plessy v. ferguson

Tashayla Jernigan Tashayla Jernigan Kassidi Smith Kassidi Smith Teryl Davis Teryl Davis Ammerah Hill Ammerah Hill

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Page 1: Plessy v. ferguson

Tashayla JerniganTashayla JerniganKassidi SmithKassidi SmithTeryl Davis Teryl Davis

Ammerah HillAmmerah Hill

Page 2: Plessy v. ferguson
Page 3: Plessy v. ferguson

Plessy attempted to sit in an all white railroad

car. After refusing to sit in the black railway carriage car, Plessy was arrested for violating an 1890 Louisiana statue that provided for segregated “separate but equal” railroad accommodations. Those using facilities not designated for their race were criminally liable under the statue

Background Info

Page 4: Plessy v. ferguson

At trial with Justice John H. Ferguson (D)

presiding, Plessy was found guilty on the grounds that the law was a reasonable exercise of the state’s police power based upon custom, usage, and tradition in the state Plessy filed a petition for writs of prohibition and certiorari in the Supreme Court of Louisiana against Ferguson, asserting that stamped them with a badge of inferiority in violation of the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments.


Page 5: Plessy v. ferguson

What did the key players in this case actually

do? Plessy attempted to sit in an all white railroad

car after refusing to sit in an all black. When did the key players do what they did

and when was the court case heard? This court case was held in 1896 in Lousianna

What & When

Page 6: Plessy v. ferguson

Where did the event happen? Where did the

court case take place? The event happened on segregated railroad in

Louisiana, and that is also where the case took place.


Page 7: Plessy v. ferguson

Can you identify why the key players did what

they did? Plessy felt as if everyone should be treated

equally. The thirteenth and fourteenth amendment both

apply to this case. Separate but equal laws


Page 8: Plessy v. ferguson

How did the court come to its verdict? Were

there other court cases involved? The court decided Ferguson was found guilty. Brown v. Board of Education later took over the



Page 9: Plessy v. ferguson

After the Civil War: Plessy v. Ferguson
