porauto indus. v. kabo tool - cert petition

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  • 8/11/2019 Porauto Indus. v. Kabo Tool - Cert Petition


    No. __________

    IN THE









    On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the

    United States Court of Appeals for the

    Federal Circuit


    Jack Chen Min Juan, Esq.

    Micah S. Echols, Esq.

    Counsel of Record

    Brian R. Hardy, Esq.

    Marquis Aurbach Coffing

    10001 Park Run Dr.

    Las Vegas, NV 89145

    (702) 382-0711

    [email protected]

    Counsel for Petitioners

  • 8/11/2019 Porauto Indus. v. Kabo Tool - Cert Petition




    This is a specific personal jurisdiction case in

    which the Respondents, Kabo Tool Company and

    Chih-Ching Hsieh (collectively Plaintiffs), alleged a

    single claim of patent infringement of a wrench

    design (U.S. Patent No. 7,066,057) against

    Petitioners, Porauto Industrial Co., Ltd; Accuaire

    Corp.; and Chih-Hsiang Hsu (collectivelyDefendants). Although Plaintiffs and Defendants

    are both based in Taiwan, where Plaintiffs have

    maintained a parallel litigation involving the same

    wrench design, the Federal Circuit refused to

    intervene and dismiss Defendants from a Nevada

    Federal District Court lawsuit due to a lack of

    specific personal jurisdiction. The parties agree that

    there is no general personal jurisdiction over


    The questions presented are:

    1. Whether affidavits of counsel cannot

    provide a sufficient basis to subject Defendants to

    specific personal jurisdiction in Nevada for a case

    alleging patent infringement.

    2. Whether the controlling Federal Circuit

    reasonable factors for determining specific personal

    jurisdiction in cases alleging patent infringement are

    limited by the stream of commerce theory set forth

    by the plurality opinion inAsahi Metal Industry Co.,Ltd. v. Superior Court, 480 U.S. 102, 107 S.Ct. 1026


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    Petitioners, Porauto Industrial Co., Ltd;

    Accuaire Corp.; and Chih-Hsiang Hsu, were the

    petitioners in the United States Court of Appeals for

    the Federal Circuit and the defendants in the United

    States District Court, District of Nevada.

    Respondents, Kabo Tool Company and Chih-

    Ching Hsieh, were the respondents in the United

    States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and

    the plaintiffs in the United States District Court,

    District of Nevada.


    Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 29.6,

    petitioners Porauto Industrial Co., Ltd; Accuaire

    Corp.; and Chih-Hsiang Hsu state the following:

    Porauto Industrial Co., Ltd and Accuaire

    Corp. are not publicly held companies, and no

    publicly held company owns 10% or more of the stock

    of these companies. Chih-Hsiang Hsu is an


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    QUESTIONS PRESENTED ....................................... i

    PARTIES TO THE PROCEEDINGS ........................ ii


    TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ..................................... vi

    OPINIONS BELOW ....................................................1

    JURISDICTION ..........................................................1

    CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS ...........................1

    STATEMENT OF THE CASE ....................................2

    A. Plaintiffs Complaint Alleging a Single Claim for

    Patent Infringement ...................................................3

    B. Defendants De Minimis Contacts with

    Nevada and Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal

    Jurisdiction ..................................................................5

    C. The District Courts Orders Denying Defendants

    Motion to Dismiss and Reconsideration. ....................7

    D. The Federal Circuits Improper Reliance Upon

    Affidavits of Counsel, Failure toApply Controlling

    Federal Circuit Law, and Failure to Distinguish the

    Stream of Commerce Theory from the NationalContacts Theory Set Forth inAsahi. ..........................8


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    A. Affidavits of Counsel Cannot Provide a Sufficient

    Basis to Subject Foreign lien Defendants to Specific

    Personal Jurisdiction in Nevada for a Case Alleging

    Patent Infringement. ................................................10

    B. In Cases Alleging Patent Infringement, the

    Controlling Federal Circuit Reasonableness Factors

    Must Be Applied for a Specific Personal Jurisdiction

    Analysis. ....................................................................12

    C. The Federal Circuit Has Admittedly Failed to

    Distinguish the Stream of Commerce Theory from the

    National Contacts Theory Set Forth in Asahi for

    Determining Personal Jurisdiction in Cases Alleging

    Patent Infringement. ................................................15

    1. Asserting Personal Jurisdiction Over

    Defendants in Nevada Is Overly Burdensome

    on Them. .........................................................16

    2. Nevada Does Not Have An Interest In

    Adjudicating the Dispute. ..............................19

    3. Plaintiffs Can Obtain Relief in a More

    Convenient Forum and Effective Manner. ....19

    4. Defendants Dismissal from this

    Litigation is Necessary to Effectuate an

    Efficient Resolution of the Matter. ................ 20

    5. The Shared Interest of the Several States

    Demands Defendants Dismissal from this

    Litigation. .......................................................21

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    CONCLUSION ..........................................................23


    Order of the United States Court of Appeals for the

    Federal Circuit, May 5, 2014 ....................................1a

    Order of the United States District Court, District of

    Nevada, March 6, 2014 .............................................4a

    Order of the United States District Court, District of

    Nevada, September 20, 2013 ....................................6a

    United States Court of Appeals for the Federal

    Circuit, Denial of Panel Rehearing, June 20,

    2014 .........................................................................24a

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    3D Systems, Inc. v. Aarotech Laboratories, Inc., 160

    F.3d 1373 (Fed. Cir. 1998) ........................................ 14

    Akro Corp. v. Luker, 45 F.3d 1541 (Fed. Cir. 1995) ..... 14

    Asahi Metal Industry Co., Ltd. v. Superior Court, 480U.S. 102, 107 S.Ct. 1026 (1987) ........................passim

    Beverly Hills Fan Co. v. Royal Sovereign Corp., 21

    F.3d 1558 (Fed. Cir. 1994) .................. 7, 10, 13-14, 15

    Blanckmer v. U.S., 284 U.S. 421, 52 S.Ct. 252

    (1932) .........................................................................18

    Boit v. Gar-Tec Prods., Inc., 967 F.2d 671 (1st Cir.

    1992) ..........................................................................11

    Chlebda v. H. E. Fortna & Bro., Inc., 609 F.2d 1022

    (1st Cir. 1979) ............................................................11

    Daimler AG v. Bauman, 134 S.Ct. 746 (2014) ...........3

    Deprenyl Animal Health, Inc. v. Univ. of Toronto

    Innovations Found., 297 F.3d 1343 (Fed. Cir.

    2002) ..........................................................................13

    Figueroa Colon v. Radisson Cable Beach Resort, 310

    F.Supp.2d 437 (D.P.R. 2004) ....................................11

    Genetic Implant Sys., Inc. v. Core-Vent Corp., 123

    F.3d 1455 (Fed. Cir. 1997) ........................................ 14

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    Gillars v. U.S., 182 F.2d 962 (D.C. Cir. 1950) .........18

    Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown,

    131 S.Ct. 2846 (2011) ..................................................3

    Harris Rutsky & Co. Ins. Servs., Inc. v. Bell &

    Clements Ltd., 328 F.3d 1122 (9th Cir. 2003) ..........13

    Merial Ltd. v. Cipla Ltd., 681 F.3d 1283 (Fed. Cir.

    2012) ..........................................................................22

    Nuance Comms., Inc. v. Abbyy Software House, 626

    F.3d 1222 (Fed. Cir. 2010) ........................................ 14

    Touchcom, Inc. v. Bereskin & Parr, 574 F.3d 1403

    (Fed. Cir. 2009) ..........................................................21

    U.S. v. Best, 76 F.Supp. 138 (D. Mass. 1948) ........... 18

    U.S. v. Korolkov, 870 F.Supp. 60 (S.D.N.Y. 1994) ... 18

    U.S. v. Taveras, 2006 WL 1875339, *15 (E.D.N.Y.

