probability models 1 bernouilli process - uc3mgeometric distribution 1 poisson process poisson...

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán 1 Bernouilli distribution Binomial distribution Geometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as an approximation of other distributions 1 Bernouilli Process Probability models Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán 2 1 Bernouilli Process When an experiment has the following characteristics: There are only two possible results: Acceptable (A) Defective (D) The proportion of A and D is constant in the population and remains constant regardless of the sample observed quantity The observations are independent Pr( ) Pr( ) 1 D p A q p = = = Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán 3 1 Bernouilli Process When an experiment has the following characteristics: There are only toew possible results: Aceptable (A) Defective (D) population The observations are independent Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán 4 1 Bernouilli Process Examples Toss a coin Observe if a manufactures piece is defective or not Sex on a newborn baby Transmission (right or wrong) of a bit in a digital channel

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Page 1: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán1

1 Bernouilli ProcessBernouilli distributionBinomial distributionGeometric distribution

1 Poisson ProcessPoisson distributionExponential distribution

3 Normal distribution

4 Normal distribution as an approximation of other distributions

1 Bernouilli Process

Probability models

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán2

1 Bernouilli Process

When an experiment has the following characteristics:

There are only two possible results: Acceptable (A)Defective (D)

The proportion of A and D is constant in the populationand remains constant regardless of the sample observed quantity

The observations are independent

Pr( )Pr( ) 1

D pA q p

== = −

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán3

1 Bernouilli Process

When an experiment has the following characteristics:

There are only toew possible results: Aceptable (A)Defective (D)

The proportion of A and D is constant in the populationand remains constant regardless of the sampleobserved quantity

The observations are independent

Pr( )Pr( ) 1

D pA q p

== = −

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán4

1 Bernouilli Process


Toss a coin

Observe if a manufactures piece is defective or not

Sex on a newborn baby

Transmission (right or wrong) of a bit in a digital channel

Page 2: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán5

1 Bernouilli Process

Bernouilli distribution

0 if A occurs 1 Pr( 0) 1 if A does not ocurr Pr( 1)

q p XX

p X→ = − = =

=→ = =

The probability function is:

1( ) (1 ) 0,1x xp x p p x−= − =

[ ]

[ ] 2 2

0 (1 ) 1

(0 ) (1 ) (1 ) (1 )

E X p p p

Var X p p p p p p



= = × − + × =

= = − − + − = −

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán6

1 Bernouilli Process

Binomial distribution

X = Number of successes in n trials

X takes values 0,1,2,…,n

When a Bernoulli experiment with parameter p is repeated a fixed number of times, n, the number of successes follows a el Binomial distribution with parameters (n,p).

~ ( , )X B n p

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán7

The probability function is:

1 Bernouilli Process

( ) (1 ) , 0,1, ,r n rnP X r p p r n

r−⎛ ⎞

= = − =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


[ ][ ] (1 )

E X np

Var X np p


= −Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán



n=25 p=0.75 p=0.5 p=0.2

1 Bernouilli Process

Page 3: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán9

1 Bernouilli Process


An electronic device has 40 integrated circuit. The probability that a circuit is defective is, and the circuits are independent. The device will work if there areNo defective circuits.

What is the probability that the device works?

X = Number of defective circuits among the 40

Pr( 0)X =

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán10

1 Bernouilli Process


An electronic device has 40 integrated circuit. The probability that a circuit isdefective is, and the circuits are independent. The device will work if there areNo defective circuits.

What is the probability that that the device works?

X = Number of defective circuits among the 40

Pr( 0)X =Experiment: Observe if a circuit is defective or not. It is repeated 40 times

The circuits are independent

The probability of being defective is constant, 0.01

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán11

1 Bernouilli Process


An electronic device has 40 integrated circuit. The probability that a circuit isdefective is, and the circuits are independent. The device will work if there areNo defective circuits.

What is the probability that that the device works?

