project geek to freak 5-31-11

How I Gained 20lbs of Muscle in 4 weeks with NO Drugs While ‘Breaking’ All the Rules. By: Christian Carroll med student

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How I Gained 20lbs of Muscle in 4 weeks with NO Drugs While ‘Breaking’ All the


By: Christian Carroll med student

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Start Here:……………………………………… Chapter 1: Introduction- From Frail Bod to Big Bod……2 My Philosophy: A Hybrid Approach…………………………..4 Chapter 2: My Results: Extraordinary, but not Impossible....................7

My Body Measurement Results:………………………………….. My Lifting Results:……………………………………………… My Diet Results:………………………………………………….. My Blood Results:……………………………………………………

Chapter 3:The Blog Post Version……..……………………. Chapter 4: The Extended Protocol: Research, Theories, and Adventures............22

Step 1: Slokad Diet: SuperFoods = SuperHumans…………… Step 2: F2 Lifting: Failing Forward…………………………. Step 3: Catalysts: Extra Fun……………………………………

Chapter 5:Conclusion: Bonus Materials…………………….

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Understand this book is intended as a large social charity experiment blended in with a product launch. A proverbial win win and a groundbreaking way to do business. You see, much to the dismay of my investors, I am giving this ebook away to anyone that wants it. I believe it is my life’s mission to help people get healthier and lead happier lives. All you have to do is like my facebook group and send it to your friends who want to gain muscle and lose fat while doing less gym workouts. Sounds like a good deal right? It is.

What’s the product launch? Well, I have invented the world’s first super whey supplement. It’s made from superior grass fed cows and is the only whey protein powder on the planet to add superfoods and probiotics delivering a nutritional powerhouse in a convenient everyday powder. It’s changing the way people think about protein and forging a new category of nutritional supplements. Learn more @

What about the charity part? The most exciting part is we are partnering with organizations all over America to feed malnourished children. If you have a charity/organization/project that you think we should hear about please tell us on our facebook page @ here.

So how does it work? Simple. For every 4lbs of flowtein we sell we will give away 1 lb of food to children in need. It’s at the heart of our companies mission statement. “Provide the very best nutrition for people before profits.” People come first, and in particular, children come first because they are developing and very impressionable. If we could impact the health and maturity of just one kid who was able to have a better life then our job is done. However we don’t think one is enough. We want a million.

We also would like to change the way that business and entrepreneurship is conducted. No big corporations that deal with profits at the expense of the environment and human health. We are here to change the world. If you like our message of nutrition and people before profits share this ebook and our superfood products with your friends and loved ones.

Cheers to you, Christian Carroll CEO, Flowtrition, LLC

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It was December 17th, 2010 I had just come home from my first semester at Chiropractic School and was seriously digging the opportunity for it to be acceptable to sit on the couch, watch tv and sleep ; neither of which I did very much of my first semester. My favorite part is getting big hugs from the family, and my dad, a former NCAA div 1 wrestler, always finishes his hug with, “Man you’re getting big!” This was probably true well into college because of my awesome genes (sarcasm), see I hit puberty like sorority girls going to a frat party; fashionably late. So this was acceptably true for a while, but now, 22 and a future doctor? This time his hug finished with, “You’re looking kinda thin?” HAHAHA. From that moment, I knew this post must be written. QUICK BODY BACKGROUND: As I alluded before my family is notorious for hitting the ‘growth spurt’ a little later than most. In fact, I have hockey pictures when I made the varsity hockey team as a freshman. My ‘official program stats’ are 5’ 0”, 103lbs. I know, Frail Bod (my college roommates helped coin that phrase). I am now 5’ 11” 167lbs and I’ve been chillin like a villain on penicillin at this weight for a while. I really don’t move from this body ‘set point’. A couple theories are that I eat REALLY healthy (anti-inflammatory diet/no sugar/low GI/no junk food or soda) and I’m active. I have an athletic frame which I credit my dad’s 23 chromosomes for, but I can’t seem to build any muscle weight when I lift. I lifted for 6 months and got cut but gained about 6 lbs. That’s a whopping rate of 1lb per month? Not Exactly Eye Popping…BUT this is what EVERYONE says…”The only way to build muscle is to lift 5-6x a week and eat some protein shake or take an expensive supplement regimen; you have to work hard.”

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I’ve never had a problem with working hard, but I never wanted to take an expensive supplement regimen and protein powders aren’t exactly manufactured ‘healthy’ so what’s a guy to do? I decided to challenge conventional wisdom. When I have a problem I try to look outside the box and find people who have done great things in different fields or expertise and then combine the protocols and see what happens. Hence the phrase, HYBRID research. My Challenge? 1. To Gain 20 Lbs of Muscle in 30 days while only doing 5 hours of Gym Time TOTAL. 2. To Challenge Everything You’ve Ever Heard in (and out of) the Gym about Workouts 3. O yea…NO DRUGS or CRAZY LIFTING SUPPLEMENTS… side effects are like taxes, not cool. 4. Publicly Report my Findings for All to Try for Themselves HOW AM I GOING TO DO IT? Although I played sports all my life I used to know remarkably little about bodybuilding culture and protocols. I knew about as much as the next guy when it came to hitting the gym: 3 sets of 8 reps. Isolate muscles for greatest results. Minimum 3-5 workouts/week. Eat a bunch of whey protein. Work hard, don’t be a pu$$y. That in a nut shell is the extent of 85% of guys’ knowledge in the gym. Sad. But True. So how did I get gains that prompted one doctor(and my friend), who also happened to write his 65 page master’s thesis on muscle hypertrophy to say, “Bullshit. It can’t be done. There’s nothing in the literature that says it’s possible. Good luck without using steroids, it’s impossible.” That last word is the one that made me grin. What does impossible even mean? Nothing! It just means that it hasn’t been documented in the literature yet! (Which IS VERY DIFFERENT than impossible) Just because something isn’t in “PUBMED” doesn’t mean it can’t be done! So what was my philosophy that carried me to this protocol? In Three Words? Pareto. Twain. Hybrid. Not exactly three words that you’d associate with Arnold-like gains! Pareto, Twain, Hybrid – The Pareto Principle was developed by an economist who observed that 80% of the world’s money is controlled by 20% of the people. He then went on to apply this to about everything in life. Good news for us, it applies to the human body and it’s one of my passions to figure out the optimal equation. So what 20% of changes/effort/techniques will produce 80% of (in this experiment) muscle gains. Twain – I once read a Mark Twain quote that inspired me and pretty much everything I do in life now follows this in some way.

