political ideologies. the term ideology was first used in 1796 by destutt de tracy. he argued that...


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Page 1: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Page 2: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology and zoology.

After him Marx used the term. For him ideology can bee seen as the ideas of ruling class system and has a negative meaning. He argued that the ideology of property-owning bourgeoisie fosters delusion of “false consciousness” amongst the exploited proletariat, preventing them from recognizing the fact of their own exploitation.

Page 3: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Distinction could be drawn between science and ideology--- between truth and falsehood.

This strict idea about ideology was later softened by Lenin and Gramsci. 

Conservatives and liberals also developed alternative uses of the term. Popper, Talmon and Arendt described ideology as a tool of social control to ensure compliance and subordination. They see ideology as a “closed system” of thought, which by arguing that they have monopoly of truth and reject to tolerate other ideas and beliefs.

Page 4: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Liberalism is a term rooted in the Latin word liber, which means free.

The theoretical roots of liberalism can be found in the seventeenth-century writings of John Locke and the eighteenth-century works of Adam Smith.

These early liberals are known as classical liberals. In the nineteenth century, liberalism was modified by theorists such as T. H. Green and Jane Addams. This later form of liberalism is termed modern liberalism.

Page 5: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Main elements of liberalism:








Page 6: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

John Locke (1632–1704) was an English philosopher who is often known as the father of liberalism.

In his Two Treatises of Government (1690), Locke argues in favor of limited government and protection for individual rights.

Page 7: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

Locke begins his liberal theory by examining human nature.

He writes of human nature in reference to what he calls a state of nature.

The state of nature was a period of time prior to the creation of governments.

It was a time in human history when women and men lived in small groups and communities, and for Locke it was a very revealing period of human history.


Page 8: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

What was so important about the state of nature?

Individuals living in this state of nature had not been influenced or shaped by laws or political decrees because governments did not yet exist.

Consequently, Locke contends, we can look to individuals living in this natural state to see what humans are like at their most natural level.

We can look into the state of nature to observe human nature itself.

Page 9: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

According to Locke, what we learn from a study of the state of nature is that human nature is characterized by freedom, equality, and reason.

Humans are naturally free, born with the duty to submit to no one.

That is, in the state of nature there are no natural rulers to whom we owe obedience.

Page 10: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

On the contrary, each person is naturally equal to all others, according to Locke.

Each person is born equally free and equally in possession of certain natural rights.

These rights are an element of our natural human nature. Locke believed that our natural rights include the right to life, liberty, and property.

These ideas are also closely related to Locke’s concept of natural reason. Humans possess a natural capacity to reason and can use this reason to deduce a set of ethical codes by which to live.

Page 11: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

Locke calls these ethical principles the laws of nature.

- Preserve yourself. Take care of yourself and your needs. Work to promote your own survival.

- Do not harm others. Do not seek out trouble by starting conflicts and wars. If you seek to harm others, this will put you at risk of being harmed and will thus violate the first law of nature.

- Help others if possible. Help others if you can help them without putting yourself at risk.

Page 12: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical LiberalismLocke comes to a very important conclusion:

People are capable of running their own lives because they have common sense.

Government does not make people rational. Governments are formed because rational people see that they are useful.

Government can do the job of legislating, adjudicating, and enforcing rules in conformity with the laws of nature.

Government is created when individuals come together and give clear, direct, explicit consent to the formation of the state. Only those who freely give their direct consent to the state are considered citizens of this state.

Page 13: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

In creating the state, Locke explains, citizens give it power, but only limited power.

In this way, natural rights are protected and made more secure by the existence of an institution (the state) with the specific responsibility of making and enforcing laws to protect life, liberty, and property.

Page 14: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical LiberalismIn this discussion, Locke has made several points central to classical liberalism.

 First, he has established that the individual is more important than the state. The individual is the creator of the state and state authority. Without the explicit consent of individuals, states would not exist.

