pmp certification handbook

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  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    he Project Management Institute (PMI) sponsors a project management certification pro-

    gram, the purpose and goal of which is the development, maintenance, evaluation,

    promotion, and administration of a rigorous, examination-based, professional

    certification credential of the highest caliber the Project Management Professional (PMP


    The PMP program supports the international community of Project Management

    Professionals and is designed to objectively assess and measure professional knowledge.

    PMP program requirements and eligibility standards are applied fairly, impartially, and

    consistently with applicable laws. The PMP program complies with all USA state and federal

    government nondiscriminatory statutes and laws, and grants certification independ-

    ently of a candidates membership or nonmembership in any organization, association

    or other group.

    To achieve PMP certification, candidates must satisfy all educational and experiential

    requirements established by PMI and must demonstrate an acceptable and valid level of

    understanding and knowledge of project management that is tested by the Project

    Management Professional Certification Examination. In addition, those who have been

    granted the PMP credential (certificants) must demonstrate ongoing professional com-

    mitment to the field of project management by satisfying PMIs Continuing Certification

    Requirements Program.

    C o m p u t e r - B a s e d E x a m i n a t i o n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

    The PMP Certification Examination is offered via computer at locations in the United States, i tste rr i tor ies and Canada , an d in o ther cou ntr ies worldwide . For a com ple te li s t of test ing loca t ions,please visit .

    E l i g i b i l i t y C r i t e r i a

    Cand idates app lying for certification as a Pr oject Managem ent Pro fessional m ust satisfy the e duc a-

    tiona l and exper iential requ irem ents for ca tegory 1 or category 2 and agree to ab ide by the ProjectManagement Professional Code of Professional Conduct found on page 22 of this handbook.






    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k



    Initiate, establish,

    evaluate, maintain

    and administer

    professional cre-

    dentialing programs

    to promote and

    support project

    management practi-

    tioners and the

    project management


  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Initiating processes

    Recognizing that a projecor phase should begin ancommitting to do so.

    Planning processes

    Devising and maintainina workable scheme toaccomplish the businessneed that the project wasundertaken to address.

    Executing processes

    Coordinating people andother resources to carryout the plan.

    Controlling processes

    Ensuring that projectobjectives are met bymonitoring and measurin

    progress and taking corretive action when necessar

    Closing processes

    Formalizing acceptance ofthe project or phase andbringing it to an orderly en

    * Source:A Guide to the Project

    Management Body of Knowledge2000 Edition. (Project Managemen

    Institute, 2000)

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l

    C a t e g o r y 1

    At the time of application, the candidate holds a baccalaureate or global equivalent universitydegree* and has a minimum of 4 ,500 hours of projec t management experience wi th in the f iveprojec t management process groups. The number of hours on the Experience Veri f ica t ionForm ( s) mu st to ta l a t least 4 ,500 hours and the pr ojec t da tes must indica te tha t the candida te has

    at least three years of project management experience within the six-year period prior to the appli-ca t ion. Candida tes must indica te a t least 36 unique (non-overlapping) months of projec t man-agement exper ience on the Experience Veri fica tion Form ( s) to sa t isfy the three-year requ irement .Additionally, at the time of application, the candidate has obtained 35 contact hours of projectman agement educa t ion. A t ime fram e is not assoc ia ted wi th th is requirem ent ; therefore , cand i-da tes can document a l l projec t management educat ion hours regardless of when they wereaccrued . The hours m ust inc lude con tent on pr ojec t qua l i ty, scope , t ime, cost , huma n resou rces,communica t ions, r i sk , procurement and in tegra t ion management .

    Required supporting documentation:

    1 ) Ed uc atio na l Ba ck gr ou nd

    2) Experience Veri fica tion Form( s) meet ing cr i te r ia above

    3) 35 Contac t Hours of Projec t Management Educat ion meet ing cr i te r ia above

    *For a list of globally equivalent university degrees, see page 21 of this handbook.

    C a t e g o r y 2

    At the time of application, the candidate does not hold a baccalaureate or global equivalentuniversi ty degree , but ho lds a h igh school d ip loma o r equ iva lent secondar y schoo l c redent ia l andhas a minimum of 7 ,500 hours of projec t management experience wi th in the f ive projec t

    management process groups. The number of hours on the Experience Veri f ica t ion Form(s) musttotal at least 7,500 hours and the project dates must indicate that the candidate has at least fiveyears of projec t management experience wi th in the e ight-year per iod pr ior to the appl ica t ion.Candida tes must indica te a t least 60 unique (non-overlapping) months of projec t managementexperience on the Experience Veri f ica t ion Form(s) to sa t isfy the f ive-year requirement .Additionally, at the time of application, the candidate has obtained 35 contact hours of projectmanagement educat ion. A t ime frame is not assoc ia ted wi th th is requirement ; therefore , candi-da tes can document a l l projec t management educat ion hours regardless of when they wereaccrued . The hours m ust inc lude con tent on pr ojec t qua l i ty, scope , t ime, cost , huma n resou rces,communica t ions, r i sk , procurement and in tegra t ion management .

    Required support ing documenta t ion:1) Educat ional Background

    2) Experience Veri fica tion Form( s) meet ing cr i te r ia above

    3) 35 Contac t Hours of Projec t Management Educat ion meet ing cr i te r ia above








  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    E x p e r i e n c e V e r i f i c a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n

    The Project Management Experience Verification Form is the portion of the PMP CertificationHandbook used by candida tes to properly document and report projec t management experience .Cand idates m ust com plete, sign, and sub m it qu alifying Pro ject Managem ent Experienc eVerification Form(s) to PMI with the PMP Certification Examination Application. Applications

    conta ining incom ple te form s will be re turned to candida tes.

    Candidates are REQUIRED to use the Experience Verification Formthat is provided to document project management experience.Complete one form per project and please photocopy the form

    provided if additional space is required.

    An Experience Verification Form must be completed for each project within the eligible timeframe. One copy of the Experience Verification Form is included in this handbook. The followinginformat ion must be comple ted on each form:

    Pref ix , fi rs t nam e, and middle in it ia l

    PMI ide n ti fi c at ion num be r ( fo r PMI me mbe rs , t h is i s you r m e mbe rsh ip numb e r ;candida tes who are n ot PMI mem bers wi l l be assigned an I .D. number )

    La s t n a m e ( fa m i ly o r s u r n a m e )

    Employe r i n fo rma t ion inc lud ing na me , c omp let e a dd re ss a nd t e le phone nu mbe r

    Projec t s ta r t /com ple t ion da te ( i f pro jec t i s not comple te a t t ime o f appl ica tion, useappl ica tion da te) ; th is inform at ion wi ll be u sed to de term ine whether a suffic ientnumb e r o f un ique mo n ths ha ve be e n p rov ide d ba se d on the r e qu i re me n t s o f the ca tegory

    P r o je c t ti tle

    Yo u r r o l e o n th e p r o je c t

    Approx ima te num be r o f hou rs spe n t w ork ing in one o r m ore o f the f ive p roc e ss a re a s( there a r e no minimum requ iremen ts for any of the five a reas for any individualpro jec t; however , when to ta l led , the c andida te m ust have experience in a l l a reas) ;the to ta l for a l l ver i fica tions m ust meet the m inimu m requ iremen ts for the ca tegory

    Candidates should only document hours that they work on a particular project,not the total hours of the project.