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“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain

I believe most things in life (that includes everything from diet to mutual funds to bench pressing) are practiced on a majority or ‘conventional wisdom’ paradigm. Why? In my opinion, it’s far safer that way. My experience has shown most people don’t like stepping outside the box and challenging the status quo. Even if they say they will, when the cards are down most will submit to pretty ‘average’ ways. This is perfect for people like us who are willing to step outside the box and have some fun while pushing the imaginary ‘boundaries’ of what is an ‘acceptable outcome.’ Twain, I believe, was one of the first men to capture this phenomenon in a philosophical quote. Hybrid- Possibly the most important personal philosophy I have. It governs my medical knowledge, my personal life, my business strategies etc. What it means in my head is, “It is almost ignorant to think that your way is the only and best way and that no other additions could be added to make it better. By adopting a ‘hybrid’ philosophy you are opening your mind to any possibility, adapting to new information, synthesizing multiple opinions, researching evidence based material, and most importantly EVOLVING your mind and beliefs when needed and/or necessary. This is the fundamental way I achieved my incredible results. I looked at multiple experts, I synthesized from varying views and fields of study and then I evolved them into a protocol and continually seek to improve it through real research and feedback in the real world and the clinic setting. I am very blessed to be in a medical school that is open minded enough to both allow the use of their facilities and assist in my research and study designs. So What Does this Look Like In Action? My Philosophy starts by defining the problem or desired outcome and then both asking uncommon questions and seeking out experts. It finishes by weighing all the possibilities, research, opinions, and formulating a planned course of action. This can be applied to anything from stock market investing to rapid body redesign to start up companies and even graduate school. A snap shot of my thought process for this study is below:

1. Ask Uncommon Questions - Example: Why 3 sets of 8? What Increases Recovery? What fuel does the body need to build muscle? Which exercises induce the biggest hormonal response? Does focusing on digestion improve your strength? Do adding superfoods and nutrient dense foods up-regulate the body’s ability to grow? Does focusing on the bioavailability of proteins increase protein synthesis and skeletal muscle hypertrophy? Is there a best workout for muscle gains? Is cardio necessary? Do adrenals play a role in muscle synthesis? Is it all water weight? Does hydration play a role in strength gains? At what protein levels do you risk kidney stones? Is metabolic acidosis on the table with an ultrahigh protein diet? Are carbs necessary for growth? Which hormones are the best to

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optimize muscle growth and minimize fat gain? Again, just a few examples of my thinking patterns…

2. Seek out Experts - Example: If you think you know everything you are kidding yourself. I’m not even going to pretend I do. In fact my dad has always said ‘our family favorite number is 2, because there’s always someone better than you but that doesn’t mean to settle for second.’ (SideNote: It’s ‘2’ because we were always the smallest kids on every sports team growing up and 2 was usually the smallest jersey ☺) Genes and family philosophy aside, I decided to look in the field at the people who were getting the best results. If you notice it’s not always great to ask the guy at the gym who’s worked out every day for the last 10+ years how to have impressive paraphysiological muscle gains. You want to ask people who have had drastic gains in small time frames and what factors did they optimize.

PARAMETERS FOR MY GOAL: While there have been many a people to gain similar gains to my results every one of them (at least in my experience) has done it with an array of unhealthy enhancement supplements. No qualms here. However, as a future Doctor of Chiropractic and Naturopathy I wanted to take a more natural approach. My Parameters:

1. NO Drugs 2. NO crazy (non drug) lifting supplements like NOxplode, Creatine, HGH,

BCAA’s etc 3. NO long workouts: (just 4-6 hrs of gym per MONTH) 4. NO unhealthy supplements 5. BREAK ALL THE ‘RULES’ of BODY BUILDING

IMPORTANT: This Protocol is for a MUSCLE BULKING (or Plateau) HACK. Not a Diet down to 6% Body Fat Hack. That is for another day ☺ This is for hardgainers (like myself) who couldn’t gain a pound if they wanted to (I know, nothing to complain about) or the people who can’t seem to bulk up despite “giving it their all” in the gym. Previous to stumbling upon this research and twisting it I worked out 3-4 times a week for 6 months and got to the picture below. Just to reiterate you can definitely put on muscle like this by going to the gym for months and working hard and eating right. But, What about doing it in a fraction of the time by optimizing your physiology? Honestly, it sounded too good to be true when I heard about the possibility. Take it from someone who’s been screwed on multiple get rich quick schemes, this isn’t one of them.

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Just so I keep your attention lets go through the results of my clinical case study that’s getting published to prove this is the real deal. MY BEFORE PICTURES: At Med School Before I show you my results I want to make sure you understand that I initially did this just for myself because I really like experimenting on myself and I like thinking outside the box. I enjoy being as Malcom Gladwell would put it, “an Outlier.” So after having ZERO time to lift by pulling 80+hr study weeks in Med School grinding away at being the best doctors I can be, I had withered down to 167-169lbs and I was among others things, a Frail Bod ;) Please Note: DISCLAIMER

1. I make goofy faces (and often am in my pj’s because I forgot to take a pic everyday) so feel free to laugh at my expense! I’m not a fan of taking pictures of myself so I did it to pass the ridiculousness of standing in front of a timed camera by myself!

2. There’s no marketing in these shots so they are as is. Let’s be honest nobody likes before and afters that aren’t even the same person!

3. The final pics are 30 days after 4. Lastly, remember this was just an experiment so I had no idea what was going to

happen the whole time I was photographing. I just did it for social proof to my friends. Why? Can you imagine if I said I gained 20 lbs in 30 days in Med School? You’d think they’d be like WOW tell me how. The reality? Most people smiled politely and said ‘that’s nice’ and silently didn’t believe me. That’s why I took all the blood tests and all these ridiculous pictures! Enjoy at my expense!

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Before Pictures  1/13/11

Before Pictures  1/13/11

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16 Days Later…

21 Days Later...

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30 Day Completion!

After Pictures: 30 Days

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Visual Comparison

Before After 30 Days

After Pictures: 30 Days

Notice the mark from my “After” Blood Draw Tests ☺

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Let’s Compare

Before After 30 Days

Let’s Compare

Before After 30 Days

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Let’s Compare

Before After 30 Days

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Workout A Isometric Progress





1 2 3 4

# of Workouts


ght (


Close Grip Bench(triceps)Bicep Curl

Shoulder Press

Leg Press

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Workout B Isometric Progress







1 2 3 4

# of workouts


ght (

lbs) Bench Press

Lat PulldownSeated RowLeg Press

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Over the course of a month I tracked every single thing I ate. This was one of the

only times in my life I wished I had OCD lol. The real fun came when diving into the totals. The macro breakdown of my diet is depicted in the above picture. My (average day) Diet Stats for the Month were:

Fun Fact!

MY METABOLIC RATE WENT FROM 2036kcal to 2350kcal in those 30 days! That’s like eating an EXTRA 4 thin crust pizza slices at Dominos just to MAINTAIN my weight per day!

4182 270g 62g 163g 48g 63g 244g

Calories Fat Sat. Fat Carbs Fiber Sugar Protein

Diet Breakdown

Protein 23%

Carbs 20%Fat 57%


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Even Cooler? I was able to eat DOUBLE my metabolic rate (4182 cal/day) for 30 days and LOSE body fat (15.7% to 10.3%) while eating a HIGH FAT DIET (58% fat). Um, welcome to utopia. Oh yea and my cholesterol stayed in the perfect range of 156. Fat doesn’t make you fat, carbs do. It’s not worth debating anymore.