X = Number of defective circuits among the 40

~ (40,0.01)X B

0 4040Pr( 0) 0.01 (1 0.01) 0.669

0X ⎛ ⎞

= = − =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán12

1 Bernouilli Process

Geometric distribution

The experiment has the following characteristics:

There are only two possible results

The probability of success is constant

The observations are independent

The experiment is repeated until the first success

X = Number of times that an experiment is repeated until a successoccurs.

~ ( )X Ge p

Page 4: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán13

1 Bernouilli Process

Geometric distribution

1,..... are Bernouilli iX i n=

1 2 3 4

1 0 0 0 1 Pr( 1)0 1 0 0 2 Pr( 2)0 0 1 0 3 Pr( 3)0 0 0 1 4 Pr( 4)


X X pX X qpX X qqpX X qqqp

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓⇒ = = =⇒ = = =⇒ = = =⇒ = = =






The probability function is:

1( ) (1 ) , 1, 2,rP X r p p r−= = − = KEstadística, Profesora: María Durbán


1 Bernouilli Process

Geometric distribution

[ ][ ] 2


(1 ) /

E X p

Var X p p


= −

1 2 3 4

1 0 0 0 1 Pr( 1)0 1 0 0 2 Pr( 2)0 0 1 0 3 Pr( 3)0 0 0 1 4 Pr( 4)


X X pX X qpX X qqpX X qqqp

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓⇒ = = =⇒ = = =⇒ = = =⇒ = = =






1,..... are Bernouilli iX i n=

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán15

1 Bernouilli Process

Geometric distribution

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán16

1 Bernouilli Process


The probability that a bit transmitted through a digital channel is received As an error is 0.1. If the transmissions are independent,

What is the average number of transmissions that have to be observed until the first error occurs?

X = Number of transmissions until the first error occurs

[ ] 1/ 1/ 0.1 10E X p= = =

Page 5: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán17

1 Bernouilli ProcessBernouilli distributionBinomial distributionGeometric distribution

1 Poisson ProcessPoisson distributionExponential distribution

3 Normal distribution

4 Normal distribution as an approximation of other distributions

2 Poisson Process

Probability models

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán18

2 Poisson Process

When an experiment has the following characteristics:

We observe the occurrence of events in an interval

The probability that this happens in an interval

is the same for intervals of the same lengthis proportional to the length of the interval

The events occur independently. The number of events in an interval is independent of the number of events in another interval

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán19

2 Poisson Process

X = Number of events in an interval of fixed length

Poisson distribution can be obtained as a limit of the Binomial distribution when

Poisson distribution

y 0n p→ ∞ →

npλ = → Average number of events in that interval

lim 1n


λλ −⎛ ⎞− =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠n → ∞

n → ∞

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán20

The probability function is:

( ) , 0,1,!

reP X r rr


= = = K

[ ] [ ]

[ ]


0 1

1 2 1 2

! ( 1)!

~ ( ) ~ ( ) independient ~ ( )

r reE X E X r er r

Var XX P Y P X Y P

λλλ λλ λ λ

λλ λ λ λ

− −∞ ∞−= → = = =


+ +

∑ ∑

Poisson distribution

2 Poisson Process

Page 6: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán21

2 Poisson Process

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán22

Poisson distribution

2 Poisson Process


Number of faults in a millimeter of cable.

Number of phone calls in a switchboard per hour.

Number of mistakes in a page of a document

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán23

2 Poisson Process


What is the probability that no clients arrive in 3 minutes?

X = Number of clients per minute

Y = Number of clients in 3 minutes

~ ( 1)X P λ→ =

~ ( 3)Y P λ→ =

3 033Pr( 0)

0!eY e

−−= = =

The arrivals of clients at a service point are stable and independent. on average, one client arrives per minute.

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán24

2 Poisson Process


Opening the service point 8 hours, cost 6000 euros per day. What should be the minimum charge per client so that the service point is profitable?

