plug ins flash, quicktime, java applets, etc. browser plug-ins netscape wanted a method to extend...

PLUG INS flash, quicktime, java applets, etc

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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PLUG INSflash, quicktime, java applets, etc

Browser Plug-ins

Netscape wanted a method to extend features of the browser

became an unofficial standard

Later, Microsoft added Active-X controls

unprecedented # of security problems

it is more secure than it used to be

Plug-in Future

todays will be around a long time

XML namespaces allow any number of XML formats to be combined in the SAME document

Plug-ins will adapt into XML file type handlers with tight HTML integration


Browser without the plug-in will either

bug the user about it

ignore it

Users don’t like to install plug-ins

beginners are afraid & should be

advanced users are skeptical


Browser can’t be trusted to educate the user!

Plug-ins lower browser stability and can waste resources

Plug-ins add more security holes, can weaken the OS too

Plug-in quality/support differs


Users could BLAME YOU for plug-in related problems

Inconvenience can scare users away

Often plug-in content takes more bandwidth or SLOW page loading (java)

Without alternatives, you lock out users

Flash Issues

Flash 7+ can use a microphone or webcam

initially, they were on by default!

Its not easy to check the settings

Flash has LARGE cookies it can store outside browser cookies

Advertisers are using flash to watch you

Flash BenefitsREALLY GOOD browser integration

Javascript cross communication

Used to hack in support in older browsers

Fonts, javascript audio, PDF, video


Flash Threat

SVG: OPEN xml version of Vector Graphics

HTML 5: video, audio, javascript, 2D, 3D

DOM3: more options than Flash

Java Applets - historically poorly treated

Most potential for missing abilities

What’s the tag?<embed>

IE 5.5 and higher no longer support <embed>

xHTML 1+ killed <embed>


is the FUTURE - ( including JAVA applets)

How do I do it?Read plug-in author’s directions

<embed> tags are easy, but SKIP USING THEM

<object> tags are complex and have many parameters you can pass to the plug-in

Most plug-ins have tools out there to aid in generating the HTML

Backward SupportHTML 4 : Use BOTH for 90s browsers


Use XHTML transitional and use both

Validators will not be happy but OLD browsers will handle it

Provide alternatives; old browsers likely don’t have the plug-in

JavaJava applets are slow to load

Run anywhere; no extra plug-ins

Secure + great track record

Must check what version java of java they have (in the java applet)

Java is no longer installed by default in Windows

Plug-ins in use

All video/audio formats are plug-ins

Common: .mp3 .mp4 .avi .wav

Flash is often installed BY DEFAULT

Java is common but often not installed

PDF not very common (yet)


Direct file link

NO plug-in: download the file (might auto open the file too)

If plug-in: displayed in the browser

Link to alternate formats (manual or auto)


Some plug-ins support javascript access

allows you to manipulate the object; or just talk to depends.

documentation is often located at the developer’s website

Java applets support it

Quicktime (video control, even editing!)

Checking for a plug-in

Browser Object:


plugins is an array of plug-ins

you loop thru it and compare names:

if (navigator.plugins) { for (i=0; i < navigator.plugins.length; i++ ) { if

(navigator.plugins[i].name.indexOf("QuickTime") >= 0)

{ haveqt = true; } } }

Example<object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" codebase="" height="100" width="100">

<param name="src" value="(EmptyReference!)"><param name="autoplay" value="true"><param name="controller" value="false"><embed height="100" pluginspage="" src="videofile.mp4" type="video/quicktime" width="100" controller="false" autoplay="true">



<audio> & <video>

<source src=”” type=”MIME type” />


Multiple types can be listed at 1 time

does NOTHING without properties or javascript to cause it to play

<audio id="oneup"><source src="1UP.mid" type="audio/midi" /><source src="1UP.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /><source src="1UP.wav" type="audio/xwav" />


<button onclick=”document.getElementById(‘oneup’).play()”>

click me</button>

Graceful HTML5<audio> <video> if supported:

<source> is used

OTHER tags are ignored

If not supported:

OTHER tags are used - use <object>

If object doesn't work, it should show HTML