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MENGETAHUI POTENSI GENETIKA MELALUI SIDIKJARI Dermatoglyphics Intelligence Capacity Assessment

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Post on 26-Mar-2015




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Tujuan : mempresentasikan metode sistem analisa terbaru dibidang psikologi dan pemberdayaan melalui analisa sidik jari;

Mutakhir, pro-kontra, sedang diterapkan di manca negara, di Indonesia baru sekitar 8 bulan. Pemberitaan media massa, seminar, talkshow TV, dll

Pendekatan Science & teknologi, berbeda dengan psikometri, aplikasi software dan interpretasi psikologi modern.

Pengalaman Klien: lebih dari 500 klien dari berbagai sekolah, perusahaan, anak-anak sampai dewasa, dari berbagai profesi & latar belakang.

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Test Sidik Jari menggunakan ilmu / Science & Research of Dermatoglyphics sedangkan PERAMAL menggunakan ilmu Palmistry

Bertujuan mengungkap potensi genetik yang bisa digunakan sebagai referensi untuk menentukan sukses di masa mendatang. Bukan untuk mengetahui keadaan Masa Depan.

Test Sidik Jari berdasarkan teori ilmiah menggunakan metode dan sumber data ilmiah dan proses perhitungan logis yang transparan.

Pengujian hasil akurasi ditunjang berdasarkan statistika.

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Berdasarkan ilmu / Science and Research of Dermatoglyphics;

Melibatkan ilmu anatomi & genetika Kedokteran, khususnya penelitian mengenai fungsi-fungsi bagian otak;

Melibatkan Ilmu Psikologi Modern; Mengaplikasikan Sistem

Komputerisasi Biometriks.

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"Intelligence is the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one's own culture." - Dr. Howard Gardner, Multiple Intelligence Theorist

Talent: A natural ability not acquired through effort that provides intrinsic satisfaction, results in spontaneous behavior, and can be cultivated to achieve near perfect performance."Training refines talent; it does not create it."


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Natural atau Nurtural ?(Genetik atau Lingkungan ?)

Masalah Natural-Nurtural melibatkan debat mengenai apakah perkembangan paling dipengaruhi oleh nature atau nurture. Nature mewakili warisan biologis seseorang, sedangkan nurture pada pengalaman lingkungannya.

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Tinjauan Psikotest (Test IQ) Test IQ Binet- awalnya untuk

menyeleksi anak yang pintar dan anak yang tidak pintar.

Psikotest Modern Penilaian lebih menyeluruh,

dengan menggunakan metode pengamatan/observasi dan interview & kuesioner.

Pengamatan Pribadi Pengamatan keseharian dari ibu

ke anaknya, guru kepada siswanya, bahkan hasil dari kontemplasi diri.

Pengukuran Biometrik Menggunakan pengukuran

langsung pada biometrik tubuh Potensi Genetik lebih tepat diukur

berdasarkan data genetik

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HISTORY OF DERMATOGLYPHICS John Evangelist Purkinji – 1823In 1823, John Evangelist Purkinji, a professor of anatomy at the University of Breslau, published his thesis discussing 9 fingerprint patterns, but he too made no

mention of the value of fingerprints for personal identification. Sir William Hershel – 1856The English first began using fingerprints in July of 1858, when Sir William Herschel, Chief Magistrate of the Hooghly district in Jungipoor, India, first used

fingerprints on native contracts. Dr. Henry Faulds – 1880In 1880, Faulds forwarded an explanation of his classification system and a sample of the forms he had designed for recording inked impressions, to Sir Charles

Darwin. Darwin, in advanced age and ill health, informed Dr. Faulds that he could be of no assistance to him, but promised to pass the materials on to his cousin, Francis Galton.

Also in 1880, Dr. Faulds published an article in the Scientific Journal, "Nautre" (nature). He discussed fingerprints as a means of personal identification, and the use of printers ink as a method for obtaining such fingerprints. He is also credited with the first fingerprint identification of a greasy fingerprint left on an alcohol bottle.

Gilbert Thompson – 1882In 1882, Gilbert Thompson of the U.S. Geological Survey in New Mexico, used his own fingerprints on a document to prevent forgery. This is the first known use

of fingerprints in the United States.Sir Francis Galton – 1888A British anthropologist and a cousin of Charles Darwin, began his observations of fingerprints as a means of identification in the 1880's. In 1892, he published

his book, "Fingerprints", establishing the individuality and permanence of fingerprints. The book included the first classification system for fingerprints.Galton's primary interest in fingerprints was as an aid in determining heredity and racial background. He was able to scientifically prove what Herschel and

Faulds already suspected: that fingerprints do not change over the course of an individual's lifetime, and that no two fingerprints are exactly the same. According to his calculations, the odds of two individual fingerprints being the same were 1 in 64 billion.

