed tube (2 kg) Ambient None None 30 days

EPH Sediment MADEP-EPH/A-32 June 30, 2014 From ammonia jar 0-6° C 14 days 40 days 30 days

VPH Sediment MADEP-VPH/A-33 June 30, 2014 2 x 40-mL septum-sealed VOA containers Methanol; enough to cover

sample None 28 days 30 days

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30: Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Analyte/Analyte Groupa Matrix Method/SOP Accreditation

Expiration Date Container(s)

(Number, Size, and Type per Sample)h Preservation Preparation

Holding Time Analytical

Holding Time Data Package Turnaroundb,c

Benthic invertebrates Sediment WAA-1 N/A 1 or 2, 1-L wide-mouth HDPE containers

(coarse material will require two jars) 0-6° C; add 50 to 100 mL of 10%

buffered formalin solution

48 hours then preserve with 80%

ethanol None 60 days

Archive Sediment N/A N/A 1 x 16-oz wide-mouth glass <-10° C;

store in the dark None None None

Archive (metals speciation bioavailability)*

Sediment N/A N/A 1 x 8-oz wide-mouth glass with nitrogen


<-10° C; nitrogen headspace store in the dark

*Must remain frozen during shipping.

None None None

XRD on Phase 1 archives Sediment Jenkins & Snyder 1996 N/A 1 x vial (2 grams of sample needed) with

nitrogen headspace Ambient with nitrogen

headspace As soon as possible As soon as possible 60 days

EMPA on Phase 1 archives Sediment Reed 2005 N/A Minimum 2-oz jar with nitrogen headspace Ambient with nitrogen

headspace As soon as possible As soon as possible N/A

Sequential extraction on Phase 1 archives

Sediment Tessier et al. 1979 N/A 1 x 125-mL HDPE (sent to Alpha for metals

analysis) 0-6° C; nitric acid to pH <2

None 6 months 30 days

VOCs Water 8260C/A-05 June 30, 2014 3 x 40-mL septum-sealed VOA containers 0-6° C; HCl to pH <2, store in the

dark. None 14 days to analysis 30 Days

SVOCs Water 8270D/A-38 June 30, 2014 2 x 1-L amber glass with PTFE-lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark 7 days 40 days 30 days

Herbicides Water 8151A/A-03 June 30, 2014 2x 1-L amber glass with PTFE lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark 7 days 40 days 30 days

EPH Water MADEP-EPH/A-32 June 30, 2014 2x 1-L amber glass with PTFE lined lid 0-6° C; HCl to pH < 2 14 days 40 days 30 days

VPH Water MADEP-VPH/A-33 June 30, 2014 3 x 40-mL septum-sealed VOA containers 0-6° C; HCl to pH <2 None 14 days 30 days

Organochlorine pesticides Water 8081B/A-02 June 30, 2014 2 x 1-L amber glass with PTFE-lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark 7 days 40 days 30 days

209 PCB congeners and homolog groups

Water 1668A/SGS-2 June 30, 2014 2 x 500-mL amber glass with PTFE-lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark None None 45 days

Total and dissolved metals Water 6010C/A-45 6020A/A-01 1632/A-23

June 30, 2014 2 x 500-mL or 1x 250-mL HDPE

0-6° C; field filter dissolved samples or within 24 hours;

nitric or HCl acid dependent on method to pH <2

None 6 months 30 days

Total and dissolved metals Water 1638 Modified/FGS-09 June 30, 2014 2 x 125-mL HDPE

0-6° C; field filter dissolved samples or within 24 hours;

nitric or HCl acid dependent on method to pH <2

None 6 months 30 days

Metals speciation Water LC-ICP-MS/FGS-12

1632/FGS-14 N/A 250-mL HDPE 0-6° C; hydrochloric acid to pH <2 N/A 28 days 30 days

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30: Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Analyte/Analyte Groupa Matrix Method/SOP Accreditation

Expiration Date Container(s)

(Number, Size, and Type per Sample)h Preservation Preparation

Holding Time Analytical

Holding Time Data Package Turnaroundb,c

Total and dissolved mercury Water 1631/FGS-05 June 30, 2014 2 x 250-mL FLPE BrCl in excess until yellow color is evident or using starch iodide


28 days; Field filter dissolved samples or

within 24 hours 90 days 30 days

Methyl mercury Water 1630/FGS-01 June 30, 2014 1 x 250-mL or 1 x 125-mL FLPE or glass 0-6° C; freshwater 4-5-mL 11.6M

HCl; saline 2-mL/L 9M H2SO4 N/A 6 months 30 days

Dioxins and furans Water 1613B/SGS-1 June 30, 2014 1 x 1-L amber glass bottle with PTFE-lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark 1 yearh None 45 days

PAHs and alkyl PAHs Water 8270D SIM/A-07 June 30, 2014 2 x 1-L amber glass with PTFE-lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark 7 days 40 days from

extraction 30 days

n-alkanes and isoprenoids, including DRO and TPH

ranges Water 8015 Modified/A-14 June 30, 2014 2 x 1-L amber glass with PTFE-lined lid 0-6° C; store in the dark 7 days 40 days 30 days

TOC Water SM 5310C/A-18 June 30, 2014 2 x 40-mL VOA vial 0-6° C; H2SO4 to pH <2 None 28 days 30 days

DOC Water SM 5310C/A-18 June 30, 2014 1 x 500-mL HDPE 0-6° C; store in the dark 48 hours to filtration 28 days 30 days

POC Water 9060 Modified Lloyd Kahn/A-18 June 30, 2014 From DOC bottle 0-6° C; store in the dark 48 hours to filtration 28 days 30 days

TSS Water SM 2540D/A-22 June 30, 2014 1 x 1-L HDPE 0-6° C None 7 days 30 days

TDS Water SM 2540C/A-15 June 30, 2014 From anions bottle 0-6° C None 7 days 30 days

SSC Water ASTM D3977/GT-1 June 30, 2014 One tared 500-mL HDPE

0-6° C; store in the dark; weigh entire sample bottle to nearest 0.1 g and record weight upon

receipt at laboratory

None 28 days 30 days

Alkalinity Water SM 2320B/A-06 June 30, 2014 1 x 250-mL HDPE 0-6° C None 14 days 30 days

Cyanide Water 9012A/A-19 June 30, 2014 1 x 250-mL HDPE 0-6° C; NaOH to pH >12 Field filter dissolved samples or within 24

hours 14 days 30 days

Ammonia-N Water SM 4500NH3/A-08 June 30, 2014 From total phosphorus 0-6° C; H2SO4 to pH <2 None 28 days 30 days

Total and dissolved TKN and NO3/NO2

Water SM 4500NO3/SM 4500NC/

A-10, A-16 June 30, 2014

From total or dissolved phosphorus

0-6° C; H2SO4 to pH <2

Samples to be field filtered and

preserved within 48 hours of collection

28 days 30 days

Total and dissolved phosphorus

Water SM 4500P/A-20 June 30, 2014 2 x 500-mL HDPE 0-6° C; H2SO4 to pH <2

Samples to be field filtered and

preserved within 48 hours of collection

28 days 30 days

Sulfide Water 9030B/A-21 June 30, 2014 1 x 250-mL HDPE 1 mL 1N ZnAc + NaOH to pH> 9;

0-6° C None 7 days 30 days

Salinity Water SM 2510B/A-37 June 30, 2014 1 x 250-mL HDPE 0-6° C None 28 days 30 days

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30: Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Analyte/Analyte Groupa Matrix Method/SOP Accreditation

Expiration Date Container(s)

(Number, Size, and Type per Sample)h Preservation Preparation

Holding Time Analytical

Holding Time Data Package Turnaroundb,c

Grain size Water Ecology TAPE 2011/ARI-01, ARI-

02 N/A 1 x 500 mL HDPE 2-6° C None None 30 days

BOD5 Water SM 5210B/ET-1 June 30, 2014 1 x 500-mL HDPE 0-6° C None 48 hours 30 days

BOD30 Water SM 5210C/ET-1 June 30, 2014 1 x 500-mL HDPE 0-6° C None 48 hours 30 days

Anions – bromide, chloride, sulfate, fluoride

Water 300.0/A-09 June 30, 2014 1 x 500-mL HDPE 0-6° C None 28 days 30 days

Anions – ortho-phosphate Water SM4500P-E/A-48 June 30, 2014 From anions container 0-6° C None 48 hours 30 days

Organochlorine pesticides Tissues 8081B/A-02 June 30, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year 40 days 30 days

209 PCB congeners and homolog groups

Tissues 1668A/SGS-2 April 1, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year 40 days 45 days

Metals Tissues 6010C/A-45 6020A/A-01 1638/FGS-09

June 30, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year 40 days 30 days

Metals speciation Tissues LC-ICP-MS/FGS-12

1632/FGS-14 N/A

Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in laboratory

≤-10° C N/A 2 years 30 days

Methyl mercury Tissues 1630 Modified/FGS-01 June 30, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory ≤-10° C 2 years to extraction 6 months 30 days

Mercury Tissues 1631 Modified/FGS-05 June 30, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory ≤-10° C 1 year to extraction 6 months 30 days

Dioxins and furans Tissues 1613B/SGS-1 April 1, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 yearg 40 days 45 days

PAHs Tissues 8270D SIM/A-07 June 30, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory <-10° C;

store in the dark 1 year 40 days 30 days

Percent lipids/moisture Tissues NOAA Technical Memorandum

NOS ORCA 130/A-31 and SM 2540G/A-11

June 30, 2014 Wrap in foil and bag; process and jar in

laboratory <-10° C None None 30 days

Metals by centrifugation Porewater Various metals method SOPs

(see above) and A-49 Various

(see above) 2 x 1-L HDPEe 0-6° C

Porewater extraction in 7 days

6 months 30 days

Metals speciation Porewater LC-ICP-MS/FGS-12

1632/FGS-14 N/A 250-mL HDPE 0-6° C; hydrochloric acid to pH <2 N/A 28 days 30 days

Conventionals by centrifugation

Porewater Various methods and A-49 Various 2 x 1-L HDPEe 0-6° C Porewater extraction

in 7 days See applicable

method See applicable


PAHs by SPME Porewater 8270C-MOD or ASTM D7363-

07 /EERC-1 or A-50 N/A 32-oz jare 0-6° C

Porewater extraction in 28 days; 24 hours to extraction after


40 days 45 days

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 19 and 30: Sample Containers, Preservation, and Hold Times (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

Analyte/Analyte Groupa Matrix Method/SOP Accreditation

Expiration Date Container(s)

(Number, Size, and Type per Sample)h Preservation Preparation

Holding Time Analytical

Holding Time Data Package Turnaroundb,c

209 PCB congeners and homolog group by SPME

Porewater 1668A/SGS-2 April 30, 2014 From biological/toxicity testing aliquot 0-6° C, minimize volatilizationf None 40 days 45 days

Organochlorine pesticides by SPME

Porewater 1699/SGS-4 April 30, 2014 From biological/toxicity testing aliquot 0-6° C None 40 days 45 days

Bioaccumulation testing Sediment Various Methods/ESI-1 November 28,

2015 8 gallons in 1 gallon buckets 0-6° C N/A 8 weeks 150 days

Toxicity testing Sediment –ESI2-3 November 28,

2015 4 gallons (study area) or 1 gallons (reference

areas) in 1 gallon buckets 0-6° C N/A 8 weeks 150 days

Notes: a = Refer to Worksheet No. 15 for a complete analyte list and target reporting limits. b = Turnaround time is in calendar days from receipt of the last sample in the data package SDG and does not include data validation time (which will add an additional 30 to 45 days). c = The specified data package turnaround times may be exceeded in instances where the sample matrix results in difficult analyses and/or multiple cleanups are required. d = As stated in Appendix to Method 1631; Total Mercury in Tissue Sludge, Sediment, and Soil by Acid Digestion and BrCl Oxidation; EPA-821R-01-013; January 2001. e = Actual volumes will be determined in the field based on sample matrix. f = SPME fibers for PCBs should be stored in a way that minimizes losses due to volatilization (i.e., in water with zero headspace). Alternatively, the laboratory could extract fibers as soon as possible. g = Per Chapter 4 of SW-846, dioxins/furans can have extended hold times beyond 1 year if analyte concentrations are not adversely affected. h = Bottle and jar requirements may vary based on analytical program. See FSAP for specific program requirements.

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Phase 2 RI Risk Field Program (Volume 1):

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Porewater PAHs and alkyl PAHs (SPME) 112 0 6 6 N/A 0 0 N/A 124 Porewater Metals, dissolved 224 12 12 0 N/A 12 0 N/A 260 Porewater PCB Congeners (SPME) 224 0 12 12 N/A 0 0 N/A 248 Porewater HRMS Pesticides (SPME) 224 0 12 12 N/A 0 0 N/A 248

Porewater Mercury 224 12 23 23 N/A 12 0 N/A 294 Porewater Methyl Mercury 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Porewater Cyanide, dissolved 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater DOC 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater Ammonia, Nitrogen 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater Nitrate/Nitrite, dissolved 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater Phosphorus, dissolved 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater Anions (Sulfate and chloride) 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater Salinity (SU) 112 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 112 Porewater Sulfide 112 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 118 Porewater Alkalinity 112 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 112

Water SVOCs 72 4 4 4 N/A 4 0 N/A 88 Water PAHs and alkyl PAHs 72 4 4 4 N/A 4 0 N/A 88 Water PAHs and alkyl PAHs, particulate 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Water PAHs and alkyl PAHs, dissolved 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Water Metals, total 72 4 4 0 N/A 4 0 N/A 84 Water Metals, dissolved 72 4 4 0 N/A 4 0 N/A 84 Water Mercury, total 72 4 8 8 N/A 4 0 N/A 96 Water Mercury, dissolved 72 4 8 8 N/A 4 0 N/A 96 Water Alkalinity 72 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 72 Water Anions (Sulfate, chloride and bromide) 72 N/A 4 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 76 Water Cyanide, total 72 N/A 4 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 76 Water Cyanide, dissolved 72 N/A 4 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 76 Water Nitrate/Nitrite, total 244 N/A 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water Nitrate/Nitrite, dissolved 244 N/A 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water Ammonia, Nitrogen 244 N/A 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water TKN, total 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water TKN, dissolved 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water Phosphorus, total 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water Phosphorus, dissolved 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water TDS 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Water DOC 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water POC 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244 Water TOC 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Water TSS 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244 Water BOD-5 72 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 72 Water BOD-30 72 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 72 Water PCB Congeners 72 4 0 0 N/A 4 0 N/A 80 Water PCB Congeners, particulate 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Water PCB Congeners, dissolved 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Water Dioxin/Furans 72 4 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 77 Water Pesticides (low res) 72 0 4 4 N/A 1 0 N/A 81 Water Methyl Mercury 72 4 8 8 N/A 0 0 N/A 92 Water SSC 72 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 72

Sediment SVOCs 244 13 13 13 N/A 13 0 N/A 296 Sediment PAHs and alkylated PAHs/triterpanes 244 13 13 13 N/A 13 0 N/A 296 Sediment EPH 244 13 13 13 N/A 13 0 N/A 296 Sediment VPH 244 13 13 13 N/A 13 60 N/A 356 Sediment n-alkanes and isoprenoids (including DRO and TPH ranges) 244 0 13 13 N/A 1 0 N/A 271 Sediment Triterpanes and Steranes 244 0 13 13 N/A 0 0 N/A 270 Sediment Metals 244 13 13 0 N/A 13 0 N/A 283 Sediment Mercury 244 13 26 26 N/A 13 0 N/A 322 Sediment Hexavalent Chromium 244 13 13 0 N/A 13 0 N/A 283 Sediment AVS/SEM 289 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 302 Sediment Cyanide, total 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment Ammonia 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment TKN 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment Nitrate/Nitrite 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment pH 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244 Sediment Phosphorus, total 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment Sulfide 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment Soot Carbon 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment TOC 244 0 13 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 257 Sediment Total Solids 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244 Sediment PCB Congeners 244 13 0 0 N/A 13 0 N/A 270 Sediment Dioxin/Furans 244 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 245 Sediment Pesticides (HRMS) 244 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 245

