programs for week beginning 3eddie's litef formula for success adds up to hard tj'ork plus...

PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING NOV. 3 -A ; ... ;9 -' fl" i. - ;, ;,y,. Bob Stanton: A CHALLENGE TO BROTHER DICK HAYMES Paae 34

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Page 1: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die



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Page 2: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

ihr Sar JHspfres the peer Mrs. Louise Richards, 7351 West 83rd

Street, Los Angeles 45, Calif.

Sirs: Let's have an article on Perry Como. I believe I heard him at least five years ago singing in a somewhat different style. I'd like to know if I'm correct. What is his age and how long has he been on the radio?

Perry Como was the singer with Ted Weems' band when the Fibber and Molly" program was heard from Chi- cago about ten years ago. He was won- derful then, too!

Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Nigh, 2226 Floral Drive, Whittier, Calif.

Sirs: ... We have a pet peeve. We have enjoyed so many of the pro- grams, especially the quiz programs .. And we were indeed disappointed

when we read in Radio Life that the

quiz program, "Twenty Questions," was started by the sixteen -year -old daughter of Fred and Florence Van Deventer. It seems as though it is almost a closed family program. We supposed the guests on the program were people out of the audience ... that they did not even know the questions beforehand or know Fred Van Deventer. We thought these peo- ple might be a little smarter than the average but anybody can answer the question when they know the answer beforehand.

Well, it has certainly spoiled the program for us and we wish they would leave the air so that valuable time taken by them could be used by a real good program. We are so disgusted we wish we could bawl them out over the air.

I should think that they would


Johnny Nelson, star of ABC's "Bride and

Groom" gives a little friendly advice to newlywedn Peggy and Donald Dockery


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age Two


have more pride than to try to make fools of the public. It is one program that will remain dark on our radio at their time ...

But the Van llenenters and their guests 71(/Á"T know the answers beforehand. Members of the listening audience know because they are informed by another mike. The studio audience knows be- cause the answer is printed on a sign and displayed where they can see it but the contestants can't. We thought it was kinda fun knowing the answer and waiting for the Van Deventer cren, to catch on. Il makes us feel so darn smart -something we can't say for "Informa- tion, Please "!

Jean Little, 100 La Paloma Avenue, Al- hambra, Calif.

Sirs: Is there any chance of "Ad- ventures of Bill Lance" returning? For entertainment I would rather stay home and listen to a good pro- gram like the one I just mentioned than go to some of the trash that the movies dish out to the public. Why does the sponsor, Planter's Peanuts, take off a good program like "Bill Lance "?

I enjoyed very much your story of Patrick McGeehan, the versatile actor of the series.

Who played the part of the "Green Hornet" and who is taking his place now?

Shortage of the sponsor's product. we hear, is the reason for "Bill Lance's" disappearance. If this is true. we can look for his return in the future, we hope. The name of the actor portraying " breen Hornet" is never given out. We asked for a picture of him and just got a drawing of the character. The station swears it doesn't know either.

E. W. Hudson, 918 Nowita Place, Venice, Calif.

Sirs: ... The first thing we read is "The Ear Inspires the Pen." Well, you can call this letter "the eye inspires the pen." I just cannot un- derstand why everyone keeps beefing about all the radio programs and they seem to think you are to blame. I know that some programs are not so good, but we listen only to the ones we like, so why complain?

We would like to remind Mr. and Mrs. Radio Audience that they are lucky to be in America where we have such a variety on the radio and can twist the dial as we please, and to -have a program finder such as


Quick as a wink every time you can separate whites from yolks of eggs with an amazing new kitchen appliance. No muss, no fuss. Built of sturdy aluminum, this handy egg separator will last a lifetime. Just send IOc and top from a package of Dina -Mite Cereal to Dina -Mite, 750 Kohler Street, Dept. R, Los Angeles 21.

Page 3: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

yours to practically turn the dial for us. Keep up the good work. We more

read that the folks on "Twenty Ques- tions" were all in one family. We were not at all interested in the pro- gram tonight. Also I agree that Henry Morgan's program was not at all good. I had told so many people about him as he used to be so very amusing. I wish Morgan would again broadcast alone and skit on radio programs as he used to. I would like more announcers to be like Mr. Cas- sidy on the Gas Company concert program. Anyone can easily stand his advertising, instead of the yell- ing and shouting of most of them.

We feel as if Morgan had sorta let us down. too. I guess nobody COULD be as good as we claim Morgan Is.

Mrs. M. Holmes, 611 South Union A Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: What has happened to the wonderful cast that was on KNX "Sunrise Salute" with Maureen O'Connor, Bob Hamilton, Bill Wardle, Bill Gillespie, Bob Franklin and King Harvey? Has KNX come to such a low level that they can't keep such a fine cast as that and have turned it over to such a cast with all the early morning time? They are fair but we want the other cast back -it is too much of a sameness to have the same people for so long a time. Can't something be done?

Mrs. W. E. Clark, 2824 Cumberland Road, San Marino, Calif.

Sirs: I am very much interested in the program "Happy Homes" with Norma Young and Bob Freed. Can you give us a little article and pic- tures sometime? I like the informal- ity of their half hour.

Request noted. For the benefit of other readers who may be interested in this pleasant program we'll add that its heard on hill, 3:15 p.m. Monday through Friday.

9111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111W1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIL '1I111111111N

than enjoyed your Western edition. Thank you. It's nice to haue a happy

letter turn up in "Ear Inspires." though to tell the truth. we loue em all!

E. Peters, 505 South 3rd Street, Alhambra, Calif. Sirs:... Disappointed when we

The Broadway News .. KHJ -12 noon daily . KMPC, every day at 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Home Chats . For the Home - Maker by Miriam Lane - KMPC, 10:45 a.m. Monday thru Saturday. ii Sewing School of the Air, KMPC-1 :45 p.m. Tuesdays.

Fashion Forum .. KMPC- 1:45 p.m. Thursdays.


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Los Angeles "Dons" vs.

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* Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kirkwood, 2465 Horse-

shoe Canyon Road, Hollywood 46, Calif.

Sirs: May we have a story on Slim Gaillard and his trio, the idol of the teen -agers?

Request noted.

* * RADIO LIFE * * November 3. 195(; Vol. 14, No. 9

Published Weekly at Los Angeles, California. Rosiness Offices: 1:741 Rodney Drive, Los Angeles 27, Phone NO. 2-7080 and NO. ! -7090. Editorial Offices: 1558 North Vine, Holly- wood 28, Phone Hnmpstead 2025.

Radio Life was entered as Second ('lass Matter May 8, 1942, at Los Angeles, under Act of March 3, 1A79. Prepaid 4uhscriptiona, $4.25 year, $2.2.5 .i. month.. Single t oales on sale at leading Independent Grocers In Southern California at ttc each. Peprintlnr in whole or in part without permission strictly forbidden.

Publisher, Carl M. Rigsby; Editor, Evelyn A. Rigsby; Assistant Editor, Shirley Gordon; Ruslnesa Manager, Robert C. Johnson; Ad- vertising Manager, Gene Jones; Office Man- ager, Georgia Caysvood; Art Director, Ray Wheeler; Log Editor, Hal Julian.

All material used by Radio Life is specially prepared by its own staff writers, and re- printing In whole or in part without pub - linher'a permission strictly forbidden.

Tyis week oa - ^4441 KFI


Bob Mitchell

One of the brightest programs on the air, "Ladies' Day" is presented "spe- cially for the female members or-the audience. The cast includes: Bill Stulla, writer -emcee, whose wit is re- sponsible for the clever lines that tie the show together; Bill Shirley, ro- mantic young tenor; Bob Mitchell, pianist- organist and portrayer of "Aunt Mary's Aunt Mary "; and the newest member of the cast, Sidney "Buddy" Jobe with his electric guitar. A twist of the wrist to KFI each week -day morning at 9:15 is sure to lift up that morning let -down.

THAT'S KFI -DIAL 640 Advertisement.

MI11111NI111111111111111W1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111 I11111111111111111111111111111111

Page Three

Page 4: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


EDDIE BRACKEN again plays a

well -intentioned small -town lad on his new CBS series.

BRACKEN IS LIKE PUTTY in the hands of "Connie Monahan ", the

little schemer he loves. Connie is played by Ann Rutherford.

CBS Photos

SAO r By Peg4,ry Carte

Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith

Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA

YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die Bracken. "And in my case, I think it did."

Bracken, who had just returned to delight radio audiences with a new series, was speaking of the past

READING FROM LEFT TO RIGHT IS THE CAST OF THE SHOW: Cathy Lewis, Wally Maher, Irene Ryan, Ann Rutherford, Bracken,

and William Demarest. Second row: Clem McCarthy, Edwin Cooper, Jack Morton, Franklin Farnum, and Alan Bridge.

\ t

Page 5: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS, Ann Ruth- erford, Janet Waldo, Bracken and Demarest, pose for a formal photo- graph.

year's ether silence. "I wanted to come back on the air more than you'll ever know -but I wanted the show to be right. It's taken more than twelve months of hard work to make it that way, and now I hope you'll find It so." .

If appearance is any criterion, Ed- die has nothing to worry about. He's never looked better. And as for the show, it seems as if Eddie's hard work is paying off.

"My Bracken character got a lit- tle out of hand," he went on, "be- cause he wasn't real enough. Now I'm going to be sure that he's com- pletely real." And Eddie ought to know, he's co- writing the show.

"We (Bracken and writer George Hope) are against formats. Our first five shows were experiments, with each one being different. That help- ed us to establish the vein in which we wish to keep the series."

"All of our characters, as por- trayed by Bill Demarest, Ann Ruth- erford and Janet Waldo, are going to be warm, sympathetic and real. You'll like 'em better."

"Nuts" About Radio As Eddie talked about the show, it

was easy to see Just how close to his heart it is. All of the peppy Bracken enthusiasm is being poured into it. "You bet! I'm nuts about ra- dio. Someday I may give up pic- tures and stick to the air."

The past year has brought about other changes for Mr. B. He's no longer with Paramount Pictures and, at present, is free -lancing. He'd like to try a musical next.

And speaking of music, we'll bet you didn't realize Eddie is so tal- ented along that line. The catchy theme of his airshow is from the clever pen of one Mr. B., along with soon- to -be- released numbers written

ORCHESTRA LEADER Paul J. Smith grins as Eddie accompanies him dur- ing a rehearsal of the theme, which was written by Bracken.

with starlet Virginia Welles and pianist Rosa Linda.

"Two things I've always wante4 to do," he c o n f e s s e d, "were to com- pose and to write. And now I'm tak- ing time to do both."

The past year has shown Eddie how much fun can be derived from life by doing the things one wants to. "And I feel that you can do any- thing you wish, if you're willing to work."

"Any other changes, Eddie ?" we asked.

"Sure," he grinned, "we're five lit- tle Brackens, now. We keep growing and growing. Someday there ought to be enough of us to make a team."

POOR EDDIE, ALWAYS IN TROUBLE! Although he is it a jam most of the time, his main trouble is Mr. Monahan

(William Demarest), who looks with enthusiastic disfavor upon Eddie's courtship of his daughter.

TO EACH HIS OWN! THE OPENING AIRER found Eddie, Ann and Bill mugging to his (or her) heart's content. Note

Miss R.'s dress with her handwriting on it.

Page 6: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

THIS ANTIQUE sew- ing machine is one of

Cathy's prized possessions. It belonged to her grandmother and great -grandmother before her. Cathy is a clever interior decorator, built the cabinet shown behind her, herself.

RADIO LIFE cartoonist Daws Butler penned these caricatures of the radio - wise c o u p I e, accentuating Cathy's wide smile, Elliott's unruly hair.

ELLIOTT has many hobbies, including a

stamp collection that now con- tains a part of the late Pres- ident Roosevelt's personal stamp collection. In spite of a working schedule that keeps the Lewises at a microphone about seven days out of every week, they manage to pursue a variety of off -mike interests, and excel in all of them.

TWO ACTORS WHO CAN pen their own dialogue are the Lewises,

and this comfortable den at the rear of their Los Angeles apartment is their work- room. Here, they're collaborating on a

new script for "Suspense ", a show on which they are both frequently heard.

Actor -Writer Elliott Has Some Definite ideas About Ether Entertainment, Including a Radio Opera and an Original Series With Wife Cathy

.ynndau, 8:30 p.m. mtis- ti!1! -ñ GH

YNONYMOUS with radio - good radio - is the name Lewis - meaning actor Elliott and his

actress -wile, Cathy. Because Radio Life profiled Cathy in an earlier is- sue, this is intended to be a story about Elliott. But talking about one Lewis without referring to and of the other wouldn't be a good reportorial job. For instance, if Cathy hadn't been handy when we asked Elliott to tell us about himself, we never would have known that he not only has written a number of successful air scripts, but is now working on an opera for radio and a musical comedy for Broadway.

While if Elliott hadn't put in his two -cents worth at that point, we'd never have known that Cathy is his chief critic and collaborator. There

Page 7: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

A GAME OF CHESS INTRIGUES the radio team here, as the photographer focuses his camera through the archway

at the head of the stairs and into this attractive alcove.

are three things about which Elliott will talk- Cathy, music and radio. On the latter subject, he'll admitted- ly "soap- box." So will Cathy. Some- times they agree with each other, sometimes not -they like arguing it out until they reach a mutual ground that sounds best to both of them.

If Cathy looks skeptical when he is expounding an idea for a radio show, Elliott says: "Wait'll I put it on paper," to which Cathy replies, "Okay, darling, you write it down. I'll erase it."

But hours of brow- furrowing con- centration and work follow this good- natured bantering and the end result is interesting listening for ether fans. Radio fare a la Lewises

THE ACTOR PLAYS the piano well, and gave us a delightful sample of

his keyboard technique while our camera- man shot this picture. What is more, Cathy further informed us, he cooks their breakfast every morning!

MUSIC HAS A PROMINENT PLACE in the Lewis home. Their collection largely consists of symphonic and classical records

-and this "Manhattan Tower" album which is narrated by one Elliott Lewis! -Gene Lester -Bob Perkins Photos

would become a weekly treat for dialers if the couple's radio dream materialized. They aspire to their own weekly half -hour of air time on which they would do whatever they want.

Meanwhile, microphone fans have had some satisfying samples of the Lewis skill, with the couple's parti- cipation on CBS' "Twelve Players" ( "When that show died," said Cathy wistfully, "I just about died, too. "), the Lewis -authored "Suspense" and "Whistler" scripts, and their dra- matic deliyeries . in a variety of roles on almost all of radio's top shows.

Impressive List But to list Elliott's activities ex-

pressly, which is the prime purpose of this article, he is heard every

week on NBC's "Meet Me at Patky's," CBS' "Maisie," Mutual's "Mainliner," and regularly on the aforementioned "Suspense" and "Whistler." Mutual's mystery fans know Elliott especial- ly as "Gregory Hood," and Cathy (Whoops! She's in again!) as "Phyl- lis Knight" of the "Michael Shayne" show.

Appropriately enough, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis first met on a radio show. It was the Woodbury Playhouse - "on November 6, 1940," Cathy re- called specifically.

"I was at the microphone," Elliott related, carrying on the memory from there, "when this doll walked in. 'Hmmmm, not bad!' I said to my- self and walked over and asked if she'd seen the Folies Bergere."

(Please Tarn to Paye 32)


missus was one our lensman couldn't resist. Besides acting, scripting, stamp -

collecting, piano -playing, picture -taking and what -have -you, Elliott is also writing an

opera for radio and a musical comedy for Broadway!

Page 8: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


4<' > :C

411 9--- o ;._

ss.""'+' .+ÿ *N..

Beloved by all fans of Jack Benny's program is

Eddie Anderson, who, under guise of valeting for the boss ", contributes bright humor, sage advice, and expert chauffeursh,p to ye olde Maxwell Sundays, NBC-KFI, KFSD, 4 p. m. and 9:30 p. m.

Page 9: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


For Loveot Mike (,Go mment

Conflicts Radio Life's "Ear Inspires the Pen"

department, we think, keeps us pret- ty well abreast on what is pleasing and displeasing radio dialers. Always, our readers complain of program con flicts -that is, shows of the same type on rival networks at identical times. This season, the chief conflicters are "Doctor Christian" versus "Great Gil- dersleeve" (Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m.) ;

"Mayor of the Town" vs. "Life of Ri- ley" (Saturdays, 8:30 p.m.); Rudy Val- lee vs. Mel Blanc (Tuesdays, 8:30 p. m.) ; "Doctor I.Q." vs. Bob Hawk Quiz (Monday, 7:30 p.m.).

Scarcity of choice evening radio time is undoubtedly one cause of this -but network competition is natural- ly a contributing factor.

The result is that the listeners suf- fer -and so do the shows' respective sponsors. To take "Christian" and "Gildersleeve ", for example. These two shows appeal to the same group of people, as do the products they advertise (Vaseline and Parkay Mar- garine). Therefore, it naturally follows that, when listeners are forced to make a choice between the two, both sponsors' buying audiences are re- duced.

Our "Ear Inspires" writers usually ask us to do something about these program conflicts. We tell them that our most effective power is in dissem- inating their wishes on these pages - and adding the weight of our editorial viewpoint on what makes the best and most common -sense radio.

Networks and sponsors, you take it from there.

Your Cue ( Shows

y` Like )

Jack Benny It seems impossible that in Jack

Benny's fourteen years in radio he should start his fifteenth year by be- ing better than ever -but it's true! We say impossible because when you con- sider that on the legitimate stage a dramatist worries about topping his second act with his third, in radio it's equivalent to topping your 575th act with your 576th!

We think part of Jack's longevity as a comedy star is due in great part to the fact that he is a good actor in ad- dition to being a great comic. He has rlways amused us the most when his feelings have been hurt by a too -

sharp retort on the part of a cast

member. He becomes in turn petu lant, eager to make up and anxious not to be the first to give in. When you consider how many years Jack was on stage and screen as a visual comedian, it's gratifying to report that he projects his character by voice alone. Too many comedians get their laughs by mugging at the studio aud- ience. Benny, because his acting is as good as his comedy, doesn't have to.

We now make it a point to forego the LSMFTing at the beginning and the end of the program -after all these years we know they're selling Lucky Strikes. However, Don Wilson's trick commercials with his high- priced quartet we wouldn't miss for anything. It's a very funny running gag. and Jack's helpfulness faced with this musical juggernaut is as appeal- ing as the rest of his characteriza- tion.

What can we add about Don Wil- son, Phil Harris, Mary Livingston, Dennis Day, Artie Auerbach, and "Ma- bel and Gertrude "? They're all won- derful, but it's still Jack who points them up. Witness the case of tenor Frank Parker, who was once a main- stay of the Benny Show. Frank's de-



Radio's popular Vera Vague, who is the subject on next week's cover, offers Radio Life's readers a chance to meet her as she is at home -lovely Barbara Jo Allen . . . An up-to- the -min- ute story on comic Peter Lind Hayes points up the pros and cors of the current debate over Pete's adaptability to ether ma- terial . . . Mutual's "Heart's De- sire" and KFWB's announcers are profiled . . . along with chatty stories on Andy Mans- field, "Marketcasting," and clev- er new songstress Suzanne El- lers . . . There's another in our contest series, which you won't want to miss . Be sure to get your copy early!

She wanted to read about it, but she missed it. Don't be a missdit, Read next week's Fa dio Life!

licious humor made him perhaps the most popular member of the cast, ex- cepting Jack. Yet, when he left the program to star in his own show, something was missing - just Jack Benny, that's all - and the Parker show soon folded. Frank's still arourid as a top -notch tenor, but his comedy days are behind him.

Maybe you've forgotten, but in Ben - ny's early. radio days, he wasn't the pinch - penny, brow- beaten dupe of his sharper cast members. Benny was acid - bright, sophisticated and sarcast- ic. The stinging retort, the Broadway hanter type of comedy was his forte. Jack's had the ability to change with the times and audiences -just another reason he deserves another fourteen years as successful as his first.

Ozzie and I- farrier Proof that a program needs a little

time to feel its way around and find its most comfortable position in the pattern niche best suited to it is amply illustrated by the saga of CBS' Ozzie Nelson- Harriet Hilliard show (Sunday, 3:00 p.m.) In the beginning, as much as everyone wanted the Nelsons' pro- gram venture to succeed. if only be- cause the Nelsons themselves are such nice people, it had to be admitted that their show just didn't quite score. But it was pretty certain that its flaws - situations and dialogues not funny enough, delivery a little ill at ease - were things that would smooth out with time and effort.

The former took care of itself, the latter was generously applied by the program's cast and crew, and the re- sult is just what we knew it could be -one of the most entertaining and satisfying radio programs to be found on your dial. "The Adventures of Oz- zie and Harriet" gives its listeners just exactly what they want in a fam- ily comedy situation series

Harriet and Ozzie, delightful people and exceedingly able actors (which surprised some who thought of them only as bandleader and vocalist), make the most of every laugh sit- uation- which, by the way, are al- ways believable situations that hit home, rather than exaggerated humor blown up to comic -strip proportions.

The show's two stars are expertly aided each week by its other regular cast members - Bea Benadaret as "Gloria ", Tommy Bernard as "David ", Henry Blair as "Ricky ", and Janet Waldo as "Emmy Lou ". Each of these characters has an individual contri- bution to make to the show's over -all subtle hilarity, and each does his part beautifully.

Also deserving of tribute for mak- (Continued on \'err Page)

Page Nine

Page 10: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


KECA mike memos


Lately we've talked about some of ABC's outstanding mystery shows and quizzes . Now let's take a look at some mid -day musicals, particularly the quarter -hour of song by Norwood Smith and the new Frank Parker Show, both heard on KECA, Monday through Friday.

Back from the wars last spring, young baritone Norwood Smith was signed for a series of three -a -week song sessions on KECA. So popular did his pro-

grams prove with those lucky folks who can be home by their radios on weekday mornings, that his sponsor recently in- creased his airings to five -a -week. Feat- uring show tunes from Broadway and mo- tion pictures, as well as familiar ballads, Woody's song styling lets his audience dream they're seeing again their favorite operetta or musical comedy. If you're near your radio any morning at 11:45, tune in on KECA . You'll see what we mean.

Then there's that new musical pot- pourri now being aired on KECA, Monday through Friday at 12:45... The Frank Park- er Show. Headlining Frank Parker, one of the nation's top romantic tenors, the show also features the songs of lovely blonde Kay Lorraine, the orchestra batoned by Paul Baron, and Andre Baruch serves as emcee. Turn your dial to the Parker Show,

keep turning back every day! .. ALWAYS A BEST BET . . 790 . .

Speaking of music, always tops is the Bing Crosby Show on Wednesday nights. In the lineup for next Wednesday (Nov. CO at 9 o'clock are a few choice selections by "Der Bingle" himself, some rhythmic harmony by the Charioteers . . . who, incidentally, chucked a personal appearance stint in Boston because Bing asked them to join him on his new Philco show ... and a song or two by that vivacious little Latin, Lina Romay. Bing's guest spot- light for the evening will fall on Raphael Mendez, the world's fastest trumpet player, who'll play "Flight of the Bumblebee."

. . ALWAYS A BEST BET . . 790 . .

HERE AND THERE: Bill Gargan. who plays the rule of Ross Dolan, two - fisted private eye on ABC's "I Deal in Crime ' , uses a cigarette holder, sent him by one of his many fans, as a good luck charm. Bill gives Leonard Reeg, director of the show, a case of the jitters before each broadcast. He has a habit of reading lines through rehearsal with the holder between his teeth . . . tho' it rests behind his ear during the broadcast! "I Deal in Crime" is now heard on KECA at 7:30 Saturday nights ... In tests conducted with recordings of fifteen top stars, scientists discovered that Don McNeill, headman on ABC's famous "Breakfast Club" literally has the "warmest" voice in radio. Tested with a delicate instrument which converts vocal sounds into electric impulses, Mc- Neill's voice sent the thermometer up to 138 degrees ... surpassing such stars as Frank Sinatra, Paul Whiteman, and others. . .

. . ALWAYS A BEST BET . . 790 . .

There are new axles for several of KECA's regular Thursday features ... For Bill Gargan instance, you now hear that important dis- cussion hour, America's Town Meeting, at 6:45 p.m. instead of 8:30 ... followed by editor Erwin Canhanr and "The Monitor Views the News" at 7:45... There's a good listening lineup for the serious minded ... That lively quiz show, "Take It From There," has moved into the 8:30 time slot on KECA's air, tho' the show still goes "TC" at 6:30 ... By the way, there's a chance to write for tickets, at- tend the show, then go home and maybe hear yourself as one of the contestants!

. . ALWAYS A BEST BET .. 790. .

and you'll Kay Lorrains

Page Ten ..4duertisement

Radio Rct'few (Continued from I'rrreding Page)

ing this Sunday afternoon air feature the joy that it is, are its producer, Ted Bliss; its musical director, Billy May; its staff of script writers, Sol Saks, Bill Manhoff, Poot Pray and Ben Cershman. The latter quartet of writ- ers' work in collaboration with Ozzie Nelson, who is to be credited to a large extent for the series' consist- ently commendable script offerings. Particularly noteworthy feature of the show, too, is the fact that it never resorts to an off -color gag or situation.

With no reservation whatsoever, Radio Life recommends this enchant- ing family show to everybody in the family.

Fred Allen We wish Fred Allen would stop

threatening to quit radio. It's not a question of can Fred get along with- out radio, but can radio get along without Fred? Our answer is, not very well.

His is one program where a big name guest star is in no danger of losing fans because of poor material. Allen's guest spots are usually the high point of his show. The recent Basil Rathbone -Allen satire on Sher- lock Holmes was a delightful example and the Tony Martin -Allen rendition of the "Radio Pinafore" commanded national comment. The fact that Allen was prevailed upon to dull the bite in many of the verses shortly before air time didn't rob it of its pointed- ness.

Allen's cast, too, is still of the high- est caliber. Minerva Pious as "Mrs. Nussbaum" and Kenny Delmar as "Claghorn" were both winners of Ra- dio Life's Awards last year and are still the same wonderful performers. We do think, though, that the "Sena- tor" has lost a little of his vehemence.

He's as loud as ever, but not quite as angry at the North. Parker Fen -

nelly as "Titus Moody" is always amusing, especially in direct contrast to the windy Southerner next door. Allen's new addition to ,the "Alley" is Peter Donaldson as "Ajax Cassidy ". the Irishman. For our money Barry Fitzgerald has the corner on Irish comedy, and it's absolutely useless to try to touch him. Sorry, "Ajax ". And. by the way, what ever happened to "Falstaff Openshaw ", old -time "Al- len's Alley" resident? We miss his highly quotable poems of wayward mothers.

With all due credit to his talented cast, it's still Fred, the old master, who makes the show tops in comedy. His quick -on- the -trigger ad libs are almost miraculous to anyone who is familiar with the tension and preoc- cupation with details prevalent on a big -time show. Portland Hoffa, often on the spot with Fred's sudden flights of humor, manages to go along with him in most cases.

As for Al Goodman's orchestra and the De Marco Sisters, Fred keeps them

(Please Turn to Paye 12)

Page 11: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die




- +

'711t""')` Ì e 1 : r

} =,-fir `R,

suave, cultured, man of the world who

appears as host of "Hollywood Star Time"

every Saturday at 8:00 PM on KNX, began his career at the age of 19 when he entered

the theatre as an assistant stage manager.

Later, he became box office man, but when

he began his career as an actor he was

cost as the forelegs of o horse. r44' left home of 16 with his parents' best wishes and $4.20 to crash Hollywood. After a harrowing trip across the continent,

and three months spent in besieging costing offices, Eddie

gave up and his parents sent him return fare to New York The day he arrived in New York he landed o small role

in a Broadway ploy. In o few months he was snagging choicer parts. Then o Hollywood talent scout "discovered" him. Eddie stars in his own show on KNX at 6:30 PM Sunday

showed so much ability as a pianist when

she was a child,plans were mode for her to

pursue a concert career. But when she entered

college she gave up piano rehearsals to join

a trio called The Triads." Talent scouts heard

them, picked Ginny out, and shortly after she

joined Kay Kyser's orchestra as a soloist. Now she has her own show on KNX at

6:00 PM Friday.

singing star of "Your Hit Parade, " owns one of the fanciest rumpus rooms in Hollywood. It's o converted hothouse with Tahitian furn- ishings and in the summer the all -glass roof con be removed with the push of a button. Andy is heard on "Your Hit Parade" every Saturday at 9.00 PM.


KNX 1070 ON YOUR DIAL Page Elcyca


Page 12: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


Radio Re'few (Continued from Page 10)

(and his places, wh long on a humor in

Hoagi' After an interview with Hoagy Car-

michael, we came away with the feel- ing that his charm lay in his ability to make himself -and you -feel at home. His easy but distinctive meth- od of singing and piano .playing left one with that relaxed enjoyment so necessary to good ether entertain- ment. But Hoagy himself complained that he "lacked" - "my voice and piano aren't good enough to carry a show," and so he added a fourteen -

piece band, singers and guests. What emerged was a potpourri of

talent, supposedly featuring the per- sonality of one Hoagy Carmichael, who was almost lost in the shuffle of his own program.

Now times have changed. Hoagy is back with a real show of his own. There can't be too much singing and piano playing by Mr. C. in his fif- teen minute Sunday CBS airer to please us. But maybe there can be too much talk, and we hope that this is not stressed too strongly, because we're already pleased as punch that one of Indiana's favorite sons is back to entertain us in his own inimitable manner.

Hoagy's effortless charm is aug- mented by the addition of honey -

voiced Shirlee Turner, who cues, primes and interrogates the "old mu- sic master." Strange coincidence is that newcomer Shirlee is also one of the Hoosier State's own. "Makes this a real Indiana clambake," commented Carmichael.

studio audience!) in their ich is just where they be- show devoted to the best


"Info, Please" They say you should never judge a

radio show until after it has put in at least four air appearances. In the case of CBS' "Information, Please ", this holds true. Following an off - start, "Info" chalked up a bravo for itself with last week's (Nov. 23) perform- ance. In addition to regulars Clifton Fadiman, John Kieran and Franklin P. Adams, guests Bob Hope and Oscar Levant (who made it sound like old days) aided in setting a fast pace.

After all these years, we still cringe at emcee Fadiman's somewhat snide manner of talking down to the parti- cipants. Funny man Hope was his target for the night. Away from his usual fan following, the comedian ap- peared subdued, and even we began to wonder after long minutes of un- familiar Hope silence, if something were wrong. Apparently Fadiman sensed the same, for he broke Bob's taciturnity with. "Just why are you here, Mr. Hope?"

"Well, I haven't gotten a room yet," apologized Hope in typical manner

Page Twely

and we knew we had not heard the last from either member.

Throughout the half-hour quiz about a variety of subjects, Hope, Levant and Fadiman deftly sparred with one another, while Kieran and Adams quietly sat by doing the brain work. Fadiman asked someone to explain the meaning of an alliteration to Hope, who returned the jibe by later stating, when asked for a musical rendition of "Thanks For The Mem- ory", that he didn't sing for a pen and a pencil (show's sponsor).

It was apparent that the program has not deviated from its original pattefn, with the exception of the commercials, which now boast the merits of Eversharp. But as long as the board of experts can keep Mr. Listener as thoroughly entertained as he was last weels, we doubt if many complaints will find their way to "In- formation, Please ".

Playbacks Critical ) Comment

Bubble's Pop When a Jack Smith fan went on rec-

ord as saying "There's something in his voice that reminds me of cham- pagne, just bubbling over. I always picture him smiling. happy in the joy of his song, and I just get happy myself," she started something. For Jack has gone "bubbling" to town.

But just like the proverbial too - much -of -a -good- thing, we've heard as- sorted groans and moans whenever Mr. Smith commences to sing -or bub- ble or whichever it is. "He even sounds happy when he's singing a torch song," wailed one young thing. "How can you swoon over a crooner in such good spirits? It takes all of the ro- mance away."

We dislike mournful musicians who gash through a song as if they're ready to expire any minute. Also, we dislike merry musicians who cavort through a song as if they're ready to explode any minute.

As the well -known jingle commer- cial goes, why not strike a "happy" medium?

On Mike ( About Studio

1 Happenings

Marilly There That was an exceedingly neat and

extremely nice bit of scripting by Howard Breslin presented on the Oc- tober 19th airing of CBS' "Mayor of the Town ". Because of Agnes Moor - head's trip to New York, the voice of her character creation on the show, the Mayor's cantankerous housekeep- er, "Marilly ", had to be silenced on the week's episode of the series. So the Breslin script, written on a pre- vious occasion when Moorhead had to be absent from the show, was again put to use.

It employed a situation that estab- lished "Marilly's" presence in the story so prominently that she domi-

nated the piece as strongly as the unseen Daphne Du Maurier heroine of "Rebecca." The scripter put Marilly in quarantine with a friend who has the measles, and in the ensuing ac- rrurr, rrrrrtrr rrraru rrrr iviayur t nel Barrymore), his ward "Butch" )Conrad Binyon), and their neighbors (Barbara Eller and Ken Peters), con- ducting one -sided conversations over the telephone and through a window with the obviously greatly perturbed Marilly.

As much to be credited as the scrip - ter and the show's stars and cast of that episode is Agnes Moorhead her- self, whose distinctive talent has made "Marilly" a character so believable and beloved that she can carry a broadcast without even being there!

Off Mike ( Personalities )

Still Pleasing The Thrifty Drug Store at Selma

and Vine, right across the street frorrt. Radio Life's Otto K. Olesen office, is a well -known gathering place of fa- mous radio folk. Harried ether per- formers with a little time to kill be- tween broadcasts, frequently step into Thrifty's for a quick cup of coffee or a cheese on rye.

Another reason many of them make the Thrifty counter a habitual stop- over is a pleasant- mannered, blue - smocked waitress wearing an em- ployee name button that identifies her as "Miss Donaldson." Her regu- lar customers always greet her with an affectionate "Hi, Grace ", and radio old- timers know that she is as much of a star as any of the now - prominent performers to whom she serves coffee and doughnuts.

When radio was still in its infancy, Grace Donaldson was one of its big- gest performers, a member of The Don Hall Trio, vocal threesome that rated right next to the Boswell Sisters in those days. Grace was in the business a long time and has a wealth of fan- tastic tales to tell of happenings in the industry's earliest days. Many of the top stars of today were just try- ing to get a start then, and Grace was one of those who helped them along.

Besides vocalizing with Hortense Rose and George Hall, the other two -

thirds of the Don Hall Trio, Grace Donaldson also scripted radio shows for years. Today, she points out with a good- natured grin, "I confine my writing to scribbling out orders for hungry customers."

The hungry customers, appreciative of the Donaldson service with a smile, would add, "Grace is still pleasing her public."

CONTAGIOUS Violinist Carl Ottobrino of the Tex

Beneke band took Doris Kitchen as his bride -fifth member of the band to marry in the past month!

Page 13: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die



L 12444.-

By Evelyn Bigsby IF WE WERE QUEEN, radio would be an all -year -round proposition.

There'd be no differentiation between summer and winter fare. As radio now stands (and we use the verb advisedly) summer fare is usually light and frothy, while in winter the listener is supposed to strain his ear drum trying to catch the gags as they whiz past.

Ratings, we're told, totter during the warm weather. Trouble is, we don't stake our life on present day ratings, but they're the only accepted current method of yard.sticking a pro- gram. Any system of telephone meas- urement leaves so much to be desired: there are too many avid radio fans without phones, especially now; if you can't get to the phone in half a dozen rings you're counted a miss; and what allowance is made for a family like ours, where there are five radios and each one might be tuned to a different program?

Now when the good old summertime rolls around, the problem becomes more acute. Fans grab their portables and hie off to beach or mountains to escape the insistent telephone; others listen while travelling in their cars. Gauging others by ourself, we think folks have more time to listen during the summer than during the rest of the year and consequently, we feel, ratings don't offer accurat. reflections of what's what.

Because ratings indicate listening is supposed to be down during the summer months, most sponsors yank their expensive shows and re- place them with lighter- budgeted fare, usually requiring less intensive concentration. This is difficult to un- derstand, because most of us have more time to relax and bend a radio ear during vacation, and often in winter we come home from a fast day at the office too tired or absorbed to cope with a bang -bang routine.

Furthermore, with a thirty nine week investment in skythelimit tal- ent, why should a sponsor take a chance on fans' listening habits and do as many sometimes do- figure any old thing is good enough to hold the time and to heck with holding the customer.

All these mental meanderings lazed through our mind the other day when Meredith Willson' s "Sparkletime" show was topic of con- versation. Someone remarked that he liked Meredith's lackadaisical humor last summer on the Burns and Allen replacement, but didn't care for it now the fast fall shows had returned. Discounting for personal listening tastes, why shouldn't Willson be bet- ter listening now than he was a few months ago? Surely with a cycle of shows under his belt he should; and

furthermore, he's cut some of his droll gab and is putting out more music to the extent that his lines simply function as continuity.

We think there's room for both types in "winter listening" -the easy, in- formal and the hard.paced and we also think, with things the way they are, no one should cover his ears to any new program without giving it a fair trial and without examining him- self to be certain he's not cubby -hol- ing it as listening for only this month or only that month of the year. As any dressmaker knows, a pattern is really good when it's adjustable.

