profile daerah kabupaten karimun 2012


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Karimun merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang potensial untuk dapat maju dan berkembang secara pesat karena keberadaannya yang terletak pada posisi strategis, yakni pada alur pelayaran Internasional Selat Malaka serta berbatasan langsung dengan Negara tetangga Malaysia dan Singapura juga berhampiran dengan pusat pertumbuhan Batam dan Bintan yang memiliki peluang besar untuk maju dan berkembang dalam konteks pertumbuhan ekonomi regional ASEAN. Hal ini sangat dimungkinkan lagi karena Kabupaten Karimun pada tingkat global memiliki peluang dengan tersedianya potensi sumber daya alam yang dapat diolah dan dikembangkan secara optimal baik dibidang industri, perdagangan, pariwisata maupun bidang pertanian dalam arti luas.


Page 1: Profile Daerah Kabupaten Karimun 2012
Page 2: Profile Daerah Kabupaten Karimun 2012
Page 3: Profile Daerah Kabupaten Karimun 2012

3Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Daftar IsiList Of Contents

Warna & Arti Lambang

Kata Sambutan


Sejarah Kabupaten Karimun

Gambaran Umum Kabupaten Karimun

Batas Wilayah & PendudukKabupaten Karimun

Arah Kebijakan Kabupaten Karimun

4 Azam Penggerak Pembangunan Karimun

Azam Peningkatan Iman & Taqwa

Azam Peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia

Azam Peningkatan Ekonomi Kerakyatan

Azam Pengembangan Seni dan Budaya

Kondisi Perkembangan Pelaksanaan Kawasan Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas Karimun
















Colours & Meaning of Simbol



History of Karimun Regency

General Picture Karimun Regency

Boundaries and Population of Karimun Regency

Direction and Policies in the development of Karimun Regency

4 Aim of Drive Development

The Aim of Faith piety Improvement

The aim of quality Human Resources Improvement

The aim of communityEconomic Oriented development

The aim of Arts and Culturedevelopment

The Condition Of The Development Of The Implementation Of Karimun Free

Trade Zone


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8 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Warna utama yang dipakai adalah kuning, kuning muda, dan kuning keemasan disamping sedikit mempergunakan warna putih, hijau tua, biru muda, biru tua dan coklat.

The main colors used are yellow, � axen, and golden yellow beside a little white color use, dark green, light blue, dark blue and brown.

·Hitam adalah Ketenanganblack is the serenity

·Kuning adalah Kebesaran dan Keagunganyellow is the greatness and majesty

·Putih adalah Kesucian, Kebersihanwhite is purity, cleanliness

·Hijau adalah Ketaqwaan, Kesuburan, Kemakmurangreen is the piety of fertility, prosperity

·Biru adalah Kelembutan dan Kedamaianblue is the gentleness and peace

·Coklat adalah KekekalanBrown is eternity


WARNA LAMBANGcolor symbol

symbol meaning

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10 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Karimun merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang potensial untuk dapat maju dan berkembang secara pesat karena keberadaannya yang terletak pada posisi strategis, yakni pada alur pelayaran Internasional Selat Malaka serta berbatasan langsung dengan Negara tetangga Malaysia dan Singapura juga berhampiran dengan pusat pertumbuhan Batam dan Bintan yang memiliki peluang besar untuk maju dan berkembang dalam konteks pertumbuhan ekonomi regional ASEAN. Hal ini sangat dimungkinkan lagi karena Kabupaten Karimun pada tingkat global memiliki peluang dengan tersedianya potensi sumber daya alam yang dapat diolah dan dikembangkan secara optimal baik dibidang industri, perdagangan, pariwisata maupun bidang pertanian dalam arti luas.

Penyediaan informasi tentang potensi dan peluang pembangunan yang dimiliki Kabupaten Karimun kepada masyarakat luas sangatlah penting. Berbagai upaya penerangan yang telah kami lakukan antara lain dengan cara mempublikasikan buku “PROFIL DAERAH KABUPATEN KARIMUN TAHUN 2012” yang disusun sebagai wahana informasi dan referensi bagi semua pihak yang peduli dan tanggap terhadap pembangunan dan kemajuan Kabupaten Karimun. Keberhasilan pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun lebih tergambar dengan buku Pro� le Daerah Kabupaten Karimun dimana hasil-hasil pembangunan yang telah dicapai dapat dilihat dengan lebih nyata. Sajian informasi ini, Insya Allah akan kami tuang dalam bentuk kemasan audio visual tentunya dengan materi yang lebih diperkaya lagi. Selain memberikan gambaran tentang keadaan, potensi dan peluang di Kabupaten Karimun, media ini juga kami kemas dalam konteks prospek bisnis yang menggambarkan prospek-prospek usaha masa depan sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber media informasi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kalangan dunia usaha dan pelaku bisnis lainnya.

Diharapkan semoga buku ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua dan kepada seluruh masyarakat Karimun dapat bergandeng tangan dan berbuat yang terbaik untuk kemajuan Kabupaten Karimun menuju masyarakat maju, mandiri, adil dan berbudaya yang dilandasi Iman dan Taqwa.

Tg. Balai Karimun, Oktober 2012

Bupati Karimun

DR. H. Nurdin Basirun, M.Si

Bupati Karimun

Kata Sambutan Bupati Karimun

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11Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Karimun Regency is one among the regencies which have potentials for speedy progress and development, due to its positions of a strategic location, being in the international ship’s channel at the Malacca Straits, directly borders on our neighboring countries, Malaysia and Singapore, and close to Batam and Bintan growth centers, which have great chances to progress and develop within the context of ASEAN regional economic development. It is even more feasible, since at the global level Karimun Regency has its own strengths having natural resources which can be processed and developed optimally, whether in industrial, trading, tourism � elds or in agricultural � eld in its broadest sense.

The provision of information about Karimun Regency’s potentials and development opportunities for the society at large is very crucial. We have done various ways to provide public information services, among others by the publication of the book titled “A Pro� le of Karimun Regency Area 2012” which is written as an information vehicle and reference for all parties who are concerned about and are responsive toward the development and the progress of Karimun regency. The development success of Karimun Regency is better depicted the pro� le of Karimun Regency Area book, where are the achieved development results can be observed more clearly. This information presentation by God’s consent shall be laid out in the form of an audio-visual packaging, certainly with enriched materials. Apart from describing the condition, potentials and opportunities in Karimun Regency, we also packed this media within a business prospect context which illustrates future business prospects, thus can be utilized as a very useful source of information media for the industrial world and other sorts of businesses.

It is our hope that this will be bene� cial for all of us, and we wish that all the Karimun communitycan hand work for the best for the progress of Karimun Regency toward a progressive, self-reliant and cultured society founded on faith and piety.

Tg. Balai Karimun, October 2012

Karimun Regent

DR. H. Nurdin Basirun, M.Si

Karimun Regent

Message From the Regent of Karimun

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12 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Dengan memanjatkan puji dan syukur Kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas perkenan-Nya kami menyambut gembira penerbitan buku yang berjudul “PROFIL DAERAH KABUPATEN KARIMUN TAHUN 2012” ini sebagai salah satu media informasi tentang pembangunan yang telah dicapai oleh Kabupaten Karimun.

Sesuai dengan judulnya, buku ini diharapkan dapat berfungsi untuk memberikan gambaran nyata tentang perjalanan pembangunan dan hasil yang telah dicapai Kabupaten Karimun hingga saat ini. Keberhasilan pembangunan yang telah dicapai Kabupaten Karimun tergambar pada buku ini tidak terlepas dari kerjasama yang baik antara Legislatif dan Eksekutif serta partisipasi seluruh masyarakat.

Kiranya buku ini bermanfaat sebagai media informasi yang menciptakan iklim investasi dalam meningkatnya partisipasi dan tanggung jawab masyarakat Kabupaten Karimun dalam pembangunan serta bermanfaat dalam upaya meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pembangunan secara berdaya guna demi menuju masa depan yang lebih baik.

Ketua DPRD Kab. Karimun

Kata Sambutan Ketua DPRD Kab. Karimun

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13Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Parliament Chairman

Offering praise and thanks to the presence of god for his consent, we gladly welcome the publication of the book titled “A Pro� le of Karimun Regency Area 2012” as another information media about the development achievements of Karimun Regency.

In line with title, its is hoped that the book will function to give a vivid picture about Karimun Regency’s development progress and the achieved results up to this book is inseparable from the excellent cooperation between legislative and executive and participation of the whole community.

