practice test us history unit three instructions for use: the mouse and a question will...

Practice Test US History Unit Three Instructions for Use: A. Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without. B. Click on the answer you think is correct or if there are not answers to choose from try to answer it in your head and then click the mouse button. C. The correct answer will then be highlighted or will appear on the screen. D. Click the mouse button again and the next question will appear. If you cannot finish the Practice test in one sitting, use the scroll bar on the right to remember where you left off.

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Page 1: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Practice TestUS HistoryUnit Three

Instructions for Use:A. Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with

answers to choose from, some without.B. Click on the answer you think is correct or if there are not

answers to choose from try to answer it in your head and then click the mouse button.

C. The correct answer will then be highlighted or will appear on the screen.

D. Click the mouse button again and the next question will appear.

If you cannot finish the Practice test in one sitting, use the scroll bar on the right to remember where you left off.

Page 2: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

The economic system in which private individuals and corporations control the means of production.

a. Entrepreneur

b. Market revolution

c. Specialization

d. Capitalism

Page 3: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

To incorporate a territory in an existing political unit, such as a state or nation.

a. Specialization

b. Land grants

c. Market Revolution

d. Annex

Page 4: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Occurred in the early 19th Century and changed the way people acquired the goods they needed.

a. Gold Rush

b. Alamo

c. Specialization

d. Market Revolution

Page 5: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

A mission and fort in Texas where Mexican forces killed rebellious Texans in 1836.

a. Fort Laramie

b. Forty-niners

c. Gold Rush

d. Alamo

Page 6: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

People who migrated to California in search of Gold

a. Capitalism

b. Entrepreneur

c. Forty-niners

d. Gold Rush

Page 7: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

A gift of public land to an individual or organization.

a. Capitalism

b. Market Revolution

c. Specialization

d. Land Grants

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The raising of one or two crops for sale rather than a variety of foods for personal use.

a. Capitalism

b. Specialization

c. Land Grants

d. Market Revolution

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The movement of many people to a region in which gold has been discovered.

a. Forty-niners

b. Entrepreneur

c. Gold Rush

d. Market Revolution

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A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

a. Capitalism

b. Entrepreneur

c. Forty-niners

d. Specialization

Page 11: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Which mid-1800 invention helped to increase the amount of product that could be harvested?

a. The railroad

b. The steel plow

c. The tractor

d. The mechanical reaper

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Which was NOT a major product of the South?

a. Cotton

b. Wheat

c. Tobacco

d. Rice

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What did Samuel F. B. Morse create?

a. Steel plow

b. Steam boat

c. Telegraph

d. Vulcanized Rubber

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Why was the invention of the Foot-treadle sewing machine important?

a. Because women could now sew at home.

b. Because men could now be taught how to sew.

c. Because the foot treadle could be used by children.

d. Because sewing work could now be done in factories.

Page 15: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Which group played a major role in settling the American West?

a. Abolitionists

b. The Kiowa

c. The Mormons

d. Free African Americans

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Which was NOT a reason that people First began moving West?

a. They were attracted by cheap or free land.

b. Business owners hoped to establish trade with Asian Nations

c. News of Gold in California

d. Financial chaos from the Panic of 1837.

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The Santa Fe Trail extended from Independence, Missouri, to Portland, Oregon.

a. True

b. False-The Oregon Trail

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What type of people traveled the Santa Fe Trail?


Men who were interested in trading goods and returning home, rather than settling.

Page 19: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Under Mexican rule, the main appeal Texas held for American Settlers was:

a. Cheap land

b. Legalized slavery

c. Religious freedom

d. Government protection from Native Americans

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Why did Mexico begin to dislike American settlers?

a. They thought the American settlers smelled bad.

b. They didn’t like the way the American settlers treated the Indians.

c. They didn’t like that the American settlers kept slaves.

d. They were upset that the American settlers wouldn’t learn Spanish.

Page 21: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Who attacked first at the Alamo and what was the result?

Answer:– The Texan militia attacked first resulting in the

Spanish troops returning and killing all the Texan troops inside the Alamo.

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Within the United States, conflicts over what delayed the annexation of Texas?

a. Its price

b. The mission system

c. Its boundaries

d. The balance of free and slave states

Page 23: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

The Wilmot Proviso proposed that slavery should be banned from:

a. California only

b. The entire Nation

c. The District of Columbia

d. All of the territories won from Mexico.

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How did President Polk provoke the War with Mexico?

a. He insulted the intelligence of the Mexican Ambassador.

b. He marched troops to Mexico City and attacked the Mexican President.

c. He stationed troops at the Rio Grande River to block it.

d. He asked to buy the Mexican Territory for less than it was worth.

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During the Mexican war which Mexican territory was gained without a single shot fired?