    Summ a r ize p ro je c t de live ra b le s tha t you m a na ge d in you r ro l e on a p ro j e c t( s ) .

    Ca nd ida te s s igna tu re a nd da te



    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k4

    A complete application

    includes Experience

    Verification Form(s),

    educational back-

    ground, 35 Contact

    Hours of Project


    Education Form(s)

    and the Examination

    Application with

    appropriate fee. Allapplications and

    documentation sup-

    plied must be provided

    in English.

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Candidates must

    complete the PMP



    Application included

    in this handbook.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l

    3 5 C o n t a c t H o u r s o f E d u c a t i o n

    Candidates must verify at least 35 contact hours of specific instruction that addresses learningobjec t ives in projec t management . Candida tes can document a l l projec t management educat ionhours regardless of when they were accrued so long as course work has been comple ted a t thet ime of appl ica t ion. These hour s m ay inc lude co ntent on p rojec t qua l i ty, scope , t ime, cost , hum an

    resources, communica t ions, r i sk , procurement and in tegra t ion management .

    Candidates are REQUIRED to use the Project Management Education Formthat is provided in this handbook to document the

    required 35 contact hours of project management education.Please photocopy the form if additional space is required.

    Candida tes can sa t isfy th is req uirem ent by successfully com ple t ing cou rses, wor kshop s an dtra in ing sessions thro ugh o ne or mo re of the fo l lowing types o f educat ion pro viders:

    Universi ty/col lege academic and cont inuing educat ion pro grams

    Course s o r p rog ra ms o ffe re d by tr a in ing c ompa n ie s o r c onsu l t an t s

    Course s o r p rog ra ms o ffe re d by PMI Compo ne n t o rga n iza t ions( Chapter meet ings do not sa t isfy th is req uiremen t .)

    Cour ses or p rogram s offered by PMI Registe red Educat ion Pro viders ( R.E.P.)

    Course s o r p ro g ra ms o ffe re d by e mploye r / c ompa ny-sponso re d p rog ra m s

    Course s o r p rog ra ms o ffe re d by d is ta nc e - le a rn ing c ompa n ie s





  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    C a t e g o r y 1

    I have wri t ten my name as i t appears on the ident i f ica t ion tha t I wi l l present whenI take the PMP exam inat ion.*

    I am inc luding payment inform at ion.

    My Experience Veri f ica t ion Form(s) da tes back a t least three years f rom the da teof application.

    My Experience Veri fica tion Form ( s) does not da te back fa r ther than six years f rom the da teof application.

    My Expe r i e nc e V e r i f i c a t ion Fo rm(s) r e f l e c t s a t o t a l o f a t l e a s t 4 ,500 hours o f p ro j e c tm a n a g e m e n t e x p e r i e n c e .

    When I count the months l i s ted on my Experience Veri f ica t ion Form(s) , the to ta l i s a tleast 36 (not count ing gaps or overlap) .

    I have summ arized the de l iverables I h ave m anaged o f projec ts.

    I have com ple ted the Projec t Management Educat ion Form docu men t ing 35 con tac t hour sof projec t management educat ion.

    C a t e g o r y 2

    I have written my name as it appears on the identification that I will present whenI take the PMP examination.*

    I am inc luding payment inform at ion.

    My Experience Veri f ica t ion Form(s) da tes back a t least f ive years f rom the da teof application.

    My Experience Veri fica tion Form ( s) does not da te back fa r ther than e ight years from the da teof application.

    My Experience Verification Form(s) reflects a total of at least 7,500 hours of projectmanagement experience .

    W he n I c oun t t he mon ths l i s t e d on my Expe r i e nc e V e r i f i c a t ion Fo rm(s) , t he to t a l i s a tleast 60 (not count ing gaps or overlap) .

    I have summ arized the de l iverables I h ave m anaged o f projec ts .I ha ve c om ple t e d the P ro je c t Ma na ge me n t Educ a t ion Fo rm do c um e n t ing 35 c on ta c t hou rsof projec t management educat ion.

    *NOTE: When completing this application, it is important that candidates writetheir name EXACTLY as it appears on their identification that they will present when taking

    the PMP examination. Candidates who do not present identification in the exact nameduring registration at the test site will not be allowed to sit for the exam at that time; such

    candidates will also have to pay the full certification examination fees again.

    A p p l i c a t i o n A u d i t

    Cur ren tly, a per cen tage of accepted app lication s are selected for a ud it by the PMI CertificationProgra m Dep artmen t . Beginning in 2003 , PMI wi ll be enhan cing this audi t pr ocess, and c an-didates wi l l be audi ted prior to being deemed e l igible to si t for the PMP examinat ion.Submission of an appl ica t ion indica tes agreement to comply wi th audi t te rms. During anaudi t , PMPs wi l l be asked to submit documenta t ion such as copies of the i r baccalaureate / global equ ivalent universi ty degrees an d signatur es of the i r super visor( s) or m anager( s) fromthe projec t (s) documented on Experience Veri f ica t ion Forms. Any misrepresenta t ions orincorr ec t infor mat ion p ro vided to the PMI Cert i fica tion Pr ogram Depar tment wi l l resu l t in d is-cipline, including suspension or revocation of eligibil i ty and/or certification.



    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k6

    The following

    checklist is provided

    to ensure that

    candidates provide

    complete applications.

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please sign page 3 of

    the PMP Certification


    Application indicat-

    ing that you have

    read and understand

    the Examination



    Policies and the

    Extensions andRefunds Policies.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l

    PMP Certification Examination Applications will be p ro cessed within 1 0-14 bu siness d ays of PMIsrec eipt. After the ap plications have been pr oce ssed, e ligibility letters will be sen t to qualifying can-didates within 3-5 business days.

    The eligibility letter con firm s that a cand idate is eligible to take the exam ination. The eligibility let-ter expires after six months. Upon receipt of the eligibility letter, candidates must contact the

    examination contractor to schedule an examination appointment. The eligibility letter will providecom ple te de ta ils for schedul ing an examinat ion.

    E x t e n s i o n s

    Cand idates who have not taken the PMP Certification Examination within the eligibility per iod m ayrequ est an extension or re fund. An extension can be o bta ined by subm itt ing a wri t ten extensionrequ est pr ior to the e l igib i li ty expira t ion da te . The req uest m ust inc lude the r eason for the exten-sion, and the ca ndida te mu st s ta te tha t any appo intmen ts made with the examinat ion contrac torhave been ca ncelled. If the abo ve con ditions are m et, a one-time six-mon th extension will be givenat no additional cost to the can didate. Extension s will no t be gran ted onc e the candida tes eligi-

    bility per iod ha s reac hed o ne year. Cand idates who allow their initial six-mon th eligibility per iodto lapse wil l be charged a reac t iva t ion fee . Candida tes who ar e granted the o ne-t ime six-mon thextension and allow their e ligibility to lap se will have to pay the full certification fee again.