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Sediment Methyl Mercury 244 13 26 26 N/A 0 0 N/A 309 Sediment Hydraulic Conductivity 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Sediment Atterberg Limit 0 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 Sediment Grain size 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244 Sediment Density 244 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 244 Sediment XRD 14 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 14 Sediment Cs-137 4 0 1 1 N/A 0 0 N/A 6 Sediment Pb-210 4 0 1 1 N/A 0 0 N/A 6

Tissue PAHs (parent only) 345 0 18 18 N/A 18 0 N/A 399 Tissue Pesticides 345 0 18 18 N/A 1 0 N/A 382 Tissue Metals 345 0 18 0 N/A 18 0 N/A 381 Tissue Total arsenic (for speciation) 345 0 18 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 363 Tissue Percent Lipids 345 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 345 Tissue Methyl Mercury 345 0 35 35 N/A 0 0 N/A 415 Tissue Dioxin/Furans 345 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 346 Tissue Moisture content 345 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 345 Tissue PCB Congeners 345 0 0 0 N/A 18 0 N/A 363

Toxicity Ampelisca 10-day survival 112 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 112 Toxicity Leptocheirus 28-day survival, growth, and reproduction 112 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 112

Bioaccumulation Test Neanthes 28-day bioaccumulation test 14 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 14 Benthic Benthic community survey 172 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 172

Phase 2 RI Field Program (Volume 2):

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Surface Water SVOCs 210 11 11 11 N/A 11 0 N/A 254 Surface Water PAHs & alkyl PAHs 210 11 11 11 N/A 11 0 N/A 254 Surface Water Metals, total 210 11 11 0 N/A 11 0 N/A 276 Surface Water Metals, dissolved 210 11 11 0 N/A 11 0 N/A 210 Surface Water Mercury, total 210 11 22 22 N/A 11 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Mercury, dissolved 210 11 22 22 N/A 11 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Alkalinity 210 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Anions (Sulfate, chloride and bromide) 210 N/A 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Cyanide, total 210 N/A 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Cyanide, dissolved 210 N/A 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Nitrate/Nitrite, total 210 N/A 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Surface Water Nitrate/Nitrite, dissolved 210 N/A 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Ammonia, Nitrogen 210 N/A 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water TKN, total 210 0 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water TKN, dissolved 210 0 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 210 Surface Water Phosphorus, total 210 0 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water Phosphorus, dissolved 210 0 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 210 Surface Water TDS 210 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 221 Surface Water DOC 210 0 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 210 Surface Water POC 210 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 210 Surface Water TOC 210 0 11 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 210 Surface Water TSS 210 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 232 Surface Water BOD-5 210 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 211 Surface Water BOD-30 210 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 233 Surface Water PCB Congeners 210 11 0 0 N/A 11 0 N/A 265 Surface Water Dioxin/Furans 210 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 210 Surface Water Pesticides 210 0 11 11 N/A 1 0 N/A 276 Surface Water Methyl Mercury 210 11 22 22 N/A 0 0 N/A 276 Surface Water SSC 210 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 276 Surface Water Temperature 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 282 Surface Water Salinity 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 254 Surface Water Conductivity 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 Surface Water Turbidity 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243 Surface Water pH 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 276 Surface Water DO 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 276

Surface Sediment SVOCs 16 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 18 Surface Sediment PAH & alkylated PAHs 16 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 20 Surface Sediment EPH 16 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 20 Surface Sediment VPH 16 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 20 Surface Sediment n-alkanes & isoprenoids (including DRO & TPH ranges) 16 0 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 19 Surface Sediment Triterpanes and Steranes 16 0 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 19 Surface Sediment Metals 16 1 1 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 19 Surface Sediment Mercury 16 1 2 2 N/A 1 0 N/A 22 Surface Sediment Cyanide, total 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Ammonia 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment TKN 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Nitrate/Nitrite 16 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 16

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Surface Sediment pH 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Phosphorus, total 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Sulfide 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Soot Carbon 16 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment TOC 16 0 1 1 N/A 0 0 N/A 18 Surface Sediment Total Solids 16 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 16 Surface Sediment PCB Congeners 16 1 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 18 Surface Sediment Dioxin/Furans 16 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Pesticides 16 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 17 Surface Sediment Methyl Mercury 16 1 2 2 N/A 0 0 N/A 22 Surface Sediment Grain size 16 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 16 Surface Sediment Density 16 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 16

Point Source SVOCs 115 6 6 6 N/A 6 0 N/A 139 Point Source Herbicides 36 0 2 2 N/A 1 0 N/A 41 Point Source PAHs & alkyl PAHs 115 6 6 6 N/A 6 0 N/A 139 Point Source PAHs & alkyl PAHs, dissolved 51 3 3 3 N/A 3 0 N/A 63 Point Source PAHs & alkyl PAHs, particulate 55 3 e 3 e 3 e N/A 3 0 N/A 67 Point Source n-alkanes & isoprenoids (including DRO & TPH ranges) 115 0 6 6 N/A 1 0 N/A 128 Point Source Metals, total 119 6 6 0 N/A 6 0 N/A 137 Point Source Metals, dissolved 119 6 6 0 N/A 6 0 N/A 137 Point Source Hardness 115 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 115 Point Source Mercury, total 115 6 12 12 N/A 6 0 N/A 151 Point Source Mercury, dissolved 115 6 12 12 N/A 6 0 N/A 151 Point Source Anions (Sulfate, chloride and bromide) 115 N/A 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Cyanide, total 115 N/A 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Cyanide, dissolved 115 N/A 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Nitrate/Nitrite, total 115 N/A 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Nitrate/Nitrite, dissolved 115 N/A 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Ammonia, Nitrogen 115 N/A 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source TKN, total 115 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source TKN, dissolved 115 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Phosphorus, total 115 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source Phosphorus, dissolved 115 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source SSC 115 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 115 Point Source Grain size 119 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 119 Point Source POC 119 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 119

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

Point Source DOC 115 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source TSS 307 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 307 Point Source BOD-5 115 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 115 Point Source BOD-30 115 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 115 Point Source Organochlorine Pesticides 115 0 6 6 N/A 1 0 N/A 128 Point Source Organochlorine Pesticides , dissolved 51 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 51 Point Source Organochlorine Pesticides , particulate 55 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 55 Point Source Dioxin/furans 101 6 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 122 Point Source Dioxin/furans, dissolved 51 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 51 Point Source Dioxin/furans, particulate 55 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 55 Point Source TOC 115 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 121 Point Source PCB Congeners 115 6 0 0 N/A 6 0 N/A 127 Point Source PCB Congeners, dissolved 51 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 51 Point Source PCB Congeners, particulate 55 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 55 Point Source Percent Solids, particulate 55 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 55 Point Source TDS 115 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 115 Point Source Methyl Mercury 115 6 12 12 N/A 0 0 N/A 145 Point Source Alkalinity 115 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 115

In-Creek Sediment Trap SVOCs 120 6 6 6 N/A 6 0 N/A 144 In-Creek Sediment Trap PAH & alkylated PAHs 120 6 6 6 N/A 6 0 N/A 144 In-Creek Sediment Trap EPH 120 6 6 6 N/A 6 0 N/A 144 In-Creek Sediment Trap VPH 120 6 6 6 N/A 6 4 N/A 148 In-Creek Sediment Trap n-alkanes & isoprenoids (including DRO & TPH ranges) 120 0 6 6 N/A 1 0 N/A 133 In-Creek Sediment Trap Triterpanes and Steranes 120 0 6 6 N/A 0 0 N/A 132 In-Creek Sediment Trap Metals 120 6 6 0 N/A 6 0 N/A 138 In-Creek Sediment Trap Mercury 120 6 12 12 N/A 6 0 N/A 156 In-Creek Sediment Trap Cyanide, total 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap Ammonia 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap TKN 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap Nitrate/Nitrite 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap pH 120 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 120 In-Creek Sediment Trap Phosphorus, total 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap Sulfide 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap Soot Carbon 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap TOC 120 0 6 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 126 In-Creek Sediment Trap Total Solids 120 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 120

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 7 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

In-Creek Sediment Trap PCB Congeners 120 6 0 0 N/A 6 0 N/A 132 In-Creek Sediment Trap Dioxin/Furans 120 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 121 In-Creek Sediment Trap Pesticides 120 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 121 In-Creek Sediment Trap Methyl Mercury 120 6 12 12 N/A 0 0 N/A 150 In-Creek Sediment Trap Grain size 120 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 120 In-Creek Sediment Trap Density 120 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 120

Subsurface Sediment SVOCs 131 7 7 7 N/A 7 0 N/A 159 Subsurface Sediment PAH & alkylated PAHs 315 16 16 16 N/A 16 0 N/A 379 Subsurface Sediment EPH 147 8 8 8 N/A 8 0 N/A 179 Subsurface Sediment VPH 147 8 8 8 N/A 8 14 N/A 193 Subsurface Sediment n-alkanes & isoprenoids (including DRO & TPH ranges) 142 0 8 8 N/A 1 0 N/A 159 Subsurface Sediment Triterpanes and Steranes 147 0 8 8 N/A 0 0 N/A 163 Subsurface Sediment Metals 312 16 16 0 N/A 16 0 N/A 360 Subsurface Sediment Mercury 144 8 15 15 N/A 8 0 N/A 190 Subsurface Sediment Cyanide, total 144 0 8 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 152 Subsurface Sediment Ammonia 144 0 8 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 152 Subsurface Sediment TKN 144 0 8 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 152 Subsurface Sediment Nitrate/Nitrite 144 0 8 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 152 Subsurface Sediment pH 144 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 144 Subsurface Sediment Phosphorus, total 144 0 8 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 155 Subsurface Sediment Sulfide 144 0 8 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 155

Subsurface Sediment Soot Carbon 315 0 16 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 331

Subsurface Sediment TOC 315 0 16 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 331 Subsurface Sediment Total Solids 315 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 315 Subsurface Sediment PCB Congeners 315 16 0 0 N/A 16 0 N/A 347 Subsurface Sediment Dioxin/Furans 144 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 145 Subsurface Sediment Pesticides 144 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 145 Subsurface Sediment Methyl Mercury 144 8 15 15 N/A 0 0 N/A 182 Subsurface Sediment Grain size 147 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 147 Subsurface Sediment Density 147 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 147 Subsurface Sediment Pb-210 500 0 25 25 N/A 0 0 N/A 550

Subsurface Sediment Cs-137 40 0 2 2 N/A 0 0 N/A 44

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 8 141037-01.01

Phase 2 RI Field Program (Volume 2 – Addendum No. 1):

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

GW – Subsurface Sediment SVOCs 83 4 4 4 N/A 4 0 N/A 107 GW – Subsurface Sediment Soot Carbon 83 0 4 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 87 GW – Subsurface Sediment TOC 83 0 4 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 87 GW – Subsurface Sediment Total Solids 83 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 83 GW – Subsurface Sediment PCB Congeners 83 4 0 0 N/A 4 0 N/A 91 GW – Subsurface Sediment Dioxin/Furans 83 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 84 GW – Subsurface Sediment Pesticides 83 4 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 88 GW – Subsurface Sediment VOCs 83 0 4 4 N/A 1 8 N/A 100 GW – Subsurface Sediment PAH & alkylated PAHs 83 4 4 4 N/A 4 0 N/A 99 GW – Subsurface Sediment EPH 83 4 4 4 N/A 4 0 N/A 99 GW – Subsurface Sediment VPH 83 4 4 4 N/A 4 8 N/A 99 GW – Subsurface Sediment Density 83 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 83 GW – Subsurface Sediment Cyanide, total 83 0 4 4 N/A 0 0 N/A 91 GW – Subsurface Sediment pH 83 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 83 GW – Subsurface Sediment Metals 83 4 4 4 N/A 4 0 N/A 99 GW – Subsurface Sediment Mercury 83 4 8 8 N/A 4 0 N/A 107

GW – Surface Sediment SVOCs 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Surface Sediment Soot Carbon 17 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 18 GW – Surface Sediment TOC 17 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 18 GW – Surface Sediment Total Solids 17 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 GW – Surface Sediment PCB Congeners 17 1 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 19 GW – Surface Sediment Dioxin/Furans 17 0 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 18 GW – Surface Sediment Pesticides 17 1 0 0 N/A 1 0 N/A 19 GW – Surface Sediment VOCs 17 0 1 1 N/A 1 8 N/A 28 GW – Surface Sediment PAH & alkylated PAHs 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Surface Sediment EPH 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Surface Sediment VPH 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 8 N/A 28 GW – Surface Sediment Density 17 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 GW – Surface Sediment Cyanide, total 17 0 1 1 N/A 0 0 N/A 19 GW – Surface Sediment pH 17 0 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 17 GW – Surface Sediment Metals 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Surface Sediment Mercury 17 1 2 2 N/A 1 0 N/A 23

GW – Porewater PAHs 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Porewater PCB congeners 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Porewater Pesticides 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21

QAPP Worksheet No. 20: Field Quality Control Sample Summary Table (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 9 141037-01.01

Matrix Analyte/Analytical Group Field

Samplesa Field

Duplicates Matrix Spikes Matrix Spike Duplicates

Field Blanksb

Equipment Blanksb Trip Blanksc Otherd

Total Number of Analyses

GW – Porewater VOCs 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 1 N/A 22 GW – Porewater SVOCs 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Porewater Total metals 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Porewater Mercury 17 1 1 1 N/A 1 0 N/A 21 GW – Porewater Methyl mercury 17 1 1 1 N/A 0 0 N/A 21 GW – Porewater Dissolved organic carbon 17 0 1 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 18

Notes: a = Field sample counts provided in this table are estimated and may change due to scope changes, sampling limitations, or other occurrences during the Phase 2 sampling program. The FSAP sample counts will supersede those provided in this worksheet. b = Field blanks and equipment rinsate blanks will be collected for each set of decontaminated equipment at a frequency of 1 per day or 1 per 20 samples (whichever is least frequent) unless otherwise noted. c = Trip blanks will be associated with VPH analyses. One trip blank will be included in each cooler transporting samples for these analyses to the respective laboratories. It was estimated that samples would be collected at a rate of 3 to 6 samples per

day, and one cooler would be used per day. d = PE (also known as performance evaluation) samples that are analyzed at laboratories as part of their method or ongoing QC programs (i.e., NELAC) and will be reviewed by the laboratory QA Manager to assure analyte/method accuracy. e = Samples will be analyzed if there is sufficient sample volume.

