
Unit : Science and Technology Topic : Everyday Appliances Muttayomsuksa 4

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  1. 1. Topic : Everyday Appliances Muttayomsuksa 4
  2. 2.
  3. 3. fantastic (adj.)
  4. 4. (n.) 4th generation of mobile phone and data communication standards
  5. 5. function (n.) the normal action of something or how something works
  6. 6. Subject + have/has + The past participle (V3) Present Perfect Subject Verb to have Past Participle He She It has V3I You We They have
  7. 7. Example : I have had this watch for five years PAST I bought the watch NOW Five years ago
  8. 8. for/since Example - Ive lived here for ten years. (period of time, e.g., an hour, two months, a year) - Shes worked here since she graduated. (point of time, e.g., 1 p.m., 1998, May 23)
  9. 9. just/yet/already - John has just bought a new plasma TV. (very recently) - Have you seen the latest 4G phones yet? (before now, used in questions and negatives - Ive only been here for a week, but Ive already made a lot of friends. Example
  10. 10. Experience: You can use the Present Perfect to describe your experience. Example: I have been to France. (THIS SENTENCE MEANS THAT YOU HAVE HAD THE EXPERIENCE OF
  11. 11. Change over time: We often use the Present Perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time. Example: You have grown since the last time I saw you.
  12. 12. Accomplishments: We often use the Present Perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity. You cannot mention a specific time. Example: Man has walked on the moon.
  13. 13. Conversation Charlotte: Hey, youre late! Ive been here for half an hour. Toshi : Ive just bought a new cell phone. Look. Its the latest4G. Charlotte: Wow! Ive heard its really fast. Toshi: Yeah. It only takes a few seconds to download a movie. Ive already downloaded two! Charlotte: And you can play games online, right? Toshi: Yeah. And its a TV, with over a hundred channels. Charlotte: Thats fantastic. Oh, and it has a ten megapixel camera. Toshi: And two hours of video, with sound.
  14. 14. Charlotte: I read that you can pay for things with it as well. Toshi: Yes, its like a credit card. Ive already used it twice since I left the store. Charlotte: Amazing. So, whats the actual phone like? Toshi: I dont know. I havent used the phone yet. Ive been too busy using all the other functions! Conversation
  15. 15. Activity
  16. 16. Directions: -The student who starts pretends to serve the ball, then says a a word and makes a sentence by using the structure of present perfect tense in 4 seconds. -Throw the ball to other student. -The chosen student has to do the same like the first student. -If the chosen student cant say a word or make a sentence in 4 seconds, the student has to perform the talent in front of the class.
  17. 17. Example: Word Category: Cell phone -The first student: call I have just called my brother. (throw the ball) -The second student: (grab the ball) video call I have had a video call with my parents since I woke up. (throw the ball) -The third student: (grab the ball) smart phone I have bought this smart phone for 2 years. (throw the ball) so on
  18. 18. Role play
  19. 19. Directions : - Make a conversation about your cell phone. - Do role play in front of the class. Situation: -You are having lunch with your friend and sharing about your cell phone.
  20. 20. Example : A : Hi, B. Ive heard that you bought a new cell phone, right? B : Yes! Look. Its really cool! It has a 60 megapixel camera with the 360o application. A : Thats so cool! Ive just bought a new phone too. B : Wow! Really? How many functions does it have? A : Over 1,000 functions! The camera can take a full high-definition of panorama picture.