programme based budgeting in ghana 8th annual cabri seminar … · 2016. 6. 1. · programme based...

\ PROGRAMME BASED BUDGETING IN GHANA 8th Annual CABRI Seminar on 8th Annual CABRI Seminar on Budgeting for Results: Moving Towards Performance Budgeting, Johannesburg, South Africa, 9-11 May, 2012 PRESENTATION BY GHANA

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    8th Annual CABRI Seminar on 8th Annual CABRI Seminar on

    Budgeting for Results: Moving Towards

    Performance Budgeting, Johannesburg,

    South Africa, 9-11 May, 2012


  • Outline� Introduction

    � Strengths and weaknesses of Activity Based Budgeting (ABB)

    � What is Programme Based Budget ?

    � Why Programme Based Budgeting(PBB) in Ghana?

    � How different will it be from The current Activity Based Budget?How different will it be from The current Activity Based Budget?

    � What is the Implementation Plan?

    � Status of Implementation

    � Lessons Learnt

    � What is the Way Forward

    � Conclusion

  • Introduction� The Activity Based Budgeting (ABB)approach has been in use in Ghana since1998.

    � ABB was introduced under the PublicFinancial Management Reform ProgramFinancial Management Reform Program(PUFMARP)

    � It was intended to bring a strongerperformance focus to MDAs budgets bylinking strategic objectives to budgetoutputs and activities.

    � Various findings from the reviewsundertaken of the ABB process in Ghana.

  • Strengths of ABB

    � Budget coverage increased from GoG to include donor and

    IGF budget.

    � MDAs prepare management information such as Mission

    Statement and Costing of the Activities required to meet the

    MDAs objectives MDAs objectives

    � Increased Ownership by MDAs of their budget and reduced

    the involvement of MoFEP in the details of MDAs budget.

    � Improved capacity of MDAs to plan and budget more

    strategically for the medium term.

    � Helped integrate recurrent and development expenditure

  • Weakness – Budget Preparation� Determining the exact commitment made by MDAs in the

    previous years

    � Matching fund requirements for donor funded project and

    agreement spanning more than the MTEF

    � MDAs spread scope of work and objectives too wide instead

    of concentrating on core mission and as such request for

    resources over the ceiling provided by MoFEPresources over the ceiling provided by MoFEP

    � The MTEF in Ghana uses three year planning horizon, effort

    are usually placed on the preparation of the current year

    budget with the remaining years being merely indicative


    � lack of comprehensiveness in the MTEF. Currently, the MTEF

    budgeting is limited only to service and investment expenses

    whilst the personnel emoluments and administration expenses

    are on line item budgeting.

  • Weakness – Budget Preparation

    Cont’d � The budget process remains incremental and input focused;

    � The budget structure does not allow for monitoring budget

    implementation against set objectives or performance


    � There exists limited capacity to cost strategies and lack of� There exists limited capacity to cost strategies and lack of

    comprehensive information on budget parameters during

    budget formulation

    � Weak revenue forecasting and macroeconomic planning

    affecting the MTEF process.

    � The inability of MOFEP to meet the resource requirement of

    MDAs usually affects the implementation of planned activities

    and projects.

  • What is PBB?

    � It is a way of preparing the budget

    which directly links the planned

    expenditures to clearly determinedexpenditures to clearly determined

    results and improved service delivery

    within the mandate of the


  • Objectives

    � To enhance Government's ability to allocate

    available resources in accordance with its policy


    � To better demonstrate the strategic intent of the � To better demonstrate the strategic intent of the


  • Why PBB in Ghana?

    � To respond to challenges with the current Activity Based

    Budget system and other emerging issues (oil find etc)

    � Improve budget management

    � Introduce performance management in the current

    budget system

    � Improve service delivery

    � Improve the medium term expenditure framework

  • How different will PBB be from The

    current ABB

    � To respond to challenges with the current ABB system

    � Clearer linkage between priorities and planned expenditures of


    � Less detail (sub-program level appropriation)

    � Less emphasis on input and activity in budget documents

    � Shift from managing budget inputs and activities and focusing

    on results through output and performance indicators

    � Flexibility in budget execution

    � Making the MDAs more accountable

    � More focus on monitoring and evaluation

  • Benefits of PBB�More clearly document how resource allocation

    decisions affect services to the public.

    � Facilitates benchmarking for the assessment of

    performance (both effectiveness and efficiency)

    � Clearer, regarding what Public Servants are


    � Clearer, regarding what Public Servants are

    expected to achieve and what resources available

    � Clearer and more succinct reporting of the Budget

    (to Parliament and to citizens)

  • Benefits of PBB Cont’d� Facilitates a closer alignment between planning

    and allocation of resources.

    � Allows Government to better explain the Budget

    to Parliament and ordinary citizens.


    � Allows measurement of performance against


    � Empowers Public Service managers to manage

    flexibly and innovatively in order to efficiently and

    effectively meet client needs.

  • A Program Hierarchy13


    Program 1


    Program 2


    Program 3




    Program 4


    Program 5




    Budget Sub -



    Budget Sub -



    Budget Sub -



    Budget Sub -















  • What is the implementation plan

    � Phase One – Initial pilot for testing of the new


    � Phase two- Pilot Budget preparation for 7 MDAs.

    � Phase three- Pilot Budget preparation for all


    � Phase four- Roll out to all MDAs by 2014 and

    MMDAs by 2015.

  • Status of implementation� Project Secretariat for Budget reforms has been set up at


    � Orientation for all MDAs on PBB completed

    � Initial pilot involving two MDAs for testing of the new

    Guidelines completed.

    � Identification and selection of additional five (5) MDAs� Identification and selection of additional five (5) MDAs

    for piloting completed. These are: Ministries of Education,

    Health, Food and Agriculture, Roads and Highways and

    Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice.

    � Completed training to build capacity of staff of the

    seven (7) pilot MDAs

    � Production Workshop for the seven PBB pilot MDAs to

    prepare their PBB using the ABB has been completed

  • Lessons learnt� The Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda( GSGDA)

    provided a sound basis for the development of program outcomes

    and therefore for guiding the development of a program Structure.

    � MDA medium term strategic plans exist for each of the pilot Ministries

    and provide valuable information to assist the development of

    program structure and adoption of output indicators.

    � The Institutional Structures of Government and Programs are� The Institutional Structures of Government and Programs are

    inconsistent with the PBB approach

    � Allocation of Compensation of Employees ( Wages and Salaries) to

    programs and sub-programs poses a challenge since it is currently

    centrally managed. This is not consistent with the PBB principles.

    � Appropriation and Budget Execution concepts, methods and

    processes need to be critically reviewed before full introduction of


    � Significant capacity will need to be developed in MOFEP and MDAs.

  • What is the way forward for

    2012� Review the 2012 Programme Based Budgeting of the

    seven (7) pilot MDAs.

    � Review the PBB guidelines and Training Manual

    � Train all the (35) MDAs in PBB to:� Train all the (35) MDAs in PBB to:

    • Determine their programme structure.

    • Write narrative statement.

    • Develop performance indicators

    • Cost their programmes for the full roll out in 2014

  • Conclusion� The budget process in Ghana is still ‘work in

    progress’. Major PFM reforms continue to take


    � Introduction of PBB is part of the overall

    ongoing PFM reforms.

    Expectation is that it will lead to incremental � Expectation is that it will lead to incremental

    improvements in our budget management

    and improve on service delivery

    �Will require commitment and collaboration of

    all stakeholders to ensure success.