
7/17/2019 powerpoint http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/powerpoint-568ef4eb92419 1/8 Plato by:Laurie Agesilas

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7/17/2019 powerpoint

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by:Laurie Agesilas

7/17/2019 powerpoint

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About Plato

• He was born in 428 -B.C.

• He was born in a wealthy family to Ariston a


• "eal name is Aristo!le but was ni!#named • $%en though lato&s family did ha%e 'oliti!al

!onne!tions they were not !ommendable (u

of thirty tyrants whi!h destroyed Athenian de

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 About Plato

• Li#e many young boys of his so!ial !lass* lato wasby the finest edu!ators in Athens.

•  As a young man he e+'erien!ed two ma,or e%ents*

meeting the ree# 'hiloso'her o!rates (his dialou

im'ressed young lato)

• /he other ma,or e%ent was the elo'onnesian war  Athens and 'arta in whi!h lato ser%ed in briefly.

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About Plato

•  After o!rates&s death* lato s'ent 02 years tthrough the 1editerranean region* studying

mathemati!s with the ythagorean.

• ometime around 83 B.C.* lato founded s!

learning #nown as the A!ademy* whi!h he 're

o%er until his death

• /he !urri!ulum in!luded astronomy* biology*

mathemati!s* 'oliti!al theory* and 'hiloso'hy.

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Plato’s final years

• lato&s final years were s'ent at thea!ademy at the a!ademy and with h


• lato died in Athens around 48 B.C

he was in his early 8&s.

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 Plato’s key idea’s

•  /he basis of 'lato&s 'hiloso'hi!al %iews are that he alw

stri%es to see# the truth. lato !reated the allegory !a%e.

allegory !a%e us the stage whi!h someone finds the truth

•  lato was !on!erned with the fundamental 'hiloso'hi!a

of wor#ing out a theory of the art of the li%ing and #nowin

• Li#e o!rates* lato was !on%in!ed of the stru!ture of thHis goal was to show the rational relationshi' between th

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Plato’s impact on Philosophy

• lato&s im'a!t on 'hiloso'hy and theof human has a lasting effe!t.

• His wor# !o%ered a s'e!trum of inter

and ideas: mathemati!s* s!ien!e* an


• His wor# on the reason to de%elo' a

fair so!iety.

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Work cited

5lato Biogra'hy.5 Bio.!om. A6$ 7etwor#s /ele%ision* n.d. eb. 09 eb. 204.

5lato - Biogra'hy.5 Plato. 7.'.* n.d. eb. 2 eb. 204

5lato - oogle ear!h.5 Plato - Google Search. 7.'.* n.d. eb. 20 eb. 204