Hopefully this book will be bene� cial as an information tool that will create the right climate for syimulating increased participation and responsibility of Karimun Regency’s community in the development process, and is useful in the effort to execute good governance and ef� cient development toward a better future.

Message From Chairman of Karimun Regency Legislative Assembly

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14 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Visi dan Misi Kabupaten Karimun









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15Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Vission and Mission of Karimun Regency









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Azam Dipasak Amanah Ditegak

Kerja Amanah

Kerja Keras

Kerja Cerdas

Penyelenggara Pemerintahan yang mampu bekerja melaksanakan tugas fungsinya sesuai dengan arah dan kebijakan, tujuan dan sasaran serta program kegiatan yang sudah ditetapkan, berpihak kepada kepentingan masyarakat, terbuka, siap dan dipertanggungjawabkan kepada publik.

Penyelenggara Pemerintahan yang mampu bekerja efektif dan e� sien, memanfaatkan waktu secara optimal, disiplin penuh gairah dan semangat, memiliki strategi dan kebijakan memajukan daerah tanpa memanfaatkan sumber daya dan yang dimiliki daerah demi kesejahteraan masyarakat.

Penyelenggara Pemerintahan yang mampu menciptakan inovasi & ide dalam pengembangan kemajuan daerah, meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia sebagai pengelola pembangunan, memanfaatkan setiap peluang & kesempatan, mengedepankan intelektualitas, rasionalitas & moralitas dalam berbuat dan bertindak, matang dalam perencanaan, konsekuen dalam pelaksanaan demi kesejahteraan masyarakat & kemajuan daerah dimasa depan.

16 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

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Azam Dipasak Amanah Ditegak

Trustworty Working

Hard Working

Intelligent Working

The government organizer must be able to work to carry out duty and it function compatible with purpose and policy. Aim and customarily, and activity programmed have been � xed, especially for social necessity, open (public), ready and can be responsible to the public.

The government organizer must be able to effective and ef� cient working, optimalization the time, good discipline and enthusiastic, to have strategy and policy to improve the area without using the resources of the area, for social welfare.

The government organizer must be able to create the innovation and idea in developing progress area, improving the quality of human resources as development organizer, to use every chance and opportunity, intellectual impotence, rationality and morality in action and doing, capable in planning, consequence in implementing for social / community welfare and progress area in future.

17Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

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Sejarah Kabupaten Karimun

Cikal bakal lahirnya Kabupaten Karimun tidak dapat dipisahkan dari sejarah Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau karena sebelum berdiri sendiri sebagai daerah otonomi, Kabupaten Karimun merupakan bagian dari wilayah Kepulauan Riau.

Berdasarkan Surat Keputusan delegasi Republik Indonesia propinsi Sumatera Tengah, Tanggal 18 Mei 1956 menggabungkan diri ke dalam Republik Indonesia dan Kepulauan Riau diberi status Daerah Otonomi Tingkat II yang dikepalai Bupati sebagai Kepala Daerah yang membawahi 4 kewedanan. Kewedanan tersebut antara lain adalah :

� Kewedanan Tanjung Pinang yang meliputi Kecamatan Bintan Selatan ( Meliputi Bintan Timur, Galang, Tanjung Pinang Barat dan Tanjung Pinang Timur ) � Kewedanan Karimun yang meliputi Kecamatan Karimun, Kecamatan Kundur dan Kecamatan Moro. � Kewedanan Lingga yang meliputi wilayah Kecamatan Linggam Singkep dan Senayang. � Kewedanan Pulau Tujuh yang meliputi wilayah Kecamatan Jemaja, Siantan, Midai, Serasan, Tambelan, Bunguran Barat dan Bunguran Timur.

The origin of Karimun Regency is inseparable from the history of Riau Archipelago Regency, for prior to it’s autonomous status, Karimun Regency was a part of Riau Archipelago’s territory.

Based on the decree of the delegation of the Republic of Indonesia –then province of Central Sumatera date on May 8th, 1956 joined the Republic of Indonesia and the Riau Archipelago was given the status as Second Grade Autonomous territory (Regency) Headed by a regent as a District Head who supervised 4 districts. The districts were :

� Tanjung Pinang District which covered Southern Bintan Sub-District (include Eastern Bintan, Galang, westernTanjung Pinang and eastern Tanjung Pinang). � Karimun District, consisted of Karimun Sub-district, Kundur Sub-District and Moro Sub-District. � Lingga District, Formed of Lingga, Singkep and Senayang Sub-District � Seven Island (Pulau Tujuh) District which covered Jemaja, Siantan, Midai, Serasan, Tambelan, West Bunguran and East Bunguran Sub-District.

18 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

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History of Karimun Regency

Kewedanan Karimun yang membawahi Kecamatan Karimun, Kecamatan Kundur dan Kecamatan Moro beserta kewedanan lainnya dihapus berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I Riau tanggal 9 Agustus 1964 Nomor UP/247/5/1965 yang menyatakan semua daerah administratif kewedanan dalam Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau dihapus.

Kabupaten Karimun dibentuk berdasarkan UU Nomor 53 Tahun 1999 dan diperbaharui dengan UU Nomor 13 tahun 2000. Berdasarkan Undang-undang tersebut, Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau dimekarkan menjadi 3 (tiga) Kabupaten yakni Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau, Kabupaten Karimun dan Kabupaten Natuna.

Kabupaten Karimun sebagai daerah otonomi terdiri atas 3 (tiga) kecamatan, kemudian dimekarkan lagi menjadi beberapa Kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Tebing, Kecamatan Meral, Kecamatan Buru, Kecamatan Kundur Utara, Kecamatan Kundur Barat. Dengan demikian jumlah kecamatan di Kabupaten Karimun menjadi 8 (delapan) kecamatan seluruhnya.Sehubungan dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan Kabupaten Karimun yang diikuti perkembangan jumlah penduduk, luas wilayah, potensi ekonomi, sosial dan budaya serta adanya partisipasi yang berkembang dalam masyarakat maka untuk meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dimasa mendatang Kabupaten Karimun terus dimekarkan menjadi 9 (sembilan) Kecamatan dengan Kecamatan Durai sebagai tambahan.

Karimun District which supervised Karimun Sub-District, Kundur Sub-Distruct and Moro Sub-District together with other District were eliminated in accordance with the Decree of The Governor, Head of Riau First Grade Territory (Provinve) dated on August 1964 Number UP/247/5/1965, which declared that all district administrative territories within Riau Archipelago Regency were eliminated.

Karimun Regency was formed based on Law Number 53 Year 1999 and was renewed by Law Number 13 Year 2000. On basis of the new Law. Riau Archipelago Province was expanded to include 3 (three) Sub-District, which were Riau Archipelago Regency, Karimun Regency and Natuna Regency.

Karimun regency as an Autonomous Region consisted of 3 (three) Sub-District, which later on was Being Extended to add several sub-district, which were Tebing Sub-District, Meral Sub-District, Buru Sub-District, North Kundur Sub-District, West Kundur Sub-Distric. Thus the total number of the sub-district in Karimun Regency became 8 (eight) sub-district. Related with the development and the progress of Karimun Ragency which is followed by growing community/ social participation – in order to implement better governance in the future – Karimun Ragency keep on spreading out to cover 9 (nine) sub-district, this time including Durai Sub-District.

19Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

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Kabupaten Karimun berada pada posisi geogra� s yang terletak antara 0035’-1010’ Lintang Utara 103030’-1040 Bujur Timur disebelah utara berbatasan langsung dengan Selat Singapura dan Semenanjung Malaysia Sebelah Selatan dengan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir: Sebelah Timur dengan Kota Batam dan Kabupaten Kepulauan Riau serta sebelah Barat berbatasan dengan Meranti dan Kabupaten Pelalawan. Dengan demikian, Kabupaten Karimun ini sangat strategis karena wilayahnya berhadapan langsung dengan jalur pelayaran Internasional yaitu Selat Malaka dan Singapura.

Secara umum Kabupaten Karimun mempunyai karakteristik dataran yang datar dan landai dengan ketinggian antara 20 sampai 500 meter dari permukaan laut. Namun ada juga bagian yang berbukit-bukit dengan kemiringan sampai 40o. Kecamatan-kecamatan yang ada di Karimun ini juga mempunyai karakteristik yang hampir mirip. Di Karimun terdapat sebuah gunung yaitu Gunung Jantan dengan ketinggian 478 meter dan merupakan salah satu sumber mata air di Karimun.