Y = Number of clients in 8 hours ~ ( 60 8 480)Y P λ→ = × =

Profit = Charge x Y -6000

[ ]Expected Profit = Charge 6000 0 = Charge 480 6000 0

E Y× − >

× − >Charge > 12.5

The arrivals of clients at a service point are stable and independent. on average, one client arrives per minute.

Page 7: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán25

2 Poisson Process

The Exponential distribution is used to model

Time between phone callsTime between arivals at a service point Lifetime of a lamp

When the number of events follows a Poisson distribution, the time between events follows an Exponential distribution.


Distribución de exponencial

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán26

2 Poisson Process

Exponential distribution

X = Number of events per time unit

T = Time until the first even occurs

We can calculate the distribution function:

0 0( ) (zero events in (0,t ))P T t P> =

~ ( )X P λ

X= Number of events per time unitY = Number of events in (0,t0) 0~ ( )Y P tλ

00( ) Pr( 0) tP T t Y e λ−> = = =

00 0( ) ( ) 1 tF t P T t e λ−= ≤ = −

~ ( )X P λ

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán27

2 Poisson Process

~ ( )X P λ

( )( ) , 0tdF tf t e tdt

λλ −= = ≥

[ ][ ] 2




Var X





If there are λ events, on average, per time unitThe average time between events is 1/λ

X = Number of events per time unit

T = Time until the first even occurs

Exponential distribution

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán28

2 Poisson Process

0.1( ) 0.1 xf x e−=

0.5( ) 0.5 xf x e−=

2( ) 2 xf x e−=

Page 8: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán29

2 Poisson Process


~ ( 1)X P λ→ =

~ ( 1)T Exp λ→ =

( )1 3 3Pr( 3) 1 Pr( 3) 1 (3) 1 1T T F e e− × −> = − ≤ = − = − − =

Pr(there are no clients in 3 minutes)=

The arrivals of clients at a service point are stable and independent. on average, one client arrives per minute.

What is the probability that no clients arrive in 3 minutes?

X = Number of clients per minute

Y = Time between clients

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán30

2 Poisson Process


1 2 1 2Pr(T > t +t / T > t ) = Pr( T > t )

1 22


( t +t )1 2 1 1 2

t1 1

Pr(T > t +t T > t ) Pr( T > t +t ) = Pr( T > t ) Pr( T > t )

te ee




−= =I

If there hasn’t been any clients in 4 minutes, what is the probability that there are no clients in the next 3 minutes?

3Pr( 7 | 4) Pr( 3) 1 (3)Y Y Y F e−> > = > = − =

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán31

1 Bernouilli ProcessBernouilli distributionBinomial distributionGeometric distribution

2 Poisson ProcessPoisson distributionExponential distribution

3 Normal distribution

4 Normal distribution as an approximation of other distributions

Normal distribution

Probability models

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán32

3 Normal distribution

Normal or Gaussian distribution describe a large amount of random processes

Measurement errorsNoise in a digital signalElectric current …

In many occasions others distributions can be approximated to a Normal distribution

It is the base of statistical inference

Page 9: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán33

3 Normal distribution

It is characterized by two parameters: the mean, μ, and the standard deviation, σ.

It can take any real value.

Its density function is:


2( )2


1( ) e2

[ ] [ ]


f x x

E X Var X


πσμ σ

− −

= − ∞ < < ∞

= =

( , )N μ σ

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán34

It is bell shaped and symmetric with respect to the mean


( )f x

3 Normal distribution

0.5 0.5

Mean, median and mode are the same.

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán35

The effect ofThe effect of μμ andand σσ

How does the standard deviation affect the shape of f(x)?σ= 2

σ =3σ =4

μ = 10 μ = 11 μ = 12How does the mean affect the position of f(x)?