Second, Locke has concluded that the individual is capable of independence and self-determination.

Third, Locke has established an ideological basis for believing that progress is possible in human affairs. Because people are rational, they can take positive steps to improve and reform their societies.

Fourth, the logic of Locke’s theory proposes that state power should be limited.

Page 15: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical LiberalismClassical liberalism was elaborated on by Adam Smith (1723–1790).

Both Smith and Locke agree that because individuals are so very rational, expansive regulatory governments are unnecessary.

According to Smith, government’s role should be restricted to providing security and public services such as public roads, bridges, and schools.

Under classical liberalism, natural equality does not lead to economic equality.

According to Locke, emergence of economic inequality does not create injustice or render the society illegitimate.

Page 16: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

Like Locke, Smith accepts economic inequality. He sees society as making a rational trade-off when it embraces the capitalism in which the physician’s and the unskilled laborer’s lives are so very different. In return for economic inequality, society gains all the creative output from individuals producing goods and services as diverse as those created by physicians, unskilled laborers, and the other occupational groups comprising the economic sector.

Page 17: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Classical Liberalism

Locke and Smith have arrived at some important conclusions, which go on to serve as basic precepts of classical liberalism’s approach to economic policy.

First, economic inequality is not necessarily unjust or unfair. Economic inequality is not a violation of natural equality. Instead, it arises from the free choices made by rational individuals sorting out the options available to them.

Second, individual freedom is not to be sacrificed for the creation of economic equality.

Page 18: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Liberalism

English philosopher T. H. Green (1836–1882) was an advocate of modern liberalism.

Modern liberals make the following revisions to liberal theory: They argue in favor of interventionist government and expansive liberty. Interventionist government is government that takes a role in regulating economic and social interactions. Expansive liberty is the objective sought by the interventionist government.

Page 19: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Liberalism

Classical liberalism views freedom in terms of freedom from state intervention. Someone is free, as the classical liberals see it, if he or she is not being regulated by or dictated to by government.

For Green, this definition of freedom is too narrow. He prefers to define freedom as broader, more expansive, and more inclusive.

Page 20: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Liberalism

Green argues that an interventionist state is needed to promote the cause of this new expansive liberty, which is often called ‘‘positive liberty.’’ States should not be limited to the protection of individualism (Locke and Smith are incorrect) but should intervene in society on behalf of those whose positive liberty is violated.

 Green’s theory provides insights on the logic of modern liberal ideology.

Page 21: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Liberalism

First, we can see from Green’s writings that modern liberals believe that state intervention can promote and enhance individual freedom. Defining freedom as expansive liberty, modern liberals assert that state regulations protecting health, education, workplace conditions, and generally promoting the well-being of the less powerful sectors of society prevent exploitation and the denial of (positive) liberty. Increased state intervention in society can lead to increased levels of expansive liberty.

Page 22: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Liberalism

Second, modern liberals are not as willing as are classical liberals to accept economic inequality. According to modern liberals, someone who is poor may have a difficult time realizing his or her potential; therefore, poverty is an impediment to expansive liberty and should be remedied by laws enacted by the interventionist state. In other words, modern liberals believe in both natural equality and economic equality.  

Third, modern liberalism promotes the social welfare of society.

Page 23: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Liberalism

Classical liberals find justice and fairness in limited states, whereas modern liberals find it in interventionist states. Classical liberalism upholds natural equality but not economic equality, whereas modern liberalism advocates both kinds of equality. Both classical and modern liberals advocate individual liberty.

Page 24: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Conservatism is an ideology that is generally thought of as seeking to conserve or preserve some reality. Like liberalism, however, conservative ideology is complex and multidimensional. There is no single form of conservatism.

Page 25: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

British philosopher Edmund Burke (1729–1797) was both a scholar and a member of the British parliament.

He opposed what he saw as the errors of liberalism. His most famous work is Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), in which he uses the occasion of the French Revolution to comment on the importance of conserving tradition, authority, and moral values.