Note * - Not an alarming condition, ketones in your urine is only a bad sign if you also have glucose in your urine. In that case, you need to discuss with your doctor treatment options for diabetes. I, however, just needed to cut back a little bit on my high protein (244g a day) and high fat diet (270+ g a day) for 2 weeks and my kidneys worked through the metabolites and I was peeing normal again. No negative consequences or symptoms and some experts believe that primitive man spent most of his time in and out of ketosis eating the animals he killed and nibbling on vegetation and the rare fruits and nuts he could find. However, that topic is for another day ☺ ALSO NOTE ** My testosterone TANKED! And I still gained 20 lbs and lost fat? My clinicians had nooo clue. I was pretty flustered following that test result as I was

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going for a natural increase in my T levels following my diet high in healthy fats, vitamins A, D, and selenium which I had researched should aid in an increased T level. After leaving the clinic I walked back home, opened my fridge and started snacked on celery and almond butter when it hit me! MY ALMOND BUTTER HAD FLAX SEEDS/OIL in it! I picked this Trader Joe’s Brand because flax has Omega 3’s which are anti-inflammatory good fats that can speed recovery and increase protein synthesis according to the scientific literature. I had eaten A LOT of this stuff in the last 30 days, in the order of 5 jars (150 tablespoons!), and it wasn’t uncommon for me to crush half the jar in a hard neuroanatomy study night (15 Tablespoons!). Flax, I recalled had all sorts of rumors in the health community to be quite estrogenic (= excess leads to increased fat storage and decreased muscle mass among other things). I emailed my clinician, Dr. Anderson, who like me could only find minimal studies at best and found more of the data on Soy and the harmful effects of the phytoestrogens found in it. Dr. Anderson did point out one study that said Flax inclusively dropped testosterone levels. This was strange because when I read the study testosterone dropped from 415 to 403, hardly a move. Then I saw they used only 30 g daily of flax (I was using possibly 100+ g) and their mean average was + or – 90! 90! That means that some people dropped 90 points on 30g daily. How was that insignificant? That’s like 2 Tablespoons worth?! Only one way to find out right? I cut out flax for 2 weeks, and retested. Bam, Testosterone doubled back up to my regular level. Happy Days in manhood land! My mom also took a sigh for her future grandkids ☺

Hope you Enjoyed Reading About My Case Study. Don’t Forget to Check out for a unique superwhey and help a malnourished child near you!

The Protocol Is Next! VISIT:

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After writing the first 30 pages I quickly realized this was getting lengthy and I wanted to

give people both detailed and specific instruction, accurate but not overkill, research backed but readable. I decided to ask myself the following, “If I had to cram down everything I did into a one page document answering: How Did I do it? What would I look like?” The following is what poured onto my paper. First I followed a simple supplement regimen 1. Whey protein (ideally grass fed) 2. Probiotics (15B+ daily) 3. Superfood mix (think multi-vitamin on steroids) 4. Adrenal Support Herb: Suma Root (virtually unknown superherb used by the Russian Olympic Lifting Team) 5. Optional: Enzymes (w/ each meal) and alpha lipoic acid (100-300mg per meal) 1. Perform a One Rep Hold To Failure (Isometric) for each exercise. (IM THINKING ABOUT CUTTING THIS OUT. beause it increases risk of injury for some.) This ‘pre-fatigues’ the muscle and sends an enormous stimulating to the central nervous system. Also allows you to build up calcium in the neuro-muscular junction to illicit a big muscular output for your next one set to failure. 2. Rest 1-3 min and then Perform a One-Set-To-Failure (so you can’t move the weight anymore) for each exercise. Ideally 5-7 reps. Total time under tension will be around 50- 80 seconds. This is what Dr. Rich Ulm, who wrote his thesis on muscular hypertrophy mentioned was the optimal TUT window. 3. Use a 5/5 Rep Cadence Perform every rep with 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down with no pausing or bouncing. This will ensure maximal muscle fatigue, output, and load. Example: 1 Set of 7 Reps in a 5/5 cadence is 70 seconds time under tension for that exercise. 4. Pick 2-8 Exercises per Workout, No More. When attempting to bulk up you want to be efficient with both your muscular output and your metabolism. If you’re over burning your workouts you’re going to have to eat WAY more to get the weight gain you desire. By limiting your workout to a few multi-joint exercises that facilitate many muscles instead of isolating you get both a bigger hormonal response from the

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CNS and endocrine system and you save your calories to go to work repairing and growing instead of catabolizing muscle. Here’s an Example of My Workouts. Workout A:

• Leg Press • Bench Press (close grip for triceps) • Bicep Curl • Shoulder Press

Workout B:

• Leg Press • Lat Pulldown • Bench Press (incline/decline) • Seated Row

ADD: Ultimate Core Workout I designed at this link: YOUTUBE I’m Modifying that Workout for my next case study to see refine variables. That workout is below: Workout A:

• Leg Press x10 to fail • Calf Raises x10 to fail • Triceps x7 to fail • Shoulder Press x7 to fail • Seated Bicep Curls x 7 to fail • Core • Finish with Russian KettleBell Swings & Turkish Get Up (see youtube link)

Workout B • Squats • Bench (slight incline/decline) • Lat Pulldown • Seated Row • Reverse Curls • RKB • Core

See the Youtube link to watch how I conduct the exercises. For a mass gain, this is probably the MOST exercises you want to do. Otherwise you risk overrunning your system and staling the repair switch. My previous regimen of only 4 exercises produced amazing results as well. I only changed it because I’m constantly looking to tinker and improve. A Few Workout Rules

- When failing during a rep, don’t let the weight just fall. Attempt to move the weight inch by inch. If nothing else slowly lower the weight down. DO NOT CHEAT on the exercise to lift more weight. You’ll increase your risk for injury and possibly end your results early.

- Rest 3 min between each set. This ensures your nervous system builds up again, your muscles are ready to go, and your glycogen stores aren’t being completely drained. There are conflicting theories on this. Trust me if massive muscle gains are what you seek, take the break and lift to fail on the next set. Also make sure

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you keep an eye on the time. If you’re altering your rest times between workouts your progress might get skewed.

- If you complete the target # of reps add at least 10lbs to that exercise during next workout. It’s better to fail at 5 reps with more weight than 9 or 10 with less weight if strength and mass are your goals. If an exercise feels too easy after 2-3 reps, stop, weight 3-5 minutes, add 10 more lbs and complete the set to failure.

- GET PUMPED UP before each lift. This elicits a bigger hormonal response and neurological firing into your muscles. Without the nervous system, your muscles won’t contract. Quick example: You do a really hard set of intense squats. Then move over to bench and find you can’t press as much as usual. What happened? You didn’t use your pectoralis muscles? Your nervous system spent a lot of ‘energy’ at the huge neuromuscular junctions in your legs and that takes away from the nervous system’s firing power. That’s why REST REST REST is so important. If you’re eating enough and not increasing weights each workout your not adequately resting the body for a full muscular and neurological recovery.

