powr99 strategic & behavior change communication media

Strategic & Behavior Change Communication Media Outlets Strategizing Communications for Policy & Behavior Change!

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Post on 28-Jan-2015




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While media today, in Pakistan, is often a forum for negative and extreme perspectives, which makes it difficult to navigate the media world with constructive messages . Power99 ,however, follows the idea that to leverage the power of the media to change the way that people look at the problems in their own lives, away from adversarial approaches towards development & cooperation.


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Strategic & Behavior Change Communication Media Outlets

Strategizing Communications for Policy & Behavior Change!

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Power99 FM is an independent & civil society media outlet that is striving to carve out a just , humanist and progressive society. Power99 being strategically well-located, can help your organization gain visibility with potential donors, partners and clients. In addition, by working with Power99, you can improve the image of region globally by pointing out the constructive work and initiatives of civil society . While media today is often a forum for negative and extreme perspectives, which makes it difficult to navigate the media world with constructive messages . Power99 ,however, follows the idea that to leverage the power of the media to change the way that people look at the problems in their own lives, away from adversarial approaches towards development & cooperation.

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“Once you “get "media advocacy, you have to do it. Or live with the fact that you’re not doing everything you can to make a difference”. Makani Themba

As Compared with public relations, Power99 media strategic /behavior change communication and advocacy partnership would be more focused on a particular policy goal for a social change to make a difference.

For effective and result-laden media advocacy campaigns of your organization , you require a more decentralized, community based, and community owned media outlet like Power99.

Power99 Media advocacy focuses on the social forces that shape collective behavior and policy—rather than personal behavior. Our goal is to ensure attaining a more sweeping and lasting change in society at large.

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Power99 S/BCC could be a crucial component of your campaign because it:

empowers the community and targets policy makers.

is a way of getting your message heard and inspiring others to join your cause.

could provide your organization with volunteer base, visibility and trust.

can help you to identify potential statewide ,local advocacy groups and individuals that can support your efforts.

helps to identify or develop good storylines that will appeal to media representatives

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Islamabad is the administrative and policy planning nerve center of the country. For that reason, Power99 can supplement and expand your organization’s advocacy initiatives for it rules the waves & hearts of Islamabad.

Pakistan’s Urban Radio Establishment & Listenership Survey reveals these facts:

Power FM 99 tops with 67 % of total listenership in twin cities! FM 100 Pakistan stands 2nd but trails behind with 18% of total listenership Radio Pakistan/Hum FM are 3rd in row with 3% of radio listeners City FM 89 is at tail-end with 1% of listeners & FM 101 a step ahead with 2 % of all radio listeners!

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“If you don’t exist in the media , for all practical purposes, you don’t exist” News for Change

Power99 believes in advocacy that is used for the promotion of an issue in order to influence policy-makers and en-courage social change.

Advocacy partnership, with civil society organizations, plays a central role in Power99 policy guidelines for educating the public, swaying public opinion and influencing policy-makers.

Using Power99 Advocacy & Civil Society Outreach Program is one of the best ways to gain the attention of decision-makers, from local elected officials to members of Parliament, for Power99 strategically well-located in the “nerve center of Pakistan” i.e. Islamabad

All policy makers monitor the media. Every ministry has a staff person who monitors the news and opinion that mention the representative or his/her ministry by name. These news and opinions are circulated to staff each week for taking action.

Decisions to support legislative initiatives are frequently influenced by the media campaigns.

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Respect for the Individual

Community Participation

Vision Driven Government

Effective Communication

Empowering People

Individual Accountability

Community Diversity

Integrity & Excellence

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Guidance & Policy Contents

Clear & Inclusive Vision with Goals

Developmental approach

Positive, Constructive & Moderate Journalism & Opinion

Democratic in Structure & Operations

Progressive but Value-Sensitive

Gender Empowerment & Equal Opportunities

Working & Creative Environment

Advocacy , Strategic & Behavior Change Communication for Peace, Democracy & Human Rights (women & child rights)

Advocacy: health, education, environment, livelihood, governance & justice

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