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Hansa Sahu Portfolio 2011 - 2014 Visual Communication/ Graphic Design

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Hansa SahuPortfolio 2011 - 2014Visual Communication/ Graphic Design

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AboutI am a 3rd year Visual Communication/Graphic design student from Sristhi School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore.I am originally from Delhi, fluent in English and Hindi.I am aiming for a a career in graphic design, branding and/or illustrations. I am passionate about drawing, singing, sketching and doing DIY projects. I enjoy doing hands on work and love exploring and experi-menting with color.

EducationYear 2009 - 2011, (Grade 11 and 12) Stream - Humanities, in The SriRam School, Gurgaon.

Year 2011 - 2015 - (Current) Srishti School of Art Design and Technology.

SkillsSoftware - Adobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesignAdobe IllustratorCorel DrawRhino

Hardware/Materials -PhotographySound EditingOil paintingPrintingPaper Crafts

- Good listener- Fast learner- Effecient in group projects- Good at ideating at fast pace- Good with hands on work- Good at exploriations and research




22, October 30, 1991


Email: [email protected]: 9986809728Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Asnah.SBehance: https://www.behance.net/hansa_sahu

E-801, Purvankara Venesia,Yelahanka New Town,Bangalore560065

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Project list

Branding/ Logo Design

Layout/ Typography

Book Design

EkhoFishScales EntertainmetntMathematics of Planet Earth 2013Jhakaas! Energy Drink

“Dip in the pool” Poster“Dip in the pool” Magazine spreadType PostersCalligraphy (Practicing the Devnagari script)Final typeface - Creating a typeface for the Devnagari script

Education@17000 ft.How to be friends with the monsters under your bed


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“Cupcakes!” illustration for bake sale poster. “Strawberry Soda” Illlustration for packaging label for strawberry flavored soda.

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“Cabbage. System.” “Lips”.

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Branding/ Logo Design

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“Ekho” is a project developed by a group ofyoung, aspiring social enterpreneurs from IDEX,that aim to create equality amongst the people.Through this project, they aim to provide for, andcater to the basic needs of the people.Ekho is an initiative inspired by the story of India,where each bottle of water that is bought in theUS, the same quantity of water is distributed to aperson in rural India.They aspire to be a sustainable enterprise by usingbiodegradable packaging for their products.

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The design process started with the design of thelogo, which was narrowed down to 2 routes;Every drop counts -To signify the importance of each single drop of water, and present it as the most basic and essential need in life.Spreading awareness -Portraying the company as an enterprise aiming to first and foremost create awareness about the various social issues that prevails around the world.

Some iterations for the logo.

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The color pallet consists of pastel colors rangingfrom aqua greens,sea blue to coral pinks and lightshades of purple.We chose colors that would compliment the moreaqua/water color palette that would be ideal forthe brand.

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-Bottle and website mock ups for the brand.

The idea was to play with the look of transparency as it seemed suitable for the bottles.The website would provide an insight as to what the company isall about, and how their ideology is processed in the real world.

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FishScales Entertainment

FishScales Entertainment is an event management firm rich in experience, skill and knowledge of organizing social and corporate events. No matter how large or how small the event, we help fulfill its ultimate potential. We can help fledgling events get off the ground and existing events soar. We’re flexible, fast, responsive and reliable. And we always bring a fresh perspective.

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The brief-Design a logo that represents the two zodiac signs, Libra and Pisces.The idea was to incorporate the effect of the wax stamp and combine it with the two signs. The font needed to be a simple one, that looked elegant and yet very inelaborate. They had also asked us to work with the colors red, orange, grey and black.

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Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013

The International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS) of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) is a partner institute in the MPE initiative. The specific role that ICTS would play will be to liaise with the Indian scientific community, possibly in collaboration with researchers around the world, in order to conduct workshops, thematic programs, and conferences on topics that are aligned with the MPE initiative.

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The brief-To come up with a brand identity for the MPE exhibition for 2013 held in the Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum, Bangalore. The logo was provided to us to do the finishing touches and design the translated versions in Kannada.

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The team from the Visvesvaraya Industrial and Technological Museum chose “Marbling”as a fi nal texture for the exhibition.