QAPP Worksheet No. 21: Field Standard Operating Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-01 Field Records; May 2014 Anchor QEA N/A Yes

Modified the Index of SOPs Section; Modified the Field Deviation Form

(Attachment 2) and the Visual Observation Log (Attachment 3)

NC-02 Equipment Decontamination; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP No N/A

NC-03 Navigation and Boat Positioning; May 2014

Anchor QEA DGPS and various –

see SOP Yes

Previously SOP NC-04; Added the Daily Float Plan (Attachment 1)

NC-04 Photoionization Detector Calibration and Operation; May 2014

Anchor QEA PID No Previously SOP NC-16

NC-05 Portable Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Monitor Operation; May 2014

Anchor QEA Hydrogen sulfide gas

monitor Yes

Previously SOP NC-07; Slightly modified the Procedures and Quality

Assurance/Quality Control Sections

NC-06 Sample Custody; May 2014 Anchor QEA N/A Yes Previously SOP NC-13; Modified the

Chain-of-Custody Form (Attachment 1)

NC-07 Sample Packaging and Shipping; May 2014

Anchor QEA N/A Yes Previously SOP NC-14; Slightly modified

the Equipment and Materials and Procedures Sections

QAPP Worksheet No. 21: Field Standard Operating Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-08 Investigation-Derived Waste Handling and Disposal; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes

Previously SOP NC-15; Slightly modified the Equipment and Materials and the

Chemical Liquid Waste Sections; Added the Hazardous Waste Manifest Forms

Section and the Newtown Creek Investigation-derived Waste Drum Log

(Attachment 1)

NC-09 Water Quality Monitoring and Profiling; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP, broken out for clarity; SOP

information previously included in SOPs NC-11 and NC-17

NC-10 Surface Water Sample Collection; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes

SOP information previously included in SOP NC-11; Modified most SOP sections to be specific to water

sampling; Removed the Water Profiling and Sampling Log and the

Opportunistic Sample Record

NC-11 Surface Water Sonde Deployment and Maintenance; May 2014

SEA Engineering Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

QAPP Worksheet No. 21: Field Standard Operating Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-12 Surface Sediment Sample Collection and Processing; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes

SOP information previously included in SOP NC-05; Modified most sections

due to new methodology; Added the Subsampling - Nitrogen Headspace, Processing in Glove Box and Quality

Assurance/Quality Control Sections and the Collection Procedures for Surface

Sediment – Porewater Samples (Attachment 2); Removed the

Subsampling – Volatile Organic Compounds Section

NC-13 Benthic Community Survey; May 2014 Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes

Previously SOP NC-22; Slightly modified the Equipment and Materials, Sampling

Procedure Section and Sampler Deployment and Retrieval Procedures

Sections for clarity

NC-14 Sediment Core Processing for Metals Speciation; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-15 Fish and Crab Tissue Collection; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-16 Boat-based Wildlife Survey; May 2014 Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

QAPP Worksheet No. 21: Field Standard Operating Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-17 Fish and Crab Community Survey; May 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes

SOP information previously included in SOP NC-18; Modified most sections to

account for the addition of crab/decapod surveys and for clarity;

Modified the Fish and Decapod Community Log (Attachment 1)

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-18 Current Meter Deployment and Data Collection, June 2014

SEA Engineering ADCP, ADV, sondes Yes SOP information previously included in

SOP NC-19; modified for addition of ADVs and sondes

NC-19 Sediment and Native Material Core Collection, June 2014

Anchor QEA Vibracore direct-push

core, piston core, sonic driller

Yes SOP information previously included in

SOP-NC-06; slight modifications for clarity and addition of sonic drilling

NC-20 Sediment and Native Material Core Processing, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes SOP information previously included in

SOP NC-08 and NC-09; modified to include geochronology core processing

QAPP Worksheet No. 21: Field Standard Operating Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-21 Sediment-Water Shake Test, June 2014 Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-22 Surface Sediment Sampling Using In-Creek Sediment Traps, June 2014

Anchor QEA Sediment traps Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-23 Point Sources Whole-Water Manual Composite Sampling, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-24 Point Sources Whole-Water Sheetflow Manual Composite Sampling, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-25 Point Sources Whole-Water Wet-Weather Grab Sampling, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-26 Point Sources Whole-Water Dry-Weather Grab Sampling, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-27 Point Sources Bulk-Water Sampling, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-28 Point Sources Discrete Total Suspended Solids Sampling, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-29 Point Sources Weather Tracking, June 2014

Anchor QEA Weather stations Yes New SOP for new methodology

NC-30 Point Sources Field Facility Homogenizing and Filtering Procedures, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for new methodology

QAPP Worksheet No. 21: Field Standard Operating Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.1.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.2)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 – Addendum No. 1

SOP No. or Reference

Title, Revision, Date, and URL (if available)

Originating Organization

SOP Option or Equipment Type (if SOP provides

different options)

Modified for Project? (Yes/No) Comments

NC-31 Groundwater Investigation Data Collection, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for methodology

NC-32 Surface Sediment Porewater Sampling with Solid-Phase Microextraction, June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for methodology

NC-33 Surface Sediment Porewater Sampling with Dialysis Membrane Cells (Peepers), June 2014

Anchor QEA Various – see SOP Yes New SOP for methodology

Note: Procedural modifications to these documents may be warranted depending upon field conditions, equipment limitations, or limitations imposed by the procedure. Substantive modification will be approved in advance by the Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator and Anchor QEA RI Manager and communicated to the NCG Respondents and to the USEPA Remedial Project Manager. Deviations will be documented in the field records.

QAPP Worksheet No. 22: Field Equipment Calibration, Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection (UFP-QAPP Manual Section

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Field Equipment Activity SOP Reference1

Title or Position of Responsible

Person Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

PID Calibration Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1 NC-04 Field team staff

Daily check. Change to weekly check if no outliers after 1 week

Within 10 percent Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

PID Maintenance Manufacturer’s instruction manual

Field team staff or manufacturer As needed N/A

Recalibrate, troubleshoot, or

replace meter

PID Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1 NC-04 Manufacturer

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect


N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

Multi-parameter water quality

meter Calibration Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

NC-09 Field team staff Daily

Calibration solutions specific to each

parameter probe (refer to SOP)

Recalibrate, troubleshoot, or

replace meter

Multi-parameter water quality

meter Maintenance Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

NC-09 Field team staff or

manufacturer As needed N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

Multi-parameter water quality

meter Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1

NC-09 Manufacturer

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect


N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

Scale Calibration Phase 2 FSAP Volume 1 NC-15 and NC-17 Field team staff At the beginning of

each day Within 10 percent Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace scale

QAPP Worksheet No. 22: Field Equipment Calibration, Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection (UFP-QAPP Manual Section

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Field Equipment Activity SOP Reference1

Title or Position of Responsible

Person Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

YSI meter Calibration

Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 NC-18

Current meter subcontractor

Monthly; Prior to deployment and

following recovery

Calibration solutions specific to each

parameter probe (refer to SOP)

Recalibrate, troubleshoot, or

replace meter

YSI meter Maintenance Monthly N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

YSI meter Testing

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect


N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

ADCP Calibration Prior to deployment

and following recovery

Passes all factory firmware and

hardware tests

Recalibrate, troubleshoot, or

replace meter

ADCP Maintenance Monthly N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

ADCP Testing

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect


N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

ADV Calibration Prior to deployment

and following recovery

Passes all factory firmware and

hardware tests

Recalibrate, troubleshoot, or

replace meter

ADV Maintenance Bi-weekly N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

QAPP Worksheet No. 22: Field Equipment Calibration, Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection (UFP-QAPP Manual Section

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Field Equipment Activity SOP Reference1

Title or Position of Responsible

Person Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

ADV Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 NC-18

Current meter subcontractor

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect


N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

Hydraulic Profiling Tool®


Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 NC-31

Drilling subcontractor

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect


N/A Recalibrate,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

AQUA Troll 200 Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2 NC-31 Anchor QEA

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect



Contact manufacturer,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

Heron water level meter or similar Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2

NC-31 Anchor QEA

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect



Contact manufacturer,

troubleshoot, or replace meter

GeoTech peristaltic pump Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2

NC-31 Anchor QEA

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect



Contact manufacturer,

troubleshoot, or replace pump

QED Bladder pump or similar Testing Phase 2 FSAP Volume 2

NC-31 Anchor QEA

When the instrument gives erratic or suspect



Contact manufacturer,

troubleshoot, or replace pump

Note: 1 = Refer to the Project Sampling SOP Reference Table (Worksheet No. 21).

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

A-01 ICP/MS; SOP No. 2137, Revision 5, 2/12/2013 Definitive Metals ICP/MS N

A-02 Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides By GC/ECD; SOP No. 2158, Revision 3, 1/3/2013

Definitive Organics GC/ECD N

A-03 Analysis of Chlorinated Herbicides by GC Using Methylation Derivatization; SOP 2128, Revision 5, 1/24/2014

Definitive Organics GC/MS N

A-05 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS; SOP No. 2108, Revision 12, 12/18/2013

Definitive Organics GC/MS N

A-06 Alkalinity, Titration Method SM 2320B; SOP No. 2213, Revision 4, 11/15/2012

Definitive General chemistry pH meter N


Analysis of Parent and Alkylated Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Selected Heterocyclic Compounds, Steranes, Triterpanes and Triaromatic Steroids by GC/MS-SIM; SOP No. 2247, Revision 5, 6/26/2013

Definitive Organics GC/MS N

A-08 Nitrogen - Ammonia; SOP No. 2206, Revision 3, 3/27/2013 Definitive General chemistry Lachat N

A-09 Determination of Anions by Ion Chromatography; SOP No. 2214, Revision 3, 10/4/2012

Definitive General chemistry Ion chromatograph N

A-10 Nitrate, Nitrite, and Nitrate/Nitrite Nitrogen – EPA 353.2, SM 4500NO3-F; SOP No. 2217, Revision 4, 1/16/2013

Definitive General chemistry Lachat N

A-11 Percent Solids Determination; SOP No. 2175, Issue 5, Revision 2, 3/2/2012

Definitive General chemistry Analytical balance N

A-12 pH in Aqueous, Soil/Sediment, Solid and Waste Samples; SOP No. 2178, Revision 3, 6/27/2012

Definitive General chemistry pH electrode N

A-14 Total Petroleum and Saturated Hydrocarbons by GC/FID; SOP No. 2246, Revision 4, 4/11/2012

Definitive Organics GC/FID N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

A-15 TDS Dried at 180°C, Total Volatile Dissolved Solids Dried at 550°C; SOP No. 2219, Revision 5, 2/19/2013

Definitive General chemistry Analytical balance N

A-16 Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl; SOP No. 2207, Revision 3, 3/27/2013

Definitive General chemistry Lachat N

A-17 TOC and Soot in Soil, Sediment; SOP No. 2182, Revision 10, 6/17/2013

Definitive General chemistry TOC analyzer N

A-18 TOC, DOC – EPA 415.1, EPA 9060, SM 5310C; SOP No. 2215, Revision 3, 11/7/2012

Definitive General chemistry TOC analyzer N

A-19 Cyanide, Total – EPA 9010C/9012B, SM4500CN-CE; SOP No. 2210, Revision 5, 5/23/2013

Definitive General chemistry Spectrophotometer N

A-20 Total Phosphorus, Dissolved Phosphorous, Colorimetric, Combined Reagent; SOP No. 2226, Revision 4, 5/14/2013

Definitive General chemistry Spectrophotometer N

A-21 Total Sulfide, Methylene Blue Method; SOP No. 2221, Revision 3, 11/2/2012

Definitive General chemistry Spectrophotometer N

A-22 TSS Dried at 103-105°C, Total Volatile Suspended Solids Dried at 500°C; SOP No. 2220, Revision 4, 2/19/2013

Definitive General chemistry Analytical balance N

A-23 HGAFS; SOP No. 2141, Revision 3, 9/9/2012 Definitive Metals HGAFS N

A-24 Hot Block Digestion for Aqueous Samples; SOP No. 2134, Revision 2, 3/26/2012

Definitive Metals Block digester N

A-25 Microwave Assisted Digestion of Sediments, Soils, and Tissues, 3051A; SOP No. 2150, Revision 3, 8/31/2012

Definitive Metals (sample

preparation) Microwave digester N

A-26 Acid Digestion of Solid Samples for Metals Analysis; SOP No. 2148, Revision 3, 8/31/2012

Definitive Metals (sample

preparation) Block digester N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

A-27 Shaker Table Extraction; SOP No. 2261, Revision 3, 9/6/2012 Definitive Organics (sample

preparation) Shaker table,

glassware N

A-28 Soxhlet Extraction; SOP No. 2173, Revision 5, 12/21/2012 Definitive Organics (sample

preparation) Soxhlet extractor N

A-29 Extraction of Water Samples by Separatory Funnel; SOP No. 2165, Revision 6, 8/9/2013

Definitive Organics (sample

preparation) Glassware N

A-30 Acid Volatile Sulfides and Simultaneously Extracted Metals in Sediments; SOP No. 2140, Revision 2, 8/3/2012

Definitive Metals ICP/MS N

A-31 Percent Lipids Determination; SOP No. 2171, Revision 5, 3/12/2013

Definitive General chemistry Analytical balance N

A-32 EPH–; SOP No. 2119, Revision 3, 8/2/2012 Definitive Organics GC/PID/FID N

A-33 VPH–; SOP No. 2102, Revision 5, 8/9/2013 Definitive Organics GC/FID N

A-34 MSE; SOP No. 2172, Revision 6, 8/7/2013 Definitive Organics (sample

preparation) Analytical balance N

A-35 Acid Digestion of Aqueous Samples for Metals Analysis, 3020A; SOP No. 2151, Revision 4, 8/9/2013

Definitive Metals (sample

preparation) Block digester N

A-36 Seawater Extraction Procedure for Trace Metals; SOP No. 2152, Issue No. 5, Revision 2, 4/187/2012

Definitive Metals ICP/AES N

A-37 Specific Conductance; SOP No. 2230, Revision 3, 3/4/2013 Definitive General chemistry Conductivity meter N

A-38 Semivolatile Organic Analysis by GC/MS; SOP No. 2155, Revision 8, 8/9/2013

Definitive Organics GC/MS N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No


Analysis of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons and PCB Congeners by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry with Selected Ion Monitoring; SOP No. 2157, Revision 6, 6/26/2013

Definitive Organics GC/MS-SIM N

A-41 Waste Management and Disposal; SOP No. 1728, Revision 4, 4/8/2013

Definitive N/A Waste disposal site N

A-42 Hazardous Waste and Sample Disposal; SOP No. 1797, Revision 3, 4/9/2013

Definitive N/A Waste disposal site N

A-43 Sample Custody and Tracking; SOP No. 2017, Revision 6, 8/12/2013

Definitive N/A Computer N

A-44 Sample Receipt and Log-In; SOP No. 2018, Revision 4, 12/5/2012

Definitive N/A Computer N

A-45 Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometry; SOP No. 2144, Revision 3, 4/16/2013

Definitive Metals ICP/AES N

A-46 Low Level Mercury Determination by Purge and Trap CVAF Using CETAC M-8000; SOP No. 7900, Revision 2, 3/4/2013

Definitive Metals CVAFS N

A-47 Tissue Preparation and Homogenization; SOP No. 2166, Revision 3, 7/25/2012

Definitive N/A Food processor,

analytical balance N

A-48 Orthophosphate – Colorimetric, Combined Reagent by SM4500P-E; SOP No. 2225, Revision 3, 5-22-2013

Definitive General chemistry Spectrophotometer N

A-49 Porewater Generation; SOP No. 9077, Revision 1, 1/9/2014 Definitive N/A Centrifuge N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No


Determination of Parent and Alkyl Polycyclic Aromatics in Sediment Porewater using Solid-phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry in Selection Ion Monitoring Mode; SOP No. 4246, Revision 3, 11/28/2012

Definitive N/A GC/MS N

A-51 Hexavalent Chromium, SOP No. 2204, Revision 4, 11/26/2013

Definitive Inorganics Spectrophotometer N

ACT-1 QOP Prep, rev. 8.0 - Procedure for sample preparation Definitive XRD X-ray diffraction

system N

ACT-2 QCP XRD Operation, rev. 2.4 - X-ray diffraction using the Panalytical X'Pert Pro X-ray diffraction system

Definitive XRD X-ray diffraction

system N

ACT-3 QCP X'Pert Pro Cal, rev. 1.3 - Calibration and preventative maintenance for Panalytical X'Pert Pro X-ray diffraction system

Definitive XRD X-ray diffraction

system N

ACT-4 OQ Panalytical XRD system, rev. 1.1 - Operational qualification for the Panalytical X'Pert Pro X-ray diffraction system

Definitive XRD X-ray diffraction

system N

AQ-1 Sequential Extraction of Metals; SOP No. AQ-1 Definitive Metals prep Glovebox, glassware N

AQ-2 Electron Microprobe Analysis, SOP No. AQ-2 Screening Metals speciation

bioavailability Electron microprobe N

AQ-3 Peeper Method for In situ Sampling of Porewater, SOP No. AQ-3

Definitive Metals prep Porewater passive

samplers N

ARI-01 SOP 1154 Appendix A; Beckman Coulter LS 13 320 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer

Definitive Geotechnical Laser Diffraction

Particle Size Analyzer N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

ARI-02 Standard Operating Procedure; Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Pipette PSEP Method; SOP 1115, Rev. 002; 8/7/12

Definitive Geotechnical Sieves and Pipettes N


Standard Test Method for Determination of Parent and Alkyl Polycyclic Aromatics in Sediment Pore Water Using Solid-Phase Microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry in Selected Ion Monitoring Mode; ASTM Method D7363-07, 2007

Definitive Organics GC/MS N

ET-1 BOD, Biochemical Oxygen Demand; SOP No. BOD-1, Rev. 4, 10/26/2011

Definitive General chemistry DO meter N


Determination of Methyl Mercury in Various Matrices by Cold Vapor – Gas Chromatography – Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (CV-GC-AFS); SOP No. FGS-070.04 Rev. 4, 7/3/2012