Page 26: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

First, Burke argues that human nature is not characterized by rational supremacy. Although individuals have the ability to reason, according to Burke, the ability is severely limited. Most people do not reason clearly. On observing history, Burke believes, one sees that people are often irrational, emotional, and unpredictable. In short, Burke explains, individuals are incapable of using their reason to run their own lives smoothly.

Page 27: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

Secondly, not only are people less rational than liberals believe them to be, but they are also naturally unequal, according to Burke. Burke asserts that differences in natural talents divide people into different levels of abilities. Traditional conservatives such as Burke seek to emphasize a different point, namely that people naturally differ in political capacity. Some individuals are more capable of ruling than others; some individuals are better suited for political decision making than are others.

Page 28: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

Moreover, Burke rejects classical liberalism’s emphasis on natural rights. Classical liberals are wrong when they contend that the purpose of government is the protection of natural rights. This emphasis on rights confuses citizens, Burke asserts. People hear about having natural rights, and they begin to mistake rights for promises of power. As Burke explains it, if someone is told he or she has a right to something, he or she begins to expect it, begins to demand it.

Page 29: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

Burke concludes, although natural rights technically exist in an abstract, analytical sense, they should not be the basis of government decision making, nor should they be stressed in political speeches and platforms.

Government should take care of human needs rather than protect natural rights, according to Burke. Burke believes that humans have a fundamental need for order and control.

Page 30: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

From the standpoint of political ideology, Burke has told us something very important.

Traditional conservatives do not glorify traditional values just to be ‘‘old fashioned.’’ They challenge us to conserve traditional morality because without traditional morality, we lose our connection with ethical certainty.

Traditional values teach us right from wrong in a way that reason, as we saw earlier, cannot. Reason can only confuse us by suggesting that there are no moral absolutes.

Page 31: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

Civil institutions should teach traditional morality, according to Burke. By passing along long-standing moral values from one generation to the next, civil institutions prepare individuals to live peacefully and orderly. Governments are to support civil institutions by providing a secure setting in which they can operate. In protecting and nourishing these institutions, governments become part of a larger mission, participating in the grand process whereby each generation connects itself to those who came before, as the teachings of the past are conserved.

Page 32: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

Morality is more important than individual freedom. Individual freedom must be compromised so that individuals conform to the teachings of traditional values. Freedom should not include the freedom to act in an immoral manner. Thus, traditional conservatives believe in freedom, but freedom with boundaries.

Page 33: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Traditional Conservatism

Elements of Conservatism



Human imperfection





Page 34: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Paternalistic Conservatism

This kind of conservatism is entirely consistent with principles such as organicism, hierarchy and duty, and it can therefore be seen as an outgrowth of traditional conservatism.

Paternalism is described as a combination of prudence and principle.

Duty is the price of privilage; the powerful and propertied inherit a responsibility to look after the less well-off in the broader interests of social cohesion and unity. The resulting one-nation principle, the cornerstone of what can properly be termed a Tory position, reflects not so much the ideal of social equality as the vision of organic balance, a cohesive and stable hierarchy.

Page 35: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

The New Right

The new right represents a departure in conservative thought that amounted to a kind of counter-revolution against both the post-1945 drift towards state intervention and the spread of liberal or progressive social values.

The most important representatives are Thatcherism and Reaganism in the UK and the US in 1980s.

Page 36: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

The New Right

The new right does not so much constitute a coherent and systematic philosophy as attempt to marry two distinct traditions, generally termed neoliberalism and neoconservatism.

Page 37: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


It is an updated version of classical political economy that was developed in the writings of free-market economists such as Hayek and Friedman.

The central pillars of neoliberalism are the market and the individual.

The main aim is to roll back the frontiers of state. It means that unregulated market capitalism will deliver efficiency, growth and widespread prosperity.