5. Increase recovery time as you get stronger and lift heavier weights I started out with the schedule below. 6. Eat primarily Paleo/Atkins/Weston A price/low carb/high protein/high fat/. Want to read every health book at Barnes & Noble in 30 seconds? Eat high quality plants and animals. Cook with high quality fats like coconut oil, butter, cod liver oil, and of course olive oil. Stop eating everything white (no sugar, flour, grains, dairy). Eat fruit and nuts sparingly. Stop all processed foods & snacks & drugs. That’s the recipe for lean mass and effortless weight loss. Every successful diet on the shelf is a clever marketing spin on the idea that you eat less junk food and eat lots of plants and animals. IF your goal is to put on serious muscle, your going to have to EAT ALOT. ALOT. Did I mention ALOT? We are talking about life changing body transformations by challenging old assumptions (ie low fat, high carb diets are the way). What does this way of eating look like? Check out this video food diary of 10 days of food! I keep it simple rotating a few foods over and over and it works like a charm without alot of effort. Key for a busy medical student (after who has a ton of time?) LINK HERE 7. So how much is ALOT of plants and animals? Before I completed my first trail. I ate about 4200 calories a day. 65% fat, 25% protein, and 10% carbs. That is ideally the ratio, although please DO NOT WORRY ABOUT EXACT RATIOS. If you follow the ‘meat and veggie’ diet you’ll be in the ideal parameters. 8. How much protein? There is a myth that you can only absorb up to 30g of protein in a meal and anything more is a waste. Science says that’s crap, look at the data. Hit over 1 g per bodyweight for sustaining muscle and slowly increasing it if your training at a pace of a couple pounds a month. If you want a faster bulk like I did. I hit 244g /day average over 30 days. I think 340g is the theoretical ceiling for how much your kidneys can handle although there hasn’t been enough satisfying research on that topic to warrant eating more than 300g daily. For safety of you, make sure you drink LOTS of water every day to allow your kidneys to filter normally and shoot for 1.5- 2g of protein per LEAN BODY MASS for 10 lbs HEAVIER than you are. Then adjust up as you get heavier. If your not putting on significant mass (2.5lbs per week) eat more protein and/or look into LOKAD (see below) 9. Take one ‘CHEAT” day off per week (or biweekly) and eat whatever you want.

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Want to lose weight and pack on the muscle? Me too. Afraid you’ll never be able to have ice cream or pizza again? me too. This is a perfect way of giving yourself the drive to eat really well during the week and also be able to enjoy your ‘cheat’ foods without guilt on your chosen day. Did you know you can also prevent your thyroid and metabolism from downregulating by eating excessive calories on this day? One of the biggest causes of yo yo dieting failures can be prevented by keeping your metabolism roaring with this overfeeding trick. I increased my BMR from 2035 kcal a day to 2350 kcal a day in just 30 days. That means my fat burning machine was roaring and burning 300 calories more per day! Welcome to effortless muscle gain while keeping fat at a minimum! Don’t believe that sticking to a low carb high fat diet and only cheating at MOST once a week will give you paraphysiological results? Read my “Results” section. I ate 4200 calories (60% fat) and lost 7 lbs of fat and gained 20 lbs of muscle in just 30 days only hitting the gym for a total of 5 hrs (or 1% of my monthly time). It’s repeatable too. Welcome to Heaven. 10. Growth Mechanisms: The goal of this protocol is to stimulate local (muscular & neural) and systemic (hormonal) growth mechanisms in the body and keep the metabolism burning fat at a solid pace. This will allow you to FLOOD the skeletal muscle tissues you worked out with a bundle of calories and nutrients without the worry of fat gain. 11. If All Else Fails, LOKAD. The sneaky popular GOMAD diet (along with squats) has effectively been able to add dozens of lbs to powerlifters for decades. The only problem? You have to drink a gallon of milk a day!? I modified this into LOKAD, Liter of Kefir a Day. What’s Kefir? It’s a fermented (probiotic) milk super beverage from Russia. In it’s native language Kefir translates to “feel good.” Why Kefir? The friendly bacteria have gobbled up most (if not all) the lactose and predigested the casein (milk protein) to make a far superior beverage that even lactose intolerant people (like me) can handle. All you do is make it into a delicious post workout smoothie full of solid protein and nutrients. Muscle meets Holistic Nutrition. Hello Lokad. For how to make my favorite post workout/meal replacement shake go to YOUTUBE LINK 12. What Does This Protocol Look Like In Practice? Sample Day: 7am: Breakfast (4-6 eggs, 4 strips bacon, 2 cups spinach in butter/coconut oil) 10am: High Protein/ High Fat Shake (1000 calorie, 40g protein) 12am: Lunch (Salad with chicken breasts) 2:30pm Lift Workout A 3:15pm Post Workout Meal/or High Protein Snack/shake 3:30 pm Hot-Cold Shower (Optional) 7pm Dinner ( 1lb of hormone/antibiotic free meat in stirfry with mixed veggies) 10pm Bedtime snack (low glycemic, high protein snack. Possibly couple hardboiled eggs) 10:30 pm Bed Depending on your intake that comes to about 4300 calories and 245 g of protein.Omlete, shake, Chicken Salad, Beef Stirfry, BedTime Snack. The perfect muscle recipe.Easy Peazy. Notice It follows all the rules and most of it is just eating

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delicious foods that only a caveman could appreciate! The one thing you will note is your going to be very full and you might not be able to eat that much in a sitting. Don’t worry you’ll be able to as you rev up your metabolisma and your digestive enzymes and gut flora get used to the increased caloric intake. If your scared your going to wind up with a tire around your stomach don’t be alarmed, I was too! That’s what you’ve been told your whole life. Eat less, workout longer, and take some whey protein. Now its Eat more, workout less, and flood your body with super nutrition like Flowtein. Sometimes counter-intuitive is how to get abnormal results. In this case it is. The Rocket Science Effect: (or whatever its called) When it comes to rocket science most people nod their head and smile, leaving the methods of rocket scientists virtually unchallenged because of the perceived lack of knowledge about the subject. Unfortunately, when it comes to weight lifting, muscle gain, weight loss, and dieting...EVERYBODY and their brother’s uncle’s one-removed-step-sister-in-law has an opinion and preferred method. Each one will attempt to tell you ‘what you should be doing and not doing’. You will have to practice blissful ignorance during this protocol. Politely nod, smile, and go ahead with the body transformation you’ve planned. If they really persist, forward this ebook to them. If that doesn’t work go get your results and show them in person! If that upsets you, don’t worry. Just ask have they ever gained 20lbs of LEAN MUSCLE in 30 days? Without drugs? How about even 10lbs in 10 days? or 1 month? 3 months? a year? You see where I’m going with this? I listened to the ‘crowds’ wisdom’ regarding ‘extreme training’ and ‘muscle building’ for years throughout my athletic career. That got me about 2-5 lbs over 4+ years. How much muscle have you really gained in the last couple years? (baring you just went through puberty!). The protocol works if you apply yourself, lift hard, eat alot, rest adequately, and measure your before/after results. Rinse and Repeat.