Santa Fe, New Mexico

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What territory did the United States NOT gain through the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

a. California

b. New Mexico

c. Utah

d. Kansas

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Which city became a huge Boom town because of the Gold Rush?

a. Las Vegas

b. Los Angeles

c. San Francisco

d. Sacremento

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The right of residents of a territory to vote for

or against slavery a. Personal liberty laws

b. Nativism

c. Popular Sovereignty

d. Fugitive Slave Act

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A law enacted as part of the Compromise of 1850, designed to ensure that escaped slaves

would be returned into bondage. a. Underground railroad

b. Kansas-Nebraska Act

c. Personal Liberty Laws

d. Fugitive Slave Act

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Statutes passed in the North that forbade the imprisonment of runaway slaves and guaranteed

that they would have jury trials. a. Personal Liberty Laws

b. Fugitive Slave Act

c. Underground Railroad

d. Kansas-Nebraska Act

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A system of routes along which runaway slaves were helped to escape to Canada or to safe areas

in the free states. a. Nativism

b. Popular Sovereignty

c. Underground Railroad

d. Personal liberty Laws

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A law enacted in 1854 that gave the residents of the territories the right to decide whether to allow slavery.

a. Fugitive Slave Act

b. Personal Liberty Laws

c. Kansas-Nebraska Act

d. Nativism

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The favoring of native-born Americans over

immigrants. a. Personal Liberty Laws

b. Secession

c. Popular Sovereignty

d. Nativism

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An alliance formed in 1861 by the Southern

states after their secession from the Union. a. Popular Sovereignty

b. Kansas-Nebraska Act

c. Confederacy

d. Personal Liberty Laws

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The formal withdrawal of a state from the

union. a. Secession

b. Nativism

c. Confederacy

d. Underground Railroad

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According to the idea of popular sovereignty, which of the following would decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?

a. The Senate

b. The President

c. The people of the territory

d. The House of Representatives

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Which of the following helped to save the Compromise of 1850?

a. President Taylor’s death

b. John Calhoun’s arguments

c. It being taken apart and presented as separate resolutions

d. It being bundled together as one set of resolutions.

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Which of the following best explains the dependence of the Southern Economy on slavery?a. Immigrants who opposed slavery did not settle in

the South.

b. The Southern Economy was rural and consisted mostly of plantations.

c. The South needed slave labor to support its manufacturing economy.

d. Enslaved Africans were well suited to working in the hot Southern climate.

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Who was an escaped slave who helped over 300 slaves safely flee the South?

Answer– Harriet Tubman

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What is the Title of the book that intensified Northerners’ anger about the issue of slavery?

Answer:– Uncle Tom’s Cabin

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Which of the following is NOT an example of Northern resistance to the Fugitive Slave Act?

a. Development of the Underground Railroad

b. Passage of personal liberty laws

c. Lengthy legal battles on behalf of runaway slaves

d. Raids to free slaves in bordering slave states

Page 42: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

Which words Best describe John Brown?

a. Articulate and compromising

b. Proslavery and Passionate

c. Antislavery and violent

d. Self-educated and dry-witted

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What was NOT a result of the passage of the Kansas Nebraska Act?

a. Popular sovereignty for Kansas and Nebraska.

b. Several years of peace on the issue of slavery.

c. Antislavery and Proslavery settlers hurrying to settle in Kansas

d. Thousands of Missouri border ruffians voting illegally in Kansas by force.

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The American Party, which was also a secret organization, came to be known as the

a. Free-Soil Party

b. Know-Nothing Party

c. Liberty Party

d. Republican Party

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The Republican Party was formed by people who, despite their differences, were united in their

a. Fear of “Papal Power”

b. Fear of federal power

c. Opposition to slavery

d. Support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

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The Major Aim of the Free-Soil Party was to

a. Expand the right to vote.

b. Abolish slavery nationwide.

c. Prevent slavery in the territories.

d. Discourage the secession of Southern States.

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In the Supreme Court Case of Dred Scott v. Sanford, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney expressed all of the following ideas EXCEPT

a. Slaves are property

b. Masters can take slaves anywhere

c. The Fugitive Slave law is Unconstitutional

d. The Missouri Compromise is Unconstitutional

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What were the Lincoln-Douglas debates about?

Answer– Popular Sovereignty and the end of slavery.