3 Normal distribution

It is a scalefactor

It is a translationfactor

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán36

The probability is the areaunder the curve

c dX


3 Normal distribution

Pr(c d)X≤ ≤It is not possible to compute the probability of an interval, simply by integrating the density function

Page 10: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán37



Density of X

Density of de X-μ


Density of (X-μ)/σ


3 Normal distribution

All Normal distributions can be transformed into N(0,1)

XX Z μσ−

→ =

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán38

3 Normal distribution

~ (3, 2)X N

Pr( 6)X ≤3 6

0 1.56 3Pr Pr( 1.5)

2Z Z−⎛ ⎞≤ = ≤⎜ ⎟

⎝ ⎠


~ (0,1)Z N

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán39

3 Normal distribution

The distribution function of the standardized Normal has its ownnotation:

There exists certain boundaries to the function Q, that are used to calculate error boundaries of probabilities in communication systems

( ) Pr( ) ( )( ) ( ) 1 ( )

F x X x xQ x Pt X x x


= ≤ == > = −

( ) 1 ( )Q x Q x− = −





1( ) 02

1( ) 02



Q x e x

Q x e xxπ

≤ ≥

< ≥

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán40

3 Normal distribution

The distribution function of the standardized Normal has its ownnotation:

There exists certain boundaries to the function Q, that are used to calculate error boundaries of probabilities in communication systems

( ) Pr( ) ( )( ) ( ) 1 ( )

F x X x xQ x Pt X x x


= ≤ == > = −

( ) 1 ( )Q x Q x− = −





1( ) 02

1( ) 02



Q x e x

Q x e xxπ

≤ ≥

< ≥

Page 11: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán41

3 Normal distribution


The lifetime of a semiconductor follows a Normal distribution with mean equal to7000 hours and standard deviation 600 hours

What is the probability that a semiconductor fails before 6000 hours?

What is the lifetime exceeded by 95.05% of semiconductors?

Pr( 6000)X <

Pr( ) 0.9505X a> =

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán42

3 Normal distribution


6000 7000Pr( 6000) Pr Pr( 1.66)600

X Z Z−⎛ ⎞< = < = < −⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


The lifetime of a semiconductor follows a Normal distribution with mean equal to7000 hours and standard deviation 600 hours

What is the probability that a semiconductor fails before 6000 hours?

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán43

3 Normal distribution


6000 7000Pr( 6000) Pr Pr( 1.66)600

X Z Z−⎛ ⎞< = < = < −⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠


1 Pr( 1.66)Z= − ≤

The lifetime of a semiconductor follows a Normal distribution with mean equal to7000 hours and standard deviation 600 hours

What is the probability that a semiconductor fails before 6000 hours?

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán44

1 Pr( 1.66)Z= − <

3 Normal distribution


1 0.95150.0485

= −=

What is the probability that a semiconductor fails before6000 hours?

Page 12: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán45

3 Normal distribution


7000Pr( ) 0.9505 Pr 0.9505600

aX a Z −⎛ ⎞> = → > =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠



The lifetime of a semiconductor follows a Normal distribution with mean equal to7000 hours and standard deviation 600 hours

What is the lifetime exceeded by 95.05% of semiconductors?

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán46

3 Normal distribution


7000Pr( ) 0.9505 Pr 0.9505600

aX a Z −⎛ ⎞> = → > =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠



-b Negative value

The lifetime of a semiconductor follows a Normal distribution with mean equal to7000 hours and standard deviation 600 hours

What is the lifetime exceeded by 95.05% of semiconductors?

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán47

3 Normal distribution


( 7000)Pr( ) 0.9505 Pr 0.9505600

aX a Z − −⎛ ⎞> = → < =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠




The lifetime of a semiconductor follows a Normal distribution with mean equal to7000 hours and standard deviation 600 hours

What is the lifetime exceeded by 95.05% of semiconductors?

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán48

( 7000)Pr( ) Pr 0.9505600

aX a Z − −⎛ ⎞> = < =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

What is the lifetime exceeded by 95% of semiconductors?