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Final Color Pallete

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Jhakaas! Energy Drink

The brief: To position Jhakaas! into the mainstream Semi Urban Tier 2 cities (Pune, Coimbatore, Madurai, Mysore, Belgaum, Cochin, Panjim/Goa, Bhopal, In-dore, Nagpur, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Guwahati, Shillong) in the Indian Market.Target Audience: Primary -Energy drinks have mostly been an urban phenomenon in India until now. Your tar-get persona must be 18-49, with slightly more focus on the younger demographic. Primary persona is from a Tier 2 city, conscious of her/his social image, fun, young, energetic, outgoing.Your main competitor will be Red Bull.Secondary:

The18-49 demographic from the bigger Indian Metro cities.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +

Nexa Bold: For the content of the label

Nexa Bold: For the brand logo

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +

Final Color Pallete

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla tincidunt sapien a massa imperdiet pharetra. Vivamus varius mauris eget nisi dignissim ullamcorper. Maecenas in egestas turpis, Maecenas in egestas turpis, ac faucibus quam. Ut at semper nulla. Vestibulum vel turpis augue.

NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGENulla tincidunt sapien a massa imperdiet pharetra.


250 mlMRP: 100/-MFD: 12.03.12BATCH NO. 453049





Final label design and mock up for the can.

Being an energy drink, the main idea that I worked on was inspired by the music genre of Trance.It has become a very popular sort of culture for the youth, as it is loud, high on energy and keeps you on your toes for as long as you are listening.

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Prints on a 6.5”X2.5: soda can.

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Roald Dahl’s



William Botibol enters a sweepstake to guess how far the cruise ship he is on will travel in twenty four hours. He cal-

culates that he will win if the ship has to turn back to pick up a man fallen

overboard. He is determined to bag the prize at any cost!

Posters for “Dip in the pool”

The brief:Design posters using onlye typography for a short stroy title of your choice. The design should be developed on a grid.

Design a magazine spready for the same story, using the text as content for the spread, while wroking on a baseline grid of your determination.

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ON THE MORNING of the third day, the sea calmed. Even the most delicate passengers - those who had not been seen around the ship since sailing time - emerged from their cabins and crept on to the sun deck where the deck steward gave them chairs and tucked rugs around their legs and left them lying in rows, their faces upturned to the pale, almost heatless January sun. It had been moderately rough the first two days, and this sudden calm and the sense of comfort that it brought created a more genial atmosphere over the whole ship.By the time evening came, the passengers, with twelve hours of good weather behind them, were beginning to feel confident, and at eight o’clock that night the main dining-room was filled with people eating and drinking with the assured, complacent air of seasoned sailors. The meal was not half over when the passengers became aware, by the slight friction

between their bodies and the seats of their chairs, that the big ship had actually started rolling again. It was very gentle at first, just a slow, lazy leaning to one side, then to the other, but it was enough to cause a subtle, immediate change of mood over the whole room. A few of the passengers glanced up from their food, hesitating, waiting, almost listening for the next roll, smiling nervously, little secret glimmers of apprehension in their eyes. Some were completely unruffled, some were openly smug, a number of the smug ones making jokes about food and weather in order to torture the few who were beginning to suffer. The movement of the ship then became rapidly more and more violent, and only five or six minutes after the first roll had been noticed, she was swinging heavily from side to side, the passengers bracing themselves in their chairs, leaning against the pull as in a car cornering.

A short story by Roald Dahl


At last the realy bad roll came, and Mr. William Botibol, sit-ting at the purser’s table, saw his plate of poached turbot with hollandaise sauce sliding sud-denly away from under his fork. There was a flutter of excitement,everybody reaching for plates and wineglasses.. Mrs Ren-shaw, seated at the purser’s right, gave a little scream and clutched that gentleman’s arm.

including Mrs Renshaw, got carefully to their feet and threaded their ways with a kind of concealed haste between the tables and through the door-way. “Well,” the purser said, “there she goes.” He glanced around with approval at the remainder of his flock who were sitting quiet, looking complecent, their faces reflecting openly that extraordinary pride that travellers seem to take in being recognised as “good sailors”.