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Step 1: Slokad Diet: SuperFoods = SuperHumans Step 2: F2 Lifting: Failing Forward Step 3: Catalysts: Extra Fun

By Christian Carroll 

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Step 1: The Slokad Diet

A 30,000 Foot Look at My Diet… My Diet Sits Upon 5 Pillars:

1. Anti-Inflammatory Diet 2. SuperFoods/Protein Sources 3. Digestion 4. Simplicity 5. Fail Stop = Lokad


With that said, why the heck did I call it the Slokad Diet? Well for one, I credit

80% of my rapid body transformation to the use of super foods and slamming my body

Diet Breakdown

Protein 23%

Carbs 20%Fat 57%

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with a ton of bio-available, nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory foods. That’s where I got the ‘S’ in Slokad. (Superfoods) The Lokad portion stands for Liter Of Kefir A Day. It is the “fail stop” portion. I credit the combination of Superfoods and LOKAD (a MUCH healthier twist on the imfamous GOMAD diet for powerlifters..Gallon Of Milk A Day..bathroom anyone??) for kicking my body into growth mode. Why? Well, because that was essentially the only major variable I changed in my regular day to day diet. Besides eating way more, that was one of the smallest changes in my daily routine that produced the BIGGEST results.

Let’s now breakdown all 5 parts of the Slokad Diet. Part 1. Anti-inflammatory Foods Going into all of the physiological, biochemical and disease preventing benefits of

eating an anti-inflammatory diet is by my account very exciting, but unfortunately for my target audience goes way beyond the scope of this book. Even if I did, most of my target audience of this book would read it, say ‘cool’ and never read it again. Most people don’t want to read a 200 page book when they can get to the 15 pages in the middle about the meat of the protocol that is actually actionable.

For the curious science nerds like me, I will be releasing lots of great information on why the anti-inflammatory diet is showing up in the scientific literature as one of the best ways to prevent and REVERSE chronic pro-inflammatory diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even certain types of cancer! Not to mention help build a better body faster! Feel free to sign up to our email list for FREE @

With that said consider what Dr. Weil, one of the leading physicians in the country, had to say about the ever growing body of scientific literature backing the anti-inflammatory diet.

“Following an anti-inflammatory diet can help counteract the chronic inflammation that is a root cause of many serious diseases, including those that become more frequent as people age. It is a way of selecting and preparing foods based on science that can help people achieve and maintain optimum health over their lifetime.”

So for the 90% of people that just want the protocol and a few bullet points about why they should be on the diet while leaving me and modern science to deal with the boring details here’s a quick pitch: “Did I mention on the diet you feel great, look great, have no hunger pains, never get sick, never get the 2:30 feeling, and your mind will be sharper than a new Swiss army knife?” My target audience for this book isn’t medical professionals, but rather 15-40 somethings looking to put on 10+ lbs of muscle, lose 20+ lbs of fat, and gain volumes of energy and vitality while PREVENTING nasty chronic diseases that plagued generations of past. The before statement should be more than satisfying.

If you’re really interested, Google: Anti-inflammatory Diet. If you’re lazy, just wait till I release content on the site ☺

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Please Note: In the last chapter of this ebook I’ll give you lots of recipes and recipe suggestions as well as a food and grocery list so this will take the headache out of figuring out the simplest question that most health and lifting booking fail to answer: “What do I eat?”


What about Protein Per Meal? The myth of 30 grams. France researchers found that total daily protein is more important than per meal protein spread out. Pg 191 four hour body Range of Protein intake according to the science? .8- 2.5 grams / kg of bodyweight. According to some experts, 1.25g per pound of lean body weight (subtract out the body fat first) Example me? 14% body fat (24 lbs) = 146 lbs lean bodyweight. So my recommended protein goal is = 146* 1.25 = 182.5 g daily. THAT IS A SHIT LOAD. Pg. 191

Part 2: SuperFoods – The ‘S’ in Slokad – SuperFoods = SuperHuman Arguably one of the most important factors in my successful body transformation was the inclusion of nutrient-dense superfoods. A superfood, by popular definition, is a food that has a higher than average level of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc) and can benefit the body in ways that would normally take a high quality food based multi-vitamin. Even then, as most experts argue, it surpasses those because the synergistic effect of the different compounds optimized in nature act more beneficially than a synthetically derived ‘factory formula’. I completely agree. So what are these super foods and which ones did I use? (all sources at the end) FlowteinTM: Ironically during my clinical case study I used a combination of antioxidants (more faster muscle repair), probiotics (for increased protein absorption and utilization), and whey (because of its high biological protein value and it is convenient). So one day I woke up and said holy crap, why don’t I put those all together?! I searched online for someone that did. Negative. So I called up a reputable manufacturer that would only deal with the highest level of quality and purity in both grass fed whey protein and any ingredients added. I’d say it was a win, win and allowed me to write this eguide for free for everyone. So, if you’d like to support the author through med school, malnourished children, and/or just appreciate getting this book for free then go to

Page 30: Project Geek to Freak 5-31-11 and buy the highest quality protein meal replacement on the planet. A free book and the best protein in the world that helps feed underprivileged children? Sounds like a match made in heaven ☺ Grass Fed Beef:

Beef from cows that grazed on grass in a pasture instead of being stuffed with grains so they can grow bigger faster and then pumped with hormones and antibiotics to keep them from dying. Yea, most of the meat in a standard grocer didn’t come from Uncle Bob’s Farm up the road. They were factory farmed in less than optimal living conditions. With that said buy the best you can. Most of the time meat certified without hormones and growth hormone will do you just find and stretch your wallet a little farther. Organic Eggs: Your current doctor: Eat 1-3 eggs a week to keep your cholesterol low. Me: Eat as many WHOLE ORGANIC eggs as you want because dietary cholesterol has little effect on cholesterol levels. To prove my point I ate 5 eggs and 1 pound of red meat for 30 days. My cholesterol level went from 155 to 156. Not exactly what you expected. I urge you to be skeptical and try it yourself! Go to your doc and order a lipid panel (Total, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides). Then have your fun and in 4-6 weeks retest. The new research now shoes that cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease, it’s the free radicals that created from a pro-inflammatory diet (ie high grain, high carb, low veggies and fruit, lots of junk food). So basically the standard American’s diet. Now are you still wondering why Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in America. I’ll take my eggs and no cereal for breakfast thanks. Kefir:

Kefir in its native language literally means ‘Feel Good’. When most people ask me what the heck is Kefir (K-fear) I response, “It’s like a more liquid version of yogurt that is slightly more sour and has far more clinical benefit with billions of natural probiotics.” Lactose intolerant? Me too! So I don’t do dairy. I do kefir because its billions of friendly gut bacteria have consumed most (if not all) of the lactose before you drink it. Lactase is the enzyme most adults don’t make after 6 years of age and leaving lactose (milk sugar) undigested is the reason you have to, well go to the bathroom following a dairy meal. Without lactose, no digestive problems, which keeps with part 4 of my diet. Read: It’s Yogurt times 100. Probiotics: You’ve heard of antibiotics. They kill bacteria. Probiotics repopulate the GOOD bacteria in your gut. Why is that important? You need these guys to keep you ‘regular’, boost your immunity against foreign pathogens, and perhaps more of interest in this study, increase digestion and assimilation of important nutrients such as Amino Acids and B vitamins, particularly BCAA’s and B12. Plus, I noticed I felt ‘happier’ and my skin became clearer and broke out less. The new neuro research now shows 90% of serotonin

