proc gplot gplot is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. general syntax: proc gplot...

PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run; quit;

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Page 1: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;


GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots.

General Syntax:

proc gplot data=data-set options;

plot y-variable*x-variable/options;



Page 2: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Multiple Plot Calls in a Plot Statement

Multiple y-variable*x-variable calls are permitted in a plot statement, each generating a separate plot by default.• In the PROC GPLOT statement the uniform

option gives each plot the same axis scales.

• Assuming a common x-variable, the overlay option (in the plot statement) will cause the plots to be displayed on the same graph.

• A legend is created for overlay plots if the legend=legendn option is included.

Page 3: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Multiple Plot Calls in a Plot Statement

proc gplot data=save.padgett;plot totmass*plantht;/*now do more than one plot at a time*/

proc gplot data=save.padgett;plot totmass*plantht bllenavg*plantht;

/*we get two different plot*/

Page 4: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;


The PLOT2 statement allows for a second vertical axis to be displayed. Conditions:• The x-variables in PLOT and PLOT2 must be

the same.

• Differing vaxis specifications can be made for each.

Page 5: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;


/*to get two different y-axes, try this…/*

proc gplot data=save.padgett;plot lleaves*plantht; /*left*/

plot2 bllenavg*plantht;/*right*//*we get two plots on the same horizontal axis, but two different y-axes*/

Page 6: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Plots According to Third Variable

Plots of the form y-variable*x-variable=z-variable produces a plot for each level of the z-variable.• Overlaying of plots is automatic.

• A legend is produced automatically.

• This legend can be modified in a similar manner to that of legends in bar charts.

Page 7: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Plots According to Third Variable

proc gplot data=save.padgett;plot totmass*plantht=marsh/legend=legend1;/*distinguishes the plotting points by marsh and produces a legend so we can tell which is which…*/

/* modify the legend as below… */legend1 down=2 position=(top left inside) frame cborder=blue cframe=gray cshadow=red;

Page 8: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

LEGEND Statement Options

across=n —Legend is created with n entries per row.

down=n —Legend is created with n entries per column

• Only one of ACROSS or DOWN should be specified.

Page 9: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

LEGEND Statement Options

position=(P1 P2 P3) —Legend is positioned based on parameters specified.• Bottom, middle or top: Sets vertical position.

• Left, center or right: Sets horizontal position.

• Inside or outside: Places legend inside or outside the graph area.

• Default is (bottom center outside).

Page 10: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

LEGEND Statement Options

mode=reserve|protect|share —Controls how space is allocated to the plot and the legend.• Reserve: Legend is allocated its own space in the

output area. This is the default; however, it cannot be used for position= (inside).

• Protect: The legend is “protected” from the plot—it is drawn over the plot. This is the default when position= (inside).

• Share: Graphics are drawn over the legend if there is any intersection.

Page 11: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

LEGEND Statement Options

frame—Draws a frame around the legend in the first default color.

cborder= —Draws a frame around the legend in the specified color.

cframe= —Specifies the background color of the legend (or “fills” the frame).

cshadow= —Places a shadow “behind” the legend in the specified color.

Page 12: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

LEGEND Statement Options

shape= —Controls appearance of the legend symbols. Specifications include:• bar(width, height)

• line(length)

• symbol(width, height)

label=(text-attributes ‘text’ ) —Defines the legend label text.

value=(text-attributes-n ‘text-n’ ) —Defines the text associated with each legend symbol.

Page 13: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

LEGEND Statement Options Text attribute options include:

• c= Text color.

• f= Text font.

• h= Text height.

• t= (value= option only) Legend entry to be modified. Must precede the attributes being changed for that entry.

• position= (label= option only) Positions legend label. Same options as legend position except for inside/outside (legend label is always inside).

Page 14: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Axis Modification

As an option in the plot statement (after the / ) the user can specify haxis=axisn and/or vaxis=axisn to associate each axis with an axis statement.

A plot2 statement may include a vaxis=axisn specification as well.