Definitive Organometallics CV-GC-AFS N


Preparation of Sediments for Determination of Methyl Mercury by Acidic Potassium Bromated Extraction into Methylene Chloride; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-045.05 Rev. 5, 5/20/2013

Definitive Organometallics Analytical balance,

solvent evaporatory system


FGS-03 Distillation of Aqueous Samples for Methyl Mercury Analysis; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-013-R06 Rev. 6, 5/20/2013

Definitive Organometallics Analytical balance, Teflon still system


FGS-04 KOH/Methanol Digestion of Tissues for Methyl Mercury Analysis; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-010.05 Rev. 5, 5/20/2013

Definitive Organometallics Analytical balance,

hot plate N

FGS-05 Mercury in Water by Oxidation, Purge & Trap and CV-AFS (EPA Method 1631, Rev. E); SOP No. EFSG-SOP-137.02 Rev. 2; 6/17/2013

Definitive Metals CVAFS N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 7 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

FGS-06 Preparation of Solids Samples for Total Mercury Analysis by Modified Cold Aqua-Regia Digestion; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-066.06 Rev. 6, 3/27/2013

Definitive Metals Analytical balance N

FGS-07 Oxidation of Aqueous Samples for Total Mercury Analysis; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-012.05 Rev. 5, 6/3/2013

Definitive Metals Fume hood N

FGS-08 Digestion of Tissues for Total Mercury Analysis Using Nitric Acid and Sulfuric Acids (70:30); SOP No. EFGS-SOP-011.05 Rev. 5, 5/20/2013

Definitive Metals Analytical balance,

hot plate N

FGS-09 Determination of Metals by ICP-MS; SOP No. FGS-054.09 Rev. 9, 5/30/2013

Definitive Metals ICP-MS N

FGS-10 Total Recoverable Metals Digestion for Solid, Animal, or Plant Materials; SOP No. FGS-SOP-058.05 Rev. 5, 5/20/2013

Definitive Metals Analytical balance,

oven N

FGS-11 Digestion for Total Recoverable Metals in Waters by Oven Heating; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-052.07 Rev. 7, 5/20/2013

Definitive Metals Oven N

FGS-12 Determination of As, Se, V, and Cr in Sediments, Soils, Tissues, and Waters by LC-ICPMS; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-129-R02 Rev. 02, 1/21/2013

Definitive Metals speciation LC-ICP-MS N

FGS-13 Oven Digestion Procedure for Sediments and Tissues for As and Se Speciation; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-145-R03 Rev. 03; 5/20/2013

Definitive Metals speciation Analytical balance,

oven N

FGS-14 Arsenic Speciation by Hydride-Generation Cryo-Trapping GC-AAS; SOP No. EFGS-SOP-022-R06 Rev. 06; 5/20/2013

Definitive Metals speciation GC-AAS N

GT-1 Determining Sediment Concentration in Water Samples; ASTM D3977, 1997, Reapproved 2007

Definitive General chemistry Analytical balance N

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 8 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

GT-2 Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock Mass; ASTM D2216, Revision 6, 7/2011

Definitive Geotechnical Analytical balance N

GT-3 Test Method for Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test on Cohesive Soils; ASTM D2850-03a, Revision 4, 9/2010

Definitive Geotechnical LoadTrac N

GT-4 Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils; ASTM D4318-10, Revision 5, 9/2011

Definitive Geotechnical Liquid limit device N

GT-5 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Density (Unit Weight) of Soil Specimens; ASTM D7263-09, 3/15/2009

Definitive Geotechnical Analytical balance N

GT-6 Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils; ASTM D422-63, Revision 7, 9/2010

Definitive Geotechnical Sieves N

GT-7 Standard Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer; ASTM D854-10, Revision 6, 7/2011

Definitive Geotechnical Pycnometer N

GT-8 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter

Definitive Geotechnical Permeameter N

TBE-1 Gamma Emitting Radioisotope Analysis; SOP No. TBE-2007 Rev. 7; 8/12/13

Definitive Radiochemistry Gamma spectroscopy

system N

TBE-2 Lead-210 Activity in Various Matrices; SOP TBE-2015, Rev .4; 10/5/14

Definitive Radiochemistry Beta spectroscopy

system N

SGS-1 Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of PCDD and PCDFs (Dioxin/Furans); SOP No. DC_364, Revision 2, 07/18/2013

Definitive HRMS High resolution


QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 9 141037-01.01

SOP No.a Title, Date, and URL (if available)b

Definitive or Screening Data

Matrix/Analytical Group

SOP Option or Equipment Type

Modified for Project? Yes/No

SGS-2 Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of PCBs; SOP No. DC_367, Revision 2, 06/17/2013

Definitive HRMS High resolution


SGS-3 Standard Operating Procedure for Sample Processing; SOP No. DC_37, Revision 30, 01/10/2011

Definitive Organics (sample

prep) Extraction N

SGS-4 Standard Operating Procedure for the Analysis of Pesticides by HRGC/HRMS; SOP No. DC_375, Revision 1, 09/20/2013

Definitive HRMS High resolution


WAA-1 Standard Operating Procedure for Benthic Invertebrate Analysis

Definitive Benthic

Invertebrates Microscopes N

WAA-2 Lab Subsamples Procedure for Benthic Grab Samples Collected from Newtown Creek

Definitive Benthic

Invertebrates Microscopes;

subsampler tray N

VIS-1 Polychlorinated Dibenzo Dioxan/Furans by USEPA Method 1613B; SOP No. 26, Rev 11, 5/2/2013

Definitive HRMS High resolution


VIS-2 Preparation and Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by Method 1668A/C; SOP No. 31, Rev 11, 8/26/2013

Definitive HRMS High resolution


VIS-3 Preparation and Analysis of Pesticides by Method 1699; SOP No. 39, Rev 4, 10/18/2013

Definitive HRMS High resolution


ESI-1 Marine Sediment Bioaccumulation Evaluation with the Polychaete; SOP QA-1435; 1995, Rev 0

Definitive Bioaccumulation

testing Analytical balance,

probes TBDc

ESI-2 Acute Toxicity of Sediments to the Marine Amphipods, Leptocheirus plumulosus; SOP QA-1446, 04/1995, Rev 7

Definitive Toxicity testing Analytical balance,

probes TBDc

ESI-3 Chronic Toxicity of Sediments to the Marine Amphipods, Leptocheirus plumulosus; SOP QA-1448, 04/1997, Rev 12

Definitive Toxicity testing Analytical balance,

probes TBDc

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 10 141037-01.01

Notes: a = All Analytical SOPs are contained in Appendix A except ACT-1 through ACT-4, which are proprietary and will not be released from the laboratory. See below

for a summary of these procedures. b = It is expected that the procedures outlined in these SOPs will be followed. Procedural modifications to individual SOPs may be warranted depending upon

an individual sample matrix, interferences encountered, or limitations imposed by the procedure. Deviations from individual SOPs will be documented in the laboratory records and approved by the Project Chemist prior to implementation.

c = Procedures may be modified to create site-specific SOPs given the nature of sediments at the site. Recommendations will be made by the laboratory and approved by the Project Chemist.

Activation Lab SOP summaries: ACT-1 QOP Prep, rev. 8.0 – Procedure for sample preparation. Samples for XRD analysis are dried at 60°C. The dry sample is passed through a #4 sieve (4 millimeter mesh), and any material retained is discarded, as is any obvious plant material or other foreign matter. The sample is homogenized, if necessary, up to 100 grams (g) placed in a ceramic mill for initial pulverization. If pulverization is required (grains are too large to start with hand-grinding), the mill force/velocity and milling time will be the minimum required to pulverize the larger grains. The pulverized sample will be homogenized and 10 g of material transferred to an agate mortar and pestle and hand-ground to a fine powder. A pre-weighed amount of the powdered sample (sufficient to fill the sample holder) is mixed with a known mass of the corundum standard and placed in a standard randomly oriented powder sample mount. Care will be taken while loading the sample mounts to completely cover the sample holder without compaction of the sample. Activation Laboratory’s Quality Statement specifies routine monitoring and documentation of the reliability of their sample preparation process to ensure that sub-samples are reliable and representative of the original sample. ACT-2 QCP XRD Operation, rev. 2.4 – X-ray diffraction using the Panalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray diffraction system. Several grams of prepared sample are transferred to a standard randomly oriented powder mount, and the sample holder is placed in the Panalytical X’Pert Pro diffractometer. The exact sample mass and the mass of the corundum standard are recorded. The X-ray source for the Panalytical X’Pert Pro is a copper K-alpha (Kα) source operated at 40 kilovolts (kV) and a current of 40 milliamperes (mA). The signal intensity is recorded from 4-80 degrees 2-theta (4-80°2θ) at a step size of 0.02°2θ, with a 1-second dwell time per step. The divergence slit, which focuses the X-ray beam on the sample, will be fixed at a 1-degree angle to ensure that the beam is always smaller than the sample surface area. The receiving slit, which sets the sensitivity of measurement for the diffracted X-rays, will be set to 0.2 millimeters (mm) to minimize peak overlap. The sample will be rotated at one-half the angular velocity of the detector, set by step size and dwell time. The signal intensity of diffracted X-rays, recorded at each step from 4-80°2θ, is plotted as a diffraction pattern, which is cross-referenced by the Panalytical X’Pert Pro system to over 17,000 mineral diffraction patterns catalogued by the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD). The relative signal intensity of the corundum standard is used to normalize the signal intensity of the other identified mineral phases to determine quantitative concentration.

QAPP Worksheet No. 23: Analytical Standard Operating Proceduresa (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 11 141037-01.01

The report generated will include mineral identifications, percent composition, and the diffraction pattern with an overlay of the standard diffraction patterns for identified mineral components. ACT-3 Calibration and Preventative Maintenance for the Panalytical X’Pert Pro X-ray diffraction system. Performance validation will include 1) analysis of standard reference materials to assess reference position, for example: silicon or lanthanum hexaboride to determine if peaks are appearing at the expected position in degrees 2-theta; 2) quantification of known weight percent corundum; and 3) relative peak intensities for pure corundum, lanthanum hexaboride, or silicon standards. The most commonly used standards are those from the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology. The limit of detection for an X-ray reflection peak is defined such that the peak intensity is greater than the background signal plus 3 times the standard deviation of the background intensity. Preventative maintenance of the Panalytical X’pert Pro will be performed in accordance with manufactures guidelines, including yearly cleaning and lubrication of movable components. The maintenance schedule includes examining (for corrosion) and oiling the polished surfaces of the optical modules at least every 2 months; periodically removing any dust from the sample spinner (changer); examination of the X-ray tubes and O-rings at least every 3 months; and cleaning or changing the cooling water filters and console dust filters at least every 6 months. Activation Laboratory’s quality statement specifies that equipment maintenance and calibration schedules are maintained, and that calibration and performance parameter records are maintained for equipment. ACT-4

Activation Laboratory’s quality statement specifies that all laboratory staff will be competent to perform the work required, that new employees will be trained for specific tasks, and their ability formally assessed for each task. Staff will be routinely evaluated, and training and performance records will be maintained. Activation Laboratory’s Quality System will oversee all phases of laboratory operations, including personnel qualifications. Routine audits by external regulatory agencies provide quality assurance confirmation.

QAPP Worksheet No. 24: Analytical Instrument Calibration (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Instrument Calibration Procedure Calibration

Range Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position Responsible for

Corrective Action SOP



Bromofluorobenzene tune; initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


Verify tuning every 12 hours; ICAL after instrument set up, after major instrument changes, and when continuing calibration criteria are not met

• ICAL %RSD ≤20% or linear curve r ≥0.995, or r2 >0.990 or quadratic curve r2 >0.990 (minimum average RFs must comply with method)

• CCV %D ≤20%D • ICV %D ±30%D

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-05


Decafluorotriphenyl-phosphine tune; initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


Verify tune every 12 hours; ICAL after instrument set up, after major instrument changes, and when continuing calibration criteria are not met

• ICAL %RSD ≤30% for CCCs; ICAL %RSD <15% or linear curve recovery (r) ≥ 0.995, or r2 >0.990 or quadratic curve r2 >0.990

• CCV %D ≤20% for CCCs; SPCC minimum average RF

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-38, A-40


Perfluorotributylamine tune; initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


Verify tune every 12 hours; ICAL after instrument set up, after major maintenance, and/or after instrument changes have occurred

• ICAL %RSD ≤25%; no more than 10% of compounds between 25 and 30%

• CCV %D ≤30%; no more than 10% of compounds between 25 and 30%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-07

GC/ECD (pesticides, herbicides)

Column degradation mix before ICAL and every 12 hours; initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


ICAL after instrument set up, after major instrument changes, and when continuing calibration criteria are not met; continuing calibration every 12 hours or after every 20 samples

• ICAL %RSD <20% or linear curve r ≥ 0.995 or r2 >0.990, or quadratic curve r2 >0.990

• CCV %D ≤20% (pesticides); ≤15% (herbicides) • Breakdown mix: DDT and endrin ≤15% (pesticides)

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-02/A-03

HRGC/HRMS (pesticides)

Instrument tuning; initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


ICAL after instrument set up, after major maintenance, and/or after instrument changes have occurred; calibration verification minimum every 12 hours

RSD for mean RRF calibrated by isotope dilution ≤20%; all other compounds ≤30%; ICV ≤30% of true value

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst SGS-4

HRGC/HRMS (PCB congeners)

Perfluorokerosene tune, initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


ICAL after instrument set up, after major instrument changes, and when continuing calibration criteria are not met; calibration verification minimum every 12 hours

• ICAL %RSD <20% for target analytes calculated by isotope dilution • %RSD <35% for target analytes calculated by internal standard • CCV 40-160%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst SGS-2


Initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


ICAL after instrument set up, after major instrument changes, and when continuing calibration criteria are not met; calibration verification every 24 hours

ICAL %RSD <25% for individual compounds and <20% for fuel products; CCV <25% for individual compounds and no more than 10% of compounds between 25 to 30%; <20% for fuel products

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-14, A-32, A-33

Isotope dilution mass spectrometry


Perfluorokerosene tune; initial and continuing calibration as required in SOP


ICAL after instrument set up, after major instrument changes, and when continuing calibration criteria are not met; continuing calibration minimum every 12 hours

ICAL %RSD for mean response of unlabeled standards <20%; labeled reference compounds ±35% CCV per SOP Table 7

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst SGS-1

QAPP Worksheet No. 24: Analytical Instrument Calibration (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Instrument Calibration Procedure Calibration

Range Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position Responsible for

Corrective Action SOP

Referencea Gamma

spectroscopy detector


Calibration procedures as outlined in SOP See SOP

Daily or with each use, count calibration spectrum, initial energy, and photopeak calibration

Within limits defined in SOP Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst TBE-1

Beta spectroscopy detector


Calibration procedures as outlined in SOP See SOP Monthly energy and efficiency calibration Within limits defined in SOP

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst TBE-2

ICP/MS (metals/ SEM)

Daily performance check; initial and continuing calibration per SOP

See SOP Performance check daily; ICAL daily or per batch; CCV every ten samples

Daily performance check per manufacturer; background mass 220 <30 cps; Ba+/Ba++ <3%; Ce/CeO <3%; ICAL r ≥0.995; CCV ±10%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-01, A-30

HGAFS (As, Se, metals speciation)

Daily performance check; initial and continuing calibration per SOP

See SOP ICAL daily or per batch; CCV every ten samples

• Arsenic: ICAL r ≥0.995; CCV ±15% • Selenium: ICAL r ≥0.995; CCV ±25%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-23,


LC/ICP/MS (Metals speciation)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP

ICAL daily or per batch; CCV every ten samples

Within limits defined in SOP Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst FGS-12

CVAFS (mercury) Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP ICAL daily; CCV every ten samples ICAL % calibration factor 15%; lowest calibration standard 65-135%;

CCV 77-123%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-46,


CVAFS (methyl mercury)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP ICAL daily; CCV every ten samples ICAL %; lowest calibration standard 75-125%; CCV 67-133%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst FGS-01

Ion chromatograph (anions)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP ICAL daily; CCV every ten samples ICAL r ≥0.995, CCV ±10%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-09