Karimun Regency stretches on a geographical position between 0035’-1010’ North latitude and 103030’-1040

south latitude west longitude; its northern part directly borders on Singapore Straits and Malaysian peninsula; the southern boundary borders on indragiri Hilir regency; the Eastern part borders on Batam Town and Riau Archipelago Regency, the Western part borders on Bengkalis Regency and Pelalawan Regency. Thus, Karimun regency Straits and Singapore Straits. Karimun Regency is having super� cial and slightly slope land in general, with the common latitude from 2 to 500 meters above the sea level. The slope of the hills area reach up to 40o. All of the sub districts in Karimun Regency relatively resemble to each other. Gunung Jantan, which located in Karimun Island was the highest top, with an Latitude reach to 478 meters. It is one of the water sources in Karimun Regency.

Gambaran Umum Kabupaten Karimun

20 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Page 21: Profile Daerah Kabupaten Karimun 2012

Dari hasil pemantauan Stasiun Meteorologi Tanjung Balai Karimun, selama tahun 2011 kelembaban udara rata-rata harian berkisar antara 80 dan 89 persen. Kelembaban udara minimum yaitu 54 persen terjadi di bulan Februari, sedangkan maksimun tertinggi mencapai 100 persen terjadi di bulan Januari, Maret, April, Mei, Juli, Agustus, September dan Desember.

Temperatur udara rata-rata berkisar 26,5o C dan 28,2oC, dengan suhu minimum sebesar 22,0o C di sepanjang tahun dan suhu maksimum tertinggi 35,6oC pada bulan Mei.

Jumlah curah hujan terendah terjadi di bulan Februari, yaitu 41,0 mm sedangkan tertinggi terjadi di bulan Desember yaitu 567,8 mm. Jumlah hari hujan terbanyak yaitu selama 23 hari terjadi di bulan September.

According to the Meteorology station of Tanjung Balai Karimun, Karimun Regency has 80 to 89 percent of humidity during 2011. The minimum relative humidity that was equal to 54 percent occurred in February. The maximum one, reached to 100 percent and being occurred in January, March, April, May, July, August, September, and December.

The average of temperature in 2011 ranged from 26,5o C to 28,2o C, with the minimum temperature 22,0o C occurred along the years, and the maximum one was reached 35,6o C in May. The lowest rainfall occurred in February equal to 41,0 mm, on the contrary highest rainfall happened in December equal to 567,8 mm. Meanwhile September had a lot of total rain day equal to 23 days.

General Picture Karimun Regency

21Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

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24 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Batas Wilayah & Penduduk Kabupaten Karimun

Letak dan Luas Wilayah

Ditinjau dari kondisi geogra� s, Kabupaten Karimun terletak di antara 0o 35’ Lintang Utara sampai dengan 1o 10’ Lintang Utara dan 103o 30’ Bujur Timur sampai dengan 104o Bujur Timur. Wilayah Kabupaten Karimun terdiri atas daratan dan perairan, yang secara keseluruhan kurang lebih seluas 7.984 Km2 . Kabupaten ini berbatasan langsung dengan:

� Utara : Philip Channel Singapura dan Semenanjung Malaysia

� Selatan : Kecamatan Kateman Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

� Barat : Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti & Kabupaten Pelalawan

� Timur : Kota BatamKabupaten Karimun merupakan sebuah kabupaten kepulauan yang terdiri dari pulau besar dan kecil. Kabupaten Karimun saat ini terdiri dari 249 buah pulau, dimana semua pulau sudah bernama dan hanya sebanyak 54 pulau yang sudah berpenghuni (Data terakhir hasil veri� kasi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Karimun). Dua pulau terbesar di wilayah ini yaitu Pulau Karimun dan Pulau Kundur menjadi sentra berbagai kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat dan juga pemukiman penduduk.

Wilayah Kabupaten Karimun berada di antara Kota Batam, Singapura, Malaysia, Kepulauan Riau dan Riau. Hal ini menjadikan Karimun sebagai tempat yang sangat strategis terutama untuk berbagai kegiatan perekonomian.

Boundaries and Population of Karimun Regency

Location And Area

According to its geographical situation, Karimun Regency located from 0o 35’ to 1o 10’ North Latitude and laid between 103o 30’ to 104o East Longitude. Karimun regency consists of land and water area. The area of Karimun regency is approximately 7.984 sq-km.

� To the north: Philip Channel Singapore and Malaysia Peninsula

� To the south: Kateman Sub Regency, Indragiri Hilir Regency

� To the west : Meranti Regency and Pelalawan Regency

� To the east : Batam MunicipalityAs an archipelago area, Karimun Regency consist of 249 big and small islands. All of them has already named, but only 54 among them who have been inhabited. Kundur and Karimun were two of the biggest islands. Both of them becoming core area of economical activities and the being the most populated settlement.

Located among Batam, Singapore, Malaysia, Riau Archipelago and Riau Province, Karimun Regency becomes a strategic place in economics activities, due to the traf� c line international trades

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25Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Kecamatan/ Sub Regency

Luas Daratan/Land Area (Km2)

Luas/Area (Km2)

Persentase Luas/ Percentage

(1) (2) (3) (4)

MoroDuraiKundurKundur UtaraKundur BaratKarimunBuruMeralTebing









Jumlah/ Total 1.524 7.984 100,00Sumber : Bagian Pemerintahan Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten KarimunSource : Governance Department at Government Secretariat of Karimun Regency

Tabel 01Luas Wilayah menurut Kecamatan di Kabupaten Karimun, 2011

Table Wide of Area by Sub-Regency in Karimun Regency, 2011


Berdasarkan hasil registrasi penduduk tahun 2011, jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Karimun mencapai 272.985 jiwa, terdiri atas laki-laki sebanyak 141.273 jiwa, dan perempuan sebanyak 131.712 jiwa. Dengan demikian rasio jenis kelamin secara total mencapai 107,3.

Berdasarkan kelompok umur, penduduk dibagi atas anak-anak (dibawah usia 15 tahun), dewasa (15 sampai 64 tahun), dan lanjut usia (65 tahun ke atas). Anak-anak dan lanjut usia disebut kelompok usia tidak produktif, sedangkan dewasa disebut kelompok usia produktif. Perbandingan kelompok usia produktif dan tidak produktif dikenal sebagai angka ketergantungan (dependency ratio).

Population According to the 2011 population registration, Karimun regency’s population is reached 272,985 peoples, consisting of 141,273 men and 131,712 women. Thus the sex ratio was reached 107.3.

Based on groups of age, the population is divided over the children (under

15 years old), adult (15 to 64 years), and elderly (65 years

and over). The children and the elderly were called unproductive age group, while the adult is called productive age group.

The comparison between the productive age group

and unproductive is known as the number of dependence

(dependency ratio).

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26 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Kecamatan /Sub-Regency

Luas Daratan/Wide of Area


Kepadatan per Km2/


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

MoroDuraiKundurKundur UtaraKundur BaratKarimunBuruMeralTebing












Jumlah/ Total 1.524 100 272.985 100 179,12

Tabel 02Luas Wilayah, Jumlah Penduduk dan Kepadatannya per km2

menurut Kecamatan di Kabupaten Karimun, 2011 Wide of Areas, Population and It’s Density per km

2 by Sub regency in Karimun Regency, 2011

Sumber : Bagian Pemerintahan Sekretariat Daerah dan Disduk Capil & KBSource : Governance Department at Governance Secretariate, and Demography, Civil Report, and Family Planning Service of Karimun


Pada tahun 2011, komposisi jumlah penduduk tidak produktif mencapai 81.124 jiwa atau 29,72 persen dan penduduk produktif mencapai 191.861 jwa atau 70,28 persen. Dengan demikian dependency ratio mencapai 42,28 persen. Artinya setiap 100 orang penduduk usia produktif dibebani oleh 42 orang penduduk tidak produktif. Menurut kepadatan, wilayah yang paling padat penduduk berada di Kecamatan Karimun dengan jumlah 2.831 jiwa/km2, sedangkan wilayah yang paling jarang penduduk berada di Kecamatan Moro dengan jumlah 18 jiwa/km2. Secara umum, kepadatan penduduk Kabupaten Karimun sebesar 179 jiwa/km2.