3 Normal distribution

( 7000) 1.65600




− −=


95.05% of semiconductorslast more than 6010 hours

Page 13: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán49

Pr( -0.6 < Z < 1.83 )=

Pr( Z < 1.83 ) - Pr( Z -0.6 )

Pr ( Z <-0.6) =Pr ( Z >0.6 ) =1 - Pr (Z < 0.6 ) =1 – 0.7257 =


Pr( Z < 1.83 ) =0.9664

= 0.7257 - 0.0336= 0.6921


3 Normal distribution

More Examples of how to compute probabilities

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán50

Normal distribution is important since, although some r.v. do not follow aNormal distribution, some statistics/estimators follow a Normal distribution.

3 Normal distribution

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán51

3 Normal distribution

50 55 60 65 70







Let X be an Uniform r.v. in [50,70].We have a sample of size 2000.

The sample has mean 59.9 andstandard deviation 17

The histogram does not resemble a Normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán52

We randomly choose groups of 10 observations.

Compute the sample mean for each group

Means of each group are, more or less, similar to the mean of the original variable.












59.4 58.5 61.1

3 Normal distribution

Page 14: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán53














3 Normal distribution

The distribution of the sample means follow,approximately a Normal distribution.

The mean of this new variable is very similar to the mean of the original variable.

The observations of the new variable are closer to each other. The standard deviation is smaller, in this case, it is 1.92


Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán54

Let suppose that we have n in dependent variables Xi with means (μι) and standard deviations (σi) and they follow any distribution.

When n increases,

Central Limit Theorem

3 Normal distribution







1 2 nY X X X= + + +K

( )2~ ,i iY N μ σ∑ ∑the distribution of

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán55

Central Limit Theorem

3 Normal distribution

It doesn’t matter what we measure, when we average over a large sample, we will have Normal distribution

Let suppose tah we have n in dependent variables Xi withmeans (μι) and standard deviations (σi) and they follow anyDistribution.

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán56

1 Bernouilli ProcessBernouilli distributionBinomial distributionGeometric distribution

2 Poisson ProcessPoisson distributionExponential distribution

3 Normal distribution

4 Normal distribution as an approximation of other distributions

Probability models

Page 15: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán57

4 Normal as an approximation of other distributions

The Binomial is teh sum of Bernouilli variable tha take values equal to 0 o 1.


1 2 nY X X X= + +K [ ][ ] (1 )



E X pVar X p p


= −C.L.T.

( ), (1 )Y N np np p≈ − 305



Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán58

5.000 7.625 10.250 12.875 15.500 18.125 20.750 23.375 26.000x





4 Normal as an approximation of other distributions


( )15, 10.5N

50 0.310.5

n pnpq

= ==

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán59

4 Normal as an approximation of other distributions


A semiconductors manufacturer admits that 2% of the chips produced are defective. The chips are packed in lots of 2000.

A buyer will reject the lot if there 25 o more defective chips

What is the probability of rejecting the lot? Pr( 25)

25 40Pr6.26

Pr( 2.4)Pr( 2.4) 0.9918




−⎛ ⎞≥ =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

≥ − =≤ =

~ (2000,0.02)30

40(1 ) 39.2

X Bnnpnp p


− =

(40,6.26)X N≈

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán60

4 Normal as an approximation of other distributions


Poisson distribution appears as the limit of a Binomial distribution when the number of experiments tends to infinity.

We will approximate to a Normal distribution when λ is large (λ > 5)

( )~ ( )





λ λ≈

Page 16: Probability models 1 Bernouilli Process - UC3MGeometric distribution 1 Poisson Process Poisson distribution Exponential distribution 3 Normal distribution 4 Normal distribution as

Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán61

4 Normal as an approximation of other distributions


Estadística, Profesora: María Durbán62

4 Normal as an approximation of other distributions


The number of defects on a metal surface per squared meter follows a Poisson distribution with mean 100.

If we analyze a squared meter of surface. What is the probability of finding 95 or more defects?

Pr( 95)

95 100Pr Pr( 0.5)10

Pr( 0.5) 0.6915




−⎛ ⎞≥ = ≥ − =⎜ ⎟⎝ ⎠

≤ =