project leap steering committee meeting 8 december 2008

Project Leap Steering Committee Meeting 8 December 2008

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Page 1: Project Leap Steering Committee Meeting 8 December 2008

Project Leap Steering Committee Meeting

8 December 2008

Page 2: Project Leap Steering Committee Meeting 8 December 2008


1. Key Messages

2. Progress and Status

3. Scope Management

4. Confirm Major Decisions

5. Assistance with Major Risk Resolution

6. Related Initiatives

7. Current Team Structure

8. Goods in Kind Tally

Page 3: Project Leap Steering Committee Meeting 8 December 2008

1. Key Messages

Business Requirements documents and Request for Proposal are being issued for review and sign off – critical finalisation date of 22 December

Engaging more directly with Senior Stakeholders and Working Group members on the understanding of requirements

Quick wins have kicked off – Online Giving Tactical and Ordering/Accounts Payable process improvement

Timing of releases within Phase 1 and Phase 2 is proving complex due to natural business cycles and preferences of different teams

People and Change work stream continues and a short term senior resource has been engaged to assist with Communication and Change Management

There is some confusion around the specific requirements for Grant Management as opposed to Grant Financial Tracking

Out of Scope items continue to be refined, latest exclusions are Online Shopping and Website Redesign (J4G and CMRI)

Expectations remain very high

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2. Progress and Status – On Track

Last 2 Weeks Junior Business Analysts (Student

Interns) selected and under negotiation Continue People and Change activities Finalise high level project plan and

timeline – in progress Develop detailed project plan to end of

Analysis and Design phase – in progress Finance Business Requirements signed

off Online Giving Tactical solution agreed Request for Proposal distributed for

review Detailed timeline for Tender process

completed Commenced formal risk management and

status reporting Kicked off Purchase Order and Accounts

Payable process improvement Student Interns selected for Junior

Business Analyst roles – one has accepted, other under negotiation

Next 2 Weeks Supporter Relationship Management

business requirements reviewed and signed off

Fundraising and Event Management business requirements reviewed and signed off

Online Giving business requirements reviewed and signed off

Document and prioritise solution selection criteria

Develop process modeling standards Develop process framework Continue Purchase Order and Accounts

Payable process improvement Finalise impact assessment workshops

and sessions for Corporate Services and Fundraising

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2. Status of Business Requirements

Finance First draft issued Friday 21 November Reviewed on Friday 28 November Signed off Wednesday 4 December

Online Giving 90% complete, plan to issue Friday 5 December for review Finalise review Friday 12 December Seeking sign off Tuesday 17 December

Technical Requirements – Non Functional Requirements First draft currently under review, plan to issue Friday 5 December

for further review Finalise review Friday 12 December Seeking sign off Tuesday 17 December

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2. Status of Business Requirements and RFP

Supporter Relationship Management Issued Thursday 4 December for review Finalise review Tuesday 9 December Seeking sign off Monday 15 December

Fundraising and Event Management Issued Friday 5 December for review Finalise review Thursday 11 December Seeking sign off Wednesday 17 December

Request for Proposal First pass review conducted, issued to Steering Committee for

review Friday 5 December Seeking sign off Friday 12 December

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2. Upcoming Key Dates and Milestones

22 December –Signed Off Business Requirements 5 January – Tender - Issue Request for Proposal Early February – Received and Review Proposals End February – Evaluate and Select Software Package Tentative End January – Deliver Online Giving Tactical Solution Deliver Phase 1 – July 2009 ?? Problematic for Admin, prefer earlier

or later Commence Phase 2 – May 2009 ?? or earlier if possible Deliver Phase 2 – ?? Considering staggered roll out starting in

September 2009 for J4G Merchandising, January 2010 for CMRI Merchandising, April 2010 for Supply Chain including Order Processing

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2. Status Update - Quick Wins

1. Online Giving Tactical Solution Ideally needs to go live end of March to support Direct Mail project

requirements, currently looking at end January implementation Bill Kotsifas will be assigned to this sub project and Kylie Ritson will be the

business owner Business requirements underway for both tactical and strategic solutions,

solution design underway with Westpac

2. Purchase Order and Accounts Payable Process Improvement Very poor practice with extensive delays in invoice payments, disgruntled

vendors, rework and unclear procedures Major improvements can be gained by redesigning the business process

that are independent of the software that supports this function Will impact any staff that order supplies and need invoices paid Suggest that primary responsibility realigned to the person doing the

ordering rather than the clerical staff in Accounts Will require development and approval of new policies, processes and

procedures Fully reusable once new software is implemented, anticipate minor

adjustments to detailed work instructions only

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3. Project Leap Scope – IN Scope Phase 1

