prentice hall magruder’s american government ©2002 ... · prentice hall magruder’s american...

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to: Arkansas Social Studies Standards (Grades 9-12) SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 1 ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s)) STRAND 1: TIME, CONTINUITY, AND CHANGE CONTENT STANDARD 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the chronology and concepts of history and identify and explain historical relationships. TCC.1.1. Analyze and evaluate diverse contemporary, historical, and geographical perspectives as they relate to important events, recurring dilemmas, and persistent issues. SE/TE: Following National Politics, 22, John Locke, The Magna Carta, 33, Signed by King John, Letters of Liberty, 78, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, More Power to the States, 96, Linda Chavez, Green Party Goals, 136, Political Views, 138, Ralph Nader, The Dangers of Voter Apathy, 158, Curtis Gans, Establishing Primary Elections, 187, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214, Kim Campbell, Destination: The American Dream, 248, Hugh B. Price, Redistricting and Race, 274, Professions Which Influence National Politics, 277, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Reining in Congress, 309, Dan Carney, Organizing Congressional Committees, 328, Congressional Voting, 333, Pat Schroeder, Choosing the Vice President, 364, Presidential Characteristics, 374, John A. Garraty, The Monroe Doctrine, 404, President James Monroe, The Making of the Modern Presidency, 423, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Meaning of a Balanced Budget, 457, Susan Dentzer, The State Department's Mission, 476, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Choosing Federal Judges, 516, Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545, Gun Control, 567, The Freedom Forum, The Right to an Attorney, 584, Clarence Gideon, Breaking Down Barriers, 607, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Ernest Green, Democratic Reform in Mexico, 644, Vicente Fox, The Third Way, 671, Prime Minister Tony Blair, The New Breed of State Legislator, 701, Garry Boulard, Seeing the Regional Future, 724, Participation in State and Local Government, 735, Close Up on the Supreme Court, Baker v. Carr, 1962: Must Voting Districts Be Equal in Population?, 23, United States v. Eichman, 1990: Is Flag-Burning "Free Speech"?, 59, Ingraham v. Wright, 1977: May Schools Use Corporal Punishment?, 83

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Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 1

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

STRAND 1: TIME, CONTINUITY, AND CHANGE CONTENT STANDARD 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the chronology and concepts of history and identify and explain historical relationships. TCC.1.1. Analyze and evaluate diverse

contemporary, historical, and geographical perspectives as they relate to important events, recurring dilemmas, and persistent issues.

SE/TE: Following National Politics, 22, John Locke, The Magna Carta, 33, Signed by King John, Letters of Liberty, 78, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, More Power to the States, 96, Linda Chavez, Green Party Goals, 136, Political Views, 138, Ralph Nader, The Dangers of Voter Apathy, 158, Curtis Gans, Establishing Primary Elections, 187, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214, Kim Campbell, Destination: The American Dream, 248, Hugh B. Price, Redistricting and Race, 274, Professions Which Influence National Politics, 277, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Reining in Congress, 309, Dan Carney, Organizing Congressional Committees, 328, Congressional Voting, 333, Pat Schroeder, Choosing the Vice President, 364, Presidential Characteristics, 374, John A. Garraty, The Monroe Doctrine, 404, President James Monroe, The Making of the Modern Presidency, 423, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Meaning of a Balanced Budget, 457, Susan Dentzer, The State Department's Mission, 476, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Choosing Federal Judges, 516, Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545, Gun Control, 567, The Freedom Forum, The Right to an Attorney, 584, Clarence Gideon, Breaking Down Barriers, 607, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Ernest Green, Democratic Reform in Mexico, 644, Vicente Fox, The Third Way, 671, Prime Minister Tony Blair, The New Breed of State Legislator, 701, Garry Boulard, Seeing the Regional Future, 724, Participation in State and Local Government, 735, Close Up on the Supreme Court, Baker v. Carr, 1962: Must Voting Districts Be Equal in Population?, 23, United States v. Eichman, 1990: Is Flag-Burning "Free Speech"?, 59, Ingraham v. Wright, 1977: May Schools Use Corporal Punishment?, 83

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 2

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC.1.1. Analyze and evaluate diverse

contemporary, historical, and geographical perspectives as they relate to important events, recurring dilemmas, and persistent issues.

(Continued) SE/TE: Printz v. United States, 1997: Should States Be

Required to Enforce Federal Laws?, 109, Communist Party of Indiana v. Whitcomb, 1974: Can Candidates Be Forced to Sign Oaths?, 143, Oregon v. Mitchell, 1970: Who Decides Who May Vote?, 173, Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC, 2000: Can States Limit Campaign Contributions?, 203, Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tomillo, 1974: Do Candidates Deserve "Equal Time"?, 231, Flast v. Cohen, 1968: May Taxpayers Challenge Federal Spending Laws?, 255, Hutchinson v. Proxmire, 1979: May Congresspersons Be Sued for Their Statements?, 285, Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States, 1964: Can Congress Prohibit Discrimination by Private Businesses?, 315, Watkins v. United States, 1957: How Broad is Congress's Power to Investigate?, 347, Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 1982: May the President Be Sued?, 385, Korematsu v. United States, 1944: Can Groups' Liberties Be Limited During Wartime?, 409, Goldberg v. Kelly, 1970: Must a Hearing Precede the Cutoff of Welfare Benefits?, 441, Agostini v. Felton, 1997: Can Federal Funds be Used to Help Religious School Students?, 463, Rostker v. Goldberg, 1981: Should Women Be Drafted?, 499, Reno v. Condon, 2000: May Congress Regulate States' Business Activities?, 527, Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, 1969: May Schools Ban Political Protests?, 559, Illinois v. Wardlow, 2000: Does a Suspect's Flight From Police Justify a Stop and Search?, 589, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 1978: May Public Universities Use Admissions Quotas?, 619, Reno v. ACLU, 1997: May the Government Regulate the Internet?, 653, Shelley v. Kraemer, 1948: May Courts Enforce Discriminatory Private Agreements?, 677, City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey, 1978: Can States Restrict Undesirable Imports?, 713, Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris, 1989: Must Local Government Follow the "One Person, One Vote" Rule?, 745

TE: Current Issues, 208, Right to Privacy, 565, Discrimination, 159, 569, 595, 601, Gun Control, 571, Affirmative Action, 609, Immigration, 613, 615, Constitutional Issues, 69, 107, 473, 507, 521, 534, 551, 567, 580, 685, 735, A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 3

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC.1.1. Analyze and evaluate diverse

contemporary, historical, and geographical perspectives as they relate to important events, recurring dilemmas, and persistent issues.

(Continued) TE: 381, 479, 509, 686, 691 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 30, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 25, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Kicking the Habit, 8, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: A House Built on Compromise, 14, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Watkins v. U.S., 13, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 20, 26, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 53, Section 2, 54, Section 3, 55, Section 4, 56, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 45, Section 2, 46, Section 3, 47, Section 1, 48, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 23, Section2 Quiz, 25, Section 3 Quiz, 47, Section 4 Quiz, 29, , Section Support Transparencies: 48, 49, 50, 51, 147, 148, 149, 150, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 24-33, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, Unit 3 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 22, 24, 26, 28, Skills for Life Activity, 30

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, 2, 3, 4, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

TCC.1.2. Explain, analyze, and show connections

among patterns of change and continuity by applying key historical concepts, such as time, chronology, causality, change, conflict, complexity, and movement.

SE/TE: Using Time Lines, 398, law of supply and demand, 21, response to invasion and internal disorder, 98-99, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Time Lines, Four Eras of Political Parties, 128, Gains and Losses in Off-Year Elections, 269, The Presidential Election Process, 378, Nixon's Presidency, 398, Pearl Harbor, 484, 577, Cuban missile crisis, 486, Supreme Court decisions and the Constitution, 519-520, Cultural Revolution, 650, Students Make a Difference, 14, 30, 67, 101, 140, 170, 184, 226, 246, 281, 297, 337, 372, 400, 426, 450, 497, 508, 557, 578, 631, 660, 699, 727, You Can Make a Difference, 2, 26, 62, 86, 114, 146, 176, 206, 234, 260, 288, 318, 352, 388, 412; 444, 466, 504, 530, 562, 592, 624, 656, 682, 716

TE: Sequencing, events leading to first State constitutions, 35, Suffrage, 149, Poll, 216, Impeachment, 311, Presidential Succession, 360, Jury Trials, 703, Cause and Effects, Electoral College System, 378, Civil Service, 438, Affirmative Action, 609

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 4

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC.1.2. Explain, analyze, and show connections

among patterns of change and continuity by applying key historical concepts, such as time, chronology, causality, change, conflict, complexity, and movement.

(Continued) TR: Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The

Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

TCC.1.3. Evaluate major turning points in history.

SE/TE: The Declaration of Independence, 40-43, The Critical Period, 44-47, The Constitution, 62-63, admitting new states, 99-.101, 99p, 100m, Suffrage and Civil Rights, 159-163, Pearl Harbor, 534, 598, Cuban missile crisis, 486, The Living Constitution: The Supreme Court and Civil Rights, 604-607, school desegregation, 607, 607p, Federal Civil Rights Laws, 608-612, Emancipation Proclamation, 798

TE: Constitutional Convention, debate at, 48, Revolutions, 56, Roots of Democracy, 66, 89, 154, 183, 210, 276, Creation of Constitution, 684

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 10, 15, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 20, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Maryland Toleration Act, 28; English Petition of Right, 55; English Bill of Rights, 56; Magna Carta and the Founding of the United States, 4; Speech to the Virginia Provincial Convention, 29; The Wealth of Nations, 30; Common Sense, 31; Virginia Declaration of Rights, 57, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 15, Section 2, 16, Section 3, 17, Section 4, 18, Section 5, 19, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 7, Section 2, 8, Section 3, 9, Section 4, 10, Section 5, 11, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 10, Section 2 Quiz, 12, Section 3 Quiz, 14, Section 4 Quiz, 16, Section 5 Quiz, 18, Section Support Transparencies: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, 5

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 5

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC.1.3. Evaluate major turning points in history.