Galton identified the characteristics by which fingerprints can be identified. These same characteristics are basically still in use today, and are often referred to as Galton's Details.

1901 Introduction of fingerprints for criminal identification in England and Wales, using Galton's observations and revised by Sir Edward Richard Henry. Thus began the Henry Classification System, used even today in all English speaking countries.

1902 First systematic use of fingerprints in the U.S. by the New York Civil Service Commission for testing. Dr. Henry P. DeForrest pioneers U.S. fingerprinting.1903 The New York State Prison system began the first systematic use of fingerprints in U.S. for criminals.1905 saw the use of fingerprints for the U.S. Army. Two years later the U.S. Navy started, and was joined the next year by the Marine Corp. During the next 25

years more and more law enforcement agencies join in the use of fingerprints as a means of personal identification. Many of these agencies began sending copies of their fingerprint cards to the National Bureau of Criminal Identification, which was established by the International Association of Police Chiefs.

1924 An act of congress established the Identification Division of the F.B.I.. The National Bureau and Leavenworth consolidated to form the nucleus of the F.B.I. fingerprint files.

1926 Harold Cummins, M.D.Doctor Cummins is universally acknowledged as the Father of Dermatoglyphics. Harold studied all aspects of fingerprint analysis, from anthropology to genetics, from embryology to the study of malformed hands with from two to seven fingers.(13) He pulled together the diverse work of his predecessors, added original research and set the standards of the field still in force to the present.

1946 The F.B.I. had processed 100 million fingerprint cards in manually maintained files; and by 1971, 200 million cards. With the introduction of AFIS technology, the files were split into computerized criminal files and manually maintained civil files.

From 1970, a large number of professional papers related to the dermatoglyphics were issued, and have proven that dermatoglyphics cannot be replaced in both physiology and psychology with great observation. Dermatoglyphics which is remarkable and changeless is analyzed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, and statistics

From 1992 to 1994 The professional papers about dermatoglyphics focused on particular genetic medicine fields such as sudden infant death syndrome, endometriosis, Alzheimer’s disease, auditory processing disorders, nasal cavities and tracheas, immunity diseases, Tuberculosis and down syndrome.

1999 The FBI had planned to stop using paper fingerprint cards inside their new Integrated AFIS (IAFIS) site at Clarksburg WV. IAFIS will initially have individual computerized fingerprint records for approximately 33 million criminals. Old paper fingerprint cards for the civil files are still manually maintained in a warehouse facility in Fairmont, WV. The FBI hopes to someday classify and file these cards so they can be of value for unknown casualty identification. James Jasinski, the FBI's program manager for IAFIS, said the new system should cut down the time to run the process fingerprint-based background checks to two hours in criminal cases. He said traditional fingerprint background checks can take from eight days to three months - too long for many officials who need background checks conducted quickly so they can make quick decisions on conducting investigations or setting bail.

2004 IBMBS- International Behavioral & Medical Biometrics SocietyNowadays the U.S., Japan or Taiwan apply dermatoglyphics to educational fields, expecting to improve teaching qualities and raising learning efficiency by

knowing various learning styles.

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Dermatoglyphics is a part of the biology, containing genetics and anatomy. Prints include loops and whorls on a finger, a palm and a foot that form and grow from a germinal layer starting from the 13th to 19th weeks in an embryo period. The fingerprint patterns are controlled by chromosomes, and geneticists have studied and proven that permutation of the prints is inherited. The number of ridges on a finger is decided by genes, which do not have dominant effect, rather than environmental influence.


•The same fingerprint probability = 1 :•Permanent

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Headliners from the 2004 IBMBS Conference October 18, 19 and 20, Las VegasFor the first time in the west we have the honor of presenting a leading educational innovator from the east, with those who have used her methods in a lecture and her paper, in English: Common Language of Education, The teaching methods of multiple intelligence development based on Dermatoglyphic Research.Dr. Mary Lai, Ph.D., MME, Taipei, Taiwan. Educator who uses and teaches the use of fingerprints and plantar dermatoglyphics in placement, parent and child counseling and individual curriculum development. She explains:

"The balance of the brain is the key element for learning instead of the quantity of the brain. Based upon Mr. Piaget’s study, when people have (overcome) emotional and learning interferences, a new balance is created in the mind and this is an effective acknowledgment of development. In our Dermatoglyphics (skin pattern) assessment, we know when some parts of the brain are not balanced, (and can predict) the child will have responses such as fear, sadness, upset, withdrawing, and even give up to show the anxiety and pressure for surviving in the real world. If the child can find a new balance (to use) to adjust to the environment he or she will have (s) happy, enthusiastic, active, and patient attitude to fulfill some personal life purposes successfully. — Dermatoglyphics is like an instruction book showing how brains work.... In the Dermatoglyphic assessment, there is no child who is not great. There is only the child who does not know how to use his or her talent and benefit themselves. However, mentors wrongly guide the child based on the most popular learning theories, knowledge and experience at the time, instead of each child’s individual learning talent, preference, and superiorities (or advantages). The wrong guidance makes mentors spend a lot of time forcing the child to fit into some specific learning style. Consequently, the deficient or wrong knowledge about the child leads to many learning obstacles, such as misbehavior, psychological interference, and learning deficits, and the frustrated child.

