ppt biology f4 (paper 1)

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  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 1 4551/1

    For Questions 1 to 50, each question is followed by four alternative answers, A, B, C or

    D. Choose onecorrect answer for each question and blacen the corres!ondin" s!ace in

    your ob#ective answer sheet.

    1. Which statement is best describes what bioo!" is#

    A $ioo!" is a st%d" o& i&e$ $ioo!" is a st%d" o& i&e and the en'ironmentC $ioo!" is a st%d" o& chan!es ca%sed b" i'in! thin!s in the en'ironment.D $ioo!" is a st%d" o& i&e( the en'ironment and the interaction between both

    ). Which o& the &oowin! &ieds o& bioo!" are the st%dies abo%t animas#

    Entomoo!" *ooo!" Ne%roo!"+ Ornithoo!"

    A and on"$ and + on"C ( and + on"D ( and + on"

    ,. What is meant b" the term hypothesis#

    A The -rocess o& obser'in! an obect or e'ent

    $ The -ossibe e-anation &or a certain e'ent( which can be tested thro%!h

    scienti&ic in'esti!ation

    C The conc%sion that can be made &rom a series o& obser'ations

    D The res%t that can be obtained &rom a 0%antitati'e obser'ation on an e'ent

    4. Which is a correct ste- in %sin! a i!ht microsco-e#

    A se the coarse ad%stment 2nob &or &oc%sin! obects %nder hi!h -ower$ Cose one e"e when obser'in! the s-ecimen %nder the microsco-eC 3ed%ce the i!ht intensit" when obser'in! the s-ecimen %nder hi!h -owerD Ad%st the -osition o& the s-ecimen so that it is in the centre o& the &ied o& 'iew

    be&ore t%rnin! on the hi!her ma!ni&ication

    5. The ste-s beow are reated to the scienti&ic method.

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL ) 4551/1

    Formin! a h"-othesis

    Obser'in! a sit%ation

    3 Cond%ctin! an e-eriment

    6 7a2in! a conc%sion

    T annin! an e-eriment

    Identi&"in! the -robem

    The correct order o& ste-s o& the scienti&ic method is8

    A T36

    $ T36

    C T36

    D T36

    9. Dia!ram beow shows a ce or!anee.

    DIA:3A7 )

    Which -rocess cannot occ%r witho%t this or!anee#

    A Osmosis

    $ 3es-iration

    C Acti'e trans-ort

    D hotos"nthesis

    ;. Which o& the &oowin! or!anees contain h"dro"tic en. Dia!ram beow shows the ea& cross?section o& a !reen -ant.

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL , 4551/1

    A&ter e-os%re to a bri!ht i!ht( amon! -arts A( $( C and D( which contains the most


    1@. The &%nction o& the -asma membrane in a ce is

    A to -rotect the ce n%ce%s

    $ to contro the in and o%t mo'ement o& so%tesC to -rod%ce ener!" in the ce

    D to contro ce acti'it"

    11. Dia!ram beow shows an or!anee &o%nd in a ce.

    Which -rocess occ%rs in #

    A hotos"nthesis.$ 6"nthesis o& -roteinC 6"nthesis o& en

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 4 4551/1


    Name the -rocess

    A $inar" &ission

    $ $%ddin!

    C 3e!eneration

    D Con%!ation

    14. Dia!ram ).1 and Dia!ram ).) show the str%ct%re o& an anima ce and a -ant ce.

    Dia!ram ).1 Dia!ram ).)

    Which str%ct%res in Dia!ram ).1 and Dia!ram ).) ha'e the same &%nction#

    A * and 6$ and

    C B and 3 D W and

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  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 5 4551/1

    15. The dia!ram beow shows the di&&erent t"-es o& ces and str%ct%res &o%nd in the h%manbod"

    Identi&" the s"stems that contain ( ( 3( and 6 res-ecti'e".

    P Q R S

    A 3es-irator" s"stem Ner'o%s s"stem Ecretor" s"stem3e-rod%cti'es"stem

    $ Circ%ator" s"stem 7%sc%ar s"stem 3es-irator" s"stem Ecretor" s"stem

    C 62eeta s"stem Ner'o%s s"stem Ecretor" s"stem Circ%ator" s"stem


    Circ%ator" s"stem Ner'o%s s"stem Ecretor" s"stem


    Questions 16 and 17 refer to the cell structures listed below:

    Which two ce str%ct%res eist on" in -ant ces#

    A and on"

    $ and 3 on"

    C and 3 on"D and 6 on"

    1;. In a -ant ce s%ch as the onion e-idermis ce( which two ce str%ct%res has a

    seecti'e -ermeabiit" characteristic( which aows water moec%es and so%tes to

    -enetrate it b%t boc2s the -assa!e o& bi!!er so%te moec%es#

    A and on"

    $ and 6 on"

    C and 3 on"

    D 3 and 6 on"1=. A ea& is made %- o&

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

    P - Plasma membraneQ - Cell wallR - CytoplasmS - acuole membrane

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 9 4551/1

    I e-iderma tiss%eII !%ard tiss%e

    III meso-h" tiss%e

    A I and II on"$ I and III on"C II and III on"D I( II and III on"

    1>. Which o& the &oowin! -arts o& a Parameciumdoes not in'o'ed in &eedin! -rocess#

    A Ana -ore$ Ora !roo'eC Food 'ac%oeD 7acron%ce%s

    )@. The dia!ram beow shows a ce ta2en &rom the e-idermis o& an onion.

