professor of ee&cs, technische universität berlin, tkn bwrc · 2014. 5. 28. · mevico (celtic...

TKN Telecommunication Networks Group Networking for making CPS reality - - CPS for improving the Networking Adam Wolisz Professor of EE&CS, Technische Universität Berlin, TKN Adjunct Professor, EE&CS Dept, UC Berkeley, BWRC May, 2014

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  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group

    Networking for making CPS reality -

    - CPS for improving the Networking

    Adam Wolisz

    Professor of EE&CS, Technische Universität Berlin, TKN Adjunct Professor, EE&CS Dept, UC Berkeley, BWRC

    May, 2014

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 2


    n Acknowledgements:This research has been partially supported by EC funded ProjectsCOAST (FP7-ICT-248036), CREW (STREP, FP7/2007-n°258301 ), MEVICO (CELTIC CP7-011) and TREND (NoE, FP7-ICT-257740). Many of these ideas have emerged during motivating discussions with the members the TKN Group at the TU Berlin, the members of BWRC at UC Berkeley as well as project partners.

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 3

    CPS need communication… message passing.

    n How do we characterize the quality of communication?Message error/loss rate Message delay (s)Throughput (messages/s, Bytes/s)

    n Classical application (web browsing? Download are: Throughput demanding Error Demanding Delay – tolerant… if it has to be….

    n Cyber Physical Systems are different…Ideally demanding in ALL THE DIMENSIONS…But definitely not delay tolerant.. (control loops with delay!)

    See: ITG white paper “Tactile Internet” - (In German), 2013

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 4

    Delay requirements follow the reality… (op. cit)

    n Some examples…Humans react to (expected) visual stimuli ~10 msControl in assembly lines ~ few msVirtual reality/ remote surgery ~ few msDriver assistance systems ~ 10 ms

    n These are end-to-end requirements… includingtransmission, operating systems (2x) possibly access to (local) cloud

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 5

    A different setting

    n The new setting (constraint delay) is a game changer

    n Hypothesis: While the Delay and Error/Loss rate have to be guaranteed, possibly throughput might vary…

    n Examples?Video Quality can be changed (scalable codecs!)The Accuracy of sensor readings can be reduced

    n Research is needed! Theory: Sensitivity of the control loops and other applications on delay, error, throughput changes…System research: design of OS and networking stack for low latency

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 6

    Mutual dependence…

    n We have shortly discussed the demands of CPS towards communication…

    n But – Communication systems are CPS themselves!

    n The typical approach:Measure the reality èuse some models /computations/inference èInfluence the reality

    pertains to improving the communication!

    n Improving? QualityThe amount of communication

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 7

    Mobile Data Growth [Cisco VNI Mobile, 2011]

    Mobile traffic grew 2.6x in 2010 (nearly tripling for 3rd year)

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 8

    And the money flows …

    n VODAFONE Australia will make its largest single-year investment in its mobile network this year, possibly topping $1 billion, The Australian February 19, 2013

    n ATT: In 2012, we invested nearly $20 billion in our wired and wireless networks, including more than 160,000 wireless network improvements

    Installed 849 Distributed Antenna Systems and Deployed 81,000 new antennasOver 90% of traffic riding over enhanced backhaul-


    n Telstra to increase Investment in mobiles

    n Malta: Go makes multi-milion investment in Mobile Networks

    n … Name it …. Spent $$$ ------ on Equipment!

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 9

    Context ?

    n Context is any information that can be used to characterize the situation of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object that is considered relevant to the interaction between a user and an application, including the user and applications themselves */.

    è Note (AW): sure, the interaction requires communication. But the focus has been on the relation: “User- application”

    */ „Towards a Better Understanding of Context and Context-Awareness”; Anind K. Dey and Gregory D. Abowd; Georgia Tech technical report, 1999,

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 10

    The mutual dependence revisited

    n Context is generated (using communication) to improve the cyber services for the application!

    E.g. State estimation from distributed measurementsfor the sake of (tele) control!

    n But: The quality of the communication services can benefit from context knowledge.

