print all sheets - · “taste and see that the lord is good; blessed is the one who...

BOTTOM LINE: We need to share Jesus with others. OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn that God wants them to tell others about Jesus. KEY PASSAGE: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers MEMORY VERSE: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) SUMMARY: Once you add milk to Rice Krispies, they start making a lot of noise. Kids will learn that when Jesus changes your life, you can’t help but make some noise by sharing it with others. SIMPLE PRAYER: Dear God, Give us the joy and the courage we need to be noisy for Jesus and to share his love with everyone. In Jesus’ name, Amen LESSON SNAPSHOT CEREAL: RICE KRISPIES

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Page 1: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

BOTTOM LINE: We need to share Jesus with others.

OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn that God wants them to tell others about Jesus. KEY PASSAGE: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers MEMORY VERSE: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

SUMMARY: Once you add milk to Rice Krispies, they start making a lot of noise. Kids will learn that when Jesus changes your life, you can’t help but make some noise by sharing it with others.


Give us the joy and the courage we need to be noisy for Jesus and to share his love with everyone.

In Jesus’ name, Amen



Page 2: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV)

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the person who goes to him for safety.” - Psalm 34:8 (NIrV)

LARGE GROUP: Divide the room between girls and boys. Have the boys read the verse aloud, then have the girls read it aloud. Who can read the loudest?

SMALL GROUP: Give each kid one word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the memory verse.



Page 3: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good




ITEMS NEEDED: A table, a box of Rice Krispies, a bottle of milk, a bowl


CHARACTERS: Mel - Cereal salesmanFlash - A heavy metal lead guitar player

Mel is on stage with the table and cereal. Flash enters. If possible, use an actor who can at least fake rock guitar and have them carry and play the guitar during the skit.

FLASH: Hey, man!

MEL: Yeah, man?

FLASH: Are you that cereal man?

MEL: No! I’m the man who sells cereal, man!

FLASH: I need some cereal, man!

MEL: You’ve got the right man, man! What kind of cereal do you want?

FLASH: I like it loud, man!

MEL: Then I’ve got the cereal for you! You need Rice Krispies!

FLASH: Rice Krispies? That’s for kids, man!

Page 4: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good



MEL: Are you kidding? Rice Krispies are for everybody, and they’re the loudest cereal in the world!

FLASH: They are?

MEL: You bet they are!

FLASH: They better be real loud!

MEL: Come on, man, just check it out. Listen what happens when I pour milk on the cereal! They go Snap! Crackle! And Pop!

Mel pours the cereal. Flash picks up the bowl to listen.

FLASH: Whoa, man! I can hear ‘em!

MEL: I told you.

FLASH: I hear a Snap! There’s a Crackle! But I don’t hear… oh, there’s the Pop!

MEL: They can jam, huh?

FLASH: Yeah, man, I dig the sound. These boys are loud!

MEL: Of course they are. (in his profound voice) Like the voice of God’s children, children so grateful for all God has done for them, they shout it from the mountain tops. Let the whole world know that Jesus saves, that he changes hearts, that he can change your life!

FLASH: Whoa, man, that was profound.

MEL: So what do you say, friend? Shall I rap it up for you?

FLASH: No way, I don’t dig rap. But you can rock some out for me!

MEL: Awesome!

FLASH: Rockin’!

MEL: Groovy!

FLASH: Groovy? Man, nobody says groovy any more.

Page 5: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good



MEL: Sorry, man.

FLASH: It’s okay, cereal dude.

MEL: That’s cereal man, man!

Page 6: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

ITEMS NEEDED: A box of Rice Krispies, milk (optional)

When your moms and dads were kids, just about every cereal box had a cartoon mas-cot. Today, you don’t see as many as you used to, but you can still find a few, like Lucky the Leprechaun, Tony the Tiger, Cap’n Crunch, and these three gentlemen. Can anyone tell me the names of the three characters on the Rice Krispies box?

Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Silly names, right? How would you like it if your Mom and Dad named you Crackle? First day of school, the teacher’s calling role. “Nicole Alexander, Joel Bloom, Crackle Cooper, Pop Johnson…” I guarantee that would get a few laughs.

But Snap, Crackle, and Pop are perfectly named mascots for this cereal. When you pour milk on this cereal, it literally talks. It snaps, it crackles, and yes, it pops!

Optional: pour some milk on Rice Krispies in a bowl at this point to demonstrate.

Jesus wants us to snap, crackle, and pop. He wants us to speak up and tell other people what Jesus has done for us. We are God’s ambassadors in this world, just like Snap, Crackle, and Pop are ambassadors for Rice Krispies. Their job is to sell cereal. Our job is to share Jesus.

Don’t be silent. Don’t keep this good news to yourself. Tell a friend that Jesus wants to be their Savior. Be noisy for Jesus!



Page 7: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

ITEMS NEEDED: A box of Rice Krispies, milk (optional)

When your moms and dads were kids, just about every cereal box had a cartoon mas-cot. Today, you don’t see as many as you used to, but you can still find a few, like Lucky the Leprechaun, Tony the Tiger, Cap’n Crunch, and these three gentlemen. Can anyone tell me the names of the three characters on the Rice Krispies box?

Snap, Crackle, and Pop. Silly names, right? How would you like it if your Mom and Dad named you Crackle? First day of school, the teacher’s calling role. “Nicole Alexander, Joel Bloom, Crackle Cooper, Pop Johnson…” I guarantee that would get a few laughs.

But Snap, Crackle, and Pop are perfectly named mascots for this cereal. When you pour milk on this cereal, it literally talks. It snaps, it crackles, and yes, it pops!

Optional: pour some milk on Rice Krispies in a bowl at this point to demonstrate.

Jesus wants us to snap, crackle, and pop. He wants us to speak up and tell other people what Jesus has done for us. We are God’s ambassadors in this world, just like Snap, Crackle, and Pop are ambassadors for Rice Krispies. Their job is to sell cereal. Our job is to share Jesus.

Don’t be silent. Don’t keep this good news to yourself. Tell a friend that Jesus wants to be their Savior. Be noisy for Jesus!




ITEMS NEEDED: Rice Krispie treats

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose two players for this game. Give the two players one minute to sculpt some sort of artwork out of Rice Krispies treats. At the end of one minute, have them present and tell what their “art” is, and let the audience vote for whose is the best!

VARIATION: Cut Rice Krispies treats into blocks and have the kids use the blocks to build something instead of sculpting.

WHAT’S THE POINT? God wants us to be “noisy” like Rice Krispies and share the gospel with others.



Page 8: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good



BOTTOM LINE: We need to share Jesus with others.

OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn that God wants them to tell others about Jesus. KEY PASSAGE: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

INTROWhat would you do if your lunch talked to you? If you sat down at McDonalds this af-ternoon, opened your Happy Meal, unwrapped your burger, and heard a tiny voice say, “Mooo!”? What would you do? Or what if your Chik-Fil-A nuggets said, “Don’t listen to the cows! Eat more burgers!”? How would that make you feel?

As a general rule, we don’t want our food to talk to us. We want our burgers to stay silent, along with our chicken nuggets, our French fries, our pizza, and our ice cream. It would be a bit unnerving for our food to talk to us. If you don’t believe me, try making up voices for Gummi Bears next time your Dad eats some. “No! Please! Don’t eat me! Aaaaaa!”

There is one exception to this rule, of course, and that’s today’s cereal, Rice Krispies. Rice Krispies are one of the smallest breakfast cereals, but they are loud! The second the milk hits that bowl, those tiny bits start talking. And just like the three little elves on the cereal box, they make a noise that sounds very much like Snap! Crackle! And Pop!

You can’t eat a bowl of Rice Krispies quietly. They’re noisy in the bowl and noisy in our mouths. They remind us that God does not want us to be silent about his son Jesus. God wants us to be noisy and let the whole world know that Jesus loves them!