In 2011, the composition of unproductive population reached 81,124 people or 29.72 percent, and meanwhile the productive one was reached to 191,861 people or 70.28 percent. Thus the dependency ratio almost reached 42.28 percent. This means that every 100 productive aged people were burdened by 42 unproductive aged people.

According to its density, the most densely populated area located in Karimun sub regency with a nearly to 2,831 people/km2, while the region’s most rare densely population is located in the Moro sub regency with just 18 people/km2. In overall, the population density of Karimun regency is reach to 179 people /km2.

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27Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Golongan Umur / Age

Penduduk/ PopulationRasio Jenis

Kelamin/ Sex RatioLaki-laki/ Male Perempuan/

Female Jumlah/ Total

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

MoroDuraiKundurKundur UtaraKundur BaratKarimunBuruMeralTebing











Jumlah/ Total 141.273 131.712 272.985 107,3

Tabel 03Penduduk menurut Kecamatan dan Jenis Kelamin di Kabupaten Karimun, 2011

Population by Sub regency and Sex in Karimun Regency, 2011

Diagram 01Proporsi Jumlah Penduduk Kabupaten karimun Tahun 2011 Menurut kecamatan

Karimun Regency’s Population Proportion by Sub Regency

Sumber : Dinas Kependudukan, Catatan Sipil, dan Keluarga Berencana Kab. KarimunSource : Demography, Civil Report, and Family Planning Service of Karimun Regency

Sumber : Dinas Kependudukan, Catatan Sipil, dan Keluarga Berencana Kab. KarimunSource : Demography, Civil Report, and Family Planning Service of Karimun Regency

d d k l d l b






Kundur Utara8%

Kundur Barat7%Karimun


Buru4 %

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28 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Arah Kebijaksanaan Kabupaten Karimun

Direction and Policies inthe development of Karimun Regency

Pada hakekatnya pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun adalah sebagai bagian dari pembangunan nasional, yaitu pembangunan manusia Indonesia seutuhnya dengan Pancasila sebagai dasar, tujuan pedoman, dilaksanakan merata di seluruh tanah air dan tidak hanya di seluruh tanah air dan tidak hanya untuk satu golongan atau sebagian dari masyarakat.

Dengan demikian pembangunan harus benar-benar dapat dirasakan oleh seluruh rakyat sebagai upaya perbaikan hidup yang berkeadilan sosial, sebagai suatu tujuan dan cita-cita Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Garis-Garis Besar Haluan Negara (GBHN). Pembangunan yang merupakan cerminan kehendak rakyat untuk terus-menerus meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran secara adil dan merata, meliputi semua aspek-aspek politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan aspek pertahanan keamanan dalam perwujudan nusantara. Oleh karena itu pembangunan tersebut harus dilaksanakan secara berencana, menyeluruh, terarah, bertahap dan berkesinambungan.

Essentialy, the development of Karimun Regency is a part of the national development, which is the building of a total Indonesian man with the � ve pillars ( Pancasila ) as the foundation the objective and the guiding principles, executed evenly in the whole fatherland and not only for a part of the society.

This the development should be really felt by all the nation as the efforts to improve the quality of life applying social justice, as the goal and aspiration of the independence of Indonesian nation as declared in the general outlines of the states direction. Development as a re� ection of the people’s aspiration continually increaseve the people’s welfare and prosperity in justly and evently, covering the aspects : political economic social,cultural, and security defence aspect to realize Nusantara. Hence the development has to be carried out in a well planed, holistic, focused, gradual and sustainable way.Related to that principally the strategy which is executed in Karimun Regency keep on reffering to the General attern of the National Development as expressed in the General Outlines of the State’s

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Sehubungan dengan itu, pada prinsipnya strategi yang dilaksanakan di Karimun tetap mengacu pada Pola Umum Pembangunan Nasional sebagaimana tertuang dalam GBHN dan bertumpu pada Trilogi Pembangunan dan Kebijakan Umum Propinsi. Selain itu diselaraskan dengan Kebijakan Umum Kabupaten Karimun yang berintikan 4 (empat) azam penggerak pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun. Berpedoman pada kebijakan ini Pemerintah Daerah Karimun menyusun perencanaan pembangunan di daerahnya dengan menampung aspirasi masyarakat melalui berbagai kegiatan.Perencanaan pembangunan jangka panjang maupun jangka menengah serta program tahunan pembangunan, penyusunan perencanaannya dilakukan melalui proses dari bawah (bottom up) dan dari atas (top down). Dalam menyusun rencana pembangunan usul-usul proyek atau program ditampung dari masyarakat desa/kelurahan melalui LKMD dan camat. Setelah melalui pembahasan dalam rapat-rapat koordinasi pembangunan dan Rapat DPRD Kabupaten Karimun selanjutnya program tersebut dimasukkan dalam daftar Usulan Kegiatan atau Daftar Usulan Proyek.

Untuk memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai wujud pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun terdapat beberapa kegiatan pembangunan yang telah dilaksanakan secara berencana yang merupakan program-program pembangunan yang telah dilaksanakan secara berencana yang merupakan program-program pembangunan yang berkesinambungan yang telah ditetapkan maksud dan tujuan pembangunan yang berlandaskan dari 4 (empat) azam penggerak pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun.

Direction and leaning on the Development Trilogy and the Provincia. Apart from that, its implementation should be in harmony with the General Policies of Karimun Regency, which essence are the 4 (four) intentions as Karimun Regency Holding on the this policy, the Local government of Karimun Regency prepares the development plan in their area, meanwhile collecting the aspiration of the society through various activities. The preparations of the long term as well as the mid term development plan an the yearly development program are done through a bottom up and top down processes in preparing the development plan, suggestios v for projects or programs are collected from the villagers community through LKMD (the village society institution) and the Subdistrict Head. After discussing the suggestions in the development coordination meetings and in Karimun Regency’s Legislative Assembly’s meetings, then the programs is put in the list of Activities Suggestion or the List of Project Suggestion.

To give a clearer about the realization of development in Karimun Regency, there are several development activities which have been implemented in a planned manner as sustainable/continuous development programs, with de� ned intentions and objectives which are founded upon the 4 (four) intentions as Karimun Regency’s development programs.

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4 Azam Penggerak Pembangunan Karimun

1. Azam Peningkatan Iman dan taqwaThe Aim of faith piety improvement

Upaya menanamkan sikap mental berbudi luhur dan berakhlak mulia serta memiliki sandaran vertikal yang kokoh sehingga pelaksanaan pembangunan akan lebih terarah dan bertanggung jawab.

The effort plant behave politely respect attitude and honored character and it has the strong vertical support so that the implementation will be more directly and responsible.

2. Azam Peningkatan Kualitas Sumber Daya ManusiaThe aim of quality human resources improvement

Upaya untuk mempersiapkan SDM yang berkualitas, sehingga mampu menggali, mengembangkan aset dan potensi yang ada.

The effort to prepare the quality of human resources so that able to digging asset and potencial development.

3. Azam Pembangunan Ekonomi Kerakyatan The aim of community economic oriented development

Upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan & kesejahteraan masyarakat, antara lain peningkatan sarana & prasarana produksi, sehingga pertumbuhan ekonomi berlangsung secara sinergis dengan pemerataan pendapatan. The effort to improve the income and community welfare, as the improvement of infrastructure, so that economic growth directly by income spread.

4. Azam Pengembangan Seni dan BudayaThe aim of art and culture development

Upaya menggali khazanah budaya melayu yang merupakan ciri khas daerah sehingga mampu mempertahankan kepribadian dengan nilai luhur bangsa dari pengaruh dan tantangan yang datang dari luar.

The effort to dig malay culture items as one of region characteristic so that able to make personality defence by nation character value from outside world challenge in� uenced.

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Azam PeningkatanIman & Taqwa

Pembangunan agama merupakan faktor penunjang dalam meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang selaras dengan Azam Kedua Penggerak Pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun yakni Azam Peningkatan Iman dan Taqwa. Perkembangan kehidupan beragama dapat dilihat dengan bertambahnya sarana dan prasarana keagamaan di Kabupaten Karimun yang cukup meningkat. Upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan Pemerintah daerah pembangunan dalam rangka peningkatan Iman dan Taqwa.

Sebagaimana pembangunan di bidang � sik, pembangunan di bidang mental dan spiritual tidak boleh terlupakan. Kedua-duanya harus seimbang agar tidak terjadi ketimpangan-ketimpangan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.