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 11

    Bit Rate Adaptation – context dependent…


    n The received SNR changes (fading!) …(signal to noise ratio- basic value for conne

    Resulting in the change of Bit- error – rateUsually: Modulation/coding is being changed Many different algorithms… competitive area

    n An interesting study: L. Ravindranath, C. Newport, H. Balakrishnan, S. Madden: Improving Wireless Network Performance Using Sensor Hints. In Proceedings of USENIX NSDI, 2011

    n Finding the best bit rate to transmit a packet depends on movement, indoors/outdoors, speed…(in that case – hints on movement of the RECEIVER!)

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 12

    Hint-Aware Bitrate Adaptation (op. cit.)

    RapidSamplewhen moving

    SampleRatewhen static

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 13

    Defining the WLAN resource usage not simple…

    n Approach (Context estimation – here: Rate adaptation behavior!)

    n Supervised learning with Gaussian Process (GP) regression:“Automatic relevance determination” shows which parameters are significant,Handles tradeoff between model complexity and data fit,Might shows the need for a retraining

    n Both simulation and test measurements have confirmed the usefulnees of this approach…

    n See: Sven Wiethölter, Andreas Ruttor, Uwe Bergemann, Manfred Opper and Adam Wolisz, "DARA: Estimating the Behavior of Data Rate Adaptation Algorithms in WLAN Hotspots". In the INFOCOM'2013, to appear



    Short-term input parametersRSSI, TX attempts,

    data rates, airtime at AP.

    Long-termDistribution of

    Data rates

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 14

    n In-door localization helps in connectivity selection…

    n Usage of the RF based approaches seems to be most simple from the deployment point of view

    n Hundreds of papers, describing individual variants/modification thereof….

    n But:the accuracy is usually assessed in a single set- upcomparisons are rare…the impact of interference on accuracy is not known…

    Indoor Localization…. (sad) Facts.

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 15


    STREP, 7th Framework, call8, ICT-2011.1.6, FIRE experimentation, Contract 317978, Nov. 1st, 2012 – June 31, 2015

    n Partners:Technische Universität Berlin (TUB, coordinator)

    ADVANTIC Sistemas y Servicios S.L. (ADV),

    iMinds (formerly IBBT),

    Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS),

    Televic Healthcare (THC)

    n Contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Adam Wolisz ([email protected])


  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 16

    MAC optimization…

    n The frequency of sampling of individual sensors depends on the situation.

    It is hardly possible (and inefficient!) to run everything with maximum sampling speed all the time!

    n All the “time schedule based” Medium Access approaches are static in nature….

    n Collision avoidance schemes are parametrizable…

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 17

    Discovery of another Body Area Networkn Scenario: We assume a movement of multiple persons carrying

    Body Area Networks. Their direct information exchange could be very useful

    n The Challenge: 802.15.4 has 16 channels Can send beacons in one of multiple repetition frequency.

    n Approach: Discovery by distributed scanning with heavily optimized schedules.

    Niels Karowski, Adam Wolisz and Aline Viana. "Optimized Asynchronous Multi-channel Discovery of IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless Personal Area Networks". IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, to appear.

    n Interest in Provider supported discovery of neighborhood potential and „parameter setting to enhance the real device discovery….(not only for BANs ☺)

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 18

    Coexistence in ISM bands/Cognitive Radios

    n Interference avoidance in sensor networks


  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 19

    An example: BAN in the building

    n Imagine a scenario with Wireless Body Area Networks (BAN) inside the building, e.g. hospital

    n To what extent would the BAN transmissions interfere with other – e.g. Building automation infrastructure?

    n Goal: Investigate amount of 2.4 GHz “RF Pollution” that a typical BAN creates indoor (TKN building)Investigate the WLAN impact on BAN connectivity!