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What was one effect of John Brown’s actions at Harpers Ferry?

a. An increase in tensions between the North and the South.

b. A brief period of national unity

c. The end of the abolitionist movement

d. An embarrassing defeat for Robert E. Lee

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The event causing the first southern states to secede from the Union was:

a. The Dred Scott supreme court decision

b. John Brown’s raid

c. Lincoln’s election as president

d. The Kansas-Nebraska Act

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The Confederacy included all of the following states Except

a. Maryland

b. Texas

c. Alabama

d. South Carolina

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A tax on earnings is

a. Conscription

b. Excise Tax

c. Sales Tax

d. Income Tax

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A court order requiring the authorities to bring a prisoner before the court so that the court can determine whether the prisoner is being held legally.

a. Conscription

b. Habeas Corpus

c. Impeach

d. Home Rule

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A Northern Democrat who advocated making peace with the Confederacy during the Civil War.

a. Radical Republican

b. Nativist

c. Copperhead

d. Carpet Bagger

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The drafting of citizens for military service.

a. Impeach

b. Redemption

c. Conscription

d. Home Rule

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When the Civil War began what was Abraham Lincoln’s main goal?

a. To abolish slavery

b. To punish the South

c. To restore the Union

d. To extend slavery

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What is the main reason that Lincoln did not respond with force to the Confederate threat to attack Fort Sumter?

a. He wanted the Union to fire the first shots in the war.

b. He wished to treat the Confederacy as a legitimate nation.

c. He did not want to anger Republicans and slave states still in the Union.

d. He had decided to abandon For Sumter.

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In which area did the South have an advantage over the North in the Civil War?

a. Food production

b. Civilian leadership

c. Industrial capacity

d. Military leadership

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Which of the following was NOT an important advantage of ironclad ships?

a. They could resist burning

b. They could withstand cannon fire

c. They could splinter wooden ships.

d. They could travel much faster than other ships.

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Which was NOT a part of the Union’s three-part plan to conquer the South?

a. Blockading Southern ports on the Mississippi

b. Drafting freed slaves to fight for the Union

c. Capturing the Confederate capital

d. Splitting the Confederacy in two

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Why is the Battle of Gettysburg considered a turning point in the Civil War?

a. It made the South give up the idea of invading the North.

b. It divided the Confederacy.

c. It convinced the Confederacy to surrender.

d. It marked the first Union victory on the battlefield.

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How was Stonewall Jackson fatally injured?

a. An escaped slave shot him.

b. Union troops shot him.

c. He was attacked by Indians.

d. Confederate troops shot him.

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What was the result of the Gettysburg Address?

a. All slaves were freed.

b. The south surrendered.

c. People began to see the US as a united Country.

d. People began to lose hope in the war.

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What did Grant and Sherman’s strategy of total war target, other than the Confederate Army?

Answer– The civilian population of the south: their

homes, food, livestock, and fields.

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While serving in the Union army, African Americans faced all of the following Except

a. Excessively high income taxes

b. Lower pay than whites

c. Higher mortality rates than whites

d. Discrimination

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During the war what did Not contribute to the food shortage in the South?

a. The drain of manpower into the army

b. Bad weather causing poor crops

c. Union occupation of food-growing areas

d. The loss of slaves to work in the fields

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What did soldiers experience during the War?

Excellent Pay

Brutality from their superiors

Unsanitary camps

Great food

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What was not part of the economic boom in the North during the War?

a. Rise in Industrial production

b. Rising standard of living

c. Women obtaining government jobs

d. Business owners making huge profits

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What was the stated aim of the Emancipation Proclamation?

To free all slaves in the United States

To free slaves behind Confederate Lines

To free slaves in Union slave states

To enlist slaves in the Union Army

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What was a problem with the drafting of soldiers?

a. All men had to participate, no matter what.

b. Only young men had to participate

c. Only old men had to participate

d. Rich men could avoid participating.

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Lincoln suspended this in order to deal with dissent in the Union States.

a. Voting right for free African Americans.

b. Harsh sentences for draft rioters.

c. Conscription of men over 35 years of age.

d. The writ of habeas corpus.

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What helped Lincoln win reelection in 1864?

a. Union victories in the South.

b. Confederate victories in the North.

c. A lack of Political Opponents.

d. The Copperheads.

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What was NOT a political or economic effect of the War?

a. Increased Federal Power

b. Thriving Industry in the North

c. Increased State Power

d. Ended the threat of states seceding

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What was the human cost of the War?

a. Few people died

b. The North lost more lives than the south.

c. More deaths occurred than in all previous wars combined.

d. The North lost few lives.

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What is the name of the heroic nurse of the war who used her experience to join the international Red Cross and founded the American Red Cross?

Answer– Clara Barton

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The Thirteenth Amendment gave African Americans the right to vote.


