ppt stephin

Prepared by Stephin.S Natural science KUCTE Kumarapuram

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Prepared by Stephin.S

Natural scienceKUCTE


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Nutrition in different lower animals like

Nutrition in Amoeba

Nutrition in Hydra

Nutrition in Planaria

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Nutrition also called nourishment or aliment is the provision, to cells andorganisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life.

Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet.

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Nutrition: The process of intake of food and

its conversion into living protoplasm in cells.

• Autotrophs- Organisms which can prepare

their food

• Heterotrophs- Organism which cannot prepare

their own food due to lack of chlorophyll.

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It is the nutrition obtained by digesting organic compounds.

Animals, fungi, many prokaryotes and protoctists are unable to synthesize organic compounds to use as food, They are called heterotrophs

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Types of Heterotrophic Nutrition

Holozoic nutrition

Complex food is taken into a specialist digestive

system and broken down into small pieces to be


Saprotrophitic nutrition

Organisms feed on dead organic remains of

other organisms.

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Organisms obtain food from other living

organisms (the host), with the host receiving

no benefit from the parasite.


A symbiotic relationship between organisms,

with each contributing and benefiting from

each other.

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Holozoic nutrition (Gr. holo, whole + zoikos, of animals) is a method of nutrition that involves the ingestion of liquid or solid organic material, digestion, absorption and assimilation of it to utilize it.

This method suggests phagocytosis where the cell membrane completely surrounds the food particle(engulfing of food material)

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Freshwater organism

Microphagus Feeder

Intracellular digestion

Its diet includes bacteria, microscopic plants like the diatoms,

minute algae, microscopic animals like other protozoa, nematodes

and even dead organic matter.

Amoeba does not have any specialized structure or organ for the

process of nutrition.

It takes place through the general body surface with the help of


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Structure of AmoebaThe amoeba belongs to the kingdom Protista

. The name amoeba comes from the greek word amoibe, which means


The amoeba is a single celled microscopic organism (about 0.3 mm across).

It has cytoplasm, nucleus, cell membrane and a variety of inclusions in the

cytoplasm and exhibits all the essential functions of any living organism.

They are found in fresh water (like puddle and ponds), salty water,

wet soil and in animals.

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Structure of Amoeba (cont…)

Cell membrane: The cell membrane is flexible and porous. It allows the amoeba to

change shape.

Cytoplasm: Cytoplasm is the living substance which contains all the chemical

reactions necessary for life.

.Nucleus: A large, disk-shaped nucleus found in the cell.

Contractile Vacuole: The contractile vacuole removes excess water to the outside

from time to time (osmoregulation).

Food Vacuole: Microscopic organisms are digested and then exits through a structure

called a food vacuole.

Digestive Vacuole: This is a cavity responsible for digestion in the amoeba.

Pseudopodium: Pseudopodium means ‘false foot’. The amoeba move by stretching

its cytoplasm into finger like extensions called pseudopodia

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Nutrition in amoeba is holozoic.

Solid food particles are ingested which are then acted upon by enzymes

and digested.

Lysosomes attached to food vacuole

Lysosomes secrete enzymes like proteases, amylases and lipases

in food vacuole

Food vacuole decreases in size due to water loss

It increases acidity and PH becomes 5.6 and Then 7.3

Fine canals produced from digestive vacuole

Absorption of food takes place by micropinocytosis

Food is circulated throughout the cytoplasm by cyclosis.

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Belongs to phylum Cnidarians'

Macrophagus feeder

Aquatic animal

At the anterior end mouth surrounded with tentacles which are used to

capture the pray

In tentacles special cells Nematocysts are present

Nematocysts contains poison which paralyze the pray.

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Structure of Hydra

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The mouth of hydra opens into a cavity called gastrocoel or


The endoderm contains two types of cells, glandular and


Glandular cells secrete proteolytic enzymes , which are helpful in


The flagellated cells and contraction of body wall also help in


Hydra cannot digest starch.

The digestion is extracellular as well as intracellular

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Belongs to phylum Platyhelminthes


Tube like alimentary canal is present

It has three parts: mouth, pharynx and intestine

When it takes food from outside, the pharynx comes out from the


Internally the pharynx opens into the intestine, which divides into

three branches

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Structure of Planaria

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The branching system is formed for digestion, absorption and

distribution of food

This system is called Gastro-Vascular system

The food is taken in through the mouth which comes into the

pharynx and then intestine

The enzyme act upon the food in the intestine

The digested food is absorbed by the branches of intestine, which is

distributed throughout the body by diffusion

Digestion is both intracellular and extracellular

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Digestion in Planaria

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conclusion The process of intake of food and its conversion into

living protoplasm in cells

Most of the lower animal that possess hetrotrophic


Amoeba, Hydra ,and Planaria each one possess

different mode of nutrition

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Quiz paper Q1: The nutrition which is obtained by digesting organic compounds is called as





Q2: There are five steps of holozoic nutrition: Ingestion, digestion, absorption , assimilation and egestion.



Q3: The digestion in hydra is _______________ as well as ___

Q4: In tentacles special cells called _______________ are present

Q5: The process of ingestion takes place by _______________ in amoeba.

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SCERT Text Book of Standard VIII



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