RADIOCCURRENCES: CBS' Norman Corwin flew back into town after his round -the -world trip looking fit (al- though a little tired) and thinner. He was loaded to the chin with copious notes which he'll use to backbone his "One World Revisited" series starting on the network in December ... Nom- inated for three of the hest - written shows on the air: Burns and Allen, Ozzie and Harriet, Durante -Moore .

KFAC disc jockey Ira Cook and Vir- ginia Jackson of Margaret Ettinger's publicity office are engaged ... Perry Ward emceed the sneak preview of a 'teen age audience participation show in Riverside that sounds like a honey . "Gildersleeve" has been compli- mented by formation of eighteen "Jol- ly Boys' Clubs" scattered across the country . Jim (Hubert Updyke) Backus' definition of radio: "Getting paid for playing gin rummy in an air -conditioned room."

COUNT OFF Know how many a billion is? Dave

Valle of KNX's "Something to Talk About" program points out that the propeller of a fast pursuit plane trav- eling at 300 miles per hour would take a full year -24 hours each day -to revolve a billion times!

FRIENDSHIP IN TUNE Frank Lightener, pianist with the or

chestra of CBS's "Ozzie and Harriet Show," has been with Ozzie Nelson a long time. Frank and Ozzio ' o- directed a high school band.


0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0

With resumption of a full news se Radio Life is reinstating its "Gags Week" column. As in the past, ticke radio programs will be offered those sending in the best gags. On hand, ing to reward each of four persons ing in a gag, are four pairs of tt You'll get either two tickets to Lu two to "Gildersleeve's" show -whit we manage to slip into your elute Address your entries to Radio Life. North Vine .Street. Hollywood 28,

Mr. John Rooney, 2017 Buena Vista Burbank, Calif.

Heard on the "Ozzie and H Show ":

David: Pop, what's a sweater Ozzie: Uh -it's a -well, she's

who works in a factory where make sweaters. Incidentally, where did you ever get a questio that?

David: Boy! Where did you ev an answer like that? Mrs. J. D. Coles, 552 Aiandeie Avian'

Angeles, Calif.

Heard on "It Pays to Be Ignoi Miss McConnell: I drink milk

contented cows. Mr. McNaughton: Really? I

mine from a glass. Mrs. Vera Lennon, 36121/s Brunswicl

Los Angeles 26, Calif.

se, of the Is for first

wait- end- kets. r" or Never lope. 158




girl? a girl they

son- s like

er get

e, Los

ant ": from


Heard on the "Maisie" program: Maisie: Is that a bustle you're wear-

ing or could it be an inside job? Mrs. P. W. Milberg, 13281'1 Second Street,

Santa Monica, Calif.

Heard on "Duffy's Tavern ": Archie: Why does an old maid wear

kid gloves? Martha Raye: Why does an old maid

wear kid gloves? Archie: Because she has no kids.

Mrs. H. Finkle, 1648 Stearns Drive, Los As- geles 35, Calif.

Heard on the "Bob Hope Show":. Bob (in a colonial play): Bring me

a goose quill, I want to write a letter. And bring me a duck quill. too-I might want to write under water Frances O'Neal, 287 East Calaveras Street,

Altadena, Calif.

Heard on the "Victor Burge Show ": Victor: I took Lana Turner for a

ride last week. Don Wilson: Did that help to put

your car in better shape? Victor: No, but it put a better shape

in my car. Mrs. Mabel Guyette, 1309 Bates Avenue, Los

Angeles 27, Calif.

Heard on "Truth or Consequences ": Ralph Edwards: Why is an empty

purse always the same? Contestant: I don't know. Ralph: Because there's no change


in it. Page T hirteen

Page 14: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


Precasts & Pr cics TIME CHANGES

Sunday man min. (1 hr

Monda KEC throu 5:15

Saturd KNX, KNX,

, November 3 -"Paul White - Show," KECA, 5:00 p.m. (30

. Formerly KECA, 5:00 p.m. .) .

r, November 4 -"Dick Tracy ", A, 4:30 p.m. (15 min.). Monday

gh Friday. Formerly KECA, p.m. Monday through Friday.

ay, November 9 -Jean Sablon, 9:45 p.m. (15 min.). Formerly 2:30 p.m. Sunday.


Drama Sunday, November 3 -"The Clock ",

KECA, 5:30 p.m. (30 min.). Narrator tells dramatic tales in flashbacks.

* Music

Friday, November 8- "Songs by Betty Russell ", KECA, 6:15 p.m. (15 min.). Singer Betty Russell with her own series. Betty is also heard on the Curt Massey show on Saturdays. *

Mystery -Drama Wednesday, November 6- "Affairs of

Ann Scotland," KECA, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.). Starring Arlene Francis as a female sleuth.


Sunday, November 3- "Charlie Mc- Carthy Show ", KFI, 5:00 p.m. (30 min). Charlie and Edgar Bergen welcome Fred Allen in a rare guest appearance.

Sunday, November 3 -"Fred Allen Show ", KFI, 5:30 p.m. (30 min.). Bob Hope matches wit with the old master, Fred Allen, in a guest ap- pearance.

* l'ariety

Monday, November 4- "Victor Borge Show ", KFI, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.). Elsa Maxwell, columnist and party -giver, will be Borge's guest.

Wednesday, November 6 -'Bing Cros- by Show ", KECA, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). Rafael Mendez, world's fast- est trumpet player, is Bing's guest.

* Music

Monday, November 4 - "Telephone Hour", KFI, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). Maggie Teyte replaces Nelson Eddy

Page Fourtetn

who was originally scheduled at this time. Nelson will be heard on No. vember 25.

Quiz Sunday, November 3 - "Take It or

Leave It," KNX, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.). Comedian Red Skelton is Phil Ba- ker's guest.


Sunday, November 3- "Theater Guild on the Air ", KECA, 7:00 p.m. (1 hr.). Gertrude Lawrence stars in "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney ", Frederick Lonsdale hit.

Tuesday, November 5 - "Hollywood Players ", KNX, 6:30 p.m. (30 min.). Paulette Goddard in "Kitty ", radio adaptation of her own starring mo- tion picture.

Wednesday, November 6 - "Academy Award Theater ", KNX, 7:00 p.m. (30 min.). Olivia De Havilland in "Cheers for Miss Bishop ".

Thursday, November 7 - "Suspense ", KNX, 9:00 p.m. (30 min.). Jack Car- son stars as a psychiatrist in "Easy Money ".

Saturday, November 9 -"This Is Hol- lywood", KNX, 7:15 p.m. (30 min.). Michele Morgan and Robert Cum- mings will be Hedda Hopper's guest stars in radio version of the movie, "The Chase ".

* Comedy

Tuesday, November 5 - "Date With Judy," KFI, 5:30 p.m. (30 min.). "Judy the Feminist" is the title of this week's episode. It has been shortened to allow for the announce- ment of election returns on the pro- gram. *

Al usic Sunday, November 3 - "Manhattan

Merry -Go- Round ", KFI, 6:00 p.m. (30 min.). Baritone star Thomas L. Thomas sings "September Song" and "The Whole World Is Singing My Song ".

Sunday, November 3 -NBC Symphony, KFI, 2:00 p.m. (1 hr.). Arturo Tos- canini conducts the orchestra in an all -Mozart program. Featured is the overture to the "Magic Flute."

* Religious

Sunday, November 3- "National Ra- dio Pulpit ", KFI, 7:00 a.m. (30 min.). Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, pastor of

New York's Christ Church, speaks on "Beine Good in Bad Places"

Sports Sunday, November 3 - Professional

Football, KMPC, 10:45 a.m. (till conci.). Bob Kelley will broadcast the Los Angeles Rams vs Detroit Lions game from Detroit.

Saturday, November 9 - Football, KECA, 10:15 a.m. (till conci.). No- tre Dame vs. Army at Yankee Stad- ium in New York.

Saturday, November 9- Football, KHJ, 2:00 p.m. (till concl.). USC vs. UC at Los Angeles.

Saturday, November ;9 - Football, KECA, 1:45 p.m. (till conci.). Ore- gon vs. UCLA.

Travel Sunday, November 3 - "Romance of

the Highways," KHJ, 10:15 a.m. (15 min.). Commander Scott visits Olympia, the capital city of Wash- ington, and has a surprise in store for listeners. *

WHAT'S SPECIAL Public Information

Tuesday, November 5 - Election re- turns, KHJ, (continuous). From opening of the polls until closing, Mutual will maintain contact with the newsrooms of 327 stations for a report of voting progress. Also car- ries direct lines from Democrat and Republican headquarters, both na- tional and state. Carroll Reese and Robert Hannegan, chairmen of the Republican and Democratic commit- tees, respectively, will be heard.

Tuesday, November 5 - Election re- turns, KFI, (continuous). Early elec- tion results will be carried on reg- ular news broadcasts and late re- sults will be aired in three and five - minute' spots. Local and national results.


Art Linkletter was chatting with five small school boys and girls during a recent CBS "House Party" broadcast, and asked each of them to define a "skeleton." The first little boy replied, "A man who ... uh . . .

sort of froze!" A little girl decided it was "a man who is dead and his bones show!" Two more admitted they weren't sure. But the payoff came when a tyke with a flourishing cow- lick grinned: "It some bones that ain't goin' anyplace!" * MELODIES AMERICA LOVES

Music and songs dedicated to the U. S. Marine Corps on the occasion of the 171st anniversary of its found- ing will be broadcast Tuesday evening over KNX from 7:30 to 8:00 o'clock, on Inglewood Park Cemetery Associa- tion's weekly concert of "Melodies America Loves."

Featured artists are to be the Ingle- wood Park Quartet, with the orchestra conducted by -Earl Towner.

Page 15: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

NOVEMBER 3, 1946 R A D I O L I F E



'kilocycle k'wïz» Fun for all the family. Anyone can play the Kilocycle Kwiz.

Radio Life chal- lenges your knowledge of ra- dio personalities who enter your home each week.

You know their

voices. Here's your chance to show that you can recognize their faces, too.

No box tops to send in, no wrap pers to tear off. You don't even have to send in the kitchen sink Just follow the simple rules on Page 33. There are 15 valuable prizes each week.

NINETY PRIZES IN ALL Here's what this week's lucky winners will receive:



First -DU BARRY MAKE -UP KIT, com pletely fitted for home or traveling - it makes beautiful handbag with comb, mirror, coin purse when you have used the cosmetics.

Seeond- EVERSHARP C. A. REPEATE PEN, with silver ca p, guaranteed fo ever, and for three years without re



Fourth -COMPACT, sterling silver an gold plate.

Fifth to Seventh- LUCITE COMB ANI BRUSH SETS, with nylon bristles.

Eighth and Ninth- PERFUME DROP PER BOTTLES, in hobnail glass wit matching powder box and mirrore tray.

Tenth to Fifteenth-ONE PAIR OI NYLONS to each winner.





Page Fifteen

Page 16: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

*Indicates News Broadcasts. 8 -KFI -Radio Edition of the Bible.

*KN X -News. KECA- Message of Israel. KHJ, KGB. KVOF Dr. Tal-

bot and Choir. *KMPC, ALA('. HALA, KIEV,

KGER -News. RFR B- Funnies. KFAC- (' mint ry Church. KRKD -Ranch Program. KR KR'- Pan -American

Mission. HGFJ -Arm ('hair Concert. KIND-I nice of Calvary. KFOX -Memories of Call ary.

*KFXM -News and Music. KI'RO -Bible School. RFSD -Call to Rorehip. KFMR -Old Fashioned

Reshal. 11:85- KAT -Rings Oser .Jordan.

KGER -Kingdom 'Within. 8:18 -HLAC- Treasure Chest. $:IS-AFT-Old Hymnal.

RMPC -Moments of Devotion. KIEV- Rhythm Trailways. HALA -Musical Melodies.

8:30 -BFI- Grandpa Owens Reads the Funnies.

KNX--Sal t Lake Tabernacle. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Voice of Prophecy. KECA -Hour of Faith. RMPC -Chapel Hour. KFWB -11. nion Rescue Mission. EXL.A- Tailor -Made Melodies. KM KW-Buenas Noel as. KFAC-Strolling Tom. KLAC-Christ Chareh laity. KGFJ-Radio Messenger. KFVD- Church of Christ. KIEV- Musical Memories. KGER- Swedenborg Hour. KFOX- Morning Bible Hour. KPRO-Voice of Prophecy.

*RFSD -News. $:45 -KFAC, HRHD- Musir.

KGF,1 -Quiet Moments. KGER -Frank and Ernest. KFSD -Paul Page Orch. KFI -The Eternal Light. KNX- Imitation to Learning.

*KECA -News. KHJ. KGB, HI OE- Pilgrim

Hour. *KMP(' -News, Music for Sun-

day. *KLAC-News, Catholic Hour.

KRKD- Sunday Serenade. KFAC-Liberal Catholic Hour. HFVD -Walte. Time. KGFJ-Hollywood House

Presents. KXLA- Taylor -Made Melodies. KN KW- Italian Hour. HPI'C- Sunday Morning

Devotional. KIEV- Lyrics by Crosby.

*KGER -News, Bible Treasury Hour.

KFOX -Popular Melodies. *K PRO -This Week.

RFSD -Chicago Round Table. K FMB-Ch ristian Science.

9:15*HECA- Washington Inside Out KFAC -Concert. KPPC -Prelude to Worship. KIEV-Musette'. KFMB-Fine Arts Quartet.

):36 -11.1I- Taylor -made Melodies. !CNN-Yours Sincerely. KECA- Taylor Made Melodies. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Lutheran Hour. KM1'(' -Wayne King Orch. KFWB -Peter Potter. KFVD -Morning Serenade. KFAC- Gilhert d Sullisan. KXLA- Western Roundup. KPPC- Sunday Morning Club. KIEV --Lost & Found Pets. KGER -Wesley Radio League. KPRO- Sunday Strings. KFSD- Del ntinna! Music. KFMB- Palestine Drama. :46- KIEV -88 Keys. HFMB -Frank and Ernest.

. "J'al-.'-,ry.a -'WNÍ'!YIFs,r., -


*KFOX -L. A. Sentinel Broad-


TT-j- K!TTKFWO KNXT K- O. K P KTTKOgT KT KT 570 s49 7 0 930 10 OTI I 10 1 1E30 1 j 1330T1390 1440 1490

800 710 870 980 1070 1150 1240IZ80 1360 1430 1450

BFI- Sports Folio, i KNX -People's Platform. RECA. KFMB -Johnny

Thompson. *KHJ, KGB. HFXM, KVOF:-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC- News, Western

Federal Music Hour. RFR'B -Peter Potter. KFAC-Gilbert & Sullivan.

*HLAC- News, Al Janis. RXLA- Slalie Program. RWHR -Rev. Johnsen. KPPC -Sunday Morning Club. KRKD- Sundn:. `erenade. KGFJ -Remote.

*KIEV, KGER -News. Page Sixteen

APRO- Dorothy Sheppard. KFSD -America t niter].

10:115-KGER -Radio Res is al. 10:15 -KFI -Home Town Parade.

KECA, KFMB -Leo Durocher Your Sports Question Bot..


The Romance of the ' Highways

"Unreal Realities'

KHJ -KVOE 10:15 A. M. Sundays

KH.1, KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Commander Scott.

KIES -Music Boc. KFOX -Res. Russell.

10:30 -BFI- Chicago Round Table. *KNX -News.

SECA, KFMR -Sammy Kaye Serenade.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KV 0E- Singing Sweethearts.

KXLA -Czech Polkas. KPPC- Church New s. KWKW- Hungarian Baptist. KIEV -Top Tunes. KGER -Voire of Prophecy. Kl'RO -Song Shop. KFSD -The Show Is On.

10:40 -KPPC -Tower Chimes. 10:45 -KNX- Howard K. Smith.

KH.1, KGB, KVOE- Opportu- nity. U.S.A.

KMPC-L. A. Rams se. Detroit Lions.

KFOX- ('umherlend Church. 10:30- KI'PC- Church Sen ice. 10:55 *KECA -Facts and Fiction with

Myron Rallare. ü -BFI, RFSD -RCA Victor

Show. ENA -Political. RIBA- %arriere of Peace. KHJ, KGB- ('rime Cases of

Warden Levees. SMPC- Football. KERB -Peter Potter.

*KLAC -Neese, Al Janis. KXLA -Church of Open Doer. KFAC -Ist Methodist Church. KWKW- Dalian Melodies. KGFJ- Rhythmic Pattern.

KFI D- Hollywood First Baptist Church.

KIEV, KPRO, KFXM, KV OE -Church Sers ices.

FP PC-Church Service. KFOX- Presbyterian ('hunch.

*KGER -News, Sunday Music. KFMB- Musical Caravan.

11:13 -KALI, KGB -Band Concert. 11 :30-KM. KFSD- Hauest of Stars.

KNX- Stradivari Orch. KECA- National Vespers. Kt,l JSong of the Islands. KR ED -All- Saints Church. HFOX- ChristIan Church. KGER -Bible ('lass.

11 :45-KILL KG11 -- ('angry Pet Shop.

12 -KFI, KFSD--- Cavaliers Parade KNX -New York Philhar- monic Orch.

KECA- Danger, Dr. Danfield. *HHJ- Broadway News.

KM PC -Foot hall. KEY. B -Peter Potter.


KGFJ -Say It With Musir. K FV-D- Luncheon Music. KW KW-Italian Novelties. KXLA -Open Doer Church. KPI'('- Church Sers ice. KFOX -Popular Melodies. KPRO- Sunday Serenade. KFMB- Danger, Dr. Danfield.


It'itlt AI Jarris KLAC -570

Sunday, 12:05 P.M.

1 ?:05 -KLAC -Cao You Tie That? KGER -Sunday Serenade.

12 :13-KILL KGB -Bill Cunningham. KFRR- Platter Parade. KFAC -Music. KIEV -Music Without Words. KPPC -Music of the Masters.

12:30 -KFI. KFSD -tyne Man's Family.

KECA, KPRO -The Cadets. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- National

Board of t oderwriters. KFWR -Jean Leonard.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type : Afternoon and

Evening Programs Boldface

Comedy-Variety 'i:nn -Ozzie and Harriet, KNX. 4 :00-Jack Benny, BFI. 4:30 -Phil Harris and Alice

Faye, KFI. 5:00- Charlie McCarthy, HFl. 5:30 -Fred Allen, KFI. 6:30 -Eddie Bracken, KNX. 7:00 -Don Ameche, KFI. 7:30 -Kate Smith, RNA. 5:00 -Roh Burns, BFI. 6:30 -- Blondie, KNX. 9:30 -Jack Benny, EFI.

Quiz, Participation 12 :05 -Can You Tie That ?, HLAC. 1:00- -Quiz Kids, KFI. 1:00 -('haret School. KGF.1. 2:0 -Darts for Dough, RECA. 3:30 -Hope ('hest, KNX. 6:30 -Double or Nothing. RAJ. 7:00-Take It er Leave It, KNX. -:30 -Name That Song, KHJ. 8:06- Twenty Questi KHJ.

Drama 12:30 -One Man's Family. BFI. ' :nn- Theater Guild. KECA. 9:30 -Romance of the Ranchos. R.

Music I:uJ -Salt Lake Tabernacle.

KNX. 11 :'nl- RCA -Victor Show. KF1 11:30- Harvest of Stars. KFT, 11:30- Stradivari Orch.. KNX. 12:0- Carmen Casallaro, BFI.

:en-New Iark Philharmonic. KNX.

1:1° --Dour of Charm, KNX. 2:0 -Arturo Toscanini, KFI.

2:00- Family Hour. KNX. 2:30 -Hoagy Carmichael. KNX. 3:00 -- Sunday Party. RECA. 4 :00-Gene Autry. KNX. 4:30 -Hollywood Music Hall.

KECA. 1 :06- Hildegarde. KNX. 6:30 -Album of Familiar Music,

KFJ. 6:30 -Standard Hour, KFI.

10:15 -Chapel Quartet, BFI. 11:15- Bridge to Dreamland.


Comment -Narration 10:15- Commander Scott, KHJ. 8:00 -Walter Winchell, RECA. 8:13 -Lonella Parsons, RECA. 6:30 -Jimmie Fidler, !ECA.

31ystery- Detective 2:30- Counterspy, RECA. 8:0 -Crime Doctor. KNX. 9:00 -Sam Spade, R-NX.

Public I nterest- Inf ormation

9 :00-Invitation to Learning. KNX.

10 :00-People's Platform. KNX. 10:30 -Chicago Round Table,

KFI. 8:00 -Exploring the Unknown.

KHJ. 6:45- 11 ayor Bowron. KM PC. 9 :00 -Open Forum, KMPC. 9:00 -Sunday Eseaieg Club.

KFAC. 9:13- Report to People. KECA

Sports -Comment 10:15 -Leo Durocher, KECA.

KFAC- Musiral Portr::its. *BRAD -News.

KXLA -Barred Record Shop. KR -KW-American-Jewish

Hour. 12:33 *KECA, KPRO -Sam Pettengill

KFAC, KRKD- Music. KIEI -Old II ex Works.

1 KFI' KFsD -Quiz Kids. KNX -New York Philhar-

monic. KECA, KPRO, KFMB-

Are These Our Children? KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

House of Mystery. RMPC- Football. KFR'I3 -Songs of the Islands.


JEAN BALL Recognized authority on Charm.

Beauty and Social Customs

presents Charm School of the Alt

KGFJ 8:30 -9: 0 P..M. Sloan t. HGFJ -Charm School of the

Air. AHED- Sunday on Ranch. KWKW- American -.Jewish Hr. KPPC- Afternoon Concert. KIEV -Musical Mimi!). KFOX- Italian- American

Program. KFVD -McKee Piano.

1:0.5 -KGER -Album of Hits. 1:15 -KLAC -Plano Patterns.

*KFAC-New s. KW-KW-Flo) os Hour. KXLA -Blend of Melody.

1:30 -KFI -These Make History. KNX -Hour of Charrat. KECA, APRO, HFMB -Stump

the Authors. KHJ, KGB. KFXDI. RVOE-

True Detectise Mysteries. *KPRB- Carlton Moss.

FLAC -Gypsy Serenade. KFAC -Good Neighbor Salute. KXLA -Church in the Barn. KIND-Piano Moods. HOER -Light and Life. KFSD -Western Theatre.

I:45*KFI -Radio News Weekly. KFWB -Dr. Cycle". KFAD -Vocal Varieties.

2 -KF7, KFSD-Symphony Orchestra.

KNX -The Family Hour. RECA. KPRO, KFMR -Darts

for Dough. KHJ, KGB. HFXM, KVOE-

The Shadow. K M PC- Footba II. KFWB- Musical Comedy,

I s. L. A. Dons. vs. L. A. Rams.

KC,FJ -Easy Rhythm. KRKD -Sunday on Ranch. AFV -D- Harlem Holiday. KW KW-Italian Melodies, KXLA- Sunday Concert. KPPC -Afternoon Concert. KFOX -Good News. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:1S- KFWB- St roll ing Tom. KIEV -Land of Song. KFOX- Sophia ('iveru.

2:30- KNX -Hoagy Carmichael. KECA. KPRO, KF37B-

Counterspy. KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KS OE--

as a Flash. HMPC -Off the Record. FIFE II-Diamond R Ranch. KFAC- Music. KXLA -R eke Cp. America: KW KW-Don Pancho Hour. KIEV -South American Way. KFOX -Gospel Harbor Light.

*KGER -News Resiew, Long Beach Band.

2:43*KNX -William L. Shirer.

3 BFI- Catholjc Hour. KNX -OznJ, an? Harriet KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E-

Those Websters. KECA. HPRO. RFMß -Sun-

day Elening Party. *RMPC -News. Off the Record.

HFW R- Americanism. KFAC Showcase of Hits. ELAC -Pro Football. KGFJ -Keyboard Magic. FFV -D- Popular Fay twit's. K " :'C- Afternoon Concert. KIES- Melody at

*KGER -News. Music. KFOX -Rev. Earl hie. KFSD- Melody Day Dreams.

Page 17: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die



MEN AND WOMEN! With goon speaking or singing voices . prepare now for the growing p- portunities in RADIO and TEL - EVISION We train in announc- ing, acting and singing. Our stu- dents broadcast on-

"CAREER THEATER" Every Sunday 3 to 3'30 p.m ST 1TION KXLA (1110 kc.)

FREDERICK H. SPEARE The {test's Outstanding Radio


6671 Sunset Blvd. Studio 1591 Hollywood 2325

KNLA- Frederick H. Speare 3:30-K FI- Sincerely Yours.

ENX -Hope Chest. KECA -Wayne King Show. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, Ht OE-

Nick Carter.


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Tune K F' W B Sunday

3:30 and 7:00 p.m.

KFWB -So You'd Like to Be In Radio.

KF{ D -Hank. the Night Watchman.

K14 KW-It of Healing. HXLA- Challenge to Youth. HGFJ- Remembrance Tunes. EGER -Back to Rod.

*HFSD -News. 3 :45 -.BFI- Melody Parade.

*HFSD- Caneth Wells. AFT. HFSD -Jack Benny. KNX -Gene Autry Show.

*KECA, KPRO, KFMB-Drew Pearson.

KHJ, KGB-I Was s Convict. *KMI'C -News, Music of

Romance. KF{{ B-Jan, Session. &LAC- Football. HFAC- Showcase of Hits,


REVIVAL Charles E.

Fuller, Director.

P. 0. Boa L23, Los Angeles.


SXl.4--4:00-5:00 P. M. SGER-4:00-5:00 P. M.

aEBROADCAST 63.LA-9:00 P. M. KPRO-9:00 P. M. KFON-10:00 P. M. KVOE-10:00 P. M. KFX51-10:00 P. M. S-HPC-10:05 P. M.

KXLA, KGER -Old -Fashioned Revival.

HGFJ- Appointment with the. Clergy.

KW KW- Sunday Interlude. HPPC -Afternoon Concert. KFOX-Sunshine Mission. KFXM-Sacred Harmonics. HVOE- Nazarene Church.

4:15*HECA. HMO, HFMB -Mnn- day Morning Headlines.

KGFJ- Strange as It Seems. HRHR -Voice of Prophecy. &RKD- Hawaiian Melodies. KIEV- Dinner Music.

4:30 -EFL, HFSD -Phil Harris and Alice Fave.



Foy Willing and his Riders of the Purple Sage

Movie Stars in Western Dramas!

HNX -All -Star Wester,. KECA, KPRO, RFMB- Holly-

wood Music Hall. KHJ, KGB-Res iewing Stand. KMPC -Sammy Kaye Orch. * KF{% B -News, KLAC- Three -Quarter Time. KGFJ- Curtain Calls. KFVD- Teatime Music. KIEV -Mood for Romance.


KFOX 4:30 - 5 :00 P.M. Sun. 9:30 -10:00 P.M. Monday

1280 Kilocycles KGER 8:05 -9:00 P.M. Sun.

1390 Kilocycles

KFOX-Floyd B. Johnson, King's Ambassadors.

KFXM- King's Ambassadors, KVOE -Grace and Truth.

4:35 -KFWB- Musirai Comedy. KWKW -Great Music.

4:45-KLAC-Linda Rhodes. KFVD -Carter Wright. KIEV -Afternoon Serenade.

S -BFI, KFND- Charlie Mc- Carthy Show.

KNX -Political. KHJ, KGB, K1 OE- Alexan-

der's Mediation Board. KECA, KPRO. KFHB -Paul

Whiteman Show, *HMPC' -News, Goodman Orch. SFNB- Stuart Hamblen. *KLAC, HGER -News.

KGFJ -Today's Hits. HFAC- Bowlers' Sports Cast. KRHD- Platter Playtime. KF'{ D- Hollywood Bowl. KXLA- Lutheran Gospel Hr. KIEV -Elora Latina- Ameri-

cana. KPPC- Afternoon Concert. KFOX-Rev. R. H. Hogan.

5:05-KGER-Bible Treasury Hour. 5 :15-KNX-Political.

KFAC-Music. KLAC -Music 111th Appeal.

5:25 *KHJ, KGB, SFXM, KVOE- ('ecil Brown,

5:30 -KFI, HFSD -Fred Allen Show, KNX -Yes on Proposition 2. KECA -The Clock. EHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Special Ins instigator. HMPC-Andre Kostelanetz. KLAC -Al Jarvis. KPPC- Silhouettes and

Shadows. KRKD-Lutheran Hour. KXLA- Preabyterian Church, HGER -Young People's

Church. KFOX-Music.

5:45 -KNX- Political. KHJ -Stars in the Spotlight.

*KGB. KFXM, KS'OE- George Putnam.

8:55 #KNX -Ned Calmer.

6 -BFI, KFSD- Manhattan Merry -Go- Round.

EN X- Hildegarde. *KECA, KPRO, KFMB- Walter

Winchell. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, &VOE-

Esploring the C nnown. *RVIPC, KFWR, HFOX. KLAC,

KXLA, EGER -News, HFAC -Musical Memories. KGFJ -Twilight Rhapsody. ERKD-Opera Classics.

6:05 -K LAC -Al Janis. KGER-Word of Prophecy,

Louis S. Bauman. 6:15 -KECA, HFMB, KPRO -Lou-

ella Parsons. RENB -Show Time. KXLA- University Explorer. HPPC -Sacred Song Recital.

6:30 -EFI, HFSD -American Album of Familiar Music.

KNX -Eddie Bracken. KECA. KPRO, KFMB-

Jimmie Fidler. KHJ, KGB, KFXM-M, KVOE-

Double or Nothing. &MPC- Mother's Album. &FA B- Gospel and Song. KXLA- Beyond Tomorrow. KPPC- Children's Corner, KGER-Lutheran League. &FOX -Hal's Memory Room.

6 :45-KECA, KPRO, &FMB -The Palicen omen.

KM PC-Mayor Rowron. KPPC Story Time. &RKD- Reverend Kirk.

7 -KFI, KFSD-Don Ameche Show.

KNX -Take It or Leave It. KECA, KFMR, KPRO -Thea-

ter Guild on the Air. 13áL1. KGB, KFX- M- Gabriel

Heatter's Brighter Tomorrow *HMPC-News, Bolero Time.

KFWB -Lest l'e Forget. KFAC -, usieal Memories.

*KLAC-News, (inn You Tie That?

KPPC-Organ Recital. ENLA- National Voice. HGFJ- Overture to Evening. KFOX- Pastor Olga Gras es. *EGER- News, John Brown.

7 :15 -HXLA -Life and Health. KPPC- Byways of Verae.

7:30 -KFI, HFSD -Meet Me At l'ark.'s.

KNX -Kate Smith. KHJ, EFXM, KVOE- What's

the Name of That Song? *EFWB -Drew Pearson. EXLA -Floyd B. Johnson. K PPC- Masterworks. KGER- Music. KOB- Security Hour.

7 :45 *KFWB -Drew Pearson. HMPC -Land of the Free. KFWB- Cathotic Answers. KGER- Socialist Labor Party. BFI, KFSD-Bob Burnt. 8 RNX -Crime Doctor. KECA, RI'RO, HFMB -Pat

Not ak KM, KGB, HFXM- Twenty

Questions. *K PC -News. *KLAC-News, Concert Hall. HFWB- Hollywood

Presbyterian Church. HGFJ -Waltz Invitation, KFAC -First Methodist



KGER 8 :0.900 P.M.

1390 Kilocycles KFOX -9:30 P.M. Mondays

1280 Kilocycles

*EGER -News, Floyd B. John son.

KFOX-Christian Science. RPP(- Sunday Evening Hour. KVOE- Christian Youth. 8:15 *KlIPC -Sam Pettenglll. 8:25 -KNX- Surprise Theatre. 8:30 -BFI, HFSD -Standard Hour.

KNX -Blondie. KECA- Willie Piper.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, 161 0E- Walter Winchell.

KMPC -Will Rogers. Jr. KGFJ -Stylings in Blue. KLAC -Fred Bowser. &PPC- Sacred Music. KPRO- Intermezzo. HFMB -Bing Crosby.

5:45 -EH.!, HFX.11, K5OE, HOB - Sheila Graham.

EMPC- Property Owners. HLAC -Casino Gardens Orch. KPPC -Word of Life. HFAC -Music. KFI, KFSD -Standard Hour. KNX -Sam Spade.

*KECA, KFMB -Sam Hayes, News.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*HMPC -News. Open Forum. KFWB -Union Rescue Mission.

*HLAC -News. HGFJ -Ave Marla Time. HFAC -Sunday Esening Club. KXLA, KPRO- Old -Fashioned

Resit al. KSVD -Spade Cooley Time. KFOX-Varieties.

*KGER-News, Bethel Church. 9:15 *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Rex Miller. SECA, HFMB- Report to

the People. *KLAC-Radin Newsreel.

HN "X- Romance of Ranchos. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Demo. State Central Comm.

SU N DAY LOGS EPWB- Pacific Lutheran Hr. KLAC -Goodwin Knight.

9:30 -1IFI, HFSD,Jack Benny. KNX- Romance of the Ranches.


9:30 TO 10:00 P M. Every Sunday

KECA KECA- Eaatside Serenade. KFAC -Gateway to Music. KGFJ -Show Time. KGER- Music. KFOX- Sunshine Mission. &FMB- Mississippi pi Room.

H 9:45 -KJ, KGB, KFXM -Jan Garber Orch,

KLAC-Helen G. Douglas. HFMB- Parson Roberts. IC10E- Minister's Hour.

1 * #BFI,

KNX -( HFhet SD -The Huntl


KECA -E. Hower( , N Orchews.

KHJ. EGB,John Wolohan Orchestra. * &MP(' -News, Old- Fashioned Resists!.

HFWB -Kirk o' the Air. *KLAC-News.

&FAC- Gateway to Music. HGFJ- :if uales! Horizons. HXLA -Voice of Calvary. &F{ D -Spade Cooley Time. HPRO- Riverside Union

Church. K OF. KFXM -Old -Fashioned Res is al.

KFOX-Rev. Fuller. *KGER -News. Roundup Time.

10:15 -KF1- Chapel Quartet. ti KNX -Eners ty Explorer.

*KHJ -News. HLAC- ('ompinsky Trio. HFAC -Conservatory Mas-

terpieces. KFSD -Honored Music. KFMB- Canino Gardens.

10:30 *&FT- Carveth Wells, Inside the News.

KNX -America Speaks. KECA- Freddy Martin Orch. KHJ, HGB -Jan Garber Orch. RPM B -Music From Classics. KFAC-Music for Listening. HGFJ -Swing It. KXLA-Bright Corner Church. HOER -Dude Ranch

Wranglers. KPRO -Frank and Earnest. HFMB -Jack McLean Orch.

10:45- FFI -Show Time. KNX -Time for Reason. KPRO- Cocoanut Grove. KFMB -Ambassador Orch.

*KFSD-News. 11'-America United.

*KS X. HMPC -News. KECA -Eddie Le Baron Orch. KHJ, KGB, KFXM -Ernie

Heckecher Orch. #FLAC -News. Let's Dance.

KFAC-Music for Listening. HGFJ -Blue of Evening. KFVD -Spade Cooley Time. KFOX -Antloch Church. KFSD -Music in the Night. HFMB- Concert Hall.

11:05- KNX,lerry Wald Orch. KMPC -Danse Time.

11:15 -KECA, KPRO--Bridge to Dreamland.

11:30 -BFI- Pacific Story. KNX -Manny Strand Orch. HH,I, KGB. KFXMM -Organ

Melodies. HFWB -Music You Want. KXLA -Platter Party. EFSD-St. Francis Orch. KFMB- Bridge to Dreamland.

11 :45-KNX-KNX-tra, Music. *HH.1, KGB, KFXM -News.

11:55 *KNX, HFSD -News,

LIKE OLD TIMES Joseph Bell. famed narra-

tor and actor in "The Adven- tures of Sherlock Holmes" from 1930 through 1936, after ten years' absence has re- turned to the cast in Holly- wood. Tom Conway and Ni. gel Bruce portray "Holmes" and "Watson" on the famous ABC series.

Paie Seventeen

Page 18: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


F ,

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 *Indicate% News Broadcasts.

8 -KFI KFSD -Fred Waring. KNX -- Johnny Murray. KECA, K1'101, RFMB -Don

McNeill's Breakfast ('tub. *KHJ, KGB -Cecil Brown. *KMPC. KXLA, KGF:Ii- Nevve.

KFWB -Easy Listenin'. KGFJ -foncer[ l'a *telle. RFA(' -Breakfast Symphony.

*KLAC -News, Picture Album. KWKW -Reward for Listening KRKD, KFOX -Bible Institute KFVD- Wakeup Ranch.

8 :115 -KGER -Soul l'at rol. 8 :15*K N X-Fred Beck.

*KHJ- Frazier Hunt. KMPC- Market, Sports. KIEV -Trade Winds Tavern. HGER- Mizpah.

8 :30 -KFI, KFSD -Jack Berch. KNX -Grand Slam.

*KHJ, KFAC, KWKW -News. KMPC- Tuttle'* Tune Time. EFWR- Diamond R Ranch. KGFJ -Waltz Imitation.

KXLA, 8:30 A.M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KXLA- Ilaven of Rest. *KRKD -News, Music.

