present progressive tense

Present Progressive Present Progressive Tense Tense back next menu

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Present Progressive Present Progressive TenseTense

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Page 2: Present Progressive Tense

Действие происходит в момент речи, сейчас. (to be + Participle 1)




+ Verb + ing

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take- taking,

play- playing`

(Participle 1)To be

Page 3: Present Progressive Tense

He is jumping with the parachute.

He is swimming

He is jumping from the ski jump

She is opening

the book.

She is reading

the newspaper.

She is going

to work.back nextmenu

Page 4: Present Progressive Tense

Спряжение глагола в Present Progressive (continuous) Tense

I am sitting at the table at the moment. You are sitting at the table at the moment. He is sitting at the table at the moment. She is sitting at the table at the moment. It is sitting at the table at the moment. We are sitting at the table at the moment. You are sitting at the table at the moment. They are sitting at the table at the

moment.back nextmenu

Page 5: Present Progressive Tense

Interrogative Sentences in Present Progressive Tense.

I am

writing a letter.

IAm writing a letter


Yes, I am

Yes, you are

No, I am not

No, you aren’t

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Page 6: Present Progressive Tense

Interrogative sentences

in Present Progressive Tense

You are playing bingo now.

youAre playing bingo now


Yes, I am

Yes, you are

No, I am not

No, you aren’t

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Page 7: Present Progressive Tense

Interrogative Sentences

in Present Progressive Tense

He is drawing now.

heIs drawing now?

Yes, he is

No, he isn’t

She, it – the same way

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Page 8: Present Progressive Tense

Interrogative sentences in Present Progressive Tense

We are watching TV now.

weAre watching TV now


Yes, we are

Yes, you are

No, we aren’t

No, you aren’t

You, they – the same way back nextmenu

Page 9: Present Progressive Tense

Present Progressive Tense. Interrogative Form.

Am I reading a book? Are you reading a book? Is he reading a book? Is she reading a book ? Is it reading a book? Are we reading a book? Are you reading a book? Are they reading a book?

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Page 10: Present Progressive Tense

Questions and Answers

Am I reading? Yes, I am. No, I’m not. Are you reading? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Is he reading? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Is she reading? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Is it reading? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Are we reading? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t Are you reading? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Are they reading? Yes, they are. No, they


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Page 11: Present Progressive Tense

Present Progressive TenseNegative Form

I am not playing chess now. You are not playing chess now. He is not playing chess now. She is not playing chess now. It is not playing chess now. We are not playing chess now. You are not playing chess now. They are not playing chess now.

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Page 12: Present Progressive Tense

The Frog is catching a worm. The Frog is catching a worm. Is the frog catching a worm? Yes, it is. Is the frog catching a worm? Yes, it is.

Is the frog catching a mosquito? No, it isn’t.Is the frog catching a mosquito? No, it isn’t.Is the frog catching a worm or a mosquito? Is the frog catching a worm or a mosquito?

It is catching a worm.It is catching a worm.What is the frog doing? It is catching a What is the frog doing? It is catching a worm. What is the frog catching? It is worm. What is the frog catching? It is

catching a worm.catching a worm. back nextmenu

Have Some Training.

Page 13: Present Progressive Tense

The man is jumping into the pool.The man is jumping into the pool.Is the man jumping into the pool? Yes, he is.Is the man jumping into the pool? Yes, he is.

Is the man jumping into the swimming pool? No, he isn’t.Is the man jumping into the swimming pool? No, he isn’t.Is the man jumping into the pool or the swimming pool? He is Is the man jumping into the pool or the swimming pool? He is

jumping into the pool.jumping into the pool.What is the man doing? He is jumping into the pool.What is the man doing? He is jumping into the pool.

Where is the man jumping? He is jumping into the pool.Where is the man jumping? He is jumping into the pool.

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Page 14: Present Progressive Tense

The man is hopping.The man is hopping.Is the man hopping? Yes, he is.Is the man hopping? Yes, he is.

Is the man jumping ? No, he isn’t.Is the man jumping ? No, he isn’t.Is the man jumping or hopping? He is hopping.Is the man jumping or hopping? He is hopping.