(cyanide, phosphate, sulfide, ortho-phosphate,

hexavalent chromium)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP

ICAL daily; CCV every ten samples (cyanide and sulfide and hexavalent chromium); CCV every 20 samples (phosphate and ortho-phosphate)

ICAL r ≥0.995, cyanide and ortho-phosphate CCV ±10%; phosphate CCV ±20%; sulfide CCV ±25% ; hexavalent chromium ±15%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-19, A-20, A-21, A-48,


Lachat (ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, TKN)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP

ICAL two boards daily with seven calibration points; r ≥0.995; CCV every ten samples

ICAL r ≥0.995, CCV ±10% of true value Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-08, A-10, A-16

DO meter (BOD5, BOD30)

Per manufacturer’s instructions See SOP Daily prior to use Per manufacturer’s instructions Inspect probe Analyst ET-1

QAPP Worksheet No. 24: Analytical Instrument Calibration (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Instrument Calibration Procedure Calibration

Range Frequency Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position Responsible for

Corrective Action SOP


TOC analyzer (TOC, DOC)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP

ICAL every 6 months or after a major change to the instrument or if CCVs fail; CCV every ten samples

ICAL r ≥0.995; CCV ±10% Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-17, A-18

pH electrode (pH) Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP ICAL daily; CCV every ten samples CCV ±0.05 pH units

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-12

pH/ion selective electrode meter


Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP

ICAL daily or when continuing calibration criteria are not met; CCV every ten samples

CCV ±15% Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-30

Conductivity meter Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP

ICAL daily or when continuing calibration criteria are not met; CCV every 20 samples

CCV ±20% Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-37

Induction furnace (TOC, POC, DOC)

Initial and continuing calibration per SOP See SOP ICAL daily; CCV every ten burns CCV 80-120%

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst A-17, A-18

Panalytical X'Pert Pro Powder


NIST SRM 675 Mica is used for calibration of 2 theta; a NIST SRM 1976 Alumina plate is used for intensity and instrument performance calibration

NA Calibration is performed quarterly per QCP X'Pert Pro Cal

Per manufacturer’s instructions

If required, the goniometer and sample changer are aligned, and the X-ray tube is changed by a Panalytical engineer


ACT-1, ACT-2, ACT-3, ACT-4

Analytical balance (grain size, percent

moisture, SSC, moisture content, Atterberg Limits,

density, total volatile solids, total suspended solids,

and hydraulic conductivity)

Daily See SOP Weigh and record NIST traceable standard weight in range of interest ±5% of certified weight

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples


A-11, A-15, A-22, GT-1, GT-2, GT-4, GT-5, GT-6,


Laser Diffraction Particle Size

Analyzer Daily See SOP Daily prior to use Per manufacturer’s instructions

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst ARI-01, ARI-02

Geocomp Loadtrack

(compression) Daily See SOP Daily prior to use Per manufacturer’s instructions

Inspect system, correct problem, rerun calibration and affected samples

Analyst GT-3

Note: a = Refer to the Analytical SOP Reference Table (Worksheet No. 23). All SOPs are contained in Attachment A.

QAPP Worksheet No. 25: Analytical Instrument and Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Instrument/Equipment Maintenance Activity Testing Activity Inspection Activity Frequency Acceptance

Criteria Corrective


Title/Position Responsible for

Corrective Action Referencea


Change septa; clean injectors; change or trim columns; install new liners; clean sources and quadruple rods; maintain

vacuum pumps

Tuning Instrument performance and


Service vacuum pumps twice per year; other

maintenance as needed See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor

A-05, A-07, A-38, A-39,


GC/ECD (pesticides, herbicides); GC/FID (TPH,

EPH, and VPH)

Change septa; clean injectors; change or trim columns; install new liners

Detector signals and chromatogram review

Instrument performance and sensitivity

As needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor A-02, A-03, A-14, A-32, A-33

HRGC/HRMS (PCB congeners, dioxin/furans, and pesticides)

Change septa; clean injectors; change or trim columns; install new liners; clean sources and quadruple rods; maintain

vacuum pumps

Tuning Instrument performance and


Service vacuum pumps twice per year; other

maintenance as needed See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor

SGS-1, SGS-2, SGS-4

Germanium detector, gamma-ray spectrometry

(radionuclides) Check lead cave surrounding detector

Daily check source and background check counts

Check for gaps in bricks surrounding detector and make

sure bricks are aligned Prior to use See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor


Beta spectroscopy detector (radionuclides)

Background checks; recertification

Update detector background; recertification

of rare-earth fluoride efficiency sources

Count blank planchets to update detector background; verify using reference solution

Weekly; annually See SOP See SOP Analyst TBE-2

ICP/MS (metals) Clean skimmer cones; check pump tubing; flush lines; clean aspiration

chamber and ion lens Tuning Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor

A-01, FGS-09

ICP (metals) Replace disposables; flush lines; clean the

nebulizer, torch, and spray chamber Startup activities in SOP Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor


HGAFS (metals) Replace disposables; flush lines; inspect

pump windings Sensitivity check Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor

A-23, FGS-14

CVAFS (mercury, methyl mercury)

Replace disposables; flush lines Sensitivity check Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor FGS-01, FGS-05

LC/ICP/MS (metals speciation)

Replace disposables; flush lines; clean the nebulizer, torch, and spray chamber

Startup activities in SOP Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor FGS-12, FGS-13

Ion chromatograph (anions) Replace columns as needed; check eluent

and regenerant reservoirs Analytical standards

Instrument performance and sensitivity

Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor A-09

Spectrophotometer (cyanide, phosphate, sulfide, and

ortho-phosphate, hexavalent chromium)

Replace disposables Analytical standards Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor A-19, A-20,

A-21, A-48, A-51

QAPP Worksheet No. 25: Analytical Instrument and Equipment Maintenance, Testing, and Inspection (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.6)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Instrument/Equipment Maintenance Activity Testing Activity Inspection Activity Frequency Acceptance

Criteria Corrective


Title/Position Responsible for

Corrective Action Referencea

Lachat (ammonia, nitrate/nitrite, and TKN)

Rinse tubing and change tubing monthly Analytical standards Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor A-08, A-10, A-16

DO meter (BOD) Replace membrane on probe as needed Seed correction as required

by method Inspect membrane for signs of

failure Prior to use See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor


pH electrode Rinse Analytical standards Instrument performance and

sensitivity Prior to use See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor


Conductivity meter Replace filling solution; inspect electrode

for cracks and scratches Analytical standards

Instrument performance and sensitivity

Prior to use See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor A-37

Induction furnace (TOC, POC, and soot carbon)

Replace disposables; clean quartz boat Blank and analytical

standards Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor

A-17, A-18

TOC analyzer (TOC, DOC, and POC)

Inspect tubing, scrubber, and syringe and replace as needed

Blank and analytical standards

Check connections Daily or as needed See SOP See SOP Analyst or section

supervisor A-17, A-18

Panalytical X'Pert Pro Powder Diffractometer (XRD)

Inspect cooling system; clean spinner and spinner changer; clean or replace water and air filters; inspect of safety features;

check radiation level

Startup activities Check that system turns on and

connections are intact Quarterly or as needed

Calibration passes

Clean or replace parts

Analyst or section supervisor

ACT-1, ACT-2, ACT-3, ACT-4

Analytical balance (grain size, percent moisture, SSC,

moisture content, Atterberg Limits, density, and hydraulic


Clean balance after each use; service annually

NIST traceable weights Balance performance and

sensitivity Prior to every use

Measured weight within

certified tolerance

Clean, verify zero on balance,

reweigh; call for service

Analyst or section supervisor

A-11, GT-1, GT-2, GT-4,

GT-5, GT-6, GT-8

Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer

Rinse Analytical standards Instrument performance and

sensitivity Prior to use See SOP See SOP

Analyst or section supervisor

ARI-01, ARI-02

Microscopes (benthic invertebrates,


Clean with lens paper and ethanol after use

N/A Check optics and focus; oil parts

as required After each use; annual

service by outside vendor N/A

Clean; contact outside

vendor for service as needed

Analyst or laboratory manager


Note: a = Refer to the analytical SOP reference table (Worksheet No. 23). All SOPs are contained in Attachment 1 of the QAPP.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 26 and 27: Sample Handling, Custody, and Disposal (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.3) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.3)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Sampling organization: Anchor QEA, LLC 123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 205 Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677 201-930-9890 Laboratories: Alpha Analytical* 320 Forbes Boulevard Mansfield, Massachusetts 02048 508-844-4120 *Alpha will distribute samples to ALS, Geotesting Express, Envirotest, SGS, and EERC. Activation Laboratories, LTD 1336 Sandhill Drive Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4V5 888-228-5227 Analytical Resources, Inc 4611 S 134th Place No. 100 Tukwila, Washington 98168 206-695-6200 EnviroTest Laboratory 315 Fullerton Avenue Newburgh, New York 12550 845-562-0890

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 26 and 27: Sample Handling, Custody, and Disposal (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.3) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.3)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

ESI P.O. Box 778 One Lafayette Road Hampton, New Hampshire 03842 603-926-3345 Energy and Environmental Research Center University of North Dakota 15 North 23rd Street, Stop 9018 Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202-9018 Frontier Global Sciences 11720 North Creek Parkway N#400 Bothell, Washington 98011 425-686-1996 GeoTesting Express 125 Nagog Park Acton, Massachusetts 01720 978-635-0424 SGS North America 5500 Business Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 866-846-8290

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 26 and 27: Sample Handling, Custody, and Disposal (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.3) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.3)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Teledyne Brown Engineering 2508 Quality Lane Knoxville, Tennessee 97931 865-934-0379 Vista 1104 Windfield Way El Dorado Hills, California 95762 916-673-1520 Watershed Assessment Associates 1861 Chrisler Ave Schenectady, New York 12303 518-346-0225 Method of sample delivery (shipping/carrier): Anchor QEA field team staff, courier, and/or commercial shipping Number of days from reporting until sample disposal: Varies; laboratory is required to give Anchor QEA a 30-day notice prior to intent to discard any project samples.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 26 and 27: Sample Handling, Custody, and Disposal (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.3) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.3)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Activity Organization and Title or Position of Person Responsible for the Activity SOP Reference

Sample labeling Anchor QEA field team staff Phase 2 FSAP Volumes 1 and 2 (see Appendix B)

Chain-of-custody form completion Anchor QEA field team staff NC-6

Packaging Anchor QEA field team staff NC-7

Shipping coordination Anchor QEA field team staff NC-7

Sample receipt, inspection, and log-in Receiving laboratory staff A-44

Sample custody and storage Receiving laboratory staff A-43

Sample disposal Receiving laboratory staff A-41, A-42

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: SVOCs

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270D/A-38

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL; no common lab contaminants >5x QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compounds >QL; no

common lab contaminants >5x


Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever is


No target compounds >QL; no common lab contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL; no

common lab contaminants >5x


Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

If sufficient sample is available, reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <10%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Field Duplicate

1 per 20 field samples

RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference

≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation Staff

RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of

PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group: VOCs Analytical Method/SOP: 8260C/A-05

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL; no common lab contaminants >5x QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs; qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever is


No target compounds >QL; no common lab contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Trip Blank 1 per cooler of VOC


No target compounds >QL;

no common lab contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data validation staff

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL.

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

PE Sample

1 per method per year

SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of PE


Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 5 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Organochlorine Pesticides (High Resolution)

Analytical Method/SOP: 1699/SGS-4

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB MB - 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target compounds


If sufficient sample is available, reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e., van Veen, vibracore)

No target compounds >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent).

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 6 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)


1) Check calculations. 2) Reanalyze LCS. Repeated reanalysis is acceptable if the failure is attributed to instrument variability. 3) If repeated failures occur on consecutive LCSs for the same analyte, the cause of the failure will be investigated and corrected before any re-extraction is performed. 4) If sufficient sample is available, re-extract and reanalyze samples. 5) If insufficient sample is available, reanalyze extracts. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu

of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 7 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment Analytical Group: Chlorinated Herbicides Analytical Method/SOP: 8151A/A-03

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs; qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds

>QL; no common laboratory

contaminants >5x QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e., van Veen, vibracore)

No target compounds >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent).

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 8 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Trip Blank 1 per cooler of VOC samples

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis. Data validation


No target compounds

>QL; no common lab contaminants

>5x QL.

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

PE Sample

1 per method per year

SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of

PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 9 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups

Analytical Method/SOP: 1668A/SGS-2

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

OPR Sample (or LCS) 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 10 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM

may be analyzed in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 11 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Metals

Analytical Method/SOP: 6010C, 6020/A-01, A-45

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No Target Analytes


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analytes >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

LCS or QC Standard 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 12 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Analyze post-spike if recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Serial Dilution 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤15% if analyte > 50x MDL; no criteria if

≤50x MDL

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL. Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL.

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL Difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM

may be analyzed in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 13 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediments

Analytical Group: Total Metals

Analytical Method/SOP: 1638 Modified/FGS-09

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) Average MB


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB <QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever is


No Target Analytes >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analytes >QL

CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) Within 25% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed. Laboratory

Analyst/Section Supervisor

Within 25% of Certified Value

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 14 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 75%-125% R;

RPD ≤20%

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R RPD ≤30%

Field Duplicate

1 per 20 field samples

RPD ≤50% if both results are

>5x QL; difference ≤ QL

if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation Staff

RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are

≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 15 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Mercury

Analytical Method/SOP: 1631 Modified/FGS-05 or A-46

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB Minimum of 3 per

batch (up to 20 samples)

Average MB <2x MDL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB <2x MDL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No Target Analytes >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No Target Analytes >QL

LCS or CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 16 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 70%-130% R; RPD


Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R RPD ≤30%

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM

may be analyzed in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 17 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Methyl Mercury

Analytical Method/SOP: 1630 Modified/FGS-01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)


Minimum of three MBs with each

batch (up to 20 samples)

2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3rd MDL or 1/10th of

associated samples

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3rd MDL or 1/10th of

associated samples

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 65%-130% R

≤25% RPD

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


65%-130% R ≤25% RPD

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 65%-130% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 65%-130% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 18 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) Within 30% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 30% of Certified Value

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 19 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Hexavalent Chromium

Analytical Method/SOP: 7196A/A-51

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop, and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor ≤QL

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 20 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 21 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Dioxins and Furans

Analytical Method/SOP: 1613B/SGS-1

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 22 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e.,

van Veen, vibracore)

No target compounds >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent).

Data Validation Staff No target analyte


Labeled Isotope Dilution


Spiked into every sample

and QC sample.


Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 23 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year;

SRM/CRM may be analyzed in

lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 24 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Radionuclides Cesium-137 (137Cs) and Lead-210 (210Pb)b

Analytical Method/SOP: TBE-1, TBE-2

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No Target Analyte

>QL Recount blank or reanalyze batch.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor No Target Analyte >QL

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP Recount LCS or reanalyze batch.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP Recount MS or reanalyze batch.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R RPD ≤30%

Combine Standard Uncertaintya

All results ≤30% if result >5x

MDA Recount to a maximum of 1000 minutes or increase sample size.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor ≤30%

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤30%, if both

samples >5x QL Recount or reanalyze sample and duplicate.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤30%, if both samples >5x MDC

Notes: a = Combined standard uncertainty is the 2-sigma counting uncertainty. b = 210Pb will be determined as 210bismuth (210Bi).

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 25 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: PAHs and Alkyl PAHs

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270D-SIM/A-07

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least No target analyte >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No Target Analyte >QL

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specific

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 26 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50-150% ≤35% RPD

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 27 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids Including DRO and TPH Ranges

Analytical Method/SOP: 8015 Modified/A-14

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e., van Veen, vibracore)

No target compounds >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent).

Data Validation Staff

No Target Analyte >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 28 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specific

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50%-150% R; ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 29 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Triterpanes and Steranes

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270D-SIM Modified/A-07

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

Laboratory specific

LCS (PAH Analysis)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

50%-150% R

MS/MSD (PAH Analysis)a

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

50%-150% R; RPD ≤35%

Note: a = The triterpanes and steranes (biomarkers) are analyzed with the PAHs and alkyl PAHs. The MS and LCS recoveries for the PAHs are used to assess the biomarker analysis.