    -----------------------------Side comment…Outdoor Experiments:

    Experimental study of the impact of WLAN interference on IEEE 802.15. 4 body area networks, JH Hauer, V Handziski, A Wolisz, European Wireless Sensor Networks, 2009

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 20

    Experimental Setup

    n One IEEE 802.15.4 sender located in right trouser pocket of subject, who continuously walks up/down corridor on floor 3

    n Periodic transmissions (33 Hz) at round-robin transmission power levels: 0, -5, -10, -15, or -25 dBm

    n Total no. of transmitted packets: 10 000

    n 96 stationary receivers (room ceiling) log per packet Rx statistics

    Courtesy of Jan Hauer, TKN and Marina Rodriguez, Master Candidate

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 21

    Results: RF-Polluted Rooms

    Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) is the probability of observing RF pollution in at least x rooms

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 22

    Cooperation helps a lot, but...

    n The different systems have to exchange information…

    n There are already Architectural approaches.. IEEE DySpan (a.k.a. IEEE1900) Connectivity brokerage (UC Berkely and partners, white paper,

    n Recently prototypes pop up Dyson: An Architecture for Extensible Wireless LANs R. Murty, at al, Proc. of the USENIX 2010,

    M Chwalisz et al. "Demo Abstract: An Infrastructure forAutomated BAN Experimentation". In Proc. of EWSN'13, 2

    (best DEMO award)S. Deng et al. “All Your Network Belong to Us: A Transport Framework for Mobile Network Selection, HotMobile 2014

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 23

    CAgents functions [BWRC]








    Each CAgent addresses the following functions within its scope: Learning, Dissemination, Optimization, Execution, Policy Setting, and Access Control

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 24
















    Cagent Classes

    A CAgent represents a wireless connectivity solution. Its scope is the domain it has jurisdiction over.

    A CAgent represents a wireless connectivity solution. Its scope is the domain it has jurisdiction over.

    Mediate between interfering and/or collaborating technologies

    Mediate between interfering and/or collaborating technologies

    Represents single unified connectivity solution (WiFicluster, BT, 3G cell, …)

    Represents single unified connectivity solution (WiFicluster, BT, 3G cell, …)

    Represents single portRepresents single port

    Represents platform needsRepresents platform needs

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 25

    Selection of BAN transmission channel

    n Demonstrating how RF energy spatial distribution observer in the TUB testbedintra-BAN communication performance in the 2.4 GHz band is affected by external RF interference How to optimize the intra-BAN communication?


  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 26

    Demo Setup


    Emulated BAN

    Telos nodesdeployed in theTWIST testbed

    Controlled interference source

    TWISTbot mobile robot

    IMEC Sensing Engine

    BAN Nodes(2x Shimmer2r )


  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 27

    Spectrum Sensing Sources



    IMEC Sensing

    „Local“ Sensing

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 28

    Information Flow….


    BAN DeviceBAN Device

    BAN Coordinator

    BAN Coordinator

    IMECSensing Agent

    IMECSensing Agent

    TWIST nodeTWIST nodeTWIST nodeTWIST nodeTWIST nodeTWIST node

    CB CB








    Wired (USB/ethernet)

    Wireless (IEEE 802.15.4)

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 29



  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 30

    Extracting information from media

    n Problem: I look after a baby… and work outdoors…

    n Classical Solution:

    Put a camera/mic in baby's room, transmit sound and (HD) video.

    è Use (waste?) N Mbits/s, and I have to split attention.

    n Better Solution:

    Put cameras/sensors close to the baby. Process the data locally and classify babies` activity…

    è Alert me if the activity changes… on my phone?

    How many bits ??? Isn't it less distracting? …

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 3131

    Efficient Delivery of Multimedia

    Watching video/TV is the most common pre-sleep activity.

    Video delivery will be (is) a major consumer of internet energy.

    Slide developed jointly with John Wawrzynek, BWRC

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 32

    Sleep can be detected…simple context

    The BodyMedia can be worn at night to track sleep.(Bluetooth Radio included)

    MIT Technology Review, July/August 2011

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 33

    User interest detection Master Thesis Zylberberg, TKN;IST COAST

    n A collection of users moves among mulitple objects

    n When a user stops close to an object (expression of interest) – a customized content should be delivered

    n Idea: Utilize Camera and acceleration data

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 34

    Correlate acceleration from device and camera

    n Retrieve acceleration data segments from the devices

    n Capture the Shape of the person (Open CV Library)

    n Find a match of the movement patterns of both using a correlation measure

    Velocity over time

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 35


    n The usage of context can significantly improve the networking efficiency

    n Gathering data for the context requires – ideally –cooperation between applications, end systems, connectivity provider and application services…

    n And – as result – you can better, cheaper support for the “other” physical systems..

  • TKN Telecommunication Networks Group 36

    Thank You !