    July 5, 2006) ..............................................................18

    Constitutional Provisions

    United States Const. Amend. XIV .......................... 1-2

    Other Authorities

    SEMA Show Website, http://www.semashow.com .....6

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    Defendants respectfully petition this Court

    for a writ of certiorari to review the judgment of

    the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal

    Circuit in this matter.


    The decision of the Federal Circuit Court of

    Appeals is reprinted in the Appendix (App.) at 1a

    3a. The District Courts order denying Defendants

    motion for reconsideration is reprinted at App. 4a

    5a. The decision of the United States District Court,

    District of Nevada, is reprinted at App. 6a23a. The

    Federal Circuits order denying panel rehearing is

    reprinted at App. 24a25a.


    The Federal Circuit filed its decision on

    May 5, 2014. App. 1a3a. Defendants timely filed apetition for rehearing, which the Federal Circuit

    denied on June 20, 2014. App. 24a25a. This Court

    has jurisdiction according to 28 U.S.C. 1254(1).


    The Fourteenth Amendment to the United

    States Constitution, Section 1, provides:

    All persons born or naturalized in the

    United States, and subject to the

    jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the

    United States and of the state wherein

    they reside. No state shall make or

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    enforce any law which shall abridge the

    privileges or immunities of citizens of

    the United States; nor shall any state

    deprive any person of life, liberty, or

    property, without due process of law;

    nor deny to any person within its

    jurisdiction the equal protection of the



    This petition seeks clarity of the Federal

    Circuits continuing failure to distinguish the stream

    of commerce theory adopted by the plurality opinion

    inAsahi Metal Industry Co., Ltd. v. Superior Court,

    480 U.S. 102, 107 S.Ct. 1026 (1987) and the

    alternative national contacts theory in cases alleging

    patent infringement. In the instant case, the Federal

    Circuit concluded that the exercise of specific

    personal jurisdiction over Defendants wasreasonable and fair. App. 3a. In reaching this

    conclusion, the Federal Circuit relied upon affidavits

    of counsel and Ninth Circuit regional case law on

    specific jurisdiction instead of the Federal Circuits

    own mandatory controlling factors. So, before

    reaching the Asahi issue, Defendants also ask this

    Court to clarify that affidavits of counsel cannot

    provide a basis to subject Defendants to specific

    personal jurisdiction in Nevada.

    The contours of specific personal jurisdictionin the context of cases alleging patent infringement

    against foreign alien defendants is particularly

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    important, as this Court has previously noted in

    similar circumstances. See, e.g., Goodyear Dunlop

    Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown, 131 S.Ct. 2846,

    2853 (2011) (We granted certiorari to decide

    whether the general jurisdiction the North Carolina

    courts asserted over petitioners is consistent with

    the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth

    Amendment.); see also Daimler AG v. Bauman, 134

    S.Ct. 746, 753 (2014) (We granted certiorari todecide whether, consistent with the Due Process

    Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, Daimler is

    amenable to suit in California courts for claims

    involving only foreign plaintiffs and conduct

    occurring entirely abroad.). Therefore, Defendants

    respectfully request that this Court grant this

    petition for a writ of certiorari to resolve the

    personal jurisdiction issues presented.

    A. Plaintiffs Complaint Alleging a Single

    Claim for Patent Infringement.

    As asserted in Plaintiffs complaint, Plaintiff

    Kabo Tool Company is a Taiwan corporation with its

    headquarters and principal place of business at

    No. 367, Pei Yang Rd, Fengyuan Dist., Taichung

    City, Taiwan. PA 3234. Plaintiff Chih-Ching Hsien

    is a citizen of Taiwan with his residence at No. 367,

    Pei Yang Rd, Fengyuan Dist., Taichung City,

    Taiwan. PA 32. Plaintiff Hsien is the chief executive

    officer of Kabo and is the named inventor on a

    substantial majority of the patents held by Kabo. Id.

    Kabo is a manufacturing and supply company that

    provides various electrical, hydraulic, mechanical,

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    and other industrial tools including, but not limited

    to, the wrench at issue in the instant litigation.

    PA 32.

    Defendant Hsu is a citizen of Taiwan residing

    in Taipei, Taiwan and is the principal director of

    Accuaire Corp. and Porauto Industrial Co., Ltd. (the

    Foreign Corporate Defendants). PA 32. The

    Foreign Corporate Defendants are Taiwancorporations with their headquarters and principal

    place of business at 4F-1 No.155 Sec.1, Keelung Rd.,

    Taipei 110, Taiwan. Id.According to the allegations

    set forth in Plaintiffs complaint, the Defendants

    have allegedly infringed upon U.S. Patent

    No. 7,066,057 (the Patent) which was assigned to

    Plaintiff Kabo. PA 33. Based upon these allegations,

    Plaintiffs have haled Defendants away from their

    native country of Taiwan to defend themselves

    against a single cause of action for alleged patent

    infringement in Las Vegas, Nevada. PA 3334.

    In their complaint, Plaintiffs alleged generally

    that Defendants were distributing or selling

    infringing products throughout Nevada including in

    this judicial district. PA 32. Without any further

    specification, Plaintiffs also alleged that Defendants

    have placed infringing products into the stream of

    commerce, via an established distribution channel,

    with the knowledge and/or understanding that such

    products are sold in the State of Nevada. PA 33.

    Thus, Plaintiffs complaint outlined certain factors

    for personal jurisdiction without any specific details.

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    B. Defendants De Minimis Contacts with

    Nevada and Motion to Dismiss for Lack

    of Personal Jurisdiction.

    Aside from the fact that: (1) all of the

    information, documents, and individuals involved in

    the alleged acts reside in Taiwan; (2) the information

    and documents are written in Chinese; and (3) the

    native language for all individuals involved isChinese, Plaintiffs have incorrectly selected Las

    Vegas, Nevada as the location to file their lawsuit.

    PA 3144. A review of Defendants contacts with

    Nevada evidences that such contacts are truly de


    First, the Foreign Corporate Defendants are

    not Nevada (or even U.S.) corporations. PA 32.

    Neither of the Foreign Corporate Defendants pay nor

    have paid taxes in Nevada. The Foreign Corporate

    Defendants do not have telephone listings inNevada, and they maintain no accounts in any

    financial institutions in the State. In addition, the

    Foreign Corporate Defendants do not maintain or

    lease any offices, distribution facilities, or

    manufacturing plants in Nevada, nor do they

    otherwise own, rent, lease, or occupy any real or

    personal property in Nevada. The Foreign Corporate

    Defendants have never availed themselves of the

    courts of Nevada or anywhere in the United States.

    Second, Defendant Hsus contacts withNevada (and the U.S.) are equally tenuous, if not

    more so than the Foreign Corporate Defendants.

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    Defendant Hsu is not a resident of Nevada or the

    United States and, although served with process

    while attending the Specialty Equipment Marketing

    Association (SEMA) Show,1 he has never lived or

    worked in Nevada. Defendant Hsu does not pay and

    has never paid taxes in Nevada. Hsu has traveled to

    Nevada only very sporadically and then generally for

    the purpose of attending (like many other

    international visitors) the annual SEMA show. Hsuhas not personally transacted business in Nevada,

    does not directly derive any revenue from goods used

    or consumed or services rendered in Nevada, and

    does not personally employ anyone in Nevada.

    Defendant Hsu does not have a telephone listing in

    Nevada, maintains no accounts in any financial

    institutions in the State, and has never availed

    himself of the Nevada or United States courts.

    Defendant Hsu does not own, rent, lease, or occupy

    any other real or personal property in Nevada.

    Due to the lack of personal jurisdiction

    (specific or general), Defendants filed a motion to

    1 According to its website, The SEMA Show is the premier

    automotive specialty products trade event in the world


    THE GENERAL PUBLIC). It draws the industrys brightest

    minds and hottest products to one place, the Las

    Vegas Convention Center. As part of the AAIW, the SEMA

    Show attracts more than 100,000 industry leaders frommore than 100 countries for unlimited profit opportunities in

    the automotive, truck and SUV, powersports, and RV markets.