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 30 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: TOC

Analytical Method/SOP: 9060 Modified, Lloyd Kahn/A-17

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Quad-

Duplicates Every sample None None NA NA

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 31 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 32 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Soot Carbon

Analytical Method/SOP: Gustafsson et al., 1997/A-17

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS (using TOC standard)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

75%-125% R Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

MS (using TOC standard)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

75%-125% R Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Quad- Duplicate

Each sample NA None NA NA

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 33 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Percent Solids

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 2540G/A-11

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤10% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify

data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 34 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Ammonia-N

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 4500NH3/A-08

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor ≤QL

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

75%-125% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicate

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed. Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

RPD ≤20% if both s results are >5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 35 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of

PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/Laboratory


Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 36 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Cyanide

Analytical Method/SOP: 9012B/A-19

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation



LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤35% Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

RPD ≤35% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 65%-135% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

65%-135% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 37 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 38 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Sulfide

Analytical Method/SOP: 9030B/A-21

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) <QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation



LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤25% Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

65%-135% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 39 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 40 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Total Nitrogen

Analytical Method/SOP: TKN + NO3/NO2; SM 4500NO3/SM 4500NC /A-10, A-16

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation



LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

65%-135% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 41 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM

may be analyzed in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 42 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Total Phosphorus

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 4500P/A-20

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation



LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤20% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed. Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x


MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

65%-135% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 43 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified


PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 44 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: pH

Analytical Method/SOP: 9045D/A-12

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 90%-110% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 90%-110% R

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤15%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 45 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: AVS/SEM

Analytical Method/SOP: EPA Draft Method – 1991, 6020A/A-01, A-30

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 46 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS1 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Note: 1 = The MS spiking solution contains sulfide and metals per Alpha SOP A-30.

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 47 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Atterberg Limits

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D 4318/GT-4

QC Sample Frequency/


Method/SOP QC Acceptance

Limits Corrective Action

Person(s) Responsible for

Corrective Action

Measurement Performance Criteria

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch of 20

samples RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 48 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Bulk Density

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D7263/GT-5

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 49 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Grain Size

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D442/GT-6

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch of 20

samples RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 50 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Specific Gravity

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D854/GT-7

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 51 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Shear Stress

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D2850/GT-3

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤20% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 52 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Moisture Content

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D2216/GT-2

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤20% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 53 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Hydraulic Conductivity

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D5084/GT-7

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤20% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 54 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: EPH

Analytical Method/SOP: MADEP-EPH/A-32

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per 20 samples

or 1 per day, whichever is least

No target analyte >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No Target Analyte >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 55 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 40%-140% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 40%-140% R

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) RPD ≤50%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 40%-140% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 40%-140% R

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 40%-140% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


40%-140% R; RPD ≤50%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 56 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 57 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: VPH

Analytical Method/SOP: MADEP-VPH/A-33

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


Trip Blank 1 per cooler

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data validation staff

No target compounds >QL;

no common lab contaminants >5x QL.

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 58 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per 20 samples

or 1 per day, whichever is least

No target compounds >QL; no

common lab contaminants >5x

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 70%-130% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 70%-130% R

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) RPD ≤50%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 70%-130% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 70%-130% R

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 59 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 70%-130% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R; RPD ≤50%

PE Sample 1 per method per

year Supplier certified


PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 60 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: X-Ray Diffraction

Analytical Method/SOP: Jenkins & Snyder, 1996 / ACT-01, ACT-02, ACT-03, and ACT-04

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

XRF Analysis (Optional) Per request NA Qualify results Project Chemist Case-by-case decision

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per project NA Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤50%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 61 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Benthic Invertebrates

Analytical Method/SOP: WAA-1

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 95% sorting efficiency

Review of all samples done by responsible Laboratory Analyst

Laboratory Analyst/Section


95% Sorting Efficiency

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 62 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water Analytical Group: VOCs Analytical Method/SOP: 8260C/A-05

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs; qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL;

no common lab contaminants >5x QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever

is least

No target compounds >QL; no

common lab contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL; no common lab contaminants >5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 63 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Trip Blank 1 per cooler of VOC samples

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data validation staff

No target compounds >QL;

no common lab contaminants >5x QL.

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 64 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year

SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of

PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 65 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: SVOCs

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270D/A-38, A-40

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL.

Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per 20 samples

or 1 per day, whichever is least

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 66 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL;

difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 67 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Organochlorine Pesticides

Analytical Method/SOP: 8081B/A-02

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target

compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 68 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per sampling

method (i.e., van Veen, vibracore)

No target compounds >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent).

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


60%-140% R RPD ≤30%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 69 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 70 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Chlorinated Herbicides

Analytical Method/SOP: 8151A/A-03

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL.

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e., van Veen, vibracore)

No target compounds >QL;

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent).

Data Validation Staff No target

compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 71 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


60%-140% R; RPD ≤30%

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 72 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: EPH

Analytical Method/SOP: MADEP-EPH/A-32

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target analyte >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis. Data Validation

Staff No Target Analyte


Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 40%-140% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 40%-140% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 73 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤50% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x


MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 40%-140% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 40%-140% R

Field Duplicate

1 per 20 field samples

RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x

QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are

≤5x QL

MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 40%-140% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


40%-140% R; RPD ≤50%

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 74 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: VPH

Analytical Method/SOP: MADEP-VPH/A-33

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


Trip Blank 1 per cooler

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis. Data validation staff

No target compounds >QL; no common lab

contaminants >5x QL.

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever

is least

No target analyte >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis. Data Validation Staff No Target Analyte


QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 75 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

70%-130% R Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 70%-130% R

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤50% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed. Laboratory

Analyst/Section Supervisor

RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

70%-130% R Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 70%-130% R

Field Duplicate

1 per 20 field samples

RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation Staff

RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

70%-130% R Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R; RPD ≤50%

PE Sample 1 per method

per year Supplier certified


PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 76 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups

Analytical Method/SOP: 1668A/SGS-2

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever is


No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 77 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

Labeled Isotope Dilution Standards

Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 78 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Metals --Total and Dissolved

Analytical Method/SOP: 6010C, 6020A, 1632, 1638/A-01, A-45, A-23, FGS-09

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible for

Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No Target Analyte


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data Validation


No Target Analyte >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff No target compounds


QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 79 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible for

Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS or QC Standard

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

80%-120% R

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Analyze post-spike for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/ Section Supervisor

80%-120% R (Arsenic by 1632 75%-125% R)

Serial Dilution

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Qualify data as needed. Laboratory

Analyst/Section Super visor

RPD ≤10% if analyte > 50x MDL; no criteria if

≤50x MDL

Field Duplicate

1 per 20 field samples

RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation Staff

RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL;

difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 80 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Total and Dissolved Arsenic: HGAFS

Analytical Method/SOP: 1632/A-23

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No Target Analyte


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analyte >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data validation staff

No target compounds >QL

LCS or QC Standard 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 81 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Analyze post-spike for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL;

difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM

may be analyzed in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 82 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Total and Dissolved Metals

Analytical Method/SOP: 1638 Modified/FGS-09

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

Average MB <QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB <QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever is


No Target Analytes >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analytes >QL

CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

Within 25% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 25% of Certified Value

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 83 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

80%-120% R Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples)

80%-120% R; RPD ≤20%

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


80%-120% R RPD ≤20%

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x

QL; difference ≤ QL if results are

≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 84 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Total and Dissolved Mercury

Analytical Method/SOP: 1631/FGS-5

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

Average MB <QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB <QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per 20 samples

or 1 per day, whichever is least

No Target Analytes >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analytes >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 85 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) Within 25% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 25% of Certified Value

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 70%-130% R; RPD


Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R RPD ≤30%

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 86 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Methyl Mercury

Analytical Method/SOP: 1630/FGS-1

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)


Minimum of three MBs with each

batch (20 samples)

Average MB ≤0.045 ng/L, StD ≤ 0.015 ng/L or 1/10th of

associated samples

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB ≤0.045 ng/L, StD ≤ 0.015 ng/L or 1/10th of

Associated Samples

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples 70%-130% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 70%-130% R

CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) Within 35% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 35% of Certified Value

MS/MSD 1 per 10 samples 65%-135% R

RPD ≤35%

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


65%-135% R RPD ≤35%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 87 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL;

difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 88 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Dioxins and Furans

Analytical Method/SOP: 1613B/SGS-1

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e.,

peristaltic pump) 1 per 20 samples or 1

per day, whichever is least

No target compounds

>QL No target

analyte >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent). Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 89 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed Laboratory

Analyst/Section Supervisor

60%-140% R

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of

PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 90 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: PAHs and Alkyl PAHs

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270D-SIM/A-07

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target

compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per 20 samples

or 1 per day, whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 91 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

If sufficient sample is available, reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


60%-140% R, RPD ≤30%

Field Duplicate 1 per 20 field


RPD ≤50% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Evaluate during data validation. Data Validation


RPD ≤50% if both samples are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 92 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids Including DRO and TPH Ranges

Analytical Method/SOP: 8015 Modified/A-14

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds


Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per sampling method (i.e.,

peristaltic pump) 1 per 20 samples or 1

per day, whichever is least

No target compounds

>QL No target

analyte >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent). Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds


QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 93 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 60%-140% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


60%-140% R, RPD ≤30%

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu of

PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 94 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: TOC (SM 5310C)

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 5310C/A-18

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 90%-110% R

Reprepare/and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 95 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 96 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: DOC

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 5310C/A-18

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 90%-110% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 97 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 98 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: POC

Analytical Method/SOP: 9060 Modified, Lloyd Kahn with filtrate/A-18

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 99 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: TSS

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 2540D/A-22

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤20% Flag data. Discuss in narrative.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


≤20% RPD if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 100 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target

compound >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed.

Analyst/Section Supervisor/

Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compound >QL

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Analyst/Section Supervisor

80%-120% R

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD <20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Analyst/Section Supervisor

RPD <20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: TDS

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 2540C/A-15

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 101 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: SSC

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM D3977/GT-1

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 102 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Analyst/Section Supervisor

80%-120% R

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD <20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Analyst/Section Supervisor

RPD <20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Salinity

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 2510B/A-37

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 103 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Alkalinity

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 2320B/A-06

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 90%-110% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD ≤10%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 104 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 105 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Ammonia-N

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 4500NH3/A-08

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 106 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 107 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Nitrogen-Total and Dissolved

Analytical Method/SOP: TKN + NO3/NO2; SM 4500NO3/SM 4500NC/A-10, A-16

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOPs

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOPs

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 108 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOPs Flag data. Discuss in narrative.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare, and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 109 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Phosphorus-Total and Dissolved

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 4500P/A-20

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 80%-120% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 110 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤20% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be

analyzed in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 111 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Sulfide

Analytical Method/SOP: 9030B/A-21

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

75%-125% R Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤25% Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 112 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 65%-135% R

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 113 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Grain Size

Analytical Method/SOP: Ecology TAPE 2011/ARI-01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch of 20

samples RPD ≤20%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 114 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: BOD5 and BOD30

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 5210B/ET-1; SM 5210C/ET-1

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation



LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

Laboratory Duplicate

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Laboratory

Analyst/Section Supervisor

RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 115 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Anions (Bromide, Chloride, Sulfate, Fluoride)

Analytical Method/SOP: 300.0/A-09

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 90%-110% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 116 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu

of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 117 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Anions (Ortho-Phosphate)

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 4500P-E/A-48

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) ≤QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator


LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 90%-110% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 118 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicate

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu

of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 119 141037-01.01

Matrix: Water

Analytical Group: Cyanide

Analytical Method/SOP: 9012B/A-19

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)


Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor ≤QL

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

80%-120% R Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 80%-120% R

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

80%-120% R Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recovery <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicate

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤20% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤ QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 120 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 121 141037-01.01

Matrix: Porewater

Analytical Group: SPME PAHs

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270C-MOD or ASTM D7363-07/EERC-1 or A-50

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compounds >QL

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specific

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50-150% ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 122 141037-01.01

Matrix: Porewater

Analytical Group: SPME 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups

Analytical Method/SOP: 1668A/SGS-2

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compounds >QL

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 123 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency

Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50-150% ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 124 141037-01.01

Matrix: Porewater

Analytical Group: SPME Organochlorine Pesticides (High Resolution)

Analytical Method/SOP: 1699/SGS-4

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)


MB - 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL

If sufficient sample is available, reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 125 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)


1) Check calculations. 2) Reanalyze LCS. Repeated reanalysis is acceptable if the failure is attributed to instrument variability. 3) If repeated failures occur on consecutive LCSs for the same analyte, the cause of the failure will be investigated and corrected before any re-extraction is performed. 4) If sufficient sample is available, re-extract and reanalyze samples. 5) If insufficient sample is available, reanalyze extracts. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50-150% ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 126 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: Organochlorine Pesticides

Analytical Method/SOP: 8081B/A-02

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB MB - 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compounds


Homogenization Equipment

Rinsate Blank 1 per program

No target compounds

>QL; no target analyte >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent). Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff No target

compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 127 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <10%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50%-150% R RPD ≤35%

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 128 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: Organochlorine Pesticides (High Resolution)

Analytical Method/SOP: 1699/SGS-4

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds


If sufficient sample is available, reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/Anchor QEA Data Validation


No target compounds >QL

Homogenization Equipment Rinsate

Blank 1 per program

No target compounds

>QL; no target

analyte >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent). Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 129 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)


1) Check calculations. 2) Reanalyze LCS. Repeated reanalysis is acceptable if the failure is attributed to instrument variability. 3) If repeated failures occur on consecutive LCSs for the same analyte, the cause of the failure will be investigated and corrected before any re-extraction is performed. 4) If sufficient sample is available, re-extract and reanalyze samples. 5) If insufficient sample is available, reanalyze extracts. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified


PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 130 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: 209 PCB Congeners and Homolog Groups

Analytical Method/SOP: 1668A/SGS-2

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target

compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Homogenization Equipment Rinsate


1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

OPR Sample (or LCS)

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 131 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/


Method/SOP Acceptance

Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Labeled Isotope Dilution Internal


Spiked into every sample and QC

sample See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specified

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 132 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: Metals

Analytical Method/SOP: 6010C, 6020A/A-01, A-45

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No Target Analytes


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analytes >QL

Homogenization Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per 20 samples or 1 per day,

whichever is least

No target compounds >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 133 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS or QC Standard 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤20% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Analyze post-spike if recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Serial Dilution 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤15% if analyte > 50x MDL; no criteria

if ≤50x MDL

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu

of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 134 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: Total Metals

Analytical Method/SOP: 1638 Modified/FGS-09

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

Average MB <QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB <QL

Equipment Rinsate Blank 1 per 20 samples

or 1 per day, whichever is least

No Target Analytes >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analytes >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 135 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

CRM 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) Within 25% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 25% of Certified Value

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 75%-125% R; RPD


Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


75%-125% R RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 136 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: Metals Speciation

Analytical Method/SOP: LC-ICP-MS/FGS-12

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

Average MB <QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

Average MB <QL

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 75%-125% R

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 75%-125% R

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) RPD < 25%

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 137 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 75%-125% R; RPD


Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze to verify matrix interference for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


70%-130% R RPD ≤30%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 138 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue

Analytical Group: Arsenic speciation

Analytical Method/SOP: 1632/FGS-14

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No Target Analyte


Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Redigest and/or reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No Target Analyte >QL

LCS or QC Standard 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 139 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates or MSD

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Duplicate: RPD ≤35% if both results are >5x QL Difference ≤ QL if

results are ≤5x QL MSD: 50%-150% R,

RPD ≤35%

MS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Analyze post-spike for recoveries <30%.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed

in lieu of PE samples.