Page 38: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


The dead hand of the state discourages enterprise.

The main motto is “private, good; public, bad”

The nanny state is seen to breed a culture of dependence and to undermine freedom, which is understood as freedom of choice in the marketplace.

Page 39: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Neoconservatism reasserts 19th century conservative social principles.

They aim to restore authority and return to traditional values, mainly those linked to the family, religion and nation.

Authority is seen as guaranteeing social stability, on the basis that it generates discipline and respect, while shared values and a common culture are believed to generate social cohesion and make civilized existence possible.

Page 40: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


The enemies of neoconservatism are permissiveness and individualism.

Another aspect of neoconservatism is the tendency to view the emergence of multicultural and multireligious societies with concern on the basis that they are conflict-ridden and inherently unstable.

Page 41: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


The word socialism was founded in the early 1800s, referred to an ideology arguing that citizens are best served by policies focused on meeting the basic needs of the entire society rather than on serving the needs of individuals as individuals.

It can be said that it developed as a reaction against the emergence of industrial capitalism.

From its inception, socialism has been critical of competing ideologies (such as classical liberalism) that rank individualism above the common good in terms of political priorities.

Page 42: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


In its earliest forms, socialism tended to have a fundamentalist, utopian, and revolutionary character. It aimed to abolish a capitalist economy based on market exchange, and replaces it with a qualitatively different socialist society.

The most important representative of this kind of socialism was Karl Marx.

Page 43: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


 After that, a reformist socialist tradition emerged. It proclaimed the possibility of a peaceful, gradual and legal transition to socialism, brought about through the adoption of the parliamentary road.

Saint-Simon, Owen, and Fourier were early socialists who taught that competitive individualist societies destroyed the possibility of collective harmony.

Page 44: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Elements of Socialism:



Social Equality


Social Class

Common Ownership

Page 45: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


The contributions to socialist ideology made by German theorist Karl Marx are so vast and complex that his theory of socialism has come to be known specifically as Marxism.  

Marx was greatly influenced by German philosopher Hegel, who believed that historical development takes place through a series of dramatic changes producing increasingly comprehensive systems of knowledge. With each epoch of historical development, new and old ideas clash and compete. New ways of thinking and conceptualizing reality emerge from the conflict, according to Hegel.

Page 46: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Although Marx is known as a socialist, the majority of his writings focus on analyzing capitalism. With his friend Frederich Engels, Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848.

The better one understands capitalism, Marx contends, the more clearly one sees the rational basis for socialism.

Page 47: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


How does Marx analyze capitalism?

He begins by noting that capitalism is an economic system in which most people come to be members of one of two large classes.

This division of people into two basic classes contrasts with the more complex class systems of antiquity and feudalism, in which numerous classes existed.


Page 48: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


The two prominent classes under capitalism are the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

The proletariat is the class that lives primarily by selling its labor power for a wage.

The bourgeoisie is the class that lives primarily by purchasing the labor power of others and using this labor to operate the factories and businesses owned by the bourgeoisie.

Thus, generally, the proletariat consists of people who work for wages and the bourgeoisie consists of people who own businesses and hire employees.

Page 49: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


According to Marx, under capitalism, conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat is inevitable.

This is the case because both classes are rational.

Both pursue what is in their respective interests.

Consequently, the bourgeoisie and proletariat clash over the price of wage labor. It is in the interest of the bourgeoisie to lower the price of labor, whereas it is in the interest of the proletariat to raise it. Neither class can afford to abandon its interests, according to Marx.

Page 50: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


According to Marx, the state plays an important role in preventing the conflict between the classes from erupting into daily riots and rebellions.

And the state will work to prevent class conflict by enforcing law and order, which, under capitalism, indirectly supports the bourgeoisie’s continued pursuit of profit through the payment of subsistence wages to workers.

Logically, Marx points out, one can see that the class that benefits most from the status quo also gains most from the state’s protection of the status quo.