    Seehttp://www.semashow.com (last accessed Sept. 16, 2014).

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    dismiss in the District Court. PA 4560. In their

    opposition, Plaintiffs submitted the bare affidavit of

    Jas S. Dhillon who is one of the counsel for Plaintiffs

    in this litigation. PA 8082. Mr. Dhillons affidavit

    asserted that he was personally familiar with the

    facts set forth herein . . . PA 81. Mr. Dhillon also

    alleged upon information and belief that Mr. Hsu

    maintains a residence in Los Angeles, California and

    he regularly travels to Las Vegas for business. Id.The affidavit of counsel also asserts, without further

    specification, that Mr. Dhillon had obtained various

    documents and communications in a separate

    litigation suggesting that Defendants use a company

    JS Products to distribute the wrench that is the

    subject of the infringement claim. PA 8182. None of

    the allegations in Mr. Dhillons affidavit were

    corroborated by documentation. And, Plaintiffs never

    moved the District Court to amend their complaint

    to include more specific allegations to support their

    claim for personal jurisdiction in Nevada.

    C. The District Courts Orders Denying

    Defendants Motion to Dismiss and


    Despite the controlling nature of Federal

    Circuit law upon a personal jurisdiction analysis in a

    patent case (see Beverly Hills Fan Co. v. Royal

    Sovereign Corp., 21 F.3d 1558, 1564 (Fed. Cir.

    1994)), the District Court, nevertheless, applied

    Ninth Circuit law in denying Defendants motion to

    dismiss. App. 6a23a. This failure was significant

    because the District Court concluded that of the

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    seven reasonableness factors in the Ninth Circuit

    test, Defendants were favored in exactly half of the

    factors. App. 14a22a. And, under the five

    reasonableness factors of the Federal Circuit test,

    Defendants would have prevailed.

    Due to the District Courts error of not

    applying controlling Federal Circuit law and the

    likelihood that a proper application of thereasonableness factors would result in dismissal,

    Defendants filed a motion for reconsideration.

    PA 138155. Yet, the District Court denied the

    motion without any discussion. App. 4a5a. For the

    first time, the District Court also revealed that it

    had relied upon another declaration of counsel in

    denying Defendants motion to dismiss.

    Supplemental Appendix (SA) 266284. The District

    Court also denied Defendants request for permission

    to appeal according to 28 U.S.C. 1292(b). App. 4a


    D. The Federal Circuits Improper Reliance

    Upon Affidavits of Counsel, Failure to

    Apply Controlling Federal Circuit Law,

    and Failure to Distinguish the Stream of

    Commerce Theory from the National

    Contacts Theory Set Forth inAsahi.

    In an effort to avoid being haled into a Nevada

    court from Taiwan, Defendants sought extraordinary

    relief in the Federal Circuit for the application of thefive mandatory reasonableness factors for personal

    jurisdiction. Although Defendants should have had

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    the benefit of the controlling Federal Circuit

    reasonableness factors, the Federal Circuit simply

    concluded that specific personal jurisdiction of all

    Defendants was reasonable and fair. App. 3a. The

    Federal Circuit also denied Defendants timely

    petition for rehearing. App. 24a25a.


    The Federal Circuits decision raises three

    main issues that are presented to this Court for

    review: (1) the Federal Circuit relied upon affidavits

    of counsel to subject Defendants to personal

    jurisdiction in Nevada; (2) the Federal Circuit failed

    to apply controlling Federal Circuit law for the

    specific personal jurisdiction analysis; and (3) the

    Federal Circuits conclusion that specific personal

    jurisdiction over Defendants in Nevada

    unnecessarily conflates the distinction made by this

    Court in Asahi that personal jurisdiction must bemade upon a stream of commerce theory, not a

    national contacts theory.

    Because the Federal Circuit exclusively

    reviews patent cases, including personal jurisdiction

    issues arising in patent cases, this Court provides

    the only avenue to review decisions of the Federal

    Circuit. Due to the uniqueness of the Federal

    Circuit, there is often not a circuit split to justify

    review according to Supreme Court Rule 10(a). As

    such, Defendants seek review under both Rule 10(a)and 10(c), which allows for certiorari to be granted

    when the decision of a court of appeals decides an

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    important question of federal law that is unsettled or

    conflicts with relevant decisions of this Court. The

    tension betweenAsahidecided by this Court and the

    Federal Circuits view of personal jurisdiction is

    apparent. Cf. Beverly Hills Fan Co. v. Royal

    Sovereign Corp., 21 F.3d at 15641565 (failing to

    distinguish between the results from the differing

    Asahi stream of commerce and national contacts

    tests). Upon these grounds, the Court should grantthis petition for a writ of certiorari.

    A. Affidavits of Counsel Cannot

    Provide a Sufficient Basis to Subject

    Foreign Alien Defendants to Specific

    Personal Jurisdiction in Nevada for a

    Case Alleging Patent Infringement.

    The Federal Circuit made a ruling contrary to

    well established precedent regarding affidavits of

    counsel in the context of a personal jurisdictionanalysis. Specifically, the Federal Circuit noted that

    the District Court denied the motion on the papers

    based on, among other things, allegations that

    petitioners directly sold and distributed the accused

    products in Nevada through a long-standing

    distribution partnership with a Nevada corporation.

    App. 2a. A closer review reveals that the Federal

    Circuit improperly based its decision upon the

    affidavits of counsel.

    The District Court noted in its order that [a]sa factual basis for allegations made in the complaint,

    plaintiffs supplied an affidavit regarding discovery

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    obtained. PA 15. Later in the District Courts order,

    it noted that [t]he plaintiffs affidavit states that

    Mr. Hsu was personally involved. PA 18. Clearly,

    the Federal Circuit believed that the District Court

    based its decision on presented, substantiated facts.

    The problem, however, is that the only affidavits

    presented were affidavits authored and signed by

    Plaintiffs counsel. Yet, [m]ere allegations in the

    complaint or arguments of counsel are not sufficientto establish personal jurisdiction over a defendant.

    Figueroa Colon v. Radisson Cable Beach Resort, 310

    F.Supp.2d 437, 438 (D.P.R. 2004). Similarly, the

    First Circuit held that plaintiffs may not rely on

    unsupported allegations in their pleadings to make a

    prima facie showing of personal jurisdiction.Boit v.

    Gar-Tec Prods., Inc., 967 F.2d 671, 675 (1st Cir.

    1992). The First Circuit also explained that believing

    that jurisdictional allegations must be taken as true

    is an elementary mistake. Id. (citing Chlebda v. H.

    E. Fortna & Bro., Inc., 609 F.2d 1022, 1024 (1st Cir.


    Indeed, only two affidavits were included in

    any of the briefing provided to the District Court

    an affidavit of Jas S. Dhillon and an affidavit of

    Roseanna M. Castillo. PA 8082; SA 278, n. 2. Both

    affiants are attorneys for Plaintiffs. Thus, their

    testimony should have no weight with respect to the

    personal jurisdiction assessment, especially given

    that these attorney affiants have no personal

    knowledge of the allegation that Defendants

    supposedly conduct business in Nevada.

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    In summary, the Court should clarify that

    Defendants cannot be subject to specific personal

    jurisdiction in Nevada based upon affidavits of


    B. In Cases Alleging Patent Infringement,

    the Controlling Federal Circuit

    Reasonableness Factors Must Be

    Applied for a Specific PersonalJurisdiction Analysis.

