policies and procedures

Policies and Procedures Developing Collection Policies LIB 630 Classification and Cataloging Spring 2013

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Page 1: Policies and procedures

Policies and ProceduresDeveloping Collection Policies

LIB 630 Classification and Cataloging Spring 2013

Page 2: Policies and procedures

What is Policy?

• An Australian view:– A Policy is an agreed statement that sets out what

the school aims to do and the guidelines it will use to carry out its activities. It establishes a unique vision for the school and sets out principles to be followed by those responsible for turning policy into action.• Wodonga Primary School, No. 37

Policy Writing Procedure Policy.

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What is a collection development policy?

• collection development policy (CDP)– A formal written statement of the

principles guiding a library's selection of materials, including the criteria used in making selection and deselection decisions (fields covered, degrees of specialization, levels of difficulty, languages, formats, balance, etc.) and policies concerning gifts and exchanges. An unambiguously worded collection development policy can be very helpful in responding to challenges from pressure groups.April 9, 2023 Policies and Procedures 3

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Another definition

• American Library Association:– “documents which define the scope of a library's

existing collections, plan for the continuing development of resources, identify collection strengths, and outline the relationship between selection philosophy and the institution's goals, general selection criteria, and intellectual freedom.”

• Guide for written collection policy statements (1987), cited in van Zijl, C. (1998, September). The why, what, and how of collection development policies. South African Journal of Library & Information Science, 66(3), 99.

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Why have a policy?

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• It clarifies policy decisions• It provides a forum for limited and specific

conversations with faculty members• A written policy can also provide a basis for

institutional continuity over time and through personnel changes.• a policy that is regularly reviewed and updated

can help the curator weather the vicissitudes of budget woes

• A Practical Approach to Writing a Collection Development Policy

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One important reason

• To allow for balance– Without the authority of a collection development

policy to stand on, it is impossible when confronted by an irate lecturer or librarian to rationalise why some material should be purchased whilst other is rejected. Faculty members and the management of the academic institution have often demanded that the library purchase items which serve the needs of only one or two users and in fact sometimes expect such material to be housed in their own offices permanently.

– ). The why, what, and how of collection development policies

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• The purpose of a collection development policy– The purpose of a collection development policy

is to create a collection of library materials that supports the library's mission. All decisions about the kinds of materials to be collected or accessed should be made with the mission statement in mind. . . The collection development policy sets goals for the collection that reflect the library's mission.• Writing a Collection Development Policy

What is the purpose of a policy?

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The functions of a policy

• Use as a planning document

• Use as a selection tool

• Use as a means of protection

• Use as a decision-making tool

• Writing a Collection Development Policy

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Questions to answer

• What is the goal of the library resource collection? [i.e. the school library collection]

• What are the objectives of the library resource collection?

• Who is responsible for – reviewing the development of the collection– evaluating, selecting and weeding resources• Policy Writing for Teacher Librarians:

Collection Development Policy[Not currently available online]

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More questions

• What types of resources are selected for the library resource collection?

• How are resources selected?• What criteria are used for the evaluation of

resources?• What criteria are used for the weeding of

resources?• Policy Writing for Teacher Librarians:

Collection Development Policy [Not currently available]

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Crucial questions

• How will the library resource centre deal with controversial materials?– See the Education Queensland web page on

dealing with challenged material.• How will the development of the collection

be reviewed?• What are the collection priorities for the

year?• Policy Writing for Teacher Librarians:

Collection Development Policy [Not currently available]

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Elements of the Collection Development Policy

• Community Profile• Community Needs Assessment• Collection Goals• Selection Responsibility• Selection Criteria • Acquisitions • Collection Evaluation and Assessment • Weeding • Reconsideration of Library Materials • Policy Review and Revision

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Reconsideration of Library Materials?

• Response to a challenge– Occasional objections to instructional materials will be made despite

the quality of the selection process; therefore, the procedure for handling reconsideration of challenged materials in response to questions concerning their appropriateness should be stated. This procedure should establish the framework for registering a complaint that provides for a hearing with appropriate action while defending the principles of freedom of information, the students’ right to access of materials, and the professional responsibility and integrity of the school faculty. The principles of intellectual freedom are inherent in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and are expressed in the Library Bill of Rights, adopted by the Council of the American Library Association. If instructional materials are questioned, the principles of intellectual freedom should be defended rather than the materials.• Workbook for Selection Policy Writing Reconsideration

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What about Cataloging Policy?

• Rationale– The purpose of this cataloging policy is to maintain

consistency within the building and between buildings within the district. Maintaining such consistency enables students, library staff, or teachers transferring within the district or moving into the district the ability to learn and use the catalog with ease. All users will be able to find materials because authority control maintains consistency within the collection. A cataloging policy explains the purpose for procedures and makes it possible for them to be updated or changed as needed over time.• CATALOGING POLICY MANUAL for a proposed elementary library

media collection [no author, no date]

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