“What I want to know is will the captain already have made his estimate on the day’s run,

you know, for the auction pool? I mean before it began to get rough like this?” The purser,

who had prepared himself to receive a personal

confidence, smiled and leaned back in his seat to relax his full belly.

“I should say so, yes,” he an-swered. He didn’t bother to whisper his reply, although automatically he lowered his voice, as one does when answer-ing a whisperer. “About how long ago do you think he did it?”. “Some time this afternoon. He usually does it in the afternoon.” “About what time?” “Oh, I don’t know. Around four o’clock I should guess.” “Now tell me an-other thing. How does the captain decide which number it shall be?”Does he take a lot of trouble over that?’ The purser looked at the anxious frowning face of Mr. Botibol and he smiled, knowing quite well what the

“Going to be a dirty night,” the purser said, looking at Mrs Renshaw. “I think it’s blowing up for a very dirty night.” There was just the faintest suggestion of relish in the way he said it.A steward came hurrying up and sprinkled water on the table-cloth between the plates. The excite-ment subsided. Most of the pas-sengers continued with their meal. A small number,


When the eating was finished and the coffee had been served, Mr Botibol, who had been unusually grave and thought-ful since the rolling started, suddenly stood up and carried his cup of coffee around to Mrs Renshaw’s vacant place, next to the purser. He seated himself in her chair,then imme-diately leaned over and began to whisper urgently in the purser’s ear. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘but could you tell me something, please?’ The purser, small and fat and red, bent forward to listen.“What’s the trouble, Mr Boti-bol?, “What I want to know is this.” The man’s face was anxious and the purser was watching it.

man was driving at. “Well, you see, the captain has a little conference with the navigating officer, and they study the weath-er and a lot of other things, and then they make their estimate.”Mr Botibol nodded, ponder-ing this answer for a moment..Then he said, “Do you think the captain knew there was bad weather coming today?” “I couldn’t tell you,” the purser replied. He was looking into the small black eyes of the other man, seeing the two single little sparks of excite-ment dancing in their centres.

“I really couldn’t tell you, Mr Boti-

bol. I wouldn’t know..” “If this

gets any worse it might be worth

buying some of the low numbers.

What do you think?” The

whispering was more urgent, more

anxious now.. “Perhaps it will,”

the purser said. “I doubt

whether the old man allowed for a really rough night. It was pretty calm

this afternoon when he made his

estimate.” The others at the

table had become slent and were trying to hear,

watching the purser with that intent, half-cocked, listening look that you can see also at the race track when they are trying to overhear a trainer talking about his chance: the slightly open lips, the upstretched eyebrows, the head forward and cocked a little to one side - that desperately straining, half hypnotised, listen-ing look that comes to all of them when they are hearing something straight from the horse’s mouth.

Magazine spread using 14 pt. baseline grid.

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IMPACTReleased by


B L A K E F O U N D R Y .

Has been distributed with


s i n c e W I N D O W S 9 8Designed by













Posters using only typography

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Practicing calligraphy for the Devnagari script

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Final 12 letters in the designed typeface for the Devnagari script

After a 2-day excercise of iterating the letter “c”” in about 200 ways, we had to design a final typeface usign the skeleton of the initial letter. We were asked to choose a total of 10 letters to create and also try and design any 2 “matraas” using the same skeleton.

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Book Design

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Book/layout design for “Workshops@17000ft.”

A series of three books designed for the benefit of the volunteers at the various remote schools in rural Ladakh. The books are designed to make teaching easier for those who travel to these places in the North, and spread the joy of education amongst the children that are deprived of such opportunities because of various reasons such as climatic condidtions, finalcial problems, etc.

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Pages from Art@17000ft.

Set of icons to make navigating through the activities simpler.

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Pages from Science@17000ft.

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Pages from ReadingPrograms@17000ft.

Some illustrations created for the book.

Set of icons created for the book.

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Book design for “How to be friends with the monsters under your bed”

The brief:Create and interactive and illustrated instructions book fora step-by-step “how to” activity of your choice.

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Pages from the book. (Handrawn illustrations)

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