By using her dermatoglyphic tools very early in the child’s life, even before the age of two, she is able to identify the problem areas that the child may experience in his or her development and design individual development and educational curriculum planning and prepare the mentors, teachers and family to mor successfully facilitate each child’s success in life..She represents the . She will present a symposium entitled the Common Language of Education which will focus on the teaching methods of multiple intelligence development based on Dermatoglyphics Research. (90 minutes) and will be joined by 4 panelists to do the presentation which will focus on Autism, Dermatoglyphics, and Special Education Application. (90 minutes)She will tell about her twenty years of experiences developing child curriculum based on studies of palm and sole dermatoglyphics now with a data base supporting her work with close to 10,000 children. She or some other members of her group may also demonstrate some recently developed practitioner aiding software.

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Potensi Genetik, khususnya Bakat, Area Stimulasi Kecerdasan, dan Kecenderungan Karakter Kepribadian, berkaitan erat dengan sistem syaraf pada fungsi-fungsi bagian OTAK

Pola SIDIK JARI mulai muncul pada waktu bayi dalam kandungan (embrio) usia 13 minggu, pembentukan pola sidik jari seiring dengan pembentukan OTAK.

Pola Sidik Jari ditentukan oleh kromosom-kromosom, yang ditentukan oleh DNA (genetik), dan tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan.

Sistem Syaraf di setiap jari di kedua belah tangan berhubungan erat dengan fungsi-fungsi bagian otak.

Dengan melihat pola SIDIK JARI pada tangan, maka menggambarkan sistem syaraf fungsi-fungsi bagian otak.


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Teori Evolusi Otak

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Tipe Sidik Jari

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Motivation Personality

Skill / Intelligence


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48% 52%


Pikiran Analitis Pikiran HolistikLogika IntuisiBahasa Kreatifitas

Sains & Matematika Seni & Musik


39 keterangan:

(36-41=Respon Tinggi; 42-55=Ketelitian Tinggi)


Respon tinggi: Cepat berminat pada sesuatu yang baru, cepat jenuh, berfokus pada inti permasalahan, dan kurang konsentrasi pada satu hal dalam waktu lama.

Ketelitian tinggi : Menekuni sesuatu secara teliti, bertahap & teratur, berfokus pada detail, lebih konsentrasi pada satu hal dalam waktu lama.

Sensitifitas Tindakan (Working Traits Sensitivity):

Menunjukkan respon seseorang atas suatu tujuan, tugas dan tindakan

RCV 87(keterangan: <120 =ANALISA TINGGI ; >120 = EKSEKUSI TINGGI)

Analisa Tinggi Dalam bertindak, melaksakan tugas dan mengerjakan sesuatu lebih didahului banyak pertimbangan.

Eksekusi Tinggi Dalam bertindak, melaksakan tugas dan mengerjakan sesuatu lebih pada tindakan responsif .























Pengembangan: Eksplorasi Diri vs Bersosialisasi

Menerima Informasi: Fakta vs Opini

Mengambil Keputusan: Obyektif vs Subyektif

Tindakan : Terencana terstruktur vs Fleksibel tidak terencana









Pengembangan inovasi diri terhadap orang lain Tipe ke- 3Pengembangan management diri Tipe ke- 3Pengembangan berfikir secara holistik dan intuitif Tipe ke- 1Pengembangan berfikir spesifik dan logis Tipe ke- 2Pengembangan mengekspresikan gerakan Tipe ke- 2Pengembangan koordinasi gerakan Tipe ke- 2Pengembangan audio musikal dan non verbal Tipe ke- 2Pengembangan komunikasi verbal Tipe ke- 2Pengembangan pengamatan fenomena lingkungan Tipe ke- 2Pengembangan penelitian & pengklasifikasian lingkungan Tipe ke- 2

Rankuman Hasil Analisa

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Memberikan data referensi secara lengkap dan akurat atas kondisi potensi genetika seseorang.

Mengetahui potensi kekuatan bakat yang kuat dan bakat yang lemah, sehingga dapat memilih pendidikan dan karir masa depan secara lebih pasti.

Mengetahui peta stimulasi area fungsi otak, sehingga metode pembelajaran apa yang paling efektif.

Mengetahui kecenderungan kepribadian, sehingga dapat menentukan strategi manajemen komunikasi dan mengatasi konflik.