    E x a m i n a t i o n C a n c e l l a t i o n / R e s c h e d u l i n g / N o - S h o w s

    Candidates within North America who are cance l ing or reschedul ing an examinat ion appoint-ment must do so no la te r than noon (12:00 p .m. U.S. Eastern Time), two business days pr ior tothe schedu led examinat ion appointmen t . Examp le : To cance l an examinat ion scheduled forThursday, you must notify the examination contractor by 12:00 noon U.S. Eastern Time on theTuesd ay before the Thursd ay app ointme nt. When calling to cance l, cand idates should call the

    examinat ion contrac tor d i rec t ly and not the loca l s i tes a t which they are scheduled to take theexam. Failure to contact the examination contractor or failure to meet a scheduledappointment will result in the forfeiture of the full examination fee. Contact telephonenumbers for the examination contractor can be located in eligibility letters that are sent to allqualifying candidates. Candidates choosing to reapply after such forfeiture must submit a newapp lication and pa y the full exam ination fee. Cand idates outside North Americawishing tocancel or r eschedu le an examinat ion app ointment mu st do so seven ca lendar days in advance .

    Candida tes fa i l ing to meet a scheduled appointment wi th the examinat ion contrac tor due to amedical emergency must submit written notification, including official medical documentation, tothe PMI Cert i f ica t ion Program Department , Four Campus Boulevard , Newtown Square ,Penn sylvania 19 073 -329 9 USA. A resc hed uling fee will be ch arged , but no t the full exam ination

    fee . This inform at ion m ust be subm itted no la te r than 72 ho urs a f te r the schedu led examinat iondate. All letters will be re viewed o n a case-b y-case b asis.

    R e f u n d s

    A refund can be obtained by submitting a written request to PMI one month before the eligibilityexpira t ion da te . No refunds wi ll be considered for candida tes who have taken the PMPCertification Examination or have not provided the necessary cancellation/rescheduling notifica-tion to the examination contractor. A processing fee of $200.00 US will be retained by PMI.




  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    E x a m i n a t i o n I t e m D e v e l o p m e n t

    PMP Certification Examination qu estions:

    a re de ve lope d by work g roups o f P ro je ct Ma na ge me n t P ro fess iona l s ( PMPs)

    are independ ent ly va l ida ted by PMPs

    a re r e fe re nc e d to c u r re n t r e sou rc e s from p ro je c t ma na ge me n t te x tbook sou rc e s

    satisfy the test spec ifications of a job analysis

    Each question is subject to editing for technical adequacy by psychometric consultants. Contentexperts (PMPs) write the questions and validate their appropriateness for the examination, andexperts in testing review the questions to ensure that the questions perform as intended.

    P a s s i n g S c o r e

    The passing score for the PMP Certification Examination is determined by a criterion-referencedapproach called the Angoff Modified Technique. This technique is currently considered by testingpro fessionals to be one of the m ost defensible m ethods ava ilable for establ ishing a pa ssing scorebecause i t re l ies on the poo led judgments of content experts (PMPs) . This approa ch asks a groupof PMPs to review each item on the examination and determine the probability that minimallyknowledgeable candidates will answer each item correctly. The final passing score for the exam-ina t ion is based on th is pooled judgment and the ca lcula t ion of the s tandard error of the mean.Finally, i tem an alysis and reliability indices are calculated for each qu estion.

    E x a m i n a t i o n F o r m a t a n d C o n t e n t

    The PMP Cert i fica tion Examination is com puter b ased an d is com prised o f 200 m ul tip le -choicequest ions. The a l lo t ted t ime to com ple te the exam inat ion is four hou rs.

    The four-hour examinat ion administ ra t ion is preceded by a br ie f ing and 15-minute computertu tor ia l and fol lowed by an opt ional candida te sa t isfac t ion survey and an examinat ionsc o re r e po r t .

    For a blueprint of the examination, please visit the certification area of the PMI Web site( .


    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k8

    Candidates taking

    the PMP Certification

    Examination are

    required to follow

    guidelines and

    policies relating

    to examination

    administration and

    examination security.

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Eligibility letters

    will provide specific

    details regarding

    examination site


    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l

    S p e c i a l E x a m i n a t i o n A c c o m m o d a t i o n s

    Any candidate may request a modification to the PMP Certification Examination administrationpro cedur e du e to d isabi li ty, hand icap or o ther co ndi t ion which m ay imp air the abi l ity of the can-dida te to take the test . To r equest spec ia l testing accom mo dat ions, candida tes m ust indica te the i rneed s on the application. Following application pro cessing, PMI will send ca ndida tes a Special

    Accom mo dat ions Form via facsimile or e -mai l . Candida tes should com ple te th is form and r e turnit to PMI via facsim ile or e -ma il. Upo n r eceipt o f this form , PMI will send an e ligibility letter.

    E x a m i n a t i o n S i t e R e q u i r e m e n t s

    Only the individual named on the registration roster will be permitted to take the examination.Unless o therwise sp ecified in the Candidate Eligibility Letter, can didates m ust p resen t two signature-bear ing for ms of identification in or der to be adm itted to the testing center. Both form s of identifi-cation mu st have exactly the sam e nam e as given on the examination ap plication. One form of iden -tification must bear a photograph. Examples of photo-bearing identification are a valid drivers

    license, an em ployee ID, a passp ort or a m ilitary ID. Examp les of signature-b earing identificationsinclude credit and bank (ATM) cards. Unacceptable forms of identification include library cardsand Social Secur ity cards.

    Candidates are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all t imes at thetesting cen ter. Test site per son nel will dismiss any disr up tive cand idates fro m the site. No refundswill be given to candidates expelled or required to leave the test site due to disruptive behavior.

    No visi tors a re perm itted in test ing ro om s ( inc luding chi ldren ) . Candida tes m ay not br ing food,beverages, coa ts , book bags, luggage , pagers, ce l lu la r te lephones, tape r ecord ers , d ic t ionar ies , orother p erson al items to the examinat ion desks. In ad di tion, smo king and a l l e lec tron ic devices a reprohibited in the testing center.





  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    E x a m i n a t i o n R e s u l t s N o t i f i c a t i o n a n d S c o r e R e p o r t

    Upon com pletion o f the test, the exam ination c ontractor will imm ediately score the examination andprovide candida tes wi th a pr in ted copy of resul ts indica t ing pass or fa i l s ta tus. Theexamination contractor transmits scores to PMI at the end of each testing day. Questionsconcer ning the scor ing of the test should b e directed to the PMI Certification Program Manager.

    R e - e x a m i n a t i o n

    Candida tes mu st pass the exam inat ion in or der to be awarded PMP cer t ifica tion sta tus. Candida tesnot passing the examination can obtain a re-examination form by visiting PMIs Web site. In orderto schedule a re take of the examinat ion, th is form must be comple ted and mai led to PMICertification Program Department, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania1907 3-3299 USA or faxed to + 610-35 6-4647 i f paying by credi t card . This form mu st be usedwithin one year of the original examination date.

