post production

Post Production Editing our shots on Adobe Premiere Pro modified our work tremendously because without it all the shots would have been straight cuts which would have made our opening rubbish and have no meaning to it. Furthermore, But Adobe allowed us to crop shots to make it make sense and we were also able to place sounds clips over the top of our shots to enable realism and make it more believable. To get the best quality sound we recorded the sound on a recorder and imported the clips separately. Therefore, it did change the meaning of our work.

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Post production

Post Production

Editing our shots on Adobe Premiere Pro modified our work tremendously because without it all the shots would have been straight cuts which would have made our opening rubbish and have no meaning to it. Furthermore, But Adobe allowed us to crop shots to make it make sense and we were also able to place sounds clips over the top of our shots to enable realism and make it more believable. To get the best quality sound we recorded the sound on a recorder and imported the clips separately. Therefore, it did change the meaning of our work.