KIEV -Musical Memories. KGB -Bill Harrington.

8:45 -KFI, KIND -David Harum. KNX -Rosenar .

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, K1 OE- Victor II. Lindlahr.

KMPC-A Song for You. *KF W'B -Nrn s.

KFAC-Show Time. KFVD-Vocal I'a,°rites. KWKW-Wings of Healing.

9 *KFI, KGFJ, .GER -News. KNX -Kate Smith. KHJ- Foodrraft Carnival. SECA. KPRO, BFMB-

Glamour Manor. *KMPC -News, Stork Club.

KFWB -Bing Crosby. *KLAC News, Picture Album.

EFAC-Unity. KXLA, KFVD-Waltz Time. KRKI- Sagebrush Serenade, KWKW -Voice of China. EFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KGB -Notes at Nine.

8 :05*KFI- Feature Wire. KGER -Lutheran Hour.

8:15- KFI -Ladies' Day. RNX -Aunt Jenny. RHJ. KGB, KVOE -Coke Club,

Morton Downey. KMPC-Those Were the Days. KFWB -Strolling Tom. KGFJ-Public Messenger. KFAC- Voice of Health. KXLA-Harmony Homestead. KWKW-Rev. Wildeman.

*KIND. KFSD -News. 8:30 -KNX -Helen Trent Romance.

KHJ -Time Out. KECA, KPRO. KFMB- Brene-

man's Breakfast. KMPC- Western Stars. KFWB -Sweet Music.

*RWKW -Off the Press. KGFJ -Open Album. KFAC- Festival of Waltzes. KFVD-Show Tunes. KIEV-Lost & Found Pets. KGB -Wax Shop. KFSD -Time to Relax. KGER-Bibie Treasury Hour.

8a5 -KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ-Tune Time. KMPC- Musical Portraits.

*KFWB, KRKD -News. KLAC-Kiddie Klub. KWKW- Morning Serenade. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KIEV -Band Box. KGER -Voice of China. KFSD- Maggi's Private Wire. KGB -Molly Morse.

10 KFI -Especially for You. KNX -Big Sister.

*KECA, KPRO, KFMB -Home Edition.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'0E- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC-News, Bill Leyden. KFWB -House of Milani. KFAC - Capistrano Echoes.

*KLAC -News, Al Jarvis. KRKD- Music. Talk. KWKW, KGFJ- Raring News. KFV D- Morning Serenade. KXLA -Piano Parade.

Pass Eighteen'

*HGER -News. Music. 10:15- KFI -- :aggro Private Wire.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA, BIRO, KFMB -Ted

Malone. Kll.l -Nancy Dixon. KGF.l- Serenade for You. KFAC-Music.

*KXI.A- News. KWKW- Morning Melodies. KIEV- Songs, l'erry Como. KGER- Kingdom Within.

1o:25-KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports. 10:30 -KF7 -What Do You Say?

KNX -Young Ur Malone. KECA, KPRO. KFMB -My

True Story. KHJ -Real Stories. KEWR- Concert Masters.

*KFAC, KWKW-News. K GFJ -Upbeat Session KXLA -Woman's World. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. K GEI- Across the Footlights. KGR -U.S'. Serenade.

10 :40 -KWKW -Song Parade. 10:45 -RFI, KFl3I),loyee Jordan.

K NX -Road of Life. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KY OR-

Bill Gwinn Show. KMPC -Home Chats. KFW'B- Sclence of Mind. KFAC Musleal Varieties. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX- Hebrew Christian Hr.

10:55-KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All Churches.

KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports. BFI, KFSD- (:aiding Light. 11- KFI, KNX-Second Mrs. Burton. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KVOE-

Bill Gwinn Show. KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All

Churches. *KMPC -News, Music Hall.

KEW 'B -Bill Anson. K XI.A -Easy Listening. K 1 :A(:'- Friendly Classics.

*KI.AC -News, AI Jarvis. KI.F.J -Vocal Varieties. KRKD- V'ncai Varieties. KWKW- Listening Reward.

*K D. KGER -News. KIEV -Show Time.

11:15 -KFI, HFSD- Today's Children. KNX -Perry Mason.

*KECA- Bankhage Talking. EH.), KGB. KF.CM, KVOE-

Smile Time. KGFJ- Silver Strings. R XLA-Variety Time. KFVD-Violet Schram. KGER- Helene Smith.

11:25 -KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 11:30 -III, KFSD -Women In

White. K N N-Lone .tourney. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Queen for a Day. RECA -Club Time. KFAC-Mayor Bowron. KGFJ-Reminiscent Rhythm.

*KWKW-News, This Day.



s7GTGaoTi9oT93TooTII10T I?30 T 113301-1390 I ;e 1491

800 710 870 980 1070 1150 1240 1280 1360 1430 1450

KFVD-Dr. Louis Talbot. *KRIM, KXLA, KFOX -News.

KIEV -Tropical 'tempos 11:40 -RF I. KFSD -Betty Crocker. 11:45-KFI-Masquerade.

KNX -Backstage at CBS. KECA- Norwood Smith Sings. KFAC -Plano Gems.

*KGFJ, KIND-News. KXLA -tongs of the Saddle. KRKD- Hawallan Melodies. KGER- Feminine Fare.

11:55 -KGFJ. KWKW- Races- SM,rts. KMPC- Thought for Today.

Reporter. 1411-M1-Farm KNX- Barrit Wheeler.


H KPHO, KGB,KVOE-Neewa. *KHJ -Broadway News.

K FWB -Bill Anson. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KI :FJ- Keyboard Magic.

*KLAC -News, Al Jarvis. KXLA- Dinner Bell Roundup. KWKW- Rhapsody in Wax.

*KI'N'D- Editor of the Air. KRKD -Prairie Schooner. KFSD -Life Can Be Beautiful.

12:15 -KFI. KFSU -Ma Perkins. KNX -Bill Bryan Trio. KE('A -Cliff Edwards. KHJ- Johnson Family.

*KMPC- Norman Nesbitt. KFAC-Musical Portraits. KIEV -Waltz Time.

*KFOX. KFXM -News. KGER -T. Texas Tyler. KPRO-Three on a Mike. KGB-S. U. Scrapbook. REMIS -Word to the Wires.

12 :20- KWKW- Voices of Tomorrow. 12:25- KGFJ. KWKW-Races-Sports. 12:30 -REI, HFSD- Pepper Young.

*KNX -Knox Manning, News. KECA, RPRO, KFMB -Try

Find Me.


MELLOW 12:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

Monday Through fridy

KH K HJ -Mild and Mellow. KMPC -Bridge Club.

*KFWB-News. KGFJ -Intermission. KFAC- Music. KIND-Violet Schram, KXLA -Red Murrell. KWKW-Farm News. KIEV -Dance Parade. KGB -Club Reporter.

K V OE -Bobby Norris.

MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear to Llghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs Boldface 8 :00- Evening Concert. KFAC. 5:15 -Jack Smith, KNX. 5:30 -Music Supreme. KMPC. 9:00 -Telephone Hour. KFI. 9 :00- Saludos Amigos. KGFJ.

10:00 -Lucky Dance Time. KFAC. 10:00- Eastside Show, KFWB. 10:00- Hollywond House Party,

ß(:F.1. 12 :00-Rhapsody in Wax, KHJ.

Comment- Narration 5:15 -Fred Beck. KNX. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9 :30-Time Out. 1CH.I.

10:15 -Ted Malone. KECA. 12:00 -Burrit Wheeler, KNX.

3:00 -Burrit Wheeler. KNX. 4 :30-Art Baker, KFI.

Alystery- Detective 7:00 -Bulldog Drummond, KHJ. 5:30- Gregory Hood, KHJ. 9:00 -The Whistler, KNX. 9:30 -Boston Shackle, KECA. 9:30 -Inner Sanctum, KNX.

Sports 10:00 -Race Lineup. KWKW. 10:00- Racing, KGFJ. 8:00 -Touchdown Tips, KFI. 8:30 -Joe Hernandez, KMPC. 9:30 -Inside of Sports, KHJ.

10:00 -Sid Ziff, KECA.

Comedy-Variety 8:30 -Joan Davis, KNX.

Quiz, Participation S:00- McNeill's Breakfast Club:

KECA. 9:30- Brrneman'a Breakfast.

KECA. 11:311- -Queen for a Day, 1011. 1:00 -ti.E. House Party, KNX. 2:00 -What's Doin. Ladies?

RECA. 2 :30 -Meet the Missus, KNX. 2:30 -Bride and Groom, KECA.

:31 -Dr. LQ., KFI. :30 -Bob Hawk, KNX.

8:30 -Charm School. KGFJ, Drama

8:00 -1.ux Radio Theater. KNX. 7:00-Screen Guild. KNX. 8:30 -Cavalcade of America,


Music 5:011 -Fred Waring. KFI. 3 :00- Musical Favorites, KFAC. 4 :00- Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 5:30 -N nice of Firestone, KFI. 0:00 -Musical Digest. KIiFJ. 0:30 -Victor Borge, KFI. 7:00 -Contented Hour. RFI. 5:00- Supper Club, KFI.

12:13 -K11. KF'SD -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX -Something to Talk About.

KECA-Frank Parker Show. KMPC -Bill Hay Reads Bible.

*KFAC -News. KWKW-South American Way KXLA -Farm Hour. KGB-Songs of Praise. KGER- hardening School.

12:S.;- KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports, iIII, KFSD- Backstage Wife.

KNX -h. F:. Hanse Party. KECA. KPRO -Meet Me in

Manhattan. KHJ- Louise Massey. KMPC -Financial News. KF'W'B -Bill Anson. KFAC -Sketches in Strings. KGFJ- Sunset and Vine.

*KLAC, KFVD. KGER -News. KWKW-Vets' Rehabilitation. KXLA-Community Broad-

casters. KIEV -Old Wax Works. KFXM -Olen House.

*KGB. RVOI--Cedric Foster. 1:05-KMPC-History.

HGER -Out of the Band Box. 1:15 -KEI, RFvil- Stella Dallas.

KM-Jackie Hill Show, IMP('- Singing Strings. KLAC - Sunset and Vine. KFVD -Piano Moods. KXLA-Lest We Forget. KIEV- Martial Airs. KGB, KVOE -- Johnson

Family. 1:25 *KN X -News.

KGFJ, KWKW- Rares -Sports. 1:30 -KI7. KFSD- Lorenzo Jones.

RNX -Evelyn Winters. RECA- Walter Kiernan. KH.1- Melody Matinee. KMIY' -Meet Your Neighbor. KGFJ-Today's Hits. KLAC -Jeff and Rufus. KFVD- Hawaiian Music.

*RWKW, 111111D-News. KXLA -Listener's Digest. KIEV -Moods in Music. KGB-Shady Valley Folks.

1:35- KWRW -Andy Mansfield. 1:45 -KI'1, KFSI)- Widder Brows,

KNX-Background for living. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KFAC -Piano Solos. KIND-Music City. KXLA -Varieties.

1:55 -KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports. 2 -KFI, KFSD -When a Giri Marries.

KNX -School of the Air. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Tell

Your Neighbor. RECA, KPRO, HEMS--

What's Doia', Ladies? KFWB -Bill Anson.

*KMPC -News, Record Room. KFAC -Music in the Ameri-

can Manner. *KLAC. KIEV. KGER -News.


Featuring Jim Hawthorne Monday thru Friday

KXLA 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

KXLA -Musical Dept. Store. RWKW -The Crow. KFVD -Timely Tunes. KRKD -Treasury Dept.

I:05-KGER- Monday Matinee. !:15 -KFI, KFSD- Portia Faces

Life. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV'0E-

John J. Anthony. KGFJ- Record Jackpot. RLAC -.Juke Box Review.

2:25- KECA -They Said It Today. KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports.

2:30-KFI, KFSD -Just Plain Bill. KNX-Meet the Missals. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Heart's

Desire. KECA -Bride and Groom. KFWB-Organ Melodies. KGFJ -Among My Souvenirs.

*KWKW -Newa, the Crow. KIEV -Musical Potpourri.

*KRKD -News. Music. HGER -Feature Story.

e:40- KGER -Monday Matinee. 2:45 -KFI. KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell KFAI- Organ.

*KGFJ, KFVD -News.

Page 19: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

RADIO LIFE RF'1, K ISD -Road of Life. WIN- Merritt Wheeler.

K1:1'A, KI'RO. KFMB..Ladies Be Seated.

K11.1. KGB, KV 11E-Vote No n l' ion ' *Kl..i(', K\I.A, KFXM, KGER

-Newa. *K11 PC-News. Record Room.

KFWB- Afternoon Melodies. RFA(' -Muaient Favorites. K(.F,1- Cocktail Hour. KFVU -L. A. Daily Reporter. KWKW-Swing Session. KIEV -Melody at Three.

3:95- K(:ER- l'nder Blue Sties. 3:15 -10FI -1.ife Can Re Beautiful.

RHJ -Happy Humeo. RFWR -Bert Finke. KLAC -Piano and I.


MATINEE with Carl Bailey 3:15.5:30 p.m.

KXLA Monday thru Saturday

KXLA -Juke .Box Matinee. R(:FJ- Variety Munir Hall. KEA, 1)- Popular F'as°rites. KIEV- Matter of, Records. R6ER- Cheerful (Chat.

*KFSD -News. KV'OE -Say It With Music.

3:21t -KWKW -Races and sports. 3:30 -KF'1, KIND-Aunt Mary.

KNX -In My Opinion. *RE('A. KFMB -Ai in Wilder. KIN NII- Melody Matinee.

KLAC-Peter l'an Time. KWKW- American -.Jewish Hr. KGER -Take It Easy Time. KGB-Art Baker.

3:15-KF'1, KIND-Dr. Paul. RNX -The World Today. K1«'A- Frances Scully. KH.I -Munir by Itexall. KFWB- ('arter De Has en. KLAC- Lovely Melodies. KFA('- Slontenta in Music. KIND-Rumba.

:ì3 -KWKW- Itnee. and Sport. 4 -KF'1, KFSD -Pola Woman's Secret.

KNX -('all of the Range. *KE('A- Headline Edition. *KH.1. KGB, KFNN*. K IIE-

Fulton Lewis. ,Jr. *KMI'(' -Newa. Palladium. REIN'S-Georgia O'George. K EAU- Musical Slaslerpirces.

*R I.A('. KIEV. KPRO -News. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KF'VD. KRKD- Piano. KGFJ- Variety Music Hall. KXLA -,Juke Box Matinee.

*KGER -News, Take It Kiley. 4:15*KFI. KIND, Kt-SD-News.

KNX -One for the Book. *KE('A -Elmer Da, is. *KILL KGB. KF'X \) RV'OF:-

Rex Miller. KMPC-Peter fatter.

RFWR -Vocal Varieties. Rl..AI' -1'r Ily. N "e Hail. KIEV- Dinner Music.

I: ̂ _.S -KWKW -Races and Sports. I :30 -RF1 -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Radios Views. KC( 'A -Dirk Tracy. KHJ, KVOE- Erskine Johnson KM PC-Bolero 'rime. KLAC- Barclay Allen (tech.

*KWKW -News. KIND- Teatime Music. KIEV -Meet the ylaestro. KFMB- Mandrake, Magician.

1:ri-KECA, KFMB- Tenneaaee .led. RNX- (:rnrge Fisher. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Buck

Rogers. KM PC-And That's How It

Happened. RFN'11 -Vowel Varieties. KWKW -Today at the Rares.

*KRKD -Newts. *KIND-H. V. Kaltentwrn.

RFI -Life with Crosby. *KNX -Knot' Manning. News.

RECA, KPRO, KFMR -Terry and the Pirates.

*KH.1. KGB, RFXM, HIVE-- News, Hemingway.

KFWB- St tut rt Hamblen. *KLAC-Newa. *KMPC-News, Teen L Twenty.

KFAC- Sunset Symphony. RC.FJ -Jive at 5. KXLA -,lake Box Matinee. KWKW'- Lucky White Play-

boy's. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KIEV- Afternoon Serenade. KFSD- Annisersary Date.

*KGER -Newts.

bas *KFI, Ki tt , KIND-Ness. KNX -Green Light Revue. RECA.--Sity King. KILL KG ES, KINM, KI "Ole

Superman KLAC- IrwIn AI I..,. KIEV- Catch the 5:15. R(:F :B -Volee of the Army.

5 :30-KFI, KIND-% glee of Fire- stone.

*RNX -Hurry Flannery KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KS OE-

Captain Midnight. KE('A, KPRO, KFMB -.lark

Armstrong. KI.A(' -Al .lare is. KEA(' -Whoa Bill Club.

KGFJ -Songs for Von. '

0. XI.A -F'ul ore Pianists. KItKl) -Hit Tunes.

5:45* K ECA -News. *KNX- News, /tarred. KHJ, KGB, KF \51. KVOF

Ads entures of Tom Mix. KMPC-H. Allen. KXLA- Mlniaturr Concert. K(:FJ -If They Had Lised. K GER- Mandrake.

5:53 *KNX -Rill Henry.

6 KFI. KFSD -Touchdown Tips. K \ -Inox Radio Theatre.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE- News. Gabriel Heatter.

K E( A- Reserve. KI.A(' -News.

*KFWB, KFOX, FIGER-News. KG FA-Musical Digest. KFAC -Music for Eserynne. KXLA- Toastmaster Club.

e :oi- KLAC-Al Jars is. 13:15-KE('A -Will Rogers for

Senator. KW-Barry Wood Show. KMPC- Parade of Sports. KEW'S- -Warner Bros. Orch. KG ER-Today in Sports. KGB -San Diego Sports. RUDE -Real dories.

0:30 -K Fl, KIND -V ietor Ronge and Benny Goodman.

KH.1. ROB. KFXM, KVI)F:- Spotlight Bands.

KE('.h. KI'HO. KFMFH -Ed- mund Brown for Atty. Gen.

KMPC-Joe Hernandez. KFSVII -Frank Ilan.


KLAC Monday thru Friday

K I.A1' -sam Baiter. Sports. K IA( -H nor


f Music. KXl.: '. -llelp Wanted. K FOX- IlaI's Memory Huom. Kt: l' lt- Hrlrne Smith.

James Roosevelt



8:4:.*K'. AC- "- :mer " ors cil. KF.('A- Reserve. Kt:ER- Socialist Labor Party. 7 -RF'1, KFSD- Carnation ('on-

tented Hour. KNX -Screen Guild Players. KH.L KGB. K }' \M, K'.OE-

Bulldog Drummond. KE('A, KFMB -Lane Ranger.

*KM PC-News. KFAC -Hunt of Munie. KliFJ- Musical Digest.

*KLAC, KRKD. KGER -News. *KXLA- A.erill Berman.


lli711 KMPC T05PM

TONIGHT'SFEATURE "Village Swallows

Waltz" Joseph .Strauss

7:05 -KMPC Security Symphonia.


i:15- KL.V('- Arthle Brown. K \LA -,1. Dorsey Orch. KRKD- Three -Quarter Time.

7.30 -KFI. K-Ur. l Q RNX -Bob He wk Show. RE('A- Knowland for Senate KH.L KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Cisco Kid. KMPC- Firestone Favorites. KFWB- Sports Fifal. KLAC Mobilisation for

Democracy. KFAC- Floretta's Jewel Box. KXLA -Texas .lisp Lewis. KBK13-11u Sou Know? RGER -Prophecy Speaks.

7 a5 -KECA- Shelley for 1.t. Gov. KINV B- Manpower.

*KLAC-Radio Newsreel. *KFA(', KFOX-News.

KXLA -T, Texas Tyler. A KFI. KIND- Supper Club. GP RNX- Lowell Thomas.

KE('A, KFMB -Lam L Abner. KH.1, ROB, RFXM. HYDE--

'Defined Davis, Private Ins est lgator.

*KMPC -News. Hemingway. *KFWB -Inside storyy.

KFAC- Evening Concert. *KLAC-News.

K :F'.1- ('aucasian Memories. KXLA -Romantic Melodies. KFOX- Fishing Facts.

8:15 *KFI, KIND-Fleetwood Lawton.

KN\ -.lack Smith. *KEI'A, KPRO. 151.1111-

Earl Godwin. KMPC -Korn Kubblers. KFWB -Twilight wn the 'trail. KLAC -L. A. Citizen. KGFJ -Keyboard and Console. *KXi.A- News. KGER- Legion Hall Series.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD- l'ayalcade of America.

RNX -.Juan Davis. KHJ, ROB, Kk'XM, KV'OE-

Casebook of Gregory Hood. KE('A. RF'MB. KPRO -How-

see for Atty. lien. *10.1I11-News.

KMPC -Mualc Supreme. KGFJ- ('harm School KXLA -The Corral. KGER- Proposition I1.

8:13- KFWB -l:uy Lombardo Orch. KE('A -R e. KLAC -Helen G. Douglas. KGER -High School Sports.

9;50- KFWB- Musical Comedy. 8:55 *KNX- Carroll Alcott, News.

9 KFI, KFSD- Telephone Hour. MKNX

-The Whistler. R F:('A, KPRO- Doctors Talk


News. Glenn Hardy. KM1S' -Easy Ares. R F' W R- Munir, KFA('- Es ening ('uneert, KGFA-Sts ludo. Amigos. * K I.AC -News. K XLA-Peter Potter. KIND-Spade Cooley Time.

9:15 -KH.L ROB, KFXM, RfOE- NA tenter's Pictorial.

KE('A -Joe Mooney Instru- mental Group.

KMPC- Spotlight Stars. KLAC -High School Sports

Page. KGER -Ice Follies.

9:30 -KF1- Hollywood Bowl Auditions.

KNX -Inner Sanctum.


KE('A- Boston Blackie. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. RVOE-

Inside of Sports. KMPC-Say It With Music. RLA('- Melody Highlights. KFMB -- Maurice Hart. KG EJ- Air- o- torial0. KFSD- Pleasure Parade. KGER -Dr. Clem Davies.


KFOX 9:30 -10:00 P.M. Mon. KFOX-4.30-5:00 P.M.

Sundays 1290 Kilocycles

KFOX-Floyd B. Johnson. 9:411- R1:FJ- Musical Horison.. 9:45 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KIOE-

HArry J. Taylor. KMPC -Walts to Remember. KLAC-Fred Howse..

10 *KF'1, KIND-The Kennels/. *KNX -Chet Huntley. News.

KF.CA -Sid 7. ff. Sports. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KIOE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, Western Stars.


Bv.Y Nish, E.

KF WB P. M. p. Sunday

fi:F'sV B-Lat nt. KFAC-Lucky

*KLAC, RG}:R REND-Spade KXLA-Turues KGFJ-Hollyw

Party. 1s:05-KGER-Mnsirt 10:15-RF'I-Cama Ci 4NX-Bob Fai

*KE(CA, KILL KLA('-Dinnln K IND--lbncer

10:30*K}'1-Inside 1

KN X-Symphu *K EC A-Elmer KHJ-Sing, A KM W'-Danre KLAI'-Rhnml K LA-Dramt K I: ER-Dude

Wranglers. le :45-K1.'1-Show Ti

K ILT-Battle n '{ .1'.t- Music i FSD-Ness "s.

*KF7, KHJ, K5 * K N X-N elson *KE('A, KLAC


Party. KFAC-Lucky KXLA-Club 1

REVD-Spade *KGER-News.

KFSD-Biltmo 11 :11.5-KM PC-Dance 11:15-KFI-Lnllaby

KNX-Opie Cr KEl'A-Madha RILL KGB-.12 K LAC-Xmas

I 1:2t1- K FI-Mi lestone 11:30-KFI, KFSD-1

Dream. K E('A-Eddie KXLA-Platte.

11:45-KEtCA-Boyd *RILL KGB. K

11:55*KEl, KN X, K News.

ide Show lager Dance.

-News, Cooley Time.

at Ten. nod House

I Roundup, lgat. son. KGB -News.

g Sisters, f Hall. he News. netten. Davis.

mrrira. Sing. Time.

so Time.


me. f Commentators by Adlam.

IPC-News. Pringle. -News. Ide Show. und Roue*

Lager Dance. Cobra. Coulee Tims. Roundup,

re Itreh. Time.

Time. rtes Oreh. 'tern. m Garber Orch. Early,

s of Melody. Cs Time to

Le Baron Orris. Party.

Raeburn Orch. t'OF News. E('A. KFSD-


Columbia's H o t ly O o d News Bureau is on the verge of being submerged in ap- ples as a result of Newsman Knox Manning's recent trip to the Northwest as guest of his sponsor, the Washington State Apple Commission. Seems they're so pleased with Manning's news show that they're literally pelting the broadcaster with apples, which Knox is sharing with his fellow newsmen.

Page Nineteen

Page 20: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

8 KFI, KFSD -Fred Haring. KNX- Johnny Murray. RECA. KPRO, KFMB -Don

McNeill's Breakfast Club. *KHJ, KGB -Cecil Brous. *KMPC, KXLA, KLAC -News.

KFNB -Easy Listenin'. KFAC- Country Church. SGF,1- Concert Pastelle.

KRKD, 8:00 A.M.


Tues., Thurs., Sat. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

HMO, KF'ON -Haven of Res KWKW- Rencard for Listening KF'VD- WakeUp Ranch.

*KGER- Nemms. Soul Patrol. 8:15 *KNX -Fred Beck.

*KHJ -Frazier Hunt. KM PC-Market Report. Sports. KLAC-Picture Album. KIEV -Trade Winds 'lamera. KGER- Mizpab. KGB -Casa Cugat.

8;38-KFI, KF>D -.lark Berrh. KNX -Grand Slam.

*KHJ, HEM'. KRKD -Nees. KMPC- Tuttle's Tune Time. KFW K- Diamond R Ranch. KGFJ- Waltz Incitation. KXLA- Kaptlst Brothers.

*KWKW -Neu s, Demotions. KIEI -Musical Memories. EFOX -Words of I.ife.

KGB -Bill Harrington. 8:45 -11FI. KFSD -Dam id Harun.

KNX- Rosemary. KH.1, KGB, KF\M, K1OE-

"ictor H. Lindlahr. RMPC -A Song for You. * :iTIV B- News. KFAC -Mow Time. KF%D -Vocal lam mites. KWKW -Wings of Healing. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *KF'1, H(.FJ, SEER- News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA, KFMB, KI'RO-

Glamour Manor. KHJ- Charlle Hemp.

*KMI'('- News, Stork Club. KFWB -Bing Crosby.

*KLAC- Nemms, Picture Album. KFAC-Unity, KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. EWKW -Voire of Chino. HX1..%. KFVD -Waltz Time. KIEV -Lyrics by Crosby. SFIIX- Firebrands for Jesus. EFSD -Words and Music. KGB -Notes at Nine.

0:05-KFI-Music. EGER- Lutheran Hour.

e:18 -EGFJ- Publie Messenger. 11:115-KFI-Ladies' Day.

KNX -Aunt .penny. KHJ, KGB, KVOF. -f oke

Club. Morton Downey. SMIC -Those Were the Days. KFWB- Strolling Toni. EFAC -Voice of Health. KXLA- Harmony Homestead.

*KFVD, HFSU -News. KWKW -Rem. Wildeman. KIEV- Rhythm Interlude.

9:38 -K\Y -Helen Trent Romance. SECA. KI'ItO, KFMB- Breue

man's Breakfast. KHJ -Time (lut. KMPC- W "estern Stars, !WWII-Sweet Music.

*KWKW -Off the Press. KGFJ -Open Album. KFAC- Festival of Waltzes. KFI- D -Slmow Tunes. KIEV -Lost & Found Pets. KGER -Bible Treasury Hour. KFSD-Time to Relax.

:45- KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Tune Time. KMMP('- Musical Portraits.

*KLAC ó ddhub - KLAC-Kiddie KFVD -Here Comes Parade. HWRW- Shopping With Helen KIEV -Band Box. KGER -Voice of China. KFSD- Maggi's Primate Wire. KGB -Molly Morse.

i0HF- pecly KNI X

Es-Bir ialSister. for You.

*KALI, KGB. KFX..M, Ki News, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA. KFMB, &PRO -Home Edition.

Poe Twenty

*K.MPC -News, Bill Leyden. KFWB-House of Milani. KWKW, KGFJ- Racing Nens.

*KLAC -Ness, Al Janis. KFAC -Capistrano Echoes. E KED- Music. Talk. HF% 1)- Morning Serenade.

*KIEI, KFO\, K(.ER -News. KXLA -Piano Parade. HE-SD-Sketches in Melody.

10:05-KGER- Music. 10:15 -KFI- Maggi's Primate Wire.

K S X-Ma Perkins. ELLA, KFMB -W illiam Lang. KHJ -Nancy Dixon. KGFJ- Serenade for You. KFAC- Music.

*KXLA --News. KIEV-Perry Como, Songs. KFOX -item. Emma Taylor. KGER- Kingdom Within. KVOE- Editor's Diary.

10:25 -KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports. 10:30 -KFI -What Do You Say?

KNX -bung Dr. Malone. RECA, KI'RO, KFMB -My

True Story. KHJ -Real Stories. KFWB- Concert Masters, KXLA- Woman's World.

*KFAC, KWKW -News. KGFJ- Cpheat Session. KFVD -Union Rescue Mission. KIEV -Musical Corral. KGER- Across the Footlights. KGB, KVOE -U.N. Serenade.

10:10- KWKW-Army Recruiting. lo:45 -KFI, HFSU -Joyce Jordan.

KNX -Road of Life. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HIDE-

Bill Guinn Show. KM PC-Home ('hats. KFWIS- Science of Mind. KFAC- Musical Varieties. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KGER- Kurhstone Forum. HFOX- Hebrew ('hristiau Hr.

10:55 -KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All l'lmrcimes.

KGFJ, KW KW-Races-Sports. 11KFI, HFSU -Guiding Light.

-KFI, KNX- Second Mrs. Burton. KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All

Churches. KILL HIT \M, KGB. HI OE-

Bill (imminn Show. *KMPC-News, Music Hall.

KFWB-Bill Anson. EFAC- Friendly Classics,

*KLAC -News, Al Jarvis. K RKD- Music. KXLA-Easy Listening. KWKW- Listening Reward. K(:F,S -Vocal Varieties. KIEV -Show Time.

*REVD, KI:ER -News. KFOX- Bright ('orner.

11:15 -KFL KFSD -Today's Children.



5701-6401/9G930 I0219-1-1110 T I ?30 T T330T1390 04 0 600 710 870 980.1070 1150 12401280 1360 1430 5

KNX-Perry Mason. Talking.

KHJ, KGB. KFX31, HIDE- Smile 'Cime.

KGFJ -Silver Strings. KFID- Violet Schram. KXLA -Variety Time. KIEV -Music Box. KGER- Helene Smith. KFMB -Magic Carpet.

11:25 -KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 11:30 -KFI. KFSD -Woman lu White.

KNX -Line Journey. KECA, KI'Rll. RIMS-

Listening Post. KIIJ, KGB, KFXM, H1Ok-

Quern for a Day. R(./'.1- Reminiscent Rhythms. KFAC-Ur. Albert W. Palmer. KF1'D -Dr. Louis Talbot:

*KWKW -News, This Day. *KRKI), KXI.A, HFOX -News.

KIEV- Tropical Tempo. 11:40 -KFI, KFSD -Ketty Crocker. 11:45 -KF 1- Masnueraae.

KNX-Backstage at ('RS. KECA - Norwood Smith Sings.

*KGFJ -News. KFAC -Piano Gems. KRKD -Hawaiian Melodies. KXI.A -Songs of the Saddle. RENIB- ('11ff Edwards. KGER -Feminine Fare.

11:53- K(iF'J. KWKW- Races -: ,mrts. KMPC-Thought for Today.

12-KFI -Farm Reporter.

K N X- Surprise l'arty. *KECA, KILL KMI'(', KGER.

KGB. KI'RO, KV(IE -News. KFWB-Bill Anson. KGF.1 -Key hoard Magic. KFAC- l.uncheod t'oncert

*KLAC -Nelms, Al Janis. KWKW -Rhapsody in Wax. KIIKll- Prairie Schooner. KF%D- Editor of time Air. KXLA- Dinner Bell Roundup. KFSD -Life Can Be Beautiful.

12:13 -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins. KECA- (.'lift Edwards. KIM-Johnson Family.

*ROI'(', KFXM- Nemms. KFAC- Musical Portraits. KIEV -Waltz Time. KGER -T. Texas Tyler. KI'RO -Three Men on a Mike. KGB- Trading Post. KFMB -Word to the Wives.

12:22 3- K6F.1, KWKW- Races -Sports. 12:30 -RFI, KFSD- Pepper Young.

*KNX -Knorr Manning. News. KECA. KI'RO, KFMB -Try

'n' Find Me. ROI'('- Bridge Club.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs Boldface 8:011- Supper Club, KFI. 5:00- Evening Concert. KFAC. 14:15 -,lack Smith, KNX. 14:311 -Music Supreme, KM I'C. 9:60- Saludos Amigos, KGF.1.

10:00 -Lucky Dance Time. KFA( 10:00- Eastside Show. KFWB. 10:00 -Hollywood House Party,

K(:FJ. 12:00-Rhapsody In Wax, KHJ.

Comment -Narration S.15 -Fred Beck. KNX. 9:00 -Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Time Out. KHJ. :1:00- Rurrit Wheeler. KNX. 4:30 -Art Baker. KFI.

.11 ystery- Detective 8:30 -Dark Venture. KECA. g:30 -The Falcon. KHJ. y:n(t -Big Town. KNX. 9:30- Murder at Midnight, HFI.

Public Interest- Information

8:30 -American Forum. KHJ. 10:30 -Open Hearing. KNX.

Sports 10.00 -Race Lineup. KWKW. 10:00 -Racing. KGFJ. 6:30 -Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 9:30 -Inside Sports. KHJ.

to:CO -9'd Ziff, SECA.

Comedy- Variety 5:30 -Date With Judy. KI'l. 6 :00H -Amos 'n' Andy. KFI. 0:30 -Fibber and Molly. KFI. 2 :00-Boh Hope, KFI. 2:30-Red Skelton. KIN, 8:30 -Mel Blanc, KNX.

Quiz, Participation 8:00- McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 9:00-Glamour Manor. KECA. 9:30- Breueman's Breakfast,

KECA. 11:30- -Queen for a Day, KHJ. 1:00 -G.E. House Party. KNX. 2:00- What's Doin, Ladies ?,

RECA. 2:3O -Meet the Misses. KNX. 2:30 -Bride and Groom, RECA. 0:00 -Vox l'op, KNX. 8:30 -Charm School, KGFJ.

Drama 6:30 -Hollywood Players. KNX. 9:00- Famorite Story, AFL.

Music 1:00-Fred Waring. KFI. 3:00 -Musical Famorites, EFAC. 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces.

KFAC. 4 :30-American Melody Hour,

KNX, 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 6:30 -Boston Symphony, RECA. 1:30- Melodies America Loses.




MELLOW 12:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

Monday Through Friday

KHJ RRJ -.dill and Mellow.

*KFWII -Nees. KGFJ -Intermission, KFAC- Music. KXLA -Red Murrell. KWKW -Farm News. KFVD/- Violet Schram. KIEV -Agriculture Report. KGB- Fashion Fantasy. KVOE -Bobby Norris.

12:45 -KFI, KFSU -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Something to Talk About.

KECA -Frank l'arker Show. KMPC-Bill Hay Reads the

Bible. *KFAC-News.

KWKW-South American Way KXLA -Farm Hour. KIEV -Gels on Record. KGB -Songs of Praise. EGER- Garden School.

12:S.S -KGFJ, KWKW- Races- Sports.

1 HFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party. KECA -Meet Me in Manhattan

KHJ -Louise Massey. KMIY'- Financial News. KFWB -Bill Anson. KGF'.1- Sunset and Vine.

*KI.AC, REVU, KGER -Nees. BRED-Music. KWKW -Vets' Rehabilitation. KFAC- Sketches iu Strings. KXLA- Community Broad-

casters. KIEV -Old Wax Works. KFOX -flatter Pantry. RFXM -Open House.

*KGB, KVOE- Petrie Foster, I :0 fi -R M Pl'- History.

KGER -Out of the Band Box. 1:15 -KFI, KlEsD- Stella Dallas.

KHJ-Jackie Hill Show. KMPC-Singing Strings. KLAC-Sunset and Vine. KXLA- Iteyund Victory. REVD-Plano Moods, KIEV -Martial Airs. KGB. KIOE- Johnson Family

1:25 *KN X -Nei s. K(iFJ. KM 1: W- Races -Sport s.

1:30 -111L Bl rml)- Lorenzo Jones. KNX -Evelyn Winters. RECA- d'alter Kiernan. KHJ -Melody Matinee. KMPC- Fingertip Success. KLAC -Jeff and Rufus. KGFJ- Today's Hits, KFVII- Hammalian.

*KWKW. KRKD -Ness s. HXLA- Listener's Digest. KIEV-Moods in Music. KFON -Lucky lady. KGER -Milady's Matinee.

1:35- KWKW -Andy Mansfield. 1:45 -KFI, KFSD -Young W idder

Brown. KNX -Bill Bryan Trio.