What is the man doing? He is hopping.What is the man doing? He is hopping.

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Page 15: Present Progressive Tense

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The man and the woman are running.

Are they running? Yes, they are.

Are they swimming? No, they aren’t.

Are they running or swimming? They are running.

What are they doing? They are running.

Page 16: Present Progressive Tense

Study some examples.

-Who is he?

-He’s my brother.

-Is he washing his hands?

-Yes, he is.

-Is he brushing his teeth?

-No, he isn’t.

-Is he brushing his teeth or washing his hands?

-He is washing his hands.

-What’s he doing?

-He is washing his hands.

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Page 17: Present Progressive Tense

Study some examples.

-Who is he?

-He’s my friend.

-Is he playing hockey?

-Yes, he is.

-Is he playing golf?

-No, he isn’t.

-Is he playing hockey or golf?

-He is playing hockey.

-What’s he doing?

-He is playing hockey.

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Page 18: Present Progressive Tense

Study some examples.

-What is he?

-He’s a chef.

-Is he cooking?

-Yes, he is.

-Is he cleaning the table?

-No, he isn’t.

-Is he cooking or cleaning the table?

-He is cooking.

-What’s he doing?

-He is cooking.

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Page 19: Present Progressive Tense

Some aspects of use Some aspects of use of Present progressiveof Present progressive

Когда мы говорим о том, что Когда мы говорим о том, что происходит в данный момент, мы происходит в данный момент, мы используем используем Present ProgressivePresent Progressive

((I am doingI am doing). ). She is speaking She is speaking toto her friends. her friends.They are cleaning the appartment.They are cleaning the appartment.Не используем Не используем PPresent resent SimpleSimple ( (I I


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Page 20: Present Progressive Tense

Однако, некоторые глаголы не могут Однако, некоторые глаголы не могут быть использованы в Сontinuous быть использованы в Сontinuous tenses, потому что понятие "что-то в tenses, потому что понятие "что-то в развитии" не может быть применено развитии" не может быть применено к тому, что они обозначают. Это к тому, что они обозначают. Это следующие глаголы:следующие глаголы:

belong know belong know prefer supposeprefer suppose rememberremember hear believe hear believe cost cost forget forget like hate like hate containcontain seem love seem love needneed

see see realise realise mean understand wantmean understand want

Как правило, мы используем Present Как правило, мы используем Present Simple c этими глаголами:Simple c этими глаголами:

I hate being interrupted all the time.I hate being interrupted all the time.The book contains many chapetrs The book contains many chapetrs

devoted to the history of the country.devoted to the history of the country.back nextmenu

Page 21: Present Progressive Tense

Эти глаголы могут также употребляться в Эти глаголы могут также употребляться в следующей конструкции следующей конструкции cancan ++ seesee,, hearhear и т.д., и т.д., которая ясно выражает действие, происходящее в которая ясно выражает действие, происходящее в момент разговора:момент разговора:

- - I can see someone through the window, but I can't hear I can see someone through the window, but I can't hear what they're saying.what they're saying.

Некоторые из этих глаголов могут употребляться в Некоторые из этих глаголов могут употребляться в Сontinuous tenses, если они означают:Сontinuous tenses, если они означают:

to think - "обдумывать"to think - "обдумывать" to see - "встречаться"to see - "встречаться" to have - to have - в таких выражениях,в таких выражениях, как to have как to have

breakfast, to breakfast, to have dinner, to have a good time,have dinner, to have a good time, to have to have supper, to have troubles, и т.д.supper, to have troubles, и т.д.

- - I'm thinking of going to the cinema tonight.I'm thinking of going to the cinema tonight. - She is having a rest. She is very tired.- She is having a rest. She is very tired. - I'm seeing my manager tomorrow at 8.- I'm seeing my manager tomorrow at 8.

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Page 22: Present Progressive Tense

Have some PracticeHave some Practice

They are dancing now.

He is dancing now.

She is dancing now.

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Page 23: Present Progressive Tense

He is taking a bath.

He is frying a sausage

They are talking.

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Page 24: Present Progressive Tense

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They are witchcrafting at the moment.