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is SYNTHESIZED in the GUT! Healthy gut = Happy You. Not bad eh? I thought so too. That’s another reason I’m pumped for Flowtein because it allows me to get my daily probiotic supplement in a convenience and inexpensive way. Win Win. Spirulina: The Green Powerhouse you’ve never heard of. Trivia Time: What hasn’t the highest CONCENTRATION of protein of any food on the planet? Beef? Nope. Chicken? Nope. Whey? Nope, again. SPIRULINA! Say whaa? Yes, a blue-green, single celled algae has a higher protein concentration that any food on the planet. At 15 g per ounce its still not the cheapest source compared with meat but it is easy to digest and also provides superior vitamin and mineral content. I have a prediction that if this books gets a far reach that it will spark an underground body building following of spirulina! Read: It’s like Spinach times 4. Why 4? I thought it sounded cool lol. Bee Pollen: Regarded by many as the most complete protein on the planet. Body builders and elite athletes have been using bee pollen to boost endurance and performance for decades. What it lacks in ‘grams of protein’ it makes up for in a nutritionally-dense profile. I added this stuff to my shakes during my 30 day study. Both for taste and for quick amino acids. Almonds: What if Almonds could boost testosterone? It seems that they have been shown too. While I’m not a huge fan of eating nuts on a regular basis because they are hard to digest and can irritate the intestinal lining, which would go against part 4 of my diet (digestion), I am a fan of nuts during weight gaining. Why? Simple, they are loaded with calories and fat. In case you don’t know, hormones are made with fat. If you don’t eat fat, you can’t make as many hormones, which means your optimal physiology struggles. You think vitamin C can do a lot, compare it to a testosterone molecule and its almost laughable in its capability. Ever wonder why Dr. Pritikin, the founder of the low fat diet died of depression? Or why every woman you’ve ever known to be on a low fat diet to LOSE fat is always hungry and feels depressed? Well now you know. The correct fats, like the ones I mention here are healthy, reduce the “2:30 feeling”, and apparently can help you LOSE weight? Remember I ate 5x (275g) the RDA levels of fat (55g) and lost 7 lbs of fat. Did I mention I ate 4200 calories a day? The game has changed. Yup, I’ll take my healthy fats, happy demeanor, and my libido any day thank you ☺ Coconut Oil: Yes, lots of saturated fats. Testosterone, last time I checked biochemistry, which was yesterday, has saturated fat as its foundation. Without going into any arguments because I don’t like arguments trust me on this one. 1-4 tablespoons a day will make you feel amazing, and has not shown to increase cholesterol levels. Dr. Mary Enig will go to bat for coconut oil. She’s literally the world’s leading biochemical researcher of fats and it’s her favorite oil for optimal health. I trust her. In addition, AIDS patients are given 4 T a day for energy and immune boosting. Lauric Acid is believed to be the reason behind its

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favorable immune benefits. If your still interested, google saturated fat and Dr. Mary Enig. If your patient I will be doing blog posts on the benefits @ Part 3: Digestion -It’s not what you eat, it’s what you absorb Part three is often times overlooked with the ever annoying, “You Are What you Eat.” You are not. You are what you can Digest and Absorb for your cells. Period. You may be taking that isolated protein that claims to be so pure and low in fat. In reality your body needs fat, and other cofactors such as vitamin A and D to readily use the protein to its utmost effect. Why do you think nature provided one of the best sources of protein on the planet, SPINACH, with higher than normal levels of vitamin A and D? One of the biggest reasons why Flowtein is made with Goji is for that same reason. If you have acid reflux, get sluggish after large meals, or get routine stomach aches you need a digestive overhaul. A huge improvement will come by eliminating the gluten, breads, dairy (except if you can tolerate kefir), and especially no sugar. If you still need more help get a great enzyme. One with betaine HCL and Ox Bile would be amazing for the increased fat and protein you'll be eating. Remember: it has to get to your muscles to work. Food choices and digestion are the most underrated steps to building an amazing physique. Part 4: Simplicity: I’m a bachelor not a 5 star cook! Here’s my last tip in the diet. KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Honestly, you could call this diet whatever you want…The paleo, Weston A price, whole food, the high protein, low carb, the atkins, the slow carb, the bla bla bla marketing gimic diet. All I can tell you is I’ve read the newer research and higher FAT, higher protein, and LOW carb diets are the diets with the best clinical outcomes in really every situation. About 10% of the population, estimated by Dr. Mercola, can thrive on a higher carb diet, but look at Center for Disease and Control stats, we haven’t exactly been dying of old age with the “Eat mostly grains & bread for low fat and fiber, drink your milk for calcium, and stay away from red meat and eggs” nutritional advice from the government. No offense it’s not working. Part 5: Fail Stop - LOKAD

Here’s the deal. I have eaten this way for close to 4 years. My weight literally never moves because I don’t eat junk food and rarely eat a lot of carbohydrates. So what finally gave me an edge to gain weight like a teenager through his first growth spurt? Kefir, superfoods, and lots of protein. That simple. Where do you get the idea for LOKAD from? From a powerlifter. He told me about GOMAD. I said yea I’m lactose intolerant. He replied, “Your Sh*t out of luck.” (no pun

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intended) So I did what any health nerd would do. I made it more digestable. Not only is kefir ultra low in lactose (milk sugar) it actually has the casein predigested by the probiotic bacteria which means that humans get to use less energy breaking it down and more energy putting the amino acids to work. Winning. If you aren’t gaining 2.5 lbs per week with the increased meals and protein it’s time to add 1 liter of kefir per day and up to 4 liters or 1 gallon per day (I don’t really recommend more than a half gallon because that is just nasty). You increase your chances of gaining fat so just keep an eye on it and avoid ALL WHITE Flour and sugar. Keep measurements of your waist line and body% fat to track whether you need to slow down on the kefir intake. I walked around with a balloon for a belly after every meal until my metabolism sped up to the increased caloric load. If you add intermittent fasting once a week your waist should be fine (see catalyst step). If your starting to gain fat with this approach cut out the LOKAD and keep eating clean low carb, high protein foods. Example: Spinach Omelet. Easy Peazy

Conventional Approach My Health Twist

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GOMAD or LOMAD (Liter/Gallon of Milk a Day) - An oldschool approach used --- along with squats – to produce monsters for more than 75 years including Paul Anderson (below). My Problem: 75% of the world’s adult population doesn’t make lactase (the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar, lactose). Toilet much(lol)? Plus casein (milk protein) can be hard to digest for most people especially with a leaky gut. What if we could predigest the protein to make it easily absorbable? The New Game – “It’s What your cells ABSORB, not What you Eat” … Enter LOKAD.

LOKAD = (Liter of Kefir a Day) - Instead of flooding your body with all that milk that’s really hard for people to digest, we naturally ferment it into kefir (which reduces the sugar and increases the bioavailability of casein, the milk protein). Not to mention breaks down lactose, which for lactose intolerant people like me…was a ticket to the toilet. Kefir Works Better and is Healthier. Welcome to Bulk & Health. Which physique do you want?