Di Kabupaten Karimun, kehidupan antar umat beragamanya berjalan dengan harmonis. Rumah-rumah ibadah dari berbagai agama pun banyak berdiri di Karimun. Berdasarkan data dari Departemen Agama Kabupaten Karimun terdapat 209 buah mesjid, 32 gereja, 11 vihara, dan 37 cetiya.

The Aim of faith piety improvement

Religious development is a supporting factor in dipping faith and piety to the One God, in harmony with the second intention that stimulates the development of Karimun Regency, namely the intention to increase Faith an Piety. The Development of religious life can be observed by growing religious facilities and infrastructures in Karimun Regency effort has been by the Local Government for development in order to the open faith and piety.

As same as the physical development, the mental aspect of development is also important. Both of them should runs in balance in order to create harmony in the society.

According to Representative’s Of� ce of Religions Affair, the numbers of worship facilities in Karimun Regency were 209 mosques, 32 churches, 11 nunneries, and 37 cetiya.

Masjid Baiturrahman

Masjid Agung Karimun

Gereja Vihara

Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama

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Tabel 05TPQ, Santri/wan & Ustadz/ah

Se Kabupaten Karimunn Per Kecamatan

Tabel 06Prestasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Karimun

Pada STQ/MTQ Tahun 2002-2012

Pada tabel diatas jelas terlihat bukti dari pembinaan dan pemahaman di masyarakat baik anak-anak maupun dewasa. Sejak tahun 2002-2010 Kabupaten Karimun telah meraih prestasi yang cukup membanggakan sebagai juara umum di Tingkat Provinsi Riau, yang saat itu Kabupaten Karimun masih berada di Provinsi Riau maupun di Tingkat Provinsi Kepulauan Riau (KEPRI). Pada Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) dan Seleksi Tilawatil Qur’an (STQ) yang diadakan dua tahun sekali dengan tempat yang berpindah-pindah bergiliran pada setiap ibukota Kabupaten/Kota.

Dari data diatas terlihat bahwa agama Islam merupakan agama mayoritas di wilayah Kabupaten Karimun, diikuti oleh agama Budha. Sedangkan agama dengan jumlah pemeluk terendah adalah agama Hindu. Penyebaran pemeluk agama yang paling banyak adalah di Kecamatan Meral dan Kundur, sebab hampir seluruh pemeluk agama ada di wilayah kecamatan tersebut.

Tabel 04Jumlah pemeluk agama per kecamatan Tahun 2010

The number of religious adherents per district in 2010

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Azam PeningkatanSumber Daya Manusia

Pembangunan agama merupakan faktor penunjang dalam meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang selaras dengan Azam Kedua Penggerak Pembangunan Kabupaten Karimun yakni Azam Peningkatan Iman dan Taqwa. Perkembangan kehidupan beragama dapat dilihat dengan bertambahnya sarana dan prasarana keagamaan di Kabupaten Karimun yang cukup meningkat. Upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan Pemerintah daerah pembangunan dalam rangka peningkatan Iman dan Taqwa.

Bidang Pendidikan

Penduduk yang berpendidikan dan berkualitas tinggi merupakan aset yang sangat berharga bagi pembangunan daerah. Melalui suatu sistem pendidikan yang terpadu dan menjangkau seluruh masyarakat baik di kota maupun di desa, maka diharapkan kualitas penduduk di Kabupaten Karimun dapat lebih meningkat.

Pendidikan Dasar

Seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat mengenai pentingnya pendidikan terutama pendidikan dasar 9 tahun, di Kabupaten Karimun telah banyak berdiri sekolah-sekolah mulai

The aim of quality Human Resources Improvement

Development of human resources is directed toward quality improvement and better empowerment to manifest progressive, autonomous and cultured human being base on faith and piety to the One God, then to create human beings who are smart, skilled, creative and innovative, productive, professional, responsible, having high entrepreneurship spirt, and well physically and mentally. Therefore the development in educational, health, religious, social (to form human being with good character), cultural, man power, and adolescent and youth development sectors as well as other supporting sector will continue to be improved as being illustrated, religious, social (to form human being with good character), cultural, man power, and adolescent and youth development sectors as well as other supporting sector will continue to be improved as being illustrated underneath.


The educated and quali� ed population is an asset for regional development. Good quality of education would give positive affects in the future. The government and the societies should have to pay great attention to the education development due to the important role of education in human life.

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dari taman kanak-kanak, sekolah dasar, dan sekolah menengah tingkat pertama. Begitu pula dengan tenaga pengajar yang juga mengalami peningkatan baik dari segi jumlah maupun mutunya.

Pada tahun 2011 telah terjadi peningkatan sekolah taman kanak-kanak sehingga jumlahnya menjadi 56 sekolah. Murid yang terdaftar sebanyak 3.045 siswa dan diasuh sebanyak 286 guru. Berarti setiap guru harus menangani sebanyak 11 siswa.

Sementara itu, kondisi yang sama juga terjadi pada level sekolah dasar. Pada tahun 2011 jumlah sekolah dasar dan madrasah ibtidaiyah di Kabupaten Karimun pada mengalami peningkatan dari 143 menjadi 144. Murid sekolah dasar dan madrasah ibtidaiyah berjumlah 26.414 siswa dengan tenaga pengajar sebanyak 1.845 guru. Berarti 1 orang guru mengajar sebanyak 14 siswa. Dengan pencanangan wajib belajar 9 tahun, maka setiap siswa yang telah lulus dari sekolah dasar diharuskan/ diharapkan melanjutkan ke sekolah menengah tingkat pertama sehingga kualitas dari siswa itu dapat meningkat. Jumlah sekolah-sekolah menengah tingkat pertama baik negeri maupun swasta dan madrasah tsanawiyah ada sebanyak 56 buah. Dengan jumlah siswa 11.220 orang dan guru 873 orang. Berarti 1 orang guru mengajar sebanyak 13 siswa.

Primary Education

Together along with the awareness of the education importancy, specially for the nine-year primary education, the numbers of kindergartens, elementary school and junior high school nowadays have increased comparing to the previous year. The increases covers numbers of school and followed with the quality of the teachers.

During 2011 the kindergartens number was decrease to 56 units. While the numbers of teachers and pupils were reached the numbers as follow: 3.045 pupils and 286 teachers. It means that every teacher is responsible for 11 pupils.

Meanwhile, the same condition was also happen in the elementary school level. During 2011 The number of elementary school and madrasah ibtidaiyah was increase from 143 units to 144 units. Meanwhile the numbers of students and its teachers is reached to 26.414 students and 1.845 teachers. It means every teacher is responsible for 14 students.

The nine-year compulsory education requires the graduate elementary school to continue to the junior high school, so that it can generally improve the level of education in Indonesia. There are 56 junior high school and madrasah tsanawiyah (the Islamic school

which is equal to junior high school), while there are 11.220 students and 873 teachers. It means 1 teacher is responsible for 13 students.

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35Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

Pendidikan Menengah

Bila suatu daerah ingin maju dan berkembang, maka penduduk yang berkualitas dan berkemampuan tinggi sangat diperlukan guna mendukung pembangunan daerah tersebut. Untuk itu pendidikan dasar saja belum cukup, tapi masih perlu ditambah lagi dengan pendidikan menengah.

Kabupaten Karimun saat ini telah memiliki 18 buah sekolah menengah umum dan 4 buah madrasah aliyah. Jumlah siswa yang ada, yaitu 7.905 orang dengan tenaga pengajar sebanyak 484 orang. Berarti 1 orang guru mengajar sebanyak 16 siswa.

Selain sekolah menengah umum dan madrasah aliyah, terdapat pula sekolah m e n e n g a h k e j u r u a n sebanyak 6 buah dengan jumlah siswa 2.184 orang dan jumlah tenaga pengajar 177 orang. Berarti 1 orang guru sekolah kejuruan mengajar 12 siswa.

Pendidikan Tinggi

Salah satu faktor yang dapat menarik investor untuk dapat menanamkan modal di suatu daerah adalah tersedianya fasilitas pendidikan untuk jenjang perguruan tinggi. Hal ini sangat beralasan karena diharapkan para lulusan perguruan tinggi dapat menjadi modal SDM bagi para investor.