(Continued) TR: Unit 1 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 9,

11, 13, 15, 17, Skills for Life Activity, 19 TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section


TCC.1.4. Link historical events region to region along timelines.

SE/TE: Using Time Lines, 398, Time Lines, Four Eras of Political Parties, 128, Gains and Losses in Off-Year Elections, 269, The Presidential Election Process, 378, Nixon's Presidency, 398

TE: Foreign Policy Time Line, 481 TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies

Booklet: 27, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

TCC.1.5. Describe and evaluate the historical role of

international and multinational organizations.

SE/TE: European Union (EU), 15, United Nations, 485, 494-498, 495p, 496p, 497c, 641c, in the Balkans, 402-403, Korean War, 487, Persian Gulf War and, 489, secretary-general, 496p, 497, specialized agencies, 496-497 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 402-403, 492-493, 492m, General Assembly (UN), 495-496, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 641c, 642-643, UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), International Court of Justice (UN), International Monetary Fund, 497, Court of International Trade, U.S., 507, 507c, 515

TE: Constitutional Principles, 485, Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 481, 491, Assessment, 489, 498

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 6

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC.1.5. Describe and evaluate the historical role of

international and multinational organizations.

(Continued) TR: Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review,

44 TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3,

Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

TCC.1.6. Analyze and evaluate the history, causes,

consequences, and possible solutions to persisting issues, such as health, security, resource allocation, economic development, and environmental quality.

SE/TE: Environmental Protection Agency, 413, 418, 460c, environmental policy, 422, racial discrimination, 90, 90p, 570, 592p-593p, 595-598, 677, sex discrimination, 598-599, 598c, 599p, 605-606, Gun Control, 567, Close Up on the Supreme Court, United States v. Eichman, 1990: Is Flag-Burning "Free Speech"?, 59, Ingraham v. Wright, 1977: May Schools Use Corporal Punishment?, 83, Printz v. United States, 1997: Should States Be Required to Enforce Federal Laws?, 109, Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States, 1964: Can Congress Prohibit Discrimination by Private Businesses?, 315, Korematsu v. United States, 1944: Can Groups' Liberties Be Limited During Wartime?, 409, Rostker v. Goldberg, 1981: Should Women Be Drafted?, 499, Reno v. Condon, 2000: May Congress Regulate States' Business Activities?, 527, Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, 1969: May Schools Ban Political Protests?, 559, Illinois v. Wardlow, 2000: Does a Suspect's Flight From Police Justify a Stop and Search?, 589, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 1978: May Public Universities Use Admissions Quotas?, 619, Reno v. ACLU, 1997: May the Government Regulate the Internet?, 653, Shelley v. Kraemer, 1948: May Courts Enforce Discriminatory Private Agreements?, 677, City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey, 1978: Can States Restrict Undesirable Imports?, 713, Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris, 1989: Must Local Government Follow the "One Person, One Vote" Rule?, 745

TE: Current Issues, 208, Right to Privacy, 565, Discrimination, 159, 569, 595, 601, Gun Control, 571, Affirmative Action, 609, Immigration, 613, 615, Constitutional Issues, 69, 107, 473, 507, 521, 534, 551, 567, 580, 685, 735

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 47

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 7

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC.1.6. Analyze and evaluate the history, causes,

consequences, and possible solutions to persisting issues, such as health, security, resource allocation, economic development, and environmental quality.

(Continued) TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies

Booklet: 26, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 66, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 58, Section Support Transparencies: 61, 160, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 22

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

STRAND 1: TIME, CONTINUITY, AND CHANGE CONTENT STANDARD 2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how ideas, events, and conditions bring about change. TCC. 2.1. Investigate cause and effect as a historical


SE/TE: Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Time Lines, Four Eras of Political Parties, 128, Gains and Losses in Off-Year Elections, 269, The Presidential Election Process, 378, Nixon's Presidency, 398, Pearl Harbor, 484, 577, Cuban missile crisis, 486, Supreme Court decisions and the Constitution, 519-520, Cultural Revolution, 650

TE: Sequencing, events leading to first State constitutions, 35, Suffrage, 149, Poll, 216, Impeachment, 311, Presidential Succession, 360, Jury Trials, 703, Cause and Effects, Electoral College System, 378, Civil Service, 438, Affirmative Action, 609

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

TCC. 2.2. Compare and contrast divergent historical


SE/TE: Following National Politics, 22, John Locke, The Magna Carta, 33, Signed by King John, Letters of Liberty, 78, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, More Power to the States, 96, Linda Chavez, Green Party Goals, 136, Political Views, 138

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 8

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC. 2.2. Compare and contrast divergent historical


(Continued) SE/TE: Ralph Nader, The Dangers of Voter Apathy,

158, Curtis Gans, Establishing Primary Elections, 187, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214, Kim Campbell, Destination: The American Dream, 248, Hugh B. Price, Redistricting and Race, 274, Professions Which Influence National Politics, 277, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Reining in Congress, 309, Dan Carney, Organizing Congressional Committees, 328, Congressional Voting, 333, Pat Schroeder, Choosing the Vice President, 364, Presidential Characteristics, 374, John A. Garraty, The Monroe Doctrine, 404, President James Monroe, The Making of the Modern Presidency, 423, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Meaning of a Balanced Budget, 457, Susan Dentzer, The State Department's Mission, 476, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Choosing Federal Judges, 516, Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545, Gun Control, 567, The Freedom Forum, The Right to an Attorney, 584, Clarence Gideon, Breaking Down Barriers, 607, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Ernest Green, Democratic Reform in Mexico, 644, Vicente Fox, The Third Way, 671, Prime Minister Tony Blair, The New Breed of State Legislator, 701, Garry Boulard, Seeing the Regional Future, 724, Participation in State and Local Government, 735, Close Up on the Supreme Court, Baker v. Carr, 1962: Must Voting Districts Be Equal in Population?, 23, United States v. Eichman, 1990: Is Flag-Burning "Free Speech"?, 59, Ingraham v. Wright, 1977: May Schools Use Corporal Punishment?, 83, Printz v. United States, 1997: Should States Be Required to Enforce Federal Laws?, 109, Communist Party of Indiana v. Whitcomb, 1974: Can Candidates Be Forced to Sign Oaths?, 143, Oregon v. Mitchell, 1970: Who Decides Who May Vote?, 173, Nixon v. Shrink Missouri Government PAC, 2000: Can States Limit Campaign Contributions?, 203, Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tomillo, 1974: Do Candidates Deserve "Equal Time"?, 231, Flast v. Cohen, 1968: May Taxpayers Challenge Federal Spending Laws?, 255, Hutchinson v. Proxmire, 1979: May Congresspersons Be Sued for Their Statements?, 285

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 9

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC. 2.2. Compare and contrast divergent historical


(Continued) SE/TE: Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States,

1964: Can Congress Prohibit Discrimination by Private Businesses?, 315, Watkins v. United States, 1957: How Broad is Congress's Power to Investigate?, 347, Nixon v. Fitzgerald, 1982: May the President Be Sued?, 385, Korematsu v. United States, 1944: Can Groups' Liberties Be Limited During Wartime?, 409, Goldberg v. Kelly, 1970: Must a Hearing Precede the Cutoff of Welfare Benefits?, 441, Agostini v. Felton, 1997: Can Federal Funds be Used to Help Religious School Students?, 463, Rostker v. Goldberg, 1981: Should Women Be Drafted?, 499, Reno v. Condon, 2000: May Congress Regulate States' Business Activities?, 527, Tinker v. Des Moines Independent School District, 1969: May Schools Ban Political Protests?, 559, Illinois v. Wardlow, 2000: Does a Suspect's Flight From Police Justify a Stop and Search?, 589, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, 1978: May Public Universities Use Admissions Quotas?, 619, Reno v. ACLU, 1997: May the Government Regulate the Internet?, 653, Shelley v. Kraemer, 1948: May Courts Enforce Discriminatory Private Agreements?, 677, City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey, 1978: Can States Restrict Undesirable Imports?, 713, Board of Estimate of City of New York v. Morris, 1989: Must Local Government Follow the "One Person, One Vote" Rule?, 745

TE: Constitutional Issues, 69, 107, 473, 507, 521, 534, 551, 567, 580, 685, 735, A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 30, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 25, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Kicking the Habit, 8, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: A House Built on Compromise, 14, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Watkins v. U.S., 13, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 20, 26, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 53, Section 2, 54, Section 3, 55, Section 4, 56, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 45, Section 2, 46, Section 3, 47, Section 1, 48, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 23, Section 2 Quiz, 25, Section3 Quiz, 47, Section 4 Quiz, 29

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 10

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC. 2.2. Compare and contrast divergent historical


(Continued) TR: Section Support Transparencies: 48, 49, 50, 51,

147, 148, 149, 150, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 24-33, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, Unit 3 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 22, 24, 26, 28, Skills for Life Activity, 30

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section1, 2, 3, 4, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

TCC. 2.3. Evaluate the role of ideals, traditions,

processes, institutions, literature, languages, and the arts in continuity and change.