    The Federal Circuit incorrectly deferred to the

    District Courts reliance upon Ninth Circuit

    precedent to resolve the personal jurisdiction issues

    by using a seven-factor assessment of

    reasonableness. App. 1a3a. Specifically, the District

    Court order examined:

    (1) the extent of the defendants

    purposeful interjection into the forumstates affairs; (2) the burden on the

    defendant of defending in the forum;

    (3) the extent of conflict with the

    sovereignty of the defendants state;

    (4) the forum states interest in

    adjudicating the dispute; (5) the most

    efficient judicial resolution of the

    controversy; (6) the importance of the

    forum to the plaintiffs interest in

    convenient and effective relief; and

    (7) the existence of an alternativeforum.

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    App. 18a19a (citing Harris Rutsky & Co. Ins.

    Servs., Inc. v. Bell & Clements Ltd., 328 F.3d 1122,

    1132 (9th Cir. 2003)).

    As noted above, Federal Circuit case law must

    be exclusively relied upon where the personal

    jurisdictional inquiry is intimately involved with the

    substance of the patent laws. Electronics for

    Imaging, Inc. v. Coyle, 340 F.3d 1344, 1348 (Fed. Cir.2003). Notably, Federal Circuit precedent is distinct

    from the Ninth Circuit precedent when

    contemplating the reasonableness of asserting

    personal jurisdiction:

    (1) the burden on the defendant; (2) the

    interests of the forum state; (3) the

    plaintiffs interest in obtaining relief;

    (4) the interstate judicial systems

    interest in obtaining the most efficient

    resolution of controversies; and (5) theshared interest of the several states in

    furthering fundamental substantive

    social policies.

    Deprenyl Animal Health, Inc. v. Univ. of Toronto

    Innovations Found., 297 F.3d 1343, 1355 (Fed. Cir.

    2002). While overlap exists, the differences between

    the two standards are important, as the Federal

    Circuit has previously acknowledged that

    application of Ninth Circuit law would not promote

    [the Federal Circuits] mandate of achieving nationaluniformity in the field of patent law. Beverly Hills

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    Fan Co. v. Royal Sovereign Corp., 21 F.3d 1558, 1564

    (Fed. Cir. 1994).

    In this case, the Federal Circuit undeniably

    applied Ninth Circuit law to assess whether

    Defendants were subject to personal jurisdiction in

    the District Courta direct violation of its own

    precedent. App. 1a3a; 6a23a. Moreover, the

    application of Federal Circuit law to a personaljurisdiction issue in cases alleging patent

    infringement is mandatory and non-waivable.

    Indeed, the law of the Federal Circuit, rather than

    that of the regional circuit in which the case arose,

    applies to determine whether the district court

    properly declined to exercise personal jurisdiction

    over an out-of-state accused infringer. Nuance

    Comms., Inc. v. Abbyy Software House, 626 F.3d

    1222, 1230 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (citing Akro Corp. v.

    Luker, 45 F.3d 1541, 1543 (Fed. Cir. 1995)).

    Time and again, this Court has reiterated,

    [W]e apply Federal Circuit law because the

    jurisdictional issue is intimately involved with the

    substance of the patent laws. Genetic Implant Sys.,

    Inc. v. Core-Vent Corp., 123 F.3d 1455, 1457 (Fed.

    Cir. 1997) (citation omitted). Under [jurisdictional]

    circumstances such as these, we have held we owe

    no special deference to regional circuit law.Beverly

    Hills Fan Co., 21 F.3d at 1565. When analyzing

    personal jurisdiction for purposes of compliance with

    federal due process, Federal Circuit law applies. 3D

    Systems, Inc. v. Aarotech Laboratories, Inc., 160 F.3d

    1373, 1376 (Fed. Cir. 1998). Consequently, the clear

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    precedent mandates that the Federal Circuit should

    have applied Federal Circuit law to the personal

    jurisdiction issues presented.

    Therefore, because this Court is the only

    avenue for review of the Federal Circuits unique

    ability to review issues arising in patent cases, the

    Court should grant certiorari.

    C. The Federal Circuit Has Admittedly

    Failed to Distinguish the Stream of

    Commerce Theory from the National

    Contacts Theory Set Forth in Asahi for

    Determining Personal Jurisdiction in

    Cases Alleging Patent Infringement.

    The Federal Circuits conclusion that personal

    jurisdiction was proper is at odds with Asahi.

    Specifically, the Federal Circuit, in reviewing the

    District Courts orders, concluded that jurisdictionover the petitioners in Nevada would be reasonable

    and fair. App. 3a. Implicit within the Federal

    Circuits conclusory order is the same tension found

    inBeverly Hills Fan Co. v. Royal Sovereign Corp., 21

    F.3d 1558 (Fed. Cir. 1994). In Beverly Hills Fan Co.,

    the Federal Circuit assimilated the stream of

    commerce theory of personal jurisdiction and the

    national contacts theory presented in the competing

    Asahi opinions. Id. at 1566 (We need not join this

    debate here, since we find that, under either version

    of the stream of commerce theory, plaintiff made therequired jurisdictional showing.). Yet, the proper

    application of Asahi cannot be minimized. Properly

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    limited and applied to the Federal Circuit

    reasonableness factors, Asahicalls for the dismissal

    of Defendants due to the lack of specific personal

    jurisdiction. In fact, Asahi held that a defendants

    awareness that the stream of commerce may or will

    sweep the product into the forum State does not

    convert the mere act of placing the product into the

    stream into an act purposefully directed toward the

    forum State. Asahi, 480 U.S. at 112, 107 S.Ct. at1032.

    1. Asserting Personal Jurisdiction Over

    Defendants in Nevada Is Overly

    Burdensome on Them.

    Although the Federal Circuit and the District

    Court employed an incorrect reasonableness test, the

    District Court properly assessed that Defendants

    would endure substantial hardship in defending

    themselves in a foreign legal system. PA 2021. Infact, the unique burdens placed upon one who must

    defend oneself in a foreign legal system should have

    significant weight in assessing the reasonableness of

    stretching the long arm of personal jurisdiction over

    national borders. Asahi Metal Indus. Co., Ltd., 480

    U.S. at 114, 107 S.Ct. at 1033. In every case where a

    court attempts to assert jurisdiction over a foreign

    alien defendant, those interests

    as well as the Federal interest in

    Governments foreign relations policies,will be best served by a careful inquiry

    into the reasonableness of the assertion

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    of jurisdiction in the particular case,

    and an unwillingness to find the serious

    burdens on an alien defendant

    outweighed by minimal interest on the

    part of the plaintiff or the forum State.

    Great care and reserve should be

    exercised when extending out notions of

    personal jurisdiction into the

    international field.

    Id.at 115, 1034 (internal citations omitted).

    In the instant case, the serious burdens on

    Defendants far outweigh the minimal interest on the

    part of Plaintiffs. Indeed, the burden of defending

    this patent infringement suit in a foreign country

    would be great on Defendants. Defendants principal

    place of business is in Taiwan, and all documents in

    Defendants possession that are or may be relevant

    to this action are located in Taiwan. Moreover, theindividuals involved in the alleged acts reside in

    Taiwan, and the information and documents are

    written in Chinese. Finally, and perhaps the most

    persuasive is the fact that the native language for

    the individuals involved (on both sides) is Chinese.

    For these reasons alone, this factor favors

    Defendants. However, the burden upon Defendants

    is not limited to this factor.

    Plaintiffs are well aware of the fact that many

    of the key individual witnesses reside in Taiwan andthat it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to hail

    any third-party witnesses to the United States to

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    testify or be deposed. Notably, a Taiwanese citizen

    cannot be compelled to respond to a United States

    District Court subpoena. For nearly a century, the

    U.S. courts have recognized the limits of their

    subpoena powers: [A]liens who are inhabitants of a

    foreign country cannot be compelled to respond to a

    subpoena. They owe no allegiance to the United

    States. U.S. v. Best, 76 F.Supp. 138, 139 (D. Mass.

    1948) (citing Blanckmer v. U.S., 284 U.S. 421, 52S.Ct. 252 (1932)); Gillars v. U.S., 182 F.2d 962 (D.C.