    P M I T e s t S e c u r i t y a n d C o n f i d e n t i a l i t y P o l i c y

    The PMP Certification Examination, i tem bank, scoring keys, answer sheets, work sheets, and anyother test or test-related materials remain the sole and exclusive property of PMI. These materialsare c onfidential and are not available for review by any per son o r agenc y for any reason .

    Examination scores are confidential and will not be disclosed unless directed by valid and lawfulsubpo ena or cour t order . A candida te requ est ing tha t an examination score be re leased to a th i rdparty must provide PMI with a written request specifically identifying which examination scoremay be disc losed and the perso n or organiza tion to whom the score should b e revea led. Any vio-lation of the PMI Test Secur ity and Confidentiality Policy m ay be su bject to d isciplinary action( s)

    by the PMI Certification Program Department.





    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k10

    A list of PMPs is

    posted monthly

    in the certification

    area of PMIs

    Web site


  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    After attaining the

    Project Management

    Professional certifi-

    cation, all PMPs mus

    satisfy the require-

    ments of the PMI

    Continuing Certificatio

    Requirements Program

    to maintain their

    PMP status.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l

    P M P A p p l i c a t i o n a n d C e r t i f i c a t i o n A p p e a l s P r o c e d u r e s

    The PMP Certification Program is administered and supervised by the PMI CertificationProgram Manager .

    All challenges r egarding actions o f and b y the PMP Certification Program are govern ed by the com -

    prehensive and exclusive rules of the PMI Certification Board Center Project ManagementProfessional Code o f Cond uct Disciplinary Procedu re. This app eals pro cess is the o nly way to reso lveany PMP application, eligibility, examination, qualification, professional development or other certi-fication challenges, com plaints and/o r claims of irregularities.

    A cand idate or certificant ma y submit a written req uest to the PMI Certification Progr am Managerfor review of an adverse PMP Certification Program action, decision or determination.

    P M I C o n t i n u i n g C e r t i f i c a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s P r o g r a m

    ( f o r m e r l y c a l l e d t h e P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t P r o g r a m )

    The purpose of the PMI Continuing Certification Requirements Program is to:

    e nha nc e the ongo ing p ro fe ss iona l de ve lopme n t o f PMPs

    encou rage and recognize individual ized learning oppo rtuni t ies

    offer a s tandar dized and objec t ive mechan ism for a t ta in ing and recordingprofessional development activities

    susta in the PMP as a g lobal cer t i fica tion creden t ia l

    Each PMP must satisfy the PMI Continuing Certification Requirements Program in order to main-ta in the PMP cer t i fica tion. PMPs are req uired to a t ta in no less than 6 0 pr ofessional developmen tuni ts (PDUs) wi th in a three-year cyc le and agree to cont inue to adhere to PMIs Projec t

    Management Professional Code of Professional Conduct.

    Additional information concerning the PMI Continuing Certification Requirements Program andprofessional development units can be found in the certification area of the PMI Web site All PMPs re ceive the PMI Continuing Certification Requir em ents Pr ogra m Hand boo konce certification is attained.






  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    By signing the statement provided at the bottom of page 1 of the PMP Certification ExaminationAppl ica t ion, you represent and agree to these te rms, condi t ions and re leases re la ted to PMICertification.

    1) I agree to sa t i s fy and con duc t myself i n accor danc e wi th a l l PMI Cer t i fi ca t ion Pr ogrampol icies and requirements, including the PMP Code of Professional Conduct and the PMI Cont inuingCert i fication Requirem ents Program in their curre nt or amen ded form , and maintain conf ident ial ity of examination questions and content. Furtherm ore, I agree n ot to discuss, debrief or d isclose, in any mann er,the specific content of the certification examinations questions and answers to any individual.

    2) I agree that any intent ional or un intent ional fai lure to pro vide t rue, timely and co mp lete respo nses toquest ions in this appl icat ion or renewal form may lead to fur ther investigat ion and/o r san ct ions by thePMI Certification Bo ard Center.

    3 ) I agree to notify the PMI Certification Program Department in a timely manner of changes concerning theinform ation I have provided, including my current add ress and telephon e num ber.

    4) I have repo rted to the PMI Certification Pro gram Dep artme nt, and will rep ort to the PMI CertificationProgram Depar tment wi thin 60 days, any legal or p rofessional /occup at ional m at ters, pro ceedings, law-

    suits, administrative agency actions, settlements and agreements, or organizational actions relating to me,including all com plaints relating to my pro fessiona l activities as a project man agem ent prac tition er, andmatters or proceedings involving, but not l imited to, cr iminal charges, lesser offenses, credent ial ing,malpra ct ice, discipl inary ethics or similar mat ter (s) .

    5) I agree that if my compliance with any of the term s of this agreemen t requ ires or includes an explana-t ion and suppor t ing documents, I wi l l provide a complete and accurate explanat ion and t rue copies of the materials to the PMI Certification Program Department with this application.

    6) I agree that the PMI Certification Progra m Depar tment has the right to comm unicate with any per son, gov-ern men t agency or o rganization to review or co nfirm the inform ation in this application o r an y other infor-ma tion related to m y application for PMI certification. Further, I agree to and author ize the r elease of anyinform ation r equ ested by the PMI Certification Pr ogram Depar tment for su ch r eview and con firmation.

    7) I agree that cer t ification as a PMP does n ot imp ly l icensur e, regist rat ion or governm ent author ization to

    prac t ice p roject man agemen t or to engage in r elated a ct ivi ties.8) I agree that al l mater ials that I submit to the PMI Cer t i fication Program Dep ar tment beco me the pro p-

    erty of the PMI Certification Program Department, and that the PMI Certification Program Department isnot req uired to return any of these mater ials to m e.

    9) I agree that upo n cer t i fication, relevant professional biographical data concern ing me wil l beconsider ed pu bl ic informat ion and m ay be available to the pub l ic upo n req uest .

    10) I agree that informat ion related to my par t icipat ion in the PMP cer t i fication pro cess ma y be u sed in ananonymous m anner for r esearch pur poses only.

    11 ) I agree that all dispu tes relating in any way to my application for the ce rtification exam ination, or pr o-fessional development will be resolved solely and exclusively by means of PMI Certification ProgramDepar tmen t pol icies, pro cedur es an d r ules, including the Cer t ification Appea ls Process.

    12) I release an d indem nify PMI and the PMI Certification Pr ogram Departm ent from all liability and claimsthat may arise out of, or b e related to, my project ma nagem ent and related activities.