    Which str%ct%re o& the ce contros the mo'ement o& s%bstances in and o%t o& the ce#

    A $

    C 3

    D 6

    )1. The dia!ram beow shows a mode o& the -asma membrane.

    What is the -art abeed as 2nown as#

    A Choestero

    $ ore -rotein

    C hos-hoi-id

    D Carrier -rotein

    )). The or!anee that is &o%nd etensi'e" in a ce that trans-orts s%bstances b" acti'etrans-ort is 2nown as...

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL ; 4551/1

    A n%ce%s

    $ ribosome

    C mitochondrion

    D :o!i a--arat%s


    Dia!ram abo'e shows the set %- o& an e-eriment. A&ter one ho%r( the +is2in! t%becontainin! so%tion ! is m%ch more t%r!id and the si

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL = 4551/1





    )9 What is meant b" acti#e transport#

    A The mo'ement o& moec%es &rom an area o& hi!h concentration to an area

    o& ow concentration b" %sin! ener!"

    $ The mo'ement o& moec%es &rom an area o& ow concentration to an area

    o& hi!h concentration b" %sin! ener!"

    C The mo'ement o& minera ions &rom the water in the soi to the hair root ce

    b" %sin! ener!"

    D The mo'ement o& !%cose &orm the ie%m %men into the 'i%s bood

    ca-iaries b" %sin! ener!"

    ); Fi!%re beow shows &o%r m%stard stem c%ttin!s that are immersed res-ecti'e" intoso%tions 3( 6( T and ( which ha'e di&&erent osmotic concentrations( &or ,@ min%tes

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL > 4551/1

    Which o& the &oowin! arran!ements shows an increasin! order in the so%tions

    osmotic -ress%re com-ared with the m%stard stem ce sa-#

    A 3( 6( T(

    $ ( 3( T( 6

    C 6( T( 3(

    D 6( ( 3( T

    )=. Dia!ram beow shows the mo'ement o& s%bstances $% & and " across the -asmamembrane.

    What are s%bstances $% & and "#

    W B

    A :%cose 6odi%m ions Amino acids

    $ :%cose Amino acids 6odi%m ions

    C O"!en 6odi%m ions Amino acids

    D O"!en Amino acids 6odi%m ions

    )>. A -otato stri- is immersed in distied water &or )@ min%tes. It is then ta2en o%t

    and immersed in ,@ s%crose so%tion.Tabe 1 shows the obser'ed condition o& the ce &rom the -otato stri-.

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 1@ 4551/1

    I& the -otato stri- is -%t bac2 into the distied water &or '( min%tes( which condition o& thece wo%d be e-ected#

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  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 11 4551/1

    ,@. An a e-idermis ce( red bood ce and chee2 ce are -%t into so%tion ( so%tion B andso%tion * res-ecti'e". A&ter 15 min%tes( a side &or each ce is -re-ared. The dia!ramshows the obser'ations made.

    Which o& the &oowin! is tr%e abo%t so%tions ( B and *#

    B *

    A "-ertonic "-otonic Isotonic

    $ "-otonic Isotonic "-ertonic

    C "-ertonic Isotonic "-otonic

    D Isotonic "-ertonic "-otonic



    The -asma membrane consists o& moec%es arran!ed in a do%be a"er as shown in

    dia!ram beow.

    The -arts abeed I and II are8.A "dro-hobic and h"dro-hiic res-ecti'e"

    $ "dro-hiic and h"dro-hobic res-ecti'e"C $oth h"dro-hobicD $oth h"dro-hiic

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 1) 4551/1

    ,). The dia!ram shows osmosis thro%!h a semi?-ermeabe membrane.

    Which o& the &oowin! ma" be so%tions and B res%tin! in the maim%m increases inmass o& the contents in the +is2in! t%bin!#


    A 1 s%crose so%tion Water

    $ Water ).@ s%crose so%tionC Water @.) s%crose so%tion

    D )@ s%crose so%tion 1@ !%cose so%tion

    ,,. The dia!ram shows -arts o& the str%ct%re o& a -asma membrane

    What is str%ct%re #A hos-hoi-id$ ChoestroC Carrier -roteinD ore -rotein

    ,4. A -asmo"sed ce can re'ert to its norma condition b"...

    A immersin! it in -%re water$ immersin! it in 1@ s%!ar so%tion

    C ta2en o%t 0%ic2" &rom the so%tion

    D immersin! it in a concentrated sat so%tion

    4551/1 T3N O+E3

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 14 4551/1

    Which com-o%nd has the characteristics isted abo'e.

    A Li-id$ Water C roteinD En

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 15 4551/1

    Name the com-o%nd.

    A Li-id$ roteinC Carboh"drateD N%ceic acid

    4). Amino acid Amino acid di-e-tide water

    What is -rocess and B#


    A "dro"sis Condensation

    $ Condensation "dro"sis

    C "dro"sis "dro"sis

    D Condensation Condensation

    4,. Which o& the &oowin! statements is not tr%e abo%t en

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 19 4551/1

    A $eca%se more en

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 1; 4551/1





    4>. The !ra-h beow shows the rate o& an en

  • 8/10/2019 PPT Biology F4 (Paper 1)


    CONFIDENTIAL 1= 4551/1

    What ha--ens at the rate reaction at #

    A The reaction has sto--ed.

    $ There is the -resence o& an inhibitor.

    C The -rod%cts o& the reaction inhibit the reaction.

    D The rate o& reaction is imited b" the en