    Cir. 1950). When potential witnesses are not

    citizens of the United States and do not reside here,

    they are not amenable to United States subpoenas.

    U.S. v. Korolkov, 870 F.Supp. 60, 65 (S.D.N.Y. 1994).

    [T]he federal district courts power of subpoena does

    not extend to non-citizens beyond the nations

    borders. U.S. v. Taveras, 2006 WL 1875339, *15

    (E.D.N.Y. July 5, 2006). Simply put, in choosing

    Nevada as the forum of choice, Plaintiffs have made

    it more difficult for Defendants to defend themselves

    given the limits of the subpoena power.

    It is without question that litigation in a

    foreign country would make it exceedingly difficult

    for Defendants to carry on their business if all

    officers and employees are based in Taiwan and

    absent for an extended period of time. Thus, this

    factor weighs strongly in favor of Defendants, and

    this Court should compel the Federal Circuit to

    dismiss Defendants from the instant litigation for

    lack of personal jurisdiction.

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    2. Nevada Does Not Have An Interest In

    Adjudicating the Dispute.

    Nevada does not have any interest in

    adjudicating a dispute between solely Taiwanese

    citizenry. Indeed, a States interest directly relates to

    whether a resident was injured. Asahi Metal Indus.

    Co., Ltd., 480 U.S. at 114. Specifically, the Asahi

    court reasoned that because the plaintiff was not astate resident, the states legitimate interests in the

    dispute diminished considerably. Id.

    In the instant case, damages and injury, if

    any, are those of a Taiwan company and/or Taiwan

    citizens, as none of the parties are residents of

    Nevada. PA 32. A judgment, if any is awarded, will

    have no direct impact on Nevada. Certainly, Nevada

    and the U.S. Courts need to allow Taiwanese courts

    to handle disputes involving its own citizenry,

    particularly where Plaintiffs have alreadycommenced parallel litigation in Taiwan. PA 82.

    Therefore, this factor favors Defendants and

    supports the dismissal of Defendants from this

    litigation for lack of personal jurisdiction.

    3. Plaintiffs Can Obtain Relief in a More

    Convenient Forum and Effective Manner.

    Plaintiffs can also obtain convenient and

    effective relief, if warranted, in another court where

    jurisdiction over Defendants actually existstheTaiwanese judicial system. The plaintiffs interest

    in obtaining relief factor is present in both

    reasonableness tests. The Federal Circuit did not

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    question the District Courts reasoning that if

    Nevada were not the proper forum for litigation,

    then Plaintiffs would have to litigate in Taiwan,

    which the District Court observed, would not

    present an obvious inconvenience since Taiwan is

    the home of both the [Plaintiffs] and the

    [Defendants]. App. 22a. Consequently, this factor is

    present in both tests and still favors Defendants.

    Moreover, Plaintiffs previously initiated a similarlegal action in Taiwan, wherein Defendants have

    posted a $515,000 bond. PA 82. Plaintiffs, unhappy

    with that outcome, decided to extend their legal

    action abroad to the District of Nevada. However,

    the Taiwan suit is still ongoing and is better suited

    to hear this action, as Plaintiffs will be allowed their

    day in court in a much more convenient forum.

    4. Defendants Dismissal from this

    Litigation is Necessary to Effectuate an

    Efficient Resolution of the Matter.

    In an effort to obtain the most efficient

    resolution of the controversy, this Court should

    compel the Federal Circuit to order Defendants

    dismissed and allow resolution of the matter in the

    underlying case in Taiwan. Not only does Taiwan

    possess the majority of witnesses, parties, and

    evidence, but it is also home to the first lawsuit filed

    in relation to the wrench invention presently at

    issue. It strains logic to conclude that efficient

    resolution occurs by permitting Plaintiffs to engage

    in multi-national legal actions concerning essentially

    the same invention. Requiring Defendants

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    representatives to travel to Nevada to litigate this

    case would thwart the judicial systems interest in

    obtaining the most efficient resolution of this case.

    Moreover, given the pending action in Taiwan, it is

    possible for the Taiwanese court and the United

    States courts to reach differing conclusions resulting

    in inconsistent decisions. Consequently, the most

    efficient and consistent resolution would be to allow

    the Taiwanese courts (that are already handling theunderlying case) to handle the instant matter.

    Again, this factor favors Defendants and heavily

    weighs against any personal jurisdiction.

    5. The Shared Interest of the Several States

    Demands Defendants Dismissal from

    this Litigation.

    This Court has been very clear in announcing

    that the unique burden placed upon one who must

    defend oneself in a foreign legal system should havesignificant weight in assessing the reasonableness of

    stretching the long arm of personal jurisdiction over

    national borders. Asahi Metal Indus. Co., Ltd., 480

    U.S. at 114. Similarly, the Federal Circuit has noted

    that the fifth factor is concerned with the potential

    clash of substantive social policies between

    competing fora and the efficiency of a resolution to

    the controversy. Touchcom, Inc. v. Bereskin & Parr,

    574 F.3d 1403, 1418 (Fed. Cir. 2009).

    Fundamental substantive social policies alsoindicate that personal jurisdiction is not reasonable.

    Equitable considerations should be taken into

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    account. Plaintiffs previously initiated a similar

    legal action in Taiwan. PA 82. Paradoxically,

    Plaintiffs argue that the Taiwan litigation has no

    bearing on the present case while simultaneously

    pointing to the $515,000 bond that Defendants

    posted in the same case as evidence of Defendants

    alleged purposeful contact with Nevada. Clearly,

    Plaintiffs cannot have it both ways. In fact,

    Plaintiffs legal action in Taiwan is intimatelyrelated to the present suit. The fact that Defendants

    have posted a $515,000 bond in Taiwan is an

    equitable fact favoring them. Defendants paid a

    significant sum to meet the requirements in the

    preexisting litigation. Plaintiffs, obviously unhappy

    with that outcome, decided to extend their legal

    action abroad to Nevada. However, the Taiwan suit

    is still ongoing.

    This Court should view Defendants bond

    payment, along with the timing of Plaintiffs decisionto file the instant action, as evidence that

    fundamental substantive social policies support the

    decision to decline exercising personal jurisdiction

    over Defendants to allow the parties to fully exhaust

    the legal remedies that Plaintiffs first sought in

    Taiwan. This final equitable argument touches upon

    the Constitutional principle of comity, which

    requires that this lawsuit, at a minimum, be stayed

    pending the outcome of the Taiwan lawsuit. See

    Merial Ltd. v. Cipla Ltd., 681 F.3d 1283, 1299 (Fed.

    Cir. 2012) (The first-to-file rule is a doctrine of

    federal comity, interned to avoid conflicting decisions

    and promote judicial efficiency.) (citations omitted).

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    In sum, the majority of the five

    reasonableness factors set forth by the Federal

    Circuit favor Defendants. Therefore, this Court

    should grant certiorari to address the Federal

    Circuits tension with the application ofAsahito the

    five reasonableness factors for specific personal



    For the foregoing reasons, this petition for a

    writ of certiorari should be granted.

    September 18, 2014 Respectfully submitted,

    Jack Chen Min Juan, Esq,

    Micah S. Echols, Esq.

    Counsel of Record

    Brian R. Hardy, Esq.

    Marquis Aurbach Coffing10001 Park Run Dr.

    Las Vegas, NV 89145

    (702) 382-0711

    [email protected]

    Counsel for Petitioners

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    Filed: 05/05/2014

    NOTE: This order is nonprecedential.









    On Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the

    United States District Court for the District ofNevada in No. 2:12-cv-01859-LDG-NJK, Judge

    Lloyd D. George.______________________________________________

    ON PETITION______________________________________________

    Before LOURIE, DYK, and REYNA, Circuit Judges.

    LOURIE, Circuit Judge.