    13) I hereby release, discharge and ind emn ify PMI, its directors, officers, mem ber s, examiners, emp loyees,attorneys, representatives, agents and the PMI Certification Program Department from any actions, suits,obligations, damages, claims or demands arising out of or in connection with this application, the scoresgiven with r espec t to the exam ination or any other action taken by PMI with r egard to cer tification, testingand pro fessional developme nt including, but not limited to, all actions related to ethics matters and c ases.I understand and agree that any decision concerning my qualification for any certification, as well as anydecisions r egarding m y continuing qualification for any certification and my com pliance with the PMP Codeof Professional Conduct, rest within the sole and exclusive discretion of PMI and that thesedecisions a re final.




    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k12

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please print all information carefully in the boxes using uppercase characters. You must complete all fields in order to be eligible to sitfor the PMP Examination. Mail your completed application form, experience verification form (s), and supporting documentationalong with a check or money order (payable in US Dollars, drawn on a US bank) or credit card information to PMP CertificationExamination Application, c/o PMI, Four Campus Boulevard, Newtown Square, PA 19073-3299 USA.

    A l l i n f o r m a t i o n a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n m u s t b e i n E n g l i s h . S o r r y , f a c s i m i l e c o p i e s w i l l n o t b e a c c e p t e d .

    Your signature is required to indicate that you have read and accept the responsibilities outlined in the PMP Certificant and

    Candidate Agreement and Release on page 12 of this handbook.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e D a t e

    (see code list pg. 18)


    Prefix First Name M.I. PMI ID#

    Last Name (family name, surname)

    Job Title

    Company Name

    Business Street Address

    Business Street Address continued

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Postal Code Business Telephone NumberCountry Code(see code list pg. 18)

    Telephone Extension

    Postal Code Home Telephone NumberCountry Code

    Preferred Telephone

    Preferred Mailing Address


    Home Street Address

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Home Street Address continued

    Fax Number

    E-mail Address


    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l13

    Exam date: Exam site:

    Paper/Pencil Exam

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    What is your organizations primary business activity (industry)?

    Other Business Activities

    ( 0 4 5 ) Ac a d e m ia

    ( 0 0 4 ) Ae r o s p ac e

    ( 0 0 5 ) Ar c h i t e c t u r e / D e s i gn

    ( 0 0 6 ) Ar t s / E n t e r ta i n m e n t / B r o a d c a s t in g

    ( 0 4 6 ) Au t o m a t i o n S ys t e m s

    ( 0 0 7 ) B u s i n e s s M g m t S e r vi c e s / M gm t Co n s u l t i n g

    ( 0 5 3 ) Ci ty M a n a ge m e n t

    ( 0 0 8 ) Co m p u t e r s / S o ft w a r e / D a t a P r o c e s s i n g

    ( 0 4 4 ) Co n s u l ti n g

    ( 0 0 9 ) D e fe n s e

    ( 0 4 8 ) E- b u si ne s s

    ( 0 1 0 ) E c o n o m i cs / Fi n a n c e

    ( 0 1 1 ) E d u c a ti o n / Tr a i n in g

    ( 0 1 2 ) E n vi r o n m e n t a l / Wa s t e / Se w a g e

    ( 0 4 1 ) E n gi n e e r in g

    ( 0 4 2 ) Fi n a n c i a l S e r vi c e s

    ( 0 1 3 ) He a l th / H u m a n / S o c i a l S e r vi c e s

    ( 0 4 3 ) In fo r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o gy

    ( 0 5 1 ) In t e r n a ti o n a l D e ve l o p m e n t

    ( 0 1 4 ) Le ga l ( 0 1 5 ) P r i n ti n g/ P u b li s h in g

    ( 0 1 6 ) P u b l i c Ad m i n i s t r a t io n / G o ve r n m e n t

    ( 0 1 7 ) R e a l E st a te / I n s u r a n c e

    ( 0 1 8 ) R ec r e a ti o n

    ( 0 5 0 ) Su p p l y Ch a i n

    ( 0 4 9 ) Sys t e m s S e c u r i ty

    ( 0 1 9 ) Te l e co m m u n i c a ti o n s

    ( 0 2 0 ) Tr a n s p o r t a ti o n

    ( 0 5 2 ) Ur b a n D e ve l o p m e n t

    ( 0 2 1 ) Ut i li ti e s

    ( 0 4 7 ) We b Te c h n o l o gy

    ( 0 2 2 ) Ot he r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    ( 0 0 2 ) Co m m e r c i a l / H e a vy I n d u s t r i a l

    ( 0 0 1 ) R e si d e n ti a l

    ( 0 0 3 ) Ot he r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


    ( 0 2 3 ) Ag r ic u l tu r e

    ( 0 2 7 ) Co a l / Ga s / O il

    ( 0 2 5 ) Fe r r o u s M in i n g

    ( 0 2 4 ) Fo r e s tr y ( 0 2 6 ) No n - Fe r r o u s M in i n g


    ( 0 2 8 ) Au t o m o t ive

    ( 0 2 9 ) Ch e m ic a l

    ( 0 3 0 ) Co n c r e t e / C la y/ G la s s / St o n e

    ( 0 3 1 ) E le c t r i c a l/ E l e c tr o n i c

    ( 0 3 2 ) Fo o d

    ( 0 3 3 ) M a c h in e r y/ M e ta l s

    ( 0 3 4 ) P ap e r

    ( 0 3 5 ) P e tr o l eu m

    ( 0 4 0 ) P h ar m a c e u ti ca l

    ( 0 3 6 ) P la s ti c s

    ( 0 3 7 ) Te x t il e s / Fa b r i c s

    ( 0 3 8 ) Wo o d

    ( 0 3 9 ) Ot he r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k14

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Month/Year that your diploma/degree was awarded.


    Card Expiration Date


    Category 1

    B a c h e l o r s D e g r e e

    M a s t e r s D e g r e e

    D o c t o r a t e

    Category 2

    H i g h S c h o o l D i p l o m a

    What is your PMI Member status? M e m b e r N o n m e m b e r H a v e a p p l i e d

    Have you taken a PMP Certification Preparation Course presented by a PMI Chapter? Yes No

    If yes, please enter the PMI Chapter Code Number for the chapter presenting the course. C

    (Please enter code from Country Code list inserted with this handbook.)

    M e m b e r R a t e $ 2 5 0 . 0 0 (U.S. Dollars)* No n m e m b e r R a te $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 (U.S. Dollars)*

    C h e c k M a s t e r Ca r d Visa

    M o n e y O r d e r Am e r i c a n E xp r e s s D i n e r s Cl u b

    Name of University: ___________________________________________________________

    Field of Study (Please select one)

    A c c o u n t i n g B u s i n e s s Co m p u t e r Sc i e n c e E d u c a t i o n

    E n g i n e e r i n g F i n a n c e L i b e r a l A r t s M a r k e t i n g O t h e r

    Educational BackgroundPlease indicate the highest educational level attained.