KECA -Ethel and Albert. KMPC-Sewing School. KFAC -Plano Solos. H XLA- Varieties. KRKD- Music. RFVD -Vocal Varieties.

I .:ni -KGFJ, KW KW- Races -Sparts. 2-KFI, KFSU -When s Girl

Marries. K?'.- American School of t1 :-

Air. EF.CA. ß1'K(1. RIMS -

What's Doin', Ladles? KHJ. KGB. HVOE -Teil bum

Neighbor. *SNIT. -News. Record Room.

KEW lt -Bill Anson. *KLAC, KIEV. KFSD -News.

KFAC -Music in American Manner.

KXLA- Musical Dept. Store. KGF,/ -George Paxton Presents KWKW -The Crow. KRKD- Publie Sen ice. KFVD- Timely Tunes. - EGER- Long Beach Band.

KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KHJ. KGB. KFXM, HIDE- John J. Anthony.

KGF.1- Record Jackpot. HLAC -Juke Box Rem iew. KIEV -Land of Song.

!:25- KECA -They Said It Today.

Page 21: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

KGFJ. kW'KW- Races -Sports. 2:30-

ESN-Meet the )lissas. KECA -Bride and Groom. KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Heart's

Desire. KFWB- Afternoon Melodies. KGFJ -Amon` My souteturs.

*KRKI) -News. >lu.ic. *KV1KW -News, The Prow.

KIEV-Musical l'ot pourri. KFOX- Sagebrush Symphony. KGER- Feature Story.

2:4O- KGER -Long Beach Band. 2:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell. *HGF;1. KIND-News.

KFAC -Organ. 2:33- K(.FJ, K11 KW-Races-Sports.

RF'1, KFSU -Road of Life. KNX- Barritt %heeler.

KECA, KPRO. AFMB- Ladies, Be Seated.

KHJ, KGB. KVOE -Say it With Musk.

*KM P(' -News. Record Room. KFWI3- Afternoon Melodies.

*KLAC. KXI.A. KGER-News. KFAC- Musical Favorites. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. KGFJ-Variety Music Hall. KIND -L. A. Daily Reporter. K1VKW -Swing Session. KIEV- Melody at Three.

3:05- KGER-Coder Blue Skies. 3:13 -KFI -Life Can Be Beautiful.

HHJ -Happy Homes. KFIVB -Bert Fiske, KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KLAC -Pians and I. KIEV- Matter of Records. KGER -Cheerful Chat.

*KFSU -News. 3:25-KGFJ, K W'K W- Races- Sports. 3:30 -KFI. KFSD -Aunt Mary.

RNX -Frontiers in Science. *KECA. KFMB -Alvin Wilder. KM/I- Melody Matinee.

KLAC-Peter Pan Time. KGFJ-Variety Music Hall. KWKW- American -Jewish Hr. i *KRKD -News, Music. KFOX -lour Girl Friend. KGER -Take It Easy Time. KGB -Man About Town.

3:43 -KFI. KESD -Dr. Paul. *KNX -The World Today.

KECA- Frances Scully. KHJ-Music by Resell. KFWB- Carter De Haven. KLAC- Lullaby in Rhythm. KFAC -Moments in Music. KFV'D- Rhumba. KVOE -.Sea Hound.

3:33 -HGFJ, KWKW- Sports Flash. 4-KFI, RFSD -This Woman's

Secret. ANN -That's Life.

*KECA -Headline Edition. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVY)E-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -News, Palladium.

KFAC -yf usical Olasterpleces. KFWB- Gospel and Song.

*KLAC. KIEV -News. KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KGFJ-Variety Music Hall. KWKW- Italien Melodies. KIND, KRAU- Piano.

*KGER, KFOX -News. 4:03 -KGER -Take It Easy Time. 4:13 *KFI -Newa of the World.

*KECA -Elmer Davis. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM, RIVE-

Rex Miller. KMPC-Peter Potter. RI.A(' -Belle Martell.

*KFI D, RPM'. KFMB -News. KRKD- Motieland Quiz. KIEV -Dinner Music.

4 KWKW- Races -Sports. 4:30 -BFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

RNX -.American Melody Hour. RECA -Dirk Tracy. KHJ, K'.OE-Erskine Johnson KMPC-Bolero 'fiole. KFWR- Musical Roundup. KLAC- Iturclay Allen (Inch. KGFJ-Variety Music Hall. KRKD -Tunes of the Day.

*K W'K W -News. KFVU -Tea Time Music. KIEV-Meet the Maestro. KFOX -Old Age Pension. KPRO- Twilight Tales. RFMB- Mnndenke. Magician.

4:43 -RECA. KFMB. KPRO- Tennessee Jed.

KH.1. KGB, KFXM, KV'OE- B uk Rogers.

KMPC- Twilight Tales. B- Teatime Melodies. *KRKI) -News.

KWKW -Today at the Races. *KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn.

4 ;33- KGFJ -Sports Flash.

S *HFI- Feature W ire. *KNX -Knox Manning. News.


News, Hemingway. RECA, KPRO. KFMB -Terry

and the Pirates. *KMPC-News, Teen & Twenty

KFWB- Rtuart Hamblen. *KLAC -News.

KFAC- Sunset Symphony. KGFJ-The at Fite. RRRD -Songs of the Saddle. KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. HFVD- Esening Serenade. 6W KW -Lucky White Play-

boys. RIE % -Afternoon Serenade.

*KGER -News, Army Program. KFSD-Annisersary Date. KFOX- Sunshine Mission.

5:15*KFI, KFAI', RFSD -News. KNX -Green Light Bettie. KECA -Sky King. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV 0E-

Superman. KLAC -Irwin Allen. KIEV -Catch the 5:15.

5:25-KGFJ-Races, Sports. 5:30 -KFI, KFSD-A Date With

Judy. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

L ECA. KPRO, KFMB -Jack Armstrong.

KHJ, KGB. KFXM, RI 0E- Captain Midnight.

KFAC-Whoa Bill Club. KLAC -Al Jarvis Ballroom. KGFJ -Songs for You. KIEV- Twilight Time. KREI -Hit Tunes. KXLA- Future Pianists. KGER-Books Bring

Adventure. f *KFON -Sews.

5:45 *RNX -News, Garred. *KECA, KPRO -News.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, AWE- Adventures of Tom Mix.

RMPC -H. Allen. KXLA -Miniature Concert. KGFJ-The Law Is tour

Servant. .

KRHU -Race Results. KGER-Mandrake, Magician.

8:55 *KNX -Bill Henry. KGFJ-Races. Sports.

6 FFI, KFSD -Amos 'n' Andy. RNX Pop. KECA -How Do You Pro-

nounce It? *AH.1. KGB- Gabriel Reatter. *KMPC, KFWB, KFOX -Hens.

RFA(: -Music for Eteryone. *ALA(:. KGER .-News.

KGFJ-Musical Digest. RXLA -Alhambra H.R. KHRD -Early Pincette.

6:03.-KLAC-Al Jeri i. 8:15 -RH.1 -Real Stories


Monday thru Saturday 6:15 P. M.

KMPC- Parade of Sports. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. RXLA -Mary Burke King. KGER -Today in Snorts. KGB -San Diego Sports.

6:30 -KFI, RFD- Fibber McGee and Molly.

RNX -Hollywood Players. KECA, KPRO, REMIT-Boston

Symphony. RAJ, KGB. HELM, HVOE-

American Forum. KMPC -doe Hernandez. RFWB -Frank Bull. ALA(' -Sam Baiter. Sports. HFAC -Hour of Music. KXLA -Help Wanted. KRHD -Show Times. KFON -Hat's Memory Room. HGER -Helene Smith.

6:45 *HLAC -James Roosevelt. RXLA- Dinner Music. HFI, KFSD-Bob Hope. K \X- Women's Forum. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, RI 0E-

American Forum. KECA. HMO, KFMB- Boston

Symphony. *KMPC -News.

HFAC -Four of Music. KGFJ -Musical Digest.

*KXLA- Ascrill Berman.



hnial I/ KMPC 7:05PM


"Scafino -A Comedy Overture"

y Walton

7:0.5 -KMPC- Security Symplinnia, 7:13 *KHJ. RGB -Vpton Close.

'cute-Music From Holly - wood.

RXLA -.1. Dorsey Ore h. KKKU- Three -Quarter Time. KFOX- Fishing Pals.

7: %n -K:'1. KFSU -Iteri .kelton.



KNX-Tuesday-7:30 P. M.


K .X- Melodies America totes.

KECA -Music Preferred. KHJ, KGB. KFX.111, AWE--

Red Ryder. KMPC- Firestone Favorites. KFWB- Sports Final. KFAC- Floretta's Jewel Box. KXLA -Texas Jim Lewis. KKRU -Do You Know? KGER-Prophecy Speaks.

7 ;43 *KECA -Alvin Wilder. *HFAC, KFOX -News. *KLAC -Radio Net I.

KXLA -T. Texas Tyler. KYI, KFSU -Supper Club.

11*KSX -Lowell Thomas. KECA, KFMR -Lum & Abner. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KV0E-

Count of Monte Cristo. *KMPC, KLAC, KGER -News. *KFWB- Inside Story.

HFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ-Caucasian Memories. KXLA- Romantic Melodies.

8:13 *KFI, RFSD -Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX -Jack Smith. *SECA, KPRO. KFMB-

Earl Godwin. KMPC -Korn Bubblers. KFWB- Twllight on the

Trail. KLAC -Dance Time. RGFJ- Keyboard and Console.

*KXLA -News. SEEK -Cid! Service.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD-Rudy Vallee Show.

RNX -Mel Blanc Show. RECA. AFRO, KFMB-

Dark Venture. K HJ. KGB, KFXM, RI 0E-

The Falcon. KMPC -Music Supreme.

*RFWII -News. K GFJ -Charm School KI.AC -My Serenade. KXLA -97th Street Corral.

8:43 -KFNB -Guy Lombardo Orch. KLAC-Casino Gardens Orch.

8:53 *K N X- Nevus.



KFI- Favorite Story. KNX -Boy Town.


KECA -9 P.M. !'resented bu


KECA. KI'RO- Retribution. KMPC -Easy Ares.

*KHJ. KGB. AI'X.M, KV0E- News. Glenn Hardy. KFWB- Music.

RFAt'- Evening Concert. *KLAC-News, .1. Garber Orch.

K XLA-Peter Potter. KGFJ- Saludos Amigos. KF1'D -Spode Conley Time. RFSD -Time for Music.

9:15*KHJ. KGB. KFXM, KVOE- Inmes Crowley.

KMPC- Spotlight Stars. KGER-Book of Fraud.

9:30 -KFI -Murder at Midnight. KNX -Ta pest ries of Life. KECA- Anderson Family. HIIJ. KGB. KFX.1I, K10E-

Inside of Sports. KMPC -Say It With Music. KEN B- Maurice Hart. FIG F.I- Air- o- torials. KLAC-Highlights of Melody. AFSU- Murder al Midnight. 9:40- 614J- Mwsual Horirnn..

9:45 -KHJ- Musical Treasure Chest. KSX -Fart or Fantasy. KMPC-Waltz to Remember.

10 *KFI. RFSD -The Reporter. *RNX -('het Huntley, `sews. *KH.1. KFXM. KGB. KV0E-

Fulton Lewis. Jr. KECA -Sid Ziff. Sports.

*KMPC. KGER -Neu..


I.e.y Nght E.cept Sunday

KF WB ItFW'B- Eastside Show. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KLAC- Olympic Fights. RXLA- Tuesday at Ten. KIND-Spade Cooley Time.

10:05- K511Y'- Western Star.. KGER -Musical Roundup.

10:15 -KFI- Madison 2345. Times In- formation.

KNX -Bob Elson. *KE('A, KHJ. KGB. KV0E-

News. KIND-Concert Hall.

10:30 *KFI- In.Ide the News. RNX -Open Hearing.

*KECA -Elmer Davis. KH,1 -Sing, .America. Sing. KMPC -Dance Time. KGER-Dude Ranch

Wranglers. KGB -Ernie Heckseher Orch.

10:45 -KFI -Show Time. KECA, KFMB- Freddy

Martin Orch. ER.I -Ernie Heckseher Orch.

*RFSD -News. i1 *KFI, RECH. KHJ. K51PC, KLAC. KGER -News.

*KNX -Nelson Pringle. KFN B- Eastsíde Show. KFAC- lucky Dance Time. KGFJ- Hollywood House Party RXLA- MiIlie's Cafe. RGB -John Wolohan Orch.

11:05 -KMPC -Dance Time. KGER- Musical Roundup.

11:15 -KFI -Lote Letters. KNX -Jerry Wald Oreh. KECA- Claremont Hotel Orch RAJ -John Wolohan Orch. KLAC -Xmas Early. KXLA- Bandstand Retleve.

11:30 -KFI -Here s to Veterans. AH.I. KGB -Don Swan Orch. RXLA -Platter Party.

11:35 -KNX -Manny Strand Orch. 11:43 -KFI- Music.

RNX -RNX -tra. Music. *RAJ. KGB. HVOE -News.

KECA -S. F. Studio Orch. 11:55 *HFI, KNX, RECA. RFSU-


Page Twenty -one



Page 22: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

8 HFI, HEMD -Fred Waring. KNX- Johnny Murray. KECA, KI'Hll, KFMB -Don NNill' Breakfast ('loh.

*KH,1, KGB- Cecil Brown. *H-lll'('. KXL.A. MAC, KIEV -

Neu... KEW B -1. A. Breakfa se Club. RGFJ- Concert Pastelle. K RKD. KF'OX -Bible

Institute on the Air. KFAC -Country Church. KWKW -Listenfug Reward. KFVD -Wakeup Ranch.

*KGER -News. Soul Patrol. KVOE -Hot rake Club.

9:15 *KNX -Fred Beck. *KHJ-Frazier Hunt.

KMPC- Markets. Sports. HLAC- Picture Album. KIEV -Trade Winds Tavern. KGER- Mizpah. KGB -Casa CutSat.

11:30 -KFI, KFSD -Jack Berch. KNX -Grand Slam

*HH.1. HEM', KRAD-News. HMPC- Tuttle's Tune Time.

KXLA, 8:30 A.M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KNI. 1 -Kasen o1 lest. .

KGF.1-1' aile Imitation. KIFS- benice t hile.

*KWKW -News. Unntions. KF'OX -Words of Life. KGB -Bill Harrington.

1:43 -KFI, KFSD -David !forum. KNX- Rosemary. KH.I. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Victor H. Lindlahr. KMPC -A Song for You. KFAC-Show Time. KWKW' -Wings of Healing. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KIEV- Musical Memories. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *HFI, HG.F'J, KGER -News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA, KFMB, KPRO-

Glamnur Manor. KRJ- Foodcraft Carnival.

*KMPC -News. Stork Club. KWKW -Vaice of China. KXLA, KFNAI-Waltz Time.

*KI.AC -News, Picture Album. KFAC -Unity. K RKD-- Sagebrush Serenade. KIEV- Lyrics by Crosby. KFOX- Firehrands for Jesus. KFSD -Words and Music. KGB-Notes at Nine.

9:05 *KFI -Feature Wire. KGER- Lutheran Hour.

9:111--KGFJ -Red Feather Man. 9:13 -KFI- Ladies' Day.

KNX -Aunt Jenny. KR.). H/:B. KV'0E -Coke

Club, Morton Downey. KMPC -Those Were the Days. I(C,FJ- Publie Messenger. KFAC -Sbire of Health. KXLA- Harmony Homestead.

*KFVD. KFSD -Nov... KWKW-Rev. Wildeman. KIEV -Interlude in Rhythm.

9:30- KNX -Romance of Helen Trent.

KECA, KPR(1, KFMB -Tom Breneman's Breakfast.

9E14.1-Time Out. KMPC -Western Stars. KFWR -Sweet Music.

*KWKW' -Off the Press. KFAC -Festival of Waltzes. KGFJ -Open Album. KFVD -Show Tunes. KIEV -Lost & Farad Pets. KFSD -Time In Relax. KGB -Quaker City Serenade. KGER -Bible Treasury Hour.

0:45 -KNX -Our (.al Sunday. HMI-Tune Time. KMPC- Musical Portraits.

*KFWB, KRKD -News. HLAC -Kiddie Klub. KWKW -Sign of the Clock. BEND-Here Comes Parade. KIEV -Band Box. KGB -Molly Morse. KGER -!'nice of China. KFSD- Maggi'.. l'risate Wire. KVGE -Dick B Jeannie. HF1- Especially For Vo. K

Volt. NX -Big Sister.

*HHJ, KGB, KFXM. 111'0E- News. Glenn Hardy.

Page Twenty -two

*KECA, KI'RO, KFMB -Rome Edition.

*KMPC -News. Bill (Ryden. KFWR -House of Milani. KNEW. Kt:FA- Raring News.

*KI.AC -News. Al .Tanis. KXLA -Piano Parade.

*K1F:V. KFOX. K( :F:R -News. KFAC- l'apistra no Echoes. KRHD- Music. Talk. KFVD- Morning Serenade.

- KIND-Sketches in Melody. 10:05-.- KGER- MOsir. 10:15- KFI -Maggi's PH, ate Wire.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA, HMO, KFMB -Ted

Malone. KHJ -Nancy Dixon, KGFJ- Serenade for Vau. KFAC -Musical Portraits.

*KXLA-News. KWKW-Melodies. KIF''' -ferry Como. Songs. K GER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rer. Emme Taylor. K''OE- Editor's Diary.

10:25- K(.FJ. KWKW- Races -Sports. 10:30- KFI -What Do You Say?

KNX -Voting Dr. Malone. KECA, KPRO, KFMB -My

True Story. KHJ -Reel Stories. KFWB- Concert Masters. KGFJ- I-pbeat Session.

*KFAC, KWKW -Ncws.

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KXLA -10:30 A.M.

KXLA- Woman's World. KIND-onion Rescue Mission. KIEV- Musical Corral. KGER- Across the Footlights. K(iB, KVOE- l'.N..' de.

10:10- KWKW -- Calling All Vets. 10 :15 -KFI, HF'SD- ,loyee Jordan.

KNX -Road of life. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Bill Guinn Show. KM PC-Home Chats. K FWR -Science of Mind. KFAC -Musical Varieties. HRRD- Midnight Missinn. KGER -Kurbetone Forum. RIPON- Hebrew Christian Hr.

10:55 -KECA, KFMB-Hymns of All Churches.

KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Spores.

11 HFL SFSI)- (:aiding Light. KNX -Second Mrs. Burton. KECA. KFMB-Hymns of All




S70 1-6491 7901930T T1110 T I?30 T 13301-1390 T410 90

600 710 R70 990 1010 1150 12401?BO 1360 1430 1460

KHI. KFXM, KGB, Kt OE- Bill (:wino Show.

*KMPC -News, Music Hall. KEW'S-Bill Anson. KFAC -Friendly Classics.

*K1.A(' -News, Al Jarvis. KXLA -Easy listening. KGF.I -Vocal Varieties.

*REVD, K(iER -News. KRKI) -Light Concert. KWKW -Listening Reward. KIEV -Show Time. KFOX- Bright earner.

li:lb -KFI, KFSD -Today's Children. KNX -Perry Mason.

*K EC A-Baukhage Talking. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVIIE-

Smile Time. KGFJ- Silver Strings. REVD- Violet Schram. KXLA -Variety Time. KIEV -Music Box. R(:ER- Helene Smith. KFMB -Magie Carnet.

II :25-KGFJ, KWKW- Rares -Sports. 11:30 -KF1. KIND-Woman in White.

ENX -lame Journey. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVItE-

Qneen For a Day. KECA, KI'BO. KFMB-

Listening Post. KFVD -Dr Louis Talbot. KGFJ- ReMiniscent Rhythm.

*KWKW-News, This Day. *KRKD, KXLA, KFOX -News.

KIEV- Tropical Tempos. 11:11 --BFI, KFSD -Betty Crocker. II :45-KFI-Masquerade.

KNX- Backstage at ('RS. KECA- Norwood Smith Sings.

*KGF'.1, KFSD -News. KFAC -Piano Gems. KRK()- Hawaiian Melodies. KXI.A -Songs of the Saddle. KI:EK- Feminine Fare. KI'K11 -This Curious World. KFMB -Cliff Edwards.

11:55- KGF.J. KWKW- Race .. -Spurts. HMPC- Thought for Today.

-Farm Reporter. 12-KFI KNX- Bnrrit Wheeler.

*KKGERHKGB, KS'IIF,-News. KFWB-Bill Ansy)I. KGF.1- Keyboard Magic. KF'AI'- Luncheon ('nmert.

*HLAC- News, Al Jarvis. KFVD- Editor of the Air. KWKW- Rhapsody in Wax. KXLA- Dinner Bell Roundup. KRKD -Prairie Schooner. KFSD -Life Can Be Beautiful

12:15 -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins. KNX -Bill Bryan Trio. KECA-Cliff Edwards. K Il.l -.lohnso,n Family.

* h sl l'('. RFIIX. KFXM -News.

WEDNESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Llghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs Boldface

Cooed '- Varlet a :PO -Frank Sinatra, KNN. S y 0:00- Musical Digest. KGF.1.

111:0o- Supper Club, I. 8:011 -Esening Concert, KFAC. 8:15 -.htek Smith, KNX. 8:30 -Music Supreme, RMI'C. 9 :O0- Saludos Amigos, KGF.1.

In:M1- Eastside Show, HFWB. 10:íN1 -lucky Dance Time. KFAC 111:01- Hollywod Rona* Party.

KG F.1. 12:on- Rhapsody in Was. KHJ.

Cornnfcut- Xarration g:17,- -Fred Beck. KNN. A:tel -Kate Smith. KNX. 3:30 -Time Gut, KH.1.

10:15 -Ted Malone. KECA. 12:00- Burrit Wheeler, KNX. 3:110- Burrit Wheeler. KNX. ( :30-Art Baker, KFI.

1111'sterl- Detective 6:00-Affairs of Ann Scotland.

KECA. 1:011- Miehaet Sltayne, KHJ. 0:01 -Mr and Mrs. North. KFI. 9:30 -Mr. District Attorney, KFI.

Public I nterest- Information

11:15 -LaGuardia. KECA. Sports

Itt :01 -Rare !Ascot. KWKW In:t K1- TTarin,. ICGF'.I. 6:30 -Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 8 :311- Sportsmen's /'tub, KEI'. 9:30- inside Sports,

16:011 -Sid Ziff. KECA.

6:00- Duffy's Tavern. KEE e:30 -Dinah Shore, KNN.

:Mt -Frank Morgan, KM. 8:30 -Great Gildersleese, BFI. 9:00 -Bing Crosby, RECA. 9:00-Jack Carson, KNX. 9:30 -Henry Morgan, KECA.

Quiz, Participation 8:00- McNetlt's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 8 :00-L. A Breakfast Club.

KFW B. 9:no- Glamour Manor. KECA. :1:3uo -- -1 rencman' Breakfast.

11 :::n -Queen for a Day, KH.1. I:M1 -(..E. House Party. KNX. 2 :011 -What's Doire. Ladies ?.

KECA. 2.30 -Meet the Missile. KNX.

2:30 -Bride and Groan, KECA. 8::l0 -Pot o' Gold. RECA. 7 :30 -Kay Kyser, BFI.

:311- Infnrmotioa, !'lease, KNX. 8:30 -Charm School. KGFJ.

Draina a:311- Hollywood 'Thrater. KFI. 1:00- Academy Award, KNX. 8:30 -Dr. Christian, KNX.

Al uric 8:011 -Fred N'a ring. KFI. 3:00- Musical Favorites, HEAP. 4 :00- Musical Masterpieces.


K t SC-Musical Portrait.. KIF:'- llnits Time. KGER -T. 'Texas Tyler. KPRO -Three Men on a Mike. KGB -S. D. Scrapbook. KFMB -Word to the Wises. KVON Thts la Music.

14:211- KWKW- Voices of Tomorrow. 1!:25- KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 12:30 -K FI, KFSD- Pepper Young.

*KNX -Knox Mooning. News. KECA. 'PRO, KFMB -Try

'n' Find Me .


MELLOW 12:30 TO 1:00 P. M.

Mender Through Friday

KHJ KH.1 -11 lot :o 'LIln s. KM PC-Bridge t loot.

*KFWB- News. KWKW-Farm x rw s. KGF.1- Interns ission. KFAC-Music. KFVD -Violet Schram.

KXLA -Red Murrell. KIEV -Dance Parade. KFOX- Behind the Counter. KGB, KVOE -Bobby Norris.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

HNX Yumethlog to Talk Almut.

KF :I'A -Frank Parker Show. HMI'(' -Bill Hay Reads the

Bible, News.

KWKW-South American Nay KXLA -Farm Hour. KIEV -Gals no Record. KGER -Garden School. ROIS -Songs of Praise.

12:X5 -KGFJ, KWKW- Rares- Sports.

1 BFI, HEAD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G.E. House Party. KECA -Meet Me In Manhattan KH.I- Louise Massey. KMPC- Financial News. KFWB -Rill Anson. KFAC- Sketches in Strings.

*KI.A(', REVD, KG ER-News. EKED- Music. K(:F,1- Sunset and S Inc. KWKW' -Sets' Rehabilitation. K XI.A- Psychology for

Moderns. KIEV -Old Wax Works. KFOX -Platter Pantry.

*KGB. KVIIE -Cedric Foster. I :05-KM I'C- Hlatory.

KGER -Out of the Band Box. 1:15 -KFI, KIND -Stella Dallas.

KHJ- Jackie HIll Show. KMI'V- Singing Strings. KLAG Sunset and Vine. KXLA -This Is (Inr 1)aty. REVD -Piano Moods. KIEV- Martial Airs. KGB, KS 0E-The Johnson

Family. 1:25 *KN X -Nrws

KGFJ, KWKW- Rares -Sports. I:30 -KFL KFSD -Lorenzo Jones.

KNX -El elyo Winters. KECA- Walter Rieman. KHJ -Melody Matinee. K!Sll'('- Treasury Salute. KLA(' -Jeff and Rufus.

*KWKW. KRKD -News. KGF,1- Today's Hits. KXLA -Listener's Digest. KFVD -Hawaiian Music. KIEV -Mords M Music. KGB -Shady Valley Folks. RF:MB -Trade Winds Tavern. RVIIE -TI ht for Today.

I:38 -KWKW-Andy Mansfield. 1:15 -HF'1, RESD- Widder Brown.

KNN -Backgrounds for Lis ing.

KECA -Ethel and Albert. .

KMPC -lofce of the Army. .

KFAI' -Piano Solos. KXLA -Afternoon ' ariettes KRKI>- Singing Waiters. KF1D -Vocal Varieties. KVIIF Radio Tour.

I :5.1 -KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sport s

2-KFI, KIND-When a Girl Marries.

KNX-School of the Air KECA, KFMB. KPRIS-

W hat's Ihoin'. 1.adirs? K H.!. Kt.B. K' 0E -Tell

lour Neighbor.

Page 23: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

RADIO LIFE WEDNESDAY LOGS aua ac: wn. . -:.clac, nrrocu -- - - - - --

KFWB -Bill Anson. *KLAC, KIEV -News.

HFAC -Musse in American Manner.

KGFJ- Itichard Himber. KXI.A- Musical Dept. Store. KWKW -The ('row. KFV'D- Timely Tunes. KRKD -Orgno Reveries. KGER-Long Beach Band.

:15-K El. HFSD- Portia Faces Life.

HHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KV0E- John .1. Anthony.

KGFJ - Record Jackpot. KLAC -Juke Box Review. KURD-Concert Melodies. HF'OX- Public Bulletin.

2:23 -KECA -They Said It Today. HGFJ, RNKW-Races-Sports.

2:30 -KF'l. KFSD -Just Plain Bill. KNN-Meet the Miscue. KHJ, KGB. HVOE- Heart's

Desire. KECA -Bride and Groom. HEWS-Mid-Afternoon

Melodies. RGF.1 -Among My Souvenirs.

*KWHW-News, The Crow. *KRKD -News. Music.

KIEV- Musical Potpourri. KF'OX- Sagebrush Symphony. KGER-Feature Story.

2:4O-KF'Mit -Moule News. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -Kill HFSD -Front Page Far- rell.

KLAC -Peter Pan Tinte. KFAC- Organ.

*KGFJ. KIND-News. K R KD -l'an- Americana.

2:30 -KFMB- Devotional Time. 2:55 -1(GFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports.

3 AFI, KIND-Road of Life. KNX- Burritt Wheeler.

KECA, KPRO, KFMB- Ladies. Be Seated.

HH.I, KGB, KVOE -Say It With Music.

*KMPC-News, Record Room. KFWB- Afternoon Melodies.

*KLAC, KXLA, KGER-News. HFAC- Musical Favorites. KGFJ -Cocktail Hour. KIND-L. A. Daily Reporter. RWKW-Swing Session. KIEV-Melody at Three.

3:05---KGER-Under Blue Skies. 3:15 -KEI -Life Can Be Beautiful.

KHJ-Happy Homes. KFWB -Bert Fiske. KLAC -Piano and I.

KGFJ -Variety Music Hall. KIND- Popular Favorites K XI.A -Juke Box Matinee. KIEV -Matter of Records. KGER -Cheerful Chat.

*KFSD -News. 3:25 -HGFJ, KWHW- Races -Sports. 3:30 -HFI, HFSD -Aunt Mary.

KNX -Word From the Country *KECA -Alvin Wilder.

KFWII -Melody Matinee. HLAC Barclay Allen Oreh. HGFJ- Variety Music Hall. KW K W- American -.Jewish Hr. KFOX -'our Girl Friend. KGER-Take It Racy Time. KGB -Man About Town.

3:45 -HFI. HFSD -Dr. Paul. *KNX -The World Today.

HECA- Frances Scully. KHJ -Music by Resit!. KFWB- Carter De Haven. KFAC- Moments in Music. KFV'U- Rhumba. KVOF Reus Hound.

3)M -KGFJ. KWH VW- Rares -Sparts. 4 -HFI, KFSD- This 'Voman's Secret.

KNX -('alt of the Range. *HHJ. KGB. KF'NM, 10'0E-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. KECA- Headline Edition.

*KMPC. News. Palladium. KFWB- Gospel and Song. KXLA-Juke Box Matinee. KFAC- Musical Masterpieces.

*KLAC, KIEV- News. K(.FJ- Variety Music Hall. RWKW -Italian Melodies. KRKD, KFVD -- Piano.

*KGER, KEOX, KPRO -News. 4:05-KGER -Take It Easy Time. 4:15 *KFI, KFSD, KFVD -News.

KNX -One for the Book. *KECA- Raymond Swing. *KHJ, KGB, HFNM, KV0E-

Rev Miller. KMPC-Peter Potter. KLAC-Betty Phillips. KIEV- Dinner Music. 4:25- HGFJ, RWKW- Races -Sports.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -L.A Story. KECA -Dick Tracy. HHJ, KVOE- Erskine Johnson KMPC -Bolero Time.

Sr VW 6- ..1us,cat nounaau. KLAC- Lullaby in Rhythm. KGFJ- Variety Music Hall.

*KWKW-News. Music. KIND-Tea Time Music. KIEV -Meet the Maestro. KFOX -Old Age Pension. RFSIB- Mandrake. Magician.

I :15-KS X-George Fisher. RECA, KFMB- Tennessee .led. KH.1, KGB, HFXM, HVOE-

Buck Rogers. KMPC -And That's How It

Happened. KIWB- Teatime Melodies.

*MAC-Gen. Junius Pierce. *HRKU- News.

KWKW -Today at the Races. *KFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn.

4:55 -HGFJ -Sports flash. KFI -Life with Crosby.

*KNX -Knox Manning, News. *KHJ, KGB -News,

Hemingway. HECA, KPRO, KFMB -Terry

and the Pirates. *KMPC-News, Teen d Twenty.

KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. *H LA( -News.

KFAC- Sunset Symphony. KXLA -.Juke Box Matinee. KGFJ -Jive at 5. KWKW-Lucky White Play-

boys. KIND- Evening Serenade. KIEV- Afternoon Serenade. KFSD- Annhersary Date. KFOX- Sunshine Mission.

*KGER-News, Career Call. 5:15 *KFI. KFSD. KFAC-News.

KNX -Green Light Revue. KHJ. KGB. KF_YM, HVOE-

Superman. KECA -Sky King. KLAC- Irwin Allen. KIEV -Catch the 5:15.

5:25- KGFJ -Races, Sports. 5:30 -KFI -Casa Cugat.

*KNX -Harry Flannery. HECA, KPRO, KFMB -Jack

Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. KFXNM, HVOE-

Captain Midnight. KLAC -M Jarvis.

KGFJ -Songe for You. RFA(' -Whoa Bill (lob. KXLA- Fhture Pianists. KRKD -Hit Tunes. KIEV- Twilight Time.

*KFOX -News. KGER -Your Army. KFSD -Sb the Story Goes.

5:45 *KFI, HFSD -Elmer Peterson. KNX -News, Garred.


Adventures of Tom Mix. KMPC -H Allen. K XLA-Miniature Concert. KGFJ -If They Had Lived. KRKD -Race Results. KGER- Mandrake, Magician.

5:55*KNX -Bill Henry, News. HGFJ -Races. BFI, KFSD -Duffy's Tavern. KNX -Songs by Sinatra. HECA- Affaire of Ann Scot-

land. *KHJ, KGB. RFNM, K1'0E-

Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC, KFWB, KLAC, HGER,

KFOX -New.. KGIKI- Musical Digest. KFAC-Music for Everyone. K RKU- Music. KXLA-Pasadena Community

Playhouse. R:05- HLAC -AI Jarvis, 6:15 -KH.1 -Barry Wood Show.

KMPC -Parade of Sports. KFWB-Warner Bros. Orch. KGER-Today in Sports. KGB-San Diego Sports. KVOE-Real Stories.

6:30- KFI- Hollywood Theater. KNX -Dinah Shore. KECA, KFS1B -Pot o' Gold. KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

N tlight Bands. KMPC-Joe Hernandez. KEWIt -Frank Bull. KFAC' -Hoar of Music. KLAC-Sam Baiter. Sports. KXLA -Help Wanted. KFOX- Ilal's Memory Room. EGER- Helene Smith. KFSD -Barry Wood Show.

6:43 *KLAI' -James Roosevelt. KXLA-Dinner Music.

7 -HFI, KFSD -The Fabulous Dr. Tweedy.

KNX- Academy Award Thea- tre.


Michael Shayne. *KMPC -News.

.fl -r10111. o, mue,c. KGFJ- Musical Digest.

*KLAC, HRKD, KGER -News. KPPC -Pasadena Musicians.


"Samson and De- 4 lilah, Bacchanale" \

Saint-Saens 4- -=_ %

7:05- KSIP('- Security Symphonia. KGER- Fagan.

l:15-KLAC-Music From Holly - wood.

KXI.A -J. Dorsey Orch. KPPC -Organ Recital.

7:30 -KFI, KFSD -Kay Hyser's Mu- sical College.

KNX- Information Please, HMI, KGB, HFXM. IIVOE-

Cisco Kid. KECA -Sons of the Pioneers. KMPC- Firestone Favorites. KF WB- Sports Final. KF.V('- Floretta's Jewel Box. KXLA -Texas Jim Lewis, KI'P( -Song Recital. KGER- Prophecy Speaks.

7:43 -KECA- Reserve. KFWB- Wayne King Orch.

*KFAC -News. *KLAC-Radio Newsreel.

KXLA -T. Texas Tyler. BFI, KFSD- Supper Club.

*KNX- Lowell Thomas. KECA, KFMB -Lum & Abner.

'KHJ, KGB -The Main Line. *KMPC, KLAC. KGER -News. *KFWB- Inside Story.

KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ -Caucasian Memories. KXLA -Romantic Melodies. HIPC- Midweek Devotional. KFOX- Presbyterian Church.

/1:05-KGER-It's Hollywood. 8:15 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law-

ton. KNX -Jack Smith.

*HECA, KPRO- Listen to La Guardia.

KMPC -Korn Knbblers. KFWB- Twilight on the Trail. KL..'d -Dance Time. KGFJ- Keyboard and Console.

*K X LA -News. KGER -(:, I. Insurance.

8:30 -KF1, Ktl3D -The Great Gildersleeve.

KNX -Dr. Christian. HECA, HEMS-Fishing and

Hunting Club. KHJ, KGB, KFXM -It's Up

to Youth. KM PC-Music Supreme.

*HI -Wit-News. KGFJ -Charm School of Air. KLAC-My Serenade. KPI'C -Tour Theater & Mine. KXLA -87th Street Corral. KFOX -Stars of Progress.

:13- KFWB -Guy Lombardo Orch. KLAC -Casino Gardens Orch. KGER- Music.

s:30- KFWB -Musical Comedy. 8:55 *KNX -News. Alcott. 9 -KFI, KFSD -Mr. and Mrs.

North. KNX -Jack Carson. RECA. KFMB, HMO-Bing

Crosby. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. KMPC-Easy Aces. KFN'R, KPVC- Music.

*KLAC -News. KFAC -Evening Concert. K XLA-Peter Potter. KGF.1- Saludos Amigos. KIND--Spade Cooley Time. KPPC- Siesta Fiesta.