F² Lifting: Failing Forward

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My Lifting protocol was a combination of static contraction lifts to fail and then one set of 5-7 reps to fail with a 3/3 cadence (each rep is 3 seconds up and 3 seconds down with no pause to insure maximal load and consistent force). The last thing was the stronger and bigger I got the less I lifted, and oddly enough the more I gained! (see example chart below) As a 167 lb guy I had a lot less muscle to rebuild and repair than when I was 20 lean lbs heavier. So that requires a lot more cellular processes and therefore more time to sit on your butt and eat high quality, low carb food. One of the hardest things you’ll find is when you lift to keep your intensity really high so when you do fail at your last rep, your vision will waver and you’ll feel like a bus hit those muscles. That’s good. Don’t just drop the bar/dumbbell either, once you can’t lift anymore slowly lower the weight in a eccentric fashion to complete your last ‘fail forward’ rep. The higher intensity wakes the Central Nervous System up to elicit a larger hormonal response = a bigger you. The hardest thing might be staying out of the gym?! You’ll want to lift everyday thinking that is the way. Before you think as I once did, take a step back and look at your current lifting routine. How much have you gained in the last month? How many times a week do you go to the gym. Yea, that’s what I thought. Plan 2 days rest between each gym day for the first 4 sessions, then add another day between sessions. I recommend taking a week or 3 off of the heavy eating to let your body readjust to normal caloric intake. During this time you could hit the gym casually to keep the muscle you worked hard to attain. As a fun experiment, I decided to lift 10 minutes a week for 6 weeks. On my way to the library for a long night of studying I would walk in, do a few jumping jacks to warm up, and then hit the bench press machine for 1 set 5reps to failure. Then go to do the other ‘meat head’ exercises of dumbbells, and a tricep machine, both to failure. Some weeks I would do a set of pushups to fail before I got into the shower. So that added about 1-2 min of working out a week. In total it was about 10-15 min a week, sometimes less. That’s why I called the book minimalist mass! What happened? Lost 4 lbs over 6 weeks. However, that data is a little inaccurate since I didn’t lift any legs. Why? Well because I had added a little more than 2 inches to my thighs over the last 30 days and all my jeans were turning into SKINNY JEANS and hugging my you-know-what! That’s not my style and since I’m not trying to be a professional athlete and my profession (chiropractor) doesn’t require me to leg press 1,000 lbs (which I was doing) I decided to stop lifting legs so I didn’t have to buy new clothes! Ironically, even though the scale said I lost weight, my tape measure disagreed. I had kept (if not increased) the size of my muscles in my upper body (which most people care about) and lost the weight in my thighs (didn’t bother me). So, you doubters, JUST WATER WEIGHT MY A$$! In fact, my assistant intern at the clinic said I couldn’t do it before the study started and it was just going to be a few pounds of water weight. He isn’t working with the case anymore. Haha. He who hates, drinks haterade.

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I chose these workouts because they require a lot of muscular engagement and minimal isolation. We want the whole nervous system being stimulated and we achieve it with a total body workout. Click Here for Youtube videos of Each Exercise and How to Set up Static Contraction Lifts:

January 2011

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SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Saturday 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25


27 28 29

30 31

February 2011 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

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As you'll see rest is important. If you've had trouble putting serious muscle on, 99% of you, then resting and eating your a** off is vital to success!

2 days rest

3 days rest

2 days rest

2 days rest

3 days rest

3 days rest

3 days rest

3-4 days rest continued

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Catalysts Catalysts are by definition something that can boost your yield. In this case lean muscle mass. I experimented with a few. Some are well documented, some are newly founded, and some just seem to work but don’t have a ton of documentation. None, however, are that hard to implement and so they are on the list.

1. Adrenal Herbs: Suma, Maca, etc Adrenals? Like adrenaline? Yes, but it’s on the list for stress. Heavy weight lifting is a form of Trauma. Period. Repeated trauma creates a stressful state for your body. Period. What I know about physiology and biochemistry: Stress = Anti-growth. If your cortisol (stress fighting hormone) is too high that cause your body to run gluconeogenesis. Read: Breaks down muscle to put glucose in the blood stream because it’s tricked into thinking it needs quick fuel to escape a stressful situation. This is great if you have to outrun a sabertooth tiger or fight a Wolly Mammoth, but not if your mission is muscle growth and optimal energy levels. Most gym rats just shit a brick. This one of the big reasons the stronger you get the less you can lift. You need to take your body out of stressful state and let it grow and repair. It will NOT devote adequate resources to repair and grow if it’s stressed out. Why do you think people hit plataues? I believe 75% of the time they burn out their adrenals. Guess who is responsible for making anabolic hormones like DHEA and Testosterone? The adrenals. Add the modern lifestyle of excessive coffee, low-nutrient high-sugar diet, and being ‘plugged into’ your cellphone 24/7 you could see why your TINY adrenal glands get exhausted. Love Your Adrenals and they will love you. In practice? Take an adaptogenic herb like Suma or Maca during your lifting to aid recovery, energy levels, and stress reduction.

2. Boosting Testosterone Naturally a. Designing an “Anabolic” Shake:

HIGH FAT! BEFORE BEDTIME. Consuming lots of cholesterol before bed loads your body with the precursors for hormones. On top of that cholesterol production is between midnight and 4 am. So you will be giving your body a nice dose of testosterone/DHEA/Progesterone and other growth factors = more muscle growth.

b. Supplement Experiments

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- Vitamin A, D and selenium have shown to positively increase testosterone in a natural way. I got this idea from non other than Tim Ferriss, author of the #1 New York Times best seller Four Hour Body. - He recommends: 5,000 vita D, 1-2 T of cod liver oil (see bottom for recommeded source links), a handful of almonds (we take care of that in the diet guidelines), grass fed butter (for the vitamin K), and Cold Showers/Baths 10 min after you wake and before you sleep (more below)

3. Intermittent Fasting and OverFeeding Tips 1-2 Days per week you should be intermittent fasting. Why? Without going into the science it tricks the body's biological clock to burn fat and then increase insulin sensitivity and the release of anabolic hormones upon healthy overfeeding following these 16-18 hour 'intermittent fasts'. When further explained it comes down to an evolutionary adaptation necessary for the body to efficiently survive in times when food was scarce. What does that look like in real life? Dinner a 6pm. Skip breakfast the next day and eat lunch at noon. 18 hours. If you eat a lot (which you have to to put on serious muscle) your metabolism will be roaring adding this nifty step into your routine. The calculated overfeeding following this mini fast is capitalizing on an evolutionary adaptation to quickly nourish the muscles and repair tissues quickly. Supply the body with a ton of fuel (quality food) will actually help burn fat and build muscle. Counter-intuitive but it works like a charm! Note: Some people advocate doing this every day. I find it hard to do more than once a week and my results were still great. Results with Practicality always win. 4. Hot-Cold-Cold Showers (HCC): Hydrotherapy has been around for hundreds of years. It was popularized (I believe) by Sebastian Kneipp, and it was a staple of his protocol, Kneipp Cure. He helped thousands of people overcome a variety of diseases like Tuberculosis, a deadly disease modern medicine didn’t have an answer for at the time. The theory on why hydrotherapy works is ever expanding. Primarily used for increasing blood flow and hence nutrition, faster immune responses and lymph drainage has now expanded beyond chronic disease applications. Many people have experimented with cold water baths/showers for weight loss, increased testosterone levels, and improving insulin sensitivity. This is what I was primarily going for and it seems to have a big enough effect to warrant a ‘Catalyst’ call out. When I first read about this I thought oh cool! Then when I tried it I said, Oh FREEEZZZING! I knew the average person wouldn’t do this if even I wasn’t doing them. I modified it to HCC showers. Here’s How to do them:

- For the first 5 minutes wash your body by alternating between Hold And Cold Temperatures. This will give you an amazing POP of energy, vasodilation, and ultimately produce the desired effect of getting you used to the cold temperature.