False- Ended slavery in all the states

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The period of rebuilding that followed the Civil War.

a. Freedmen’s Bureau

b. Black Codes

c. Reconstruction

d. Redemption

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A type of congressmen who, after the civil war, wanted to destroy the political power of former slaveholders.

a. Freedmen’s Bureau

b. Black Codes

c. Carpetbaggers

d. Radical Republicans

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A federal agency set up to help former slaves after the Civil War.

a. Black Codes

b. Freedman’s Bureau

c. Redemption

d. Home Rule

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The Discriminatory laws passed throughout the post-Civil-War South which severely restricted African American lives.

a. Black Codes

b. Radical Republicans

c. Habeas Corpus

d. Conscription

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To formally charge an official with Misconduct in office.

a. Conscription

b. Habeas Corpus

c. Impeach

d. Redemption

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The Southern Democrats’ term for their return to power in the South in the 1870s.

a. Reconstruction

b. Redemption

c. Impeach

d. Home rule

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A state’s powers of governing its citizens without federal government involvement.

a. Reconstruction

b. Confederacy

c. Impeach

d. Home Rule

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Whose plan for Reconstruction did Andrew Johnson support?

a. The Radical Republicans’ Plan

b. Abraham Lincoln’s Plan

c. The South’s Plan

d. The Freed Slaves’ plan

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Why did Congress impeach Andrew Johnson?

a. He had violated Lincoln’s Reconstruction plan.

b. It wanted to test the Fifteenth Amendment.

c. He had violated their plan’s for Reconstruction.

d. It wanted to confirm the separation of powers.

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Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of the Freedman’s Bureau?

a. African American schools were set up

b. Hospitals were set up.

c. Land and farm supplies were provided to slaves.

d. Food and clothing were provided to former slaves.

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What was regulated by the black codes?

a. Plans for Reconstruction

b. The daily lives of black Southerners

c. The conduct of government officials

d. The distribution of plantation land

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The Fourteenth Amendment was passed in order to take the place of

a. The black codes

b. The First Reconstruction Act

c. The Civil Rights Act of 1866

d. Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction

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The Radical Reconstructionists were able to implement their plan because they

a. Had influence with Johnson

b. Held a majority in the Congress

c. Had widespread support in the South

d. Removed Johnson from office

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Which Southern state was NOT punished by Radical Reconstruction?

a. Florida

b. Tennessee

c. Louisiana

d. South Carolina

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During Reconstruction, the system of

Sharecropping was LEAST beneficial to a. Bankers

b. Merchants

c. Landowners

d. Sharecroppers

Page 92: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

During Reconstruction, all of the following increased in the South EXCEPT

a. Taxes

b. Per person income

c. Public works programs

d. Populations of towns and cities

Page 93: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

When Reconstruction began, which of the following groups of Americans living in the South tended to support the Democratic Party?

a. Scalawags

b. Carpetbaggers

c. African Americans

d. Wealthy Landowners

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After the Civil War, why did new Republican governments in the South have difficulty?

a. African Americans resented interference from Northern carpetbaggers.

b. Slavery remained in force in several Southern States.

c. Many white Southerners refused to accept equal rights for blacks

d. African Americans did not hold office at the state or local levels.

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Who were scalawags and carpetbaggers?

a. Black tenant farmers and sharecroppers

b. Radical Republican congressmen

c. Southern proslavery whites

d. Those who tried to help with or profit from Radical Reconstruction in the South.

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Why did the Federal Government eventually send troops into the South?

a. To keep Confederate veterans from forming a new Southern Army

b. To limit violence and voter intimidation against African Americans

c. To protect the land farmed by African American sharecroppers

d. To put down riots caused by bank failures during the Panic of 1873.

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Which of the following is an example of “redemption” as it was defined near the end of Reconstruction?a. A state government had been under Republican leadership for

12 years, but then Democrats returned to power, or “redeemed” the state.

b. A president’s administration was plagued with scandal, but the president “redeemed” himself by firing many corrupt officials.

c. After a long struggle to gain civil rights, African Americans finally secured, or “redeemed,” their right to vote.

d. A presidential candidate lost the popular vote, but was “redeemed” when the electoral college voted.

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Who was the first African-American US senator?

a. Hiram Revels

b. Samuel J. Tilden

c. Garrison Frazier

d. Henry M. Turner

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What two main problems did Grant’s Administration face?

a. Corruption and Depression

b. Corruption and a Tax Revolt

c. Inflation and Reconstruction

d. A Depression and a Tax Revolt

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What was the purpose of the Enforcement Acts?

a. To protect blacks from racist secret societies.

b. To protect the rights of poor white Southerners during Reconstruction.

c. To provide for the administration of loyalty oaths for ex-Confederates.

d. To aid in the reestablishment of state governments in Southern states.

Page 101: Practice Test US History Unit Three  Instructions for Use: A.Click the mouse and a question will appear, some with answers to choose from, some without

All of the following are reasons that Reconstruction and the Radical Republicans had failed to secure equality for African Americans EXCEPT

a. They assumed that extending certain civil rights to freed persons would enable them to protect themselves.

b. They balked at distributing land to former slaves, thereby preventing them from becoming economically independent.

c. They did nothing to try to prevent the acts of violence against freed persons

d. They did not fully realize the extent to which deep-seated racism would weaken the changes Congress had tried to make.