Saat ini, Kabupaten Karimun memiliki 2 perguruan tinggi yaitu Universitas Karimun dan STIE Cakrawala. Universitas Karimun memiliki 4 fakultas dan 12 program studi. Universitas Karimun mempunyai 1.434 mahasiswa dengan 180 tenaga dosen. STIE Cakrawala memiliki 2 jurusan dengan mahasiswa sebanyak 156 mahasiswa dengan 24 tenaga dosen.

Secondary Education

To be moving forward and become advance, the quality citizens who have high ability is absolutely necessary to support the development process. By then, it is not enough to have basic educated citizens, but they must be upgraded by higher level of education.

The regency of Karimun nowadays is having 18 public’s secondary school and 4 madrasah aliyah. The number of students is reach to 7.905 people with

484 teaching staff. It means that every single teacher had to taught 16


Apart from the public’s secondary

school and the religious s e c o n d a r y school, there were also

six other vocational school

established, with the number of student is

reach to 2.184 students, with 177 lecturer to teach. It

means that every single teacher is responsible to 12 students.

Higher Education

One factor that could attract capital owner to invest in an area is the availability of educational facilities at the college level. This is very reasonable for college graduates is expected to become human capital who could be used for the next investation.

Currently, Karimun has two universities namely University of Karimun and STIE Cakrawala. University of Karimun has 4 faculties and 12 courses of study. University of Karimun has 1.434 students and 180 lecturers. STIE Cakrawala has 2 majors with students as much as 156 students with 24 lecturers.

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36 Kerja Amanah, Kerja Keras, Kerja Cerdas

The aim of communityEconomic Oriented development

Economic development in fact is focused to increase the real income of the community to overcome the social economic gaps, and to create an autonomous, stable, and reliable economy through development of community oriented economy. In this frame, small and traditional enterprises, low economic entrepreneurs, and cooperatives receive the main attention. Cooperative as the community movement will be made more healthy, hard to defeat, strong, and autonomous. Industrial development is directed toward industries which have competitive advantages with high added values, full of skilled workers, having high quality products, ef� cient in utilizing the natural resources and do not pollute the environment. The efforts which have been made by the local government of Karimun Regency in developing the community’s economy is re� ected in several of these activities

Azam PeningkatanEkonomi Kerakyatan

Pembangunan ekonomi pada hakekatnya ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat, mengatasi ketimpangan sosial ekonomi, serta menciptakan perekonomian yang mandiri, kokoh dan handal melalui pengembangan ekonomi rakyat. Dalam kerangka ini usaha kecil dan tradisional, golongan pengusaha ekonomi lemah, koperasi mendapatkan perhatian utama, koperasi sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat akan diusahakan semakin sehat, tangguh, kuat dan mandiri. Pengembangan industri diarahkan kepada industri yang memiliki keunggulan kompetitif (competitive advantages) yang mempunyai nilai tambah tinggi, padat keterampilan dan bermutu tinggi serta e� siensi dalam penggunaan sumber daya alam dan tidak mencemari lingkungan. Upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Karimun dalam pembangunan ekonomi rakyat tercermin dari beberapa kegiatan-kegiatan ini.

Sektor pertanian

Sektor pertanian dikelompokkan kedalam lima sub sektor, yaitu Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura, Perkebunan, Peternakan, Perikanan, dan Kehutanan. Sektor ini masih memegang peranan sebagai sumber penghasilan utama bagi sebagian besar penduduk Kabupaten Karimun. Diantara kelima sub sektor pertanian yang terdapat di Kabupaten Karimun, sub sektor yang paling menonjol peranannya adalah sub sektor perikanan. Hal ini wajar mengingat kondisi geogra� s Kabupaten Karimun terdiri atas wilayah lautan yang cukup luas yang kaya akan potensi perikanan dan hasil laut lainnya.

Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura

Data pertanian tanaman pangan meliputi luas lahan, luas panen, produksi dan produktivitas. Hortikultura terdiri dari tanaman sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. meliputi luas tanam, luas panen, dan produksi.

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Sedangkan tanaman buah-buahan meliputi jumlah tanaman yang menghasilkan dan produksi.

Pada tahun 2011 tercatat ada enam jenis tanaman pangan yang diusahakan di Kabupaten Karimun, yaitu padi, jagung, ubi kayu, ubi jalar, talas, dan kacang tanah. Keenam jenis tanaman tersebut diusahakan secara merata hampir di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Karimun kecuali di Kecamatan Durai. Produksi tanaman pangan pada tahun 2011 rata-rata mengalami kenaikan. Untuk tanaman kayu dan kacang tanah produksinya mengalami penurunan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya.

Sementara itu jenis tanaman sayur-sayuran yang diusahakan petani di Kabupaten Karimun diantaranya adalah sawi, kacang panjang, cabe, terung, ketimun, kangkung dan bayam. Luas panen sayur-sayuran di Kabupaten Karimun tahun 2011 hampir semua mengalami kenaikan dibanding tahun yang lalu.


The agriculture sector are classi� ed into � ve sub sectors, which consist of food crops and horticulture, Estates, Animal Husbandry, Fishery and Forestry. Those sectors has given big contribution as a source of income for many households within the Karimun Regency. Fishery sector is the most important sub sector among all. This condition is normal due to the regency’s geographical condition wich have a massive area of Marine and rich of its � shery potency.

Food Crops and Horticulture

Food crops data covers planted area, harvested area, production and productivity. Horticultural crops consist of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables data covers

planted area; harvested area; and production. While the data about fruits cover harvested plant number and production.

In 2011 there ware recorded six kind of food crops planted in Karimun Regency. They are paddy, maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, taro, and peanuts. Those Six kinds of crops were planted in almost every sub-regency accepts Durai. The food corps production in 2011 was generally increased on average. The productions of cassava and peanuts have decreased than previous year.

Meanwhile the kind of vegetables that cultivated by farmers in Karimun Regency are mustard greens, string bean, chilly, eggplant, cucumber, water gross and spinach. The harvested area of vegetables at Karimun in 2011 almost all increase than previous year.

In 2011, almost all kind of fruit has been cultivated by farmers in Karimun Regency. Mostly are mango, rambotan, jackfruit, papaya, banana, pineapple, citrus, breadfruit, mangoesteen, durian and others. In 2011 the average productions of fruits have increased comparing to previous years. The biggest yield product by Karimun Regency is rambotan and durian. The main region that produced those commodities is located at Kundur Island.

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Pada tahun 2011, hampir semua jenis buah ditanam petani Karimun, antara lain mangga, rambutan, nangka, pepaya, pisang, nenas, jeruk, sukun, manggis, durian, dan lain-lain. Pada tahun 2011 rata-rata produksi buah-buahan di Kabupaten Karimun mengalami kenaikan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Produksi terbesar yang dihasilkan oleh Kabupaten Karimun adalah buah rambutan dan durian. Daerah utama penghasil komoditas ini terletak di Pulau Kundur.


Tanaman perkebunan yang banyak diusahakan di Kabupaten Karimun diantaranya adalah karet, kelapa, cengkeh, kopi, lada, dan gambir. Jenis usaha perkebunan yang diusahakan di Kabupaten Karimun seluruhnya merupakan perkebunan rakyat. Jenis tanaman perkebunan yang menjadi primadona di kalangan petani Karimunadalah Karet dan kelapa. Daerah penghasil utama kedua jenis tanaman ini terdapat di Pulau Kundur.

Pada tahun 2011, luas areal perkebunan di kabupaten Karimun sama dengan luas areal tahun 2010. Begitu juga dengan produksi tanaman perkebunan tahun 2011 sama dengan tahun sebelumnya, kecuali tanaman gambir yang mengalami sedikit kenaikan.


Salah satu sasaran pembangunan sub sektor peternakan adalah untuk meningkatkan populasi dan produksi ternak dalam usaha memperbaiki gizi masyarakat. Pada tahun 2011 populasi ternak besar yang tercatat adalah sapi sebanyak 1.220 ekor, kambing 6.261 ekor dan babi 2.283 ekor. Sementara untuk ternak kerbau sudah tiga tahun berturut-turut tidak ada di Kabupaten Karimun.

Jenis ternak unggas yang diusahakan pada tahun 2011 tercatat jenis ayam ras pedaging sebanyak 107.900 ekor, ayam ras petelur 28.400 ekor, ayam kampung 40.135 ekor dan itik 3.477 ekor.


The most cultivated estates plants in Karimun Regency are rubber, coconut, cloves, coffee, pepper and gambier. The kind of plantation which strived in this regency was people plantation. Rubber and coconut become the favourite commodities among the plantation farmer. The areas that produce those commodities are Kundur Island.