Administration Accounts Jeans 4 Genes Community Relations

Planning & Budgeting Project Accounting Cost Accounting Accounts Payable Expense Management Banking & Cash Management Accounts Receivable Asset Depreciation General Account Maintenance Financial Reporting Management Information Grant Financial Tracking



Finance & Administration Supporter Relationship Management

Supporter Account Maintenance Supporter Profiling Single View of Supporter Supporter Relationships Supporter Contact History Supporter Reporting Volunteer Management Campaign Management Committee Management &


Event Management Online Regular Giving Direct Mail Campaigns Trusts & Grant Management Fundraising Activities

– Bequests– Gifts– Lotteries– Sponsorships etc

Fundraising Reporting

Fundraising & Event Management

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3. Project Leap Scope – IN Scope Phase 2


Operations &Scientific Research

Supply Chain Management Order Processing Inventory Management Asset Management

Finance & Administration

Supply Chain Management Order Processing Inventory Management Asset Management

Fundraising & Event Management

Merchandise Outsourcing Supply Chain Management Order Processing Inventory Management

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3. Project Leap Scope – OUT of Scope

Human Resources Operations ICT Scientific Research

Property Management Contract Management



Operations & Scientific Research

People Management

Finance & Administration

Payroll Processing Human Resource

Management Workforce Planning

Corporate Governance Workflow Management Project Management Call Centre Management Online Shopping Website Redesign

These departments and processes are currently outside of the scope of Project Leap, if they need to be included there will be major impacts on delivery timeframes and costs.

Bio Services

Animal Management

Animal Management

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3. Scope Management

Formal change control will kick in after Business requirements signed off

Critical to tightly manage scope especially given the extremely high expectations and inexperience

Change requests will be prepared by the Project Leap team as they arise

Suggest Change Control Committee consist of Stephen Ryall, Greg Craig and Julia Cognet

Will kick off meeting in February 2009

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3. Project Management Tradeoffs







Project success is often reliant on the project manager’s ability to manage stakeholder expectations and make trade offs between key project dimensions

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3. Project Management Relationships




Human Resources





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4. Guidance and Decisions Required

1. Confirm major decisions made to date

2. Confirm RFP Short List

3. Accelerate People Management Deliverables

4. Advise Steering Committee leave dates and all staff Christmas leave dates

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4.1 Confirm Major Decisions Made to Date

Implementation of new Ordering System is on hold Recommend that Order Processing and Supply Chain Management included

as Project Leap Phase 2 Pending selection of Project Leap platform and evaluation of available Order

Processing and Supply Chain functionality Can undertake evaluation, prepare high level timeline and high level budget

estimates once Phase 1 is underway Tentative date for presentation of findings and recommendations to Steering

Committee in April 2009

Merchandise Outsourcing is part of Project Leap Phase 2 Existing arrangements with McKinnons will be unchanged until Project Leap

Phase 2

Support for Project Leap Phase 2 Pending timeframe and budget estimates to be presented in April 2009

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4.2 Confirm RFP Vendors to be Invited

Agreed to ‘Closed Tender’ process Will consider Application Hosting as it may reduce short term costs Confirm Short List –

iMIS Raiser’s Edge + Financial Edge Dialogue - Serenic Navigator + Microsoft Dynamics NAV Eclipse – Microsoft Dynamics NAV Professional Advantage - Microsoft Dynamics NAV Technology One Sage MIP CoreSoft NetSuite – Oracle solution, only provided as Application Hosting ThankQ

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4.3 Accelerate People Management Deliverables

Administration structure review – Corporate Services and Fundraising

Prepare existing position descriptions – Trish Hart Develop and launch new Performance Management

Framework – Trish Hart Prepare new Position descriptions – Trish Hart Short term senior resource has been engaged to plan

and execute major People and Change work stream deliverables, will also assist Trish with her deliverables

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5. Assistance with Major Risk Resolution

1. Less than planned access to Business Owner

2. Business unable to envisage requirements

3. Change Management

4. Unrealistically high expectations

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6. Related Initiatives

1. Order Processing System Upgrade

2. Pareto Direct Mail Initiative

3. Jeans for Genes Merchandise Outsourcing

4. ICT Infrastructure Upgrade

5. Educational Website

6. CMRI and J4G Websites

7. Grant Management Database

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7. Governance – Latest Team Structure

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8. Goods in Kind Tracking

Activity Deliverables Provider ValueChange Management Briefings 3.5 hours deliver

3.5 hours preparation

Jan Payne $2,000

Process Briefings and Standards

2 hours delivery

1 hour preparation

Standards Template

Richard Nowakowski

Ved Prasad


Project Deliverable Templates and Framework

Deliverable Templates

Project Framework

Tim Kinchington $1,500

Human Resource Consultant - potential

Performance Management Framework

Detailed communication plan

Detailed change management plan

Annette Delaney $2,000 pd