Listen Tonight, 9:00P.M. The Neu,


KGER 1390 kc.

KGER -Bing Crosby Show.

rX.VI, KVOE- Mel Venter's Pictorial.

KIM PC-Spotlight Stars. , KLAC -Jan Garber Orch.

K l'l'C- Music. 9:311 -KFI. KFSD -Mr. District

Attorney. KNX- Ellery Queen. HECA, KFMB -Henry Morgas

Show. KHJ, KFX.11. KGB, KVOE-

Inside of Sports. KMPC -Say It With Music. KFWB- Maurice Hart, KGFJ- Air-o- torials. KLAC-Melody Highlights. KGER-Dr. Clem Davies.

9:40 *KGFJ -Musical Horizons. 9:15- KIlJ- Musical Treasure Chest.

K511'C- Waltz to Remember. KI'PC- Listen. Mr. Citizen. RFMB -Auto Races.

i0 *KFI, KFSD -The Reporter. *KNX -Chet Huntley, News.

KHJ. KGB, HFXM, KYOE- Fulton Lewis, Jr.

KECA -Sid Ziff, Sports. *KMPC- News, Western Stars.


10 TO 12 P. M. Every Nigh E xcpt Sunday

KFWB K FIt II -i astride Show. K. I..NC-Ice Hockey. KX l.A- Olympic Fights. REVD -Spade Cooley Time. KGFJ -Hollywood House Party. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance.

*KGER-News. Musical Roundup.

10:15 -KF1 -Casa Cugat. KNX -Bob Eleon.

*KECA, KHJ, KGB, KV0E- News.

KFSD- Honored Music. 10:30 *KFI- inside the News.

KNX-Symphonette. *KECA -Raymond Swing.

KHJ -Sing, America, Sing. KMPC -Dance Time. KGER-Dude Ranch

Wranglers. 10:45- KFI -Show Time.

KECA, HEMS- Freddy Martin Orel'.

KHJ- -(:old & Silver Minstrels. *HFSD -News.


KNX -Nelson Pringle. KFWB -Esstide Show. KFAC -Lucky Dance Time. KFSD- Biltmore (Irrt,. KXLA- Millie's Cafe. KGFJ -Hollywood House Party KFVD+Sppade Cooley Time. KFSD- Biltmure turnte.

11:05-KMPC -Dance Tinte. KGER -Musical Roundup.

11:15- KFt- LulYby Tinte. KNX -Jerry Wald Orch. KECA- Claremont Hotel Orch. KH.i. KGB-E. Heckseher

Orch. KLAC-Xmas Early. KXLA- Bandstand Revue.

11:25- KFI -Post Parade. 11:30 -KFI -Eddie Fitzpatrick Orch.

RECA -Eddie Le Baron Orch. KHJ, KGB -Jan Garber Orch. KFSD-' -St. Francis Orch. KXLA-Platter Party.

11:15 --KECA -Tann Watten Orch. KNX -KNX -tra, Music.

*KHJ, KGB, HVOE -News. 11:35*KFI, KECA, KNX, KFSD -




KXLA 12:30 -5:00 a.m.


Page Twenty -three

Page 24: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

KM PC Bob Kelley, Ace Pacific


7:30 A.M. -M. -F.

8 KFI, KF'D -Fred Waring. KNX- Jnhnnv Murray. KECA, KPRO, HFMB -Don

McNe lI's Breakfast Club. *KHJ, KGB -Cecil Brown. *KMI'C, KXLA KLAC -New..

KFA'R -Easy t.iatenln'. KGFJ- Concert Pastelle. KW KW-Listening Reward.

KRKD, 8:00 A. M.


Tues., Thurs., Sat. First M

Goo ate Bob and the d Ship Grace

Ir:KKD, HFOX -Asten of Rest.

KFAC -Country Church. KFVD- Wakeup Ranch.

*KGER -News, Soul Patrol. KVOE -Hot Cake Club.

8 :15*KNX -Fred Beck. *RAJ- Frazier Runt.

EMIT -Markets, Sports. HLAC -Picture Album. HGER- Mizpah. KGB -Casa Cugat.

5:30 -KII, HFSD -Jack Berch. KNX -Grand Slam.

*KN.', KRRI), KFAC -News. KMPC- Tuttle's Tune Time. KEA B- Diamood R Ranch. KGFJ -Waltz Invitation. KXLA -Baptist Brothers.

*KWKW -News, Devotions. KFOX -Words of Life. KGB, HVOE -Bill Harrington.

1:45 -KFI, HFSD -Datid Herum. KNX--Rosemary. KR.!. KGB, KAHM, HVOE-

ictor H. Lindlahr. HMPC-A Song for You.

*KFA B -News. KFAC -Show Time. HF\ D -Vocal la%orites. KWKW -W Inge of Healing. EGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *HFE, KGFJ, KGER-News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA, KPRO, KFMB-

Glamour Manor. HMI-Charlie Hemp.

*KFWCB- News.

Talk. k *HLAC -News, Picture Album.

KFAC- Cnity. HRHD -Sagebrush Serenade. KWKW -VnWe of China. KXLA, KFVD -Waltz Time. HFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. HFSD -Words and Music. KGB -Notes at Nine.

5:05 -H1I- Music. HGER -Lutheran Hour.

5:15 -HFI- Ladles' Day. KNX -Aunt Jenny.

HHJ, KGB. HVOE -Coke Club, Morton Downey.

HMPC -Those Were the Days. EFW11-- Strolling Tom. KFAC-Voice of Health. KXLA- Harmony Homestead. KWKW -Rev. Aildeman.

*KF "D, HFSD -News. 8:311 -KN Y -Helen Trent Romance.

HHJ -Iime Out. KECA, KPRO, HFMB -Tom

Breneman's Breakfast. K.MPC- Western Stars. KFWB -Sweet Music.

*KWKW -Off the Press. KGFJ -Open Album. KFAC- Festhal of Waltzes. EGER -Bible Treasury Hour. KF77) -Show Tunes. KGB-- Quaker City Serenade. HVOE -Bing Crosby. HFSD -Time to Relax.

S:45-HNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Tune Time. HMPC- Musical Portraits.

*SLÁC- HiddtD s LAC-Kiddie H New HWEW- Shopping With Helen KFST) -Bere Comes Parade.

is Twenty -Four

HGER -Voice of China. HFSD- Maggl's Private Aire. HGB -Molly Morse. KV'OE -Dick and Jeannie.

iQ Broadcast o,soosr"

KNX -Rig Sister. *EEC'A, KPHO. HFMB -Home

Edition, *KILJ, KGB, KFXM, KS OE-

Glenn Hardy, News. *KMPC -News, Bill Leyden.

KFWB -House of Milani. KGFJ- Raeing News. KXLA -Piano Parade.

*HLAC -News, Al Jarvis. KFAC-Capistrano Echoes. KFI -D- Morning Serenade. KAKW- Racing Lineup.

*KIEV, KGER, EFOX -News. 10..0.5- KGER- Musle. 10 :15-KNX-Ma Perkins.

KH.1 -Naney Dixon. RECA, KFMB- Wllllam Lang.

*KXLA-News. KGFJ -Serenade for You. KFAC-Music. KRKD -Talk, Music. KGER- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

le:25 -KGFJ, HAKW-Races-Sports. 10:30 -KE9 -What Do Ina Say.

KNX -Vnnng Dr. Malone. RECA, KPRO, 11F11B -My

True Story. KHJ -Reel Stories. KFWB- Concert Masters. KGFJ- tpheat Session.

*KFAC, KAKW -News.


WOMAN'S WORLD 10:30 -11:00 a.m.

KXLA Monday thru Friday

KXL:1- Aomen's 1{orld. KFVD -rnion Rescue Mission. HGER -Across the Footlights. KGB, EVOF C.N. Serenade.

10:45 -KFI, HFSD -Joyce Jordan. KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

Bill Gwinn Show. KNX -Road of Life. KMP( -Home Chats. KFA B- Science of Mind. KFAC -Musical Varieties. KRKD-Midnight Mission. HGER- Hurbstone Forum. HFOX- Hebrew Christian Hr.

10:55 -KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All Churches.

KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. HFI, HFSD- Guiding Light. 11 /LISA-Second Mrs. Burton.



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FF 10 1490

KECA., HFMB -Hymns of All Churches.

HAJ, KFXM, KGB. KIOE- Bill Gwinn Show.

*HMPC -News, Music Hall. KFWB -BiII Anson. KFAC-Friendly ('lassies.

*HLAC -News. Al Jarvis. KGFJ -Vocal Varieties.

*KFVD, HGER -News. FIRED-Music. KXLA -Easy Listening. KWKW- Listening Rew ard. KFOX- Bright Corner.

11:13 -REl, HFSD- Today's Children. KNX -Perry Mason.

*KECA- Baukhage Talking. KH.), KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Smile Time. KGFJ Silver Strings. KXLA- Variety Time. KF1 D- Violet Schram. KGER- Helene Smith. KFMB -Magic Carpet.

11:25-KGFJ. KWKW- Races- Sports. 11:30 -K1FI, HFSD -Momsn in White.

KNX-Lone .tourney. RAJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Queen Fnr a Day. !MCA, KPRO, KFMB-

Listening Post. KGFJ -Reminiscent Rhythm.

*KRKD. KXLA, KFOX -News. *KWKW -News, This Day.

KFVD-Dr. Louis Talbot. KIEV-Tropical Tempos.

11:40 -REI, KFSD-Betty Crocker. 11:45 -H FI- Masquerade.

KNX- Backstage at CBS. HEC'A- Norwood Smith Sings.

*KGFJ HFSD -News. KFAC-Plano Gems. KRKD- Hawaiian Melodies. KXI A -Songs of the Saddle. KGER- Feminine Fare. KFMB -Cliff Edwards.

11:55 -KGFJ. KWKW -Races -Marts. KMPC-Thought for Today.

12AFI -Farm Reporter. KNX-Surprise Party. KECA. KHJ, HMPC, KIES.

ROER, KGB, KVOE -News. KFWB -Bill Anson. KGFJ- Keyboard Magic.

*KT.AC -News. Al Jars is. KRKD- Prairie Schooner.

LOCAL LOAN Pre.sent3

Dinner Bell Round Up 12:15 p.m., Mon. thru Fri.

KXLA . - A- Dinner :ell Anon up.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In L!ghtface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programa Boldface 6:00 -Musical Digest, KGFJ. 8:00- Supper Club, KFI. 5:00- Evening Concert, KFAC. 5:11 -.yack Smith, KNX. 8:30 -Music Supreme. HMPC. 9:00 -Saludos Amigos, KGFJ.

10:00 -Lucky Dance Time. KFM'. 10:00 -Eastside Show. KFWB. 10 :00-Hollywood House Party,

$GFJ. 12:00- Rhapsody in Wax, HEM.

Comment- Narration 8:17 -Fred Beck, KNX. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30 -Time Out. KHJ. 3:00- Burrit Wheeler, ENE. 4:30 -Art Baker. KFL.

11 ystery- Detective 6:30 -Crime Photographer, KNX. 9:00 -Suspense, KNX.

Public Interest - Information

6:45 -Town Meeting, KECA. 9:30 -Dr. Wallace Ster!lug, KNX.

10:15 -Mayor Bowron, KFI.

Sports 10:00 -Race Lineup. KWKT 10:00 -Racing. KGFJ. 6:30 -Joe Hernandez, EMPC. 9:30 -Inside Sports, KHJ.

10:00 -Sid Ziff. KECA.

Comedy - Variety 6:00 -Music Hall, EFI. 6:30 -Dennis Day, KFl. 7:00 -Abbott and Costello, KF1. 7 :30-FAdie Cantor, HFI. 7 :30- That's Finnegan, ENE. 8:30 -Aldrich Family. KEE. 9:00 -Burns and Allen, KFI.

Quis, Participation 8:00 -McNeill's Breakfast Club.

KECA. 9:00 -Glamour Manor, KECA. 9:30- Breneman'a Breakfast.

KECA. 11:30 -Queen for a Day, KHJ. 1:00 -G.E. House Party, KNX. 2:00 -What's Dolts', Ladies ?.

KECA. 2:30 -Meet the Minims, KNX. 2:30 -Bride and Groom, KECA. 8:30 -Charm School, KGFJ, 0:30 -Noah Webster Says. EFL.

Drama 7:00 -Reader's Digest. KNX.

Music 8:00 -Fred Waring, KFT. 3:00- Musical Favorites, RFAC. 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 6:00 -Dick Hay Ines, KNX.

KFAC- Luncheon Concert. KFVD -E itor of the Alr. KWKW- Rhapsody in Wax. HFSD -Life Can Be Beautiful KY-AB -Light Crust Dough-

boys. 1 ?:15-Kit, HFSD -Ma Perkins.

KECA- -Cliff Eduaras, KHJ -Johnson Family.

*K)IIH'- Norman Nesbitt. HFAC -Musical Portraits. KGER -T. Texas Tyler.

*K FOX -News. KGB- Trading Post. KFMR -Word to the Wires.

12: 20 -KWKW -Voices of Tomorrow 12:225- KGFJ, KW KW- Races -Sparts. 12:30 -HFI. KFSD-Pepper Young's


*KECA, KFMB-Try Manning, News. -Trrnen'Find



12:30 TO 1:00 P. M. Monday Through Friday

KHJ 11111J-Mild and Mellow. HMPC- Bridge Club.

*KFWB -News. KWKW -Farm News. KGFJ -Intermission. HFAC -Music. KFVD- Violet Schram. KXLA -Red Murrell. KFOX- Popular Parade. KGB. KVOE -Bobby Norris.

12:45 -KFI, KFSD-Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Something to Talk About.

KECA -Frank Parker Show. HMPC -Rill Hay Reads Bible.

*KFAC-News. HWHW -South Americas Way KXLA -Farm Hour. HGER -Garden School. KGB -Songs of Praise. KVOE- Tteasury Salute.

12:55 -KGFJ, KAEW- Races -Sports.

1 FFI, HFSD- Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party. KECA -Meet Me in Manhattan

HEM-Louise Massey. HMPC -Financial News. KFWB -Bill Anson. HFAC -Sketches in Strings.

*KLAC. KFVD, HGER -News. MID-Music. KGFJ -Sunset and Vine. KWKW -Vets' Rehabilitation. KXLA- Community Broad-

casters, RFOX- Platter Pantry.

*KGB, KA"OE- Cedrio Pantry,.

1:05 -EMPC- History. HGER -Out of the Bandbox,

1:15 -KF1, HFSD -Stella Dallas. KHJ - Jackie Hill Show. HMPC- Singing Strings. HLAC- Sunset and Vine. KFVD -Piano Moods. KXLA -Social Di KGB, KVOE -- Johnson Family

1:25 *KNX -News. KGFJ, KWKW- Rares -Sports.

1:30 -KFI, HFSD -Lorenzo Jones. KNX- Evelyn Winters. KECA- Walter Kiernan. KHJ-Melody Matinee. HMPC -1'. W.C.A. KLAC -Jeff and Rufus. KFVD- Hawaiian. KGFJ -Today's Hits.

*KASHA. HRHD -News. KXLA- Listener's Digest. KIEV -Moods in Music. KGB -Shady Valley Folks. KFMB -Trade Winds Tavern. HVOE- Thought for Today.

1:35 -KWKW -Andy Mansfield. 1:43 -KFI, HFSD -Widder Brown.

KNX -Bill Bryan Trio. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KMPC-Fashion Forum. HFAC -Plano Solos. KXLA -Vocal Varieties. K ItED- Music. EFVD -vocal Varieties. HVOE -Radio Tour.

1:55 -KGFJ, KWEW- Races -Sports. 2 -KFI, KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX- School of the Air. RAJ, KGB, HVOE -Tell

Your Neighbor.

Page 25: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

Nit 34,:,


What's Doing, Ladies? *KMPC -News, Reeord Room.

KFWB -Bill Anson. *It I.AC. KIEV -News.

KFAC -Music in American Manner.

K(,FJ- Xasler Cugat. KWHW -The Crnw. K!CND -Blind Actit itiea. KXLA-Musical Dept. Store. REVD- Timely Tunee. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:15 -KFI, KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KHJ, KGB. RFSM, 111-0E- John J. Anthony.

KGF.1- Record Jackpot. KLAC -Juke Box Resiew. KRKD -Concert Melodies. KIEV -Land of Song. HFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:25 -KECA -They Seid It Today. HGFJ, KWRW- Races -Sports.

:30 -BFI, HFSD -Just Plain Bill. KNX-Meet the ylissus. KECA -Bride and Groom. KH,,, KGB, KV0E Heart's

Desire. HFR B- Afternoon Melodies. KGFJ -Among My Sousen/rs.

*HRHD -News, Music. *HWKW -News, The Crow.

KGER -Feature Story. 2:40 -KGER -Long Beach Band. 2:45 -KFI, KFSD -Front Page Far-

rell HLAC -Peter Pan Time.

*HGFJ, KFVD -News. HFAC- Organ,

:55 -HGFJ. KWKW- Races -Sports. KFI, HFSD -Road of Life. KNX- Barritt VI heeler.

RECA, KPRO, KFMB- Ladies, Be Seated.

HMI, KGB, HVOE -Say It With Music.

*EMIT-News, Record Room. KFWB- Afternoon Melodies.

*KLAC, KXLA, EGER -News. RFAC- Musical Favorites. RFVD -L. A, Daily Reporter. HGFJ -Variety Mueie Hall. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. KWHW -Swing Session. KFOX- George C. Hlghley. 3:n5- KGER -Ender Blue Skies.

3:15 -RFl -Life Can Be Beautiful. KW-Happy Homes. RFVVB -Bert Flake. K A -Juke Boy Matinee. HLAC -Piano and I. HFSD- Popular Favorites. HGER -Cheerful Chat.

*KFSD -News. 3:25 -KGFJ. KWKW- Races -Sports. 3:30 -BFI HFSD -Aunt Mary.

KNX -In My Opinion. *RECA, HFMB -Alvin Wilder. KFR'B- Melody Matinee.

KLAC-Barclay Allen Oreh. HGFJ -Variety Music Hall. KWKW- Amerlean- ,Jewish Hr.

*HRHD -News, Music. HGER -Take It Easy Time. HFOX- .four Girl Friend. KGB-Art Baker.

3:45 -BFI, HFSD -Dr. Paul. *RNX -The World Today. -SECA- Frances Scully.

KHJ -Music by Resell. KERB -Carter De Haven. HFAC -Momenta in Music. HFV'D- Rumba. HVOE -Sea Hound.

3:55 -K iFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 4 -KFI, HFSD -This Woman's Secret.

HNX -Hank Larrabee. *KECA- Headline Edition. *KHJ, KGB, KFNM, HV'OE-

Fulton Lewis. *KMPC -News, Palladium.

RFWB- Gospel and Song. HXLA -,lake Box Matinee. HFAC -Musical Masterpieces.

*KLAC, KIEV -News. HGFJ -Variety Music Hall. KWKW- Italian Melodies. HRHD -Piano Paintings. RFVD- -Piano Selections.

*HGER, KFOX -News. 4:05 -KGER -Take It Easy Time. 4:15 *BFI -News of the VI orld.

*KECA- Raymond Swing. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Rex Miller. KMPC; Peter Potter. KLAC -Belie Martell.

*REVD, KFSD, KFMB -Neves. HRHD- Movieland Quiz.

4:25 -11GFJ, KWKW -Races -Sporte 4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

RNX -Mr. Keene. KECA -Dick Tracy. KHJ, HVOE- Erskine Johnson EMIT- Bolero Tim, KERB-Musical Roundup. KLAC-Lullaby in Rhythm. KGFJ -Variety Music Hall.

*K WK W -News.

HRHD -Tunes of the Day. REVD-Tea Time Music. KIEV -Meet the Maestro. KFOX -Old Age Pensions. KPRO- Twilight Tales. RFMB- Mandrake, Magician.

4:45 -RECA, KFMB- Tennessee ,led. KHJ, KGB, KFX.M, KVOE-

Buck Rogers. KMI'('- Tw'light Tales. RFWB- Teatime Melodies.

*KLAC -Gen. Junius Metre. MAIM -Today at the Races.

*KRHD -News. KFOX -Recital.

4:55 -KGFJ- Sports Flash.

5 *KFI- Feature Wire. *K \N -News, Knox Manning.

RECA, HPRO, KFMB -Terry and the Pirates.

*KH.1, KGB, KFXM -News, Hemingway,

*KMPC -Meus, Teen & Twenty KFWB -Stuart Hamblen.

*HL A(', HGER -News. RFA('- Sunset Symphony. KFV'D- Evening Serenade. R6R7 -Jive at A. ElHD -Songs of the Saddle. HWKW -Lucky White Play-

boys. RXLA -,Luke Box Matinee. KIEV- Afternoon Serenade. RFOX- Sunshine Mission. HFSD -Annie .. Date.

6:15 *KFL HFSD, KFAC -News, KNN -Green Light Relue. RECA -Sky King. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Superman. KLAC -Irwin Allen. KIEV -Catch the 5:15. KGER -This Is Our Duty.

5:25 -HGFJ- Races. Sports. 5:30 -RFI -Casa Cugat.

*KNX -Harry, Flannery. RECA, KPRO, HFMB -Jack

Armstrong. K HJ, KGB, KFXM, HV'()E-

Captain Midnight. KLAC-Al Janis. KGFJ -Songs for You. HFAC-Whoa Bill Club. RXLA- Future Pianista. KRHD -Hit Tunes. KGER -Ray Block Presents. HFSD -So the Story Goes.

5:45 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *RNX -News. Gnrred.


Adsentures of Tont Mix. KMPC -H. Allen. KXLA- Miniature Concert. KGFJ -The Law Is Your

Sert ant. KRKD -Race Results.

*KPRO -Day in Resiew. KGER -Mandrake, Magician.

5:55 *KNX -BIII Henry, News. HGFJ- Races.

11F7' KFSD -Kraft Music Hall.

KNX -Dick Haymes: KECA, KFMB -Musical Show.

*KILL KGB- Gabriel Heatter. *KMPC. KF{t'B, RFOX -News.


D inner Hour Concert 6 to 8 P. M. -Mon. thru Sat.

KGFJ 1230 on Your Dial

HGFJ- Musical Digest. KFAC-Music for Everyone. BRED- Music. RXLA -Kid Critics.

*KLAC -News. AI Jarvis. KFVD-Es ening Serenade.

*KGER -News. Twilight Time. 8:15 -KHJ -Real Stories.

KMPC -- Parade of Sports. RFWB- Warner Bros. Oreh. KX EA-Tech nocracy. KGER -Today in Sports. RFOX- Fishing Forts. RGB -San Diego Sports. KFMR, HPRO -Page Cava-

naugh. 0:30 -KFI, KFSD -A Day in the

Life of Dennis Day. KNX- Crime Photographer. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

By Popular Demand. RECA -The Real Story. KMPC -Joe Hernandez. KFS% -Frank Bur'. KFAC -Hour of Muele. KI.At' -Sam Baiter Sports. K XLA -Help Wanted. K GER- Helene Smith. KFOX -Ha I's Memory Room.

6:45 -KECA KPRO, KFMB-Town Meeting of the Air.

*KLAC-James Rooseselt. *RFVD -News.

HXLA-Dinner Music. 7 -KFI, HFSD- Abbott and Cos-

tello. RNX- Reader's Digest.

RECA, EFMB, &PRO -Town Meeting.

KIEL KGB, KFXM, KVOE- All- American Football Roundup.

*KM PC-New s. KFAC -Hour of Slusle. KGFJ- Musical Digest.

*KLAC, KRIM, KGER -News. *HXLA- Averill Berman.

7:05 -KMPC- Security 'ymphonis. EGER -Dr. Fagan.

7.15 -KH.1 -Paul Schissler. KECA -Sammy Kaye Orch. KLAC-Music from Hollywood HXLA -J. Dorsey Orch. KRKD-Three-Quarter Time. KFOX -Fishing Pals. KGB, KV'OE -Music Shop.

7:30 -KFI, HFSD -Eddie Cantor Show.

KNX -That's Finnegan. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Red Ryder. KM PC-Fi reside Favorites. KF1sB- Sports Final. HFAC- Floretta's Jewel Box HXLA -Texas Jim Lewis. BRED -Do You Know? HGER -Kingdom Within.

7:45 *KECA, KFMB- Monitor Views the News.

*KFAC, KFOX -News. *K LAC-Radio Newsreel.

KXLA-T. Texas Tyler. HF7, KFSD-Supper Club.

*RNX- Lowell Thomas. RECA, HFMB -Lum d Abner. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Sound Off. *HM1'C. KLAC, KGER-News. *KFV B- Inside Story,

KFAC -Evening Concert. KGFJ- Caucasian Memories. HXLA -Romantic Melodies. EFOX -Rev. Earl [vie.

8 :06 -K GER- Stardust. 6:15 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood Law

ton. KNX -Jack Smith. KECA, KFMB- Sentimental

Serenade. KMPC -Korn Kobb!ers. KFVV'B- Twilight on the Trai EGFJ-Keyboard and Console. KLAC -Dance Time.

*HXLA -News. HGER -Edsel Newton.

8:30 -EFI. HFSD -Aldrich Family. KNX -FBI in l'esce and War

KHJ, KGB -California Melodies.

KECA, HPRO. KFMB -Take It From There.

KMPC -Music Supreme. * KFR -B -News.

HGFJ- 4'harm School of Air. KLAC-My Serenade. KNLA -97th Street Corral. KFOX -Judge Gardner. HGER -Ice Follies.

8:45 -KERB --Guy Lombardo Orch. KLAC-Casino Gardens Orch.

8:55 *HNX -News, Alcot. 11F1, HFSD -Burns and Allen. KNX-Suspense. KECA- Fantasy in Melody.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

FOIST-Easy Aces. AYR R- Mueie. KXLA -Peter Potter.

*K LAC-News, Jan Garber. KEA(- Evening Concert. KGFJ- Saludos Amigos. KF'VD -Spade Cooley Time.

*KC,ER -News, Screen Test. 9:15 -KHJ. KGB, R 'XM. HV 0E-

.1. met. Crowley. KM PC-S tlight Stars.

9:30 -AFI, HFSD -Noah Rebeter Says.

KECA- Strange Wills


DR. WALLACE STERLING ,d his analysis of



*KNX -Dr. Wallace Sterling. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HV'OE-

Inside of Sports. KMPC -Say It With Mulle. KFRB- Maurice Hart. KLAC- Melody Highlights. HGFJ -Air- o- tortala. KGER -Dr. Clem Davies.

9:40 -HGFJ- Musical Horizons. 9:45 -KNX -Fact or Fantasy.

KHJ-Musical Treasure Chest. KMPC -Waltz to Remember.

*HF7, HFSD -The Reporter. *KNX -Chet Huntley, News. *KH,I. KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Fulton Lewis, Jr. KECA -Sid Ziff , Sports.

*K.MIT -News, Restern Stars.


Every Night Essept Sunday

KFWE KFWE- Eastslde Show.

*KLAC -News. KF%D -Spade Cooley Time. HXLA -Tunes for Ten. KGFJ-Hollywood House Party KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance.

*HGER -News, Musical Roundup.

10 :15 -KFI -Mayor Bowron. KNX-Bob Eisen.

*KECA, KHJ, KGB -News. KLAC -King Cole Trio. HFSD -Mayor finny.

10:30 *KFI -Inside the News. KNX-Flights with Music. KHJ -Sing, America, Sing,

*KECA- Raymond Swing. EMIT -Dance Time. KLAC-Rumba Time. KXLA -Radio Arts Drama. KGER -Dude Ranch

' SS rangier,. KFSD -- Concert Hall. KGB --John Wolohan Orch.

10:45 -KF1 -Show Time. KNX -Gayle and Charles.

KHJ -dohs Wolohan Oreh. KECA- Freddie Martin Oreb. KXLA-.-Millie's Cafe.

*KFSD -New s. 11 *HFL HEM KECA, HH KMPC. HGER -News.

*KN X-Nelson Pringle. KEW B- Eastaide Show.

*KLAC -News, Xmas Early. KGFJ -Hollywood House Party KFAC- Lucìcy Lager Dance. HXLA -Club Cobra. KFVI3 -Spade Conley Time. HFSD- Biltmore Orch.

11 :05-EMIT-Dance Time. HGER -Musical Roundup.

11:15 -KFi -Love Letters. KNX -Jerry Raid Orch. KECA- Claremont Hotel Oreh. KHJ, KGB-J. Garber Orch.

11:30 -KFI -Post Parade.




KXLA11:30.t2:30a.m. NITELY


EX-LA-Flatter Party. 11:35 -KFI- Rollie Thomas, Sports. 11:45- KFI -Music.

*KH,f -News. ENX- KNX -tra. Music KECA -Lou Wafters Oreh. KFSD -St. Francis Orch.

11:55 *KFI, KECA, KNX. KFSD- News.

Page Twenty -Five

Page 26: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Indicates News Broadcasts.

KFI, KFSD -Fred Waring. KNX- Johnny Murray. KECA, KPRO, KFMB -Don

McNeill's Breakfast Club. *KH.1, KGB -- -Cecil Brown. *KMI'C. KXLA, KLAC-News.

Kt-Wit -Easy Listening. KGFJ- Concert Pastelle. KW KW- Listening Reward. KRKD, KFOX -Bible

Institute On the Air. KFAC- Country Church.

*KIEV-News. KFVD -Wakeup Ranch.

*KI;ER -News, Soul Patrol. 11:15 -KNX -Fred Beck.

*KHJ- Frazier Hunt. KMPC- Markets. Sports. KLAC -Picture Album. KWKW-Olga Graves. KGER- Miepah.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD -Jnek Beech. KNX- (:rand Slam.

*KH.1. KFAC -News. KMPC- Tnttle's Tune Time. KFW'B- Dimmond R Ranch.

KXLA, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KXLA- llasen of Rest. K1:F.1 -Waltz Invitation.

*KWKW-News, Devotions. *KItKD -News, Music.

KFON -Words of Life. KGB -Bill Harrington.

8 :45 -KFI, KFSD -David Hamm. KNX-Rosemary. KILL KGB, KFXM. KVOE-

V'Ictor H, Lindlahr. KMPC -A Song for Yon.

*Kt.Wit-News KFAC -Show Time. KIND-Vocal Fn vori tee. KWKW- Wings of Healing. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

9 *KF1, KGFJ, KGER -News. KNX -Kate Smith. KH.1- Foadcraft Carnival. KECA, KFMB, KPRO-

Glamour Manor. *K511'C -News. Stork Club.

KFWIt- Ilealth Talk. *KI.AC- News, Picture Album.

KFAC -Unity. KRKD- Sngehrush Serenade. KWKW -Voire of China. KXLA, KFVD -Waltz Time. RFSD -Words and Musk. KGB -Notes at Nine.

8 :08 *KFI -Feature Wire. BEER- Lutheran Hour.

8:10 -KGFJ -Red Feather Man. 21:15- KFI -Ladies' Day.

SNX -Aunt Jenny. KHJ, KGtI, KF NM, KVOE-

Morton Downey, Coke Club. AMI'(' -Those Were the Days. HFWB- Strolling Ton. SGF.1- Public Messenger. KFAC-Voice of Health. KXLA- Harmony Homestead.

*KFV'D, KFSD -News. KWKW -Rev. Wildeman.

8:30 -KNX -Romance of Helen Trent.

KM-Time Out. KE('A, KPRO. KFMII-Tom

Breneman's Breakfast. HMPC- Western Stars. Kr W11--Sweet Music.

*KWKW-Off the Press. KGFJ -Open Album. KFAC -Festival of Waltzes. KFVD -Show Tunes. KGB -Wax Shop. KGER -Bible Treasury Hour. KFSD -Time to Relax.

:48 -KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KHJ -Tune Time. KMPC- Musical Portraits.

*KFWB, KRKD -News. KLAC -Kiddie Kluh. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KI :ER- Voice of China. KFSD -Maggie Private Wire. KGB -Molly Morse.

10 KFI -Especially for Tou. KNX-Big Sister.

*KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KV'OE- Newe, Glenn Hardy.

*KECA, KPRO, KFMB -Home Edition.

*KMPC -News, Bill Leyden. KFWB -Horse of Milani. KWKW. KGFJ- Raring News. KFAC -Capistrano Echoes.

Page Twenty six

*KLAC -News, Al Jarvis. KRKD- Music, Talk. KXLA-Piano Parade. KFVD -Morning Serenade.

*KIEV, KFOX, KGER -News. KFSD- Heaven on Earth.

30 :11.i -- KGER -Music. 10:15 -KFI -Maggi's Private Wire.

KNX -Ma Perkins. KECA. KPRO, KFMIh -Ted

Malone, RH.1 -Nancy Dixon. KGFJ- Serenade for You. KFAC- Music.

*KXLA -News. KWKW-Melodies. KFON -Rev. Emma Taylor. KGER -Kingdom Within. KV'OE- Editor's Diary.

10: ?5- K( ;FJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 10:30 -KFI -What Do You Say?

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KECA, RPM), KFMB -My

True Story. KHJ -Real Stories. KFWR-- Concert Masters. KGFJ -Upbeat Session.

*KFAC, KWKW -News. KFVD -Union Rescue 1111sslon. KXLA- Wontnn's World. KIEV- Musical Corral. KGER -Across the Footlights. KGB, HVOE -13.N. Serenade.

10:40-KWKW-Pasadena Police. 10:15 -KFI, KFSD -Joyce Jordan.

KNX-Road of Life. KB.1. KGB, KEY:5I, KV0E-

Itill Gwinn Show. KM PC-Home Chats KFWB- Science of Mind. KFAC- Musical Varieties. FRIED-Midnight Mission. KGER- Kurbstone Forum. KFOX- Hehrew Christian Hr.

10:55 -KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All Churches.

KGFJ, KWKW -Races -Sporte.

11 KFI, KFSD- Guiding Light. KNX- Second Mrs. Burton. KECA, KFMB -Hymns of All


Bill Gwinn Show. *K ?11.1' -News, Music Hall.

KFIVII -Itill Anson. KFAC -Friendly ('lassies.

*KLAC-News, Al Jarvis. KXLA -Easy Listening. KGFJ, KRKD -Vocal

Varieties. *KFVD, KGER -News

KWKW -Listening Reward. KFOX- Bright Corner.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD -Today s Children. KNX -ferry Mason.

*KECA- Hauklinge 'Calking. KH.1, KGB. KF:X31, KV0F

Smile Time. KXLA -Variety Time. KFVD- Vlolet Schram. KGER- Helene Smith.

11:25-KGFJ. RWKW- Races- Sporte. 1 :30 -KF1, KFSD -Woman in White.

KNX -Lone Journey.



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KH.1, KGB, KFXM, KVOF-- Queen for a Day.

KECA. KPRO, Kr5IB- Listening lost.

KFAC -Dr. Albert W. Painter, KI;FJ- Reminiscent Rhythms.

*KWKW-News, This Day *KKK», KXLA, KFOX -News.

KIND-Dr. Louis Talbot. KIEV -Tropical Tempos.

11Y0 -KFI, KFSD -Betty Crocker. 11:45 -Kul -Masquerade.

KNX -Backstage at CBS, KECA -Norwood Smith Sings.

*KI:F.1, KFSD -News. KFAC -Piano Gems. KRKD- Hawaiian Music. KXLA -Songs of the Saddle. KGER- Feminine Fare.

11:55 -KGFJ. KWKW- Races -Sparts. KMPC- Thought for Today.

12 12-Farm Reporter. KNX- Burrit Wheeler.

*KECA, KHJ -News. *KMPC, KGB, KVOE -News.

KFWB -hill Anson KGFJ--Keyboard Magie. KFAC -Luncheon Concert.

*KLAC -News, Al Jarvis. KIND-Editor of the Air. KXLA -Dinner Bell Roundup. KWKW- Rhopsouly in Wax. KRKD- Prairie Schooner.

*KIEV, K(:ER- News. KFSD -Life Can Be Beautiful.

12:15 -KFI, KFSD -Ma Perkins. KNX -Bill Bryan Trio. KECA -Cliff Edwards. K11.1- Johnson Family.

*KMPC, KFOX, KFXM -News. KFAC- Musical Portraits. KGER -'r. Teats Tyler. KPRO -Three Men on a Mike. KtNB -Word to the Wives. KGB-S. D. Scrapbook.

12:20- 1KWKW- Voices of Tomorrow. 12:25- K(i10J. KWKW'- Races -Sports. 12:30 -KFI. KFSD -Pepper Voting's

Family. *KNX -Knot Manning, Neves.

KF.('A, RPRt), MAR-Try 'n' Find Me.


12:30 TO 1:00 P. M. Monday Through Friday

KHJ KH.1 -Mild and Mellow. EMI'('- Bridge ('Juh, Johnson.

*KFWII -News. KGFJ -intermission.

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear to Llghtface Type: Afternoon and

Exerting Programs Boldface

Comedy- Variety 8:15 -.lark Smith. KNX. 8:30- Meredith Willson. RNX. R:30 -Music Supreme. KMI'('. 9:00 -Saludos Amigos, KGFJ.