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 140 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue

Analytical Group: Methyl Mercury

Analytical Method/SOP: 1630 Modified/FGS-1

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)


Minimum of three MBs with each

batch (up to 20 samples)

2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3rd MDL or 1/10th of

associated samples

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3rd MDL or 1/10th of

associated samples

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 65-135% R ≤35% RPD

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


65-135% R ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 141 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 67-133% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 67-133% R

CRM 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) Within 35% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 35% of Certified Value

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 142 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue

Analytical Group: Mercury

Analytical Method/SOP: 1631B Modified/FGS-5

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)


Minimum of three MBs with each

batch (up to 20 samples)

2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3rd MDL or 1/10th of

associated samples

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Reanalyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

2x MDL, StD ≤ 2/3rd MDL or 1/10th of

Associated Samples

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 10 samples) 71-125% R ≤35% RPD

Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <30% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


71-125% R ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 143 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) 77-123% R

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 77-123% R

CRM 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) Within 35% of certified value

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Within 35% of Certified Value

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 144 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissues

Analytical Group: Dioxins and Furans

Analytical Method/SOP: 1613B/SGS-1

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) No target

compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 145 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Homogenization Equipment Rinsate Blank

1 per program No target

compounds >QL; no target analyte >QL

The analytes reported in this group are unlikely to be introduced from sampling equipment. Equipment contamination will be evaluated by analyzing one equipment blank at the beginning of the sampling program. If initial results indicate equipment contamination of this analytical group, it will become a monitored sensitive analysis. Equipment blanks for sensitive analytes will be analyzed at a frequency of 1 per 20 or 1 per day (whichever is least frequent). Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No Target Analyte >QL

Labeled Isotope Dilution Standards

Spiked into every sample and QC

sample. See SOP

Check all calculations for error; ensure that instrument performance is acceptable; recalculate the data and/or reanalyze the extract if either of the above checks reveals a problem. If S/N <10 for the quantitation ion, reprepare and reanalyze the sample. If S/N >10, flag the data.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


Laboratory specified

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 146 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

OPR Sample (or LCS) 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reprepare and/or reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50%-150% R

PE Sample

1 per method per year; SRM/CRM may be analyzed in lieu

of PE samples

Supplier certified limits

PE Sample: Lab reanalyze another PE sample or utilize a different laboratory with acceptable PE sample results. SRM/CRM: Qualify data, reprepare and/or reanalyze as needed.

Project Chemist/ Laboratory Staff

Supplier certified limits

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 147 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue

Analytical Group: PAHs

Analytical Method/SOP: 8270D-SIM/A-07

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

No target compounds >QL

Identify source and attempt to eliminate. Re-extract and/or analyze blank and affected samples (if sufficient sample remains). Alert Project Team if repeated or widespread exceedances impact project DQOs. Qualify data as needed. Report results if sample results >5x blank result or sample results ND. If contamination is widespread or reoccurring, analyses must stop and the source of contamination must be eliminated or reduced before analyses can continue.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor/ Anchor QEA Data

Validation Coordinator

No target compounds >QL

Homogenization Equipment Rinsate


1 per 20 samples or 1 per day, whichever is


No target analyte >QL

Evaluate impacts on data on a case-by-case basis.

Data Validation Staff

No Target Analyte >QL

Surrogates Every sample See SOP Check calculations and instrument performance; recalculate, reanalyze.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor Laboratory specific

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 148 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

LCS 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Reprepare and/or reanalyze samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor 50-150% R

MS/MSD 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples)

See SOP Flag data. Discuss in narrative. Reprepare and/or reanalyze if recoveries are <10% to verify matrix interference.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


50-150% ≤35% RPD

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 149 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue

Analytical Group: Percent Lipids

Analytical Method/SOP: NOAA Technical Memo NOS ORCA 130/A-31

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

MB 1 per batch (up to

20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


No target compounds >QL

Laboratory Duplicates 1 per batch

(up to 20 samples) See SOP

Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section


RPD ≤30% if both results are >5x QL; difference ≤2x QL if results are ≤5x QL

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 150 141037-01.01

Matrix: Tissue

Analytical Group: Percent Moisture

Analytical Method/SOP: SM 2540G/A-11

QC Sample Number/Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective


Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Duplicates

1 per batch (up to 20 samples)

RPD ≤10% Reanalyze affected samples. Qualify data as needed.

Laboratory Analyst/Section

Supervisor RPD ≤20%

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 151 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Bioaccummulation Testing

Analytical Method/SOP: ASTM E1688-10/ESI-1

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person Responsible

for Corrective Action Project-Specific Measurement

Performance Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Replicates 8 See SOP

If statistical outliers are found in survival among replicates, they should be removed from the analyses

Laboratory Analyst NA

Laboratory (Negative) Controls

per batch (5 - 8 replicates)

See SOP NA Laboratory Analyst NA

Water Quality Measurements

Daily See SOP

If a parameter is measured outside of the acceptable range, make adjustments to bring back into range.

Laboratory Analyst

pH: 6.5 to 8.0; Dissolved oxygen: > 2.5 mg/L;

Salinity: ambient with variance less than 2 g/kg or 20% of

average, whichever is higher; Temperature: 12-16⁰C with

variance of less than 1⁰C in a 12-hour period and less than

3⁰C over a short period

QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 152 141037-01.01

Matrix: Sediment

Analytical Group: Toxicity

Analytical Method/SOP: EPA/600/R-94/025/ESI-2; USEPA 600/R-01/020; ASTM E1367-03/ESI-3

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Laboratory Replicates

5 See SOP If statistical outliers are found in survival among replicates, they should be removed from the analyses

Laboratory Analyst


Laboratory (Negative) Controls

Per batch (5 – 8 replicates)

10 day amphipod survival test: Mean survival in

laboratory controls should be ≥90%;

28-day amphipod survival, growth, and reproduction test: mean survival in the

laboratory controls should be ≥80% with no single replicate 60% or less and measurable growth and reproduction in

all control replicates

The test should be repeated if this criterion is not met.

Laboratory Analyst


QAPP Worksheet No. 28: Analytical Quality Control and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.4 and Tables 4, 5, and 6)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.3.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 153 141037-01.01

QC Sample Number/

Frequency Method/SOP

Acceptance Criteria Corrective Action

Title/Position of Person

Responsible for Corrective Action

Project-Specific Measurement Performance

Criteria (MPC)

Reference Toxicant Test (Positive


Per batch of organisms

Results should fall within two standard deviations of control

chart (historical) mean

If outside range, qualify data and report whether organisms may be more sensitive or less sensitive to contaminants based on control chart (historical) mean. Test may be repeated based on degree of deviation and best professional judgment.

Laboratory Analyst


Water Quality Measurements

Daily See SOP If a parameter is measured outside of the acceptable range, make adjustments to bring back into range.

Laboratory Analyst

pH: 7.0 to 9.0; Dissolved oxygen:

> 4.4 mg/L; Salinity: 28 ± 2 ppt (Ampelisca), 20 ± 2 ppt (Leptocheirus); Temperature: 20 ± 2⁰C (Ampelsica), 25 ± 2⁰C (Leptocheirus)

QAPP Worksheet No. 29: Project Documents and Records (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.5.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.8)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Sample Collection and Field Records

Record Generation Verification Storage Location/Archival

Field logs Field Task Leader – various Amy Corp Project files – electronic and hard copy

Chain-of-custody forms Field Task Leader – various Amy Corp Project files – electronic and hard copy

Air bills Field Task Leader – various Amy Corp Project files – electronic and hard copy

Contractor daily QC reports Field Task Leader – various Amy Corp Project files – electronic and hard copy

Deviations Amy Corp/Joy Dunay Jim Quadrini Project files – electronic

Corrective Action Reports Amy Corp/Joy Dunay Jim Quadrini Project files – electronic

Correspondence Jim Quadrini Tom Schadt Project files – electronic

Project Assessments

Record Generation Verification Storage Location/Archival

Field audit checklists Amy Corp Jim Quadrini Project files – electronic and hard copy

Data verification checklists Delaney Peterson Joy Dunay Project files – electronic

Data Validation Report LDC and Anchor QEA, LLC Delaney Peterson Project files – electronic

QAPP Worksheet No. 29: Project Documents and Records (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 3.5.1) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.2.8)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Laboratory Records and Data Deliverables

Record Generation Verification Storage Location/Archival

Narrative Various laboratories Delaney Peterson Project files – electronic

Chain-of-custody forms Various laboratories Delaney Peterson Project files – electronic

Summary results Various laboratories Delaney Peterson Project files – electronic

QC results Various laboratories Delaney Peterson Project files – electronic

Instrument outputs Various laboratories Delaney Peterson Project files – electronic

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 31, 32, and 33: Assessments and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.4 and 2.5.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01


Assessment Type

Responsible Party and Organization Number/Frequency

Estimated Dates

Assessment Deliverable Deliverable Due Date

Safety audit Anchor QEA

Safety Manager Once during first

week of field work June 2014 Written audit report

Verbal of major findings within 24 hours, written report within

1 month

Technical audit of field activities

Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator

Once at start of field operations; follow-up

audits as needed June 2014 Written audit report

Verbal of major findings within 24 hours, written report within

1 month

Internal laboratory audits

Laboratory QA Officer or designee

Per laboratory QA manual; at least annually

TBD Memorandum or as

required by laboratory QA manual

Major deficiencies within 24 hours, written report as

required by laboratory QA manual

Technical audit of project activities

Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator

All projects subject to audit June 2014 Written audit report Verbal of major findings within 24 hours, written report within

1 month

Project review

Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator

or designated Senior Manager

At least once during the initial phase of the

program; follow-up as needed

TBD Memorandum Verbal of major findings within 24 hours, written report within

1 month

Management System, Environmental Management System, and Safety Management System Major assessments associated with the Quality Management System are identified in the table above.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 31, 32, and 33: Assessments and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.4 and 2.5.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Assessment Response and Corrective Action

Assessment Type

Responsibility for Responding to Assessment

Findings Assessment Response

Documentation Timeframe for


Responsibility for Implementing

Corrective Action

Responsible for Monitoring Corrective Action Implementation

Safety audit Anchor QEA

Safety Manager Memorandum with

possible re-audit

Major findings within 24 hours; response to written report within

1 week

Field Team Lead Anchor QEA

Safety Manager

Technical audit of field activities

Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator

Memorandum with possible re-audit

1 week Field Team Lead Anchor QEA

Project QA Coordinator

Internal laboratory audits

Laboratory QA Officer or designee

Memorandum or as required by laboratory

QA manual

As required by laboratory QA manual

Laboratory Project Managers

Project Chemist

Technical audit of project activities

Anchor QEA Project QA Coordinator

Memorandum 1 month RI Manager Anchor QEA

Project QA Coordinator

Project review Anchor QEA

Project QA Coordinator or designated Senior Manager

Memorandum 1 month RI Manager Anchor QEA

Project QA Coordinator or designated Senior Manager

Quality assessment activities will measure the effectiveness of the project implementation and associated QA/QC activities. Audits are used as a means of monitoring the performance of field and laboratory activities and are conducted by the Safety Manager (safety audits), Project QA Coordinator, or a qualified alternate. Audits will include system audits that are more qualitative in nature and will be made at appropriate intervals to ensure that all aspects of the QA program are operative. Performance audits are quantitative audits that are conducted to assess the accuracy of measurement systems; this would include the use of performance evaluation samples.

QAPP Worksheet Nos. 31, 32, and 33: Assessments and Corrective Action (UFP-QAPP Manual Sections 4.1.1, 4.1.2, and 4.2)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.4 and 2.5.5)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Safety audits and TSAs will be conducted for field operations to assess implementation of project requirements and determine if the systems under review are capable of meeting project DQOs. These audits will include observations of procedures, discussions with project personnel, and review of records. A project review, which focuses on all project elements, evaluates elements related to basic project management practices to confirm that a project is on track to meet the required project objectives and schedule. Minor deficiencies noted during an audit will be corrected immediately. If a major deficiency is noted during an audit, a stop-work order will be issued until the deficiency can be corrected and the effectiveness of the CA measured and documented. A stop-work order may be issued by the Safety Manager or Project QA Coordinator or Anchor QEA Senior Manager, as appropriate, who will notify the RI Manager and the Anchor QEA RI/FS Project Manager. The conditions that lead to a stop-work order must be documented in sufficient detail to clearly define the problem and identify possible corrective measures. All communications among project staff that address evaluation of the problem and appropriate solutions must be attached to the stop-work order. The Project QA Coordinator or Safety Manager, RI Manager, and Anchor QEA RI/FS Project Manager must agree in writing to resume work after review of the data supporting correction of the deficiency. The Project QA Coordinator and Safety Manager will maintain documentation of the deficiencies that were noted, the individual(s) responsible for follow-up, documentation of the effectiveness of the CAs taken, and implementation of procedures to prevent recurrence of the problem. Participating laboratories are required to take part in regularly scheduled audits required by state and federal agencies as part of ongoing certification or participation in specific contracts. For those audits conducted within 6 months of the start of, or during the course of, this program, the laboratories must provide copies of the results of these third-party audits to the Project Chemist. Any change in laboratory ownership, management, or certification status must also be immediately reported to the Project Chemist. The Project Chemist, under the direction of the Project QA Coordinator, will review the third-party audit reports. Any significant deficiencies will require follow-up and resolution with the laboratory. The Project Chemist will prepare a written summary of findings and CAs.

QAPP Worksheet No. 34: Data Verification and Validation Inputs (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.1 and Table 9)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Item No. Description

Verification (Completeness)

Validation (Conformance to


Planning Documents/Records 1 Approved QAPP X 2 Contract X 3 Field SOPs X 4 Analytical SOPs X

Field Records 5 Field logs X X 6 Equipment calibration records X X 7 Chain-of-custody forms X X 8 Sampling diagrams/surveys X X 9 Drilling logs X X

10 Geophysics reports X X 11 Relevant correspondence 12 Change orders/deviations X X 13 Field audit reports X X 14 Field corrective action reports X X

Analytical Data Package 15 Cover sheet X X 16 Case narrative X X 17 Internal laboratory chain-of-custody X X 18 Sample receipt records X X

QAPP Worksheet No. 34: Data Verification and Validation Inputs (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.1 and Table 9)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Item No. Description

Verification (Completeness)

Validation (Conformance to


19 Sample chronology X X 20 Communication records X X 21 Project-specific PT sample results X X 22 LOD/LOQ establishment and verification X X 23 Standards traceability X X 24 Instrument calibration records X X 25 Definition of laboratory qualifiers X X 26 Results reporting forms X X 27 QC sample results X X 28 Corrective action reports X X 29 Raw data X X 30 Electronic data deliverable X X

QAPP Worksheet No. 35: Data Verification Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Records Reviewed Requirement Documents Process Description

Responsible Person, Organization

Field logs Field SOPs Verify conformance to approved sampling and field measurement procedures; ensure that activities met performance criteria; and verify that deviations from procedures or criteria were documented.

Project QA Coordinator, Anchor QEA

Analytical data deliverables, contractual documents


Verify the required deliverables, analyte lists, method holding times, analytical procedures, laboratory qualifiers, measurement criteria, and project QLs conform to specifications. Verify that deviations from procedures or criteria were documented.

Data Validation Coordinator, Anchor QEA

Field logs, database output

Field records, database output

Verify transcription of field data from field forms to database. Data Management Task Manager, Anchor QEA

Chain-of-custody forms, analytical

data reports

QAPP, field and analytical SOPs

Review traceability from sample collection through reporting. Data Validation Coordinator,

Anchor QEA

Laboratory EDDs, analytical data

reports, database output

QAPP, analytical SOPs

Verify EDDs against hard copy analytical reports. Data Management Task Manager, Anchor QEA

Data validation reports, database

output QAPP Verify that entry of qualifiers was correct and complete.

Data Validation Coordinator, Anchor QEA

Analytical data reports

QAPP Verify that reported analytes, holding times, analytical procedures, measurement criteria, and project QLs conform to the QAPP. Verify that deviations from procedures or criteria were documented.

Data Validation Coordinator, Anchor QEA

QAPP Worksheet No. 35: Data Verification Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Records Reviewed Requirement Documents Process Description

Responsible Person, Organization

Analytical data reports, validation


QAPP, analytical SOPs

One-hundred percent of the fixed-laboratory data will be validated (see details below).

Data Validation Coordinator, Anchor QEA

QAPP, analytical data reports,

validation guidance

QAPP, analytical SOPs

Verify that the qualifiers applied during validation were in conformance with the QAPP and specified validation guidance.

Data Validation Coordinator, Anchor QEA

QAPP, data validation reports

QAPP, analytical SOPs

Verify that data validation was performed in accordance with the QAPP specifications and that all required peer reviews were conducted. If validation actions deviated from the QAPP specifications and/or regional validation guidance based on professional judgment, verify that rationale was documented.

Project QA Coordinator, Anchor QEA

QAPP Worksheet No. 36: Data Validation Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Data validator: Anchor QEA, LLC, and/or Laboratory Data Consultants, Inc.