    Petitioners Accuaire Corp., Porauto Industrial

    Co., Ltd., and Chih-Hsiang Hsu seek a writ of

    mandamus directing the United States District

    Court for the District of Nevada to dismiss the

    underlying patent infringement case. Respondents

    Kabo Tool Company and Chih-Ching Hsien oppose.

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    In October 2012, respondents, a Taiwanese

    tool company and its CEO, filed suit in a federal

    district court in Nevada for infringement of a U.S.

    patent. Petitioners, also Taiwanese residents, moved

    for dismissal of the complaint for lack of personal

    jurisdiction. The district court denied the motion on

    the papers based on, among other things, allegations

    that petitioners directly sold and distributed the

    accused products in Nevada through a long-standingdistribution partnership with a Nevada corporation.

    The district court further found that the burden

    imposed on petitioners in having to litigate in

    Nevada did not outweigh the interest of the United

    States in protecting U.S. patents and Nevadas

    interest in seeking redress for harms that have

    taken place in that state resulting from the alleged


    The remedy of mandamus is a drastic one, to

    be invoked only in extraordinary situations. Kerr v.U.S. Dist. Court, 426 U.S. 394, 402 (1976).

    Accordingly, three conditions must be satisfied

    before it may issue. Cheney v. U.S. Dist. Court, 542

    U.S. 367, 380 (2004). The petitioner must show a

    clear and indisputable right to relief. Id. at 381

    (quoting Kerr, 426 U.S. at 403). The petitioner must

    lack adequate alternative means to obtain the

    relief it seeks. Mallard v. U.S. Dist. Court, 490 U.S.

    296, 309 (1989); Cheney, 542 U.S. at 380; Kerr, 426

    U.S. at 403. And even if the first two prerequisites

    have been met, the issuing court, in the exercise of

    its discretion, must be satisfied that the writ is

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    appropriate under the circumstances. Cheney, 542

    U.S. at 381.

    Petitioners have not met this standard. Based

    on the arguments in the papers, we are not prepared

    to issue a writ of mandamus to disturb the district

    courts ultimate conclusion that jurisdiction over the

    petitioners in Nevada would be reasonable and fair.

    Nor have petitioners explained why any argumentconcerning a lack of jurisdiction cannot be

    meaningfully reviewed on appeal after final

    judgment. Thus, petitioners have also failed to

    establish that they lack an alternative means to

    obtain the relief they seek. See Bankers Life & Cas.

    Co. v. Holland, 346 U.S. 379, 383 (1953) ([I]t is

    established that the extraordinary writs cannot be

    used as substitutes for appeals . . . even though

    hardship may result from delay and perhaps

    unnecessary trial[.]).



    The petition for a writ of mandamus is denied.


    /s/ Daniel E. OToole

    Daniel E. OToole

    Clerk of Court


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    et al.,




    CO., LTD., et al.,


    Case No. 2:12-cv-01859-

    LDG (NJK)


    Filed: 03/06/14

    For good cause shown,

    THE COURT ORDERS that Plaintiffs Motion

    for Leave to File Surreply to Defendants Motion toDismiss (#40), which document (and the Defendants

    opposition thereto) the Court considered in Denying

    Defendants Motion to Dismiss, is GRANTED.


    Plaintiffs Motion to Seal Declaration (#42) is



    Defendants Motion to Reconsider or Amend (#54)

    the Courts Order Denying Defendants Motion toDismiss is DENIED.

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    Defendants Motion to Set Aside Clerks Entry of

    Default (#59) is GRANTED; The Clerk of the Court

    shall strike the Entry of Default at Docket #58.


    Defendants Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending

    Appeal (#60) is DENIED.


    Defendants Objection (#72) to the Magistrate

    Judges October 31, 2013, Order Denying Motion to

    Stay Discovery is DENIED.

    DATED this 5th day of March, 2014.

    /s/ Lloyd D. George

    Lloyd D. George

    United States District Judge

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    et al.,




    CO., LTD., et al.,


    Case No. 2:12-cv-01859-

    LDG (NJK)


    Filed: 09/20/13

    Plaintiffs, Mr. Hsien and Kabo, own the 057

    patent, entitled wrench with jaws having different

    tilt angles. Plaintiffs claim that defendants, Mr.

    Hsu, Accuaire, and Porauto, imported and sold awrench product that infringed the 057 patent.

    Defendants distributed the infringing product

    throughout Nevada via an on-going business

    relationship with a Nevada corporation. Defendants

    move to dismiss (#10) for lack of personal

    jurisdiction under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure

    Rule 12(b)(2), stating that the infringement took

    place in Taiwan, all parties are foreign subjects, and

    all evidence and witnesses are in Taiwan. Plaintiffs

    oppose the defendants Motion to Dismiss (#12),

    arguing the infringement took place in Nevada, and

    the plaintiffs wish to enforce the patent under the

    laws of the country that issued the patent. Having

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    read and considered the papers and complaint, the

    Court will DENY the defendants Motion to Dismiss.

    Motion to Dismiss

    Motion to dismiss standard requires courts to

    engage in a two-part analysis. Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556

    U.S. 662, 677-79 (2009). First, the courts accept only

    non-conclusory allegations as true. Iqbal, 556 U.S.

    at 677. Threadbare recitals of the elements of a

    cause of action, supported by mere conclusory

    statements, do not suffice. Id. (citing Bell Atlantic

    Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. at 555). However, the

    Court must draw all reasonable inferences in favor

    of the plaintiff. Mohamed v. Jeppesen Dataplan,

    Inc., 579 F.3d 943, 949 (9th Cir. 2009). After

    accepting as true all non-conclusory allegations and

    drawing all reasonable inferences in favor of the

    plaintiff, the Court must then determine whether

    the complaint states a plausible claim for relief.Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 677 (citing Twombly, 550 U.S. at

    555). A claim has facial plausibility when the

    plaintiff pleads factual content that allows the court

    to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant

    is liable for the misconduct alleged. Id. This

    plausibility standard is not a probability

    requirement, but is more than sheer possibility. Id.


    Kabo Tool Company (Kabo or plaintiff) is aTaiwan corporation that manufactures electrical,

    hydraulic, mechanical, and other industrial tools,

    including the wrench product at issue. Chih-Ching

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    Hsien (Mr. Hsien or plaintiff) is a citizen of

    Taiwan and the CEO of Kabo. Mr. Hsien was duly

    assigned U.S. Patent No. 7,066,057 (the 057

    patent), entitled Wrench with jaws having

    different tilt angles. Mr. Hsien then assigned the

    057 patent to Kabo.

    Plaintiffs claim that Chih-Hsiang Hsu (Mr.

    Hsu), Accuaire Corp. (Accuaire), and PorautoIndustrial Co., Ltd. (Porauto) (collectively,

    defendants) infringed patent 057 by importing and

    selling wrench products, which embody patent 057

    (infringing product). Both Porauto and Accuaire

    are Taiwan corporations. Neither Porauto nor

    Accuaire is incorporated in Nevada or the United

    States. However, Porauto and Accuaire maintain an

    ongoing business relationship spanning at least 10

    years with JS Product, Inc. (JSP). JSP is a Nevada

    corporation with its principal place of business in

    Las Vegas, NV. JSP distributes and sells wrenchproducts throughout Nevada. Through JSP,

    Accuaire and Porauto distribute numerous products,

    including the infringing product. Accuaire, Porauto,

    and JSP frequently, often daily, communicate

    regarding ordering, sale, and distribution of

    numerous products, including the infringing product.

    Plaintiffs further allege that defendants have taken

    active steps to facilitate direct infringement of the

    057 patent in Nevada. After plaintiffs sought an

    injunction in Taiwan, defendants posted a $15

    million New Taiwan Dollar Bond (approximately

    $515,000 U.S. dollars) to keep shipments flowing to

    JSP, specifically ensuring that shipments of the

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    infringing product would not be a problem for the

    fourth quarter of 2011.