10:00- l.ucky Dance Time. KFAC. 10:00- F:a.stside Show, KFWB. 10:00 -Hollywood House Party,

KC.F.1. 12:00- Rhapsody in Was, KHJ.

Comment- Narration 8:15 -Fred Re k, KNX. 9:00 -1<ate Smith. KNX. 9:30 -Time Out, Kll.l.

10:15 -Ted Malone, KECA. 12:00- Burrit Wheeler, KNX. 3:00-ilurrit Wheeler. KNX. 4 :30-Art Baker, KFI.

Mystery-Detective 11:30 -The Sheriff, KECA. 9:30- Mystery Theater, KFI. 9:30 -Thin Man, KNN.

Sports 10:00-Race Lineup, KSVKW. 1o:00- Racing. KGFJ. 0:30 -Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 7:00 -Cavalcade of Sports,

KE('A. 7:30 -Bill Stern, KFI. 7 ::10 -Your Sports face. RECA. 9:30 -Inside Sports, KHJ.

10:00 -Sid Ziff, KECA.

0:011- C.inny Simms. KNX. 0:::0- Durante -Moore, KNX. 7:30- Maisie, KNX. 8:30 -Alan Young, REI. 9:00 -Baby Snooks, KNX.

Quiz, Participatio,'r

8:00- McNeill's Breakfast Club, KIÿCA.

9:04) -- Glamour Manor, KECA. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast,

KECA. 11:30 -Queen for a Pay. KILT. I:0O -(:.E. House Party. KNX. 2:00 -What's Bola', Ladies ?,

KECA. ?:30 -Meet the Miscue, KNX.

2:30 -Bride and Groom, KECA. 5 :09- People Are Funny. KFI. 7:00 -It Pays to Be Ignorant,

KNX. R:30- ('harm School. RGF.1, 9:00 -Break the Bank, KECA.

Music R:1V1 -Fred Waring. KFI. 3:00- Musical Favorites, KFAC. 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. 0:00- Musical Digest. KGFJ. 0:30 -Waltz Time. RFI. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:00 -Supper Club, KFI.

KFAC- Music. KIND-Violet Schram. KWKW-Farm News. KXLA -Red Murrell. KGB, 111%0E- Itohhy Norris.

12:43 -KFI, KFSD-Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Something to Talk About.

KECA -Frank Parker Shaw. KMPC-Bill Hay Reads Bible.

*KFAC -News. KWKW -South American Way KXI.A -Farm Hour. KGER -Garden School. KGB -Songs of fraise.

12:55-KGFJ. KWKW-Races-Sports. iKFI, HFSD -Backstage Wife.

KNX -G. E. House fart). KECA -Meet Me in Manhattan KM-Louise Massey. KMPC-Financial News. KF'W'B -Bill Anson. KGFJ- Sunset and Vine. KFAC- SketAus in Strings. KWKW- Vets' Rehabilitation. KXLA-Community Broad-

casters. *KLAC, KFVD, KGER -News.

KRKD- Mnsie. KFOX- flatter Pantry.

*KGB, KVIIE- Cedric Foster. 1 :05-KM PC- History.

KGER -Out of the Bandhnz. 1:15 -KFI. KFSD- Stella Dallas.

KHJ -Jackie Hill Show. R!HI'C- Singing Strings. KLAC-Sunset and Vine. KXLA- Here's to Vets. KGB, KVtIEauhnsun Family. KFVD -Piano Moods.

1:25- RNX -News. KGFJ, KWKW- Rares- Sports.

1:30 -KFI. KFSD -Lorenzo Jones. RN X- Evelyn Winters. KECA- Walter Kiernan. 1(11.1 -Melody Matinee. KMPC -Meet Vnnr Neighbor. KLAC --Jeff and Rufus.

*KWKW, KRKI)-News. KGF,1- Today's (lits. KNI.A -Listener's Digest. KFVD -Hawaiian Music. KIEV -Moods In Music. KGB -Shady Valley, RFMB -To the ladies.

1 :35-KWKW-Andy Mansfield.' KRKD -Music.

1:45-KFI, KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

KNX- Background for 1.iving. RF :CA -Ethel and Albert. KFA(' -Piano Solos. KXLA- Vocal Varieties. KIND-Vocal Varieties.

1:.5.5 -KGFJ. KWKW- Races- Sports. 2 -KFI, KFSD -When a Girl

Marries. KNX -School of the Air. KM. KGB. KVOE -Tell

Ynur Neighbor. KECA, KPRO, KFSiII-

VVhat's Doia'. Ladies. *KMPC-News. Record Room.

K VII 11-Bill Ammo. *KI.. (', KIEV -News.

KFAC-Music In American Manner.

KGFJ -Shep Fields Oreh. KXLA- Mnsiral Dept. Store. KWKW-The Crow. R1tK1) -Army Recruiting. KFVD -Timely Tunes. KGER -Long Beach Rand.

2:13 -KEI. KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KII.1, KGB. KFNM, KV'OE- .sohn J. Anthony.

K(;F.1- Record .Jackpot. MAC-Juke Box Review. KRKD- Music.

2:25-KECA-They Said It Today. KGFJ. KWKW- Races -Sports.

2:30 -Rila KFSD -.hast Plain Bill. KNX -Meet the Missels. KECA-Bride and Groom. KII.1, KGB, KVOE- heart's

Desire. KFW'II -Organ Melodies. Khl.1 -Among My Souvenirs.

*KWKW -News, The Crow. *KRKD -News, Music.

KFOX- Sagebrush Symphony. KGER -Feature Story.

2 :40- KFMB -5101 ie News. KGER -Long Beach Band.

2:4S -HFI, KI'SD -Front Page Far. yell.

KLAC -Peter Pan Time. KFAC -Organ.

*KGFJ. KIT II- News. 2:35 -KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports.

3 KFI, KFSD -Road of Life. KNX- Burritt Wheeler.

Page 27: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


Ladies, Be Seated. Kll.s, KGB, H%'OE -Say It

With Music. *HMI'(' -News, Record Room,

KFWB- Afternoon Melodies. *KLAC, KXLA, HGER -News.

KFAC -Musical Favorite'. KGFJ- ('ocktall Hour. KRHD- Music. KWKW-Swing Session. KIND-L. A. Daily Reporter.

3:05 -KGER -Under Blue Skies. 3:15 -BFI -Life Can Be Beautiful.

KHJ -Happy Homes. KFWB -Bert Flske. KLAC-Piano and I.


MATINEE with Carl Bailey 3:15 -5:30 p.m.

KXLA Monday thru Saturday

KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KGFJ -Variety Music Hall. KGEK- ('heerful Chat.

*KFSD -News, KGB. KVOE -Say It with

Music. 3:25 -HGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 3:30 -KFI, KFSU -Aunt Mary. *KNX- Report from Washing-

ton. *KECA, KFMB -Alvin Wilder.

KFWB- Woman's Page. KLAC-Barclay Allen Orch. SGFJ -Variety Music Hall. KWKW- American -Jewish Hr.

*111111D- News, Muele. KGER -Take It Easy Time. KGB -Man Abou t Town.

3:45 -BFI, KFSD -Dr. Paul. *KNX -The World Today.

KECA -Frances Scully. KHJ-Music by Resell. KFWB- Carter De Haven. KFr4('- Moments in Music. K F I l)- Rhumba.

3:55-KGFJ, KWKW'- Races -Sports. 4 -BFI, REND-This Woman's Secret.

KNX -Call of the Range. *KECA- deadline Edition. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF

Fulton I.ewis, Jr. *KMPC- News, Palladium.

KXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KFWB -Gospel and Sang.

*KLAC, KIEV -News. KGFJ-Variety Music Hall. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KRKD -Piano Paintings. KFAC- Musical Masterpieces.

*KGER, KFOX- News. KFVU -Phono Melodies.

4:415- KGERtTake It Easy Time. 4:15 *KF1, HFSD -News of the

World. KNX -One for the Book.

*KECA- Raymond Swing. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Rex Miller, KMPC -Peter Potter. KLAC -Belle Martell.

*KIND, KFMB -News. KRHD- Movleland Quiz.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. KNX -golly Langley. ALGA -Lick Tracy. KHJ, KVOE- Erekine Johnson KMi'('- Itolero Tinte. KFWB -Musical Roundup. KLAC -Lullaby in Rhythm. HGFJ -Variety Music Hall.

*KWKW -Newa. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KIND-Tea Time Music. KFMIt- Mandrake, Magician. KIEV -Meet the Maestro.

4:45 -KECA. KFMR- Tennessee Jed. ANX- George Fisher. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, SVOE-

Buck Rogers. KMPC -And That's How It

Happened. KFWB- Teatime Melodies.

*KLAC -Gen. Junius Pierce. KWKW-Tuday at the Rares.

*KRKD -News. *KFSU -H. V. Halteuburn.

4 :55- HGFJ -Sports Flash.

5 KFI -Life With Crosby. *KNX -Knox Manning.

KECA, KPRO, KF :MB -Terry and the Picotes.

*KHJ. KGB, KVOl -News, Hemingway.

KFWB- Stuart Hamblen. HMPC- News, Teen B Twenty.

*KLAC, HGER- News. KFAC-Sunset Symphony. SGFJ -Jive at 5. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KFVD- Evening Serenade. KNLA-Juke Box Matinee. KWKW-Lucky White

Playboys. KIEV- Afternoon Serenade. KFOX- Sunshine Mission. HFSD- Anniversary Date.

5:15 *KFI, KFSD, HFAC -News. KNX -Green Light Revue. SECA -Sky King. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Superman. KLAC-Irwin Allen. KIEV-Catch the 5:15. KGER-Here's tu Vets.

5:25- K(:FJ- Races, Sports. 5:30 -BFI -Casa Cugat.

*KNX-Harry Flannere. KECA, KPRO, KFMB -Jack

Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. HFXM, HVOE-

Captain Midnight. KLAC-Al Jarvis. RFA(' -Whoa Bill Club.

KGFJ -Songs for You. KXLA -Future Pianists. KRKD -Hit Tunes.

*KFOX -News. KGER -Music With Appeal, KFSD -So the Story Goes.

5:45 *BFI, KFSD-Elmer l'eterson. *KNX- News. Garrett. *KECA- News.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE Adventures of Tom Mix.

HMI'(' -H. Allen, KXLA-Miniature Concert. SGFJ -If They Had Laced. KKHD -Rare Results. HGER- Mandrake. Magician.

5:5.5 *KNX -8111 Henry, News. KGFJ- Sports Flash.

6 -KFI, KFSD-People Are Funny.

KNX -Ginny Simms. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Gabrlel Heatter. HECA -Musie by Adlam.

*KFWB. K(:ER, KFOX -News. * K M l'(' -News.

1(1:F.1-Musical Digest. KFAC -Music for Everyone. KRKD- Music. KIND-Evening Serenade.

*KLAC-News, Al Jarvis. KXLA -Books Bring Adven-

ture. 6:15 -KECA-Betty Russell, Songs.

KH.1 -Barry Wood Show. KMP('- Parade of Sports. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KXLA -Federated Women's

Clubs. KGF :R -Today in Sports. KGB -San Diego Sports. KVOE -Real Stories.

6:30 -KFI, HFSD- Waltz Time. KNX- Durante sod Muore.


SHERIFF Don't lows this entertaining half hour wing Sheriff Mark Chase and

comical Cousin Cessie

KECA-6:30 P.M. FRI.

KECA, HPRO, KFMB- The Sheriff.

KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOF- Spotlight Bands.

HMPC -Joe Hernandez. KFWB- Frank Bull. KLAC -Sain Baiter, Sports. KFA(' -Hour of Music. KXLA-Help Wanted. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. HOER- Helene Smith.

6:45 *KLAC- .lames Roosevelt. *KFVU -News.

KXLA -Dinner Music. *KF5I)- Washington Predicts.

6:55 -RECA- Champion Roll Call. HFL, KFSD-Reserve. KNX -It Pays to Be

Ignorant. Kl'('A, KPRO, HFMB-

(avaleade of Sports. KF:4C -Hoar of Music. SGFJ- Musical Digest.


"Concerto for Trumpet & Orch." (dn

7 :05-KM PC-Security Symphonia. *HMPC, KLAC, KRKD -News.

7:15- HLAC -Muslo From Holly- wood.

KXLA-J. Dorsey Orch. KRHD- Three -Quarter Time.

7:30 -11F1, HFSD -Sports Newsreel. KNX-Maisie. KECA, KPRO -your Amer'.

can Sports Page. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Clsco Kid. KMPC -Firestone Favorites, KFIVB- Sports Final. AFAC- Floretta's Jewel Bor. KXLA-Texas Jim Lewis. KRKD -Do You Know? HOER -Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7:45 -KFI- Cabbages and Kings. *KFAC, KFOX -News. *KLAC-Radio Newsreel.

KXLA-T. Texas Tyler. KRKD- Father Vaughan. HFSD -The Three Suns. BFI, KFSD-Supper Club.

*KNX -Lowell Thomas. RECA, KPRO, KFMB-

Board of Missing Heirs. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Let George Do It. *KMPC, KLAC. KGER-News.

KFWB- Christian Science Lecture,

SFAS -Evening Concert. KGFJ- Caucasian Memories. KXLA- Romantic Melodies. KRKD -South Sea Serenade.


Associated Football Sportcast

November 8



KFOX 8:00 - 10:30 f . M.

Tonight und Every t'rid.,> Nirhl

KFOX -Associated Football Sportscast.

1:05-KGEK -Sky Pilot. 8:15 *KFI. KFSF)- Fleetwood

Lawton. KNX -Jaek Smith. KMPC -Korn Kobblers. KLAC -Dance Time. KGFJ- Keyboard and Console.

*KXLA -News. 9:30 -KF1, HFSD -Alan Young

Show. KNX- Meredith Willson. KECA, KPRO, KF:MB-

This Is Your F.B.I. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE

Burl Ives Show. KMPC -Music Supreme. KGFJ -Charm School of Air. KLAC -My Serenade. HXLA -97th Street Corral. K RKD- Merry -Gn- Round -U p.

9:45 -KH.1, KGB, KVOE- Monica Makes Music.

KFWB --Guy Lombardo Orch. KLAC-Casino Gardena Orch.

8:55 *KNX -News, Alcatt. BFI, KFSD -The King's Men. KNX -Funny Brice. RECA. KPRO, KF31B-

Break the Bank. *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOF

News, Glenn Hardy. KM P(' -Easy Aces. KFWB- Music. HFAC- Evening Concert.

*KLAC- :Sews.

FRIDAY LOGS KXLA-Peter Potter. KGFJ- Saludos Amigos. KRKD- Western Hit Parade. R f-VD -Spade Cooley Time. K 1'0X- .tssociated Football

Sportscast. *KGER -News, Waltzes.

9:15 -SFI -Latin Serenade. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Mel Venter's Pictorial. HMPC- Spotlight Stars. KLAC-Jan Garber Orch. HFSD -Red Feather Mau.

8:30 -BFI- Mystery Theater. KNX -The Thin Man. KECA- Reserve.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Inside of Sports.

MPC -Say lt With Music. KFWB- Maurice ilnrt. K l i FJ -Air -o -t o r i a l e. KLAC- Melody Highlights. KGER -Dr. Cleat Davies. KFSD -S. D. Talks It Over.

*HFMB- Raymond Swing. 9:40- HGFJ -Musical Horizons. 9:45 -KHJ, KGB. KFXM. KVOE+

Henry J. Taylor. KMPC -watt: to Remember.

9:55 -KNX -Ona Munson.

10 *B7, HFSD -The Reporter. *KNX -Chet Huntley, News.

HECA -Sid Ziff, Sports. *KHJ, HGB, SF.XM, KVOÉ-

Fulton Lewis. *HMPC -News. Western Stirs.


Svry Night (.cpt Sunday

K F WB KFW'11- Eastyide Show. KLAC -Ice Hockey. KIND-Spade Cooley Time. KGFJ- Hollywood House Party KKHD--Merry-Go-Round-Cp. KXLA -Western Hit Parade.

*KGER -News. KFOX- Associated Football

Sportscast. HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KFMIS- Flghts.

10:05 -HGER- Musical Roundup. 10:15 -BFI -Casa Curet.

KNX -Bob Elson. *KECA, KHJ-News.

KIND- Concert Hail. KV0E- Football.

10:30 *SFI -Carveth Wells, Inside the News.

KNX- Symphonette. *KECA- Raymond Swing.

KII.I -Sing, America, Slag. HMPC -Dance 'Time.

KGER -Dude Ranch. KGB-E. Heckseher Orch.

10:45 -KFI -Show Time. KECA-Freddy Martin Orch. KHJ-Ernie Heekscher Orch.


News. *KNX -Nelson Pringle.

KFWB- Eastside Show. KFA(' -Lucky lager (lance.

*KLAG -News, Xnucy Early. KFVI) -Spade Cowley Time. KGFJ-Hollywood House Party KXLA- Pasadena Brie Dance KRK I1-Merry-Go-Round-Up.

*KGER -News, Roundup. KFSD- Hiltmore Hotel Orch. KFMB- ('heatla' on Sandman. KGB-Jan Garber Drell.

11:05 -KMPC -Dance Time. 11:15 -KFI- Lullaby Time.

KNX -.Jerry Wald Orch. KECA- Claremont Hotel Orr... KHJ, KGB -Jan Garber Orch.

11:25 -KFI -Post Parade. 11:30 -HFL -Eddie Fitzpatrick Orch.

KECA-Eddie I.e Baron Orch. SHJ, KGB-J. Wolohan Orch. KXLA- Platter Party. KFSD-St. Francis Orch.

11:45 -KNX -KNX -tea, Music. KECA-Boyd Raeburn Orch. *HHJ -New..

11:55*KFI, KE('A, KNX, HFSD - News.

Page Twenty -seven

11 1

Page 28: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

0.-KFI-Especially for You. *KNX -News, Let's Pretend

KECA- Treasury Salute. *KHJ -News Commentary. *KMPC, KXLA, KL AC-News.

KFWB- Morning Melodies. KFAC- Country Church. KGFJ- Concert Pastelle. i-sWHW- Listening Reward.

*KIEV -News.

KRKD, 8:00 A. M.


Tues., Thurs., Sat. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KRKD, KFOX -Haven of Rest KF%i)- Wakeup Rauch. KPRO-Wake Lp & Stelle. HGB, HVUE- Korn's

a- Krackin'. *HGER -News, Soul Patrol.

KFSD -Eight o'Clock Special. HFMB -The Timekeeper.

$:15-KFI- Activities for Children. KECA -Wake Cp and Smile.

*KMPC- Market Report, Sports. HLAC -Songs by Crosby. HXLA- Musical Melodies. l KIEV -Trade Winds Tavern. HGER- Mzpah.

111:30- -KFI, HFSD- Smilin' Ed McConnell.

KNX -Give and Take. KHJ -Wax Shop. KMPC -Three Suns. KFW'B- Diamond R Ranch. KGFJ -Waltz Invitation.

*KFAC, KWKW -News. HXLA -Bell Bandstand.

*HRHD -News, Music. KIEV- Children's Story Hour. HFOX- Children e Bible Hour. KFMB-Wake Up and Smile. HGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Quaker City Serenade. 11:45- KMPC -Jr. Army on March.

*KFR'B -News. KFAC-Show Time. KWKW- Sacred Heart. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. KIEV- Musical Memories.

9 KFI- Spelling Bee. KNX- Theater of Today. RECA -Texas Jim Robertson. KHJ, KGB RFX.M, &YOE-

Judy 'n' Jill 'n' Johnny. *KMPC -News, Keith Hether-

ington. KFWB -Bing Crosby.

*HLAC, KGFJ, KGER -News. KFAC -Unity. KFVD -Waltz Time, HRED- Sagebrush Serenade. KIEV -Lyrics by Crosby. HFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KWKW-Voice of China. HFMB- Junior Spotlite Revue.

:116- -HGER- Lutheran Hour. 8:10 -KGFJ- Public Messenger, 8 :15- HECA- Mirandy

KFWB- Morning Melodies. MLA('- Storybook Hour. MFA(' -Waltzes. KWKW -Rev. Wildman.

*HFVD -News. KIEV- Rhythm Interlude.

mu-En-Meet the Author. KNX -Stars Over Hollywood. RECA, KPRO-American

Farmer. KHJ, ROB, KFXM- Treasury

Show: KFWB -By Way of Compar-

ison. MLA(' -Pet Program.

*KWKW -Off the Press. KGFJ -Open Album. HXLA -Corral Time. KFVU -Show Tunes. KIEV -Lust and Found Pets. HGER- Music. KFMB -Music in Modern Mood

:45 -KFI, HFSD- Tillamook Kitchen.

HLAC- Kiddie Klub. KFAC- Capistrano Echoes.

*KRKD -News. KWKW-Shopping With Helen KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KIEV -Band Box. HGER -Voice of China.

1 0-HF1, HFSD National Farm

and Home Hour. KNX-- C:rand Central Station. RECA, HPRO, KEMB-

Reserve. *KHJ, HGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News, Glenn Hardy. Page Twenty -eight

*KMPC-News, Keith Hether- ington.

KFWB -By Way of Compari- son.

*KL.4C -News, Ai Jarvis, KFAC, HRHD- Music. KGFJ- Racing News. HXLA -Piano Parade. HWKW -Race Lineup. K1' VD- Morning Serenade.

*KIEV, KFUX, HGER -News. 10 :05- KGER -Music. 10 :15 -KECA, KF.HB, KPRO -West

Point vs. Notre Danne. KtiFJ- Serenade for You. KFAC -L. A. Medical Assn.

* K-\L A -Newa. HIEV -Songs by Perry Como. KFUX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10 :25 -KGFJ, KWKW- Races- Sports 10:30 -KFi -Sport Folio.

KNX- County Fair. KHJ- Clinic Forum. KFWB-Peter Potter. HWKW- Columbia Record

Shop. *H EM-News.

KGFJ -C beet Session. HXLA- Tuning Around. KIEV-Range Songs. EGER- Children's Hour. HFSD- Teentimers Club. KGB -American Legion.

10:45 -KFI- Football. KMPC -Home Chats. KFAC- Musical Varieties. HXLA -C. S. Marines. KIEV- Musical Corral. KFOX- Firebrands' Children's

Hour. tt HGB- FairyO+ ales.

10 :55 -KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports.

11- KFI- Football. KNX-Mary Lee Taylor. SEC'A, KFMB, HPRO-

Football. KHJ, KGB, EVOE- Jackie

Hill Show. *K'inI'( News, Keith Heiler.

KFWB -Bill Anson. MEAL- Friendly Classics.

*KLAC-News, Al Jarvis. KGFJ -Vocal Varieties.

*KF%'U, HGER -News. HXLA- Theater of Memories. KWKW- Listening Reward. KIEV -Show Time. KRIM-Music. KFSD- Record Session.

11:15 -KGFJ -Slier Strings. HEED -Piano Moods. KIEV -Music Box. KGER- Gospel Story Hour.

11:25 -KGFJ, KWKW- Itaces- Sports. 11:30 -KNX- Football Game.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Checkerboard Matinee.

KGFJ- Reminiscent Rhythm, KFAC- Theater of the Air. KFVD- Violet Schram.



640 a7 08 930TID?61-1110 T 1230 T r3 OT1390 0 1491

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*KWKW -News, This Day. KIEV- Tropical Tempos, KGER-Sinatra Entertains. KFSD- Dehber Date.

11:45 -HXLA -Songs of the Saddle. *KGFJ -News.

HRHD -Hawaiian Melodies. RGER -Star Time.

11 :55. -KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports.

12 KFI- Football. KNX- Football. RECA, KPRO, KFMIB-

Football. *KHJ- Broadway News. *KMPC -News, Hemingway.

KF WB -Bill Anson. *HLAC- News, Al Jarvis.

KGFJ -Hollywood Casting Forum.

KFAC- Luncheon Concert. KWKW-Song Showcase. KFVD- Organ, KXLA-Songs of the Saddle. HRHD- Prairie Schooner.

*KGB, HVOE, KGER-News. 12:15 -KHJ -Kenny Baker Program.

KMPC- Automotive News. KGFJ -Keyboard Magic. KFAC- Music. KFVD- Luncheon Time. KIEV -Waltz Time. KGER-T. Texas Tyler.

*KFXM, KFOX -News. KFSD -Blue Plate Special. HVOE -Blue Note Jamboree.

12 :25-KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Spurts. 12:30 -KHJ -Round Towner.

HJIPC- Bridge Club. *HFW B -News.

KOFJ- intermisslon, HWKW -Farm News. L LA -Red Murrell. KIEV -Dance Parade.

12:45 -KHJ -Reserve. KECA- Reserve. KMPC -Fun With Music.

*KFAC-News. HFVI)- Violet Schram, KXLA -Farm Hour. KIEV -Gals on Record. HGER -Tex Tyler's Boys'

Club. 12:55 -K6FJ, KWKW- Races- Sports.

iRFi- Football. RN N- Football. &E('.4- Reserve. KHJ -Thirty Seconds to Go.

*KMPC -News, Singing Strings. KFWB-Bill Anson. KFAC- Sketches in Strings. KGFJ- Sunset and Vine.

*MLA(', KFV D, HGER -News. HALA- Junior Town Meeting. KWKW-Vets' Rehabilitation. HRHD -Music. KIEV -Old Was Works.

1:05- HGER -Out of the Bandbox. 1:10 -KLAC- Victory Parade.

SATURDAY Program Hjghlights Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs Boldface 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC. 8:30 -Music Supreme, KMPC. 9:00 -Hit Parade, KNX. 9:00 -Saludos Amigos, KGFJ. 9:45 -Jean Sablon, KNX.

10:00 -Chicago Theater. KHJ. 10:00 -Lucky Dance Time, KEA( 10:011 -Eastside show, KFWB. 10:00 -Hollywood House Party.

KGFJ. 111 ystery- Detectit'e

':30 -1 Deal in ( rime, HE( i 8:00 -Sherlock Holmes, Kt.( s

9:00 -Gangbusters, RECA.

Public Interest - I of ormation

9:30 --Meet the Author. KFl. 4:00--Our Foreign Policy, KFI. 6:00 -Author Meets Critic, Hll.l. 9:15 -California Caravao, KH.1. 9:30 -Conquest, KFI.

Sports 10:00 -Race Lineup. KWKW to:io-Racing. KGF.I. 10:15 -West Point vs. Notr,

Dame, KECA. 11:30- Football. KNX.

1:45 -Oregon vs. C.C.L.A., HF.('A.

2:00- L".S.C. vs. t.C., KHJ. 5:00- Sports Roundup, KFI. 6:30-Joe Hernandez, KMPC.

Comedy- Variety ':00 -Judy Canova. KFI. 8:30 -1.11e of Riley, KFI.

10:30 -Jack Haley, KFI.

Quiz, Participation 8:30 -Smilin' Ed McConnell, KFl.

10:30- County Fair. KNX. 0 :30 -Can You Top Thl5? KFI. .00 -Quiz of Two Cities, KHJ.

8:00 -Truth or Consequences, KFI.

8:30-Charm School. KGFJ. 9:30 -Leae it tu the Girls, KHJ.

Drama 9 :00-Theater of Today, KNX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood,

KNX. 10:00 -Grand Central Station,

KNX. ":15 -This Is Hollywood. KNX. 8:o0- Hollyood Star Time,

KNX. 5:30 -Mayor of the Town, KNX.

Music 3 :o0- Musical Favorites. KFAC. 4:00- Musical Masterpieces,

K FA('. 6:00 -Roy Rogers, KFI. 6:00- Vaughn Monroe, KNX. 6:00 -- Musical Digest, KGF), 6:45 -- Saturday Night Serenade,


1:15 -RECA- Paxton Treasury Show KLAC- Sunset and Vine. KFVD- Popular Favorites. KIEV- Treasury Salute.

1:25 -KGFJ, KWKW- Races- Sports. 1:30 -KNX- Columbia Record Shop.

*HECA, HXLA, HRHD -News. KHJ -Teen Tune Sesh. KMMPC- Flying Feet, KLAC- Victory Parade. KGFJ- Today's Hits. KWKW -In the Spotlight. KIEV -Moods in Music

1:35 -KRKD- Music. 1:45 -KHJ- Policing L. A.

RECA, KPRO, Kt-NIB-Oregon vs. L.C.L.A,

KFAC -Plano Solos. HXLA -Vocal Varieties. KFOX -Voice of the Army.

1:55 -KGFJ, HWEW- Race -Sports.

2 KFI -Football. KNX- Syncupation Piece. KEC.4, KPRO, KFMB -Foot-


C.S.C. *HMP(' -Newa, Football Music.

HFW'IS -Bill Anson. KFAC-Music in American

Manner. HXLA- Musical Dept. Store KGFJ- Freddie Rich Orch. KWKW- Broadway Show

'l'ime. KIND-Popular Favorites. KRHU -Navy Recruiting. HGER -Lung Brach Band. HFSD- Nelson Olmstead.

2:10 -HLAC- Matinee Melodies. 2:15 -ROFJ- Record Jackpot.

HLAC -Matinee Melodies. KIEV -Land of Song. KRKD-Concert Melodies. KFSD- Veterans' Adviser.

2 :25-KGFJ, KWKW- Races -Sports. 2 :30-KNX--Country Journal.

KFWB-Voice of the Week. KGFJ -Among My Souvenirs. HFVD- Timely Tunes.

*KWKW -News, Show Time. KIEV -Music ai Potpourri.

*FRIED- News, Music. KGER- Saturday Summary.

*KF$D -Edo aril Tomlinson. :45-K PI-Ring Cole Trio.

KFVD -News. !EMIT- Vaughn Monroe Orch, HFWB-- Melody Matinee. KFAC-Organ.

2:55 -KGFJ, KWKW'- Races -Sports. 3 -KFI, HFSII -Name Your Music.

KNX -Song Shop. KEC'A, KPRO, KFMB -Foot-


Football. *KMPC-News, S. Haye Orch.

KFWB- Afternoon Melodies. KFAC- Famous Musical

Fu s orites. *KL.%(', HXLA -News.

KGFJ -Variety Music Hall. KIND -L. A. Daily Reporter. KW/ID-Swing Session. BRED-Matinee Melodies. KIEV -Melody at Three, RGER- Record Party.

3:1; -KNX- Columbia Workshop. KLAC-Peter Pan Time. HXLA -Juke Box Matinee, RFVD- Popular Favorites.

3:25 -KGFJ, KW KW- Races -Sports. 3:30 -KFI -Scout Jamboree.

KMPC-Bing Crosby. KFWB -Helen Louise. KGFJ-Variety Music Hall. HLAC -Hal Wayne and His

California Pals. KWKW- Musical Menu.

*KRKD-News, Music. 3:45 -KNX- Charles Cuilingwood.

HFWB- Carter De Haven. KFAC -Moments In Music. KLAC- Treasury Salute. KFVD- Rhumba Music.

*KFSD- Religion in News, ! 3:55 -KGFJ, KWKW-Races-Sports.

4 -11FI, KFSI3 -Our Foreign Policy.

KNX- Sweeney and March, -

KEC'A, KPRO, KFMB- Football.

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Football.

*KMPC -News, Easy Rhythm. KFWB- Gospel and Sung.

*HLAC-News, Ellingtunia. HXLA -Juke Box Matinee. KGFJ- Variety Music Hall. KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. KWKW-Italian Melodies. KIND-Piano. ERE/D.-Piano Paintings.

Page 29: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


KGER-Record Party. 4 :13 *KFVD- News.

HRHD- Mov'eland Qulz. KIEV- Dinner Music.

4:2t -HGFJ, KWKW- Races- Sports. 4:30--HFI, KFSD- Curtain Time. HNX -L. A. Story. HECA -Piano Playhouse. KMPC- Singing Strings. KF V. B -Blind Artists' Guild. KGFJ- Variety Music Hall.

*KWKW -News, Meet the Band KFVD -Tea Time Music. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KIEV -Meet the Maestro. KFOX -Old -Age Pensions.

4:45 -KNX -Voice of the Moment. KHJ- Footbaf Roundup. KMPC-Latin American Music KLAC- Treasury Salute. KWHW -Today at the Races.

*KRKD -News. 4:55- HGFJ -Sports Flash.

S -K.11- Saturday Sports Roundup.

*KNX -Knut Manning, News. KECA -Jimmy Blair.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE -News, Hemingway.

*KMPC- -Newa, Tuttle Spurts Time.

KFWB -Stuart Hamblen. KXLA -Juke Bot Matinee. KFAC- Sunset Symphony.

*KLAC, KGER -News. HGFJ -Jive at 5. KWKW- Chaatin Sisters. HRHD -Songs of the Saddle. KIEV -Afternoon Serenade. KFSD -Columbia Record Shop. KFOX- Sunshine Mission. HFMB- Football Scores.


5:05 5:30 p.m. Set. Sponsored b0

tY's KGER - 1390 kc.

5:03- SGER -Children's Council. 1:150111-Neu s. KNX -Sport s. HE('A- Radio, the American

Way. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Proof

That Christian Science Heals KLAC-Irwin Allen. *KFAC-News,

KIEV -Catch the 5:15. 5:25 -H 6FJ- Races -Spurts.

5:30 -HFI- Madison 2345, Times Information,

*KNX -Harry Flannery, News. KECA- What's the Score? KHJ, HVOE- Hawaii Calls, KLAC -Al Jarvis. KMPC -Floyd Allen. KFAC- Music. HGFJ -Songs for You. HXLA -Feature Pianists. HRHD -Hit Tunes. KIEV -Twilight Time.

*KFOX -News. SFSD- Whistling Parson.

5:45*HFI, KFSD- F.lmer Peterson. *KNX- Garred, News. *KECA -News.

HMPC- Bishop Stevens. HGFJ -Twilight Rhapsody. KRKD -Race Results, KiEV -Gene Walsh Trio.

6:55 *KNX -Ned Calmer, News. KGFJ -Sports Flash.

6-101, KISD -Roy Rogers Show.

K-NX- Vaughn Monroe Orch. KECA- Labor, C.S.A. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Author Meets the Critics. *KMPC -News. *KFWB, KGER, HFOX -News. KGFJ- Musleal Digest

Serenade. *KLAC-News, Al Janis.

KFAC -Muslc for Everyone. HXLA -Flet Baptist Churrt HRHD- Music. HFMB -S. D. Looks Ahead.

6:05-KGER-Twilight Time. 6:15 -SE('A -Voice of Business.

KMPC -Bob Kelley, Sports. KFAVIS-Rhythm ers. 2:30 -HFI, KFSD -Can liou Top This?

KNX -It Couldn't Happen. EECA, DUMB, KPRO -Curt

Massey Show. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Meet the Press KMPC -Joe Hern. andez. KFWB -Star Time. KLAC -Sam Baiter. &FOX -Hal', Memory Room. KGER -Lukin Valley Church. 6:15- KNX -Saturday Night

Serenade. *KLAC-Jumes Roosevelt. 7 -HFI, KFSD -Judy Canera

Show. KNX- Saturday Night

Serenade. KECA, HF1IB, HPRO-

Famous Jury Trials. HHJ -Quiz of Two Cities. KEW B- Adventures in Music. *KMPC -News. Glee Club. KFAC -Dr. James Fifield, Jr. KGFJ-Musical Digest. KXLA- Nazarene Church.

*KLAC, HRHD, HVOF News. KFON -Judge Gardner.

*KGER-News. KGB -Man and His Music.

7:05 -K6ER- Across the Footlights. ::15 -KN.X -Hedda Hopper, This is

Hollywood. MLA(' -California Industry. HRHD -Three.- Quarter Tizne. HFMB -ABC Mystery.

:30 -SFI KFSD -Grand Ole Opry. HEC(A. KPRO -I Deal in


Red Ryder KMPC -Challenge to Youth. KFWB- Musical Gems. KFAC-First Baptist Church. KLAC- Hayloft Jamboree. HRHD -Du You Know? KGER-Music. HFMB -Ate Marla Hour.

7:45 -KNX -The Story Teller. KFWB- Twilight on the Trail.

*KFAC -News, HXLA- Adventures in

Research. 8 -HFI, KFSD -Truth or Con- sequences.

KNX- Hollywood Star Time. KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Lote

Story Theater.

KECA, KPRO, SF:NIB -New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

*KMPC, KLAC -News. KFWB- American Sketches. KFAC -Evening Concert. HGFJ -Caucasian Memories. KXL 4- King's Ambassador

Melody Hour. *KGER -News, Grace Detson. KFUX- County Barn Dance.

8:15-KMPC- Senator Knowland. KFWB -Story of Israel. KGFJ -Hey board and Console. KLAC -Dance Time. HXLA- Variety.

8:30 -Eli, KFSD -Life of Riley. KNX -Mayor of the Town. KECA, &FMB -The Lone

Ranger. KHJ, KGB. KVOE- Juvenile

Jury. K.MPC-Music Supreme. KFWB -You Were There. KGFJ -- Charm School of the

Alr. KLAC-My Serenade. KGER- Music.

11:45 -KFWB- Here's to Veterans. KLAC -Casino Gardens Dreh.

8:55 *KNX- Alcott, News.

9 &FI- Pleasure Parade. KNX -Hit Parade. KECA, KPRO, HFMB -Gang

Busters. *KHJ, KGB, KFtll, KVOE-

News. *KMPC, KLAC -News.