- Once you get used to the Cold feel Free to chill there for 5-10+ minutes.

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- Then you’re done. Pretty easy. And Produces about 80% of the benefits that sitting in a cold bath for 20 minutes will. - Do this in the morning and before you go to bed to improve your testosterone production, energy levels, metabolism, and sleeping habits.

5. Extra SuperFoods Prescriptions:

Bee Pollen 1tsp daily

Goji berries 1 oz/daily for last 2 weeks

Spirulina powder 1 oz/daily for last 2 weeks

Hemp seeds 2 Tbs daily for first week and last 10 days

Kefir = on average 4 cups/daily

Almond Butter = 2-16T daily. I ate 4 or 5 cans in 30 days. =6-10T average.

Vitamin D: 5000 IU daily

Suma Root and Beta-Ecdysone Suma Root (Pfaffia paniculata) also known as Brazilian Ginseng is a powerful immune enhancing herb1. Moreover, it is a powerful adaptogenic herb that has been used to enhance athletic performance1,2. The adaptogenic phyto-active components of Suma Root have been identified as ecdysteroids3. These phytoactive compounds have been reported1,2 to have the following effects in humans:

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lowering cholesterol, balancing blood sugar levels, immune-modulating and antiarrhythmic effects as well as hepatoprotective effects. Ecdysteroids also have been shown to significantly increase protein synthesis in skeletal muscle4. More than 150 ecdysteroids have been identified in plants3. One of the best-known ecdysteroids is beta-ecdysone (20-hydroxyecdysone). Suma Root is a rich source of beta-ecdysone. It is suspected that beta-ecdysone was used as an adaptogen in the 1980’s to enhance performance of Russian Olympic Athletes. Ecdysteroids were recently banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency under Section S2, “peptide hormones, growth factors and related substances due to the similar chemical structure or similar biological effects”5. References 1. Gorelick-Feldman, J., MacLean, D., Ilic, N., Poulev, A., Lila, M.A., Cheng, D. & Raskin, I. (2008) Phytoecdysteroids Increase Protein Synthesis in Skeletal Muscle Cells. J. Agric. Food Chem 56, 3532-3537 2. Courtheyn, D., Le Bizec, B., Brambilla, G., De Brabander, H.F., Cobbaert, E., Van de Wiele, M., Vercammen, J. & DeWasch, K. (2002) Recent developments in the use and abuse of growth promoters. Analytica Chimica Acta 473:71-82. 3. E.D. Morgan and I.D. Wilson, Methods for Separation and Physico- Chemical Quantification of Ecdysteroids in Ecdysone, From Chemistry of Mode of Action, J. Koolman, Ed., (Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1989), 114–130. 4. Courtheyn, D., Le Bizec, B., Brambilla, G., De Brabander, H.F., Cobbaert, E., Van de Wiele, M., Vercammen, J. & DeWasch, K. (2002) Recent developments in the use and abuse of growth promoters. Analytica Chimica Acta 473:71-82. 5. The World Anti-Doping Code (2010) The 2010 Prohibited List, International Standard. This information is for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.


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2. Stop working out for a couple days. REREAD the protocol. Ask question on our blog.

Then COMMIT TO IT. 3. TRACK everything: Take time to write down a chart of everything you'll track. Body

measurements. Blood tests. Body composition. Etc etc. The more you track the cooler your experiment. The best detailed study will get 3 lbs of flowtein for free. Just upload it to youtube with HACK YOUR BODY RESULTS Results:

1. Go to the Grocery Store: 1. Buy lots of food 2. here's an example list 3. if you don't buy it you can't cheat: The art of the minimlaist pantry. If you don't have

anything but quality food in your fridge and pantry you won't be tempted to eat junk. This is excellent for people trying to minimize fat gain and not as important for people purely going for mass gains. I perfer the cut look over the bulky powerlifter look. But to each his own.

Conclusion: Maximum performance is the ultimate goal of individuals who wish to excel. Being the strongest, fastest and toughest you can be is a virtue that goes far beyond athletic performance. The quest to be your best forces you to push your limits and rise to your potential. Most important, you gain the courage to change things that need to be changed and thereby increase your chances of improving the way you look, feel and perform. However, the way to becoming better you isn't always easy. As they often say, "the devil is in the details", and those who are in the process of changing and improving diet and workout routines often face problems that need to be addressed. Ultimately This ebook is more than you hold in your hands it is merely the story and parameters of how I managed to gain 20 lbs in 30 days in the HEALTHIEST way possible. There is a lot more information I would love to share with you but studying for medical school and running a start up company (CEO of FlowTein) has necessitated, like the name of the protocol, to widdle it down to the minimalist state. That doesn't mean less results, it simply means why read a 200 page book when the middle 15 pages are the only actionable ones for which you bought the book in the first place? Not to drink haterade, but most of the time a book could skip a good 50% of the writing and still get 99% of their goal response from readers. Many critics argue that a book is a book and it shouldn't be toyed with. I have to disagree for the simple reason that the world is constantly changing. I added youtube links for visual learners and mimilized a potential 100+ page book into a 20 page book with some video content. . How many times have you ever read an authors passage and wondered “why not just shoot a 5 min video to show me how the hell to do that way faster than 20 pages of writing?”. I know I have. I hope this book delivers on both results and bang for your reading time aka Return on invested reading Time (ROIRT) On one last note I will be releasing the 'middle chapters' of this book as informative and interactive blog posts for the community as a whole to benefit. Topics include anything that flippin interests me. I find passion drives my content's 'value' way up. Future Posts In NO particular order: -OVERLOAD: The Art of How to Balance Med School Studying and CEO Responsibilities

− Grass Fed Whey vs. Your Whey

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− Adventures in Manipulating Testosterone Naturally − What the &^&^ is in your whey protein and why it matters − Protein per Meal. Myths and Truths − How to Gain 10 lbs in 10 days (or average 1lb of muscle/daily) − Can you Manipulate your DNA and Change your Gene Expression? − Why Does that 2:30 Feeling Happen? − How to Make a Probiotic Homemade Energy Bar? − The Greatest Homemade Bulking Bar on Earth − What is Static Contraction? (interview with Pete Sisco) − Intermittent Fasting and Overeating for Anabolic Effects − SHIZO Showers: Hot/Cold = More Fat Burning? − MUCH MUCH MORE...If you want more fun buy our brand new protein, Flowtein!

Proceeds go to feeding an underprivaledged child's belly near you and to fund my ridiculous experiments on hacking the human body. If that sounds good to you...follow this link.