    Mr. Hsu, a citizen of Taiwan, is the Sole

    Director of Accuaire and the Chairman of the Board

    of Porauto. Mr. Hsu is not a resident of Nevada or

    the United States. However, Mr. Hsu has been

    personally involved with JSP. Mr. Hsu handles

    much of JSPs business with product manufacturersin Taiwan. Mr. Hsu provided advice to JSP

    regarding a previous infringement claim brought by

    Kabo against JSP. Mr. Hsu regularly travels to Las

    Vegas on business-related activity to meet with JSP

    and for the AAPEX/SEMA Show.

    While Mr. Hsu was physically present in

    Nevada, plaintiffs served him with a Summons and

    the Complaint both personally and as an agent for

    Accuaire and Porauto. Defendants move to dismiss

    for lack of personal jurisdiction under Federal Ruleof Civil Procedure Rule 12(b)(2), stating that the

    infringement took place in Taiwan, both parties are

    subjects of Taiwan, and all the evidence and

    witnesses are in Taiwan. Plaintiffs oppose the

    defendants Motion to Dismiss since the

    infringement took place in Nevada, and the plaintiffs

    wish to enforce the patent under the laws of the

    country that issued the patent.

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    Personal Jurisdiction

    Rule 12(b)(2) provides that a court may

    dismiss a complaint for lack of jurisdiction over the

    person. Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 12(b)(2). Since Mr. Hsu,

    Accuaire, and Porauto move to dismiss the complaint

    for lack of personal jurisdiction, Mr. Hsien and Kabo

    have the burden of showing that jurisdiction in this

    Court is proper under Nevadas long-arm statuteand comports with Due Process under the US

    Constitution. Rio Properties Inc. v. Rio Intern.

    Interlink, 284 F. 3d 1007, 1019 (9th Cir. 2002);

    Fed.Rules Civ.Proc.Rule 4(k)(1)(A). Nevadas long-

    arm statute allows jurisdiction in Nevada courts

    over a party to a civil action on any basis not

    inconsistent with the constitution of this state or the

    Constitution of the United States. NRS 14.065(1);

    Graziose v. American Home Products Corp., 161 F.

    Supp.2d 1149, 1152 (D. Nev. 2001). The statute has

    been liberally construed to reach the outer limits offederal Constitutional Due Process. Id.

    Constitutional Due Process requires that, in order

    to subject a defendant to a judgment in personum, if

    he be not present within the territory of the forum,

    he have certain minimum contacts with it such that

    the maintenance of the suit does not offend

    traditional notions of fair play and substantial

    justice. International Shoe Co. v. Washington, 326

    U.S. 310, 316 (1945). The assertion of personal

    jurisdiction can be satisfied only if Mr. Hsu,

    Accuaire, and Porauto individually had sufficient

    minimum contacts with Nevada such that bringing

    suit in the district of Nevada would not offend the

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    traditional notions of fair play and substantial

    justice. Id. Defendants contacts with Nevada

    should be analyzed in regard to each partys contacts

    with Nevada. Harris Rutsky & Co. Ins. Services, Inc.

    v. Bell & Clements Ltd., 328 F.3d 1122, 1130 (9th

    Cir. 2003).

    Subject matter jurisdiction is established

    under 28 U.S.C. 1338 (a) - the district courts shallhave original jurisdiction of any civil action arising

    under any Act of Congress relating to patents. In

    the complaint, the plaintiffs assert that Kabo is the

    assigned owner of the 057 patent and the

    defendants infringed that patent. In support of this

    claim, plaintiffs attached a copy of the patent 057

    paperwork to the complaint.

    As a factual basis for allegations made in the

    complaint, plaintiffs supplied an affidavit regarding

    discovery obtained in the matter of JS Products, Inc.v. Kabo Tool Company, et al.Case No. 2:11-cv-01856-

    RJC-(GWH), United States District Court, District of

    Nevada. This Court may consider evidence

    presented in the plaintiffs affidavits to assist in its

    determination. Data Disc, Inc. v. Systems Tech.

    Assoc., Inc., 557 F.2d 1280, 1285 (9th Cir. 1977).

    Since this Court will consider the affidavit, the

    plaintiffs need only make a prima facie showing of

    jurisdiction to survive the defendants motion to

    dismiss. Harris, 328 F.3d at 1128. The analysis of

    contacts for personal jurisdiction may be founded on

    specific or general jurisdiction. Panavision Intern.,

    L.P. v. Toeppen, 141 F.3d 1316, 1320 (1998).

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    General Jurisdiction

    For general jurisdiction to exist, the

    defendants must engage in continuous and

    systematic general business contacts that

    approximate physical presence in Nevada.

    Heliocopteros Nacionales de Columbia, S.A. v. Hall,

    466 U.S. 408, 415 (1984). Plaintiffs do not claim that

    general jurisdiction in Nevada is reasonable orproper for Mr. Hsu, Accuaire, or Porauto.

    Specific Jurisdiction

    Plaintiffs have shown a prima facie claim for

    specific jurisdiction in Nevada. The Ninth Circuit

    established a three-prong test for analyzing a claim

    of specific jurisdiction:

    (1) The non-resident defendant must

    purposefully direct his activities orconsummate some transaction with the

    forum or resident thereof; or perform

    some act by which he purposefully

    avails himself of the privilege of

    conducting activities in the forum,

    thereby invoking the benefits and

    protections of its laws;

    (2) The claim must be one which arises out

    of or relates to the defendants forum-

    related activities and;

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    (3) The exercise of jurisdiction must

    comport with fair play and substantial

    justice, that is, it must be reasonable.

    Schwarzenegger v. Fred Martin Motor Co. 374 F.3d

    797, 802 (9th Cir. 2004).

    The plaintiffs bear the burden of satisfying

    the first two prongs, then the burden shifts to thedefendants to present a compelling case that the

    exercise of jurisdiction in Nevada would not be

    reasonable. Bancroft & Masters v. Augusta Natl

    Inc., 223 F.3d 1082, 1086 (9th Cir. 2000).

    Purposeful Availment or Purposeful Direction

    Purposeful availment is often used for both

    purposeful availment and purposeful direction, but

    the two are distinct concepts. Schwarzenegger, 374

    F.3d at 802 (citing Harris, 328 F.3d at 1130).Purposeful availment is most often used in suits

    regarding contracts whereas purposeful direction is

    associated with tort suits. Id. Since patent

    infringement cases are most akin to tort actions,

    purposeful direction is more appropriate in

    determining the defendants contacts with Nevada.

    Panavision, 141 F.3d at 1321.

    Purposeful direction looks for evidence that

    the defendants actions outside Nevada are directed

    at Nevada, such as distributing goods in Nevadathat originated in Taiwan. Keeton v. Hustler

    Magazine, Inc., 465 U.S. 770, 77475 (1984). The

    Supreme Court has held that Due Process permits

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    the exercise of personal jurisdiction over a defendant

    who purposefully direct[s] his activities at

    residents of a forum, even in the absence of physical

    contacts with the forum. Burger King v. Rudzewiz,

    471 U.S. 462, 476 (1985) (citing Keeton, 465 U.S. at

    77475). Purposeful direction is evaluated under the

    three-part effects test traceable to the Supreme

    Courts decision in Calder v. Jones, 465 U.S. 783,

    787-91 (1984). The Calder effects test issummarized:

    (a) Defendant committed intentional acts;

    (b) expressly aimed at the forum state;

    (c) causing harm, the brunt of which is

    suffered and which the defendant

    knows is likely to be suffered in the

    forum state.

    Harris, 328 F.3d at 1131.

    (a) Committed an intentional act

    The Restatement (Second) of Torts defines

    act to have specialized meaning denoting an

    external manifestation of the actors will and does

    not include any of its results, even the most direct,

    immediate, and intended. 2, 1964; Schwarzenegger,

    374 F.3d at 806. In the Complaint, the plaintiffs

    claim that Accuaire, and Porauto committed an

    intentional act directed at Nevada by placing the

    infringing product into the stream of commerce, viaan established distribution channel, with the

    knowledge that such products are sold in Nevada.