SE/TE: Response to invasion and internal disorder, 98-99, Supreme Court decisions and the Constitution, 519-520, Cultural Revolution, 650, Background Notes, Politics and Literature, 647

TE: American government, influence of documents on, 28, influence of English ideas on, 29, Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 661

TR: Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 4, 97, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 4, 89, Section Quizzes: Section 5 Quiz, 11, Section Support Transparencies: 92, 191, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 10, Skills for Life Activity, 12

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 4

TCC. 2.4. Compare and contrast issues of continuity and change by applying techniques, such as brainstorming, data analysis, simulations, and scenario writing.

SE/TE: Critical Thinking, Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Charts and Graphs, Analyzing Maps, 266, Using Time Lines, 398, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600, Interpreting Line Graphs, 665

TE: Reading Strategies, Accessing Prior Knowledge, 224, 635; Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Finding Evidence, 73, 133, 306, 321, 360; 400, 492, 533, 602, 627, 708; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Note Taking, 250; Organizing Information/Graphic Organizer, 49, 117, 209, 330, 391, 508, 538, 586, 667, 673, 695, 734; Organizing Information/Outline, 13, 57; 89, 138, 165, 378, 431, 447, 478, 595, 646, 703; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 11

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) TCC. 2.4. Compare and contrast issues of continuity

and change by applying techniques, such as brainstorming, data analysis, simulations, and scenario writing.

(Continued) TE: Predicting, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and

Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Monitoring, 160, 420, 547, 651; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726; Summarizing, 5, 311, 343, 455, 482, 513, 609, 659

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

STRAND 2: PEOPLE, PLACES, AND ENVIRONMENTS CONTENT STANDARD 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding that people, cultures, and systems are connected and that commonalities and diversities exist among them. PPE. 1.1. Analyze and illustrate connections and

interactions of individuals, groups, institutions, states, and nations.

SE/TE: Interstate commerce, 90, 93, 936, 308, 434, 739, Mexico, ceded California, 99, interstate compacts, 105, 108, interstate trade, 297, 690c, 713, North American Free Trade Agreement, 642-643, United Nations, 485, 494-498, 495p, 496p, 497c, 641c, Foreign trade, 91, 297, 422, 739, ambassadors, 395, 471, foreign affairs, 416, national security and, 468-475, treaties and, 399-400, foreign policy, 301, 401, 481-489, Foreign Aid and Defense Alliances, 491-498, Close Up Student Poll: Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, The Living Constitution: America's Place in the World, 640, You Can Make a Difference: Foreign Affairs, 467, International Governments, 625, Political Cartoons: Teddy Roosevelt's Big Stick, 483, Russia, 649, China, 655, ethnic conflicts, 402-403, ethnic groups, 600, 600c

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(Continued) PPE. 1.1. Analyze and illustrate connections and

interactions of individuals, groups, institutions, states, and nations.

(Continued) SE/TE: Spanish-language media for Hispanics, 214,

214p, Afghanistan, Taliban regime in, 402, school prayer in Alabama, 539, student religious groups, 539-540, Bob Jones University v. United States (1983), 799, Israel, 401, 485c, 491, 494, Middle East, 489, 491, 494, 494p, Northern Ireland, 630m, 631, 632, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 494, al Qaida terrorist network, 402, Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545

TE: Effect of Britain’s colonial policies on colonies, 34, Constitutional Convention, debate at, 48, Revolutions, 56, Interstate Compacts, 105, Interstate Relations, 106, Isolationism and Internationalism, Comparing, 482, Foreign Policy, 468, Time Line, 481, Alliances, 491, Constitutional Principles, 485, Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 481, 491, Assessment, 489, 498, Influence of U.S. Government on Japanese Government, 634

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 27, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Reducing Conflict, 22-23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Role of Congress in Foreign Policy, 19, The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Rostker v. Goldberg, 18, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 74, Section 2, 75, Section 3 76, Section 4, 77, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 66, Section 2, 67, Section 3, 68, Section 4, 69, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz 41, Section 2 Quiz 43, Section 3 Quiz 45, Section 4 Quiz 47, Section Support Transparencies: 69, 70, 71, 72, 168, 169, 170, 171, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 39-41, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, 5, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 40, 42, 44, 46; Skills for Life Activity, 48

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

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PPE. 1.2. Evaluate the effects of science and technology on individuals, groups, and organizations.

SE/TE: Mass Media Use, 2002, 212, Clermont (steamboat), 297-298, 297p, cyber-terrorism, 489, Internet, censorship and, 75, democracy and, 22, electronic voting, 193-194, First Amendment and the, 536, free speech on the, 531, as mass media, 211, 212c, 223, 223p, presidential campaigns and, 370p, presidents on the, 358, 397, regulation of the, 653, sales tax on, 741, using for research, 71, using government sources, 436, vice presidents on the, 363, railroads, 298, 691c, space program, 478-479, 479p, television, electoral politics and, 228-229, 228p, freedom of speech on, 551, public affairs and, 230, public opinion and, 212, role of, 223-224, 224p, 225g, statistics on, 223, 224, 227c, trials on, 580, 580p, telecommunications, 225-226, 653

TE: Mass Media, 224, Televised Trials, 576, 579 TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies

Booklet: 23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: African Americans and Television, 10; The Star Spangled Banner, 35; Pledge of Allegiance, American’s Creed, Oath of Citizenship, 40, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 10, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 38, Section 2, 39, Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 30, Section 2, 31, Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 30, Section 2 Quiz, 32, Section 3 Quiz, 34, Skills for Life Activity, 35, Section Support Transparencies: 33, 35, 132, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29, 31, 33

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PPE. 1.3. Demonstrate how cultural elements such as language, the arts and belief systems can both connect people or cause conflict.

SE/TE: Ethnic conflicts, 402-403, ethnic groups, 600, 600c, Spanish-language media for Hispanics, 214, 214p, Afghanistan, Taliban regime in, 402, school prayer in Alabama, 539, student religious groups, 539-540, Bob Jones University v. United States (1983), 799, Israel, 401, 485c, 491, 494, Middle East, 489, 491, 494, 494p, Northern Ireland, 630m, 631, 632, Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 494, al Qaida terrorist network, 402; Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545

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(Continued) PPE. 1.3. Demonstrate how cultural elements such as

language, the arts and belief systems can both connect people or cause conflict.

(Continued) TE: Protest, 555, Immigration, 613, 615, A Diverse

Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PPE. 1.4. Probe the interdependencies of nations.

SE/TE: Foreign trade, 91, 297, 422, 739, foreign affairs, 416, national security and, 468-475, treaties and, 399-400, foreign aid, 491-498, foreign policy, 301, 401, 481-489, Afghanistan, humanitarian aid for, 494p, Cuban missile crisis, 486, Desert Storm, 698, developing countries, 669, Japan, trade with United States, 483, North American Free Trade Agreement, 642-643, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 402-403, 492-493, 492m, Panama Canal, 400m, 400p, 402, Russia, land purchased from, 100m, United Nations, 485, 494-498, 495p, 496p, 497c, 641c

TE: Effect of Britain’s colonial policies on colonies, 34, Isolationism and Internationalism, Comparing, 482, Foreign Policy, 468, Time Line, 481, Alliances, 491, Influence of U.S. Government on Japanese Government, 634

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 27, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Reducing Conflict, 22-23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Role of Congress in Foreign Policy, 19, The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Rostker v. Goldberg, 18

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(Continued) PPE. 1.4. Probe the interdependencies of nations.

(Continued) TR: Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22,

Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 74, Section 2, 75, Section 3 76, Section 4, 77, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 66, Section 2, 67, Section 3, 68, Section 4, 69, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz 41, Section 2 Quiz 43, Section 3 Quiz 45, Section 4 Quiz 47, Section Support Transparencies: 69, 70, 71, 72, 168, 169, 170, 171, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 39-41, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, 5, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 40, 42, 44, 46; Skills for Life Activity, 48

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PPE. 1.5. Assess the ways family, religion, gender,

ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, and other group characteristics contribute to the development of a sense of self.

SE/TE: African Americans as ambassadors, 471, civil rights movement and, 602, 602p, 800, in civil service, 4399, in Civil War, 798, 798p, in Congress, 9, 9p, 279, 279p, 280c, in government, 389, interest groups of, 247, majority-minority districts, 272, March on Washington, 163p, National Urban League and, 248, political parties and, 123, 128, 130, 139, in President's Cabinet, 246, 246p, 428, 428p, 469p, 470, in Senate, 275p, Arab Americans, 247, 570, Asian Americans, assimilation, 597, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 279, 280c, in President's Cabinet, 428, 428p, voting rights of, 163, Chicanos, 597, Chinese Americans, 279, 280c, 597-598, Cuban Americans, 170, 557p, 597, Hispanic Americans in business, 346p, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 291, 291p, population of, 594, 595c, 597, 751c, in President's Cabinet, 428, 428p, Spanish-language media for, 214, 214p, voting rights of, 163, Japanese Americans, 247, 409, 532, 534, 535p, 598, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 173, 247, 558, Native Americans in Alaska, 100, citizenship of, 613-614, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 121A, 279, 280c, Court of Federal Claims, 524p, discrimination against, 596-597, European settlers and, 28, freedom of religion and, 543, government of, 30, in Mexico, 639, in Minnesota, 683, population of, 595c, 600c, voting rights of, 161, 163, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214, ethnic groups, 600, 600c

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(Continued) PPE. 1.5. Assess the ways family, religion, gender,

ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, and other group characteristics contribute to the development of a sense of self.

(Continued) TE: Interest Groups, 236, 237, 249, Religious

Freedom, 537, A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 14, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Petition by Free Negroes, for Equality Under the Law, 32, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 90, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 82, Section Quizzes: Section Quiz, 30, Section Support Transparencies: 85, 184, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

PPE. 1.6. Predict how people(s) having different scientific and technological capabilities might respond in various situations based on their cultural perspectives.

SE/TE: Developing countries, 669 TR: Close Up on Participation Booklet: Working to

Eliminate Child Labor, 18-19, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: New Labour in Great Britain, 25, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 2, 100, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 2, 92, Section Quizzes: Section 2 Quiz, 16, Section Support Transparencies: 95, 194, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 15

TECH: Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM

PPE. 1.7. Analyze and demonstrate the value of cultural diversity and cohesion within and across groups.

SE/TE: African Americans as ambassadors, 471, civil rights movement and, 602, 602p, 800, in civil service, 4399, in Civil War, 798, 798p, in Congress, 9, 9p, 279, 279p, 280c, in government, 389, interest groups of, 247, majority-minority districts, 272, March on Washington, 163p, National Urban League and, 248, political parties and, 123, 128, 130, 139, in President's Cabinet, 246, 246p, 428, 428p, 469p, 470, in Senate, 275p, Arab Americans, 247, 570, Asian Americans, assimilation, 597, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 279, 280c, in President's Cabinet, 428, 428p, voting rights of, 163, Chicanos, 597, Chinese Americans, 279, 280c, 597-598, Cuban Americans, 170, 557p, 597, Hispanic Americans in business, 346p, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 291, 291p, population of, 594, 595c, 597, 751c, in President's Cabinet, 428, 428p, Spanish-language media for, 214, 214p, voting rights of, 163, Japanese Americans, 247, 409, 532, 534, 535p, 598, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 173, 247, 558, Native Americans in Alaska, 100

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(Continued) PPE. 1.7. Analyze and demonstrate the value of

cultural diversity and cohesion within and across groups.

(Continued) SE/TE: citizenship of, 613-614, in civil service, 439c,

in Congress, 121A, 279, 280c, Court of Federal Claims, 524p, discrimination against, 596-597, European settlers and, 28, freedom of religion and, 543, government of, 30, in Mexico, 639, in Minnesota, 683, population of, 595c, 600c, voting rights of, 161, 163, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214, ethnic groups, 600, 600c

TE: Interest Groups, 236, 237, 249, Religious Freedom, 537, A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 14, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Petition by Free Negroes, for Equality Under the Law, 32, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 90, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 82, Section Quizzes: Section Quiz, 30, Section Support Transparencies: 85, 184, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

PPE. 1.8. Explore cultural perspectives by applying techniques such as brainstorming, data analysis, simulations, and scenario writing.

SE/TE: Critical Thinking, Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Charts and Graphs, Analyzing Maps, 266, Using Time Lines, 398, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600, Interpreting Line Graphs, 665

TE: Reading Strategies, Accessing Prior Knowledge, 224, 635; Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Finding Evidence, 73, 133, 306, 321, 360; 400, 492, 533, 602, 627, 708; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Note Taking, 250; Organizing Information/Graphic Organizer, 49, 117, 209, 330, 391, 508, 538, 586, 667, 673, 695, 734; Organizing Information/Outline, 13, 57; 89, 138, 165, 378, 431, 447, 478, 595, 646, 703; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719

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(Continued) PPE. 1.8. Explore cultural perspectives by applying

techniques such as brainstorming, data analysis, simulations, and scenario writing.

(Continued) TE: Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459;

Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Monitoring, 160, 420, 547, 651; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726; Summarizing, 5, 311, 343, 455, 482, 513, 609, 659

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 14, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Petition by Free Negroes, for Equality Under the Law, 32, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 90, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 82, Section Quizzes: Section Quiz, 30, Section Support Transparencies: 85, 184, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

STRAND 2: PEOPLE, PLACES, AND ENVIRONMENTS CONTENT STANDARD 2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the significance of physical and cultural characteristics of places and world regions. PPE. 2.1. Formulate connections of individuals,

groups, and organizations to the physical environment.

SE/TE: Environmental policy, 422, Environmental Protection Agency, 413, 418, 460c, Grand Canyon National Park, 437p, agricultural interest groups in Florida, 245, Idaho, ranching in, 335, farmers in Michigan, 300p, Middle East, 489, 491, 494, 494p, railroads, 298, 691c

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Goldberg v. Kelly, 16, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 5, 62, Section Quizzes: Section 5 Quiz, 31, Section Support Transparencies: 65, 164, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 30, Skills for Life activity, 32

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 5, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM

PPE. 2.2. Question and appraise how events in all

cultures are influenced by physical and human geographic factors.

SE/TE: Environmental policy, 422, European Union (EU), 15, Hawaii, annexation of, 400, 482, Korean War, 487, 496, 676, Louisiana Purchase (1803), 100m, 306, 482, Manifest Destiny, 482, Mexican War and Mexico, 482, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 641c, 642-643, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 402-403, 492-493, 492m

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(Continued) PPE. 2.2. Question and appraise how events in all

cultures are influenced by physical and human geographic factors.

(Continued) SE/TE: Northern Ireland, 630m, 631, 632, Palestinian

Liberation Organization (PLO), 494, Panama Canal, 400m, 400p, 402, railroads, 298, 691c, townships in South Dakota, 722, territorial integrity of states, 99, United Nations, 485, 494-498, 495p, 496p, 497c, 641c, in the Balkans, 402-403, Vietnam War, 408, 408p, 487-488, 488p, Persian Gulf War and, 489, World War 1, 343-344, 400, 484, 640c, World War 11, 400, 401p, 403, 484-485, 548, 641c

TE: Busing, 603, Korean Peninsula, 493 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 27, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Reducing Conflict, 22-23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Role of Congress in Foreign Policy, 19, The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Rostker v. Goldberg, 18, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 74, Section 2, 75, Section 3 76, Section 4, 77, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 66, Section 2, 67, Section 3, 68, Section 4, 69, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz 41, Section 2 Quiz 43, Section 3 Quiz 45, Section 4 Quiz 47, Section Support Transparencies: 69, 70, 71, 72, 168, 169, 170, 171, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 39-41, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, 5, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 40, 42, 44, 46; Skills for Life Activity, 48

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PPE. 2.3. Generate both current and historical

examples of the interrelationships of science, technology, and society.

SE/TE: Panama Canal, 400m, 400p, 402, railroads, 298, 691c, Mass Media Use, 2002, 212, Clermont (steamboat), 297-298, 297p, cyber-terrorism, 489, Internet, censorship and, 75, democracy and, 22, electronic voting, 193-194, First Amendment and the, 536, free speech on the, 531, as mass media, 211, 212c, 223, 223p, presidential campaigns and, 370p, presidents on the, 358, 397, regulation of the, 653, sales tax on, 741, using for research, 71, using government sources, 436

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(Continued) PPE. 2.3. Generate both current and historical

examples of the interrelationships of science, technology, and society.

(Continued) SE/TE: vice presidents on the, 363, railroads, 298,

691c, space program, 478-479, 479p, television, electoral politics and, 228-229, 228p, freedom of speech on, 551, as mass media, 211, 212c, political campaigns and, 141p, 196, 202, 229, 375, public affairs and, 230, public opinion and, 212, role of, 223-224, 224p, 225g, statistics on, 223, 224, 227c, trials on, 580, 580p, telecommunications, 225-226, 653

TE: Mass Media, 224, Televised Trials, 576, 579 TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies

Booklet: 23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: African Americans and Television, 10; The Star Spangled Banner, 35; Pledge of Allegiance, American’s Creed, Oath of Citizenship, 40, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 10, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 38, Section 2, 39, Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 30, Section 2, 31, Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 30, Section 2 Quiz, 32, Section 3 Quiz, 34, Skills for Life Activity, 35, Section Support Transparencies: 33, 35, 132, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29, 31, 33

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PPE. 2.4. Extract commonalities and differences

among cultures as they relate to the five themes of geography: location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region.

SE/TE: Arab Americans, 247, 570, Asian Americans, assimilation, 597, Chicanos, 597, Chinese Americans, 279, 280c, 597-598, Cuban Americans, 170, 557p, 597, Hispanic Americans in business, 346p, Japanese Americans, 247, 409, 532, 534, 535p, 598, Native Americans in Alaska, 100, citizenship of, 613-614, European settlers and, 28, freedom of religion and, 543, government of, 30, in Mexico, 639, in Minnesota, 683, population of, 595c, 600c, ethnic groups, 600, 600c

TE: Immigration, 613, 615, A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 14, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29

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(Continued) PPE. 2.4. Extract commonalities and differences

among cultures as they relate to the five themes of geography: location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region.

(Continued) TR: Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Petition

by Free Negroes, for Equality Under the Law, 32, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 90, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 82, Section Quizzes: Section Quiz, 30, Section Support Transparencies: 85, 184, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

PPE. 2.5. Investigate ways that natural and man-made environments interact with culture by using a variety of experiences, such as field studies, interactive technologies, works of literature, and the arts.

SE/TE: Environmental Protection Agency, 413, 418, 460c, environmental policy, 422

TE: Current Issues, 208 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 47, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 26, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 66, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 58, Section Support Transparencies: 61, 160, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 22

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

PPE. 2.6. Predict how data and experiences may be interpreted by people from diverse cultural perspectives.

SE/TE: African Americans as ambassadors, 471, civil rights movement and, 602, 602p, 800, in civil service, 4399, in Civil War, 798, 798p, in Congress, 9, 9p, 279, 279p, 280c, in government, 389, interest groups of, 247, majority-minority districts, 272, March on Washington, 163p, National Urban League and, 248, political parties and, 123, 128, 130, 139, in President's Cabinet, 246, 246p, 428, 428p, 469p, 470, in Senate, 275p, Arab Americans, 247, 570, Asian Americans, assimilation, 597, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 279, 280c, in President's Cabinet, 428, 428p, voting rights of, 163, Chicanos, 597, Chinese Americans, 279, 280c, 597-598, Cuban Americans, 170, 557p, 597, Hispanic Americans in business, 346p, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 291, 291p, population of, 594, 595c, 597, 751c, in President's Cabinet, 428, 428p, Spanish-language media for, 214, 214p, voting rights of, 163, Japanese Americans, 247, 409, 532, 534, 535p, 598, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 173, 247, 558, Native Americans in Alaska, 100, citizenship of, 613-614, in civil service, 439c, in Congress, 121A, 279, 280c, Court of Federal Claims, 524p, discrimination against, 596-597, European settlers and, 28

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(Continued) PPE. 2.6. Predict how data and experiences may be

interpreted by people from diverse cultural perspectives.

(Continued) SE/TE: freedom of religion and, 543, government of,

30, in Mexico, 639, in Minnesota, 683, population of, 595c, 600c, voting rights of, 161, 163, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214, ethnic groups, 600, 600c

TE: A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 14, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Petition by Free Negroes, for Equality Under the Law, 32, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 90, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 82, Section Quizzes: Section Quiz, 30, Section Support Transparencies: 85, 184, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

PPE. 2.7. Examine and explain belief systems underlying specific traditions and laws.

SE/TE: Ethnic groups, 600, 600c, Afghanistan, Taliban regime in, 402, Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545

TE: A Diverse Nation, 15, 31, 156, 192, 244, 381, 479, 509, 686, 691

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 5, 35, 42, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Struggle for Integration, 23, Close Up on the Supreme Court Booklet: Plessy v. Ferguson, 36-37; Powell v. Alabama, 40-41; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 42-43, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 2, 91, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 2, 83, Section Quizzes: Section 2 Quiz, 32, Section Support Transparencies: 86, 185, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, 17-18, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 31

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section2

STRAND 3: PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, AND CONSUMPTION CONTENT STANDARD 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding that different economic systems and limited resources influence cooperation and conflict in decision making. PDC.1.1. Demonstrate an understanding of scarcity,

choice, and resource allocation.

SE/TE: Federal Reserve System, 445, command economy, 669, economic equality, 666, Socioeconomic Integration, 722, budget, 744, controllable spending, 459-460

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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(Continued) PDC.1.1. Demonstrate an understanding of scarcity,

choice, and resource allocation.

(Continued) TE: Economics, 9, 427, 459, 474, 617 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters,

Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Agonstini v. Felton, 17, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 73, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 65, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 38, Section Support Transparencies: 68, 167, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 37, Skills for Life Activity, 39

TECH: Resource Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM

PDC.1.2. Describe the roles that location, supply and

demand, prices, and profits play in determining what is produced and distributed in a market system.

SE/TE: Free enterprise system, 20-21, 20p, supply and demand, law of, 21, 661, Clermont (steamboat), 297-298, 297p, market economy, 669, free market system, 675, currency power, 299-300, 299p

TE: Economics, 474, 642, 661 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 29, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Wealth of Nations, 30, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 20, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 99, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 91, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 14, Section Support Transparencies: 94, 193, The Living Constitution Booklet: 4, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 13

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PDC.1.3. Compare economic systems and how they

answer economic questions as to what, how, and for whom to produce goods and services.

SE/TE: Capitalism, 658-664, 658p, 659c, 660p, 661p, 663p, 664p, Why It Matters: Capitalism, 658, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 664, Why It Matters: Socialism, 666, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 670, Why It Matters: Communism, 672, Close Up on Shelley v. Kraemer, 1948, 677, Chapter 23 Assessment, 678, Forms of Government, 15, The Tax Bite in Selected Countries, 296, Men and Women in the Workforce, Selected Countries, 609, Per Capita GDP in Selected Countries, 669, Unemployment in Selected Countries, 1990-2000, 670, Crime Rates of Selected Countries, 710, Political Cartoons: "Let's Form a Government", 8

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(Continued) PDC.1.3. Compare economic systems and how they

answer economic questions as to what, how, and for whom to produce goods and services.

(Continued) SE/TE: "Of the People, By the People, For the People",

257, Pruning Government, 292, Russia, 649, China, 655, "Russian Communism, 679, Drafting a Constitution, 685, command economy, 669, free enterprise system, 20-21, 20p, mixed economy, 21, 662

TE: Economics, 642, Socialism, 666, Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 626, 634, 639, 645, 650, 658, 666, 672, Assessment, 632, 638, 643, 649, 652, 654, 655, 664, 670, 676, 678, You Can Make a Difference, 636, 674

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 29, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Working to Eliminate Child Labor, 18-19, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Wealth of Nations, 30, New Labour in Great Britain, 25, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Shelley v. Kraemer, 24, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 20, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 99, Section 2, 100, Section 3, 101, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 91, Section 2, 92, Section 3, 93, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 14, Section 2 Quiz, 16, Section Support Transparencies: 94, 95, 96, 193, 194, 195, The Living Constitution Booklet: 4, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 13, 14, 15, Skills for Life Activity, 19

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PDC.1.4. Identify present day choices and illustrate

that these choices have important future consequences.

SE/TE: North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 641c, 642-643, European Union (EU), 15, Consumer Products Safety Commission, 432c, 738, developing countries, 669

TE: Economic Debate, 242, Deficit, 454, Alliances, 491

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 6, 28, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Canadian System of Government, 24, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 96, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 88, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 7, Section Support Transparencies: 91, 190, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, 19-20

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(Continued) PDC.1.4. Identify present day choices and illustrate

that these choices have important future consequences.

(Continued) TR: Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 6 TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3

PDC.1.5. Apply economic concepts and economic reasoning to historical and contemporary social and political development.

SE/TE: Laissez-faire theory, 662, levels of, 88-89, origins of, 26-58, parliamentary, 16, 66, Why It Matters: Capitalism, 658, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 664, Why It Matters: Socialism, 666, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 670, Why It Matters: Communism, 672, The Tax Bite in Selected Countries, 296, Men and Women in the Workforce, Selected Countries, 609, Per Capita GDP in Selected Countries, 669, Unemployment in Selected Countries, 1990-2000, 670, Pruning Government, 292, Russia, 649, China, 655, "Russian Communism”, 679, command economy, 669, economic equality, 666, Socioeconomic Integration, 722

TE: Economics, 9, 37, 252, 299, 427, 459, 474, 541, 617, 642, 661, 743

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 29, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Wealth of Nations, 30, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 20, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 99, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 91, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 14, Section Support Transparencies: 94, 193, The Living Constitution Booklet: 4, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 13

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PDC.1.6. Distinguish between domestic and

international economic systems and explain how the two interact.

SE/TE: Foreign affairs, 416, Foreign policy, 301, 401, Foreign trade, 91, 297, 422, 739

TE: Economics, 642, 661 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 47, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 26, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 66, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 58, Section Support Transparencies: 61, 160, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 22

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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PCD.1.7. Analyze the role of specialization in the exchange of economic goods and services.

SE/TE: Interstate commerce, 90, 93, 936, 308, 434, 739, interstate trade, 297, 690c, 713, North American Free Trade Agreement, 642-643, Foreign trade, 91, 297, 422, 739

TE: Interstate Compacts, 105 TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 6, 28, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Canadian System of Government, 24, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 96, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 88, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 7, Section Support Transparencies: 91, 190, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, 19-20, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 6

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3

PCD.1.8. Compare how values and beliefs influence economic decisions in different societies.

SE/TE: Command economy, 669, Cuba, economic system of, 676, 676p, economic equality, 666, free enterprise system, 20-21, 20p, capitalism, 658-664, 658p, 659c, 660p, 661p, 663p, 664p, Socioeconomic Integration, 722, child labor, 69p, 657, Consumer Products Safety Commission, 432c, 738

TE: Socialism, 666, Economics, 9, 37, 252, 299, 427, 459, 474, 541, 617, 642, 661, 743

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 29, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Close Up on Participation Booklet: Working to Eliminate Child Labor, 18-19, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Wealth of Nations, 30, New Labour in Great Britain, 25, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Shelley v. Kraemer, 24, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 20, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 99, Section 2, 100, Section 3, 101, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 91, Section 2, 92, Section 3, 93, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 14, Section 2 Quiz, 16, Section Support Transparencies: 94, 95, 96, 193, 194, 195, The Living Constitution Booklet: 4, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 13, 14, 15, Skills for Life Activity, 19

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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PCD.1.9. Explore public issues related to resource allocation by applying techniques, such as brainstorming, data analysis, simulations, and/or scenario writing,

SE/TE: Critical Thinking, Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Charts and Graphs, Analyzing Maps, 266, Using Time Lines, 398, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600, Interpreting Line Graphs, 665

TE: Reading Strategies, Accessing Prior Knowledge, 224, 635; Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Finding Evidence, 73, 133, 306, 321, 360; 400, 492, 533, 602, 627, 708; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Note Taking, 250; Organizing Information/Graphic Organizer, 49, 117, 209, 330, 391, 508, 538, 586, 667, 673, 695, 734; Organizing Information/Outline, 13, 57; 89, 138, 165, 378, 431, 447, 478, 595, 646, 703; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Monitoring, 160, 420, 547, 651; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726; Summarizing, 5, 311, 343, 455, 482, 513, 609, 659

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Agonstini v. Felton, 17, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 73, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 65, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 38, Section Support Transparencies: 68, 167, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 37, Skills for Life Activity, 39

TECH: Resource Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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STRAND 4: POWER, AUTHORITY, AND GOVERNANCE CONTENT STANDARD 1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the ideals, rights, and responsibilities of participating in a democratic society. PAG.1.1. Explain the purpose of government and

analyze how its powers are acquired, used, and justified.

SE/TE: Federalism: The Division of Power, 88-95, Federalism, 1, 70, 73-74, 113, bicameral legislature and, 262-263, cooperative, 101-103, individual rights and, 534-536, President, powers of, 90, 265, treaties and, 314, veto power, 67, 346, executive branch, 65, 65c, 66, checks and balances, 67-69, 67p, establishment of, 51, appointment of judges, 524, 525, 526, appointment power, 81-82, 313, The Presidency, 352-353, The President's Job Description, 354-358, The Presidency in Action, 388-389, The Growth of Presidential Power, 390-392, The President's Executive Powers, 393-398, Diplomatic and Military Powers, 399-404, Legislative and Judicial Powers, 405-408, The Bureaucracy, 412-413, The Federal Bureaucracy, 414-418, The Executive Office of the President, 419-422, The Executive Departments, 424-429, Independent Agencies, 430-435, The Civil Service, 437-440

TE: Government, principles of government, 2, Purposes of Government, 4, Governments, 12, limitation of individual’s rights in a democracy, 18, Powers of Government, 88, Powers of National Government and States, 89, Comparing National Government and States, 89, Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 354, 390, 393, 399, 405, 414, Assessment, 70, 103, 358, 392, 397, 403, 408, 410-411, 418, 422, 429, 435, 440, 442-443, Activity, 90, 91, 93, Skills for Life: Gathering Information from Government Sources, 436, Activities, 356, 357, 395, 396, 402, 406, 415, 416, 417, 420m 427, 428, 433, Background Notes, 355, 394, 396, 401, 416, 421, 427, 434m 438, 439, Constitutional Principles, 407

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 6, 20, 28, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Canadian System of Government, 24, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Reno v. ACLU, p 23, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 24, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 94

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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(Continued) PAG.1.1. Explain the purpose of government and

analyze how its powers are acquired, used, and justified.

(Continued) TR: Section 2, 95, Section 3, 96, Section 4, 97,

Section 5, 98, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 86, Section 2, 87, Section 3, 88, Section 4, 89, Section 5, 90, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 7, Section Support Transparencies: 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, 19-20, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Skills for Life Activity, 12

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PAG.1.2. Explain the origins and continuing

influence of key ideals of a democratic republican government, such as individual human dignity, liberty, justice, equality, and the rule of law.

SE/TE: Constitution, U.S., limited government and, 65-66, 88, Privileges and Immunities Clause, 107-108, 108p, 108C, limited government, 39, 53, 259, 290, 351, 503, 681, Jefferson, Thomas, on equality, 19, on liberty, 10, Lincoln, Abraham, Emancipation Proclamation, 798, on individual freedom, 20, individual worth, 18-19, hierarchical authority, 414-415, Civil Liberties: First Amendment Freedoms, 530, The Unalienable Rights, 532, Freedom of Religion, 537, Freedom of Speech and Press, 546, Freedom of Assembly and Petition, 555, Civil Liberties: Protecting Individual Rights, 562, Due Process of Law, 564, Freedom and Security of the Person, 569, Rights of the Accused, 576, Punishment, 585, Close Up on Illinois v. Wardlow, 2000, 589, Chapter 20 Assessment, 590, Civil Rights: Equal Justice Under Law, 592, Diversity and Discrimination in American Society, 594, Equality Before the Law, 601, The Living Constitution: The Supreme Court and Civil Rights, 604, Federal Civil Rights Laws, 608, American Citizenship, 613, Close Up on Regents of the, University of California v. Bakke, 1978, 619, Chapter 21 Assessment, 620

TE: Democracy, compare democracy and dictatorship, 13, Principles of American democracy, 19, Compare English and U.S. Democracy, 627, Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 555, 564, 569, 576, 594, 601, 608, 613, Assessment, 558, 560-561, 568, 574, 590-591, 599, 606, 612, 618, You Can Make a Difference, 561, 591, Activities, 580, 615, Students Make a Difference, 557, 578

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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(Continued) PAG.1.2. Explain the origins and continuing

influence of key ideals of a democratic republican government, such as individual human dignity, liberty, justice, equality, and the rule of law.

(Continued) TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution

Transparencies: 10, 15, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 20, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Maryland Toleration Act, 28; English Petition of Right, 55; English Bill of Rights, 56; Magna Carta and the Founding of the United States, 4; Speech to the Virginia Provincial Convention, 29; The Wealth of Nations, 30; Common Sense, 31; Virginia Declaration of Rights, 57, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 15, Section 2, 16, Section 3, 17, Section 4, 18, Section 5, 19, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 7, Section 2, 8, Section 3, 9, Section 4, 10, Section 5, 11, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 10, Section 2 Quiz, 12, Section 3 Quiz, 14, Section 4 Quiz, 16, Section 5 Quiz, 18, Section Support Transparencies: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, 5, Unit 1 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, Skills for Life Activity, 19

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PAG.1.3. Synthesize the principles of United States

political heritage through the examination of such documents as the Declaration of Independence, “Common Sense” (Thomas Paine), the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, “Civil Disobedience” (Henry David Thoreau), “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (Martin Luther King, Jr.), etc.

SE/TE: Bill of Rights, 29, 30, Paine, Thomas, 49, The Constitution, 62, The Six Basic Principles, 64, Formal Amendment, 72, Constitution, U.S., 73-74, Articles of Confederation, 9, 38, 44-46, 44p, 45c, 793-796, Federalist Papers, 9, 58, 67, 69, 263, 468, 506, 783-790, Origins of American Government, 26, The Declaration of Independence, 40, Creating the Constitution, 48, Ratifying the Constitution, 56

TE: Constitution, Framers of, 64, principles of, 65, Amendments, 72, Amending, 79, Amending, 80, 279, Written vs. Unwritten, 626, Creation of Constitution, 684, Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 44, 56, Assessment, 58, 60-61, 70, You Can Make a Difference, 61, Activities, 68, Make a Difference, 67

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 10, 15, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 20, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Maryland Toleration Act, 28; English Petition of Right, 55; English Bill of Rights, 56; Magna Carta and the Founding of the United States, 4

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

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(Continued) PAG.1.3. Synthesize the principles of United States

political heritage through the examination of such documents as the Declaration of Independence, “Common Sense” (Thomas Paine), the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, “Civil Disobedience” (Henry David Thoreau), “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” (Martin Luther King, Jr.), etc.

(Continued) TR: Speech to the Virginia Provincial Convention,

29; The Wealth of Nations, 30; Common Sense, 31; Virginia Declaration of Rights, 57, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 15, Section 2, 16, Section 3, 17, Section 4, 18, Section 5, 19, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 7, Section 2, 8, Section 3, 9, Section 4, 10, Section 5, 11, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 10, Section 2 Quiz, 12, Section 3 Quiz, 14, Section 4 Quiz, 16, Section 5 Quiz, 18, Section Support Transparencies: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, 5, Unit 1 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, Skills for Life Activity, 19

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PAG.1.4. Identify, analyze, interpret, and evaluate

sources and examples of citizens’ rights and responsibilities.

SE/TE: George Washington, Farewell Address of, 120, 481, Citizenship, 76c, 77, 152, 152p, 534, Citizenship: Casting Your Vote, 195, Taking a Poll, 222, Evaluating Leadership, 293, Gathering Information from Government Sources, 436, Paying Your Taxes, 453, Participating in Public Debates, 554, Serving on a Jury, 706, Filing a Consumer Complaint, 738, The Living Constitution: Changing Views of Free Speech, 74, Government by the People, 160, Expansion of Congressional Power, 306, Changes in the Presidency, 360, The Supreme Court and Civil Rights, 604, America's Place in the World, 640, Redefining Federalism, 690, Close Up Student Poll: Students' views about government and politics, Following National Politics, 22, Political Views, 138, Professions Which Influence National Politics, 277, Congressional Voting, 333, Presidential Characteristics, 374, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Gun Control, 567, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Participation in State and Local Government, 735, You Can Make a Difference, 3, 27, 63, 87, 115, 147, 177, 207, 235, 261, 289, 319, 353, 389, 413, 445, 467, 505, 531, 563, 593, 625, 657, 683, 717

TE: Voting, 148, 164, Comparing Voters and Non-Voters, 165, Voting Handbook, 188, Civil Liberties, 532, Free Speech, 547

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(Continued) PAG.1.4. Identify, analyze, interpret, and evaluate

sources and examples of citizens’ rights and responsibilities.

(Continued) TE: You Can Make a Difference, 25, 61, 85, 111,

145, 175, 205, 233, 257, 287, 317, 349, 387, 411, 443, 465, 501, 529, 561, 591, 621, 655, 679, 715, 747, 2, 26, 62, 86, 114, 146, 176, 206, 234, 260, 288, 318, 352, 388, 412, 444, 466, 504, Students Make a Difference, 14, 30, 67, 101, 140, 170, 184, 226, 246, 281, 297, 337, 372, 400, 426, 450, 497, 508, 557, 578, 631, 660, 699, 727

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Ingraham v. Wright, 4, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 22, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 14, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 25, Section Support Transparencies: 17, 116, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, Unit 1 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 24, Skills for Life Activity, 26

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3

PAG.1.5. Examine persistent issues involving the rights, roles, and status of the individual in relation to the general welfare.

SE/TE: George Washington, Farewell Address of, 120, 481, Citizenship, 76c, 77, 152, 152p, 534, Citizenship: Casting Your Vote, 195, Taking a Poll, 222, Evaluating Leadership, 293, Gathering Information from Government Sources, 436, Paying Your Taxes, 453, Participating in Public Debates, 554, Serving on a Jury, 706, Filing a Consumer Complaint, 738, The Living Constitution: Changing Views of Free Speech, 74, Government by the People, 160, Expansion of Congressional Power, 306, Changes in the Presidency, 360, The Supreme Court and Civil Rights, 604, America's Place in the World, 640, Redefining Federalism, 690, Close Up Student Poll: Students' views about government and politics, Following National Politics, 22, Political Views, 138, Professions Which Influence National Politics, 277, Congressional Voting, 333, Presidential Characteristics, 374, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Gun Control, 567, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Participation in State and Local Government, 735, You Can Make a Difference, 3, 27, 63, 87, 115, 147, 177, 207, 235, 261, 289, 319, 353, 389, 413, 445, 467, 505, 531, 563, 593, 625, 657, 683, 717

TE: Civil Liberties, 532, Free Speech, 547, You Can Make a Difference, 25, 61, 85, 111, 145, 175, 205, 233, 257, 287, 317, 349, 387, 411

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(Continued) PAG.1.5. Examine persistent issues involving the

rights, roles, and status of the individual in relation to the general welfare.

(Continued) TE: You Can Make a Difference, 443, 465, 501,

529, 561, 591, 621, 655, 679, 715, 747, 2, 26, 62, 86, 114, 146, 176, 206, 234, 260, 288, 318, 352, 388, 412, 444, 466, 504, Students Make a Difference, 14, 30, 67, 101, 140, 170, 184, 226, 246, 281, 297, 337, 372, 400, 426, 450, 497, 508, 557, 578, 631, 660, 699, 727

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Ingraham v. Wright, 4, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 22, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 14, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 25, Section Support Transparencies: 17, 116, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, Unit 1 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 24, Skills for Life Activity, 26

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3

PAG.1.6. Analyze and evaluate the influence of citizen action and public opinion on the formulation of public policy.

SE/TE: Citizenship, 76c, 77, 152, 152p, 534, Citizenship: Casting Your Vote, 195, Taking a Poll, 222, Evaluating Leadership, 293, Gathering Information from Government Sources, 436, Participating in Public Debates, 554, Government by the People, 160, Close Up Student Poll: Students' views about government and politics, Following National Politics, 22, Political Views, 138, Professions Which Influence National Politics, 277, Congressional Voting, 333, Presidential Characteristics, 374, Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Gun Control, 567, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Participation in State and Local Government, 735

TE: Voting, 148, 164, Comparing Voters and Non-Voters, 165, Voting Handbook, 188, Protest, 555, Public Opinion, 215, Poll, 216, Background Notes, Digital Polling, 220, Global Awareness, 7, 13, 53, 123, 166, 211, 269, 383, 401, 495, 550, 636, Media Influence, 228, Recent Scholarship, 19, 51, 73, 94, 130, 162, 201, 229, 251, 270, 303, 323, 374, 396, 438, 461, 484, 520, 552, 579, 598, 646, 662, 704, 729

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: African Americans and Television, 10; The Star Spangled Banner, 35; Pledge of Allegiance, American’s Creed, Oath of Citizenship, 40

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(Continued) PAG.1.6. Analyze and evaluate the influence of

citizen action and public opinion on the formulation of public policy.

(Continued) TR: Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet:

Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 10, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 38, Section 2, 39, Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 30, Section 2, 31, Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 30, Section 2 Quiz, 32, Section 3 Quiz, 34, Skills for Life Activity, 35, Section Support Transparencies: 33, 35, 132, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29, 31, 33

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

STRAND 4: POWER, AUTHORITY, AND GOVERNANCE CONTENT STANDARD 2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the commonalities and differences of various systems of government. PAG.2.1. Compare the ideologies, structures,

institutions, and processes of different political systems.

SE/TE: The Living Constitution: America's Place in the World, 640, Close Up on Primary Sources: Democratic Reform in Mexico, 644, The Third Way, 671, Comparative Political Systems, 624, Why It Matters: Great Britain, 626, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 632, Why It Matters: Japan, 634, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 638, Why It Matters: Mexico, 639, The Living Constitution: America's Place in the World, 640, Why It Matters: Russia, 645, Critical Thinking: Drawing Inferences, 643, Why It Matters: China, 650, Close Up on Reno v. ACLU, 1997, 653, Chapter 22 Assessment, 654, Comparative Economic Systems, 656, Why It Matters: Capitalism, 658, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 664, Why It Matters: Socialism, 666, Critical Thinking: Making Comparisons, 670, Why It Matters: Communism, 672, Close Up on Shelley v. Kraemer, 1948, 677, Chapter 23 Assessment, 678, Forms of Government, 15, Voter Turnout in Selected Democracies, 168, Access to Media in Selected Countries, 227, The Tax Bite in Selected Countries, 296, Use of Capital Punishment Worldwide, 587, Men and Women in the Workforce, Selected Countries, 609, Per Capita GDP in Selected Countries, 669

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(Continued) PAG.2.1. Compare the ideologies, structures,

institutions, and processes of different political systems.

(Continued) SE/TE: Unemployment in Selected Countries, 1990-

2000, 670, Crime Rates of Selected Countries, 710, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637

TE: Bellringer & Block Scheduling Strategies, 626, 634, 639, 645, 650, 658, 666, 672, Assessment, 632, 638, 643, 649, 652, 654, 655, 664, 670, 676, 678, You Can Make a Difference, 636, 674

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Posters, Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 6, 20, 28, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Canadian System of Government, 24, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Reno v. ACLU, p 23, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 24, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 94, Section 2, 95, Section 3, 96, Section 4, 97, Section 5, 98, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 86, Section 2, 87, Section 3, 88, Section 4, 89, Section 5, 90, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 3, Section 2 Quiz, 5¸ Section 3 Quiz, 7, Section 4 Quiz, 9, Section 5 Quiz, 11, Section Support Transparencies: 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, The Living Constitution Booklet: 5, 19-20, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, Skills for Life Activity, 12

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4, Section 5, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PAG.2.2. Evaluate the impact of technology in

communications, transportation, information processing, weapons development, etc., as they relate to domestic and foreign policies.

SE/TE: Mass Media Use, 2002, 212, cyber-terrorism, 489, Internet, censorship and, 75, democracy and, 22, electronic voting, 193-194, First Amendment and the, 536, free speech on the, 531, as mass media, 211, 212c, 223, 223p, presidential campaigns and, 370p, presidents on the, 358, 397, regulation of the, 653, using government sources, 436, vice presidents on the, 363, railroads, 298, 691c, space program, 478-479, 479p, television, electoral politics and, 228-229, 228p, freedom of speech on, 551, as mass media, 211, 212c, political campaigns and, 141p, 196, 202, 229, 375, public affairs and, 230, public opinion and, 212, role of, 223-224, 224p, 225g, statistics on, 223, 224, 227c, trials on, 580, 580p, telecommunications, 225-226, 653

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(Continued) PAG.2.2. Evaluate the impact of technology in

communications, transportation, information processing, weapons development, etc., as they relate to domestic and foreign policies.

(Continued) TE: Mass Media, 224, Televised Trials, 576, 579 TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies

Booklet: 23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: African Americans and Television, 10; The Star Spangled Banner, 35; Pledge of Allegiance, American’s Creed, Oath of Citizenship, 40, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 10, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 38, Section 2, 39, Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 30, Section 2, 31, Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 30, Section 2 Quiz, 32, Section 3 Quiz, 34, Skills for Life Activity, 35, Section Support Transparencies: 33, 35, 132, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29, 31, 33

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

PAG.2.3. Research and debate selected social issues,

such as-- but not limited to--public health, public education, waste management, and pollution.

SE/TE: Foreign Involvement in Kosovo, 493, Gun Control, 567, Should the United States Be Active in World Affairs?, 637, Participation in State and Local Government, 735, Critical Thinking; Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151, Recognizing Bias, 24, Understanding Point of View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, You Can Make a Difference, 3, 27, 63, 87, 115, 147, 177, 207, 235, 261, 289, 319, 353, 389, 413, 445, 467, 505, 531, 563, 593, 625, 657, 683, 717

TE: Current Issues, 208, Right to Privacy, 565, Discrimination, 159, 569, 595, 601, Gun Control, 571, Affirmative Action, 609, Immigration, 613, 615, Background Notes, Digital Polling, 220, Global Awareness, 7, 13, 53, 123, 166, 211, 269, 383, 401, 495, 550, 636, Media Influence, 228, Recent Scholarship, 19, 51, 73, 94, 130, 162, 201, 229, 251, 270, 303, 323, 374, 396, 438, 461, 484, 520, 552, 579, 598, 646, 662, 704, 729, You Can Make a Difference, 25, 61, 85, 111, 145, 175, 205, 233

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(Continued) PAG.2.3. Research and debate selected social issues,

such as-- but not limited to--public health, public education, waste management, and pollution.

(Continued) TE: You Can Make a Difference, 257, 287, 317,

349, 387, 411, 443, 465, 501, 529, 561, 591, 621, 655, Students Make a Difference, 14, 30, 67, 101, 140, 170, 184, 226, 246, 281, 297, 337, 372, 400, 426, 450, 497, 508, 557, 578, 631, 660, 699, 727

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: African Americans and Television, 10; The Star Spangled Banner, 35; Pledge of Allegiance, American’s Creed, Oath of Citizenship, 40, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 10, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 38, Section 2, 39, Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 30, Section 2, 31, Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 30, Section 2 Quiz, 32, Section 3 Quiz, 34, Skills for Life Activity, 35, Section Support Transparencies: 33, 35, 132, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29, 31, 33

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

STRAND 5: SOCIAL SCIENCE PROCESSES AND SKILLS CONTENT STANDARD 1: Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills through research, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and problem solving. SSPS.1.1. Integrate reading, writing, listening, and

speaking skills throughout the social sciences.

SE/TE: Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Close Up on Primary Sources, John Locke, The Magna Carta, 33, Signed by King John, Letters of Liberty, 78, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, More Power to the States, 96, Linda Chavez, Green Party Goals, 136, Ralph Nader, The Dangers of Voter Apathy, 158, Curtis Gans, Establishing Primary Elections, 187, Governor Robert La Follette, The Latino Media Story, 214

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(Continued) SSPS.1.1. Integrate reading, writing, listening, and

speaking skills throughout the social sciences.

(Continued) SE/TE: Kim Campbell, Destination: The American

Dream, 248, Hugh B. Price, Redistricting and Race, 274, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Reining in Congress, 309, Dan Carney, Organizing Congressional Committees, 328, Pat Schroeder, Choosing the Vice President, 364, John A. Garraty, The Monroe Doctrine, 404, President James Monroe, The Making of the Modern Presidency, 423, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, The Meaning of a Balanced Budget, 457, Susan Dentzer, The State Department's Mission, 476, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Choosing Federal Judges, 516, Nadine Strossen, Religious Freedom in a Diverse Nation, 545, The Freedom Forum, The Right to an Attorney, 584, Clarence Gideon, Breaking Down Barriers, 607, Ernest Green, Democratic Reform in Mexico, 644, Vicente Fox, The Third Way, 671, Prime Minister Tony Blair, The New Breed of State Legislator, 701, Garry Boulard, Seeing the Regional Future, 724, William Fulton

TE: Reading Strategies, Accessing Prior Knowledge, 224, 635; Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Finding Evidence, 73, 133, 306, 321, 360; 400, 492, 533, 602, 627, 708; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Note Taking, 250; Organizing Information/Graphic Organizer, 49, 117, 209, 330, 391, 508, 538, 586, 667, 673, 695, 734; Organizing Information/Outline, 13, 57; 89, 138, 165, 378, 431, 447, 478, 595, 646, 703; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Monitoring, 160, 420, 547, 651; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726; Summarizing, 5, 311, 343, 455, 482, 513, 609, 659

TR: Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 34, Section Support Transparencies: 35, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 33, Skills for Life Activity, 35

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(Continued) SSPS.1.1. Integrate reading, writing, listening, and

speaking skills throughout the social sciences.

(Continued) TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Social

Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

SSPS.1.2. Develop and enhance observation, questioning, and interpretive skills throughout the social sciences.

SE/TE: Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Analyzing Maps, 266, Using Time Lines, 398, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600, Interpreting Line Graphs, 665

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Finding Evidence, 73, 133, 306, 321, 360; 400, 492, 533, 602, 627, 708; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Note Taking, 250; Organizing Information/Graphic Organizer, 49, 117, 209, 330, 391, 508, 538, 586, 667, 673, 695, 734; Organizing Information/Outline, 13, 57; 89, 138, 165, 378, 431, 447, 478, 595, 646, 703; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Monitoring, 160, 420, 547, 651; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726; Summarizing, 5, 311, 343, 455, 482, 513, 609, 659

TR: Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 34, Section Support Transparencies: 35, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 33, Skills for Life Activity, 35

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

SSPS.1.3. Develop and enhance critical analysis

skills, such as cause and effect and inductive and deductive reasoning, throughout the social sciences.

SE/TE: Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Predicting Consequences, 151

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(Continued) SSPS.1.3. Develop and enhance critical analysis

skills, such as cause and effect and inductive and deductive reasoning, throughout the social sciences.

(Continued) SE/TE: Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of

View, 341, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633

TE: Cause and Effects, Electoral College System, 378, Civil Service, 438, Affirmative Action, 609, Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

SSPS.1.4. Employ creative thinking skills throughout

the social sciences.

SE/TE: Predicting Consequences, 151, Making Decisions, 376, Creating a Multimedia Presentation, 575, Using the Internet for Research, 71, You Can Make a Difference, Grass-Roots Activism, 3, Community Activists, 207, Lobbying for Your Issue, 235, Volunteering, 353, Participating in Government, 389, Participating in Your Community, 413, Investigative Journalism, 505, Youth Force, 563, Community Volunteering, 717

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726

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(Continued) SSPS.1.4. Employ creative thinking skills throughout

the social sciences.

(Continued) TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies

Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM


CONTENT STANDARD 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to use the tools of the social sciences. SSPS.2.1. Employ the scientific method throughout

the social sciences.

SE/TE: Making Comparisons, 55, Expressing Problems Clearly, 104, Predicting Consequences, 151, Making Decisions, 376, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

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SSPS.2.2. Distinguish fact from opinion and recognize bias and propaganda.

SE/TE: Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726

TR: Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 34, Section Support Transparencies: 35, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 33, Skills for Life Activity, 35

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

SSPS.2.3. Record oral history.

SE/TE: Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Determining Cause and Effect, 490, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 23, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Democracy in America, 59; Native American Interests, 11; Organizing Farm Workers, p 48, Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet: Flast v. Cohen, 10, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 12, 26, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 41, Section 2, 42, Section 3, 43, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 33, Section 2, 34, Section 3, 35, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 37, Section 2 Quiz, 39, Section 3 Quiz, 41, Section Support Transparencies: 36, 37, 38, 135, 136, 137, The Living Constitution Booklet: 4, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 36, 38, 40, Skills for Life Activity, 42

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

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SSPS.2.4. Use brainstorming techniques throughout the social sciences.

SE/TE: Predicting Consequences, 151, Making Decisions, 376, Creating a Multimedia Presentation, 575, Using the Internet for Research, 71, You Can Make a Difference, Grass-Roots Activism, 3, Community Activists, 207, Lobbying for Your Issue, 235, Volunteering, 353, Participating in Government, 389, Participating in Your Community, 413, Investigative Journalism, 505, Youth Force, 563, Community Volunteering, 717

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726

TR: Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 27, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, 41; Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” Speech, 42; George Bush on the Fall of the Berlin Wall, 50, Government Assessment Rubrics booklet: 22, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 76, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 68, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 45, Section Support Transparencies: 71, 170, The Living Constitution Booklet: 3, Unit 4 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 44

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Resource Pro CD-ROM, Simulations and Data Graphing CD-ROM, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

SSPS.2.5. Draw inferences.

SE/TE: Predicting Consequences, 151, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 20, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 30, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 94, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 86, Section Quizzes: Section 1 Quiz, 3, Section 2 Quiz, 5¸ Section 3 Quiz, 7, Section 4 Quiz, 9, Section 5 Quiz, 11, Section Support Transparencies: 89, 188, Unit 6 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 2

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 44

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) SSPS.2.5. Draw inferences.

(Continued) TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1, Social

Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM

SSPS.2.6. Use appropriate tools, such as globes, maps, statistical data, primary historical sources, relevant media resources, interactive technologies, and field studies, etc.

SE/TE: Analyzing Maps, 266, Using Time Lines, 398, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600, Interpreting Line Graphs, 665

TE: Reading Strategies, Accessing Prior Knowledge, 224, 635; Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Finding Evidence, 73, 133, 306, 321, 360; 400, 492, 533, 602, 627, 708; Getting the Main Idea, 29, 149, 179, 268, 302, 369, 415, 469, 518, 577; Note Taking, 250; Organizing Information/Graphic Organizer, 49, 117, 209, 330, 391, 508, 538, 586, 667, 673, 695, 734; Organizing Information/Outline, 13, 57; 89, 138, 165, 378, 431, 447, 478, 595, 646, 703; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Previewing and Predicting, 80, 438, 459; Problem Solving, 216; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; Self-Monitoring, 160, 420, 547, 651; Self-Questioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726; Summarizing, 5, 311, 343, 455, 482, 513, 609, 659

TR: Basic Principles of the Constitution Transparencies: 14, Block Scheduling with Lesson Strategies Booklet: 29, Close Up on Primary Sources Booklet: Petition by Free Negroes, for Equality Under the Law, 32, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 1, 90, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 1, 82, Section Quizzes: Section Quiz, 30, Section Support Transparencies: 85, 184, Simulations and Debates Booklet: 44-45, Unit 5 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 29

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 1

SSPS.2.7. Employ processes of historical inquiry, such as using a variety of sources and checking the credibility of those sources, validating, and weighing evidence using primary and secondary sources.

SE/TE: Recognizing Propaganda, 17, Making Comparisons, 55, Identifying Political Roots and Attitudes, 125, Recognizing Bias, 241, Understanding Point of View, 341, Drawing Conclusions, 523, Drawing Inferences, 633, Reading Tables and Analyzing Statistics, 600

TE: Reading Strategies, Drawing Inferences, 98, 153, 237, 276, 291, 335, 394, 425, 640, 667, 685, 740; Predicting, 19, 35, 106, 127, 189, 243, 280, 295, 355, 570, 719; Questioning, 45, 263, 366, 406, 525; SelfQuestioning, 65, 120, 556, 565, 614, 690, 726

Prentice Hall Magruder’s American Government ©2002 Correlated to:

Arkansas Social Studies Standards, (Grades 9-12)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher’s Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 45

ARKANSAS SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS PAGE(S) WHERE TAUGHT (If submission is not a book, cite appropriate location(s))

(Continued) SSPS.2.7. Employ processes of historical inquiry,

such as using a variety of sources and checking the credibility of those sources, validating, and weighing evidence using primary and secondary sources.

(Continued) TR: Close Up on The Supreme Court Booklet:

Miami Herald Publishing Co. v. Tornillo, 9; New York Times v. Untied States, 50, Lesson Plans Booklet: Section 3, 40, Political Cartoons Booklet: Section 3, 32, Section Quizzes: Section 3 Quiz, 34, Section Support Transparencies: 35, 134, The Living Constitution Booklet: 7, Unit 2 Booklet: Guided Reading and Review, 33, Skills for Life Activity, 35

TECH: Presentation Pro CD-ROM: Section 3, Social Studies Skills Tutor CD-ROM