    Initiating Processes

    Planning Processes

    Executing Processes

    Controlling Processes

    Closing Processes

    Total Hour s:







    Project Management Experience

    Total the number of hours from ExperienceVerification Form(s) of each process areaand indicate below:

    Special Examination Conditions

    Do you have special needs which may impair your ability to take the PMP examination? Yes , p lea se send me aS pec ia l Accom mo da t ions F o rm

    Certification Fees

    Credit Card #

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e

    *The member rate will only apply to candidates who are members of PMI ingood standing at the time of submitting this application. If PMImembership is obtained after this application has been submitted, PMI willnot issue a refund. Candidates interested in becoming members of PMI atthe time of application for PMP Certification can submit their PMImembership application and PMP certification application at the sametime and receive the member rate for certification. To download acopy of the PMI membership application, please visit the membership areaof the PMI Web site.

    *Fees subject to chwithout notice.

    Your signature is required to indicate that you have read and accept the Examination Cancellation/Rescheduling/No-ShowsPolicies and Extensions and Refunds Policies outlined on page 7 of this handbook.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e

    B r a z i l i a n / P o r t u g u e s e F r e n c h G e r m a n I t a l i a n K o r e a n J a p a n e s e S p a n i s h M a n d a r i n Ch i n e s e

    If you would like to receive the examination in English and a second language, please indicate your preference below:

    D a t e

    Total the unique (non-overlapping)months from Experience VerificationForm(s)

    Total Mon ths:


    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l15

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    A. University/college academic and continuing education programs

    B. Courses or programs offered by training companies or consultants

    C. Courses or programs offered by PMI Component organizations

    (Chapter meetings do not satisfy this requirement.)

    D. Courses or programs offered by PMI Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.)

    E. Courses or programs offered by employer/company-sponsored programs

    F. Courses or programs offered by distance-learning companies

    Please document 35 contact hours of project management education/training. These hours may include content on project quality,

    scope, time, cost, human resources, communications, risk, procurement and integration management. Courses, workshops and

    training sessions in one or more of the following categories satisfy the education requirement:

    Please photocopy this form if you require additional space. In the event that you are randomly selected for an audit, please maintainany additional relevant documents regarding the education/training that you document.

    Applicants First Name

    Applicants Last Name (family name, surname)

    Institution Name

    Name of Course Attended

    Dates Attended

    (Please indicate the start and finish dates of the course.)

    Contact Hours Earned

    Course Start Date (MM/YY)


    Category (Please select A through F from the listing above.)

    Course Completion Date (MM/YY)


    Institution Name

    Name of Course Attended

    Dates Attended

    (Please indicate the start and finish dates of the course.)

    Contact Hours Earned

    Course Start Date (MM/YY)


    Category (Please select A through F from the listing above.)

    Course Completion Date (MM/YY)




    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k16

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please provide specific project information below:


    Prefix First Name M.I. PMI ID#

    Last Name (family name, surname)

    Job Title

    Company Name

    Business Street Address

    Business Street Address continued

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Postal Code Business Telephone NumberCountry Code(see code list pgs. 19 and 20)

    Telephone Extension

    Project Title

    Your Role on Project

    Project Start Date (MM/YY)


    Initiating Processes ,

    Planning Processes ,

    Executing Processes ,

    Controlling Processes ,

    Closing Processes

    -Continued on Reverse-


    Total Hours for Project: ,

    Project Completion Date (MM/YY)


    For this project, please indicate the approximatenumber of hours spent working in the applicableprocess areas listed below. (There are no minimumrequirements for any of the five process areas.)

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l17

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    I declare that all the information I have provided on all pages of this application is true and accurate to the best of my

    knowledge. I understand that misrepresentations or incorrect information provided to PMI can result in discipline,

    including suspension or revocation of my eligibility or PMP credential.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e D a t e

    In the space provided below, please summarize the deliverables that you managed on this project.Candidates are requiredto use this form to summarize deliverables. Attachments will not be accepted.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k18

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please provide specific project information below:


    Prefix First Name M.I. PMI ID#

    Last Name (family name, surname)

    Job Title

    Company Name

    Business Street Address

    Business Street Address continued

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Postal Code Business Telephone NumberCountry Code(see code list pgs. 19 and 20)

    Telephone Extension

    Project Title

    Your Role on Project

    Project Start Date (MM/YY)


    Initiating Processes ,

    Planning Processes ,

    Executing Processes ,

    Controlling Processes ,

    Closing Processes

    -Continued on Reverse-


    Total Hours for Project: ,

    Project Completion Date (MM/YY)


    For this project, please indicate the approximatenumber of hours spent working in the applicableprocess areas listed below. (There are no minimumrequirements for any of the five process areas.)

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l17

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    I declare that all the information I have provided on all pages of this application is true and accurate to the best of my

    knowledge. I understand that misrepresentations or incorrect information provided to PMI can result in discipline,

    including suspension or revocation of my eligibility or PMP credential.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e D a t e

    In the space provided below, please summarize the deliverables that you managed on this project.Candidates are requiredto use this form to summarize deliverables. Attachments will not be accepted.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k18

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please provide specific project information below:


    Prefix First Name M.I. PMI ID#

    Last Name (family name, surname)

    Job Title

    Company Name

    Business Street Address

    Business Street Address continued

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Postal Code Business Telephone NumberCountry Code(see code list pgs. 19 and 20)

    Telephone Extension

    Project Title

    Your Role on Project

    Project Start Date (MM/YY)


    Initiating Processes ,

    Planning Processes ,

    Executing Processes ,

    Controlling Processes ,

    Closing Processes

    -Continued on Reverse-


    Total Hours for Project: ,

    Project Completion Date (MM/YY)


    For this project, please indicate the approximatenumber of hours spent working in the applicableprocess areas listed below. (There are no minimumrequirements for any of the five process areas.)

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l17

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    I declare that all the information I have provided on all pages of this application is true and accurate to the best of my

    knowledge. I understand that misrepresentations or incorrect information provided to PMI can result in discipline,

    including suspension or revocation of my eligibility or PMP credential.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e D a t e

    In the space provided below, please summarize the deliverables that you managed on this project.Candidates are requiredto use this form to summarize deliverables. Attachments will not be accepted.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k18

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please provide specific project information below:


    Prefix First Name M.I. PMI ID#

    Last Name (family name, surname)

    Job Title

    Company Name

    Business Street Address

    Business Street Address continued

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Postal Code Business Telephone NumberCountry Code(see code list pgs. 19 and 20)

    Telephone Extension

    Project Title

    Your Role on Project

    Project Start Date (MM/YY)


    Initiating Processes ,

    Planning Processes ,

    Executing Processes ,

    Controlling Processes ,

    Closing Processes

    -Continued on Reverse-


    Total Hours for Project: ,

    Project Completion Date (MM/YY)


    For this project, please indicate the approximatenumber of hours spent working in the applicableprocess areas listed below. (There are no minimumrequirements for any of the five process areas.)