Page 51: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


For Marx, however, capitalism is an entire social system.

It involves more than states, wages, and profits.

Capitalism also includes certain ways of thinking about the world and psychologically responding to it.

Alienation is a term he used to describe the emotional, cognitive, and psychological damage done to the proletariat by capitalism.

Alienation means loss. According to Marx, workers are vulnerable to different kinds of alienation.

Page 52: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

MARXISMOne type of alienation is alienation from the self.

A worker alienated from his or her self has lost a sense of self-awareness and identity.

Proletarians are also likely to suffer alienation from the work process, from other workers, and from society, according to Marx.

The creative, productive, and collaborative dimensions of working and living are lost to the proletarian.

Not only has life become joyless, but the alienated worker does not even know any more that it is not supposed to be this way.

Just as capitalism affects the psyche, it also influences the intellect.

Page 53: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


As Marx put it, each political-economic system needs its own ideology to justify itself as moral and ‘‘natural.’’

In a capitalist society, the prevailing ideology will be one that proclaims private property as natural.

The prevailing ideology will also uphold individual freedom as a fundamental right.

The idea of individual freedom is useful to the bourgeoisie because it allows the bourgeoisie to argue that making profit is simply an element of individual freedom.

Page 54: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


In addition, the bourgeoisie can always justify paying the proletarians less than the value created by the proletarians by proclaiming that if the proletarians do not like working for them, the proletarians have the individual freedom to quit and find other jobs.

That is, the ideology of individual freedom is used to distract attention away from questions about fairness, social needs, and basic economic equality. Ideology is used to justify the economic dominance of the bourgeoisie.

Page 55: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

MARXISMAs a student of Hegel, Marx saw in all these dimensions of capitalism evidence of not only tension and strain, but also eventual progress.

On the one hand, capitalism is inherently contradictory, according to Marx, and thus doomed to fall apart as a consequence of its own clashing pressures.

On the other hand, capitalism is much more than a system in which contradictory forces threaten disorder and chaos.

Capitalism, according to Marx, is also progressive. It has given humanity many wonderful gifts and has inspired innumerable positive developments.

Page 56: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

MARXISMThe socialist society will abolish class and thereby end the conflict between the bourgeoisie and proletariat, and it will distribute the abundant resources in a way that addresses social needs.

Abolishing class entails ending the distinction between selling and purchasing labor power.

That is, under socialism, all able-bodied adults will work and share ownership of the goods and services produced. These goods and services will be publicly managed, at first by state officials and later by local citizens.

Page 57: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Public managers will centrally plan how goods and services will be produced and managed, Marx argues, so that they can examine the society as a whole and see what is needed, where it is needed, and how much is needed in order to most efficiently fulfill the needs of all.

Once class distinctions have been completely eradicated, monitoring by state planners will be unnecessary and the state will fall into disuse, according to Marx.

Page 58: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Elements of Marxism:

Historical Materialism

Dialectical Change


Class Struggle

Surplus Value

Proletarian Revolution


Page 59: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Orthodox Communism=

Marxism-LeninismMarxism-Leninism is a form of socialism articulated by Russian theorist and revolutionary Lenin.

Lenin took certain ideas from Marx and added some of his own to create Marxism-Leninism, often referred to as communist ideology.

Page 60: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Orthodox Communism=

Marxism-LeninismSocialists should organize their struggle against capitalism by creating a vanguard party to lead the revolution against capitalism.

The Marxist-Leninist party is to serve as the vanguard, or leader, of the proletariat, according to Lenin.

Lenin envisioned the vanguard party as highly structured and centralized, with each member strictly upholding the party’s policies.

Page 61: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Orthodox Communism=

Marxism-LeninismOnce the revolution was successful, according to Lenin, the vanguard party would manage society in the interest of the workers.

The party would suppress any opposition forces, as well as manage the economy.