Page 15: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Axis Modification

proc gplot data=save.projects;plot equipmnt*jobtotal/legend=legend1haxis=axis1 vaxis=axis2;where stname in (‘NC’ ‘SC’ ‘VA’);legend1 down=2 position=(top left inside) frame cborder=blue cframe=gray cshadow=red;

axis1 label=(“Equipment Cost” c=blueh=2 f=swissb) minor=none;axis2 label=(“Total Costs”);

Page 16: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

The AXIS Statement

Axis statement options include:• c= (color=): Specifies the color of the axis

lines, tick marks and text.

• width= Specifies the thickness of the axis line.

• order=(value list or start to stop by increment): Specifies the data values

corresponding to the major tick marks.

• offset=(n1,n2): Specifies the space from the start of the axis to the first tick and the

end of the axis from the last tick, respectively.

Page 17: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

The AXIS Statement

Axis statement options include:• label=(text-options ‘text’) or NONE: Defines

the axis label and its attributes.

• value=(text-options-n ‘text-n’) or NONE: Defines major tick labels and attributes. Can

be done as a group or one at a time.

Page 18: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

The AXIS Statement

Attributes that can be specified within the label= and value= options:• c= Text color.

• f= Text font.

• h= Text height.

• a= Angle of the text string.

• r= Rotation of individual characters.

• t= (value= option only) Tick mark to be modified. Must precede the attributes being

changed for that tick.

Page 19: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Enhancing the Plot Area

The SYMBOL statement:• Modifies the plotting symbol and related items

symboln options;

• n can range from 1 to 255.

• If n is omitted it is taken as 1 by default.

• SYMBOL statements are global—remain in effect until altered.

• They are applied across the current color list if no color is specified.

Page 20: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Some SYMBOL Statement Options

v= (value=): Specifies the plotting symbol.

f= (font=): Specifies the font from which the plotting symbol is selected.

cv= Symbol color. h= (height=): Specifies the height of the

symbol [in cells]. pointlabel places y-value near each


Page 21: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Inheritance in SYMBOL Statements

SYMBOL statements are global, some behaviors:• Unmodified options will be inherited in

subsequent definitions of a symbol statement.

• Modifications to a symbol statement (e.g. symbol2) does not alter symbol statements with other numbers.

• The statement goptions reset=symbol cancels all currently defined symbol statements.

Page 22: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;


Default symbol specifications and results:

Page 23: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;


Write 3 symbol statements to change the colors, shapes,sizes of the 3 plotting symbols for “NC”, “SC” and “VA”

Go back to Padgett data and experiment with symbol statements

Page 24: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

The GFONT Procedure

You can view a SAS/GRAPH font using PROC GFONT. The typical syntax will be:proc gfont name=font nobuild showroman

ctext=color ;run;

This code will display the font symbols with their standard counterparts. Fonts can be found in the fonts catalog in the SAShelp library.

Page 25: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Plot Lines

i= (interpol=): Specifies the interpolation method. Some of these include:• join: Joins the points with line segments

(“connect the dots”).

• sm##: Draws a smooth curve through the points, ## is a number that determines the level of smoothness (higher=smoother).

• needle: Draws vertical lines from the data to 0 (or the minimum value if all are

greater than 0).

Page 26: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Plot Lines

• R<type><0><CLM or CLI<##>> where:• type is L, Q or C corresponding to linear,

quadratic or cubic regression, respectively.

• 0 forces the regression through the origin.

• CLM and CLI specifies display of confidence limits for average (mean) predicted

values and individual predictions.

• ## specifies the confidence level between 50 and 99.

Page 27: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Plot Lines

The SYMBOL statement can be used to control plot lines:• l= (line=): Specifies a line type (various types

of dashed lines). Valid values go from 1 to 46.

• w= (width=): Specifies the line thickness.

• ci= Sets the line color.

• c= (color=): Sets colors for both lines and symbols.

Page 28: PROC GPLOT GPLOT is used to make two dimensional scatter-plots. General Syntax: proc gplot data=data-set options; plot y-variable*x-variable/options; run;

Plot Lines

Now try your hand at some of the interpolation methods - see if you can find the best smoothing for total mass against plantht by marsh in the Padgett data…