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l17

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    I declare that all the information I have provided on all pages of this application is true and accurate to the best of my

    knowledge. I understand that misrepresentations or incorrect information provided to PMI can result in discipline,

    including suspension or revocation of my eligibility or PMP credential.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e D a t e

    In the space provided below, please summarize the deliverables that you managed on this project.Candidates are requiredto use this form to summarize deliverables. Attachments will not be accepted.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k18

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Please provide specific project information below:


    Prefix First Name M.I. PMI ID#

    Last Name (family name, surname)

    Job Title

    Company Name

    Business Street Address

    Business Street Address continued

    City State/Province (United States use 2-letter abbreviation)

    Postal Code Business Telephone NumberCountry Code(see code list pgs. 19 and 20)

    Telephone Extension

    Project Title

    Your Role on Project

    Project Start Date (MM/YY)


    Initiating Processes ,

    Planning Processes ,

    Executing Processes ,

    Controlling Processes ,

    Closing Processes

    -Continued on Reverse-


    Total Hours for Project: ,

    Project Completion Date (MM/YY)


    For this project, please indicate the approximatenumber of hours spent working in the applicableprocess areas listed below. (There are no minimumrequirements for any of the five process areas.)

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l17

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    I declare that all the information I have provided on all pages of this application is true and accurate to the best of my

    knowledge. I understand that misrepresentations or incorrect information provided to PMI can result in discipline,

    including suspension or revocation of my eligibility or PMP credential.

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _S i g n a t u r e D a t e

    In the space provided below, please summarize the deliverables that you managed on this project.Candidates are requiredto use this form to summarize deliverables. Attachments will not be accepted.

    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k18

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l





    AE...........................UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

    AF ............................................AFGHANISTAN

    AG ............. ...... ....... .ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA

    AI ...................................................ANGUILLA


    AM ..................................................ARMENIA

    AN............ ....... ....... .NETHERLANDS ANTILLES



    AS.....................................AMERICAN SAMOA





    BA......................BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA


    BD ............................................BANGLADESH


    BF...........................................BURKINA FASO






    BN...............................BRUNEI DARUSSALAM

    BO ....................................................BOLIVIA





    BV........................................BOUVET ISLAND

    BW ...............................................BOTSWANA




    CC......... ....... ....... COCOS ( KEELING) ISLANDS

    CD ....................................CHANNEL ISLANDSCF........... ...... ....CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC

    CG ......................................................CONGO


    CI ..........................................COTE D'IVIORE

    CK...........................................COOK ISLANDS




    CO ................................................COLOMBIA

    CR ...............................................COSTA RICA

    CU .........................................................CUBA

    CV..............................................CAPE VERDE

    CX...................................CHRISTMAS ISLAND


    CZ.......................................CZECH REPUBLIC





    DO .............................DOMINICAN REPUBLIC



    EE ....................................................ESTONIA



    EH.....................................WESTERN SAHARA



    ES .........................................................SPAIN


    FI .....................................................FINLAND

    FJ..............................................................FIJIFK... ... ... .... ... .FALKLAND ISLANDS( M ALVINAS)


    FO .........................................FAROE ISLANDS



    GD ..................................................GRENADA

    GE ...................................................GEORGIA

    GF........................................FRENCH GUIANA

    GH ......................................................GHANA

    GI .................................................GIBRALTAR




    GP ............................................GUADELOUPE

    GQ................................EQUATORIAL GUINEA





    GW ........................................GUINEA-BISSAU


    HK..............................................HONG KONG


    HN ...............................................HONDURAS





    IE.....................................................IRELANDIF.............INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND


    IN .........................................................INDIA


    IQ ..........................................................IRAQ


    IS .....................................................ICELAND

    IT ..........................................................ITALY

    JM ....................................................JAMAICA


    JP .........................................................JAPAN


    KG .............................................KYRGYZSTAN

    KH ................................................CAMBODIA



    KN...................ST. CHRISTOPHER AND NEVIS

    KP .......................................................KOREA

    KR...........................................SOUTH KOREA


    KY....... ....... ....... ...... ....... .....CAYMAN ISLANDS


    Fill in the

    appropriate code

    from this list in the

    appropriate space

    on pages 1 and 5

    of the Certification



    (continued on page 20)

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook



    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k20

    LA.................LAO PEOPLE'S DEM. REPUBLIC


    LC...............................................SAINT LUCIA

    LI ..........................................LIECHTENSTEIN

    LK..................................................SRI LANKA

    LR .....................................................LIBERIA


    LT .................................................LITHUANIA







    MH .................................MARSHALL ISLANDS




    MN ...............................................MONGOLIA

    MO .....................................................MACAU

    MP ....... ....... ...NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS






    MW ...................................................MALAWI



    MZ ..........................................MOZAMBIQUE


    NC.......................................NEW CALEDONIA

    ND ................................NORTHERN IRELAND


    NF ......................................NORFOLK ISLAND

    NG ....................................................NIGERIANI ................................................NICARAGUA


    NO ....................................................NORWAY

    NP ........................................................NEPAL


    NT .........................................NEUTRAL ZONE


    NZ...........................................NEW ZEALAND




    PF ...................................FRENCH POLYNESIA

    PG ..................................PAPUA NEW GUINEA



    PM .....................ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON

    PN ....................................PITCAIRN ISLANDS


    PW .......................................................PALAU




    RO ..................................................ROMANIA

    RU ......................................................RUSSIA

    RW ...................................................RWANDA

    SA............................................SAUDI ARABIA

    SB ...................................SOLOMON ISLANDS


    SD .......................................................SUDAN




    SH...............ST. HELENA, TRISTAN DA CUNHASI....................................................SLOVENIA


    SK......... ....... ....... ....... ...... ..SLOVAK REPUBLIC

    SL ...........................................SIERRA LEONE

    SM.............................................SAN MARINO



    SR .................................................SURINAME

    ST .........................SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE

    SV.............................................EL SALVADOR


    SZ ................................................SWAZILAND

    TC..... ....... ...... ...TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS


    TF .......... ..FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIESTG.........................................................TOGO

    TH .................................................THAILAND

    TJ .................................................TAJIKISTAN


    TM ........................................TURKMENISTAN



    TP ..............................................EAST TIMOR

    TR .....................................................TURKEY

    TT............................TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO



    TZ ..................................................TANZANIA

    UA....................................................UKRAINEUG ....................................................UGANDA

    UM ....... ....... .U.S. MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS

    US..........................................UNITED STATES


    UZ ..............................................UZBEKISTAN

    VA...................................VATICAN CITY STATE



    VG ...... ....... ....... ..VIRGIN ISLANDS ( BRITISH)

    VI...............................VIRGIN ISLANDS ( U.S.)