In 2011, total area of estates in Karimun Regency same with the previous year. So the production of estates crops in 2011 same with the previous year, except for gambier plant which increased slightly.

Animal Husbandary

One of the development targets in livestock breeding is to increase the population and the production of the livestock in an effort to improve the community’s nutrient. The livestock population during 2011 recorded: cattle 1,220 tails, the goat 6,261 tails and the pig 2,283 tails. While buffalo has been three years in row does not exist in Karimun Regency.

Other information that received was the number of poultry during 2011 was recorded total; the broilers 107,900 tails, the layers 28,400 tails, the domestic hens 40,135 tails and the duck 3,477 tails.

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The production of � sheries in 2011 had increased both in volume and the values. The production volume of � sheries was increased to 2.11 percents, meanwhile the production values increased to 8.71 percents compare to the previous year.

Volume and value of � shery export also increased in 2011 than 2010, which amounted to 12,682.15 tonnes and valued at Rp 231,308,248,000

The number of boats/� shing boats registered increase to 1.22 percent.


Produksi perikanan pada tahun 2011 mengalami peningkatan dari sisi volume maupun nilainya. Volume produksi perikanan naik 2,11 persen sedangkan nilai produksi perikanan naik 8,71 persen dari tahun sebelumnya.

Volume dan nilai ekspor hasil perikanan juga mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2011 daripada tahun 2010, yaitu menjadi sebesar 12.682,15 ton dan senilai Rp 231.308.248.000.

Jumlah kapal/perahu penangkap ikan tercatat mengalami kenaikan sebesar 1,22 persen.

Tabel 07Volume Ekspor Produksi Perikanan Kab. Karimun (2007 - 2011)

Export Volume of Minor Fishery in Karumun Regency (2007-2011)

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Sektor pertanian merupakan sektor yang sangat strategis di Kabupaten Karimun mengingat 36 % dari jumlah penduduk Kabupaten Karimun adalah petani selain itu potensi pertanian dan perkebunan di Kabupaten Karimun juga cukup menjanjikan. Untuk itu Pemerintah Kabupaten Karimun melalui Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan terus melakukan pembinaan masyarakat tani melalui pemberdayaan kelompok-kelompok tani. Gambaran tentang potensi pertanian dan perkebunan serta kelompok tani dan gabungan kelompok tani dapat dilihat dalam tabel di atas ;

Agricultural Sector is the most strategic sector in Karimun Regency, 36 % of Karimun Regency Population are farmers.Karimun Regency Government through Agricultural and forestry Of� cal keeps perfoming farming societies guidancesby empowering farming groups. The description of agricultural and farming potentials can be seen from the following table.

Tabel 08Potensi Pertanian Dan Perkebunan Kabupaten Karimun

Potential Agricultural and Plantation of Karimun Regency

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Azam Pengembangan Seni dan Budaya

Kabupaten Karimun dikenal juga sebagai daerah potensi daerah wisata. Disamping letaknya yang strategis berhampiran dengan Negara tetangga Malaysia dan Singapura juga memiliki pemandangan objek wisata yang indah, keaneka ragaman � ora dan fauna serta penduduknya yang ramah dan khasanah seni budaya tradisional yang khas merupakan daya tarik yang telah memberikan andil yang cukup besar dalam pengembangan potensi obyek dan daya tarik kepariwisataan.

Sebagai salah satu daerah tujuan wisata, pada tahun 2011 Kabupaten Karimun tercatat dikunjungi oleh 104.397 orang wisatawan asing. Jumlah ini meningkat sekitar 3,46 persen dari jumlah wisatawan tahun 2010 yang mencapai 100.908 orang. Sedangkan akomodasi yang tercatat pada Dinas Pariwisata terdapat 67 hotel/penginapan ditahun 2011, menurun dibandingkan tahun 2009 yang tercatat 68 hotel.

The aim of Arts and Culture development

Karimun Regency is also known as a potensial zone for tourism destination. Apart from its strategic location close to the neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore, it is also endowed with beautiful scenery, diversity of � ora and fauna, hospitable inhabitants and speci� c traditional art and culture, its attraction making great contribution in the development of tourism objects

As one of tourism destination in the region, in 2011 Karimun Regency has visited by 104.397 foreign tourists. Those numbers was decreased about 0,71 percent from 2010 that reach as many as 100.908 people. While accommodation that registered in Tourism Board was reach to 67 units, decreased from the previous year, reach to 68 units.

A d C l

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Alat Musik Tradisional Melayu

Lomba Layang - layang

Dangkong Dance Festival

Lomba Sampan Layar & Jong

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The Condition Of The Development Of TheImplementation Of Karimun Free Trade Zone

Karimun Regency is established based on regulations Nomor 53 year 1999 and revised by the regulations UU No. 13 year 2000. At the beginning of its establishment this area consisted of three districts, they were Karimun, Moro dan Kundur Districts. Subsequently, based on Karimun Regency Regulationno 16 year Tahun 2001, then Karimun Regency was expanded to become 8 Districts, and re-expanded to become 9 Districts based on Karimun Regional Regulation no. 10 year 2004, they are Karimun, Meral, Tebing, Kundur Kota, Kundur Utara, Kundur Barat, Durai, Moro dan Buru Districts.

As an archipelago area, there are 249 Islands, 3 of them are big Islands, they are Karimun, Kundur dan Sugi Islands. There are only 54 occupied Islands, 195 Islands are not occupied.

Karimun is a Regency in Kepulauan Riau Province near Malak Strait, the international shipping between Singapore and Malaysia. This area is very rich with natural resources, coastal areas, agricultural lands, arts, unique sites and cultures. The main industries in Karimun are mining and maritime services. This area is also the exporter of tin and some high quality granites in the world.

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Tabel 09Potensi Lahan di Kawasan FTZ Karimun

The Potential Land in Karimun FTZ


Based Goverment Enactment no 26 year 2008 about National Plan of National Regional Layout (RTRWN)the strategic Karimun Regency seen from two urgencies, they defence and security and economic interests. The establishment of Karimun as the Free Trade and Free Ports through the Government Regulation no. No. 48 year 2007, it exactly opens the chances as a region to develop and to be taken into account by other neighbor countries. However, Karimun Regency FTZ consists of Karimun Besar Island covering 8.862,018 Ha width and part of it in Karimun Kecil Island covering 804 Ha with the total width covering 9.666,018 Ha. Since the implementation of FTZ and Free Ports, it was noted in 2010 that the realization of Foreign Capital Investment reached Rp. 3,9 trillion, while the Domestic Capital Investment reached Rp. 2,47 trillion. Then, by the year 2011, some foreign investors proposed business expansión with the investment value of US$12 million

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Tabel 9Perusahaan Terdaftar Dalam Kawasan FTZ Karimun

Companies Register in FTZ Area

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Company Pro� leSaipem is a large, international and one of the best balanced turnkey contractors in the oil & gas industry.Saipem has a strong bias towards oil and gas related activities in remote areas and deepwater and is a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services with distinctive capabilities in the design and the execution of large-scale offshore and onshore projects, and technological competencies such as gas monetization and heavy oil exploitation.

Saipem is organised into two Business Units: Engineering & Construction and Drilling. The Company enjoys a superior competitive position for the provision of EPC/EPCI services to the oil industry both onshore and offshore; with a particular focus on the toughest and most technologically challenging projects - activities in remote areas, deepwater, gas, “dif� cult” oil. Its drilling services continue to be distinctive, operating in many of the oil and gas industry’s ‘hotspots’, frequently in synergy with its onshore and offshore activities. Saipem is a global contractor, with strong local presence in strategic and emerging areas such as West Africa, North Africa, FSU, Central Asia, Middle East, and South East Asia. Saipem is a truly international company. Along with its strong European content, the major part of its human resource base comes from developing Countries. Saipem employs over 40,000 people comprising more than 110 nationalities. In addition to the strong local content of its people, it employs large numbers of people from the most cost-effective developing countries on its vessels and sites, and has sizeable service bases in India, Croatia, Romania and Indonesia. Its clients and people - in particular their health and safety - are the primary focus of all Saipem activity. Saipem has a distinctive Health & Safety Environment Management System and its Quality Management System has been granted ISO 9001:2000 certi� cation by Lloyd’s Register Certi� cation.