Marxist-Leninist socialism is also associated with the theoretical concept of imperialism.

Page 62: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern MarxismIt was developed as a more complex form of Marxism in Western Europe.

Western Marxism was influenced by Hegelian ideas and by the stress upon “Man the creator ” found in Marx’s early writings.

From this perspective, human beings were seen as markers of history, and not simply as puppets controlled by impersonal material forces. 

By stressing that there were an interplay between economics and politics, western Marxists opposed to strict base-superstructure relations. They are also not willing to treat the class struggle as the beginning and end of social analysis.

Page 63: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Modern Marxism

The Hungarian Marxist Lucas was an important figure in this ideology.

Gramsci emphasized the degree to which capitalism was maintained not only by economic domination, but also by political and cultural factors.

A more overtly Hegelian brand of Marxism was developed by the Frankfurt School, the most important members of which were Adorno, Horkhaimer, Marcuse and later Habermas. They also developed Critical Theory.

Page 64: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Social Democracy

Social democrats (also known as democratic socialists) reject Marxism Leninism.

They see Marxism-Leninism’s advocacy of a vanguard party as authoritarian.

Social democrats believe in integrating socialism and democracy.

Unlike Marxist- Leninists, social democrats support peaceful, legal efforts to work toward socialism, and they believe in multiparty competition and civil liberties.

Page 65: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

Social Democracy

The main characteristic of modern social democratic thought is a concern for the underdog in society, the weak and vulnerable.

Whatever its source, it has usually been articulated on the basis of principles such as welfarism, redistribution and social justice.

In the form of Keynesian social democracy, which was generally accepted in the early period after the II. WW, it was associated with the clear desire to “humanize” capitalism through state intervention.

Page 66: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

THIRD WAYThe Third Way is not a clear concept. It draws on several ideological traditions, such as modern liberalism, one-nation conservatism and modernized social democracy.

Certain Characteristics

The belief that socialism, at least in the form of top-down state intervention is dead.

With this goes a general acceptance of globalization and the belief that capitalism has mutated into a “knowledge economy”, which places a premium on information technology, individual skills and both labour and business flexibility.

By contrast with with neoliberalism, government is recognized as having a vital economic and social role.


Page 67: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


It has broken with socialist egalitarianism and embraces instead the liberal ideas of equality of opportunity. 

Third-way politicians endorse welfare reform.

They were criticized both because it simultaneously endorses the dynamism of the market and warns against its tendency to social disintegration and far from being a centre-left project, it amounts to a shift to the right.

Page 68: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler advocated fascism as a response to what they identified as twentieth-century political problems.

Fascism, they promised, would rescue countries from economic disorder, national weakness, and moral decline, they contended, by the failures of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and, more generally, by democracy itself.  

Page 69: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


In Nazi Germany, socialist ideas and socialist and communist parties and individuals were especially targeted by the Nazis for repression and persecution. Thus, in terms of both ideology and political practice, fascism, from its early twentieth-century beginnings, defined itself as a rejection of the ideologies.

Page 70: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology



The word fascism is related to the term fasces. In ancient Rome, the fasces was an emblem symbolizing power through unity. For fascists, this emblem was a compelling one because fascism called for the establishment of a unified society in which each individual existed for the nation’s purposes. When, in March 1919, Mussolini began formalizing his leadership over newly organized fascist groups in Italy, he chose the fasces as the official emblem.

Page 71: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Mussolini describes fascism as an ideology promoting nationalism.

Any and all activities needed for the creation of a powerful nation should be directed by the state.

Mussolini also asserts that fascism supports the creation of a totalistic state.

Page 72: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Fascists denied that states should limit their own powers in order to maximize individual freedom and insisted, instead, that individuals acknowledge the superior authority of the state.  

Unlike traditional conservatism, fascism opposed civil institutions strong enough to exist independently of and in potential opposition to the government.

Fascists asserted that the state should be the ultimate source of morality, and civil institutions should defer to state decisions.