KFWB- Classics. KFAC- Evening Concert. KFVI) -Spade Cooley Time. KGFJ- Saludus Amigos. HXLA- Western Caravan.

*HGER -News. America Sings. KFSD -Boston Blackle.

9:05 -KMPC -Music on the Beam. 9:15 -KFI- Cabbages and Kings.

KHJ, ROB, KFXM, K%OE- California Caravan.

KFWB- Treasury Salute. KLAC -Jan Garber Orch.

9:30 -KFI- Conquest. KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Lease It

to the Girls. HEC'A -Green Hornet. KFWB- Maurice Hart. HGFJ- AIru- turials. KLAC- Highlights of Melody. HXLA -Teeas Jim Lewis. KFSI)-Wayne King Show. &FMB -Wayne Williams Oh,

9:40- KGF.1rc- Musical Horizons. 9:45 -KNX -Jeun Sablon.

1*HFI, KFSD, ROER -News. V *KNX -Chet Huntley.



cago Theater. HECA -Eddie Howard Orch.


leers Night ïcept fuses,

KFWB HF\s ,:-Eastside sow.

SATURDAY LOGS *KMPC -News, Candlelight

and Silber. KLAC -Ice Hockey. SXLA -Tunes for Ten. RFVD -Spade Cooley Time. HGFJ -Hollywood House






KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. HEMS- Vernon Vance Orch. 10:05-KGER-Saturday Spotlight, 10:15 -KI1- Reserve.

KNX- Hollywood Barn Dans KFOX -1280 Club. HE'SD- Rhythmic Reminis-

cences. HFMB -lack McLean Orch,

10:30 -HFI -Jack Haley and Eve Arden.

KECA- Freddy Martin Orch. KMPC-Dance Time. HXLA- Pasadena Civic Dance RFSD- Francia Drake Orch. KFMB- Micslseippi Room.

lo :45 -K N N -Talk. KFMB- Music.

11SFI -Russ Morgan Orch. *KNX- Nelson Pringle.

KHJ, KGB, HVOE -Dance Orch.

KECA-Bal Tabarin Orch. *KMPC -News, Dance Time.

KFWB- Eastside Show. *KLAC -News, Xmas Early.

HGFJ- Hollywood House Party.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance. KFVD -Spade Cooley Time. HXLA- MIIIie's Cafe. KFMB -Bal Tabarin Orch.

*HGER -News, Music. KFSD -Biltmore Orch. KFNAI -Swing Liner.

11:15 -KFl -Lose Letters. KNX -Jerry Wald Orclts RECA -Eddie Le Baron Orch. KXLA -Bandstand Revue.

11:30 -HEI -5 rts Time. KNX -Manny Strand Web. HECA -Boyd Raeburn Orch. KHJ, KGB, HVOK -Ian

Garber Orch. HXLA- Platter Party. KFSD -St Francis Orch. KFMB- Cheatin' on Sandman.

11:45 -KFI- Music, *HHJ, KGB, HVOE -News.

ENX -KNX -tra, Music. 11.55 *KFI, EECA, KNX, KEW-


Busy LADY If you're curious about what radio

actress Helen Gerard looks like, drop into your local movie theater and see her in Columbia's "Cigarette Girl," ReP7iblic's "G. I. Warbrides," and the latest Charlie Chan release, "The Trap." She can be heard on KNX's "Romance of the Ranchos" and Mu- tual's "Cisco Kid," as well as on CBS' "All Star Western" show as leading lady to guests Don "Red" Barry and Tex Ritter.


Haven MacQuarrie is a veritable "one man show." He not only writes, produces and directs NBC's "Noah Webster Says," but he also acts as emcee of the popular NBC program.

SCHOOL STANDING Tommy Cook of NBC's "Date With

Judy" is a senior at Los Angeles High School, where he excels in both studies and athletics. In addition to his enviable tennis record, he has been class champion in tether ball and excels in handball, baseball, swimming and diving.


Girls are rarely written into the "Superman" radio scripts because the male contingent of young America think it slows up the script. Ac- cording to Allen Ducovny, director of the MBS series, the lads prefer their adventures unadulterated by femmes.

REAL LIFE SANTA Young Bentley Morriss, announcer

on KFWB, Is really doing his bit to make Christmas merry. He recently started a doll factory and in between announcing chores at the station he's supervising the filling of Christmas orders for retailers from coast to coast.

ORIGINAL THEME Many listeners have written ask.

Ing for particulars on the beautiful theme used on the Sunday morning RCA- Victor show. The theme, titled "You Are Music," is heard at the opening and closing of the NBC show and was written by Frank Black, who conducts the orchestra.

Page Twenty -nine

Page 30: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk () are of the contest, ,guis, or offer type.

Indicates urvyruma news ana

*Abbe, Jam,. KECA, 7:30 a.m. M-F Abbott and i ustello KFI, 7 p.m. Tit Academy Award Theater KNX, 7 p.m. V1

Activities for Children KFI, 8:15 a.m. Se Adventures of Tom MIL-K11.1, 5:45 p.m. 31-F Affairs of Ann Scotland...-.KECA, 6 p.m. W Album of Familiar Music___KFI, 6:30 p.m. Su *Alcoa, Carroll KNX, 8:55 p.m. M-Sa Aldrich Family KIEL 8:30 p.m. Th Allen. Fred. .... ........ __KY', KFS_D, 5:30 p.m. Su Allen. Irwin KLAC, 5:15 p.m. M-F All-Star Western.._...__ ........... ..KNX. 4:30 p.m. Su Ameche, Don KFI, KFSD, 7 p.m. Su America Speaks_____._KNX, 10:30 p.m. Su America United KFI, 11 p.m. Su American Forum, KHJ, KVOE, 6:30 p.m. Tu American Farmer KECA, 9:30 a.m. Sa American Melody Hour KNX, 4:30 p.m. Tu American Sports Page.__..__KECA. 7:30 p.m. I Amos 'n' Andy EFL 6 p.m. Tu Anderson Family JLECA, 9:30 p.m. Tu Anson, Bill ---KFWB, 11 a.m. M-Sa Anthony. John J....__KII.I. KGB. 2:15 p.m. M-F Arden, E v e KFI, 10:30 p.m. Sa Are These Our Children. KECA, I p.m. Su Art Baker's Notebook____KFL 4:30 p.m. M-F Annt Jenny KNX, 9:15 a.m. M-F *Aunt Mary KFI, KFSD, 3:30 p.m. M-F Author Meets Critic KHJ, KVOE, 6 p.m. Sa Aut ry, Gene KNX, 4 p.m. Su Ate Maria Hour KGFJ, 9 p.m. Su

Bahl Snooks KNX, 9 p.m. F Ituci.erounds for Living

KNX. 1:45 p.m. M, W. F Backstage at CBS KNX, 11:45 a.m. M-F Backstage Wife__ Kn. 1 p.m. M-I, Baker, Kenny___ KHJ, 12:15 p.m. Sa Baiter, Sam ...... _.._ ...... _...KLAC, 6:30 p.m. M-Sa Band Concert KHJ, 11:15 a.m. Su Bandwagon Kn. KIND, 4:3u p.m. su *Itaiikhage Talking ..... _KECA. 11:15 a.m. M-F Beck, Fred KNX, 8:15 a.m. M-F Benny, Jack.... KFI, 4 p.m.. 9:30 p.m. Su Bergen, Edgar KFI, 5 p.m. Su Bible Institute....KRED, KFOX, 8 a.m. M, W. k Big Sister KNX, 10 a.m. M-F Big Town KNX, 9 p.m. Tu Beech, Jack KFI, 8:30 a.m. M-F Bishop Stevens._ .KMPC. 5:45 p.m. Sa Blair, Jimmy KECA, 5 p.m. Sa Blanc, Mel KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tu Blind Artists Guild -.KFWB, 4:30 p.m. Sa Blondie KNX, 8:30 p.m. Su *Board of Missing Heirs KECA, 8 p.m. F Burge. Victor KFI, KIND, 6:30 p.m. M Boston Blackie KECA, 9:30 p.m. M Boston Symphony KECA, 6:30 p.m. Tu Bowler* Sports Cast._- KFAC, 5 p.m. Su Bowmn. Fletcher...._._-__KFI, 10:15 p.m. Th

K 4 1'C, U:45 p.m. Su: KFAC, 11:30 a.m. M Bracken, Eddie KNX, 6:30 p.m. Su *Break the Bank______KECA, KFMB, 9 p.m. F Breakfast Club -_-_KFWB, 8 a.m. W Brenennan's Breakfast.-KECA. 9:30 a.m. M-F Brice, Fanny KNX, 9 p.m. F Bridge Club__________KMPC, 12:30 p.m. M-Sa Bridge to Dreamland KECA, 11:15 p.m. Su *Bride und Groom

KEt'A, KFA1B, 2:30 p.m. M-F *BrOidway Neas_KH.I. 12 N. 31-F: 5 p.m. M-F Buck Rogers KIM KGB, 4:45 p.m. M-1, Bull, Frank KFWB, 6:30 p.m. M-I, *Brown. Cecil KHJ, 8 a.m. M-F Bulldog Drummond_ . ..KHJ, KVOE, 7 p.m. M Burns 11 nd Allen KFI, 9 p.m. Tit Burns, Bob KFI, 8 p.m. Su By Popular Demand 1.11J, KGB. 6:30 p.m. Th

enhbases & Kings KFI, 9:15 p.m. Sa California Caravan GILL KGB. 9:15 p.m. Sa California Melodies KHJ, KGB, 8:30 Pml Til Call of the Range __-KNX, 4 p.m. M, W, F Can liOU Tie That?. KI.AC, 12:05 p.m. Su '('un You Top This?, KFI, KFSD, 6:30 p.m. Sa Canary Pet Shop . KM, KGB, 11:45 a.m. Su t 'lino% a, Judy KFI, 7 p.m. Sa t 'antor, Eddie KFI, KFSD, 7:30 p.m. Th Captain Midnight....KHJ, KVOE. 5:30 p.m. M-F Carmichael, Honey KNX, 2:30 p.m. Su Carnation Hour KFI, KFSD, ; p.m. M Carson. Jack KNX, 9 p.m, W'

Casa Cugat. .._KFI. 10:15 P.m, M. W. t 5.30 p.m. W-F

Casebook of (i, Hood....KHJ, KGB. 8:30 p.m. M Catholic Hour KFI, :t p.m. Su

Cavalcade of America, KFI, KFSD, S:30 p.m. M Cavalcade of Sporta-...KECA. KFMB, 7 p.m. F

Cavallaro, Carmen KFI, KFSD, 12 n. Su

Challenge to Youth.-.KXT.A, 3:30 p.m. Su KM PC, 7 :30 p.m. Su

Champion Boll Call KECA, 6:53 p.m. F Chapel Quartet .KFI. 10:15 p.m. Su

Charlie IrCarthv KFI, 5 p.m. Su

Charm School of the Air........kiliFJ. 1 p.m. Si. .KGFJ, 8:30 p.m. M-Sa

Checkerboard Matinee -..- KHJ, KGB. 11:30 a.m. Sa

Chicago Round Table KFI. 10:30 u.m. Sn etweaso Theater, KIM, KGB Kt0E. 10 p.m. Se Christian Science ........ _..._.._ ..... KH.I. 5:15 p.m. Sa Christian Science----KFOX, 8 p.m. Su

Page Thirty

Church of the Air KNX, 7 a.m. Su Cisco Kid _.KHJ, KGB. 7:36 p.m. M, W. F *Close. Upton... .KHJ, KGB, 7:15 p.m. Tu Club Time KECA, 11:30 a.m. M Collingwood, Charles...-.....KNX, 3:45 p.m. Sa Columbia Workshop KNX, 3:15 p.m. Sa Coke Chub KHJ. KGB, 9:15 a.m. M-F Commander Scott_ KHJ, KVOE, 10:15 a.m. Su Conquest KFI, 9:30 P.m. Sa Contented Hour KFI, KFSD. 7 p.m. M Count of Monte Cristo KHJ, KGB. 8 p.m. Tu Counterspy, KECA, KFMB, KPRO, 2:30 p.m. Su Country Church of Hollywood .._-_--- - ....

Country Journal , KNX, 2:30 p.m. Sa County Fair KNX, 10:30 a.m. Sa County Medical Assn.-KFAC, 10:15 a.m. Sa Crime Cases -.--.KHJ, 11 a.m, Su Crime Doctor KNX, 8 p.m. Mu Crime Photographer KNX, 6:30 p.m, Th Crocker, Betty.... ............. -....KFI, 11:40 a.m. M-F Crosby, Bing SECA, 9 p.m. W *Crowley, James._ ....... .KHJ, 9:15 p.m, Tu, Th *Cunningham, Bill HHJ, 12:1s p.m. Su Curtain Time KFI, KFSD, 4:3U p.m. Sa

Dance Tlm_o (Lucky La....g.xFery._A._c_..._10___p.m_....-.4-sa

Danger, Dr. Danfleld..._....- ........ KECA, 12 n Su Dark Venture...--KECA, KPRII. 8:30 p.m. Tu Dart,' for Dough KECA, KFMB, 2 p.m. Su Date With Judy.- KFI, KFSD. 5:30 p.m. Tu David Harum..--__KFI. KFSD. 8:45 a.m. M-F *Davis, Elmer

KECA, 4:15 p.m.. 10:30 p.m. M. Tu Davis, Joan KNX, 8:30 p.m. M Day, Dennis KFI, 6:31I p.m. Th Dick Tracy KECA, 4:30 p.m. M-F Dinner Bell Roundup.--....KXLA. It m. M-F Dixon. Nancy ........... ....___KHJ, 10:15 a.m. M-F Doctors Talk It Over KECA. 9 p.m.' M 'Double or Nothing_KHJ. KVOE, 6:30 p.m. Su Downey. Morton__ _______ KHJ, 9:15 a.m. M-F Dr. fltristian. KNX. 8:30 p.m. W *Dr. I. Q. Ktil, :30 p.m. M Dr. Paul KFI. KFSD, 3:45 p.m. M-F Duffy's Tavern KFI, 6 p.m. W Durante-Moore Show KNX, 6:30 p.m. F Duroeher, Leo KECA, 10:15 a.m. Su

Eastaide Show - 11FWB, 10 p.m. M-Sa Eastside Serenade. .KECA, 9:30 p.m. Su Editor of the Air _. ._ KFVD. 12 N. M-F Easy API*, KMPC, 9 p.m. M-F Easy Listenin' KFWB, 8 a.m. M-Ma Edwards, Cliff Ft EC A, 12:15 p.m. M-1, Ellery Queeo KNX, 9:30 p.m. W Flown, Bob I.\. 1015 p.m. M-F Especially for IOU.. Kt I. iii a.m. M, Tu, W, F

KFI. 8 a.m. Sa Eternal Light HE'', 9 a.m Su Ethel and Albert KECA, 1:45 p.m. M-F Evelyn Winters KNX, 1:30 p.m. M-F Evening Concert KFAC, 8 p.m. M-Sa Exploring the Unkuowu..KHJ, KVOE, 6 p.m. Su

Fabulous Dr. Tweedy KFL KFSD. 7 p.m. W Fact and Fiction .. KECA, 10:55 a.m. Su Fact Finder KNX, 1:45 a.m. M-1, Fact or Fantasy KNX 9:43 p.m. Tu. Th Fairy Land KGB, 10:45 a.m. Sa Family Hour KNX. t p.m. Stu

Famous Jury Trials..--....KECA, 7 p.m. Sa Fantasy in Melody -...-. KECA, 9 p.m. Tit Farm 'Reporter _____- KFL 12 N. M-Sa Fashion Forum..._.___-._KMPC. 1:45 p.m. TI. Favorite Stories KFI. 9 p.m. Tu Faye, Allee KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su FBI in Peace and War KNX, 8:30 p.m. Th *Feature Wire KFI, 9:05 a.m. M, W, F

5 p.m. 'fa, Th Festival of Waltzes KFAC, 9:30 a.m. M-Sa Fibber McGee KFI, 8:341 p.m. 'r., *Fidler, Jimmie, KECA, KFMB, 8:30 p.m. Su

Fingertip Successes KMPC, 1 :30 p.m. Tu Firestone Favorites KM PC. 7 :30 p.m. M-E Fisher, George KNX, 4:45 p.m. M, W. F Fishing Facts....KFOX, 8 p.m. M. 6:15 p.m. Th Fishing Pais KFOX, 7:15 p.m. Tu. Th. 1,

*Flannery, Harry KNX. 5:30 p.m. M-Sa Floretta's Jewel Bog KFAC. 7:34 p.m. M-F Fuodcraft Carnival KILL 9 a.m. M, W, F

Football Roundup, KHJ, ' p.m. Tit, 4:45 p.m. Sa Fred Waring...-..-. .......... KFL KFSD. 8 a.m. M-I. Frontiers in Science KNX, 3:30 p.m. 'r.. Front-Page Farrell, KFl, KFSI). 2:45 p.m. M-F Funnies KFWB, 8 a.m. Su

Gangbusters ... SECA, KFMB KPRO. 9 P.m Sa *Garred, Bob KNX. 5:45 p.m. M-Sa Gayle and Charles KNX, 10 :45 p.m. Th Gilbert a Soil's an KFAC, 930 a.m. Su Give and Take KNX, 8:30 a.m. Sa

'Nilantottr Ma K1 l T. KFMR. 9 a.m. M-E It EC A, 8:15 p.m. N. 'Yu *Godn wi. Earl

Goodman, Henn) 1:1 I. K FS», 0 : 341 p.m. NI

Graham. Shelia 1.11.1, 1:4411. 8:45 p.m. Su

Grand Central st.:G.d. KN X. 10 a.m. Me

Grandpa Owens kill, 6:30 a.m. Su Grand Ole Opry K1-1, It FSD. '7 :30 p.m. Sa

Grand Slam ... . KNX, 830 a.m. M-F

Great Gildersleeve _____ _EFL 8:30 p.m. W Green Hornet -KECA, 9.30 p.m. Se Green Light Revue ._ ...... ...KNX, 5:15 p.m. M-F

KHJ, 7 :30 a.m. M-F Guiding Light KFI KFSD, 11 a.m. M-F tiwinn, 11111.---KHJ. KGB, 10:43 a.m. M-F

Hal's Memory Boom _____XFOX, 6:30 p.m, D Haley, Jack KFI, 10:30 p.m. Sa Hamblen, Stuart KFWB, 5 p.m. D hump, Charlie...-. .... _____KHJ, 9 a.m. Tu, Th Happy Homes___---KHJ, 3:15 p.m. M-F Harris Pitii KFI, 4:30 p.m. Su Hart, Maurice LEWIS, 9:30 p.m. M-Sa Harvest of Stars KFI, KFSD, 11:30 a.m. Su Hank Larrabee KNX, 4 p.m. Th Haven of Heat KXLA, 8:30 a.m. M, W. F

--....-.K1FOX KBE°. 8 a.m. Tu. Th, Sa Hawaii Calls._ _ KHJ, 5:30 p.m. Sa Hawk, Bob KNX, 7:M p.m. M

Hay, Bill KMPC, 12:45 p.m. M-F *Hayes, Sam KFI, KFSD, 7:45 a.m. M-Sa

KECA, 9 p.m. Su

Hayes Football Forecast. KFI KFSD. 8 p.m. M Heatter, Gabriel___.KHJ. DERS. 6 p.m. M-F

KH.1, KGB, 7 p.m. Su

*Headline Edition-____ ... KECA, 4 p.m. M-F Heart's Desire KHJ, KGB, 2:30 p.m. M-F Hebrew Christian Hour_KFOX, 10:45 a.m. M-F *Hemingway, Frank

-..- ......... --__.K.MPC. 12 m., /I p.m. M-Sa *Henry, Bill .KNX, 5 p.m. M-F Hildegard, KNX, 8 p.m. ,11

Hill, Jackie KHJ, 1:15 p.m. M-F; U a.m. Sa Hit Parade KNX, 9 p.m. Sa Hollywood Bandstand____KFWB, 11 a.m. M-Sa Hollywood Barn Dance....--KNX. 10:15 p.m. Sa Hollywood Boo! Auditions KFI, 9:30 p.m. M Hollywood Casting Forum KGFJ, 12 n Se Hollywood House Party KGFJ, 10 p.m. M-Sa Hollywood Music Hall KECA, 4:30 p.m. Su Hollywood Play ern KNX, 6 :SU p.m. Tu Holly wood Star Time KNX, 8 p.m. Sa Hollyw'd Presbyterian t IC, it KFWB, 8 p.m. Su Hollywood Theater KFI, 6:30 p.m. W Home Chats_______ .. RMYC. 10:45 a.m. M-Sa *Home Edition KECA, 10 a.m. M-F Home Town Parade KFI, 10:15 a.m. Su Hope, Bob K11. KIND, 7 p.m. Tu Hope Chest KNX, 3:30 p.m. Su Hopper, Hedda... KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sa Hour of Charm____.__ KNX, 1:30 p.m. Su Hour of Faith-___-___KECA, 8:30 a.m. Su Hour of Music ______KFAC, 6:30 p.m. M-F House of Mystery ..._.._...KHJ, KGB, 1 p.m. Su House of Milanl.-__ ..... __KFIVII, 10 a.m. M-F House l'arty KNX. 1 p.m. M-F *How Do You Pronounce It? _KECA, 6 p.m. Tu *Hunt, Frazier .1(11.1, 8:15 a.m. M-F *Huntley. Chet .KNX. 10 p.m. D Hymns of All Churches. SECA. 10:55 a.m. M-F

Ives, Burl KHJ, 8:30 p.m. F I Deal in Crime KECA, 7:341 p.m. Sa If They Had Lived. KGFJ. 5:45 p.m. M, W. F Inglewood Park Concert KNX, 7:30 p.m. Tu Information, Please KNX, 7:30 p.m. V. Inner Sanctum KNX, 9:30 p.m. M *Inside the News _KFI, 10:30 p.m. Su-F *Inside Story KFWB. S p.m. M-F *Inside of Sports_KHJ, KVOE, 9:30 p.m. M-F Invitation to Learning KNX, 9 a.m. Su It Couldn't Happen isNX, 6:30 p.m. 'll It's Up to Youth KHJ, 8:30 p.m. tt It Pays to Be Ignorant KNX. 7 p.m. F

1C44 Tour Business k 1 .0 A. 6:15 p.m. Sr I Was a Convict KHJ, 4 p.m. Su

Jack Armstrong .KECA, 5:30 p.m. M-F Jatues Abbe (Oro..., . KECA. 7:30 a.m. M-F Jart is, Al K I %I , 10 a.m., 5:30 p.m. D JO e at Fite KliF.I. 5 p.m. M-Sa Johnson, Er,Line K11.1, KVOE. 4:30 p.m. M-F Johnson Family KHJ, 12:15 p.m. M-F Johuson, Floyd B. KXLA, S p.m. Sa

KGER, 8:05 p.m. Su KFt 1 N . 4 :0 p.m. Su : 9:30 p.m. M

Joyce Jordan. N.U. KFI, 10:45 a.m. M-F Joke Boa Mtn Me, istl.t. 3:t5 p.m. M.Se Just Plain Bill isi I, Kt's!), 2:30 p.m. M-F Juvenile Jury KHJ. 8:30 .m. Sa

Kaye, Sammy Kiernan, Walter King, Wayne Kraft Music Hall Ky0er's Kollege

KFI'A. 141:30 a.m. Sr .... KECA, 1 :30 p.m. M-F

KEC A, 3:30 p.m. Su KF1. KFS11. U p.m. Th

KF1, KFSD, 7 :30 p.m. It

Labor, U.S.A... KN.( t, ti p.m. Sa Laullett. Be SVI1 1 1,1 ti Et ' %, 3 p.m. M-F Ladies' DaY .

I. I I. 4415 a.m. M-F *LaGuardia, 1110 OM K LI 5, 8 :15 p.m. V.

Lang. William Kt: t, HI t.' a.m. Tu. Ti. I.angley, Molly Is \ X, 4:341 p.m. F I. t. Story KS 5,.. 4 :30 p.m. W, Sa *Lawton. Fleetwood._ KECt. 6:45 a.m. M-Sa

.. ....... KEI. 7:15 a.m. M-Sa. 8:15 p.m. M-F Leave It to the Girls KHJ. 9:30 p.m. Ma Lenz, Ted KtiFJ, 3 p.m., 10 p.m. M-Sa Let George DU It KHJ, KGB, 9 p.m. F

Page 31: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

RADI Let's Pretend H.NX. 6:65 a.m. Ss People's Platform *1.rµ1,, Futlioo

KH.1, KGB, KVOE, 4, 10 p.m. M -F Liberal Catholic Hour KFAC, 9 a.m. Su Life Can Be Heaiuiful KFI, 3:15 p.m. 51 -F Life of Riley . ........... aFl, 8:30 p.m. So Life With Crosby KM, 5 p.m. M. W. F l.lndlahr, t ietur .. KHJ. KGB. 8 :45 a.m. SI -i Listening l'ost KF.CA, KFMR, 11:30 a.m. Tu -F Lone Journey. KN\, 11::40 a.m, M -F Lone Ranger

.. _. KF:1'... : pall. \I. 11: 8:30 p.m. Si. Lorenzo .tunes._ KIM RFS11. 1:311 p.m. M -F Lote Letters..._ BFI, I I :15 p.m. Tu, Th, Su Lott. Story Theater _.. KH,I. 8 p.m. Su Lucky Lager Dance Time KFAI'. 10 p.m. 51 -Sa

11/111111/1111t. Lum & Abner__ KF :C.4, F, g p.m. M -Th Lutheran Hour KILI, RIIE. 9 :30 a.m. Su Lutheran Gospel flour _. KXI.A. 5 n.m. Su Lux Theatre _. KNX, 6 p.m. M

MarCi', Private Wire KF1, 10:15 a.m. M -1 Clain Line .__..._ KHJ. KGB. 8 p.m. N Maisie , KNX, 7:30 P.m. I '.lake -Heine Ballroom_ ._

.. KLA. l0 a.m.. 5:311 p.m. I) .Ma Perkins KFL KFSD, 12:15 p.m. M -F

KNX. 10:15 a.m. M -F *Malone, Ted..........KECA. 10:15 a.m. M, W, F Manhattan Merry-Go -Round

KFI, KFSD, 6 p.m. Su Manners, Zrkc . KECA. 7 :45 a.m. M -F *Manning, Knot. KNN. 12:30 p.m., 5 p.m. M -1 Mansfield, Andy KWKW. 1:35 p.m. M -F Market Kepnrta..__......_ KMPC, 0:15 a.m. M -Sa Masquerade KFI, 11:45 a.m. M -F

Massey. Curt KECA, 8:30 p.m. Sa Massey, Louise RHJ, 1 p.m. M-F Mayor of the Town KNX, 5:30 p.m. Se

McNeill's Breakfast Club KECA, 0 a.m. M -F Mediation Board KHJ, 5 p.m. Su Meet Me at l'arky'a KFI, 7 :30 p.m. Su Meet Me In Manhattan KECA, 1 p.m. M -F Meet the Author KFI, 9 :30 .m. Sa

Meet the Miasus KNX, 2:341 p.m. M-I, Bret the Presa..... .... ..KHJ, KGB, 6::10 p.m. Sa .Melodies America Lutes _...._KNX, 7:30 p.m. Tu Melody Matinee KHJ, 1:30 p.m. M -F Message of Israel KECA, 8 a.m. Su Michael Shayne KHJ, KVOE. 7 p.m. V. Midnight Flyer... __.HFI, 12 P.m. M -Sa Midnight Special KGFJ, 12 p.m. 11 Mild and Mellow___..........KHJ. It :38 p.m. M -F Milani -.... KFWB, 10 a.m. M -F *Miller. Rex. _ .KHJ. 4 :15 P.M. M -F Mirandy KECA, 9:15 a.m. So *Monday Morning Headlines

.KECA. 4:15 p.m. Su Mimics Makes Music KHJ, 8:45 p.m. F *Monitor Views News KECA, 7:45 p.m. Th Monroe, Vaughn KNX. 6 p.m. Sa Moore, Garry .._ KNX, 0:30 p.m. F Morgan, Frank KFI, KFSD. 7 p.m. W Morgan. Henry KECA, 9:30 V. Morning Bible Hour._._....KFIIX. 0:30 a.m. Su *Moss, Carlton KFM'S. I::ko p.m. Su Mother's Album ...__ :.... ___ KMPC. 6 ::t0 p.m. Su Mr. and Mrs, North KFI, KFSI). 9 p.m. V. Mr. District Attorney. KFI, KFSD, 9::01 p.m. W Mr. Keene ........ ...........................HNX. 4:341 p.m. Th Munson. Una KNX, 9:55 p.m. F

Murder at Midnight. ..» KFI, 9:30 p.m. Tu Murray. Johnny KNX. S a.m. M -F Music by Rexall..._..._.. .......... KHJ, 3:45 p.m. M -F Music Supreme ._»___.KMPC. M:31 p.m. M -F *Music Hall KMPC. 11:15 a.m. M-F Music to Shute By KECA. 7:15 a.m. M -Sa Musical Department Store.... KXLA, 2 p.m. M -F Musical Masterpieces KFAC. 4 p.m. M -F .Musical Portraits KFAC. 12:15 p.m. M -F' Musical Roundup HOER, 10:05 p.m. M -F MusienI Digest. KGFJ. 0 p.m. M -Sa Musical 'treasure chest KHJ, 9:45 p.m. Tu -Th Mystery Theater KFI. KISI), 9::t41 p.m. F My True Story... KECA, KFMB. 10:30 a.m. M -F

'Name That Song __KHJ, KVOE, 7:30 p.m. So Nance Your Music KFI, :4 p.m. Si, National Farm & Home KFI, 111 a.m. Sa *Nesbitt. Norman ..... _.._ »._..HMPC, 8 a.m. M -I.

__..._.... ........_ . ..............11:15 p.m. M -F *News of World KFL 4:15 p.m. M. W, F New York Philharmonic KNX, 12 o Si. Nick Carter KHJ, KGB. KVOE, 3:30 p.m. Su

*Noah Webster slays ........._..........._.._.... KFI, KFSD. 9:30 p.m. Th

Notes at Nine KHJ. 9 a.m. Tu, Th

Old Hymnal KFI. 8:15 a.m. Su Olympic Fights.......... ....KLAC. 10 p.m. To One for the Book KNX. 4 :15 p.m. M, W. F' One Man's Family, HFI, KIND. I2:30 p.m. Su

Ilpen Forum KMPC. 9 p.m. Su Open Hearing ...._.......... KNX. 111::10 p.m. Tu Opportunity, U.S.A. KHJ, 10:45 a. m. Su Our Foreign Policy KFI, 4 p.m. Sa Our Gal Sunday KNX, 9:45 .m. M-F tlterture to Evening ........- _..._...HGFJ, 7 p.m. Su Ozzie and Harriet KNX, 3 p.m. Su Pacific Lutheran floor ._....KFWB 9:30 p.m. Su Pacific Story KFII, 11 ::W p.m. Su Parker. Frank.......... KECA. 12:45 p.m. M -F 'Parsons. luuelia ...KF:1 t. KFMR. 5:15 p.m. Mu Pat Novak for Hire HECA, s p.m. Su Patton Treasury Shutt KECA. 1:15 p.m. Sa *Pearson, Drew KECA, KFMR, 4 p.m. Su People Are Funny KFI, KFMI), 6 p.m. F

O LIFE NOVEMBER 3.19467 Pepper Voting('. Fanii Perry tlu.on *Peterson. Littler Ki *Pettrngill, sun, Plano Playhouse _... Pilgrims Hour... Piper, Willie .__.... Pleasure Parade Policewoman K

Policing L. i. Portia Fares Life, KI Pot u' Gold *Pringle, Nelson

',Queen for a Day. 'Quick as a Flash 'Quiz Kids 'Quiz of Two Cities

10 a . Su h. K1 I, 1::30 p.m, M-F

K'. \, 11 :15 a.m. 51-F I. KI sl). 5:45 p.m. W-Sa

Kt.l'a, 12:45 p.m. Su ...KE('A, 4:341 p.m. Sa

KH.I, Kt OF. 9 a.n. Su KI:('.4, 8:30 p.m. Su

KI I, 9 p.m. Su Et t KI'1;11, KF1111:1,

6:45 p.m, Su 1:15 p.m. Sa

I, Kist). p.m. M-F .__ KEC.t. r,a11 p.m. W


..KHJ, KGB, II::t0 a.m. M-F KI-1.1. 2:30 p.m. Su

KFI, 1 p.nn. Su AHJ, 7 D.m. Sa

Radio Hiblr Edition KFI. 8 a.m. Su Radio Messenger... KGFJ, 9:10 a.m. M -Sa Radio Bible Class ...... »...RHJ, HIVE. 7 a.m. Su *Radio News Weekly KFI, 1:45 p,.,. Mu *Radio Newsreel.. KLAC, 7.45 p.m. M -F Radio Reader's Digest.. KNX, 7 p.m. Th Radio. the .American µat, KL1 (, 5:15 p.m. Sa Radio Views K\\. 4:30 p.m. M RCA-Victor Show KFI. KIS411, 11 a.m. Su

Real Life Stories_.. KHJ, 111 :30 a.m. M -F Real Story... KI:('A, 6:30 p.m. Th Record Party KISER. 3 p.m. Sa Record Rauh om PC, 2:0.4 0.m. M -F Red Ryder......KHJ. K1,11E. ::311 p.m. Tu. Th. Sa *Reort from Washington KNX, 3:30 p.m. F Report to the People KECA. 9:15 p.m. Su Retribution. RECA. KFMR, 9 p.m. Tu Reviewing Stand KHJ, 4:30 p.m. Su Richard Davis. Private lnteatilator

KHJ, 8 p.m. M *Richfield Reporter, KFI, KFSD. 10 p.m. Su -F Right to Happiness, KEL KFSI). 12:45 p.m. M -F Rise & Shine KHJ. 6 a.m. M -Sa Road of Lit, KNX, 10:45 a.m. M -F

_KFI, 3 p.m, M -F Rogers. Roy _._. KFL 8 p.m. Se Romance of Helen 'Trent, KNX. 9:30 .m. M -F Romanre of the Ranchos ...KNX. 9 :30 p.m. Sn *Roosevelt, ,lames KLAC, 6:45 p.m. M -Su Rosemary KNX, 8:45 a.m. M -F Round 'Towner _. KHJ. 12:30 p.m. Sa Kuasrll, Betty RECA, 6:15 p.m. ' Sablon. Jean KNX. 9:45 p.m. Sa Salt Lake Tabernacle...- ..._ KNX, 8: :10 a.m. Su Saluda. Amigos KGFJ, 9 p.m. M -Sa Saturday Night Serenade KNX, 6:45 p.m. Sa Srldsslrr, Paul KHJ, 7:15 p.m. Th School of the Air KNX, 2 p.m, M -F Science of Mind. .....KFWR, 10:45 a.m. M -F Scout Jamboree lift, 'i ::Sil p.m. Sa Screen Guild Players

lift, 7 p.m. M

Sully. Frances KECA, :4:45 p.m. M -F Second .Mrs. BUrton......._ ......... KNX. 11 a.m. M -F Security Symphonie HMS', 7:DS p.m. ME Sentimental Serenade KECA, 8:15 p.m. Th Sewing School KMPC, 1 :45 p.m. Tu Shadow HHJ, KGB, KVOE, p.m. Su Sherlock Hnlmra..._ KECA, li p.m. Sa *Shi erre µ'{Ilfaro... ».._.. ».._.....KNX, 8:45 p.m. Su Shure, Dinah. . ........._.._.._ KNX, 6:30 p.m. W Show Time -.EFL _.HF7. 10:15 p.m. I) Simms. liinny - - RNX, 6 p.m. F Sinatra. Frank KNX. 6 p.m. W Sincerely Voiles._ ............... _......KFT, 3:30 p.m. Su Sing, Amerina, Sine.- KHJ. 10:30 p.m. M -F Singing Sweethearts, RAJ, KGB. 10::40 a.m. Su Skelton. Red KFI. KIND. :::40 p.m. Tu Sky King KECA, 5:15 p.m. M -F Smilin Ed '.l, t'onnrll _. ».......KFI. 8:30 a.m. Sa Smith, Howard _. RNX, 111:45 x.111. Su Smith. .lack KNX, 8:15 p.m. M -F Smile Time KI1.1, Kt OF:. 11:15 a.m. Sl -F Smith. K.... KNX. 9 n.m. M -F

KNX, 7.30 p.m. Su Solt h. Nor. I Kl:t '.. 11:45 a.m. M -F Snarl hinit to 'Palk .%how KN X. 12:45 p.m. M -F Suns Shop_. KNX. 3 p.m. Ma Snug, for You Kí.1'.1, 5:30 p.m. M -Sa Sound Off KHJ, 8 p.m. Th So l'ou'd Like to It in Kadin;' ._

KFWB. 3 :30 P.m. Mo, Song for ''ou KIIPC, 8:45 a.m. M -F Spade Cooley Time KFVD, 9 p.m. D Speare, Frederick KXLA. 3 p.m. Mu Special Investigator, KILL KGB. 5:311 p.m. Sn Spelling Bee KFI. 9 osons Nu Sports Newsreel KFI, KFSI). , ::40 p.,,,. F Sports Final KFWB. 7: :Mi p.m. M -I. Sports Folio KFI 10 a.m. Sn. 111:30 a.m. Sa Sports Question Bot. KECA, 10:15 a.m. Su Sports Roundup KFI. 5 p.m. Sa Sportsmen' Chub... RECA. KFMR, 8:30 P.m. W Spotlight Bands....RM.', KGB. 6:30 p.m. M, W, F

Standard Hour KFI, KI'Sl). 8:30 p.m. Su Standard Scheel KFI, 10 a.m. Th Stara In the Spotlight.._._ K1.1, 5:43 p.m. So Stara Over Hollywood 1. \, 9 ::t0 a.m. Sa Sulla Dallas EFL KI'O, 1:15 p.m, M -F *Sterling. Dr Wallace_. KNX. 9:311 p.m. Th Stork Club_... ._. K N 1'1 9:115 a.m. M -F Story Teller h \ X. 7:45 p.m. Sa Stradi,ari Or. \,,.rra _. K \ A. 11 :31 a.m. Su Strange as I1 .rein KGFJ. 4 :15 p.m. Su Strange µ'i11. REM, 9:30 p.m. Th Strolling Tom . .. HFAC, 8:2.0 n.m. Su

KFWB, 9 :15 a.m. N -F: 2:15 p.m. Su ',Stump the Authors HECA, 1 :30 p.m. Su

Styles, Hal KFWB, 3::111 p., 7 pm. Loa Sunday Evening Club HFA.mC. 9 p.m. So Sunday Party KECA, KPHO, 3 p.m. Su Sunday Vespers KECA, 11:3u a.m. Su Sunrise Salute_,....._ H.NX, 6:15 a.m. M -Sa supper Club KFI, KFSD, 8 p.m. M -F 'Surprise Party.._ ..._ .............KNX. 12 D. Tu. Tb Surprise Theater... HNX, 8:23 p.m. Su Superman... KHJ, K141, KVOE, 5:15 p.m. M -F Suspense KNX, 9 p.m. Th Sweeney und Mur h KNX, 4 p.m. Sa *Swint Raymond..