Basic Information

Name of CompaniesCentral Of� ce

Branch Of� ce

Capital (Rp.)Business Sector

Work SourceNote

PT. Saipem IndonesiaGedung Setia Budi Atrium Lt. 6 Suite 610 Jl. H.r. Rasuna Said Kav 62 Karet Kuningan Jakarta 12920Jl. Raja Haji Fisabilillah Desa Pangke Kecamatan Meral Kabupaten Karimun3.860.000.000.000,-Construction service in civil sector5000PMA / FDI

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Basic Information

Name of CompaniesCentral Of� ce

Branch Of� ce

Capital (Rp.)Business SectorWork SourceNote

PT.Karimun Sembawang ShipyardJl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 70-71 Wisma Indocement Lt. 11 Jakarta PusatJl. Teluk Paku Kelurahan Pasir Panjang Kec. Meral Kab. Karimun579.500.000.000,-Galangan Kapal / Shipyard1.000PMA / FDI

Company Pro� lePT Karimun Sembawang Shipyard, a wholly-owned shipyard, operates from a 30.7-hectare site located on Karimun Island in Indonesia, approximately 40 km southwest of Singapore. Complementing the Group’s Singapore operations, the yard’s main activities encompass steelworks, steel structure fabrication and construction of multi-purpose barges/vessels for accomodation, work and bulk cargoes. In addition, the yard’s activities include tank cleaning, a� oat ship repairs, grit blasting and painting as well as de-sludging and de-sloping of tankers.

We are a company characterised by a willingness to learn, to innovate and implement new ideas, technology, systems and processes ultimately to improve upon our service quality for the betterment of our customers. Sembawang practises policies and processes which go beyond customer satisfaction into developing long-term partnership and special relationships. These have gone far to bring us success with our customers.

Our customers are our partners, whose goals we embrace as ours. Together, we work at developing long-term objectives and strategies for the mutual bene� ts of our respective organisations and in a larger context, our respective industries.

We believe in the philosophy of partnership with our customers and business associates as the way forward to even greater accomplishments.

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Basic Information

Name of CompaniesCentral Of� ce

Branch Of� ce

Capital (Rp.)Business Sector

Work SourceNote

PT. Oil TankingMenara Prima Lt. 16 Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Blok 6.2 Kel. Kuningan Timur Kec. Setia Budi Jakarta Selatan 12950Pangke Kecamatan Meral Kab. Karimun36.716.000.000,-Supporting Oil and Natural Gas Mining Service45PMA / FDI

Company Pro� leBetween the world’s oil � elds and the users of derivative products, independent terminal networks like Oiltanking perform vital connecting services. Independent storage terminals are not owned by the clients they serve and do not own any of the products they handle. We employ a decentralised management structure in which each facility functions as an autonomous Pro� t Centre.

During the last three decades, Oiltanking has become the world’s second-largest company in this competitive � eld. Its clients include private and state oil companies, re� ners, petrochemical companies, and traders in petroleum products and chemicals. By nature we have a strong orientation towards customer satisfaction. Often we develop and operate our business with reputable local, private and state-owned companies, whereby Oiltanking acts as operating partner in the joint venture.

To customers, Oiltanking serves as a trustworthy custodian of valuable liquids. To business partners, the company offers the proven ability to manage terminals pro� tably. In developing capital-intensive terminal facilities alone—or with substantial local business partners—the � nancial strength of parent company Marquard & Bahls AG is a valuable resource.

To further improve our shareholders value we continue to employ a strategy of controlled growth of our tank terminal-based service network through acquisitions, new buildings and upgrading of existing facilities.

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Basic Information

Name of CompaniesCentral Of� ce

Capital (Rp.)Business SectorWork SourceNote

PT. Multi Ocean ShipyardTanjung Melolo Desa Pangke Kecamatan Meral Kabupaten Karimun232.500.000.000,-Shipping Industry320PMDN / DI


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Basic Information

Name of CompaniesCentral Of� ce

Capital (Rp.)Business SectorWork SourceNote

PT. Karimun Marine ShipyardJl. PT. Mutiara Rt. 02 Rw. 02 Desa Pangke Kecamatan Meral Kabupaten Karimun10.000.000.000,-Shipping Industry620National Private


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Basic Information

Name of CompaniesCentral Of� ce

Branch Of� ce

Capital (Rp.)Business SectorWork SourceNote

PT. Eunindo Usaha MandiriWisma Tamara Lt. 4 Suite 408 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 24 Jakarta PusatJl. Raja Haji Fisabilillah Desa Pangke Kecamaan Meral Kabupaten Karimun1.500.000.000,-Tin Mining26National Private


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In line with the Government efforts to attract more investors to invest in Karimun Free Trade and Free Port Zone, continuous development of the supporting infrastructures is very important. The development of the infrastructure could be explained as follows:

Parkit Rampak’s Cargo & Roro SeaportsThis seaport has two ports, they are loading and unloading port (Cargo) and Roll on Roll off (Roro)crossing port, constructed with National Income Plan and Local Income Plan (APBN dan APBD) in multi years since 2007, the Roro port has operated since September 2009 with the route Parit Rempak, Karimun Regency - Siak Regency (Riau Province), Batam City, Tanjungpinang City managed by PT. ASDP together with bekerjasama dengan Karimun Regency’s Transportation Agency. Meanwhile, the loading and unloading port has been operated since 2009 managed by Karimun Regency’s Port Own Body (Badan Usaha Pelabuhan/BUP Regency Karimun).

Tanjung Tiram Port Tanjung Tiram Port is a passenger port which will be built in Karimun FTZ. Regional Governmenthas prepared DED of this project. Unfortunately,the construction has not been commenced dueto the budget limitation. This project requires abudget of Rp. 126,932,387,000.

Parkit Rampak’s Cargo & Roro Seaports

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Malarko SeaportThe Container Seaport established using national (APBN) and Karimun Regency’s Local Income and Shopping Budget (APBD, the Project with 16.600 m2 / 1,66 Ha widthhas been started since 2008.

Malarko seaports are vital infrastructures to support industrial and trading activities of FTZ areas. The seaport located Pongkar Beach will the entrance for investor’s goods needs. Malarko seaports are projected as the second biggest seaports after Batu Ampar, Batam

Boom Panjang SeaportSri Tanjung Gelam seaport or well-known as Boom Panjang serves intra-Island routes legally started to operate in June 2011, this Rp.38 billion-valued seaport is the biggest seaport for Regency level. The management of this seaport is handled by Seaport

Malarko Seaport

Boom Panjang Seaport

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Coastal AreaThe Development of Coastal Area (East Coast Road) It is the 11.2 Km road development along the East Coast of Karimun Island with required budget of Rp. 328,000,000,000. The Government of Karimun Regency has completed the � rst stage of this multiyear project with a budget of Rp. 186,513,484,000 for 5 (� ve) years from 2007 to 2011. The length of the road built in the � rst stage was 5 Km. Currently, the Government of Karimun Regency is arranging the second stage of road development plan at Coastal Area. The estimated budget required for this project is Rp. 123,000,000,000. In budget year 2012 a budget plan of Rp. 30,000,000,000 would be allocated as the � rst year budget.

Coastal Area

Panggung Rakyat Putri Kemuning Coastal Area

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Raja Amir Abdullah Airport Sei. BatiAirport has become the priority in infrastructure development to support the trade and industry activities in FTZ area. Currently, the status of Raja Amir Abdullah Airport Sei. Bati is Airport Class III with the existing runway of 900 M, which can only landed by small aircrafts like CN212. The development plan for Sei Bati airport comprises the development of the air and ground area of the airport.• The development of air area consists of extending the length of runway by 1300 x 30 M, expanding the

runway, apron, taxiway dan overlay. This project will require a budget of Rp. 225,897,330,000.• The development of ground area is expected to require a budget of Rp. 60,000,000,000.

Land liberation is also required in developing and improving the airport. Land required is as follow:• Stage I : 111838,9007 M2• Stage II : 95230,3877 M2• Land for DVOR : 40067,4525 M2

In Budget Year 2011 through Regional Budget of Karimun Regency, land liberation of 15 Ha would take place with a budget of Rp. 5,775,000,000. And through State Budget with amendment year 2011, a budget of Rp. 13,000,000,000 was also allocated for the underground runway of Sei Bati Airport

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Raja Amir Abdullah Airport Sei. Bati

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Penabalan Datuk Setia Amanah &

Penabalan Timbalan Datuk Setia Amanah