practical approach to competitor analysis in seo and ppc – figures and facts ( case)

© 2013 [email protected] United Kingdom +44 0203 1376 681 United States +1 347 809-34- 86 Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case) Anna Korolekh, SEO consultant, Marketing Manager at Promodo Webinar Sean Malseed, SEMrush VP of Strategic Development and API Integration [email protected] m United States +1-855-814- 4510 Non-US +1-408-844-4633

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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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In this session you will learn how to effectively apply reverse engineering to search engine analytics in order to discover the trade secrets of competitors both in paid and organic search results, providing you with a profitable edge in your market. A review will be completed of the various types of tools at your disposal that can assist in creating more successful and lucrative PPC and SEO marketing campaigns. The details of competitors such as budgets, spending, keywords, link-building strategies and ROIs will be revealed with a minimal amount of research.


Page 1: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

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Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts

( case)

Anna Korolekh, SEO consultant, Marketing Manager at Promodo


Sean Malseed, SEMrush VP of Strategic

Development and API Integration

[email protected]

United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Page 2: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

[email protected]

United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO


Link-building methods

On-site SEO tricks

Page 3: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

[email protected]

United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Research? Compare!

Make sure you already have an idea of what you are going to be doing (draft keywords, link-building ideas etc.)

Page 4: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

What do I do next?

Page 5: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Where do they all come from?

Traffic Source MonthlyOrganic Search Traffi c 3, 205, 453Paid Search Traffi c 435, 982Overall Traffi c 33, 103, 954


1, 103, 46514, 532106, 848

Page 6: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

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United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Organic visitors, where do they come from?

SEMrush will only consider queries with at least 5 monthly searches

Little keyword and organic traffic data for sites with mostly low volume queries traffic

Page 7: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

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United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

What do I do next?

Filter out branded keywords


Filter out branded traffic


Page 8: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

7 avg. ranking

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

[email protected]

United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Yay! Getting to more realistic numbers!

Traffic Source Monthly DailyNon-branded Organic Search Traffi c 480, 557 16, 019

Filter out keywords with less than 500 searches per month

120 keywords

61 000 monthly

Page 9: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

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United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Looking for most valuable keywords

Look through the list again, pick up the words you have not yet considered

Go back to keyword suggestion tool insert new words there and look through the ideas it offers

Cleanse the list from rubbish queries, too general, one-words, less relevant..

Your competitor has helped you to create a solid foundation of your SEO campaign!

Page 10: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

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United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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Moving to Link Building Strategies

Page 11: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

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Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

What is really useful for us?

So we are very much interested in:

Anchor texts

% of Keyword rich Anchor texts vs Branded and No-anchors

Sitewide vs Not Sitewide

Follow vs No Follow

Page 12: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

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United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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Penguin-friendly anchors

To be exact all in all has:

Less than 12% of Keyword rich anchor texts

Page 13: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

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United States+1 347 809-34-86 

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What are those 12%?

Page 14: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

[email protected]

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Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Sorting the links

Page 15: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

[email protected]

United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

On-site SEO

What should be checked in the first place:

Site structure

Indexation rules they have created

Inner linking patterns and ruses

Title tag templates

Loading speed

History, background

Find their weak places and strike there!

Make them your benefit!

{A combination of two most relevant kws | Kw + Brand Name}

Page 16: Practical approach to competitor analysis in SEO and PPC – figures and facts ( case)

Thank you for your attention!


© [email protected]

United Kingdom+44 0203 1376 681      

United States+1 347 809-34-86 

[email protected]

United States+1-855-814-4510      

Non-US +1-408-844-4633 

Anna Korolekh, [email protected]

Sean Malseed, SEMrush

[email protected]