    Under the definition given in Restatement (Second)

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    posting a bond in order to ensure shipments of the

    infringing product to Nevada. Mr. Hsu was

    personally aware of the claims of infringement, and

    he intentionally acted to continue harm to plaintiffs

    by giving advice to JSP in furtherance of the


    (2) Forum Related Activities

    When determining whether the claims arise

    out of forum related activity, the Ninth Circuit has

    established a but for test. Ballard v. Savage, 65

    F.3d 1495, 1500 (1995) (citing Shute v. Carnival

    Cruise Lines, 897 F.2d 377 (9th Cir. 1990), rev on

    other grounds, 499 U.S. 585 (1991)). The plaintiffs

    must show that their claim could not have arisen

    but for Mr. Hsus, Accuaires, or Porautos contacts

    with Nevada. Id. It is the general rule under

    United States patent law that no infringement

    occurs when a patented product is made and sold inanother country. Microsoft Corp. v. AT&T Corp.,

    550 U.S. 437, 441 (2007). The manufacturing of the

    infringing product in Taiwan is not an infringement

    of a U.S. patent. On the other hand, importing

    infringing product into the United States, without

    authority, is an infringement of an exclusive right.

    Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 133 S. Ct.

    1351, 1367 (2013); 35 U.S.C. 271(a). Plaintiffs

    allege that, through their connection with JSP,

    Accuaire and Porauto distribute the infringing

    product throughout Nevada. But for these actions,

    there would have been no infringement of the 057

    patent in Nevada. Mr. Hsu giving advice to JSP

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    regarding the lawsuit, may not have independently

    infringed the patent, but it was an act intended to

    further or allow the infringement to take place.

    Personally conducting business on behalf of Accuaire

    and Porauto at the SEMA Show and with JSP in

    order to create channels of distribution in Nevada,

    would be a but for cause of infringement. Since

    Mr. Hsu, Accuaire, and Porauto have offered no

    factual basis to refute the plaintiffs accusation, thisCourt will construe the facts in the light most

    favorable to the plaintiffs.

    (3) Reasonableness

    Once the plaintiffs meet the first two prongs,

    the burden of proof shifts to the defendants to

    present a compelling case that the presence of some

    other considerations would render jurisdiction

    unreasonable. Burger King, 471 U.S. at 476-77. In

    addressing the reasonableness question, this Courtwill consider seven factors:

    (i) Extent of defendants purposeful

    interjection (ii) Burden on the

    defendant in defending the forum,

    (iii) Extent of conflict with the

    sovereignty of the Defendants state,

    (iv) The forum states interest in

    adjudicating the dispute, (v) The most

    efficient judicial resolution of the

    controversy, (vi) The importance of theforum to plaintiffs interest in

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    convenient and effective relief, and

    (vii) Existence of an alternative forum.

    Harris, 328 F.3d at 1132. No single factor is

    dispositive; this Court must balance all seven

    factors. Core-Vent Corp. v. Nobel Industries AB, 11

    F.3d 1482, 1488 (1993).

    (i) Purposeful Interjection

    Purposeful interjection is still a factor in

    determining overall reasonableness even though

    plaintiffs have established minimum contacts.

    Harris, 328 F.3d at 1132 (citing Ins. Co. of North

    America v. Marina Salina Cruz, 649 F.2d 1266, 1271

    (9th Cir. 1981)). As detailed previously, Mr. Hsus,

    Accuaires, and Porautos contacts with Nevada are

    sufficient in regard to the plaintiffs claim. Accuaire

    and Porauto have an on-going business relationship

    with a Nevada corporation to distribute theinfringing product throughout Nevada. Mr. Hsu is

    personally involved with JSP to the point that they

    solicited his advice regarding lawsuits involving the

    infringing product. Defendants paid a significant

    sum to ensure that shipments of the infringing

    product would continue to be available to the Nevada

    corporation. This factor falls in favor of the plaintiff.

    (ii) Defendants Burden in Litigating

    The unique burden placed upon one whomust defend oneself in a foreign legal system should

    have significant weight in assessing the

    reasonableness of stretching the long arm of

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    personal jurisdiction over national borders. Asahi

    Metal Ind. v. Superior Court, 480 U.S. 102, 114

    (1987). Defendants state that if they are forced to

    litigate in Nevada, it would be a significant burden.

    Defendants claim that all the evidence and

    witnesses are in Taiwan. Further, all the

    documentation is in Chinese, the native language of

    both the plaintiffs and defendants. Language is a

    significant barrier. However, since infringement of aU.S. patent does not happen until an infringing

    action takes place in the United States, not all

    evidence or documentation would be in Taiwan.

    28 U.S.C. 1400(b). Some evidence of the

    infringement would be in the United States.

    Nonetheless, since the Supreme Court in Asahihas

    given added weight to the burden of defending

    oneself in a foreign land, this factor falls to the


    (iii) Sovereignty

    Litigation against an alien defendant creates

    a higher jurisdictional barrier than litigation against

    a citizen from a sister state because important

    sovereignty concerns exist. Sinatra v. National

    Enquirer, Inc., 854 F.2d 1191, 1199 (9th Cir. 1988).

    Although this factor is important, it is not

    controlling. Gates LearJet Corp. v. Jensen, 743 F.2d

    1325, 1333 (9th Cir. 1984). Defendants claim that

    Taiwan has the greater interest in litigating conflicts

    between citizens of Taiwan. Generally, that is true.

    However, the Complaint is in regard to a U.S. patent

    and conduct that took place within the United

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    defendants have shown a previous ability to travel to

    Nevada to conduct business and transmit

    information. This factor, at best, comes out


    (vi) Convenient and Effective Relief for Plaintiff

    If Nevada were not a proper forum for

    litigation, the plaintiffs would be forced to litigate inTaiwan. This would not present an obvious

    inconvenience since Taiwan is the home of both the

    plaintiffs and the defendants. This factor falls in

    favor of the defendants.

    (vii) Alternative Forum

    The burden of proving the unavailability of an

    alternative forum is on the plaintiffs. Core-Vent, 11

    F.3d at 1490. Plaintiffs have not demonstrated the

    unavailability of an alternative forum. The onlyevidence provided by the plaintiffs is in the affidavit

    where they state that they are unaware of another

    United States jurisdiction that would have personal

    jurisdiction over the defendants. Defendants assert

    that Taiwan is an acceptable jurisdiction. This

    factor falls more in favor of defendants.

    Overall, with all seven factors weighed and

    considered, the defendants have not made a

    compelling case showing that jurisdiction in Nevada

    would create an unreasonable burden. Whilejurisdiction in Nevada may not be as convenient to

    the defendants, it does not present an unreasonable

    burden. The defendants have been conducting

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    business in Nevada for over 10 years. If the

    defendants have the ability to sufficiently conduct

    business, they also have the ability to defend their

    actions in Nevada.

    The Court finds that the exercise of personal

    jurisdiction over the defendants is appropriate.

    Accordingly, for good cause shown,

    THE COURT ORDERS that Defendants

    Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction

    (#10) is DENIED.

    DATED this 20th day of September, 2013.

    /s/ Lloyd D. George

    Lloyd D. George

    United States District Judge

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    Filed: 06/20/2014

    NOTE: This order is nonprecedential.


    FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT______________________________________________





    On Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the

    United States District Court for the District ofNevada in No. 2:12-cv-01859-LDG-NJK, Judge

    Lloyd D. George.______________________________________________



    Before LOURIE, DYK, and REYNA, Circuit Judges.



    Petitioners Porauto Industrial Co., Ltd., et al.,

    filed a petition for panel rehearing.

    Upon consideration thereof,


    The petition for panel rehearing is denied.

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    June 20, 2014 /s/ Daniel E. OTooleDate Daniel E. OToole

    Clerk of Court