In today’s story Jesus meets another group of men in need of his healing touch. These men were afflicted with leprosy, a dangerous and very contagious skin disease.

Page 9: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good



BOTTOM LINE: We need to share Jesus with others.

OBJECTIVE: Kids will learn that God wants them to tell others about Jesus. KEY PASSAGE: Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

INTROWhat would you do if your lunch talked to you? If you sat down at McDonalds this af-ternoon, opened your Happy Meal, unwrapped your burger, and heard a tiny voice say, “Mooo!”? What would you do? Or what if your Chik-Fil-A nuggets said, “Don’t listen to the cows! Eat more burgers!”? How would that make you feel?

As a general rule, we don’t want our food to talk to us. We want our burgers to stay silent, along with our chicken nuggets, our French fries, our pizza, and our ice cream. It would be a bit unnerving for our food to talk to us. If you don’t believe me, try making up voices for Gummi Bears next time your Dad eats some. “No! Please! Don’t eat me! Aaaaaa!”

There is one exception to this rule, of course, and that’s today’s cereal, Rice Krispies. Rice Krispies are one of the smallest breakfast cereals, but they are loud! The second the milk hits that bowl, those tiny bits start talking. And just like the three little elves on the cereal box, they make a noise that sounds very much like Snap! Crackle! And Pop!

You can’t eat a bowl of Rice Krispies quietly. They’re noisy in the bowl and noisy in our mouths. They remind us that God does not want us to be silent about his son Jesus. God wants us to be noisy and let the whole world know that Jesus loves them!

In today’s story Jesus meets another group of men in need of his healing touch. These men were afflicted with leprosy, a dangerous and very contagious skin disease.



If you had leprosy, you were an outcast. You had to leave your family, live outside of town, and warn people not to get too close to you. Jesus not only got close, he changed the lives of these ten men. Let’s see how they respond.

READ LUKE 17:11-19

MAIN POINTWhy did Jesus tell the lepers to go see the priest? In the Old Testament only one per-son could declare you to be healed of leprosy, and that was a priest. Once a priest sees that you are healed, he will declare you to be “clean” and you can return home.

As the men went on their way to see the priests, all ten of them were cured. Jesus sent them to the priest so they could be restored to their families, but one man was so grate-ful for Jesus’ healing touch, he ran back to show Jesus and thank him for his healing. He was so excited, he had to make a joyful noise. “Look! Jesus healed me! I’m clean!”

This man could not stay silent. He wanted to tell everyone that Jesus had healed him. That’s the enthusiasm Jesus wants all of us to have. Jesus died for our sins so he could give us a new life. How can we not be “noisy” about that?

DRIVE IT HOMELike many stories about Jesus, this is a happy one. The ten lepers were healed and reunited with their families. But there’s one thing that sometimes gets lost in the story. One man was grateful for what Jesus did, but nine other men went on and never said a word.

Many Christians are like the nine. They encounter Jesus, and they are better off for it, but they never say a word about it. They keep the good news and the amazing thing that happened to themselves. The good news of Jesus stops with them and never goes any further.

This is not the way it should be. We are the body of Christ, and we are his voice in a lost world. Jesus is counting on us to share the good news and continue the world he began when he was on Earth.

In Luke 19, Jesus says that if we don’t praise God, the rocks and hills would cry out. Are we going to let the rocks and hills cry for us, or are we going to Snap, Crackle, and Pop for Jesus? Ask God to make you his voice. Ask him to give you the courage to speak up and the wisdom to know what to say. Be the voice that tells people how they can be saved, and spread the good news of Jesus to all you meet.

The world needs what we have. Don’t be silent. Let your voice be heard!

Page 10: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good




Give us the joy and the courage we need to be noisy for Jesus and to share his love with everyone.

In Jesus’ name, Amen

Page 11: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

ICEBREAKERWhat’s your favorite noisy food?

MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITYPsalm 34:8Give each kid one word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the memory verse.

SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITYHave the kids act out today’s Bible story.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONSRead Luke 17:11-19What disease did the ten men have?

What did the men ask Jesus to do?

How did Jesus answer the men?

Why did only one of the men come back to thank Jesus?

Why is it important to be noisy for Jesus? SIMPLE PRAYERDear God,

Do not let us be silent. Give us the words so that we can share Jesus’ love with every-one.

In Jesus’ name, Amen



Page 12: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

ICEBREAKERWhat’s your favorite noisy food?

MEMORY VERSE ACTIVITYPsalm 34:8Give each kid one word of the memory verse. They have to remember their word and then they all have to stand up and line up in order, so that when they say their word from left to right they will have said the memory verse.

SMALL GROUP GAME/ACTIVITYHave the kids act out today’s Bible story.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONSRead Luke 17:11-19What disease did the ten men have?

What did the men ask Jesus to do?

How did Jesus answer the men?

Why did only one of the men come back to thank Jesus?

How can you be “noisy” for Jesus this week? SIMPLE PRAYERDear God,

Do not let us be silent. Give us the words so that we can share Jesus’ love with every-one.

In Jesus’ name, Amen



Page 13: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

True or False.

Ten lepers approached Jesus asking to be healed. TRUE

Jesus healed the men by touching them. FALSE

On the way to see the priest, the ten men were healed. TRUE

All ten went back to thank Jesus for healing them. FALSE

God wants us to share the love of Jesus with others. TRUE



Page 14: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

5 Simple Ways You Can Make This Lesson Stick With Your Kids



IN THE CAR:Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home:Once you add milk to Rice Krispies, they start making a lot of noise. Kids will learn that when Jesus changes your life, you can’t help but make some noise by sharing it with others. Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers HANGING OUT:Make this week’s lesson real:Brainstorm with the kids some ways they can share God’s love with words but also with actions. How can we show people God loves them in a noisy but wordless way?

AT DINNER:Here are some great discussion starters:- What did the ten lepers ask Jesus to do? - How many of the men thanked Jesus for healing them? - Why is it important for us to share God’s goodness with others?

AT BEDTIME:Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse:“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) PARENT TIME:What you need to know:When’s the last time you shared Jesus with someone? Pray for the opportunity to share your faith and the courage to seize it. Encourage your kids to pray for the same oppor-tunity. If it happens, be sure and share with your kids what happened.

Page 15: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

5 Simple Ways You Can Make This Lesson Stick With Your Kids



IN THE CAR:Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home:Once you add milk to Rice Krispies, they start making a lot of noise. Kids will learn that when Jesus changes your life, you can’t help but make some noise by sharing it with others. Luke 17:11-19, Jesus Heals Ten Lepers HANGING OUT:Make this week’s lesson real:Brainstorm with the kids some ways they can share God’s love with words but also with actions. How can we show people God loves them in a noisy but wordless way?

AT DINNER:Here are some great discussion starters:- What did the ten lepers ask Jesus to do? - How many of the men thanked Jesus for healing them? - Why is it important for us to share God’s goodness with others?

AT BEDTIME:Quiz your child on this week’s memory verse:“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) PARENT TIME:What you need to know:When’s the last time you shared Jesus with someone? Pray for the opportunity to share your faith and the courage to seize it. Encourage your kids to pray for the same oppor-tunity. If it happens, be sure and share with your kids what happened.






“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one w

ho takes refuge in him.”

-Psalm 34:8 (N


“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one w

ho takes refuge in him.”

-Psalm 34:8 (N


“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one w

ho takes refuge in him.”

-Psalm 34:8 (N


“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one w

ho takes refuge in him.”

-Psalm 34:8 (N


Page 16: Print All Sheets - · “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” -Psalm 34:8 (NIV) “Taste and see that the Lord is good

Send the kids home with Rice Krispies treats!