KF.('.A 4:15 p.m., 141:30 p.m. W -F Symphonette K\ \. 111::10 p.m. M. W, F Symphony........ .KFI. 2 p.m. Su

Take it From There KI.CA. 8:30 p.m. Th "Take It or Leave It..._ ...... ___..KNX, 7 p.m. Su Talbot, Dr. Fouls KILL KGB. 8 a.m. Su Kill). 11:30 a.m. M -F Tapestries of Life KNX, 9:30 p.m. Tu Taylor, Henry J...._...KHJ. KGB. 9:45 p.m. M. F Taylor. Mary Lee KNX, 11 a.m. Sa Teen and Twenty Tlme....KMPC, 5 :05 p.m. M -F repo Timers Club.___._..... -KFBD, 10 :a0 a.m, Sa

'Peen Tune Seth_ AHJ, I::W Dm. Ss Telephone Hour .AFL, KF SO, 9 p.m. M Tell Vour Neithbor._.__....._.._.KHJ, f p.m. M -F Tennessee Jed KECA, 4:15 p.m. 31 -F 'Terry & the Pirates. KECA, KFMB. 5 p.m. M -F That's Finnegan KNX, 7.30 p.m. Th That's Life KNX, 4 p.m. '1i. Theater Guild KECA, 7 p.m. S11

Theater of Today KNX, 9 a.m. S. 'l'he ('lock KECA, 5:30 p.m. su The Falcon.-....KHJ; KGB. KVOE, 8:30 p.m. Tu the Sheriff-.KECA. KFMR. RPRO. 8:30 P.m. F These Make History KFI. 1::10 p.,,.. Su They Said It Today KECA, 2:25 p.m. M -F Thin Man Thirty Seconds to Go.._ -_

KNX, 9 :30 p.m. F KHJ, 1 p.m. Sa

This Is Hollywood KNX, 7:15 p.m. So This Is Your FBl..._ HECA, 8:30 p.m. F' 'This Woman's Secret....AFI, KESI). 4 p.m. M -F *Thomas, Lowell. ._..._ ..............KNX, 8 p.m. M -F Thomas, Rollie HFI, 11:35 p.m. Th Thompson. Johnny KECA, 10 a.m. Su Those Wrbsters, KHJ. KGB, KVOE, 3 p.m. Su Thought for Today..._. ... KFWB, 4:40 p.m. M-F Tillamook Kltehen..._.F1, KFSD, 9:45 a.m. Ss Time for Reason...._.`.._._.RNX. 10 :45 p.m. Su Time Out KHJ, 9:30 a.m, M -F Times information

KFI. 10 :15 p.m. Tu. 5:311 p.m. Sa 'Today's Children....KFI, KFSD, 11:15 a.m. M -F Tom Mix KH.1. KGB. 5:45 p.m. M -F Town Meeting KI :( t, RI MB, 6:45 p.m. Th Treasury Shuo KHJ, 9::tu a.m. Sr True 1)etectiv e .. K II.1, Kt. It, 1:310 p.m. Su Truth or Consequrucr... . _.BEI. 8 p.u,. Sa Try 'o' Find Me KICI'A, 12:3U p.m. M -F Tune Time. »_.. ........ ___.._ _...KHJ. 9:45 a.m. M -F Twenty Questions.-- _____.KHJ. 0 p.m. Su Twilight Taten... *MPC. 4 :45 p.m. Tu. Th Tyler, T. Texas.__....._.AGER. 12:15 p.m. M -Sa

University Explorer..._ KNX. 10 :15 p.m. Su

Vallee, Rudy KFI. 8:30 p.m. Tu Variety Music Hall HGFJ, :1 p.m. NI-Sa Venter. Mel KHJ, 9:15 p.m. M. W, F Voice of Business.. KECA. 0:15 p.m. Sa Voire of Firestone.. ......HFI KFSD, 5:30 p.m. M Voice of Health._ -KFAC. 9:15 a.m. M -F Voice of Mexico.... ....... __..._ KWKW, 6 a.m. M -F Volte of the Moment ....KNX, 4:45 p.m. Sa

Voice of l'ropllrr, KILL KGB, 8:30 a.m. Su tot Pup. KNX, U p.m. Tu

Wake Up and Smile .KECA, 8:15 a.m. Sa *Y1 slider. My roil KECA, 10:55 a.m. Su Waltz Time . KFI, HIND, 6:30 p.m. F

Warden Lewes Report HMI. It a.m. Su Waring. Fred KFI. KFSD, 8 a.m. M -F Warriors of Peace.. . ....... KECA. 11 a.m. Su *Washington inside Out ...KECA, 9:15 a.m. Su Was Shop KH.1. 8::t0 a.m. Sa *Wells. Carveth KFI, 10:30 p.m. Sn -F What Do You Say' KFI, 1u:311 a.m. M -F "What's Dolo'. Ladies'.- _ KECA. 2 11.111. M -F What's the Score° KECA, 5::tu p.m. Sa *Wheeler, Knrrit KNX, :t p.m. M -F

KNX, 12 u. ta, W. F When a ....1 %la. ri, Is I. KFM», 2 p.un. M -F Whistler ....... ._. ......._...R \, 9 p.m. M Whiteman. 1'3 ,1 ...KECA, 5 p.m. Su Whoa Bill ('lots Kl %(', 5::40 p.m. VI-F *Wilder. Alviu _. I.1 -.1' t. 3::tu pm'. M -F tt'illie Piper Ktt t, 8::01 p.m, Su Willson. Meredith.. K\\. 8::01 p.m. F *Winchell, Walter......KF:(' A, KFMR. tt p.m. Su

HHJ. KGB. KVOE, 8:311 p.m. Su Wing. Gier Jordan KN \. 8 :115 a.m. Su Woman in White....KFI.'KFSD, 11::4,1 a.m. M -F

Women's Forum KXI.A. 1í1::a1 a.m. M -F Women's World

ANN, 7 p.m. Tu +World Today KNX, :4:45 p.m. M -F Wood, Barry KHJ, 8:15 p.m. M. W. F Word from the Country KNX, 3:30 p.m. W Word of Prophecy ..........._..KGER. 6:05 p.m. Su

Volung, Alan KFI, 3:15

8:30 p.m. -F

F young. Norma..._...._...._. KHJ. p.m. M Young Dr. Malone KNX. 10:30 a.m. M -F Voting People's Chureh.____.KHJ, 7:30 a.m. Su Young Widder Brown HFI, 1:45 p.m. M -F 'Yoars Sincerely KNX. 9:30 n.m. Su

Ziff. Sid ........HECA. 10 p.m. M -F

Page Thirty -one


Page 32: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

NOVEMBER 3, 1946 RADIO LIFE "There's only one annoying *hi ̂

about my husband," Mrs. Lewis an- nounced firmly, "and it isn't his piano -playing. It's his punctuality! He's always punctual and precise, and he expects the same courtesy from others. That's murder for me. Fortunately, though," smiled Cathy, continuing what she insisted was a non -prejudiced commentary on her spouse, "he has the disposition of an angel. But when he blows it, which is about once or twice in a year, it's like something you've never seen."

Mr. Lewis' disposition remained unruffled during our chat with him, but he spoke with conviction about his chief radio aversions. He is against adaptations of screen stories for radio. "Material written for one medium shouldn't he used on an- other," he expounded. "How can a story planned for ninety minutes of sight dimension be told in twenty - one minutes of sound ?"

By the same token he thinks that performers trained and experienced in motion pictures should remain in their own medium. "Many very tal- ented movie stars," he cited, "are too ill -at -ease to be at their best on the radio. It does them harm, and isn't good entertainment for the list- ener."

In addition, like all deserving AFRA -ites who contribute so vitally to the art and industry of radio, El- liott and Cathy Lewis campaign vig- orously for name billing -not only for themselves, but for all of their contemporaries.

"We think the listeners want to know whom they are hearing on their radios," asserted the veteran microphone thespian, "and if radio isn't willing to 'build up' its own people, it is only hurting itself."

To this, Radio Life shouts a re- sounding, "Hear! Hear!"

tanriarA fume is "T (mitt" when on

Radio a la Lewis (Continued from Page ; )

"I said," put in Cathy, with a righteous air, " 'Sir, I don't even know you.' "

"At which point," the couple con- tinued, "some interested third party immediately introduced us: ''Miss Llewis, meet Mr. Lewis'." That night, two Lewises (one with an extra L) saw the "Folies Bergere."

"Yes, and I was wearing this same suit, darling," Elliott continued the sentimental reminiscence, then ad- ded with kidding wistfulness, "Now can I buy a new one ?"

Actor Lewis donned civvies again on February 1, 1946, after three and a half years' service in the Army. "Cathy and I have been married three and a half years, too." Elliott pointed out, "but somehow," he grinned, "you know, it doesn't seem like we've been married as long as I was in the Army!"

For his Army service and work with the Armed Forces Radio Ser- vice, Master Sergeant Lewis received the Legion of Merit award.

As for his writing, his "Suspense" scripts were those entitled "Can't We Be Friends ? ", and "My Dear Niece" which starred Dame May Whitty. He and Cathy have also collaborated on another "Suspense" vehicle, as yet untitled. His "Whist- ler" script was one called "Accident According to Plan." In addition, he authored two of the "Twelve Play- ers" dramas.

To our wonderment at his prolific scripting, Elliott scoffed, "Aw, writ- ing's fun. Yott can do it at home In your pajamas. You don't have to get dressed up and go some place."

Really Horrifying His initial step in writing ether

fare is to think up a provocative sound or situation. His first radio script was one for "Hermit's Cave" entitled "The Drain." "I thought of it when I was shaving one morn- ing," Lewis explained. "I just asked myself what would he the most hor- rible thing that could happen to a man standing at the bowl shav- ing. My script had some monstrous being come out of the drain and kill him. The day after it was broad- cast," laughed Elliott. "the sponsor, who'd had the show for three years, called up and cancelled his con- tract."

Regarding the aforementioned op- era for radio on which the actor - writer is working. it is one based on a modern American triangle trag- edy and is being prepared particu- larly for the ether medium in that sound effects will play an integral part in the action. Sydney Miller and Inez James are collaborating with Lewis on the also -aforementioned musical comedy he is doing, which is a detective story musically- scored.

Music- symphonic and classical in particular -is the Lewises' main off - mike interest. Elliott plays the piano well. Page Thirty -two

Radio's `Anything for a Price'

Man (Continued From Page 33)

into the "Let George Do It" scripts with the cockeyedest things to do!

The Cast Who is this wonder man of many

talents? He's an ex- GI- exceptional, full -name "George Valentine," cre- ated by the combined imaginations of producer Owens and writer Polly, to prove that mebbe after all, there is something new under the sun. As played by able actor Bob Bailey. "George" is caustic, capable and a character. But "Caleb," the elevator - man (Joe Kearns) has him pegged as definitely sentimental 'neath his rough exterior -having known him since he was "a little boy of four with long yaller curls."

Well-set-up for the job of Claire is co -lead Frances Robinson, who has girl -friended "Philo Vance," "Perry Mason" and "Ellery Queen" through every sort of mayhem. Although her

fronted by the latest freak assign- ment of her job, she gets no place fast- happening to be as completely sold on her boss as the audience.

Eddie Firestone, Jr., too, returning from the Marines to enact Sonnie, will find the welcome mat out all along the radio -lines of listeners who found him famous as "That Brew- ster Boy." Folks who knew him off - mike, as well, will be glad to learn that he's still the same easy -going kid, with the naturalness and charm which have stamped him one of Hollywood's few "real" people.

Putting the show together, Owens and Polly make a nice balance for one another. Steady, assured and in- tense, Owens works tirelessly and tielessly, getting each inflection and sound "just it.' As the writer, Polly has a job fairly done when rehear- sals get underway, but she nonethe- less sparks the occasion with her good looks and enthusiasm -looking more like a peppy little high school frosh, with her long wavy bob and a black dirndl dress, than a serious writer and the mother of two ''oung- sters. (The Vinsons have two daugh- ters, Kathy, six. who is showing promise as a pianist; and Holly, three years Christmas, who is show- ing promise as a roughneck.)

A family -professional team throughout their exemplary mar- riage, the Vinsons have successively known the best in the theatre since they met as co-stars fifteen years ago in "Smilin' Through." Radio guardians of "That Brewster Boy" for three and a half years, they have also collaborated on "The Mad Hat terfields," "Woman in White," and "Knickerbocker Hotel."

Women of Music - -

Anita Gordon (Continued From Page 3;)

Marie (who's a year older than she), in a modest duplex. Mr. Gordon is a butcher, and the family suffers with him through the exigencies of the meat shortages. Anita is an excel- lent student, and got all A's in her courses at Hollywood High. She has a seventeen -year -old boy friend with whom she's been going for more than a year.

Anita has another ambition which she doesn't talk about very often, but which is close to her heart. It stems from her own appreciation of the "break" she had with Edgar Ber- gen, who gave her the opportunity to prove her ability.

"I want to establish a kind of talent service for 'teen -age kids," she says. "I know of so many who are really good, and who need to be developed before they get discour- aged. There's a need for somebody to specialize in young talent. and I hope that I'll be able to help be- fore too long."

Anita tucks herself right into the "big" bracket in show business by that simple statement. It's only the topnotchers who want to help the competition.

Page 33: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

(4.4*) 0 0 - :1V

I. THIS STAR of a current ra- dio program is famous as: (a) "The Man With a Horn"; (b)

The Magic Fingers of Radio"; (c) "The Poet of the Piano ''; (d) "The Impresario of the Keys".

2. PATRICE MUNSEL, star of "The Family Hour ", is: (a) A coloratura soprano; I b) The Met's youngest star; (c) Chicago Light Op- era star; (d) A lyric so- prano.

'Kilocycle No.3 xviriz

3. THIS MUSICIAN, with his guitar, is favorite accompa- nist for what famous singer: (a) Frank Sinatra; (b) Dick Haymes; (c) Perry Como; (d) Bing Crosby.

Ara 4. RECENTLY WRITTEN UP in Radio Life, this Los Angeles musician fosters which vocal group: (a) ''The Pied Pipers "; (b) "The Boychoir "; (c) "The King's Men "; (d) "The Merry Macs ".


5. THIS SINGER, a lady who's made Milwaukee famous, is

star of: (a) ''The Campbell Room"; Ib) "Chesterfield Supper Club "; (c) "Raleigh Room"; (d) "Contented Hour ". miEW

6. ROMANTIC Curt Massey was once a

member of which singing group: (a) "Riders of the Purple Sage "; (b) "Sons of the Pioneers "; (c) ''Prairie Ramblers "; (d) "The W erners".



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7. CALIFORNIAN Hollace Shaw, who got her first big radio break on ''Hour of Charm '', now stars on: (a) "Hour of Charm "; (b) "Sat - urday Night Serenade ''; (c) ''Album of Familiar Music "; (d) "Manhattan Merry -Go- Round".

8. CONDUCTOR FRANK DE- VOL waves his baton for songstress: (a) Dinah Shore; (b) Jo Stafford; (c) Eugenic Baird; (d) Ginny Simms.


Radio Life- Thrifty Drug Stores Contest















"I read Radio Life because (Complete sentence in 20 words or less)

MAIL ALL ENTRIES TO: Radio Life, 1558 North Vise Street, Hollywood 28, Call ?.

Page Thirty -three

Page 34: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

4 SOMETHING NEW IN PICKET LINES! The croon kids have discovered that Bob Stan- ton is single and they're bound and deter-

mined to keep him that way.

RIGHT FOR RADIO That's Bob Stanton, Singer On "Village Store," But It Was Another Story Back When Young Bob .Thought His Voice Belonged to Radio Announcing

ÒSIX -FOOT -THREE -INCHES of Bob Stanton stands up to the mike

when he goes into a ballad. Bob will be seen on the screen in Its Great to Be Young." Green- Harkin Photos.

Saturday, It):3(1 p.m. X Ih(' -KF'I

OLLYWOOD is s u p- posed to be the town where anyone who can, seeks the bright light of reflected glory. It's supposed to be the place where everybody

wants to trade on the other fellow's fame and fortune. And if the other fellow happens to be a relative - you're set for life!

And, on the other hand, Hollywood is the place where handsome and talented Bob Stanton bends over backwards to hide the fact that he's Dick Haymes' brother!

Bob went to high school in Holly- wood, only a few blocks away from the radio center of town -but it took an OWI recording made 6000 miles away and in French to get him his radio break!

That's how it was with the singer who, on his own, as featured baritone on Jack Haley's "Village Store," has won phenomenal popularity in little more than three months. Bob's abil- ity to speak six languages (French,

(Please Turn to Pape 39)


BOB'S MOTHER IS VOICE COACH Margaret Haymes, who prescribes a

raw egg in orange juice for that Haymes -Stanton delivery. She should know, she's a former opera star.

Page 35: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

ADAM WALSH. COACH OF THE LOS ANGELES Rams, and Dan Reeves, owner of the team, give Sid Ziff (center) some inside no on prospects for their forthcoming season.

T hin ks 1 mfise y ea ter

FZgh ter 4n ""e

'fn. a

es "Smartest' Football

Scuffle ón rld


Virgin. W est

Monday- Friday, 10 ECA pp m.

Ç j HERE'S no high road


to J becoming a sports com- mentator," was the com- ment of Sid Ziff, when this reporter finally cornered the busy Mr. Ziff to get this interview.

"You have to live, eat and breathe sports ... get acquainted with every- one in the business ... all sides of the business (and it's a many -sided one). You can't do this in a few weeks, or months ... it takes half a lifetime," continued Sid. i RECENT INTERVIEWEE on Sid Ziff's

sports commentary program on KECA was Lou Nova, heavyweight fighter, pictured here with Ziff.

"Take me for example. I first be- came sports editor at eighteen; that was back in 1925, on the old Los An- geles Express. Before that, ... well

. like many other youngsters ... sports had been my life. I was active in all types of games and contests for the younger fry, and by the time I had entered high school in my home town of Chicago, I had decided that baseball was my forte. I 'ma- jored' in this sport until graduation.

"Later, while sports editing around Los Angeles, I played quite a lot of handball at the Los Angeles Athletic Club," Ziff continued.

There was a four -year interruption in Ziff's sports career. During those four years he was serving in Uncle Sam's army. Sid went into the service as a buck private in the infantry, was a corporal in heavy weapons, and finished his army career as a captain, serving as public relations officer for the New Orleans Port of Embarkation.

Returning to civilian life this past spring, Ziff most naturally went back to his "first love," sports. This time he tried a new branch -his nightly sports commentary for Thrifty Drug Stores, over KECA.

Sportsmen Interviewed During the course of that program

series, he has interviewed such celeb- rities as Jimmy Dykes, the baseball manager; James J. Jeffries, former heavyweight champion of the world; John R. Maluvius, racing secretary at Hollywood Park; Bill Sweeney, Tony Lupien, Lloyd Christopher, Cliff Chambers, baseball stars; Dud De- Groot and "Slip" Madigan, nation- ally known football coaches; Nick

Wall, the jockey; and Lou Nova, heavyweight boxer.

In the course of his professional sports writing and commenting ca- reer, Ziff has witnessed every heavy- weight championship fight "of our time." In fact, he has missed only one since 1925. That was the Joe Louis -Max Schmeling bout, which took place while he, Ziff, was in Japan.

On the subject of boxing, Ziff con- siders Jack Dempsey the greatest fighter he ever saw, with all due respect to Joe Louis.

Ziff, an outstanding football writ- er, has covered all University of Southern California games here and at other university gridirons in the conference and outside, and most of

(Piea.e Turn to Page 39) i SW ZIFF, AIR COLUMNIST on KECA, hopes to pick a winner.

Here he is getting the "dope" from a mar who is at least close to "the horse's mouth" . That man is Jockey Ralpi Neves ... rider of winners.

Page 36: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

4 MISS MORAN MEASURES a mere five feet, wears size seven dresses, size three- and -a -half shoes, and drives a tiny English Austin con-


Shoved law JidO


By Lynn Roberts

COTHER actresses," remarked actress Betty Moran, "la- ment how they had to fight their families for years to be allowed to follow a the- atrical career. Not me," she

grinned. "I was forced into it! "My mother and sister insisted I

had talent, but I just wanted to get married and have children. 'Well, for gosh sakes,' they'd say to me, 'what're you going to do in the meantime - just sit around and wait ?'

"So I went into show -business, and I'm certainly not sorry. I love it.

"My sister," Betty explained, "was once quite a famous actress, though you may not remember... Lois Mo- ran" (a name we knew very well in- deed). "It's surprising, though," the younger Moran miss interpolated, "how people do forget." Page Thirty -six

For the many of you we're sure do remember, however we learned that actress Lois is now the wife of Col. Young, member of the five -man Board of Aeronautics, and the mother of a ten - year -old son.

"She still looks the same," related Betty admiringly. "As beautiful as ever."

The dramatic career of young sis- ter Betty (now in her twenties) be- gan when she was- fifteen and was enrolled in Hilda Spong's Dramatic Schoòl in New York. Before that, at ten, she had been sent to a con- vent in Belgium to study French. "Mother's main reason for this was to rid me of my horrible squawky voice," the actress explained, "and it worked. There were no Americans there and I stayed two years, so I learned French all right. But the trouble was, I forgot English! That shows you what kind of a brain I have."

"Let's hear how your French is now," we persisted.

"Omigawd - no!" shrieked Betty, but admitted that she can read any- thing in the language and can speak

with a pretty accurate oo -la -la ac- cent.

Of the Hilda Spong School, Betty informed us, "Miss Spong was an ex- cellent English actress and a fine teacher, but of the pupils, I know of only one other who has continued in the business with considerable success -Gary Merrill, who is now appearing in 'Born Yesterday'."

Stage Experience After her departure from dramatic

school, she spent two seasons in summer stock, then played the in- genue lead In a Jack Pearl stage production.

"It was his first attempt at some- thing serious," the actress added, "and it didn't even get on Broad- way. After that, I was in another 'flog', then did the 'brat' in 'Bache- lor Born'."

Her role in the latter led to a mov- ie contract with Paramount, and screen appearances in several films, including the second feminine lead in "Seventeen" which starred Betty Fields and Jack Cooper.

(Please Turn to Page 39)

Page 37: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

KNITTING IS ONE of Anita's off -mike "hobbies." She's knitted five sweaters for herself and friends, and here, with help from her mother, has a fitting For her sixth.

Sunday, 5:00 p.m. NBC- 10:1-KNSU

USIC has been a part


of p e r t, chestnut - haired Anita Gordon's life ever since she was three years old.

It's going to be for quite a while longer, but perhaps not for always -and therein lies a tale.

The sixteen -year -old songstress on the Edgar Bergen show has very def- inite ideas about her career. She has sung since she was three, and for no other reason than because she loves it. When she went on the Ber- gen program last season she dis- covered that millions of other people loved it when she sang, too.

"It's wonderful to think that I'm entertaining with something that's

WOME No. 11 of a Series

a/HA red Femme Vocalist On a Toi

rrshow at Sixteen, Anita Gordon Harbors More Ambitious Ambitions

simply pleasure to me," Anita says. "But I have a bigger ambition. I'm going to study and work to be an actress -a dramatic actress. Some day I hope I'll be famous for that. I don't think I'll ever stop singing, but I want it to be only for pleas- ure, not for a career."

Anita has a model in mind for her dramatic career - Ingrid Bergman. She gets all wilty with admiration just thinking about Ingrid. But if the fates should be kind, and she achieves a success approaching In- grid's, it doesn't mean she's quitting radio.

4 THE TEXAS -BORN songstress aspires to be a good dramatic actress, idolizes

Ingrid Bergman.

"How could I?" inquires Anita. "I think in a little while there won't be any 'stage' or 'movie, or 'radio' actors and actresses-they'll all per- form in any one of the three media, and won't consider themselves really good unless they're able to."

Mature Thinker That's the thing that impresses

you first in meeting this youngster from Hollywood and Corsicana, Tex- as (she was born there). She's so earnest about her future plans, and they're so amazingly well thought - out for one of her years. She has confidence in herself, but completely lacks conceit.

Aside from being a singing sensa- tion, Anita is just a normal, ordinary 'teen -ager. She lives with her mo- ther and father and sister, Charlie

(Please Turn to Page 32)

Page Thirty -seven

Page 38: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

4 THINGS HAVE COME to a pretty pass in Don Lee's Studio One along about rehearsal time every Friday

afternoon. Even the janitors are taking "George's" offer seriously. To illustrate, maintenance man A. D. Holton leans lazily on the piano obstructing progress as radio's wonder -boy heaves to with back -breaking intent.

Otto Rothschild Photos

Friday, S MAS -KHJ- KGB -KFX M -K %'OE

ELP WANTED? Do you have a crime that needs sleuthing? A dog that needs walk- ing? An icebox that needs raiding? Why fret? Why fester? LET

GEORGE DO IT!" Script -wise that ad, which last

month launched Don Lee network's

RADIO'S slaw/140V MAN

Caustic, Capable, and Definitely a Character, "George" Cavorts As Fall Guy On New Air Program

By Judy Smith SHERE'S THE HEADWORK THAT GOES into each "Let George

Do It- antic. its producer Owens Vinson, seriously consider- ing the "line" his pretty frau, Polly, is giving him to point up in next week's script. Together, Owens and Polly prove a happy radio as

well as family combination . . . in their capacity as producer and writer.

newest comedy -twister, fixed "George" for a season -full of head- aches. By now, he is radio's busiest little bee, proving his salt as the airways' ablest "anything for a price" guy.

Listeners who thought "just an- other whodoodit" when "George's" first client lurched into his office, spluttered' "I've been murdered!" and klunked over like a dropped ironing board, were in for a pleasant shock. It was all in fun, and the erstwhile deceased was actually an author of crime - books, who'd come to the end of his creative rope and wanted to see how somebody else would deduce a case. To the tune of his first check, (a small one -thousand potatoes) "George" wrapped things up just fine, with some complicated bung- ling by his newly- acquired office boy, Sonnie, and some sharp bright - ideaing by his super -duper Girl Fri- day, Claire.

Originality is the treble clef on the "Let George Do It" stanza, with the husband and wife team, Owens Vin- son and Polly Hopkins, plotting to keep those surprises coming on each succeeding episode. There's the for- mer army buddy of "George" who tears in hysterically to beseech aid on his most delicate problem -he's got to go out of town to find a job, no telling how long he'll be gone, so in case he doesn't get back in time -can "George" have his baby for him? And the lady who's an in- curable kleptomaniac and wants "George" to keep a falcon eye on her until her husband wins his cam- paign for alderman. Even out ram- bling around on a Sunday drive, "George" gets it from all sides, when a shoe is thrown from the window of a house they're passing, tied with a note "Help! Rescue me!" The homeless, the distraught, the over- worked, the panicky -they all tramp

(Please Torn to Pape 32) .` PUSHING A LAWNMOWER IS ONLY the beginning for star Bob Bailey in his eight -ball spot as all- around handy-

man on Don Lee's new "strictly for laughs" show. Colleagues "Claire" (Frances Robinson/ and "Sonnie" (Eddie Firestone, Jr.) help out by toting all the extra gear they can for what looks like a but busy" season ahead.

Page 39: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

Right for Radio (Continued from Page 34)

Spanish, Portuguese, German and Italian, besides English) landed him in OWI when he went into service. He recorded "Marinette" for the French and that record, auditioned in Hollywood, won him the spot on the Haley show.

Although he's still young enough to be the latest rave of the bobby- soxers, Bob's career has already Criss- crossed itself several tints.

Cosmopolitan Background With his Dublin -born mother,

Margaret Haymes, an opera star, mu- sic was there from the beginning. With his father an Argentinian cos- mopolite, the whole world was his home and his school. He was born in Tarrytown, N. Y., and attended grammar school there. After that, it was Buenos Aires, Paris, Switzerland and Montreal, with the year at Hol- lywood High thrown in along the way.

Bob says his chief claim to fame at Hollywood High was that he was in the same French class with Lana Turner. "Funny thing is," he goes on, "Lana was so shy and quiet, no one even noticed her. She paled en- tirely beside the class heart-throb - but today I couldn't tell you Miss Heart -throb's name to save my life!"

His mother tutored Bob in music from earliest childhood. and he is a skilled pianist and composer to- day. as well as a sinner. But in 1939 he decided that radio- announc- ing would be his field, and he stud- ied at the NBC school in New York. only to be told that his voice wasn't "right for radio."

That rebuff swerved Bob back to singing in earnest, and he soon had a job as vocalist with Carl Hoff's band. From there he went with the orchestras of Dolly Dawn, Freddy Martin and Orrin Tucker. and his records catapulted him into a mov- ie contract, with "Hey. Rookie." "Mr. Winkle Goes to War," and "Abbott and Costello in Hollywood" on his list.

Although the war interrupted his career, Bob kept right on singing. With ' '- broad linguistic background he was natural for OWI -and OWI made use of him to the tune of more than 600 records distributed among French -speaking peoples. Besides that he did camp shows, and -the Army really insisted that he be ver- satile- learned to train and pack Australian' horses for war service.

Becomes Idol Bob still considers that French re-

cording of "Marinette" the best thing that ever happened to him. The "Village Store" was audition- ing for a new singer, liked Bob's record best, called him in and, Voila! he was a regular. Naturally shy, de- spite his good looks and easy man-

ner, Bob wasn't prepared for what happened next. The Jivin' Juliets, who'd been true to their Frankie for so long, began to mob him. When- ever he stepped out of his home or the studio, or got into his car, there they were- dozens of big -eyed girls in baggy sweaters and saddle- shoes, wanting to tell him that they think he's .wonderful. Bob's first impulse was to run away, and it took fast talking from his advisers to con- vince him that this was a lucky mob, and that he'd only hurt their feel- ings by exiting.

On thinking it over, Bob is thank- ful- thankful to the fans, and to that French recording that gave them a chance to hear him.

Sports Expert Ziff Names Favorites

(Continued From Paye 35)

the U.C.L.A. games. He still acclaims the 1928 Trojans as the "smartest" football team he ever saw, and Harry Gilmer of the current Alabama foot- ball team as a better forward passer than Bob Waterfield or Sammy Baugh. What's more, he doesn't give a "hoot" whether the pro critics think so or not. By the way, in this opinion he has the company of Grantland Rice and Coach Bob Ney- land of Tennessee.

In addition to football and boxing. Ziff has covered such events as World Series baseball games, the Pough- keepsie regatta, and many other tra- ditional crew races, top racing events, tennis and golf tournaments.

After joining the Los Angeles Ex- press staff in 1925, Ziff quit to take a fling at publicity, but soon re- turned to his job as sports editor for that paper. That was in September, 1926. After that he was sports editor at the Los Angeles Evening Herald and Express for fourteen consecutive years.

Now, with keeping up on the lat- est sports news for his five -a -week radio series. arranging interviews with sports figures for the programs, and keeping his hand at regular sports writing, Sid Ziff is one of the Southland's busiest people.

Shoved Into Show Business

(Continued From Page 36)

"Paramount signed me about the same time they did Janet Waldo," Miss Moran recalled, adding with a frown, "and they let us both go about the same time, too. It was around Christmas time, and we were very sad."

But a New York advertising man had seen one of Betty Moran's pic- tures and was impressed with the similarity of her voice to that of Martha Scott, who was then in the

process of just being discovered for films. Betty was then brought to New York to replace Miss Scott as the star of the radio serial, "The Ca- reer of Alice Blair."

"It was a tough way to start in radio," grinned Betty, "replacing Martha Scott!"

The actress remained at the New York microphone for a time, then carne to try her luck in Hollywood radio. Her first audition here led to a role on "Dear John," the Irene Rich starrer.

"Miss Rich seemed to be a very wholesome person," Betty remarked. "The thing that made me so mad was her boundless energy. Her cease: less activity amazed me-I could never keep up with her, and I don't know anybody who could."

With Kaye Shortly after coming to Hollywood,

Betty shuttled back to Broadway again, after being signed for the Danny Kaye show, "Let's Face It." She played a small role in that, and understudied for the more prominent cast members.

The following year, she returned to the West coast and since then, has been heard in a variety of top Hol- lywood airshows including CBS' "The Whistler" and "Suspense," which are her favorites. She likes dramatic or real comedy best; doesn't like straight ingenues because "there is nothing to do." Her assignment in the title role of CBS' "Meet Miss Sherlock" delighted her as does the part of "Pat Barba" on Mutual's "Mainliner" series.

At home, Betty confessed, she is no radio listener. turns her dial only for a session of "good music " -)fight opera or musical comedy selections, preferably. She loves dance dates (at this writing. or so she says. she has no one pet escort), and she likes going to the movies. Ingrid Bergman is her favorite actress. "For me." she beamed, "there is no other actress on the screen."

Pert -faced, with dark curly hair and big brown eyes. young Miss Moran measures a mere five feet. wears size seven dresses, size three - and -a -half shoes. and drives a tiny English Austin convertible.

Acting isn't her only forte. She sings and dances. still takes vocal lessons and practices her song and dance routines in front of a mirror - lined wall of the spacious playroom in the back of her home. She lives in Beverly Hills with her mother.

She confessed to being "a terrible cook," but, contrary to her original aspiration to "just get married," she doesn't believe that "a woman's place is in the home." She still wants to get married and have two chit' dren (preferably girls), but she holds firmly to the thought that a woman can successfully combine marriage with a career.

"Married or not," she opined, "a career makes a woman more inter- esting."

Page Thirty -nine

Page 40: PROGRAMS FOR WEEK BEGINNING 3Eddie's litef Formula for Success Adds Up to Hard TJ'ork Plus Faith Sunday, 6:30 CBS -KNA YEAR can make a lifetime of differ- ence," explained Ed- die

STRATEGY OF "T" FORMATION is outlined by Marchic Schwartz, head foot- ball coach at Stanford, right, to Bill Welsh, left, and Frank Bull, center, Asso-

ciated sportscasters.

411111.. KFI COMMENTATOR Art Baker in-

spects modern bottling facilities at plant of one of his "Notebook" sponsors, Damerel- Allison of Covina, makers of D & A homogenized orange juice.

LEO ( "THE LIP ") DUROCHER, Brooklyn Dodgers manager, started

new ABC sports commentary on KECA Oc- tober 13 (Sunday, 10:15 a. m.),

11111 JOHN LARKIN PLAYS title role in

recently returned -to- the -air serial, "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century ", heard over Mutual -KHJ, Monday through Friday, 4:45 p. m.

REAL -LIFE SISTER of Arthur ("Dag - wood") Lake, Florence Lake plays

switchboard operator, Fanchon Smith, on

CBS' "Phone Again Finnegan ".

"tiirik!.fitt... LOVELY SPONSOR IS JEAN BALL, whose chain of beauty salons bank-

rolls two shows on KGFJ -"Charm School of the Air ", I p. m. Sundays and 8:30 p. m. Monday through Saturday.

NEW MUSICAL QUIZ, "Grand Slam" on CBS, has song stylist

Irene Beasley as mistress of ceremonies.