poster & magazine evaluation


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 2: Poster & magazine evaluation

• The image above is the final poster for my teaser trailer ‘Green Culture’ – I decided to challenge forms and conventions of real media products by not including as much information about the film but taking a simple yet effective shot which portrays a dangerous mood.

• For example, the majority of movie posters have a selling review line, memorable catch phrase or details about the production company. However, the picture I have used works well without too much text bombarding it – therefore captures attention alone.

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• The effectiveness of my main product (the teaser trailer) in combination to this poster creates a strong atmosphere of what anecdotes ‘Green Culture’ consist of. I wanted to depict a sense of trouble, which is why I decided to blur out the suited character in the background, as if the main character in the foreground has no idea that he is being watched upon. This creates an immediate sense of mystery for viewers when looking at the poster.

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• Since the original picture was too dark , I adjusted the levels of brightness and contrast to the right amount in order for people to see clearly.

• Color enhancements are essential when making a photo look professional, especially on film posters. I added a dusty glow to the image, to give it a worn out look – then touched on the red highlights on the edges to balance the color.

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• In terms of technologies in the construction of this poster, I took the picture on a Canon 5D high definition camera, then used Adobe Photoshop. An effective program which enabled me to enhance my selected photo, from looking basic to professional – as you can see below.

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• The combination of my main product (teaser trailer) and ancillary texts such as the poster, are effective as they provide an identifiable link which illustrates the mood, narrative and characters in ‘Green Culture’. The font colours used are the same for all three products and the expression of characters are portrayed similarly.

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• From my audience feedback, I learnt that my target demographic wanted a professional looking poster without the typical movie aspects. In other words, the actual image itself should represent an overall mood of what ‘Green Culture’ is about.

• In order to find out what my audience would want to see with my product, I conducted a focus group which consisted of ten people, answering questions in regards to suggestions and improvements which could be made. This provided me with a stronger understanding of the aspects to include on my poster which meet my viewers needs.

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• Most film magazine covers consist of vivid colors which beg to catch the readers attention, however I took a different approach here, and used black as the dominant color since it black has connotations of power and elegance. Before creating my magazine cover, I looked at various others in the same industry to get a better idea of how to produce mine.

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• My magazine cover uses forms and conventions of professional media products. I gained thorough understanding of how the industry presents material by researching into mainstream film magazines and acknowledging their high quality standard of cover designs. For example, I looked at the ‘Total film’ cover of ‘Casino Royale’ for inspiration in terms of layout, structure and what to include. (see below)

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• The effectiveness of my teaser trailer in combination to this magazine cover works well as it portrays the clear link of characters between all three products. From the overall look of the ‘Green Culture’ magazine cover, we can see the seriousness and aggression of the character that is reflected similarly in the teaser trailer and poster.

• I wanted to illustrate a sense of danger in both the poster and magazine cover as the narrative of ‘Green Culture follows a sequence of troublesome events. Therefore, I added smoke on the cover to symbolize this, which works well against jet black.

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• The image above is a comparison between the original magazine picture used, to the final edited version. As you can see, there has been an obvious adjustment in brightness and contrast. This was done with a general purpose of making the cover more eye catching as black can be tough to grab attention. I also created a smoke effect using the paint brush in Photoshop, representing the use of cannabis – the main drug throughout ‘Green Culture’ along with giving the cover a menacing look.

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Bar code



Title of film

Exclusive feature

Persuasive text

Background featuring main character from ‘Green Culture’ – instantly identified by audience

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