Analytical Group/Method Data Deliverable

Requirement Analytical


Measurement Performance


Percent of Data

Package to be Validated

Percent of Raw Data Reviewed1

Percent of Results to be Recalculated2

Validation Procedure3 Validation Code4

Electronic Validation Program/ Version5

VOCs (8260C) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

SVOCs (8270D) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Organochlorine pesticides (8081B) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Organochlorine pesticides (1699) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

209 PCB congeners and homolog groups (1668A) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method

during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Metals (6010C/6020A/1638M/1632/LC-ICPMS) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method

during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Mercury (1631 Modified) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Methyl mercury (1630 Modified) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Hexavalent Chromium (7196A) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Chlorinated herbicides (8151A) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Dioxins and furans (1613B) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Radionuclides (137Cs, 210Pb) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

PAHs and alkyl PAHs (8270D-SIM) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

SPME PAHs (D7363-07) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

n-alkanes and isoprenoids, including DRO and TPH ranges (8015 Modified) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method

during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Triterpanes and steranes (8270D-SIM Modified) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method

during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

TOC (9060 Modified/Lloyd Kahn) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Soot carbon (Gustafsson et al. 1997) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Percent solids (SM 2540G) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

QAPP Worksheet No. 36: Data Validation Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Analytical Group/Method Data Deliverable

Requirement Analytical


Measurement Performance


Percent of Data

Package to be Validated

Percent of Raw Data Reviewed1

Percent of Results to be Recalculated2

Validation Procedure3 Validation Code4

Electronic Validation Program/ Version5

Ammonia-N (SM 4500 NH3) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Sulfide (9030B) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Total and dissolved nitrogen (TKN+NO3/NO2; SM 4500 NO3, SM 4500 NC)

Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Total and dissolved phosphorus (SM 4500P) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Salinity (SM 2510B) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

pH (9045D) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR Grain size (ASTM D442/Ecology TAPE 2011) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR Bulk density (ASTM D7263) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR Specific gravity (ASTM D854) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR Hydraulic conductivity (ASTM D5084) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR Benthic invertebrates Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR

TOC (SM 5310C) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

DOC (SM 5310C) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

POC (9060 Modified) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

TSS (SM 2540D) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

TDS (SM 2540C) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

SSC (ASTM 3977) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR

Alkalinity (SM 2320B) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Ammonia-N (SM 4500 NH3) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

BOD5 (SM 5210B) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR BOD30 (SM 5210C) Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A NFG S2aVM ADR

Bromide, chloride, sulfate, fluoride (300.0) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Ortho-phosphate (SM 4500P-E) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

QAPP Worksheet No. 36: Data Validation Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

Analytical Group/Method Data Deliverable

Requirement Analytical


Measurement Performance


Percent of Data

Package to be Validated

Percent of Raw Data Reviewed1

Percent of Results to be Recalculated2

Validation Procedure3 Validation Code4

Electronic Validation Program/ Version5

Cyanide (9012A) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

AVS/SEM (USEPA Draft Method 1991, 6020A) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method

during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

EPH (MADEP-EPH) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

VPH (MADEP-VPH) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

X-Ray diffraction Level II See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% N/A N/A N/A S1VM ADR Percent lipids (NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS ORCA 130) Level IV (full data package) See Worksheet 28 See Worksheet 12 100% ≥5 One sample per method

during S4VM NFG S2bVM, S2bVEM, S4VM, or S4VEM ADR

Notes: 1 = The first data package received will be validated per Stage 4 criteria, if applicable. Thereafter, approximately 5 percent of data packages will be reviewed per Stage 4 criteria. All other data packages will be reviewed at a lower level validation (Stage 2a or Stage 2b) as indicated in the validation code column unless initial reviews indicate issues with chromatogram peak integrations or similar occurrences. If these issues are encountered, a higher frequency of raw data will be reviewed until the issues have been resolved by the laboratory. 2 = If initial result recalculations indicate systemic problems in Laboratory Information Management System computations, results will be checked at a higher frequency until the problems are resolved. 3 = Data qualifier assignment will follow USEPA National Functional Guidelines for Data Review (USEPA 1999, 2004, 2005, 2008, 2010, and/or 2011) but will include professional judgment where appropriate and necessary. 4 = Validation code will vary, because a portion of the data will undergo higher levels of validation. See validation code definitions in table below. 5 = Automated data review software will be used when electronic validation is utilized. The latest available version of the software will be used.

QAPP Worksheet No. 36: Data Validation Procedures (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.2) (USEPA 2106-G-05 Section 2.5.1)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 4 141037-01.01

Validation Code Validation Label Description/Reference

S1VE Stage 1 Validation Electronic

USEPA 540-R-08-005

S1VM Stage 1 Validation Manual S1VEM Stage 1 Validation Electronic and Manual S2aVE Stage 2a Validation Electronic S2aVM Stage 2a Validation Manual

S2aVEM Stage 2a Validation Electronic and Manual S2bVE Stage 2b Validation Electronic S2bVM Stage 2b Validation Manual

S2bVEM Stage 2b Validation Electronic and Manual S3VE Stage 3 Validation Electronic S3VM Stage 3 Validation Manual

S3VEM Stage 3 Validation Electronic and Manual S4VE Stage 4 Validation Electronic S4VM Stage 4 Validation Manual

S4VEM Stage 4 Validation Electronic and Manual NV Not Validated

Notes: The following data qualifiers will be applied during data validation. Potential impacts on project-specific data quality objectives will be discussed in the Data Validation Report. J = The result is an estimated value. U = The result is non-detect. UJ = The result is non-detect and the reporting limit is estimated. NJ = Presumptive evidence of the presence of the compound at an estimated quantity R = The data validator recommends that the result be rejected. The final decision to reject data will be

made by the project team.

QAPP Worksheet No. 37: Data Usability Assessment (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.3)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Identify personnel (organization and position/title) responsible for participating in the data usability assessment: Anchor QEA:

• Project Manager – Jim Quadrini • Data Manager – Mark Meyers • Project QA Coordinator – Ramzy Makhlouf • Data Validation Staff – Delaney Peterson, Laboratory Data Consultants • Risk Assessment Manager – David Glaser • Project Chemist – Joy Dunay • Field Manager – Amy Corp

Describe how the usability assessment will be documented:

Step 1

Review the project’s objectives and sampling design: Relevant historical data and Phase 1 data were evaluated for data usability and data gaps based on the objectives stated in the RI/FS Work Plan using the seven-step DQO process. The usability of data was evaluated for all elements of the RI/FS: characterizing nature and extent, risk assessments, point sources, groundwater, and modeling. Information from these exercises was incorporated into the RI/FS Phase 2 Work Plan. Data products from the Phase 2 Work Plan activities will be evaluated to assess whether they have addressed the issues outlined following Phase 1 activities.

Step 2

Review the data verification and data validation outputs: Field information and laboratory data are assessed continually as data are received. Preliminary laboratory analytical chemistry and field measurement data are evaluated graphically and with summary statistics to uncover trends, patterns, and anomalies. The QA manager, field lead, or a designee regularly reviews field forms and field databases for compliance with the QAPP and FSAP and for data entry or data recording issues. Laboratories will be consulted if anomalies are observed or if QC sample results are unacceptable. Formal data validation occurs as sufficient laboratory data are received. Information is evaluated for deviations from planned activities (e.g., number and location of samples, holding time exceedances, damaged samples, non-compliant PT sample results, and SOP deviations) and determines their impacts on the data usability.

QAPP Worksheet No. 37: Data Usability Assessment (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.3)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

Step 3

Verify the assumptions of the selected statistical method: For characterization of the nature and extent of contamination, sampling must cover the geographic extent of the Study Area and include the range of conditions present within the Study Area. For Phase 2, location selection for shallow and deep samples and samples that cover the range of total organic carbon, grain size, and contaminant concentrations (based on previous data) is a key consideration in achieving this goal. This goal is qualitative; that is, it does not involve hypothesis testing or parameter estimation, and thus statistical evaluation is not necessary. For evaluations of ongoing sources and Study Area features that may control contaminant concentrations, samples will be collected in areas that are expected to exhibit a range of influences from ongoing sources. For risk assessments and for modeling of contaminant fate and transport, averages and uncertainty in those averages are required. For risk assessment, the UCL95 is the most commonly used measurement of uncertainty. Sample size should be sufficient to estimate confidence limits with reasonable precision. For modeling, averages are the commonly used metric. A statistical analysis of sample size for surface sediments was performed and is reported as Appendix R to the Phase 2 Work Plan Volume 1. For biota samples, 20 samples will be adequate for many of the methods available in ProUCL Version 5.0.00 (or the most recent version); this sample size is targeted for all tissue samples except bivalves.

Step 4

Implement the statistical method: Spatial data analysis, including horizontal patterns and vertical profiles of contaminants together with measured physical properties, will be assessed to determine whether the additional Phase 2 data have addressed data gaps. Where necessary for risk assessment, modeling, or other project needs, estimates of central tendency and of confidence limits, e.g., the 95 percent upper confidence limit, will be developed following exploratory data analysis to understand the distributional properties of the data.

Step 5

Document data usability and draw conclusions: The data will be evaluated with respect to collection and analytical methods and requirements specified in the Phase 2 Work Plan and supporting documents (i.e., QAPP and FSAP), including review of field logs and documented deviations. The data will be summarized with descriptive statistics and through graphical methods to uncover any anomalies or outliers. Evaluations will include assessments of whether the collection efforts and resulting data met the Phase 2 and overall program objectives. Based on these evaluations, any limitations of usage will be described in the data summary report.

QAPP Worksheet No. 37: Data Usability Assessment (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.3)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 1 141037-01.01

Summarize the usability assessment process including statistics, equations, and computer algorithms that will be used to analyze the data: Anchor QEA’s data validation staff and/or an external validator will validate all laboratory data in accordance with the protocols described in Worksheet No. 36. The Project Chemist and Project QA Coordinator, in conjunction with the project team, will determine whether the analytical data meet the requirements for use in making decisions related to further actions of the Study Area. The results of laboratory measurements will be compared to the DQOs described in Worksheet No. 11. Describe the evaluative procedures used to assess overall measurement error associated with the project: During the data validation process, the validator will use information confirming sample identification, sample preparation, analysis within holding time, instrument calibration data, and results of QC samples designed to assess blank contamination, analytical precision, and accuracy to identify any limitations in data use and, if known, data bias. The validator will apply qualifiers as needed to reflect any limitations on the use of specific data points and prepare a report detailing the information reviewed, data limitations, and overall usability. Patterns of data use, limitations, or anomalies that become apparent during the validation process or during use will be reviewed with the Project Chemist, Project QA Coordinator, and the appropriate laboratory. Data that do not meet the quality acceptance limits of Worksheet No. 28 or analytical performance criteria specified in Worksheet No. 12 will be clearly identified in the database, so data users are aware of any limitations associated with data usability. Details of the problems identified during data validation and the bias in the data will be provided in the associated data validation report. Describe the documentation that will be generated during usability assessment and how usability assessment results will be presented so that they identify trends, relationships (correlations), and anomalies: The documentation generated during data validation will include a data validation report that describes the information reviewed, the results of this review, and a recommendation on overall data usability and limitations on specific data points. The report and associated validation worksheets provide information on the samples included in the review and the date they were collected; the condition of samples when received at the laboratory and any discrepancies noted during the receiving process; verification of sample preparation and analysis within the method specified holding time; instrument calibration information; review of associated QC analyses including blanks; LCSs, MSs, and field and/or laboratory duplicates; and verification of selected reported values from raw data (if applicable). As a result of this review, standard qualifiers will be entered into the database so that data users can readily identify any limitations associated with a specific data point. Assessment of data usability will be performed by Anchor QEA’s data validation staff and/or an external validator, the Project Chemist, and the Project QA Coordinator using USEPA National Functional Guidelines for data review. The results of the data usability assessment will be summarized in the DSR. The following items will be assessed and conclusions will be drawn based on their results:

QAPP Worksheet No. 37: Data Usability Assessment (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.3)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 2 141037-01.01

• Holding Time: All sample data will be checked to verify that sample preparation and analysis were both performed within the method required holding time.

• Calibration: Data associated with instrument calibration and verification of calibration will be reviewed to confirm that all data were generated using properly calibrated instrumentation.

• Accuracy/Bias Contamination: Results for all field blanks, trip blanks, laboratory MBs, and instrument calibration blanks will be checked against performance criteria specified in Worksheet No. 28; results for analytes that exceed criteria will be identified, and the impact on field sample data will be assessed. Data will be summarized by type of blank.

• Accuracy/Bias Overall: Reported values of LCSs, performance samples, and MSs will be evaluated against the spiked or certified concentration, and the percent recovery will be calculated and compared to the criteria specified in Worksheet No. 28. The percent recovery information will be used to assess the bias associated with the analysis. Recovery for MSs in conjunction with the recovery reported for performance samples and laboratory LCSs will provide information on the impact of the sample matrix on specific analyses. Percent recoveries for spiked samples will be calculated using the following equation:

%R = ((spiked sample result – unspiked sample result) / (spike added)) x 100

Percent recoveries for LCS or CRMs will be determined using the following equation: %R = ((result reported) / (expected or certified value)) x 100

• Precision: Results of the RPD will be calculated for each analyte in laboratory and field duplicates. These RPDs will be checked against measurement performance criteria presented on Worksheet No. 28; RPDs exceeding the stated criteria will be identified. This information will be used to draw conclusions about the precision of the analyses and, for field duplicates, the precision of sampling and analysis. Any limitations on the use of the data will also be described. RPD will be calculated using the following equation:

RPD = ((result for Sample 1 – result for Sample 2) / (average of Sample 1 and Sample 2)) x 100 • Sensitivity: Reporting limits will be checked against the criteria presented on Worksheet No. 15. Limitations on the use of the data and

conclusions about the sensitivity of the analysis will be reported. • Representativeness: A review of field records will be used to confirm that sample collection and handling was performed in a manner that

conformed to the designated SOP. Similarly, laboratory preparation procedures will be reviewed during validation to ensure that a representative sample was selected for analysis. Any deviations or modifications to field or laboratory procedures that might affect the representativeness of the sample will be discussed in the DSR.

QAPP Worksheet No. 37: Data Usability Assessment (UFP-QAPP Manual Section 5.2.3)

(USEPA 2106-G-05 Sections 2.5.2, 2.5.3, and 2.5.4)

Phase 2 Quality Assurance Project Plan – Version No. 3 July 2014 Newtown Creek RI/FS 3 141037-01.01

• Comparability: The sampling and analytical procedures that will be used in this program have been selected to ensure that the resulting data will be comparable to data from similar programs conducted previously or that will be conducted in the future. Any modifications or deviations from stated procedures that might affect data comparability will be addressed in the DSR.

• Completeness: Completeness for the analytical program will be calculated as the number of data points that are accepted as usable based on the validation process divided by the total number of data points for each analysis. Completeness will be reported for each analytical category and an overall value will be reported. As shown in Worksheet No. 12, the analytical completeness goal is ≥90%. Completeness for the field program will be calculated as the number of samples successfully collected compared to the total number proposed in this Phase 2 QAPP and in the Phase 2 FSAP Volumes 1 and 2 (see Appendix B). The completeness goal for the field sampling program is ≥95%. Completeness will be calculated using the following equation:

Completeness = ((number of valid, usable data points obtained) / (number of requested data points)) x 100 Each of the PQOs presented on Worksheet No. 11 will be reviewed to determine if the stated objective was met. The major impacts observed from data validation, DQI, and measurement performance criteria assessments will be used to assess the overall data quality and whether PQOs were achieved. The DSR will summarize the information used to reconcile each objective and overall conclusions regarding data quality.


123 Tice Boulevard, Suite 205 Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey 07677

Phone 201.930.9890 Fax 201.930.9805

Phase 2 Field Program 1 Newtown Creek RI/FS

QAPP Deviation Form No. Deviation Subject

Project name: Newtown Creek RI/FS

Standard QA/QC Procedure or Criteria

Reason for deviation

Description of deviation

Description of how deviation modifies project data quality objectives (if applicable)

Initiator’s Name: Date:

RI Manager: Date:

QA Coordinator Date: