precog & mongodb user group: skyrocket your analytics

Skyrocket your Analytics MongoDB Meetup on December 10, 2012 @precogio Nov - Dec 2012

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earn how to do advanced analytics with the Precog data science platform on your MongoDB database. It's free to download the Precog file and after installing, you'll be on your way to analyzing all the data in your MongoDB database, without forcing you to export data into another tool or write any custom code. Learn more here:


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Skyrocket your Analytics

MongoDB Meetup on December 10, - Dec 2012

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■ Welcome to the Precog & MongoDB Meetup!

■ Questions? Please ask away!

welcome & agenda

7:00 - 7:30Overview of Precog for MongoDB by Derek Chen-Becker

7:30 - 7:45Break (grab a beer, drink and snacks)

7:45 - 8:15Analyzing Big Data with Quirrel by John A. De Goes

8:15 - 8:30Precog Challenge Problems! Win some prizes!

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■ Precog TeamDerek Chen-Becker, Lead Infrastructure Engineer

John A. De Goes, CEO/Founder

Kris Nuttycombe, Dir of Engineering

Nathan Lubchenco, Developer Evangelist

■ MongoDB HostClay Mcllrath

■ Thank you to Google for hosting us!

who we are

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Current MongoDB Support for Analytics

Derek Chen-BeckerPrecog Lead Infrastructure Engineer@dchenbeckerNov - Dec 2012

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■ Mongo has support for a small set of simple aggregation primitives

○ count - returns the count of a given collection's documents with optional


○ distinct - returns the distinct values for given selector criteria

○ group - returns groups of documents based on given key criteria. Group

cannot be used in sharded configurations

current mongodb support for analytics

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key : {"Country":1},

reduce : function(curr, result) { += 1 },

initial: { total : 0, fullTotal: db.london_medals.count() },

finalize: function(result){ result.percent = * 100 / result.fullTotal }



{"Country" : "Great Britain", "total" : 88, "fullTotal" : 1019, "percent" : 8.635917566241414},

{"Country" : "Dominican Republic", "total" : 2, "fullTotal" : 1019, "percent" : 0.19627085377821393},

{"Country" : "Denmark", "total" : 16, "fullTotal" : 1019, "percent" : 1.5701668302257115},


■ More sophisticated queries are possible, but require a lot of JS and you'll hit the limits pretty quickly

■ Group cannot be used in sharded configurations. For that you need...

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ Map/Reduce: Exactly what its name says.

■ You utilize JavaScript functions to map your documents' data, then reduce that

data into a form of your choosing.

current mongodb support for analytics

Input Collection

Mapping Function Reducing Function

Result Document

Output Collection

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■ The mapping function redefines this to be the current document

■ Output mapped keys and values are generated via the emit function

■ Emit can be called zero or more times for a single document

function () { emit(this.Countryname, { count : 1 }); }

function () {

for (var i = 0; i < this.Pupils.length; i++) {

emit(this.Pupils[i].name, { count : 1});


function () {

if ((this.parents.age - this.age) < 25) { emit(this.age, { income : this.income }); }


current mongodb support for analytics

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■ The reduction function is used to aggregate the outputs from the mapping


■ The function receives two inputs: the key for the elements being reduced, and

the values being reduced

■ The result of the reduction must be the same format as in the input elements,

and must be idempotent

function (key, values) {

var count = 0;

for (var item in values) {

count += item.count


{ "count" : count }


current mongodb support for analytics

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■ Map/Reduce utilizes JavaScript to do all of its work

○ JavaScript in MongoDB is currently single-threaded (performance bottleneck)

○ Using external JS libraries is cumbersome and doesn't play well with sharding

○ No matter what language you're actually using, you'll be writing/maintaining


■ Troubleshooting the Map/Reduce functions is primitive. 10Gen's advice: "write

your own emit function" (!)

■ Output options are flexible, but have some caveats

○ Output to a result document must fit in a BSON doc (16MB limit)

○ For an output collection: if you want indices on the result set, you need to pre-

create the collection then use the merge output option

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ The Aggregation Framework is designed to alleviate some of the issues with

Map/Reduce for common analytical queries

■ New in 2.2

■ Works by constructing a pipeline of operations on data. Similar to M/R, but

implemented in native code (higher performance, not single-threaded)

current mongodb support for analytics

Input Collection Match Project Group

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■ Filtering/paging ops

○ $match - utilize Mongo selection syntax to choose input docs

○ $limit

○ $skip

■ Field manipulation ops

○ $project - select which fields are processed. Can add new fields

○ $unwind - flattens a doc with an array field into multiple events, one per array


■ Output ops

○ $group

○ $sort

■ Most common pipelines will be of the form $match ⇒ $project ⇒ $group

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ $match is very important to getting good performance

■ Needs to be the first op in the pipeline, otherwise indices can't be used

■ Uses normal MongoDB query syntax, with two exceptions

○ Can't use a $where clause (this requires JavaScript)

○ Can't use Geospatial queries (just because)

{ $match : { "Name" : "Fred" } }

{ $match : { "Countryname" : { $neq : "Great Britain" } } }

{ $match : { "Income" : { $exists : 1 } } }

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ $project is used to select/compute/augment the fields you want in the output


{ $project : { "Countryname" : 1, "Sportname" : 1 } }

■ Can reference input document fields in computations via "$"

{ $project : { "country_name" : "$Countryname" } } /* renames field */

■ Computation of field values is possible, but it's limited and can be quite painful

{ $project: {

"_id":0, "height":1, "weight":1,

"bmi": { $divide : ["$weight", { $multiply : [ "$height", "$height" ] } ] } }

} /* omit "_id" field, inflict pain and suffering on future maintainers... */

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ $group, like the group command, collates and computes sets of values based

on the identity field ("_id"), and whatever other fields you want

{ $group : { "_id" : "$Countryname" } } /* distinct list of countries */

■ Aggregation operators can be used to perform computation ($max, $min, $avg,


{ $group : { "_id" : "$Countryname", "count" : { $sum : 1 } } } /* histogram by

country */

{ $group : { "_id" : "$Countryname", "weight" : { $avg : "$weight" } } }

{ $group : { "_id" : "$Countryname", "weight" : { $sum : "$weight" } } }

■ Set-based operations ($addToSet, $push)

{ $group : { "_id" : "$Countryname", "sport" : { $addToSet : "$sport" } } }

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ Aggregation framework has a limited set of operators

○ $project limited to $add/$subtract/$multiply/$divide, as well as some

boolean, string, and date/time operations

○ $group limited to $min/$max/$avg/$sum

■ Some operators, notably $group and $sort, are required to operate entirely in


○ This may prevent aggregation on large data sets

○ Can't work around using subsetting like you can with M/R, because output is

strictly a document (no collection option yet)

current mongodb support for analytics

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■ Even with these tools, there are still limitations

○ MongoDB is not relational. This means a lot of work on your part if you have

datasets representing different things that you'd like to correlate. Clicks vs

views, for example

○ While the Aggregation Framework alleviates some of the performance issues

of Map/Reduce, it does so by throwing away flexibility

○ The best approach for parallelization (sharding) is fraught with operational

challenges (come see me for horror stories)

current mongodb support for analytics

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Overview of Precog for MongoDB

Derek Chen-BeckerPrecog Lead Infrastructure Engineer@dchenbeckerNov - Dec 2012

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■ Download file:

■ Setup:

$ unzip

$ cd precog

$ emacs -nw config.cfg (adjust ports, etc)

$ ./

overview of precog for mongodb

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■ Precog for MongoDB allows you to perform sophisticated analytics utilizing

existing mongo instances

■ Self-contained JAR bundling:

○ The Precog Analytics service

○ Labcoat IDE for Quirrel

■ Does not include the full Precog stack

○ Minimal authentication handling (single api key in config)

○ No ingest service (just add data directly to mongo)

overview of precog for mongodb

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■ Some sample queries

-- histogram by countrydata := //summer_games/athletessolve 'country { country: 'country, count: count(data where data.Countryname = 'country) }

overview of precog for mongodb

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Analyzing Big Data with Quirrel

John A. De GoesPrecog CEO/Founder@jdegoesNov - Dec 2012

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Quirrel is a statistically-oriented query language designed for the analysis of large-scale, potentially heterogeneous data sets.


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● Simple● Set-oriented● Statistically-oriented● Purely declarative● Implicitly parallel


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pageViews := //pageViewsavg := mean(pageViews.duration)bound := 1.5 * stdDev(pageViews.duration)pageViews.userId where pageViews.duration > avg + bound

sneak peek

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1true[[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]

"All work and no play makes jack a dull boy"

{"age": 23, "gender": "female", "interests": ["sports", "tennis"]}

quirrel speaks json

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-- Ignore me.(- Ignore me, too -)


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2 * 4

(1 + 2) * 3 / 9 > 23

3 > 2 & (1 != 2)

false & true | !false

basic expressions

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x := 2

square := x * x

named expressions

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loading data

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pageViews := load("/pageViews")




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pageViews := //pageViews

pageViews.userId where pageViews.duration > 1000


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clicks with {dow: dayOfWeek(clicks.time)}


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import std::stats::rank


standard library

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ctr(day) := count(clicks where = day) / count(impressions where = day)

ctrOnMonday := ctr(1)


user-defined functions

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solve 'day {day: 'day, ctr: count(clicks where = 'day) / count(impressions where = 'day)}

grouping - implicit constraints

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solve 'day = {day: 'day, cummTotal: sum( where < 'day)}

grouping - explicit constraints

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Now, it's your turn! Win some cool prizes!

Precog Challenge ProblemsNov - Dec 2012

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■ Using the conversions data, find the state with the highest average income.

■ Variable names: conversions.customers.state and conversions.customers.income

precog challenge #1

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■ Use Labcoat to display a bar chart of the clicks per month.

■ Variable names: clicks.timestamp

precog challenge #2

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■ What product has the worst overall sales to women? To men?

■ Variable names: billing.product.ID, billing.product.price, billing.customer.gender

precog challenge #3

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conversions := //conversions

results := solve 'state

{state: 'state,

aveIncome: mean(conversions.customer.income where

conversions.customer.state = 'state)}

results where results.aveIncome = max(results.aveIncome)

precog challenge #1 possible solution

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clicks := //clicks

clicks' := clicks with {month: std::time::monthOfYear(clicks.timeStamp)}

solve 'month

{month: 'month, clicks: count(clicks'.product.price where clicks'.month = 'month)}

precog challenge #2 possible solution

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billing := //billing

results := solve 'product, 'gender

{product: 'product,

gender: 'gender,

sales: sum(billing.product.price where

billing.product.ID = 'product &

billing.customer.gender = 'gender)}

worstSalesToWomen := results where results.gender = "female" &

results.sales = min(results.sales where results.gender = "female")

worstSalesToMen := results where results.gender = "male" &

results.sales = min(results.sales where results.gender = "male")

worstSalesToWomen union worstSalesToMen

precog challenge #3 possible solution

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Thank you!

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Nov - Dec 2012