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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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By Surendra Mallemputi

What is Search Engine Optimization? Why to use Search Engine Optimization? How to do Search Engine Optimization? Factors that involves Search Engine Optimization.


Search Engine Optimization is tactic used to make a website/blog visible in Search Engines and increasing the amount of organic traffic by obtaining a high rank results in search engines.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engines and their Search Share.

Why Search Engines are so important.

1) Search engines are the biggest resources of your websites traffic.2) Higher traffic means more visitors.3) More visitors mean more customers and higher profit

How to make a website visible in Google Here I am taking Google as an example. Every web page in internet will be crawled by Google

bots/spiders/crawlers. After Passing some tests, that web page will be indexed in

Google search form. Our aim is to make our website rank on Google 1st page, This Technique is called as SEO.

On Page Optimization

Off Page Optimization

On-page optimization (on-page SEO) is what can be done on the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.

On-page optimization stands for all of the techniques and methods used on your website that is hosted on a server.

On-page optimization has an effect on your website listing in natural results.

On Page SEO

Content Title tags Meta tags ALT tags URL structure Internal Linking Keyword density Site maps

On page SEO Elements

Keywords Research & Meta Tag Generation

RESEARCH ON KEYWORDS Find the best keywords that describe your business and products

offered. The most searchable keywords terms by surfers. IMPROVE KEYWORDS PROMINENCE, DENSITY Keywords at the beginning of your page. Total keywords contained

within the total text the closeness between two or more keywords. META TITLE Make attractive and easy to understand title tag.. META DESCRIPTIONS Describe about your business wisely so that surfer understand well

about your business.

Example Of Keyword Research


Off-page optimization (off-page SEO) is what can be done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content

Off-page optimization is the most important part in search engines optimization because it gives back links to your sites and it requires a lot of work on a daily bases. It helps to maximize website performance in search engine for target keyword


Backlinks -Basically Backlinks are of two types;

Do follow: These are the links which carry link juice.

No follow: These are the links which don’t carry link juice. However, No follow links are also good if you are getting them from high PR (Page rank) websites or from a reputable website.

Link buildingWhat is Link Popularity?

Link Popularity refers to the number of links pointing to your site from other sites on the Web. Building links is one of the most important factors in getting top placements on the major search enginesWhy are links so important?

Now a days, inbound links are the one of most important factors for getting a high keyword ranking, the most search engines are ranking their search result based on the link popularity from your site.

Off page Elements

Search engine submission.Social Bookmarking submission.Article submission.Press release submission.Blog creation & Posting .Forums & comment posting

Finally my website ranking Good in GoogleMy online Business is Going Well now


Any Queries or Doubts?