Page 73: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


 The state, Mussolini contended, was not to be regarded merely as an economic manager. On the contrary, the state was to function as an emotional force in the lives of the people.

Fascism also opposed the concepts of natural and civil equality and supported, instead, the idea of elitism. According to fascism, individuals are not equal by birth (or nature) and should not be equal under the laws. To the contrary, individuals are divided by natural abilities and social worth, and society should be arranged hierarchically to reflect the differences between ‘‘naturally superior’’ and ‘‘naturally inferior’’ groups.

Page 74: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Fascism’s support of elitism was conceptually related to its advocacy of nationalism and racism. Fascists tend to define what they regard as the ‘‘elite’’ groups in society in nationalist and racist terms.

Page 75: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


With respect to Italy, fascists espoused nationalism from the earliest days of Mussolini’s rule; however, not until the late 1930s did Mussolini add a racist and anti-Semitic dimension to this nationalism. In contrast, from the very beginning of Hitler’s regime, Nazism proclaimed a belief in Germany’s superiority as a nation and the Aryans’ superiority as a race.

Page 76: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Hitler’s Mein Kampf conveys the Nazi ideology of nationalistic and racist elitism. Hitler calls for racial purity, attacks Jews as ‘‘inferior,’’ and asserts the racial and cultural ‘‘superiority’’ of whites or Aryans. Once in power, Hitler and the Nazis declared their position that Jews and Germans are different races and that Jews should be excluded from German citizenship.

Page 77: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology

FASCISMThe elitist ideology of Nazism is also reflected in Nazi persecutions of other groups deemed to be natural and social ‘‘inferiors.’’ In the concentration camps, ‘‘inferior’’ groups were identified by an emblem worn on their clothing for the purpose of signifying the nature of their ‘‘inferiority.’’ Jews were assigned yellow stars; Jehovah’s Witnesses, purple triangles; the Roma (gypsies), brown triangles; criminals, green triangles; political dissidents, red triangles; gay men, pink triangles; and lesbians and ‘‘antisocials,’’ black triangles.

The Nazi commitment to national and racial elitism inspired state-directed programs of eugenics, medical experimentation, and euthanasia.

Page 78: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


 The Nazi state developed different mechanisms and institutions for implementing these ideological measures through the 1930s and 1940s. Before 1941, the Nazi government relied heavily on three strategies of promoting its elitist objectives: (1) It encouraged individual citizens to participate in brutalizing Jews ; (2) it enacted laws in order to isolate Jews and take away any social, economic, or political power; and (3) it pushed Jews into ghettos.

Page 79: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


After 1941, the state shifted to the following strategies: (1) It increased its reliance on execution squads to murder Jews, and (2) it expanded its use of concentration camps to confine and exterminate Jews and also to enforce mandatory labor on Jews and non-Jews.

 The ideology of fascism survived World War II. Neofascism is an ideology that has claimed adherents in both Europe and the United States in recent years.

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- Asserts that the state is more important than the individual.

- Rejects the idea that civil institutions should have an important role in limiting the power of states.

- Rejects the concept of equality.

- Advocates nationalism and/or racism.

Page 81: POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES. The term ideology was first used in 1796 by Destutt de Tracy. He argued that “idea-logy” means a new “science of ideas” like biology


Following World War II, fascist parties were banned in Italy and Germany, but fascist ideology endured. A number of European political parties and movements have ideological ties to fascism.

 These new fascists (neofascists) include the National Alliance in Italy, the National Front in France, the Republikaner Party in Germany, the Freedom Party of Austria, and the National Party in Great Britain.

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Neofascist ideology is evident also in the actions of a number of groups not formally affiliated with the parties just mentioned. These groups include skinheads, followers of neo-Nazi musical groups, and racist and anti-Semitic hate groups that explicitly link their politics with the legacies of Hitler and/or Mussolini.