    VN ...................................................VIETNAM



    WF ..................WALLIS AND FUTUNA ISLANDS

    WI.............................................WEST INDIESWS......................................WESTERN SAMOA

    YD...............................YEMEN, DEMOCRATIC



    YU ..............................................YUGOSLAVIA

    ZA...........................................SOUTH AFRICA


    ZR ........................................................ZAIRE

    ZW ...............................................ZIMBABWE

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t P r o f e s s i o n a l





    Ar gen tin a Bach ille r a to Licen ciatu r a

    Austr a lia High e r scho o l cer tifica te Bach elo r

    Belgium Bacca lau r at Licen ce o r Licen tiaat

    Br azil Co n cu r so vestib u la r Bach ar elad o /Licenc ia tu r a

    Can ada High Sch o o l Dip lo m a o r CEGEP Bach elo r o r Licen ce

    Ch ile Licenc ia d e ed u cac i n m ed ia Licen ce

    Ch ina Sh u ng-Schu eh Licen ciatu r a

    Costa Rica Bach ille r a to Licen ciatu r a

    Cub a Cer tificad o d e fin d e Licen ciate

    estudios secundarios

    Den m ar k Stu d en ter ek sam en Ijaza o r Bache lo r

    Egyp t Sh eh ad a Takm iliya Licen ciatu r a

    Fr ance Bacca lau r at Licen ce in Law

    Ger m any Ho chschu lr e ife Dip lo m , Magiste r Ar tiu m

    In d ia High Sch o o l Bach elo r

    In d on esia Ijazah Sek o lah Men en gah Atas Sa r jana

    Ir e land Ar d teism e ir each t Bach elo r

    Isr ae l Bagr u th Bach elo r o r Dip lo m a

    Ita ly Matu r ita Lau r ea

    Jam a ica Gen er al Cer tificate o f Ed u ca tion Bache lo r, Licen tia te

    Jap an Ko to gak k o Gak u sh i

    Ken ya East Afr ican Ad van ced Cer tifica te Bach elo r

    of Education

    Malaysia Malaysian Cer tifica te o f Ed u catio n Bach elo r

    Mexico Bach ille r a to Bach iller - Licenc ia tu r a

    Nethe r land s Eind exam en Kan d idaa t

    New Zealan d Dip lo m a Bache lo r

    Nor way Gym n aseksam en , Stu d en tek sam en Can d id atu s - Cand id a tu s Magiste r ii

    Kor ea High Sch o o l Dip lo m a Bach elo r - Dip lom a

    Sau d i Ar ab ia Tawjih iyah Bach elo r

    Sin gap o r e GCE Bach elo r

    Spa in Bach ille r a to Licen ciatu r a

    Swed en Exam en ( High Scho o l Leve l) Exam en

    Switzer lan d Matu r it ( Fr ench ) ; Licen ce ( Fr en ch ) ;

    Matu r it tzeugn is ( Ger m an ) Lizen tia t ( Ger m an)

    Tu r k ey Lise Dip lo m asi Lisan s, Bache lo r

    U. A. E. H igh Sc h o ol ( O u lo u m Th a n aw ui ya ) Ba c h el or

    Un ited Kingd om GCE Cer tificate o f Ed uca tio n ,

    College Diploma, Bachelor

    Venezu e la Bach ille r a to Licen ciatu r a

    Country High School Equivalent Baccalaureate Degree Equivalent

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    A s a PMI Pro je c t Ma na ge me n t P ro fe ss iona l , I a g re e to suppor t a nd a dhe re to theresponsibilit ies described in the PMI PMP Code of Professional Conduct.

    I . R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s t o t h e P r o f e s s i o n

    A. Com pliance with all or ganization al rules and p olicies1. Responsibility to pro vide accur ate and truthful repre sentations co ncer ning all inform ation

    direc t ly or indirec t ly re la ted to a l l aspec ts of the PMI Cert i f ica t ion Program,including but not l imited to the following: examination applications, test i tem banks,examinations, answer sheets, candidate information and PMI Continuing CertificationRequirements Program report ing forms.

    2 . Upon a r easonable an d c lear fac tua l basis , responsibi l ity to rep ort po ssib le v iola t ions of the PMP Cod e of Professional Con du ct by individuals in the field of pro ject man agem ent.

    3.Responsibility to cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violations and the collection ofre la ted informat ion.

    4. Responsibility to disclose to clients, custom ers, owner s or co ntractors, significant circu mstance sthat could be construed as a conflict of interest or an appearance of impropriety.

    B.Candidate/Certificant Professional Practice

    1. Responsibi li ty to pro vide accur a te , t ru thful advert is ing and repr esenta t ions concer ningqual i fica tions, experience and perform ance of services.

    2. Responsibility to c om ply with laws, re gulations an d ethical standar ds governing pr ofessionalpractice in the state/province and/or country when providing project management services.

    C. Advancem ent of the Pr ofession

    1. Responsibility to recognize and re spect intellectual pr oper ty developed or o wned by others,and to otherwise act in an accur ate, truthful and com plete man ner, including all activitiesre la ted to professional work and research.

    2.Responsibility to support and disseminate the PMP Code of Professional Conduct to

    other PMI certificants.

    I I . R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s t o C u s t o m e r s a n d t h e P u b l i c

    A. Qual ifica tions, exper ience an d perform ance of pro fessional services

    1. Responsibility to pr ovide a ccur ate and truthful rep resen tations to the pub lic in ad vertising,pub l ic s ta tements and in the pr epara t ion of est imates con cerning costs , se rvices andexpected r esul ts.

    2.Responsibility to maintain and satisfy the scope and objectives of professional services,unless o therwise d i rec ted by the customer.

    3. Respon sibility to ma intain and r espec t the co nfiden tiality of sensitive inform ation ob tainedin the course of professional activities or otherwise where a clear obligation exists.

    B .Conflic t of in te rest s i tua t ions and other pro hibi ted pro fessional cond uct1. Responsibility to ensu re that a c onflict of interest does n ot com pro mise legitimate interests

    of a c l ient or customer, o r influence / in te rfere with pr ofessional judgm ents.

    2. Respon sibility to refrain fro m offering or accep ting inapp ro pr iate paymen ts, gifts orother form s of com pensa t ion for per sonal ga in , unless in conform ity wi th ap pl icablelaws or customs o f the country where pro jec t man agement services a re b e ing provided.








    P r o j e c t M a n a g e m e n t I n s t i t u t e C e r t i f i c a t i o n H a n d b o o k22

  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


  • 8/10/2019 PMP Certification Handbook


    Pr o jec t Man ag em en t I n s t i tu t e

    H e a d q u a r t e r s

    Fo u r C am p u s B o u lev a r d

    Newto wn Sq u a r e , Pen n sy lvan ia 1 9 0 7 3 - 3 2 9 9 USA

    Tel:+ 6 1 0 - 3 5 6 -4 6 0 0 Fax:+ 6 1 0 - 3 5 6 -4 6 4 7

    E-mail:p m i h q @ p m i . o r g Internet:www.p m i . o r g

    2 0 0 0 Pr o j ec t Man ag em en t In s t i t u t e , I n c . Al l r i g h t s r e se r v ed .

    PMI an d th e PMI lo g o a r e se r v ice an d t r a d em ar k s r eg i s t e r ed in t h e Un i t ed S ta t e s an d o th e r

    n a t io n s ; PMP an d th e PMP lo g o a r e ce r t i fi c a t i o n m ar k s r eg i s t e r ed in t h e Un i t ed S ta t e s an d o th e r

    n a t io n s ; PMB OK PM Netwo r k an d PMI To d ay a r e t r ad em ar k s r eg i s t e r ed in th e Un i t ed